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- We want to inspire and design wooden furniture with heart for future generations. Since 2017, we are FSC® certified* and working every day with the forest as our guiding star.

FSC-certified wood comes from a controlled forestry that protects nature, animals and humans. Rowico Home is therefore part of a carefully controlled chain that takes responsibility and strives to make sustainable choices, says Fredrik Hammargren, Purchasing Manager.


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* Rowico Homes certificate number BV-COC-135942 and license number FSC-C135942.


Rowico Home is a Swedish family-owned furniture company founded in 1971 by Roland Hammargren. Today, the third generation is active in the company, where Jessica Hammargren is the company's CEO and Fredrik Hammargren is purchasing manager.

Rowico Home designs furniture with a soul and a reason for people who appreciate well-made furniture in Scandinavian design with a focus on quality. The furniture is designed and engineered by a team of designers at the head office in Halmstad. Rowico Home also does collaborations with external desig-ners. In those cases, there is a close dialogue so that the furniture gets the right DNA and fits into the rest of the collection.

Rowico Home always focuses on making sustainable choices, with production in Europe as the first choice, and developing the range in a sustainable way. The furniture is manufactured at a few carefully controlled factories in Europe and Asia. The agreements with the factories confirm that they comply with international, national, and local laws and regulations regarding working conditions and other environmental issues. All factories also comply with the REACH regulation and Rowico Homes Code of conduct.

Wood is Rowico Home's most important material and FSC-certified furniture has become their hallmark. Rowico Home strives for the furniture to be well-crafted so they can be loved for many years to come and increase the love for your homeTHE LOVE OF HOME.

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In 2015, UN member states adopted Agenda 2030. A universal agenda that contains the 17 Global Goals for economically, socially and environmentally sustainable development. Sustainable development is defined by the UN as development that satisfies today's needs without jeopardizing future generations' opportunities to satisfy theirs. Global goals are the most ambitious sustainable development agenda the countries of the world have ever adopted and exist to achieve four positive things by 2030:

• Eliminating extreme poverty

• Reducing inequalities and injustices

• Promoting peace and justice

• Solving the climate crisis

Through the Global Goals for Sustainable Development, these four points can hopefully become a reality. In all countries and for all people!For us, it is important to take our responsibility. We want to do everything we can to positively impact people and the environment through our value chain. That is why we have decided to be part of the work for a sustainable world. Our updated sustainability policy for 2021 aims to support the UN's goals, and we have chosen to focus further on the areas where we can make a positive contribution.

A materiality analysis has been carried out internally where we have looked at the challenges and opportunities we face, in relation to the Global Goals. Based on this and after a survey of which issues are the highest priority for our own business, we have found that three of the global goals are particularly relevant to us.

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Equality between women and men is a prerequisite for sustainable and peaceful development. Gender equality is about a fair distribution of power, influence and resources. All forms of violence, discrimination and harmful practices against women and girls affect both the individual and society as a whole. Abolishing all forms of violence and discrimination against women and girls is not only a fundamental human right, but also crucial for people and societies to develop their full potential. Read more about Rowico's work with gender equality on page 24.


Today, more than half of the world's workers are in precarious employment. Often with poor pay and staying in a poor working environment. Decent working conditions promote sustainable economic growth are a positive force for the entire planet. We must protect the rights of workers and promote a safe and secure working environment for all workers, and once and for all stop modern slavery, human trafficking and child labor. We place high demands on our suppliers so that the furniture must always be manufactured under safe and fair conditions. We have a requirement in our cooperation agreements that our code of conduct is reviewed and signed by the suppliers and then complied with. Read more about this on page 16.


Climate change is a real and undeniable threat to our entire civilization. Greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise and as a result we risk reaching an average global warming exceeding two degrees, which would have serious consequences for us and future generations. To work towards this goal, we review the materials used in production, to make even better choices and reduce carbon dioxide emissions. In the coming years, we also want to increase the number of FSC®-labeled products in our range, in order to encourage sustainable consumption and production. Rowico also measures the effects of business travel, inbound transportation and energy consumption to increase awareness and have the opportunity to minimize its carbon dioxide emissions and reduce its negative environmental impact. Read more about our products on page 14, and about our carbon dioxide emissions on page 19.

