David Fulton Books
Primary Subjects Practical and Professional Books for Teachers
Meet the Authors
Pie Corbett
Steve Bowkett
Alison Wilcox
“Many teachers have found that jumpstarting their lessons with quickfire activities is an ideal way to engage every child. Jumpstart! Literacy provides a bank of activities to playfully and imaginatively engage children in spelling and sentence construction as well as writing and drama games. The new Jumpstart! Poetry is packed with creative, quirky games as well as poetry writing and reading workshops. Jumpstart! Storymaking is full of story games to develop characterisation, settings and storytelling. Both these new volumes are jampacked with ideas to help you develop ‘talk for writing’ imaginatively and powerfully. Literacy should be enjoyed by children and teachers because it hinges around the playful, imaginative and a powerful use of language. May creativity flourish and the imagination strengthen - without it, we are lost.”
“Whenever I visit schools children invariably ask me – ‘Where do you get your ideas from?’ And I invariably answer, ‘The best way to have ideas is to be nosy.’ This is something they can appreciate, because most children already are. I go on to say that I mean being nosy by noticing things, and being nosy by asking questions. This develops a powerful attitude that exploits children’s natural curiosity, and which we can then apply to all areas of their learning.”
Alison Wilcox is an experienced teacher and author, whose book, Descriptosaurus was the culmination of many years of research to develop a resource that would inspire and assist children with their creative writing. Alison’s aim is to encourage and stimulate young writers by giving them the confidence and descriptive vocabulary to experiment and have fun with the creative writing process, and to assist reluctant writers in overcoming the challenge of the blank page.
Pie Corbett is a freelance writer and poet. He has worked as an English Inspector in Gloucestershire, as an OFSTED Inspector, and has run training nationally for the NLS. cover image © Laura Diehl
Steve Bowkett visits schools extensively to do storytellings and run workshops on writing, creativity and thinking skills. Countdown to Non-Fiction Writing is his 52nd published book.
John Taylor
Heather Luxford
Lizzie Smart
“I was lured away from my native Lancashire to the somewhat flatter West Midlands where I now live and work. I taught in Key Stages 1 & 2 for twenty-odd years before moving on to work in behaviour support and reintegration. Nowadays I work for the Walsall Virtual School for Looked After Children. Writing is my way of avoiding soap operas on the family telly! I also run the website for the Staffordshire village where I live. My hybrid bike gives me a buzz, as does playing with my digital SLR camera. I’m also an armchair Formula 1 fan.”
Heather Luxford is an Advanced Skills Teacher who works in two primary schools in West Sussex. She works with a wide range of ages which supports her Advanced Skills focus of curriculum development, thinking and learning skills. In addition she carries out some consultancy work on ways to develop a skills based creative curriculum.
Lizzie Smart is a Principal Lecturer at the University of Chichester, where she teaches on Core Curriculum and Subject Specialist English courses for under- and post-graduate student teachers and for qualified teachers on Masters courses. She came into teacher education following time in an LEA advisory service and, before that, was a Primary Headteacher. Lizzie also works for Ofsted to inspect Initial Teacher Education courses. This has enabled her to meet some very inspiring new teachers and see English taught well in their classrooms. She has a passion for enabling teachers to enthuse and inspire their pupils to love English as much as she does.
Whilst studying for her Masters degree she became aware how prevalent the importance of talk was in the materials she read, and yet there was limited practical guidance on how to teach talk skills. As a result Heather started working with her classes to develop the ideas that are now published in the book Learning through Talk.
She has now ‘downsized’ to a part-time contract, which she hopes will allow her more time to write and is already planning her next book.
