Education: Education Handbooks 2008 (UK)

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Routledge Education

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Education Handbooks

2008 including Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Books Welcome to the Routledge


Education Handbooks Catalogue

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Handbook of Research on New Literacies

Handbook of Research on Teaching Literacy Through the Communicative and Visual Arts Volume II

Handbook of College Reading and Study Strategy Research Edited by Rona F. Flippo, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA and David C. Caverly, Texas State University - San Marcos, USA This Handbook is the most comprehensive and up-to-date source available for college reading and study strategy practitioners and administrators. In response to changing demographics, politics, policy, issues, and concerns in the field of college reading and study strategies since publication of the first edition in 2000, this new edition has been substantially revised and updated to reflect the newest research in the field, including six new chapters and a more user-friendly structure to make it easier for researchers, program administrators, college instructors, and graduate students to find the information that they need. In this thorough and systematic examination of theory, research, and practice, college reading teachers will find information to make better instructional decisions, administrators will find justification for programmatic implementations, and professors will find in one book both theory and practice to better prepare graduate students to understand the parameters and issues of this field. The Handbook is an essential resource for professionals, researchers, and students as they continue to study, research, learn, and share more about college reading and study strategy issues and instruction. June 2008: 246x174: 493pp Hb: 978-0-8058-6000-9: £135.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-6001-6: £60.00 eBook: 978-0-203-89494-1

Edited by Julie Coiro, University of Rhode Island, USA, Michele Knobel, Montclair State University, New Jersey, USA, Colin Lankshear, Montclair State University, New Jersey, USA and Donald J. Leu, New Literacies Project, University of Connecticut, USA Situated at the intersection of two of the most important areas in educational research today – literacy and technology – this Handbook draws on the potential of each while carving out important new territory. It provides leadership for this newly emerging field, directing scholars to the major issues, theoretical perspectives, and interdisciplinary research concerning new literacies. This Handbook: • brings together a diverse international team of editors and chapter authors • provides an extensive collection of research reviews in a critical area of educational research • makes visible the multiple perspectives and theoretical frames that currently drive work in new literacies • establishes important space for the emerging field of new literacies research • includes a unique Commentary section. The Handbook of Research on New Literacies is intended for the literacy research community including scholars and students from the traditional reading and writing research communities in education and educational psychology as well as those from information science, cognitive science, psychology, sociolinguistics, computer mediated communication, and other related areas that find literacy to be an important area of investigation. February 2008: 246x174: 1096pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5651-4: £125.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-5652-1: £50.00 eBook: 978-1-4106-1889-4

A Project of the International Reading Association Edited by James Flood, San Diego State University, USA, Shirley Brice Heath, Stanford University, USA and Diane Lapp, San Deigo State University, USA The Handbook of Research on Teaching Literacy Through the Communicative and Visual Arts, Volume II brings together stateof-the-art research and practice on the evolving view of literacy as encompassing not only reading, writing, speaking, and listening, but also the multiple ways through which learners gain access to knowledge and skills. It forefronts as central to literacy education the visual, communicative, and performative arts, and the extent to which all of the technologies that have vastly expanded the meanings and uses of literacy originate and evolve through the skills and interests of the young. In the years since the publication of the first volume of this Handbook in 1997, visual and performative have come to be almost synonymous with communicative, and literacy research has come to encompass much more than decoding and encoding of verbal material. Literacy is now rarely spoken of in the singular or without descriptors such as multi-modal. Along with this marked shift has come the widespread recognition that teachers and students have to become learners together. Volume II pushes the boundaries of literacy education through an interdisciplinary range of perceptions and approaches to multiple literacies in classrooms and between and beyond the niches of formal education. Contributions from leading literacy researchers from around the world are organized around four themes: • historical and theoretical foundations • methods of inquiry in the communicative, visual, and performative arts


Handbook of Research on Reading Comprehension

• family and communicative contexts in the communicative, visual, and performing arts

Edited by Susan E. Israel, Dayton University, Ohio, USA and Gerald G. Duffy, University of North Carolina Greensboro, USA

• into the language arts classroom through the visual and communicative arts.

The Handbook of Research on Reading Comprehension assembles researchers of reading comprehension, literacy, educational psychology, psychology, and neuroscience to document the most recent research on the topic. It summarizes the current body of research on theory, methods, instruction, assessment, including coverage of landmark studies. Designed to deepen understanding of how past research can be applied and has influenced the present and to stimulate new thinking about reading comprehension, the volume is organized around seven themes: • historical perspectives on reading comprehension • theoretical perspectives • changing views of text • elements of reading comprehension • assessing and teaching reading comprehension • cultural impact on reading comprehension • Where to from here? This is an essential reference volume for the international community of reading researchers, reading psychologists, graduate students, and professionals working in the area of reading and literacy.

This volume retains the ’Voices from the Field’ feature the view of practitioners and artists alike - from the 1997 Handbook. However, in recognition of the fact that increasingly we are all ’in the field’ - inquiring and practicing at the same time, in Volume II these ’voices’ are interspersed throughout the four sections. Overall, Volume II speaks to the urgent need for educators to explore, value, and incorporate into their own ways of knowing and doing the visual, communicative, and performative arts as central to literacy education, and to keep a sustained and consistent focus on equity and on the freedoms that are fundamental to the human spirit and critical to the future of investigating, analyzing, assessing, and transmitting the what and how of learning and literacy. December 2007: 276x219: 632pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5699-6: £150.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-5700-9: £60.00 eBook: 978-1-4106-1759-0

March 2008: 246x174: 720pp Hb: 978-0-8058-6200-3: £125.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-6201-0: £50.00 eBook: 978-1-4106-1585-5


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Handbook of Research on Writing History, Society, School, Individual, Text Edited by Charles Bazerman, University of California at Santa Barbara, USA The Handbook of Research on Writing ventures to sum up inquiry over the last few decades on what we know about writing and the many ways we know it: How do people write? How do they learn to write and develop as writers? Under what conditions and for what purposes do people write? What resources and technologies do we use to write? How did our current forms and practices of writing emerge within social history? What impacts has writing had on society and the individual? What does it mean to be and to learn to be an active participant in contemporary systems of meaning? This cornerstone volume advances the field by aggregating the broad-ranging, interdisciplinary, multidimensional strands of writing research and bringing them together into a common intellectual space. Endeavoring to synthesize what has been learned about writing in all nations in recent decades, it reflects a wide scope of international research activity, with attention to writing at all levels of schooling and in all life situations. Chapter authors, all eminent researchers, come from disciplines as diverse as anthropology, archeology, typography, communication studies, linguistics, journalism, sociology, rhetoric, composition, law, medicine, education, history, and literacy studies. The Handbook’s thirty-seven chapters are organized in five sections: • the history of writing • writing in society • writing in schooling • writing and the individual • writing as text. This volume, in summing up what is known about writing, deepens our experience and appreciation of writing—in ways that will make teachers better at teaching writing and all of its readers better as individual writers. It will be interesting and useful to scholars and researchers of writing, to anyone who teaches writing in any context at any level, and to all those who are just curious about writing.

Handbook for Arabic Language Teaching Professionals in the 21st Century

Handbook of Research in Second Language Teaching and Learning

Edited by Kassem M. Wahba, Georgetown University, USA, Zeina A. Taha, The American University in Cairo, Eygpt and Liz England

2005: 246x174: 1176pp Hb: 978-0-8058-4180-0: £170.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-4181-7: £65.00 eBook: 978-1-4106-1270-0

This landmark volume offers an introduction to the field of teaching Arabic as a foreign or second language. It approaches the field from many different perspectives and provides readers the opportunity to consider the role, status and content of Arabic language teaching in the world today.

