CITY 3 Toxic drug death tollmounts EVENTS 13 COMMUNITY 11 Fairydoorsbrighten downtown LOCALNEWS –LOCAL MATTERSTHURSDAY AUGUST 18, 2022 There’smore online at Local Matters Local News There ’smore online at Your guide to weekend fun JOIN IN the conversation at
CITY 3 Toxic drug death tollmounts EVENTS 13 COMMUNITY 11 Fairydoorsbrighten downtown LOCALNEWS –LOCAL MATTERSTHURSDAY AUGUST 18, 2022 There’s more online at LocalMatters LocalNews There ’smore online at Your guide to weekend fun UNDERTHERAINBOW: The NewWest Pride streetfestival returned in style for2022,after theCOVID-19 pandemicprevented large-scale publiccelebrations forthe twopreviousyears.Thispast Saturday,Aug. 13,saw thousands of people turn outtoColumbiaStreettoenjoy threestagesofentertainment,roving performances, information booths, kids’ activities and more, to celebratethe 2SLGBTQIA+ community.Here, folks enjoytop drag performers at theLastDoor Recovery Society’s Untoxicated event. Seemorephotosonpage3 PHOTO JENNIFERGAUTHIER 778.838.7069 | PERSON AL REAL ES TAT EC ORPOR AT ION Call me for acomplimentary home evaluation. WHATISYOUR HOME ACTUALLY WORTH? How to find out: We use real-time data combined with years of market experience to provide you with the most accurate estimate of what your homeisworth. #102-321 Sixth Street, New Westminster 604-526-2888 Go with those whoknow Call or email today for acomplimentary market evaluation
2 THURSDAY,August 18,2022 • New West Record elxn VOTE! VOTEZ ਵਟਕਰ투표 投票 2022 GENERALLOCAL ELECTION FORFURTHER INFORMATION on thesematters,the followingpersonsmay be contacted: Jacque Killawee, ChiefElectionOfficerat604-515-3764 NicoleLudwig, Deputy ChiefElection Officerat778-222-5613 or 511Royal Avenue NewWestminster,BCV3J 1H9 By hand, mail or otherdelivery serviceto: LegislativeServices CityofNew Westminster 511Royal Avenue NewWestminster,B.C.V3L 1H9 By faxto1: 604-527-4594 By email to1: NOTICE OF NOMINATION In accordance with Section85ofthe LocalGovernment Act,public notice is giventothe electorsofNew Westminsterthatnominations forthe officesof: Mayor –one (1)tobeelected Councillor –six (6)tobeelected School Trustee– seven (7)tobeelected will be received by theChiefElectionOfficeroradesignatedperson, as follows: From:9:00am, Tuesday, August30, 2022 To:4:00pm, Friday,September 9, 2022 Excluding statutoryholidaysand weekends 1 As outlined in Section89(5) of the LocalGovernmentAct,originals of faxed or emailed nomination documentsmustbereceivedbythe ChiefElection Officerby 4:30p.m.onFriday, September 16,2022. Nomination formsare available on theCity’swebsite at Services, NewWestminster City Hall,511 Royal Avenue,New Westminster,B.C from nowuntil the close of the nomination period (September9,2022). QUALIFICATIONSFOR OFFICE Apersonisqualified to be nominated,elected,and to hold office as a memberoflocal governmentoraschool board if they meet the following criteria: •Canadiancitizen; •18years of ageorolder on general voting day[October15, 2022]; •resident of BritishColumbia foratleast6monthsimmediately beforethe daynominationpapersare filed(March8,2022, if filingon September 9) and •not disqualified under the LocalGovernment Act or anyother enactmentfromvotinginanelectioninBritishColumbia or being nominated for, beingelected to or holdingthe office,orbeotherwise disqualified by law. CAMPAIGN PERIOD EXPENSE LIMITS In accordance with the LocalElections Campaign FinancingAct,for the 2022 general localelection, the followingexpenselimits forcandidates duringthe campaignperiodapply: Mayor$56,240.94 Councillor $28,459.80 School Trustee$28,377.00 THIRDPARTY ADVERTISING LIMITS In accordance with the LocalElections Campaign FinancingAct,for the 2022 general localelections,the followingthirdparty advertising limits apply: Directed AdvertisingExpense Limits •Mayorand Councillor $2812.05 •School Trustee$1418.85 CumulativeThird Party Advertising Limit$161,967.47 Forfurther informationonthe nominationprocess,pleasecontact: Jacque Killawee,ChiefElectionOfficer604-515-3764 NicoleLudwig, Deputy ChiefElectionOfficer778-222-5613 Or email Forfurtherinformation on campaign periodexpenselimitsand third partyadvertising limits,pleasecontactElections BC: Toll-freephone: 1-855-456-5448 Email:electoral • Website: LIST OF REGISTERED ELECTORS BeginningAugust30, 2022 untilthe close of general voting forthe election on October15, 2022,acopy of thelistofregisteredelectorswill be available forpublicinspection,atLegislative Services locatedinNew Westminster CityHall,511 Royal Avenue,duringregularoffice hours, Monday to Friday, excludingstatutoryholidays. Before inspecting thelist, apersonmustsigna statementthatthey will notinspectthe listoruse theinformation included in thelistexceptfor thepurposes of Part 3–Electorsand Electionsofthe LocalGovernment Act.Anelector may requestthattheiraddress or other informationabout them be omittedfromorobscuredonthe listofelectors. OBJECTION TO REGISTRATION OF AN ELECTOR An objection to the registration of aperson whosenameappearsonthe listof registered electors maybemadeinaccordancewiththe LocalGovernment Act until4:00pmonSeptember9,2022. An objectionmustbeinwritingand mayonly be made by apersonentitledtoberegistered as an electorofNew Westminster andcan only be made on thebasis that apersonwhosenameappears on thelist of electors hasdiedorthatapersonwhosenameappears on thelistofelectorsis notqualified to be registered as an electorofNew Westminster.
ThreemoreNew West residentslost to toxicdrugs
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New West Record • THURSDAY,August 18,2022 3 in the community NEWS
Three people in New West aresuspected to have lost their livestotoxic drugs in June— bringing the total to 15 for thefirst six months of theyear. Statisticsfrom theBC CoronersServiceshow thatfivepeople died of suspected illicitdrugtox icity deaths in January, one in February, three in March, one in Apriland twoinMay
Gift Cards Available!
WITHPRIDE: NewWest Pride’s streetfest returnedinstyle this past Saturday after twoyears without live, large-scale events —and it was aresounding success. Clockwise from topleft,Kendall Gender performs to hugecrowdsatthe LastDoor RecoveryUntoxicated lounge; this feline visitor was festivelydecked out forthe party; Rev. BlairOdneyleads the Rainbow Chorus of NewWestminster in a streetperformance; Karmella Barr reads at the Sixth Streetstage; andJester Minuteposes fora photo.See moreonline at www. PHOTOS JENNIFER GAUTHIER |604.553.7332
The CoronersService released data on Aug.16 showing thatthe number of illicit drug toxicity deaths in B.C. between Januaryand June 2022 is the highesteverrecorded in the first sixmonths of a calendar year.Preliminary data releasedbythe coronersserviceshows thatat least 1,095 British Colum bians arebelieved to have died because of atoxic drug supply betweenJanu aryand June 2022. “The ever-increasing toxicity of the unregulated, illicit drug market is taking aheart-breakingtoll on the lives and well-being of membersofour com munities across theprovince,”chief coroner Lisa Lapointesaidin anewsrelease. “Deaths duetotoxic drugs in the first halfof 2022 have surpassedthe number of deaths experi enced in thesame period in 2021,putting our prov ince, onceagain, on track for arecord loss of life.” Morethanthree quarters(78 percent) of the lives lost in 2022 were male. Nearly thesame percentage (73 percent ) were betweenthe agesof 30 and59. In June,there were 146 suspectedillicitdrugtox icity deaths in B.C., which represents a17per cent decreaseoverthe numberofdeaths in June 2021 (175)and a26per cent decrease from the number of deaths occurring in May2022(197). According to the BC CoronersService,illicit drug toxicity is the leading cause of unnatural death in B.C. The coronersservice notes more than 10,000 liveshavebeen lost to illicit drugs since the province declared apublic health emergencyinApril 2016.
