4-Volume Set
Women and Christianity Edited and with a new introduction by Pui Lan Kwok, Episcopal Divinity School, Boston, USA The Christian Church was the first globalized institution, influencing cultures and religions in many parts of the world. The study of women and Christianity from a cross-cultural perspective sheds light on women’s roles in globalization, transnationalism, migration, inculturation, religious fundamentalism, and new religious movements. The study of Christianity from feminist, womanist, Latina and mujerista perspectives has expanded our understanding of the complexity of the Christian tradition and challenged some of our assumptions about the institutions, doctrines, and movements of Christianity. It has also provided critical insights for the study of women’s participation in other religious and cultural traditions. This reference work collects together in the first multicultural and interdisciplinary reference work on the topic articles from learned journals, books, and edited collections by leading scholars on women and Christianity in the English language. It presents the most up-to-date, multidisciplinary, and comprehensive discussion of women’s reflection on the Bible and Christian doctrines, women’s religious roles and movements, and contemporary issues facing Christian women in the global context. It introduces readers to the full range of sophisticated thinking across the globe by incorporating the works of women from the southern hemisphere and racial and ethnic minority women in North America and Europe. It includes articles and writings found in women’s grassroots journals and bulletins, which are not easily accessible.
Routledge August 2009 234x156: 1,600pp Set Hb: 978-0415-47176-3
Routledge Major Works
Women and Christianity CRITICAL CONCEPTS IN R VOLUME I Religious Language and Biblical Interpretation
VOLUME II Doctrines and Religious Practices
Part 1: Approaches to the Study of Christianity
Part 4: Interpretation and Reconstruction of Doctrines
Elizabeth A. Clark, ‘Women, Gender, and the Study of Christian History’, Church History, 2001, 70, 3, 395–426.
Kwok Pui-lan, ‘Gender, Colonialism, and Christianity’, Postcolonial Imagination and Feminist Theology (Westminster John Knox, 2005), pp. 7–20.
Marjorie Hewitt Suchocki, ‘God, Sexism, and Transformation’, in Rebecca S. Chopp and Mark Lewis Taylor (eds.), Reconstructing Christian Theology (Fortress, 1994), pp. 35–48.
Mercy Amba Oduyoye, ‘African Culture and the Gospel: Inculturation from an African Woman’s Perspective’, in Mercy Amba Oduyoye and Hendrik M. Vroom (eds.), One Gospel—Many Cultures: Case Studies and Reflections on Cross-Cultural Theology (Rodopi, 2003), pp. 39–62.
Ivone Gebara, ‘Ecofeminism and the Trinity’, in Longing for Running Water: Ecofeminism and Liberation, trans. David Molineaux (Fortress, 1999), pp. 151–71.
Rosemary Radford Ruether, ‘Christology: Can a Male Savior Save Women?’, Sexism and God-Talk: Toward a Feminist Theology (Beacon, 1983), pp. 116–38.
Jacquelyn Grant, ‘The Challenge of the Darker Sister’, White Women’s Christ and Black Women’s Jesus: Feminist Christology and Womanist Response (Scholars, 1989), pp. 209–22.
Elizabeth A. Johnson, ‘Jesus-Sophia’, She Who Is: The Mystery of God in Feminist Theological Discourse (Crossroad, 1992), pp. 150–69.
Chung Hyun Kyung, ‘Asian Christologies and People’s Religions’, Voices from the Third World, 1996, 19, 1, 214–27.
Susan Ashbrook Harvey, ‘Feminine Imagery for the Divine: The Holy Spirit, the Odes of Solomon, and Early Syriac Tradition’, St Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 1993, 37, 111–39.
Tina Beattie, ‘The Maternal Body and the Incarnation’, God’s Mother, Eve’s Advocate: A Marian Narrative of Women’s Salvation (Continuum, 2002), pp. 87–114.
Anne Motley Hallum, ‘Taking Stock and Building Bridges: Feminism, Women’s Movements, and Pentecostalism in Latin America’, Latin American Research Review, 2003, 38, 1, 169–86.
Katie Geneva Cannon, ‘Moral Wisdom in the Black Women’s Literary Tradition’, Katie’s Canon: Womanism and the Soul of the Black Community (Continuum, 1995), pp. 57–68.
