Educational Studies 2008 (US)

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educational studies 2008



educational studies 2008 I N C L U D I N G L AW R E N C E E R L B A U M A S S O C I AT E S

Table of Contents



Educational Studies


Sociology of Education

14 Multicultural Education 22 Curriculum Studies 25 Leadership & Administration 29 Qualitative Research 33 Index I NSIDE BACK COVER Order Form see page 1

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Educational Studies 2008

Educational Studies


Educational Studies Sociocultural, Political and Historical Studies in Education Edited by Joel Spring

4th Editio n FORTHCOMING


The Intersection of Cultures

2nd Editio n

2nd Editio n

G lo bal Multicultural Educatio n

Indigenous Educational Models for Contemporary Practice

Knowledge and Power in the Global Economy

Joel Spring, Queens College, CUNY, US

In Our Mo ther’s Vo ice Edited by Maenette K.P-Ah Nee Benham, Michigan State University, US “Many educational traditions and practices have been lost or only remain in the memories of survivors of the indigenous peoples’ holocaust while other educational traditions have remained active. Indigeno us Educatio nal Mo dels fo r C o ntempo rary Practice provides educational models that affirm the vitality of these traditions and their adaptability to contemporary times.... It is my hope and belief that the educational models described in this book will help put students, teachers, and the world on the path to harmony and hope.” —Joel Spring, From the Series Editor Foreword

The book challenges teachers, researchers, educational leaders, and community stakeholders to build dynamic learning environments through which indigenous learners can be “Boldly Indigenous in a Global World.” Building on the first edition, this new edition examines these topics: • regenerating and transforming language and culture pedagogy that reminds us that what is “Contemporary is Native” • living indigenous leadership that engages and ensures the presence, readiness, and civic work of our next generation of leaders • indigenizing assessment and accountability that makes certain that native values and strengths lead this important work • highlighting the power of partnerships that begin with the child-elder, which is then nurtured in community and institutions to cross boundaries of cultural difference, physical geography, native and non-native institutions and communities Indigenous Educational Models for C ontemporary Practice honors the wisdom of our ancestors, highlights the diversity of our indigenous stories, and illuminates the passion of forward-looking scholars. September 2008: 256pp Hb: 978-0-8058-6402-1: US $135.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-6403-8: US $39.95

The Effects o f Scho o l Refo rm in a Neo liberal/Neo co nservative A ge Edited by David A. Gabbard, East Carolina University, US “This is an important and necessary book. The list of contributing authors includes a stunning array of insightful and widely published and referenced critical scholars and educators.” —Dave Hill, University College Northampton, From the Foreword

The second edition of Knowledge and Power in the G lobal Economy examines how neoliberal and neoconservative policies are working in tandem to privatize and commercialize public schools. It looks at how these policies and the agendas behind them have impacted the internal dynamics of school management, teaching, and learning, as well as how they have transformed the external dynamics of education from a public good or service offered to serve public interests to a private enterprise primarily serving private interests. In addition to information, critique, and analysis, multiple perspectives are provided that readers can draw upon to formulate an alternative vision of education as a crucial element of social change along democratic and egalitarian lines. Since its publication in 2000, policy developments, such as the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 in the U.S. and others in the U.K. and other parts of the world, have nationalized and intensified patterns, deepening the logic and extent of neoliberalism’s hold over educational reforms. At the same time, it is impossible to understand the current crises in education solely in terms of neoliberalism; the impact of neoconservatism must also be considered. Hence this second edition has a new subtitle: T he Effects of School Reform in a Neoliberal/Neoconservative A ge. This volume will particularly interest scholars and professionals across the fields of educational foundations, curriculum theory, and educational policy, and is well suited as a text for courses in these areas. October 2007: 608pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5938-6: US $110.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-5939-3: US $39.95

T he Intersection of C ultures offers a unique, problem-solving approach to the complex issues involved in educating culturally and linguistically diverse students. Perfect for any course devoted wholly or in part to the study of multicultural education, this text addresses a wealth of topics. A particular focus in this edition is the current global migration of peoples, and the tension between local and global cultures. All chapters include model multicultural lessons for elementary through college classes. These lessons serve a dual function—first, they can be used to help teach the content of the chapter, and second, elementary, middle school, and high school teachers can use these lessons in their own classes. Each chapter concludes with a “Personal Frames of References” section designed to engage students in relating multiculturalism to their own lives. New in the Fourth Edition: • cultural differences in ways of seeing, knowing, and interrelating with the world • recent research findings from cross cultural psychology and the psychology of immigration • methods for educating “multicultural minds” August 2007: 344pp Pb: 978-0-8058-6139-6: US $39.95


Minority Status, Oppositional Culture and Schooling Edited by John U. Ogbu, University of California at Berkeley, US This book is the definitive and final presentation of John Ogbu’s cultural ecological model and the many debates that his work has sparked during the past decade. The theory and empirical foundation of Ogbu’s scholarship, which some have mistakenly reduced to the “acting white hypothesis,” is fully presented and re-visited in this posthumous collection of his new writings plus the works of over 20 scholars. Ogbu’s own chapters present how his ideas about minority education and culture developed. Readers will find in these chapters the theoretical roots of his cultural ecological model. The book is organized as a dialogue between John Ogbu and the scholarly community, including his most ardent critics; Ogbu’s own work can be read at the same time as his critics have their say. February 2008: 576pp HB: 978-0-8058-5103-8: US $135.00 PB: 978-0-8058-5104-5: US $41.95

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Educational Studies

Educational Studies 2008

Sociocultural, Political and Historical Studies in Education Edited by Joel Spring

3rd Editio n

Wheels in the Head Educatio nal Philo so phies o f A utho rity, Freedo m, and C ulture fro m C o nfucianism to Human Rights Joel Spring, Queens College, CUNY, US In this popular text Joel Spring provocatively analyzes the ideas of traditional and nontraditional philosophies from Confucianism to human rights regarding the contribution of education to the creation of a democratic society. The goal is to explore how governments use education to control and manage their populations, and to examine forms of education that claim to free people from authoritarian control. A critically original work, it is widely used as a text for courses on philosophical, social, political, and historical foundations of education, and critical issues in education. Reflecting its global relevance, a Chinese translation was published by the University of Peking Press in 2005. New in the third edition: • expanded analysis of the use of education by authoritarian states • revisions to more clearly relate educational ideas to the theme of “wheels in the head”—a phrase coined by philosopher Max Stirner—to describe the use of schools by modern governments to control their citizens • new sections on liberation education and on human rights education August 2007: 208pp Hb: 978-0-8058-6132-7: US $125.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-6133-4: US $34.95

A New Paradigm for Global School Systems

Pedagogies of Globalization

Educatio n fo r a Lo ng and Happy Life

Joel Spring, Queens College, CUNY, US

The Rise o f the Educatio nal Security State

Joel Spring, Queens College, CUNY, US This volume, a major new contribution to Joel Spring’s reportage and analysis of the intersection of global forces and education, offers a new paradigm for global school systems. Education for global economic competition is the prevailing goal of most national school systems. Spring argues that recent international studies by economists, social psychologists, and others on the social factors that support subjective well-being and longevity should serve as a call to arms to change education policy; the current industrial-consumer paradigm is not supportive of either happiness or long life. Building his argument through original documentation, synthesis, and critique of prevailing global economic goals for schools and research on social conditions that support happiness and long life, Spring: • develops guidelines for a global core curriculum, methods of instruction, and school organizations • translates these guidelines into a new paradigm for global school systems based on progressive, human rights, and environmental educational traditions • contrasts differing ways of seeing and knowing among indigenous, Western, and Confucian-based societies, concluding that global teaching and learning involve a particular form of holistic knowing and seeing • proposes a prototype for a global school—an ecoschool that functions to protect the biosphere and human rights and to support the happiness and well-being of the school staff, students, and immediate community—and for a global core curriculum based on holistic models for lessons and instruction. The book concludes with Spring’s retelling of Plato’s parable of the cave, in which educators break the chains that bind them to the industrial-consumer paradigm and rethink their commitment to humanity’s welfare. February 2007: 232pp Hb: 978-0-8058-6123-5: US $69.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-6124-2: US $27.50

In this ground-breaking book, Joel Spring examines globalization and its worldwide effects on education. A central thesis is that industrialconsumerism is the dominant paradigm in the integration of education and economic planning in modern economic security states. In the twenty-first century, national school systems have similar grades and promotion plans, instructional methods, curriculum organization, and linkages between secondary and higher education. Although there are local variations, the most striking feature is the sameness of educational systems. How did this happen? How was education globalized? Spring explains and analyzes this phenomenon and its consequences for human life and the future improvement of social and economic organizations. Central themes include: • the elements of the educational security state and the industrial-consumer paradigm in relationship to classical forms of education such as Confucianism, Islam, and Christianity, and their concerns with creating a just and ethical society • the role of “the other” in the globalization of educational structures as international military and economic rivalries spark competition between educational systems • the effect of the cultural and economic rivalry between the Soviet Union and the United States and its impact on schooling in both countries • the rise of the educational security state in China, the Soviet Union, and the United States as these countries focus their educational efforts on military and economic development • the evolution of progressive education as it appeared in revolutionary movements in South America, Cuba, Nicaragua, and El Salvador • the consequences of English as the global language and the global spread of the industrial-consumer paradigm Readership for this book includes scholars and students in comparative, international, and multicultural education; educational policy and politics; historical, social, and philosophical foundations of education; and curriculum studies. It is a particularly timely, informative, engaging text for courses in all of these areas. March 2006: 318pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5556-2: US $110.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-5557-9: US $34.50

To order, call toll-free: 1-800-634-7064 or fax 1-800-278-4724

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Educational Studies 2008

Educational Studies


Sociocultural, Political and Historical Studies in Education Edited by Joel Spring

3rd Editio n

3rd Editio n

Invisible Children in the Society and Its Schools

Political Agendas for Education

Edited by Sue Books, College at New Paltz, SUNY, US

Fro m the Religio us Right to the G reen Party

C o ntexts, Theo ries, and Issues

Joel Spring, Queens College, CUNY, US

March 2005: 256pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5145-8: US $110.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-5146-5: US $37.50

The authors in this book use the metaphors of invisibility and visibility to explore the social and school lives of many children and young people in North America whose complexity, strengths, and vulnerabilities are largely unseen in the society and its schools. These “invisible children” are socially devalued in the sense that alleviating the difficult conditions of their lives is not a priority—children who are subjected to derogatory stereotypes, who are educationally neglected in schools that respond inadequately if at all to their needs, and who received relatively little attention from scholars in the field of education or writers in the popular press.

In this book, Joel Spring brings up-to-date his description and analysis of the current educational agendas of major political players and organizations. The focus of this edition is the 2004 presidential campaign and the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. Spring duscusses the ideological perspective of each major political group and how its ideology is represented in No Child Left Behind. This is an essential text for courses dealing with the politics of education, foundations of education, educational leadership, and curriculum studies, and a must-read volume for educational scholars, professionals, policymakers, and all those concerned with the politics of education in the U.S. and its consequences for schools and society.

The chapter authors, some of the most passionate and insightful scholars in the field of education today, detail oversights and assaults, visible and invisible, but also affirm the capacity of many of these young people to survive, flourish, and often educate others, despite the painful and even desperate circumstances of their lives. By sharing their voices, providing basic information about them, and offering thoughtful analysis of their social situation, this volume combines education and advocacy in an accessible volume responsive to some of the most pressing issues of our time. Although their research methodologies differ, all of the contributors aim to get the facts straight and to set them in a meaningful context.

Universities and Globalization

New in the Third Edition: Chapters retained from the previous edition have been thoroughly revised and update, and five totally new chapters have been added on the topics of: • young people pushed into the “school-to-prison” pipeline • the “environmental landscape” of two out-ofschool Mexican migrant teens in the rural Midwest • the perceptions and practices, in and outside schools, that construct African American boys as school failures • negative portrayals of blackness in the context of understanding the “collateral damage of continued white privilege” • working-class pregnant and parenting teens’ efforts to create positive identities for themselves

Teaching Social Foundations of Education

August 2005: 152pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5256-1: US $49.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-5257-8: US $21.50

To Market, To Market Ravinder Kaur Sidhu, University of Queensland, Australia “...tackles a set of substantive issues and questions that are very relevant today...The discussion of international education in the ambivalence of the postcolonial world is a most important and current topic for academic conversation.” —Carlos Alberto Torres, University of California at Los Angeles

This book examines the operations of power and knowledge in international education under conditions of globalization, with a focus on the three biggest exporters of higher education—the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom. An interdisciplinary approach based on the core social sciences is used to explore the power relations that shape global education networks. The role of nationstates in creating the conditions for education markets and the desire for a Weternized template of international education in the postcolonial world is discussed. The volume offers a sophisticated attempt to recast international education as a series of geopolitical and geoeconomic engagements that transcend simple supply and demand dynamics.

Edited by Dan W. Butin, Cambridge College, US

3rd Editio n

Non-Western Educational Traditions Indigeno us A ppro aches to Educatio nal Tho ught and Practice Timothy G. Reagan, Central Connecticut State University, US August 2004: 328pp Pb: 978-0-8058-4857-1: US $39.95

3rd Editio n

Critical Social Issues in American Education Demo cracy and Meaning in a G lo balizing W o rld Edited by H. Svi Shapiro and David E. Purpel, both at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, US July 2004: 520pp Pb: 978-0-8058-4452-8: US $55.00

How Educational Ideologies Are Shaping Global Society Intergo vernmental O rganizatio ns, NG O s, and the Decline o f the Natio n-State Joel Spring, Queens College, CUNY, US March 2004: 264pp Hb: 978-0-8058-4915-8: US $69.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-4916-5: US $29.95

Black American Students in An Affluent Suburb A Study o f A cademic Disengagement John U. Ogbu, University of California at Berkeley, US with the assistance of Astrid Davis January 2003: 344pp Hb: 978-0-8058-4515-0: US $89.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-4516-7: US $39.95

November 2005: 400pp Hb: 978-0-8058-4965-3: US $120.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-4966-0: US $49.95

September 2006: 328pp Pb: 978-0-8058-5937-9: US $31.00

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Educational Studies

Educational Studies 2008 NEW

Sociocultural, Political and Historical Studies in Education Edited by Joel Spring

Reading Comprehension Research and Testing in the U.S.

Place-Based Education in the Global Age

Undercurrents o f Race, C lass, and Po w er in the Struggle fo r Meaning

Lo cal Diversity

Arlette I. Willis, University of Illinois UrbanaChampaign, US “No practicing teacher should be without this book.”

The Renaissance of American Indian Higher Education C apturing the Dream Edited by Maenette K.P-Ah Nee Benham, Michigan State University, US and Wayne J. Stein, Montana State University-Bozeman, US October 2002: 328pp Hb: 978-0-8058-4320-0: US $110.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-4321-7: US $39.95

A Place to Be Navajo Ro ugh Ro ck and the Struggle fo r SelfDeterminatio n in Indigeno us Scho o ling Teresa L. McCarty, Arizona State University, US February 2002: 256pp Hb: 978-0-8058-3760-5: US $79.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-3761-2: US $32.50

Tangled Up in School Po litics, Space, Bo dies, and Signs in the Educatio nal Pro cess Jan Nespor, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, US July 1997: 280pp Hb: 978-0-8058-2652-4: US $79.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-2653-1: US $37.50

—Richard J. Meyer, University of New Mexico

This book challenges traditional, sanctioned, and official histories of reading comprehension by examining how ideological and cultural hegemony work to reproduce dominant ideologies through education in general and reading comprehension research and testing specifically. Willis analyzes the ideological and cultural foundations that underpin concepts, theories, research, tests, and interpretations, and connects these to the broader social and political contexts within U.S. history in which reading comprehension research and testing have evolved. In this way, she demystifies past and current assumptions about the interconnections among researchers, reading comprehension research, and standardized reading comprehension tests. A promising vision of the future of reading comprehension research and testing emerges—one that is more complex, multidimensional, inclusive, and socially just. Reading C omprehension Research and T esting in the U.S. aims to revolutionize how reading comprehension is conceived, theorized, tested, and interpreted for all children. This is a critically relevant volume for educational researchers, teacher educators, school administrators, teachers, policy makers, and all those concerned with school literacy and educational equity. October 2007: 304pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5051-2: US $99.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-5052-9: US $34.50


2nd Editio n

Philosophy of Education The Key C o ncepts John Gingell, University of Northampton, UK and Christopher Winch, University of London, UK This new edition of an old classic is an easy to use A to Z guide summarizing all the key terms, ideas and issues central to the study of education today. Fully updated to reflect the latest developments in the field, as well as an index and cross-referencing for further reading, new entries include: Citizenship and Civic Education, Liberalism, Capability, Well-being, Patriotism, Globalization, Open-mindedness, and Creationism and Intelligent Design. Comprehensive enough to be used by students, practitioners and policy-makers this highly accessible introduction provides all you need to know about this resurgent field.

Edited by David A. Gruenewald, Washington State University, US and Gregory A. Smith, Lewis and Clark College, US “Polished, clear, insightful, and meaningful.... This volume amounts to nothing less than a complete rethinking of what progressive education can be at its best and how education can be reconceptualized as one of the central practices of a genuinely democratic and sustainable society.... It is the kind of book that has the potential to be transformative.” —Stephen Preskill, University of New Mexico

“The editors and contributors are pioneers in the field of educational theory, policy, and philosophy.... They are opening new areas of inquiry and educational reform in ways that promise to make this book in very short time into a classic.... The practical applications and experiments included reveal the richness of grassroots initiatives already underway to bring educational theory and policy down to earth. “ —Madhu Suri Prakash, The Pennsylvania State University

This volume — a landmark contribution to the burgeoning theory and practice of place-based education — enriches the field in three ways: • First, it frames place-based pedagogy not just as an alternative teaching methodology or novel approach to environmental education but as part of a broader social movement known as the “new localism”, which aims toward reclaiming the significance of the local in the global age. • Second, it links the development of ecological awareness and stewardship to concerns about equity and cultural diversity. • Third, it presents examples of place-based education in action. The relationship between the new localism and place-based education is clarified and the process of making connections between learners and their wider communities is demonstrated. This is a powerfully relevant volume for researchers, teacher educators, and students across the fields of curriculum theory, educational foundations, critical pedagogy, multicultural education, and environmental education. August 2007: 400pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5863-1: US $99.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-5864-8: US $35.00

Series: Routledge Key Guides May 2008: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-42892-7: US $110.00 Pb: 978-0-415-42893-4: US $26.95

To order, call toll-free: 1-800-634-7064 or fax 1-800-278-4724

eBooks available online at

Educational Studies 2008

Educational Studies 3rd Editio n

Religion and Teaching Ronald D. Anderson, University of Colorado at Boulder, US This text engages pre-service and practicing teachers in considering some of the complex issues related to religion and teaching that all educators face in their interactions with students, parents, administrators, and fellow teachers. The questions are not just about what is legal and what is not, but how a teacher should act in the best interests of all students, both those who are religious and those who are not. This book does not provide answers. Its goal is to cause readers to reflect deeply on issues related to their professional decisions and actions regarding religion and teaching.

Religion and Teaching is pertinent for all prospective and practicing teachers at any stage in their teaching careers. It can be used in any undergraduate or graduate course that addresses issues of religion and teaching. August 2008: 128pp PB: 978-0-8058-5162-5: US $29.95

What Is Authentic Educational Reform? Pushing A gainst the C o mpassio nate C o nservative A genda Edited by Helen L. Johnson and Arthur Salz, both at Queens College, CUNY, US Challenging the compassionate conservative agenda for educational reform—an agenda which seeks to improve American education through a business model focused on scripted lessons, lock-step approaches to teaching, high stakes-testing, and rigid accountability measures—this book critiques the assumptions of this agenda, examines the problems that have riddled its implementation in schools, and suggests constructive alternatives. Educational theorists and researchers including Joel Spring, Sonia Nieto, Bill Ayers, and Susan Ohanian, classroom teachers, and parents, offer a mix of perspectives on: • the social and political contexts of current educational reform initiatives • the impact of the compassionate conservative agenda on educational policies and practices • the ways in which children and teachers are affected by this agenda and its policies • approaches that hold out hope for implementing authentic education reform Intended for education professionals, students, and scholars, W hat Is A uthentic Educational Reform? poses more questions than it answers, but taken together, these questions constitute a foundation for a more informed and thoughtful public conversation about how to refocus reform efforts in a direction that will truly strengthen American public education for all children and their families.



Social Studies for the Twenty-First Century

Researching History Education

Metho ds and Materials fo r Teaching in Middle and Seco ndary Scho o ls

Linda Levstik, University of Kentucky, US and Keith C. Barton, University of Cincinnati, US

Jack Zevin, Queens College, CUNY, US

“The authors’ research is well known and among the most important American works being done on how children learn history...It is profound without pomposity, ideal for the intended audience; the tone is just right. There really isn’t another book that does what this one does.”