4 THURSDAY,August 18,2022 • New West Record CALENDAR OF EVENTS Friday, Aug. 19 5:00 pm RoyalCity Sounds Pier Nights WestminsterPier Park Saturday, Aug. 20 10:00 am RockstarsofQueensborough Ryall Park Picnic Shelter Tuesday, Aug. 23 2:00 pm Sketchingbythe River RiverMarket Wednesday, Aug. 24 6:30pm Poetry in the Park Queen’s Park Farm With summer weather in full force, it’s moreimportant than everthateveryone does their parttohelp conservewaterinour community.Please ensureyou arecomplyingwith lawn and garden wateringrestrictions, which areineffect from May1toOctober 15, regardless of weather conditions. Lawn wateringis only permitted one dayper week,Saturdays foreven-numbered addresses and Sundays forodd-numbered addresses, in the morning. Theexact timingwill depend on your wateringsystem. Please visit our websitefor details, including information on wateringtimes forgardens: REMINDER OF WATERING RESTRICTIONS TheActiveLivingGuide is nowavailable online at Registration opens August25for NewWestminsterResidents and August26for everyone else.Registeronline at ACTIVE LIVING GUIDE FALL 2022 Continued on page 5 Under sections 464(2) and 467ofthe Local GovernmentAct MONDAY,AUGUST 29,2022 AT 6:00 PM Meetingheld electronically and open to public attendanceinCouncil Chamber,City Hall Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 8324, 2022 for 337 and 339 Keary Street In accordancewith sections 464(2)and 467of the Local GovernmentAct the Corporation of the City of NewWestminsterwill nothold apublic hearingonZoningAmendmentBylaw No.8324, 2022.Thisbylawwill rezone 337 and 339Keary Street from Single Detached Residential Districts (RS-1) to Comprehensive DevelopmentDistrict(337and 339Keary Street)(CD-96).The CD-96 Zone would allow an infill townhouse developmentwith aFloor SpaceRatio (FSR)of1.00and aroofpeak heightof10.67 m. (35 ft.), which is consistent with infill townhouse zoningand development permit area guidelines as well as other infill townhouse projects in the city.Off-street residentand visitor parking(10 spaces total) would be accommodatedinattached garagesand parkingpads. Please note thatthis bylawisproceedinginorder to correct an administrativeerror associatedwith BylawNo. 8324,2022 which wasunder Council consideration, and Council has rescinded all readings of BylawNo. 8324,2022.There have been no changestothe proposed development. HOW DO IGET MORE INFORMATION? From August18to29, 2022,the proposed bylawand relatedmaterial areavailable for inspection at LegislativeServices, City Hall 8:30amto4:30pmMondaytoFriday, and online at: City Council will consider givingfirst,second and thirdreadings to BylawNo. 8324,2022 at its meetingonAugust29, 2022.The meetingwill be open to public attendanceand broadcastliveonthe City’s website. It can be viewedbygoingto and clickingonthe Council meetinginthe meeting calendar Jacque Killawee, City Clerk
NOTICE RESPECTING ZONING AMENDMENT BYLAW Under sections 464(2)and 467ofthe Local GovernmentAct MONDAY,AUGUST 29,2022 AT 6:00 PM Meetingheld electronically and open to public attendanceinCouncil Chamber,City Hall Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 8348, 2022 for 616 and 640 Sixth Street In accordancewith sections 464(2) and 467ofthe Local GovernmentAct the Corporation of the City of New Westminsterwill nothold apublic hearing on ZoningAmendmentBylawNo. 8348, 2022.Anapplication has been received to amend ComprehensiveDevelopment(616 and 640Sixth Street) (CD-80)District.The existingzoning permits a29-storey,mixeduse buildingconsistingof237 secured market rental and strata units, groundfloor commercial space, and atotal FSR of 6.46.ADevelopmentVariancePermit wasapprovedin2020 to convert100%ofpermitted units to secured market rental. Theamendmentproposes to increase the totalnumber of units to 338,and increase FSRto7.41. Allunits would be secured market rental, including10nearmarket housingunits. Theoverall buildingheightwould remain unchanged, while the podium heightwould be increased from three to four storeys, and the tower floorplate would be increased from 689sq. m. to 752.5sq. m. Thetotal number of proposed underground parkingstalls would be decreased from 313 to 271in exchange formeasuresthatwould reducerelianceonprivate vehicles. Please note thatthis bylawisproceedinginorder to correctanadministrativeerror associated with BylawNo. 8348,2022 which wasunder Council consideration, and Council has rescinded all readingsofBylawNo. 8348,2022.Therehavebeen no further changestothe proposed development HOW DO IGET MORE INFORMATION? From August18to29, 2022,the proposed bylawand relatedmaterial areavailable for inspection at LegislativeServices, City Hall 8:30amto4:30pmMondaytoFriday, and online at: City Council will consider givingfirst,second and thirdreadings to BylawNo. 8348,2022 at its meetingonAugust29, 2022.The meetingwill be open to public attendanceand broadcastliveonthe City’s website. It can be viewedbygoing to and clickingonthe Council meetinginthe meeting calendar Jacque Killawee, City Clerk
permit restaurant,café,
New West Record • THURSDAY,August 18,2022 5 Demolition of Canada Games Pool startedAugust15, 2022, and as aresult therehavebeen changestoparkingatCentennial Community Centre. Access and egress will be limited to the south driveway.Parkingislimited to three hours. Facility usersare encouraged to arrivebywalking, cycling, or transit.For amap of these changesplease visit: parking-at-ccc.php PARKING CHANGES TO CENTENNIAL COMMUNITY CENTRE PARKING Under sections 464(2)and 467ofthe Local GovernmentAct MONDAY,AUGUST 29,2022 AT 6:00 PM Meetingheld electronically and open to public attendanceinCouncil Chamber,City Hall Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 8354, 2022 for 817 St. Andrews Street In accordancewith sections 464(2)and 467of the Local GovernmentAct theCorporation of the City of NewWestminsterwill nothold apublic hearingonZoningAmendmentBylaw No.8354,2022.Thisbylawwill rezone 817 St.AndrewsStreetfromSingle Detached Residential Districts (RS-1) to Comprehensive DevelopmentDistrict(817St. Andrews Street) (CD-17). TheCD-17 Zone would allow atriplexwith aFloor SpaceRatio (FSR)of 0.75 and aheightof7.62 m. (25 ft.), which is consistent with other forms of infill housing, such as duplexes, in the city.Parkingfor three vehicles would be accommodatedincarports at the rear of the property.Please note thatthis bylawisproceedinginorder to correctanadministrativeerror associatedwith BylawNo. 8323, 2022 which Council previously approved to allowthis development, and Council has repealed BylawNo. 8323, 2022.Therehavebeen no changestothe proposed development. HOWDOIGET MORE INFORMATION? From August18to29, 2022,the proposed bylawand relatedmaterial areavailable for inspection at LegislativeServices, City Hall 8:30amto4:30pmMondaytoFriday, and online at: City Council will consider givingfirst,second and thirdreadings to BylawNo. 8354,2022 at its meetingonAugust29, 2022.The meetingwill be open to public attendanceand broadcastliveonthe City’s website. It can be viewedbygoing to and clickingonthe Council meetinginthe meeting calendar Jacque Killawee, City Clerk
HOWDOIGET MORE INFORMATION? From August18to29, 2022,the proposed bylawand relatedmaterial areavailable for inspection at LegislativeServices, City Hall 8:30amto4:30pmMondaytoFriday,and online at: City Council will consider givingfirst,second and thirdreadings to BylawNo. 8356,2022 at its meetingonAugust29, 2022.The meetingwill be open to public attendanceand broadcastliveonthe City’s website. It can be viewedbygoingto and clickingonthe Council meetinginthe meeting calendar Jacque Killawee, City Clerk
NOTICE RESPECTING ZONING AMENDMENT BYLAW Under sections 464(2) and 467ofthe Local GovernmentAct MONDAY,AUGUST 29,2022 AT 6:00 PM Meetingheld electronically and open to public attendanceinCouncil Chamber,City Hall Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 8356, 2022 for 122 Eighth Avenue In accordancewith sections 464(2)and 467of the Local GovernmentAct the Corporation of the City of NewWestminsterwill not hold apublic hearingonZoning Amendment BylawNo. 8356,2022.Thisbylawwill rezone 122 Eighth Avenue from Single Detached Residential Districts (RS-1) to Comprehensive DevelopmentDistrict(122 Eighth Avenue) (CD-97).The CD-97 Zone would allowa duplexwith aFloor SpaceRatio (FSR)of 0.60 and aheightof7.62 m. (25 ft.), which is consistent with other duplexzones in the city.Parkingfor twovehicles would be accommodatedincarports at the rear of the property.Secondarysuites would notbepermitted. Please note thatthis bylawisproceedinginorder to correctan administrativeerror associatedwith BylawNo. 8325, 2022 which Council previously approvedtoallowthis development, and Council has repealed BylawNo. 8325, 2022 Therehavebeen no changestothe proposed development.
