Education Textbooks: Early Years 2008 (UK)

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Early Years

3rd Edition

Teaching and Learning in the Early Years Praise for the previous edition: ‘Very readable, well presented and well balanced ... It is packed with good ideas for quality early years practices.’ - Early Years ‘Excellent book in an area where very little exists. A wealth of information in the chapters covering all areas of the curriculum. A must for anyone working in Early Years Education.’ - Ms M. Bowen, North East Wales Institute, UK The third edition of this invaluable companion for Early Years practitioners provides a broad-ranging and up-to-date review of current thinking and best practice within Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 education. Edited by David Whitebread, Senior Lecturer in Psychology and Early Years Education at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge Penny Coltman, Lecturer in Early Mathematics and Science at the University of Cambridge Faculty of Education, UK March 2008: 246x174: 456pp Pb: 978-0-415-42479-0: £17.99

Based on the basic truth that an effective early years curriculum must start with the children, this book focuses on their needs and their potential. The best teaching must have a strong element of fun, wonder and excitement: David Whitebread and Penny Coltman show how play is a crucial part of this. Each chapter combines a review of important principles with practical and inspiring classroom examples. This thrid edition has been fully revised and updated in light of the introduction of the Early Years Foundation Stage, and includes completely new chapters concerned with classroom organisation to support independent learning, outdoor learning, speaking and listening and mathematics in the early years. The book is essential reading for all Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 trainee teachers, their tutors and mentors, and serving teachers working with children in the 3-7 age range wishing to reflect upon and develop their practice.

Selected Contents: Introduction: Young Children Learning and Early Years Teaching. Part A: Basic Principles and Approaches. Organising the Early Years Classroom to Encourage Independent Learning. Organising the Whole Curriculum: Enterprise Projects in the Early Years. Assessment in the Early Years. The Outdoor Learning Environment. Part B: Play & Language. Speaking and Listening in the Early Years. Interactive StoryMaking in the Early Years Classroom. Writing in the Early Years. Picture Books and Learning to Read. Part C: The Wider Curriculum. Personal, Social & Health Education in the Early Years. From Movement Development to Physical Literacy. Music in the Early Years. Young Children’s Art. Science in the Early Years. Number and Shape in the Early Years. Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in the Early Years: An Emergent Approach. History in the Early Years. Early Years Geography. Part D: The Way Forward. Whatever Next? Future Trends in Early Years Education. Index

The Really Useful Book of ICT in the Early Years Series: The Really Useful Series Practitioners and students wishing to expand their understanding of how very young children develop an early awareness of ICT will find this text invaluable. ICT has arguably one of the biggest impacts on every-day 21st century life, so its inclusion in the Birth to Three Matters and Foundation Stage curriculum reflects the need to encourage forward-looking practice in classrooms and nurseries. This book will help young children develop their knowledge, understanding and skill in the use of ICT, with chapters from contributors with a wide range of practical experience. Full of ideas and new thinking, this book will show how: • to promote independence in children’s use of ICT through resources like digital cameras and role-play toys • to explore the nature of creativity through ICT, using it to support the more traditional areas of art, music, dance and writing • to use ICT to enhance the physical and sensory aspects of outdoor learning experiences • to harness the potential of ICT in reaching children with a variety of different learning needs, particularly those with profound and multiple learning difficulties, or autistic spectrum disorders • to value children’s home experiences of ICT and build on what they already know, and how to involve parents more in developing their child’s ICT capability. ICT is not a separate subject, but can underpin all areas of learning for young children, so this book will help practitioners to delight, motivate and encourage their pupils to learn using ICT across all of the Foundation stage curriculum in a variety of very different and often inventive contexts. This highly practical, inspirational and informative text is therefore relevant to all practitioners and students training in Early Years education. Selected Contents: 1. Forward 2. Policy 3. Children’s Independence 4. Integrating ICT into the Early Years Curriculum 5. Creativity & ICT 6. ICT and Socio Dramatic Play 7. ICT and the Outdoor Learning Environment 8. Giving Children a Voice by Using ICT 9. The Use of ICT with Children with Special Needs 10. A Project Using ICT to Develop Children’s View of Themselves as Learners and to Share their Observations between Home and the Nursery 11. ICT for Practitioners 12. Parents as Partners

