Granada 23th November, 2016
Strummer's Number Plate
Organizers: Ismael Diaz PaĂşl & Rowena Schebela de Belardinelli
CRITERIA A The best way to measure the success of an event is by anonymous satisfaction surveys; through this surveys, clients are able to give their sincere opinions on ones event, as well as give opinions on what the organizers should or could change. As far as our's event concern, we've used an easy method to measure client's satisfaction, in order not to overcharge our clients with another satisfaction survey (as we were aware that the other 5 groups would use traditional questionaires). It's worth mentioning that our idea was approved by our clients, and considered very creative by them. Moving on to numbers, our survey's results showed that our event was a success! The official number's are that 65 of 66 participants of the survey liked the event, making it an 98,5% of satisfaction rate. Although the one client that put his caramel paper in the "Didn't like" hole told us that it was by accident, we've decided to count this vote as negative because it showed us that our survey metod must improve next year. Also, in our post-it wall, clients could leave their opinions about our event, and all of them were favourable opinons such as "Great idea", "I liked the information i received", "Cool decoration" and so on. Below, a photo of our post-it wall at 10:30am.
The post-it wall, another idea very well accpted by our clients
CRITERIA B Although our event was, statiscally, a success, there were a few flaws that must be changed in order to improve Strummer's Number Plate. The majority of them were spoted by the organizers during the event itself, and others were based on client's discontentment or dificulties. Those would be: • We hadn't a proper way to make the music and poetry presentations, because we've underestimated the noisiness of the student's room during the event. • We hadn't enough staff to carry out the event properly, at first we thought that we would be authorized to contract workers to help us out, but, as the odds changed, we had to do it all by ourselves and, being only two of us, was a little difficult. • About the uniforms, we went for a casual look, as it would fit best our brand, but we must admit that maybe we should have mixed the formal and the casual clothes (uniform propositions for next year will be added in Criteria E) • Conference. We had a problem with one of the conferences, even though the other one was very well received by the public, and we're working on ways to ensure the success of both of the conferences next year. • Our Post-It wall was, as said before, very well accepted by our clients, but, as Strummer's Number Plate aim to improve each year, we think that we can do better. Thats why in 2018 we should count with an artistic post-it wall, this way our clients will not only receive information and observe cultural exhibitions, but will also create art. On the other hand, we think that we had a lots of strenghts in our event, being them, mainly the following ones: • Our partnerships were very fruitfull for both sides. A lot of people who didn't knew the Yuzin publication were happy to have access to it, and the days after the event when we went to cultural events in Granada, clients from Strummer's Number Plate would approach us to tell that they were there because of the information they received in our stand. The same thing happened in La Tertulia, and in La Expositiva, two places advertised by the event. Also, the Ukelele magazine experimented an increase in their views and incomes, as well as the both artists invited were able to sell their works. • Another strong point of our event were the art and photography exhibition. Clients liked it very much that we bring out an real and exclusive exhibition besides the information we gave. • The Decoration were another characteristic of Strummer's Number Plate
that pleased our clients, mainly the lights, and we're already thinking of ways to make it even better for the next year. • The service. Our clients have praised the attention they received, the quality and amount of information as well as the sympathy of the organizers.
CRITERIAS C and D The development of the event went well and without problems that couldn't have been solved. We consideer that the development of the event itself has begun before the opening of it, more preciselly the day before; find attached below the table with the schedule that have been carried out in the event.
12/01/2017 14:45 to 15:30
13/01/2017 7:50 to 9:00
Assembly of the event, positioning lights, decoration, putting up the art exhibition and settling the tables where the stand would be placed Last preparations for the event, placing the brochures on the table, preparing the event nameplate, rebuilding the art exhibition (we had problems with the first installation), and getting every detail prepared for when the clients arrived
Opening of the event
9:15 to 14:30
General development of the event
12:00 to 12:30
Conference of José Dominguez from El Ukelele
12:30 to 13:00
Conference of Rocio Álvarez from Red Crimson ShamRock
El Irlandés Errante performed a song for the group of 1ºGAT who where visiting our stand
14:30 to 15:00
Closing of event and general cleaning of the Student's Room.