Teresa Berger, ‘Mapping the Global Struggle for Women’s Rites’, Dissident Daughters: Feminist Liturgies in Global Context (Westminster John Knox, 2001), pp. 1–22.
Part 2: Gender, Religious Language, and Symbols 7.
Mary Daly, ‘After the Death of God the Father’, Beyond God the Father: Toward a Philosophy of Women’s Liberation (Beacon, 1973), pp. 13–14, 19–22, 28–40.
Verna E. F. Harrison, ‘Male and Female in Cappadocian Theology’, Journal of Theological Studies, 1990, 41, 441–71.
Delores S. Williams, ‘Surrogacy and Redemption’, Sisters in the Wilderness: The Challenge of Womanist God-Talk (Orbis Books, 1993), pp. 161–70.
Caroline Walker Bynum, ‘’’…And Women His Humanity”: Female Imagery in the Religious Writing of the Later Middle Ages’, in Caroline Walker Bynum, Stevan Harrell, and Paula Richman (eds.), Gender and Religion: On the Complexity of Symbols (Beacon, 1986), pp. 257–88.
Rita Nakashima Brock, ‘Communities of the Cross: Christa and the Communal Nature of Redemption’, Feminist Theology, 2005, 14, 1, 109–25.
Letty M. Russell, ‘Justice and the Church’, Church in the Round: Feminist Interpretation of the Church (Westminster John Knox, 1993), pp. 127–48.
Elizabeth Stuart, ‘Exploding Mystery: Feminist Theology and the Sacramental’, Feminist Theology, 2004, 12, 2, 228–36.
Catherine Keller, ‘Eschatology, Ecology, and a Green Ecumenacy’, in Rebecca S. Chopp and Mark Lewis Taylor (eds.), Reconstructing Christian Theology (Fortress, 1994), pp. 326–45.
Grace M. Jantzen, ‘A Feminist Religious Language’, Becoming Divine: Towards a Feminist Philosophy of Religion (Manchester University Press, 1998), pp. 193–203.
Part 3: Scriptures and Interpretation 11.
Mary Ann Tolbert, ‘Reading the Bible with Authority: Feminist Interrogation of the Canon’, in Harold C. Washington, Susan Lochrie Graham, and Pamela Thimmes (eds.), Escaping Eden: New Feminist Perspectives on the Bible (Sheffield Academic Press, 1998), pp. 141–62.
Musa W. Dube, ‘Toward a Post-Colonial Feminist Interpretation of the Bible’, Semeia, 1997, 78, 11–26.
Clarice J. Martin, ‘Womanist Interpretations of the New Testament: The Quest for Holistic and Inclusive Translation and Interpretation’, Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, 1990, 6, 2, 41–61.
Judith Plaskow, ‘Anti-Judaism in Feminist Christian Interpretation’, in Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza (ed.), Searching the Scriptures (Crossroad, 1993), pp. 117–29.
Phyllis Trible, ‘Depatriarchalizing in Biblical Interpretation’, Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 1973, 40, 1, 30–48.
Mona West, ‘Outsiders, Aliens, and Boundary Crossers: A Queer Reading of the Hebrew Exodus’, in Robert E. Goss and Mona West (eds.), Take Back the Word: A Queer Reading of the Bible (Pilgrim, 2000), pp. 71–81.
Luise Schottroff, ‘From Women’s Hands: The Work of Women in the New Testament (Matt. 13:33; Luke 13:20)’, in Lydia’s Impatient Sisters: A Feminist Social History of Early Christianity, trans. Barbara and Martin Rumscheidt (Westminster John Knox, 1995), pp. 79–90.
Surekha Nelavala, ‘Smart Syrophoenician Woman: A Dalit Feminist Reading of Mark 7:24–31’, Expository Times, 2006, 118, 2, 64–9.
Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, ‘Women in the Pre-Pauline and Pauline Churches’, Union Seminary Quarterly Review, 1978, 33, 3 & 4, 153–66.
Elsa Tamez, ‘1 Timothy: What a Problem!’, in Fernando F. Segovia (ed.), Toward a New Heaven and a New Earth: Essays in Honor of Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza (Orbis Books, 2003), pp. 141–56.
