Routledge Major Works
Routledge Major Works
Education 6-Volume Set
English Language Teaching
24-Volume Set
Edited and with a new introduction by Patricia Hedge, University of Warwick, UK Series: Major Themes in Education With contributions drawn from a variety of contexts, this extensive new six-volume collection from Routledge’s Major Themes in Education series, reflects the international diversity of English Language Teaching in practice. Bringing together material from a broad range of perspectives, it highlights the controversial nature of many apparent ‘givens’ in the field, and provides a useful balance between academic and practical insights. Selected Contents: Part 1: Focus On Key Orientations In Elt Part 2: Focus On The Learner Part 3: Focus On Methodology Part 4: Focus On Curriculum Part 5: Focus On The Teacher July 2009: 234x156: 2,576pp Set Hb: 978-0-415-29943-5
4-Volume Set
Gifted and Talented Education Edited and with a new introduction by Deborah Eyre, University of Warwick, UK Series: Major Themes in Education As serious thinking about and around the education of the gifted and talented continues to flourish, this new title in the Routledge series, Major Themes in Education, meets the need for an authoritative reference work to codify and make sense of the field’s literature. Edited by Deborah Eyre, the founding Director of the world-renowned Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth at the University of Warwick, this new Major Work brings together in four volumes the foundational and the best cutting-edge scholarship. The editor has drawn on the most important and influential research from a broad range of countries to create a one-stop ‘mini library’ which describes and analyses the rationale and purposes of gifted education. Selected Contents: Volume I Section 1. Rationale and Purposes of Gifted Education 1.1. The Case for Gifted Education 1.2. Gifted Education as a Feature of General School Systems 1.3. Giftedness in the Long Term Section 2. Socio-Cultural Perspectives 2.1. Cultural and Equity Issues in Specific Countries 2.2. Landmark Developments in Gifted Education Volume II 2.3. Gifted Children or Gifted Education? Section 3. Definitions and Identification 3.1. Early Pioneers in the Study of Giftedness 3.2. Definitions: Seminal Papers on the Definition of Intelligence and Ability 3.3. Identification Dilemmas, Identification Methods, the Significance of Labels Volume III Section 4. Curriculum and Classrooms 4.1. Curriculum Models 4.2. Teaching and Learning 4.3. Teachers and their Practice Section 5. School-wide and Non-school Provision 5.1. Structural Models Volume IV 5.2. Programmes Specifically for the Gifted 5.3. New Technologies and Distance Learning Section 6. Personal Development 6.1. Social and Emotional Development 6.2. Gender and Background 6.3. Underachievement 6.4. Multiple Exceptionality
special introductory price!
International Library of the Philosophy of Education Various International Library of the Philosophy of Education reprints twenty-four distinguished texts published in this field over the last half-century and includes works by authors such as Reginald D. Archambault, Charles Bailey, Robin Barrow, Norman J. Bull, D. E. Cooper, R. F. Dearden, Kieran Egan, D. W. Hamlyn, Paul H. Hirst, Glenn Langford, D. J. O’Connor, T. W. Moore, D. A. Nyberg, R. W. K. Paterson, R. S. Peters, Kenneth A Strike, I. A. Snook, John and Patricia White, and John Wilson. Themes discussed include: Liberal education, moral education, the aims of education, the education of teachers, adult & continuing education and the philosophical analysis of education. Selected Contents: 1. Philosophical Analysis and Education Reginald Archambault 2. Beyond the Present and the Particular Charles Bailey 3. Plato, Utilitarianism and Education Robin Barrow 4. Moral Education Norman J. Bull 5. Moral Judgement from Childhood to Adolescence Norman J. Bull 6. Education, Values and Mind D. E. Cooper 7. Illusions of Equality D. E Cooper 8. Education and the Development of Reason R. F. Dearden, Paul H. Hirst and R. S. Peters 9. Educational Judgements James F. Doyle 10. Philosophers as Educational Reformers Peter Gordon and John White 11. Experience and the Growth of Understanding D. W. Hamlyn 12. Knowledge and the Curriculum Paul H. Hirst 13. New Essays in the Philosophy of Education Glenn Langford and D. J. O’Connor 14. Philosophy of Education: An Introduction T. W. Moore 15. The Philosophy of Open Education D. A. Nyberg 16. Values, Education and the Adult R. W. K. Paterson 17. The Concept of Education R. S. Peters 18. John Dewey Reconsidered R. S .Peters 19. Education and the Education of Teachers R. S. Peters 20. Concepts of Indoctrination I. A. Snook 21. Ethics and Educational Policy K. A. Strike and Kieran Egan 22. The Aims of Education Restated John White 23. Beyond Domination Patricia White 24. Preface to the Philosophy of Education John Wilson December 2009: 234x156: 15,884pp Set Hb: 978-0-415-55946-1 *Special Introductory Offer Price! See web for details.