Edited by Eli Hinkel

Handbook of Orthography and Literacy Edited by R. Malatesha Joshi and P.G. Aaron 2005: 246x174: 816pp Pb: 978-0-8058-5467-1: £55.00


Handbook of Early Literacy Research Volume 2

2006: 246x174: 512pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5101-4: £110.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-5102-1: £42.50

Edited by David K. Dickinson and Susan B. Neuman

International Handbook of Literacy and Technology Volume II Edited by Michael C. McKenna, University of Virginia, USA, Linda D. Labbo, University of Georgia, USA, Ronald D. Kieffer, Ohio Northern University, USA and David Reinking Clemson University, USA This Handbook provides a comprehensive and international representation of state-of-the art research, theory, and practice related to principal areas in which significant developments are occurring in the study of literacy and technology. It offers a glimpse of the commonalities faced by literacy educators around the world, together with specific challenges raised by unique circumstances.

'This extraordinarily valuable resource brings together the work of knowledgeable and credible scholars in a variety of areas related to early literacy research. Writing in a manner that is accessible to both researchers and practitioners, the contributors go beyond updating us on the vast amount of accumulated knowledge on emerging and early literacy. They help us make sense of its applications to our work with young children and those who care for and teach them.' – Dorothy S. Strickland, PhD, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA The Handbook of Early Literacy Research presents cutting-edge knowledge on all aspects of literacy learning in the early years. 2007: 246x174: 468pp Hb: 978-1-59385-184-2: £49.95 Pb: 978-1-59385-577-2: £30.00

2006: 246x174: 440pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5087-1: £80.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-5088-8: £32.50 eBook: 978-0-203-92913-1

2007: 246x174: 672pp Hb: 978-0-8058-4869-4: £140.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-4870-0: £49.99 eBook: 978-1-4106-1647-0

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Handbook of Moral and Character Education

Handbook of Positive Psychology in Schools

Handbook of Research on Schools, Schooling and Human Development

Edited by Larry P. Nucci, University of Illinois-Chicago, USA and Darcia Narvaez, Notre Dame University, USA

Michael Furlong, Richard Gilman and Scott Huebner

Judith Meece, University of North Carolina, USA and Jacquelynne Eccles, University of Michigan, USA

Series: Educational Psychology Handbook

The purposes of this groundbreaking Handbook are to 1) describe ways that positive emotions, traits, and institutions promote school achievement and healthy social/emotional development 2) describe how specific positive psychological constructs relate to students and schools and support the delivery of school-based services and 3) describe the application of positive psychology to educational policy making. By bringing together critical findings from this loosely coupled field of study, the book provides a long-needed centerpiece around which the field can continue to grow in an organized and interdisciplinary manner.

Children spend more time in school than in any social institution outside the home. Schools probably exert more influence on children’s development and life chance than any environment beyond the home and neighborhood. In spite of this, there has never been a comprehensive Handbook that attempted to assemble the widely dispersed body of research on the developmental effects of schooling. That is the mission of this book. It will attempt to provide a comprehensive review of what is known about the effects of schools and schooling on human development. Topical coverage will range from historical/theoritical foundations to investigative methodologies and from classroom-level influences such as teacher-student relations to broad, impersonal influences such as school and societal organizational patterns and educational policy. By bringing together critical findings from this loosely-coupled, cross-disciplinary field of study, this forty-chapter, six-part book provides a much-needed centerpiece around which the field can continue to grow in an organized and interdisciplinary manner.

There is widespread agreement that schools should contribute to students’ moral development and character formation. Currently 80% of states have mandates regarding character education. This apparent support for moral education, however, masks a high degree of controversy surrounding the meaning and the methods of moral and/or character education. The purpose of this Handbook is to replace the ideological rhetoric that infects this field with a comprehensive, research-oriented volume that includes the extensive changes that have occurred over the last fifteen years. Coverage includes the latest applications of developmental and cognitive psychology to moral and character education from preschool to college settings. March 2008: 246x174: 608pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5960-7: £105.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-5961-4: £50.00 eBook: 978-0-203-93143-1


Handbook of Motivation at School Kathryn Wentzel and Allan Wigfield The Handbook on Motivation at School provides the first comprehensive and integrated compilation of theory and research on children’s motivation at school. It covers the major theoretical perspectives in the field as well as their application to instruction, learning and social adjustment at school. In addition to reviewing the extant literature on motivation, it also provides an overview of new directions and issues for the field. December 2008: 246x174 Hb: 978-0-8058-6284-3: £105.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-6290-4: £50.00 eBook: 978-1-4106-1693-7

December 2008: 246x174 Hb: 978-0-8058-6361-1: £140.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-6362-8: £55.00 eBook: 978-1-4106-1821-4


Handbook of Research on Adult Learning and Development M. Cecil Smith, Northern Illinois University, USA and Thomas G. Reio Jr., University of Louisville, Kentucky, USA

December 2008: 234x156: 704pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5948-5: £105.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-5949-2: £50.00

This Handbook extensively surveys contemporary theory and research pertaining to development and learning during the adult years — a rapidly growing field reflecting demographic trends that show an aging population in Western societies, including the United States. Many psychologists, sociologists, and other social scientists have shifted their attention to studying adult populations to better understand the nature of human behaviour and developmental processes across the many decades of adult life. Higher education institutions have also recognized the educational needs of the adult population, and have responded by creating nontraditional degree programs, online courses, and other services to better meet the needs of adult learners. The workplace is experiencing radical changes, reflecting shifting economic conditions, a focus on global markets, different production priorities, and greater emphases on teamwork and effective communications between and among workers. The time is appropriate for this comprehensive Handbook that analyzes, integrates, and summarizes theoretical advances and research findings regarding adult development and learning.


December 2008: 246x174 Hb: 978-0-8058-5819-8: £160.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-5820-4: £65.00

April 2008: 276x219: 832pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5622-4: £125.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-5623-1: £49.99

Handbook of School Counseling Edited by Hardin L.K. Coleman, University of Wisconsin, USA and Christine Yeh, University of San Francisco, USA Series: Counseling and Counseling Education The mission of this forty-eight chapter Handbook is to provide a comprehensive reference source that integrates counseling theory, research and practice into one volume. It is designed to meet the needs of entry-level practitioners from their initial placement in schools through their first three to five years of practice. It will also be of interest to experienced school counselors, counselor educators, school researchers, and counseling representatives within state and local governments.

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International Handbook of Research on Conceptual Change Stella Vosniadou, University of Athens, Greece Series: Educational Psychology Handbook The study of conceptual change traces its heritage to the notions of paradigm (networks of shared beliefs, concepts, practices) and paradigm shift made famous by Thomas Kuhn in his book, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Kuhn’s work was quickly linked to developmental psychology (how knowledge develops) and to science education (teaching big, new ideas). This book is the first comprehensive review of the conceptual change movement and of the impressive research it has spawned on how knowledge develops and can be taught in different content areas. Because of its interdisciplinary focus chapter authors were instructed to write in a manner comprehensible to researchers and students from different fields. The International Handbook of Research on Conceptual Change consists of twenty-seven chapters that clarify the nature of conceptual change research, describes its most important findings and demonstrates their importance for education. It is organized into six sections that include detailed discussions of key theoretical and methodological issues, the roots of conceptual change research in the philosophy and history of science, mechanisms of conceptual change, and learner characteristics. It also contains chapters that describe conceptual change research in the content areas such as physics, astronomy, biology, medicine and health, and history. A particular focus is given to students’ difficulties in learning more advanced and counter-intuitive concepts. April 2008: 246x174: 608pp Hb: 978-0-8058-6044-3: £140.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-6045-0: £55.00

Handbook of Multicultural School Psychology

Handbook of Research in Emotional and Behavioral Disorders

An Interdisciplinary Perspective

Edited by Robert B. Rutherford, Jr., Arizona State University, USA, Mary Magee Quinn, American Institutes for Research, USA and Sarup R. Mathur, Arizona State University, USA

Edited by Giselle B. Esquivel, Fordham University, New York, USA, Emilia C. Lopez and Sara G. Nahari, both at City University of New York/Queens College, USA This comprehensive Handbook offers a beautifully balanced view of the emerging field of multicultural school psychology. The opening section provides an historical overview of how the field has developed, and succeeding sections discuss multicultural issues related to consultation, instructional interventions, alternative assessment, academic assessment, vocational assessment, culturally sensitive counseling models, and working with families and special populations. Theory, research, and practice are integrated throughout.