Social Studies for the T wenty-First C entury weaves theory, curriculum, methods, and assessment into a comprehensive model to guide middle and secondary school teachers in setting objectives, planning lessons, units, and courses, choosing classroom strategies, and constructing tests for some of the field’s most popular and enduring programs. It offers practical, interesting, exciting ways to teach social studies and a multitude of instructional and professional resources for teachers. The book’s reflective and integrative framework emphasizes building imagination, insight, and critical thinking into everyday classrooms, encourages problem-solving attitudes and behavior, and provokes analysis, reflection, and debate. Social Studies for the T wentyFirst C entury is a primary text for secondary and middle school social studies methods courses. March 2007: 448pp Pb: 978-0-8058-5558-6: US $59.95


World Yearbook of Education 2008 G eo graphies o f Kno w ledge, G eo metries o f Po w er: Framing the Future o f Higher Educatio n Edited by Debbie Epstein, Cardiff University, UK, Rebecca Boden, University of Wales, UK, Rosemary Deem, Bristol University, UK, Fazal Rizvi, University of Illinois, US and Susan Wright, Denmark University, Denmark This volume examines higher education in globalized conditions through a focus on the spatial, historic and economic relations of power in which it is embedded. Distinct geometries of power are emerging as the knowledge production capability of universities is increasingly globalized. Thus distinctive geographies of knowledge are being produced, intersected by geometries of power and raising questions about the recognition, production, control and usage of university-produced knowledge in different regions of the world. With its emphasis on the interrelationship of knowledge and power, and its attention to emergent spatial inequalities, this book provides a rich and compelling resource for understanding emergent practices and relations of knowledge production and exchange in global higher education. Series: World Yearbook of Education January 2008: 352pp Hb: 978-0-415-96378-7: US $160.00

Theo ry, Metho d, and C o ntext

—Stephen J. Thornton, University of South Florida

Researching History Education combines a selection of Linda Levstik’s and Keith Barton’s previous work on teaching and learning history with their reflections on the process of research. These studies address students’ ideas about time, evidence, significance, and agency, as well as classroom contexts of history education and broader social influences on students’ and teacher’s thinking. These pieces—widely cited in history and social studies education and typically required reading for students in the area—were chosen to illustrate major themes in the authors’ own work and trends in recent research on history education. In a series of new chapters written especially for this volume, the authors introduce and reflect on their empirical studies and address three issues suggested in the title of the volume: theory, method, and context. This book provides a needed resource for novice and experienced researchers and will be especially useful in research methodology courses, both in social studies and more generally, because of its emphasis on techniques for interviewing children, the impact of theory on research, and the importance of crosscultural comparisons. January 2008: 288pp HB: 978-0-8058-6270-6: US $145.00 PB: 978-0-8058-6271-3: US $49.95


Handbook of Moral and Character Education Edited by Larry Nucci, University of Illinois-Chicago, US and Darcia Narvaez, Notre Dame University, US There is widespread agreement that schools should contribute to students’ moral development and character formation. Currently 80% of states have mandates regarding character education. This apparent support for moral education, however, masks a high degree of controversy surrounding the meaning and the methods of moral and character education. The purpose of this handbook is to replace the ideological rhetoric that infects this field with a comprehensive, research-oriented volume that includes the extensive changes that have occurred over the last 15 years. Coverage includes the latest applications of developmental and cognitive psychology to moral and character education from preschool to college settings. Series: Educational Psychology Handbook February 2008: 720pp HB: 978-0-8058-5960-7: US $195.00 PB: 978-0-8058-5961-4: US $89.95

July 2007: 216pp Hb: 978-0-8058-6049-8: US $65.00

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Educational Studies

Educational Studies 2008 4th Editio n

Technology and the Politics of Instruction Jan Nespor, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, US “At last! A scholarly, research-based book that refuses to make vacuous claims about the benefits of computer-mediated instruction in university settings...It is clearly hallmarked for becoming a classic, touchstone text within a range of fields concerned with instruction and new technologies.” —Michele Knobel, Montclair State University

“This is a wonderful book...The excerpts from administrators, faculty, and students are powerful. [Nespor’s] analysis is very though provoking.” —Christian Schunn, University of Pittsburgh

In this study of computer-mediated instruction (CMI), Jan Nespor traces the varying material and organizational entanglements of a constantly reconfiguring network of people, things, categories, and ideas that are sometimes loosely, sometimes tightly entangled in forms of CMI. He unfolds how the different forms and meanings of CMI policy and practice were constructed over time, across departments, and in relation to students’ academic trajectories. Tying together a range of issues usually separated in discussions of instructional technology and examining often slighted topics, such as the articulations of local and national practices, this book questions the common vocabulary for making sense of CMI and contributes to educational change theory by showing how CMI has evolved both from the topdown and the bottom-up. T echnology and the Politics of Instruction is distinctive in its multi-level approach and in the breadth of its conceptual frame. Departing from the mainstream research on instructional technology to focus on mundane and widespread forms of CMI, such as PowerPoint slides, CD-ROMs, and self-paced labs, Nespor views these from multiple standpoints, not just what they mean for professors, but also for administrators and students. The effect is to displace the typical emphasis in CMI research from cuttingedge, high resource artifacts and systems to the politics and organizational processes that shape the uses of such things. August 2006: 208pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5817-4: US $59.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-5818-1: US $22.50

An Introduction to Philosophy of Education Ronald Woods, University of Leicester, Emeritus, UK and Robin Barrow, Simon Fraser University, Canada “Well written, accessible to students with no previous background in philosophy... an excellent introduction.” —The Times Higher Educatio n Supplement

This introductory text is a classic in its field. It shows the importance of philosophy in educational debate and is a background to any practical activity such as teaching. What is involved in the idea of educating a person or the idea of educational success? What are the criteria for establishing the optimum balance between formal and informal teaching techniques? How trustworthy is educational research? In addition to these questions, which strike to the heart of rationale for the educative process as a whole, the authors explore such concepts as culture, creativity, autonomy, indoctrination, needs, interests and learning by discovery. In this new updated edition, the authors draw on the latest research in genetics to argue that education is uniquely human and is essentially what develops us as humans. Resisting modern tendencies to equate knowledge and opinion, and value judgements with taste, this book leads the reader into the business of philosophizing and champions the cause of reason in education. June 2006: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-38127-7: US $135.00 Pb: 978-0-415-38126-0: US $35.95

H. Svi Shapiro, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, US “H. Svi Shapiro...brings a powerful and urgent message of critique and possibility to American schools and society. His tone is frequently prophetic, imbued with outrage and condemnation of the existing social order, and his prose seeks to stir readers to recognition and action. For university instructors who want to provoke discussion (and hopefully debate) about what ails our schools and society, Lo sing Heart is a strong choice. But this book can speak to an audience beyond the academy...[This book] is a passionate, prophetic call for change to schools and society.” —Teachers C o llege Reco rd

In this book H. Svi Shapiro explores the ideology and attitudinal functions of schools, looking especially at what is called the ‘hidden curriculum.’ He offers both an analysis of the role of education in producing and maintaining attitudes and values that contribute to our competitive, socially unequal, instrumental, consumerist, and self-oriented culture and a radically different vision that focuses on education’s role in supporting a more critically reflective, socially responsible, and compassionate culture. November 2005: 248pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5721-4: US $69.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-5722-1: US $26.00

Theo ry, Research, and Practice

Greg Dimitriadis, University at Buffalo, SUNY, US and George Kamberelis, University at Albany, SUNY, US T heory for Education provides a concise and clear introduction to key contemporary theorists, including their lives, major works and ideas. Written for the student in need of a quick introduction or for the scholar brushing up on details, this new volume in the theory4 series presents major thinkers whose work and ideas have shaped critical thinking in our time. Greg Dimitriadis and George Kamberelis underscore the particular relevance of these thinkers for the field of education—their work on education, how others in education have used them and possible future directions for teachers and researchers. The books ease of use, clarity and comprehensive scope will be invaluable for those entering the field.

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The Mo ral and Spiritual Mis-educatio n o f A merica’s C hildren

Classroom Authority

Theory for Education

Series: theory4 March 2006: 216pp Hb: 978-0-415-97418-9: US $125.00 Pb: 978-0-415-97419-6: US $19.95

Losing Heart

Edited by Judith L. Pace, University of San Francisco, US and Annette B. Hemmings, University of Cincinnati, US “[This book] comes as a breath of fresh air...Teachers-in-training, practicing teachers, school board members, policymakers, and educational researchers will all find much to reflect on as a consequence of reading this book.” —Mary Haywood Metz, University of Wisconsin-Madison, US

C lassroom A uthority describes and analyzes authority relationships in classrooms through explorations of theory, prior research, and contemporary qualitative studies. With emphasis on the social construction of authority and the crucial role authority plays in K-12 teachers’ pedagogy and students’ academic engagement and achievement, this book seeks to revitalize dialogue and research on classroom authority. It is aimed at teacher educators, scholars, policymakers, students of education, and practitioners who seek empirically based understanding of authority that is inextricably connected to classroom life and ultimately to the larger issues of educational quality and democracy in schools and society. October 2005: 208pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5160-1: US $69.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-5161-8: US $27.50

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Educational Studies 2008

Educational Studies


2nd Editio n

Learning, Teaching, and Community

The Discourse of Character Education

Computers, Curriculum, and Cultural Change

C o ntributio ns o f Situated and Participato ry A ppro aches to Educatio nal Inno vatio n

C ulture W ars in the C lassro o m

A n Intro ductio n fo r Teachers

Peter Smagorinsky and Joel Taxel, both at the University of Georgia, US

Edited by Lucinda Pease-Alvarez, University of California at Santa Cruz, US and Sandra R. Schecter, York University, Canada

March 2005: 416pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5126-7: US $115.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-5127-4: US $49.95

Eugene F. Provenzo, Jr., University of Miami, Coral Gables, US, Arlene Brett, University of Miami, Davis, US and Gary N. McCloskey, Merrimack College, US

“...offers a rich set of ethnographic portraits that illustrate community-reference education ‘in action’ in various contexts, both in and out of schools. By reading these vivid portraits...educators can see possibilities for improving education in their own local spaces.” —Christine Sleeter, California State University, Monterey Bay, US

Learning, T eaching, and C ommunity brings together established and new scholarly voices to explore how participatory and situated approaches to learning can contribute to educational innovation. The contributors’ critical examinations of educational programming and engagements provide insights into how educators, youth, families, and community members understand and enact their commitments to diversity and equitable access. Collectively, these essays complicate notions of community, alerting readers to ways in which community can be constructed other than in geographical and ethnoracial terms—as alliances and collaborations of individuals joining together to accomplish or negotiate shared agendas. The focus on agency combined with social context, a dialectic to which all of the authors speak, enlarges, and invigorates our sense of what is pedagogically possible in societies characterized by diversity and flux. July 2005: 208pp Hb: 978-0-8058-4867-0: US $89.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-4868-7: US $34.50

3rd Editio n

Doing History Investigating W ith C hildren in Elementary and Middle Scho o ls Linda S. Levstik, University of Kentucky, US and Keith C. Barton, University of Cincinnati, US June 2005: 256pp Pb: 978-0-8058-5072-7: US $32.50

Performance Theories in Education Po w er, Pedago gy, and the Po litics o f Identity

August 2004: 328pp Pb: 978-0-8058-4464-1: US $44.00

Teaching History for the Common Good Keith C. Barton, University of Cincinnati, US and Linda S. Levstik, University of Kentucky, US

Edited by Bryant Keith Alexander, California State University, US, Gary L. Anderson, New York University, US and Bernardo Gallegos, Washington State University, US

April 2004: 304pp Hb: 978-0-8058-3930-5: US $89.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-3931-9: US $37.50

October 2004: 456pp Hb: 978-0-8058-4520-5: US $99.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-4821-2: US $37.00

Education Studies A Student’s G uide Edited by Stephen Ward, Bath Spa University, UK

Schools or Markets? C o mmercialism, Privatizatio n, and Scho o lbusiness Partnerships

April 2004: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-32118-1: US $150.00 Pb: 978-0-415-32119-8: US $37.95

Edited by Deron R. Boyles, Georgia State University, US October 2004: 272pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5203-5: US $99.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-5204-2: US $37.50

3rd Editio n

A Teacher’s Guide to Education Law Michael Imber, University of Kansas, US and Tyll van Geel, University of Rochester, US October 2004: 344pp Pb: 978-0-8058-4654-6: US $45.00

3rd Editio n

Education Law Michael Imber, University of Kansas, US and Tyll van Geel, University of Rochester, US August 2004: 600pp Hb: 978-0-8058-4653-9: US $85.00

Language, Literacy, and Power in Schooling Edited by Teresa L. McCarty, Arizona State University, US April 2005: 352pp Hb: 978-0-8058-4646-1: US $110.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-4647-8: US $39.95

2nd Editio n

Education and Social Change Themes in the Histo ry o f A merican Scho o ling John L. Rury, University of Kansas, US September 2004: 288pp Pb: 978-0-8058-5294-3: US $36.00

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Educational Studies 2008

Gender, Schooling and Global Social Justice


Education and the Family FORTHCOMING

Educating the Gendered Citizen Madeleine Arnot, University of Cambridge, UK Focusing on the relationship between gender, education and citizenship, this book explores, from a feminist perspective, how the concept of citizenship has been used in relation to gender and how young people are being prepared for male and female forms of citizenship. A gender analysis of a range of citizenship education debates are explored here including: • whether current conceptualizations of democratic citizenship are appropriate and address the lives and concerns of women • how citizenship education in the past and present has represented women and the dilemmas associated with gender equality as an ideal of citizenship education • the impact of globalization on women and gender relations, the link between individualization, gender and social change and how global citizenship education is being developed in relation to gender issues • what alternative gender sensitive models of citizenship and democracy have been and could be promoted through schooling August 2008: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-40805-9: US $135.00 Pb: 978-0-415-40806-6: US $41.95

The RoutledgeFalmer Reader in Gender & Education Edited by Madeleine Arnot, University of Cambridge, UK and Mairtin Mac An Ghaill, University of Birmingham, UK This new Reader brings together classic pieces of gender theory, as well as examples of the sophistication of contemporary gender theory and research methodologies in the field of education. Leading international gender researchers address current debates about gender, power, identity and culture, and concerns about boys’ and girls’ schooling, gender achievement patterns, the boys’ education debate, and gender relationships in the curriculum, the classroom and youth cultures. A specially written Introduction from the editors, both experts in feminist and masculinity research, provides a much-needed context in the current educational climate. Undergraduates, postgraduates and academics interested in education, gender studies and women’s studies will find this a stimulating and important resource. The analysis of the gender dimensions of the curriculum, teaching and alternative pedagogies also provides important insights for practitioners wishing to promote gender equality.

Passing Success acro ss the G eneratio ns Leon Feinstein, University of London, UK, Kathryn Duckworth and Ricardo Sabates, both at the Centre for Research in the Wider Benefits of Learning, UK “I believe this book will make a substantial contribution to the field of family and child policy and be a great success.” —Edward Melhuish, University of London

The educational achievement of parents is often reflected in that of their children. The reasons for this general correlation are varied. Some, such as genetics, are beyond immediate policy intervention. Others, such as income and parenting are more appropriate as sites of government policy in action, but debate rages as to the extent to which policy has a causal role or even a place in such matters. Education and the Family takes the view that policy mechanisms are an essential part of overturning the persistence of social class differences and barriers to equality of opportunity. Although each child should be supported to achieve their potential, differences in the willingness or ability of different families to take advantage of educational opportunities can exacerbate social class differences and derail equality of opportunity for many. The focus here is on the education of parents, but this requires consideration of many other aspects of the family environment. The family is contextualized within wider, external influences and in relation to other factors in a child’s education such as school policies. The book also considers the implications for education and social policy on a wider scale. Series: Foundations and Futures of Education June 2008: 192pp Hb: 978-0-415-39636-3: US $135.00 Pb: 978-0-415-39637-0: US $41.95

Elaine Unterhalter, Institute of Education, University of London, UK Timely and original, this book examines gender equality in schooling as an aspiration of global social justice. With nearly one billion people having little or no schooling and women and girls comprising nearly two-thirds of this total, G ender, Schooling and G lobal Social Justice analyzes the historical, sociological, political and philosophical issues involved as well as explores actions taken by governments, Inter-Government Organizations, NGOs and women’s groups since 1990 to combat this injustice. Written by a recognized expert in this field, the book is organized clearly into three parts: • The first provides a background to the history of the provision of schooling for girls worldwide since 1945 and locates the challenges of gender inequality in education. • The second examines different views as to why questions of gender and schooling should be addressed globally, contrasting arguments based on human capital theory, rights and capabilities. • The third analyzes how governments, InterGovernment Organizations and NGOs have put policy into practice. Addressing the urgent global challenges in gender and schooling, this book calls for a new connected approach in policy and practice. It is essential reading for all those interested in education, along with developmental studies, sociology, politics and women’s studies. Series: Foundations and Futures of Education February 2007: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-35921-X: US $135.00 Pb: 978-0-415-35922-1: US $41.95

Education, Philosophy and the Ethical Environment Graham Haydon, University of London, UK How much can we reasonably expect from education? This book, written by a philosopher of education, casts new light on this question by seeing values education, not as a separate activity within schools, but as an aspect of education that both reflects the surrounding climate of values and can help to change it. Graham Haydon argues that all of us—whether as teachers, parents, students or citizens—share in a responsibility for the quality of that ethical environment. This book shows that values education is too demanding to be left to parents and too important to be entrusted to government initiatives. For teachers engaged in values education, this book brings a fresh perspective to what they are doing, within a realistic view of their responsibilities. For students of education, it shows that practical issues can be illuminated by insights from philosophy. Series: Foundations and Futures of Education September 2006: 176pp Hb: 978-0-415-35661-9: US $135.00 Pb: 978-0-415-35662-6: US $41.95

Series: RoutledgeFalmer Readers in Education September 2006: 304pp Hb: 978-0-415-34575-0: US $145.00 Pb: 978-0-415-34576-7: US $41.95

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Schooling, Society and Curriculum Alex Moore, University of London, UK Schooling, Society and C urriculum offers a much needed reassessment and realignment of curriculum studies in the UK and international contexts. Comprising a collection of eleven original chapters by prominent, nationally and internationally known experts in the field of curriculum studies, the book leads and fosters critical, generic debates about formal education and its relationships to wider society. Focusing on key debates that have been present for as long as formal state education has been in existence, the contributors contextualize them within a futureorientated perspective that takes particular account of issues specific to life in the early years of the twentyfirst century. These include globalization and nationalism, poverty and wealth, what it means to be a good citizen, cultural pluralism and intolerance, and what it is that young people need from a school curriculum in order to develop as happy, socially just adults in an uncertain and rapidly-changing world. Series: Foundations and Futures of Education August 2006: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-36395-2: US $135.00 Pb: 978-0-415-36396-9: US $42.95

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Critical Youth Studies Edited by Greg Dimitriadis NEW


Revolutionizing Education

Youth Culture and Sport

Y o uth Participato ry A ctio n Research in Mo tio n

Identity, Po w er, and Po litics

Edited by Julio Cammarota, University of Arizona, US and Michelle Fine, City University of New York, US Many scholars have turned to the groundbreaking critical research methodology, Youth-Led Participatory Action Research (YPAR), as a way to address both the political challenges and inherent power imbalances of conducting research with young people. Revolutionizing Education makes an extraordinarily unique contribution to the literature on adolescents by offering a broad framework for understanding this research methodology. With an informative combination of theory and practice, this edited collection brings together student writings alongside those of major scholars in the field. While remaining sensitive to the methodological challenges of qualitative inquiry, Revolutionizing Education is the first definitive statement of YPAR as it relates to sites of education. February 2008: 272pp Hb: 978-0-415-95615-4: US $125.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95616-1: US $33.95

Edited by Michael Giardina, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, US and Michele Donnelly, McMaster University, Canada Y outh C ulture and Sport critically interrogates and challenges contemporary articulations of race, class, gender, and sexual relations circulating throughout popular iterations of youth sporting culture in latecapitalism. Written against the backdrop of important changes in social, cultural, political, and economic dynamics taking place in corporate culture’s war on kids, this exciting new volume marks the first anthology to critically examine the intersection of youth culture and sport in an age of global uncertainty. Chapters range in scope from ‘action’ sport subcultures and community redevelopment programs to the cultural politics of white masculinity and Nike advertising. It is a must read for anyone interested in gaining a better understanding of the role sport plays in the construction of experiences, identities, practices, and social differences of contemporary youth culture.