NOTICE RESPECTING ZONING AMENDMENT BYLAW Under sections 464(2) and 467ofthe Local GovernmentAct MONDAY,AUGUST 29,2022 AT 6:00 PM Meetingheld electronically and open to public attendanceinCouncil Chamber,City Hall Zoning Amendment Bylaw (Parking Reductions for Patios) No. 8357, 2022 In accordancewith sections 464(2)and 467ofthe Local GovernmentAct theCorporation of the City of NewWestminsterwill nothold apublic hearingonZoningAmendmentBylawNo. Bylawwill liquor premises thatthis correctanadministrativeerror associatedwith BylawNo. 8317,2022 which Council previously approvedtoallowthis rezoning, and Council has repealed BylawNo. 8317,2022.Therehavebeen no changestothe proposed rezoning. DO IGET MORE INFORMATION?
(e.g.pubs) or lounge endorsementareas (e.g.breweries, wineries)toconvert up to twonon-accessible parkingstalls, or aloadingspace, forpatio use on private property.Patioslocatedonaloadingspacemustbeeasily disassembled to continue providingloadingaccess forthe business. Please note
bylawisproceedinginorder to
From August18to29, 2022,the proposed bylawand relatedmaterial areavailable forinspection at LegislativeServices, City Hall 8:30amto 4:30 pm MondaytoFriday, and online at: City Council will consider givingfirst,second and thirdreadings to BylawNo. 8357,2022 at its meetingonAugust29, 2022.The meeting will be open to public attendanceand broadcastliveonthe City’s website. It can be and clickingonthe Council meetinginthe meetingcalendar Jacque Killawee, City Clerk
“Weneed lotsmore people to shoutthatCOVID is not over.I fail to seewhy we can notrequire maskson publictransit andanywhere where people congregate. Ihavenot been on transit since COVID hit, though before that Iused it frequently.I have lost my freedom andavoid goinginto abuilding other thanmyhouse.”
Topic: Don’ttell me COVID is over —agrief story
6 THURSDAY,August 18,2022 • New West Record Ithink people forget sometimes howour urban settings really are the backyard formanyofour residents now. RubyCampbell, story page 11 THEY SAID IT ... ARCHIVE 1985 MAIN SWITCHBOARD 604.4444.33451 DELIVERYINQUIRIES 604.398.3481 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 604.444.3056 EDITORIAL/NEWS TIP LINE 604.444.3020 FAXLINE 604.439.2694 EDITORIAL ADVERTISING CLASSIFIED OUR TEAM MY VIEW KEITHBALDREY Armedrobbershootsguard
Richard Steele via DJ Huntley via
Losingthatridingwould be devastating for the BC Liberals, as they struggle to regain atoehold in Metro Vancouver, where about half the electoralridings arelocated. However, historysug gests theBCLiberals have to be consideredthe fa vourite to winthe seat. That is because the party thatforms asittingB.C. government rarely wins byelections during its term. Of thelast twodozen provincialbyelections, dating back to 1989, thegovernment of theday wonjust three of them. The current NDP government wasabletohang on to theriding of Na naimo in theJanuary2019 byelectionwon by Sheila Malcolmson. The only other wins scored by asittinggov ernment both elected then-Premier Christy Clark, first to replace for mer Premier Gordon Campbellin2011 and then again in 2013,when she had to runinthe riding ofWestsideKelowna after losing inVancouver Point Grey in thegeneral election. During theirtime in power, the BC Liberals lost seven byelections to the NDP.The NDP gov ernmentofthe 1990slost six straight byelections in ridings they hadnever won in anygeneral election. The worstshowing by a government whenitcame to losing byelections was arguably the Social Credit government headed by Bill Vander Zalm in the late 1980s.Itlost six straight, including four ridingsnormally consideredtobe partystrongholds Historyfavours the BC Liberals to be victorious. However, historydoesn’t always repeatitself,and the last provincial election, in 2020, showedahuge surge in NDP supportcompared to previous elections in thatriding (or in that part of Surrey).The NDP vote rose dramatically (by more than 3,000 voters) comparedtothe 2017 contest, while the BC Liberal vote dropped by more than 500 and theirmargin of victoryshrunkto1,200 from 4,800. The dramaticpopulation growth of Surrey and its increased urbanization, with ayoungerdemographic taking hold, all work to the NDP’s advan tage,aswas evidentinthe 2020election. The ridings in South Surrey have long been considered safe BC Liberal seats,but those days appear to be over.The NDP is nowmuchmorecompetitive(it lost the neighbouring riding of Surrey-White Rock by just 224 votes, the second clos est result in the election) in thatregion Anotherpotentialwild card is whetherthe BC ConservativeParty will field acandidate. It did so in theVancouverQuilchena byelection won by Falcon, andthe party candidate took6.6 per cent of the vote —ahigh enough total thatcould seriouslyhurtthe BC Liberals should the Conserva tives win asimilar levelof supportinSurrey South Buta byelection can turnintoa referendum on the sitting government’s performance, and, while the NDP has been enjoy ing aconsistently large lead over the BC Liber als in opinionpolls, there seems to be afairamount of anxiety out there as peoplegrapple with rising inflation and ashakyhealthcare system. TheNDP can afford to lose the byelection, butitis amust-win for the rebuilding BC Liberals and their newleader Keith Baldreyischief political reporter forGlobal BC. “The peopleare takingoff masks believingthe pandemic is over.Ifyou want to blame anyone blame all levelsofgovernment whoare giving outmixed mes sages.The truth is therulesare relaxed because of MONEY and thegovernment iswilling to accept a certain number of casualties.”
Liberals need to hold Surrey South BC Liberal leader Kevin Falcon faces hisfirst big test earlynext month when his party tries to defend theSurrey Southseatina byelectionset for Sept. 10.
The Record is the winner of the2019 Ma Murray General ExcellenceAward in its circulation category. The Record wonthe same awardin2018and 2015, and is therecipient of multiple blue ribbons forexcellencefromthe Canadian Community Newspapers Association
Agunman shotasecurity guard and made off with a bagofcash fromtheWoodward’sdepartment store in March.TheWells Fargo guard wasshotwhile he was doinga pickup errand at theuptown store.Fortunately, theguard waswearing abulletproofvest at thetime and managed to recoverenough to chase the suspect through aroof exit.The gunman waslastseen speeding off in ared vanwithWashingtonlicenceplates.An NWPD spokesperson said the guard would likely have been killed if he hadn’t beenwearing body armour. GRAHAM Publisher MARK FALKENBERG Editor
THE NEW WESTMINSTER RECORD WELCOMES LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. We edit for taste, legality and length. Please include acontact phone number. Send letters to: The Editor, #201A–3430 Brighton Ave., Burnaby, B.C., V5A 3H4,email to: attachments please) or fax to: 604-439-2694. Letters to the editor and columns may be reproduced on the New West Record website,
Letters City action on climate changemakes sense
letyou have yetone more“petproject” as a going-away present It’sonly toobad that residentswon’t have the pleasure of kicking Cotetothe curb at the next election. B.Kendall Jillian Soh RAUD, RHIP WorkSafeBC andother Provincial WCBNetworks, VAC, BCEA andFNHAaccepted Registered underthe CollegeofSpeech andHearing HealthProfessionalsofBC We’re hearing aid experts and we want youtobeanexpert too. That’s just howweoperate. NEWWESTMINSTER 604.210.5846 101–625Fifth Ave HOME LIBRARY &ACCESSIBLE SERVICES New WestminsterPublic Library wants to make the library asaccessible as possible. If you have aprint or mobility issue that prevents you from being able to access the library, we can help! Our Home Services team can deliver materials to qualifiedresidents where-ever you live. For more information,contact us at: Can’t access the library? LET THE LIBRARY COME TO YOU!