Foreword by Frank H. Wood Bringing together leading researchers, this book integrates current knowledge on EBD in the school setting. Reviewed are a range of evidence-based approaches to identifying, assessing, and intervening with this difficult-to-teach population. School practitioners and educators gain essential tools for developing and evaluating programs to improve student behavior, boost self-control and social skills, and maximize academic achievement. Findings on early intervention and prevention are presented, and implications for policy discussed. Broad in coverage, the volume also emphasizes the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in service provision and delineates best-practice guidelines for research. 2007: 246x174: 622pp Pb: 978-1-59385-471-3: £25.95

Key features of this exciting new book include: • interdisciplinary perspective - many chapters are written by authors from different disciplines, all of whom have multicultural expertise. The last chapter provides summarizing commentaries written by leaders in different disciplines • scientist-practitioner focus - evidence-based interventions for culturally and linguistically diverse students are provided for major competency areas such as consultation, counseling, and special programs (e.g. bilingual and multicultural education) • assessment focus - multicultural and bilingual assessment issues are discussed in the chapters covering language, cognitive, personality, behavioral, neuropsychological, vocational, acculturational, and academic assessment • special populations focus - the needs of special populations such as culturally different parents, gifted and talented children, preschool children, migrant families, and children with low and high incidence learning disabilities are discussed. This book is appropriate for graduate courses and seminars dealing with multicultural school psychology. It is also a useful reference for researchers and practicing school psychologists and the libraries serving them. 2007: 246x174: 776pp Hb: 978-0-8058-4561-7: £110.50 Pb: 978-0-8058-4562-4: £47.95

Handbook of Research in School Consultation Edited by William P. Erchul, North Carolina State University, USA and Susan M. Sheridan, University of Nebraska, USA The field of school consultation, which is centered principally in school psychology and cuts across related disciplines such as special education and school counseling, has never had a comprehensive volume that examines its research perspectives and methodologies, its models of practice, and its future research directions. That is the mission of this Handbook. It provides both producers and consumers of school consultation with an invaluable snapshot of its current boundaries and rapidly growing content. Key features includes: • research oriented - whereas many books dealing with school consultation practice have appeared over the last decade, none has attempted to provide a comprehensive review of research findings and methods supporting its growing body of evidence-based practice • author expertise - chapter authors are well known for their contributions to the school consultation research literature and, collectively, are recognized for their ability to translate scientific findings into implications for practice • commentary chapters - commentary chapters written by leading scholars provide integrative critiques of the book’s three major sections. This book is intended for researchers, graduate students, and practitioners in school psychology and related human service disciplines, including special education, counselor education, counseling psychology, and school social work. 2007: 246x174: 408pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5335-3: £100.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-5336-0: £45.00 eBook: 978-1-4106-1838-2

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The Practice of Child Therapy

Handbook of Educational Psychology

Edited by Richard Morris, University of Arizona, USA and Thomas Kratochwill, University of Wisconsin, USA Consistent with previous editions, this book assembles in a single volume summaries of the treatment literature and treatment procedures of the most common childhood behaviour disorders facing persons who practice in applied settings—clinics, schools, counseling centers, psychiatric hospitals, and residential treatment centers. Its sixteen chapters cover the historical context of child and adolescent therapy; obsessive compulsive disorders; childhood depression; childhood fears, phobias and related anxieties; attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder; academic problems; conduct disorder; somatic disorders; autism spectrum disorder; intellectual disabilities; children medically at risk; sexual and other abuse of children; child and adolescent psychopharmacotherapy; prevention; and child therapy and the law. Key features include: • treatment orientation— although some chapters include a discussion of theoretical issues, the primary emphasis is on intervention techniques and strategies for changing various behavior and learning problems. Case examples are often used to illustrate treatment procedure • empirical orientation— while most authors have adopted a broad-based behavioral or cognitive-behavioral orientation, they were encouraged to review the entire treatment literature and to construct their presentations on the basis of empirically supported treatment techniques and procedures • psychopharmacotherapy chapter— the chapter on child and adolescent psychopharmacotherapy focuses on psychopharmacological interventions rather than on which drugs should be prescribed for specific behavior or learning problems • author expertise— each chapter is written by experts who are well qualified to discuss treatment practices for the specific topic under discussion. This book is intended for individuals who have entered or plan to enter the mental health profession or such related professions as counseling, special education, nursing and rehabilitation. It is especially useful for individuals taking child and adolescent therapy and intervention courses and practicum courses. Finally, it is suitable for persons who work in applied settings including clinics, schools, counseling centers, psychiatric hospitals, and residential treatment centers. 2007: 246x174: 608pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5328-5: £70.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-5329-2: £49.99

Handbook of School Violence and School Safety From Research to Practice

Edited by Alexander Patricia, University of Maryland/College Park, USA and Philip Winne, Simon Fraser University, Canada Sponsored by Division 15 of APA, the second edition of this groundbreaking book has been expanded to forty-one chapters that provide unparalleled coverage of this far-ranging field. Internationally recognized scholars contribute up-to-date reviews and critical syntheses of the following areas: foundations and the future of educational psychology, learners’ development, individual differences, cognition, motivation, content area teaching, socio-cultural perspectives on teaching and learning, teachers and teaching, instructional design, teacher assessment, and modern perspectives on research methodologies, data, and data analysis. New chapters cover topics such as adult development, self-regulation, changes in knowledge and beliefs, and writing. Expanded treatment has been given to cognition, motivation, and new methodologies for gathering and analyzing data. 2006: 276x219: 1080pp Hb: 978-0-8058-4937-0: £164.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-5971-3: £55.50

Edited by Shane R. Jimerson and Michael J. Furlong, both at University of California at Santa Barbara, USA ’...a much needed resource on the critical issue of school violence. ...this book synthesizes information from international experts in the fields of school psychology, clinical psychology, special education, and law. The text is well organized, and one of the best features is that almost every chapter provides a summary table at the end.’ – PsycCRITIQUES This forty-one chapter Handbook is the first book to comprehensively profile (on a worldwide basis) the emerging field of school violence and safety research and practice. It covers the full range of school violence from harassment and bullying to serious physical assault. It also examines existing school safety programs and the research and theories that guide them. Examinations of current issues and projections of future research and practice are embedded within the discussions. In short, it helps map the boundaries of this rapidly growing, multidisciplinary field of study. 2006: 246x174: 720pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5223-3: £128.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-5224-0: £55.50

