4-Volume Set
Islam in South Asia CRITICAL CONCEPTS IN ISLAMIC STUDIES Edited by David Taylor, Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London, UK There are more Muslims—over 400 million—in South Asia than in any other region in the world. Many of the most important political, intellectual and spiritual developments within Islam have had their origins, or have flourished, in the area, and Muslims from the region have played important roles in the global history of Islam. Pakistan was specifically created to provide a homeland for South Asia’s Muslim population and its trials and tribulations over the past 60 years have been carefully watched by Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Muslims constitute India’s largest minority, with an often uneasy relationship to the majority. The early history of Islam in South Asia, including migration, conversion and Muslim dynasties, as well as religious developments, are studied in depth, as is the role of Islam in the colonial period, including resistance to colonial rule, and intellectual responses to, and dialogue with, Western thought. Articles also cover Islam since independence, including political movements, Muslims as majorities and minorities, and the South Asian Muslim diaspora. In addition, Islam and development, including material related to women and Islam, legal reform, Islamic finance, and education issues, are all areas that Islam in South Asia considers. During the last hundred years there has been extensive English-language writing and research on Islam in South Asia, both by Muslim scholars and by nonMuslims. This new Major Work from Routledge brings together the most significant and enduring work, most of it published in the past thirty years, but with occasional use of older material. Islam in South Asia, with a comprehensive introduction, newly written by the editor to place the collected material in its historical and intellectual context, is destined to be an essential work of reference.
Routledge April 2010 234x156: 1,600pp Set Hb: 978-0-415-55295-0
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Routledge Major Works
Islam in South Asia CRITICAL CONCEPTS IN ISLAMIC VOLUME I: South Asian Islam in Historical and Cultural Contexts 1.
Peter Hardy, ‘Modern European and Muslim Explanations of Conversion to Islam in South Asia: A Preliminary Survey of the Literature’, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1977, 2, 177–206.
Richard Eaton, ‘Sufi Folk Literature and the Expansion of Indian Islam’, History of Religions, 1974, 14, 2, 117–27.
Raziuddin Aquil, ‘Hazrat-i-Dehli: The Making of the Chishti Sufi Centre and the Stronghold of Islam’, South Asia Research, 2008, 28, 1, 23–48.
VOLUME II: Reform and Resistance during the Colonial Period 20. Francis Robinson, ‘Religious Change and the Self in Muslim South Asia Since 1800’, South Asia, 1999, 22, 13–27. 21. Asim Roy, ‘Impact of Islamic Revival and Reform in Colonial Bengal and Bengal Muslim Identity’, South Asia, 1999, 22, 39–77. 22. S. Irfan Habib, ‘Reconciling Science with Islam in 19th-Century India’, Contributions to Indian Sociology, 2000, 34, 1, 63–92. 23. Aziz Ahmad, ‘Sayyid Ahmad Khan, Jamal al-Din al-Afghani and Muslim India’, Studia Islamica, 1960, 13, 55–78.
Nile Green, ‘Emerging Approaches to the Sufi Traditions of South Asia: Between Texts, Territories and the Transcendent’, South Asia Research, 2004, 24, 2, 123–48.
24. David Lelyveld, ‘Disenchantment at Aligarh: Islam and the Realm of the Secular in Late Nineteenth-Century India’, Die Welt des Islams, 1982, 22, 85–102.
Carl Ernst, ‘From Hagiography to Martyrology: Conflicting Testimonies to a Sufi Martyr of the Delhi Sultanate’, History of Religions, 1985, 24, 4, 308–27.
25. Barbara Metcalf, ‘The Madrasa at Deoband: A Model for Religious Education in Modern India’, Modern Asian Studies, 1978, 12, 1, 111–34.
William Chittick, ‘Notes on Ibn Al-‘Arabi’s Influence in the Subcontinent’, The Muslim World, 1992, 82, 3/4, 218–41.
Imtiaz Ahmad, ‘Introduction’, Caste and Social Stratification Among Muslims in India (Manohar, 1978), pp. 1–17.
26. Sana Haroon, ‘The Rise of Deobandi Islam in the North-West Frontier Province and its Implications in Colonial India and Pakistan 1914–1996’, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 2008, 18, 1, 47–70.
Mattison Mines, ‘Muslim Social Stratification in India: The Basis for Variation’, Southwestern Journal of Anthropology, 1972, 28, 4, 333–49.
Ali S. Asani, ‘The Khojahs of South Asia: Defining a Space of their Own’, Cultural Dynamics, 2001, 13, 2, 155–68.
