ROUTLEDGE New Titles and Key Series
2nd Edition
Handbook of Asian Security Studies
Constructing a Security Community in Southeast Asia
Edited by: Sumit Ganguly, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA, Andrew Scobell, Texas A&M University, USA, Joseph Liow, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
ASEAN and the Problem of Regional Order
Despite the richness and complexity of security issues in Asia, and the theoretical and conceptual debates these have spawned, there is no single volume that scholars can turn to for succinct, cogent and dispassionate analysis of these issues. The Handbook of Asian Security Studies addresses this important gap in the literature. There is no denying the growing strategic significance of Asia to the global strategic order. The rapid growth of China, and now India, promises to shift the global distribution of power in the direction of Asia and poses potential challenges to US strategic pre-eminence in the 21st century. In addition, Japan’s post-World War II pacifist disposition in international and regional security affairs is coming under increasing strain in the domestic political sphere as pressure mounts for Tokyo to assume a more activist role as it returns to 'normal statehood'. In response to these shifts – both real and potential, and in an attempt to avert the rivalry that neorealists are predicting for the region – Southeast Asia has attempted to actively engage these major powers, positioning itself and its much-vaunted 'ASEAN Way' as a model for regional order and stability. Apart from the possible shift in global power structures and its conflict-laden possibilities, the region is also fraught with every conceivable form of conflict, ranging from unresolved territorial disputes (maritime and inland), irredentist claims, intra-state conflicts, transnational terrorist movements and nuclear rivalries. The region is also the site of several states on the verge of failure and others in the incipient stage of national construction. The significance of this volume lies not only in its considered exploration of security dynamics in the three distinct subregions that make up “Asia”, but also in its attempt to bridge the study of these regions themselves by exploring the geopolitical interstices that link each of them. This is done through the set of essays under the section titled 'Cross- Regional Issues', which essentially investigate and analyze security issues and challenges which cut across the geopolitical boundaries of the three regions and/or tie them together. This volume contains essays by many leading scholars in the field and will be essential reading for all students of Asian security, Asian politics, and International Relations in general.
Amitav Acharya, University of Bristol, UK Series: Politics in Asia Review for the first edition: ’This is a superb study of ASEAN and the main issues that it faces. Acharya provides great insight into key episodes in ASEAN’s development with thorough research and cogent analysis...This book must now be considered the authoritative text on the subject of regional organization in Southeast Asia. One hopes the author will consider a second edition in the not too distant future.’ – Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia and Oceania This second edition of Constructing a Security Community in Southeast Asia takes the excellent framework from Acharya’s first edition and brings it up-to-date, looking at ASEAN’s comprehensive and critical account of the evolution of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) norms and the viability of the ASEAN way of conflict management. Key issues in determining the future stability of the Southeast Asian and Asia Pacific region are covered, including: •the effect of expansion •the application of the ASEAN model of conflict management to the wider Asia Pacific region •territorial disputes in the South China Sea •domestic instability in Burma and Cambodia •military acquisitions on intra-regional relations. Including additional material on ASEAN’s response to terrorism in the wake of the War on Terror and the proposal for an ASEAN security community, this new edition will continue to appeal to students and scholars of Asian security, international relations theory and Southeast Asian studies. Selected Contents: Introduction: Security Communities and ASEAN in Theoretical Perspective 1. Constructing Security Communities 2. The Evolution of ASEAN Norms and the Emergence of the ‘ASEAN Way’ 3. ASEAN and the Cambodia Conflict: A Regional Solution to a Regional Problem? 4. Extending ASEAN Norms: Benefits and Burdens of ASEAN-Ten 5. Managing Intra-Regional Relations 6. ASEAN and Asia Pacific Security: Limits of the ASEAN Way? 7. The ‘ASEAN Security Community’: Idea Shaping Reality? Conclusion: Remaking ASEAN April 2009: 234 x 156: 336pp Hb: 978-0-415-41428-9: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-41429-6: £22.99 eBook: 978-0-203-93923-9 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
Selected Contents: Editors' Introduction Sumit Ganguly, Joseph Liow and Andrew Scobell Part 1: South East Asia 1. Islamist Violence in Southeast Asia Amy Freedman 2. Internal Conflicts in Southeast Asia Kristen Schulze 3. ASEAN and Regional Security Michael Malley 4. Maritime Security in Southeast Asia Ralf Emmers 5. Great Power Politics and Southeast Asian Security Joey Long 6. The Future of Burma/Myanmar Mary Callahan 7. Intra-ASEAN Tensions Part 2: East Asia 8. China’s Rise: How Peaceful? Andrew Scobell 9. Japan’s Security Future Sheila Smith 10. The Security of the Korean Peninsula David Kang 11. The Taiwan Issue Richard Bush 12. The Tibetan Question June Teufel Dreyer 13. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization and Its Implications for Regional Security Bates Gill Part 3: South Asia 4. The Indo-Pakistani Conflict and Kashmir Sumit Ganguly 15. Pakistan’s Strategic Future Stephen P. Cohen 16. The Sino-Indian Rivalry John Garver 17. Insurgency, Instability and the Quest for Security in Afghanistan Christine Fair 18. The Sri Lankan Civil War Neil Devotta 19. Nuclear Weapons and Crisis Stability in South Asia Devin Hagerty Part 4: Cross Regional Issues 20. The Nuclear Question in Asia 21. Great Power Rivalry in Asia Aaron Freidberg 22. Maritime Rivalry in Asia 23. Space Rivalry in Asia Joan Johnson-Freese 24. The ASEAN Regional Forum Sheldon Simon. Conclusion June 2009: 246 x 174: 400pp Hb: 978-0-415-77781-0: £95.00
Routledge Security in Asia Pacific Series
Human Security in Southeast Asia
Political Change, Democratic Transitions and Security in Southeast Asia
Yukiko Nishikawa, Mahidol University, Thailand This book explores the theoretical and conceptual basis of human security, and shows how it has been taken up as a central part of security policy in both individual states in southeast Asia and in regional security policy within ASEAN.
Series Editors: Leszek Buszynski, International University of Japan and William Tow, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia This series puts forward important new work on key security issues in the region. It embraces the roles of the major actors, their defense policies and postures and their security interaction over the key issues of the region. FORTHCOMING IN 2009
Selected Contents: Introduction 1. Human Security: A New Label for Old Challenges? 2. Southeast Asia at a Turning Point 3. Domestic Challenges for Human Security 4. Regional Challenges for Human Security 5. The ASEAN Way and Human Security. Conclusion October 2009: 234 x 156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-47868-7: £80.00
South Asia’s Nuclear Security
The China-India-Pakistan Strategic Relationship
Bhumitra Chakma April 2010: 234 x 156 Hb: 978-0-415-49449-6: £80.00
Ashok Kapur, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
The East Asian Security Community Donna Weeks November 2009: 234 x 156 Hb: 978-0-415-49448-9:
This book traces the triangular strategic relationship of India, Pakistan and China over the second half of the twentieth century, showing how two enmities – Sino-Indian and Indo-Pakistani – and one friendship – Sino-Pakistani – defined the distribution of power and the patterns of relationships in a major centre of gravity of international conflict and international change. Selected Contents: 1. Importance of Subject 2. ChinaIndia-Pakistan as a Strategic Triangle: Overview 3. Origins of the Triangle: Context, Motives and Behaviour, 1950s – Early 1960s 4. The Triangle at Work in War – 1962, 1965, 1971 5. China and Pakistan Nuclearize the Triangle, 1970s – Present, and India Joins the Nuclear Game (1998) 6. Late 1990s – Present. China Adapts its Style and Makes Few Minor Policy Changes 7. The Future: Adapting or Learning from the Past
American Sanctions in the Asia-Pacific Brendan Taylor, Australian National University, Australia Provides a comprehensive assessment of US sanctions policy in the Asia-Pacific, examining US sanctions policy toward China, Japan, North Korea, India/Pakistan, Taiwan, Indonesia and Myanmar. In each case it discusses why sanctions were employed, what the expectations were, how sanctions operated in practice, and how effective they were.
August 2009: 234 x 156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-45466-7: £75.00
ASEAN Regionalism
Selected Contents: 1. Introduction 2. The Sanctions Debate – An Overview 3. China 4. Japan 5. North Korea 6. India/Pakistan 7. Taiwan 8. Indonesia 9. Myanmar 10. Summary and Conclusions
Co-operation, Values and Institutionalisation
November 2009: 234 x 156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-42350-2: £75.00
This book examines the key motivations for and challenges to greater regional integration in Southeast Asia. It covers the full range of issues confronting ASEAN at present, and the full range of ASEAN countries, and discusses both developments in ASEAN to date and also likely future developments.
Christopher Roberts, University of Canberra, Australia
Asia’s Nuclear Futures Chung Min Lee, National University of Singapore, Singapore This volume provides a comprehensive assessment of the role of nuclear weapons in Asia since 1945, its implications for regional and global security, and the conditions under which more Asian countries might seek to acquire a nuclear capability in the future. Selected Contents: Part 1: Proliferation Networks Preface. Introduction 1. Nuclear Weapons in Asia and Proliferation Networks Part 2: Nuclear Pandora’s Arc 2. Proliferation Before and After the A.Q. Khan Network 3. Failed States and Nuclear Weapons Part 3: Tipping Points and New Security Dilemmas 4. Tipping Points: Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan 5. Deterrence and New Security Dilemmas Part 4: A Brave New World? 6. Nuclear Proliferation in Asia and Consequences for Global Security
The fragility of democracy in Southeast Asia is a matter of growing concern. This book examines the nature of political transitions in Southeast Asia and why political transitions toward political liberalisation and democracy have failed to take off. It considers political systems in the region that have gone through significant periods of transition but continue to face serious challenges toward democratic consolidation. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction. Political Change and Political Development in Southeast Asia: Transitology Revisited Mely Caballero-Anthony 2. Cambodia: The Callenge for Democratic Consolidation in Post-War Societies Sorpong Peou 3. Political Transition and Democratic Resilience in Indonesia Rizal Sukma 4. Unpacking the Nature of Political Transitions in Malaysia Lee Hock Guan and Helen E S Nesadurai 5. A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum: The Travails of Democratization in the Philippines Herman Kraft 6. What Happened to Thai Democracy? Thitinan Pongsudhirak 7. Understanding Network Autocracy: Consolidating Singapore’s Political System Cherian George 8. Conclusion. Reflections on Nature of the Political Change in Southeast Asia Mely Caballero-Anthony June 2009: 234 x 156 Hb: 978-0-415-49353-6: £80.00
Geopolitics and Maritime Territorial Disputes in East Asia Ralf Emmers, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Focussed on geopolitics in East Asia, particulary on East Asia’s contentious maritime territorial disputes, this book examines how important factors including territory, natural resources and power relations influence state behaviour and relations between important powers including the United States, China, Japan and South Korea.
Edited by Mely Caballero-Anthony, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Selected Contents: Introduction 1. Security, Identity and Cooperation in International Relations 2. The Rise of Southeast Asia and the Search for Regional Order 3. ASEAN Into the Third Decade: Institutional Responses, Exogenous Engagement and Membership Expansion 4. Thailand, the Philippines and Indonesia: Domestic Developments and Regional Effects 5. Myanmar in ASEAN: A Challenge to Cohesion and the ASEAN Way? 6. Contemporary Challenges: The Limits to Economic and Security Cooperation 7. Regionalism Anew? Institutional Responses and their Limitations. Conclusion: Retrospect and Prospects
Selected Contents: Introduction 1. Geopolitical Considerations in International Relations 2. Geopolitical Considerations of the Claimant States 3. The Tokdo/ Takeshima Dispute 4. The Senkaku/Diao yu Dispute 5. The Spratly and Paracel Disputes. Concluding Chapter: Toward Conflict Management May 2009: 234 x 156: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-46942-5: £75.00
Japan’s Peace Building Diplomacy in Asia Peng Er Lam, National University of Singapore, Singapore This book examines Japan’s emerging identity as an important participant in conflict prevention and peacebuilding in Southeast and South Asia, demonstrating that Japan has increasingly sought a positive and active political role commensurate with its economic pre-eminence. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction: Conflict Prevention and Peace-Building: Theory and Practice 2. Peacekeeping, Brokering and Sustaining Peace in Cambodia 3. Peacemaking and the Consolidating Peace in Aceh 4. Peace-Building in Sri Lanka 5. Peacekeeping and Nation Building in East Timor 6. Muddling Through in Mindanao 7. Pursuing Elusive Peace in Afghanistan 8. Conclusion: Conflict Prevention and Peace-Building – Japan’s Diplomatic Niche?
July 2009: 234 x 156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-49001-6: £80.00
November 2009: 234 x 156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-42825-5: £75.00
March 2009: 234 x 156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-41320-6: £75.00
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North Korea’s Military-Diplomatic Campaigns
Human Security in East Asia
Australia as an Asia-Pacific Regional Power
Challenges for Collaborative Action
Friendships in Flux?
A Case of Calculated Adventurism
Edited by Sorpong Peou, Sophia University, Japan
Narushige Michishita, National Institute for Defense Studies, Japan
This book explores human security in East Asia, focusing especially on the challenges of coordination and collaboration among actors involved in securing and promoting human security. It includes detailed case studies of military interventions in East Asia, including East Timor, and also non-military interventions, including international criminal justice in Cambodia.
