6-Volume Set
Women and Belief 1852–1928 HISTORY OF FEMINISM Edited and with a new introduction by Jessica Cox, University of Wales, Lampeter, UK and Mark Llewellyn, University of Liverpool, UK Over recent years, research into religious belief during the Victorian period and the early twentieth century has grown in diversity and importance. The centrality of faith-based discourses to women of the period has long been recognized by scholars in the field. But until now relatively little significance has been attached to the fundamental relationship between women’s faith and women’s rights. This new title in the History of Feminism series, co-published by Routledge and Edition Synapse, remedies that omission. Women and Belief, 1852–1928 is a six-volume collection of primary materials covering a wide range of opinions about women, their self-identity, and the combination of their spiritual and political beliefs. Addressing the most debated aspects of women’s religious, social, cultural, and political rights, the collection adopts an historical overview of the period and provides an authoritative representation of the wide body of literature written by and about women’s faith. Beginning with and ending with an economist’s psychoanalytic study of female belief from 1928, Women and Belief, 1852–1928 provides a unique collection of different viewpoints. It brings together the work of women writers, theologians, philosophers, and economic and cultural historians to illustrate the multiplicity of voices and opinions on the issues of suffrage and religious faith. This diversity is equally reflected in the broad geographical coverage of the collection which draws on works not only from the United Kingdom and United States but also includes materials from Canada and India, and moves beyond the Christian into the spheres of theosophy, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism. The gathered materials include works of non-fiction, poetry, analytical works, satires, pamphlets, sermons, spiritual (auto)biography, and periodical articles. Making readily available such materials—which are currently very difficult for scholars, researchers, and students across the globe to locate and use—Women and Belief, 1852–1928 is a veritable treasure-trove. The gathered works are reproduced in facsimile, giving users a strong sense of immediacy to the texts and permitting citation to the original pagination. And with detailed and comprehensive introductory and contextual material in each volume illustrating the ways in which the materials chart the gradual evolution of feminist thinking about belief, spirituality, and faith that directly fed into the emerging discourses of political and social rights for women, the collection is destined to be welcomed as a vital reference and research resource.
Routledge September 2009 234x156: 2,400pp Set Hb: 978-0-415-47218-0
Routledge Major Works
Women and Belief 1852–1928 HISTORY OF FEMI VOLUME I
1. Julia Kavanagh, Women of Christianity, Exemplary for Acts of Piety and Charity ... with Portraits (London, 1852) (474pp.)
15. Lucy Helen Soulsby, Religious Education for Women (1894) (28pp.) 16. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Preface and Introduction to The Woman’s Bible (1895) (9pp.)
17. B. H. Kare, How is Woman Treated by Man and Religion? (Bombay, 1896) (12pp.)
2. Luther Lee, Woman’s Right to Preach the Gospel (1853) (22pp.)
18. Eliza Burt Gamble, The God-Idea of the Ancients or Sex in Religion (1897) (extract) (20pp.)
3. Fred Folio, A Book for the Times: Lucy Boston, or, Woman’s Rights and Spiritualism: Illustrating the Follies and Delusions of the Nineteenth Century (New York: J. C. Derby, 1855) (406pp. including illustrations)
19. Lena Tyack, Joyce Maxwell’s Mistakes (1899) (63pp.) 20. Ellen Battelle Dietnick, Women in the Early Christian Ministry (1897) (148pp.) 21. Frederick James Gould, Will Women Help? An Appeal to Women to Assist in Liberating Modern Thought from Theological Bonds (London, 1900) (100pp.)
VOLUME III 4. William Landels, Woman’s Sphere and Work, Considered in the Light of Scripture: A Book for Young Women (London: James Nisbet and Co., 1859) (240pp.) 5. William Kay, The Influence of Christianity on the Position and Character of Woman: A Sermon (Calcutta, 1859) (55pp.) 6. Catherine Mumford Booth, Female Ministry: Or, Woman’s Right to Preach the Gospel (London, 1859) (23pp.) 7. Richard Seymour, Woman’s Work: A Speech Delivered in the Lower House of Convocation on Tuesday, July 19, 1861 (London, 1862) (24pp.) 8. I. T. Armstrong, Plea for Modern Prophetesses (Glasgow, 1866) (66pp.) 9. Anon, Female Franchise. Have Women Immortal Souls? The Popular Belief Disputed ... By a Clerk in Holy Orders (London, 1868) (19pp.)
22. Florence Caroline Dixie, ‘Towards Freedom: An Appeal to Thoughtful Men and Women’, The Agnostic Journal, 1904–5 (14pp.) 23. Emily Hickey, Thoughts for Creedless Women (London, 1906) (32pp.)
