2 minute read

Calling all built environment professionals

Is there light at the end of the tunnel for health and safety in construction into the next decade, asks Claire Deacon, PhD (Construction Management) Pr.CHSA?

While the requirements relating to health and safety (H&S) have always applied to any industry, the “formal” introduction was in 2003, with the introduction of the Construction Regulations. Since then, the introduction of a new category of built environment H&S professional in 2013, with the statutory body, the South African Council for the Project and Construction Management Professionals (SACPCMP).

Has legislation changed anything? If you had to ask any of my colleagues who are registered with the SACPCMP what, if any, changes or improvements have been notable since 2003, you are not likely to get a very positive response. Sure, the increase in attention has been visible, but mainly at contractor level. At client level and other built environment professions (BEPs) such as architects, engineers, quantity surveyors, not much at all. The Department of Employment and Labour focuses on contractors, UIF and employment equity. All very important aspects of human rights and equal opportunity. But what about the proactive part of early interventions and designing out risk? Such issues should be driven from client and BEPs, where real change can be made and be seen in the reduction of risk, disease and fatalities on projects.

The Association of Construction H&S Management (ACHASM) has been in existence for 11 years, with me, Prof John Smallwood and Rowland Adams as Directors, and Yasmeen Fort as our Registrar. ACHASM is a recognised voluntary association (VA) with the SACPCMP and participates at a number of levels to represent the H&S sector. I serve on both statutory councils, namely the SACPCMP and the Council for the Built Environment (CBE). Although my background is H&S, all counsellors represent the interest of all categories across the built environment. We, as ACHASM, chair the BEP Grouping, which has the business interest of all BEPs at heart, those ACHASM

Dr. Claire Deacon.

aspects which the statutory councils are not mandated to do.

ACHASM runs very notable and challenging two-day symposia/workshops and other training sessions for H&S that dovetail into all the categories of membership, as well as the BEPs and other VAs. Local chapter meetings are held that highlight aspects that we have identified as gaps in knowledge and practice. We will be soon adding webinars to increase our audience and participation outside of city centres.

Will all the statutory changes and attention make a difference into this decade? There is still much work to do, and we often feel like lonely voices preaching to the converted. Change needs action, personal accountability, a moral standing and ethical, professional behaviour. ACHASM leadership will continue the rally for construction H&S at every opportunity. We will continue to further our cause and challenge the country’s leadership, the industry and the BEPs. We invite all BEPs to join us!

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