Distinguished President Application

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District Contest




Nominee Name: Roy Samuel Golingan Nominated By: Ira Brownlee Key Club: Pittsburg Club #: H89524 District: California-Nevada-Hawaii Division: 26 North Region: 9 !

TABLE OF CONTENTS Complete the Table of Contents by listing the different focus areas in each application item, and by adding the page number for which the listed sections begin. This should also help you place the items in the correct order. !


Cover Page Nomination Form Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8 Section 9 Section 10 !


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1 2 Letter(s) of Recommendation President Checklist Proof of Attendance Agendas Club Achievements Kiwanis Relations Communication Miscellaneous

3 7 9 11 24 29 32 38


Why should this president be recognized? Word Limit: 1,000 To whom it may concern, I am proud and honored to submit Roy Samuel Golingan’s name for a chance to become a Distinguished President of Key Club. Roy has a passion like no other, he saw the chance to rescue Pittsburg Key Club and restore it to its former glory. The club has faced many challenges before his term, and Roy was there to solve the problems we faced, ultimately leading to his astounding two-term presidency. I have to say that the club was fortunate to gain an officer like Roy. If he wasn’t there, then the club would have continued to go down the wrong road. I also know Roy as a close friend. He is there to assist me in any issue I have, and also to train me in becoming an efficient Vice President. He always lives on a very special quote, “Keep moving forward,” because whenever plans do not turn out as well as planned, he never stops working, and continues to finish the task, no matter what the obstacles are. Pittsburg Key Club grew very fast during his terms, and now, the club is literally the largest collection of students I’ve seen during my time in high school. I remember seeing Roy staying up for 24 hours during the Relay for Life event, and that kind of dedication is what makes him a very unique person. He pushes limits, he goes farther than everyone else, and he is one of the most creative people I know. When he hosted the first Hunger Games (themed) Competition at our school during his first term, a great number of people experienced a brand new, adrenaline-pumping event that raised money for a cause. He delivers something fresh to the table whenever he puts out an idea, and I continue to see him grow as we reach our final days as Key Clubbers. As I said, I am proud to call Roy Samuel Golingan a friend, and I nominate him to be a Distinguished President of CNH Key Club. Sincerely, Israel Castro



I am deeply honored to receive these Letters of Recommendation from my Lieutenant Governor, Club Advisor, and Kiwanis Advisor. They helped me realize how the actions and activities I conduct in my club played an important role in shaping the members who served their home, school, and community throughout the year.




As'the'Pi>sburg'Kiwanis'Club'educaEon'liaison,'I'have'had'the'pleasure'of'working'this' past'year'with'Roy'Golingan'in'his'role'as'President'of'the'Pi>sburg'High'School’s'Key' Club.'Roy’s'enthusiasm'for'the'club'and'their'community'work'has'been'a'key'reason'as' to'why'the'Key'Club'is'so'strong'this'year'with'over'125'members.'His'dedicaEon'to'the' ideals'of'Key'Club,'his'professionalism,'and'his'inclusive'manner'makes'him'an'ideal' candidate'for'DisEnguish'President.'

Roy'has'brought'a'commitment'to'excellence'to'his'role'as'president.'During'his'Eme'in' leadership'posiEons,'he'has'developed'a'website'for'the'club'and'uses'a'variety'of' technology'forums'to'communicate'with'fellow'students'and'with'the'community'at' large.'Roy'had'presented'to'the'Pi>sburg'Unified'School'District’s'School'Board' regarding'the'club’s'acEviEes'and'is'well'known'to'the'members'of'our'local'club'for'his' willingness'to'partner'with'us'at'community'events'such'as'food'drives'and'our'pancake' breakfasts.'

I'have'had'the'opportunity'to'see'Roy'grow'in'his'leadership'skills'through'this'year.'I'feel' that'Roy'is'that'special'type'of'leader.'He'leads'by'his'own'example.'His'dedicaEon'and' energy'for'the'club'is'contagious'and'it'is'easy'to'see'at'his'meeEngs'that'he'encourages' all'members'to'be'involved'and'acEve.'I'have'also'observed'how'he'shares'leadership' thus'enabling'other'students'new'opportuniEes'to'develop'themselves'into'tomorrow’s' leaders.'

In'conclusion,'I'believe'that'Roy'Golingan'should'be'considered'as'a'strong'candidate'to' be'awarded'DisEnguished'President.'