Edited by Brendan Taylor, Australian National University, Australia
This book examines North Korea’s nuclear strategy over a long time period from the early 1960s, setting the nuclear strategy in the wider context of North Korea’s military and diplomatic campaigns to achieve its political goals. Selected Contents: Introduction 1. Origins and Development of Calculated Adventurism 2. Changing Strategic Equation on the Korean Peninsula 3. Genesis of the Calculated Adventurism, 1966-1972: The Pueblo Incident, 1968 4. Limited Use of Force, 1973-1992: West Sea Incident, 1973-74, and The Axe Murder Incident, 1976 5. Strategic Coercion, 1993-2000: The First Nuclear Diplomacy, 1993-94, and Missile Diplomacy and the Second West Sea Incident, 1998-2000 6. The Second Nuclear Diplomacy and its Outlook 7. Conclusion Effectiveness and Limits of the Calculated Adventurism March 2009: 234 x 156: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-44943-4: £75.00
Security and International Politics in the South China Sea Towards a Co-operative Management Regime Edited by Sam Bateman and Ralf Emmers, both at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore The South China Sea has long been regarded as a major source of tension in East Asia. This book examines international politics and security in the South China Sea, exploring the history of the disputes, attempts to resolve them, and new security threats including piracy, terrorism, resource and environmental management. Selected Contents: Introduction Sam Bateman and Ralf Emmers Part 1: Geopolitics in the South China Sea 1. Dangerous Ground: A Geo-Political Overview of the South China Sea Clive Schofield 2. The South China Sea Dispute: An International History Geoffrey Till 3. Maritime Territorial Disputes and their Impact on Maritime Strategy – A Historical Perspective Bruce A. Elleman Part 2: Non-Traditional Security Issues in the South China Sea 4. Fisheries Management in the South China Sea David Rosenberg 5. Cooperative Development of the Oil and Gas Resources in the South China Sea Zou Keyuan Part 3: Politics and Security in the South China Sea 6. Southeast Asia and the South China Sea Dispute Christopher Chung 7. Sovereignty in ASEAN and The Problem of Maritime Cooperation in the South China Sea Mak Joon Nam 8. The De-escalation of the Spratly Dispute in Sino-Southeast Asian Relations Ralf Emmers 9. China’s South China Sea Dilemma: Balancing Sovereignty, Development, and Security Li Mingjiang 10. China and Joint Development in the South China Sea: An Energy security Perspective Lee Lai To & Chen Shaofeng Part 4: Towards a Co-operative Management Regime 11. The South China Sea – The Long Road Towards Peace and Cooperation Hasjim Djalal 12. The Contribution of the South China Sea Workshops – Importance of a Functional Approach Ian TownsendGault 13. The Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea Nguyen Hong Thao 14. Legal Regimes for Cooperation in the South China Sea Robert C. Beckman. Conclusion: The Prospects for a Cooperative Management Regime Sam Bateman December 2008: 234 x 156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-46943-2: £80.00 eBook: 978-0-203-88524-6
Selected Contents: Introduction: Collaborative Action Problems in Human Security Sorpong Peou Part 1: Human Security: Theoretical & Conceptual Contentions 1. Critical Challenges for Globalism in Human Security Studies Sorpong Peou 2. The Western Intellectual Roots of Human Security Richmond Oliver 3. East vs. West? Debate & Convergence on Human Security Akiko Fukushima 4. Southeast Asia’s Points of Convergence On International Intervention Mely Caballero-Anthony Part 2: Collaborative Action on Human Security in East Asia 5. Human Security in Extremis: East-Asian Reactions to the Responsibility to Protect Paul M. Evans 6. East Asia’s Challenges to & Changes in The Peace Operations in East Timor Maiko Ichihara 7. The Limits of Collaborative Action on International Criminal Justice in East Asia Sorpong Peou 8. The Neo-liberalization of Security & Violence in Cambodia Simon Springer. Conclusion: Human Security & Policy Implications For Future Collaborative Action
This book considers the changing nature of Australia’s identity and role in the Asia-Pacific, and the forces behind these developments, with particular attention towards security alignments and alliance relationships. Selected Contents: Foreword Coral Bell Part 1: Laying the Table 1. Introduction Brendan Taylor 2. Alliances and Alignments in the Twenty-First Century William Tow Part 2: Dining with Giants 3. Australia–United States Paul Dibb 4. Australia–Japan Brendan Taylor and Desmond Ball 5. Australia–China Michael Wesley 6. Australia–India Sandy Gordon Part 3: Working the Room 7. Australia–Indonesia Allan Gyngell 8. Australia–South Pacific Hugh White 9. Australia–New Zealand Robert Ayson 10. Australia–Singapore Ron Huisken Part 4: Washing Up 11. Threats without Enemies: Are Australia’s Alliances and Alignments Still Relevant? Christopher Chung 12. Australia’s Changing Alliances and Alignments: Towards a New Diplomatic Two-Step? Pauline Kerr and Shannon Tow 2007: 234 x 156: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-40421-1: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-94012-9
Energy Security in Asia Edited by Michael Wesley, Asia Institute, Griffith University, Australia
November 2008: 234 x 156: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-46796-4: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-88863-6
Pakistan’s Nuclear Weapons Bhumitra Chakma, University of Hull, UK Provides a comprehensive study of a nuclear-armed Pakistan, investigating the implications of its emergence as a nuclear weapons state.
Selected Contents: 1. The Geopolitics of Energy Security 2. The United States and Energy Security in Asia 3. China’s Energy Security 4. Japan’s Energy Security 5. India’s Energy Security 6. OPEC and Asia’s Energy Security 7. Russia and Central Asia and Asia’s Energy Security 8. Australia and Asia’s Energy Security 9. The Strategic Dimensions of Energy Security in Asia 10. The Economic Dimensions of Energy Security in Asia 11. Energy Security and Environmental Security in Asia 12. Energy Security and Human Security
Selected Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Pakistan’s Nuclearisation Process: Proliferation Lessons and the rise of the second nuclear age 3. Pakistan’s Emerging Nuclear Posture and Doctrinal Contemplation 4. Pakistan’s Nuclear Deterrent: Force Level and Missile Capabilities 5. Command and Control System 6. Pakistan and the Global Non-proliferation Regime 7. Proliferation Control Challenges, Nuclear Terrorism, and Pakistan 8. Conclusion
2006: 234 x 156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-41006-9: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-64616-8
August 2008: 234 x 156: 190pp Hb: 978-0-415-40871-4: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-89223-7
Edited by Edward Friedman, University of Wisconsin, USA and Sung Chull Kim, Hiroshima City University, Japan
Securing Southeast Asia The Politics of Security Sector Reform Mark Beeson, University of Birmingham, UK and Alex Bellamy, University of Queensland, Australia This book applies the security reform agenda to Southeast Asia. It investigates recent developments in civil-military relations in the region, looking in particular at the impact and utility of the agenda on the region and assessing whether it is likely to help make the region more stable and less prone to military interventions. Selected Contents: Acknowledgements. Introduction 1. Security Sector Reform in a Southeast Asian Context 2. Civil-Military Relations and Institutional Change 3. The Historical Origins of Southeast Asian Security 4. Malaysia: Constitutionalism Corrupted? 5. Thailand: Military Rule, There and Back Again? 6. Indonesia: From Concordance to Constitutionalism? 7. The Philippines: The Politics of Polyarchy? Conclusion. References
Regional Co-operation and Its Enemies in Northeast Asia The Impact of Domestic Forces
Selected Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Domestic Politics and Regional Cooperation in Southeast and Northeast Asia 3. An Emerging Northeast Asian Community: Domestic Dimension to Consider 4. Washington’s Policies toward North Korea and the Taiwan Strait: The Role of US Domestic Politics 5. Two Koreas in Northeast Asia: Linkages between Domestic, Inter-Korean, and Regional Politics 6. The Transformation of Chinese Foreign Policy 7. The Fragility of China’s Regional Cooperation 8. State Consolidation and Foreign Policy in Russia 9. Mediating Geopolitics, Markets, Regionalism: Domestic Politics in Japan’s Post Cold War Relations with China 10. Transnational Cooperation among NGOs in Northeast Asia: From Re-Thinking Development towards Re-Thinking Security 11. Conclusion 2006: 234 x 156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-39922-7: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-96870-3
2007: 234 x 156: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-41619-1: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-93488-3
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Routledge Security in Asia Pacific Continued..
Routledge Security in Asia Series The aim of this series is to publish original, high-quality work by both new and established scholars in the West and the East, on all aspects of security in Asia.
Japan, Australia and Asia-Pacific Security Edited by Brad Williams, National University of Singapore, Singapore and Andrew Newman, Embassy of Australia, Washington DC, USA
Maritime Security in Southeast Asia
Selected Contents: Foreword Alison Tokita and Yasushi Akashi. Introduction: The US and UN in Australia-Japan Defence and Security Cooperation Andrew Newman and Brad Williams 1. Australia, Japan and the Region, 19521965: The Beginnings of Security Policy Networks David Walton 2. Japan, Australia and ASPAC: The Rise and Fall of an Asia-Pacific Cooperative Security Framework Christopher Braddick 3. Japanese Security Perceptions of Australia Naoko Sajima 4. ‘The Anchors’: Collaborative Security, Substance or Smokescreen? William Tow and Russell Trood 5. American Acolytes: Tokyo, Canberra and Washington’s Emerging ’Pacific Axis’ Purnendra Jain and John Bruni 6. Australia-Japan Security Cooperation: The Proliferation Security Initiative Andrew Newman and Brad Williams 7. Japan and the War on Terror: Opportunity Costs David Wright-Neville 8. Perspectives on UN Peacekeeping Collaboration between Japan and Australia Katsumi Ishizuka 9. Security Cooperation between Japan and Australia: Current Elements and Future Prospects Desmond Ball
Edited by Kwa Chong Guan, IDSS, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and John Skogan, Norwegian Institute for International Affairs, Norway
America’s Evolving Relations with East Asia
Selected Contents: Introduction 1. Southeast-Asian SLOCs and Security Options 2. Re-Thinking the Safety of Navigation in the Malacca Straits Challenges 3. The Importance and Security of Regional Sea Lanes 4. The Regional Dimension of Territorial and Maritime Disputes in Southeast Asia: Actors, Disagreements and Dynamics 5. Maritime Disputes in the South China Sea: Strategic and Diplomatic Status Quo 6. Piracy in the Waters of Southeast Asia 7. Maritime Terrorist Threat in Southeast Asia Responses 8. Building Good Order at Sea in Southeast Asia: The Promise of International Regimes 9. Archipelagic Sea Lanes Passage in Southeast Asia: Developments and Uncertainties 10. The US Regional Maritime Security Initiative and US Grand Strategy in Southeast Asia 11. Satellite-Based Tracking of Ships as Global Crime Control: ISPS Code, AIS, SSAS and LRIT 12. Flags of Convenience as a Complicating Factor in Combating Crime at Sea Comments and Reflections 13. Terrorism at Sea: Combating What - and How? 14. Reflections on the Changing Maritime Security Environment Afterword 15. The Important Role of Shipping: Challenges Ahead
Edited by Mark Beeson, University of Birmingham, UK
2007: 234 x 156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-41388-6: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-96441-5
2006: 234 x 156: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-38139-0: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-96808-6
Bush and Asia
Selected Contents: Introduction 1. American Ascendancy: Conceptualizing Contemporary Hegemony 2. The United States and East Asia: How Much Does the Bush Revolution Matter? 3. US Economic Relations with East Asia: From Hegemony to Complex Interdependence? 4. The US and Asian Regionalism 5. Bush and Asia: The Evolving Strategic Context Cases: 6. China’s Response to the Bush Doctrine: Four More Years 7. Japan and the Bush Agenda: Alignment of Divergence? 8. Thailand and the United States: Beyond Hegemony? 9. Bush and the Philippines After 9/11: Hegemony, Mutual Opportunism and Democratic Retreat 10. The United States and Indonesia: Arrogance Past and Present 11. Malaysia and the United States: Rejecting Dominance, Embracing Engagement 12. The Contradictions of Hawk-Engagement: US Security Policy Towards Korea in the Bush Era 13. With Friends Like These: Reassessing the Australia-US Relationship. Bibliography. Index 2006: 234 x 156: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-38333-2: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-96507-8
Asia Pacific Security - Values and Identity Leszek Buszynski 2004: 234 x 156: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-30671-3: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-40616-1: £20.00 eBook: 978-0-203-47633-8
Taiwan’s Security and Air Power Taiwan’s Defense Against the Air Threat from Mainland China Edited by Martin Edmonds, University of Lancaster, UK and Michael Tsai, Taiwan’s Vice Minister of Defense Foreword by ROCAF General Yang-Jou Shiah 2003: 234 x 156: 216pp Hb: 978-0-415-32317-8: £85.00 eBook: 978-0-203-31643-6
Taiwan’s Defense Reform Edited by Martin Edmonds, University of Lancaster, UK and Michael M. Tsai, Taiwan’s Vice Minister of Defense Selected Contents: Part 1: The Challenge of Defense Reform Introduction: Taiwan’s Defense Reform 1. Taiwan’s Defense Reform: Questions and Observations Part 2: The External Threat: Mainland China 2. China’s Military Threat to Taiwan in the 21st Century: Coercion or Capture? 3. China’s Military Modernization and Taiwan’s Defense Reform: Programs, Problems, and Prospects Part 3: The Domestic Context of Defense Reform 4. An Overview of Taiwan’s Defense Reform 5. Civilian Roles in Defense Policy-Making 6. An Analysis of the ROC’s Military Organization and Force Structure 7. The Development of Taiwan’s Revolution in Military Affairs after the Implementation of the 2002 National Defense Act Part 4: The Role of the US in Taiwan’s Defense Reform 8. The Role of the United States in Taiwan’s Defense Reform 9. Arming Taiwan for the Future: Prospects and Problems Part 5: Specific Defense Reform Issues 10. Funding for Taiwan’s Defense Reform 11. The Republic of China Armed Services’ Human Resource Policy 12. Taiwan’s Military Education and Defense Reform 2005: 234 x 156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-36802-5: £85.00 eBook: 978-0-203-02773-8
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Asian Security Studies Series Editors: Sumit Ganguly, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA and Andrew Scobell Few regions of the world are fraught with as many security questions as Asia. Within this region it is possible to study great power rivalries, irredentist conflicts, nuclear and ballistic missile proliferation, secessionist movements, ethnoreligious conflicts and inter-state wars. This series publishes the best possible scholarship on the security issues affecting the region, and includes detailed empirical studies, theoretically oriented case studies and policy-relevant analyses as well as more general works. FORTHCOMING IN 2009
Pakistan’s Security The Insecure State Shaun Gregory, Bradford University, UK This is an in-depth analysis of the contemporary security of Pakistan – now one of the most important states in the world in terms of international security. Selected Contents: 1. Inside the Pakistani State 2. Federalism and Pakistani State Security 3. Terrorism in Pakistan 4. The Great Enemy: Pakistan and India 5. Pakistani Security in Regional Context 6. Great Power Rivalry and Pakistan 7. Securing the Insecure State October 2009: 234 x 156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-40573-7: £70.00
India and Counterinsurgency
Nuclear Weapons and Conflict Transformation
Lessons Learned Edited by Sumit Ganguly and David P. Fidler, both at Indiana University, Bloomington, USA
April 2009: 234 x 156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-49103-7: £70.00 eBook: 978-0-203-87920-7
Managing the China Challenge
Cooperative Security in the Asia-Pacific
Global Perspectives
Edited by Jürgen Haacke, London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London, UK and Noel M. Morada, University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City, The Philippines This book provides an in-depth and comprehensive study of the ASEAN Regional Forum, and its activities in promoting regional security after 9/11. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction Jürgen Haacke and Noel M. Morada 2. Origins and Development Noel M. Morada 3. ASEAN Perspectives Rizal Sukma 4. US, Japanese and Australian Perspectives on the ARF Kuniko Ashizawa 5. China’s Perspective on the ARF Christopher R. Hughes 6. Securitization and the ARF’s Discourse on Transnational Challenges Jürgen Haacke 7. Dynamics of Securitization: Terrorism M.C. Abad 8. Dynamics of Securitization: Maritime Threats J.N. Mak 9. Failures to Securitize Herman Kraft 10. Liberalization and Regional Security Jörn Dosch 11. Conclusion: Fusing Agendas Noel M. Morada and Jürgen Haacke April 2009: 234 x 156: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-46052-1: £65.00
Saira Khan, University of British Columbia, Canada This new volume explores what the acquisition of nuclear weapons means for the life of a protracted conflict, using the case study of the conflict between India and Pakistan. Selected Contents: Introduction Part 1: Theory 1. Studies on Conflict Transformation 2. Scholarship on Ramifications of Nuclear Weapons Acquisition 3. Elucidating Conflict Transformation with Nuclear Weapons Part 2: The India-Pakistan Protracted Conflict 4. Life of the Protracted Conflict 5. Introduction of Nuclear Weapons in the Conflict 6. Crises and Wars in the Pre-Nuclear Period 7. Crises and Non-escalation in the Nuclear Period 8. Futile Peace Initiatives in the Midst of Violence 9. Conflict Transformed 10. Potential for Conflict Termination. Conclusion. Bibliography September 2008: 234 x 156: 216pp Hb: 978-0-415-37507-8: £70.00 eBook: 978-0-203-89176-6
The Rise of China and International Security America and Asia Respond
The ASEAN Regional Forum
The Case of India-Pakistan
Filling a clear gap in the literature, this book focuses on India’s experiences waging counterinsurgency campaigns since its independence in 1947. It addresses the pressing military and civilian needs in the counterinsurgency arena by focusing on the lessons that can be learned by other states from India’s extensive endeavours. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction Part 1: India’s Counterinsurgency Campaigns in the Northeast 2. India’s Counterinsurgency Campaign in Nagaland 3. India’s Counterinsurgency Campaign in Mizoram 4. Insights from the Northeast: Counterinsurgency in Nagaland and Mizoram Part 2: Kashmir, Punjab, and the Naxalites 5. Insurgency, Proxy War, and Terrorism in Kashmir 6. Slow Learning: Lessons from India’s Counterinsurgency Operations in Kashmir 7. India’s Counterinsurgency Campaign in Punjab - Ved Marwah 8. Lessons from India’s Experience in the Punjab, 19781993 9. Counterinsurgency Against Naxalites in India Part 3: Beyond India’s Shores: Counterinsurgency in Sri Lanka 10. India’s Counterinsurgency Campaign in Sri Lanka 11. The Indian Peacekeeping Force Experience and U.S. Stability Operations in the Twenty-First Century Part 4: Counterinsurgency Doctrine 12. The Indian Army’s Counterinsurgency Doctrine 13. The Indian Doctrine on Sub-Conventional Operations: Reflections from a U.S. Counterinsurgency Perspective 14. Conclusion
Edited by Kevin J. Cooney, Union University, Tennessee, USA and Yoichiro Sato, Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies, Hawaii, USA This comprehensive volume fills a gap in the existing literature by focusing on the responses of other East Asian states to China’s rise, exploring its implications for the region and beyond.