Edited by Harriet Price, works for the 6 Cambridgeshire Nursery Centres advising and training in ICT, developing ICT projects, delivering the Care and Education Partnership training in ICT, working as an associate advisor for the ICT service for Cambridgeshire and delivering local and national training in ICT in the Foundation Stage. April 2008 Pb: 978-0-415-43418-8: £17.99

The Routledge Reader in Early Childhood Education Early childhood education has always provoked passionate feelings amongst stakeholders at all levels, from practitioners working with children and families in pre-school and school settings, to advisers, managers, politicians, and academics. The purpose of this reader is to examine change, transformation and continuity, and to present indicative scholarship in relation to five key themes. Within each theme, the readings have been chosen to exemplify national and international perspectives and trends. This is not to present a homogenised view of early childhood provision and services across cultural contexts; rather the intention is to take a critical perspective on past, present and future directions, and to identify some of the challenges, dilemmas and contradictions posed in research and scholarship.

Edited by Elizabeth Wood, Professor of Education at University of Exeter, UK 2007: 234x156: 352pp Hb: 978-0-415-45151-2: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-45152-9: £23.99

Selected Contents: Introduction: Contestation, Transformation and ReConceptualisation in Early Childhood Education Theme 1: Theoretical Perspectives on Learning, Curriculum and Pedagogy 1. Introduction From ‘Play in the Infants’ School’ E.R. Boyce, Methuen, 1946 2. Fleer, M. (2006) The Cultural Construction of Child Development: Creating Institutional and Cultutral Intersubjectivity. International Journal of Early Years Education , 14(2), 127140. 3. Soler, J & Miller, L. (2003) The Struggle for Early Childhood Curricula: A Comparison of the English Foundation Stage Curriculum, Te Whariki and Reggio Emilia, The International Journal of Early Years Education , Vol.11, No. 1, (Taylor and Francis). 4. Brooker, L(2003), Learning How to Learn : Parental Ethnotheories and Young Children’s Preparation for School, The International Journal of Early Years Education , Vol. 11, No. 1, (Taylor and Francis). Theme 2: Play: Advances in Theory and Practice 5. Newman, F and Holzman, L. (1993) Playing in/with the ZPD from Lev Vygotsky: Revolutionary Scientist (Routledge). 6. Janson, U. (2001) Togetherness and Diversity in Preschool Play, The International Journal of Early Years Education , Vol. 9, No. 2, (Taylor and Francis). 7. Marsh, J. ‘But I Want to Fly Too!’: Girls and Superhero Play in the Infant Classroom, Gender and Education, Vol. 12, No. 2 (Taylor & Francis). 8. Sawyers, J. and Carrick, N. (2003). Symbolic Play through the Eyes and Words of Children from Play and Educational Theory and Practice, Ed. Lytle, D. Ablex Publishing Corporation,U.S Theme 3: Policy Generation and Implementation 9. Neuman, M. (2005). Governance of Early Childhood Education and Care: Recent Developments in OECD Countries, Early Years, Vol. 25, No. 2. (Taylor & Francis). 10. Sylva, K. and Pugh, G. (2005). Transforming the Early Years in England, Oxford Review of Education, Vol. 31, No. 1. (Taylor & Francis). 11. Ball, S. and Vincent, C. (2005) The ‘Childcare Champion’? New Labour, Social Justice and the Childcare Market, British Educational Research Journal. Vol. 31. No. 5. (Taylor & Francis). 12. Rosemberg, F. (2005) Childhood and Social Inequality in Brazil, in H. Penn (2005) (Ed) Unequal Childhoods: Young Children’s Lives in Poor Countries. London, Routledge, Chapter 8, pp. 142-170. Theme 4: Professionalism and Professionalisation 13. Duncan, J. (2004). Misplacing the Teacher? New Zealand Early Childhood Teachers and Early Childhood Education Policy Reforms, 1984-96, Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood Education, Vol. 5, No. 2. (Symposium Journals). 14. Osgood, J. (2006). Professionalism and Performativity; The Feminist Challenge Facing Early Years Practitioners, Early Years, Vol. 26, No. 2. (Taylor & Francis) Theme 5: Research Methods: Agency and Voice 15. Sumsion, J. (1999). Critical Reflections on the Experiences of a Male Early Childhood Worker. Gender and Education, Vol. 11, No. 4. (Routledge). 16. Farrell, A. Tayler, C. and Tennent, L. (2004). Building Social Capital in Early Childhood Education and Care: An Australian Study. British Educational Research Journal. Vol. 30. No. 5. (Taylor & Francis). 17. Montgomery, H. (2005). Gendered Childhoods: A Cross Disciplinary Overview. Gender and Education, Vol. 17, No. 5. (Routledge). References