39-Volume Set
History of Education Various Routledge’s pre-eminent position at the forefront of academic Education publishing is represented by this essential collection. The History of Education reprints texts carefully selected on the basis of their influence and prestige, written by the finest historians of education. Together they provide unparalelled international coverage of the development of education from medieval times to the present day, themes covered include: • the development of national curriculums
March 2009: 234x156: 2,225pp Set Hb: 978-0-415-46598-4
• the evolution of primary and secondary schooling • the move towards comprehensive schooling
5-Volume Set
• the history of schooling for disabled learners.
The History of Higher Education
For further information on this collection please email
Edited and with a new introduction by Roy Lowe, Institute of Education, University of London, UK Series: Major Themes in Education This new Major Work is a five-volume collection in Routledge’s Major Themes in Education series. It charts the history and development of higher education. Encompassing the period since 1760, the principal focus is on the late-eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, although more recent developments are also addressed. The rise and development of universities and of higher education in Britain provides the central theme of the collection and is used as a model for developments elsewhere in the English-speaking world. Particular attention is paid to the United States and the British Empire, but some material on other European countries and on the rise of higher education in countries such as Japan and China has also been included. Thus, at the core of this collection is the dissemination of a university ideal around the globe and its particular implications and interpretation in specific societies and locations. 2008: 234x156: 2,212pp Set Hb: 978-0-415-37854-3
Selected Contents: Volume 1: Education in Renaissance England Volume 2. Education for Leadership Volume 3. The Playgroup Movement Volume 4. Growth in English Education Volume 5. The Changing Sixth Form in the Twentieth Century Volume 6. The Comprehensive School 1944-1970 Volume 7. Education in the Second World War Volume 8. A History of the Working Men’s College Volume 9. Learning & Living 1790-1960 Volume 10. The Changing Curriculum Volume 11. Education & The Professions Volume 12. The History of Education in Europe Volume 13. History, Sociology and Education Volume 14. Local Studies and the History of Education Volume 15. Educational Policy and the Mission Schools Volume 16. Indicative Past Volume 17. Mediaeval Education and the Reformation Volume 18. A Social History of Eduction in England Volume 19. The Schools of Medieval England Volume 20. A Nineteenth Century Teacher Volume 21. Popular Education and Socialization in the Nineteenth Century Volume 22. Landmarks in the History of Physical Education Volume 23. Objectives & Perspectives in Education Volume 24. Education Since 1800 Volume 25. Church, State and Schools Volume 26. Society and Education in Engalnd since 1800 Volume 27. Edward Thring Volume 28. Abbotsholme Volume 29. Offspring of the Vic Volume 30. Education in Britian Since 1944 Volume 31. The Evolution of the Comprehensive School Volume 32. J A Comenius and the Concept of Universal Education Volume 33. English Primary Education & The Progressives, 1914-1939 Volume 34. The Teaching of English in Schools Volume 35. The Concept of Popular Education Volume 36. Education as History Volume 37. The Education of the Poor Volume 38. The Education of the People Volume 39. The Evolution of the Nursery-Infant School 2007: 234x156: 10,608pp Set Hb: 978-0-415-41978-9
Routledge Major Works
Education 4-Volume Set
Forthcoming in 2010
Computer-Assisted Language Learning
4-Volume Set
Edited and with a new introduction by Philip Hubbard, Stanford University, USA Series: Critical Concepts in Linguistics Although the early promise of computer-assisted language learning (or ‘CALL’), to revolutionize second-language learning has not been met, the past quarter century has seen a fascinating range of growth. This is not only because of lessons learned from research and practice, but also due to the rapid and continuing shifts in the technology itself. This new four-volume title from Routledge will allow ’CALL’ practitioners, researchers, and students to easily access the best and most influential foundational and cutting-edge scholarship. There is also a comprehensive introduction to critical concepts in ’CALL’ for applied linguists and language educators interested in the growing role of technology in second-language acquisition. Selected Contents: Volume I: Foundations of CALL 1. CALL Theory, Frameworks, and Conceptualizations 2. Early CALL Projects 3. CALL Research Trends and Issues 4. CALL Design and Evaluation Volume II: CALL and Language Skills 5. Listening, Speaking, and Pronunciation 6. Reading and Writing 7. Grammar, Vocabulary, and Data-Driven Learning Volume III: Computer-Mediated Communication for Language Learning 8. CMC Foundations and Conceptualizations 9. Synchronous CMC 10. Asynchronous and Mixed CMC Volume IV: Present Trends and Future Directions in CALL 11. Online Learning 12. Assessment 13. Learner Training and Autonomy 14. Teacher Education 15. Intelligent CALL 16. Future Directions