Edited by Quansheng Zhao, American University, Washington, USA and Guoli Liu, Charleston College, USA This edited volume addresses one of the most significant issues in international strategic studies today: how to meet the challenge of a rising China? Selected Contents: Part 1: Understanding the China Challenge 1. China Rising: Theoretical Understanding and Global Response Quansheng Zhao and Guoli Liu 2. China’s Rise in Historical Perspective Warren I. Cohen 3. Exploring Theoretical Implications of the Rise of China: A Critique on Mainstream IR Perspectives Yun-han Chu and Min-Hua Huang 4. China’s Rise as a Trading Power Guoli Liu Part 2: Perspectives from the Globe 5. U.S. Response to the China Challenge Robert G. Sutter 6. Japan’s Shifting Strategy toward the Rise of China Mike M. Mochizuki 7. Future Imperfect: The European Union’s Encounter with China (and the United States) William A. Callahan 8. Beyond Alliance? China’s Strategic Partnerships with Russia and India Yong Deng 9. Southeast Asian Perspectives on the China Challenge Evelyn Goh 10. Latin America and China’s Growing Interest He Li Part 3: Managing the Challenge 11. Unipolarity: Implications for China, the US and the World Qingguo Jia 12. Managing the Challenge: Power Shift in U.S.-China Relations Quansheng Zhao
Selected Contents: 1. Introduction Kevin Cooney 2. The Rise of China: Chinese Perspectives Jian Yang 3. Chinese-American Hegemonic Competition in East Asia: A New Cold War or into the Arms of America? Kevin Cooney 4. U.S. Strategic Relations with a Rising China: Trajectories and Impacts on Asia-Pacific Security Evelyn Goh 5. Tango without Trust and Respect? Japan’s Awkward Co-Prosperity with China in the Twenty-First Century Yoichiro Sato 6. Taiwan’s Response to the Rise of China Denny Roy 7. Out of America, Into the Dragon’s Arms: South Korea, a Northeast Asian Balancer? Seongho Sheen 8. Southeast Asian Responses to China’s Rise: Managing the Elephants? Evelyn Goh 9. India’s Response to China’s Rise Mohan Malik 10. Political Construction of Human Rights: With a Focus on North Korean Refugees in China Mikyoung Kim 11. Conclusion: China in the Eyes of Asia and America Yoichiro Sato August 2008: 234 x 156: 280pp Hb: 978-0-415-43396-9: £70.00 eBook: 978-0-203-89363-0
September 2008: 234 x 156: 280pp Hb: 978-0-415-46573-1: £80.00 eBook: 978-0-203-89013-4
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South Asia’s Cold War
Nuclear Proliferation in South Asia
Nuclear Weapons and Conflict in Comparative Perspective
Crisis Behaviour and the Bomb
Rajesh M. Basrur, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Edited by Sumit Ganguly, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA and S. Paul Kapur, Stanford University, USA This edited volume explores competing perspectives on the impact of nuclear weapons proliferation on the South Asian security environment. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction Sumit Ganguly and S. Paul Kapur 2. A Dangerous Exercise: Brasstacks as Non-Nuclear Near War Varun Sahni 3. Brasstacks: Prudently Pessimistic John H. Gill 4. Nuclear Optimism and the 1990 India-Pakistan Crisis Manjeet S. Pardesi 5. Crisis and Opportunity: The 1990 Nuclear Crisis in South Asia Karthika Sasikumar 6. The Kargil War: An Optimistic Assessment Devin T. Hagerty 7. The Kargil War and Nuclear Deterrence Neil Joeck 8. A War to End a War: The Causes and Outcomes of the 2001–2 IndiaPakistan Crisis Praveen Swami 9. To War or Not to War: The India-Pakistan Crisis of 2001–2 Kanti Bajpai 10. North Korea’s Nuclearization and the Fallout from the Subcontinent Andrew Scobell and Michael R. Chambers 11. The Implications of a Nuclear-Armed Iran in Light of South Asia’s Nuclear Experience Devin T. Hagerty August 2008: 234 x 156: 264pp Hb: 978-0-415-44049-3: £70.00 eBook: 978-0-203-89286-2
Conflict Management, Security and Intervention in East Asia Third-party Mediation in Regional Conflict Edited by Jacob Bercovitch, University of Canterbury, New Zealand, and Kwei-Bo Huang and Chung-Chian Teng, both at National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan This edited volume examines the sources, manifestations and management of conflict in East Asia, which contains many of the world’s conflict flashpoints, such as the Korean Peninsula and the China-Taiwan Strait.
This book is a groundbreaking analysis of the IndiaPakistan nuclear confrontation as a form of ‘cold war’ – that is, a hostile relationship between nuclear rivals. Drawing on nuclear rivalries between similar pairs, the work examines the rise, process and potential end of the Cold War between India and Pakistan. Selected Contents: 1. Thinking about Cold Wars 2. Patterns in Cold War Rivalry 3. The India-Pakistan Cold War – Ideational and Material Dimensions 4. The IndiaPakistan Nuclear Relationship 5. Anticipating Cold War’s End 6. Conclusion April 2008: 234 x 156: 184pp Hb: 978-0-415-39194-8: £70.00 eBook: 978-0-203-92823-3
US Taiwan Policy Constructing the Triangle Øystein Tunsjø, Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies, Oslo, Norway This book is the first to trace the historical origins of what is known as the ‘Taiwan issue’ in US-China relations from a constructivist perspective. Selected Contents: 1. Refocusing the Study of US Taiwan Policy 2. Discourses and the Origins of the ‘Taiwan Issue’ 1949–50 3. Opening Space on the Taiwan Question 1969–72 4. Contemporary Challenges in US Taiwan Policy 5. Debating US Strategy towards China 6. Understanding US Taiwan Policy – The Linkage between History and Theory February 2008: 234 x 156: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-45202-1: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-93035-9
China’s War on Terrorism
Selected Contents: 1. Introduction: Economics, Politics, and Security in East Asia Chung-Chian Teng Part 1: General Approaches to Conflict Management and Third Party Mediation in East Asia 2. Third Parties and Conflict Management in the Context of East Asia and the Pacific Jacob Bercovitch 3. Conflict Management in East Asia: The China-Taiwan-North Korea Conundrum Chung-Chian Teng 4. Peacebuilding in East Asia: The Role of Track II Diplomacy, Informal Networks, and Economic, Social and Cultural Regionalisation Mikael Weissmann Part 2: Approaches to Conflict Management in East Asia: Third Parties and Other Parties 5. Third Parties in the Beijing-Tokyo Negotiation: Informal Political Actors and Mechanisms Quansheng Zhao 6. Peace by Piece: The Six-Party Talks and Beyond John S. Park and Yeh-Chung Lu 7. The Limits of Humanitarian Intervention in North Korea Sukhee Han 8. The Transformation of ASEAN as a Third-Party Mediator in Intraregional Disputes of Southeast Asia Kwei-Bo Huang 9. The ’Track 2’ Process within ASEAN & Its Application in Resolving the Aceh Conflict in Indonesia Eric Teo Chu Cheow Part 3: Third Parties in the Context of Taipei-Beijing 10. The Role of the United States in the Cross-Strait Dialogues: A Taiwanese Perspective Edward I-Hsin Chen 11. The Role of the United States in Cross-Strait Dialogues: A Mainland Chinese Perspective Su Changhe 12. Managing America’s Taiwan Dilemma: U.S. Policy toward the Taiwan Strait and its Implications for Cross-Strait Stability Scott L. Kastner 13. Regional Organizations, Individuals, and the Mediation in Beijing-Taipei Disputes after the Cold War Tsungting Chung Part 4: Conclusion 14. Reflections on Conflict Management and Third Party Intervention in East Asia Kwei-Bo Huang
China, the United States, and South-East Asia Contending Perspectives on Politics, Security, and Economics Edited by Sheldon W. Simon, Arizona State University, USA and Evelyn Goh, University of Oxford, UK This volume, with its wide range of perspectives, makes a valuable contribution to the ongoing policy and academic dialogue on a rising China. It examines a range of perspectives on the nature of China’s rise and its implications for Southeast Asian states as well as US interests in the region. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction Evelyn Goh and Sheldon Simon Part 1: Economics 2. From ’Threat’ to ’Opportunity’? ASEAN, China, and Triangulation Etel Solingen 3. China’s Rise and its Effect on ASEAN-China Trade Relations Suthiphand Chirathivat 4. ASEAN and China: Relative Competitiveness, Emerging InvestmentTrade Patterns, and Prospects for Monetary and Financial Integration Tan Khee Giap 5. China’s Search for Energy Security and Implications for Southeast Asia Mikkal Herberg Part 2: Politics 6. China’s Rise, Southeast Asia, and the United States - Is a China-Centered Order Marginalizing the United States? Robert Sutter 7. Between China and America: ASEAN’s Great Power Dilemmas Alice Ba 8. Indonesia in Triangular Relations with China and the United States Irman Lanti Part 3: Military 9. China as a Major Asian Power: The Implications of its Military Modernization (A View from the United States) Paul Godwin 10. China’s Military Rise to Great Power Status and its Implications for the United States in Southeast Asia Michael Chambers 11. Military Modernization, Power Projection, and the Rise of the PLA: Strategic Implications for Southeast Asia Bernard Loo 2007: 234 x 156: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-42945-0: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-94606-0
Conflict and Cooperation in Multi-Ethnic States
Counter-Insurgency, Politics and Internal Security
Institutional Incentives, Myths and Counter-Balancing
Martin I. Wayne, National Defense University, Washington DC, USA
Brian Shoup, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA
This book examines the success of China’s counterinsurgency policies in fighting Islamic terrorism in its internal war in the Xinjiang province, and draws lessons for the West in its war against global Jihadism. Selected Contents: Introduction: Morality and Power in China’s Wild West 1. Fighting Terrorism: China’s BottomUp Approach 2. Insurgency in Xinjiang 3. Counterinsurgency: China’s ’Infinite’ Political Will 4. The Changing Use of Force in Society 5. Grass-Roots Institutions and Security 6. The War of Ideas: The Reshaping of Society in Xinjiang 7. Conclusion: Gauging Effectiveness. Epilogue: The Art of Countering Insurgency
This book develops a model that explains how and why interethnic bargains between rival groups can erode given different institutional configurations. Selected Contents: 1. Ethnic Identity, Economic Power, and Conflict 2. Ethnic Mythologies and Formal Institutions 3. A Theory of Conflict and Cooperation in Counterbalanced States 4. Fiji: ’A Nationalist Iceberg’ in the Pacific 5. Of Ballots and Tall-Grass: Malaysia’s QuasiDemocracy and Ethnic Relations 6. South Africa: A Rainbow Nation in Zimbabwe’s Shadow 7. Conclusion 2007: 234 x 156: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-43391-4: £80.00 eBook: 978-0-203-94560-5
2007: 234 x 156: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-45097-3: £70.00 eBook: 978-0-203-93613-9
May 2008: 234 x 156: 304pp Hb: 978-0-415-40353-5: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-92828-8