Feminism, Subcultures, A ctivism Edited by Anita Harris, Monash University, Australia Whereas once young women’s feminist activism could be easily identified, today this resistance seems obscure, transitory, and disorganized. In Next W ave C ultures, established and emerging scholars provide an interdisciplinary examination of young women’s multilayered lives. This collection demonstrates that young women have new ways of taking on politics and culture that may not be recognizable under more traditional paradigms, but deserve to be identified as socially engaged and potentially transformative nonetheless. Exploring the ways in which girls’ various cultural pursuits are tied to identity formation and relate to issues of class, sexuality, ethnicity, religion, ability, and, gender, Next W ave C ultures highlights both the limitations and opportunities afforded by globalization of youth consumer culture. This valuable collection is a necessary read across disciplines —especially to those in the fields of education, gender and cultural studies, sociology, and psychology. November 2007: 272pp Hb: 978-0-415-95709-0: US $125.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95710-6: US $33.95

C reative Practices and C lassro o m Teaching Leif Gustavson, Arcadia University, US Situated in a framework of new literacy studies, youth cultural studies, and theories of extracurricular learning, this rich ethnography explores the creative subcultural practices of three teenage boys. Leif Gustavson reveals how teenagers from different racial and class backgrounds become involved with, refine, practice, and learn from distinctive creative forms: zine writing, graffiti, and turntablism. Y outh Learning O n T heir O wn T erms convincingly shows how developing a respect and understanding of the youth-initiated creative practices that occur outside schools can offer educators the opportunity to directly influence their teaching in schools by making classroom spaces personally meaningful and rigorous for both students and teachers. March 2007: 200pp Hb: 978-0-415-95443-3: US $125.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95444-0: US $32.95

October 2007: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-95580-5: US $125.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95581-2: US $32.95

Beyond Resistance! Youth Activism and Community Change

Youth Moves

New Demo cratic Po ssibilities fo r Practice and Po licy fo r A merica’s Y o uth


Next Wave Cultures

Youth Learning On Their Own Terms

Identities and Educatio n in G lo bal Perspective Edited by Nadine Dolby, Purdue University, US and Fazal Rizvi, University of Illinois, US This fascinating collection of original essays focuses attention on the actual practices of twenty-first century youth in the brave new world of globalization —a world in which iPods, camera phones and Xboxes exist alongside grinding poverty, declining employment opportunities, and worsening life conditions for many. As a whole, the collection seeks to address the possibilities and dangers of young people’s transnational, commodified identities, how society and educational institutions might respond to these new identities, and the consequences for democratic practices and the public sphere. Drawing together contributions from the work of both well known and emerging scholars, Youth Moves highlights the practices of youth’s identities in the context of broadly defined educative sites, including schools, media and popular culture, community organizations, cyberspace, music, and urban landscapes.

Edited by Shawn Ginwright, San Francisco State University, US, Julio Cammarota, University of Arizona, US and Pedro Noguera, New York University, US The failure of current policy to address important quality of life issues for urban youth remains a substantial barrier to civic participation, educational equity, and healthy adulthood. This volume brings together the work of leading urban youth scholars to highlight the detrimental impact of zero tolerance policies on young people’s educational experience and well being. Inspired by the conviction that urban youth have the right to more equitable educational and social resources and political representation, Beyond Resistance! offers new insights into how to increase the effectiveness of youth development and education programs, and how to create responsive youth policies at the local, state, and federal level. March 2006: 400pp Hb: 978-0-415-95250-7: US $125.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95251-4: US $34.95

August 2007: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-95562-1: US $125.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95563-8: US $32.95

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Educational Studies 2008 NEW


Sociology of Education

The Way Class Works

Culturally Contested Literacies

A C ritical Reader

Readings o n Scho o l, Family, and the Eco no my

A merica’s “Rainbo w Underclass” and Urban Scho o ls

Edited by Lois Weis, University at Buffalo, SUNY, US

Guofang Li, Michigan State University, US

Since the 1980s, the relationship between social class and education has been overshadowed by scholarship more generally targeting issues of race, gender, and representation. Today, with the global economy deeply immersed in social inequalities, there is pressing need for serious class-based analyses of schooling, family life and social structure. T he W ay C lass W orks is a collection of twenty-four groundbreaking essays on the material conditions of social class and the ways in which class is produced “on the ground” in educational institutions and families. Written by the most visible and important scholars in education and the social sciences, these timely essays explore the production of class in and through the economy, family, and school, while simultaneously interrogating and challenging our understandings of social class as linked to race, gender, and nation. With essays by distinguished scholars and questions for further reflection and discussion, T he W ay C lass W orks will be an invaluable resource for students and scholars in education, sociology, and beyond.

C ulturally C ontested Literacies is a vivid ethnographic account of the everyday cross-cultural living and schooling experiences of six culturally-diverse families in urban America. Documenting the ways in which these families learn about literacies and their meanings in relation to schools, inner city environments, and other ethnic groups, Guofang Li’s incisive analysis reveals the unique experiences of fractured urban America.

Edited by Alan R. Sadovnik, Rutgers University, US This comprehensive reader examines the most pressing topics in sociology and education and exposes students to examples of sociological research on schools. Drawing from classic and contemporary scholarship, noted sociologist Alan Sadovnik has chosen readings that examine current issues and reflect diverse theoretical approaches to studying the effects of schooling and society. Sociology of Education provides students with examples of both the best theory and research in the field. Through full, rather than excerpted primary source readings, the text presents the powerful insights of sociology in providing an understanding of the effects of schooling in contemporary society. March 2007: 552pp Hb: 978-0-415-95496-9: US $125.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95497-6: US $38.95


Civic Education for Diverse Citizens in Global Times Rethinking Theo ry and Practice Edited by Beth C. Rubin and James M. Giarelli, both at Rutgets University, US There is a gap between theory and practice in social studies education: while social studies researchers call for teachers to nurture skills of analysis, decisionmaking, and participatory citizenship, students in social studies classrooms are often found participating in passive tasks (e.g. quiz and test-taking, worksheet completion, listening to lectures) rather than engaging critically with the curriculum. C ivic Education for Diverse C itizens in G lobal T imes is directed at students, researchers and practitioners of social studies education and seeks to engage this divide by offering a collection of work that puts practice at the center of research and theory. This book explores four interrelated themes: rethinking civic education in light of the diversity of U.S. society; re-examining these notions in an increasingly interconnected global context; re-considering the ways that civic education is researched and practiced; and taking stock of where we are currently through use of a historical understanding of civic education.

Selected Table of Contents: Section One: Thinking/Living Class. Section Two: Parenting Class. Section Three: Schooling Class. Section Four: Complicating Class, Race and Gender Intersectionality

Unlike prior research that fragments various social categories, C ulturally C ontested Literacies explores the rich complexity within each family as they make sense of their daily relations in terms of race, ethnicity, class, and gender. By presenting a realistic picture of the varying ways that America’s “rainbow underclass” might encounter schooling, Li argues that urban education must be understood in relation to not only the individual’s cultural and familial milieu, but also to the interactive context between the individual and schools. November 2007: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-95564-5: US $125.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95565-2: US $32.95

List of Contributors: Robert B. Reich, Erik Olin Wright, Setha Low, Wendy Luttrell, Stanley Aronowitz, Diane Reay, Fiona Devine, Annette Lareau, Kimberly S. Maier, Timothy G. Ford, Barbara Schneider, Guofang Li, Adam Gamoran, Henry M. Levin, Jean Anyon, Sean Patrick Kelly, Michelle Fine, Apil Burns, Maria Elena Torre, Yasser A. Payne, Ellen Brantlinger, Greg Dimitriadis, Scott L. Thomas, Angel Bell, Lois Weis, Stacey J. Lee, Alan R. Sadovnik, Jo-Anne Dillabough, Jacqueline Kennelly, Eugenia Wang, Julie McLeod, Lyn Yates, Jennifer Logue, Cameron McCarthy December 2007: 448pp Hb: 978-0-415-95707-6: US $135.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95708-3: US $36.95


Series: Rutgers Invitational Symposium on Education October 2007: 296pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5159-5: US $90.00

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G lo bal Messages fro m a Small Island

No Child Left Behind and the Reduction of the Achievement Gap

Schooling and the Politics of Disaster

Roger Austin, University of Ulster, UK and John Anderson, Consultant, UK

So cio lo gical Perspectives o n Federal Educatio nal Po licy

Edited by Kenneth S. Saltman, DePaul University, US

E-schooling looks at how an entire school system is starting to transform learning through ICT. It is based on evaluation of ICT work in a wide range of schools in Northern Ireland, and asks what it takes to change learning through technology in what we call ‘e-schooling’. The book sets out to analyze and suggest answers to two key questions: • Can the intervention of government and the forging of strategic alliances with providers of education and of technology bring about systemic change? • Without radical reform of curriculum, assessment and learning are computers any more than a frill? This book puts the spotlight on the costs and benefits of e-schooling and asks some hard-hitting questions of those involved in educating young people in schools at the start of the twenty first century. October 2007: 202pp Pb: 978-1-84312-380-4: US $33.95


Learning Privilege Lesso ns o f Po w er and Identity in A ffluent Scho o ling Adam Howard, Hanover College, US How can teachers bridge the gap between their commitments to social justice and their day to day practice? This is the question author Adam Howard asked as he began teaching at an elite private school and the question that led him to conduct a six-year study on affluent schooling. Unfamiliar with the educational landscape of privilege and abundance, he began exploring the burning questions he had as a teacher on the lessons affluent students are taught in schooling about their place in the world, their relationships with others, and who they are.

This collection presents the first-ever sociological analysis of the No Child Left Behind Act. More importantly, these leading sociologists consider whether NLCB can or will accomplish its major goal: to eliminate the achievement gap by 2014. Based on theoretical and empirical research, the articles examine the history of federal educational policy and place NCLB in a larger sociological and historical context, and take up a number of policy areas affected by the law.

Schooling and the Politics of Disaster is the first volume to address how disaster is being used for a radical social and economic reengineering of education. From the natural disasters of the Asian tsunami and the hurricanes in the Gulf Coast, to the human-made disasters in Iraq, Afghanistan, Haiti, Sudan, Indonesia, the United States and around the globe, disaster is increasingly shaping policy and politics. This groundbreaking collection explores how education policy is being reshaped by disaster politics. Noted scholars in education and sociology tackle issues as far-ranging as No Child Left Behind, the War on Terror, Hurricane Katrina, the making of educational funding crises in the US, and the Iraq War to bring to light a disturbing new phenomenon in educational policy.

August 2007: 424pp Hb: 978-0-415-95530-0: US $125.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95531-7: US $34.95

May 2007: 272pp Hb: 978-0-415-95659-8: US $125.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95660-4: US $35.95

History, Sociology and Education

Education and Society

History of Education Society

25 Years of the British Jo urnal o f So cio lo gy o f Educatio n

Edited by Alan R. Sadovnik, Rutgers University, US, Jennifer A. O’Day and George W. Bohrnstedt, both at the American Institutes for Research, US and Kathryn M. Borman, University of South Florida, US

Originally published in 1971, this volume examines the relationship between the history and sociology of education. History does not stand in isolation, but has much to draw from and contribute to other disciplines. The methods and concepts of sociology, in particular, are exerting increasing influence on historical studies, especially the history of education. Since education is considered to be part of the social system, historians and sociologists have come to survey similar fields, yet each discipline appears to have its own aims and methodology. July 2007: 88pp Hb: 978-0-415-43245-0: US $150.00

Grounded in an extensive ethnographic account, Learning Privilege examines the concept of privilege itself and the cultural and social processes in schooling that reinforce and regenerate privilege. Howard explores what educators, students and families at elite schools value most in education and how these values guide ways of knowing and doing that both create high standards for their educational programs and reinforce privilege as a collective identity. This book illustrates the ways that affluent students construct their own privilege, not, fundamentally, as what they have, but, rather, as who they are.

Edited by Len Barton, Institute of Education, University of London, UK T he British Journal of Sociology of Education has established itself as the leading discipline-based publication. This collection of selected articles published since the first issue provides the reader with an informed insight and understanding of the nature, range and value of sociological thinking, its development over the last twenty-five years as well as the analysis of the relationship between society and education. This book intents to provide the reader with an awareness and understanding of multiple perspectives within the discipline as well as key conceptual, theoretical and empirical material, including a wealth of insights, ideas and questions. The editor’s specially written introduction to each section contextualizes the selection and introduces readers to the main issues and current thinking in the field. Series: Education Heritage December 2006: 384pp Hb: 978-0-415-40975-9: US $150.00

September 2007: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-96081-6: US $125.00 Pb: 978-0-415-96082-3: US $33.95

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Sociology of Education

2nd Editio n

Handbook for Achieving Gender Equity Through Education Edited by Susan Klein, Feminist Majority Foundation, US, Barbara Richardson, Eastern Michigan University, US, Dolores A. Grayson, GrayMill Consulting, US, Lynn H. Fox, American University, US, Cheris Kramarae, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, US, Diane S. Pollard, Emerita, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, US and Carol Anne Dwyer, Educational Testing Service, US First published in 1985, the Handbook for A chieving G ender Equity T hrough Education quickly established itself as the essential reference work concerning gender equity in education. This new, expanded edition provides a 20-year retrospective of the field, one that has the great advantage of documenting U.S. national data on the gains and losses in the efforts to advance gender equality through policies such as Title IX, the landmark federal law prohibiting sex discrimination in education, equity programs and research. Key features include: • Expertise—Like its predecessor, over 200 expert authors and reviewers provide accurate, consensus, research-based information on the nature of gender equity challenges and what is needed to meet them at all levels of education. • Content Area Focus—The analysis of gender equity within specific curriculum areas has been expanded from 6 to 10 chapters including mathematics, science, and engineering. • Global/Diversity Focus—Global gender equity is addressed in a separate chapter as well as in numerous other chapters. The expanded section on gender equity strategies for diverse populations contains seven chapters on African Americans, Latina/os, Asian and Pacific Island Americans, American Indians, gifted students, students with disabilities, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender students. • Action Oriented—All chapters contain practical recommendations for making education activities and outcomes more gender equitable. A final chapter consolidates individual chapter recommendations for educators, policymakers, and researchers to achieve gender equity in and through education.

Educational Studies 2008

Education plc

Learning from the Margins

Understanding Private Secto r Participatio n in Public Secto r Educatio n

Y o ung W o men, So cial Exclusio n and Educatio n

Stephen Ball, Institute of Education, University of London, UK

Edited by Julie McLeod and Andrea C. Allard, both at Deakin University, Australia

Is the privatization of state education defendable? Did the public sector ever provide a fair education for all learners? In Education plc, Stephen Ball provides a comprehensive, analytic and empirical account of the privatization of education. He questions the kind of future we want for education and what role privatization and the private sector may have in that future. Using policy sociology to describe and critically analyze changes in policy, policy technologies and policy regimes, he looks at the ethical and democratic impacts of these changes and raises the following questions:

This collection of ground-breaking international essays addresses the educational, social, work and biographical experiences of young women who are routinely constructed as ‘at risk’ and on the margins. Drawing on research from an international range of scholars, this book brings together important new perspectives on the gendered dimensions of social exclusion and educational marginalization. It offers practitioners as well as researchers insights into how to ‘research’ social marginalization and reflections on projects and programs that have attempted to do so. Learning from the Margins investigates key topics such as: early school leaving; indigenous young women and schooling; pregnant and parenting young women at school; constructions of health, subjectivity and social class; the politics of ethnicity.

• Is there a legitimacy for privatization based on the convergence of interests between business and the ‘third way’ state? • Is the extent and value of private participation in public education misunderstood? • How is the selling of private company services linked to the remodelling of schools? • Why have the technical and political issues of privatization been considered but ethical issues almost totally neglected? • Is education policy being spoken by new voices? Drawing upon extensive documentary research and interviews with senior executives from the leading ‘education services industry’ companies, the author challenges preconceptions about privatization. He concludes that blanket defence of the public sector as it was, over and against the inroads of privatization, is untenable, and that there is no going back to a past in which the public sector as a whole worked well and worked fairly in the interests of all learners, because there was no such past. This book breaks new ground and builds on Stephen Ball’s previous work on education policy. It should appeal to those researching and studying in the fields of social policy, policy analysis, sociology of education, education research and social economics. April 2007: 232pp Hb: 978-0-415-39940-1: US $135.00 Pb: 978-0-415-39941-8: US $41.95

May 2007: 754pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5453-4: US $295.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-5454-1: US $95.00

Provocative and insightful, this book will make interesting reading to students and post-graduate students of education, youth studies, gender studies, sociology and social work. March 2007: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-41133-2: US $135.00

Teenage Pregnancy and Parenthood G lo bal Perspectives, Issues and Interventio ns Edited by Helen Holgate and Roy Evans, both at Brunel University, UK and Francis Yuen, California State University, US Teenage parenting, particularly mothering, is commonly seen as both personally and socially undersirable. Governments across the world demonstrate concern about teenage pregnancy figures, setting targets and sponsoring campaigns to lower rates of teenage pregnancy and this view is reflected across society and throughout the media. T eenage Pregnancy and Parenthood explores a broad range of perspectives on pregnancy and parenting at a young age from a number of international and cultural contexts, and looks at interventions and examples of good practice. The book examines the contexts in which the critique of young parenthood is often conducted and draws attention to the assumptions underlying policy positions and argues that these limit an effective consideration of adolescent sexuality and gender roles in society. It is invaluable reading for academics and postgraduate students, as well as policy makers and practitioners in health, sex education, youth care and related areas. December 2006: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-34625-2: US $125.00 Pb: 978-0-415-34626-9: US $37.95

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Educational Studies 2008

The American Dream and the Power of Wealth C ho o sing Scho o ls and Inheriting Inequality in the Land o f O ppo rtunity Heather Beth Johnson, Lehigh University, US

Sociology of Education 2nd Editio n

Education, Equality and Human Rights Issues o f G ender, ‘Race’, Sexuality, Disability and So cial C lass

“This is an incredibly important book! [Johnson] clearly demonstrates how commonplace and takenfor-granted transfers of wealth between generations reinforce white privilege and widen the economic gap between black and white Americans...The book should re-shape the discussion of racial inequality in the U.S.”

Edited by Mike Cole, University of Brighton, UK

—Woody Doance, University of Hartford

With a new preface by leading North American educationist Peter McLaren, the substantially updated second edition of this comprehensive book provides an important educational perspective on world-wide equality issues for student teachers and teachers at all stages. It is an accessible and thought-provoking text for all those studying or interested in education, equality and human rights issues.

“If we want to keep the American Dream alive and well, we need to understand how wealth inequalities affect its health. In this book, [Johnson’s] important and original research reveals how wealth shapes educational opportunities and options. Anyone who cares about giving a fair start to the next generation needs to read it.” —Caroline Hodges Persell, New York University

In contemporary America, the racial wealth gap is growing, with families transmitting race and class inequalities from generation to generation. Yet Americans continue to hold deep-rooted beliefs in the principles of individualism, equal opportunity, and meritocracy. Education, the “Great Equalizer”, is supposed to level the playing field, ensuring that every child—regardles of family of origin—gets an equal change at success. Drawing on in-depth interviews with 200 black and white families, T he A merican Dream and the Power of W ealth starkly reveals the enormous extent to which parents defend their beliefs in the values that lie at the heart of the American Dream. Yet the way wealth is acquired and the way it is used categorically puts children from different families on vastly different educational trajectories, leaving them with uneven sets of opportunities. August 2006: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-95238-5: US $90.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95239-2: US $29.95


“I would especially recommend this book to readers who want to deepen their understandings of the roots and development of human rights struggles.” —Po licy Features in Educatio n

Education, Equality and Human Rights addresses human rights and their relationship to education in the twenty-first century. Each of the five equality issues of gender, race, sexuality, disability and social class are covered in their own right as well as in relation to education. Written by experts in each field, the chapters trace the history of the various issues up to the present and enable readers to assess their continuing relevance into the future.

June 2006: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-35659-6: US $135.00 Pb: 978-0-415-35660-2: US $41.95

Seven Vo lume Set

Early Sociology of Education Edited by Kenneth Thompson, Open University, UK In its early years the sociology of education was not clearly distinguished from general social philosophy. Spurred by the publication of John Dewey’s School and Society in 1899, widespread interest in the role of the school as a social institution helped to lay the foundation for the development of educational sociology as a separate field of study. This facsimile set of eight books, selected by the editor, presents early contributions to the development of the sociology of education from the 1920s through to the 1950s—the period in which it emerged as an organized and specialized sub-field of sociology, mainly in the USA. Comprehensive and fascinating, the extensive new introduction to this set places these works firmly in the context of current scholarship, while the nature of the facsimile provides a real sense of immediacy and authenticity for both students and scholars alike.