Routledge Major Works
Intended Contents
Part 5: Religious Practices 34.
Elisabeth Behr-Sigel, ‘Mary, the Mother of God: Traditional Mariology and New Questions’, in The Ministry of Women in the Church, trans. Steven Bigham (Oakwood Publications, 1991), pp. 181–4, 190–204, 209–16.
Ulrike Wiethaus, ‘Sexuality, Gender, and the Body in Late Medieval Women’s Spirituality: Cases from Germany and the Netherlands’, Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, 1991, 7, 1, 35–52.
Margaret R. Miles, ‘Images of Women in Fourteenth-Century Tuscan Painting’, Image as Insight: Visual Understanding in Western Christianity and Secular Culture (Beacon, 1985), pp. 75–93.
Marjorie Proctor-Smith, ‘’’Are They True for Us?”: Feminism and Christian Liturgy’, In Her Own Rite: Constructing Feminist Liturgical Tradition (Abingdon Press, 1990), pp. 13–14, 18–35.
John Burdick, ‘The Devotion to Escrava Anastácia’, Blessed Anastácia: Women, Race, and Popular Christianity in Brazil (Routledge, 1998), pp. 65–82.
Rosemary N. Edet’, ‘Christianity and African Women’s Rituals’, in Mercy Amba Oduyoye and Musimbi R. A. Kanyoro (eds.), The Will to Arise: Women, Tradition, and the Church in Africa (Orbis Books, 1992), pp. 25–39.
Cheryl A. Kirk-Duggan, ‘African-American Spirituals: Confronting and Exorcising Evil through Song’, in Emilie M. Townes (ed.), A Troubling in My Soul: Womanist Perspectives on Evil and Suffering (Orbis Books, 1993), pp. 150–71.
Katherine Zappone, ‘A Spirituality for Feminists’, The Hope for Wholeness: A Spirituality for Feminists (Thirty-Third Publications, 1991), pp. 16–27, 40–4.
RELIGIOUS STUDIES VOLUME III Religious Leadership, Mission, Dialogue and Movements
VOLUME IV Contemporary Concerns
Part 6: Religious Leadership
Part 10: Embodiment, Sexuality, and Reproduction
Karen Jo Torjesen, ‘Preachers, Pastors, Prophets, and Patrons’, When Women Were Priests: Women’s Leadership in the Early Church and the Scandal of Their Subordination in the Rise of Christianity (Harper, 1993), pp. 11–16, 19–38.
Carter Heyward, ‘Notes on Historical Grounding: Beyond Sexual Essentialism’, Touching Our Strength: The Erotic as Power and the Love of God (Harper, 1989), pp. 37–47.
Kyriaki Karidoyanes FitzGerald, ‘The Ministry of Women in the Orthodox Church: Some Theological Presuppositions’, Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 1983, 20, 558–75.
Barbara Brown Zikmund, ‘The Protestant Women’s Ordination Movement’, in Rosemary Skinner Keller and Rosemary Radford Ruether (eds.), Encyclopedia of Women and Religion in North America, Vol. 2 (Indiana University Press, 2003), pp. 940–50.
Tola Olu Pearce, ‘Cultural Production and Reproductive Issues: The Significance of the Charismatic Movement in Nigeria’, in Stephen Ellingson and M. Christian Green (eds.), Religion and Sexuality in Cross-Cultural Perspective (Routledge, 2002), pp. 21–50.
Randall Balmer, ‘American Fundamentalism: The Ideal of Femininity’, in John Stratton Hawley (ed.), Fundamentalism and Gender (Oxford University Press, 1994), pp. 47–62.
Beverly Wildung Harrison with Shirley Cloyes, ‘Theology and Morality of Procreative Choice’, in Carol S. Robb (ed.), Making the Connections: Essays in Feminist Social Ethics (Beacon, 1985), pp. 115–34.
Marcella Althaus-Reid, ‘The Indecent Virgin’, Indecent Theology: Theological Perversions in Sex, Gender and Politics (Routledge, 2001), pp. 47–71.