Louise'Barbee' Pi>sburg'Kiwanis'Club


Josh Frishman 772 3rd Ave, Pinole, CA 94564 1/15/2015 To whom it may concern, Working with Roy Samuel Golingan and the Pittsburg High School Key club has been an amazing experience. Our club is the most popular on campus and the effect it has on our school and surrounding community is as genuine as it gets. Much of this is due to Roy’s leadership of the club. He is energetic, organized, thorough, kind, and compassionate. He continually reinforces these qualities whenever he leads his club members. These are only some of the reasons why I recommend Roy Samuel Golingan for the Distinguished Key Club President Award. With our club reaching past 100 weekly participants, organization is a must. Roy has somehow found a way to manage this incredible number while also being able to effectively motivate these members to become involved in weekly events. One way he has accomplished this feat it through the creation of our club’s social media sites. Beyond creating our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts, he held elections for those wanting to assist in maintaining the sites. Roy redesigned the board to include a webmaster that has been successfully updating and maintaining all electronic messages essential to club growth and participation. Roy organized a vote for class representatives whose responsibility it is to share important information with their respective class. Roy appointed a club editor to each class so that frequent contributions to the newsletter come streaming in. In addition to these accomplishments, Roy has organized class competitions within the club to help spread the message around campus that our club is fun and a destination for all students at Pittsburg High School. Roy’s accomplishments go beyond the weekly meetings. This year he has created a bond between the high school Key Club and the officers of Los Medanos College Circle K Club (the college version of Key Club). He organized a joint board meeting with them to collaborate on strategies and future plans. Roy worked with the Pittsburg Kiwanis by attending their general meetings over the summer and, in doing so, kept them updated with the future projects we are working on. Roy continually trains his current board of officers and even made the process fun by making sure all board members attended the Region Training Conference trip in September. The ability to organize events, facilitate collaboration, and successfully grow the club throughout the year speaks to the level of passion and drive Roy exhibits on a daily basis. In conclusion, Mr. Golingan has earned the respect and admiration of the student body. He participates and fundraises in any event that brings awareness to global and community issues. Roy’s impact on the Key Club has many younger members striving to work beside him in order to learn how to become a natural, dedicated leader. I look up to Roy as much as anyone and feel that his professionalism, character, and charisma are as genuine as anyone I have ever met. Thank you for considering Roy for the award. Sincerely, Josh Frishman Pittsburg High School Key Club Advisor


January 8th, 2015 To whom it may concern, This is written in regards of the President’s Distinguished Award. In this letter, I will be recognizing Roy Golingan, club president of Pittsburg High School. I have seen Roy grow from being a member, to a president and spirit, and currently to a 2nd term president and the Division 26 North news editor. He, by far, is one of the best news editors I have ever come across. Since I have started my Key Club journey, Roy has been alongside me and I have seen him grow immensely. Last term, Roy was appointed to the position of division spirit coordinator alongside his presidency. He was assigned a task and he accomplished it, beyond expected. He was able to lead the division to victory at Fall Rally North for the first time in Division 26 North history. He is a natural born leader, leading over 100 people at Fall Rally. Currently, as a president, he is leading and building his club beyond heights. This year, Roy has been able to juggle and succeed with his tasks of being a president, a news editor, an AP student, and so much more. He has been an inspiration to myself and others because he continues to show his love for Key Club through his service hours, attendance at most (if not all) division, region, and district events, as well as his local Circle K meetings and events. He was able to grow his club to over 100 members and gives them the opportunity to serve every single month by finding service projects for them as well as organizing fundraisers. As editor, he has gone beyond the average newsletter. With compilations of club updates and service projects, he does an impeccable job of meeting deadlines, publicizing, and meeting criteria. His newsletters are so distinct and one of a kind that is surprising that he is able to accomplish it along with his responsibilities of a president. Roy deserves this award because he is one of the most passionate people I have ever met within Key Club International. He strives to help, to lead, to serve. Quite honestly, his efforts and accomplishments are beyond what any words can explain; therefore, that is a reason he should be honored with this award.

Sincerely, Division 26 North Lt. Governor, Jennifer Lam.



In my journey of being Pittsburg’s Key Club president, I have learned countless lessons through my experiences in training conferences, service events, and especially, my mistakes. With that said, I used the skills I gathered to lead the members and officers to opportunities that would enhance their Key Club experiences. As a president, it is my duty to be the liaison between my club and division. I work closely with my Division Leadership Team to make sure that Pittsburg Key Club will be full of members that serve with their hearts.