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To measure the progress of our sustainability work, a number of specific targets have been developed. These targets are set to work towards the three selected global goals that are considered to be most relevant to Rowico Homes operations: gender equality, decent working conditions & economic growth and to combat climate change.


• The management team at Rowico should be represented by an equal proportion of women and men.

• Rowico shall achieve an even gender distribution within the various departments.

• Begin cooperation with the organization ROKS in 2021.


• Rowico Home continuously controls that protective equipment is available and used by suppliers, to ensure and contribute to improving working conditions.

• Rowico Home continues to expand production with FSC certified suppliers and works actively to help our suppliers become FSC certified. Since 2019, another 3 of our suppliers have received FSC certification.


• Rowico Home strives for the packaging material used to be recyclable and continuously replaces plastic and styrofoam with cardboard, this is an ongoing work.

• Several of our suppliers have today installed solar panels on the roof to reduce their environmental impact and Co2 emissions. An important supplier in Europe is completely self-sufficient in electricity. Our work to encourage and help our suppliers continues.

• Rowico Home's goal is to increase the proportion of FSC products annually and to offer only FSC certified products in the future.

• We will continue the work of moving production from non-FSC certified factories to FSC certified and continue to help existing suppliers with their FSC certification, the goal is to annually increase the proportion of FSC products and for new product categories, FSC certified suppliers are chosen. Our newest product category sofas are FSC certified and produced in Europe. This is partly to increase FSC-certified products but also to reduce emissions during transport.

• Together with our suppliers we will reduce carbon dioxide emissions. For the Head Office in Halmstad, we have reduced emissions by installing led lights but also motion detectors. This has led to a reduction in electricity consumption by 20% and approx. 3.1 tonnes of co2e in 2021 compared to 2019. Charging points were installed at the head office in 2021 to make it easier for staff to switch to electric/hybrid cars.. Some of our coworkers have already switched and it has reduced co2 emissions for commuting by almost 30%

• When a lease for a company car renews a hybrid or electric car will be selected. This work began in 2020 and by 2022, 75% of diesel cars have been replaced by electric and plug-in hybrids. This has led to a reduction in CO2 emissions by about 40%.

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We are a responsible furniture company that maintains a close dialogue with all stakeholders. For us, it is important that the furniture is handled correctly throughout the chain. Our main groups of stakeholders are employees, consumers, customers, owners, suppliers and other stakeholders, which you can read more about below.


Our employees are our family. We invest in creating a work environment as good as possible where health and wellness are a natural part of the work week. It is important that everyone feels good and comfortable. We have zero tolerance for all types of bullying. We are also convinced that integrated sustainability work is an important part of being an attractive employer in the future.


We place a high value on being in close contact with our consumers. If you, as a consumer have a question, you should be able to easily reach us and get quick answers. It should always be easy to do business with us. We are available by phone, email, web and our social media.


We want to be easily accessible to our customers around Europe. Rowico Home places great emphasis on having a close and knowledgeable customer dialogue with fast deliveries and feedback in various matters. It should always be positive, easy and safe to deal with us.


Good profitability is a prerequisite for driving the company forward. We are convinced that the company's development depends on responsible work with sustainability issues in order to continue to be an attractive company in the market.


For us to take our responsibility and try to make our industry more sustainable it also requires a close cooperation with banks, authorities and society.


We have a close collaboration and good daily communication with our suppliers. With a high presence of our own staff in the factories, the quality of the products is ensured and our requirements for our suppliers are met.