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Asia-Pacific Security US, Australia and Japan and the New Security Triangle Edited by William Tow, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, Mark Thomson, Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), Barton, Australia, Yoshinobu Yamamoto, Research Institute for Peace and Security (RIPS), Tokyo, Japan and Satu Limaye, Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA), Alexandria, USA This book explores in-depth the increasingly critical trilateral security cooperation between the United States, Australia and Japan in the Asia-Pacific region. Selected Contents: Introduction Section 1: Evolution of ‘The Triangle’ 1. Theoretical Overview 2. Historical Overview 3. Enriched Bilateralism? 4. Institutional Assessments Section 2: The Regional Dimension 5. Triangularity and Sino-Japanese Relations 6. Triangularity and U.S.-Japanese Relations 7. Triangularity, Australia and the Region 8. Triangularity and U.S. Regional Strategy 9. Fragile States in Southeast Asia and the South Pacific, and the Australian-Japanese Response 10. Triangularity and Regional Multilateralism 11. Trilateralism, Economics and Security 12. The Power of Three 13. Regional Maritime and Energy Security Section 3: Extra-Regional and Global Dimensions 14. Trilateralism and International Terrorism 15. Australia and Japan in Southern Iraq: A Case Study of National Security Decision-Making 16. The Triangle, Ballistic Missile Defense and International Arms Control. Conclusion 2007: 234 x 156: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-41710-5: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-93900-0
Chinese Military Strategy in the Third Indochina War The Last Maoist War Edward C. O’Dowd, Marine Corps University, Quantico, USA This well-researched volume examines the Sino-Vietnamese hostilities of the late 1970s and 1980s, attempting to understand them as strategic, operational and tactical events. Selected Contents: Introduction 1. Introduction Background 2. The Chinese Political Work System Narrative 3. Hanoi and Beijing on the Road to War 4. The 1979 Campaign 5. The Battle of Lang Son 6. Artillery Diplomacy: Waiting for the ’Second Lesson’ Explorations 7. Crisis in Command: The Cadre System Under Stress in the Guangzhou Military Region 8. Political Work in the 1979 Campaign 9. Politics vs. Firepower: The Paradox of Maoist Tactics Conclusion 10. Conclusion: The Legacy of an ‘Incredible, Shrinking War.’ Appendix 1: Principles of the Political Work System. Appendix 2: Principal Duties of the Political Commissar
US-Indian Strategic Cooperation into the 21st Century
India, Pakistan and the Secret Jihad
More than Words
Praveen Swami, Chief of Bureau and Deputy Editor, Frontline Magazine, New Delhi, India
Edited by Sumit Ganguly and Brian Shoup, both at Indiana University, Bloomington, USA, and Andrew Scobell, US Army War College, Carlisle, USA In this edited book, leading scholars and analysts draw on new information to trace the origins, evolution and the current state of Indo-US strategic cooperation and explain why important difference remain. During the Cold War the two states frequently found themselves at odds. With the end of the Cold War and the demise of the Soviet Union, Indo-US security cooperation started in a fitful fashion, but in recent years it has acquired considerable stability. The armed forces of the two states have participated in exercises on land, sea and air and have also carried out joint humanitarian missions. These notably include questions pertaining to the future of India’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs, US-Pakistan ties and India’s links with Iran. This volume will be of great interest to students of South Asian politics, Asian security, US foreign policy and security studies in general. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Are We Present at the Creation?: Alliance Theory and the Indo-US Strategic Convergence? 3. Incompatible Objectives and Shortsighted Policies: US Strategies toward India 4. An Overview of Indo-US Strategic Cooperation: A Rollercoaster of a Relationship 5. Indo-US Defense and Limitary Relations: From ‘Estrangement’ to ‘Strategic Partnership’ 6. U.S.-India Military-to-Military Interaction in the Context of the Larger Relationship 7. Prospects for US-India Counterterrorism Cooperation: An American View 8. Indo-U.S. Counter-Terrorism Cooperation: Past, Present and Future 9. Limited Cooperation Between Limited Allies: India’s Strategic Programs and India-US Strategic Trade 10. The Future of Indo-US Cooperation in Multilateral and Bilateral Peacekeeping Operations 11. U.S. Army’s New Peace Operations Era 2006: 234 x 156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-70215-7: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-70216-4: £22.99 eBook: 978-0-203-94674-9
The Chinese Army Today Tradition and Transformation for the 21st Century ’Probably the most complete, best referenced and most accurate analysis available of the ground forces of the PLA. It should be part of the library of any scholar or analyst of the Chinese military.’ – The China Journal
Chinese Strategic Culture and Foreign Policy Decision-Making
This book is a comprehensive examination of recent developments in the world’s
Confucianism, Leadership and War Selected Contents: 1. China as a Rising Power 2. China’s Strategic Culture and War 3. The Revolutionaries: Mao and Zhou in the Korean War 4. China as a Regional Power: Mao, Zhou and Deng in India and Vietnam 5. Post-Cold War China Under New Leaders: Jiang and Hu Wen 6. Taiwan and the Future of Sino-American Relations 2007: 234 x 156: 200pp Hb: 978-0-415-41815-7: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-08890-6
The Covert War in Kashmir, 1947-2004
Selected Contents: 1. Introduction 2. The Informal War 3. The Master Cell 4. Al-Fatah 5. Years of Retreat and Revival 6. The War of Many Fronts 7. The Nuclear Jihad 8. Towards Peace 2006: 234 x 156: 272pp Hb: 978-0-415-40459-4: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-96840-6
Political Islam and Violence in Indonesia Zachary Abuza, Simmons College, Boston, USA Selected Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Democratization and the Rise of Political Islam 3. Jemaah Islamiyah and Islamist Terrorism 4. Radical Muslim Groups and Islamist Militias 5. Common Motives, Divergent Methods: The Future of Islamism in Indonesia 6. Conclusion: Policy Implications 2006: 234 x 156: 176pp Hb: 978-0-415-39401-7: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-96925-0
Religion and Conflict in South and Southeast Asia Disrupting Violence Edited by Linell E. Cady and Sheldon W. Simon, both at Arizona State University, USA Selected Contents: Preface 1. Introduction: Disrupting Violence: Religion and Conflict in South and Southeast Asia 2. From Bhindranwale to Bin Laden: A Search for Understanding Religious Violence 3. The Sword Against the Crescent: Religion and Violence in Muslim Southeast Asia 4. Buddhism, Violence, and the State in Burma (Myanmar) and Sri Lanka 5. The Roots of Religious Violence in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh 6. Religious Conflict and the Globalization of Knowledge in Indonesian History 7. Religious Violence Beyond Borders: Reframing South Asian Cases 8. The (Psychic) Roots of Religious Violence in South and Southeast Asia 9. Debating Strategies for Disrupting Violence: Lessons from South Asia 10. Violence and the Long Road to Reconciliation in Southern Thailand 11. Lévinas and the Question of Civilizational Amity after September 11. Notes on Contributors. About The National Bureau of Asian Research. About The Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict. Index 2006: 234 x 156: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-39734-6: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-96748-5
Dennis J. Blasko
2007: 234 x 156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-41427-2: £80.00 eBook: 978-0-203-08896-8
Huiyun Feng, Utah State University, USA
largest army, the PLA. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction 2. What is the PLA? 3. Who is the PLA? 4. Where is the PLA? 5. How Will the PLA Fight? 6. What Equipment Does the PLA Use? 7. What Does the PLA Do? 8. What Does the PLA Do? (Support to National Economy/Other Missions) 9. Assessment 10. The Ghosts of Tiananmen
China’s Rising Sea Power The PLA Navy’s Submarine Challenge Peter Howarth, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia Selected Contents: Introduction 1. China’s Tactical Submarine Fleet 2. The Geopolitical Context 3. China’s New Maritime Strategy 4. Sea Control in the Western Pacific 5. Maritime Strategic Theory and the Logic of China’s Submarine Fleet 6. Geography, Narrow Seas and Submarine Terrain 7. Disputing U.S. Command of the China Seas 8. The Universal and the Particular in Strategic Logic 9. Influence of the Soviet Experience on the PRC’s Maritime Strategy 10. Chinese Strategic Culture – Indigenous Elements 11. Chinese Strategic Culture, Submarines and Prospects for War in the Taiwan Strait 12. Conclusion 2006: 234 x 156: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-36891-9: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-02915-2
2005: 234 x 156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-77002-6: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-77003-3: £23.99 eBook: 978-0-203-08740-4
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Contemporary Security Studies Series Editors: James Gow and Rachel Kerr, King’s College London, University of London, UK
Taiwan’s Security History and Prospects Bernard Cole, National War College, USA
Selected Contents: 1. Introduction 2. History 3. The Threat 4. Defense Organization and Administration 5. Personnel 6. Taiwan Army 7. Taiwan Air Force 8. Taiwan Navy 9. Civil-Military Relations 10. A Look Ahead
Globalisation and Defence in the Asia-Pacific Arms Across Asia Edited by Geoffrey Till, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, and Emrys Chew and Joshua Ho, both at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
2005: 234 x 156: 272pp Hb: 978-0-415-36581-9: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-01833-0
If China Attacks Taiwan
This edited volume examines the impact of globalisation on the economies, security policies and military-industrial complexes of the Asia-Pacific region.
Military Strategy, Politics and Economics Edited by Steve Tsang, St. Antony’s College, Oxford, UK Selected Contents: Preface and Acknowledgements 1. Drivers Behind the Use of Force Part 1: Policy Framework 2. Political and Military Factors Determining China’s Use of Force 3. The US Policy of Dual Deterrence Part 2: China’s Capacity to Use Force 4. Short-Range Ballistic Missile Capabilities 5. Unconventional Warfare Options 6. Controlling the Airspace Over the Taiwan Strait 7. Command of the Sea 8. Amphibious Capabilities 9. Industrial, Technological, Economic and Infrastructure Capacity Part 3: The Cost of a War to China 10. Diplomatic Consequences 11. Economic and Political Costs 2005: 234 x 156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-38018-8: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-08741-1
Chinese Civil-Military Relations The Transformation of the People’s Liberation Army Edited by Nan Li, Nanyang Technology University, Singapore Selected Contents: Introduction 1. The Chinese Army in Domestic Politics: Factors and Phases 2. China’s Evolving Civil-Military Relations: Creeping Guojiahua 3. Deferring to National Interest: Arms Control and CivilMilitary Relations in China 4. Civil-Military Dynamics in Chinese Defense Industry and Arms Policy: An Approaching Tipping Point 5. Sorting Out the Myths about Political Commissars, You Ji 6. Servant of Two Masters: the PLA, the People, and the Party, Dennis J. Blasko 7. Company Province: Civil-Military Relations in Xinjiang, Yitzhak Shichor 8. China’s Expenditure for Militia and People’s Armed Police 9. The PLA and its Changing Economic Roles: Implications for Civil-Military Relations 10. Dual-Use Technologies, Civil-military Integration, and China’s Defense Industry.