Sharon V. Betcher, ‘Conspicuous Compassion: Race, “Disability”, and Salvific Imperialism’, Spirit and the Politics of Disablement (Fortress, 2007), pp. 105–21.
Mary E. Hunt, ‘AIDS: Globalization and Its Discontent’, Zygon, 2004, 39, 2, 465–80.
Cheryl Townsend Gilkes, ‘The Role of Women in the Sanctified Church’, Journal of Religious Thought, 1986, 43, 1, 24–41.
María Pilar Aquino, ‘Women in the Church of the Poor’, in Our Cry for Life: Feminist Theology from Latin America, trans. Dinah Livingstone (Orbis Books, 1993), pp. 42–61.
Part 7: Mission and Conversion 47.
Michelene E. Pesantubbee, ‘Beyond Domesticity: Choctaw Women Negotiating the Tension Between Choctaw Culture and Protestantism’, Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 1999, 67, 2, 387–409.
Maximiliano Salinas, ‘Christianity, Colonialism, and Women in Latin America in the 16th, 17th and 18th Centuries’, Social Compass, 1992, 39, 4, 525–42.
Eliza F. Kent, ‘Gender and Conversion in Colonial India’, Converting Women: Gender and Protestant Christianity in Colonial South India (Oxford University Press, 2004), pp. 3–14.
Dana L. Robert, ‘World Christianity as a Women’s Movement’, International Bulletin of Missionary Research, 2006, 30, 4, 180–6, 88.
Gulnar Eleanor Francis-Dehqani, ‘The Gendering of Missionary Imperialism: The Search for an Integrated Methodology’, in Ursula King and Tina Beattie (eds.), Gender, Religion, and Diversity: Cross-Cultural Perspectives (Continuum, 2004), pp. 125–37.
Wong Wai Ching, ‘Engendering Christian Mission in Asia: Understanding Women’s Works in the History of Mission’, Asian Journal of Women’s Studies, 2003, 9, 2, 38–66.
Part 11: Religion and Violence 71.
Beverley Haddad, ‘Choosing to Remain Silent: Links between Gender Violence, HIV/AIDS and the South African Church’, in Isabel Apawo Phiri, Beverley Haddad, and Madipoane Masenya (eds.), African Women, HIV/AIDS, and Faith Communities (Cluster Publications, 2003), pp. 149–67.
Nantawan Boonprasat Lewis, ‘When Justice Collapses: A Religious Response to Sexual Violence and Trafficking in Women in Asia’, in Rita Nakashima Brock et al. (eds.), Off the Menu: Asian and Asian North American Women’s Religion and Theology (Westminster John Knox, 2007), pp. 217–30.
Emilie M. Townes, ‘“I’se in Town, Honey”: Marketing Aunt Jemima’, Womanist Ethics and the Cultural Production of Evil (Palgrave Macmillan, 2006), pp. 36–55.
Jenny Plane Te Paa, ‘From “Civilizing” to Colonizing to Respectfully Collaborating? New Zealand’, Theology Today, 2005, 62, 67–73.
Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite, ‘Militarism in North American Perspective’, in Mary John Mananzan et al. (eds.), Women Resisting Violence: Spirituality for Life (Orbis Books, 1996), pp. 119–25.
Jean Zaru, ‘The Demands of Peace and Reconciliation’, Feminist Theology, 2002, 29, 86–95.
Part 8: Religious Pluralism and Dialogue 53.
Ursula King, ‘Feminism: The Missing Dimension in the Dialogue of Religions’, in John D’Arcy May (ed.), Pluralism and the Religions: The Theological and Political Dimensions (Cassell, 1998), pp. 40–55. Kwok Pui-lan, ‘Interfaith Dialogue from the Perspective of Feminist Theology in the Multireligious and Multicultural Context of Asia’, in A. Prasetya Murniati and Marlene Perera (eds.), Drink from Our Own Resources for Creative Ripples: A Feminist Theology for Hope through Inter-faith Dialogue from a Holistic Perspective (St Vincent’s Press, 2005), pp. 88–102.
Teresa Okure, ‘The Church as Family of God: A Theological Framework for Interfaith Dialogue in the African Context’, Voices from the Third World, 2005, 28, 2, 177–97.
