4-Volume Set
Politics of Modern China CRITICAL ISSUES IN MODERN POLITICS Edited and with a new introduction by Yongnian Zheng and Yiyi Lu, both at University of Nottingham, UK and Lynn T. White III, Princeton University, USA After nearly three decades of rapid economic development, China is now a major power whose actions can significantly affect other countries, from America to Zimbabwe. As a result, China Studies has grown exponentially. In particular, there is a growing interest in studies of Chinese politics, not least because of the considerable uncertainties that remain over the country’s future political direction. This new Routledge title is a comprehensive collection of the best classic and cutting-edge scholarship. Volume I examines policy-making and policy implementation and includes analyses of élite politics, central–local relations, government reform, and bureaucratic behaviour. Volume II explores political economy, including issues such as property rights, the management of foreign investment, reform of state-owned enterprises, and financial reform. Volume III brings together the best political analysis of social problems such as unemployment, the rural–urban income gap, the inadequate provision of social welfare, the exploitation of migrant workers, and new public-health challenges. The final volume of the collection focuses on democratization and is organized around themes such as political reform, the development of civil society, political participation, and political culture. Politics of Modern China is fully indexed and has a comprehensive introduction, newly written by the editors, which places the material in its historical and intellectual context. In addition to the general introduction, there is a thematic introduction to each volume. Routledge September 2009 234x156: 1,788pp Set Hb: 978-0-415-44151-3
Routledge Major Works
Politics of Modern China CRITICAL ISSUES IN MOD VOLUME I Policy-making and Policy Implementation
VOLUME II Political Economy
Part 1: Faction and Elite Politics
Part 4: Dynamics of Development
Lowell Dittmer and Yu-Shan Wu, ‘The Modernization of Factionalism in Chinese Politics’, World Politics, 1995, 47, 4, 467–94.
W. Lucien Pye, ‘Factions and the Politics of Guanxi: Paradoxes in Chinese Administrative and Political Behaviour’, The China Journal, 1995, 34, 35–54.
18. Gabriella Montinola, Yingyi Qian, and Barry Weingast, ‘Federalism Chinese Style: The Political Basis for Economic Success in China’, World Politics, 1995, 48, 1, 50–81.
Andrew J. Nathan and Kellee S. Tsai, ‘Factionalism: A New Institutionalist Restatement’, The China Journal, 1995, 34, 157–92.
David Shambaugh, ‘The Dynamics of Elite Politics During the Jiang Era’, The China Journal, 2001, 45, 101–12.
Avery Goldstein, ‘Trends in the Study of Political Elites and Institutions in the PRC’, The China Quarterly, 1994, 139, 714–30.
Part 2: Bureaucratic Authoritarianism 6.
Kenneth Lieberthal, ‘The “Fragmented Authoritarianism” Model and its Limitations’, in Kenneth Lieberthal and David Lampton (eds.), Bureaucracy, Politics, and Decision Making in Post-Mao China (University of California Press, 1992), pp. 1–30. Susan L. Shirk, ‘Decision Rules: Delegating by Consensus’, The Political Logic of Economic Reform in China (University of California Press, 1993), pp. 116–28.
20. Hongbin Li and Scott Rozelle, ‘Privatizing Rural China: Insider Privatization, Innovative Contracts and the Performance of Township Enterprises’, The China Quarterly, 2003, 176, 981–1005. 21.
Hongbin Cai and Daniel Treisman, ‘Did Government Decentralization Cause China’s Economic Miracle?’, World Politics, 2006, 58, 4, 505–35.
22. Eric Thun, ‘Keeping Up with the Jones’: Decentralization, Policy Imitation, and Industrial Development’, World Development, 2004, 32, 8, 1289–308. 23. Qingjiang Kong, ‘Quest for Constitutional Justification: Privatization with Chinese Characteristics’, Journal of Contemporary China, 2003, 12, 36, 537–52. 24. Edward S. Steinfeld, ‘Moving Beyond Transition in China: Financial Reform and the Political Economy of Declining Growth’, Comparative Politics, 2002, 34, 4, 379–98. 25. David L. Wank, ‘The Institutional Process of Market Clientalism: Guanxi and Private Business in a South China City’, The China Quarterly, 1996, 147, 820–38.
Kevin J. O’Brien, ‘Chinese People’s Congress and Legislative Embeddedness: Understanding Early Organizational Development’, Comparative Political Studies, 1994, 27, 80–107.
26. Shaun Breslin, ‘Globalization, International Coalitions, and Domestic Reform’, Critical Asian Studies, 2004, 36, 4, 657–75.
Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard, ‘Institutional Reform and the Bianzhi System in China’, The China Quarterly, 2002, 170, 361–86.