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To define which are Rowico Homes most significant sustainability areas, a materiality analysis has been carried out and compiled below. By sorting the company's and stakeholders' questions according to their importance, a good overview of the sustainability aspects is provided. It is then possible to identify which issues should be prioritized, but also how we create value for society and for different stakeholders. The Materiality analysis has been conducted through interviews with key people within Rowico Home. Questions have also been asked to end consumers through Instagram. There they have been able to take a position on various areas of sustainability. We have had an open dialogue with owners and customers to get their perspective and views on different areas of sustainability. Through this approach, the most important areas have been identified and it is in these areas that we focus our sustainability work.

• Economic growth

• Sustainable materials (FSC)

• Prone to change

• Effective use of resources

• Energy consumption at head office

• Transparency in value chain

• Gender equality

• Minimization of chemicals

• Trendy products

• Work environment and health

• Reduced environmental impact

• Working conditions factories

• High product quality

• Great customer service

• Secure partner

• Financially stable

• Competence development for employees

• Sustainable packaging materials

• Sustainable business offers with high ethics

• Price

• Availability

• Support for charity

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Our furniture is designed for people who appreciate well-made, trendy furniture with a focus on quality instead of quantity. We create furniture with a focus on elaborate design and high user-friendliness. Furniture that will be used and loved for many years to come. When you buy a piece of furniture from us, it is the start of a long-term relationship.


Most of our furniture is designed internally by us at the head office in Halmstad. Our team of product developers work closely to develop products from idea to finished products. By having our own design and internal product development we can influence the company's sustainability work in a positive direction from the very beginning when a new product is developed. We constantly choose well-thought-out material and supplier choices and set specific requirements for the design of production.

For us, it is important that the furniture is handled correctly throughout the chain, even when they have ended up in different homes. We want to provide the best possible conditions for the furniture to be taken care of in the right way so they last as long as they are made for. When you buy furniture from us, care instructions and installation instructions are always included. It is important that the furniture is then mounted correctly and that the care advice is read before use.

Our products are made of several different materials, depending on the design and construction. Wood is the largest proportion in our products, where a significant part is in FSC®-certified wood. Other materials used are metal, fabric, PU, leather, HPL, rattan, paint, varnish and glass. The choice of material has a major impact on quality, design, price, chemical content and not at least on the environment. Therefore, it is natural for Rowico Home to take our responsibility when choosing materials and choose the better alternative from a sustainable perspective.

We have very high standards on the materials that we work with, which means that some materials are removed if they do not meet our requirements. In addition, we start from the purely statutory requirements such as traceability of materials and the REACH regulation for chemicals. Finally, we have aesthetic requirements that can make us choose or not choose a material. We primarily choose environmentally friendly and FSC®-certified materials.


• The material PU will eventually be phased out in favor of Swan-labelled and environmentally friendly material.

• We strive to use fabrics with environmental labels and recycled materials

• We investigate new techniques and more environmentally friendly alternatives through an expanded quality assurance system, more natural materials such as stone and more environmentally friendly surface treatments. More products in an oiled finis that gives greater maintenance possibilities. We also work with replaceable seats and unassembled products.

• We use 100% solvent-free oils.

• Each product have a clear instructions manual on how the product is manufactured, how it is recycled or restored. Either by dressing, sanding or repairing. And how it is resold or donated.

• Each product have a clarification for how to sort the packaging after the products have been unpacked.

• In the coming years, we will increase the number of FSC-labeled products in our range. By increasing our demand for FSC-certified wood among our suppliers, we want to create rings on the water and contribute to a reduced climate impact. We believe that in this way we encourage more sustainable consumption and production.

If you have questions regarding our material in our products, you can contact us at

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The fact that a piece of furniture is FSC-certified means that all wood comes from responsible forestry, that is forestry that takes people and the environment into account. Where new trees are also planted in deforested forests.

By buying furniture that is FSC-certified, you make a better environmental choice. In order for a company to be able to call itself FSC-certified, you need to have 100% control over your supply chains and your warehousing. It is regularly reviewed by an external party. Rowico Home was reviewed and approved at the latest in May 2021.

