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Advertorial: MTN SA Foundation – Committed to empowerment in the digital economy
Committed to empowerment
in the digital economy
If South Africa is to achieve its aim of becoming an ‘e-skilled’ economy, entrepreneurs need to be empowered and ready to participate in the IT sector and growing gig economy.
While there are many ways to tackle the pressing social issues facing South Africa today, the MTN SA Foundation’s approach is to use technology to create shared value in education.
As MTN’s primary vehicle for contributing to transformational social change, the MTN SA Foundation works to deliver a number of structured corporate social-investment interventions while contributing to building a more developed socio-economic environment for current and future generations.
Supporting South Africa’s developmental agenda As the Fourth Industrial Revolution deepens and the digital environment rapidly evolves, it is natural that South Africa should aspire to become an ‘e-skilled’ economy. There are, however, stumbling blocks on the path, including our lack of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) graduates – and, where these skills do exist, the development of the entrepreneurial skills required to broaden participation in the IT field.
Helping to increase the number of STEM graduates lies in educational policy and in the development of initiatives that government must implement if it aims to make South Africa an ‘e-skilled’ nation.
Accomplishing national objectives by assisting IT entrepreneurs to obtain the business skills required to energise further and expand the sector is where the private sector and its partners can make a significant contribution.
Medium-sized IT companies, for example, can become role models in their communities, guiding and encouraging others to become established and competitive in the digital world. In support, the MTN SA Foundation has undertaken the task of empowering entrepreneurs how and when it can, understanding that this massive shift cannot be achieved by MTN alone but that its efforts could inspire others to participate in what is a significant future-building process.
Tackling the digital divide and equipping young people for the future As a major player in the telecommunications industry and employer of a large workforce, MTN believes it has an important role to play in providing youth with opportunities to enhance their ICT skills and long-term career prospects. MTN also has a role to play in enabling an environment for innovation, entrepreneurship, and job creation in the digital economy.
The MTN SA Foundation fulfils this mandate through a range of community programmes designed to allow for agility and responsiveness in delivering solutions to the most disadvantaged communities across South Africa. Its interventions are underpinned by ICT and include an entrepreneurship programme that targets SMMEs, college and university students and high school learners nationally.
Providing youth with the business skills they need to participate in the economy At SMME level, the Foundation provides ICT business owners with the tools to create businesses that are robust, innovative, and able to succeed in a challenging and ever-changing operating context. The programmes are implemented at three levels and aim to foster an entrepreneurial mindset through training, mentorship, and small-business support.
One of the MTN SA Foundation’s most significant entrepreneurship initiatives includes the Accelerated Business Development Programme (ABDP). This programme was implemented through the partnership between the MTN SA Foundation and Datacomb Development Hub (DDH), and Hodisang Dipeu Holdings (HDH) in collaboration with the University of the Free State School of Business. The programme aims to support historically disadvantaged individuals to grow their businesses and consists of mentorship, coaching and training.
These programmes analyse the business model of each SMME by developing strategies to make the business relevant and sustainable. The objective is to help develop and improve entrepreneurial skills and business practices that complement already-developed tech skills.
As an extension of the existing ICT SMME accelerator programmes, the Foundation has introduced the MTN Women in Digital Business Challenge in July 2022 through existing implementation partners. The programme looks to provide financial and other resources to a cohort of deserving black women-owned ICT businesses, with the view to further accelerating their business for growth, sustainability, and job creation. The challenge is only open to female graduates and alumni members of the Business Development Programme.
Entrepreneurship at university and school level At university level, the MTN SA Foundation partners with Enactus South Africa to deliver business training and mentorship to tertiary students across the country. The programme brings together students, academics and business leaders who are committed to using the power of entrepreneurial action to improve the quality of life and standard of living for people in need. Young people are challenged to design projects that demonstrate their entrepreneurial skills and aptitudes.
The MTN Digital Innovation challenge is an extension of the overarching Enactus programme, and the aim of this challenge is to facilitate the development of digital services to address socio-economic challenges within the health, education, and agricultural sectors.
At school level, the Foundation supports the Students for the Advancement of Global Entrepreneurship (SAGE) programme, which targets young people across South Africa with entrepreneurial skills training. The programme aims to inspire and educate teenagers on the fundamentals of entrepreneurship by exposing them to opportunities for personal development.
Looking ahead The future of South Africa lies on a digital path, and MTN’s Ambition 2025 strategy aims to bring the bold, new digital world closer to all South Africans.
MTN SA believes that the power of technology is the key to opening opportunities. Central to our national success will be promoting and developing entrepreneurial skills and sustainable business practices in the small ICT business sector. It is a commitment that we at the MTN SA Foundation will continue to support and promote.
For more information on these and other MTN SA Foundation programmes, visit www.mtn.co.za