Immigrant Youth in Cultural Transition A cculturatio n, Identity, and A daptatio n A cro ss Natio nal C o ntexts Edited by J.W. Berry, Queen’s University, Canada, Jean S. Phinney, California State University, Los Angeles, US, David L. Sam, University of Bergen, Norway and Paul Vedder, Leiden University, The Netherlands “[This book] could serve as a catalyst for widespread change in conceptions of the immigrant youth.” —PsycC RITIQ UES

In this book, an international team of psychologists with interests in acculturation, identity, and development describe the experience and adaptation of immigrant youth, using data from over 7,000 individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds living in 13 countries of settlement. Immigrant Y outh in C ultural T ransition explores the way in which immigrant adolescents carry out their lives at the intersection of two cultures (those of their heritage group and the national society), and how well these youth are adapting to their intercultural experience. This book is useful for professionals, researchers, graduate students, and public policy makers who have an interest in psychology, anthropology, sociology, demography, education, and psychiatry. It is also a valuable resource for public, governmental, and university libraries. March 2006: 344pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5156-4: US $110.00

Selected Table of Contents: Volume One: The Educational Decision-Makers Volume Two: The Social System of the High School Volume Three: Sociology for Teachers Volume Four: Society and Education Volume Five: Principles of Educational Sociology Volume Six: Principles of Educational Sociology Volume Seven: Community Backgrounds of Education Series: The Making of Sociology March 2006: 3,200pp Hb: 978-0-415-34527-9: US $1,250.00

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Sociology of Education

Multicultural Education

Radical Possibilities Public Po licy, Urban Educatio n, and A New So cial Mo vement

Educational Studies 2008

Multicultural Education


Cultural Education-Cultural Sustainability

Jean Anyon, City University of New York, US “[This book] provides us with both a target and a map of real and possible reforms and reform movements. This is perhaps the biggest strength of Anyon’s work: It is supremely grounded in social reality and explicitly concrete in its proposed solutions. Radical Po ssibilities will make you angry, but it will leave you a little hopeful as well.” —Rethinking Scho o ls

“This well written book is must reading for anyone concerned about the state of urban public schools.” —William Julius Wilson, Harvard University, US

Jean Anyon’s groundbreaking new book reveals the influence of federal and metropolitan policies and practices on the poverty that plaques schools and communities in American cities and segregated, lowincome suburbs. She argues that we must replace these federal and metro-area policies with more equitable ones so that urban school reform can have positive life consequences for students. Anyon provides a much-needed new paradigm for understanding and combating educational injustice. Radical Possibilities reminds us that historically, equitable public policies have been typically created as a result of the political pressure brought to bear by social movements. Basing her analyses on new research in civil rights history and social movement theory, Anyon skillfully explains how the current moment offers serious possibilities for the creation of such a force. The book powerfully describes five social movements already under way in U.S. cities, and offers readers interested in building this new social movement a set of practical and theoretical insights into securing economic and educational justice for the many millions of America’s poor families and students. Series: Critical Social Thought March 2005: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-95098-5: US $130.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95099-2: US $31.95

Mino rity, Diaspo ra, Indigeno us and Ethno Religio us G ro ups in Multicultural So cieties


2nd Editio n

Edited by Zvi Bekerman, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel and Ezra Kopelowitz, Research Success Technologies, Israel

Culture in School Learning Revealing the Deep Meaning Etta R. Hollins, University of Southern California, US This book presents a process for developing a teaching perspective that embraces the centrality of culture in school learning. Two basic procedures employed in this process: constructing an operational definition of culture that reveals its deep meaning in cognition and learning and applying the reflective-interpretive-inquiry (RIQ) approach to making linkages between students’ cultural and experiential backgrounds and classroom instruction. The six-part process presented in this book includes objectifying culture, personalizing culture, inquiring about students’ cultures and communities, applying knowledge about culture to teaching, formulating theory or a conceptual framework linking culture and school learning, and transforming professional practice to better meet the needs of students from different cultural and experiential backgrounds. All aspects of the process are interrelated and interdependent. Pedagogical Features: • Focus Questions at the beginning of each chapter assist the reader in identifying complex issues to be examined. • Suggested Learning Experiences have been selected for their value in expanding pre-service teachers’ understanding of specific questions and issues raised in the chapter. • Critical Readings lists extend the text to treat important issues in greater depth. New to this Edition: • New emphasis is placed on the power of social ideology in framing teachers’ thinking and school practices. • A framework for understanding cultural diversity in the classroom is presented. • Approaches to understanding and evaluating curriculum have been expanded to include different genres and dimensions of multicultural education. • New emphasis is placed on participating in a community of practice. February 2008: 192pp Pb: 978-0-8058-4108-4: US $32.95

Pathways To Success in School C ulturally Respo nsive Teaching Edited by Etta R. Hollins, University of Southern California, US and Eileen I. Oliver, California State University, US March 1998: 232pp Pb: 978-0-8058-2806-1: US $29.95

This volume is a pathbreaking contribution to the study of efforts of diaspora, indigenous, and minority groups to use education (formal and informal) to sustain cultural continuity while grappling with the influences and demands of wider globalizing, nationalizing, or other homogenizing and assimilatory forces. Particular attention is given to groups that use educational elements other than second-language teaching alone in programs to sustain their particular cultural traditions. The focus of the book on cultural sustainability changes the nature of questions posed in multicultural education from those that address the opening of boundaries to issues of preserving boundaries in an open yet sustainable way. Academics will find this an excellent reference book. Teachers will realize they do not stand alone in their educational efforts and will uncover new strategies and methodologies through which to approach their work. December 2007: 448pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5724-5: US $135.00


Black Communications and Learning to Read Building o n C hildren’s Linguistic and C ultural Strengths Terry Meier, Wheelock College, US This book is about effective literacy instruction for students in grades K-4 who use the language variety that many linguists call African American English, but which, as explained in the Introduction, the author calls Black Communications (BC). Throughout, considerable attention is given to discussing the integral and complex interconnections among African American language, culture, and history, drawing significantly on examples from African American historical and literary sources. Although it is theoretical in its description of the BC system and its discussion of research on language socialization in African American communities, the major focus of this book is pedagogy. Many concrete examples of successful classroom practices are included so that teachers can readily visualize and use the strategies and principles presented. September 2007: 336pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5759-7: US $95.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-5760-3: US $40.00

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Educational Studies 2008

Multicultural Education



Inclusive Pedagogy for English Language Learners A Handbo o k o f Research-Info rmed Practices Edited by Lorrie S. Verplaetse and Naomi Migliacci, both at Southern Connecticut State University, US “[This book is] a substantive, well-organized compilation of ‘state of the art’ practices that trully address the needs of second language learners...[It] is a great contribution to the literature. I want to be able to use it right away in my work with schools and districts.” —Nancy L. Commins, Independent Consultant

In this handbook leading researchers, teacher educators, and expert practitioners speak to current and future educators and educational leaders in understandable language about the research that informs best practices for English language learners integrated into the K-12 public school system. Responding to current state and federal mandates that require educators to link their practices to sound research results, it is designed to help educators to define, select, and defend realistic educational practices that include and serve well their English language learning student populations. A critical and distinctive feature of this volume is its non-technical language that is accessible to general educators who have not been trained in the fields of second-language development and applied linguistics. Each chapter begins with a thorough discussion of the recommended practices, followed by a description of the research that supports these practices. The rigor of reported research is contained, but this research is written in a lay person’s terminology, accompanied by bibliographies for readers who wish to read about the research in technical detail.

2nd Editio n

Teaching for Diversity and Social Justice Edited by Lee Anne Bell, Barnard College, US, Maurianne Adams and Pat Griffin both at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, US For nearly a decade, Teaching for Diversity and Social Justice has been the definitive sourcebook of theoretical foundations and curricular frameworks for social justice teaching practice. This thoroughly revised second edition continues to provide teachers and facilitators with an accessible pedagogical approach to issues of oppression in classrooms. Building on the groundswell of interest in social justice education, the second edition offers coverage of current issues and controversies while preserving the hands-on format and inclusive content of the original. T eaching for Diversity and Social Justice presents a well-constructed foundation for engaging the complex and often daunting problems of discrimination and inequality in American society. Special Features of the Second Edition: • presents four new curriculum designs for additional forms of oppression—racism, immigration, and globalism; transgender oppression; religious oppression; ageism and adultism—and fully revised designs for other social justice topics • incorporates thoroughly updated resources, references and examples • includes a CD-ROM with extensive appendices for participant handouts and facilitator preparation • offers practical curriculum designs for integrating social justice issues into standard semester formats or briefer curricular options • provides relevant commentary and trouble-shooting to address typical participant fears and challenges April 2007: 427pp HB: 978-0-415-95199-9: US $95.00 PB: 978-0-415-95199-9: US $37.95

Inclusive Pedagogy for English Language Learners is intended for current and future educational administrators, all educators who have a keen interest in school reform at the classroom, school, or district level, and staff developers, policy makers, parents and community groups, and anyone interested in the successful education of linguistically and culturally diverse students. September 2007: 472pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5719-1: US $135.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-5720-7: US $49.95

Developing Reading and Writing in Second Language Learners Lesso ns fro m the Repo rt o f the Natio nal Literacy Panel o n Language-Mino rity C hildren and Y o uth Edited by Timothy Shanahan, University of Illinois, US and Diane August, Center for Applied Linguistics, US A Co-Publication of Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc, The Center for Applied Linguistics and The International Reading Association This book, a shorter version of Developing Literacy in SecondLanguage Learners, reports the findings of the National Literacy Panel on Language-Minority Children and Youth. It concisely summarizes what is known from empirical research about the development of literacy in languageminority children and youth, including development, environment, instruction, and assessment. This more accessible version of the full report is intended for teachers, administrators, and researchers and for use in a wide range of teacher preparation courses and in in-service and staff development programs that deal with educating English language learners. August 2007: 336pp Hb: 978-0-8058-6208-9: US $70.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-6209-6: US $25.00


Language, Culture, and Community in Teacher Education Edited by María Estela Brisk, Boston College, US Published by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Taylor and Francis Group for the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education This volume addresses the pressing reality in teacher education that all teachers need to be prepared to work effectively with linguistically and culturally diverse student populations. This volume emphasizes that these children have both common educational needs and needs that are culturally and linguistically specific. It is directed to the preparation of all teachers who work with culturally and linguistically diverse students. It not only focuses on how teachers need to change but how faculty and curriculum need to be transformed, and how to better train teacher education candidates to understand and work efficaciously with the communities in which culturally and linguistically diverse students tend to be predominant. September 2007: 368pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5697-2: US $80.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-5698-9: US $29.95

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Multicultural Education

Educational Studies 2008 NEW

Developing Literacy in SecondLanguage Learners Repo rt o f the Natio nal Literacy Panel o n Language-Mino rity C hildren and Y o uth Edited by Diane August, Center of Applied Linguistics, US and Timothy Shanahan, University of Illinois, US This volume reports the findings of the National Literacy Panel on LanguageMinority Children and Youth. The formal charge to the panel—a distinguished group of expert researchers in reading, language, bilingualism, research methods, and education— was to identify, assess, and synthesize research on the education of languageminority children and youth with respect to their attainment of literacy. Each part of the book begins with a synthesis chapter that spells out the research questions for the chapters to follow, provides background information, describes the methodology used, summerizes the empirical findings reported, addresses methodological issues, and makes recommendations for future research. The following chapters provide more detail on the individual studies reviewed for specific research questions. An accompanying CD-Rom provides a serchable database of research references. The audience for this volume includes researchers interested in the development of literacy in languageminority children and youth as well as those studying literacy more generally, and those concerned with improving the education of this population of students. July 2006: 688pp Hb: 978-0-8058-6076-4: US $245.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-6077-1: US $65.00

Race, Culture, and Schooling

Six Vo lume Set

Identities o f A chievement in Multicultural Urban Scho o ls

History of Multicultural Education

Peter C. Murrell, Jr., Northeastern University, US “[Murrell’s] bold statement on the impact of the community in which students learn on [the communities own] learning and development...along with a more comprehensive presentation of what constitutes cultural competancy for working with diverse populations, clearly distinguish this book from many others addressing the achievement and education of marginalized youth.” —Sandra Tutwiler, Washburn University

Responding to a need for greater cultural competence in the preparation and development of teachers in diverse public school settings, this book investigates the critical developmental and social processes mediating students’ academic identities in those settings posing the greatest challenges to their school achievement and personal development. It then provides an accessible, practice-oriented culturally responsive framework for teachers in American schools. Murrell proposes a situated-mediated identity theory that emphasizes examining not just the child, not just the school environment, but also the child in-context as the unit of analysis to understand how both mutually constitute each other in the social and cultural practices of schooling. He then develops this theory into an applied psychology of identity and agency development among children and youth as well as their teachers, striving together for academic achievement in diverse school settings. For researchers, professionals, and students in multicultural education, educational and developmental psychology, social and cultural foundations of education, and teacher education, Murrell’s cultural practices approach builds on current thinking about multicultural teacher preparation and provides the practice component underpinning theories about cultural competence. June 2007: 224pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5537-1: US $69.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-5538-8: US $24.50

Edited by Carl A. Grant, University of WisconsinMadison, US and Thandeka K. Chapman, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, US This benchmark 6-volume set documents, analyzes, and critiques a comprehensive body of research on the history of multicultural education in the U.S. By collecting and providing a framework for key publications spanning the past 30-40 years, these volumes provide a means of understanding and visualizing the development, implementation, and interpretation of multicultural education in American society. The historical time line within each volume illustrates the progression of research and theory on each theme and encourages readers to reflect on the changes in language and thinking concerning educational scholarship in that area. Readers will also see how language, pedagogical issues, and policy reforms have been constructed, assimilated, and mutated over the highlighted period of time. Exploring the tenets of the field and examining the individuals whose work has contributed significantly to equity and social justice for all citizens, this landmark set illuminates the historical importance, current relevance, and future implications of multicultural education. February 2008 HB: 978-0-415-98889-6: US $650.00 PB: 978-0-415-98890-2: US $250.00

Vo lume O ne

History of Multicultural Education C o nceptual Framew o rks and C urricular Issues February 2008: 448pp HB: 978-0-8058-5439-8: US $135.00 PB: 978-0-8058-5440-4: US $41.95

Vo lume Tw o

History of Multicultural Education Fo undatio ns and Stratificatio ns February 2008: 448pp HB: 978-0-8058-5441-1: US $135.00 PB: 978-0-8058-5442-8: US $41.95

Vo lume Three

History of Multicultural Education Instructio n and A ssessment February 2008: 448pp HB: 978-0-8058-5443-5: US $135.00 PB: 978-0-8058-5444-2: US $41.95

Vo lume Fo ur

History of Multicultural Education Po licy and Po licy Initiatives February 2008: 448pp HB: 978-0-8058-5445-9: US $135.00 PB: 978-0-8058-5446-6: US $41.95

Vo lume Five

History of Multicultural Education Students and Student Learning February 2008: 448pp HB: 978-0-8058-5447-3: US $135.00 PB: 978-0-8058-5448-0: US $41.95

Vo lume Six

History of Multicultural Education


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Teachers and Teacher Educatio n February 2008: 448pp HB: 978-0-8058-5449-7: US $135.00 PB: 978-0-8058-5450-3: US $41.95

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Educational Studies 2008

Doing Multicultural Education for Achievement and Equity Carl A. Grant, University of Wisconsin-Madison, US and Christine E. Sleeter, California State University, Monterey Bay, US Doing Multicultural Education for A chievement and Equity is a hands-on, reader-friendly multicultural education textbook that aims to actively engage education students in critical reflection and self examination as they prepare to teach in increasingly diverse classrooms. As it promotes an understanding of the history of and need for multicultural education in schools, Carl Grant and Christine Sleeter’s book connects multicultural education to pre-service teachers’ personal and professional spaces and, further, to an understanding of equity in school and society.

Multicultural Education

Global Migration and Education Scho o ls, C hildren, and Families Edited by Leah D. Adams, Eastern Michigan University, US and Anna Kirova, University of Alberta, Canada “This book could easily be included in the reading lists for university courses such as comparative education, educational policy, and immigrant education, and could be a useful resource for teacher education, professional workshops, and policy makers.” —Zvi Beherman, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Selected Table of Contents:

G lobal Migration and Education makes a notable contribution to understanding the issues faced by immigrant children, their parents, and educators as they interact in school settings, and to identifying the common challenges to, and successes in, educational institutions worldwide as they cope with these issues. It will help educators and others involved in these complex processes to see beyond the notion of problems created and experienced by recently arrived young children. Rather, this volume provides many concrete suggestions deriving from the success stories and voices of teachers, parents, and students. It also offers evidence that diversity can be a condition for learning that, when understood, embraced, and supported, leads to rich learning opportunities for all involved that would not exist without diversity. All of the authors offer recommendations about educational policy and practices to address and ultimately improve the education of all children, including immigrant children.

1. Becoming a Fantastic Teacher 2. Students and Achievement 3. The Quest for Equity in School and Society 4. Building a Caring Classroom that Supports Achievement 5. Using Students’ Assets to Facilitate High Achievement 6. Planning Curriculum that is Multicultural 7. Testing and Assessment 8. Taking Action in the Classroom and Beyond

Intended for researchers, students, school professionals, and educational policymakers and analysts around the world in the fields of multicultural education, child psychology, comparative and international education, educational foundations, educational policy, and cross-cultural studies, this book is highly relevant as a text for courses in these areas.

February 2007: 264pp Hb: 978-0-415-95183-8: US $125.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95184-5: US $34.95

November 2006: 368pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5837-2: US $120.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-5838-9: US $39.95

Taking a constructivist perspective on personal development and learning, the text aims to help preservice teachers develop tools to continue to learn about their students and their students’ communities and contexts, about themselves, and about social relations in which schools are embedded. Grant and Sleeter, two of the most eminent scholars working in the field of multicultural education, approach their subject in a wholly unique way, encouraging the reader to interact with the text through extensive reflection exercises, dialogues, and critiques. Doing Multicultural Education for A chievement and Equity challenges readers to take a truly active and ongoing role in promoting equity within education and helps to guide them in becoming highly qualified and caring teachers.

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Understanding Minority Ethnic Achievement Race, G ender, C lass and ‘Success’ Louise Archer, Kings College University, UK and Becky Francis, Roehampton University, UK Providing fresh insights and understandings about educationally ‘successful’ minority ethnic pupils, this book examines the views, identities and educational experiences of those pupils who are undoubtedly ‘achieving’, but who tend to remain ignored within popular concerns about under-achievement. Combining a broad analysis of minority ethnic pupils’ achievement together with a novel, detailed case study of an educationally ‘successful’ group, the British-Chinese, Understanding Minority Ethnic A chievement examines a fascinating angle on debates about the reproduction of social inequalities. In this thought-provoking and highly accessible book, the authors: • review the theoretical and policy context issues of ‘race’, gender, social class and achievement • discuss the role of teachers and schools • explore Chinese parents’ views of their children’s education and explain how these families ‘produce’ and support achievement • investigate British-Chinese pupils’ views on their approaches to learning and their educational identities • examine the relationship between aspirations and educational achievement • consider the complexity and subtlety of racisms experienced by ‘successful’ minority ethnic pupils This timely and authoritative book contributes to the ongoing debates about levels of achievement among minority ethnic pupils and is an essential book for all researchers, students, education professionals and policy-makers. November 2006: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-37281-7: US $135.00 Pb: 978-0-415-37282-4: US $41.95


Multicultural Education

Educational Studies 2008

Critical Race Theory in Education Gender in the Classroom Fo undatio ns, Skills, Metho ds, and Strategies A cro ss the C urriculum Edited by David Sadker, American University, US and Ellen S. Silber, Marymount College of Fordham University, US “Designed to fit into any core course in a typical teacher education curriculum, this text offers information and skills about gender and sex differences, curriculum content, and specific teaching methods geared to helping all teachers and prospective teachers detect and correct gender bias in curricula and classrooms.” —Elizabeth M. Penn, Thomas Moore College

What’s missing from your teacher education program? According to research studies, one glaring omission is gender. Tomorrow’s teachers receive little instruction or training on the tremendous impact of gender in the classroom. Just how does gender influence teaching, the curriculum, and the lives of teachers and students in the classroom? This unique book has been designed to answer these questions. G ender in the C lassroom is intended to be used across the teacher education curriculum—from subjectspecific methods courses to foundations courses, from educational psychology to student teaching. It can be adopted for an entire program, or several instructors can adopt it jointly, or a single instructor can adopt it as one of several or a supplementary text for a course. A comprehensive Instructor’s Manual provides information and materials for teacher educators who adopt the text. Each chapter offers practical information and skills about gender and sex differences, curriculum, and specific teaching methods. Written in a lively style, the text features a number of interactive activities to engage and instruct the reader. Many of the techniques in this text can be applied to uncover and correct not only gender bias, but racial, ethnic, and cultural bias as well. September 2006: 320pp Pb: 978-0-8058-5474-9: US $39.95 Instructor’s Manual: 978-0-8058-5475-6

Mathematics Education at Highly Effective Schools That Serve the Poor Strategies fo r C hange Richard S. Kitchen, Julie DePree, Sylvia Celed¢nPattichis and Jonathan Brinkerhoff, all at the University of New Mexico, US This book presents research findings about school-level and district-level practices and successful strategies employed in mathematics education and includes both the theory and practice of creating highly effective schools in poor communities. In 2002 nine schools were selected in a national competition to participate in the Hewlett-Packard High Achieving Grant Initiative. As part of this Initiative, these schools participated in the research study presented in this book. The study employed both qualitative and quantitave methodologies to examine school- and classroom-level factors that contributed to high achievement, particularly in mathematics. Given the pressures of the accountability measures of the No Child Left Behind legislation, this book is extremely timely for those seeking school models that serve highpoverty communities and have demonstrated high performance on high-stakes examinations and other assessment. August 2006: 248pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5688-0: US $69.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-5689-7: US $27.50

A ll G o d’s C hildren G o t a So ng Edited by Adrienne D. Dixson, Ohio State University, US and Celia K. Rousseau, University of Memphis, US Although Critical Race Theory (CRT) has been used to analyze difficult issues of race and racism in education for over ten years, the function of CRT in educational research is not entirely clear. By bringing together the voices of various CRT scholars and education experts, this volume presents a comprehensive chorus of answers to the question of how and why CRT should be applied to educational scholarship. The collected chapters address CRT’s foundations in legal theory, current applications of CRT, and possible new directions for CRT in education. Appropriate for both students curious about CRT and estabilished CRT scholars, C ritical Race T heory in Education is a valuable guide to how CRT can help us better understand and seek solutions to educational inequity. July 2006: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-95291-0: US $125.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95292-7: US $32.95

Race, Culture, and Education The Selected W o rks o f James A . Banks James A. Banks, University of Washington, US “Race, C ulture, and Educatio n will undoubtedly serve as one of the seminal readings for practitioners, scholars, and researchers whose works are concerned with diversity in education, decision making in the social studies, multicultural education, or global citizenship. This book does an exemplary job of capturing the breadth, depth, complexity, and analytic sophistication of Professor Banks’ work.”