3rd Edition

A Guide to Early Years Practice ‘There is much useful information in this book and the practical examples and anecdotes are particularly effective.’ - Early Years Update This is a practical, accessible guide to early years practice. The author examines current theories about how children learn best and focuses on how we can support and extend the learning of young children. This fully revised edition discusses Birth to Three Matters, the new Childcare Bill and the development of children’s centres, and has additional focus on the Foundation Stage Profile. Packed full with case studies, the book offers: • practical advice on how to successfully involve parents as equal partners in the education of their children • guidance to ensure that the activities and support offered to young children will promote learning across a broad and balanced Early Years curriculum • a focus on special needs, multiculturalism and multilingualism, play and culture, and the importance of interactions with adults and with peers.

Sandra Smidt, Independent Education Consultant, UK

Essential reading for students on Early Years courses, this book is also invaluable for practitioners, who can use this text as the starting point for developing their own methods within the frameworks of statutory documents relating to Early Years education.

2007: 234x156: 200pp Pb: 978-0-415-41604-7: £17.99

Selected Contents: 1. Understanding How Young Children Learn Best 2. How to Support and Extend the Learning of Young Children 3. The New Childcare Bill 4. Introduction to the Curriculum Guidance to the Foundation Stage 5. Living and Communicating in a Social World 6. Understanding and Explaining the Physical World 7. Exploring the World and Expressing Ideas 8. Ensuring Equality of Access and Opportunity 9. Documenting What Children Do 10. Partnerships with Parents

The Developing Child in the 21st Century A Global Perspective on Child Development Taking a child-centred view of education and learning, this multidisciplinary exploration of childhood shows how children make sense of the world through everything they come into contact with, and all their interactions. The book takes a broad assessment of all children’s roles and experiences, covering a diverse range of topics including global and historical childhoods; the child as meaning-maker and active learner; learning in the context of family, culture, group, society; representing and re-representing the world; the development of symbolic representation; the child and culture; understanding roles, identity, race and gender; making sense of science and technology; brain functions and development. Sandra Smidt, Independent Education Consultant, UK

Selected Contents: 1. Children and Childhoods 2. The Child as Meaning Maker 3. The Child as Social Constructor 4. The child as Creative Thinker 5. The Child as Symbol User and Symbol Weaver 6. The Child in Culture 7. The Child as Role-Maker 8. The Child as Investigator 9. More than Neurones

2006: 246x174: 160pp Hb: 978-0-415-38569-5: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-415-38570-1: £16.99

Physical Education and Development 3–11 A Guide for Teachers Physical education plays a vital role in children’s development, health and well-being, and is an increasingly important part of the government’s strategy for healthy schools. This accessible guide to teaching PE within the 3–11 age range will allow all non-specialist primary teachers to approach the subject with confidence, encouraging a better understanding of its role within schools and the special contribution it can make to children’s lives. The book:

Jonathan Doherty, Principal Lecturer in the Carnegie Faculty of Sport and Education at Leeds Metropolitan University, UK Peter Brennan, Director of Specialism at Hinchingbrooke School, Cambridgeshire, UK 2007: 246x174: 240pp Pb: 978-1-84312-456-6: £16.99

• shows how to guide children’s movement experiences from the Foundation Stage right through to adventurous activities and sports games at the end of Key Stage 2 • contains a wealth of practical advice on developmentally appropriate practical ideas • supports the PECCSL strategy (PE, School Sport and Club Links) of providing at least 2 hours a week on high quality PE and school sport within schools. Written for all early years and primary students on teacher education courses, this book is also relevant for teachers, HLTAs and other non-PE specialists working with children up to the age of 11. Selected Contents: 1. Foundations of Physical Education from 3-11 2. Understanding Development, Movement and Skill 3. Issues in Physical Education Today 4. Physical Education in the Foundation Stage 5. Physical Education at Key Stage 1 6. Physical Education in Key Stage 2 7. What Happens Before the Lesson? Planning and Preparation 8. What Happens During the Lesson? Teaching a Lesson 9. What Happens During and After the Lesson? Assessment, Recording and Reporting 10. Physical Education in the Future

A David Fulton Book

English 3–11 A Guide for Teachers In line with the National Primary Strategy, this core introductory textbook provides comprehensive, up-to-date and, most importantly, creative guidance on teaching English in the early years and primary classroom. Covering all of the key curriculum areas in manageable and accessible chapters, the book aims to motivate and support teachers to achieve enjoyment, progression, breadth and balance in their teaching of effective and creative English. By combining both subject knowledge with effective pedagogical approaches to teaching English, this book is an essential one-stop resource for all busy teachers.

