CITY 5 Reel lifeorreal life? It wasboth EVENTS 15 ARTS &ENTERTAINMENT 13 Hidden magic lives downtown LOCAL NEWS –LOCAL MATTERSTHURSDAY AUGUST 11, 2022 There’smore online at Your guide to weekend fun WIN A $250 SHOPPING SPREE, see page 18 JOIN the conversation at MORE photos&contestsINSTANT updates

Labour Council hasendorsed
CITY 5 Reel lifeorreal life? It wasboth EVENTS 15 ARTS &ENTERTAINMENT 13 Hidden magic lives downtown LOCAL NEWS –LOCAL MATTERSTHURSDAY AUGUST11, 2022 There’smore online at Your guide to weekend fun
ChuckPuchmayrhas served as NewWestmins ter’sMLA and is currently the city’slongest-serving city councillor —and now he’sset hissights on be coming mayor. Puchmayr has announced he will be running formayorasanindependent candidate in the Oct. 15 civic election As of press time, Puchmayr is oneofthree candidates who have formally announced plans to runfor mayor. He joins two-termincumbentcouncillor PatrickJohnstone, who is running with theNDP-affiliatedCommunity First slate, and Ken Armstrong of theNewWest Progressives “I’m concerned about thedirection our city is going,”Puchmayr said in an interview with the Record.“Iwant to see a more transparentcity;I want to seeamoreopen city.”
Photographer Jennifer Gauthier wasonhandtocapture the action —see page 3for moreofwhat she found.
Puchmayr said “elected officials area very important conduitinour de mocracy”and they need to be visibleinthe com munity “In this last four years, alot of thejurisdiction of our elected officials has been sort of channelled through themayor’sofficeand through the staff, and Ithink that’staken away thatopportunity for councillorstobemore, youknow, frontand centreinthe community. And that’s whyweelect them,” he said.“We have thatsystem so that there is asort of conduitbetween the citizens thatelectyou and thestaff thatrun your city We have greatstaff,but nobody wantsacitythat’s runbybureaucracy.” Puchmayrwas first elected to city council in 1996 and servedasa councillor until 2005. He wasre-electedtocoun cilinthe 2011, 2014 and 2018 civicelections, after servingone termasNew Westminster’sMLA from 2005 to 2009. sterand District aslate bent councillorJohnstone, who is Community
of candidates for school board andcity council,including incum-
Veteran councillor enters therace for mayor Continuedonpage 3 WINA $250 SHOPPING SPREE, seepage 18 Are you thinking of selling? Call Donna for a free, confidential Market Evaluation! 604.526.2888 DONNATAYS.COM TAYS + TEAM REAL ESTATE SEE IT • LOVE IT • LIVE IT #102-321 6th Street, NewWestminster with every$1000 spent on Window Coverings* $350 OFF Of er ends August 31 2022Offer 31, 604 359 9655
FUNONFOOT: New Westminster welcomed its first Car Free Day festival on Saturday,and thousands of folks turned out to ColumbiaStreetto enjoy food,vendors, activities and three stages of music.

2 THURSDAY,August 11,2022 • New West Record 2, 3A ND 4B ED RO OM TO WNHO ME S AND DU PLEXE SI NT HE HE AR TO F QUE ENSBOROU GH COME VISI TU ST OD AY This is not an offering forsale,asanoffering can only be made after the filing of adisclosurestatement, and only in jurisdictions wherequalified in accordancewith applicablelocal laws.E.&O.E. NE W RI V ER F RO NT V IE W HO ME S NO W AV AIL AB LE

“Notformally,but as last time, Ihad numerous labourpeoplethatsup ported me andworked forme, even thoughthe council didn’tendorse me due to atimelineissue.”
CARFREEDAY: Mother Natureturned on the sun and turned up the temperature forNew Westminster’s first Car Free Day festival on Saturday,Aug. 6. Clockwisefromtop left:People dancealongtoHotel Decor at the main stage; MikeBattie juggles bowling pins at the familystage; dancers from RoyalCity Swing take to the pavement;Kylie V performs at the acoustic stage; HotelDecor entertains at the main stage.The festival included three stages of music, plus ahost of food trucks from the festival’s pre-pandemic incarnation as the Columbia StrEATFood Truck Festival.
Up First mayoral candidate. Puchmayrtoldthe Record thathewroteto the NWDLC when itsendorsement processwas getting underway but didn’thearback. “I’venever followedup withit. AndI don’t want toput theminanawkward spot.Youknow, they’ve got volunteersthat sit on those committees andthey have alreadyendorsed this slate,”hesaid. “I respect the working people in ourcommunity, and Irespect theleaders of the working peoplein our community.” Puchmayrsaid he was out of the countryfor a couple of weeksearlier this year, and when he returned it “looked like the process wasgoing forward withoutme” so he assumed he wasn’t in the running foraninterview and didn’t follow up “There are many peo pleinorganizedlabour thathavealreadyreached out to me and that will be supporting me,”hesaid.
Puchmayr noted he ran withoutthe labour coun cil’s endorsement in the 2011election. In 2018, Puchmayr was partoftheTeam Cote slate that wonall seven positions on citycoun cil.Two of those candi dates(MayorJonathan Coteand Coun. Mary
Trentadue)aren’tseek ingre-election andfour are running under the Community Firstbanner —Johnstone for mayor and Chinu Das, Jaimie McEvoy and Nadine Nakagawa for council. Puchmayr said the grouphas donean“excellent job” of regrouping af terthe “fiasco”withthe Together NewWest name. “I’m not going to criticize or question theirprocess,” he said. “They hadtodowhat they feltthey hadtodo.
New West Record • THURSDAY,August11,2022 3
Andtherefore, this is the directionthatIwill be taking.” Ifelectedmayor, Puchmayr said he will be happytowork with anyonewho is elected to council. “I’vealwaysfound that I’ve beenable to work with people from all differentpolitical stripesand different walks of life, and it’llbenodifferent here,” he said. “I’m notrunning against Community First.I’m running against PatrickJohnstoneand the NewWest Progressives, andthatwillbemyfocus.” Puchmayr isn’t convincedthatCommunity Firstwill be able to sweep councilin2022like Team Cotedid in 2018. “I think we justneedto make surethatwealways have the interestsofthe public at heart, trytokeep thepolitical ‘gotcha’strat egies outofit,”hesaid. “I don’tthink it matters whatpoliticalstripeyou’re on.… It’s what’sbest for thepublic.”