VOLUME VI 24. Margaret Mordecai, Phases of Progress: A Study of the Evolution of Religion, Education and Woman (London: Sands & Co., 1910) (164pp.) 25. Katherine Bushnell, God’s Word to Women (1910) (70pp.) 26. Joseph Keating, S.J., Christianity and ‘Woman’s Rights’ (Catholic Social Guild Pamphlets No. 16) (London: Catholic Truth Society, 1912) (24pp.) 27. The Religious Aspect of the Women’s Movement: Being a Series of Addresses Delivered at Meetings at the Queen’s Hall, London, on June 19, 1912 (London: Collegium, 1912) (67pp.)
VOLUME IV 10. Horace Bushnell, Women’s Suffrage: The Reform Against Nature (1869) (184pp.)
28. Syed Ameer Ali, The Legal Position of Women in Islam (1912) (47pp.)
11. Annie Rollo Stagg, The Importance of Religion to Woman (Stratford, Ontario, 1875) (69pp.)
29. Charlotte Despard, Theosophy and the Woman’s Movement (Riddle of Life Series No. IV) (London: Theosophical Publishing Society, 1913) (59pp. including illustrations)
12. J. G. Mandley, Woman Outside Christendom: An Exposition of the Influence Exerted by Christianity on the Social Position and Happiness of Women (London, 1880) (159pp.)
30. Chapman Cohen, Woman and Christianity: The Subjection and Exploitation of a Sex (London: The Pioneer Press, 1919) (96pp.)
13. Elizabeth Machardie, What is Spiritualism? A Paper Read at the Annual Conference of the Christian Women’s Union, Held in Glasgow (London, 1884) (16pp.)
31. George Whitehead, Religion and Woman (London: Secular Society, 1928) (extract) (13pp.)
14. Louisa Samson, Why Women Should be Secularists (London, 1891) (16pp.)
Routledge Major Works
Intended Contents
Irish Feminisms, 1825–1930 Edited by Mary Pierse Co-published by Routledge and Edition Synapse, the History of Feminism series makes key archival source material readily available to scholars, researchers, and students of women’s and gender studies, women’s history, and women’s writing, as well as those working in allied and related fields. Selected and introduced by expert editors, the gathered materials are reproduced in facsimile, giving users a strong sense of immediacy to the texts and permitting citation to the original pagination. This new title in the series brings together a unique selection of the multiple feminisms articulated by Irish writers between 1825 and 1930, a ‘long Victorian’ period. The five volumes foreground a multiplicity of beliefs and attitudes from novels, poetry, short stories, newspaper and journal articles, and essays, both by relatively unknown and by more celebrated writers (such as Lady Gregory, Lady Wilde, and the Parnells). With its comprehensive introductions, references, and biographical notes (which furnish vital background information), this ground-breaking collection is destined to be welcomed as a treasure-trove by all serious scholars and students of Gender and Irish Studies—as well as those working in Victorian and Literary Studies.
November 2009: 234x156: 1,600pp 5-Volume Set: 978-0-415-47529-7
Victorian and Edwardian Anti-Feminism Edited by Valerie Sanders and Lucy Delap The British women’s movement of the nineteenth and early twentieth century has attracted huge popular, political, and scholarly interest. This has sometimes obscured the very widespread—and probably much greater—circulation and impact of anti-feminist writers. The temporal scope of the fourvolume set is broad and covers the Victorian and Edwardian eras, and beyond into the 1920s. The four volumes are divided into eleven parts. The collected materials are complemented by an introduction which contextualizes the material both in terms of the prominent individuals who contributed to antifeminism, the themes and ideas of anti-feminism, and the publishing and reading landscapes within which these texts circulated. The Introduction also links the primary sources to the critical secondary literature, and makes suggestions for further reading. To enable easy navigation of this eclectic, neglected, and fascinating material, Victorian and Edwardian Anti-Feminism is fully indexed and includes an appendix describing the political persuasion and publishing details of each periodical represented. It is destined to be welcomed as an essential reference resource for all those seeking to understand the reception and development of the early British women’s movement.
October 2009: 234x156: 1,600pp 4-Volume Set: 978-0-415-49817-3
Women’s Economic Thought in the Eighteenth Century Edited by Edith Kuiper In the history of economics, women writers were all but invisible until a few decades ago. Although much work has now been recuperated, the writings on economics of eighteenth-century women authors have yet to be brought fully to light. This new three-volume collection from Routledge remedies that omission and makes key archival source material readily available to scholars, researchers, and students. This comprehensive compilation of eighteenth-century works by women writers includes several texts translated into English for the first time, such as an important critique on Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759) by Sophie de Grouchy Condorcet.
October 2010: 234x156: 1,200pp 3-Volume Set: 978-0-415-49571-4