3 minute read
Stop Caretaking the Borderline or Narcissist
How to End the Drama and Get On with Life
By Margalis Fjelstad
Here, Margalis Fjelstad describes how people get into a Caretaker role with a Borderline or Narcissist, and how they can get out. Caretakers give up their sense of self to become who and what the Borderline or Narcissist needs them to be. This compromises the Caretaker’s self-esteem, distorts their thinking processes, and locks them into a Victim-Persecutor-Rescuer pattern with the Borderline or Narcissist. The book looks at the underlying rules and expectations in these relationships and shows Caretaker’s how to move themselves out of these rigid interactions and into a healthier, more productive, and positive lifestyle—with or without the Borderline/Narcissistic partner or family member. It describes how to get out of destructive interactions with the Borderline or Narcissist and how to take new, more effective actions to focus on personal wants, needs, and life goals while allowing the Borderline or Narcissist to take care of themselves. It presents a realistic, yet compassionate, attitude toward the self-destructive nature of these relationships, and gives real life examples of how individuals have let go of their Caretaker behaviors with creative and effective solutions.
Margalis Fjelstad, PhD, LMFT, has a private psychotherapy practice in Ft. Collins, CO, specializing in work with clients who are in relationship to someone who has borderline or narcissistic personality disorder, and she facilitates groups on Caretaker recovery.
Rights sold: Audio, German
Rowman & Littlefield
August 2014
232 pages
978 1 4422 3832 9 eBook
978 1 4422 2019 5
Psychology • Mental Health
Before I Go
Letters to Our Children about What Really Matters
By Peter Kreeft
In Before I Go, Kreeft presents lessons learned about life, faith, morality, priorities, marriage, and more, as his legacy to his children—and to readers. He shares his practical wisdom, as well as his concern for truth and goodness, in a warm and readable way.
Peter Kreeft has been featured on the PBS series “The Question of God.” He is professor of philosophy at Boston College and lives in West Newton, Massachusetts.
The Father Factor
How Your Father’s Legacy Impacts Your Career
By Stephen B. Poulter Ph.D
The father factor is the conscious understanding, awareness, and appreciation of the critical influence that your father had, still has, or could have in your career development and future potential. Noting that the father-son or father-daughter relationship is one of the least understood relationships in adult life, Dr. Poulter helps you become acutely aware of the immeasurable impact (negative or positive) that your father has on your ability to relate to other people. From this recognition you will also learn to move past the career roadblocks that frequently stem from the lingering effects of your father’s influence.
Rights sold: Portuguese, Slovak, Audio
Sheed & Ward
December 2007 • 264 pages
Hardback 978 1 5805 1224 4 eBook 978 1 5805 1230 5
Religion • General
Rights sold: Dutch
May 2006 • 239 pages
Paperback 978 1 5910 2410 1 eBook 978 1 6159 2139 3
Psychology • Social Psychology
Everyday Bias
Identifying and Navigating Unconscious Judgments in Our Daily Lives, Updated Edition
By Howard J. Ross
To be human is to be biased. From this simple truth, nationally recognized diversity expert Howard J. Ross explores the biases we each carry within us. Incorporating anecdotes from today’s headlines alongside case studies from over 30 years of diversity consulting, Ross helps readers understand how unconscious bias impacts our day-to-day lives and, particularly, our daily work lives. And, he answers the question: “Is there anything we can do about it?” by providing examples of behaviors that the reader can engage in to disengage the impact of their own biases. Originally published in 2014, the updated edition draws new examples from today’s headlines such as the #me too Movement, police shootings, and bias in the ever more partisan Trump era.
Howard J. Ross, a lifelong social justice advocate and founding partner of the nationally recognized diversity consulting firm Cook Ross, Inc., is the author of Reinventing Diversity: Transforming Organizational Community to Strengthen People, Purpose, and Performance (2011), Everyday Bias: Identifying and Navigating Unconscious Bias in our Everyday Lives and Our Search for Belonging: How Our Need to Connect is Tearing Us Apart (Barrett Koehler, 2018).
Rights sold: Japanese
Rowman & Littlefield
September 2020
214 pages
978 1 4422 5865 5 eBook
978 1 5381 4229 5
Family & Relationships • Prejudice