addresses and Sundays forodd-numbered addresses, in the morning. Theexact timingwill depend on your wateringsystem. Please
Community CorneliaNaylor
ButMcCarthy ruled the languageinthe strata’s bylawsoutlined that the strata“may” use its discretiontoprovideonlya warning letter fora first violation “butitisnot required to do so.” McCarthyalso con cludedthe strata had givenRossi and his landlordadequate notice of the fine, and neither hadrequested ahearing within the deadline period McCarthy dismissed Rossi’sclaimand thedispute
natural areastobu
ACivil ResolutionTribunal disputeovera$200 fine for improper recyclingataNewWestminster stratahints at atale of twoneighbours Leonardo de Azevedo Rossi, who rentedatownhouseat BrickstoneWalk at 828 RoyalAve., applied to the tribunal to have the $200 fine cancelled,according to aruling by tribunal member Chad McCarthy lastTuesday. Rossiwas fined $200 on July 14,2021 fordiscarding whatappeared to be Styrofoam andplastic wrap surrounded by aflat cardboard boxintoarecyclingbin labelled “flattened cardboard only,” according to theruling He might have gotten away with it too, buthis name and contact informationwereattached to the box, the ruling said. Aneighbour, identified only asTH in theruling, removedthe Styrofoam andplastic from therecycling bin andsentRossi a text,warning himabout the banneditems. But the items were in the recycling bin long enough for another neighbour,identified as C, to send an emailtothe strata complaining aboutthem, accordingtothe ruling. So Rossi and the owner of histownhouse gotbylawinfractionletterson June 29, 2021, 10 days af terTH picked thebanned items out of the recycling The letter said Rossi and hislandlord had14 days to respond, dispute thematterorrequesta hearing On July 14,2021, the strata imposedthe $200 fine TENANTARGUED FOR LENIENCYFOR FIRST BYLAWINFRACTION Rossi admittedhehad mistakenly put prohibited items into the recycling butsaid hisneighbour had removedthembeforethe stratasentthe bylawinfraction letter But McCarthyruled thatdidn’t mean Rossi wasguiltless. “Although this removal corrected Mr.Rossi’sbylaw13.4 contravention, I finditdoesnot erase the fact thathedid contravene thatbylawfor asignificant timeperiod,” McCarthy wrote. Longenough for Cto tellonhim,accordingto the ruling. Rossi alsoarguedthe recycling incidentwas his first bylaw infraction, and thestrata’sbylaws re quired it to provide only a warning in suchcases
moreinfoand to
er againstclimate impacts.
The CRTisanonline, quasi-judicial tribunal that has jurisdictionovermost small-claims disputes under $5,000 in B.C. fine forimproper Case closed: B.C.’s Civil Resolution Tribunal ruled againsta renter who tried to have afine cancelled. He had to pay$200 forimproper recycling at the the Brickstone Walk townhouse complexlast summer PHOTO JULIE MACLELLAN TO CITYPAGE:
Tribunalupholds $200
contests, and
from transportation, buildings, waste, energy,and use
details, including information on wateringtimes forgardens:
15, regardless of weather conditions. Lawn wateringis only permitted one
community.Please ensureyou arecomplyingwith lawn and garden wateringrestrictions, which
does their parttohelp
YOUTH SERVICESCOURTNIGHTS our online forum to shareyour feedback on the City’s draftCommunity Energy and Emissions Plan (CEEP)toreducecommunity-wide emissions green infrastructureand ff Theonline forum closes August14, 2022 Please visit Be Heardfor participate: THOUGHTSONOUR PLAN TO REDUCE summer weather in force, it’s moreimportant everthateveryone conservewaterinour areineffect May1toOctober dayper foreven-numbered visit websitefor it y. ca
4 THURSDAY,August 11,2022 • New West Record
CALENDAR OF EVENTS Thursday, Aug. 11 11:00 am Drag Queen Family Storytime (All Ages) NewWestminsterPublic Library Thursday, Aug. 11 3:00 pm Youth Pride Event Anvil Centre Friday, Aug. 12 8:00 pm Dandy Musical Anvil Centre Friday, Aug. 12 7:00 pm Summer Sounds ConcertSeries Ryall Park Outdoor Stage Wednesday, Aug. 17 6:00 pm Poetry in the Park Queen’s Park Farm Friday, August12and 26,5:00 -8:00 pm Youth (11- 18 years) areinvited forsome quick basketball games, tournaments at the Moody Park Outdoor Courts. EnjoyaBBQ back at the New West Youth Centre afterall the action! Free with Youth Membership or $1.00 drop-in feefor non-members.

New West Record • THURSDAY,August 11,2022 5
Areported domesticincident in theWest End ended up in amore than two-hour standoff involv ing aheavy ERTpresence in downtown NewWestminster last week. Residentslivingnear Agnesand Fourth streets reported spottinga large number of markedand unmarked police vehiclesinthe area starting at around 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 3. Though initialsocial mediaspeculationquestioned whether the police presencewas connectedto nearbyfilming (see related storybelow), it turned out to be aseparateincident NewWestminster Po liceDepartment spokesperson Sgt. JustineThom said the incidentbegan in theWest End when police were called to a“domestic incident”near 20th Street and Sixth Avenue at about 2p.m. Thesuspect wasidentified and laterlocated in an apartment in the 300-block of Agnes Street. When police attempted to arrest him,hebarricaded himself in. Apolicepressrelease notesthe suspectwould notacknowledge police, and patrol membersattempted to negotiatehis surrender.When thesuspect refused to leavethe apartment, the Lower Mainland emergencyresponse team wascalledin to help The standoff with police lasted until about 7p.m., Thom said. Sheconfirmed the episodeended “without inci dent” and thatthere were no shots fired. “I canunderstand that seeing that presence within the communityisshocking,”she said, noting the large number of police cars involved. But she said residentsof the area were not in danger and there arenocon tinuing concerns. “(There’s) no risk to the public. It’sbeenaddressed; the individual is in custody,” she said Thom said policeare recommending anumber of chargesinthe incident A30-year-old NewWestminster manfaces charges relatedtoassaultwitha weapon, dangerous operation of aconveyance,uttering threatsand criminal harassment.
News Domestic incidentleads to standoffat apartment
On scene: Aresident provided this photoofthe policepresence downtown after aman barricaded himself intoanAgnes Street apartment. PHOTO CONTRIBUTED Filming downtown
If youthought you spotted Josh Duhamel or Jensen AcklesinNew Westminster this week, youwereprobably right. The twostars were in town shooting Duhamel’s Buddy Games 2,a sequel to the 2019 film,according to @YVRShoots on Twitter The popular Twitter account, which follows filming activity around MetroVancouverand the LowerMainland, shared aseriesoftweetsfrom @CaptCanuck66 show ing filming action near and around Holy Trinity Cathedralindowntown NewWest. Trevor Cave, theCityof New Westminster’s filming coordinator,confirmed therewas afeaturefilm shootintownthis week and that filming was happening at Holy Trinity Cathedral, near Fourth and Carnarvon streets. He wasunabletoprovidedetails sincehe’snot allowed to reveal any information aboutin-progress shoots, but he didnotetherewas further information avail able on Twitter. The Record contacted Caveafter an unrelated police incidentnearby— a standoff at an apartment building in the300-block of AgnesStreet (see above)—got some residents wondering whether the heavy policepresencewas, in fact,realor whetherit, too, waspart of the film shoot. —Julie MacLellan
Enhance your health and vitality as you age and join us for Mulberry’sSenior Wellness Expo! Learnfrompractitioners, vendors and educators about avariety of health and wellness topics including downsizing, real estate advice, financial planning, home medical equipment, physiotherapy and more. Local Burnaby clubs such as the Burnaby Gogo’sand South Burnaby Lawn Bowling offer new ways to have fun while fostering connections in your community You’ll also enjoy homemade refreshments from our Executive Chef, atour and prize draw! Space is limited.Call Terrie or Kaylieto RSVP at 604.526.2248. Friday,August 12,2022 | 1- 4pm 7230Acorn Avenue, Burnaby Mulberry PARC Seniors’ WellnessExpo