Educational Assessment and Evaluation Edited and with a new introduction by Harry Torrance, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK Series: Major Themes in Education Assessment and evaluation are crucial aspects of any educational system and rarely can they have been so central to educational policy-making and the reform of schooling as at the present time. Good quality assessment is vital to individual student life-chances and to issues of parental choice, school reputation, government policy evaluation, and long-term economic development. Poor quality assessment can disrupt all of these elements of an effective school system by, for example, narrowing what is taught and learned to only the limited range of skills and abilities examined through paper-and-pencil tests. November 2010: 234x156: 1,600pp Set Hb: 978-0-415-48972-0
Forthcoming in 2010 4-Volume Set
May 2009: 234x156: 1,888pp Set Hb: 978-0-415-46539-7
Islam and Education
4-Volume Set
Edited and with a new introduction by Tahir Abbas, University of Birmingham, UK Series: Major Themes in Education
Bilingualism and Multilingualism Edited and with a new introduction by Li Wei, Birkbeck, University of London, UK Series: Critical Concepts in Linguistics This four-volume Major Work Bilingualism and Multilingualism will showcase the major achievements in this multidisciplinary field, through the inclusion of the most important, as well as controversial, works that lie at the forefront of bilingualism and multilingualism research. Selected Contents: Volume I: Linguistic and Developmental Perspectives Volume II: Psycholinguistic and Neurolinguistic Perspectives Volume III: Sociolinguistic and Interactional Perspectives Volume IV Applied Perspectives
Volume III looks at education in the Middle East and Muslim Africa. Islam has its origins in the Middle East, and today many of the challenges Muslims face in relation to Islam and education are concentrated in this region. Volume IV explores the education of Muslims in North America and Europe, and of minorities in advanced liberal secular democracies. August 2010: 234x156: 1,600pp Set Hb: 978-0-415-47845-8
July 2009: 234x156: 1,885pp Set Hb: 978-0-415-46267-9
Forthcoming in 2010
6-Volume Set
4-Volume Set
Second-Language Acquisition
Language Acquisition Edited and with a new introduction by Charles Yang, University of Pennsylvania, USA Series: Critical Concepts in Linguistics This new addition to Routledge’s Major Works series, Critical Concepts in Linguistics, brings together the very best and most influential scholarly research in over half a century of language-acquisition research. The collection represents and reflects the interdisciplinary nature of the field, by highlighting models and methodologies from—and implications for—adjacent fields such as psycholinguistics, developmental psychology, computer science, and comparative cognition. In addition, the collection steers users to the most important, as well as controversial, issues that lie at the frontier of language acquisition research. With a new introduction by the editor, comprehensive index, and a chronological table of the gathered materials, this four-volume collection provides both student and scholar alike with all the key writings on language acquisition in one convenient and authoritative reference resource. Selected Contents: Volume I: Foundations Volume II: Speech Volume III: Words Volume IV: Structures November 2009: 234x156: 1,720pp Set Hb: 978-0-415-43709-7
Volume I of this new Routledge collection focuses on theories of education. The gathered materials explore and analyse the impact of the classical Islamic period in history and the developments in education which have emanated from it. Volume II focuses on education in Eastern Europe and Muslim Asia, capturing the essential issues in each of the countries studied, and how they vary across a vast region. The impact of culture and modernization on traditional societies, as well as the ways in which westernized modes of education are introduced, and the aspirations of youth are in turn determined.