Editor: The future of NewWestminster will be less gassy and moreclimatefriendly Did youknowthat, at its July 11 meeting, ourcity council passed amotion starting in 2023 to incentivize builders of single-detached homes to install low-carbon systems (usually electricheatpumps) rather than greenhouse gas-producing gasfurnaces? Our city declared aclimateemergencyin 2019 and endorsed the Fossil Fuel Non-Prolif eration Treaty in 2021. Nowweare “putting our moneywhereour mouth is.” Buildings produceapproximately 42 per cent of NewWest’semissions, so it makes sense to construct them to use only clean electric energy.Heating afamily home entirely with gasfor ayearcan emit as much as driving agasoline carfromNew Westminster to Halifax three times (from TheSwitch It Up website). An additional benefit is that electric heat pumps also provide cooling similar to air conditioning, helping residents be safeduring future extreme heat wavesmade more frequent by the climatecrisis. What’snextfor our city’sclimateaction? At council’sAug. 29 meeting, Coun. Nadine Nakagawawill put forth a motion proposing that low-carbon systems be defined as electric only,not gaseous fuels likerenewable natural gas(which still produces global warming emissions). Stay tuned for exciting progress. I, for one, amgrateful toour councillors formoving forward moreways tolowerour emissions. As ahomeowner,itisacost and inconvenienceto“get off the gas”for me. It makes so much moresensetobuild it right in the first place. Karen Crosby Removing RoyalCity name is‘asinine folly’
New West Record • THURSDAY,August18,2022 7
Editor: Regarding the asinine folly thatMayor JonathanCotecreated —and withoutpublic input—ofkickingour “Royal City” monikerto the curb No! No,wewon’t letyou do this! We won’t
8 THURSDAY,August18,2022 • New West Record 2018TOYOTARAV4 HYBRIDAWD CARTERPRIC $35,500 CART $58,800 CARTERPRICED $72,800 CARTERPRICED $61,500 CARTERPRICED $46,500 CARTERPRICED $70,800 CARTERPRC $51,800 CARTERPRICED $29,500 2019GMCSIERRA3500 DENALI 2022G 2020GMCSIERRA DENALI1500 2019GMCACCADIA DENALIAWD 2021JEEPGLADIATOR OVERLAND 2019CHEVROLETTAHOE PREMIER •PowerGroup •Keyless Entry •Bluetooth •RearCamera #T8-63291 •8Passenger Seating •Leather Pkg •PowerGroup •Front &RearAir •Navigation &More #R2-17341 •Low Kilomete •NoAccident •FullLoad #82-73461 • Hardtop •8.4"Touch Screen •Spray Liner •Tonneau Cover #P9-66391 • Sunroof •Leather •NAV •MiddleBuckets (7 Pas) #N2-72361 CARS AVAILABLE AT TIME OF PRINTING. NOT EXACTLYASILLUSTRATED. ALL PRICESARE PLUS TAXES AND $495 DOCUMENTATION FEE. SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS.DEALER REGISTRATION NO. D5505 • Sunroof •Heated& CooledSeats •Navigation •PowerAssistSteps &More #P9-66700 • NAV •Heated/Cooled LeatherSeats •PowerLiftgate #N2-04071 T R RI ED 8800 ACADIADENALI rs 22017BUICKENCLAVE 019GMCSAVANA2500 •6.0L •135”Wheel Base •Low Mileage •Last1instock #P9-65890 4550 LOUGHEED HWY, BURNABY WWW.CARTERGM.COM 604.229.4066 FAMILY OWNED SINCE 1963 CHEVROLET •GMC •BUICK CARTER AugustSpecials WePayTopDollarForQualityUsedVehicles, 0.99%financingonselectGM’s • Short Box •Leather •Nav •Sunroof #89-58601 CARTERPRICED $89,800 s,
New West Record • THURSDAY,August 18,2022 9 4550 LOUGHEED HWY,BURNABY WWW.CARTERGM.COM 604.229.4066 FAMILYOWNEDSINCE 1963 CHEVROLET •GMC •BUICK #D5505 RESERVE YOURSTODAY ATCARTER! CARS AVAILABLE AT TIME OF PRINTING. NOT EXACTLYASILLUSTRATED. ALL PRICES ARE PLUS TAXES, LEVIES AND $495 DOCUMENTATION FEE. SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS. FINANCING ON APPROVED CREDIT.STK #Q2-41620 TP 4.49% @84MTH $43,927; STK #E2-87570 3.99% @84MTH TP $74,894; STK #Y2-41020 3.99% @84MTH TP $68,311; STK #R2-14040 3.99% @84MTH TP $65,480; STK #Z2-30590 4.49% @84MTH TP $67,325.STK #82-66660 4.99% 84 MTHS TP $109,858; STK #E2-77620 TP:4.49% @84MTH $47,887; STK #M2-10430 TP:2.99% @84 MTH $31,489; STK #72-06270 4.49% 84 MTHS TP $45,285 2022 CHEV EQUINOX LT AWD •6Speed •10Way PowerSeat •18” Chrome Wheel •Sunroof •TrueNorth Edition #Q2-41620 MSRP PRICE $37,658 $120/WEEKLYOR 2022 BUICK ENCLAVEAWD AVENIR • 9 Speed, Cxl •Sunroof •ConveniencePkg •Wireless Charging #E2-87570 MSRP PRICE $65,188 $206/WEEKLYOR 2022 CHEV TRAVERSE •Premiere AWD •9Speed Auto •3.6L •7Passenger Seating •Nav •SurroundVisio •Trailer Towing Pkg #Y2-41020 MSRP PRICE $59,558 $188/WEEKLYOR 2022 GMC ACADIA •AWD AT4 •6Passenger Seating •ConveniencePackage •Bose Speakers •AT4 ProPkg #R2-14040 MSRP PRICE $57,088 $183/WEEKLYOR 2022 CHEV BLAZER AWDRS MSRP PRICE $57,728 $185/WEEKLYOR 2022 GMC SIERRA3500 DENALI • 6 6L V8 • 6 Speed Auto •Denali Ultimate Pkg •PowerRetractable Assist •Spray on BedLiner •PowerSlidingGlass Sunroof #82-66660 MSRP PRICE $92,663 $302/WEEKLYOR 2022 BUICK ENCOREGXAWD •1.3 Litre •9Speed Auto •ConveniencePkg •Safety Pkg2 #E2-77620 MSRP PRICE $41,053 $131/WEEKLYOR 2022 CHEV MALIBULS SEDAN •1.5 Litre Turbo •RemoteStart •RearCamera #M2-10430 MSRP PRICE $28,383 $86/WEEKLYOR • 9 Speed Auto •1.5L •Floor LinerPkg •PowerLiftgate #72-06270 MSRP PRICE $38,823 $125/WEEKLYOR on f • 9Speed Auto •3.6L •Power SlidingSunroof •RemoteVehicle Start •RSPlusPkg #Z2-30590 2022 GMC TERRAIN SLT AWD CARS COST LESS AT CARTER!
