Guy Online by JOHN GUIDROZ
Check out the new site at
Mags for Free That’s just not cool. To show everyone (that means your friends, also)
GHM Facebook — Picture of the Month
how incredibly awesome our magazine is, we have decided to offer
Do you have an awesome picture that is worthy of being published in
everyone a free test drive. All we ask is that you tell the world about us.
Guy Harvey Magazine? Well, here is your chance to show it off! Recently,
What?! Your friend is not a subscriber to Guy Harvey Magazine??!!
we started posting some of the awe-inspiring images from our magazine Here is how it works…
onto our Facebook page. Our fans have responded and told us that they
love this new feature. So, now it’s your turn!
Step 1 — Take a killer picture that is Guy Harvey worthy.
and watch the video of Guy Harvey introducing the new magazine.
Step 2 — Upload and describe your picture at HYPERLINK:
Then, scroll down and do one of the following: -Tweet about Guy Harvey Magazine -Post on Facebook about Guy Harvey Magazine -Post on your blog about Guy Harvey Magazine After we verify that your link is live, you can get one free issue of Guy
Step 3 — If people like it, we post it. If people love it, we put it in the magazine. We can’t wait to see what you can come up with.
Harvey Magazine. Existing subscribers can also cash-in and receive an additional issue tacked on to their current subscription. And, yes, you’re very welcome.
Be sure to check out Guy on Facebook