English-Only Instruction and Immigrant Students in Secondary Schools A C ritical Examinatio n Lee Gunderson, University of British Columbia, Canada This book is essential for teachers, teacher educators, school and district administrators, policy makers, and researchers who want to know about literacy, cultural diversity, and students who speak little or no English. It offers a rich picture of the incredible diversity of students who enter secondary school as immigrants, their abilities, their needs, and their aspirations. Educators and researchers will find the descriptions of students’ simultaneous learning of English and of academic content relevant to their view of whether instruction should be English only or bilingual. For teachers who view multicultural education as an important endeavor, this book may on occasion surprise them and at other times confirm their views. The objective of the study is to develop a full, rich description of the lives of immigrant high school students enrolled in classes where the medium of instruction is English. The reader is left to evaluate the results. August 2006: 320pp Hb: 978-0-8058-2513-8: US $110.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-2514-5: US $39.95

—Teachers C o llege Reco rd

“Banks is more than a founding father; he’s a rigorous, pioneering thinker and the pre-eminent black academic of my lifetime ... His definition of social science is the best and most compelling I have ever read.” —Tim Brighouse, Commissioner for London Schools

“Straightforward, clear and often profound, [the book] has influenced two generations of professionals working against racial injustice.” —Race Equality Teaching

James A. Banks is considered the father of multicultural education in the U.S. and known throughout the world as one of the field’s most important founders, theorist and researchers. In this book, Banks has compiled a career-long collection of 18 of his most significant articles, book chapters, and papers which show the evolution of his research and scholarship over nearly four decades as well as the evolution of the field of multicultural education. This collection shows how the growth of the field has mirrored Banks’ development as a scholar, teacher, and researcher. Series: World Library of Educationalists June 2006: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-39819-0: US $135.00 Pb: 978-0-415-39820-6: US $45.95

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Educational Studies 2008

Multicultural Education


Teaching/Learning Social Justice Edited by Lee Anne Bell FORTHCOMING

Telling Stories to Change the World Rickie Solinger, Madeline Fox, and Kayhan Irani

Telling Stories to Change the World is a collection of essays about community-based and interest-based projects in which groups of people use stories as a strategy for speaking out for and accomplishing justice. These reknowned contributors describe projects in which groups are telling stories as a way of exploring what a more just community looks like and what civic engagement means, and how to realize both. The book includes projects in which, for example, grassroots groups use storytelling to make claims for healthcare, for honoring and preserving traditional culture and history, for combating and preventing hatred, for resolving conflict, for developing community leadership and calling for responsive government, and for insisting on the rights of immigrants in their new country. The collection poses questions about the meaning of culture, the meaningfulness of place, the consequence of violence for community, the imperatives and ingredients of healing and of human rights, and of activism, generally. Through the powerful apparatus of storytelling, new parts of the polity are reached including potential allies, policymakers, non-profits, service providers, and other activists. Thus, storytelling becomes a vessel for defining activism and energizing activists working for social justice May 2008: 224pp HB: 978-0-415-96079-3: US $125.00 PB: 978-0-415-96080-9: US $32.95

Revealing the Invisible C onfronting Passive Racism in Teacher Education Sherry Marx, Utah State University, US This book examines and confronts the passive and often unconscious racism of white teacher education students, offering a critical tool in the effort to make education more equitable. Sherry Marx provides a consciousness-raising account of how white teachers must come to recognize their own positions of privilege and work actively to create antiracist teaching techniques and learning environments for children of color and children learning English as a second language. September 2006: 216pp Hb: 978-0-415-95342-9: US $125.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95343-6: US $29.95

Understanding White Privilege Remo ving Barriers to A uthentic Relatio nships A cro ss Race Frances E. Kendall, Consultant, US Racial privilege is hard to see for those who were born with access to power and resources. Yet it is very visible for those to whom it was not granted. Understanding W hite Privilege is written for individuals and those in organizations who grapple with race every day, as well as for those who believe they don’t need to. It is written for those who have tried to build authentic professional relationships across races but have felt unable to do so. It is written for those who believe strongly in the struggle for racial injustice and need additional information to share with their friends and colleagues. Inviting readers to think personally about how race—their’s and others’—frames experiences, relationships, and the way we each see the world, this book focuses squarely on white privilege and its implications by offering specific suggestions for what we each can do to bridge the racial chasm. March 2006: 200pp Hb: 978-0-415-95179-1: US $125.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95180-7: US $34.95

Critical Race Counterstories along the Chicana/Chicano Educational Pipeline Tara Yosso, University of California, Santa Barbara, US “The perfect combination of empiricism, qualitative analysis, and literature. Engaged scholarship at its best.” —Richard Delgado, University of Pittsburgh

“Tara Yosso is a prolific contributor to the path breaking area of critical race theory in education, and is both a rigorous scholar and a powerful storyteller...This book represents provocative, insightful, and accessible scholarship from what students, educators, and educational researchers have much to gain.” —Dolored Delgado Bernal, University of Utah

“This is an outstanding contribution to the growing scholarship on Chicana/o education. Yosso skillfully provides the field with the most powerful and insightful analysis ever produced...[This book] offers visibility to the invisible, and much hope to Chicanas/os who face despair at the margins of society.”

Elusive Justice

—Richard R. Valencis, University of Texas at Austin

W restling w ith Difference and Educatio nal Equity in Everyday Practice

Chicanas/os are part of the youngest, largest, and fastest growing racial/ethnic minority population in the United States, yet at every schooling level, they suffer the lowest educational outcomes of any racial/ethnic group. Using a counterstorytelling methodology, Tara Yosso debunks racialized myths that blame the victims for these unequal educational outcomes and redirects our focus toward historical patterns of institutional neglect. She artfully interweaves empirical data and theoretical arguments with engaging narratives that expose and analyse racism as it functions to limit access and opportunity for Chicana/o students. By humanizing the need to transform our educational system, Yosso offers an accessible tool for teaching and learning about the problems and possibilities present along the Chicano/a educational pipeline.

Thea Renda Abu El-Haj, Rutgers University, US Elusive Justice addresses how educators think about and act upon differences in schools—be they based on race, gender, class, or disability—and how discourse and practice about such differences are intimately bound up with educational justice. Rather than skip over contentious or uncomfortable dialogues about difference, Thea Abu El-Haj tackles them head on. Through rich and detailed ethnographic portraits of two schools with a commitment to social justice, she analyzes the ways discourses about difference provide a key site for both producing and resisting inequalities, and examines the dilemmas that emerge from either focusing on or ignoring them. In interrogating fundamental assumptions about difference and equity, Abu El-Haj deftly blends critique with a search for hope and possibility, to ultimately argue for ways educators might translate ideals about justice into effective practice.

November 2005: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-95195-1: US $130.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95196-8: US $29.95

September 2006: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-95365-0: US $125.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95366-5: US $29.95

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Multicultural Education

Educational Studies 2008

Language, Culture, and Teaching Black Education A Transfo rmative Research and A ctio n A genda fo r the New C entury

Edited by Sonia Nieto

Beyond Grammar


Edited by Joyce E. King, Georgia State University, US

Critical Literacy and Urban Youth

This volume presents the findings and recommendations of the American Educational Research Association’s Commission on Research in Black Education (CORIBE) and offers new directions for research and practice. By commissioning an independent group of scholars of diverse perspectives and voices to investigate major issues hindering the education of Black people in the U.S., other Diaspora contexts, and Africa, the AERA sought to place issues of Black education and research practice in the forefront of the agenda of the scholarly community. An unprecedental critical challenge to orthodox thinking, this book makes an epistemological break with mainstream scholarship. Contributors present research on proven solutions and best practices that prepare Black students and others to achieve at high levels of academic excellence and to be agents of their own socioeconomic and cultural transformation. These analyses and empirical findings also link the crisis in Black education to embedded ideological biases in research and the system of thought that often justifies the abject state of Black education.

Pedago gies o f A ccess, Dissent, and Liberatio n

Written for both a scholarly and a general audience, this book demonstrates a transformative role for research and a positive role for culture in learning, in the academy, and in community and cross-national contexts. Additional resources include: Black Education CD-Rom containing an archive of the empirical findings, recommendations, and best practices assembeled by the CORIBE; a twenty-minute videodocumentary, A Detroit C onversation, in which a diverse panel of educators, parents, and community activists engage in a conversation about education; and a fifty-minuite video, A C harge to Keep documenting the findings and recommendations of the CORIBE June 2005: 480pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5457-2: US $99.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-5458-9: US $34.50 CD-Rom: 978-0-8058-5564-7: Free with Purchase and Request A Detroit Conversation Video: 978-0-8058-5625-5: US $10.00 A Charge to Keep Video: 978-0-8058-5626-2: US $10.00

Ernest Morrell, University of California at Los Angeles, US C ritical Literacy and Urban Y outh offers an interrogation of critical theory developed from the author’s work with young people in classrooms, neighborhoods, and institutions of power. Through cases, an articulated process, and a theory of literacy education and social change, Morrell extends the conversation among literacy educators about what constitutes critical literacy while also examining implications for practice in secondary and postsecondary American educational contexts. This book is distinguished by its weaving together of theory and practice. December 2007: 258pp HB: 978-0-8058-5663-7: US $125.00 PB: 978-0-8058-5664-4: US $41.95

3rd Editio n

With Literacy and Justice for All Rethinking the So cial in Language and Educatio n

Mary R. Harmon, Saginaw Valley State University, US and Marilyn J. Wilson, Michigan State University, US This book asks readers to think about the power of words, the power of language attutudes, and the power of language policies as they play out in communities, in educational institutions, and in their own lives as individuals, teachers, and participants in the large community. Each chapter provides extended discussion of a set of critical language issues that directly affect students in classrooms: the political nature of language, the power of words, hate language and bullying, gender and language, dialects, and language policies. Written for pre-service and practicing teachers, this text addresses how teachers can alert students to the realities of language and power—removing language study from a “neutral” corner to situate it within the context of political, social, and cultural issues. Developing a critical pedagogy about language instruction can help educators understand that classrooms can either maintain existing inequity or address and diminish inequity through critical language study. This volume is intended for undergraduate and master’s level courses that address literacy education, linguistics, and issues of language and culture. May 2006: 256pp Pb: 978-0-8058-3715-5: US $24.50

Carole Edelsky, Arizona State University, US The third edition of W ith Literacy and Justice for A ll continues to document Carole Edlesky’s long involvement with socially critical, holistic approaches to the everyday problems and possibilities facing teachers of language and literacy. This book helps education professionals understand the educational and societal situations they are dealing with, and literacy instruction and second langauge learning in particular contexts. Edelsky does not offer simplistic pedagocial formulas, but rather, progressively works through differences and tensions in the discourses and practices of sociolinguistics, bilingual education, whole language, and critical pedagogy—fields whose practitioners and advocates too often work in isolation from each other and, at times, at cross purposes. This edition is a rare example of a scholarly owning-up to changes in thinking, and a much needed demonstration of the historically grounded nature of knowledge. As a whole, the third edition emphasizes recursiveness and questioning within a deliberately political framework. March 2006: 336pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5507-4: US $69.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-5508-1: US $22.50

Language, Po w er, and the C lassro o m

Negotiating Critical Literacies With Young Children Vivian Maria Vasquez, American University, US July 2004: 184pp Pb: 978-0-8058-4053-7: US $24.50

Teaching and Learning in a Multilingual School C ho ices, Risks, and Dilemmas Tara Goldstein, University of Toronto, Canada, Gordon Pon, Ryerson University, Canada, Timothy Chiu and Judith Ngan November 2002: 256pp Pb: 978-0-8058-4016-2: US $36.00

Language, Culture, and Teaching C ritical Perspectives fo r a New C entury Sonia Nieto, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, US August 2001: 320pp Pb: 978-0-8058-3738-4: US $37.50

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eBooks available online at

Educational Studies 2008

Multicultural Education


Bridging Cultures Set Latino Education Bridging Cultures in Early Care and Education

Readings for Bridging Cultures

A Training Mo dule

Carrie Rothstein-Fisch, California State University, US

Marlene Zepeda and Carrie Rothstein-Fisch, both at California State University, US, Janet GonzalezMena, Early Care and Education Consultant, US and Elise Trumbull, Education Consultant, US This is a resource designed to help pre-service and in-service early childhood educators, including infanttoddler caregivers, understand the role of culture in their programs. It is also intended for professionals who work with children and their families in a variety of other roles, such as social workers, special educators, and early interventionists, and for use in college courses focused on early childhood education and child development. The module explains and illustrates how early childhood educators can use the organizing concepts of individualism and collectivism as a means of understanding cultural conflict and difference. These concepts have been shown to be highly useful in improving home-school understanding across cultures. Based on real-life examples of cultural dilemmas in early care and education settings, participants engage the concepts of individualism and collectivism to solve a variety of scenarios in a dynamic and engaging manner. January 2006: 144pp Pb: 978-0-8058-5641-5: US $19.95

Teacher Educatio n Mo dule

April 2003: 200pp Pb: 978-0-8058-4567-9: US $10.50

Bridging Cultures Between Home and School A G uide fo r Teachers Elise Trumbull, Educational Consultant, US, Carrie Rothstein-Fisch, California State University, US and Patricia M. Greenfield and Blanca Quiroz, both at the University of California at Los Angeles, US April 2001: 200pp Pb: 978-0-8058-3519-9: US $24.50

A n A genda fo r C o mmunity A ctio n Research Edited by Pedro Pedraza and Melissa Rivera, both at the Center for Puerto Rican Studies, CUNY, US A Volume of the National Latino/a Education Research and Policy Project “[The] breadth and depth and diversity [of this book] converge into a single, strong message of advocacy for the kinds of research that must be undertaken if Americans are to educate well the children who, as adults, will comprise the majority population in many areas of the U.S....It’s time for this book.” —Linda McNeil, Rice University

“[This book is] a potential classict that one ‘just has to own’ for his or her personal library...I cannot overstate the power and promise of this book!” —Jo urnal o f Latino s and Educatio ns

Cross-Cultural Roots of Minority Child Development Edited by Patricia M. Greenfield, University of California at Los Angeles, US and Rodney R. Cocking, National Institute of Mental Health, US June 1994: 456pp Hb: 978-0-8058-1223-7: US $115.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-1224-4: US $55.00

Bridging Cultures Teacher Educatio n Mo dule Carrie Rothstein-Fisch, California State University, US April 2003: 176pp Pb: 978-0-8058-4207-4: US $39.95

Bridging Cultures 4 Book Set The theoretical frameworks for Bridging C ultures: T eacher Education Module and the Readings for Bridging C ultures: T eacher Education Module, as well as for the closely related volume, Bridging C ultures Between Home and School (a text for pre-service and in-service teacher preparation courses), is found in C rossC ultural Roots of Minoirty C hild Development. The four publications support and enhance each other while serving a variety of needs, from theoretical to classroom applications. April 2003 Pb: 978-0-8058-4582-2: US $80.00

This book conceptualizes and illustrates the theoretical framework for the National Latino/a Education Research Agenda Project (NLERAP). This framework is grounded in three overlaping areas of scholarship and activism, which are reflected within the chapters in this volume: critical studies, illuminating and analyzing the status of people of color in the United States; Latino/a educational research, capturing the sociohistorical, cultural, and political schooling experiences of U.S. Latino/a communities; and participatory action research, exemplifying a liberation-oriented methodology for truly transformative education. The volume includes both descriptive educational research and critical analyses of previous research and educational agendas related to Latino/a communities in the United States. More attention to the Latino students’ educational issues is needed to redress the problem of sociohistorical and economic inequalities in the U.S., especially given the tremendous population increase and projected growth of Latino communities. Latino Education is a major contribution toward this goal. July 2005: 584pp Hb: 978-0-8058-4986-8: US $145.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-4987-5: US $65.00

Building Communities of Learners A C o llabo ratio n A mo ng Teachers, Students, Families, and C o mmunity Sudia Paloma McCaleb, New College of California, US May 1995: 320pp Pb: 978-0-8058-8005-2: US $29.95

The Inner World of the Immigrant Child Cristina Igoa, Hayward Unified School District, US May 1995: 240pp Pb: 978-0-8058-8013-7: US $32.50

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Curriculum Studies

Curriculum Studies

Educational Studies 2008 3rd Editio n


The Struggle for the American Curriculum, 1893-1958

Critical Essays on Major Curriculum Theorists David Scott, University of Lincoln, UK

2nd Editio n

Curriculum Development in the Postmodern Era Patrick Slattery, Texas A&M University, US C urriculum Development in the Postmodern Era provides the first introduction to and analysis of contemporary concepts of curriculum development in relation to postmodernism. It challenges educators to transcend purely traditional approaches to curriculum development and instead to incorporate various postmodern discourses into their reflection and action in schools. Since its publication in 1995, the curriculum studies field has exploded, the very notion of the postmodern has shifted and the landscape of American schooling has changed dramatically—federal policies like “No Child Left Behind” have dramatically increased the focus on accountability and consequently what and how teachers teach. In this much-anticipated and thoroughly updated edition, noted curriculum studies scholar Patrick Slattery tackles these and other issues to reflect on the current state of curriculum development and on where the field may go from here. May 2006: 360pp Hb: 978-0-415-95337-5: US $125.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95338-2: US $37.95

This book is a critical appreciation of the work of sixteen leading curriculum theorists, taking account of the writings of a balance of established thinkers and curriculum analysts from the fields of education, philosophy, sociology and psychology. Together these commentators offer a broad perspective with views from the UK, the US and Europe, and from a range of political stances ranging from radical conservatism through liberalism to socialism and libertarianism. The theorists include major names such as Lev Vygotsky, Jerome Bruner, Maxine Greene, Basil Bernstein, Micheal Foucault, Elliott Eisner, John White, Michael Apple and more. Ideal for students on all teacher training courses looking for an introduction to some of the key educational thinkers of our time, this key text can also be used as a companion volume to the Routledge four-volume set on curriculum theory. October 2007: 176pp Hb: 978-0-415-33984-1: US $150.00 Pb: 978-0-415-33983-4: US $39.95


Curriculum and Imagination Pro cess Theo ry, Pedago gy and A ctio n Research James McKernan, East Carolina University, US C urriculum and Imagination provides a rational and logical alternative for all educators who plan curriculum but do not wish to be held captive by a mechanistic “ends-means” notion of educational planning. Anyone studying or teaching curriculum studies, or involved in education or educational planning, will find this important new book fascinating reading. This comprehensive and authoritative book:

Herbert M. Kliebard, Professor Emeritus, University of Wisconsin-Madison, US “well-researched and gracefully written, insightful as well as interesting” —Teachers C o llege Reco rd

Published in 1987, the first edition of T he Struggle for the A merican C urriculum was a classic in curriculum studies and in the history of education. This new third edition is thoroughly revised and updated, and includes two new chapters on the renewed attacks on the subject curriculum in the 1940s and 1950s, as well as the way individual school subjects evolved over time and were affected by these attacks. August 2004: 360pp Hb: 978-0-415-94890-6: US $130.00 Pb: 978-0-415-94891-3: US $38.95

2nd Editio n

The Curriculum Studies Reader Edited by David Flinders, Indiana University, US and Stephen Thornton, University of South Florida, US This highly anticipated second edition of T he C urriculum Studies Reader retains key features of the successful first edition while incorporating an updated introduction and new, timely essays. Grounded in historical essays, the volume provides context for the growing field of curriculum studies, reflects upon the trends that have dominated the field, and samples the best of current scholarship. This thoughtful combination of essays provides a survey of the field coupled with concrete examples of innovative curriculum, and an examination of contemporary topics like HIV and AIDS education and multicultural education. July 2004: 376pp Hb: 978-0-415-94522-6: US $130.00 Pb: 978-0-415-94523-3: US $37.95

• offers a practical and theoretical plan for curriculummaking without objectives • shows that a curriculum can be best planned and developed at school level by teachers adopting an action research role • complements the spirit and reality of much of the teaching profession today • presents empirical evidence on teachers’ human values September 2007: 264pp Hb: 978-0-415-41337-4: US $145.00 PB: 978-0-415-41338-1: US $42.95


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Educational Studies 2008

Curriculum Studies


Studies in Curriculum Theory Edited by William F. Pinar NEW

Children’s Books for Grown-Up Teachers Reading and W riting C urriculum Theo ry Peter Appelbaum, Arcadia University, US “Appelbaum’s thinking is at the leading edge (perhaps several leading edges) of curriculum inquiry internationally.” —Noel Gough, LaTrobe University

“Appelbaum has written an enormously erudite and important book about learning and teaching. Weaving together theories of curriculum, popular culture, literary engagement and pedagogy, he insightfully shows how deep insight emerges from the detours of teaching, and that the teacher’s task is not to specify curriculum but, rather, to occasion learning. This book is an intellectual tour de force that will be of great interest to both beginning and experienced teachers.” —Dennis Sumara, University of British Columbia