Helene Egnell, ‘Towards Intercultural Feminist Theologies of Religious Difference’, Other Voices: A Study of Christian Feminist Approaches to Religious Plurality East and West (Swedish Institute of Mission Research, 2006), pp. 327–35.
Part 9: Religious and Social Movements 57.
Susan Hill Lindley, ‘Reform Movements’, ‘You Have Stept Out of Your Place’: A History of Women and Religion in America (Westminster John Knox, 1996), pp. 90–108, 113–16.
Zhang Yan, ‘Christianity and the Modern Chinese Women’s Movement’, Chinese Theological Review, 1996, 11, 1, 78–87.
Dorothee Sölle, ‘A Theology of Peace’, in Mar Peter-Raoul, Linda Rennie Forcey, and Robert Frederick Hunter, Jr. (eds.), Yearning to Breathe Free: Liberation Theologies in the United States (Orbis Books, 1990), pp. 202–16.
Elaine J. Lawless, ‘Power of the Word’, God’s Peculiar People: Women’s Voices and Folk Tradition in a Pentecostal Church (University Press of Kentucky, 1988), pp. 77–93.
Part 12: Religion, Nature, and Science 77.
Anne Primavesi, ‘Women and the Ordering of Nature’, Sacred Gaia: Holistic Theology and Earth System Science (Routledge, 2000), pp. 121–36.
Carol Adams, ‘“A Very Rare and Difficult Thing”: Ecofeminism, Attention to Animal Suffering, and the Disappearance of the Subject’, in Paul Waldau and Kimberley Patton (eds.), A Communion of Subjects: Animals in Religion, Science, and Ethics (Columbia University Press, 2006), pp. 591–604.
Sallie McFague, ‘Where We Live: Urban Ecotheology’, A New Climate for Theology: God, the World, and Global Warming (Fortress, 2008), pp. 121–39.
Lisa Sowle Cahill, ‘Genetics, Ethics, and Feminist Theology: Some Recent Directions’, Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, 2002, 18, 2, 53–77.
Gregory R. Peterson, ‘Imaging God: Cyborgs, Brain-machine Interfaces, and a More Human Future’, Dialog, 2005, 44, 4, 337–46.
Part 13: Globalization, Transnationalism, Migration, and Diaspora 82.
Puleng LenkaBula, ‘Justice and Fullness of Life in the Context of Economic Globalization: An African Woman’s Perspective’, Reformed World, 2002, 52, 4, 163–74.
Elizabeth A. Castelli, ‘Globalization, Transnational Feminisms, and the Future of Biblical Critique’, in Kathleen O’Brien Wicker, Althea Spencer Miller, and Musa W. Dube (eds.), Feminist New Testament Studies: Global and Future Perspectives (Palgrave Macmillan, 2005), pp. 63–78.
Gemma Tulud Cruz, ‘Faith on the Edge: Religion and Women in the Context of Migration’, Feminist Theology, 2006, 15, 1, 9–25.
Ada Mar’a Isasi-D’az, ‘Creating a Liberating Culture: Latinas’ Subversive Narratives’, in Delwin Brown, Sheila Greeve Davaney, and Kathryn Tanner (eds.), Converging on Culture: Theologians in Dialogue with Cultural Analysis and Criticism (Oxford University Press, 2001), pp. 122–39.
Regina Gemignani, ‘Gender, Identity, and Power in African Immigrant Evangelical Churches’, in Jacob K. Olupona and Regina Gemignani (eds.), African Immigrant Religions in America (New York University Press, 2007), pp. 133–57.
Nyambura J. Njoroge, ‘A New Way of Facilitating Leadership: Lessons from African Women Theologians’, Missiology, 2005, 33, 29–46.
Aruna Gnanadason, ‘Women in the Ecumenical Movement’, International Review of Mission, 1992, 81, 322, 237–46.
Daisy L. Machado, ‘The Unnamed Woman: Justice, Feminists, and the Undocumented Woman’, in María Pilar Aquino, Daisy L. Machado, and Jeanette Rodrıguez (eds.), A Reader in Latina Feminist Theology: Religion and Justice ´ (University of Texas Press, 2002), pp. 161–76. MJWK0906