1 minute read
Bühler Group creating innovations for a better world
from SA Profile- Volume 6
by Media Xpose
Founded back in 1860, Bühler is a 5th generation familyowned business with current CEO Stefan Scheiber. We operate in 140 countries with over 30 production sites and 100 service centres. Bühler operates in a truly global network. Although many things can be done online today, a physical presence is irreplaceable to cover regional market requirements and support customer performance.
In South Africa Bϋhler offers an apprenticeship programme
In South Africa, Bühler machines are part of various value chains, from grain to FMCG to material processing. The country is a regional hub, servicing the markets of Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Madagascar, Mauritius, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, La Reunion, Solomon Islands, Seychelles, Eswatini, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Equipment can be serviced and repaired by our service technicians at the customer site or at our workshops across the Southern African region, and after 50 years of development, this operation runs like a well-oiled machine.

future generation of South Africa with measurable behavioural outcomes and indicates the Apprentices’ acquisition of skills and knowledge.
We partner with the biggest FMCG companies all over Southern Africa. FMCG companies are the basic pillar of the economy of the region. And together with them we ensure food supply to more than 200 million people. Everything from flour, rice, pasta, chocolate, coffee, beer and much more comes from Bühler innovation.
As a globally relevant industrial solution provider, Bühler want to contribute to a better and more sustainable world with collaborative innovation, new technologies, training, and services.
B ϋhler Johannesburg offers an apprenticeship programme which is merSETA accredited in boiler making and welding. The programme is aimed at equipping and empowering the
It is our aim to always remain relevant to the customers in our care and the society at large, allowing them to produce safe and healthy staple food to feed the people, as well as sustaining hope through what we do. ■ W