Teachers and prospective teacheres read children’s books, but that reading is often done as a “teacher” rather than as a “reader” engaged with the text. This book models the kind of thinking about teaching and learning—the sort of curriculum theorizing— accomplished through teachers’ interactions with the everyday materials of teaching. It starts with children’s books, branches out into other youth culture texts, and subsequently to thinking about everyday life itself. Texts of curriculum theory describe infrastructures that support the crafts of inquiry and learning, and introduce a new vocabulary of poaching, weirding, dark matter, and jazz. At the heart of the book is a method of reading: Each reader pulls idiosyncratic concepts from children’s books and from everyday life. Weaving these concepts into a discourse of curriculum theory is what makes the difference between “going through the motions of teaching” and “designing educational experiences”. November 2007: 192pp Hb: 978-0-8058-4928-8: US $135.00 Pb: 978-0-415-96483-8: US $39.95

Cross-Cultural Studies in Curriculum

Subjectivity, Curriculum, and Society

Eastern Tho ught, Educatio nal Insights

Betw een and Beyo nd G erman Didaktik and A nglo -A merican C urriculum Studies

Claudia Eppert, University of Alberta, and Hongyu Wang, Oklahoma State University, US “...a sterling example of how the internationalization of curriculum studies deepens intercultural dialogue in the face of globalization... Not only does this volume offer new directions in curriculum theory it will give sustenance to educators searching for a direction home, out of a deepening intellectual, spiritual, and moral confusion.” —Terrance R. Carson, University of Alberta

This volume broadens the horizon of educational research in North America by introducing a comprehensive dialogue between Eastern and Western philosophies and perspectives on the subject of curriculum theory and practice. It is a very timely work in light of the progressively globalized nature of education and educational studies and the increasingly widespread attunement to Eastern educational theories in the West. By introducing Eastern perspectives, this book questions taken-forgranted thinking in Western educational thought about the foundations of teaching and learning, curriculum theory, educational policy, and educational issues such as teaching for social justice, servicelearning initiatives, human rights and environmental education, and the teaching of content area subjects. It provides an important opportunity for scholars from different countries and different disciplines to establish a solid yet accessible foundation of EastWest inquiry that furthers the scope and depth of curriculum studies and to disseminate the insights from this book in the venues in which they work. Researchers, faculty, and graduate students in the fields of curriculum theory, curriculum and instruction, educational foundations, philosophy of education, international and comparative education, and multicultural educational studies will welcome this book. It is appropriate as a text for upper-level courses in these areas. September 2007: 392pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5673-6: US $100.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-5674-3: US $34.50

Tero Autio, University of Tampere, Finland This book traces not only the key philosophical currents that structure traditional Anglo-American instrumental curriculum theory and Didaktik theories of curriculum which are lesser-known in the U.S., but also the divide between them and, implicitly, the opportunites for traversing this divide. Using careful historical and theoretical exposition to work through the tension between the two intellectual traditions, the author describes a different perspective—one that counters the current move toward politicization and commodification. This book leads to a better understanding of the complicated nature of curriculum work, as contrasted with the simplified demands of actual curriculum theory, policy, and practice worldwide. This original work of great intellectual power and theoretical significance is an essential text for scholars in the fields of curriculum studies, philosophy of education, and comparative education and for graduate-level courses in these areas. May 2006: 192pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5468-8: US $59.95

Who Benefits From Special Education? Remediating (Fixing) O ther Peo ple’s C hildren Edited by Ellen Brantlinger, Indiana University, US This book addresses the negative consequences of labeling and separating education for students with “disabilities”, the cultural biases inherent in the way that we view children’s learning difficulties, the social construction of disability, the commercialization of special education, and related issues. The dominant view in the field of special education has been that disability is a problem of certain children, rather than an artifact that results from the general structure of schooling. Offering an alternative perspective, this book deconstructs mainstream special education ideologies and highlights the personal perspectives of students, families, and front-line professionals such as teachers and mental health personnel. It is particularly relevant for special education and disability studies graduate students and faculty, and for readers in general education, curriculum studies, instruction theory, and critical theory. October 2005: 248pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5528-9: US $79.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-5529-6: US $32.50

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Curriculum Studies

Educational Studies 2008

Studies in Curriculum Theory Edited by William F. Pinar

Curriculum in Abundance

Curriculum in a New Key

David W. Jardine, Sharon Friesen and Patricia Clifford, all at the University of Calgary, Canada

The C o llected W o rks o f Ted T. A o ki

International Handbook of Curriculum Research

Edited by William F. Pinar and Rita L. Irwin, both at the University of British Columbia, Canada

Edited by William F. Pinar, University of British Columbia, Canada

Ted T. Aoki, the most prominent curriculum scholar of his generation in Canada, has influenced numerous scholars around the world. C urriculum in a New Key brings together his work, over a 30-year span, gathered here under the themes of reconceptualizing curriculum; language, culture, and curriculum; and narrative. Aoki’s ouevre is utterly unique—a complex interdisciplinary configuration of phenomenology, post-structuralism, and multiculturalism that is both theoretically and pedagogicall sophisticated and speaks directly to teachers, practicing and prospective. This book is an invaluable resource for graduate students, professors, and researchers in curriculum studies, and for students, faculty, and scholars of education generally.

This is the first collection of reports on scholarly developments and school curriculum initiatives worldwide. Thirty-four essays on 28 nations, framed by four introductory chapters, provide a panoramic and, for several nations (on which there are multiple essays), an in-depth view of the state of curriculum studies globally. As a whole this comprehensive, precedent-setting volume contributes significantly to the internationalization of curriculum studies and the formation of a worldwide field.

“C urriculum in A bundance is both visionary and practical—a rare combination (and difficult to realize)...This text is a very distinguished contribution to curricular debates— well founded on hermeneutic traditions in education, inspirational in purpose and tone, and highly readable.” —Geoffrey Milburn, University of Western Ontario

This text sets forth the concept of curriculum as abundance and illustrate its pedagogical applications through specific examples of classroom practices, the work of specific children, and specific dilemmas, images, and curricular practices that arise in concrete classroom events. The detailed classroom examples and careful philosophical explorations illustrate the difference it makes in educational theory and classroom practice to think of the curriculum topics entrusted to teachers and students in schools as abundant. The central idea is that viewing what is available to teachers and students in classrooms as abundant, rather than scarce, makes available the unseen histories, language, images, and ideas in everyday classroom life—makes it possible to break open the flat, literal “ordinariness” of classroom events, makes their complex and contested meanings visible, understandable, and pedagogically useful. This view has a profound effect on classroom practice. C urriculum in A bundance addresses: curriculum and teaching topics such as mathematics, science, environmental education, social studies, language arts, and the arts curriculum; issues that arise from inviting student-teachers and practicing teachers into the idea of curriculum of abundance; the issue of information and communications technolgies in the classroom; and the philosophical underpinnings of constructivism and the dilemmas it poses to thinking about curriculum in abundance. This critically important text for undergraduates and master’s-level courses on curriculum methods, curriculum theory, teacher research, and philosophy of education speaks eloquently to students, teachers, teacher educators, and researchers across the field of education. March 2006: 336pp Pb: 978-0-8058-5601-9: US $34.50

July 2004: 224pp Hb: 978-0-8058-4741-3: US $125.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-4742-0: US $59.95

Expanding Curriculum Theory

It will serve usefully as the main text in courses devoted exclusively to the internationalization and globalization in curriculum studies, and as a supplemental text in general curriculum courses. For prospective and practicing teachers in the United States and elsewhere, it will contextualize national school reform efforts. As a library, personal, and pedagogical resource, this Handbook is an indispensable volume for curriculum studies scholars and students around the world. April 2003: 712pp Hb: 978-0-8058-3222-8: US $195.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-4535-8: US $85.00

Dis/po sitio ns and Lines o f Flight Edited by William M. Reynolds, Humboldt State University, US and Julie A. Webber, Illinois State University, US

Cultures of Curriculum

February 2004: 232pp Hb: 978-0-8058-4664-5: US $59.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-4665-2: US $34.50

Pamela Bolotin Joseph, University of WashingtonBothell, US, Stephanie Luste Bravmann, Seattle University, US, Mark A. Windschitl, University of Washington, US, Edward R. Mikel, Antioch University, US and Nancy Stewart Green, Emeritus, Northeastern Illinois University, US

What Is Curriculum Theory? William F. Pinar, University of British Columbia, Canada This primer for prospective and practicing teachers asks readeres to question the historical present and their relation to it, and in so doing, to construct their own understandings of what it means to teach, to study, to become “educated”. Curriculum theory is presented as the interdisciplinary study of educational experience and the mental concept of curriculum studies as a “complicated conversation” is explored. Within this framework, Pinar offers a compelling interpretation of contemporary “school reform” policies and practices, and an explication of curriculum theory’s power to bring forth understanding, resistance, and change. In this way the text offers both an understanding of the problem and a way to address it.

December 1999: 208pp Pb: 978-0-8058-2274-8: US $29.95

Comprehensive and ground-breaking, this book is indispensable for scholars and students worldwide across the fields of curriculum studies, foundations of education, educational policy, school reform, and teacher education. December 2003: 320pp Hb: 978-0-8058-4827-4: US $89.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-4828-1: US $39.95

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Educational Studies 2008

Leadership and Administration FORTHCOMING

Leadership and Administration FORTHCOMING

Human Resource Management in Education C o ntexts, Themes and Impact Bernard Barker and Justine Mercer, both at the University of Leicester, UK and Richard Bird, Legal Policy Consultant, UK How can human resource strategies contribute to the transformation of educational organization? The effects of globalization are evident in education policy around the world. Governments from the USA to China are driving their education systems to produce more skilled, more flexible, more adaptable employees. The pressure to perform is all-pervasive which means that present-day leaders have to go beyond the principles of humane and equitable management practice to look for competitive advantage through strategies that are likely to enhance motivation, build capacity for organizational improvement and produce better valueadded performance. This book examines the key issues surrounding human resource management in education today. Drawing on a wide variety of empirical research untertaken in different sectors and different countries, including the UK, USA, Hong Kong and the Middle East, the authors critically examine the normative, ‘best practice in people management’ paradigm that currently dominates the field. Finding that it falls short, they instead develop a coherent, consistent alternative perspective on HRM in education, taking full account of recent national and international trends. The relationship between leadership, the classroom and results are analyzed and case studies explore the extent to which performance is enhanced by distributed leadership and constrained by social, political and economic contexts. The impact of these ideas on the leadership and management of people in education is considered and recommendations are made to guide those who aim to adopt strategies that improve the quality of life in schools and colleges for all those who work in them. This book carefully blends advocacy with evidence to ensure that it is powerfully relevant to both practitioner and academic audiences in the UK and elsewhere.



School Leadership for Quality and Accountability

Strategic Marketing in Education

Mark Brundrett, University of Manchester, UK and Christopher Rhodes, University of Birmingham, UK

Nick Foskett, University of Southampton, UK

This book addresses the interconnected issues of quality and accountability within the education system and provides a coherent framework within which these can be analyzed. The key focus is on the role of leadership in developing strategies in relation to quality and accountability that will enhance learning outcomes. Drawing on research evidence and addressing the most recent quality frameworks that operate in educational contexts, the authors consider: • the underlying nature of the terms quality and accountability and the ways in which these terms have been employed both nationally and globally • the central themes within this global shift towards a culture of quality and accountability • the impact of these developments on educational organizations in all phases Selected Table of Contents: Section One: Quality and Accountability Considered: The ‘Quality Culture’ 1. Quality and Accountability: The Rise of a Global Phenomenon 2. The Concept of Quality 3. Local Management and Central Accountability: A Very Modern Problem 4. The Culture and Educational Organizations and the Goal of Quality Section Two: Themes in Quality and Accountability 5. Quality, Accountability and Permeability in Education 6. Managing Staff and Resources for Quality Education 7. Leadership, Quality and Accountability Section Three: The Impact of the Quality Culture: Quality, Accountability and Professionalism in Education 8. Leadership and External Inspection 9. Internal Evaluation and Review 10. Beyond Quality and Accountability Series: Leadership for Learning March 2008: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-37873-4: US $135.00 Pb: 978-0-415-37874-1: US $41.95

Series: Leadership for Learning June 2008: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-41280-3: US $135.00 Pb: 978-0-415-41279-7: US $41.95

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A n Integrated A ppro ach to Leadership Considering the nature of education markets, this book looks at the challenges these present for leaders at senior and middle management levels, and the approaches and strategies leaders need to lead schools and colleges effectively in challenging and turbulent environments. Divided into three sections on key concepts, themes, impacts and implications of marketing, the book covers: • autonomy and accountability • choice, competition, collaboration and cooperation • vision, strategy and strategic marketing • branding, identity and positioning • people and culture This book covers the vital issues in school leadership today, and will be an invaluable resource for head teachers, deputy heads and middle managers. Series: Leadership for Learning September 2008: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-37548-1: US $135.00 Pb: 978-0-415-37713-3: US $41.95


Distributed School Leadership Develo ping To mo rro w ’s Leaders Alma Harris, University of Warwick, UK Tomorrow’s schools will need new forms of leadership. The old hierarchical models of leadership simply do not fit any longer. We need to develop new leaders at all levels of the system if we are serious about sustaining improvement and change. This book is about developing young leaders in schools. It argues that we need to generate broad-based distributed leadership within, between and across schools to be certain of lasting change and improvement. The book focuses on the why, how and what of distributed leadership by offering a practical insight into what it looks like in schools. It argues that our new system leaders are already in schools and that the main challenge is to develop them and maximize their collective capacity to make a difference. Distributed School Leadership will also consider the leadership of networks and the new forms of partnership schools are engaged in. It will look at how lateral capacity is built and the part distributed leadership plays in generating leadership capacity between schools. The book will also consider how distributed leadership impacts upon learning and classroom level changes. Series: Leading School Transformation March 2008: 160pp Hb: 978-0-415-41957-4: US $120.00 Pb: 978-0-415-41958-1: US $31.95


Leadership and Administration

Raising the Stakes Fro m Impro vement to Transfo rmatio n in the Refo rm o f Scho o ls Brian J. Caldwell, University of Melbourne, Australia and Jim M. Spinks, All Across the Line, Australia “The most grounded and incisive treatment of the future of schooling you will ever find. Caldwell and Spinks show in clear and compelling terms how to raise the stakes for each and every student by putting the system to work on a new set of solutions. Brilliantly and specifically insightful and action oriented.” —Michael Fullan, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education

Raising the Stakes provides an understanding of the breadth of resources that are needed in order to provide a quality education to all students so that every individual, organization and institution can become a stakeholder in the enterprise. This comprehensive book draws on best practice in several countries to show how resources can be allocated to help achieve high expectations for all schools. The book demonstrates how schools can move from satisfaction with improvement to accepting the challenge to transform, identifying and exploring the need to align four kinds of resources: • Intellectual capital, which is the knowledge and skill of talented professionals • Social capital, being support in the form of cash, expertise and advocacy drawn from a range of individuals, organizations, agencies and institutions in the broader community • Financial capital, which must be carefully targeted to ensure that these resources are aligned and focused on priorities for learning • Spiritual capital, which can be viewed in a religious sense or in terms of the culture and values that bring coherence and unity to these endeavours The authors also outline a Student-Focused Planning Model with particular attention to the deployment of resources to support each student and embracing the notion of personalizing learning. Practitioners and researchers reading this book will be inspired to work more closely in networking knowledge about how ‘high quality’ and ‘high equity’ can be achieved. Raising the Stakes is essential reading for those with the responsibility of ensuring that resources are acquired and allocated to achieve the best possible outcomes for students.

Educational Studies 2008 FORTHCOMING


Developing School Leaders

Ethical Educational Leadership in Turbulent Times

A n Internatio nal Perspective Edited by Mark Brundrett, University of Manchester, UK and Megan Crawford, Institute of Education, University of London, UK

(Re)So lving Mo ral Dilemmas

School leaders around the world now have to be financial and resource mangaers, in addition to their traditional knowledge base. This book asks important questions about the provisions of leadership courses, including whether models of leadership studies derived from the business and industry are relevant to schools?

This text is designed to assist educational leaders in the ethical decision-making process. Theoretically, it is based on Gross’s Turbulence Theory and Shapiro and Stefkovich’s Multiple Ethical Paradigms of justice, critique, care, and the profession. The authors clearly explain these concepts and demonstrate how they can work together to assist leaders in dealing with challenging situations. Authentic ethical dilemmas are provided to be analyzed using Turbulence Theory and the Multiple Ethical Paradigms and to engage readers in applying these concepts to practice. The text is intended for use in a range of educational leadership, educational administration, and teacher education programs that prepare both educational leaders, administrators and lead teachers.

May 2008: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-43572-7: US $150.00


Inspirational – and Cautionary – Tales for Would-be School Leaders Gerald Haigh, Freelance Education Journalist, UK Based upon Gerald Haigh’s acclaimed weekly column in the T imes Educational Supplement, this book is a lively and refreshing look at what it takes to get on in teaching. Touching on everything from the legacy of Ted Wragg to the film Brokeback Mountain the author’s incise eye will give teachers wanting to get on in their career both inspiration and much to ponder upon. This reworked and thematically grouped collection will give leaders and aspiring leaders in education vital insights and observations into a wide range of topics including: • the recruitment game and building your career • dealing with people, making mistakes and learning • lessons from Heroes and Gurus—from Tom Peters and Peter Drucker to Lawrence of Arabia • supporting colleagues • getting a life beyond school Over recent years Haigh’s columns—Second Half, for experienced teachers, and Leading Q uestions, specifically for teachers in leadership positions—have developed a loyal following from readers. This book will delight and engage all who wish to move onwards and upwards in teaching. February 2008: 136pp Hb: 978-0-415-43790-5: US $120.00 Pb: 978-0-415-43792-9: US $28.95

Series: Leading School Transformation September 2007: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-44045-5: US $120.00 Pb: 978-0-415-44046-2: US $31.95

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Joan Poliner Shapiro and Steven Jay Gross, both at Temple University, US

October 2007: 264pp Pb: 978-0-8058-5600-2: US $40.00

2nd Editio n

Ethical Leadership and Decision Making in Education A pplying Theo retical Perspectives to C o mplex Dilemmas Joan Poliner Shapiro, Temple University, US and Jacqueline A. Stefkovich, Pennsylvania State University, US This text—developed in response to an increasing interest in ethics and a growing number of courses on this topic now offered in educational leadership programs—is designed to fill a gap in instructional materials for teaching the ethics componenet of the knowledge base that has been estabilshed for the profession. It is easily adaptable for a variety of uses with a wide range of audiences. It is equally valuable as a text for university courses related to the preparation of educational leaders and as a professional reference for aspiring and practicing administrators, teacher leaders, office personnel, and educational policy makers. Series: Topics in Educational Leadership June 2005: 200pp Pb: 978-0-8058-5022-2: US $24.50

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Educational Studies 2008

Charter School Outcomes Edited by Mark Berends and Matthew G. Springer, both at Vanderbilt University, US and Herbert J. Walberg, Stanford University, US Sponsored by the National Center on School Choice, a research consortium headed by Vanderbilt University, this volume examines the growth and outcomes of the charter school movement. Starting in 1992-93 when the nation’s first charter school was opened in Minneapolis, the movement has now spread to 40 states and the District of Columbia and by 2005-06 enrolled 1,040,536 students in 3,613 charter schools. The purpose of this volume is to help monitor this fastgrowing movement by compiling, organizing and making available some of the most rigorous and policyrelevant research on K-12 charter schools. Key features of this important new book include: • Expertise—The National Center on School Choice includes internationally known scholars from the following institutions: Harvard University, Brown University, Stanford University, Brookings Institution, National Bureau of Economic Research and Northwest Evaluation Association. • Cross-Disciplinary —The volume brings together material from related disciplines and methodologies that are associated with the individual and systemic effects of charter schools. • Coherent Structure—Each section begins with a lengthy introduction that summarizes the themes and major findings of that section. A summarizing chapter by Mark Schneider, the Commissioner of the National Center on Educational Statistics, concludes the book. This volume is appropriate for researchers, instructors and graduate students in education policy programs and in political science and economics, as well as inservice administrators, policy makers, and providers. August 2007: 224pp Hb: 978-0-8058-6221-8: US $125.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-6222-5: US $79.95

Leadership and Administration

Creating Leaders in the Classroom Ho w Teachers C an Develo p a New G eneratio n o f Leaders Hilarie Owen, Institute of Leadership, UK This book encourages the commitment of teachers and parents, in order to develop responsible, self reliant and knowledgeable young people with great leadership skills. Although the books main focus is on the development of the child and their leadership skills, it also has a subtle approach to the development of the teacher and parent. The book aims to: • examine the principles of leadership from the teachers perspective • look in to what leadership means to children and how they can be educated to be better leaders • explore and strengthen existing good practice in schools, developing what teachers do in the classroom and its impact on leadership In this book, Hilarie Owen shares her extensive knowledge and experience with teachers and parents alike, enabling them to develop leadership talent and pass these skills on to children of all ages. January 2007: 192pp Hb: 978-0-415-39996-8: US $145.00 Pb: 978-0-415-39995-1: US $34.95

Surviving and Succeeding in Senior School Management G etting In and G etting O n Paul Blum, Head of Islington Green School, UK This lively, practical account explores the vital aspects of the assistant or deputy headteacher’s role, which often means playing piggyin-the-middle to a variety of school stakeholders, including the headteacher, other senior managers, the teaching staff, parents and local authority advisors, governors and pupils. The author gives practical tips on how to organize yourself well when the pressure to perform multiple tasks simultaneously is high, such as how to lead and manage major strategic changes, do a good presentation to staff on a training day, and give a rogue pupil an effective telling-off. The book also covers how to apply for a senior management job and successfully get through the stringent written selection criteria and complex interview process.