David Waugh, Head of the Centre for Educational Studies at the University of Hull, UK Wendy Jolliffe, Programme Director of BA (Hons) Early Education and Care and BA (Hons) Learning and Teaching (Primary Teaching) at the University of Hull, UK 2007: 246x174: 304pp Pb: 978-1-84312-443-6: £18.99

Selected Contents: Introduction 1. The Pedagogy of Teaching English in the Primary School 2. Classroom Management in English 3. Creative Approaches to Teaching Literacy 4. Communication, Language and Literacy in the Early Years 5. Knowledge about Language 6. Talking to Learn 7. Teaching and Learning Reading 8. Fiction and Poetry 9. Reading and Writing for Information 10. English Across the Ability Range 11. Developing Children’s Writing 12. Spelling 13. ICT and English 14. Planning for English 15. Assessment for Learning

A David Fulton Book

History 3-11 A Guide for Teachers ‘The most comprehensive coverage of the issues facing primary history teachers of all the available texts ... The essential reference book of the profession for the teaching of History in primary schools.’ – Teacher Trainer on The Teaching of History in Primary Schools Replacing the best-selling The Teaching of History in Primary Schools, acclaimed author Hilary Cooper returns with this invaluable resource, showing how to sustain a dynamic history curriculum in the classroom. Designed as a core textbook for all trainee teachers, as well as practising teachers wanting to keep up-to-date with the latest developments and research, this book is essential reading for all those interested in the teaching of history at primary level in an informed and inspiring way. Selected Contents: Part 1: What is History? Part 2: Planning and Assessment Part 3: Examples From Practice Part 4: Principles, Theory and Practice

A David Fulton Book

Hilary Cooper, Professor of History and Pedagogy at St. Martin’s College, UK 2006: 246x174: 232pp Pb: 978-1-84312-459-7: £17.99

Geography 3-11 A Guide for Teachers The advent of the National Primary Strategy has produced a welcome reminder to teachers of the importance of geography within the primary curriculum. This book aims to encourage this renewed awareness and to support teachers in teaching primary geography in different and exciting ways. It will show that children have an entitlement to learn about geography and this can be achieved in a lively, creative fashion uplifting for both teachers and children. Written in association with the Geographical Association, this book will help both trainee and experienced teachers to integrate geography as an essential part of the primary curriculum. Selected Contents: Section 1: Planning and Assessment Section 2: Concepts of Place Section 3: Inclusion and the Global Dimenson Section 4: Values, Enquiries and Cross-Curricular Approaches

A David Fulton Book

Modern Foreign Languages 5-11

Hilary Cooper, Simon Asquith, and Chris Rowley, all at St. Martin’s College, UK 2006: 246x174: 200pp Pb: 978-1-84312-421-4: £17.99


A Guide for Teachers Written to support busy schools and teachers in planning, teaching and delivering the new primary MFL entitlement for all KS2 pupils, this book brings together a wide range of key pedagogical issues into one user-friendly handbook: • teaching approaches and resource ideas • using new technologies • getting assessment right • progressing to the secondary school.

Jane Jones and Simon Coffey, both at King’s College London, UK

A David Fulton Book

2006: 246x174: 176pp Pb: 978-1-84312-390-3: £17.99

2nd Edition

Beyond Quality in Early Childhood Education and Care Languages of Evaluation ‘[This is a] wonderfully rich text. We feel the book to be an expression of our identity too. This is a good book. Good because it is the product of dialogue and because it offers itself not only for consent, but also for dissent and negotiation by its non-dogmatic tone. Readers will feel welcomed, listened to and respected in their opinions, even when those opinions are in opposition to the authors.’ - Carlina Rinaldi, executive Consultant for Reggio Children (taken from her preface to the 2nd edition) Gunilla Dahlberg, Institute of Education, Stockholm, Sweden, Peter Moss, Thomas Coram Research Unit, Institute of Education, UK and Alan Pence, University of Victoria, Canada 2006: 234x156: 216pp Hb: 978-0-415-41848-5: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-41849-2: £22.50