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Cambridge Primary Review Children, their World, their Education Final Report and Recommendations of the Cambridge Primary Review Edited by Robin Alexander, University of Cambridge, UK • How do children live, think and learn during their early and primary years? • How well are our primary schools doing? • What has been the impact of government efforts to raise standards? • By what values should schools be guided and what curriculum and learning environments should they provide? • How can primary education best meet the needs of today’s children and tomorrow’s world? These were among the many questions that the Cambridge Primary Review set out to answer when it was launched in 2006. Politically independent and grounded in an exhaustive array of national and international evidence, it is the most comprehensive enquiry into English primary education for 40 years. Its 31 interim reports have provoked lively headlines and debate. In this book, the Review presents its findings and recommendations. Compellingly and accessibly written, the book is divided into five parts: • Part 1 sets the scene and tracks primary education policy since the 1960s • Part 2 examines children’s development and learning; their upbringing and lives in an increasingly diverse society; their needs and aspirations • Part 3 explores what goes on in schools, from the vital early years to aims, curriculum, pedagogy, assessment, standards and school organisation • Part 4 deals with the system: ages and stages; teachers, training, leadership and workforce reform; funding, governance and policy • Part 5 pulls everything together with 78 formal conclusions and 75 recommendations for policy and practice. Children, their World, their Education is more than a ground-breaking report. It is an unrivalled educational compendium. It assesses two decades of government-led reform. It offers a vision for the future. It goes to the heart of what education in a democracy is about. It deserves to be read by all who care about children, their primary education and the world that they will inherit. The Cambridge Primary Review is supported by Esmée Fairbairn Foundation and directed by Robin Alexander. Order online, it’s easy and it’s safe! Go to www.routledge.com/teachers
The Cambridge Primary Review Research Surveys
20% o ff
Edited by Robin Alexander, University of Cambridge, UK The Cambridge Primary Review Research Surveys is the companion volume to Children, their World, their Education. It contains, re-edited and updated, the 28 surveys of published research which were specially commissioned for the Cambridge Primary Review from 70 academics in 21 universities in four countries. It is probably the most comprehensive survey of research in primary education yet undertaken. October 2009: 246 x 174: 830pp Hb: 978-0-415-54869-4: £250.00 £199.00* * Introductory offer. Valid until 1st December 2009
Contributing Authors: Robin Alexander
Ruth Kershner
Michael Armstrong
John Macbeath
Julia Flutter
Berry Mayall
Linda Hargreaves
Stephanie Northen
David Harrison
Gillian Pugh
Wynne Harlen OBE
Colin Richards
Elizabeth Hartley-Brewer
David Utting
October 2009: 246 x 174: 608pp Hb: 978-0-415-54870-0: £95.00 Pb: 978-0-415-54871-7: £35.00
Your Le sso ns! The 8 books in our lively Jumpstart! series are full of games and activities that any teacher can do quickly, at the beginning of a lesson or as a time-filler, with little preparation. They grab children’s attention and get them focused on learning!
Jumpstart! Drama Games and Activities for Ages 5-11
Jumpstart! Science
Jumpstart! Creativity
Jumpstart! ICT
Games and Activities for Ages 5-11
Games and Activities for Ages 7–14
ICT Activities and Games for Ages 7-14
Teresa Cremin
Rosemary Feasey
Jumpstart! Drama contains more than forty engaging, practical, easy-to-do and highly motivating drama activities which will appeal to busy primary teachers who wish to enliven their practice and make more use of drama in line with the Framework for Literacy.
Jumpstart! Science provides teachers with a range of lively, short, fun activities and games to support teaching and learning in different aspects of the science curriculum. It encourages teachers to develop creative approaches to motivating and engaging children in science.