District Contest





This checklist must be completed in order for you to be recognized as Appreciation, Outstanding, or Distinguished. You will need at least two individual to verify that you have completed the items on the checklist. These individuals must place their initials or provide you with permission to place their initials in the appropriate column.



Nominee Name: Roy Samuel Golingan Key Club: Pittsburg Club #: H89524 District: California-Nevada-Hawaii Division: 26 North Region: 9



Club Standards JL JL JL

Membership: Paid club membership dues by December 1 Service: Provided a minimum of 50 service hours as per Key Club International Constitution & By-Laws Club Status: Home Club is in good standing and has paid dues


Administration: Led the majority of club general meetings and a minimum of eight (8) board meetings Reporting: Assisted Vice President in training and Kiwanis family relations, assisted Secretary with timely submission of all reports (elections, monthly, and officer reports), assisted Treasurer with timely dues submission to Key Club International by December 1, and assisted Editor with news articles Leadership Qualities: Promoted and exemplified the Key Club International Core Values, led by example, motivated the members, was receptive to new ideas, and made an effort to meet new members Club Analysis: Completed an analysis of your club to identify areas of strength, areas needing improvement, and membership interest Membership Education: Promoted active participation by new and returning members and promoted revitalization of inactive members Leadership Skills: Developed an effective problem-solving skills, helped to resolve issues and promoted leadership development of future leaders Club Communication: Communicated on a monthly basis with the membership (via phone, electronic, in person, etc.), with the Faculty/Kiwanis Advisor, and with the sponsoring Kiwanis Club Division Communication: Communicated on a monthly basis with the Division Lieutenant Governor and/or Region Advisor

Work Accomplishments


Attendance JF JF JL LB JL JL !

Club Meetings: Attended eighty-percent (80%) of all club general meetings Board Meetings: Attended eighty-percent (80%) of all club executive board meetings Division Council Meetings: Attended a minimum of six (6) Division Council Meetings Kiwanis Meetings: Attended a minimum of one (1) Kiwanis Division Council Meetings or attended a minimum of three (3) general Kiwanis meetings Training Conference: Attended the Officer Training Conference or Region Training Conference President Workshop: Attended the President Workshop at District Convention, International Convention, Officer Training Conference, or Region Training Conference

CERTIFICATION OF ORIGINALITY This certifies that we, the undersigned, verify the completion of the aforementioned requirements by the individual named on this application. All appropriate criterions have been identified on this form.



Identified requirements must be met in order to be eligible for this recognition. It is also understood that the decisions of the judges are final and no changes, alteration or re-judging will take place after the judges and the Member Recognition Chair have certified the results. NOTE: All names, initials and contact information are ONLY required if used as verification. REMEMBER: There must be at least 2 out of 4 people verifying task completion. Signatures from the school representative and the Kiwanis club representative may not be by the same person. *You may only include those who are verifying completion of the checklist items.* INITIALS






Faculty Advisor

Josh Frishman


(203) 430-3055


Kiwanis Advisor

Louise Barbee


(925) 473-2315


Key Club Lt. Governor

Jennifer Lam


(925) 890-4722

Kiwanis Lt. Governor



Being part of these Key Club events keeps me motivated to do the work I need in order for my club to keep functioning the way it is. With Region Training Conferences and Officer Training Conferences, I learned how to become the president I am today. These events have refined my personal character, and made me view this organization on different perspectives. I always look forward to attending these events as much as possible. This Proof of Attendance list shows my participation with Pittsburg community events, volunteering opportunities, and Key Club events ranging from club level to international level.



District Contest





Nominee Name: Roy Samuel Golingan Key Club: Pittsburg District: California-Nevada-Hawaii Division:

Club #: H89524 26 North Region: 9


The E-Signer has to be your club President, Secretary, or Faculty/Kiwanis Advisor. Presidents and Secretaries may not sign-off on their own form. !