10. Rehana Ghadially, ‘Women’s Observances in the Calendrical Rites of the Daudi Bohra Isma’ili Sect of South Asian Muslims’, Islamic Culture, 2003, 78, 3, 1–20. 11. Simon Digby, ‘The Sufi Shaykh and the Sultan: A Conflict of Claims to Authority in Medieval India’, Iran, 1990, 28, 71–81. 12. Jurgen Wasim Frembgen, ‘Divine Madness and Cultural Otherness: Diwanas and Faqirs in Northern Pakistan’, South Asia Research, 2006, 26, 3, 235–48. 13. Paula Richman, ‘Veneration of the Prophet Muhammad in an Islamic Pillaittamil’, Journal of the American Oriental Society, 1993, 113, 1, 57–74. 14. Regula Burckhardt Qureshi, ‘Exploring Time Cross-Culturally: Ideology and Performance in the Sufi Qawwali’, Journal of Musicology, 1994, 12, 4, 491–528. 15. Richard Eaton, ‘Indo-Muslim Traditions, 1200–1750: Towards a Framework of Study’, South Asia Research, 2002, 22, 1, 1–19. 16. Ali Anooshahr, ‘Mughal Historians and the Memory of the Islamic Conquest of India’, Indian Economic and Social History Review, 2006, 43, 3, 275–300. 17. Muzaffar Alam and Sanjay Subrahmanyam, ‘Envisioning Power: The Political Thought of a Late Eighteenth-Century Mughal Prince’, Indian Economic and Social History Review, 2006, 43, 2, 131–61. 18. Jamal Malik, ‘Muslim Culture and Reform in 18th-Century South Asia’, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 2003, 13, 2, 227–43. 19. Barbara Metcalf, ‘Too Little and Too Much: Reflections on Muslims in the History of India’, Journal of Asian Studies, 1995, 54, 4, 951–67.
Routledge Major Works
27. Javed Majeed, ‘Putting God in His Place: Bradley, McTaggart, and Muhammad Iqbal’, Journal of Islamic Studies, 1993, 4, 2, 208–36. 28. Syed Akbar Hyder, ‘Iqbal and Karbala: Re-Reading the Episteme of Martyrdom for a Poetics of Appropriation’, Cultural Dynamics, 2001, 13, 3, 339–62. 29. Annemarie Schimmel, ‘The Idea of Prayer in the Thought of Iqbal’, The Muslim World, 1958, 48, 3, 205–22. 30. A. J. Halepota, ‘Shah Waliyullah and Iqbal, the Philosophers of Modern Age’, Islamic Studies, 1974, 13, 4, 225–34. 31. Ayesha Jalal, ‘Striking a Just Balance: Maulana Azad as a Theorist of Trans-National Jihad’, Modern Intellectual History, 2007, 4, 1, 95–107. 32. Ian H. Douglas, ‘Abul Kalam Azad and Pakistan: A Post-Bangladesh Reconsideration of an Indian Muslim’s Opposition to Pakistan’, Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 1972, 40, 4, 458–79. 33. Stephen F. Dale, ‘The Islamic Frontier in Southwest India: The Shahid as a Cultural Ideal among the Mappillas of Malabar’, Modern Asian Studies, 1977, 11, 1, 41–55. 34. Paul Dimeo, ‘‘’With Political Pakistan in the Offing …”: Football and Communal Politics in South Asia, 1887–1947’, Journal of Contemporary History, 2003, 38, 3, 377–94. 35. David Gilmartin, ‘Religious Leadership and the Pakistan Movement in the Punjab’, Modern Asian Studies, 1979, 13, 3, 485–517. 36. Nile Green, ‘Moral Competition and the Thrill of the Spectacular: Recounting Catastrophe in Colonial Bombay’, South Asia Research, 2008, 28, 3, 239–51. 37. Shabnum Tejani, ‘Re-considering Chronologies of Nationalism and Communalism: The Khilafat Movement in Sind and its Aftermath, 1919–1927’, South Asia Research, 2007, 27, 3, 249–69.
C STUDIES VOLUME III: Islam and Politics in Contemporary South Asia
VOLUME IV 53. Feisal Khan, ‘Islamic Banking by Judiciary: The ”Backdoor” for Islamism in Pakistan’, South Asia, 2008, 31, 3, 535–55.
38. Richard Kurin, ‘Islamization in Pakistan: A View from the Countryside’, Asian Survey, 1985, 25, 8, 852–62. 39. Tahir Kamran, ‘Contextualising Sectarian Militancy in Pakistan: The Case of Jhang’, Journal of Islamic Studies, 2009, 20, 1, 55–85. 40. Riaz Hassan, ‘Religion, Society, and the State in Pakistan: Pirs and Politics’, Asian Survey, 1987, 27, 5, 552–65. 41. Masooda Bano, ‘Beyond Politics: The Reality of a Deobandi Madrasa in Pakistan’, Journal of Islamic Studies, 2007, 18, 1, 43–68. 42. S. V. R. Nasr, ‘The Rise of Sunni Militancy in Pakistan: The Changing Role of Islamism and the Ulama in Society and Politics’, Modern Asian Studies, 2000, 34, 1, 139–80. 43. Muhammad Qasim Zaman, ‘Commentaries, Print and Patronage: ”Hadith” and the Madrasas in Modern South Asia’, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 1999, 62, 1, 60–81. 44. Jan-Peter Hartung, ‘Affection and Aversion: Ambivalences among Muslim Intellectual Elites in Contemporary South Asia’, South Asia Research, 2001, 21, 2, 189–202. 45. Marc Gaborieau, ‘A Peaceful Jihad? South Asian Muslim Proselytism as Seen by Ahmadiyya, Tablighi Jama’at and Jama’at -i Islami’, Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam, 2007, 33, 467–86.