Handbook of Moral Development Edited by Melanie Killen, University of Maryland, USA and Judith Smetana, University of Rochester, USA ’The chapters are clear, focused, and well written and provide a wealth of information on cutting edge research and theoretical perspectives. ... Killen and Smetana’s Handbook of Moral Development allows readers to come along for the ride as outstanding thinkers in the field share their efforts to ’figure out’ the dynamic and expanding field of moral development.’ – Association for Moral Education ’...this new Handbook provides a bridge over the cognitive/affective divide that has limited progress in our understanding of how to foster moral development.’ – PsycCRITIQUES The psychological study of moral development has expanded greatly, both in terms of the diversity of theoretical perspectives that are represented in the field, as well as in the range of topics that have been studied. This Handbook of Moral Development represents the diversity and multidisciplinary influences on current theorizing about the psychological study of moral development and the range and broad scope of topics being considered by scholars in the field. 2006: 246x174: 816pp Hb: 978-0-8058-4751-2: £119.50 Pb: 978-0-8058-6172-3: £42.99


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Handbook of Test Development



Edited by Steven M. Downing, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA and Thomas M. Haladyna, Arizona State University, USA


Handbook of Research in Social Studies Education

’...the book presents a comprehensive look at the latest advances in testing as well as a thorough review of psychometric theory foundations. ...this text is very useful for practitioners involved in assessment in various fields. The chapters are written clearly, with adequate examples that assist the reader in understanding many technical concepts and issues. Overall, the book is rewarding reading for anyone committed to the process of sound assessment.’ – PsycCRITIQUES Despite the fact that test development is a growth industry that cuts across all levels of education and all the professions, there has never been a comprehensive, research-oriented Handbook to which everyone (developers and consumers) can turn for guidance. That is the mission of this book. The Handbook of Test Development brings together well-known scholars and test-development practitioners to present chapters on all aspects of test development. Each chapter contributor is not only a recognized expert with an academic and research background in their designated topic, each one has also had hands-on experience in various aspects of test development. This thirty-two chapter volume is organized into six sections: foundations, content, item development, test design, test production and administration, and post-test activities. The Handbook provides extensive treatment of such important but unrecognized topics as contracting for testing services, item banking, designing tests for small testing program, and writing technical reports. The Handbook is based on the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing, which serve as the foundation for sound test development practice. These chapters also suggest best test development practices and highlight methods to improve test validity evidence. This book is appropriate for graduate courses and seminars that deal with test development and usage, professional testing services and credentialing agencies, state and local boards of education, and academic libraries serving these groups. 2006: 246x174: 792pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5264-6: £167.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-5265-3: £58.00

Handbook of International Research in Mathematics Education Edited by Lyn D. English, Queensland University of Technology, Australia This second edition continues the mission of bringing together important new mathematics education research that makes a difference in both theory and practice. It updates and extends the Handbook’s original key themes and issues for international research in mathematics education for the 21st century, namely: • priorities in international mathematics education research • lifelong democratic access to powerful mathematical ideas • advances in research methodologies • influences of advanced technologies. Each of these themes is examined in terms of learners, teachers, and learning contexts, with theory development being an important component of all these aspects. This edition also examines other catalysts that have gained increased import in recent years including a stronger focus on the teacher and teacher practice, a renewed interest in theory development, an increased focus on the mathematics needed in work place settings, and a proliferation of research designs and methodologies that have provided unprecedented opportunities for investigating (and ultimately improving) mathematical teaching and learning. This edition includes ten totally new chapters; all other chapters are thoroughly revised and updated. May 2008: 246x174: 1010pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5875-4: £125.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-5876-1: £54.95 eBook: 978-0-203-93023-6

Edited by Linda S. Levstik, University of Kentucky, USA and Cynthia A. Tyson, Ohio State University, USA This Handbook outlines the current state of research in social studies education – a complex, dynamic, challenging field with competing perspectives about appropriate goals, and on-going conflict over the content of the curriculum. Equally important, it encourages new research in order to advance the field and foster civic competence; long maintained by advocates for the social studies as a fundamental goal. In considering how to organize the Handbook, the editors searched out definitions of social studies, statements of purpose, and themes that linked (or divided) theory, research, and practices and established criteria for topics to include. Each chapter meets one or more of these criteria: research activity since the last Handbook that warrants a new analysis, topics representing a major emphasis in the NCSS standards, and topics reflecting an emerging or reemerging field within the social studies. The volume is organized around seven themes: • change and continuity in social studies • civic competence in pluralist democracies • social justice and the social studies • assessment and accountability • teaching and learning in the disciplines • information ecologies: technology in the social studies • teacher preparation and development. The Handbook of Research in Social Studies is a musthave resource for all beginning and experienced researchers in the field. March 2008: 246x174: 432pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5535-7: £125.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-5536-4: £44.95 eBook: 978-0-203-93022-9


Handbook of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK) for Educators Edited by The AACTE Committee on Innovation and Technology, USA Published by Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group for the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education This Handbook addresses the concept and implementation of technological pedagogical content knowledge — the knowledge and skills that teachers need in order to meaningfully integrate technology into instruction in specific content areas. Recognizing, for example, that effective uses of technology in mathematics are quite different from effective uses of technology in social studies, teachers need specific preparation in using technology in each content area they will be teaching. Offering a series of chapters by scholars in different content areas who apply the technological pedagogical content knowledge framework to their individual content areas, the volume is structured around three themes: • What is Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge? • integrating technological pedagogical content knowledge into specific subject areas

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• integrating technological pedagogical content knowledge into teacher education and professional development. The Handbook of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK) for Educators is simultaneously a mandate and a manifesto on the engagement of technology in classrooms based on consensus standards and rubrics for effectiveness. As the title of the concluding chapter declares, ’It’s about time!’ January 2008: 234x156: 336pp Hb: 978-0-8058-6355-0: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-6356-7: £32.50 eBook: 978-1-4106-1818-4

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Handbook of Research on Science Education

Handbook of Classroom Management

Edited by Sandra K. Abell, University of Missouri, USA and Norman G. Lederman, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA

Research, Practice, and Contemporary Issues

This state-of-the art research Handbook provides a comprehensive, coherent, current synthesis of the empirical and theoretical research concerning teaching and learning in science and lays down a foundation upon which future research can be built. The contributors, all leading experts in their research areas, represent the international and gender diversity that exists in the science education research community. As a whole, the Handbook of Research on Science Education demonstrates that science education is alive and well and illustrates its vitality. It is an essential resource for the entire science education community, including veteran and emerging researchers, university faculty, graduate students, practitioners in the schools, and science education professionals outside of universities. The National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) endorses the Handbook of Research on Science Education as an important and valuable synthesis of the current knowledge in the field of science education by leading individuals in the field. 2007: 246x174: 1344pp Hb: 978-0-8058-4713-0: £185.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-4714-7: £60.00 eBook: 978-1-4106-1531-2



Edited by Carolyn M. Evertson, Vanderbilt University, USA and Carol S. Weinstein, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA Classroom management is a topic of enduring concern for teachers, administrators, and the public. It consistently ranks as the first or second most serious educational problem in the eyes of the general public, and beginning teachers consistently rank it as their most pressing concern during their early teaching years. Management problems continue to be a major cause of teacher burnout and job dissatisfaction. Strangely, despite this enduring concern on the part of educators and the public, few researchers have chosen to focus on classroom management or to identify themselves with this critical field. The Handbook of Classroom Management has four primary goals: 1) to clarify the term classroom management; 2) to demonstrate to scholars and practitioners that there is a distinct body of knowledge that directly addresses teachers’ managerial tasks; 3) to bring together disparate lines of research and encourage conversations across different areas of inquiry; and 4) to promote a vigorous agenda for future research in this area. To this end, forty-seven chapters have been organized into ten sections, each chapter written by a recognized expert in that area. 2006: 246x174: 1368pp Hb: 978-0-8058-4753-6: £190.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-4754-3: £58.99