March 2009: A5: 105pp Pb: 978-0-415-48248-6: £11.99
Jumpstart! Poetry Games and Activities for Ages 7-12 Pie Corbett September 2008: A5: 186pp Pb: 978-0-415-46708-7: £11.99
not Corbett and have ‘I am a fan of Pie t book. with this excellen ed int po ap dis g been din rea d an g l of writin It is crammed ful ng with increased rni lea y etr po ideas for using . I feel sure that enjoyment and fun the children’s rt po sup ll wi s these activitie genres.’ and writing of all w love for reading – Customer Revie
March 2009: A5: 86pp Pb: 978-0-415-48212-7: £11.99
Jumpstart! Storymaking Games and Activities for Ages 7-12 Pie Corbett Jumpstart! Storymaking is a collection of games and activities to develop the creative process of ‘storymaking’. It focuses upon ‘storytelling for writing’ as well as creating a whole school culture of storytelling, reading and writing. November 2008: A5: 128pp Pb: 978-0-415-46686-8: £11.99
Steve Bowkett 2007: A5: 176pp Pb: 978-0-415-43273-3: £11.99
Jumpstart! Literacy
John Taylor 2006: A5: 112pp Pb: 978-1-84312-465-8: £11.99
Key Stage 2/3 Literacy Games
Jumpstart! Numeracy
Pie Corbett
Maths Activities and Games for Ages 5-14
2004: A5: 160pp Pb: 978-1-84312-102-2: £11.99
John Taylor 2004: A5: 96pp Pb: 978-1-84312-264-7: £11.99
ivities fantastic, short act ‘This book is full of They can rs. rte sta y rac lite that are perfect for e you ring any spare tim lunch also be ‘played’ du of minutes before ple cou a be ay KS2 have (m y). Suitable for all da the of d en or at the ld be easily cou d an , y5) ch tea children (I ve noticed ger children. I ha adapted for youn ldren’s chi my all m fro t an improvemen selection rk after playing a sentence level wo eks.’ we few a ly on w of these games for – Customer Revie
eded to tic! Just what I ne ‘This book is fantas again. After ths ma ch tea to make me want ations boring recommend being given many ed me that ind rem s ha it , for maths teaching of makes it fun. Lots creativity in maths l tricks and plenty of coo s, me ga c eti sth to kinae me for ard bo ite ve wh using the interacti e I am observed tim xt ne th wi show off w teaching maths.’ – Customer Revie
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Give your literacy lessons a blast with the Countdown Series Steve Bowkett The series includes: • 60 stand-alone modules that cover all the essential aspects of writing stories, poems, and non-fiction
• recognising ‘facts’ and planning • countdown flowchart showing how modules are linked and how teachers can progress through them with the children • photocopiable activity sheets for each module that show how to make the decisions and solve the problems that all writers face on the road to a finished piece of work • teachers’ notes for each module with tips and guidance including how modules could be used as stand-alone units, but also with suggestions for useful links between modules, and curriculum links • a self-study component so pupils can make their own progress through the materials, giving young writers a sense of independence in thinking about their work • ‘headers’ for each module showing where along the ‘countdown path’ you are at that point.
mprehensive e Writing is a co tiv ea Cr ss’ to n w ‘Countdo develop your cla ce that will help ur so re e bl xi fle and ’ – Literacy Times writing abilities.
Countdown to Non-Fiction Writing
Countdown to Creative Writing
Countdown to Poetry Writing
Step by Step Approach to Writing Techniques for 7-12 Years
Step by Step Approach to Writing Techniques for 7-12 Years
Step by Step Approach to Writing Techniques for 7-12 Years
November 2009: A4: 160pp Pb: 978-0-415-49259-1: £22.99
October 2008: A4: 202pp Pb: 978-0-415-46855-8: £23.99
February 2009: A4: 152pp Pb: 978-0-415-47752-9: £22.99
ing v a s y e n mo offer!
Buy all 3 Countdown books for £49.99
Do you use any Routledge/David Fulton books in your teaching? Email sarah.tweddle@tandf.co.uk with your thoughts and feedback on our books.