E-Signature: E-Signer’s Position:

Roelyne Reyes Vice President

E-Signer’s E-mail: roelyne.reyes@gmail.com E-Signer’s Phone Number: (925)550-6918


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Project, Activity, Event

1. Neon Run 2. Multiple Sclerosis Walk 3. Pittsburg Relay for Life 4. March of Dimes 5. Pittsburg Football Concessions 6. African American Health Expo 7. Kiwanis Golf Ball Numbering 8. Diwali Night 9. Veteran’s Day Breakfast 10. Food Pantry 11. Fall Rally North 2014 12. DCON 2014 13. ICON 2014 14. RTC 2014 15. Conclave 2014 16. Kiwanis Rees’s Candy Fundraiser 17. Circle K Key 2 College 18. Ice Sk8 to Elimin8 19. Seafood Festival 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

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3 – 1 - 14 5 - 4 - 14 7 – 19 - 14 8 – 23 - 14 9 – 3 - 14 9 – 20 - 14 9 – 21 - 14 8 – 25 - 14 11 – 11 - 14 12 – 10 - 14 8 – 19 - 14 4 – 11 - 14 7 – 2 - 14 9 – 27 - 14 1 – 26 - 14 12 – 20 - 14 11 – 15 - 14 12 – 13 - 14 9 – 6 - 14


Level of Activity Division District




Service Hours

7 8 24 2 4 5 3 7 4 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A 6

Total Service Hours 74


By organizing my plans through these agendas, they help me create strong relationships between the officers and the members. A consistent flow of information is key to maintaining an effective board, and a direct implementation of the term’s plans with the members ensures that they are updated with important information.


Pittsburg Key Club Agenda: April 28th, 2014 I. CALL TO ORDER “I call this meeting to order at ____:____ PM.” – Roelyne Reyes II. SERVICE EVENTS a. May 4th – Multiple Sclerosis Walk i. Arrive 6:15 AM and end at 1:30 PM ii. Heather Farms Park iii. Complete a volunteer form; headcount III. NEW BUSINESS a. May DCM i. Sunday, May 4th ii. Heather Farms Park iii. @ 2:00 PM after Multiple Sclerosis Walk iv. First DCM of the new term! b. Senior Scholarships i. Go to pittkeyclub.weebly.com ii. Under “Contact and Resources” iii. Must have minimum 2 years of being a Key Club member iv. Proof of acceptance to college v. One page letter describing how Key Club experiences helped you grow vi. Address to Pittsburg Kiwanis Club, email is in the form c. Senior Headcount for Sashes (Roy Golingan) d. Neon Run Sign Ups (Roy Golingan) i. Go to pittkeyclub.weebly.com ii. Under “Upcoming Events”, click the Sign Up Here button V. ADJOURN MEETING “I adjourn this meeting at ___:___PM.” – Roelyne Reyes


Pittsburg Key Club Agenda: May 5th, 2014 I. CALL TO ORDER “I call this meeting to order at ____:____ PM.” II. SERVICE EVENTS a. Neon Run i. Sign­ups ii. Carpools III. OLD BUSINESS a. May DCM i. Sunday, May 4th ii. Heather Farms Park iii. @ 2:00 PM after Multiple Sclerosis Walk iv. First DCM of the new term! b. Senior Scholarships i. Go to pittkeyclub.weebly.com ii. Under “Contact and Resources” iii. Must have minimum 2 years of being a Key Club member iv. Proof of acceptance to college v. One page letter describing how Key Club experiences helped you grow vi. Address to Pittsburg Kiwanis Club, email is in the form IV. NEW BUSINESS a. Unofficial Club Mascot i. Him or Nergal b. Clubs Lip Sync Battle i. Lunch, Wednesday, May 7th ii. Come support! V. ADJOURN MEETING “I adjourn this meeting at ___:___PM.”


Pittsburg Key Club Agenda: September 29th, 2014 I. Call to Order A. “I call this meeting to order at ___:___ PM II. Old Business A. Fall Rally North Tickets i. Still accepting orders ii. $36 without season pass iii. Car rides/chaperones B. PTP Goals i. We reached our $300 goal! ii. Money goes to training doctors and nurses/taking care of children III. New Business A. Pittsburg Website i. Who has visited? ii. Keep checking back for updates B. October DCM i. Mandatory for Fall Rally attendees ii. On the stairs in front of the CAB at 2PM iii. Bring money and come early to get shirts/spirit gear C. Service Opportunities i. If you know any group/event that needs volunteers please let us know! ii. Heads up: Light the Night, Civic Park, Walnut Creek, October 25th D. Macy’s Music Video i. 8:00­10:03 ii. Wear orange and black (or KC shirts) iii. Learn How Do You Feel Cheer IV. Open Discussion A. Any questions, comments, concerns? V. “Meeting adjourned at ___:___ PM”