The Record is the winner of the 2019Ma Murray General ExcellenceAward in its circulationcategory. The Record won thesame awardin2018and 2015, and is the recipient of multiple blue ribbons forexcellence from the Canadian Community Newspapers Association.
B.C.’s health-care system is eitherfrayedaround the edges, in astate of near-collapse or continuingto provide exemplary care depending on one’s experienceinit. Last week, Ireceived a number of calls from lis tenersonCKNW who ei therexpressed heartfelt thanks for the treatment they had recentlyreceived or relayedsorrowful tales of woeinvolvingthemselves or family members who did notget the treatment they needed. Emergencyrooms continue to shut down on weekends in some small B.C. towns, whilethe sig nificant shortage of family doctorsishaving an in creasingly negativeimpact on people’shealth.Doc torsand nurses are saying they have never seen the system sag so badly Politically,the BC Liberals have seizedonthe mounting pileofproblems and have apparentlymade health-care criticism their No.1 issue, zeroing in on Health Minister Adrian Dix forspecial attention. The Opposition even demandedthatDix be fired. Ican’trecallthe last time the Opposition (be it BC Liberal or NDP) de manded aminister’shead, which is something more reminiscent of the 1980s than recent times Whilethe firing demand mayhavebeen an overreach, the BC Liberals did release a30-dayplan thatcontained some good ideas,althoughimple menting them mayprove to be difficult. Increasing compensation for doctorstocover rising overhead costs,updating the fee-for-service model, reducing redundantpaperwork for physiciansand accelerating accreditation for foreign-trained profes sionals are all proposals that have been pitchedin the past(the government seemstobeworking to implement some of them, al though clearlynot fast enough). The two-member BC Greencaucus, for its part, is on aspeaking tourof B.C. to talk about their proposed health-care fixes. In short, health care has returned as atop-of mind issuefor manyBritish Columbians, rivalling the seemingly unsolvable affordabilityissue as the dominantone. More people are now trying to accessthe healthcare system than at any otherpoint in the pandemic,during which many people simply stopped seeking treatment. And while our system is nowperforming recordhigh numbersofsurgeries, ahuman resources problem appearstobebedeviling the system in ways never seenbefore this year Sincethe startofthis year, thenumber of healthcare professionals who have booked off sick has increased by the thousandscompared to previous times In mid-July,the number of health-care workers who booked sicktime in the previous week approached almost 16,000. That compares with about 11,000 aweek in the three months preceding the pandemicand similar numbers last year.When about 5,000 fewer people are workinginthe system at anygiven time,thatisa recipe for chaos. Indeed, those absences (manylikely linked to cases of COVID-19or burn out-related issues) arebehind the closures of small town ERsand such. Changes are likely com ing to the health-care sys tem(this is anational cri sis),but they aren’t coming fast enough for many. Thousandsget the treatment they require from our health-caresystem ev eryday,but those frayed edges andnear-collapses in some areaswillcontinue forsome time Keith Baldrey is chief political reporter forGlobalBC.
6 THURSDAY,August 11,2022 • New West Record My superpowerismaking people alittle bit happier —orat least creating asense of wonder Shawn Farquhar, storypages 13 and14 THEYSAIDIT... ARCHIVE 1985 MAIN SWITCHBOARD 604.4444.33451 DELIVERYINQUIRIES 604.398.3481 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 604.444.3056 EDITORIAL/NEWS TIP LINE 604.444.3020 FAXLINE 604.439.2694 EDITORIAL ADVERTISING CLASSIFIED OURTEAM MY VIEW KEITHBALDREY VCRs,dogfoodseizedinsting Twopickup trucks,VCRs,TVs, sewing machines,car tape decks, powertools and 1,200 pounds of dog food were among theitems seized ina joint operation by the NewWestminster Police Department and Burnaby RCMP in March.Thesix-month stingoperation was aimed at fencing rings operating above street-level petty criminals.The investigation sawundercoverofficers pose as dealersinstolengoods.Twenty people were charged, and $185,000 in merchandise from commercial andresidentialbreak-ins wasrecovered. LARA GRAHAM Publisher MARK FALKENBERG Editor THE RECORD IS AMEMBER OF THE NATIONAL NEWSMEDIA COUNCIL, WHICH IS AN INDEPENDENT ORGANIZATION ESTABLISHED TO DEAL WITH ACCEPTABLE JOURNALISTIC PRACTICES AND ETHICAL BEHAVIOUR. IF YOU HAVE CONCERNS ABOUT EDITORIAL CONTENT, PLEASE CONTACT MARK FALKENBERG AT MWFALKENBERG@ NEWWESTRECORD.CA. IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED WITH THE RESPONSE AND WISH TO FILE A FORMALCOMPLAINT, VISIT THE WEBSITE AT MEDIACOUNCIL.CA OR CALL TOLL-FREE 1-844-877-1163 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION.
Catherine Giles via Facebook Alana Boyle via Facebook
Topic: Accused in AmandaTodd case found guilty
So very relieved to hearthis news.Thoughts to Amanda and hermom,and family Amother’sloveprevails.
So gladthe juryfoundhim guilty.Maybe Amanda’s mom canget some measureofpeacenow
Health-caresystem underseverestrain

Letters Let us hear each other Editor: Council’s recent decision to phaseout theuse of theterm “Royal City” in the city’s branding andtodevelop anew brand identity has certainly been controversial. But this issue, however we may think about it,invites us to reflectonour sense of community in thiscity,both in thecontent of what we think our city’sbranding should be and how we talk to each other about it.While this motion posed the question of what we should value in our community and our collective sense of identity, abeautiful answer to that question wasgivenearlier on in thatmeeting. In presenting the city’snew Homeless ness Action Strategy, RichardSchabler,a leader with the Community Action Network, describedhow his involvement with the city taught him that New Westminster has “a heart full of grace, many considerations and helpful hands.”Ihave been reflecting on those words, includingasIfollow various discussionsofthe “Royal City”moniker and trytounderstand different perspectives. While Iamultimately supportive of leaving this term behind, Irecognizethat there are certainly acomplexvariety of viewsinthe community about the use of the term “Royal City,” which rangefromseeingthis term as a hurtful relic of our colonial historytoafamiliar moniker tied intoour sense of heritage. In the midst of disagreement,Ithink of the words above, and Ihope that our posturetoward oneanother in these discussions could be one of graceand consideration. Symbols play an important role in our sense of collective identity as acommunity.But that sense of community is not something that we will find in the words without genuine conver sation that tend to makeupcomment threads on social media. That sense of community will also notbefound in stokinganger forthe sake of political expedience. Instead, our sense of community will primarily be found in extending gracetoeach other with open hearts, considering different perspectives with open mindsand seeking to build one another up with helpfulhands. The truth is that Isee this senseofcommunity deeply present in manydifferent ways, and it is what makes me proud to live here. Whether in the city’sformal engagement process or in informal venues, Ihope that theremight be opportunities forcommunity memberstochat face-to-face about this issue respectfully.Ultimately,Ihope that we might be able to genuinely hear one another as we talk about this community that we love and find asymbolin which we canall take collec tive pride. Elliot Rossiter
New West Record • THURSDAY,August 11,2022 7
THE NEW WESTMINSTER RECORD WELCOMES LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. We edit for taste, legality and length. Please include acontact phone number. Send letters to: The Editor, #201A–3430 Brighton Ave., Burnaby, B.C., V5A 3H4,email to: attachments please) or fax to: 604-439-2694. Letters to the editor and columns may be reproduced on the New West Record website,
HARMONY COURT ESTATE DEADLINEFOR NOMINATIONSEXTENDED THESENIORS OF DISTINCTIONAWARDS TheSenior of DistinctionAwardsisanoccasion to recognizelocal seniorsand the valuable contributions theyhavemade, andcontinue to make, in our communities,workplaces,and families SENIORSCAN BE NOMINATEDFOR: 1. ARTS 2. LEADERSHIP 3. COMMUNITY SERVICE 4. HEALTHYLIVING NOMINATE O LINE agecar . a/SeniorAwar s PRINT AND DROP OFF Harmony Court Estate 7197 Canada Way Burnaby, BC V5E 4A6 OR Deadline has been extended to: August 30th Winners will be notifiedbySeptember 15th eadline Media Sponsor: Hosted By: TOWN CENT RE PAR K COQUIT LAM AUGUST13 2022 FROM 11 AM TO 8PM JOIN US AT OUR FIR ST MULTI CU LTURAL EVENT FILLED WITH FOOD TRU CKS ,K ID S ZONE, AND ENTER TAI NMEN T FIND OUT MORE INFORMATION: WWW.BC DUMPLI NGF EST. CO M BCDUM PLINGFEST@G MAIL .COM FREE ADMISSION Asian Arts &Culture Society Presents THAN KY OU TO OUR SPONS ORS !

