New Westminster Record August 25 2022

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Market Evaluation! 604.526.2888 DONNATAYS.COM TAYS + TEAM REAL ESTATE SEE IT LOVE IT L VE IT #102-321 6th Street, NewWestminster WHATISYOUR HOME ACTUALLY WORTH? How to find out: We use real-timedata combined with years of market experience to provide youwith the most accurate estimateofwhat yourhomeisworth. #102-321 Sixth Street, New Westminster 604-526-2888 Go with those who know Call or email today for acomplimentary market evaluation

While youdon’t need areasontoenjoya cup of Halo Halo,the fact that Tagalogcomesout on top among allthe non official mothertongues spoken in NewWestminster is avalidone to raise aglass or two. The latest2021censusreleasedbyStatistics Canada showedthat as manyas3,270people in NewWestmin ster haveTagalogastheir mother tongue(based onsingle responses)— this is marginally greater than those whose mother tongues are Manda rin(2,955)and Punjabi (2,815). Tagalog is alsothe most regularlyand most often spokennon-official language at home in New After English,it’s the mostcommon languageinNew Westminster page 3 POPULATION of selling? confidential

From left, Jordan Letoria of PrinceGeorge ,Kar-HeiNgofBurnaby and Eleanor Szabo of Colwood take part in Camp Igniteatthe Queensborough firehall. The NewWestminster firedepartment co-hosted the three-day camp with Vancouver and Abbotsford, bringing teenagegirls from around B.C. to the LowerMainland to take part in avariety of activities designed to introduce them to the world of firefighting. In total, 27 teenagerstook part in the camp —and photographer Jennifer Gauthier wasonhand on Day 1totakephotos. Check outafeature storyand morephotocoverage on page 9onthis edition, andfind morephotography online at PHOTO JENNIFERGAUTHIER CAMP IGNITE OPENS DOORS in city: census NaveenaVijayan

CITY 3 Studenthousing coming to Douglas COMMUNITY 16 EVENTS 11 Your guide to weekend fun LOCALNEWS– LOCALMATTERSTHURSDAY AUGUST 25, 2022 There’smoreonline at LocalMatters LocalNews There ’smore online at Don’tmiss fireworks Saturday

Call Donna for a free,

Are you thinking

Continued on


FORGIRLS Tagalog tops

2 THURSDAY,August 25,2022 • New West Record PRODUCE GROCERY MEAT& SEAFOOD BAKERY DELI LANGLEY FARM LAMARKET NGLEY FARM MARKET Your Choice. Our Honour. Our Effort. Our Award. GIFT CARDS AVAILABLE IN STORE VALID THURSDAY,AUGUST 25 –SUNDAY,AUGUST 28, 2022 •WHILE QUANTITIESLAST. For freshness and quality you can count on! LFM LANGLEY FARM MARKET Forfresh and quality foods 7815 KINGSWAY,BURNABY 604.521.2883 STORE HOURS: MONDAY TO SUNDAY 8:30AM TO 9:00PM •HOLIDAYS: 9:00AM TO 6:00PM This sale is only for the Kingsway location $699 lb. $339 ea $769 ea $339 ea $749 lb. $399 lb. WHOLE FRYING CHICKEN $8.78/kg SIRLOIN TIP ROAST AA beef /$15.38/kg CHAMPMAR WHITE WHOLE SHRIMPS 20/30 /400g frozen AA-1 INDIA MACKEREL (HASA HASA) 120/150 /450g frozen 3FISH FISH TOFU Frozen /270g $155 ea. $149 ea $409 ea. TARO BUN 100g BLUEBERRY SCONE 100g BUTTER COOKIES 250gARMSTRONG MEDIUM CHEDDAR $699 ea $129 ea. $319 ea. $219 /100g $139 ea. SIRLOIN TIP STEAK AA beef /$16.48/kg $469 ea 89¢ ea. GREEN PLUMS Product of U.S.A. $4.38/kg BROCCOLI CROWNS Product of U.S.A. $3.04/kg OKANAGAN ROMA TOMATOES Product of B.C. $3.26/kg LOCAL LOOSE BEETS Product of B.C. $2.18/kg LOCAL RUSSIAN GARLIC Product of B.C. $28.58/kg $319 ea. $399 ea. $169 ea. $199 lb. $138 lb. LOCAL DILL CUCUMBERS Product of B.C. $5.48/kg $369 ea. FREMO ALOE JUICE Original /1.5L SKOTIDAKIS COWFETA 200g $209 /100g ROSEMARY HAM FREYBE SALAMI CHUBS Cervelat/Gypsy/Hungarian/ Italian /250g $229 lb. RED SEEDLESS GRAPES Product of U.S.A. $5.04/kg $688 ea. oduct B.C. $148 lb. $249 lb. 99¢ lb. $1299 lb. $169 ea. 1ST CHOICE SEAWEED Classic /21.6g LEE KUM KEE PANDAOYSTER SAUCE 510g MANG PEDRO’S PORK RINDS Party size /170g $299 ea. $219 ea. MCVITIES DIGESTIVE COOKIES Original /400g FARMER’S MARKET ORGANIC PUMPKIN PUREE 398ml GOLDEN GRILL HASHBROWN POTATOES 119g GRACE COCONUT WATER WITH PULP 500ml LACTANTIA CHOCOLATE MILK 237ml $129 ea. NONG SHIM KIMCHI NOODLE BOWLS 86g RONNIE’S JUMBO SUNFLOWER SEEDS No salt/ Slightly Salted /600g EATWHOLESOME ORGANIC JACKFRUIT Beef style /300g $299 ea. EATWHOLESOME ORGANIC BAKED BEANS 398ml EATWHOLESOME ORGANIC COCONUT BUTTER 500ml $929 ea. W FET BLACKMISSION FIGS Product of U.S.A. 1lb. clamshell

Officialsgathered at the college’sNewWest campusTuesday morning to announce funding for 808 Royal, anew 20-storey building with 368 student beds,academicspace and parking.

Up Front

NewWestminster MLA JenniferWhiteside saidshe hasfond memories of her time at Douglas College, whichshe attendedbeforemoving on to Simon Fraser University “Students need aplace to call home that is affordableand allows them time and spacetostudy,” saidWhiteside,who is B.C.’s educationminister. “Werecognize howimportantaccess to housing is foryoung people and howintegralitistotheir post-secondaryexperi ence.” Mandarin, Punjabi mostwidely spoken

LIVEANDLEARN: An artist’s rendering of 808 Royal, aproposed 20-storey building that would include student housing and academic spaces forDouglas College.The provinceannounced morethan $200 million in funding forthe projectduring amedia event heldatthe college on Tuesdaymorning.

“Weknowpost-secondary studentsneedaccesstoaffordable housing that is close to the school that they go to.Wedon’t want post-secondary students to be worried about aplace to call home, when they arealready busy with classes, withwriting papers,withtaking exams,” said Anne Kang, B.C’s minister of advanced education andskills training.“With that in mind, Iamsoexcitedtoshare thatthe B.C. government is providing thelargestinvestment ever made in B.C. in ourpost-second aryinstitutions for student housing and an academicspace, right here at Douglas College’sNew Westminster campus.” Kangsaidthe “historic investment”will have apositiveimpact on the lives of post-secondary students and theirfamilies, as well as local renters in NewWestminster. She said the$292 5 million project includes $202.3 million inprovincial fund ingand $90.2 million from Douglas Instead of commuting to college, Kang saidstu dents willbeabletofocus ontheir studies, have fun making new friends and getting involved in com munity life at Douglas College. “Housing is so importanttothiscritical stage of life for students, and student housing is creat ing independence for stu dents,”she said. “Not only that, butthis project will helprentersinNewWestminster as it takes pressure off thelocal rental market.”

The provincial govern ment is making a“historic investment”instudent housingatDouglas College in NewWestminster.

“The 808Royal project will be transformational for Douglas, forour students,for ourcommunity,”said Douglas College president KathyDenton. “Forthe firsttime in our history, we’ll have stu dentsliving on campus, students fromacross the LowerMainland,across the province and around the world.” Dentonsaidthe proj ect willprovide avastly expanded, modernacademic space thateveryone can enjoy, as well as more than 360student living and learning spaces in an inclusiveand welcoming environment.

“Students often have longcommutestoschool, and are met withless time to study ortospend making connections withothers,”she said. “Thereare averylimitedamount of spaces thatstudentshave to meaningfullyinteract with oneanother on a consistent basis.”

The province stated construction of 808 Royal is anticipated to beginin summer 2023, with completion slated for summer of 2026. (The projecthas not yetbeen considered or approvedbycitycouncil.)

$292M studenthousing complexplanned

KrystynLlagas, amar keting student at Douglas College, saidthe expansion of Douglas College to provide on-campushousing,more classrooms and amenities is an amazing investment for the wellbeing and successoffuture students.

Llagas said thenew building will provide an opportunity for students to build those connections and friendships that they’re expectingfrom their college experience. She saidstudent housing will benefit students and help them achieve abetter education-work-lifebalance. “Trying to afford a place to live on top of grocerylists, textbooks and tuitionfees ishonestly impossiblefor students,”she said. “This expansionwill alleviate many of the stressorsthatstudents face during their time in college.”