Pittsburg Key Club Agenda: October 20th, 2014 I. Call to Order A. “I call this meeting to order at ___:___ PM II. Old Business A. Fall Rally North i. “Thank you all for coming, I am so proud of all the 72 members that came” ii. “Who is planning to come next year?” iii. *Do a cheer* iv. Leftover shirts III. New Business A. Diwali Night i. 10 Volunteers ii. Be there at 3:30PM; Starts at 5:00PM­depends on how the event goes iii. Who wants to be a chair for this event? B. Pirateer/Uglyman Voting i. Only round of voting on November 4th ii. Anyone with a truck? iii. Music Video: _________________ iv. Volunteers for float building C. Trick­or­Treat for UNICEF i. We have more boxes right here if you need one ii. Due after Halloween D. Club Dues i. Submit $12 to Jenny Pham E. Class Competition i. Build the best Spirit Stick IV. Open Discussion A. Any questions, comments, concerns? V. “Meeting adjourned at ___:___ PM”


Pittsburg Key Club Agenda: November 3rd, 2014 I. Call to Order A. “I call this meeting to order at ___:___ PM III. New Business A. Key 2 College i. UC Berkeley Circle K ii. November 15th at 8:00 AM iii. Travel by BART iv. Learn how to college B. Trick­or­Treat for UNICEF i. I hope you all had a great Halloween ii. Due THIS FRIDAY C. Club Dues i. Not too late! ii. Submit $12 to Jenny Pham iii. Please get them in by THIS FRIDAY D. Class Competition i. Build the best Spirit Stick ii. Designs are due next meeting iii. Must include the words “Class of (your class)” and “Key Club” iv. Get together with your class right now to decide color choices E. Pirateer/Uglyman Voting i. Only round of voting TOMORROW ii. Please repost the Pirateer Uglyman photos F. Key Club Week has started i. Take a group picture/selfies ii. Add caption of why you love Key Club and hashtag #KeyClubWeek IV. Open Discussion A. Any questions, comments, concerns? V. “Meeting adjourned at ___:___ PM”


Pittsburg Key Club Agenda: December 1st, 2014 I. Call to Order A. “I call this meeting to order at ___:___ PM III. New Business A. Sees’ Candy Fundraiser i. When: Today until December 23rd, 3:30­5:00PM ii. Where: Ready Print Store B. December DCM i. December 13th, 4PM ­ 7PM, Walnut Creek ii. $15 to skate iii. Carpool if needed C. Hunger Games Committee i. We need 13 “coaches,” 5 people for setup/destroy ii. Hunger Games will be most likely in January, $5 per player iii. This our Eliminate project D. Spirit Stick Designs i. Class Reps please submit what materials you need ii. Due this Friday iii. Spirit Stick building competition next week IV. Open Discussion A. Any questions, comments, concerns? V. “Meeting adjourned at ___:___ PM”


Pittsburg Key Club Agenda: January 12th, 2014 I. Call to Order A. “I call this meeting to order at ___:___ PM III. New Business A. Officer Elections i. Next month! ii. Think about what position do you want to take iii. There is Executive and Non­Executive Board B. Hunger Games Committee i. Whoever signed up, we have a meeting this Friday after school ii. Coaches, class heads, cleanup­setup squad iii. Poster making C. Conclave i. This Saturday, January 17th @ Sequoia Elementary School, Oakland ii. NEED 2 DELEGATES iii. Vote for the next Lieutenant Governor of D26N iv. Also January DCM v. Transportation is provided for 4 people (delegates priorititzed IV. Open Discussion A. Any questions, comments, concerns? V. “Meeting adjourned at ___:___ PM”


Pittsburg High - LMC|Joint Board Meeting @Denny’s - 7:30PM

II. Old Business A.i. Relay for Life (Between June and July) - Improvements? - Goals for next year’s event: $300 - Advanced planning for members to stay 24-hours A.ii. Seafood Festival (September 6th-7th) - Kiwanis booth - Other volunteer services? - Shift changes A.iii. Pittsburg Arts and Entertainment (First week of October) - Induction ceremony - needs ushers, door guards, etc. - Contact Chuck Dybdal A.iv. Duck Race - Is it still happening? - Alternate use of profits such as Eliminate or ICON funds? A.v. Health Expo (3rd week of September) - Event needs more publication - Eliminate Booth? B. Other events around our area? Questions, comments, concerns? III. New Business A.i. Downtown Pittsburg Theatre - Business is booming, needs volunteers - Set decorating, show ushers, etc. - Continuous events throughout the year - Needs promoting A.ii. KCI/CKI/Kiwanis Eliminate Project - Goal: -see recognition sheet- New fundraising events? - When, where, and how? A.iii. DCON/ICON Fundraising - Plans to go to ICON in Indianapolis - Who should go to DCON and who should go to ICON