Edited and with a new introduction by Lourdes Ortega, University of Hawaii, USA Series: Critical Concepts in Linguistics Second-language acquisition was born in the late 1960s as an interdisciplinary enterprise that borrowed equally from the feeder fields of linguistics, language teaching, child language acquisition, and psychology. This six-volume collection offers a comprehensive survey of this burgeoning field, its accumulated findings and proposed theories, its developed research paradigms, and its pending questions for the future. Including both classical and cutting-edge research, the collected materials offer a cogent and nuanced panoramic of the past, present, and future of second-language acquisition research. Selected Contents: Volume I: Foundations of Second-Language Acquisition Part 1: Historical Foundations Part 2: Theoretical Foundations Part 3: Methodological Foundations Volume II: Main Themes in Second-Language Acquisition Part 4: Age Part 5: Crosslinguistic Influences Part 6: Environment and Cognition Part 7: Variability Part 8: Fossilization Part 9: Socio-Psychological Factors Volume III: Universal Grammar and Second-Language Acquisition Part 10: Difference and Access Part 11: The Disputed Roles of Transfer and Impairment in the Initial State Part 12: Ultimate Attainment in the Final/Steady State Part 13: Interfaces Part 14: Processing Accounts of Universal Grammar Volume IV: Cognition in Second-Language Acquisition Part 15: Foundational Themes Part 16: Attention, Consciousness, and Awareness Part 17: Individual Differences Across Cognitive Abilities Volume V: Social Dimensions of L2 Learning Part 18: Theoretical Contributions Part 19: Sociolinguistic Explorations Part 20: Vygotskian Sociocultural Theory of Mind and L2 Learning Part 21: Conversation Analysis for Second-Language Acquisition Part 22: Sociocultural Educational Perspectives Volume VI: Second-Language Acquisition and Instruction Part 23: Classroom Processes Part 24: Types of Instruction Part 25: Optimal L2 Instruction March 2010: 234x156: 2,400pp Set Hb: 978-0-415-45020-1
Routledge Major Works
Education Also Available from Routledge Reference
Forthcoming in 2010 4-Volume Set
Women and Education
The Europa World of Learning
Edited and with a new introduction by Jane Martin, University of London, UK and Joyce Goodman, University of Winchester, UK Series: Major Themes in Education
‘The best single reference book on international scholarship.’ - The Times Literary Supplement A comprehensive Directory and guide to the organizations and institutions throughout the sphere of higher education and learning.
If a primary objective of feminism is to expose and challenge the social relations of power embedded in all spheres of life, then an exploration of the issues attached to female education is a vital aspect of such a project. Indeed, ‘women and education’ is now an established—and flourishing—domain of study. Edited by two leading scholars in the field, Women and Education is a four-volume collection of foundational and cutting-edge contributions further distinguished by the inclusion of autobiographical works to capture the experience of education as a broad societal process, and not simply as formal schooling.