• notentitledtoregisterasa residentelector;and
An objection to theregistrationofapersonwhose name appears on thelistofregisteredelectorsmay be made in accordance with the Local Government Act until4:00pmonSeptember 9, 2022.Anobjectionmust be in writing andmay only be made by apersonentitledtoberegistered as an elector of NewWestminster and canonlybemadeonthe basis that apersonwhosenameappearsonthe listofelectorshas died or that apersonwhosenameappears on thelistofelectorsisnot qualified to be registered as an elector of NewWestminster.
8 THURSDAY,August 11,2022 • New West Record elxn VOTE! VOTEZ ਵਟਕਰ투표 投票 2022 GENERALLOCAL ELECTION ADVANCEELECTOR REGISTRATION Areyou eligible to vote in the October15, 2022 electionsfor the officesofMayor,Council,and School Trustee? Is your nameonthe current list of electors? If youare notsure you can find outbycalling or visiting Legislative Services,New WestminsterCityHall, locatedat511 RoyalAvenue (phone:604-222-5613).The office is open from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Monday to Friday (excluding holidays). TheCityofNew Westminsteruses theProvincial voterlist. Elector registration canbecompletedthrough ElectionsBConlineatelections andclickingthe “RegistertoVote”button, or by calling 1-800661-8683.Advanceregistrationcan be doneuntil August 22.After that, electorsmay register at anylocationonany of thevotingdays, including advancevotingopportunities. Newelectorswho requesta mail ballot will receivea voterregistration formintheirmail ballot kit. LIST OF REGISTERED ELECTORS BeginningAugust30, 2022 untilthe closeofgeneral voting for the electiononOctober 15,2022, acopy of thelistofregisteredelectorswill be available for public inspection,atLegislation Services locatedin NewWestminster CityHall, 511Royal Avenue,duringregularoffice hours, Monday to Friday,excluding statutory holidays. Beforeinspecting thelist, apersonmustsigna statementthatthey will notinspectthe list or usethe informationincluded in thelistexcept forthe purposes of Part 3–Electorsand Electionsofthe LocalGovernmentAct.Anelector may requestthattheiraddress or other information aboutthem be omittedfromorobscuredonthe listofelectors. OBJECTION TO REGISTRATION OF AN ELECTOR
• notdisqualified under the LocalGovernment Act or anyother enactmentfromvotinginanelectionorassentvotingand not otherwise disqualified by law.
• aregisteredowner of real propertyinNew Westminster foratleast 30 days immediatelybeforethe dayofregistration; and
RESIDENTELECTORS mustbe: • 18 yearsofage or older on general voting dayfor theelection; and • aCanadiancitizen; and • aresident of BritishColumbia for at least6monthsimmediately beforethe dayofregistration; and
• if thereismorethan one registered ownerofthe property,only oneofthose individualsmay,withthe writtenconsent of the majority of the owners, register as anon-resident property elector.
• notdisqualified under the LocalGovernment Act or anyother enactmentfromvotinginanelectionorassent voting andnot otherwise disqualified by law; and
NON-RESIDENTPROPERTYELECTORS mustbe: • 18 years of ageorolder on general voting dayfor theelection; and
• aCanadiancitizen;and • aresident of British Columbia for at least6months immediately beforethe dayofregistration; and
• registered ownersofthe property, either as jointtenants or tenants in common,and individuals whoare notholdingthe property in trustfor acorporation or another trust; and
FORFURTHER INFORMATION on thesematters,the followingpersons maybecontacted: Jacque Killawee, ChiefElection Officerat604-515-3764 Nicole Ludwig, Deputy ChiefElectionOfficerat778-222-5613 Or 511Royal Avenue, NewWestminster,BCV3L 1H9

New West Record • THURSDAY,August 11,2022 9 elxn VOTE! VOTEZ ਵਟਕਰ투표 投票 2022 GENERALLOCAL ELECTION Forfurther informationonthe nomination process,pleasecontact: Jacque Killawee, ChiefElectionOfficer604-515-3764 NicoleLudwig, Deputy ChiefElectionOfficer778-222-5613 Or email Forfurther informationon campaign periodexpense limits andthirdparty advertisinglimits,pleasecontactElections BC: Toll-freephone: 1-855-456-5448 Email:electoral Website: By hand,mail or otherdelivery service to: LegislativeServices CityofNew Westminster 511Royal Avenue NewWestminster, B. C. V3L1H9 By faxto1: 604-527-4594 By email to1: NOTICE OF NOMINATION In accordance withSection 85 of the LocalGovernmentAct,public noticeisgiven to theelectorsofNew Westminster that nominations forthe officesof: Mayor–one (1)tobeelected Councillor –six (6)tobeelected School Trustee–seven (7)tobeelected will be received by theChiefElectionOfficeroradesignatedperson, as follows: From:9:00am, Tuesday, August 30,2022 To:4:00pm, Friday,September 9, 2022 Excludingstatutory holidaysand weekends 1 As outlined in Section 89(5)ofthe LocalGovernment Act,originals of faxedoremailed nominationdocuments must be received by the ChiefElectionOfficerby 4:30 p.m. on Friday,September16, 2022 Nominationformsare available on the City’s website at or at LegislativeServices, NewWestminster City Hall,511 Royal Avenue,New Westminster, B.C. from nowuntil the close of the nominationperiod (September9,2022). QUALIFICATIONS FOROFFICE Apersonisqualified to be nominated, elected,and to hold officeas amember oflocal government or aschool board if they meet the followingcriteria: •Canadiancitizen; •18years of ageorolder on general voting day [October 15,2022]; •resident of British Columbiafor at least6 months immediately before theday nomination papersare filed (March 8, 2022, if filingonSeptember9)and •not disqualified under the LocalGovernment Act or anyother enactmentfromvotinginanelectioninBritishColumbiaor beingnominated for, beingelected to or holdingthe office, or be otherwisedisqualified by law. CAMPAIGN PERIOD EXPENSE LIMITS In accordancewiththe LocalElections Campaign FinancingAct,for the2022general localelection, thefollowingexpenselimits for candidates during thecampaignperiodapply: Mayor$56,240.94 Councillor $28,459.80 School Trustee$28,377.00 THIRDPARTY ADVERTISING LIMITS In accordance with the LocalElections Campaign FinancingAct,for the 2022 general localelections,the followingthird partyadvertising limits apply: Directed Advertising ExpenseLimits •Mayor andCouncillor $2812.05 •School Trustee$1418.85 CumulativeThird PartyAdvertisingLimit$161,967.47

10 THURSDAY,August 11,2022 • New West Record 2018TOYOTARAV4 HYBRIDAWD CARTERPRIC $35,800 CART $59,800 CARTERPRICED $73,800 CARTERPRICED $61,800 CARTERPRICED $46,800 CARTERPRICED $71,800 CARTERPRC $51,800 CARTERPRICED $29,800 2019GMCSIERRA3500 DENALI 2022G 2020GMCSIERRA DENALI1500 2019GMCACCADIA DENALIAWD 2021JEEPGLADIATOR OVERLAND 2019CHEVROLETTAHOE PREMIER •PowerGroup •Keyless Entry •Bluetooth •RearCamera #T8-63291 •8Passenger Seating •Leather Pkg •PowerGroup •Front &RearAir •Navigation &More #R2-17341 •Low Kilomete •NoAccident •FullLoad #82-73461 • Hardtop •8.4"Touch Screen •Spray Liner •Tonneau Cover #P9-66391 • Sunroof •Leather •NAV •MiddleBuckets (7 Pas) #N2-72361 CARS AVAILABLE AT TIME OF PRINTING. NOT EXACTLYASILLUSTRATED. ALL PRICESARE PLUS TAXES AND $495 DOCUMENTATION FEE. SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS.DEALER REGISTRATION NO. D5505 • Sunroof •Heated& CooledSeats •Navigation •PowerAssistSteps &More #P9-66700 • NAV •Heated/Cooled LeatherSeats •PowerLiftgate #N2-04071 T R RI ED 9800 ACADIADENALI rs 22017BUICKENCLAVE 019GMCSAVANA2500 •6.0L •135”Wheel Base •Low Mileage •Last1instock #P9-65890 4550 LOUGHEED HWY, BURNABY WWW.CARTERGM.COM 604.229.4066 FAMILY OWNED SINCE 1963 CHEVROLET •GMC •BUICK CARTER AugustSpecials WePayTopDollarForQualityUsedVehicles, 0.99%financingonselectGM’s • Short Box •Leather •Nav •Sunroof #89-58601 CARTERPRICED $89,800 s,