If you are interested, you can read about our certificate at and search for our certificate number BV-COC-135942 or license number FSC-C135942.


In the autumn of 2017, we were approved to sell FSC-certified goods from our warehouse in Halmstad.

With our FSC certificate, we want to put extra focus on working actively with sustainable products. By offering FSC-certified furniture, we can contribute to a reduced climate impact and promote a more responsible forestry.

FSC stands for Forest Stewardship Council, which is an independent, international member organization that works for environmentally friendly, socially responsible and economically viable use of the world's forests, through its FSC certification system.

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We produce furniture with a number of suppliers in close collaboration. To achieve successful production, it is important for us to work with the right supplier at the right time. When we start a new collaboration with a supplier, there are certain established factors that must be reviewed and approved by both parties. Our furniture is always created with a social responsibility and an environmental awareness.


We have high requirement on our suppliers to ensure that the furniture is manufactured under safe and fair conditions. A supplier base in both Asia and Europe entails social, environmental and business ethical risks as the production of goods can have an impact on our environment from several different aspects. To control these risks, all our suppliers must accept certain specific requirements when signing a contract with us.

The cooperation agreement with the supplier confirms that they comply with international, national and local laws and regulations for social issues, environmental issues and chemicals. It is also confirmed that he will comply with the REACH Regulation and Rowico Homes Code of Conduct. In the agreement, the supplier also agrees to provide Rowico Home with updated and correct information regarding their supply chain, the origin of the wood and other documents related to the European Timber Regulation, EUTR.

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Our code of conduct is an important part of our cooperation agreement with all suppliers. Rowico Homes Code of Conduct is based on the International Labor Organization's (ILO) core conventions, the United Nations (UN) Human Rights, the United Nations (UN) Convention on the Rights of the Child, the European Timber Regulation (EUTR) and the REACH Regulation. Rowico Homes Code of Conduct is a comprehensive document and contains most of the parts for social responsibility, where the focus is on working conditions in production.


REACH is a chemicals legislation that came into force throughout the EU in 2007. It means that all chemicals within the EU must be identified and well investigated, in order to guarantee and ensure a high level of protection for human health and the environment. Within REACH, there are rules on what entrepreneurs have responsibilities and obligations regarding their products and operations. We place great focus on avoiding unwanted chemicals in the production of our furniture.


A basic requirement for us is that the factories must maintain a high standard. Therefore, no risks are taken if uncertainty arises about the potential supplier's working conditions and social responsibility. Rowico Home has zero tolerance for child labor, forced labor and discrimination. Factories that show an indication of this, that do not comply with legislation or have a lack of safety are immediately sorted out and no cooperation is ever relevant.


To ensure that our suppliers comply with our requirements in accordance with the cooperation agreement, we have a constantly high presence with suppliers. We have our own employed quality controllers who, through both announced and unannounced visits, ensure the quality of our products and ensure that the suppliers follow local work environment rules and our code of conduct. Extra quality checks are also made every time a supplier starts production of a new product or buys new materials to ensure that everything goes right. Should a supplier in any way deviate from the requirements we have set, an action plan is immediately put in place, where the supplier gets a chance to improve. If the supplier fails to follow the action plan, the cooperation is terminated.

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Reduced energy consumption, reduced emissions and reduced waste are part of Rowico Homes daily operations. By applying the precautionary principle and working together with employees, suppliers and customers, Rowico strives to be more climate and resource efficient. To help, we have our environmental policy for employees and environmental requirements as well as the Code of Conduct for suppliers.