Taking a broad approach, this second edition of Beyond Quality in Early Childhood Education and Care relates issues of early childhood to the sociology of childhood, philosophy, ethics, political science and other fields and to an analysis of the world we live in today. It places these issues in a global context and draws on work from Canada, Sweden and Italy, including the world famous nurseries in Reggio Emilia. Working with postmodern ideas, this book questions the search to define and measure quality in the early childhood field and its tendency to reduce philosophical issues of value to purely technical and managerial issues of expert knowledge and measurement. Selected Contents: 1. What This Book is About 2. Theoretical Perspectives: Modernity and Postmodernity, Power and Ethics 3. Constructing Early Childhood Institution: What Do We Think It Is? 4. Constructing the Early Childhood Institution: What Do We Think They Are For? 5. Beyond the Discourse of Quality to the Discourse of Meaning Making 6. The Stockholm Project: Constructing a Pedagogy that Speaks in the Voice of the Child, the Pedagogue and the Parent 7. Pedagogical Documentation: A Practice for Reflection and Democracy 8. Minority Directions in the Majority World: Threats and Possibilities

Developing Early Years Practice This book provides readers working in a diverse range of early years settings with the underpinning knowledge required to increase their effectiveness in working with young children. It explores a wide range of issues including: the roles and responsibilities of practitioners; developing reflective practice; how children learn and develop; early years curriculum; working with parents and professionals and developing inclusive environments. Combining an understanding of the relationship between practical workplace issues and relevant academic knowledge, this is a core textbook for all Foundation Degree students working in early years education and care. It is also highly relevant for students following an Early Childhood Studies degree or B.Ed/PGCE Early Years course.

Linda Miller, Lecturer in Childhood Studies at the Open University, UK, Carrie Cable, Lecturer in Education at The Open University, UK and Jane Devereux, Senior Lecturer in Education at the Open University, UK 2005: 220pp Pb: 978-1-84312-317-0: £17.99

Selected Contents: Part 1: Creating Empowering Environments. Changing Times: Early Years Practitioners Today. Working with other Professionals. Partnerships with Parents. Positive Learning Environments: Listening To and Protecting Children. Reflection in Practice. Part 2: Ways of Learning. Learning through Play. Learning and Developing from Birth to 3. Language and Learning. Inclusive Settings. Assessment for Learning. Part 3: Curriculum in Practice. Self Esteem and Identity. Creativity and ICT. Supporting Literacy Development. Supporting Mathematical Development. Exploring the World. Perspectives on Curricula

A David Fulton Book

Developing Thinking and Understanding in Young Children An Introduction for Students Invaluable for anyone looking to understand young children’s thinking, this essential textbook helpfully combines introductions to theories about thinking with observations from real-life practice. The book explores underlying theories behind topics such as, the relationship between nature and nuture; models of cognitive development, with ideas from key thinkers such as Piaget, Vygotsky and Bruner; basic neuroscience and its application to early childhood; the social, emotional and cultural context of children’s development; emotional intelligence; language and thought, including the use of motherese and children’s talk in pretend play; whether children can think philosophically. The author accompanies every topic with observations from the classroom, supported by her own critical analysis linking theory to practice throughout.

Sue Robson, University of Surrey, Roehampton, UK 2006: 246x174: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-36107-1: £80.00 Pb: 978-0-415-36108-8: £18.99

2nd Edition

Teaching Practice for Early Childhood A Guide for Students This fully updated new edition of Teaching Practice for Early Childhood will help students and recently graduated early childhood teachers make the most of their teaching in a variety of early years’ settings. Chapters cover vital topics such as ways of knowing and relating to children, the early childhood curriculum, and working collaboratively with colleagues and parents. In addition, this new edition takes into account the current demands for quality, accountability and continuity in the early childhood curriculum. Rosemary Perry

Supporting Children’s Learning in the Early Years

2004: 216x138: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-33108-1: £90.00 Pb: 978-0-415-33109-8: £23.99

This text will help teachers expand their knowledge and practical skills in the light of recent initiatives. The book is divided into three parts. Part One looks at how practitioners work together in supporting, planning for, and assessing young children’s learning and looks at what is meant by inclusive provision. Part Two examines the early year curriculum in the four countries in the UK, covering the key areas of learning and the important role of ICT, and looks at approaches to working with children aged 0 to 3. Part Three considers professional practice and positive learning environments. A David Fulton Book Linda Miller and Jane Devereux, both at The Open University, UK 2004: 246x174: 256pp Pb: 978-1-85346-976-3: £17.99