Got an idea for keeping the streets saferaround your child’sschool? TheCity of NewWestminster is embarking on traffic calming work in 14 school zones around the city,and it’sseeking feedback fromresidents. It’scurrently working on anumber of lowcost, temporarymeasures around local schools to improvesafety on the streets. Oncethose measures have beeninstalledand people have achance to see whatimpact they have,then the city wants to hear from people to help informthe permanentdesigns The new measures includeavariety of work, including: curb extensions yellow‘school zone’ pavement markings parking restrictions speedhumps crosswalk improvements new school zone signage reflectivestrips to high light existingstop signs and school zonesigns sidewalksand pedestrianpaths narrowing of traffic lanes The chosenprojects are different at eachschool site, so be sure to check out thefull list at thecity’s Be Heard NewWest website to find outwhat’s happening at your neighbourhood school. See www.beheardnew all the detailsand to find out more about howtooffer your feedback –Julie MacLellan NewWestminster’s best-kept musicalsecret: anon-auditioned choir ledby professional musicians Every child should
havethe chancetosing! REGISTER NOW: | i G M s g e fun! For children inGrades 2-8 Make friends, learnto sing, have fu ! Vivo Children’s Choir is anon-auditioned community choirthat pursues the highest quality of music and performance. Vivo promises children the experience of the world of music created through the ages, in arange of languages and styles,from simple folk to gospel and contemporary Vivo Children’sChoir is open to allvoices! FOCUS ON Fall Registration songs. Our mission is to provide quality musical and artistic instructiontochildrenthrough an inclusive choir. It is our goaltonurture and develop aloveofmusic •Nomusical experience necessary •Non-auditionedchildren’schoir •For children in Grades 2-8 •Make friends, learn to sing,have fun •Based in New Westminster •Rehearsals Wednesdays after school •Professional Music Directors •Choirseason runs from September to early May
Cityeyestrafficcalmingat NewWestminsterschools
10 THURSDAY,August 18,2022 • New West Record
The NewWestminster school board is joining a call for publicly funded universal food programs in schools across the country Trustee Danielle Connellybroughtthe issue to the table at aJunecommittee meeting. She asked fellow trustees to endorse the efforts of the Coalition for HealthySchool Food, anetwork of more than 200 non-profit organizations acrossthe country. The coalition is advo catingfor public investment in acost-shared, universal school food pro gram thatwould seeall Canadian children have daily accesstohealthy food at school –including culturallyappropriate, lo caland sustainablefood as much as possible. Canada remains the only G7 countrywithout anational school food program,and UNICEF has ranked Canada 37th out of 41 wealthy countrieswhen it comes to children’sfoodsecurity and nutrition, according to abackgroundreport Connellyprovided. The reportalso points out howCOVID-19 demonstrated howessential school food programs are, notingthe provision of healthyfoodatschool helps students’ mental andphysical health, school performance and “social cohesion.”
“I think thatweall certainly understand the im portance of healthyfood programs in our schools. We’vedone alot of work in our district, so many folkshave, to supportand facilitate this,”Connelly said. School District40 has an existingFuel Up schoolmealprogram thatallows parentstoorder dailylunches in all elementaryand middle schools.Those who can’t afford thecostcan get subsidized meals Connelly wantstosee such food programs available across theprovince and country. Her motion asksthe board to write to New Westminster MLAand Education Minister Jenni ferWhiteside and Finance Minister Selina Robinson to commitfunding and resources to localschool meal programs forkindergarten-to-Grade 12 students in B.C. It calls on theB.C. governmenttocommit to $50 million ayear for three yearstoset up and evaluate school pilot programs in at least sixdistricts across theprovince and another$3million so everyschool district in B.C. canhire adedicated school meal program coordinator. It also callsonNew Westminster-Burnaby MP Peter Juliantosupportthe coalition’scall forthe fed eral government to begin to implement auniversal, cost-shared, healthy schoolfoodprogram for all K-12 students in the country. The motion wonuni versal support from trustees andreceived final approvalatthe final school board meeting of the 2021/22school year
Trustees join call for universalfoodprograms in Canada’s schools
Anew public space activation aims to add alittle magictodowntownNew West. In recent days, more than 20 colourfuland bejewelled fairydoorswere postedontrees near businessesonColumbia Street, CarnarvonStreet, FrontStreet andthe River Market atWestminster Quay. Handmade by local families, they’re part of an initiativethataimstoget folks to stop and experience abit of magic —and to pop in to somelocal businesses and takea look around. “It’sjust so sweet,”said Ruby Campbell,who spearheaded the initiative. “I think people forget sometimeshow our urban settingsreally are theback yard for manyofour res idents now.We have alot of renters, we have alot of families moving into the downtown of NewWestminster, and Ithink that it’simportant to make sure thatweactivate public spaces all over, not just curate it.” Campbellsaid her inspiration came from fairy doorslocated on atrail on Salt Spring Island.When her teenage daughterwas younger, those weedoors sparked somemagical family conversations, such as whatwould afairylook like and what kind of magical powers do fairies have? “They’re just so beautifuland magical,”she said. “And Iremember, for Sienna, it wasalwayskind of afun waytoget herhiking and moving.”
Fairy doorsadd alittle magic to downtown Magic moments: More than 20 fairydoors crafted by local families nowadorn downtown NewWest, and moreare beingplanned.
Earlier this year, Campbellapplied to the Downtown NewWest Business Improvement Association for one of itspublic space activation grants to help bring afairydoorinitiative to NewWest. She’d first considered doing aproject in Glenbrook Ravine, butultimatelydecided the downtown would be a greatlocation. “Wehavealot of families living downtown,”she said. “And, obviously,we have alot of businesses downtown thatwewantto make sure that we kind of highlightand support.” Campbell —who applied forthe grant before she decided to runfor city council in this fall’scivic election —saidshe isn’t artistic enough to paintthe fairydoors herself and had considered hiring anartist topaint thedoors. Instead, she teamed up withNew West Family Place, which arrangedfor its families to getinvolved in the initiativeand paint fairydoors “They’re all very unique,” Campbellsaid. “I thinkthey’re lovely.”
Community TheresaMcManus
New West Record • THURSDAY,August 18,2022 11
Bouchioua. Safe, fun spaces for all Open to the Public •Everyone Welcome •Kids Too! MakePortMoodyLegion -Club119yourdestination! Royal Canadian Legion Branch #119 2529 ClarkeSt, Port Moody | Lounge: 604-492-1840 | Reservations: 604-492-1840 Enter through the breezeway directly across from the cenotaph on Spring Street. Port MoodyLegion Branch 119 supports the aims andobjects of the Royal Canadian Legion serving our veterans,their dependents andour community.Founded in 1931,Royal CanadianLegion Branch #119 is one of over 150branchesofthe BCYukonCommand. Wed. &Thurs.: noon to 10pm; Fri. &Sat.: noon to 11pm; Sun.: noon to 9pm; Closed: Monday,Tuesday Book your Holiday, Birthday, Anniversary Celebrations, andmore! •Enjoy Our Outdoor Patio! •Fun &Casual Atmosphere •Affordable Food &Drinks Menu •Catch your Favourite Sports on Port Moody’sLargestScreens! •Meat Draws areBack •Underground Parking •Full Service Dining Room &Bar
In addition to theBIA public activation grant, Campbellalso received aneighbourhood small grant thatprovidedfood for familiesattending the fairy-door workshop. On Aug. 14, 22 fairy doors made their debut on trees in downtown New West. Asmall canister be side eachfairydoor provides aplace where people can leave and take tiny trinkets “It’skind of likewhen yougogeocaching and people put stuff, little fun little thingsinthere,” Campbell explained. Family-friendly activities likescavenger hunts are planned as partofthe fairy doorinitiative.
Interactivemural at Front andBegbie streets (the rear of theScotiabank building)by artistShanice McIntyre. Check out herwork at @shaniic3 on Instagram. TemporaryChalk Artby ElizabethCartagena VEC Art. While these temporaryinstallations were done in May, June andJuly,you cansee herwork at @violetncanvas on Instagram Afourth initiative is ex pected to be builtoverthe summer andinstalled in the fall.Itwill be aminimulticulturallibrarylocated outside of RiverMarketbyAziza
Earlier this year,the Down town New West BIA sought applications forits annual publicspace activation program. The program aims to:build public spaces thatare safe, welcoming and inclusive; buildcommunity by encour aging peopletoconnect with each other; and test new ideas and helpremove barriersthat discourage activations of public spaces. KendraJohnston, executivedirectorofthe Downtown New West BIA, said theBIA had planned to providegrants forthree activationsthisyear, but increased itsbudget to support four projects because the jury couldn’t decideon just three. This year’s activations include: FairyDoors by RubyCampbell, with support from Family Place.See @FairyDoorsNew WestonInstagram. Seewww. downtownnewwest.cafor detailsonrelated activities.
