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Some like it hot
A braai or a fireplace is something most South Africans have in their home. A braai outside on a hot summer’s day, or a fire inside during winter is something to look forward to.
Thermo Fires, a proudly South African family business with more than 17 years’ experience in the design and manufacture of fireplaces and braais, is known for its wide range of quality and custom products. All products are available in mild steel, stainless steel, 3CR12, or a combination of steel. Thermo Fires are so serious about quality, that they are the only company in the local industry that will give you a 20-year guarantee against faulty workmanship.
Although Thermo Fires offers a huge range of fireplaces and braais, they understand that some customers are looking for or need something unique. In the last three years, Thermo Fires has upgraded and modernized the look of all their existing products, and also introduced four new ranges to ensure that there is something for every customer. The company also sells a variety of locally manufactured units to complement their own range of products.
Few things are so cosy and soothing, or create such a warm atmosphere, as the dancing of flames and crackling of wood in an open fireplace! Thermo Fires offers a wide range of fireplaces:
Built-in fireplaces: *The Thermo-
built-in fireplace series has built-in convection, which offers you a two-way heating system - heat radiation and convection. This will add to the value of your home and the atmosphere of your room. All units have the option to choose a fire screen or glass doors.
Both built-in fireplace ranges comes in six standard sizes: 600, 700, 850, 1 050, 1 200, 1 500 and 1 800mm wide. A glass door on your fireplace gives you much more heat than a traditional open fireplace, and at the same time, you save money on wood consumption.
Thermo's double-sided built-in fireplace ranges include convection, which gives you the same two-way heating system as the standard builtin fireplaces. Installed between two rooms as a room divider, it can heat both rooms at the same time and you can see the flames from both sides. All units have the option to choose a fire screen or glass doors. These two ranges of fireplaces are available in five standard sizes: 600, 700, 850, 1 050 and 1 200mm wide.
Freestanding fireplaces: Thermo
Fires manufacture a large variety of freestanding fireplaces, whether you want a wall-mounted fireplace, a corner unit, or a room divider two-sided fireplace. All are available with the option to choose a fire screen or glass doors.
All Earthfire ceramic fireplaces are available in two sizes and a variety of colours. A ceramic fireplace can aesthetically complement the style of your home, as it is a great alternative to a metal fireplace but is also very efficient. Made from proven and specially formulated clay, it will not rust either. Thermo Fires is also Earthfire's chosen manufacturer of insulated pipes for these products.
Outdoor fireplaces
Firepits: Part of Thermo Fires' extensive range of products is their laser-cut fire pits. Included in the fire pit are a grill and potjie hook so that it can also serve as a braai. New to this range are the socalled braai tables, available in various materials.
Braais: Thermo Fires has five fantastic series of indoor braais, both built-in as well as freestanding braais, spit braais, braais that work with a combination of wood and gas and even double-sided braais.
Have a Thermo braai installed and forget about smoke in your eyes! All their mild steel De Luxe and Professional braais come with grade 304 stainless steel grills. Particularly popular are the braais in the Professional and Premium ranges, where the door slides under the frying pan. All braais are available in mild steel, stainless steel, 3CR12, or a combination of steel.
Custom: Thermo Fires realizes that some people want a special, customized unit due to limitations, or simply because they have a specific need or picture in their head. The company has a dedicated team that can design and build that special unit for you. This includes chimneys, chimney caps and other parts of generic units.