54. Lucy Carroll, ‘Orphaned Grandchildren in Islamic Law of Succession: Reform and Islamization in Pakistan’, Islamic Law and Society, 1998, 5, 3, 409–47. 55. Gregory C. Kozlowski, ‘Loyalty, Locality and Authority in Several Opinions (Fatawa) Delivered by the Mufti of the Jami’ah Nizamiyyah Madrasah, Hyderabad, India’, Modern Asian Studies, 1995, 29, 4, 893–927. 56. Srimati Basu, ‘Shading the Secular: Law at Work in the Indian Higher Courts’, Cultural Dynamics, 2003, 15, 2, 131–52. 57. Gail Minault, ‘Sayyid Mumtaz Ali and ”Huquq un-Niswan”: An Advocate of Women’s Rights in Islam in the Late Nineteenth Century’, Modern Asian Studies, 1990, 24, 1, 147–72. 58. Ruby Lall, ‘Gender and Sharafat: Re-Reading Nazir Ahmad’, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 2008, 18, 1, 15–30. 59. Anita Weiss, ‘Interpreting Islam and Women’s Rights: Implementing CEDAW in Pakistan’, International Sociology, 2003, 18, 3, 581–601. 60. Bruce B. Lawrence, ‘Woman as Subject/Woman as Symbol: Islamic Fundamentalism and the Status of Women’, Journal of Religious Ethics, 1994, 22, 1, 163–85.
46. Barbara Metcalf, ‘Travelers’ Tales in the Tablighi Jama’at’, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 2003, 588, 136–48.
61. Nazish Brohi, ‘At the Altar of Subalternity: The Quest for Muslim Women in the War on Terror—Pakistan After 9/11’, Cultural Dynamics, 2008, 20, 2, 133–47.
47. Magnus Marsden, ‘Islam, Political Authority and Emotion in Northern Pakistan’, Contributions to Indian Sociology, 2007, 41, 1, 41–80.
62. Aneela Babar, ‘New ”Social Imaginaries”: The Al-Huda Phenomenon’, South Asia, 2008, 31, 2, 348–63.
48. Imtiaz Hussain, ‘Fundamentalism and Bangladesh: No Error, No Terror’, South Asian Survey, 2007, 14, 2, 207–29.
63. Shahnaz Huda, ‘Dowry in Bangladesh: Compromizing Women’s Rights’, South Asia Research, 2006, 26, 3, 249–68.
49. Sreeradha Datta, ‘Islamic Militancy in Bangladesh: The Threat from Within’, South Asia, 2007, 30, 1, 145–70.
64. Farzana Haniffa, ‘Piety as Politics Amongst Muslim Women in Contemporary Sri Lanka’, Modern Asian Studies, 2008, 42, 2/3, 347–75.
50. Anwar Alam, ‘Political Management of Islamic Fundamentalism: A View from India’, Ethnicities, 2007, 7, 1, 30–60. 51. Yoginder Sikand, ‘A New Indian Muslim Agenda: The Dalit Muslims and the All-India Backward Muslim Morcha’, Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, 2001, 21, 2, 287–96. 52. Rizwan A. Ahmad, ‘The State and National Foundation in the Maldives’, Cultural Dynamics, 2001, 13, 3, 293–315.
65. Farhana Ibrahim, ‘Islamic “Reform”, the Nation-State and the Liberal Subject: The Cultural Politics of Identity in Kachchh, Gujarat’, Contributions to Indian Sociology, 2008, 42, 2, 191–217. 66. Nazli Kibria, ‘Muslim Encounters in the Global Economy: Identity Developments of Labor Migrants from Bangladesh to the Middle East’, Ethnicities, 2008, 8, 4, 518–35. 67. C. Y. Thangarajah, ‘Veiled Constructions: Conflict, Migration and Modernity in Eastern Sri Lanka’, Contributions to Indian Sociology, 2003, 37, 1/2, 141–62. 68. Edward Simpson, ‘Migration and Islamic Reform in a Port Town of Western India’, Contributions to Indian Sociology, 2003, 37, 1/2, 83–108. 69. Seema Alavi, ‘Unani Medicine in the Nineteenth-Century Public Sphere: Urdu Texts and the Oudh Akhbar’, Indian Economic and Social History Review, 2005, 42, 1, 101–29. 70. Helen E. Sheehan and S. J. Hussain, ‘Unani Tibb: History, Theory and Contemporary Practice in South Asia’, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 2003, 583, 122–35. 71. Matthew Nelson, ‘Muslims, Markets, and the Meaning of a “Good” Education in Pakistan’, Asian Survey, 2006, 46, 5, 699–720. 72. Usha Sanyal, ‘Generational Changes in the Ahl-e Sunnat Movement in North India during the Twentieth Century’, Modern Asian Studies, 1998, 32, 3, 635–56. 73. Peter Bertocci, ‘A Sufi Movement in Bangladesh: The Maijbhandhari Tariqa and its Followers’, Contributions to Indian Sociology, 2006, 40, 1, 1–28.
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