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Digital Edge Introduces the EdgeArchive Backup Solution
Following on from the success of their Version 5 DVR, Digital Edge are pleased to announce the latest addition to the Version 5 software suite. Digital Edge have just launched a brand-new backup solution: EdgeArchive.
EdgeArchive handles the transfer of data from the internal DVR drives to client storage, either on a NAS or Raid, or a phased delivery to multiple external hard drives.
Being a native app, the data transfer ensures that the quality of live recordings are not impacted by a third party program trying to access the same file that the DVR app is currently using. Ensuring recorded data integrity and quality are of the highest importance.
Archive can act as a simple data mirror to the correct internal drive data folders or can be used to create multiple simultaneous backups of client deliverables. This can be done in continuous backup or a phased approach i.e., after each dive.
Because Digital Edge are regularly in conversation with their customers, these exchanges often prove extremely valuable because they lead to innovations, like this one, that are entirely customer focused. And this wholly supports the philosophy of the company.
Operations Manager John Scott said, “Clients transitioning to 4k or 4HD channels from SD has had an impact in data storage terms. Previously they would be able to get months of data on the internal hard drives which is no longer possible. Hard drive space has become more of an issue. “In order to respond to our clients’ needs dynamically Digital Edge has invested the last year of development into creating an archiving application that allows clients to remove data from the DVR without threatening the integrity of the DVR project.
“Using EdgeArchive ensures that access violations of “live recording” files do not occur when the data is transferred. It will be beneficial for clients in the field on extended campaigns.”
In addition to their reputation for high quality and reliable products, the team also offer live demonstrations; you can see for yourself how the system can work for your project. And in acknowledgement of economic difficulties in the last 12 months or so, they even offer their DVR units under flexible rental agreements: both the rack mounted system and laptop version.
For more information or to arrange a demonstration contact info@digitaledgesubsea.com or www.digitaledgesubsea.com
Courtesy of Digital Edge Subsea Courtesy of Digital Edge Subsea