Electricity is mostly used for lighting, trucks, circulation pumps and ventilation. We continuously monitor energy consumption and take measures that are possible. As part of the goal of saving energy, we have used district heating since 1988. The district heating in Halmstad comes from energy that would otherwise be wasted, mainly waste heat from industry and waste. An overhaul of lighting was done in 2019 to further reduce electricity consumption. After analysis, it has been concluded that a large saving would be made by replacing all fluorescent tubes in the property with LED lights, which has now been carried out and the saving amounts to approx. 20% on overall electricity consumption


Thanks to savings programs in combination with continued increased video meetings, the percentage of business trips has continued to fall during the year. If a meeting can be held digitally, it should always be held digitally. When changing a company car, a plug-in hybrid or electric car must be chosen. This work began in 2020 and by 2022, 75% of diesel cars have been replaced by electric and plug-in hybrids. This has led to a reduction in CO2 emissions by about 40%. In addition to this, charging points have been installed at the head office in 2021 to make it easier for staff to switch to a electric/hybrid car. Some of our coworkers have already switched and it has reduced co2 emissions for commuting by almost 30%


Transport accounts for the majority of our climate impact and consists mainly of incoming transport from the supplier to our warehouse in Halmstad. In order to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, great consideration is already given to product development and when the factory is established, by for example choosing more FSC®-labeled and European products. A large part of our flows of inbound transports are handled by framework agreement suppliers, which predominantly occur by road and sea freight. Since 2019, we have succeeded in reducing emissions in relation to turnover by almost 25%.

In both Asia and Europe, the focus is on consolidating shipments to reduce the number of shipments.

Since 2019, we have increased our FSC products from tables and some cabinettes to now in 2022 also include the majority of chairs and all sofas. This despite the challenges that have been in 2020 and 2021.

When choosing these suppliers, the shipping companies climate impact and environmental awareness are taken into account.

A basic requirement for sea freight is that the carrier is a member of the Clean Shipping Index (CSI), which is an environmental organization that works for a cleaner marine environment.

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Emissions have been calculated in accordance with the GHG protocol. Scope 1 refers to emissions from sources controlled by the company and this includes emissions from self-owned vehicles. Scope 2 refers to indirect emissions from purchased electricity, heating and cooling. Scope 3 includes emissions generated during the transport of purchased goods and the company business trips. Inbound transports refer to deliveries from the supplier to the main warehouse in Halmstad. Business trips include emissions from commuting as well as trips by plane, train or car within the company.

Climate impact (emissions in tonnes CO2e)

Scope 1

Our own vehicles 15,8

Scope 2

Energy consumption 13,8

Scope 3

Inbound transports 1528

Business trips 1,5

Commuting 29

Total 1588,1


An important part of our sustainability work is to strive for a high degree of recyceling of the waste generated in our business. To take our producer responsibility, we are affiliated with FTI, an organization that collects and recycles packaging and newspapers. All waste is today sent for recycling.

Corrugated cardboard is the largest item of waste and has been recycled since 2009. Plastic, glass, metal, wood and other food waste are also recycled. From 2019, the sorting rate has improved. The amount of corrugated cardboard that is recycled has increased and is today as close to 100% as possible. Recycling of plastic has continued to be a high priority and the proportion of sorted plastic has increased significantly since 2019. In order to continue working with the plastic strategy, Rowico Home has anchored a new goal that will begin in 2021. The goal involves 100 percent recycling of plastic packaging by 2023.

The climate impact from different waste fractions has been calculated according to a report from IVL, The Swedish Environmental Institute 2019, report number: B 2356. Through our work on recycling material, we compensate for emissions from corrugated cardboard and plastic, and reduce our climate impact for combustible waste.

From 2021, several of our factories have installed solar cells on the roof to reduce their environmental impact and Co2 emissions. Our most important and largest supplier of FSC products in Europe is now even completely self-sufficient in renewable electricity. Our work to encourage and help our factories continues, in 2022 we hold a dialogue with 10 of our suppliers who have the potential for an annual reduction of approx. 500-2,000 tons of co2 per supplier.

Compensation will continue to take place partly through tree planting, which already takes place within the framework of FSC-certified wood, and through solar energy installations at our suppliers. To be involved and contribute to a better environment locally for the people who work for our suppliers,

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CARDBOARD PLASTIC COMBUSTIBLE TOTAL CO2e -36,8 2,3 5,8 -28,7 WAST IN TON 122,8 3,9 19,4 146,1
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”Furniture with a soul, and a reason”.