CIVIC ELECTION 2022 Election
Whatissuesmatter? As
you? Plentyofissues have been making headlines and gaining social media attention,but we
elect amayor
12 THURSDAY,August 18,2022 • New West Record City TheresaMcManus If you’re planningto runinthe Oct. 15 civic election, your nomination package is nowavailable. Candidates who are running formayor, coun cillor or school trustee in the2022local government election canpick up their nomination packages at the legislativeservicesdepartmentatNewWestminster City Hall (511 RoyalAve.) or onlineat Thecity’s election office will be accepting nomination papersfrom candidates between9a.m.on Tuesday, Aug. 30 and4 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 9, 2022. Full detailsofthe process areincluded in the nomination package.
The Queensborough Residents’ Association is giving folksa chance to hearfrom the candidates who will be vying fortheir votes this fall. The groupwillhost three all-candidates meetingsahead of the Oct. 15 civic election Mayoral candidates will be putonthe hotseat onWednesday, Sept. 21 Candidates for council will be featured onTuesday, Sept. 27 and school board candidates onThursday, Oct.6. The meetings will be heldatthe Queensborough Community Centre, andall will start at 7p.m. “PRE-CAMPAIGN” PERIOD UNDERWAY
arethe most pressing forour readers. Is it traffic?Crime? Housing? Infrastructure? Downtown?Reconciliation?Orsomething else altogether? Please take thetimeto letusknow. Youcan vote in ouronline poll (tinyurl. com/TopNWIssues2022) or sendanemail to GetMoreLeads Whetheryouwanttobe#1onGoogleor morefansonsocial,wehaveasolidgame tohelpyourbusinessWINatdigitaladve ForMoreInformation:LaraGraham VisitGetMoreDone.c TogetaFREEMarketingConsultation foryourbusiness. OurDigitalMarketingServices Branding SEO SocialAds ContentCreation LandingPages SponsoredArticles Websites Programmatic DisplayAds SocialMedia PaidSearch Video JumpstartYourDigitalMarketing atdigitaladvertising. STEVE KASPER RE/MAX ALL POINTS REALTY 604-526-2888 • #105-910 FIFTH AVE$349,900.00 #57-2422 HAWTHORNE PORTCOQUITLAM $699,900.00 454 BUCHANAN AVE$1,650,000 EXCITING Opportunity awaits the visionary! Solid and spacious 3bedroom, 2bath home with unfinished full height bsmt just waiting for some family to MAKE IT THEIRS! Great Views from the large open sundeck and home. 9400 sq ft corner lot: Potential for duplex? Fantastic yard for kids, pets, trucks and toys! Steps to parks, restaurants, schools, transit &skytrain and easy freeway access. TOWNHOUSE LIVING AT ITS BEST IN CENTRAL POCO 2LEVEL HOME, TOP FLOOR, 2BEDS, 2BATHS DOUBLE CAR garage (not atandem) with space for Lots of storage/ mans cave etc. Updated flooring &Paint thru out. Gorgeous look out over Central Park. Private home, 2balconies facing the park, vaulted ceilings. Steps to schools, parks, shopping, transit, restaurants &rec centre. THE MOST AFFORDABLE 2BEDROOM CONDO! This building requires the Buyer to Pay Cash! This building requires all occupants to be 40+ years This building does not allow pets or rentals! This SUITE IS LOVELY! SPACIOUS! BRIGHT! UPDATED! The BEST 919 SQ FT .....Low Maint Fee of $297 includes Heat, Hot water and property Taxes. SUPER AFFORDABLE TO OWN. OPEN HOUSE SAT& SUN 2-4 #408-60 RICHMOND ST -SOLD 81 WARRICK 221-SOLD DEVOY ST -SOLD
to know: what civicissues aretop
Notes from
According to Elections BC, elector organizations, prospectivecandidates and thirdparties that sponsor electionadvertising during the pre-cam paignorcampaignperiod must includetheir name and contact information on all of theirads, in addition to other requirements. Third-party election advertisersmust register with ElectionsBC. “The Local Elections CampaignFinancing Act defines whatiselection advertising. During the pre-campaign period, electionadvertising is any public communication thatpromotes or opposes, directly or indirectly, the election of acandidate or an electororganization endorsing acandidate,” said the press release. “Dur ing the campaignperiod, thedefinition of election advertising also includes communications thattake aposition on an issue as sociated with acandidate or electororganization.” Formore information on thecampaign financing and advertising rules in the 2022 GeneralLocal Elections, go to www tions. KEEP US POSTED Are yourunning in New Westminsterinthe 2022 civic election? you hosting an all-candidates meetingour other campaignevent? Be sure to let the Record knowby contactingTheresa McManus at tmcmanus@ roundup: the pre-campaign trail NewWestminster prepares to andcitycouncillors, Record wants of-mindfor want knowwhichones
The official “pre-campaign period” for the2022 General Local Elections is nowunderway. The pre-campaign pe riod began Monday, July 18 and runs until Sept. 16. “Election advertising rules comeintoeffect with the startofthe precampaign period,” said an Elections BC press release “Election advertising rules are also in effectduring the campaign period, which runs from Sept. 17 until GeneralVoting Day on Oct. 15. ElectionsBC administerscampaign fi nancing and advertising rules in local elections, but does notadministervoting, candidatenominationsorother aspectsof the process.”
Pack your swim suits andheadtothe outdoor pool at Moody Park. In doing so,you won’tbejust splashingaround in cold water on awarmday,but also celebrating pride. The Queer Family andTransgender Swim is open to “queer families,and two-spirit, trans, gender diverse andgender creativehumans, and their cisgenderallies,”asper asocial media post shared by NewWest Family Place. It runs from 12:40to2:40 p.m.To register, send an email to newwestminster;the fee is $2 per person.
MORE: Check out the city’swebsite at
COMMUNITY CANVAS Here’syour chance to be partofa community artproject —yep,evenwith zero artexperience. Head to Moody Park, and add your creativetouch to a canvas, inspired by the beauty of the park thatwas established in 1863. Artist facilitator Mark Elez will be on location to guide you, and all supplies will be provided. All youhavetodoisshow up,and you’ll be partofanart show.The canvaswill eventually be on displayatthe Centennial and Queensborough community centres Stopbybetween 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. (near the playground).
MORE: or call 604-5209911 to reserve SATURDAY, AUG. 20
Check the exhibition out in the second-floor artspace,upstairsatthe library’s main branch (716 Sixth Ave.) It’sopen during libraryhours.
WHEN: Saturday, Aug.20, 10 a.m.to2 p.m.
Queensborough Community Centreat920 Ewen Ave.) MORE: See the calendar of Find moreevents online: Please send your information for inclusion to Don’tmissthese weekend events & activities! PHOTO CREDIT:Alena Paulus/iStock/Getty Images Plus Take the kids to Queensborough this weekend for arock painting event presented by rock Art Canada at the picnic shelter at Ryall Park. INSTANTupdates THANKYOU FOR RECYCLINGTHIS NEWSPAPER. UBC FacultyofDentistry THE UNIV ER SI TY OR BR ITISH CO LU MBI A UBC Dentistry is screening patients 7yearsofageandolderwhorequire Braces (Fullorthodontic treatmentcost:$1,000to$4,200) Forinformation, Graduate OrthodonticsProgram Toarrangeascreeningappointment: 604-827-4991(12years&older) 604-827-0706(7to10yearsold) oremailgradorthoclinic@dentistry.ubcca
MORE: Register in advance by email at
New West Record • THURSDAY,August18,2022 13
ROCKSTARS OF QUEENSBOROUGH Letyour littleone turninto arockstar this Saturday. No,not the guitar-wielding one,but the rock-painting one. At the Rockstarsof Queensborough event, anyone can showuptoturngrey rocks into multicoloured décor pieces for free. All the artsupplies willbeprovidedtopaint enough rocks until youand your smol bean feel like, well, rockstars.
WHERE: Ryall Park picnic shelter (outside
Let your hair down this Friday.Whether youare worried about inflation or your newboss, let’s go bywhatLady Gaga said, “Just Dance, gonna be okay.”Thankfully, Stefanos, aGreek restaurant in downtown (315 Columbia St.), will let youswayand spin, 7p.m. onwards —when the livemusic begins.Ifyou plan to comeinearlier to binge on their spanakopita, knowthatthe happy hourisbetween 3and 6p.m. Aglass of their Santorini should put anyone in the mood to bopabit
MORE: –compiled by Naveena Vijayan
This weekend, take time to pause and reflect on mandalapaintings by artist Komal Saxena, at the NewWestminster Public Library.Theart features intricate geometric patterns arranged in concentric circles and has its roots in Buddhism. This specific artformisbelieved to help heal, and bring enlightenment. According to Saxena,“My goal is to conveypeace andgrace to my viewers, offering amoment of pause andthe feeling of deep belonging. Stop, take apause, look, admire, accept and cherish …with patience.”