Handbook of Asian Education Edited by Yong Zhao, Michigan State University, USA This comprehensive and authoritativeHandbook describes educational practices in Asia and explains and interprets these practices from cultural, historical, and economic perspectives. It documents the accomplishments and achievements of Asian education and also discusses the challenges it faces. Using a clearly explained civilization-based framework, the volume is structured in five sections, each devoted to educational practices in a particular Asian civilization (Sinic, Japanese, Hindu, Islamic, Buddhist). Topics addressed include both the formal schooling system and out-of-school educational practices, education governance and management, curriculum and assessment, teachers and teaching; learners and learning; home and community. Each section offers one chapter on the challenges education faces and what efforts are underway or planned to meet them, and one chapter on how immigrants from each civilisation have come to live in the West, how they are educated, and how they are adapting to their new homes. Handbook of Asian Education: • offers a novel and sensible approach to capture the essence of the diverse educational systems and practices in Asia • is written from an angle to inform readers in the USA and other Western cultures about Asian education and the education of Asian immigrants • uniquely combines description and interpretation of educational practices in Asia. This volume is directed to education researchers and graduate students in international and comparative education, globalization and education, multicultural education, sociocultural foundations of education, Asian studies; educational administrators and education policy makers. December 2008: 276x174: 912pp Hb: 978-0-8058-6445-8: £135.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-6444-1: £60.00 eBook: 978-1-4106-1874-0

Handbook of Research on the Education of Young Children Edited by Bernard Spodek and Olivia N. Saracho 2005: 8-1/2 x 11: 624pp Hb: 978-0-8058-4720-8: £150.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-4721-5: £50.00


Handbook of Research on the Social Foundations of Education

International Handbook of Curriculum Research

Steve Tozer, University of Illinois, Chicago, USA Annette Henry, University of Washington, Tacoma, USA, Bernardo Gallegos, Mary Bushness Greiner, Queens College, CCNY, USA and Paula Groves Price, Washington State University, USA

Edited by William F. Pinar Series: Studies in Curriculum Theory Series 2003: 246x174: 712pp Hb: 978-0-8058-3222-8: £120.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-4535-8: £55.00

This sixty chapter Handbook provides a comprehensive overview of what is possibly the broadest, most loosely-coupled and least understood field of education. As a field of study, the sociocultural foundations of education lies both inside and outside the study of teaching and school administration. Using analytical methods borrowed from the humanities and social sciences, it provides critical, interdisciplinary perspectives of teaching and school practices. The volume approaches the social foundations of education in two ways. First, it provides traditional and emerging theoretical perspectives (or lens) that can be used to view and analyze any educational phenomena. Section I covers traditional perspectives and section II emerging perspectives. Second, it describes and analyzes specific cultural forces and changes (phenomena) using the theoretical perspectives provided in sections I and II. Section III examines the forces of globalization, institutions and power. Section IV looks at media, technology, and popular culture and Section V at schools, pedagogy and students. February 2009: 234x156 Hb: 978-0-8058-4211-1: £105.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-4212-8: £50.00


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Handbook of Social Justice in Education Edited by William C. Ayers, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA, Therese Quinn, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, USA and David Omatoso Stovall, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA The Handbook of Social Justice Education — a comprehensive, up-to-date review of the field — addresses, from multiple perspectives, education theory, research, and practice in historical and ideological context, with an emphasis on social movements for justice. Each of the nine sections explores a primary theme of social justice and education: • historical and theoretical perspectives • international perspectives on social justice in education • race and ethnicity, language and identity: seeking social justice in education • gender, sexuality and social justice in education • bodies, disability and the fight for social justice in education • youth and social justice in education • globalization: local and world issues in education • the politics of social justice meets practice: teacher education and school change • classrooms, pedagogy, and practicing justice. Timely and essential, this is a must-have volume for researchers, professionals, and students across the fields of educational foundations, multicultural/diversity education, educational policy, and curriculum and instruction. August 2008: 246x174 Hb: 978-0-8058-5927-0: £125.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-5928-7: £50.00


Handbook for Achieving Gender Equity Through Education Edited by Susan S. Klein, Feminist Majority Foundation, USA, Barbara Richardson, Eastern Michigan University, USA, Dolores A. Grayson, GrayMill Consulting, Lynn H. Fox, American University, Portland, USA, Cheris Kramarae University of Oregon, USA and Carol Anne Dwyer, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, USA

Hb: 978-0-415-98889-6 £360.00 NEW



History of Multicultural Education

History of Multicultural Education,

Conceptual Frameworks and Curricular Issues

Edited by Carl A. Grant, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA and Thandeka K. Chapman, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA

Hb: 978-0-8058-5439-8: £75.00

This benchmark 6-volume set documents, analyzes, and critiques a comprehensive body of research on the history of multicultural education in the USA By collecting and providing a framework for key publications spanning the past thirty-forty years, these volumes provide a means of understanding and visualizing the development, implementation, and interpretation of multicultural education in American society.

History of Multicultural Education

These volumes do not promote any one scholar’s or group’s vision of multicultural education, but include conflicting ideals that inform multiple interpretations. Each volume contains archival documents organized around a specific theme:

Instruction and Assessment

• Volume 1: Conceptual Frameworks and Curricular Content

History of Multicultural Education

• Volume 2: Foundations and Stratifications

Policy and Policy Initiatives


Foundations and Stratifications Hb: 978-0-8058-5441-1: £75.00


History of Multicultural Education Hb: 978-0-8058-5443-5: £75.00


Hb: 978-0-8058-5445-9: £75.00

• Volume 3: Instruction and Assessment • Volume 4: Policy and Governance


• Volume 5: Students and Student Learning

History of Multicultural Education

• Volume 6: Teachers and Teacher Education. The historical time line within each volume illustrates the progression of research and theory on each theme and encourages readers to reflect on the changes in language and thinking concerning educational scholarship in that area. Readers will also see how language, pedagogical issues, and policy reforms have been constructed, assimilated, and mutated over the highlighted period of time.

Students and Student Leaning

Exploring the tenets of the field and examining the individuals whose work has contributed significantly to equity and social justice for all citizens, this landmark set illuminates the historical importance, current relevance, and future implications of multicultural education.

Hb: 978-0-8058-5449-7: £75.00

Hb: 978-0-8058-5447-3: £75.00


History of Multicultural Education Teachers and Teacher Education

February 2008: 234x156 Hb: 978-0-415-98889-6: £360.00

First published in 1985, the Handbook for Achieving Gender Equity Through Education quickly established itself as the essential reference work concerning gender equity in education. This new, expanded edition provides a twenty-year retrospective of the field, one that has the great advantage of documenting USA national data on the gains and losses in the efforts to advance gender equality through policies such as Title IX, the landmark federal law prohibiting sex discrimination in education, equity programs and research. 2007: 276x219: 768pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5453-4: £180.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-5454-1: £62.50 eBook: 978-1-4106-1763-7


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Handbook of Education Policy Research

Handbook of Research on Leadership Education

The Routledge International Handbook of Critical Education

Edited by David N. Plank, PACE/ University of California, Berkeley, USA, Barbara Schneider and Gary Sykes, both at Michigan State University, USA

Michelle Young, University of Texas at Austin, USA Gary Crow, Florida State University, USA, Rodney Ogawa, University of California-Santa Cruz, USA and Joseph Murphy, Vanderbilt University, USA

Edited by Michael W. Apple, University of Wisconsin, USA, Wayne Au, California State University, USA and Luis Armando Gandin, Federal University of Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil

February 2009: 246x174: 1080pp Hb: 978-0-415-98991-6: £140.00 Pb: 978-0-415-98992-3: £55.00

Sponsored by the University Council of Educational Administration (UCEA), Division A of AERA, National Council of Professors in Educational Administration, and Teaching in Educational Administration, this 50 chapter Handbook will be the definitive work on leadership education in the USA. Although research oriented, the content is written in a style that makes it appropriate for any of the following audiences: university professors and researchers, professional development providers, practicing administrators, and policy makers who work in the accreditation and licensure arenas.


