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The Greatest Leaders in Tech
by rowanschaaf | Feb 22, 2023 | Rowan Schaaf, Technology
The best leaders in the tech industry are extraordinary. They possess qualities that are rarely found in a single individual. Yet, at the same time, they eortlessly embody all of these attributes without seeming to be overbearing or even intimidating. It’s not surprising, then, that technology is ruled by people with natural charisma and artistic drive. The top leadership positions in technology today wield inuence across domains and industries across the globe because they combine scientic aptitude with leadership creativity and personal charisma. Innovation and industry stalwarts are often charismatic and often overshadow the individual qualities that make them successful. As technology is broadening, tech companies need to nd new leaders with technical skills and leadership talent that can inspire their employees.
5 Greatest Leaders In Tech https://rowanschaaf.org/the-greatest-leaders-in-tech/
1. Bill Gates: The founder of Microsoft and the world’s richest person is often bothered by the title of the wealthiest man in tech and thinks of himself as a tech guy who made money instead.
While he doesn’t mind being referred to as a technology leader, Gates also has some profound ideas on making tech better. As the former CEO of Microsoft, he was able to bring many other companies into the Microsoft fold, thus gaining an immense amount of power that allowed him to inuence sectors across the world.
Facebook has been a phenomenon since its inception in 2004. Mark Zuckerberg was only 19 years old when he built Facebook from scratch, yet he’s led the company into an industry with more than one billion users and turns over more than $40 billion every year. With a net worth of $20.4 billion, Mark Zuckerberg is undoubtedly the wealthiest man in tech and one of the youngest billionaires today.
The co-founder of Apple Computers and the late CEO of Pixar, Jobs was an inspirational leader who has inuenced hundreds of thousands of people through his technological prowess and creative vision. His iconic personality made him one of the most recognizable businesspeople ever, and his ability to change the world with technology is something that few other people possess.
The CEO and founder of Oracle is a legend in tech circles. He founded the company in 1977, and he’s been running it ever since. Oracle has become one of the biggest IT companies globally, and as of 2008, Ellison’s net worth is around $40 billion.
He co-founded Google Inc. with Larry Page and is the CEO of Google today. Brin is best known for being the co-founder of Google, but he’s also been active in many other technology areas, such as robotics and data centers. Brin is a computer science graduate from Stanford University and went to work for Google when it was still in its infancy, creating fundamental tech that paved the way for many other companies.
There are many other great individual leaders in tech, and these are the ones who stand out most in the minds of many.
The Greatest Leaders in Tech
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