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riverinsummer sketchingseries QUESTIONS? Phone: 778-222-4859 APPLYBY: AUGUST14, 2022 ELECTION DAY: OCTOBER 15,2022 Reviewjob descriptions and apply onlinebyAugust 14,2022at: Paper copies areavailableatLegislativeServices, City Hall LOCALELECTION WORKERSNEEDED TheCityofNew Westminsterisnow accepting applications for thefollowing 2022 municipalelection positions: • Presiding Election Officials • Assistant Presiding ElectionOfficials • Election Officials (poll clerks,machine attendants, and greeters) Primary qualifications include: • Communicateclearlyand courteouslywiththe public • Work aminimum of 14-hoursonvoting days with minimalbreaks • Familiarity with Windows-based computer programs Priorelection experienceand/orfluencyinasecond language is an asset.
But where exactlydoes onestartwhensketching a running river? As perWright, it starts with focusing on one moment “Look at amoment and trytokind of figure out thatone spot at thatone timeand use your hands to kind of maybe emulate that senseofmovement. “Maybe, even movingat the same speedasthe river itself you’re trying to be the riverina sense.”
Arts &Entertainment
NaveenaVijayan Paintinga riverismore than dipping abrush in azure blue and washing it over acanvas. As perVancouver-based artist Jason Wright, it all startswith being able to really look at the river. “It’saboutsittingand spendingtimewith something… and just looking.”
Join theSketching Series workshop on Aug. 16 and 23 —open for teens from2to4p.m., and adults, from 6to8 p.m. Meetoutside the River Market at 810 Quayside Dr., and lookfor theArts Council of NewWestmin stertent. Alldrawing supplies will be provided.The sessions on Aug. 16 and 23 will be led by NewWest artist SophieDavari.
That,followed by making some quick strokes on the paperwithout hanging on to the expectation that it has to be perfect Wright, who teaches at Kwantlen Polytechnic University,VancouverSchool Board and Arts Umbrella, has been at River MarketTuesdays between2 and 8p.m., to teach teens andadults howtosketchthe river —aspartofArtsCoun-
12 THURSDAY,August 11,2022 • New West Record
The workshop is not aboutcreating the perfect artpiece,Wright noted. “You’re there to kind of collectinformation; you’re there to come and collect an impression.Soit’s not really about getting aperfectdrawing down It’s about getting maybe acoupleoflinesthatbest express whatyou see in frontofyou.”
In fact, he added, the drawing could be an abstract representation of whatyou feel when you see the river, rather than whatyou see in front of you. Abstractart is encour aged,said the artist, who especially enjoys the abstract works of Joni Mitch ell who doesabstracted images of nature and landscape. ForWright,the best part about holding aworkshop in acasual environment such as the River Market is to be able to “meet folks who maynot have anyexperience drawing at all.”
The first session of the Sketching Series on Aug. 3saw asizablenumber of adults andteenagerslearn howtocapture the beauty of therunningriver with just apencil andaneraser, atWright’s workshop He taught them to use the eraser as adrawing tool (byletting them cover asurface withcharcoal and using eraser to build forms), andworkontheir speed (likedrawing atugboatinunder aminute) and capturing information thataphotograph cannot capture —like“the feel of the wind, or thefeel of thebrightness, or acertain feeling around the moment.”
River view: Catch the Fraser River on paper in the arts council’s Summer Sketching Series.
cilofNewWestminster’s Sketching Series
AllWrighthopestodo at the sketchingsession is to instill an interest in people for drawing. “It’snot something you can teach someone in an afternoon, anymorethan youcould teach someone to playbasketball in an afternoon. “But what’s good with this series is thatyou can give someone atip,ora hint thatmight push them towards their nexttip,their next practice.”

ForFarquhar, there was never anydoubt thathe’d become amagician. He’s the fourthgeneration in his family to do so, following his father,grandfather and great-grandfather “WhenIwas born,the doctor slapped meand Isaid, ‘Pick acard,’” he jokes.“It’smyearliest memories.I always wanted to bea magician.” He started earlyinlife, even scoring aSaturday morning CBC television showasa teenagerinthe 1970s.Inhigh school, his goal wastobuild amagic showand tour across Canada. He wound up going much farther than that. Pre-pandemic,hewas spending about285 days ayear on theroad, performing in 40 countries His biggest shows ever were in China, where he performed for crowds of 30,000inShanghai and 60,000 in Beijing —with thelatter performance broadcast to an audience of 300million. He’s performed for notable figuresfrom Queen Elizabeth II twice —toNelson Mandela to JustinTrudeau. He’shoodwinked Penn & Teller twice on the famed magicians’ Fool Us show and performed withthem in LasVegas.Hespent sevenyears entertain ing audiencesonDisney cruise ships. But eventuallyFarquhar found himself want ing to spend more time at home. One dayhegot off the DisneyWonder and decided he wasstaying ashore for good. In September2019, he set upa venue inVancouv er’sChinatown, whichoperated until thepandemic hit in March 2020
Farquharisthe affable, fast-talking force behind theHiddenWonders SpeakeasyMagic Experience. Tucked away in asecret location in downtown NewWest, HiddenWon dersgives peopleofall ages achance to experiencemagic in an intimate, 30-seat venue. As itsname suggests, the venue is styledasa speakeasy,complete with afake storefront façade and ahidden entry into the back room. Yes, there’sa bathtub (and, yes, you’re encouraged to take abathtub sel fie —clothed, of course). Youwon’t findgin here, though. Farquhar andhis team serve up notboot legliquor butsleight of hand and acurio cabinet full of illusions, with alittle mind-reading on the side. It’sall family-friendly, and it’s all world-class The just-turned-60-yearold Farquhar is atwo-time world champion of magic with alonglistofhonours to hisname.
If you’veeversat across fromShawn Farquhar and asked him about magic, youmighthavejust alit tletrouble believinghim when he claimstobeashy person. He’ll talk, seemingly without pausing for breath, about hisfamily,his childhood, his idolsinmagic, hiscareer on cruise ships, hischance to fool Penn & Teller twice —and he’ll do it with suchenthusiasm that theair around him vibrates withbarely contained energy andjoy But,yes, he’sshy “I know, it seems really weird,”hesayswith a laugh. “If we’renot talking about magic,I don’thave muchelse to talk about. I don’tfollowany sports.I trynot to followany more politics than Ihaveto. “Magicisjustmywhole world.”
Arts &Entertainment
spins storiesand illusionsatthe Hidden Wonders Speakeasy Magic Experience in
Find hidden magic in the heart of NewWest Continuedonpage14 Open to the Public •Everyone Welcome •Kids Too! MakePortMoodyLegion -Club119yourdestination! Royal Canadian Legion Branch #119 2529 ClarkeSt, Port Moody | Lounge: 604-492-1840 | Reservations: 604-492-1840 Enter through the breezeway directly across from the cenotaph on Spring Street. Port MoodyLegion Branch 119 supports the aims andobjects of the Royal Canadian Legion serving our veterans,their dependents andour community.Founded in 1931,Royal CanadianLegion Branch #119 is one of over 150branchesofthe BCYukonCommand. Wed. &Thurs.: noon to 10pm; Fri. &Sat.: noon to 11pm; Sun.: noon to 9pm; Closed: Monday,Tuesday Book your Holiday, Birthday, Anniversary Celebrations, andmore! •Enjoy Our Outdoor Patio! •Fun &Casual Atmosphere •Affordable Food &Drinks Menu •Catch your Favourite Sports on Port Moody’sLargestScreens! •Meat Draws areBack •Underground Parking •Full Service Dining Room &Bar
New West Record • THURSDAY,August 11,2022 13
Farquhar describes April and Mayofthatyear as his darkest period “I didn’tknowwhatto do with myselfbecause I’vebeen aperformer all my life,”hesays. He didFacebookvid eos and started aYouTube channel,which got tens of thousands of subscribers and helpedtopay thebills But it wasn’tlikeperforming for aliveaudience. It wasJuneof2020 when his wife,Lori, told him he needed to get back to live performance. She found avacant downtown NewWestminster store front listed on Craigslist and pointed it out.This, shesaid, waswhere he was destined to setupamagic venue RETURNTONEWWEST Farquhar has alongstanding connection to NewWestminster,having first livedinthe commu nityinthe 1980s. He built his careerasa magician here, making the pages of the RoyalCity Recordon numerous occasions.New Westminster’sown icon of magic,LeonMandrake, a.k.a.Mandrake the Magician, is one of Farqu har’sheroesand mentors in magic Farquhar even made headlines for saving resi dents from adevastating apartment building fire on May13, 1988. So,whenhis wife found the premiseshere,Farquhar agreedtolook at the space,tucked away in an 1890s buildinginanunassuming part of downtown. ShawnFarquhar downtown New Westminster CONTRIBUTED