December 2008: 234x156: 956pp Hb: 978-0-8058-6157-0: £100.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-6158-7: £42.50

Handbook of Education Politics and Policy


This Handbook is the first authoritative reference work to provide a comprehensive analysis of the relationship between power, knowledge, education, and schooling. Rather than focusing solely on questions of how we teach efficiently and effectively, contributors’ to this volume push further to also think critically about education’s relationship to economic, political, and cultural power. The various sections of this book integrate into their analyses the conceptual, political, pedagogic, and practical histories, tensions, and resources that have established critical education as one of the most vital and growing movements within the field of education. With thirty-eight newly commissioned pieces written by a prestigious group of internationally renowned scholars, this Handbook provides the definitive statement on the state of critical education and on its possibilities for the future.

Education is no longer just about what happens in classrooms and schools, but increasingly is about the rules and regulations that drive our education system – from governance and finance to curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment. Virtually all aspects of the education enterprise (at all levels) are now the objects of policy research. Defining the boundaries of this fast growing and wide ranging field is the objective of this comprehensive, AERA sponsored Handbook.

Bruce Cooper, Fordham University, USA James Cibulka, University of Kentucky, USA and Lance Fusarelli, North Carolina State University, USA Written by a mix of established and rising stars in school politics, policy, law, finance, and reform this comprehensive Handbook provides a three-part framework that helps organize this relatively new and loosely organized field of study. Part one examines the macro-level (structural and institutional) backdrop to our educational system: democracy, federalism, political parties and elections. Part two examines the micro-level political behaviors and cultural influences operating within schools and among interest groups, and Part three looks at the major ideological and philosophical positions that frame discussions of educational equity and excellence. A central theme running through the book is how to harness politics to school equity and improvement. Key features include: • thematic discussions – detailed discussions of key topics in educational politics are organized by themes and competing perspectives • research oriented – in addition to summarizing the latest research connected to key topics, each chapter exemplifies and reports on the methods and techniques for further exploration of these topics • reform oriented – throughout the book and especially in the summarizing chapter, authors provide suggestions for improving the political behaviors of key educational groups and individuals: unions, superintendents, politicians, school boards, teachers, and parents. It is hoped that an understanding of political goals, governance processes and policy outcomes may contribute to ongoing reform.

International Handbook on the Preparation and Development of School Leaders Jacky Lumby, International Institute for Educational Leadership, Gary Crowe, Florida State University, USA and Petros Pashiardis, University of Cyprus Sponsored by the University Council on Educational Administration (UCEA), the British Educational, Leadership, Management, and Administration Society (BELMAS), and the Commonwealth Council for Educational Administration and Management (CCEAM), this is the first book to provide a comprehensive and comparative review of what is known about the preparation and development of primary and secondary schools leaders across the globe. It describes current issues and debates and an assessment of where the field of leadership development is headed. Key features include the following: • global focus – this book provides the first comprehensive look at leadership preparation and development across the globe. The chapter authors, all of whom are well known scholars, are drawn from the following countries: USA 8, UK 9, Europe 5, Asia 3, Canada 3, Australia/New Zealand 3, and Africa 3. • topical & geographical focus – provides researchers and policymakers with critical descriptions and assessments of both topical and geographical areas. • international expertise – chapter contributors are drawn from a variety of theoretical perspectives and represent all major continents. June 2008: 246x174: 576pp Hb: 978-0-415-98847-6: £105.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-6387-1: £50.00 eBook: 978-1-4106-1847-4

November 2008: 246x174: 672pp Hb: 978-0-415-95861-5: £110.00

Handbook of Research in Education Finance and Policy Edited by Helen F. Ladd, Duke University and Edward B. Fiske Sponsored by the American Education Finance Association (AEFA), this groundbreaking new Handbook assembles in one place the existing research-based knowledge in education finance and policy, thereby helping to define this evolving field of research and practice. It provides a readily available resource for anyone seriously involved in education finance and policy in the United States and around the world. The Handbook traces the evolution of the field from its initial focus on school inputs (per pupil expenditures) and the revenue sources (property taxes, state aid programs, etc) used to finance these inputs to a focus on educational outcomes (student achievement) and the larger policies used to achieve them. It shows how the current decision-making context in school finance inevitably interacts with those of governance, accountability, equity, privatization, and other areas of education policy. Because a full understanding of the important contemporary issues requires inputs from a variety of perspectives, the Handbook draws on contributors from a variety of disciplines. While many of the chapters cover complex state-of-the-art empirical research, the authors explain key concepts in language that non-specialists can understand. 2007: 246x174: 784pp Hb: 978-0-8058-6144-0: £105.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-6145-7: £50.00 eBook: 978-0-203-96106-3

June 2008: 246x174: 512pp Hb: 978-0-8058-6111-2: £105.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-6112-9: £50.00 eBook: 978-1-4106-1468-1

Handbook for Research Supervisors Stan Taylor, Newcastle University, UK 2005 Pb: 978-0-7494-4093-0: £26.99


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The Routledge International Companion to Gifted Education

The Routledge Companion to Dyslexia

Edited by Tom Balchin, Brunel University, UK, Barry Hymer, Education Consultant, UK and Dona Matthews, City University of New York, USA

Edited by Gavin Reid, Moray House School of Education, University of Edinburgh, UK, Gad Elbeheri, Ministry of Education Kuwait Dyslexia Association, Deborah Knight, Rollins Centre for Language & Learning, Atlanta Speech School, USA and Janice Wearmouth, University of Wellington, Education, New Zealand

Handbook of Research on Teacher Education Enduring Questions in Changing Contexts Co-Published by Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group and the Association of Teacher Educators. Edited by Marilyn Cochran-Smith, Boston College, USA, Sharon Feiman-Nemser, Brandeis University, USA, D. John McIntyre, Southern Illinois University, USA and Kelly Demers, Associate Editor, Boston College, USA The Handbook of Research on Teacher Education was initiated to ferment change in education based on solid evidence. The publication of the First Edition was a signal event in 1990. While the preparation of educators was then – and continues to be – the topic of substantial discussion, there did not exist a codification of the best that was known at the time about teacher education. The Second Edition (1996) built on the first to extend this comprehensive knowledge base. Reflecting the needs of educators today, this Third Edition takes a new approach to achieving the same purpose. Beyond simply conceptualizing the broad landscape of teacher education and providing comprehensive reviews of the latest research for major domains of practice, this edition aims to: • stimulate a broad conversation about foundational issues • bring multiple perspectives to bear, including historical perspectives • provide new specificity to topics that have been undifferentiated in the past • include diverse voices in the conversation.