The essays in this book offer a series of perspectives on connections and parallels between the Vietnam War and the 2003 invasion of, and current conflict in, Iraq. Selected Contents: Introduction 1. The Final Chapter? The Iraq War and the End of History 2. The Vietnam Laugh Track 3. Unraveling the Domestic Foreign Policy Consensus: Presidential Rhetoric, American Public Opinion, and the Wars in Vietnam and Iraq 4. Iraq and Vietnam: Military Lessons and Legacies 5. ‘A National Symphony of Theft, Corruption and Bribery’: Anatomy of State Building from Iraq to Vietnam 6. ’Vietnam’, Victory Culture and Iraq: Struggling with Lessons, Constraints and Credibility from Saigon to Falluja 7. Europe’s Vietnam Syndrome: America and the Quagmire of Iraq 8. No More Vietnams: Iraq and the Analogy Conundrum 9. Vietnam and Iraq: Strategy, Exit and Syndrome 10. Falling Dominoes: The United States, Vietnam and the War in Iraq 11. The Iraq and Vietnam Wars: Some Parallels and Connections 2006: 234 x 156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-40562-1: £80.00 Pb: 978-0-415-40563-8: £21.99 eBook: 978-0-203-96765-2
Natural Plagues and Biological Weapons in East Asia Christian Enemark, University of New South Wales, Canberra, Australia
Alternate Paths to Global Power Marc Lanteigne, McGill University, Canada Selected Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Red Light, Green Light: China and the World Trade Organisation 3. Flying Geese and Rising Phoenix: China, APEC, and Exclusive Trade Regimes 4. Chimeras or Peacebuilders? China’s New Approach to Strategic Regimes 5. Labyrinth’s Edge: China and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation 6. Seeking Modernity: China’s Institutional Openings and Shifts in International Power
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Edited by David Ryan, University College Cork, Ireland and John Dumbrell, University of Leicester, UK
Disease and Security
China and International Institutions
Tactics, Lessons, Legacies and Ghosts
October 2008: 234 x 156: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-44048-6: £70.00 eBook: 978-0-203-89053-0
2005: 234 x 156: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-37932-8: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-08742-8
2005: 234 x 156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-36584-0: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-01837-8
Selected Contents: 1. Introduction Joshua Ho Part 1: Theories of Globalization and Defence 2. Globalization and Armed Conflict Among Nations: Prospects Through the Lens of International Relations Theory Brian Pollins 3. Beyond Interdependence: Globalization, State Transformation and National Security Christopher W Hughes Part 2: Globalization and Defence Policy in the Asia-Pacific 4. Globalization and Military-Industrial Transformation in South Asia: An Historical Perspective Emrys Chew 5. The Impact of Globalization on Threat Perceptions and Defence Postures in Northeast Asia Guibourg Delamotte 6. The Impact of Globalization on Threat Perceptions and Defence Postures in Southeast Asia: Two views Rizal Sukma and K S Nathan 7. The Impact of Globalization on Threat Perceptions and Defence Postures in South Asia B Rahman Part 3: Globalization and the Defence Economy in the Asia-Pacific 8. Defence and the Economy: An Introduction Ron Mathews 9. Globalization and Defence Industry in East Asia: Seeking Self-Sufficiency and Teaming Up for Dual-Use Technology Arthur S Ding 10. Exploring Southeast Asia’s Twenty-First Century Defence Economies: Opportunites and Challenges in the Era of Globalization, 1993-2005 Renato Cruz de Castro 11. Globalization’s Impact on Defence Industry in Southeast Asia Rommel Banlaoi 12. Globalization and the Defence Economy of South Asia: Two Views Vijay Sakhuja and Deba R Mohanty 13. Conclusion Geoffrey Till
Vietnam in Iraq
Focusing on East Asia, this book sets out a framework for analyzing infectious disease threats in security terms. Selected Contents: 1. Infectious Diseases as a Security Challenge Part 1: Natural Plagues 2. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome 3. H5N1 Avian Influenza: Pandemic Pending? 4. Outbreak Response: Rallying around the State Part 2: Biological Weapons 5. The Science and History of Deliberate Disease 6. Biological Attacks and the Non-State Perpetrator 7. Responses to the Biological Weapons Problem Part 3: Pathogen Research 8. Beyond Biosafety: The Security Consciousness of Scientists 9. Biodefence: Lessons from the United States 10. Conclusion 2007: 234 x 156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-42234-5: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-08901-9
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Strategic Partnerships in Asia
The Evolution of Regionalism in Asia
Balancing Without Alliances
Economic and Security Issues
Structure, Power and Politics
Vidya Nadkarni, University of San Diego, US
Edited by Heribert Dieter, German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), Berlin, Germany and University of Warwick, UK
Robert Ross, Boston College, MA, USA
This book addresses the strategies pursued by potential challengers to American global preeminence through a careful examination of the nature and implications of the increasing interaction among three secondary powers China, Russia and India. It breaks new ground in looking at the ways in which the triad of bilateral strategic partnerships operate in the region of Eurasia/Asia. Selected Contents: Part 1: Strategic Partnerships: Stealth Balancing in a Unipolar World? 1. Unipolarity and its Implications for the Balance of Power in Eurasia 2. Strategic Partnerships in Asia and Eurasia Part 2: Bilateral Strategic Partnerships 3. Sino-Russian Partnership 4. Indo-Russian Partnership 5. Sino-Indian Partnership Part 3: Competitive Versus Integrative Strategies 6. Geopolitics or Geoeconomics: A Hegemon in Eurasia? 7. Integrative Strategies Part 4: Nested Games, Contingent Outcomes 8. Conclusion March 2009: 234 x 156: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-77774-2: £80.00 Pb: 978-0-415-77775-9: £22.99
Security and Migration in Asia The Dynamics of Securitisation Edited by Melissa G. Curley, University of Queensland, Australia and Siu-lun Wong, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Series: Politics in Asia Security and Migration in Asia provides compelling insights into contemporary forms of illegal migration under conditions of globalization, and makes a contribution to the literature in international relations and migration studies. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction: Applying Securitisation Theory to Unregulated Migration in Asia Melissa G. Curley and Wong Siu-lun 2. Levels of Analysis Issues in the Migration-Security Nexus Melissa G. Curley 3. Illegal Migration and Migrant Smuggling in the Asia- Pacific: Balancing Regional Security and Human Rights Andreas Schloenhardt 4. Securitising Human Trafficking in the Asia-Pacific: Regional Organisations and Response Strategies Ralf Emmers, Beth Greener-Barcham and Nicholas Thomas 5.The Securitisation of Chinese Migration to the Russian Far East: Rhetoric and Reality Elizabeth Wishnick 6. Human Smuggling and Trafficking in the Taiwan Strait: Security Predicament or Political Dilemma? James K. Chin 7. The Cultural Economy of Illegal Migration: Migrant Workers Who Overstay in Hong Kong Amy S.C. Sim 8. Human Trafficking in Post-Soviet Central Asia: A Critique of the Securitisation Framework Nicole Jackson 9. Reflections on Managing Migration in Southeast Asia: Mitigating the Unintended Consequences of Securitisation Mely Caballero-Anthony 10. Conclusion: Undocumented Migration and the State/Human Security Nexus in Asia Melissa G. Curley and Wong Siu-lun July 2008: 234 x 156: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-40055-8: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-93472-2
Chinese Security Policy
By combing the analysis of the three dimensions of integration, this book enables readers to gain a broad understanding of the theory and practice of integration processes in Asia. Selected Contents: Part 1: Concepts of Regionalism, Interregional Relations and the Role of Specific Players 1. The Evolution of Regionalism in Asia: An Introduction 2. ’Asia, whose Asia?’ Evolving Conceptions of an Asian Community from the 1930s till Today 3. China’s Rise in Asia 4. Japan and the Evolution of Asian Regionalism Part 2: Regionalism in Trade, Finance and Production 5. Bilateral Trade Agreements in the Asia-Pacific 6. Responses to Regionalism 7. The Future of Monetary Regionalism in Asia Part 3: Regionalism and Security 8. Trade and Security in East Asia 9. The (In)Effectiveness of Security Regionalism 10. Regional Peace through Economic Integration 2007: 234 x 156: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-44684-6: £70.00 eBook: 978-0-203-93743-3
Korea in the New Asia East Asian Integration and the China Factor Edited by Francoise Nicolas, Centre Asie Ifri, France Series: Routledge Advances in Korean Studies Selected Contents: Introduction 1. Korea in the New Asia Sophie Boisseau du Rocher and Françoise Nicolas 2. Korean Perceptions of China’s Rise in East Asia Suk Hee Han Part 1: Korea, China and East Asian Economic Integration 3. Korea’s Regional Economic Strategy in Response to the Rise of China Françoise Nicolas 4. Financial Integration in East Asia: Which Role for Korea? Heungchong Kim and Yunjong Wang 5. Integration? What Integration? - Monetary CoOperation in East Asia, the Rise of China and Implications for Korea Ulrich Volz Part 2: A New Regional Policy for Korea 6. Korea’s Contribution to the Emerging Regional Architecture in East Asia: An Assessment Jaewoo Choo and Sophie Boisseau du Rocher 7. China’s Ascendancy and the Future of the Korean Peninsula Taeho Kim 8. China and the United States: The New Power Configuration in East Asia and South Korea’s Regional Policy Changsu Kim 9. China and South Korea’s Future Strategy Robert Dujarric 2007: 234 x 156: 192pp Hb: 978-0-415-42006-8: £80.00 eBook: 978-0-203-94659-6
The Balance of Power in Asia-Pacific Security US-China Policies on Regional Order Liselotte Odgaard, University of Aarhus, Denmark Series: Politics in Asia Selected Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Powers, Balances of Power, and Coexistence: The Views of the First Generation of the English School 3. Sino-US Policies on the Use of Force in the Asia-Pacific 4. Sino-US Policies on Legitimacy in the Asia-Pacific 5. Sino-US Policies on Institutions in the Asia-Pacific 6. Sino-US Policies on Asia-Pacific Order in the Twenty First Century
Reflecting a coherent realist approach to the role of power and the pursuit of security in an anarchic international system, Prof. Ross’s scholarship on China’s international behaviour covers such fundamental areas as the role of international structure in state behavior, the use of force in international politics (including deterrence, coercive diplomacy, and war), and the sources of greatpower conflict and cooperation and balance of power politics, with a recent focus on international power transitions. The research integrates the realist literature with key issues in Chinese foreign policy, thereby placing China’s behaviour in the larger context of the international political system. While emphasizing the role of the international system on Chinese behavior, the book also examines the role of domestic politics in Chinese policy making. In doing so, it asks under what circumstances have domestic politics taken precedence over China’s strategic interests, and considers the resulting impact of Chinese domestic politics on China’s security and its bilateral relationships. The articles also focus on key aspects of Chinese foreign policy, such as US-China relations during the Cold War and the post-Cold war era, China’s invasion of Vietnam in 1979, and the ensuing conflict over Indochina, great-power conflict on the Korean Peninsula, and the Taiwan issue. More recent issues covered include the rise of Chinese economic and military power for both USChina relations and the emerging regional security order, as reflected in the behavior of China’s neighbors throughout East Asia. This book will be of great interest to all students of Chinese Security and Foreign Policy, Chinese and Asian Politics, US foreign policy and International Security in general. Selected Contents: Introduction 1. Structure, Power, and Politics in Chinese Security Policy Part 1: Rise of China, Great Power Politics, and East Asian Security 2. Beijing as a Conservative Power 3. The Geography of the Peace: Great Power Stability in Twenty-First Century East Asia 4. Balance of Power Politics and the Rise of China: Accommodation and Balancing in East Asia 5. The U.S.-China Peace: Great Power Politics, Spheres of Influence, and the Peace of East Asia 6. China Learns to Compromise: Change in U.S.-China Relations, 1982-84 Part 2: Deterrence and Coercive Diplomacy in Chinese Security Policy 7. China and the Cambodian Peace Process: The Value of Coercive Diplomacy 8. The 1995-96 Taiwan Strait Confrontation: Coercion, Credibility, and Use of Force 9. Navigating the Taiwan Strait: Deterrence, Escalation Dominance, and U.S. China Relations 10. Comparative Deterrence: The Taiwan Strait and the Korean Peninsula Part 3: Domestic Politics and Foreign Policy 11. From Lin Biao to Deng Xiaoping: Elite Instability and China’s U.S. Policy 12. The Diplomacy of Tiananmen: Two-Level Bargaining and Great Power Cooperation 13. International Bargaining and Domestic Politics: Conflict in U.S.-China Relations Since 1972 Part 4: China and the Taiwan Issue 14. Explaining Taiwan’s Revisionist Foreign Policy 15. Taiwan’s Fading Independence Movement May 2009: 234 x 156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-77785-8: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-77786-5: £21.99
2007: 234 x 156: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-41591-0: £80.00 eBook: 978-0-203-96496-5
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China’s Security Interests in the 21st Century
US-China Relations
China’s Energy Geopolitics
China Policy on Capitol Hill
Russell Ong, University of Manchester, UK
Tao Xie, Beijing Foreign Studies University, China
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization and Central Asia
Series: Routledge Contemporary China Series
Thrassy N. Marketos, C.E.D.S., Paris, France
This book explores relations between the U.S. and China, focusing in particular on China policy in the U.S. Congress, which has been unusually active in the development of this relationship, and the most controversial issues in US-China relations: Taiwan, trade and human rights.
Series: Routledge Contemporary China Series
The collapse of communism in Europe, the quest for economic security and the War on Terror have all affected China’s view of security matters. This book provides a comprehensive study of the new policy and security challenges China faces in the coming years.
China’s need for energy has become a driving factor in contemporary world politics and a precondition for sustaining China’s continuing high economic growth. This book argues that a US presence in Central Asia is necessary for securing the energy provision of China from the region.
September 2008: 234 x 156: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-77688-2: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-89014-1
Selected Contents: Introduction 1. Chinese Strategic Interests in Eurasia 2. Shanghai Cooperation Organization: Security Role in Eurasia 3. Clashes and Coexistence among the Three Major Powers in Eurasia 4. Is a Strategic Meeting of Minds among Washington, Beijing and Moscow for the Sake of Eurasia’s Stability Realistic? 5. The Nexus between Energy, Security and Maritime Power and S.C.O.’s Role in China’s Energy Security. Conclusions
A Rising China and Security in East Asia Identity Construction and Security Discourse
November 2008: 234 x 156: 184pp Hb: 978-0-415-45690-6: £80.00
Rex Li, Liverpool John Moores University, UK Series: Politics in Asia This volume provides a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the security discourse of Chinese policy elites on the major powers in East Asia in relation to China’s self-perception as a rising power. It is the first booklength study that utilizes International Relations theories systematically to analyze Chinese security perceptions of the United States, Japan and Russia, and the debate among Chinese international relations specialists on how China should respond to the perceived challenge from the major powers to its rise to a global status. Rex Li argues that the security discourse of Chinese policy analysts is closely linked to their conception of China’s identity and their desire and endeavour to construct a great power identity for China. Drawing on extensive and up-to-date Chineselanguage sources, the study demonstrates that Chinese elites perceive the power, aspirations and security strategies of other East Asian powers primarily in terms of their implications for China’s pursuit of great power status. This new work will contribute significantly to the on-going academic and policy debate on the nature and repercussions of China’s rise. This book will be essential reading for undergraduate and postgraduate students and scholars of Asian security, China’s foreign relations, security studies and international relations. Selected Contents: 1. A Rising China, IR Theories and Chinese Security Discourse of East Asian Powers 2. Hegemonic Aspirations in a Unipolar World: US Security Strategy under the George Bush Snr and Bill Clinton Presidencies 3. September 11, Preemption and the Bush Doctrine: US Security Strategy under the George W. Bush Administration 4. Security, Identity and Strategic Choice: Japan’s Quest for a Great Power Status 5. A Key Player in an Emerging Multipolar World: Russia and East Asian Security 6. China’s Response to the Security Challenge of the Major Powers in East Asia: Identity Construction and Great Power Aspirations 7. Conclusion: Chinese Security Discourse and Its Implications for the Debate on the Rise of China
Series: Routledge Security in Asia Series
Selected Contents: 1. The Chinese Concept of Security 2. The Threat of Peaceful Evolution 3. US Global Supremacy 4. The Taiwan Issue 5. The Challenge of Japan 6. The Alliance with North Korea 7. The Role of South Korea 8. The Importance of Central Asia 9. The Drive to Global Power Status 2007: 234 x 156: 176pp Hb: 978-0-415-39215-0: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-96222-0
Human Security and the Chinese State Historical Transformations and the Modern Quest for Sovereignty
China and the New International Order
Robert Bedeski, University of Victoria, Canada
Edited by Wang Gungwu, National University of Singapore, Singapore and Zheng Yongnian, University of Nottingham, UK Series: China Policy Series This book explores China’s place in the new international order, from both the international perspective, and from the perspective within China. It discusses how far the new international order, as viewed by the United States and with the United States seeing itself as the single dominant power, applies to China. Selected Contents: Introduction Wang Gungwu and Zheng Yongnian Part 1: Key Issues in Conceptualising Chinese International Relations 1. China and International Order: Some Historical Perspectives Wang Gungwu 2. Nationalism: Dynamics of Domestic Transformation and International Relations in China Zheng Yongnian 3. Redefining Chinese Concept of Sovereignty Shan Wenhua 4. Sovereignty in Exercise: Constructing Political Chinese-ness in Post-1997 Hong Kong Tok Sow Keat 5. Beyond Symbiosis: Changing Civil-Military Relationship after Mao You Ji Part 2: China and Globalization 6. China Reshapes the World Economy Deng Ziliang and Zheng Yongnian 7. Understanding Chinese Views of the Emerging Global Order Zhang Yongjin 8. China Joins Global Governance: The Ten Conundrums Gerald Chan Part 3: China and Regionalism 9. Contested International Relations Theory and China’s Constructing Regional Entitlement Gordon Cheung 10. Learning from the EU? China’s Changing Outlook Towards Multilateralism Jean-Pierre Cabestan 11. Northeast Asia Regionalism and China: From an Outside-in Perspective Jaewoo Choo 12. China in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Pan Guang 13. China and ASEAN in the Asian Regional Integration Sheng Lijun Part 4: China and International Relations Studies 14. De-Constructing Cultural Realism Anthony A. Loh 15. Toward a Chinese School of International Relations? Ren Xiao January 2008: 234 x 156: 336pp Hb: 978-0-415-44111-7: £85.00 eBook: 978-0-203-93226-1
Series: Routledge Contemporary China Series Surveying the historical transformations of the Chinese state, this book focuses on human security in contrast with the twenty-first century obsession with national security. Selected Contents: 1. Human Survival, Human Institutions, and Human Security 2. Dimensions of Human Security: Foundations in Individual Human Life 3. The Modern Sovereign Nation-State 4. Prologue to a Theory of Human Security 5. A Notational Theory of Human Security 6. Actualizing Imperial Sovereignty in Ancient China 7. Claiming Dynastic Sovereignty under the Imperial Meta-Constitution 8. Sovereignty and StateBuilding in Late Qing and Republican China 9. Contemporary China’s Incomplete Sovereignty - Fusion, Succession, and Adoption 2007: 234 x 156: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-41255-1: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-96475-0
US-China Relations in the 21st Century Power Transition and Peace Zhiqun Zhu, University of Bridgeport, USA Series: Politics in Asia Selected Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Rethinking Theories of Power Transition 3. British-German Relations (1871-1914) 4. Anglo-American Relations (1865-1945) 5. SinoAmerican Relations (1990-2005) 6. Comparisons and Contrasts 7. U.S.-China Relations and Power Transition in the Twenty-First Century 2006: 234 x 156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-70208-9: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-08658-2
November 2008: 234 x 156: 320pp Hb: 978-0-415-44940-3: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-44941-0: £24.99 eBook: 978-0-203-88694-6
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China-US Relations Transformed
Perspectives and Strategic Interactions
Japan’s Security Policy and Ballistic Missile Defence
The US-Japan Alliance
Christopher W. Hughes, University of Warwick, UK
Edited by David Arase, Pomona College, USA and Tsuneo Akaha, Montery University, USA
Series: Sheffield Centre for Japanese Studies/Routledge Series
Series: Nissan Institute/Routledge Japanese Studies
Japan’s Security Policy and Ballistic Missile Defence provides an analysis of a very topical and controversial subject: Japan’s participation in the American ’Star Wars’ missile programme. Based on extensive research and interviews with many of Japan’s policy makers, this book is a must read for anyone interested in security issues in the Asia Pacific.