New West Record • THURSDAY,August 25,2022 3 West. Mandarin, Punjabi,Yue (Cantonese)and Spanishare the other most widely spoken languages. But if youtake theentire province, Punjabi ranks thehighest, followed by Mandarin,Yue(Cantonese)and onlythen,Ta galog. Today, alot morepeople have anon-official language as theirmother tongueinNewWest about 4,500 more compared to 2016. The number of people who speak multiple mother tongues has al most doubled in thelast five years— from 2,145 in 2016 to 4,025in2021. As farasthe official languages areconcerned, the number of English-only speakerssaw an uptick of 12 per cent, and the count of French-only speakers slumped by 25per cent.

Continuedfrompage1 Tagalog,

20-storey RoyalAvenue building will provide 368 beds,plus academic space forDouglas College

Overall, BritishColumbiasaw agrowth of 8.1 percent of English-only speakersand adrop of French-only speakersby 1.1 percent. TheresaMcManus

“Wecould not be more excitedabout this new project,”she toldacrowd gathered at Douglas College. “It willformagatewaytodowntown New Westminster, creating avibrant new college district forthe city.”

Trying to afford aplace to liveon top of grocery lists,textbooks and tuition fees is honestly impossible for students.

According to the province, the new building will have 368 student beds in one-,two-, andfour-bed units, as well as academic space, including new classrooms, student collaborationspace, labs and offices,and food services With classes movingtothe new academicbuilding, space willbecomeavailable for other purposes, including apotential ex pansion of thecollege’s child-care facility

From August18to29, 2022,the proposed bylawand relatedmaterial areavailable for inspection at LegislativeServices, City Hall 8:30amto4:30pmMondaytoFriday,and online at:

Monday, Aug. 29 6:00 pm Council Meeting Council Chamber,City Hall Meetingheld electronically and open to public attendance

CALENDAR OF EVENTS Continued on page5


City Council will consider givingfirst,second and thirdreadings to BylawNo. 8356,2022 at its meetingonAugust29, 2022.The meetingwill be open to public attendanceand broadcastliveonthe City’s website. It can be viewedbygoingto and clickingonthe Council meetinginthe meeting calendar Jacque Killawee, City Clerk

City Council will consider givingfirst,second and thirdreadings to BylawNo. 8348,2022 at its meetingonAugust29, 2022.The meetingwill be open to public attendanceand broadcastliveonthe City’s website. It can be viewedbygoing to and clickingonthe Council meetinginthe meeting calendar Jacque Killawee, City Clerk

From August18to29, 2022,the proposed bylawand relatedmaterial areavailable for inspection at LegislativeServices, City Hall 8:30amto4:30pmMondaytoFriday, and online at:

MONDAY,AUGUST 29,2022 AT 6:00 PM Meetingheld electronically and open to public attendanceinCouncil Chamber,City Hall Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 8348, 2022 for 616 and 640 Sixth Street

Saturday, Aug. 26 7:00 pm Summer Sounds ConcertSeries Ryall Park Outdoor Stage

Under sections 464(2) and 467ofthe Local GovernmentAct MONDAY,AUGUST 29,2022 AT 6:00 PM Meetingheld electronically and open to public attendanceinCouncil Chamber,City Hall Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 8356, 2022 for 122 Eighth Avenue In accordancewith sections 464(2)and 467of the Local GovernmentAct the Corporation of the City of NewWestminsterwill not hold apublic hearingonZoning Amendment BylawNo. 8356,2022.Thisbylawwill rezone 122 Eighth Avenue from Single Detached Residential Districts (RS-1) to Comprehensive DevelopmentDistrict(122 Eighth Avenue) (CD-97).The CD-97 Zone would allowa duplexwith aFloor SpaceRatio (FSR)of 0.60 and aheightof7.62 m. (25 ft.), which is consistent with other duplexzones in the city.Parkingfor twovehicles would be accommodatedincarports at the rear of the property.Secondarysuites would notbepermitted. Please note thatthis bylawisproceedinginorder to correctan administrativeerror associatedwith BylawNo. 8325, 2022 which Council previously approvedtoallowthis development, and Council has repealed BylawNo. 8325, 2022 Therehavebeen no changestothe proposed development.

NOTICE RESPECTING ZONING AMENDMENT BYLAW Registration forfall programs opens todayat8:30amfor NewWestminster residents, and tomorrow,Aug. 26,for everyone else.Toviewthe ActiveLiving Guide visit: Registeronline at: ACTIVE LIVING GUIDE FALL 2022 TheRestofNew West offersfree activities in community parksand outdoor spaces. Check the website forthe complete listofactivities for September 2022 THE REST OF NEWWEST THE LATEST NEWS AND EVENTS IN OURCITY CITYPAGE SUBSCRIBE TO CITYPAGE:

Tuesday, Aug. 30 12:30pm Intergenerational Picnic in the Park Moody Park Tuesday, Aug. 30 2:00 pm Sketchingbythe River RiverMarket Wednesday, Aug. 31 6:30pm Poetry in the Park Queen’s Park Farm



In accordancewith sections 464(2) and 467ofthe Local GovernmentAct the Corporation of the City of New Westminsterwill nothold apublic hearing on ZoningAmendmentBylawNo. 8348, 2022.Anapplication has been received to amend ComprehensiveDevelopment(616 and 640Sixth Street) (CD-80)District.The existingzoning permits a29-storey,mixeduse buildingconsistingof237 secured market rental and strata units, groundfloor commercial space, and atotal FSR of 6.46.ADevelopmentVariancePermit wasapprovedin2020 to convert100%ofpermitted units to secured market rental. Theamendmentproposes to increase the totalnumber of units to 338,and increase FSRto7.41. Allunits would be secured market rental, including10nearmarket housingunits. Theoverall buildingheightwould remain unchanged, while the podium heightwould be increased from three to four storeys, and the tower floorplate would be increased from 689sq. m. to 752.5sq. m. Thetotal number of proposed underground parkingstalls would be decreased from 313 to 271in exchange formeasuresthatwould reducerelianceonprivate vehicles. Please note thatthis bylawisproceedinginorder to correctanadministrativeerror associated with BylawNo. 8348,2022 which wasunder Council consideration, and Council has rescinded all readingsofBylawNo. 8348,2022.Therehavebeen no further changestothe proposed development

4 THURSDAY,August 25,2022 • New West Record

Under sections 464(2)and 467ofthe Local GovernmentAct

Monday, Aug. 29 3:00 pm Council Workshop Council Chamber,City Hall Meetingheld electronically and open to public attendance


Under sections 464(2) and 467ofthe Local GovernmentAct MONDAY,AUGUST 29,2022 AT 6:00 PM Meetingheld electronically and open to public attendanceinCouncil Chamber,City Hall Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 8324, 2022 for 337 and 339 Keary Street

Work is also underway alongEastSixth Avenue between Cumberland Street and McBride Boulevard to relocate aportion of the CrosstownGreenway.Access to the Greenway section behind Canada Games Pool is no longerbeaccessible as of Aug. 24,2022.The newtemporary Greenway will nowcontinue alongEastSixth Avenue and connectwith the existingGreenway near Shiles Street.The temporaryGreenway will remain in placeuntil the newfacility opens in late 2023. and ablanket or and enjoyaneveningoffreemusic in the park.This concertseries will spotlightover100 2SLGBTQ+communities. featureafood

Each nightwill

In accordancewith sections 464(2)and 467of the Local GovernmentAct theCorporation of the City of NewWestminsterwill nothold apublic hearingonZoningAmendmentBylaw No.8354,2022.Thisbylawwill rezone 817 St.AndrewsStreetfromSingle Detached Residential Districts (RS-1) to Comprehensive DevelopmentDistrict(817St. Andrews Street) (CD-17). TheCD-17 Zone would allow atriplexwith aFloor SpaceRatio (FSR)of 0.75 and aheightof7.62 m. (25 ft.), which is consistent with other forms of infill housing, such as duplexes, in the city.Parkingfor three vehicles would be accommodatedincarports at the rear of the property.Please note thatthis bylawisproceedinginorder to correctanadministrativeerror associatedwith BylawNo. 8323, 2022 which Council previously approved to allowthis development, and Council has repealed BylawNo. 8323, 2022.Therehavebeen no changestothe proposed development.

Under sections 464(2)and 467ofthe Local GovernmentAct MONDAY,AUGUST 29,2022 AT 6:00 PM Meetingheld electronically and open to public attendanceinCouncil Chamber,City Hall

Please be advised of the changestothe Centennial Community Centre parkinglot and the temporaryrelocation of the CrosstownGreenwayaccess route.



truck and family-friendly entertainment; the livemusical performancestartsat7:00 pm. PLAYTHE PARKS Friday, September 2, 9, 16,and 23 |6:00 -8:00 pm ' THE LATEST NEWS AND EVENTS IN OURCITY CITYPAGE SUBSCRIBE TO CITYPAGE:

To accommodate the removalofCanada Games Pool, the Centennial Community Centre parking lothas been reconfigured. As of Aug. 24,2022,access and egress is limited to the south driveway as notedonthe map below. Parkingislimited to three hoursand will be strictly enforced.

