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Travel Tips
Travel Tips
Staying hydrated is important throughout the year, but is more critical during the hot temperatures as fl uids are lost through perspiration. Always keep water with you and drink it often – you can also infuse your water with fruit, which is a perfect summer drink. Consuming foods with high water content such as watermelon and cucumber can also help to keep you hydrated.
Travelling with kids
• Make it an adventure with kid-friendly pit stops. • Take lots of snacks. • Give the kids a task such as taking photographs. • Take some games along to keep them entertained.
The mySOS SA mobile app provides users access to the closest, most appropriate emergency numbers for ambulances, fi re and police services, national sea rescue, stroke and poison centres and roadside assistance. The one-button emergency activation also automatically notifi es your contacts about the incident and your current GPS location.
Limit sun exposure
The sun is the most damaging between 10am and 4pm. If you are out and about during this time, wear sunscreen, cover-up, and try to stay in shaded areas and drink lots of water. Wear a wide brimmed hat as opposed to a cap which leaves your neck exposed.
Essentials for a fi rst aid kit fi rst aid kit
• Plasters for minor cuts and scrapes • Wound cleaner and bandages of various sizes Wound cleaner and bandages of various sizes • Gauze may be used as a dressing, extra padding and to clean a wound Gauze may be used as a dressing, extra padding and to clean a wound • Tweezers to remove splinters and scissors to cut dressings/bandages Tweezers to remove splinters and scissors to cut dressings/bandages • Surgical tape to tape a dressing in place or anchor a bandage in place • Safety pins to secure a bandage in place • Cotton wool, earbuds, disposable examination gloves • Antiseptic wipes and cream, and antihistamine cream for any bites/stings • Breathing barrier or a CPR mask • A thermal or space blanket • Eye-drops, headache, pain and fever medication, colds and fl u meds, anti-nausea, diarrhea medication and rehydration solution • Mosquito repellent, malaria meds, sterile water sachets and water purifi er
Stay vigilant
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• Don't carry large amounts of money – rather use your bank cards. • Limit the amount of valuables you have on you. • Keep your wallet in your front pocket and not the back pocket. • Avoid hiking, cycling or walking by yourself. • Hold your child’s hand and always accompany them to the public bathroom. It is advisable for children to have some sort of identifi cation tag on them with parents' details in case they get lost.
If you are caught in a rip current
• Don’t panic. • Don’t try to swim straight back to the shore against the current as this will exhaust you. • Try to tread water or turn on your back and fl oat (rip tides get weaker as they go further out). • Raise one arm in the air and wave for help to alert people on the beach that you are in trouble. • Swim parallel to the beach, out of the current, and then use waves to help you get back to the beach.