Furniture can by its wellthought-out design, its social responsibility and the solid craftsmanship give the feeling of having a soul. A soul that in turn generates rooms where people want to meet and socialize.

Rowico Home creates social furniture in a Scandinavian design.


We offer our customers social furniture that creates space to socialize and to enjoy themselves in.

Rowico Home creates value by being a safe and reliable supplier who takes social responsibility, but above all we create products that are popular and that have both soul and reason.

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As a mother of two, it is inevitable not to think about what kind of world I am handing over to my children. Since I have the privilege of being the CEO of a company, I also have the advantage of being able to be involved and influence our future focus areas. We at Rowico Home have chosen to put extra effort into working with our value chain and try to make it as envoiromentally positive as possible, both for ourselves but also for future generations. So when the UN put up global goals for economic, social and environmentally sustainable development, we decided to be involved and contribute to a more sustainable world with anything that we at Rowico Home can contribute with.

Rowico Home was founded by my grandfather in 1971 and has been run in the family ever since. Real quality is not only excellent design and first-class materials, it is also about fair working conditions, responsible owners, employees and suppliers as well as an honest and solid customer focus. With this sustainability report, I want to remind the outside world and ourselves of what we strive for. When we gather everything in one report, it also becomes clearer and easier for us to work with our focus areas and towards the UN sustainable development global goals.

At Rowico Home, we work by the thesis that everything is constantly changing. In order to be able to do successful change work, I am convinced that the key is to ensure that all employees have a great job satisfaction. Therefore, my focus as CEO is not only to challenge each person to grow and do their best but also to ensure that everyone gets the right conditions for it.

I want Rowico Homes employees to have a healthy ergonomic work environment, dare to take their own initiatives and also have fun at work. After all, we spend almost a third of our lives in our workplace and then it is important that you feel good and that you thrive. If you can also be involved and influence for the next generation as well, I feel that it gives another dimension of work motivation.


Our employees are our family, with a strong core of common values. Employees are our most important asset and absolutely crucial to Rowico Homes success. We place great value on all employees being happy and well. Therefore, we focus a lot on creating job satisfaction and a good work environment with an inclusive culture, where health and wellness is a natural part of the work week.



Gender equality, diversity and an inclusive culture are part of our fundamental values and should be an obvious part of daily work. The goal is to achieve an even gender distribution within the various departments. We show trust and respect for each other, allow and appreciate differences, share knowledge and experiences, think new and are open to different perspectives.

Gender equality for Rowico Home means that everyone, regardless of gender, must have the same rights, opportunities and conditions to develop and contribute to the company's development. The goal is to make the best use of and respect each employee's skills, experience and value. This means that you can develop as an individual and in your professional role, and thus contribute to the company's development.

Diversity for us means that everyone, regardless of gender, age, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, creed and disability, is treated equally and has the same opportunities and rights. There is zero tolerance for discrimination, abusive discrimination and harassment, something that is mentioned in an underlying policy that all employees need to follow.

In the recruitment process, we work with clear goals regarding gender distribution. Rowico Home strives to always have final candidates of both sexes and gives an advantage to the gender that is underrepresented in the department the recruitment applies to.

Competence always takes precedence, but with equal competence, advantage is given to the underrepresented gender. To give all employees the same opportunity for development, information about career paths and vacancies is easily accessible to everyone.

The warehouse is a department where there is a big difference in gender distribution. In total in the other departments, 47% of the employees are women and 53% men. Rowico Home has had a female CEO since 2018.

The management team today consists of two women and four men. The goal is for the management team to be represented by an equal proportion of women and men in the near future.


Competence development is important for the employees motivation and individual development, and at the same time crucial for the company's competitiveness. All employees are therefore given the opportunity for development on the competence that is required for the tasks that the employee perform.