The Routledge International Companion to Gifted Education comprises a collection of fullyreferenced chapters written by many of the most highlyrespected authorities on the subject from around the world. These fifty contributors include distinguished scholars who have produced the most significant advances to the field over the past few decades, like Joseph Renzulli and Robert Sternberg, alongside authorities who ask questions about the very concepts and terminology embodied in the field – scholars such as Carol Dweck and Guy Claxton. This multi-faceted volume highlights strategies to support giftedness in children, providing ideas that work and weeding out those that don’t. Written in jargon-free language in an easy-to use themed format, it is the most authoritative collection of future-focused views, ideas and reflections, practices and evaluations yet produced. Chapters deal with the major controversies and concerns in the field today, from the problems of identification to changing understandings of giftedness and creativity. The international aspect of the Companion, and its juxtaposition of points of view, where chapters are positioned to highlight the contrasts with each other, ensures that different views are aired, and allows the reader to consider many perspectives on each issue. The Companion is a guide to the new ideas and controversies that are likely to form the basis of gifted education discussion and policy-making around the world during the next decade and beyond. April 2008: 234x156: 410pp Hb: 978-0-415-46136-8: £90.00 Pb: 978-0-415-46137-5: £26.99

Taking all of these aspirations into account, the Editors, with the help of an Advisory Board, identified nine foundational issues and, to bring these issues to life, translated them into a set of focal questions, around which the Handbook is organized, with a common four-part structure in each section. The Introduction, by the section editor, explains why the core issue has persisted, how it has been conceptualized over time, and why the particular framing chapters, artifacts, and commentators were chosen for the section. The framing chapters focus on different dimensions or facets of the issue as well as different ways of thinking about it. The Artifacts — historical and contemporary documents, many of them classics in teacher education — demonstrate the enduring nature of the issue and how it has been conceptualized or debated over time. Each section concludes with commentaries written by researchers, teachers, teacher educators, policy makers, or foundation directors reflect a wide spectrum of political and ideological stances.

The Routledge Companion to Dyslexia is a ground-breaking survey of the whole field of dyslexia by a distinguished international team of contributors. The first part opens with a survey of current and future development in research, with a focus on how research can inform practice. The contributors will offer a spotlight on areas such as genetic studies, neurobiology/neurophysiology, phonological processing, literacy acquisition and multilingualism. The second part considers assessment and identification, with contributions on early identification, reading, spelling and mathematics, as well as a focus on identifying and meeting needs in an inclusive context. The third part considers inclusion and barriers to learning, in a variety of different national contexts. This part will look at research and examples of practice in relation to inclusion. There will also be some chapters linking this to the barriers to learning children with dyslexia may experience in the inclusive context. Models of instruction, direct instruction, co-operative learning and cross –curriculum learning will also be included. The Routledge Companion to Dyslexia is a superb resource for anyone interested in the subject, whether in education or related subjects such as psychology or neurology. Fully indexed and cross-referenced, with helpful further reading sections at the end of each entry, it is ideal for those coming to the field of dyslexia for the first time as well as students and practitioners already familiar with the subject. May 2008: 234x156: 380pp Hb: 978-0-415-43078-4: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-43079-1: £25.00

February 2008: 246x174: 1392pp Hb: 978-0-8058-4776-5: £125.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-4777-2: £50.00 eBook: 978-0-203-93869-0

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Routledge International Handbook of Higher Education

e-Learning and Social Networking Handbook

Edited by Malcolm Tight, Lancaster University, UK

Resources for Higher Education

The Routledge International Handbook of Higher Education is a detailed and up-to-date reference work providing an authoritative overview of the main issues in higher education around the world today. Consisting entirely of newly commissioned chapters and articles, it surveys the state of the discipline as we find it in Autumn 2006 and includes examination and discussion of emerging, controversial and cutting edge areas.

Robin Mason, The Open University, UK and Frank Rennie, The University of Highlands and Islands Millennium Institute, UK

A Handbook for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Enhancing Academic Practice Edited by Heather Fry, Imperial College London, UK, Steve Ketteridge and Stephanie Marshall, Foundation for Higher Education, UK Praise for previous edition: ‘This book should be essential reading for all new staff engaged in supporting teaching and learning within higher education.’ – Journal of Higher and Further Education ’It is excellent. A book of this quality will always have a place.’ – Educational Developments

International contributions include chapters from ’Big Name’ authors, rising stars and more junior academics, incorporating an appropriate mix of sex, ethnicity, age, experience and national location, showing the best of cutting edge research. Each section includes an introduction by the volume editors to set the scene and provide an overview of key themes and differences between territories.

’It is a very valuable asset to any university lecturer’s personal library and I cannot recommend it highly enough.’ – Physical Sciences Educational Reviews

Structured around the eightfold thematic categorisation the Routledge International Handbook of Higher Education covers:

This Handbook is sensitive to the competing demands of teaching, research and scholarship, academic management, and, for many, maintenance of standing and provision of service in the academic profession. Against the contexts, the book focuses on developing professional academic skills for teaching. Dealing with the rapid expansion of the use of technology in higher education and widening student diversity, the fully updated and expanded edition includes new material on for example, e-learning, lecturing to large groups, formative and summative assessment, and supervising research students.

• teaching and learning

• Part 1 examines teaching and supervising in higher education, focusing on a range of approaches and contexts

• course design • the student experience

• key issues of social networking as an educational technique

• quality

• designing for a distributed environment

• system policy • institutional management

• strengths and weaknesses of delivering content in various formats: text, audio and video

• academic work

• specific media: blogging, wikis, podcasting, webcasting

• knowledge.

• constraints on course design

This structure is derived from an extensive empirical analysis of contemporary published research focusing on higher education. The analysis focused on the themes or issues considered, the methods or methodologies applied, the use of theory, and the characteristics of the authors.

• implementation, evaluation, induction and training.

• Part 2 examines teaching in discipline-specific areas and includes new chapters on engineering, economics, law and the creative and performing arts.

December 2008: 246x174 Hb: 978-0-415-43264-1: £110.00

• Part 3 considers the demonstrating and enhancing of practice.

Routledge International Handbook of Lifelong Learning

Written to support the excellence in teaching required to bring about learning of the highest quality, this will be essential reading for all new lecturers, particularly anyone taking an accredited course in teaching and learning in higher education, as well as all those experienced lecturers who wish to improve their teaching. Those working in adult learning and education development will find it a particularly useful resource.

Peter Jarvis, University of Surrey, UK

August 2008: 246x174: 464pp Hb: 978-0-415-43463-8: £90.00 Pb: 978-0-415-43464-5: £25.00 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY

Student engagement with digital learning resources and online social networking are strong forces in education today. How can these resources best be utilized by educators and course designers in higher education? This book aims to provide the reader with enough background information to appreciate the value of social networking, especially for distributed education. Through highlighting the most relevant, interesting, and challenging aspects of e-Learning the book provides practical advice for using social networking tools in course design. This volume covers the following issues of course design using social networking:


As lifelong learning grows in popularity, few comprehensive pictures of the phenomenon have emerged. This volume is designed to demonstrate precisely what is happening and does so within a detailed systematic framework, clearly showing the complexity of the phenomenon. With individual parts covering: • learning throughout life • sites of learning

Illustrated by short descriptive case studies, it also highlights contact addresses, websites, and further reading to help readers find resources and enhance their design. This practical guide will help all those involved in the design and delivery of online learning in higher education make the best choices when preparing courses for distributed learning. Robin Mason is Professor of Educational Technology at the Open University where she is a specialist in the design and practice of online teaching and learning. Frank Rennie is Professor of Sustainable Rural Development at the UHI Millennium Institute in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. Please visit the authors’ wiki at: April 2008: 234x156: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-42606-0: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-415-42607-7: £22.99 eBook: 978-0-203-92776-2