14 THURSDAY,August 18,2022 • New West Record
Summer is stillinthe air, butFamily Services of GreaterVancouver is hard at work on plans for fall programmingfor local families. The non-profit willonce again be offering avariety of freecommunity programs starting in September.Here’s alook at what’s beingoffered: CreativeExplorations: Childrenaged 18 months to six years canexplore theircreativity through arts andcrafts, songs andstorieswith their caregiver’sparticipation. Sixsessions are taking placeonMondays from Sept. 19 to Oct. 31 from 9:30a.m. to noon at Olivet Church, 613 QueensAve.Bus tickets are availableifneeded. Parents Connect, aprogram for parents of childrenaged zeroto six years, givesparents achance to meet and connect with otherparents andtoparticipate in guideddiscussions. Six sessions runonFridays from Sept. 16 to Oct.28 from 9:30a.m. to noon at Olivet Church. Moms Group is asupportgroup for singlepar ents who are raisingchildren aged zerotosix. It givesthem an opportunity to learnabout community resourcesand to connect with othermoms about theups and downs of solo parenting. Sixsessionsare running onWednesdays fromSept. 21 to Oct.26 from4:30 to OlivetChurch. Bus tickets andchildminding are available if needed wLet’sCookTogether provides aplacewhere parentscan learn food skills andhow to cook healthyrecipes on abud get, while theirchildren, agedzero to sixyears, play. Twelvesessionsare being held onWednesdays fromSept.21toDec.7 from9:15 to 11:45 a.m at École Qayqayt Elementary, 85 Merivale St. Bus tickets and childminding are available if needed. Raising Exceptional Children is asupport groupfor parents of neurodiverse children,giving them timetoconnect with other parents to share the challenges and joys of parentingexceptional chil dren and to learnabout community resources This virtual Zoompro gram is heldonthe last Saturdayofthe month at 10 a.m. To register forany of thesefreecommunity programs, call 604-368-2154 or email
After three decades at RoyalCity Jewellersand Loans, Ken Basso has calleditaday Basso recently retired after working at the Columbia Street business for34years.Through the years, he worked his way up theranks to loansmanager andthengeneral manager “It’s averylong stretch of time,” saidMichael Is man, president of Royal City Jewellers andLoans. “He has made alot of friends along theway.” Basso hasbeen a“fantastic” employeeand will be missed, Isman said. Ismancredited Basso forcreating aRoyal City Jewellersand Loans’ fund raiser thatraised asignificant amount of money for charity “He createdTie Day, whichwas a21-year fundraiser for GreaterVancou verFood Bank thatraised about one-quarter of a million dollars,” he said. “Thatwas hisbaby.”
Extrazucchini?Too much kale?Donate it to agood cause Plant aRow —GrowaRow provides freshproduce to organizations thathelp folks in need Growing community: Claude LeDoux coordinates Plant a Row Grow aRow,aprogram that invites local residents to plantanextra row in their garden and then donatethe produce to help people in need. PHOTO RECORD FILES Young children at home?These fall programs arefor you TheresaMcManus A AROUNDTOWN Engman &Gunther NOT ARIE SP UB LIC • Residential Real Estate Transfers • Mortgage Documentation • Wills • Powers of Attorney • Representation Agreemen 710 6th Street, New Westminster, B C V3L 3C5 Tel: 604-522-8149 Fax: 604-521-5792 ts Email: PROUDLY SERVING NEW WEST FOR OVER 25 YEARS! $2000 off your next oil change when youmention this ad, Expires September 14, 2022 FREE TIRE INSPECTION TireServices: New TireSales •TireRepair •TireRotation FREE BRAKE INSPECTION BrakeServices: Brake Replacement service •Make and Appointment Now Open Hours: Mon: -Sat: 8:00 AM -6:00 PM •Sun: 9:00 AM -5:00 PM Jiffy Lube New Westminster 110-805 Boyd St, New Westminster (Queensborough outlet mall) (604) 527-7112 Jiffy Lube Richmond 10991 No 4Road, Richmond (Steveston Hwy.&No. 4Road) Call us: (604) 448–0142 NEED EXTRA CASH? We are looking for carriersto deliver newspapersonThursday! CARRIERS NEEDED FOR UPCOMING ROUTES IN NEW WESTMINSTER ROUTE# QTY BOUNDARIES 20000003 154 Wood St, Ewen Ave,Boyne St, Pembina St, Fenton St, Salter St 20100103 96 8th Ave,Hamilton St, 20th St, 21st St, 22nd St, 23rd St, 20300313 48 10th Ave,Downie St, London St, Dublin St, 13th St, 14th St 20500501 78 10th Ave,5th St, 6th St, 8th Ave 20800813 120 sixth Ave,Sydney St, Regina St, Brandon St, fifth Ave,3rd St, 4th St, oak St, 4th Ave 20900913/7913102 SeymourCrt, Richmond St, Miner St, Cumberland St, Richmond St An easy way to earn extramoney! Be part of agreat team! Forthese and other routes,please call 604-398-3481 or email
Community TheresaMcManus Families and folks in need are enjoying fresh fruits andveggiescourtesy of their fellowcommunity members. Each year, the Plant a Row— Grow aRow program invites NewWest and Burnaby residents to plant an extra rowofvegetables in their garden and donate them to theprogram, which then donates the fresh produce tothe UnionGospelMissionin NewWestminsterand to the Ryan’sRainbowcharity.Alternatively,residents can purchasesome ex tra produce at thegrocery store and dropitoff at the weeklycollection event “It’s been goingwell,” said Claude LeDoux,coordinator of thelocal program. “Wehavehad some really good collections.We are just remindingfolks to come.” Spaghetti squash, zucchini,kale andlettuceare among theitems thathave been donated to the program so farthissummer. LeDoux said theUGM usesthe donations in two ways.Some produce is usedinlunchesthatare prepared for people visitingthe mission and some is used foratraining program that teachespeople to cook asaway of helping them to get jobsinthe field. Ryan’sRainbow, an emergencyfoodoutreach program in Burnaby,provides fresh produceto families each week “They’re just completely thrilledatthe diversity of theproducts that we’resending,” LeDoux said. “They’redoing about 180families.Theydoa boxfor afamily,sothey are ecstatic.” If people want to sup portthe programbut don’thaveagarden, the program alsoaccepts donationsofstore-bought produce andnon-perishable food items “Everything is being used,” LeDoux said. Plant aRow —Grow aRow volunteerswillbe collecting donations of fresh produceand nonperishable food itemseverySundayuntil Oct.2. When people aredropping offdonations,they’ll also receiveafresh,homemade scone baked up by one of the program’svolunteers. Collections take place on Sundays from8:30 to 9:15a.m.atthe front entrancetoSt.Thomas MoreCollegiate, 7450 12thAve.inBurnaby (just on theNewWest border).
New West Record • THURSDAY,August 18,2022 15 Introducing our NewEventsCalendar ACCESSIBLE IN PRINT &ONLINE Looking for something to do?We’vegot you covered with over 400 events in New West right now! Checkout hundreds of events happening in your backyard: ■ Live Music ■ Food &Drink ■ Kids &Family ■ Arts ■ Sports &Leisure ■ Community POWERED BY Want to promote your event?Wewant to help! PROMOTE YOUR EVENT PROMOTERS Type In TheDetails &ShareIt. It’s Just ThatEasy! PHO TO JENNIFER GA UTHIER Find them all at Just log on to
LEGAL NO. M-205720 VANCOUVERREGISTRY IN THESUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA BETWEEN: YAROSLAV POVERLO PLAINTIFF AND: JOHN BRENDAN McDADEAUSTIN PHILLIP CHARRON-LELIEVRE and JENNIFER AENOY LIGGINS DEFENDANTS Form 10 (RULE 4-4(3)) ADVERTISEMENT To:JohnBrendan McDade TAKE NOTICE THATonthe 17th day of May 2022 an order was made for service on you of aNotice of Civil Claim issued fromthe Vancouver Registry of the SupremeCourtofBritish Columbia in proceeding number M-205720 by way of this advertisement. In the proceeding, the plaintiff claims the following relief against you: an award for non-pecuniary damages;past and future special damages; loss of past and future income;loss of earningcapacity; past and future care costs; interestpursuanttothe Court Order Interest Act, [R.S.B.C] 1996, c.79;the costsofthisaction; and such further and other relief as to this HonorableCourt may seem just and meet. Youmust file aresponding pleading withinthe period required underthe Supreme Court Civil Rules failingwhichfurther proceedings, including judgement, may be taken against youwithout notice to you. Youmay obtain from theVancouver Registry,at 800SmitheStreet,Vancouver, BC, V6Z 2E1,a copyofthe Notice of Civil Claim and the order providingfor service by this advertisement.