Part 5: Economic Performance and Political Corruption
10. Yasheng Huang, ‘Information, Bureaucracy, and Economic Reforms in China and the Soviet Union’, World Politics, 1994, 47, 1, 102–34. 11.
19. Jean Oi, ‘Fiscal Reform and the Economic Foundations of Local State Corporatism’, World Politics, 1992, 45, 1, 99–126.
Xueguang Zhou, ‘Partial Reform and the Chinese Bureaucracy in the PostMao Era’, Comparative Political Studies, 1995, 28, 440–68.
12. John Burns, ‘Strengthening Central CCP Control of Leadership Selection: The 1990 Nomenklatura’, The China Quarterly, 1994, 138, 458–91.
Part 3: Central–Local Relations, Local Politics, and Policy Implementation 13. Yongnian Zheng, ‘China’s De Facto Federalism’, in Baogang He, Brian Galligan, and Takashi Inoguchi (eds.), Federalism in Asia (Edward Elgar, 2007), pp. 213–41. 14. Linda Chelan Li, ‘Towards a Non-Zero-Sum Interactive Framework of Spatial Politics: The Case of Centre-Province in Contemporary China’, Political Studies, 1997, 45, 1, 49–65.
27. Lynn White III, ‘Changing Concepts of Corruption in Communist China’, in Yu-ming Shaw (ed.), Changes and Continuities in Chinese Communism (Westview, 1988), pp. 316–53. 28. Andrew Wedeman, ‘The Intensification of Corruption in China’, The China Quarterly, 2004, 180, 895–921. 29. Xiaobo Lu, ‘Booty Socialism, Bureau-preneurs, and the State in Transition: Organizational Corruption in China’, Comparative Politics, 2000, 32, 3, 273–95. 30. Xueliang Ding, ‘The Illicit Asset Stripping in Chinese Firms’, The China Journal, 2000, 43, 1–28.
Part 6: Institutional Reform and State Building 31.
Steven M. Goldstein, ‘China in Transition: The Political Foundations of Incremental Reform’, The China Quarterly, 1995, 144, 1105–31.
15. Heike Holbig, ‘The Emergence of the Campaign to Open Up the West: Ideological Formation, Central Decision-Making and the Role of the Provinces’, The China Quarterly, 2004, 178, 335–57.
32. Dali Yang, ‘Economic Transformation and State Rebuilding in China’, in Barry J. Naughton and Dali L. Yang (eds.), Holding China Together: Diversity and National Integration in the Post-Deng Era (Cambridge University Press, 2004), pp. 120–45.
16. Thomas P. Bernstein and Xiaobo Lu, ‘Taxation without Representation: Peasants, the Central and Local States in Reform China’, The China Quarterly, 2000, 163, 742–63.
33. Margaret M. Pearson, ‘The Business of Governing Business in China: Institutions and Norms of the Emerging Regulatory State’, World Politics, 2005, 57, 2, 296–322.
17. Lynn White, ‘Rural Political Networks Beyond the State’, Local Causes of China’s Economic Reforms (M. E. Sharpe, 1998), pp. 84–112.
34. Kellee S. Tsai, ‘Adaptive Informal Institutions and Endogenous Institutional Change in China’, World Politics, 2006, 59, 1, 116–41.
Routledge Major Works
VOLUME IV Democratization
Part 7: Reform and Social Changes
Part 10: The Development of Democracy
35. Pun Ngai, ‘Becoming Dagongmei (Working Girls): The Politics of Identity and Difference in Reform China’, The China Journal, 1999, 42, 1–20.
36. Dorothy J. Solinger, ‘Labour Market Reform and the Plight of the Laid-off Proletariat’, The China Quarterly, 2002, 170, 304–26. 37. Stanley Rosen, ‘The Victory of Materialism: Aspirations to Join China’s Urban Moneyed Classes and the Commercialization of Education’, The China Journal, 2004, 51, 27–52. 38. Kellee Tsai, ‘Capitalists without a Class: Political Diversity Among Private Entrepreneurs in China’, Comparative Political Studies, 2005, 38, 1130–58. 39. Lynn T. White III, and Cheng Li, ‘China Coast Identities: Region, Nation, and World’, in Lowell Dittmer and Samuel Kim (eds.), China’s Quest for National Identity (Cornell University Press, 1993), pp. 154–93.