Learner-Centered Leadership Research, Po licy, and Practice Edited by Arnold B. Danzig, Arizona State University, US, Kathryn M. Borman and Bruce A. Jones, University of South Florida, US and William F. Wright Northern Arizona University, US Many new approaches to school improvement are being proposed in the current climate of assessment and school accountability. This book explores one of these approaches, a new model of leadership training known as Learner-Centered Leadership (LCL). It is build around the fundamental idea that learning and learning communities are natural processes that, when properly harnessed, can lead to the highest levels of professional engagement and problem solving. Key features of this exciting approach to school leadership include the following: • Broad-based and Generative—The book’s narratives vividly illustrate the extraordinary ability of LCL to generate new approaches to leadership development. In this respect the volume contributes significantly to the field of school leadership and professional development by extending above and beyond a narrow focus on instructional leadership. • Practice Oriented—By creating communities that encourage conversation and analysis the new datadriven models of school improvement are more likely to be successfully implemented. Without analytical discourse, the process of interpreting school data and transforming it into practice would be largely lost. • Conceptually Appropriate—The realization that everyone within a school belongs to the same learning community minimizes status difference and encourages teamwork. The LCL administrator is much less likely to be authoritarian and poweroriented and much more likley to be transformative and student outcome focused. This book is appropriate for master’s level courses and certification seminars, and for in-service workshops dealing with school leadership. Series: Topics in Educational Leadership October 2006: 320pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5843-3: US $99.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-5844-0: US $39.95

Surviving and Succeeding in Senior School Management is a highly informative text for any aspiring subject leader or middle manager in the primary or secondary sector. October 2006: 160pp Hb: 978-0-415-39259-4: US $125.00 Pb: 978-0-415-39260-0: US $39.95

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Leadership and Administration

School Inspection & Self-Evaluation W o rking w ith the New Relatio nship John Macbeath, University of Cambridge, UK Written for headmasters and teachers, this forwardthinking book examines exactly what the relationship between inspection and selfevaluation means for schools and explores some of the underpinning issues, featuring examples of best practice from successful schools. It is full of useful advice on topics such as how schools can juggle ongoing self-evaluation with OFSTED’s expectations, how to use web sources to the best advantage and what can be learned from experience to lessen the anxiety in the relationship and make it more of a friendly and formative experience for all parties. Drawing on case studies from primary, secondary and special schools, this all-round overview is of immediate interest to practitioners while also offering students and aspiring heads and teachers a valuable source of detailed information about the processes of inspection and self-assessment. September 2006: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-39970-8: US $125.00 Pb: 978-0-415-39971-5: US $39.95

The Aesthetic Dimensions of Educational Administration & Leadership Edited by Eugenie Samier, Simon Fraser University, Canada and Richard Bates, Deakin University, Australia The question of aesthetics as a theoretical framework for thinking about modern leadership issues in educational settings is an emergent area of inquiry that is receiving considerable attention. There is a growing sense that the mechanistic approach to leadership, which has been widely encouraged over the last ten years, is sterile and that a more philosophical approach is now required. This approach is covered here, taking into account the importance of aesthetics on all aspects of the administrative and leadership world: the ways ideas and ideals are created, how their expression is conveyed, the impact they have on interpersonal relationships and the organizational environment that carries and reinforces them and the moral boundaries or limits that can be established or exceeded. While presenting a significant departure from conventional studies in the field, the international contributors reflect a continuity of thought on administrative and leadership authority, from the writings of Plato through to current theory.

Educational Studies 2008

Curriculum Leadership Development

Thinking About Schools

A G uide fo r A spiring Scho o l Leaders

Aimee Howley and Craig Howley, both at Ohio University, US

New Theo ries and Inno vative Practice

Carol A. Mullen, University of South Florida, US C urriculum Leadership Developmen is an up-todate, user-friendly textbook offering unique approaches to help readers understand the complexity of curriculum leadership. It is grounded in current and relevant theory, research, legislation, and application in the closely related areas of curriculum leadership, development, and scholarship. The text solidifies the concepts of curriculum and leadership in experiential learning contexts, and promotes democratic action and critical thinking. The author uses a descriptive, qualitative approach that integrates case study, data analysis, personal reflections, and lessons learned. Among the most important elements of the book are: • the inclusion of the voice and curricular experiences of the professional student who is a seasoned teacher or beginning administrator • detailed illustrations of practitioners’ experiences as curriculum makers and action researchers • an articulation of the links among curriculum development, constructivist curricula, and mentoring scaffolds • practical exercises to accompany case studies Graduate and advanced undergraduate students in education will find this textbook of value in their coursework, as will curriculum professionals who teach practicing teachers. August 2006: 296pp Pb: 978-0-8058-5931-7: US $29.95

This book has a deceptively simple mission: to prepare would-be school leaders to draw upon a variety of theoretical perspectives when thinking about schools and schooling. It shows how theories can function as cognitive tools to be mastered, carefully stored in one’s intellectual toolbox and used to interpret and resolve real world problems. Beneath this goals lies the belief that the most effective leaders are those who are able to construct their own well-grounded interpretations of events and their own responses to those events. Key features of this exciting text include: • Focus on Alternative Theories—The functionalist theoretical views that have dominated administrator preparation programs for the last half-century are reviewed early in the book and are shown to be inadequate to the task of understanding and coping within the complex realities of modern day schooling. The remainder of the book presents alternative views of schooling that, taken together, can be thought of as a theoretical repertoire from which to construct interpretations and solutions to everyday, real-world problems. • Focus on Diversity—Diversity is examined from a variety of viewpoints including a look at the cultural bases of leadership, comparative and international contexts, and gender and sexual orientation. • Illustrative Cases—Each chapter contains a case with an embedded dilemma similar to those that real-world administrators confront. While illustrating the particular theoretical view presented in the chapter, these cases are sufficently complex that they lend themselves to interpretation by any of the other theories considered in the book. This book is appropriate for graduate-level courses with titles such as Organizational Theory, Theory of School Leadership, or Introduction to Educational Administration. It might also be used as one of several texts in advanced courses on leadership theory. June 2006: 416pp Pb: 978-0-8058-5194-6: US $45.00

July 2006: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-36996-1: US $150.00


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Educational Studies 2008

Leadership and Administration

Qualitative Research


Qualitative Research New Foundations for Knowledge in Educational Administration, Policy, and Politics

Best Interests of the Student

Science and Sensatio nalism

Jacqueline A. Stefkovich, Pennsylvania State University, US

Edited by Douglas E. Mitchell, University of California at Riverside, US This book probes the intellectual foundations of scholarly inquiry into educational administration, policy, and politics. The question of whether and, if so, how, social science theories and methods contribute to an understanding of these issues is hotly debated today. If there really is a scientific basis for evaluation and improving educational administration, politics and policy? The contributors—all recognized scholars in the fields of educational organization, administration, policy and politics—tackle the question of epistemology directly, addressing anew what rules of scholarly conduct should guide research and practice in the field, and how those rules of inquiry should guide the training of scholars and education professionals. This volume is directed to research scholars, faculty, graduate students, and policy agency staffers in the field of educational policy, politics, and administration; educational evaluation; and educational foundations. It is well suited as a text for graduate courses in these areas. June 2006: 280pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5432-9: US $99.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-5433-6: US $34.50

Managing to Be Different Educatio nal Leadership as C ritical Practice Ron Scapp, College of Mount Saint Vincent, US Ron Scapp moves teaching back to the center of scholarship on educational administration, asking how school leaders might connect their work more integrally with the ideals and practices of critical pedagogy.

A pplying Ethical C o nstructs to Legal C ases in Educatio n

“Only a few scholars are doing substantive work in this exciting field of inquiry, and Stefkovich ranks among the best.” —Paul T. Begley, Pennsylvania State University

“This original work [is] a major scholarly contribution to the field of educational leadership and policy...It is a pleasure to read. In a practical sense it fills a huge voice in the materials available to the serious graduate student interested in understanding and using the intersection of ethics and the law.” —Patricia First, University of Arizona

“Enlightening, readable, and well-organized...The discussion of the ethical models is clear and will be meaningful to readers who have little background in this area.” —Martha McCarthy, Indiana University

This text for educational leadership courses presents a theoretical model based on the “best interests of the student” for examining legal and ethical dimensions of court cases. It provides an examination of both law and ethics pertinent to all educators but aimed specifically at school leaders; introduces an ethical decision-making model that focuses on strategies for determining what actions are in the “best interest of the student”; and demonstrates the application of this theoretical model to practical, authentic situations arising from court decisions. This book is designed to prepare school leaders to meet licensing requirements for school administrators as set forth by the Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium. It is specifically intended for upperundergraduate and master’s level courses in educational administration, school leadership, and supervision programs, as well as courses in educational foundations and educational policy. May 2006: 200pp Pb: 978-0-8058-5183-0: US $27.50

April 2006: 168pp Hb: 978-0-415-94862-3: US $125.00 Pb: 978-0-415-94863-0: US $29.95


Structure and Agency in the Neoliberal University Edited by Joyce E. Canaan, University of Central England, UK and Wesley Shumar, Drexel University, UK This volume considers how current transitions in postsecondary education are impacting Higher Education institutions and subjects in a number of Northern nations as well as how these transitions are indicative of the wider shift from the welfare to the market state. The university is now considered a key site for training and wealth generation in the so-called ‘knowledge economy’ that operates in a globalizing, high tech world. Further, these transitions are underpinned by neo-liberal economic ideas that assume that the public sector is a drag on the economy unless it is subject to the rules, regulations and assumptions that govern the private sector. This excellent volume—an important contribution to education as well as economics and politics—furthers our understandings of universities as marketizable entities as part of the globalized economy. Series: Routledge Research in Education April 2008: 300pp Hb: 978-0-415-95672-7: US $95.00


Political Approaches to Educational Administration and Leadership Edited by Eugenie Samier with Adam G. Stanley, both at Simon Fraser University, Canada This collection explores the political philosophy and theory foundations for educational administration and leadership as they influence our understanding, analysis and practice in the field covering a broad range of topics, such as values, ethics, governance, policy, and power. The volume is organized into three sections: the first discusses the work of such writers as Machiavelli, Kant and Hegel, Hayek, Habermas, and Bourdieu as their theories apply to the educational context; the second examines various types of political analyses, such as the politics of the policy process, minority politics, civil society, micro-politics, community politics, and cosmopolitan theory; and the third addresses current topical issues of a political nature including serving the state economic agenda, the democratization of educational organizations, the neoconservative agenda, civil disobedience, the politics of transition states, globalization, and the role of international educational organizations. This volume is an excellent addition to fields in the politics of education, educational leadership, organizational studies, and educational administration theory. Series: Routledge Research in Education March 2008: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-96207-0: US $95.00

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Qualitative Research


Improving Teacher Education through Action Research Ming-Fai Hui and David Grossman, both at Hong Kong Institute of Education, China There has been a dearth of studies on teacher educators using action research to improve their own practice. Improving T eacher Education through A ction Research is the first systematic study of a group of teachers examining and enhancing their own practice through the inquiry process of action research. This book presents a broad overview of a variety of methodologies that can be used to improve teacher preparation and professional development programs. It sheds light on the uses of action research across both programs types and subjects and provides a model for quality improvement that can be pursued in a variety of settings. Series: Routledge Research in Education November 2007: 176pp Hb: 978-0-415-95629-1: US $95.00

Spatial Theories of Education Po licy and G eo graphy Matters Edited by Kalervo Gulson, Charles Stuart University, Australia and Colin Symes, Macquarie University, Australia This collection of original work, within the sociology of education, draws on the ‘spatial turn’ in contemporary social theory. The premise of this book is that drawing on theories of space allows for a more sophisticated understanding of the competing rationalities underlying educational policy change, social inequality and cultural practices. The contributors to this book work a spatial dimension into the consideration of educational phenomena and illustrate its explanatory potential in a range of domains: urban renewal, globalization, race, markets and school choice, suburbanization, regional and rural settings, and youth and student culture. Series: Routledge Research in Education June 2007: 304pp Hb: 978-0-415-40395-5: US $120.00

Educational Studies 2008 NEW

Radical Research Designing, develo ping and w riting research to make a difference Jill Schostak, University of East Anglia, UK and John Schostak, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK Radical Research explores the view that research is not a neutral tool to be employed without bias in the search for truth. Rather the radical roots of research are to be seen in the focus on freedom and emancipation from blind allegiance to tradition, ‘common sense’, religion, or powerful individuals and organizations. This book introduces and draws upon leading contemporary debates and data gathered from a diversity of funded projects in health, education, police training, youth and community, school, business, and the use of information technology. It presents a radical view of research in a way that enables both beginner and the experienced professional researcher to explore its approaches in the formation of their own views and practices. Radical Reasearch progressively leads the reader from discussions of case studies to critical explorations of the philosophical and methodological concepts, theories and arguments that are central to contemporary debates. In essence, this book shows how to design, develop and write radical research under conditions where ‘normal’ research rules apply and it offers a ground-breaking and proven alternative to traditional research techniques. Selected Table of Contents: 1. Bodies in Chains 2. Unchaining, Deconstruction and the Intertextual 3. Fragmenting and Re-Framing Bodies 4. Incarnating /Incorporating Data as Understanding and Explanation 5. Events of Transposition 6. Power, Rights and the Real 7. (Il)legitimate Knowledge(s): Wrongs and Injuries 8. Provocative Identities, Radical Edges: Difference, Diversity and the Same 9. Universalising the Singular(s): Designing the Radical Game 10. W/ri(gh)ting Fashions November 2007: 304pp Hb: 978-0-415-39927-2: US $145.00 Pb: 978-0-415-39928-9: US $42.95

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Video Research in the Learning Sciences Edited by Ricki Goldman, New York University, US, Roy Pea and Brigid Barron, Stanford University, US and Sharon J. Derry, University of Wisconsin-Madison, US V ideo Research in the Learning Sciences is a comprehensive exploration of key theoretical, methodological, and technological advances concerning uses of digital video-as-data in the learning sciences as a way of knowing about learning, teaching, and educational processes. The aim of the contributors, a community of scholars using video in their own work, is to help usher in video scholarship and supportive technologies, and to mentor video scholars, so that video research will meet its maximum potential to contribute to the growing knowledge base about teaching and learning. This volume contributes deeply to both the science of learning through in-depth video studies of human interaction in learning environments—whether classrooms or other contexts—and to the uses of video for creating descriptive, explanatory, or expository accounts of learning and teaching. It is designed around four themes—each with a cornerstone chapter that introduces and synthesizes the cluster of chapters related to it: • theoretical frameworks for video research • video research on peer, family, and informal learning • video research on classroom and teacher learning • video collaboratories and technological futures This book is intended for researchers, university faculty, teacher educators, and graduate students in education, and for anyone interested in how knowledge is expanded using video-based technologies for inquiries about learning and teaching. Visit the Web site affiliated with this book: June 2007: 544pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5359-9: US $180.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-5360-5: US $59.95

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Qualitative Research


Inquiry and Pedagogy Across Diverse Contexts Edited by Kathleen B. deMarrais NEW

Arts-Based Research in Education Fo undatio ns fo r Practice Edited by Melissa Cahnman-Taylor and Richard Siegesmund, both at the University of Georgia, US This text introduces readers to definitions and examples of arts-based educational research, presents tensions and questions in the field, and provides exercises for practice. It weaves together critical essays about arts-based research in the literary, visual, and performing arts with examples of artistic products of arts-based research that illuminate by example. Each artistic example is accompanied by a scholARTist’s statement that includes reflection on how the work of art relates to the scholar’s research interests and practices. This book: • helps the reader understand what arts-based research is by tracing the history of the field and providing examples • includes end-of-chapter questions to engage students in practicing arts-based inquiry and to generate class discussions about the material • features a diverse range of contributors, who are very established scholars in educational and social science research as well as those new to the field • represents a variety of voices, including scholars of color, queer and straight orientations, different ages, experiences and nationalities • presents beautiful illustrations of visual art, databased poems, plays, short stories, and musical scores First-of its kind, this volume is intended as a text for arts-based inquiry, qualitative research methods in education, and related courses, and as a resource for faculty, doctoral students, and scholars across the field of social science research methods. December 2007: 224pp Hb: 978-0-8058-6379-6: US $125.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-6380-2: US $38.95

Foundations for Research Metho ds o f Inquiry in Educatio n and the So cial Sciences Edited by Kathleen B. deMarrais, University of Georgia, US and Stephen D. Lapan, Northern Arizona University, US September 2003: 448pp Pb: 978-0-8058-3650-9: US $52.50

Teachers as Collaborative Partners W o rking W ith Diverse Families and C o mmunities Sandra J. Winn Tutwiler, Washburn University of Topeka, US This book assists future and in-service teachers in developing a research-based framework for understanding the dynamics of school, family, and community relations. It provides foundational knowledge important for understanding families and communities, while exploring conditions that influence family-school-community interactions. The text is designed to engage the critical reflective capability of teachers in ways that will support their ability to work with diverse families in a variety of teaching contexts. The goals of this text are supported by pedagogical tools that provide opportunities for readers to make connections between information in each chapter and realistic family-community-school situations. While the book is alligned with standards and field experiences that are a part of pre-service teacher education programs, the content and exercises are equally helpful for in-service teachers wanting to document skills and knowledge in this area as required for National Board Certification. May 2005: 288pp Pb: 978-0-8058-3900-5: US $34.50

Geographies of Girlhood Identities In-betw een Edited by Pamela J. Bettis, Washington State University, US and Natalie G. Adams, University of Alabama, US

Advocacy Research in Literacy Education Seeking Higher G ro und Meredith Rogers Cherland, University of Regina, Canada and Helen Harper, University of Nevada-Las Vegas, US This book reviews what the authors terms advocacy research in literacy education-research that explicitly addresses issues of social justice, equity, and democracy with the distinct purpose of social transformation. It surveys what educational researchers who are working for social justice have accomplished, describes current challenges, and outlines future possibilities. As a whole, this book is a response to the current popular understandings of literacy education that limit the efficacy of advocacy work in these troubled times—understandings that support the proliferation of standardized testing, teacher testing, and scripted lessons and programs, along with the privileging of particular forms of research. Intended for those who work or soon will work in literacy education—students, teacher educators, researchers, and practitioners—this book represents the authors’ belief that it is time for advocacy workers to strengthen and intensify their efforts to promote the most principled, effective literacy education for democratic life. It is their hope that this book will contribute to such an effort. November 2006: 360pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5056-7: US $89.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-5057-4: US $29.95

This book explores how adolescent girls come to understand themselves as female in this culture, particularly during a time when they are learning what it means to be a woman and their identities are inbetween that of child and adult, girl and woman. It illuminates the everyday realities of adolescent girls and the real issues that concern them, rather than what adult researchers think is important to adolescent girls. The contributing authors take seriously what girls have to say about themsleves and the places and discursive spaces that they inhabit daily. Rather than focusing on girls in the classroom, the book explores adolescent female identity in a myriad of kid-defining spaces both in-between the formal design of schooling and outside its purview—from bedrooms to school hallways to the Internet to discourses of cheerleading, race, sexuality, and ablebodiness. The focus of the book on the fluidity of femininity highlights the importance of race, class, sexual orientation, and other salient features of personal identity in discussions of how girls construct gendered identities in different ways. This book challenges scholars, professionals, and students concerned with gender issus to take seriously the everyday concerns of adolescent girls. It is recommended as a text for education, sociology, and women’s studies courses that address the issues above. February 2005: 624pp Hb: 978-0-8058-4673-7: US $99.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-4674-4: US $34.50

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Qualitative Research

Innovations in Educational Ethnography Theo ries, Metho ds, and Results Edited by George Spindler, Stanford University, US and Lorie Hammond, California State University, US This volume focuses on and exemplifies how ethnography—a research tool devoted to looking at human interaction as a cultural process rather than individual psychology—can shed light on educational processes framed by the complex, internationalized societies in which we live today. Each contribution not only takes the reader on a thoughtful and enlightening journey, but raises issues that are important to both educators and ethnographers. Innovations in Educational Ethnography is a product of both continuity and change. It presents current writing from mentors in the field of ethnography and education, of their students, and of educators engaged in cultural studies of their work. In many ways it provides a fresh, new vistas on the old questions that have always guided ethnographic research, and can be used as a survey both of what ethnography has been and what it is becoming. This book is the work of many hands, and provides excellent examples of trends in both basic and applied ethnography of education. These two kinds of work autment and reinforce each other, and also represent important current research directions. No one philosophy guides the contributions to this volume, nor were they chosen as exemplary of a particular approach, yet foundational understandings and principles of ethnography shine through the work, in both predicatable and unexpected ways.