This book explores the way Japan uses soft power in its relationship with the US, its Asian neighbours and Europe and aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of the role of soft power in international relations.
August 2009: 234 x 156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-29888-9: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-50443-7
Edited by Suisheng Zhao, University of Denver, USA Series: Routledge Contemporary China Series This book, written by leading scholars and policy analysts from both the US and China, explores the transformation and multifaceted nature of US-China relations. Selected Contents: Part 1: Introduction 1. Implications of China’s Rise for US-China Relations Suisheng Zhao 2. China Rising: Geo-Strategic Thrust and Diplomatic Engagement Suisheng Zhao Part 2: Perspectives of Chinese Scholars 3. Learning to Live with the Hegemon: China’s Policy toward the U.S. Since the End of the Cold War Jia Qingguo 4. Complexity and Transformational Structure of ChinaUS Relations Chen Dongxiao 5. Comparing Security Concepts of China and the United States Xu Jian 6. Nuclear Deterrence and Sino-U.S. Strategic Relationship Zhang Baohui 7. China-US Economic Relations and the Trade Imbalance Issue Li Wei Part 3: Perspectives of US-Based Scholars 8. Managing a Multifaceted Relationship with China Phillip Saunders 9. The Domestic Political Game Behind the Engagement Strategy Jean Garrison 10. Chinese Military Modernization and Energy Security: Conflict or Cooperation? Bernard Cole 11. The Rise of China and Sino-American Energy Cooperation June Teufel Dreyer 12. China’s Economic Rise: Implications for the United States Pieter Bottelier 13. China, the US and Japan: Reconfiguring Relations in Southeast Asia Elizabeth Economy 2007: 234 x 156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-43867-4: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-93478-4
China Watching Perspectives from Europe, Japan and the United States Edited by Robert Ash, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, UK, David Shambaugh, George Washington University, USA and Seiichiro Takagi, Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan ’The book provides an illuminating map of ... three fields of contemporary China studies, and will be of great interest to specialists seeking new ideas and insights on how their work fits into the broader trends on contemporary China studies.’ – Robert Sutter, The China Journal, No 58, July 2007 Selected Contents: 1. Introduction Part 1: Studies of China’s Economy 2. Studies of China’s Economy in Europe 3. Studies of China’s Economy in Japan 4. Studies of China’s Economy in the United States Part 2: Studies of Chinese Politics 5. Studies of Chinese Politics in Europe 6. Studies of Chinese Politics in Japan 7. Studies of Chinese Politics in the United States Part 3: Studies of China’s Foreign and Security Policies 8. Studies of China’s Foreign and Security Policies in Europe 9. Studies of China’s Foreign and Security Policies of China in Japan 10. Studies of China’s Foreign and Security Policies in the United States Part 4: Epilogue 11. International China Watching in the 21st Century 2006: 234 x 156: 272pp Hb: 978-0-415-41396-1: £90.00 Pb: 978-0-415-41397-8: £21.99 eBook: 978-0-203-96775-1
Balancing Soft and Hard Power in East Asia
February 2009: 234 x 156: 192pp Hb: 978-0-415-48713-9: £75.00
Japan’s Middle East Security Policy Theory and Cases
Yukiko Miyagi, University of Durham, UK
Japan’s Security Identity
Series: Sheffield Centre for Japanese Studies/Routledge Series
From a Peace-State to an International-State Bhubhindar Singh, University of Sheffield, UK
This book focuses on Japanese policy toward Middle East security issues, examining how policy is shaped by the need to both maintain Japan’s security alliance with the US and its oil relationship with states in the Middle East.
Series: Sheffield Centre for Japanese Studies/Routledge Series This book examines Japanese post-Cold War security policy, analyzing how Japan reacted to the end of the Cold War, the results of the transformation in the post-Cold War security environment, and exactly how Japanese security has changed from its Cold War design. Selected Contents: Introduction 1. Identity and Japanese Security Policy 2. Japanese Security Identity 3. Japan and UN Peacekeeping 4. US-Japan Defence Cooperation 5. Fight Against Terrorism 6. Conclusion July 2009: 234 x 156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-46336-2: £75.00
Northern Territories, Asia-Pacific Regional Conflicts and the Åland Experience
Selected Contents: 1. Introduction: Aims, Debates and Theoretical Framework 2. Japan’s Policy Towards Middle East Security Issues: An Overview 3. Policy Determinants and the Policy-making Process 4. The Iraq War 5. The Iranian Nuclear Crisis 6. Syria Under US Hostility 7. Conclusion: Findings and Implications September 2008: 234 x 156: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-45878-8: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-93115-8
Untying the Kurillian Knot
Japanese-Russian Relations, 1907–2007
Edited by Kimie Hara, University of Calgary, Canada and Geoffrey Jukes, University of Melbourne, Australia
Joseph Ferguson, Vice President, National Council for Eurasian and East European Research (NCEEER), USA
Series: Routledge Studies in Asia’s Transformations
Series: Routledge Contemporary Japan Series
Examining the origin and development of the ’Northern Territories’/Southern Kuriles sovereignty dispute, this volume is the first to take inspiration from the multilaterally resolved Åland conflict to investigate the possibility of a solution. Selected Contents: Foreword. Preface. Introduction: Northern Territories, Asia-Pacific Regional Conflicts and the Åland Experience: Untying the Kurillian Knot 1. The Autonomy of Åland and Conflict Resolution 2. The Northern Territories Issue: Japanese-Russian Relations and Domestic Concerns in Japan 3. The Territorial Dispute between Japan and Russia: The ’Two-island Solution’ and Putin’s last years as President 4. The Cold War in East Asia and the Northern Territories Problem 5. Can the Southern Kuriles be Demilitarized? 6. US Views on the Northern Territories Issue 7. The Indigenous Ainu of Japan at the Time of the Åland Settlement 8. Solving the Territorial Dispute between Japan and Russia : Åland Islands and Finland’s Post-World War II experiences as Source of Inspiration 9. Envisioning Åland-Inspired Solutions for the Northern Territories Problem
This book presents a comprehensive survey of Japanese-Russian relations from the end of the Russo-Japanese War until the present. Based on extensive original research in Japanese and Russian sources, it shows how the hopeful period of the late 1990s – when acrimonious relations between the two briefly ceased – was not in fact unique. Selected Contents: Introduction: Continuing Patterns 1. The Patterns Begin 2. Cold War Patterns 3. Another Rapprochement 4. The International Context 5. The Domestic Political Context 6. The Ideational Context. Conclusion: Japan and Russia in 1996–2007 April 2008: 234 x 156: 304pp Hb: 978-0-415-45314-1: £80.00 eBook: 978-0-203-92920-9
March 2009: 234 x 156: 176pp Hb: 978-0-415-48409-1: £65.00 eBook: 978-0-203-88016-6
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Rethinking Japanese Security
Internal and External Dimensions Peter J. Katzenstein, Cornell University, USA
War, Transformation and Asia-Pacific Security
Series: Security and Governance
Technology and Future Security
This collection brings together Peter J. Katzenstein’s selected essays on the regional and domestic dimensions of Japan’s security policy. Using a theoretical and comparative perspective, it covers recent developments in Japanese security. Selected Contents: 1. Japanese Security in Perspective Peter J. Katzenstein 2. Japan, AsianPacific Security, and the Case for Analytical Eclecticism Peter J. Katzenstein and Nobuo Okawara (2001) Part 1: Japan’s Internal and External Security Policies 3. Japan’s Security Policy: Political, Economic and Military Dimensions Peter J. Katzenstein and Nobuo Okawara (1991) 4. Japan’s Internal Security Policy Peter J. Katzenstein and Yutaka Tsujinaka (1991) 5. Japan and Asian-Pacific Security: Regionalization, Entrenched Bilateralism and Incipient Multilateralism Nobuo Okawara and Peter J. Katzenstein (2001) 6. Immovable Object? Japan’s Security Policy in East Asia H. Richard Friman, David Leheny, Peter J. Katzenstein and Nobuo Okawara (2006) Part 2: Japanese and Asian Security in Comparative Perspective 7. Coping with Terrorism: Norms and Internal Security in Germany and Japan Peter J. Katzenstein (1993) 8. Why Is There no NATO in Asia? Collective Identity, Regionalism, and the Origins of Multilateralism Christopher Hemmer and Peter J. Katzenstein (2002) 9. Same War-Different Views: Germany, Japan, and Counter-Terrorism Peter J. Katzenstein (2003) Part 3: Analytical Eclecticism and Security 10. Rethinking Asian Security: A Case for Analytical Eclecticism Peter J. Katzenstein and Rudra Sil (2004) March 2008: 234 x 156: 304pp Hb: 978-0-415-77394-2: £70.00 Pb: 978-0-415-77395-9: £19.99 eBook: 978-0-203-92874-5
Series: Strategy and History This book explores how the notion of a ‘Revolution in Military Affairs’ or RMA might emerge in East Asia, particularly within the maritime (naval and air) realm of military operations and capabilities. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction 2. The Changing Character and Conduct of War 3. What is Transformation and does it matter? 4. Transformation and the Asia-Pacific Region 5. Future Warfare and Transformation in Asia 6. What does Future Warfare look like? 7. Conclusions. Bibliography
Colonialism, Violence and Muslims in Southeast Asia The Maria Hertogh Controversy and Its Aftermath Syed Muhd Khairudin Aljunied, National University of Singapore Series: Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia This book deals with the genesis, outbreak and far-reaching effects of a legal controversy and outbreak of mass violence which determined the course of British colonial rule after post World War Two in Singapore and Malaya. It will be of interest to scholars of British Colonial History and Decolonization and Asian History.
Communal Violence and Democratization in Indonesia Small Town Wars Gerry van Klinken, KITLV, the Netherlands Series: Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series Selected Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Why Now? Temporal Contexts 3. Why Here? The Town beyond Java 4. Identity Formation in West Kalimantan 5. Escalation in Poso 6. Mobilization in Ambon 7. Polarization in North Maluku 8. Actor Constitution in Central Kalimantan 9. Concluding Reflections 2007: 234 x 156: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-41713-6: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-96511-5
Security and Sustainable Development in Myanmar Helen James, Australian National University, Australia
Ashley South, Independent consultant, amongst others for the United Nations and Human Rights Watch
Selected Contents: Introduction 1. Japan’s Growing Interest in Asia-Pacific Security Multilateralism: The Road to the Nakayama Proposal (1989-1991) 2. The Surge of Japan’s Enthusiasm for Regional Security Multilateralism and the Formation of the ARF (1992-1993) 3. Japan’s Policy on the Evolution of Confidence Building Measures in the ARF 4. Japan’s Challenges for Promoting Preventive Diplomacy in the ARF 5. Japan and Multilateral Security Dialogue in the ARF (1994-1997): Security Dialogue as a Means of Reassuring, Engaging or Constraining China? 6. Japan and Multilateral Security Dialogue in the ARF (1998-2005): Eroding Confidence in Multilateral Approaches to Regional Security Issues 7. Japan’s Changing Conceptions of the ARF: From an Optimistic Liberal to a Pessimistic Realist Perspective on Asia-Pacific Security Multilateralism. Conclusion
From 1999 until 2000, the conflict in North Maluku, Indonesia, saw the most intense communal violence of Indonesia’s period of democratization. This book examines this brutal conflict, illustrating in detail how and why previously peaceful religious communities can descend into violent conflict.