Series Set: 978-0-415-55875-4
new June 2009: A4: 128pp Pb: 978-0-415-48521-0: £22.99
2008: A4: 248pp Hb: 978-0-415-46835-0: £22.99
2008: A4: 120pp Pb: 978-0-415-46265-5: £16.99
Learning Through Talk
Developing Learning Dialogues in the Primary Classroom
Supporting Creative Writing for Ages 8–14
Creative Approaches to Poetry for the Primary Framework for Literacy
Alison Wilcox
Jan Foale
Lizzie Smart and Heather Luxford
Descriptosaurus is the first book for creative writing that is a thematic expansion of a dictionary and a thesaurus. It provides children with a comprehensive resource with which to expand their descriptive vocabulary, experiment with language and sentence structure and build up narratives.
This book supports teachers in planning, teaching and, most importantly, enjoying poetry with their pupils. With an emphasis on creative, cross curricular approaches the authors explore tried and tested methods of teaching poetry in an engaging and comprehensive manner. Chapters cover:
Learning Through Talk is designed to help teachers and others working with 5 to 11 year olds develop the key skills, which will enable their pupils to use talk effectively for learning. The activities within the book encourage thinking and learning across the curriculum and help pupils to improve their communication skills and become independent learners. This book provides: • advice and practical guidance on developing the essential skills of participation, collaboration, positive challenge, resolving differences and reflection • a series of motivating and exciting workshop activities • photocopiable resources to support workshops with links to video material on the companion website. A practical, blended resource, Learning Through Talk helps teachers shift their focus to evaluate the quality of pupils’ talk as an insight into the learning process. The authors present tried and tested methods for reflection, including the use of a video diary room, an example of which is accessible online via the companion website.
who use it and to influence all ‘This book is set g writers.’ un yo tion of new create a genera ty Head Teacher, pu De , ye do Od – Francine School, Scotland ll Ha on Clift teaching tool riptosaurus as a ‘I have used Desc has been is Th . ng iti riptive wr to improve desc ildren and ch e as it has given th very successful . It has th wi rk wo to nique me another tech eyes to another ed the children’s particularly open allowed them to e language and side of descriptiv .’ ng iti wr d of their rrey raise the standar rfield School, Su Ba er, ch Va ne eri – Kath
• how to develop a range of creative approaches to teaching poetry, involving visualisation, drama, choral speaking, performance, discussion and writing • how to engage children from a variety of backgrounds and abilities in experiencing poetry in its many forms • integrating the teaching of poetry with all other areas of the curriculum including ICT and citizenship • effectively linking all work to the KS1 poetry units of the renewed Primary National Framework for Literacy.
out poetry for the best books ab ‘This is a one of me across.’ – NATE Classroom teachers I’ve co
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new series
Active Homework Andrea McGowan, Vicki Parfitt and Colin Forster Illustrator: David Brookes
The Active Homework series is a unique collection of practical worksheets, providing ‘pencil-free’, hands-on activities for English, Maths and Science, which teachers can use as extension activities in the classroom, or give to pupils as homework to do with members of their family or friends. Practical tasks and discussions form the basis for effective learning, with children and their families learning together.
English Homework for Key Stage 2 Activity-Based Learning September 2009: A4: 96pp: Pb: 978-0-415-47455-9: £19.99
Science Homework for Key Stage 2 Activity-Based Learning September 2009: A4: 96pp: Pb: 978-0-415-47454-2: £19.99
Maths Homework for Key Stage 2 Activity-Based Learning March 2010: A4: 96pp: Pb: 978-0-415-49625-4: £14.99
lots of practical activities that utilise everyday resources
align with the National Curriculum, relevant National Strategy documents and QCA schemes of work
invite parents to get involved in children’s learning
illustrations on activities appeal to pupils
Order online, it’s easy and it’s safe! Go to www.routledge.com/teachers
new series
Move on
Maths! John Taylor
“In today’s learning objective driven, target obsessed classroom it’s easy to miss critical gaps in a child’s understanding. Did they find the “correct” answer using known number facts and computation or have they simply counted on or copied off a neighbour? A firm grasp of the basics including exchange and place value is crucial to understanding all areas of maths. To check they have these skills you need to sit by them while they talk you through what they are doing – and why. Move On Maths is a fun, teacher-friendly resource that builds on the children’s mathematical knowledge and skills.”