• modes of learning/transmission • policies • critical perspectives on lifelong learning • understanding and assessing lifelong learning • beyond the learning society. The Handbook provides a disciplined and comprehensive overview of lifelong learning internationally. Containing up-to-the-minute syntheses from many of the leading international experts in the field the book gives both a vital snapshot of this rapidly evolving subject and sets the discipline within the historical perspective. The theoretical framework of the book firmly places the learner at the centre and the book emanates from there, pointing to the social context beyond the learner. August 2008: 246x174: 896pp Hb: 978-0-415-41904-8: £110.00


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Handbook of Distance Education

Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology

Handbook of Design Research Methods in Education

Edited by Michael Grahame Moore, Pennsylvania State University, USA The second edition of this award-winning book continues the mission of its predecessor, to provide a comprehensive compendium of research in all aspects of distance education, arguably the most significant development in education over the past quarter century. While the book deals with education that uses technology, the focus is on teaching and learning and how its management can be facilitated through technology. Key features include: • comprehensive coverage: includes all aspects of distance education including design, instruction, management, policy, and a section on different audiences. • chapter structure: chapter authors frame their topic in terms of empirical research (past and present) and discuss the nature of current practice in terms of that research. Future research needs are discussed in relation to both confirmed practice and recent changes in the field. • theoretical foundation: section one provides a unique review of the theories that support distance education pedagogy. • global perspective: Section six provides a unique review of distance education as a component of a global culture. • new material: all chapters have been updated and approximately one third are either new or have new authors. A sample of new chapters includes: • a history of scholarship • trends in research • group development in online distance learning • the theory of transactional distance • A Theory of Community of inquiry • supporting the disabled student • fulfilling the promise of learning objects • media-based learning styles. This book will be of interest to anyone engaged in distance education at either the K-12 or college level. It is also appropriate for corporate and government trainers and for administrators and policy makers in all these environments.

Edited by J. Michael Spector, Florida State University, USA, M. David Merrill, Brigham Young University, USA, Jeroen van Merrienboer, Open University, the Netherlands and Marcy P. Driscoll, Florida State University, USA Series: AECT Series Sponsored by the Association of Educational Communication and Technology (AECT), the third edition of this groundbreaking Handbook continues the mission of its predecessors: to provide up-to-date summaries and syntheses of recent research pertinent to the educational uses of information and communication technologies. In addition to updating, this new edition has been expanded from forty-one to fifty-six chapters organized into the following six sections: foundations, strategies, technologies, models, design and development, and methodological issues. In response to feedback from users of the second edition, the following changes have been built into this edition: • more comprehensive – topical coverage has been expanded from forty-one to fifty-six chapters and includes many more chapters on technology than in previous editions. • restructured chapters – this edition features shorter chapters with introductory abstracts, keyword definitions, and extended bibliographies.

Innovations in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Edited by Anthony Eamonn Kelly, George Mason University, Virginia, USA, Richard A. Lesh, Indiana University, USA and John Y. Baek, George Mason University, Virginia, USA This Handbook presents the latest thinking and current examples of design research in education. Design-based research involves introducing innovations into real-world practices (as opposed to constrained laboratory contexts) and examining the impact of those designs on the learning process. Designed prototype applications (e.g., instructional methods, software or materials) and the research findings are then cycled back into the next iteration of the design innovation in order to build evidence of the particular theories being researched, and to positively impact practice and the diffusion of the innovation. The Handbook of Design Research Methods in Education - the defining book for the field - fills a need in how to conduct design research by those doing so right now. The chapters represent a broad array of interpretations and examples of how today’s design researchers conceptualize this emergent methodology across areas as diverse as educational leadership, diffusion of innovations, complexity theory, and curriculum research.

• more international – more than 20% of the contributing authors and one of the volume editors are non-American.

June 2008: 246x174: 544pp Hb: 978-0-8058-6058-0: £135.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-6059-7: £60.00 eBook: 978-1-4106-1794-1

• theoretical focus – Part 1. provides expanded, crossdisciplinary theoretical coverage.


• methodological focus – an extended methodological chapter begins with a comprehensive overview of research methods followed by lengthy, separately authored sections devoted to specific methods. • research and development focus – another extended chapter with lengthy, separately authored sections covers educational technology research and development in different areas of investigation, e.g., experimental methods to determine the effectiveness of instructional designs, technology-based instructional interventions in research, research on instructional design models, and design-based research methods.

2007: 246x174: 720pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5847-1: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-4106-1764-4

This Handbook is intended for graduate students and their professors, instructional designers and researchers in educational communication and technology plus the libraries that serve them.

Strategies for Sustainable Open and Distance Learning

2007: 276x219: 928pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5849-5: £130.00 Pb: 978-0-415-96338-1: £55.00

Handbook of Complementary Methods in Education Research Edited by Judith L. Green, University of California at Santa Barbara, USA Gregory Camilli, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA and Patricia B. Elmore, Southern Illinois University, USA ’The book is an excellent resource for introducing students and faculty to the diversity of research methods that are available for exploring and investigating educational phenomena. ... a prize for new researchers and seasoned individuals who are already conducting research.’ – PsycCRITIQUES The Handbook of Complementary Methods in Education Research is a successor volume to AERA’s earlier and highly acclaimed editions of Complementary Methods for Research in Education. More than any book to date (including its predecessors), this new volume brings together the wide range of research methods used to study education and makes the logic of inquiry for each method clear and accessible. Each method is described in detail, including its history, its research design, the questions that it addresses, ways of using the method, and ways of analyzing and reporting outcomes.

World Review of Distance Education and Open Learning: Volume 6 Andrea Hope and Patrick Guiton 2005: 234x156: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-34525-5: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-34526-2: £23.99 eBook: 978-0-203-53720-6

2006: 246x174: 896pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5932-4: £150.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-5933-1: £60.50


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The Routledge International Encyclopedia of Education

The Routledge Companion to Education

Edited by Gary McCulloch, Institute of Education, University of London, UK and David Crook, Institute of Education, University of London, UK

Edited by Harry Daniels, University of Bath, UK, Hugh Lauder, University of Bath, UK and Jill Porter, University of Bath, UK

’The Routledge International Encyclopedia of Education is a major achievement. The breadth of its coverage is impressive and the writing is crisp and clear. This is a book that deserves a long life.’ – Michael W. Apple, John Bascom Professor of Curriculum and Instruction and Educational Policy Studies, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA • the only single volume reference work to provide a survey of a wide range of topics relating to education in over 30 years

The Routledge Companion to Education contains over forty chapters written by leading scholars covering all aspects of education. The volume is structured into six sections: • a comparative view of education • conceptions of the teacher and the learner • knowledge for teaching and learning • learning across boundaries

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The Companion has a unique format, which is driven by principles of learning. Each section begins with an introduction from everyday experience, followed by an ‘advance organizer’ which alerts readers to the contents of that section and explains why the issues are important. A series of chapters follows, written by scholars who each take different critical stances on the issues and each section finishes with a commentary and a list of suggested additional reading.

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The book concludes by inviting the reader to reflect on changes in their thinking as a result of reading the text. The intention is to challenge preconceptions and promote a research orientation to problem solving in education. This Companion is essential reading for undergraduate and postgraduate students in Education, Child Studies, Youth Studies, Psychology, Sociology and Social Policy. This book is available on inspection for lecturers. To request an inspection copy, please visit our website: or email us at Terms and conditions apply. April 2008: 246x174: 448pp Hb: 978-0-415-41112-7: £90.00 Pb: 978-0-415-41113-4: £25.00 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY


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