A.iv. Monthly Board Meetings - How often should we do these joint meetings? - How often are individual board meetings? - Where should these meetings be conducted? A.v. Activities within campuses - Special events? - New event ideas B. -REFER TO DISCUSSION IN SECTION A.ii.C.i. Strategies 1. 2. 3. C.ii. Ideas - Clothespins - Information boards - Member multiplication C.iii. Advertisement - “insert catchy slogan” - Video announcements - Hashtag system - Social Media promotions C.iv. Retainment - Welcoming new members every month - Continuous balanced activities - Have members strive for something - Member of the month/other awards competitions - Simple point systems - Give opportunities to join big events OPEN DISCUSSION Questions, comments, concerns? Meeting adjourned.


Board Meeting Agenda: April 25th, 2014 I. Call to Order A. “I call this meeting to order at ___:___ PM III. Current Business A. Future Service Events i. MS Walk ii. Walnut Creek B. DCM i. First DCM of 2014­2015 term ii. Heather Farms Park C. Seniors Class of 2014 i. Scholarships ii. Graduation leis fundraiser iii. Sashes IV. Open Discussion A. Any questions, comments, concerns? V. “Meeting adjourned at ___:___ PM”


Board Meeting Agenda: December 12th, 2014 I. Call to Order A. “I call this meeting to order at ___:___ PM III. Current Business A. Club Attendance i. Quality > Quantity ii. Active Members iii. Participation iv. These members need to stay v. Remind Juniors to attend B. Club Spirit i. Spirit Stick activity (move to another date) ii. Collaborate with class iii. Keep members excited C. Hunger Games (Eliminate Project) i. $5 / player, open to the whole school ii. Plan for January D. District Convention, Anaheim i. Fundraiser ii. Cost is about $300 per person iii. ⅔ of funds should be covered by club and Kiwanis iv. What is the most you can pay? v. Transportation/Hotel E. Volunteer Service i. Downtown Theatre ii. School Garden iii. Any Christmas Break events? (Food Banks?) F. Next Board Meeting with Circle K (collaborate on service activity) IV. Open Discussion A. Any questions, comments, concerns? V. “Meeting adjourned at ___:___ PM”


Board Meeting Agenda: January 5th, 2015 I. Call to Order A. “I call this meeting to order at ___:___ PM III. Current Business A. DCON Registration i. $179 per attendee ii. $110 for hotel rooms iii. Unknown transportation cost iv. Chaperones/max number of attendees B. Club Funds for DCON i. We have $1,300 in our account ii. We are using $1,200 C. Kiwanis Funds i. They are donating $300 ii. Will collaborate for fundraising event IV. Open Discussion A. Any questions, comments, concerns? V. “Meeting adjourned at ___:___ PM”



My ultimate goal was to bring back the Key Club Spirit to Pittsburg. This club is what kept my passion for service alive and well. I aspired to enhance the impact of this club in our city, and to revive the potential in each one of the students that walk into one of our meetings. Pittsburg Key Club shaped my life in high school since Freshman Year, and it continues to give me the drive I need to serve my city.


LARGEST MEETING OF PITTSBURG HIGH SCHOOL At the beginning of my first term as President, the club dramatically decreased to only about 15 attendees per meeting. I focused on member recruitment for my first term, and creating a stable amount of people for the club. As we ended the 2013-2014 term with about 40 people during the meetings, I knew things were looking up for the club. When my second term began, I made sure that we will increase our influence by connecting with the school’s Link Crew during their welcoming week for the Freshmen class. Club Rush was also an important event that attracted an unbelievable amount of signups. We had doubts that the amount of people coming to the first meeting will not be accurately predicted through these signups since students usually sign their name on majority of the clubs. However, the first Key Club meeting came, and we had to borrow the library to fit 200 potential Key Club members. We ended up using the Little Theater for our general meetings, and we are still in awe on how much the club grew last year. Pittsburg Key Club is proud to say that we are the largest student organization within our school, and we hope to keep this energy alive for the next generation of Key Club members.