New West Record • THURSDAY,August 25,2022 5


From August18to29, 2022,the proposed bylawand relatedmaterial areavailable for inspection at LegislativeServices, City Hall 8:30amto4:30pmMondaytoFriday, and online at: City Council will consider givingfirst,second and thirdreadings to BylawNo. 8324,2022 at its meetingonAugust29, 2022.The meetingwill be open to public attendanceand broadcastliveonthe City’s website. It can be viewedbygoingto and clickingonthe Council meetinginthe meeting calendar Jacque Killawee, City Clerk


musically and culturally diverse artists from Black,Indigenous, Chinese,South Asian, and

From August18to29, 2022,the proposed bylawand relatedmaterial areavailable for inspection at LegislativeServices, City Hall 8:30amto4:30pmMondaytoFriday, and online at: City Council will consider givingfirst,second and thirdreadings to BylawNo. 8354,2022 at its meetingonAugust29, 2022.The meetingwill be open to public attendanceand broadcastliveonthe City’s website. It can be viewedbygoing to and clickingonthe Council meetinginthe meeting calendar Jacque Killawee, City Clerk BYLAW

təməsewtxʷ AQUATIC AND COMMUNITYCENTRE CONSTRUCTION UPDATE Bringyour family and friends,

Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 8354, 2022 for 817 St. Andrews Street

In accordancewith sections 464(2)and 467of the Local GovernmentAct the Corporation of the City of NewWestminsterwill nothold apublic hearingonZoningAmendmentBylaw No.8324, 2022.Thisbylawwill rezone 337 and 339Keary Street from Single Detached Residential Districts (RS-1) to Comprehensive DevelopmentDistrict(337and 339Keary Street)(CD-96).The CD-96 Zone would allow an infill townhouse developmentwith aFloor SpaceRatio (FSR)of1.00and aroofpeak heightof10.67 m. (35 ft.), which is consistent with infill townhouse zoningand development permit area guidelines as well as other infill townhouse projects in the city.Off-street residentand visitor parking(10 spaces total) would be accommodatedinattached garagesand parkingpads. Please note thatthis bylawisproceedinginorder to correct an administrativeerror associatedwith BylawNo. 8324,2022 which wasunder Council consideration, and Council has rescinded all readings of BylawNo. 8324,2022.There have been no changestothe proposed development.

6 THURSDAY,August 25,2022 • New West Record An end goal of the camp … has always been to empowergirls KathyIus,storypage9 THEYSAIDIT... ARCHIVE 2002 MAIN SWITCHBOARD 604.4444.33451 DELIVERYINQUIRIES 604.398.3481 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 604.444.3056 EDITORIAL/NEWS TIP LINE 604.444.3020 FAXLINE 604.439.2694 EDITORIAL ADVERTISING CLASSIFIED OUR TEAM MY VIEW KEITHBALDREY Colonialhistorypreserved The RoyalWestminster Regiment Historical Society secureda piece of local colonial historyinNovember thanks to agroup dedicated to role-playing thelives of the RoyalEngineers.The RoyalEngineers Living HistoryGroup presented the societywitharareLancaster rifle.The Lancaster firstarrivedwith the Columbiadetachment of theRoyal Engineersin1859, when it was dispatchedtokeep orderduring the gold rush.When theRoyalWestminster Regimentwas organized four yearslater, the Lancasterbecame its weapon of choice LARA GRAHAM Publisher MARK FALKENBERG Editor THE RECORD IS AMEMBEROFTHE NATIONAL NEWSMEDIACOUNCIL WHICHISANINDEPENDENT ORGANIZATIONESTABLISHED TO DEAL WITH ACCEPTABLE JOURNALISTIC PRACTICES AND ETHICAL BEHAVIOUR. IF YOU HAVE CONCERNS ABOUT EDITORIAL CONTENT, PLEASE CONTACT MARK FALKENBERG AT MWFALKENBERG@ NEWWESTRECORD.CA. IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED WITHTHE RESPONSEAND WISH TO FILE A FORMALCOMPLAINT, VISIT THE WEBSITE AT MEDIACOUNCIL.CA OR CALLTOLL-FREE 1-844-877-1163 FOR ADDITIONALINFORMATION.

Thatapproach will be tested in the NDPleadership racetoreplaceHorgan. DavidEby,the former attorneygeneral, is a consensusfavorite to win the contest, butheisbeing challenged by noted climate change activist Anjali Appadurai. Appaduraiwants the party to abandon centrist policies and returntoits activist ways.Her positions on various issues —such as LNGand policing,to name just two—willlikely push Eby to adoptmore moderate positions, which could helphim redefine hisown image,one that dates back to his more ac tivist Opposition days. But no matter theout come of the leadership race, it isunlikelythe NDP will returntoaradical desire forchangethatwesaw beginning to unfold 50 yearsago next week. Keith Baldrey is chief po liticalreporter forGlobalBC.


“The age at which youget taken seriously is, in fact, ablipintime that happens briefly in your 40sifyou manage to have overworked yourself into adecent position youare absurdly overqualified for andwhich helpsyou make enough money for the just right hair cut.”

Whywomen shouldn’t go grey’

Looking back at historic NDP win Next week marks the 50th anniversaryofone of the most pivotal, groundbreaking moments in B.C. political history. It wasonAug. 30, 1972 thatthe NDP first came to powerinB.C. Over thecourse of alittlemore than three years, thenew government turned the province on its head and broughtinsweeping and colossal changesthatcontinue to reverberate today. They rangefromthings like ICBC, the Agricultural Land Reserve, an ex panded provincial park system,a labour code, building Robson Square and theWhistlerResort, to restoring the Parliament Buildings and banning the strap in schools. Thereisa new book out thatrecalls that time, and it is writtenbythe number 2person in that brief government— formercabinet minister BobWilliams, second onlytoPremier Dave Barrett when itcame to wielding power. Anyone interestedin B.C. historywould be wise to pick up acopyof Us ing PowerWell: BobWilliams andthe Making of British Columbia.Itpaints avivid picture of theyearsimmediatelyleading up to the NDP’swin in1972and its tumultuous time in government. It beinga memoir, it of course centres onWil liams’ actionsduring his time in power(as well as his path to powerand his post-politics life), butoverall this is avolume that catches the excitement and energythatobviously drove thatgovernmenton adaily basis. Ihavevague memories of thatgovernment, other than being delightedabout the ban on the strap(not that Ievercameclose to getting ataste of it). My father, alongtime supporter of the Social Credit government that the NDP replacedafter a20year run, muttered darkly about the “commies”tak ing over Compared to that near-revolutionarygroup of the1970s, today’sversion of an NDPgovernment is muchtamer in nature. Abig difference seems to be thatwhenthe NDPfirst came to power, it wassosurprised by that development it concluded thatrepeating an election win seemed unlikely, hence the idea to get everything done at once. Today’sNDP is taking a longer view.Italready won re-electionin2020and did so by making historic inroads in FraserValley and Okanagan seats, as its centrist approach to governing paid off. One of itsfirst critical decisions after coming to powerin2017 was to complete theconstruction of the Site Cdam. Thatdecision repudiated thepositionthe party had whileinOpposition, and Premier John Horgan told me at thetime that it wasanexample of shifting from “activism” to actually governing.

“When Lisa LaFlamme appeared on my screen with hershocking white hair, thewordscoming outofher mouth weren’t registeringand all thatI wasabsorbing wasthatwhiteness as bright as the sun.I’m not one to pretendnot to notice the white hairdo in the room.”


The Record is the winner of the 2019MaMurray General ExcellenceAward in its circulation category The Record wonthe same awardin2018and 2015, and is therecipientof multiple blue ribbons forexcellence from the CanadianCommunity Newspapers Association Maureen Curran via Facebook Richard Steele via

Letters Whatwill it take ‘intersection of doom’?

to fix

From August18to29, 2022,the proposed bylawand relatedmaterial areavailable forinspection at LegislativeServices, City Hall 8:30amto4:30pmMondaytoFriday, and online at: City Council will consider givingfirst,second and thirdreadings to BylawNo. 8357,2022 at its meetingonAugust29, 2022 Themeetingwill be open to public attendanceand broadcastliveonthe City’s website. It can be viewedbygoingto and clickingonthe Council meetinginthe meetingcalendar Jacque Killawee, City Clerk

Editor: Isat in Queen’s Park recently watching diesel-engine-powered equipment street sweeping in NewWestminster.These machines run all day, unnecessarily pollutingour air.Itisdisappointingtohavedie sel-engine-poweredequipmentpollutingour air like this Iwas impressed to see citizens keeping streets clean by sweepingstreets byhand whenvisiting Morocco withfamily.Manual work like this is muchhealthier and more responsible than our sedentary, mechanized ways. If we areserious about protecting theair we breathe and the environment,weneed to reconsider our choices andthe changes we need to make. PaulEsslinger,NewWestminster

The2023 City of NewWestminsterCommunity Grant intake opens on Aug. 29,2022.The Community Grant programsupports organizations thatcontributetoand supportNew Westminsterinaninclusiveway

If youhaveanideafor aprojectorevent,need to receivemulti-year fundingfor sustainability,need a sporttravelgrant,orrequireCity services to support your event,let us knowbyapplyingfor agrant Thedeadline to receiveapplications is Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2022 at noon. Thedeadline fororganizations requesting agrant forCity services is Friday, Sept. 16,2022 Formoreinformation, please visit Grants Information Session Avirtual information session will be held Thursday, Sept. 8, 6:00 pm. Email to reserveyour spot.