Part 8: Collective Action and Contentious Politics 40. Xueguang Zhou, ‘Unorganized Interests and Collective Action in Communist China’, American Sociological Review, 1993, 58, 54–73. 41. Jae Ho Chung, Hongyi Lai, and Ming Xia, ‘Mounting Challenges to Governance in China: Surveying Collective Protestors, Religious Sects and Criminal Organizations’, The China Journal, 2006, 56, 1–31. 42. Jun Jing, ‘Environmental Protests in Rural China’, in Elizabeth J. Perry and Mark Selden (eds.), Chinese Society: Change, Conflict, and Resistance, 2nd edn. (RoutledgeCurzon, 2003), pp. 204–22. 43. May M. C. Cheng, ‘House Church Movements and Religious Freedom in China’, China: International Journal, 2003, 1, 1, 16–45. 44. Kevin J. O’Brien and Lianjiang Li, ‘Popular Contention and its Impact in Rural China’, Comparative Political Studies, 2005, 38, 235–59. 45. Yongnian Zheng and Guoguang Wu, ‘Information Technology, Public Space, and Collective Action in China’, Comparative Political Studies, 2005, 38, 507–36.
Part 9: State Responses 46. Elizabeth J. Perry, ‘Challenging the Mandate of Heaven: Popular Protest in Modern China’, Critical Asian Studies, 2001, 33, 2, 163–80. 47. Chen Feng, ‘Between the State and Labour: The Conflict of Chinese Trade Unions’ Double Identity in Market Reform’, The China Quarterly, 2003, 176, 1006–28. 48. Phillip Stalley and Dongning Yang, ‘An Emerging Environmental Movement in China?’, The China Quarterly, 2006, 186, 333–56. 49. Mark Selden and Laiyin You, ‘The Reform of Social Welfare in China’, World Development, 1997, 25, 10, 1657–68. 50. Wenfang Tang, ‘Political and Social Trends in the Post-Deng Urban China: Crisis or Stability?’, The China Quarterly, 2001, 168, 890–909.
Kevin J. O’Brien and Lianjiang Li, ‘Accommodating “Democracy” in a One-Party State: Introducing Village Election in China’, The China Quarterly, 2000, 162, 465–89.
52. Tianjian Shi, ‘Village Committee Elections in China: Institutionalist Tactics for Democracy’, World Politics, 1999, 51, 3, 385–412. 53. Yang Zhong and Jie Chen, ‘To Vote or Not to Vote: An Analysis of Peasants’ Participation in Chinese Village Elections’, Comparative Political Studies, 2002, 35, 686–712. 54. Melanie Manion, ‘Democracy, Community, Trust: The Impact of Elections in Rural China’, Comparative Political Studies, 2006, 39, 301–24. 55. Jude Howell, ‘Women’s Political Participation in China: In Whose Interests Elections?’, Journal of Contemporary China, 2006, 15, 49, 603–20. 56. Randell Peerenboom, ‘Law and Development of Constitutional Democracy: Is China a Problematic Case?’, The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 2006, 603, 192–9. 57. Meixin Pei, ‘Citizens v. Mandarins: Administrative Litigation in China’, The China Quarterly, 1997, 152, 832–62. 58. Yongshun Cai, ‘Managed Participation in China’, Political Science Quarterly, 2004, 119, 3, 425–51.
Part 11: Organizations, Institutions, and Democracy 59. Yiyi Lu, ‘The Autonomy of Chinese NGOs: A New Perspective’, China: An International Journal, 2007, 5, 2, 173–203. 60. Gang Guo, ‘Organizational Involvement and Political Participation in China’, Comparative Political Studies, 2007, 40, 457–82. 61. Bruce J. Dickson, ‘Cooptation and Corporatism in China: The Logic of Party Adaptation’, Political Science Quarterly, 2000–1, 115, 4, 517–40. 62. Joseph Fewsmith, ‘Institution Building and Democratization in China’, Elite Politics in Contemporary China (M. E. Sharpe, 2001), pp. 61–85.
Part 12: Economic Development, Legitimacy, and Democracy 63. Yongnian Zheng, ‘Development and Democracy: Are They Compatible in China?’, Political Science Quarterly, 1994, 109, 2, 235–59. 64. Mary Elizabeth Gallagher, ‘“Reform and Openness”: Why China’s Economic Reforms Have Delayed Democracy’, World Politics, 2002, 54, 3, 338–72. 65. Vivienne Shue, ‘Legitimacy Crisis in China’, in Peter Hays Gries and Stanley Rosen (eds.), State and Society in 21st Century China (RoutledgeCurzon, 2004), pp. 24–49. 66. Elizabeth Perry, ‘Casting a Chinese “Democracy” Movement: The Roles of Students, Workers, and Entrepreneurs’, in J. Wasserstrom and E. Perry (eds.), Popular Protest and Political Culture in Modern China, 2nd edn. (Westview, 1994), pp. 74–92. 67. Xu Wang, ‘Mutual Empowerment of State and Peasantry: Grassroots Democracy in Rural China’, World Development, 1997, 25, 9, 1431–42.