HOSTED OCTOBER AND NOVEMBER DCMs Pittsburg Key Club had the opportunity to host our own DCM. For the month of October, we called our DCM the “Fall Rally North Boot Camp,” where we trained our members on cheers for Fall Rally. Our event was held right outside the Creative Arts Building, where the marquee steps simulated the arrangement of the division during the Fall Rally North sessions. Originally, the November DCM was scheduled to be in another area, but due to the rainy weather conditions, we had another opportunity to host a DCM. This time, it was a Thanksgiving-themed potluck event at the comfort of my home. We had our members bring in delicious food, and everyone mingled with each other, meeting new friends and seeing familiar faces. We were busy crafting bracelets for children in the hospital during our November event. It was also the time for us to start our plans for the District Convention and Conclave. Overall, these two DCMs managed to bring a whole family of Key Clubbers together, and Pittsburg Key Club feels a lot more connected to the rest of the division compared to the previous years.


FUNDRAISED THROUGH FOOTBALL GAMES Each year, the school’s clubs are given a spot at the concessions isle in the football stadium. The officers and I decided on the most profitable type of food to sell. We concluded that burritos from a local, well-known restaurant would be the best way to fundraise during the football games. This was our weekly service event during Fall. Members rushed to sign up for each game, so we were not worried on the amount of volunteers for the events. The members always had fun selling the burritos. The loud and energetic Pittsburg fans always created a lively atmosphere to work in. Our goal from these events was to fundraise for our club and for the Pediatric Trauma Program. At the end of the football games, we had an average of about $250 profit, so we easily reached our goal of $300 for PTP. We kept the rest of the money for our future expenses such as DCON. These football events are our annual service events for the Fall season, and we will continue to use these events in a way that would give back to the charities we serve.



A “Key Club Moment” is when a member creates a vivid memory during a certain event that makes them realize how Key Club can truly be a unique experience in high school. This Fall Rally North was a definite Key Club Moment for all of the Pittsburg members that came. We had a goal of bringing at least 50 people to the rally, and we ended up having more than 75 members attend! It was such a successful turnout that the members wanted to make sure that next year will be as great as the last. So far, this was the largest Fall Rally North attendance from Pittsburg High School. Fall Rally North was indeed a stressful event to organize, but with the help of our advisors and board members, the carpools and the park tickets were neatly handled, and there was no issue with the process of entering the park. We had to emphasize the due dates of the payments, and finalized all the rides to and from the park. Despite the sore throats and legs at the end of the day, everything was went as planned, the members enjoyed cheering with other divisions, and they even got a chance to meet the CNH District Board!



As a Key Club President, my relationship with the Pittsburg Kiwanis has thrived as I see them during their meetings and service events. I updated them with plans for the term during their general meetings over the summer, and I frequently contacted my Kiwanis Advisor to inform them of our club’s status. We are an extension of their influence to the surrounding community.



Pittsburg Key Club was honored to serve the ones who served our country through the Kiwanis Veterans Day Breakfast. This was held at the Pittsburg Senior Center, and we had a group of Key Clubbers prepare the batter, set up the tables, and serve the war veterans. The Pittsburg Kiwanis were the hosts of the event, and we were very grateful for this opportunity. It also had a sentimental ceremony where we memorialized the fallen, and commemorated the ones alive today. It was a privilege to work together with our Kiwanis for this special day.


CIRCLE K RELATIONS With the proximity of the Golden Gate Division of Circle K to our area, I had the chance to form strong bonds with the college students in this Kiwanis Family. I organized joint board meetings with the Los Medanos Circle K club to collaborate ideas and events, and to establish connections with the board members of this club and the Lieutenant Governor of the Golden Gate Division. I attended the Golden Gate events whenever possible, but one event that I encouraged members to come to was the UC Berkeley Key 2 College event where Circle K members answered questions regarding college life and education. The members took in what they presented at this event, and their opinions on college and on Circle K were clarified after that day. I believe that having bonds with Circle K is a way to unite the youth of the Kiwanis Family. Young minds can collaborate and help with each other’s projects, and construct a powerhouse of service.



Technology has played a crucial role during my term. I carefully chose which social media network I should use based on popular trends among the members. With this kind of tool in hand, I can deliver information in a matter of seconds to several members at once. As for more professional purposes, I used e-mail frequently between the Division, the District, and the Kiwanis Family. I learned how to be proper and formal through these e-mails, improving my communication skills when interacting with other organizations that needed volunteer service.