In accordancewith sections 464(2) and467 of the Local GovernmentAct theCorporation of the City of NewWestminster will nothold apublic hearingonZoning AmendmentBylawNo. 8357,2022.This Bylawwill permit restaurant,café, liquor primarylicensed premises (e.g.pubs) or lounge endorsementareas (e.g.breweries, wineries)toconvert up to twononaccessible parkingstalls, or aloadingspace, forpatio use on private property.Patioslocatedonaloadingspacemustbe easily disassembled to continue providingloadingaccess forthe business. Please note thatthis bylawisproceedingin order to correctanadministrativeerror associatedwith BylawNo. 8317,2022 which Council previously approved to allow this rezoning, and Council has repealed BylawNo. 8317,2022.Therehavebeen no changestothe proposed rezoning.




Under sections 464(2) and 467ofthe Local GovernmentAct MONDAY,AUGUST 29,2022 AT 6:00 PM Meetingheld electronically and open to public attendanceinCouncilChamber, City Hall ZoningAmendment Bylaw (Parking Reductions for Patios) No. 8357,2022

Editor: Re:Queenborough’sIntersectionof Doom (a.k.a HowesStreetand Ewen Street). Queensborough has come along way, and it is looking better everyday.Increased development and investment has also brought increased population and traffic. As aresult,gettinginand out of Queens borough is increasingly tricky business,asthe intersection of HowesStreetand Ewen Street wasdesigned fortimes and population levels of time gone by.The intersection hasnot been updatedfor nearly adecade, but population has increasedsignificantly Everyday,evenway beforerush hour starts andafter rush hour ends, lines of cars waiting to turn eitherHowesorEwenhavetowait30 minutes or even more. To avoid thetraffic,people turn around and head through the neighbourhood,making thingsworse.Asidefromthe wasted time, cars, SUVs and trucks spend hoursspewing toxic fumes into the neighbourhood. The question is, when willthe city act to improve this?Ithas gone on forsomany years, andthereis no signof action. What will happen when thereisanemer gencyand we need to leaveourneighbour hood? Howwill we get out? A.Alcantara Diesel street sweepers bad forour climate

New West Record • THURSDAY,August 25,2022 7 THE NEW WESTMINSTER RECORD WELCOMES LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. We edit for taste, legality and length. Please include acontact phone number. Send letters to: The Editor, #201A–3430 Brighton Ave., Burnaby, B.C., V5A 3H4,email to: attachments please) or fax to: 604-439-2694. Letters to the editor and columns may be reproduced on the New West Record website,





Camp Igniteaims to inspire future firefighters

Community TheresaMcManus Camp Ignite aims to spark an interest in firefighting among teenagegirls –and to inspire them to followtheir dreams no matter what careerpaththey pursue. NewWestminster,Vancouverand Abbotsford fire departmentshosted thisyear’sthree daycamp,whichintroduced 27 teenagers to the world of firefighting.

Ius, asuppression captainand training officer in NewWestminster, said firedepartments like participatinginthe program becauseofits educational value and outreach components.This year marked thethird time New West has helped host thecamp.

Ius, aformerdirector with Camp Ignite, has been involved in theprogram sinceitstarted 12 yearsago.She said it began after acouple of women fire fighters heardabout asimilar program offered in the U.S. “Thatkind of inspired one of them to think about it,”she said. “Then agroup of six of us got together, and literally sataround atable andtalked aboutit. It just grew from there.” Find out moreat www.

Cutting-edgeskills: NewWestminster

Camp participants also gotto trytheir hand at hose handling —and that’snoeasy feat. “Wehad ahose handling station where they learned theergonomics of positioning yourself.It’snot agarden hose. It weighs alot, and it’s unwieldy,” Ius said. “Auto extrication they gottouse and see tools they’veprobably never seenbeforeand usethem to cut cars, createopenings.”

TeenagegirlsfromacrossB.C.attend three-day campinNewWest,Vancouverand Abbotsford


“As an example, whatwedid in NewWest is we exposed them to ourtower aerial operations,” shesaid. “They gottoclimb the towerand get into the bucket of thetower andoperatethe tower.”

In its first years, most of the camp’sparticipants came from the LowerMainland, butitnow attracts girls from the Interior, Kootenays,VancouverIsland and other parts of the province “As partofthe group that first started it,wecouldn’tbehappierthatit’sbeen as successful as it’sbecome, and so much so that it’sgoingtomorph into separate camps throughout the province,” Ius said. “Thatsaysa lot about thehardwork that wasput in by all themembersthathaveseen the program to fruition.”

“An end goal of thecamp, at its foundation, has always been to empowergirls, so that they could knowthatthey couldbe anything thattheywanted to be, with enough work, experience, exposure andthatkind of thing,” said Capt. KathyIus of New Westminster Fire andRescue Services.“It’spresenting them with alternative careers.” Camp Ignite kickedoff at the Queensborough firehall on Friday, Aug.5,beforemoving on to fire hallsinVancouver (Day2) and Abbotsford (Day3). Iussaid NewWestminster Fire and RescueServicedeveloped avariety of activities thatwere meanttobefun, challenging and informative.

firefighterDan MacDonald(right) guides Selina Lydell of Coquitlam through an autoextricationexerciseatCampIgnite. PHOTO JENNIFERGAUTHIER $2000 off yournextoil change when youmention this ad, Expires September 22, 2022 FREE TIRE INSPECTION TireServices: New TireSales •TireRepair •TireRotation FREE BRAKE INSPECTION Brake Services: Brake Replacement service •Make and Appointment Now Open Hours: Mon: -Sat: 8:00 AM -6:00 PM •Sun: 9:00 AM -5:00 PM Jiffy Lube New Westminster 110-805 Boyd St, New Westminster (Queensborough outlet mall) (604) 527-7112 Jiffy Lube Richmond 10991 No 4Road, Richmond (Steveston Hwy.&No. 4Road) Call us:(604) 448–0142 Engman &Gunther NOT ARIES PUB LIC • Residential Real Estate Transfers • Mortgage Documentation • Wills • Powers of Attorney • Representation Agreements 710 6th Street, New Westminster, B C V3L 3C5 Tel: 604-522-8149 Fax: 604-521-5792 ts Email: PROUDLY SERVING NEW WEST FOR OVER 25 YEARS!

New West Record • THURSDAY,August 25,2022 9

“It’s agreatexperience for the department to have overall,” Ius said.“There’snothingmore satisfying than mentoring and promoting youth.I think those things all combined is what makes it so attractive for adepartment to host.”

The NewWest venue alsoincluded a fitnessstation, where firefighters talked about the importanceofstaying fit and healthy, and ateam-building challenge station. Ius saidit’salwaysgreattosee the connectionsgirls make with their peers at Camp Ignite. “When they all first arrive, they don’tknoweach other.But within that first day, solid bonds are being made. Alot of it is in partbecause of the activities that we do,which intrinsically employteamwork andtrust,and re lationship building. So Ithink thatthere’sthatpiece that connects with these girls as well,” she said. “The sortofbyproduct of allthis is thattheyget to see and do some of thethingsthat we (firefighters)do.”

FUTUREFORWARD: Charlee HughesofPort Moodyoperates the hose at Day 1ofCamp Ignite, held at the Queensborough firehall. Twenty-sevengirls from around B.C.attended the camp

Traditional meets modern: Evelyn Gingrich’squilts the walls at Plaskett Galleryuntil the end of the month. Aug. 31.

By thetime Gingrich wasdone with it, she found herself deeply at tached to it. Butsince she hadalreadycommitted the piece to afriend, she had to let it go. There have also been timeswhen Gingrich has abandoned afew quilts midway.“Thereare some that just went to the back of thecloset;there arestill some in the backofthe closet.” These quilts maybe fetched againand worked on at somepoint. But Gingrich is in no hurry “I’m aprocess quilter; Idoitbecause Ienjoy the process.I’m not aproduction quilter; Idon’t make quilts to produce things,” she said. “I’venever gone into the business side of things. Some peoplehaveencouraged me to setupaweb site,but Ihaven’tdone thatbecause I’mafraid it’lltakethe joyout of do ing it.”