March 2008: 234 x 156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-45380-6: £85.00 eBook: 978-0-203-92898-1
States of Conflict
Series: Sheffield Centre for Japanese Studies/Routledge Series
Series: Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series
Ethnic Politics in Burma
Takeshi Yuzawa, The Japan Institute of International Affairs, Japan
Chris Wilson, Formerly at Australian National University, Australia
May 2009: 234 x 156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-36620-5: £70.00
May 2009: 234 x 156: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-48594-4: £75.00
The Search for Multilateral Security in the Asia-Pacific
From Soil to God
Selected Contents: Introduction 1. The Study of Violent Communal Conflict 2. North Maluku in Context 3. Initiation - Malifut 4. Escalation - Ternate and Tidore 5. Dispersion - Torbelo and Galela 6. Political Exploitation - The Putih-Kuning 7. Killing in the Name of God 8. Conclusion
Selected Contents: 1. Introduction 2. The Colonial Setting and Outbreak of Violence 3. Proscription 4. Surveillance 5. Self-Criticism 6. Reconciliation 7. Reform 8. Conclusion
Japan’s Security Policy and the ASEAN Regional Forum
2007: 234 x 156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-40337-5: £80.00 eBook: 978-0-203-96497-2
Malcolm R. Davis, Royal Australian Navy, Department of Defence, Australia
Ethno-Religious Violence in Indonesia
Series: Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series This book considers the conflict and civil war that has ravaged Burma, and considers the implications that conflict has had for Burma’s development and prospects for democratization. Selected Contents: Part 1: Conflicting Histories 1. Shifting Identities [Pre-colonial and Colonial Burma] 2. State and Society, Grievance and Greed, Ethnicity and Insurgency [World War, Independence and Civil War] Part 2: Armed Conflict Since 1988 3. Enemies and Allies on the Thailand Border [Insurgency and Exile] 4. The Costs of Conflict [Humanitarian Impacts and Responses: Refugees and the Internally Displaced, and International Agendas] Part 3: State, Ceasefires and Civil Society 5. The SPDC and the Ceasefire Movement [Militarisation and Governance] 6. Civil Society and Social Change [Contested Domains] 7. Re-Imagining Communities [Development and Democracy]
Series: Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series Selected Contents: Prologue. Acknowledgements 1. Introduction: Holistic and Human Security - Concepts and Contexts 2. The Security Discourse in Myanmar - Regime, State and People 3. The Seven Horsemen of the Apocalypes Strategies for Effective Poverty Alleviation in Myanmar 4. Civil Society and the Political Ecology of Sustainable Development Empowernment, Opportunity and Participation 5. Myanmar’s External Relations in Regional Context - China, Japan, India, Thailand, ASEAN and BIMST-EC - Security Enhancement 6. Myanmar and the West - Sanctions, Security and Engagement. Conclusion: Towards a More Civil Society 2006: 234 x 156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-35559-9: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-00198-1
June 2008: 234 x 156: 304pp Hb: 978-0-415-41008-3: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-89519-1
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India’s Energy Security
The Separatist Conflict in Sri Lanka
The Maoist Insurgency in Nepal
Terrorism, Ethnicity, Political Economy
Dynamics and Growth in the Twenty-first Century
Edited by Ligia Noronha and Anant Sudarshan, both at The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), India
Asoka Bandarage, Georgetown University, USA Series: Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series This book provides an in-depth, historical case study of the origin, evolution and potential resolution of the civil conflict in Sri Lanka. Selected Contents: Introduction 1. Conceptual Frameworks: Broadening the Discourse 2. Prelude: The British Colonial Period and Early Years of Independence 3. From Class Struggle to Ethnic Separatism, 1971-1977 4. Liberalization, Authoritarianism, and Communal Violence, 1977-1983 5. Internationalization of the Secessionist Struggle, 1983-1987 6. Indian Intervention, Indo-Sri Lanka Accord, and Intensification of Violence, 1987-1994 7. A 'Peace Package', War, and the International Community, 1994-2002 8. Norwegian Facilitated Peace Initiative, 2002-2008 9. Globalization and Conflict Resolution: Separatism or Pluralism? November 2008: 234 x 156: 304pp Hb: 978-0-415-77678-3: £80.00 eBook: 978-0-415-88631-1
Conflict and Peacebuilding in Sri Lanka Caught in the Peace Trap? Edited by Jonathan Goodhand, SOAS, University of London, UK, Jonathan Spencer, University of Edinburgh, UK and Benedikt Korf, University of Zurich - Irchel, Switzerland This book brings together a unique range of perspectives on the Sri Lankan peace process from 2001-2006, and the attempts to bring this protracted violent conflict to a peaceful resolution. It draws conclusions from the Sri Lankan case for wider debates concerning post conflict peacebuilding. Selected Contents: Setting the Scene 1. Introduction Goodhand, Korf and Spencer 2. Waiting for Godot? The Sri Lankan Peace Process from a Systemic Perspective Ropers and Uyangoda Security Dynamics 3. Regional Security Dynamics and the Role of India Keethaponcalan 4. Domestic Security and the ’Shadow War’ C. Smith Political Dynamics 5. Nationalist Politics of the South D. Rampton and A.Welikala 6. Politics of the North-East L. Philipson and Y. Thangarajah 7. A Voice in the Peace Process? Political Spaces of Muslims N. Lewera and Ismail Socio-Economic Dynamics 8. The Economic Dimension of the Peace Process Bastian 9. Aiding Peace? An Insider’s View of Donor Support for the Peace Process Mulakala and Burke 10. Muddling the Peace Process? Post-Tsunami Response and Conflict Dynamics Frerks and Klem 11. Civil Society and the Peace Process Sarravanmuttu 12. Conclusions and Policy Implications Goodhand, Korf and Spencer January 2009: 234 x 156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-46604-2: £85.00
Edited by Mahendra Lawoti, Western Michigan University, US and Anup Kumar Pahari, Foreign Service Institute, US State Department Studying the violent 21st century communist rebellion initiated in Nepal in 1996 by the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) – CPN(M), this book contextualizes and explains why a violent Maoist insurgency grew in Nepal after the end of the Cold War, in contrast to the decline of other radical communist movements in most parts of the world. Selected Contents: Introduction: Evolution and the Rise of the Maoist Insurgency in Nepal Mahendra Lawoti and Anup Pahari Part 1: Economic Aspects of the Insurgency 1. An Assessment of the Causes of Conflict in Nepal Bishwa Nath Tiwari 2. Changing Environment as the Ultimate Cause of Social Vulnerability and Armed Rebellion: A Case Study of Maoist Insurgency in Nepal Jugal Bhurtel and Saleem Ali 3. Between Clientelistic Dependency and Liberal Market Economy: Rural Support for Maoist Insurgency in Nepal Madhav Johsi Part 2: Organizational Aspects and Mobilization Strategies 4. The Maoists and Marginalized Groups: Overlap of Interests or a Case of Mobilization? Mahendra Lawoti 5. Recruiting Rebels: Indoctrination and Political Education in Nepal Kristine Eck 6. Recursive Organizational Theory: Maoist Student Organization’s Notions of Scientific, Systematic Organization and their Internal Culture Amanda Snellinger 7. Catchy Melodies, Clenched Fists: Maoist Cultural Programs in the context of Maoist Political Struggle Monica Mottin 8. The Clash of the Armies: Why the Well-trained and Equipped Royal Nepal Army could not Defeat the People’s Liberation Army Ashok Kumar Mehta and Mahendra Lawoti Part 3: International Dimension and Comparative Perspective 9. External causes of the Nepal’s Armed Conflict: Some Observations and Reflections Bishnu Raj Upreti 10. The Maoist Insurgency: A Comparative Perspective Anup Pahari Part 4: Consequences 11. Anthropological Insights into a Model Village of Western Nepal: the Cultural Revolution during the People’s War Marie Lecomte-Tiouline 12. Consequences of the Militarized Conflict and the Cost of Violence in Nepal Dhruba Kumar Conclusion: Anup Pahari and Mahendra Lawoti February 2009: 234 x 156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-77717-9: £80.00
Routledge Handbook of South Asian Politics India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal Edited by Paul Brass, Professor Emeritus of Political Science and South Asian Studies, University of Washington, USA This unique reference work will be an invaluable source of information to students and academics interested in South Asian studies, South Asian politics, comparative political science and international relations. Selected Contents: Part 1: The Foundation of the Three Major States of South Asia: India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. Part 2: Political Change, Political Parties, and the Issue of Unitary vs. Federal Forms of Government. Part 3: The Judiciary. Part 4: Pluralism and National Integration: Language Issues. Part 5: Crises of National Unity: India 17. Crises of National Unity in India: Punjab, Kashmir and the Northeast Gurharpal Singh 18. Communal and Caste Politics and Conflicts in India Steven I. Wilkinson Pakistan 19. Ethnic and Islamic Militancy in Pakistan Mohammad Waseem Sri Lanka 20. Ethnic Conflict and the Civil War in Sri Lanka Jayadeva Uyangoda Part 6: Political Economy: India. Part 7: Comparative Chapters. Bibliography December 2008: 246 x 189: 408pp Hb: 978-0-415-43429-4: £95.00
This book explores the multifaceted aspects of India’s energy security concerns. It looks at the political calculus of India’s energy choices, geopolitical, security and trade issues, India’s energy problems in the wider Asian context and consumption and climate related challenges. Selected Contents: Foreword Rajendra K. Pachauri Preface Ligia Noronha and Anant Sudarshan Part 1: Understanding India’s Energy Security Concerns 1. Contextualizing India’s Energy Security Anant Sudarshan and Ligia Noronha 2. India’s Energy Challenges and Choices Surya Sethi 3. Energy and Poverty in India Eshita Gupta and Anant Sudarshan Part 2: The Global Context: Trade and Geopolitics 4. Trading in World Energy Market Nitya Nanda 5. Geopolitics of West Asian and Central Asian Oil & Gas: Implications for India’s Energy Security Talmiz Ahmad 6. Natural Gas Pipelines: Geopolitics, Affordability, Security Dimensions Ravi Kumar Batra 7. India-China Energy Cooperation Sudha Mahalingam 8. Security of Maritime Energy Lifelines: Policy Imperatives for India Gurpreet S. Khurana 9. Energy Security and Indian Foreign Policy C. Raja Mohan Part 3: Energy Consumption and Technology Choices 10. Lifestyles and Energy Consumption Mitali Das Gupta 11. Technology Options for India’s Energy Security: A Summary of a Modelling Exercise Pradeep K. Dadhich 12. Incentivizing Change in Energy Choices Ajay Mathur, Koshy Cherail, and Deepti Mahajan Part 4: Nuclear Energy for India – The Debate 13. Nuclear Power Growth: An Option for Sustaining Indian Energy Requirements Ravi B. Grover 14. The Many Phases of Nuclear Insecurity M.V. Ramana and J. Y. Suchitra Looking Ahead Ligia Noronha December 2008: 234 x 156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-46838-1: £85.00 eBook: 978-0-203-88436-2
Himalayan Frontiers of India Historical, Geo-Political and Strategic Perspectives Edited by K. Warikoo, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India This book provides a comprehensive analysis of historical, geo-political and strategic perspectives on the Himalayan frontiers of India. It explains the developments in and across the Himalayas and their implications for India. Topics such as religious extremism, international and cross border terrorism, insurgency, drugs and arms trafficking are discussed. Selected Contents: Preface: Himalayan Frontiers of India - Some Perspectives K. Warikoo Part 1 1. India’s Gateway to Central Asia: Trans-Himalayan Trade and Cultural Movements Through Kashmir and Ladakh, 18461947 K. Warikoo 2. Great Game on Kashmir Frontiers K. Warikoo 3. Gilgit Dimension of Kashmir Frontier P. N. Jalali Part 2 4. India’s Himalayan Frontier: Strategic Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century Vijay Kapur 5. Strategic Dimensions of the Trans-Himalayan Frontiers Afsir Karim 6. Ceasefire Line and LoC in Jammu and Kashmir: Evolution of a Border Sat Paul Sahni 7. Northern Areas of Jammu and Kashmir B. Raman 8. Jammu and Kashmir: Contours and Challenges of Cross Border Terrorism M.M. Khajooria 9. The Rise of the Islamists and the Kashmir Frontier E.N. Rammohan 10. Tibet and the Security of Indian Himalayan Belt P. Stobdan 11. India-Nepal Open Border: Interlinkages, Issues and Problems B.C. Upreti 12. Indo-Bhutan Relations: Strategic Perspectives Rajesh Kharat 13. Security of Northeast Himalayan Frontiers: Challenges and Response Bibhuti Bhushan Nandy 14. Security of Himalayan Frontiers: Role of Science and Technology, Modern Air Surveillance and Remote Sensing Vinod Patney November 2008: 234 x 156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-46839-8: £80.00 eBook: 978-0-203-88732-5
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Pakistan-Japan Relations
Military Control in Pakistan
Continuity and Change in Economic Relations and Security Interests
The Parallel State Mazhar Aziz, Independent scholar
Violence and Resistance in Uzbekistan
Ahmad Rashid Malik, Islamabad Policy Research Institute, Pakistan
Series: Routledge Advances in South Asian Studies
Matteo Fumagalli, Central European University, Hungary
This book examines the complex nature of PakistanJapan relations, focusing on two key factors: economic interests and security concerns in the USled global security system. Providing a thorough analysis of the history of relations between the countries, it also sets out future prospects for economic and diplomatic relations.
Selected Contents: Introduction 1. Conceptualising Political Developments in Pakistan 2. Explaining Politics: Of Institutions and Institutional Theory 3. The Military in Politics 4. Examining Military Coup in Pakistan 5. Ordering the State: Consolidating Military Control 6. ‘L Etat, c’est Militaire’
This book examines the origins of the current waves of social protest in Uzbekistan. The author analyses how these have changed over the years and provides an outlook into the country’s future.
Selected Contents: Introduction 1. Pre-Independence Encounters 2. Building a Relationship During the Cold War: 1947-57 3. Changing Dynamics of Security and Economic Ties: 1958-70 4. Convergence and Divergence: 1971-77 5. Revival of Bilateral Enthusiasm: 1977-88 6. Look East: Changing Scenario in the Post Cold War Era: 1988-97 7. The Nuclear Blast and Post 9/11 Partnership: 1998-2007. Conclusion
Strategic Consequences of India’s Economic Performance
July 2008: 234 x 156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-46279-2: £85.00 eBook: 978-0-203-89149-0
Sanjaya Baru, Media Advisor, Office of the Prime Minister of India In this book, Sanjaya Baru, one of India’s most respected commentators on political and economic issues, pays close attention to the strategic consequences of India’s increasingly impressive economic performance.