Arts &Entertainment Magic showbuilt in ‘choose your ownadventure’style Continuedfrompage13
14 THURSDAY,August 11,2022 • New West Record
CHECK IT OUT HiddenWonderstickets need to bebooked ahead. Tickets are $50, or $130 for aVIP couple (with guaranteedfront-row seat ing). Seehiddenwonders. showfor allthe details.
SMALL IN SIZE, LARGE IN IMPACT At theheart of Hidden Wondersisthe small theatre, containedina 13-by13-foot space. Whenthe venue openedatthe height of COVID-19 restrictions, Farquhar could onlyplay to audiencesof12people, seated at tablesspaced two metres apart—avastly smaller audiencethan he’d beenplaying foronthe DisneyWonder “Wecould have adozen people in here.And ev erybody went, ‘Letme get this right, yougo from 1,200 people to 12. How doesthatmakeyou feel?’” Farquhar recalls. “I said, ‘Joyful.’ I’m working for 12 people,and they’re having agrand time. And when theyleave,they’re all going,‘I’m going to tell 12 more friends.’ Iwas sell ingout twoshows anight, fourdaysa week.” As restrictionseased, he wasable to increase his audience to 30, adding tiered, theatre-style seatinginplaceofthe flat floor andtables. Farquhar has also been able to add audience participation back into his shows, which is abig part of what he lovesabout performing.The show is built in “choose your ownadventure” style; audience membersdecide whichtricks Farquhar will performand join himon stagetohelp carrythem out. Farquhar continues using the skill he honedon board the cruise ships findingthe personinthe audiencewho maybereluctant or skeptical, and charming them with his personalchatter andcom pelling tricks untilthey, too,are drawninto the spell of the evening. “I canmake some bodywho doesn’tlook like they’re having agood day—male, female,older, younger, angry —Ican turntheir day around into somethingpalatable with alittle bitofmagic.What’s not to love aboutthat power?” he says.“My su perpower is making people alittle bithappier or at least creatingasense of wonder.” Because the venue is so intimate, Farquhar can get to knowhis audience membersona morepersonallevel thanhecould at abig show. The magicianstays aftershows to mingle with attendees, pose for pho tosand parry questions abouthow exactlyhe didthattrick where he solved aRubik’s cube behindsomeone else’sback or howhecorrectly“predicted” theoutcome of the show before it started He lovesthosemoments after aperformance where audience memberslinger outside, reluctant to depart. “The greatest compli mentisthem standing up front because they don’t want to leave,”hesays. “They justkindofwantto figure out thefeeling. And theyhangaround and they kindofbuzz in lit tle groups and talk, and I feel like they’re more connected as acommunity. “I think I’mdoingthat. That’smaybe arrogant to say, butI think I’m communicating in away thatI can connect community.”
Just standing out front looking through the windows wasenough to convince Farquhar that his wife wasright. Eighteen days after they signed thelease, Hidden Wonderswas up and running. “This wasmyshining beacon, opening this up,” he says. The storefront is furnished largely with items repurposed fromFarqu har’s familyhome,including trunks fullofhis childhood toys,games and collectibles.Farquhar’s ingenuityand creativity abounds throughout the space, with touches thatmakethe most of the building’s heritagefea tures. The speakeasy theme wasanatural choice, he says,given thatNewWestminster’sown history is full of bootleggersand rumrunnersusing the Fraser River as arouteto and from theStatesdur ingProhibition.

If you like embroideryand have apassion for history, the embroidery-themed tour of the morethan150-year-old Irving House mightseem like atailor-made eventfor you. Here’s achance for you to discover allthe age-old artifacts that the renowned river captain Captain Irving and his family owned back in the day. Aftertakingthe tour,you can sit down with an instructor and learn four different embroiderytechniques —basic stitches,chicken scratch,cross scratch,and silk ribbon —while at the heritage building Registration fee is $50, and is inclusive of all supplies. It’s on Sunday, Aug. 14, 3to5 p.m. at Irving House(302Royal Ave.)
Thereare twoshows Saturday(7and 9:30 p.m.)and moreshows on Thursday, Friday and Sundayaswell.
SUMMER SOUNDS Take apicnic mat and head to Queensborough Community Centreat 7p.m.for aconcertunder theopen sky. Quayside Voices,a NewWestminster-based vocal/choral group,will be performingatthe bandshell. Theseven-member group, which was formed in 2014, hasbeen performing at various venues since, and hasevenhad the opportunity to shareastage with the popular Swedishacappella group TheRealGroup
MORE: HandmadeHeritageWorkshop ONGOING INTUITIVEART Agroup of artists created artasa form of meditation —fearlessly giving shape and formtotheirdeepest imaginations and dreams. Theresult is the Intuitive Art exhibition at the Anvil Centre Theatre’s Community ArtGallery(777 Columbia St., third floor). Theshowfeatures works of seven artists including SelenaDrake,Katrina Ewanchuk, Jacky Hosford,Robert Jost,Janet Kvammen, Robbin Sheriland and Valeriya Zhmak— all members of the 10-year-old non-profitsociety NewWest Artists.Entry is free Opening nightis Thursday, Aug. 11 from 6:30 to 8p.m., and the showcontinues until Sept.29. –compiled by Naveena Vijayan
• Reduces the look of wrinkle depth up to 68%
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The NewWestPride street festivalreturns to Columbia Street on Saturday, Aug. 13 from 3to8p.m., with three stages of entertainment, kids’activities,vendors,Last Door Recovery’sUntoxicated and more. All arewelcome to joinina celebration of the city’s2SLGBTQIA+ community. Another highlight: Don’t miss Dandy: Manofthe Year on Friday, Aug. 12 at 8p.m at Anvil Theatre(777 Columbia St.). The one-hour play is aboutDandy’ssimplewish to winthe titleof‘Manofthe Year’ina secret society that he is apartof. However, the missionisfraughtwith abig challenge in the formofacop who wants to stop all LGBTQ+activities.Watch howDandy deals with it ‘fabulously’ throughcomedy, danceand Broadway. The tickets arepriced at $10, plus servicecharges MORE: Find moreevents online: Please send your information for inclusion on to Don’tmiss these weekend events & activities!
PHOTO CREDIT:Jennifer Gauthier/Record les
• 5 creams in one: A wrinkle cream, day cream, night cream, moisturizer, & make up base hick ey 20 th i
New West Record • THURSDAY,August 11,2022 15
TheNew West Pride street festival, seen hereinits 2019 edition, returns this weekend with ve hours of fun on Columbia Street, Saturday from 3to8p.m. Available in London Drugs stores or order online at Search for ‘Wrinkle and Frown Line Cream’
Head to Rick Bronson’sHouse of Comedy (530 Columbia St.) for some laughs.Tony Wood, the seasoned comedian who has appeared on Comedy Central, HBO’s DefComedy Jam, P. Diddy’sBad Boys of Comedy, among other shows,will be bringing hiswitty humour andmischievous routine to thelocal stage to leave the audience in stitches.Tickets arepriced at $24 per person; youhavetobe19years or above to attend.
Reducethe appearance of wrinkles up to 68% ANDFROWN LINE CREAM:

Prideorganizers have recruited volunteer allies to helpatthis year’sstreet festival—Saturday, Aug 13from 3to8 p.m. —to serve as “bystander observers”and help de-escalate situations in case of anticipated anti-trans protests “Wewillnot let anything ruin our Pride.We are doing whatwecan to ensure that the eventsthat happen are as safe as we can make them, with the support of volunteersand the city,” Doltonsaid. “Anyone who doesn’t think thattheir voicewill makeadifference, it will. And we need ourallies and those voices now, more so thanever.” —Julie MacLellan
‘Loveislove’isnolonger enoughinthefaceofhate
NewWest Pride focuses on accessibility,inclusion and safety forthe 2SLGBTQIA+ community
Pride events across Canada in 2022 have been targeted by transphobic, homophobicand racist individualsand organizations, as NewWest Pride president Shannon Dolton reminded thecrowd gathered forthe annual Pride flag-raising at city hall on Monday. “Toliveinthis world openlyasLGBTQIA Two-Spirit peopleisstill not withoutrisk,” she said. Thatrisk, Dolton pointed out, is greater for trans, gender-non-conformingand racialized families “Wemustbecomfortable acknowledging that this hate occursin our city,” she said.“To minimize it erases theexperienceofthe most mar ginalized amongst us.We must name theseharms that affectall of us in this community “‘Love is love’issoimportant, but‘love is love’is no longerenough.”
NewWest Pride isn’t resting on itslaurels when it comestocreating asafe spacefor allmembersof the community.
16 THURSDAY,August 11,2022 • New West Record

NewWest Pride is gearingupfor thefullreturnof its major in-person street festival—but the Saturday fun on Columbia Street is just onepartofthe fun. “Thereismagic and excitement surrounding NewWest Pride2022as we come together again for in-person eventswith aPrideWeek so bigwe had to make it 10 days,” saidNewWest Pride president Shannon Dolton duringthe Pride flag-raising Monday at city hall. Pride eventshostedby organizations across the cityhavebeengoing on all week, with officialcelebrations runningfromAug. 5 to 14. The streetfestival hap pens SaturdayonColum bia Street, running from 3 to 8p.m.This year’s festi valincludes three stages of entertainment, kids’activities, LastDoor Recovery’s Untoxicated lounge,vendors and more. EventswrapuponSun day(Aug. 14) with aworship service at St.Barnabas AnglicanChurchat 11:30 a.m., aPride brunch at Begbie’sTavern (10 a.m. to 2p.m.)and awrap partystarting at 5p.m. at Match Eatery andPublic House Fora full listofevents, see Together: Volunteersare always at theheart of New West Pride, as they werein2019. JENNIFER GAUTHIER/RECORD
New West Record • THURSDAY,August 11,2022 17
FILES Streetfestivalcaps10days ofeventsacrossNewWest LOVE is LOVE JENNIFERWHITESIDE MLA NewWestminster (604) 775-2101 PETER JULIAN MP New Westminster-Burnaby (604) 775-5707 AMAN SINGH MLA Richmond-Queensborough (604) 664-0700 Hours: Monday 8–5•Tuesday 8–8 •Wednesday 8–8•Thursday 8–5•Friday 9–5 Saturday 9–5•Sundays and Holidays closed Dr.Ajand Nobahari Dr.Douglas Lovely Dr.ChantalThériault Dr.Stephen Yoon 609 Sixth Street, New Westminster• 604-524-4981 OVER 65 YEARS COMBINED EXPERIENCE •General &FamilyDentistry• Dental Implants •Invisalign •Botox• Accepting NewPatients WELCOME TO OUR STATE-OF-THE-ART DENTAL FACILITY! New West Pride

18 THURSDAY,August 11,2022 • New West Record Vote for your favorite businesses in our annual A-List and be entered to win a $250 SHOPPING SPREE To vote, scan theQRcode OR visit

Ahn startedpayingmoreattentiontoobjects such as plastic bags, bottle lids, cans andmore —things thatare tossed out without asecond thought after their use, he noted “With garbage, it’smore like ‘out of sight, out of mind.’” Not forAhn, though. Alltrash pieces thathecomes across on aday-to-day basis gethis completeattention. Some even endupasartworks on large 24-by-30-inch canvases
New West Record • THURSDAY,August 11,2022 19
The artist spendsanywhere between twoweeks andthree months, 12 hoursa day, trying to createhyperrealisticpaintings of trash.“Sometimes Idon’t even knowwhere the timegoes.”
The art oftrash: Painterfindsbeautyingarbage Jeongmin Ahn’spaintings of trash include acrushed canofRed Bull —the image that prompted his current series of works —and aStarbucks wrapper PHOTOS CONTRIBUTED
Jeongmin Ahn findstrash beautiful. He realized this when he wasastudent at Emily Carr University of Artand Design, specializing in painting. “I usedtodrink alot of Red Bull during my university days to stayupall night andpaint,” he recalled. During one suchnight, he thoughttohimself,“Thecan of Red Bullisactually beautiful.” So he crushed afew and paintedthem. “Ofcourse,because Idrankthem, theydidn’t hold anyvalue anymore. Icould have just easily tossed them in the garbage.” But Ahn didn’t. In fact, thatRed Bull can has prompted him to see trash differently ever since. “Thatwas the initial point.” From there,Vancouver-based
of discarded wasteare on display at the Gallery at Queen’sPark in Trash, running until Aug. 28. PHOTO CONTRIBUTED Engman &Gunther NOT ARIES PUB LIC • Residential Real Estate Transfers • Mortgage Documentation • Wills • Powers of Attorney • Representation Agreements 710 6th Street, New Westminster, B C V3L 3C5 Tel: 604-522-8149 Fax: 604-521-5792 ts Email: PROUDLY SERVING NEW WEST FOR OVER 25 YEARS! $2000 off yournextoil change when youmention this ad, Expires September 7, 2022 FREE TIRE INSPECTION TireServices: New TireSales •TireRepair •TireRotation FREE BRAKE INSPECTION Brake Services: Brake Replacement service •Make and Appointment Now Open Hours: Mon: -Sat: 8:00 AM -6:00 PM •Sun: 9:00 AM -5:00 PM Jiffy Lube New Westminster 110-805 Boyd St, New Westminster (Queensborough outlet mall) (604) 527-7112 Jiffy Lube Richmond 10991 No 4Road, Richmond (Steveston Hwy.&No. 4Road) Call us: (604) 448–0142 PLEASE RECYCLE THIS NEWSPAPER.
In the end, the painting looks so real thatAhn has hadpeople confuse it fora photograph. “Everynow and then, Ihear peoplego: ‘Oh my God,isthat apainting?’ Ihavetozoominto my images to showthem that thoseare actual paintings,” said Ahn, who alsotrainedwith hy perrealistpaintersinKorea before pursuing abachelor of fine arts degree at Emily Carr. The painting of thecrushed RedBullcan tookthe longest— three months.The effortearned himthe 2019 RichardAlm ScholarAward fromthe Federation of Canadian Artists.
CREATING ARTWORK THAT REFLECTS ON CONSUMERISM Ahn usually gets ideas for his paintings from visits to grocerystores.Whenhesees something “wasteful,” likeacomb of bananas wrappedinplastic, he jots it down in his sketchbook, comes back home andrecreates whathesaw at the store. It’s then photographed, Pho toshopped and paintedon a canvas. Transforming pieces of trash into beautiful oilpaintingsis onlypartofthe process; what Ahn wantsistoprovoke aconversation around consumerism andits consequences According to the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP),about 11.2 billion tonnes of solid waste arecol lectedworldwide,contributing to fiveper cent of greenhouse gas emissions.Ifnot disposedof well, thewastecan contaminate air, water andsoil Atop solution is to minimize consumption, perUNEP, and Ahn’sart is alaunchpad to havingthis conversation. Whatpushed him intothinking about consumerism and ecosystems are his yearsinBan gladesh. Born in Korea,Ahn movedtoBangladeshatthe age of 12 and did hismiddle school and high schoolthere. “In Asia, in general, we do not recycle properly.Soyou’ll see plastic bags andgarbage thrownaround on thestreets, in abunch of countries.” He recalled,“Nobodygavea second thought about it [garbage]; we just tossed it out. And it wasnot aproblem.” It bothers him that no one seems to care wherethe garbage even goes.“We just know that it goes to alandfill, butthat’s about it.” He hopestochange thatwith hisart;hehopes to havepeo plethink: doesthatcomb of bananasreallyneeda plastic wrap? Ahn’sartworksare on display till Aug.28atThe Galleryat Queen’sPark, between 10 a.m. and 2p.m.Wednesdaythrough Sunday. He is represented by Vancouver-based Ukama Gal lery.
Conversation aboutconsumerism: JeongminAhn’shyperrealisticpaintings