TRADITIONAL MEETS MODERN Gingrich first learned the artfromher grandmother whenshe waseight yearsold. Both hermother and grandmother were quilters.Theywere froma farming community and madequilts fromscraps for “strictlypracticalreasons.” “But still, the artistry wasthere,”she said. “They would roll over in their graves if they saw me buying expensivecloth (Gingrich uses 100 per centcotton fabrics) and cutting it up —it’snot something they would ever have conceived of doing.” She learned thetradi tionalblock patterns from hergrandmother, butover the years, Gingrich developed her ownstyle amix of modern (“more geometric-lookingwith bold and clean lines, larger pieces and ofteninsolid colours”) and traditional

10 THURSDAY,August 25,2022 • New West Record

NaveenaVijayan Evelyn Gingrich has made 70-oddquilts in the lastfour decades.But none of them wasfor sale. Whiletwo of her quilts made money at an auction, Gingrich clarified, “That’snever thepurpose. That’snever my intent in making them. Imake them because it’ssomethingthatgives me joy.” Some quilts take monthstocraft, butdespite thetoil, Gingrich never puts aprice on them.Instead, “they have been either gifted to charities or to friends andfam ily,”said the NewWest based artist. Gingrich’s quilts have reached several women’sshelters, new immigrants and victims of accident, among others, through local religious or ganizations and the Burn aby-basednon-profit Pa cific SpiritQuilters’ Guild. There arejustahandful of herquilts thatshe kept for herself —14of them (including one that wasmade 12 yearsago) arecurrently on display as part of the exhibition Comforting Coloursat MasseyTheatre’s Plaskett Gallery. Sometimes, sheadmits, it’shard to letgoofquilts thatrequired hoursofeffortand attention. “It happened just fairly recently —I wasmaking onethat hadsomanymistakesin the patternthatitwas an experience I’dnever had before.”



On now

Arts &Entertainment Acontemporary takeonquilting at PlaskettGallery

Catch Comforting Coloursuntil

What: Comforting Colours, featuringquilts by Evelyn Gingrich Where: PlaskettGallery at Massey Theatre, 735 Eighth Ave. When: Until Aug. 31. Open Tuesday to Friday, 1to4p.m., or by appointment (604-517 5900) Continuedonpage 14 hick ey 20 th iOpen to the Public Everyone Welcome • Kids Too! Royal Canadian Legion Branch #119 2529 ClarkeSt, Port Moody | Lounge: 604-492-1840 To makeareservation, please call Club 119 at 604-492-1840 Enter through the breezeway directly across from the cenotaph on Spring Street. Wed. &Thurs.: noon to 10pm; Fri. &Sat.: noon to 11pm; Sun.: noon to 9pm; Closed: Monday,Tuesday Port Moody Legion Branch 119 supports the aims andobjects of the Royal Canadian Legion serving our veterans,their dependents and our community.Founded in 1931,Royal Canadian Legion Branch #119 is one of over 150branches of the BCYukonCommand. MakePortMoodyLegionClub119yourdestination! •Enjoy Our Outdoor Patio! •Fun &CasualAtmosphere •Affordable Food &Drinks Menu •Meat Draws areBack •Underground Parking •Full Service Dining Room &Bar •Catch your Favourite Sports on Port Moody’sLargest Screens! HBookyour oliday,ABirthday,Cnniversary elebrations, and more!

of fun


MORE: See the Spirit of the Children Society website at



MORE: Check out @laughterzone101 on Facebook and Instagram. –compiled by Naveena Vijayan and Theresa McManus

Were youareigning beer pongcham pion in college?Wouldyou chugalager for charity?This might sound too good to be true, butyou canparticipate in aseries of drinking games with your drinking buddies this weekend at the fourth annualWTF Beerlympics.The registration feefor ateam of four is $180.Theprofits go to NewWest Hospice Society.

Head on down to the Saturday night fireworks courtesy of the Hyack Festival Association. festival running from 1to9:30 p.m. at Westminster Quay


Here’sachance to learnmoreabout the powwow, asocial gathering heldby Indigenouscommunities.Head to Moody Park for the Spirit of the ChildrenSociety’s TeachingPowwow2022 on Saturday. It includesfood/beverage concessions, art vendors, children’s crafts tables, giveaways and more. It’safamily event, with an environment that’sfree of drugsand/or alcohol. The event is free, and everyone is welcome to attend. It runs from 10 a.m. to 2p.m.

waterfront on

Mambo to some peppy Caribbean tunes playedbythe steel drum band, Sweet Pan. The band hasbeenplayingatdances, weddings and corporate events since1994. If youhaven’thad achance to groove to their music for 30-odd years, pack your dancingshoes and head to Queensborough CommunityCentre (920 Ewen Ave.) where they’llbeplaying for free from 6to8 p.m. nightly this weekend.


Swing on down to the Attic at the House of Comedy(530ColumbiaSt.) for the finale of the B.C.’s Funniest NewFemalecomedy competition. All audience membersget a chance to vote, along with the judges.The featuredperformersincludenew comics and those with up to fiveyearsofexperience. Get tickets at or call 604522-4500.



Find moreevents


Please send information for inclusion to weekend events Hyack Festival Association



Watch thesky sparkle over theFraser River. Hyack Festival Association plans a dazzling firework showasaway to bid adieu to summer.The festival, which is aptly called Farewell to Summer Fireworks Festival, will include 30-odd vendorsselling handmade products, plus entertainment, food and family funonthe boardwalk along the waterfront atWestminster Quay.

It’spart of aday-long

New West Record • THURSDAY,August 25,2022 11 WEEKEND



WHEN: Saturday, Aug. 27, 1to9:30 p.m. (fireworks at about 9p.m.)

WHERE: Westminster Quay boardwalk

& activities! PHOTO CREDIT:courtesy

MORE: See the Hyack Festival Association website at online:

MORE: See the calendar of events at ANTIQUES SHOW Hunt for treasures when theFraserValley Antiques andCollectibles Club makes itsreturn to Queen’sPark Arena with the return of its popularantiquesand collectibles show —its first sale since the COVID-19 pan demic.You’ll find more than 200 tables filled with all sorts of antiquesand collectibles. Early admission is on Friday, Aug. 26 from 5to9 p.m. ($20).Theshowcontinues on Saturday(9a.m. to 4p.m.) and Sunday (10 a.m. to 2p.m.). Regular admissionis$5.

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Arts &Entertainment ‘Itreallybecametherapy’:Conversationwithaquilter Continuedfrompage10 FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK -FACEBOOK.COM/NEWWESTSHELTER NOTE: As


14 THURSDAY,August 25,2022 • New West Record (“smaller prints, often madeupofa wholeseries of blocks that together formapattern.”)

Thelma is agorgeous Great Dane mix, about 80 lbs. She is goofy,playful and affectionate. However,she can be nervous around new people. Thelma needs ahome that will help build her confidence through positive experiences, non-aversive training, and love. We are seeking an adult-only home for her.She likes playing with the male dogs we have at the shelter and may do well with acanine friend in the house. Thelma has been spayed, microchipped, and vaccinated. Her adoption fee is $350 +tax.

After fouryearsofquilting sessions with her gran, she joined aquilting class at the age of 12.

Bacon &Sausage are adorable brothers looking for their purrfect home! They can be adopted together or separately,aslong as they have afriendly feline to play with in their new home. They are typical happy,playful kittens. They have had avet exam, 2rounds of vaccines, flea and worm prevention. They have also been neutered. Adoption fee for one kitten =$250 +tax. Adoption fee for pair =$375 +tax.

March 17,2020, our shelter is closedtothe general public to help reducethe spreadofthe COVID-19 virus. However, we arestill processing adoptions! If thereisananimal youare interested in, pleasesubmit an adoption application form, and we will be in touch. We will be scheduling visits with the animals *byappointment only* forpre-screened applicants. This is to reducethe number of people coming intothe shelter and the number of visits. AIR-DRIED DOG FOOD ALL LIFE STAGES RECIPE Readyin15mins Air Dried OUR COMMITMENT 100% REAL REAL MEAT, ORGANS &BONE80% 20% FRESH VEGETABLES 0% GRAINS 0% SYNTHETIC INGREDIENTS 1pound of MEGA morsels® EQUALS4 lbs OF RAW JUST ADD WATER OR NOT shelf stable 4540 Hastings Street,Burnaby, 778-892-6673 or 778-89AMORE Come check out our free sample bar! Made in Canada PET OF THE WEEK Thelma APPROXIMATELY 1-2 YEARS


Romeo is ahandsome Siberian Husky,about 45 lbs. He is lean, athletic, active and outgoing! We are looking for an active home with no small pets to chase. Romeo enjoys playing with other dogs, so could do well with asuitable canine sibling. He is abit of arough-player so no children under 13 years for him. Romeo is neutered, up to date on his vaccines, microchipped, and has received flea and worm treatment. His adoption fee is $350 +tax.

JAIMIE McEVOY New Westminster CityCouncillor Friendly,compassionate and professionalcare for yourfamily pet. 348 6th St, NewWestminster (604) 522-5280

Fortyyearshavepassed since, butGingrich never stopped quilting —even through her work in library management and children’s literacy, or her travels to different coun tries In the past, her husband’sworkhad them livingindifferent cities (sometimes acouple of yearsata time)—Santiago,Chile; Lima, Peru; outside of San Francisco; andinEasternCanada.

“Goingintoa new countrywith anew language, not knowing asingle person in the new place, feelinga little bit lostand trying to getyourself settled in .through all that, quilting wasavery comforting thingfor me to do,” sherecalled.

“It wassomething fa miliar, somethingproductive thatIcould do and somethingthatgavemea lot of joyand satisfaction That’swhere it really became therapy for me.” of OLD 1.5

Aman holding scissors andaknifeallegedly made stabbing motions at staff at alocalgrocery store NewWestminsterpolice saythey responded to a911 call at the Safewaystore in the Shops at NewWest about7 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 17.Loss preventionstaff toldpolice they’dapproacheda man who’dbeen observedstealingmerchandise.