Islamist Militancy in Bangladesh A Complex Web
2007: 234 x 156: 496pp Hb: 978-0-415-43196-5: £29.99
Ali Riaz, Illinois State University, USA Selected Contents: Introduction 1. The Political Landscape of Bangladesh 2. Islamist Politics and the Militants: A Taxonomy 3. The Missing State and the Homegrown Militants 4. A ’Friendly’ Neighborhood and the Proxy-Wars 5. The Long Shadow of the Distant World 6. Future Trajectories of Islamist Militancy in Bangladesh. Appendix 1: Constitutional Provisions of the Caretaker Government. Appendix 2: Bomb Attacks in Bangladesh 1999-2005. Appendix 3: Militant Islamist Organizations in Bangladesh. Appendix 4: Profiles of Islamist Militant Leaders. Appendix 5: The JMB Leaflet Calls for Islamic Rule. The Original Text of the JMB Leaflet 2007: 234 x 156: 192pp Hb: 978-0-415-45172-7: £80.00 eBook: 978-0-203-93308-4
Madrasas in South Asia Teaching Terror? Edited by Jamal Malik, Erfurt University, Germany Selected Contents: 1. Introduction Jamal Malik 2. Ahl-i Sunnat Madrasas: The Madrasa Manzar-i Islam, Bareilly, and Jamia Ashrafiyya, Mubarakpur Usha Sanyal 3. Making Muslims: Identity and Difference in Indian Madrasas Arshad Alam 4. Madrasas: The Potential for Violence in Pakistan? Tariq Rahman 5. Pakistani Madrasas and Rural Underdevelopment: An Empirical Study of Ahmedpur East Saleem H. Ali 6. Pakistan’s Recent Experience in Reforming Islamic Education Christopher Candland 7. The Gender of Madrasa Teaching Nita Kumar 8. Cinematic Representation of Islamic Learning and Identity Conflict in Bangladesh Zakir Hossain Raju 9. Power, Purity and the Vanguard: Educational Ideology of the Jama’at-i-Islami of India Irfan Ahmad 10. In Lieu of a Conclusion Jamal Malik 2007: 234 x 156: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-44247-3: £80.00 eBook: 978-0-203-93657-3
2007: 234 x 156: 160pp Hb: 978-0-415-43743-1: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-93357-2
The India-Pakistan Nuclear Relationship Theories of Deterrence and International Relations Edited by E. Sridharan, UPIASI, New Delhi, India Selected Contents: 1. Introduction: Subcontinental Perspectives on Deterrence Theory, International Relations Theory and South Asia E. Sridharan 2. International Relations Theory and the India-Pakistan Conflict E. Sridharan 3. Deterrence and Nuclear Use: Doctrines in South Asia Rifaat Hussain 4. Conceptualising Nuclear Deterrence: Pakistan’s Posture Rasul B. Rais 5. The China Factor in South Asia’s Nuclear Deterrence Swaran Singh 6. Theories of Deterrence and Nuclear Deterrence in the Subcontinent Arvind Kumar 7. Operation Vijay and Operation Parakram: The Victory of Theory? W.P.S. Sidhu 8. South Asia: The Irrelevance of Classical Nuclear Deterrence Theory Bharat Karnad 9. International Relations Theory and Minimum Deterrence Rajesh M. Basrur 10. The Threat of Unintended Use of Nuclear Weapons in South Asia Rajesh Rajagopalan 11. The Stability-Unstability Paradox in South Asia Varun Sahni 2007: 216 x 138: 308pp Hb: 978-0-415-42408-0: £55.00
India - From Regional to World Power Ashok Kapur, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
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June 2010: 234 x 156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-48093-2: £85.00
Politics and Oil in Kazakhstan Wojciech Ostrowski, University of St Andrews, UK This book deals with the oil industry in Kazakhstan with which the political and economical future of the country is inseparably intertwined. In particular, it explores the Kazakh regime under Nursultan Nazarbayev and the methods used to control the oil industry. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction 2. The Oil Industry and Techniques of Regime Maintenance 3. The Kazakh Oil Industry in Transition: De-formalising Formal Relations 4. Strengthening the Informal Ties: The Kazakhization of the Oil Industry 5. Controlling the Oil-Rich Regions: Local Population 6. Controlling the Oil-Rich Regions: Local Interests Groups 7. Beyond the 1990s: Quasi-Formal Relationships and Consolidation 8. Summary and Conclusions April 2009: 234 x 156: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-48580-7: £75.00
Post-Conflict Tajikistan The Politics of Peacebuilding and the Emergence of Legitimate Order John Heathershaw, University of Exeter, UK Provides a critical analysis of why peace has been consolidated in Tajikistan, and what role international peacebuilding has had in this. It will be of interest to academics working on Peace Studies, International Relations and Central Asian Studies. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction 2. War and Peace in Post-Soviet Central Asia 3. International Peacebuilding in Tajikistan 4. Elite and Subordinate Discourses of Peace 5. Democracy and Authority 6. Security and Sovereignty 7. Development and Livelihoods. Conclusions March 2009: 234 x 156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-48403-9: £80.00
Series: India in the Modern World
Selected Contents: 1. Introduction: India as a Catalyst 2. Shifts in Indian Diplomatic History 3. Strategic Triangles and the Indian Subcontinent 4. Indian Strategic Debates and Dilemmas: Analytical Constructs 5. Nature of India’s Foreign Policy: Utopia, Compromise Pease or Engagement? 6. The Build-up of the Suzerain States’ System in the Subcontinent, 1947 – 1990s 7. The Typology of Threats to India and The Nehruvian Record, 1964-98 8. Nehru’s Innovations and Their Problems 9. Nehruvians and the Rise of Anti-India Trends in Foreign Affairs 10. The External Determinants of Change in Indian Foreign Affairs, 1960s – 1990s 11. India’s Antagonists Re-Group, 1971-1980s 12. Liberating India and Its Nuclear Policy From the Nehruvian Shackles 13. India’s Rise as a Major Power, 1990s 14. BJP’s Geopolitics and Building Strategic Triangularities. Epilogue
Conflict Transformation in Central Asia
2006: 234 x 156: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-32804-3: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-39084-9
Selected Contents: 1. Authoritarianism, Security and (in)Stability along the Silk Road 2. Uzbekistan’s Political System 3. Opposition Politics in Uzbekistan from Birlik and Erk to Andijan 4. Continuity and Change in StateGroup Relations 5. Whither Uzbekistan?
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Irrigation Disputes in the Ferghana Valley Christine Bichsel, Swiss National Centre for Competence in Research (NCCR) and Swiss Peace Foundation, Berne, Switzerland Selected Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Seeing like a Project: Three Cases in the Ferghana Valley 3. Sources of Thought: The Ideational Background 4. The Way of the Water: Irrigation and Conflict 5. White Beards and Active Citizens: Institutions for Conflict Transformation 6. The Crucible of Harmony: Violence and Politics 7. Trouble on the Margins: States, Borders and People 8. Conclusion December 2008: 234 x 156: 192pp Hb: 978-0-415-46725-4: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-88407-2
Human Security Concepts and Implications Shahrbanou Tadjbakhsh, Sciences Po Center for Peace and Human Security, France and Anuradha Chenoy, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India Series: Routledge Advances in International Relations and Global Politics This book, now available in paperback, traces the key evolutions in the development of the concept of human security, the various definitions and critiques, how it relates to other concepts, and what it implies for polities, politics, and policy. Human security is an important subject for the whole world, in particular Asia, as it deals with interactions among fields of social change, such as development, conflict resolution, human rights, and humanitarian assistance. In a globalizing world, in which threats become trans-national and states lose power, security can no longer be studied in a onedimensional fashion. Human Security contributes to this new multidimensional conception of security, analyzes its strengths and weaknesses, and focuses on its implications for analysis and action. Selected Contents: Introduction Part 1: Concepts 1. Rationale and Political Usage 2. Definitions, Critiques and Counter-Critiques 3. A Paradigm Shift in Security Studies? 4. Human Security and Human Development: Shadow or Threshold? 5. Debating Dignity: Human Security and Human Rights Part 2: Implications 6. Underdevelopment and Conflict: A Vicious Cycle? 7. The State and its Domestic Responsibilities 8. Intervention, Engagement and the Responsibilities of the International Community 9. Externalities of Human Security: The Role of International Aid 10. Conclusions: Concluding Thoughts: Whither Human Security?
War, Peace and Hegemony in a Globalized World The Changing Balance of Power in the Twenty-First Century
Human Trafficking and Human Security Edited by Anna Jonsson
Edited by Chandra Chari, The Book Review and The Book Review Literary Trust, New Delhi, India
Series: Routledge Transnational Crime and Corruption
Series: Routledge Advances in International Relations and Global Politics
This book examines human trafficking from postSoviet countries, exploring the full extent of the problem and discussing countermeasures, at both the local and the global level, and considering the problem in all its aspects.
Written by leading scholars, such as Joseph Nye, Eric Hobsbawm and Akira Iriye, this book focuses on how the US could adapt its foreign policy initiatives to fit in with the growing aspirations of a multipolar world for a more balanced international order. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction Chandra Chari Section 1: Global Perspectives 2. War, Peace and Hegemony at the Beginning of the 21st Century Eric Hobsbawm 3. Global Governance in the Age of Transnationalism Akira Iriye 4. The Future of Power Joseph S. Nye, Jr. 5. The Troubled Quest for International Nuclear Order William Walker 6. Globalization, Hegemony and the Failure of Empire Prem Shankar Jha 7. Global Prosperity and the Prospect of War in the 21st Century T.C.A. Srinivasa-Raghavan 8. Human Security in Asia in a Conservative Era: Against the Odds, Twice Paul M. Evans 9. Hegemony and Strategic Choice Kanti Bajpai and Varun Sahni Section 2: Regional Perspectives 10. Europe, NATO and the Emergence of a Polycentric World Chandrashekhar Dasgupta 11. The International Role of Latin America after September 11: Tying the Giant Jorge Chabat 12. The Change of the World in the Early 21st Century and China’s Strategy of Peaceful Rise Yu Xintian 13. Changing Balance of Power in the International Order in the Context of Globalization: The Case of Japan Akiko Fukushima 14. Security in Northeast Asia: Alternative Scenario Vyjayanti Raghavan 15. East Asia, ASEAN and Regional Order: Power, Cooperation and Principle Simon S.C. Tay 16. South Asian Economy: A Mix of Positives and Negatives N. Ravi 17. West Asia: Is There an Alternative to Sole Super-Power Hegemony? Hamid Ansari 18. Africa in 21st Century International Relations: Challenges and Responses Abdul Lamin 2007: 234 x 156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-43577-2: £80.00 eBook: 978-0-203-94664-0
October 2008: 234 x 156: 272pp Hb: 978-0-415-40727-4: £80.00 Pb: 978-0-415-47338-5: £22.99 eBook: 978-0-203-96595-5
Security Studies An Introduction Paul D. Williams, George Washington University, USA Security Studies is the most comprehensive textbook available on security studies. It gives students a detailed overview of the major theoretical approaches, key themes and most significant issues within security studies. By collecting these related strands of the field together into a single coherent textbook, Security Studies provides a valuable new teaching tool for undergraduates and MA students. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction Paul D. Williams Part 1: Theoretical Approaches 2. Realism Colin Elman 3. Liberalism Cornelia Navari 4. Game Theory Frank C. Zagare 5. Constructivism Matt McDonald 6. Peace Studies Peter Lawler 7. Critical Theory Pinar Bilgin 8. Feminist Perspectives Sandra Whitworth 9. International Political Sociology Didier Bigo Part 2: Key Concepts 10. Uncertainty Ken Booth and Nicholas J. Wheeler 11. War Paul D. Williams 12. Terrorism Paul Rogers 13. Genocide and Mass Killing Adam Jones 14. Ethnic Conflict Stuart J. Kaufman 15. Coercion Lawrence Freedman and Srinath Rhagavan 16. Human Security Fen Osler Hampson 17. Poverty Caroline Thomas 18. Environmental Change Simon Dalby 19. Health Colin McInnes Part 3: Institutions 20. Alliances John Duffield 21. Regional Institutions Louise Fawcett 22. The United Nations Thomas G. Weiss and Danielle Zach Kalbacher Part 4: Contemporary Challenges 23. International Arms Trade William D. Hartung 24. Nuclear Proliferation W. Pal Sidhu 25. Counterterrorism Paul R. Pillar 26. Counterinsurgency Joanna Spear 27. Peace Operations Michael Pugh 28. The Responsibility to Protect Alex J. Bellamy 29. Private Security Deborah Avant 30. Transnational Organized Crime John T. Picarelli 31. Population Movements Sita Bali 32. Energy Security Michael T. Klare. Conclusion 33.What Future for Security Studies? Stuart Croft
Selected Contents: Preface. Foreword 1. Introduction: Human Trafficking and Human Security in the Baltic Sea Region Anna Jonsson 2. Human Security and Human Trafficking Louise Shelley 3. Organized Crime or Crimes Organized: Isolating and Identifying Actors in the Human Trafficking Chain Tamara Makarenko 4. The Interaction of Drug Smuggling, Human Trafficking and Terrorism Svante Cornell 5. International Countermeasures against Human Trafficking Inger Österdahl 6. Human Trafficking in the Baltic Sea Region: Supply, Demand, and Organized Crime Anna Jonsson 7. An Assessment of Human Trafficking in the Kaliningrad Oblast: Strategies and Responses Galina Vitkovskaya and Elena Turukanova 8. Trade in Human Beings in Lithuania Aurelijus Gutauskas 9. Conclusions and Looking Ahead Anna Jonsson September 2008: 234 x 156: 192pp Hb: 978-0-415-45181-9: £80.00
Radical Islam and International Security Challenges and Responses Edited by Efraim Inbar and Hillel Frisch, both at Bar-Ilan University, Israel This book serves as a welcome addition to the intellectual and policy debate on the nature of the radical Islam phenomenon and how to respond to it. The collection analyzes the phenomenon of radical Islam, the challenges it poses to international security and the strategic responses available. Selected Contents: Introduction Part 1: The Challenge of Radical Islam: General Themes Religious Extremism or Religionization of Politics? The Ideological Foundations of Political Islam Bassam Tibi. Islam from Flexibility to Ferocity Ze’ev Maghen. An Economic Perspective on Radical Islam Arye Hillman Part 2: The Islamist Challenge: Case Studies The Rise of Jihadi Trends in Saudi Arabia: The Post IraqKuwait War Phase Joseph Kostiner. Islamic Radicalism and Terrorism in the European Union: The Maghrebi Factor Michael Laskier. Explaining the Causes of Radical Islam in Europe Jonathan Paris. The Evolution of Iranian Interventionism: Support for Radical Islam in Turkey, 1982-2003 Yasemin Akbaba and Patrick James. The Islamic Dimension of Pakistan’s Foreign Policy Rushda Siddiqui Part 3: Responding to the Islamist Challenge The Potential Dangers of a ’Real’ Jihad Max Singer. Deterring Those Who Are Already Dead? Laurent Murawiec. Fighting Terrorism with Democracy? Daniel Byman. Counter-Terrorist Strategies Jonathan Stevenson 2007: 234 x 156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-44460-6: £70.00 eBook: 978-0-203-93840-9
June 2008: 246 x 174: 568pp Hb: 978-0-415-42561-2: £80.00 Pb: 978-0-415-42562-9: £22.99 eBook: 978-0-203-92660-4 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
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ASIAN SECURITY Editors: Sumit Ganguly, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA, Devin T. Hagerty, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA and Michael R. Chambers, Indiana State University, USA
Asian Security aims to be the foremost journal on all aspects of the national and international security in Asia. The journal covers "traditional" issues like interstate warfare, the regional balance of power, alliances and other multilateral security institutions, national defense policies, strategic culture, civil-military relations, nuclear proliferation, conventional arms racing, arms control, and conflict-prone areas, as well as "new" security issues like the stability of democratic transitions, globalization and its backlash, ethnic conflict, insurgency and counter insurgency, failing states, and transnational terrorism.
Volume 5, 2009, 3 issues per year Print ISSN: 1479-9855 Online ISSN: 1555-2764
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