NOTICE OF INTENT TO EXERCISE WAREHOUSE LIEN BY AUCTION PURSUANTTO section 4ofthe Warehouse Lien Act, RSBC1996, c. 480, notice is hereby givenby Ecotech Restoration Inc. that due to nonpayment of storage fees the contents deposited by: Pauline King, last known address 1702-1005Beach Avenue, Vancouver,BC, V6E 3W2, including: assorted householdgoods, mattresses and furniture, will be soldatonlinepublicauction via iBid4( on Friday, August 26 2022, sale beginning at 9:00 AM, for pickup by thesuccessful bidder at the Ecotech Restoration Inc., warehouselocated at 1B -1642 Langan Avenue, Port Coquitlam, BC, V3C 1K5.
EMPLOYMENT GENERAL EMPLOYMENT Cleaning Business is looking forRELIABLE HOUSE CLEANERS. 604.987.9970 ROCKY MOUNTAINEQUIP MENT is NOWHIRING:AG Equipment Techs,Heavy Equipment Techs -Journeyman&Apprentices,Parts Techs. View Open Roles & Apply: Relocationand Signing Bonus Offered Burnaby School District School Support Positions The BurnabySchool District is accepting applications for several casual on call, part time and full time positions. Please refer to the JobOpportunities linkonour website at Application can be made through Please include acover letter, resumeand any relevant certificates/diplomas requested in the posting.Please specify which position you are applying for in the subjectline of youremail and submit one email per position applied for. The Burnaby School District embraces diversity as a privilegeand astrength. We strive for accepting, safe, supportive, andinviting communitieswhere the goal is for all members to feel asense of belonging. Our (schools or worksites) are foreveryone and we respect each person’s contributions. OFFICE/CLERICAL GARAGE SALES New West Multi Family Sale Kitchen and household, vintage and costume jew elry,clothing andaccessories, books, cd’s, art, etc. Saturday, Aug 20th 10-2 #1006, #1057 ј Nanaimo Street. No earlies. MARKETPLACE WANTED CASH for your CLUTTER Iwill pay CASH for your UNWANTED ITEMS! Ispecialize in RECORDS, English Bone China & Figurines, Collectibles, Tools, Antiques, ETC Rob•604-307-6715 NUMISMATISTPURCHASING COIN COLLECTIONS &ACCUMULATIONS!Royal Canadian Mint, Canada& World Collections Wanted. Also buying 9999 bullion, old money,jewelry,nuggets, sterling, gold,silver, coins, bars, monster boxes+++ ES TATES WELCOMED! Todd 250 864 3521. RENTAL APARTMENTS/ CONDOS FOR RENT GARDEN VILLA 1010 6th Ave. New Westminster Suites Available. BeautifulAtrium with Fountain.ByCollege, Shops &Transit/Skytrain Pets negotiable.Ref req’d. CALL 604-715-7764 VILLA MARGARETA 320-9thSt, NewWestminster Suites Available. All suites have nice balconies, Underground parking avail Refs req’d Small Pet OK CALL 604-715-7764 APARTMENTS/ CONDOS FOR RENT SKYLINETOWERS 102-120 Agnes St, NewWestminster Hi-Rise Apartment with RiverView&Indoor Pool. 1BR& 2BRAvailable Rentincludesheat &hot water.Remodeled Building and Common area Gated underground secure parking available. Referencesrequired. CALL604-525-2122 MARKETPLACE Call or email to place your ad, Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm 604-362-0586 •604-653-7851 • Book your ad online anytime at Your Community May the Sunshine of Comfort Dispel the Clouds of Despair Finda New Career Discover aWorld of Possibilities in the Classifieds! Toadvertisecall 604-362-0586 Calltoplaceyourad 604-362-0586 Dreaming of aNew Home? Call to placeyourad 604-362-0586
Thisadvertisement is placed by Hammerco Lawyers LLP whose addressfor service is Suite 400 -2233 Columbia Street, Vancouver,BCV5Y 0M6,Fax: 604-269-8511.
16 THURSDAY,August 18,2022 • New West Record LEGAL/PUBLIC NOTICES LEGAL/PUBLIC NOTICES REMEMBRANCES To advertise,email Let our experienced lawyers help you. | *A law corporation Probate made easy. WestcoastWills &Estates 604-230-1068 EXECUTOR SERVICES LEGAL By virtueofthe Warehouseman’s LienAct Mundie’sTowing, Storage &Service (1976) Ltd. will dispose of: 1) 2017 KIA SPORTVIN#KNDPNCAC2H7057586 RO: CRAIG POUNDER/TDAUTO FINANCE INC 2) 2020 DODGECARAVANVIN# 2C4RDGCGXLR162466 RO: BRANKO BRANKOVIC/BANKOFMONTREAL 3) 2018 CHRYSLER300 VIN# 2C3CCABG6JH208213 RO: NIKKI-LEIGH MAISTRY/CANADIANIMPERIALBANK OF COMMERCE 4) 2002 ACURA RSXVIN# JH4DC53022C803992 RO:CHRISTOPHER NEAL 5) 2005HONDACIVIC VIN# 1HGEM229X5L806534 RO: JASON BENGAO 6) 1998 INFINITIQX4 VIN# JNRAR05Y6WW023295 RO: HARINERJITSINGHVIRK 7) 2004 HONDACIVICVIN#2HGES16384H919299 RO: NAVA MANUELFERNANDSALAZAR 8) 2003 FORDMUSTANG VIN#1FAFP40463F397351 RO: DOUGLAS BECKETT 9) 2002 INFINITI QX4 VIN#JNRDR09Y22W251036 RO: KYLEMCCRAE 10)2001 FORD FLATDECK VIN# 1FDAF57F41EC67796 RO: ZORAWARSINGH DHILLON 11)2010 VWPASSATVIN# WVWMN9AN6AE551121 RO: OLUWADEMILADE DAVID OBA 12) 2015 FORDESCAPE VIN# 1FMCU9GX0FUA12493 RO:PARASTJULIETASALEHI 13)2010 MITSUBISHIOLNDRVIN# JA4JT3AX2AZ604245 RO: GENNARO FERLAINO 14) 2015 HYUNDAI ELNTR VIN#KMHDH4AH0FU409344 RO: SINGH XJASKARAN 15) 2009 CHEV EXPRS VIN# 1GCFG15X791122315 RO: VANESSA HERNANDEZ 16) 2014 FORDFOCUS VIN# 1FADP3K25EL231808 RO: TARIK GIFFORD 17) 2013 NISSAN CUBEVIN# JN8AZ2KR2DT300858 RO:NEJ YE Units maybeviewed and bids to be submitted on TUESDAY, August 23,2022 at 5917 ThorneAvenue, Burnaby,BC between 10:00amto3:00pm. All written bids to Mundie’sTowing 5917 Thorne Ave, Burnaby,BCV3N 2T8.
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HOME SERVICES Find the professionals you need to create the perfect renovation. Toadvertisecall 604-362-0586 Find all your renovation needs in HomeServices 604-362-0586 Find the professionals you need to complete your renovations in the Home Services section
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18 THURSDAY,August 18,2022 • New West Record QuanGifford,R.D. (Denturist/Owner) •Makingsmilesforover23years •MemberofAssociationofBC. Smile FULL SERVICE DENTURE CLINIC 604-553-1222 #270-522 SEVENTH STREET, NEW WESTMINSTER, BC V3M 5T5 my yo ery ry