14/01/2017 8:15 to 9:15
Final cleaning of Student's Room, repositioning the tables and leaving everything as we found it the 12th .
As for the comparation between the budget and the profits, find attached below our official invoices.
As can be seen, we had strictly maintained the original budget of 67,50€, and our incomes were of 242,85€, which means that we had an profit of 175,35€ that is pretty good consideering the low prices of our tickets and of the graphic arts and books selled there (from which we only received the symbolic amount of 5%).
CRITERIA E In order to improve our services for the next year, we are going to fix some aspects as: .- Count with a microphone and amplificator for the music and poetry: as we want to have some showcases and in this edition they didn't work properly. .- Check and organĂzate the spechs: we had some complains about one of the organizated spechs, so, for next edition we want to practice them and check if they are appropiated for our public. .- Count with more people in the organization: as we are just two workers, it's almost impossible to us be with our guests, with our clients, with the showcases and with the exhibitions, so, we want to have one or two more people in our staff. .- Change our satisfaction questionnaire: our clients were satisfied with our questionnaire, but we need something more accurated for the post event. It has been quite solved with our post-it wall, where some people gave us their opinions. For the next edition we are thinking about a way to keep a simple and direct satisfaction questionnaire, but collecting more information. .- Small improves in our decoration: we want to focus in the underground culture, and there are lot of ways to show it, with more accurated and striking clothes, with posters of future events in the city... we are still working on that ideas.
(The video is attached outside the work)
Participant company
Test Yourself!
Participant company
Participant company
Hurtado Andalusí
Participant company
Nevasol Tourism
Participant company
El Ukelele
Music magazine, with José Domínguez collaboration during the event and a speech about festivals.
Pablo Rompe
Writer, introducing his first book, this poet came to our event to help us and show us his work.
Red Crimson Shamrock
Music producer, photographer, with Rocío Álvarez collaboration with a photography gallery about live music and a speech about photography.
El Artista Invitado
Graphicall designer, Alejandro Díaz came to our event to help us with the organization and provided us two gallerys about Los Planetas and some exclusive illustration from his last gallery in memoria of David Bowie.
Magazine, Yuzin collects almost every event in Granada per month and offers a free magazine where you can find them. They provided us some magazines for our event.
La Tertulia
Bar, where you can find theater, poetry, music, dance, and every scenic art that you can imagine. They provided us some month schedules.
OUR CLIENTS 2º Cocina 1º Cocina 2º PRC 2º Servicios 2º Dirección y Servicios 1º Servicios 1º Dirección y Servicios 1º Guía y asistencia turístico 1º Gestión de alojamientos turísticos 2º Guía y asistencia turístico 1º Agencia de viajes y gestión de eventos 2º Agencia de viajes y gestión de eventos Antonio Bañón María José Arjona Antonio Nieves Laura Mata Jose María Hernández Eva Ramírez Pilar Moreno Gregorio Sánchez Paco Ramos Rafa Pérez Ramón Ruíz Agustín Ramos Pilar Ortega José Vega Pilar Fernández Antonio Reyes Jorge Amaya Rafael Vidarte Rocío Milla Guillermo Quero
CRITERIA H After the event we just made a few posts, thanking to the people who helped us and who came to our event, and after that we decided disappear for a few weeks to create expectation. In some of the events that we promoved, we met people who went because of the event and that had asked us about keep with the activity of Strummer's Numberplate, so it worked. Some songwriters and poets have told us that they're able to perform in another event, and, we have waited until january 31th to discover the first promotional image for the 2018 event. After seeing the profitable numbers of our partner companies, we are sure that for the next year we are going to have more sponsors, so we could do a bigger and more ambicious event.