New West Record • THURSDAY,August 25,2022 15 Stay Connected! @pawspetcentre1 @paws_petcentre


“In response,this male began threatening staff and making stabbing motions whileholding scissors and aknife,”said a NWPDpress release “NewWestminsterPolice Department officers rushedtothe scene and located someone matching thesuspectdescription afew blocks away.Atthe time of thearrest,officers located aknife nearby.” According to the NWPD, thesuspecthad fooditems from Safeway inside his backpack. Christopher Agostino, a31-year-oldSurrey res ident,has beencharged withtwo countsofrobbery. Anyone who witnessed this incident andhas yetto speaktopoliceisasked to call 604-525-5411 (reference file 22-12485)

THIS PET IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY PAWS Veterinary Clinic 660 Columbia Street, 1A9 (604)-565-8400

ZAYN (APPROXIMATELY 4YEARS OLD) Zayn is ahandsome house panther.Heissensitive, gentle, and affectionate. He would do best in aquieter home without children. He does get along well with other cats and kittens, after an introduction period. Zayn has been neutered, microchipped, vaccinated, FeLV&FIV tested, defleaed and dewormed, and also had aurinalysis. He is in good health. His adoption fee is $225 +tax.


THIS PET IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY HOOPER Hooper is an adorable little Lionhead rabbit who was sadly abandoned in acrate in alocal park. Thankfully,akind person found him before anything bad happened to him. We believe Hooper to be several months old but it’s possible he’sa dwarf sized rabbit, and could be abit older.Hooper is abit nervous and shy at first, and we feel he would benefitfrom aquiet home without children. His instinct is to dart away if he’sstartled. He quite enjoys observing his surroundings from his little bunny balcony at his kennel. We have not observed Hooper with other rabbits, but it is possible he would be able to join aresident rabbit, if proper,supervised introductions were done. Hooper has been examined by avet, vaccinated, microchipped and neutered. His adoption fee is $50 +tax. 305 Cedar Street, NewWestminster,BC• 604-505-8680

GRIZZLY CONSTRUCTION Tilt-up Forming Specialist Training Center Location

Phone: • Followus: Puppy Socialization Program (10-16weeks) Each puppy play group is carefully plannedtoensureevery puppy has asafe,positive andsuccessful social experience with otherpuppies. This is aDropoff Program. Private Training Private trainingsessions are dedicated foronlyyou,and your family,tohelpyou reachyourdog traininggoalsand /orworkon challengesyourdog maybehaving. Group Classes We offer avarietyofgroup class options from Basic Life Skills & Rabbits arewonderful furry family members, just likecatsand dogs. Theyare not toys,theyare not “starterpets”and theyare not Easter gifts. Pleasenotethatifyou wish to adopt arabbit from us, we will not be placing any rabbits until after Easter. Your puppy’s1st SessionisFREE Cathie’sCanine Connection CreatingNew Canine Connections,One DogAtATime,Since 2004. Certified Professional DogTrainer, CPDT-KA Manners, PuppyKindergarten, K9 Nose Work® Tricks &LearningGames, Advanced,Loose leashwalking andrecall clinics

City NewWestpolice seek witnesses in Safewayrobbery ADOPT APET | 604.519.2008 420Boyne Street, NewWestminster | FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK -FACEBOOK.COM/NEWWESTSHELTER

Theboard decided fire works would be agreat waytowrapupsummer in the city “We’re going to do the exactsamething that we would have done on Canada Daywithout,obviously,all of the Canada Dayreferences,”she said. “Wewill still have the mar ket vendors and theexhibitors, and the funand the entertainment.”

Fireworksfestivalcomingto thewaterfrontthis Saturday

All ablaze: Fireworks will lightupthe sky over the Fraser River this Saturday, thanks to the Hyack Festival Association’s Farewell to Summer FireworksFestival.

PHOTO CONTRIBUTED INSTANTupdates 7 DAYS PER WEEK W Fresh food Healthy,Free GURDWARA SAHIB SUKH SAGAR, 347 WOOD STREET NEW WESTMINSTER FREE VEGETARIAN MEALS 12PM TO 6PM12PM 6PM AVAILABLE TO ALL SUPPORTED BY THE MINISTEROFPUBLIC SAFETY &SOLICITOR GENERALDIRECT ACCESS PROGRAM GRANT LocalPROS Q&AYour questions answeredbyTrusted Local Professionals Q A What arecommon DentureProblems? If youwear dentures,itisveryimportantyou keep your mouth clean and healthy. Youshould also only wear dentures that fitproperly.Otherwise,the following problems mayoccur: •Gum and mouth irritation •Problems eating and speaking •Dentures thatmovearound in your mouth •Mouth infections •Overclosed bite •Cracking at the corners of the mouth •Bacteriabuild up •Aesthetically displeasing If youhaveproblems with your dentures,see your Denturist rightaway. Your dentures mayneed to be adjusted or replaced Make sureyour dentures fit. Over time,your gums and bones will change and your dentures won’t fitaswell When this happens,your dentures need to be adjusted, relined,orreplaced by your Denturist Denture EXPERT Quan GiffordR.D Owner &Operator Dentureworks (604) 553-1222 522 SeventhStreet #270, New Westminster,BCV3M 5T5 Q A What is drymouth and is it harmful to my oral health? Drymouth, knownasxerostomia,results from inadequateproduction and flow of salivaintothe mouth. Xerostomia is notadisease,but it can be a symptom of amedical disorder or aside effectof certain medications. Salivaisessential to healthy gums and teeth. Salivahelpsmaintain abalanced oral PH and has antimicrobial properties.Hence, salivahelps preventcavities by neutralizing the acids produced by bacteriaand by limitingbacterial growth. Therefore, individuals with drymouth areathigher risk for cavities,gum disease,mouth sores and bad breath. If youhavexerostomia, the first goal should be to identify the cause. If the cause cannot be eliminated, drymouthcan be alleviatedwith salivasubstitutes, sugar free gums and regular water intake.Good dental hygiene is crucial to preventdecayand worsening gum disease.Ask your dentist if youhaveconcerns Chantele Theriault Dentist Dr.Lovely &Associates (604) 524-4981 609 6th Street New Westminster,BCV3L 3C1 Dental EXPERT

The Farewell to Sum mer FireworksFestival gets underway along the boardwalk at 1p.m.featuring about 30 vendorswho will be sellingartisanproducts, food and otheritems. Immigrant Services So cietyofB.C. willbehost ing akids’zone,something it offeredatthe HyackFestival inTipperaryPark, which wasonthe same day as this year’sHyack International Parade.


TheresaMcManus Fireworkswill light up the skies over the Fraser River at the first-everFarewell to SummerFireworks Festival in NewWest. Vendors, live entertain mentand fireworks are featured at the eventthat’s being hosted by theHyack Festival Association. It’s taking place on Saturday, Aug. 27 from 1to9:30 p.m. on NewWestminster’s waterfront.

Farewell to Summer festival happensatthe boardwalk


The HyackFestival As sociationwill also be set ting up its float near thetin soldier, along with membersofthe ambassador team,tobeavailablefor photoops Liveentertainment,including musicand dancers, is settotake place on the boardwalk from 5to 9p.m., with a fireworks display plannedtohit the skies over theMighty Fraser sometime between 9and 9:30 p.m. Giventhatit’sthe first timeHyack has held this event,the association will see howitgoesand determine if it willbeheld in future years, especially if fireworks aren’t partof the city’splansfor Canada DayinNewWest.

SheilaSharma,executivedirector of the Hyack Festival Association,said the association normally puts on a fireworks display as part of itsCanada Day event, butthatdidn’thap pen this year.Inresponse to some community mem bers’concerns that the fireworksdisplay wasn’t held on July 1, the association has pivoted andwill host its first-ever Farewell to Summer Fireworks Festival. “We’re really, really happy to bring them fireworks,” she said. “There were so many disappointed people.”

Sharma hopes community members will turn out for the Farewell to Sum merFireworksFestival just as theydid for the association’s HyackFestival in Tipperary Park in May. “We’re getting the word outasmuch as we can. We’rehopingthatthey comeout. And if it’sany thing likewhathappened with the parade andfestival, thenthey’ll be there.”