The New Early Years Professional Dilemmas and Debates ‘The multidisciplinary approach that the authors provide brings together in one place a range of thought-provoking information which will be enormously useful for anyone - student or experienced practitioner - keen to grasp the ‘big picture’. - Early Years Update

Edited by Angela D. Nurse, Prinicpal Lecturer in Early Years and former Head of the Department of Childhood Studies at Canterbury Christ Church University, UK 2007: 246x174 Pb: 978-1-84312-423-8: £17.99

Celebrating the spirit and need for increased multidisciplinary working and co-operation in the care and education of children, this book addresses the emergence of a new type of early years professional. It will support the reader in understanding the background and context to the current situation of change and excitement as well as help them reflect on the challenges and possibilities of future Early Years and interagency working. Adopting an analytical and reflective style appropriate for degree-level study, this book is a core reader for all Early Childhood Studies and Early Years courses. Selected Contents: Early Childhood Provision. Interagency Working. Families, Children and Culture. Child Development and Psychology. Children’s Learning. Birth to Three Matters. Play and Creativity. Health and Well-Being. Safeguarding Children. Inclusion and Special Needs. Leadership and Management. International Perspectives. Research and Reflection in the Early Years

A David Fulton Book

Sound Beginnings Learning and Development in the Early Years ‘[This book is] very useful not only for personal study, but also as a tool to support teams to develop their overall approach to supporting young children’s learning and development.’ - Early Years Update By celebrating the spirit and principles that are enshrined in the Curriculum Guidance for the Foundation Stage (DfES, 2000), this book describes how children learn and develop best in good Early Years practice. It encourages the practitioner to take a step back from their day-to-day routines and objectives and instead focus on the child and how to create the sound beginnings that every child needs to flourish and develop in the Early Years. Aspects of the principles underpinning early child development covered include: Pamela May, Erica Ashford and Gillian Bottle, all are lecturers at Canterbury Christ Church University, UK 2006: 246x174: 176pp Pb: 978-1-84312-422-1: £17.99

• the importance of play • developing confidence and self-esteem • relationships with others • independent learning. Suggesting ways of teaching young children that practitioners can be confident will be effective, this book is essential reading for all reflective practitioners in the Early Years – including trainee teachers and students of early childhood studies. Selected Contents: 1. Foundations 2. Active Learning 3. The World Around 4. Building Confidence 5. Learning about Self and Others 6. What Children Know and Can Do 7. Children Learn at Different Rates and in Different Ways 8. Independence 9. Relationships 10. Quality

A David Fulton Book

Creative Teaching Series Creative Teaching: Mathematics in the Early Years and Primary Classroom Offering teachers a dynamic and different perspective on mathematics,this book enables them to see and teach in creative ways that will develop their pupil’s mathematical thinking potential. The book: • supports the government’s Primary Strategy “Excellence and Enjoyment” • covers both primary and early years range • includes issues for reflection, discussion points and case studies • addresses new teacher training modules on creativity and maths. A David Fulton Book

Mary Briggs and Sue Davis, both at Warwick University, UK 2007: 246x174: 160pp Pb: 978-1-84312-462-7: £17.99

Creative Teaching: English in the Early Years and Primary Classroom This book shows how to teach children literacy in an imaginative yet purposeful way. Split into three main sections - fiction, non-fiction and poetry - the text presents a wide range of exciting activities that encourage the development of creative literacy lessons. Coverage includes: • enjoyable, interactive and creative teaching strategies • guidance on assessing creative work • opportunities for creative literacy activities across the curriculum • ideas for working with ages 3-11. A David Fulton Book

Creative Teaching: Science in the Early Years and Primary Classroom

Chris Horner and Vicki Ryf, both at South Bank University, UK 2007: 246x171: 304pp Pb: 978-1-84312-260-9: £17.99

Practical, useful and informative, this book provides ideas and suggestions on how to interpret and develop the primary science curriculum in an interesting and challenging way. The themes in the book encourage teachers to: • teach science with creative curiosity • value the unpredictable and unplanned • thrive on a multiplicity of creative approaches, viewpoints and conditions • be creative with cross-curricular and ICT opportunities • reflect on their own practice.

Ann Oliver

A David Fulton Book

2006: 224pp Pb: 978-1-84312-259-3: £17.99

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