Together with the closest manager, a plan is made of what could be improved in order to be able to develop in their position.

Rowico Home is a learning organization, which means that we constantly learn from each other. We therefore strive to increase the competence within the company through internal training of a colleague in various areas, everything from systems to products, to spread our knowledge.

All employees have received training on the meaning of an FSC® certification. We have also participated in workshops that CSR West Sweden has arranged to increase knowledge about sustainability within the organization.

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Winningtemp is a modern employee survey run by Al. Every week, questions are sent out to employees which are then analyzed. Based on the answers, each person is given unique follow-up questions that aim to find and sort out discrepancies. Winningtemp measures factors that affect employee engagement, mental health and job satisfaction in order to provide concrete proposals for measures. The tool shows how the organization feels based on nine different categories that together form a comprehensive definition of the optimal employee experience.

By measuring employee well-being in real time and analyzing trends over time, Winningtemp facilitates proactive leadership and helps set up a continuous development work that gives effect. With a clear overall picture of the organization's well - being, it is possible to act proactively to take advantage of opportunities and remedy any problems in good time. This minimizes the risk of employees dissatisfaction being discovered too late. The goal is to use this tool to create a prosperous and productive organization.

Since May 2019, Rowico Home has chosen to use Winningtemp instead of the traditional annual employee interview. Instead, employees and managers have short reconciliation meetings once a month. By working in this way, Rowico believes that you get to know the organization better and can act faster when problems arise. This agile approach has helped the company a lot over the past year and provided insights into what works and what needs to be improved. Employee engagement in the organization has increased by 20% since Winningtemp began to be used.


Rowico Home invests wholeheartedly in health. That all employees feel good, are healthy and happy at work means a lot. Being able to workout during working hours is important when everyday life is as stressful as it is. Exercise and recovery a couple of times a week and at the same time having fun together as a group pays off in the long run. With us, you feel all the positive energy that is in the house, every day. This hopefully also contributes to a better efficiency at work. Rowico Home encourages well-being and a healthier everyday life through:

• Wellnes contribution: Up to 2000 sek/year.

• Fitness room: At our head office there is a training room that can be used by an employee at any time outside working hours.

• 15 min exercise: Encourages 15 minutes of training every day during working hours.

• Groupworkout: Offers collective group session once a week for all employees.

• Recovery: Rowico Home encourages its employees to use Proma's recovery/massage chair located on the premises.

• Breathing: Once a week, the organization meets with the breething experts at Primal Health for a guided breathing and relaxation session.

• Massage: Rowico Home also offers its employees to use the wellness allowance for massage every two weeks.

Balance between work and leisure contributes to creating conditions for good health. All employees, regardless of gender, must have the same opportunities to combine work, family and leisure. For us, the family is in focus. That is why it is important for Rowico Home to be a simple and flexible employer that helps to facilitate family life. We do this by offering flexible working hours and, if necessary, allowing work from home. We encourage all employees, regardless of gender, to take their parental leave. We communicate employees' rights and benefits during parental leave and work actively to find solutions.

Wellness aims to promote health and is a good investment for both the individual and the employer. Through its wellness policy, Rowico Home wants to encourage its staff to increase health awareness and provide opportunities for active participation in health-promoting activities. Wellness involves an effort towards both physical and mental well-being and must be conducted on the basis of each individual's individual circumstances. Rowico Home therefore subsidizes wellness through contribution for all staff.

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For us, it is important to be involved and support and contribute to a better society. It is natural for us to take responsibility and engage in social betterment and sustainability improvements and projects. Here are some of the projects and initiatives we support.

Investment in colony of bees

As part of promoting the local animal and plant kingdom, Rowico Home will invest in bee society. We do this to support ecosystems, as well as to take responsibility for the environment and biodiversity. The collaboration will be done together with a local company called Kimber Bigård. They provide advice and place the hives in places where they do the most good.

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