16 THURSDAY,August25,2022 • New West Record

Many people receiving home and communitycareservice areassisted by friends and/or family members.Respite services can give family/friend caregivers temporaryrelief from the emotional and physical demands of caring fora friend or family member,and provide an opportunityto participate in community activities.Respiteservices maybe provided at home through home supportservices, in communitythrough adult dayservices,orona short-term basis in aresidential carefacility, hospiceor other communitycaresetting.Respiteservices aresuitable if your family member or friend caring foryou could benefit from abreak from their caregiving responsibilities.Taken from: accessing-health-care/home-community-care/ care-optionsand-cost/caregiver-respite-relief

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Suite109 Sapperton Q A Iwanttostartsaving formychild’s education. Whereshould Istart? Christine Conway CFP,CLU,CHS, CExP President Braun FinancialServices (604) 521-3778 555 6th Street #325, New Westminster,BCV3L 5H1 Financial EXPERT Registered Education Savings Plans (RESP) area great waytosavefor your child’s future, especially when combined with the Canada Education Savings Grant which pays 20% on the first $2,500 contributed each year until the child is 17. That’s up to $500 for post-secondaryeducation each year youcontribute to amaximum of $7,200, regardless of household income.Provincial grantslike the BC Training and Education Savings Grantoffers up to $1,200 for children ages 6-9. Thegreat partabout this grantis youdon’t have to make acontribution to receiveit, youjust have qualify.However, not all RESP providers offer it,sofeel free to reach out to us if youwantsome help opening aqualifying accountfor your child

Pathways to happylives:

with our Administrator: 778-728 0208 Andrew Liggett BA JD CD SeatoSky LEGAL EXPERT (778)

2. Staysocially connected. Frequentsocial participation, interactions and support contributestrongly to the mental health and well-being of Canadian seniors, according to aStatistic Canady study on healthyaging

Ijust boughtbeautiful shades from Budget Blinds,how do Iclean them? If youhavea cellular or honeycomb shade,Dust them with afeather duster,orlightly vacuum with an upholstery attachment. Fordust insidethe cells,a blow dryeronthe lowest,cool air setting will blowthe dust-out.Clean with asponge and amild detergent/warmwater solution and blot dry. Drycleaning and ultrasonic cleaning arenot recommended.Extra careshould be used when cleaning opaque/blackout fabrics,asthe fabrics could become permanently creased If youhavea Solar shade,tokeep them clean youwould Lightly vacuum both sidesofshade using abrush or upholsteryattachment. Softly brush with amild detergent and warm water solution. Rinse thoroughly and allowthe shade to drycompletely beforeraising it.Donot immerse them in water

New West Record • THURSDAY,August 25,2022 17 Q A LocalPRO of the month Nurse EXPERT

Wendy JScott

5. Volunteer to feel good.UniversityofToronto researchers found thatformal volunteering reduced depression and increased psychosocial well-being in older adults.Seniors said feeling appreciatedorneeded as avolunteer boosted their well-being and those with chronic conditions seemed to benefitmost

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What do scientists have to sayabout whatmakes older adults happyand contributes to their well-being?

At this month’sevent, Fraser River DiscoveryCentrestaff will help guests learnabout these foods,witha focus on suchtopics as: Indigenous fishing techniques.This will include aguided demonstration based on information foundinthe OurBones are MadeofSalmon ex hibit, which wascreated in partnership withMusqueamelderLarry Grant and Stó:lō cultural advisor Dr.SonnyMcHalsie Thenutrients carried by the Fraser’scurrent with a“depositionbowlingactivity” Amap showing the bounty of foods thatcome out of the FraserValley “Families with children of allagesare welcome to this event,”Bruyneel said in anewsrelease. “And it will also be safe, as all activities areconsistent with ourupdated COVID health andsafety plan, including the needto pre-register.” Formoreinformation or to pre-register forthe event, whichrunsfrom 10 a.m. to 4p.m., go to www. Pre-registration for Super Saturdays includespaid admission to theDiscov eryCentre. Located at 788Quayside Dr.,Fraser River Discovery Centre offers avariety of programs and exhibits related to various aspects of theFraser River

Community the help

SEND US YOUR SCHOOL NEWS, TIPS Got anyother electionnews to share? Anything elsehappeningon the school front?You can send ideas and tips to education reporter Julie MacLellan,jmaclellan@ Whatissuesarekey intheschoolboard electionthisfall?

18 THURSDAY,August 25,2022 • New West Record


TheresaMcManus Howdoesthe Fraser River make food possible? That’saquestion being explored at thismonth’s SuperSaturdays eventat Fraser River Discovery Centre. Heldonthe lastSatur dayofevery month,SuperSaturdaysisa seriesof public programs providing family-friendly activities. Each monthfocuses on a differenttopic related to the Mighty Fraser “TheFraserValley basin is fulloffertilefarms and fabulousfoods, many of which we have the Fraser River to thank for,” saidStephen Bruyneel, FRDC’sdirector of external relationsand development. “Familiesare invited to join us on Aug. 27 to learn about some of them as part of our next Super Saturdays.”


feed us?Learn morethis weekend

The back-to-school countdown clockhas ticked down to less than threeweeks— and, while NewWestminster kidsare making the mostofthese finalcarefree days of sunshine, we want to gather your opinions. If you’re among the students, parents, caregivers and staffcounting down the days till the startofthe 2022/23 school year, then we want to knowwhat’sonyour mind. With the Oct. 15 municipal election on thehorizon, the Record is sur veying readersto find out what issues are most important on theeducation front.Whatwill you be considering whenyou head to thepolls to mark your ballot for trustee candidates? We’vereviewed the headlines ofthe past school year andcome up witha list of issuesfor you to choose from. Youcan checkout the options and vote in our informalpoll at www. EducationSurvey Your voteswillhelpto informour coverage of the election campaign this fall, in advance of the Oct 15 election.

New West Record • THURSDAY,August25,2022 19

Pride: The Senior Gay Straight Alliance at Century House marked its 10th anniversary with a hoedown. PHOTO CONTRIBUTED

NaveenaVijayan Agood old-fashioned hoedownmight seem like an anomaly in an age whereTikTok’s ‘slap dance’ kick-starts atrend. But on the afternoon of Aug. 9, about 70 people showeduptoCentury House foraline dancing event organizedbythe Se nior GayStraight Alliance. The hoedownishow the group celebrates Pride everyyear.Ithas been doing so since 2015. But this year wasextra special.Besides supporting PrideWeek (Aug. 5to13), it also marked the10-year anniversaryofthe club. The localgroup became Canada’sfirst gaystraight clubset in aseniors’ centre. Club chairRobert Hughes, whohas been amember since the be ginning,said the ideafor starting agroup that’sinclusiveofall sexual orientations and gender iden tities wasinspired by a 2010-released documentarycalled Gen Silent The one-hour movie threw lightonthe discrimination thatsome LGBTQ2S+ seniorsfaced because of theirsexuality. “Several people from Century House Associa tionwent to aconference in San Franciscoand saw the documentary.They then arranged to have it shown at CenturyHouse. Out of that came acall to have an activity group,” saidHughes.

Senior Gay Straight Alliance marks10thanniversary

The group meets up ev erysecondWednesdayof the month —either online or face to face. “Roughly,maybe, about half of the people that come do notidentify as LGBTQ2S+, and are straight or cisgender.It’sa place where everyone can meet.” They gather to watch educationaldocumentaries, engage in activities withLGBTQ2S+youth, and collaborate with New Westminster Secondary School. In 2017, the group did asurveyofcare facilities in NewWestminster.The questionnaire highlighted theissues of aging in the community —particularly among LGBTQ2S+ seniorsincertaincarefacilities “Thatwas kindof groundbreaking.Wehad face-to-face meetings with the management of those facilities, and they were all very open to recognizing thatthey could improve.”

ForHughes, personally,being partofthe alliancehas helped broaden his mind “One of the things that Ican think of is thatsome of the education that we’ve had on transgender issues has been really helpful and clarified some thingsfor me,” he said. To join theevents and meet-ups organized by Senior GayStraightAlliance, checkout CenturyHouseSGSA.

HARMONY COURT ESTATE THESENIORS OF DISTINCTIONAWARDS DEADLINE FORNOMINATIONSEXTENDED TheSeniorofDistinction Awards is an occasion to recognizelocal seniorsand the valuable contributions theyhavemade, andcontinuetomake, in ourcommunities,workplaces,and families. SENIORSCAN BE NOMINATEDFOR: 1. ARTS 2. LEADERSHIP 3. COMMUNITY SERVICE 4. HEALTHYLIVING NOMINATE ONLINE PRINT AND DROP OFF Harmony Court Estate 7197 Canada Way Burnaby, BC V5E 4A6 OR Deadline has been extended to: August 30th Winnerswillbenotified by September 15th Media Sponsor: Hosted By: AS WE AGE Celebrating Seniors

The first co-chairs were the lateVance McFadyen, founder of RoyalCity Pride Society (nowNew West Pride) and Patricia Smith, recalled Hughes. McFayden helped organize the firstNewWest Pride Festival in 2010. Therewere abouta dozen membersinthe original group.Now,there are as manyas60. “Wekind of follow the samemodel thatgay straight alliances followin high schools. It’ssupposed to be asafe space. People don’thavetodeclare their sexual orientation or gender identity when they come.”