Educational Studies 2008

Funds of Knowledge Theo rizing Practices in Ho useho lds, C o mmunities, and C lassro o ms Edited by Norma Gonzalez, University of Utah, US, Luis C. Moll, University of Arizona, US and Cathy Amanti, Tucson Unified School District, US The concept of “funds of knowledge” is based on a simple premise: people are competent and have knowledge, and their life experiences have given them that knowledge. The claim in this book is that first-hand research experiences with families allow one to document this competence and knowledge, and that such engagement provides many possibilities for positive pedagogical actions. Drawing from both Vygotskian and neo-sociocultural perspectives in designing a methodology that views the everyday practices of language and action as constructing knowledge, the funds of knowledge approach facilitates a systematic and powerful way to represent communities in terms of the resources they possess and how to harness them for classroom teaching. Funds of Knowledge is a critically important volume for all teachers and teachers-to-be, and for researchers and graduate students of language, culture, and education. May 2005: 320pp Hb: 978-0-8058-4917-2: US $99.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-4918-9: US $37.50

2nd Editio n

Writing the Qualitative Dissertation Understanding by Do ing Judith M. Meloy, Castleton State College, US July 2001: 248pp Hb: 978-0-8058-3288-4: US $65.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-3289-1: US $27.50

March 2006: 416pp Hb: 978-0-8058-4530-3: US $99.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-4531-0: US $32.50

Inside Stories Q ualitative Research Reflectio ns Edited by Kathleen B. deMarrais, University of Georgia, US June 1998: 400pp Pb: 978-0-8058-8038-0: US $29.95

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Educational Studies 2008

Index A Abu El-Haj, Thea Renda .............................................................19 Adams, Leah D. ...............................................................................17 Adams, Maurianne..........................................................................15 Adams, Natalie G. ..........................................................................31

Advocacy Research in Literacy Education .............................31 Aesthetic Dimensions of Educational Administration & Leadership, The..............................................................................28 Alexander, Bryant Keith .................................................................7 Allard, Andrea C. ............................................................................12 Amanti, Cathy...................................................................................32

American Dream and the Power of Wealth, The..............13 Anderson, Gary L. .............................................................................7 Anderson, John.................................................................................11 Anderson, Ronald D........................................................................5 Anyon, Jean ........................................................................................14

Index Black Communications and Learning to Read ....................14

Cultural Education-Cultural Sustainability ..............................14

Black Education .................................................................................20

Culturally Contested Literacies ....................................................10

Blum, Paul............................................................................................27

Culture in School Learning.............................................................14

Boden, Rebecca..................................................................................5

Cultures of Curriculum ....................................................................24

Bohrnstedt, George W. ..............................................................11

Curriculum and Imagination .........................................................22

Books, Sue .............................................................................................3

Curriculum Development in the Postmodern Era ..............22

Borman, Kathryn M................................................................11, 27

Curriculum in a New Key ..............................................................24

Boyles, Deron R. ................................................................................7

Curriculum in Abundance ..............................................................24

Brantlinger, Ellen ..............................................................................23

Curriculum Leadership Development ......................................28

Bravmann, Stephanie Luste.......................................................24

Curriculum Studies Reader, The .................................................22

Brett, Arlene .........................................................................................7

Bridging Cultures................................................................................21 Bridging Cultures Between Home and School .....................21

Davis, Astrid..........................................................................................4 Deem, Rosemary...............................................................................5

Brisk, MaríÌa Estela ..........................................................................11

deMarrais, Kathleen B...........................................................31, 32

Brundrett, Mark........................................................................25, 26

DePree, Julie ......................................................................................18

Building Communities of Learners .............................................21

Derry, Sharon J.................................................................................30

Butin, Dan W.......................................................................................3

Developing Literacy in Second-Language Learners ...........16


Arnot, Madeleine ...............................................................................8

Cahnmann-Taylor, Melisa .........................................................31

Arts-Based Research in Education ............................................31

Caldwell, Brian J. ..............................................................................26

August, Diane ...........................................................................15, 16

Cammarota, Julio ..............................................................................9

Austin, Roger.....................................................................................11

Canaan, Joyce E................................................................................29 Celed¢n-Pattichis, Sylvia ..............................................................18 Chapman, Thandeka K. ..............................................................16

Ball, Stephen .....................................................................................12 Banks, James A..................................................................................18 Barker, Bernard ................................................................................25 Barron, Brigid.....................................................................................30 Barrow, Robin......................................................................................6 Barton, Keith C. .............................................................................5, 7 Barton, Len .........................................................................................11 Bates, Richard....................................................................................28 Bekerman, Zvi .................................................................................14 Bell, Lee Anne ..........................................................................15, 19 Benham, Maenette K.P-Ah Nee ..........................................1, 4 Berends, Mark ...................................................................................27 Berry, J.W. ...........................................................................................13

Best Interests of the Student .......................................................29 Bettis, Pamela J. ................................................................................31

Beyond Grammar .............................................................................20 Beyond Resistance! Youth Activism and Community Change .................................................................................................9 Bird, Richard.......................................................................................25

Black American Students in An Affluent Suburb ...................3

Danzig, Arnold B. ............................................................................27

Brinkerhoff, Jonathan.....................................................................18

Archer, Louise...................................................................................17



Bridging Cultures in Early Care and Education ...................21

Appelbaum, Peter...........................................................................23

Autio, Tero.........................................................................................23


Charter School Outcomes..............................................................27 Cherland, Meredith Rogers.......................................................31

Children’s Books for Grown-Up Teachers ..............................23 Chiu, Timothy ...................................................................................20

Civic Education for Diverse Citizens in Global Times .......10

Developing Reading and Writing in Second-Language Learners .............................................................................................15 Developing School Leaders ...........................................................26 Dimitriadis, Greg...........................................................................6, 9

Discourse of Character Education, The .....................................7 Distributed School Leadership .....................................................25 Dixson, Adrienne D. .....................................................................18

Doing History .........................................................................................7 Doing Multicultural Education for Achievement and Equity ........................................................................................17 Dolby, Nadine .....................................................................................9 Donnelly, Michele..............................................................................9 Duckworth, Kathryn.........................................................................8 Dwyer, Carol Anne .......................................................................12

Classroom Authority............................................................................6 Clifford, Patricia................................................................................24 Cocking, Rodney R. .......................................................................21 Cole, Mike...........................................................................................13

Computers, Curriculum, and Cultural Change ........................7 Crawford, Megan ............................................................................26

Creating Leaders in the Classroom...........................................27 Critical Literacy and Urban Youth .............................................20 Critical Essays on Major Curriculum Theorists .....................22 Critical Race Counterstories along the Chicana/Chicano Educational Pipeline ....................................................................19

E Early Sociology of Education ........................................................13 Edelsky, Carole.................................................................................20

Educating the Gendered Citizen...................................................8 Education and Social Change ........................................................7 Education and Society.....................................................................11 Education and the Family ................................................................8 Education Heritage (series)..........................................................12 Education Law.......................................................................................7

Critical Race Theory in Education..............................................18

Education plc ......................................................................................12

Critical Social Issues in American Education ...........................3

Education Studies ................................................................................7

Critical Social Thought (series) ....................................................14

Education, Equality and Human Rights..................................13

Critical Youth Studies (series) .........................................................9

Education, Philosophy and the Ethical Environment ...........8

Cross-Cultural Roots of Minority Child Development .......21

Educational Psychology Handbook (series) .............................5

Cross-Cultural Studies in Curriculum.........................................23

Elusive Justice ......................................................................................19

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English-Only Instruction and Immigrant Students in Secondary Schools.........................................................................18

Educational Studies 2008 Gunderson, Lee ...............................................................................18


Gustavson, Leif....................................................................................9

Jardine, David W.............................................................................24

Eppert, Claudia.................................................................................23

Johnson, Heather Beth.................................................................13

Epstein, Debbie...................................................................................5

E-schooling ...........................................................................................11 Ethical Educational Leadership in Turbulent Times ..........26 Ethical Leadership and Decision Making in Education ...26

Johnson, Helen L................................................................................5

H Haigh, Gerald ....................................................................................26 Hammond, Lorie.............................................................................32

Evans, Roy ...........................................................................................12

Handbook for Achieving Gender Equity Through Education .......................................................................12

Expanding Curriculum Theory .....................................................24

Handbook of Moral and Character Education ......................5

Jones, Bruce A. .................................................................................27 Joseph, Pamela Bolotin ................................................................24

K Kamberelis, George ..........................................................................6

Harmon, Mary R..............................................................................20

Kendall, Frances E. ..........................................................................19


Harper, Helen...................................................................................31

King, Joyce E.......................................................................................20

Feinstein, Leon.....................................................................................8

Harris, Alma .......................................................................................25

Kirova, Anna.......................................................................................17

Fine, Michelle........................................................................................9

Harris, Anita..........................................................................................9

Kitchen, Richard S...........................................................................18

Flinders, David ..................................................................................22

Haydon, Graham................................................................................8

Klein, Susan.........................................................................................12

Foskett, Nick......................................................................................25

Hemmings, Annette B.....................................................................6

Kliebard, Herbert M. .....................................................................22

Foundations and Futures of Education (series)......................8

History of Education Society....................................................11

Knowledge and Power in the Global Economy......................1

Foundations for Research ..............................................................31

History of Multicultural Education, 6 Volume Set ..............16

Kopelowitz, Ezra ..............................................................................14

Fox, Lynn H........................................................................................12

History, Sociology and Education ...............................................12

Kramarae, Cheris.............................................................................12

Fox, Madeline....................................................................................19

Holgate, Helen .................................................................................12

Francis, Becky ....................................................................................17

Hollins, Etta R....................................................................................14

Friesen, Sharon.................................................................................24

How Educational Ideologies Are Shaping Global Society ...................................................................................................3

Funds of Knowledge.........................................................................32

Howard, Adam ................................................................................11 Howley, Aimee ................................................................................28

G Gabbard, David A. ............................................................................1 Gallegos, Bernardo............................................................................7

Howley, Craig ...................................................................................28 Hui, Ming-Fai......................................................................................30

Human Resource Management in Education.....................25

L Language, Culture, and Community in Teacher Education..........................................................................................15 Language, Culture, and Teaching ..............................................20 Language, Culture, and Teaching (series)..............................20 Language, Literacy, and Power in Schooling ............................7 Lapan, Stephen D. ..........................................................................31

Gender in the Classroom...............................................................18

Latino Education................................................................................21

Gender, Schooling and Global Social Justice ............................8

Leadership for Learning (series) .................................................25

Geographies of Girlhood ................................................................31 Ghaill, Mairtin Mac An ....................................................................8 Giardina, Michael................................................................................9 Giarelli, James M. .............................................................................10 Gingell, John ..........................................................................................4 Ginwright, Shawn .............................................................................9

Global Migration and Education ................................................17


Leading School Transformation (series) ..........................25, 26

Igoa, Cristina ......................................................................................21

Learner-Centered Leadership ......................................................27

Imber, Michael .....................................................................................7

Learning from the Margins ...........................................................12

Immigrant Youth in Cultural Transition ...................................13

Learning Privilege...............................................................................11

Improving Teacher Education through Action Research............................................................................................30

Learning, Teaching, and Community...........................................7

Inclusive Pedagogy for English Language Learners............15

Levstik, Linda...................................................................................5, 7 Li, Guofang..........................................................................................10

Goldman, Ricki .................................................................................30

Indigenous Educational Models for Contemporary Practice .................................................................................................1

Goldstein, Tara.................................................................................20

Inner World of the Immigrant Child, The ...............................21

Gonzalez, Norma............................................................................32

Innovations in Educational Ethnography ................................32

Gonzalez-Mena, Janet...................................................................21

M Macbeath, John.................................................................................28

Grant, Carl A.............................................................................16, 17

Inquiry and Pedagogy Across Diverse Contexts (series)................................................................................................31

Grayson, Dolores A. .....................................................................12

Inside Stories ........................................................................................32

Green, Nancy Stewart .................................................................24

Inspirational — and Cautionary — Tales for Would-be School Leaders ...............................................................................26

Marx, Sherry.......................................................................................19

International Handbook of Curriculum Research ...............24

Mathematics Education at Highly Effective Schools That Serve the Poor .....................................................................18

Greenfield, Patricia M. ..................................................................21 Griffin, Pat ..........................................................................................15 Gross, Steven Jay.............................................................................26 Grossman, David.............................................................................30 Gruenewald, David A. ....................................................................4 Gulson, Kalervo................................................................................30

Intersection of Cultures, The............................................................1 Introduction to Philosophy of Education, An ............................6 Invisible Children in the Society and Its Schools .....................3 Irani, Kayhan .......................................................................................19 Irwin, Rita L.........................................................................................24

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Losing Heart ...........................................................................................6

Making of Sociology (series).........................................................13 Managing to Be Different .............................................................29

McCaleb, Sudia Paloma...............................................................21 McCarty, Teresa L. ......................................................................4, 7 McCloskey, Gary N. .........................................................................7 McKernan, James .............................................................................22 McLeod, Julie .....................................................................................12

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Meier, Terry .......................................................................................14

Political Agendas for Education .....................................................3

School Inspection & Self-Evaluation..........................................28

Meloy, Judith M. ...............................................................................32

Political Approaches to Educational Administration and Leadership ..............................................................................29

School Leadership for Quality and Accountability ..............25

Mercer, Justine..................................................................................25 Migliacci, Naomi...............................................................................15 Mikel, Edward R...............................................................................24

Minority Status, Oppositional Culture and Schooling...........1 Mitchell, Douglas E.........................................................................29 Moll, Luis C.........................................................................................32

Pollard, Diane S................................................................................12 Pon, Gordon......................................................................................20 Provenzo, Jr., Eugene F. ..................................................................7 Purpel, David E....................................................................................3 Quiroz, Blanca ..................................................................................21

Schooling and the Politics of Disaster ......................................11 Schooling, Society and Curriculum ................................................8 Schools or Markets? ............................................................................7 Schostak, Jill ........................................................................................30 Schostak, John...................................................................................30 Scott, David........................................................................................22 Shanahan, Timothy ...............................................................15, 16

Moore, Alex..........................................................................................8 Morrell, Ernest ..................................................................................20


Shapiro, H. Svi ................................................................................3, 6

Mullen, Carol A................................................................................28

Race, Culture, and Education ......................................................18

Shapiro, Joan Poliner.....................................................................26

Murrell, Jr., Peter C. .......................................................................16

Race, Culture, and Schooling........................................................16

Shumar, Wesley...............................................................................29

Radical Possibilities ...........................................................................14

Sidhu, Ravinder Kaur........................................................................3

Radical Research ...............................................................................30

Siegesmund, Richard .....................................................................31

Raising the Stakes.............................................................................26

Silber, Ellen S. ....................................................................................18

Reading Comprehension Research and Testing in the U.S. .................................................................................................4

Slattery, Patrick.................................................................................22

N Narvaez, Darcia ..................................................................................5

Negotiating Critical Literacies With Young Children .........20 Nespor, Jan ......................................................................................4, 6

New Foundations for Knowledge in Educational Administration, Policy, and Politics ........................................29 New Paradigm for Global School Systems, A..........................2 Next Wave Cultures...........................................................................9

Readings for Bridging Cultures ....................................................21 Reagan, Timothy G...........................................................................3

Religion and Teaching ........................................................................5 Renaissance of American Indian Higher Education, The ..4

Sleeter, Christine E.........................................................................17 Smagorinsky, Peter............................................................................7 Smith, Gregory A. ............................................................................4

Social Studies for the Twenty-first Century ...............................5

Researching History Education ......................................................5

Sociocultural, Political, and Historical Studies in Education (series)............................................................1, 2, 3, 4

Revealing the Invisible .....................................................................19

Sociology of Education ....................................................................10

No Child Left Behind and the Reduction of the Achievement Gap .........................................................................11

Revolutionizing Education ................................................................9

Solinger, Rickie..................................................................................19

Reynolds, William M. ....................................................................24

Spatial Theories of Education......................................................30

Noguera, Pedro..................................................................................9

Rhodes, Christopher.....................................................................25

Spindler, George .............................................................................32

Non-Western Educational Traditions .........................................3

Richardson, Barbara .....................................................................12

Spinks, Jim M......................................................................................26

Nucci, Larry...........................................................................................5

Rivera, Melissa...................................................................................21

Spring, Joel .............................................................................1, 2, 3, 4

Rizvi, Fazal.........................................................................................5, 9

Springer, Matthew G.....................................................................27

Rothstein-Fisch, Carrie.................................................................21

Stanley, Adam G. ............................................................................29

O’Day, Jennifer A............................................................................11

Rousseau, Celia K............................................................................18

Stefkovich, Jacqueline A. .....................................................26, 29

Ogbu, John U..................................................................................1, 3

Routledge Key Guides (series) .......................................................4

Stein, Wayne J. ....................................................................................4

Oliver, Eileen I...................................................................................14

Routledge Research in Education (series) .....................29, 30

Strategic Marketing in Education ..............................................25

Owen, Hilarie....................................................................................27

RoutledgeFalmer Reader in Gender & Education, The ......8

Structure and Agency in the Neoliberal University ............29

RoutledgeFalmer Readers in Education (series) ....................8 Rubin, Beth C....................................................................................10

Struggle for the American Curriculum, 1893-1958, The ...........................................................................22

Rury, John L...........................................................................................7

Studies in Curriculum Theory (series)...............................23, 24

Rutgers Invitational Symposium on Education (series) ....10

Subjectivity, Curriculum, and Society.........................................23

Ngan, Judith........................................................................................20 Nieto, Sonia .......................................................................................20


P/Q Pace, Judith L........................................................................................6

Pathways To Success in School ...................................................14

Surviving and Succeeding in Senior School Management ..................................................................................27

Pea, Roy................................................................................................30 Pease-Alvarez, Lucinda ...................................................................7


Pedagogies of Globalization ............................................................2

Sabates, Ricardo .................................................................................8

Pedraza, Pedro .................................................................................21

Sadker, David ....................................................................................18

Performance Theories in Education.............................................7

Sadovnik, Alan R. ....................................................................10, 11

Philosophy of Education....................................................................4

Saltman, Kenneth J..........................................................................11

Phinney, Jean S..................................................................................13

Salz, Arthur............................................................................................5

Pinar, William F........................................................................23, 24

Sam, David L......................................................................................13

Place to Be Navajo, A........................................................................4

Samier, Eugenie........................................................................28, 29

Place-Based Education in the Global Age................................4

Scapp, Ron..........................................................................................29

Symes, Colin ......................................................................................30

T Tangled Up in School .........................................................................4 Taxel, Joel...............................................................................................7

Teachers as Collaborative Partners...........................................31 Teacher’s Guide To Education Law, A.......................................7 Teaching and Learning in a Multilingual School..................20 Teaching for Diversity and Social Justice.................................15

Schecter, Sandra R............................................................................7

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Educational Studies 2008

Teaching History for the Common Good..................................7

World Yearbook of Education (series) .......................................5

Teaching Social Foundations of Education ...............................3

Wright, Susan.......................................................................................5

Teaching/Learning Social Justice (series) ................................19

Wright, William F............................................................................28

Technology and the Politics of Instruction.................................6

Writing the Qualitative Dissertation .........................................32

Teenage Pregnancy and Parenthood .......................................12

Yosso, Tara.........................................................................................19

Telling Stories to Change the World.........................................19

Youth Culture and Sport ...................................................................9

Theory for Education ..........................................................................6

Youth Learning On Their Own Terms .........................................9

theory4 (series) .....................................................................................6

Youth Moves ..........................................................................................9

Thinking About Schools ...................................................................28

Yuen, Francis......................................................................................12

Thompson, Kenneth......................................................................13

Zepeda, Marlene.............................................................................21

Thornton, Stephen.........................................................................22

Zevin, Jack ..............................................................................................5

Topics in Educational Leadership (series) .............................27 Trumbull, Elise...................................................................................21

U/V Understanding Minority Ethnic Achievement .......................17 Understanding White Privilege....................................................19 Universities and Globalization ........................................................3 Unterhalter, Elaine.............................................................................8 van Geel, Tyll........................................................................................7 Vasquez, Vivian Maria...................................................................20 Vedder, Paul.......................................................................................13 Verplaetse, Lorrie S. ......................................................................15

Video Research in the Learning Sciences ...............................30

W/X/Y/Z Walberg, Herbert J. .......................................................................27 Wang, Hongyu ................................................................................23 Ward, Stephen....................................................................................7

Way Class Works, The ...................................................................10 Webber, Julie A. ..............................................................................24 Weis, Lois............................................................................................10

What Is Authentic Educational Reform? ...................................5 What Is Curriculum Theory? .........................................................24 Wheels in the Head ...........................................................................2 Who Benefits From Special Education? ..................................23 Willis, Arlette I.....................................................................................4 Wilson, Marilyn J..............................................................................20 Winch, Christopher..........................................................................4 Windschitl, Mark A. .......................................................................24 Winn Tutwiler, Sandra J..............................................................31

With Literacy and Justice for All .................................................20 Woods, Ronald...................................................................................6

World Library of Educationalists (series)................................18 World Yearbook of Education 2008 ..........................................5

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