Move on Maths! Ages 7-9 50+ Flexible Maths Activities March 2009: A4: 184pp Pb: 978-0-415-47153-4: £22.99
Move on Maths! Ages 9-11 50+ Flexible Maths Activities May 2009: A4: 184pp Pb: 978-0-415-47154-1: £22.99
new series
Creating Drama Miles Tandy and Jo Howell
These highly practical books give you all the ideas you need to make drama a regular and integral part of your school’s curriculum, offering detailed suggestions of drama work for ages 4 to 11. The teaching units are arranged around four strands: drama for literacy; drama and the whole curriculum; drama film, media, and ICT; and drama for performance. The authors provide a wealth of practical activities throughout.
Creating Drama with 4-7 Year Olds Lesson Ideas to Integrate Drama into the Primary Curriculum November 2009: 246x174: 112pp: Pb: 978-0-415-48349-0: £18.99
Creating Drama with 7-11 Year Olds Lesson Ideas to Integrate Drama into the Primary Curriculum November 2009: 246x174: 144pp: Pb: 978-0-415-48350-6: £19.99
Each unit includes: • explicit links to the Renewed Framework for Literacy and the wider curriculum • a list of resources needed • clear learning objectives and outcomes • steps for teaching and learning including how to modify activities to suit your school • links to writing • assessment guidance.
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new March 2009: 246x174: 136pp Pb: 978-0-415-46707-0: £19.99
January 2009: A4: 128pp Pb: 978-0-415-48700-9: £19.99
January 2009: A4: 132pp Pb: 978-0-415-48699-6: £19.99
Environmental Learning for Classroom and Assembly at KS1 & KS2
Smart Thinking
Learning for Themselves
A Programme for Developing Thinking Skills in 7 to 12 Year Olds
Pathways for Thinking and Independent Learning in the Primary Classroom
Stories about the Natural World
Jeni Wilson and Lesley Wing Jan
Kath Murdoch and Jeni Wilson
Mal Leicester and Denise Taylor
Smart Thinking helps primary school teachers to develop their pupil’s capacities to become deep thinkers and independent learners. Supporting the creation of a thoughtful classroom that provides opportunities for pupil’s negotiation, goal setting and decision making, this book encourages the teaching of reflection and metacognition, providing pupils with the tools they need to be able to evaluate and regulate their own thinking.
Learning for Themselves offers teachers a repertoire of effective strategies and frameworks to nurture independent learning. The chapters are organised into four broad areas: learning preferences; thinking; inquiry; and personal challenges.
In this book the highly successful and popular author Mal Leicester teams up with the conservationist Denise Taylor to teach children about wildlife and environmental conservation through the art of storytelling. Reflecting the child’s world, the book works outwards from home, and at each level, protecting, conserving, and enhancing our environment is considered. Each of the ten chapters includes an original themed story and is packed with lesson plans and cross-curriculum learning activities designed to save teachers’ valuable time. The book covers the full range of conservation, protection and enhancement themes, concepts and values whilst developing essential skills such as literacy and numeracy.
Packed with ideas, planning tools and photocopiable proformas, this book will help teachers work with their pupils to help develop skills and dispositions which are beneficial and transferable to pupils of all ages and abilities. Key aspects of teaching and learning covered include: • planning for learning by setting individual goals • selecting, using and monitoring appropriate strategies
If you like this try also Activity Assemblies to Promote Peace
• identifying own thinking processes
978-0-415-46682-0: £23.99
• being careful observers.