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New West Record • THURSDAY,August 11,2022 21 HOMESERVICES GENERAL EMPLOYMENT Distribution Clerk/ Customer Service Full-time CENTENNIALOPTICAL LTD. BC/ABBranch Office We are aleading Optical Distributor in Burnaby.Short walk to EdmondsSkytrain/transit.This is an entry level position to be filled immediately.Monday to Friday,8hour shift, 7am to 5pm. full training provided in all aspectsofour operations. Starting at $16.00/hour withmedical/dental and other benefits Email resume: CASH for your CLUTTER Iwillpay CASH for your UNWANTED ITEMS! Ispecialize in RECORDS, English Bone China & Figurines, Collectibles, Tools, Antiques, ETC Rob• 604-307-6715 NUMISMATISTPURCHASING COIN COLLECTIONS& ACCUMULATIONS! Royal CanadianMint,Canada&World Collections Wanted.Also buying 9999bullion, old money,jewelry,nuggets, sterling, gold, silver, coins, bars, monster boxes +++ESTATES WELCOMED! Todd 250 864 3521 INTEGRITYPOSTFRAME BUILDINGSsince 2008. Builtwith concrete posts. Barns, shops, riding arenas, machinesheds andmore. 1-866-974-7678. GARDEN VILLA 1010 6th Ave. New Westminster Suites Available. BeautifulAtrium with Fountain. By College, Shops&Transit/Skytrain. Pets negotiable. Ref req’d. CALL 604-715-7764 SKYLINE TOWERS 102-120 Agnes St, New Westminster Hi-RiseApartment with RiverView &Indoor Pool. 1BR& 2BRAvailable Rentincludes heat &hot water.Remodeled Building and Common area Gatedunderground secure parking available. References required. CALL 604-525-2122 VILLA MARGARETA 320-9th St, New Westminster Suites Available. All suites have nice balconies,Underground parkingavail. Refs req’d. SmallPet OK CALL 604-715-7764 Cleaning Business is looking for RELIABLE HOUSE CLEANERS. 604.987.9970 ROCKY MOUNTAINEQUIPMENT is NOW HIRING:AG Equipment Techs, Heavy Equipment Techs -Journeyman &Apprentices, Parts Techs. ViewOpen Roles& Apply: Reloca tion and Signing Bonus Offered. 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22 THURSDAY,August 11,2022 • New West Record PRODUCE GROCERY MEAT& SEAFOOD BAKERY DELI LANGLEY FARM LAMARKET NGLEY FARM MARKET Your Choice. Our Honour. Our Effort. Our Award. GIFT CARDS AVAILABLE IN STORE VALID THURSDAY,AUGUST 11 –SUNDAY,AUGUST 14, 2022 •WHILE QUANTITIESLAST. For freshness and quality you can count on! LFM LANGLEY FARM MARKET Forfresh and quality foods 7815 KINGSWAY,BURNABY 604.521.2883 STORE HOURS: MONDAY TO SUNDAY 8:30AM TO 9:00PM •HOLIDAYS: 9:00AM TO 6:00PM This sale is only for the Kingsway location $649 lb. $269 lb $399 ea $439 ea $699 lb. $699 lb. CHICKEN BREAST FILLETS $15.38/kg INSIDE ROUND ROAST AA beef /$14.28/kg OCH BOILED CLAM MEAT 100/200 /Frozen /300g TILAPIA FISH 550/750 VOP/Scaled &Gutted / Frozen /$5.93/kg SNAKEHEAD FISH FILLET SLICES Frozen /250g $275 ea. $135 ea $325 ea. RAISIN BUN 450g COCONUT TART 3” SHORTBREAD COOKIES 300g 2for $5 $279 /100g DUTCH EDAM CHEESE $349 ea $349 ea. $379 ea. $279 ea. $189 /100g $189 ea. INSIDE ROUND STEAK AA beef /$15.38/kg $499 ea $199 lb. 2for $7 $139 lb. 99¢ ea. $429 ea. $179 ea. $299 ea. $399 ea. EATWHOLESOME ORGANIC KETCHUP 500g ARGETA TUNA PATE 95g BOTTOM ROUND CORNED BEED OKANAGAN PEACHES Product of B.C. $4.38/kg $249 lb ORGANIC RED SEEDLESS GRAPES Product of U.S.A. $5.48/kg 99¢ lb. HAMI MELONS Product of U.S.A. $2.18/kg LOCAL BLUEBERRIES Product of B.C. 1lb. clamshell BROCCOLI CROWNS Product of U.S.A. $3.06/kg LOCAL HUNGARIAN/HOT SWEET BANANA PEPPERS Product of B.C.$4.38/kgoductof B.C. $199 lb. $199 lb. LOCAL GREEN BEANS Product of B.C. $4.38/kg LOCAL GREEN LEAF/RED LEAF/ROMAINELETTUCE Product of B.C. $549 ea. ASSI ROASTED SEAWEED 10x5g $129 ea. ASIAN FAMILY SLICED BAMBOO SHOOTS 227ml 79¢ ea. AA-1 SARDINES IN TOMATO SAUCE Selected varieties /155g AROY-D COCONUT MILK 1L CHUN GUANG ASSORTED CANDY 300g CABANA STRAWBERRY LEMONADE 591ml EATWHOLESOME ORGANIC RED KIDNEY BEANS 398ml EATWHOLESOME ORGANIC BABYBEETS 500ml EATWHOLESOME ORGANIC COCONUT MILK Regular/Light /400ml $269 ea. UFC SPAGHETTI SAUCE 1kg RICE UP BROWN RICE CHIPS Selected varieties /120g $169 ea. REGGIA PASTA Stelline /500g CASTELLO TRADITIONALBLUE CHEESE WEDGES 125g FREYBE PEPPERONI Original/Honey Garlic/Smokin’ Hot/ Preservative Free /125g