It is important to note thatthe growth in this populationwill have wide implications for govern ment andpolicymakers, especially aroundhealth, housing,long-term care and managementofsevere climatechanges As well as an increased life expectancy, older peo ple areleadingmore ac tivelives.Peopleare better offeconomically,stayinvolved in communitylonger and for the most part are healthier.However, the StatCan report says,“As more seniors are living to 85 andbeyond, an Canadian data shows mixed picturefor seniors Here to stay: Seniors are living longer and remaining part of the workforce for longer, according to recent Statistics Canada data. PHOTO MORSA IMAGES/DIGITALVISION/GETTYIMAGES

20 THURSDAY,August 25,2022 • New West Record

MargaretCoates AsWe Agecontributor As StatisticsCanada rolls out itslatest information about Canada’spopulation, Iwondered what they found in theolder personcategory. Iwanted to know how theaverage senior fares in oursocietyand what roles older people play in thecommunity.Aswell, I wonderediftheycan navigate safely in oursociety andwhether they are disproportionately affected by abuse or by world events such as climate change and COVID-19 and its variants. Some of whatIfound maysurpriseyou given the often-direnews we hear aboutseniorswho are negatively affected by dismalhealth-care sit uations, severe climate changeevents(remember the heatdome whichadversely impacted so many seniorsinB.C.), more and more scams perpetrated againstseniorsand so on. It seems there is amix of information from StatCan, and corroboratedbyothers, that there is bothgood andbad news relativeto an older Canadian. Accordingtothe StatCanweb pages, the popu lation of older people has increased. It wasfound that thereare seven million people aged 65 and older, whichrepresents nearlyone in fiveCanadi ans (19 per cent), up from 16.9 per cent in 2016 Significantly,aswell, older people are living longer.A fun fact, as of July 1, 2021,itwas recorded thatthere are12,822centenarians in Canada —a 16-per-cent increasefrom 2016. StatCanalsofound that“Seniorsaged 85 and older aregrowinginnumber andasa proportion of thepopulation.The growth of this population will accelerate even further in coming years, as the first babyboomer cohorts will turn 85.”Thebaby boomerslike me, born be tween1946 and 1965,are the largestgeneration in Canadian history.

Continued on page 21 Jillian Soh RAUD, RHIP WorkSafeBCand other Provincial WCBNetworks, VAC, BCEA andNIHB accepted Registered underthe CollegeofSpeechand HearingHealth ProfessionalsofBC. We’rehearing aidexperts and we want youtobe an expert too. Experiencethe difference at NexGen Hearing. NEWWESTMINSTER 604.210.5846 101–625Fifth Ave AS WE AGE Celebrating Seniors

On the StatCan web pages, it wasfound that older people supplymuch of thecaregivingfor their aging family and friends. Supportingthis fact, the Canadian Associationof Retired People says “This unpaid labour, estimated at $25-billionannually, is beingshouldered by millions of Canadians, over onemillion of whomare over age 65.” Many seniorssaidthey felt safe in community despite some increasesinelderabuse andscamstar getingolderpeople.A report by Shana Conroy andDanielle Sutton, Canadian Centre forJustice, and Community Safety Statistics says,“Most seniorswere somewhat or very satisfied withtheir personalsafety fromcrime (82 percent),perceived their neighbourhood as havingalower amountof crimethanother areas in Canada (77per cent)and reporteda somewhator very strong senseofcom munitybelonging (72 per cent).”

Margaret Coatesisthe co-ordinator of Lionsview Seniors’ Planning Society most affected pandemic, the health risks and social isolationithas

COVID-19continuestotakeatollonseniors Continuedfrompage 20 Vulnerable: Seniors continued to be

by the COVID-19


broughtto older adults in particular PHOTO LUIS ALVAREZ/ DIGITALVISION/ GETTYIMAGES Hours: Monday: 8am –5pm •Tuesday: 8am –7pm •Wednesday: 8am –8pm Thursday: 8am –5pm •Friday: 9am –5pm •Saturday: 9am –5pm Sunday and Holidays: Closed Dr.Ajand DrNobahari .Douglas Lovely Dr.Chantal ThériaultDr.Stephen Yoon 609 Sixth Street, New Westminster 604-524-4981 • OVER 65 YEARS COMBINED EXPERIENCE 7YEARS IN AROW •General &FamilyDentistry•Dental Implants •Invisalign •Botox• Accepting NewPatients WELCOME TO OUR STATE-OF-THE-ART DENTAL FACILITY! Thank you for voting us your Favourite Dentist in New West l • Vibrant • Personal • Yourself ed • On your terms • Confident Well • Secure • Respected • Hap Empowered • Revitalized • Act V H A Reserve your Studio Suite by September 30th to save $3,000 during yourfirstyear!* Your studio awaits! Calltodaytobook atour (604)524-6100 Thornebridge Gardens 649 Eighth Ave, NewWestminster,BC *Limited availability. Special promooffer validfor the first 12 months of residency. AS WE AGE Celebrating Seniors

While thepandemic seems to be evolving with new variantsabounding, maybe it wouldbewise for older people to continue practising safety mea sures like wearingmasks in indoorsettings,distancing from peopleinpub licspacesand keeping up theirvaccination regime. However, despite being negatively impacted by the COVID-19pandemic,the over-65 populationcon tinuestoincrease in Can ada as awhole. Ithink that we needtoprepare for the issues for older people that this growth will create.

New West Record • THURSDAY,August 25,2022 21 increasing number of individuals willface limitationsand long-term health challenges.”

Older people areworkinglonger,manyuptothe retirementage of 65 and some beyond that cut-off StatCan says,“Compared withtwo decadesago, more seniors remained activeinthe labourmar ket in theirlate60sand into their 70s. Seniors with abachelor’sdegreeor higher and thosewithout privateretirement income were more likelytowork than otherseniors.” Men were more likely than womentocontinue to work, possibly because many women leavethe work force to takeonthe caregiving roleintheir families StatCan says that “although COVID-19has affected allCanadians, seniorsare particularly vulnerabletoits health impacts,including ahigher risk of hospitalization, healthcomplications, and death.”They alsosay as seniorsare morelikelyto live alone or in an institution, thathealth measures meant to keep older peo plesafe paradoxically put them at risk of social isolation whichisarguably a severe andcritical issue for seniors.

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Leone Harwood passed away peacefully,surrounded by family,inSalmon Arm, BC. She is predeceased by Jack,her husband of 67 years,and survived by her son Allan (Sandrina), daughterMaureen and grandchildren Graeme, Scott,Andrew,Sarah and Rye. Leone and Jack raised their family in Burnaby and then, when they retired,they purchased an apartmentwith abeautiful view of the mountains,inNew Westminster.Fromthere, Jack and Leone travelled and danced their waythrough life, enjoying each new day. Leone wasagracious and caring person with awonderful sense of style and adventure. Recently,she movedtoSalmon Armtobecloser to family.She lovedtosee the countryside and wasalways up foradrive. Her home at Shuswap Lodge suited her well and she enjoyedher independencethere as well as being pampered by the wonderful staff.Leone pragmatically took everything in stride and chose to look on the sunnyside of life. She would oftenexclaim,“We’re just SO lucky!”She truly felt thatway and we feel blessed and luckytohave knownher To leave an online message of condolence, please visit 604.987.9970

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Indigenouspeoples of northern Scandinavia 9. Popular California/Nevada lake 14. Go quickly 15. Fatty acid in soaps 16. Brandoffuel stations 17. State of fuss 18. Romance novelist 20. Members of ahousehold 22.Asserts to be thecase 23. Type of infection 24. With metalinlays 28. Chinese philosophic principle 29. Early multimedia 30. Employee stock ownership plan 31. He investigated Clinton administration 33. Shells 37. Six 38. Snakelike fish 39. CapitalofKenya 41. Influential group(abbr.) 42. Used to chop 43. It comes as acase 44. Challenges 46. Small amounts 49. The Golden State 50. Peyton’slittle brother 51. ForwalkinginAlaska 55. Buddhist honorifictitles 58.Lively ballroomdance 59. CapitalofAlbania 60. Late night host 64. Draw from 65.Away to utilise 66. One who is not native Hawaiian 67.Apower to perceive 68. Bulky 69. Horse mackerels 70. Proclaim outloud 1. Hits 2. Bathroom accessory 3.Young 4. Beef cattles 5. It’soften in soap 6. For each 7. Innermost membrane enveloping the brain 8.Away to leave 9. Emaciation 10. Punish with a fine 11.Steeds 12. Having eight 13. Greek goddess of the dawn 19. Mature reproductive cells 21.Armadillo species 24.Ancient country in what is now Romania 25. Extreme greed 26. Stars 27. Poems 31. Places to sit 32. One from the Lone StarState 34. Small rails 35. One quintillion bytes (abbr.) 36.Where coaches work 40. Indicates position 41. Mammals 45. Resembling awing 47. Beliefs 48. Hindu male religiousteachers 52. Mischievously 53.Where athletes want to end up(abbr.) 54.Large, deep-bodied fish 56. Horned squash buggenus 57. Excessively sentimental 59. Shared verbally 60.You canputitontoast 61. Data mining methodology (abbr.) 62. Resinlike substance secreted by certain insects 63. Mauna _, Hawaiian volcano Looking to do some Refer to the Service Directory for all of your home improvement, decorating and gardening needs. Home Improvement? Find all your renovation needs in Home Services 604-362-0586

24 THURSDAY,August 25,2022 • New West Record 2, 3A ND 4B ED RO OM TO WNHO ME S AND DU PLEXE SI NT HE HE AR TO F QUE ENSBOROU GH COME VISI TU ST OD AY This is not an offering forsale,asanoffering can only be made after the filing of adisclosurestatement, and only in jurisdictions wherequalified in accordancewith applicablelocal laws.E.&O.E. NE W RI V ER F RO NT V IE W HO ME S NO W AV AIL AB LE

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