• making reasoned judgements • asking powerful questions
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Each section includes learning tasks covering commonly addressed topics in primary school curriculums, with each task designed to be adapted by students and teachers to suit particular interests and a range of teaching and learning goals.
each task rning sheets for photocopiable lea in the endent learning fosters indep ilosophy of ph e th th wi d fits classroom an S the revised PN th planning, sources to help wi additional re ns so les g d monitorin managing an courage en to effective ways creative and endence. pupil’s indep
How to Teach Fiction Writing at Key Stage 2
Writing Models Year 6
Speaking Frames – Year 3
Improving Primary Mathematics
Activity Assemblies to Promote Peace
Pie Corbett
Sue Palmer
Pie Corbett
2005: A4: 96pp Pb: 978-1-84312-097-1 £15.99
2005: A4: 80pp Pb: 978-1-84312-109-1 £16.99
Jan Winter et al Series: Improving Practice
Elizabeth Peirce
Creating Writers in the Primary Classroom
Speaking Frames – Year 4
Feb 2009: A4: 96pp Pb: 978-0-415-36393-8 £19.99
Pie Corbett
Miles Tandy and Jo Howell
2002: A4: 80pp Pb: 978-1-85346-915-2 £16.99
2008: A4: 144pp Pb: 978-0-415-45267-0 £18.99
2005: A4: 80pp Pb: 978-1-84312-110-7 £16.99
How to Teach Story Writing at Key Stage 1
1001 Brilliant Writing Ideas
Pie Corbett
2007: A4: 88pp Pb: 978-0-415-44709-6 £17.99
2001: A4: 80pp Pb: 978-1-85346-833-9 £16.99
How to Teach Poetry Writing at Key Stage 3
2003: A4: 80pp Pb: 978-1-85346-916-9 £16.99
Writing Models Year 3 Pie Corbett 2005: A4: 116pp Pb: 978-1-84312-094-0 £15.99
Writing Models Year 4 Pie Corbett 2005: A4: 128pp Pb: 978-1-84312-095-7 £15.99
Writing Models Year 5 Pie Corbett 2005: A4: 96pp Pb: 978-1-84312-096-4 £15.99
Ron Shaw
Using Talk Effectively in the Primary Classroom Richard Eke and John Lee 2008: 234x156: 144pp Pb: 978-0-415-34281-0 £19.99
The Essential Speaking and Listening Lyn Dawes 2008: A4: 160pp Pb: 978-0-415-44962-5 £19.99
Sue Palmer
Speaking Frames – Year 5 Sue Palmer 2005: A4: 80pp Pb: 978-1-84312-111-4 £16.99
Speaking Frames – Year 6 Sue Palmer 2005: A4: 80pp Pb: 978-1-84312-112-1 £16.99
Teaching Children’s Literature Diane Duncan 2008: 246x189: 232pp Pb: 978-0-415-42101-0 £24.99
Getting Science Brian Clegg
Teaching Problem Solving and Thinking Skills through Science Belle Wallace, Andrew Berry and Diana Cave 2008: A4: 168pp Pb: 978-0-415-45035-5 £19.99
Improve Your Primary School through Drama Rachel Dickinson and Jonothan Neelands 2006: 247x173: 144pp Pb: 978-1-84312-306-4 £18.99
Creative Approaches to Physical Education Edited by Jim Lavin 2008: 246x174: 168pp Pb: 978-0-415-44588-7 £17.99
2008: 246x174: 176pp Pb: 978-0-415-46682-0 £23.99
Using Circle Time for PSHE and Citizenship Daphne Gutteridge and Vivien Smith 2008: A4: 88pp Pb: 978-0-415-44592-4 £15.99
Learn to Think John Langrehr 2008: A4: 96pp Pb: 978-0-415-46590-8 £15.99
Tricky Thinking Problems John Langrehr and Jan Langrehr 2008: A4: 68pp Pb: 978-0-415-46591-5 £14.99
Children as Philosophers Joanna Hayes
2008: 216x138: 192pp Pb: 978-0-415-44681-5 £22.99
2007: 246x189: 160pp Pb: 978-0-415-42199-7 £16.99
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