Since connections between the members are essential to keeping them active throughout the school year, I established a redesigned Non-Executive Board for this term. Positions in this board were four Class Representatives, a Webmaster, and an Editor. I also created a website to improve the access to information between the club, the officers, and the members. The Webmaster is in charge with updating the website on a regular basis. The website itself will be explained on the following page. The Editor’s job is to create articles to submit to the Newsletter. The Class Representatives manage the spread of information between the members within their graduating classes. With the Class Reps, I also made challenges between their classes to increase participation and interaction between the members. For example, we challenged the classes to make the best Spirit Stick to represent their class, and this kept the Key Club spirit alive even though Fall Rally North was over.


THE CLUB WEBSITE Before the new school year started, I took my time to design a club website (pittkeyclub.weebly.com), to properly connect the members to information regarding service events, club projects, and contact information of the board. The website also displayed links to the club agendas and division newsletters throughout each month. We refrained from updating members through e-mail since we know that email is not frequently used by the members. Anyone that missed a certain meeting can visit the website and see the agenda for that day. Members could conveniently update themselves of what is going on with the division through these links. The website also utilizes Google Forms to provide a more convenient way for the members to sign up for volunteer service and various events.


SOCIAL MEDIA The pictures above shows two different apps that I frequently used to send information. The left and middle pictures show Pittsburg Key Club’s own Instagram page @pittsburgkeyclub, Some members do not own a Facebook account, so we decided to move our club updates to Instagram, which turned out to be more popular than Facebook at this point. By using colorful and short pieces of information on the Instagram posts, it was a very practical way to deliver information. Luckily, my Secretary was the social media coordinator for her Leadership class, so we also used the school’s own announcements-centered Instagram account to repost news from Pittsburg Key Club’s account. The picture on the right shows an app called Remind 101. This was an alternative tool to cater to the members that do not own an Instagram account. We instructed them to subscribe to our reminders with their own phone numbers. This is used for when there are changes to meeting places, event times, and other miscellaneous subjects.


COMMUNICATION WITH DIVISION AND DISTRICT Communication between myself and the District was mostly through the CNH District Editor, Kevin Chu, since I was also a Division News Editor. Since I have friendships with other District Board members, I use Facebook to communicate with them directly if I have any questions. The picture above shows an email reply from the District Editor referring to my question about submission dates and labels. The picture on the right shows communication with my Lieutenant Governor, Jennifer Lam. Since I am part of her Division Leadership Team, we frequently e-mail and message each other through all sorts of communication tools beyond e-mail. This shows how much we provide each other news on our responsibilities and tasks.



The top right photo shows a few emails between me and my Faculty Advisor, Josh Frishman. Since we communicate on a daily basis at school, we only e-mail each other if there is a large amount of information to deliver. Mr. Frishman and I always work together and provide each other weekly club updates. The photo on the top left shows my e-mails with the Pittsburg Kiwanis. Above is an e-mail with Louise Barbee, our Kiwanis Advisor. We were planning our car float for the annual Homecoming Week Parade at school. Mr. Gordon, the Pittsburg Kiwanis President, lend us a hand and drove our Homecoming float through the parade.



I never wanted to settle for the average or anything seen as normal. I always tried to change things, input new ideas, create new activities, and implement unique elements to my term. By setting my personal standards high, I try my best to exceed expectations and expand possibilities for my Key Club, Division, and District.


FALL RALLY SPIRIT COORDINATOR Every since my first Fall Rally North, I’ve always wanted to cheer my lungs out. So I decided to become Division 26 North’s Spirit Coordinator for both of my terms. Leading a whole division to cheer loud and proud is a daunting task, especially when some of them are shy or new to the Key Club world. I made sure that they won’t be the ones who sat down and did nothing during Fall Rally, so I made fun and catchy cheers for them to enjoy and laugh about. I love seeing happiness on people’s faces, and I do not restrict myself from making the most ridiculous looking person around, as long as I deliver what I came to do, and that is to make the division as spirited as possible.


Google Drive was the center of my organizing activities. Every document, folder, picture, item, etc. are all in my Google Drive. As shown to the left, there is a place for everything that goes on within Key Club and I plan to make this a standard for future officers to use. In addition, I could also access all these files from anywhere. From my phone, to tablets, to any computer with an internet connection. I never lose my files, and Google Drive always keeps a backup just in case something was accidentally deleted.

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