Profiling some 30,000 academic institutions and over 200,000 staff and officials, this highly esteemed work covers the whole of the higher education and learning spectrum. Available in both print and online editions, there is no other source that provides such comprehensive, international coverage. Now in its sixtieth edition, The Europa World of Learning has become established as one of the world’s leading reference works. Meticulously updated to the highest editorial standards, entries are sourced from the organizations themselves to ensure accurate and reliable information.
July 2010: 234x156: 1,600pp Set Hb: 978-0-415-54939-4
Forthcoming in 2010
September 2009: 279x211: 2,916pp: Hb: 978-1-85743-529-0
5-Volume Set
Higher Education Edited and with a new introduction by Malcolm Tight, University of Lancaster, UK Series: Major Themes in Education As serious thinking about and around higher education continues to flourish and develop, this new title in Routledge’s Major Themes in Education series meets the need for an authoritative reference work to make sense of the subject’s vast literature and the continuing explosion in research output. Edited by Malcolm Tight, a leading scholar in the field, it is a five-volume collection of foundational and cutting-edge contributions. October 2010: 234x156: 2,000pp Set Hb: 978-0-415-49775-6
The Routledge International Handbook of Higher Education Edited by Malcolm Tight This volume is a detailed and up-to-date reference work providing an authoritative overview of the main issues in higher education around the world today. Consisting of newly commissioned chapters and impressive journal articles, it surveys the state of the discipline and includes the examination and discussion of emerging, controversial and cutting edge areas. April 2009: 7x10: 544pp 978-0-415-43264-1
special introductory price!
4-Volume Set
Mathematics Education Edited and with a new introduction by Alan Bishop, Monash University, Australia Series: Major Themes in Education A new title in the Routledge series, Major Themes in Education, this Major Work is a four-volume collection of cutting-edge and foundational research about mathematics education. Selected Contents: Volume I: Mathematics, Mathematics Education, and the Curriculum Part 1: Mathematics and Mathematics Education (a) Histories of Mathematics (b) Conceptions of Mathematics from an Educational Standpoint (c) Culture, Mathematics, and Mathematics Education (d) Society, Technology, and Mathematics Education Part 2: Education and the Mathematics Curriculum (e) Goals of Mathematics Education (f) Mathematics Curricula in Schools (g) Mathematics Curricula at Tertiary and Vocational Levels (h) Assessment, Evaluation, and the Mathematics Curriculum Volume II: Mathematics Teachers and Teaching Part 1: Mathematics Teachers (a) Mathematics Teachers’ Knowledge (b) Mathematics Teachers’ Beliefs, Attitudes, and Values (c) Pre-Service Mathematics Teacher Education (d) Mathematics Teachers’ Professional Development Part 2: Teaching Mathematics (e) Issues in Teaching Mathematical Topics (f) Pedagogical Theories and Practices (g) Classroom Cultures and Interactions (h) Teaching and Assessing (i) Teachers as Researchers Volume III: Mathematics Learners and Learning Part 1: Mathematics Learners (a) School Learners (b) Adult Learners (c) Disadvantaged and Marginalized Learners (d) Gifted Learners (e) Gender Issues (f) Cultural Issues Part 2: Learning Mathematics (g) Issues in Learning Mathematical Topics (h) Theories of Learning Mathematics (i) Language, Visualization, and Mathematics Learning (j) Beliefs and Affective Aspects of Learning Mathematics Volume IV: The Contexts of Mathematics Education Part 1: Societal and Cultural Contexts (a) Parental and Community Aspects (b) Numeracies and Mathematics Education (c) Technologies and Mathematics Education (d) International Comparisons of Mathematics Achievement Part 2: Research and Theoretical Contexts (e) Developments in Research Approaches (f) Histories of Mathematics Education (g) Philosophies of Mathematics Education (h) Theories in Mathematics Education (i) International Cooperation in Mathematics Education Research (j) Globalization, Post-Colonialism, and Critical Perspectives December 2009: 234x156: 1,716pp Set Hb: 978-0-415-43874-2 *Special Introductory Offer Price! See web for details.
Routledge Major Works