NEWS 5 Warning issued after teen followed ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT 17 EVENTS 15 Your guide to weekend fun LOCAL NEWS LOCAL MATTERSTHURSDAY, SEPT 22, 2022 There’s more online at Piva presents Jazz at the Anvil ew West es Ken Armstrong See Page 8 for Mayor Author zed by Darren M ne F nanc al Agen for New West P og es ives 604 256 2910 JOIN IN the conversation at
New Westminster residents turned out in force on Sunday for a memorial service for Queen Elizabeth II, held in advance of the monarch’s funeral on Monday The Royal Commonwealth Society, the Royal Society of St. George and the Society of Officers of the Honourable Guard joined forces to present the ceremony, which included readings, prayers, speeches and song The ceremony was attended by people of all ages and a goodly number of canines, too, in homage to the Queen’s love of dogs
See more photos on page 3
Locals earn Canadian Medals of Bravery
NaveenaVijayan nvijayan@newwestrecord ca
On Oct 18, 2015, Mark OscarTuura found himself in a situation that one can little prepare for
The NewWest resident was atWestminster Pier Park, having a coffee in his truck, when a man came up and asked if he had any rope “I said, ‘Why?’ And he
said, ‘Well, there’s a guy on the (Fraser) River there yelling for help I could go in there, but I can’t swim,’” addedTuura Tuura told the man to call the NewWestminster
Fire Department, while he grabbed the rope, went down the dock, swam out into the river and dragged the “elderly gentleman” to the bank and even tually, with the help of fire
department, out of the wa ter to safety.
Tuura said it was an “impulse action ” Did he ever fear for his own life? “You don’t think about that,” he said.
Tuura had taken the life guard training at the Can ada Games Pool when he was 25, and he served with the Burnaby firefighters for 30 years
NEWS 5 Warning issued after teen followed ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT 17 EVENTS 15 Your guide to weekend fun LOCAL NEWS LOCAL MATTERSTHURSDAY, SEPT 22, 2022 There’s more online at Piva presents Jazz at the Anvil
Continued on page 3 P i
Arm K st s Ken Armstrong See Page 8 for Mayor Author zed by Dar en M ne Financ a Agent or New West Progress ves 604 256 2910 WHAT IS YOUR HOME ACTUALLY WORTH? How to find out: We use real-time data combined with years of market experience to provide you with the most accurate estimate of what your home is worth. #102-321 Sixth Street, New Westminster 604-526-2888 Go with those who know Call or email today for a complimentary market evaluation 778.838.7069 | P E R S O N A L R E A L E S T A T E C O R P O R A T I O N Call me for a complimentary home evaluation.
2 THURSDAY September 22 2022 • New West Record QuanGifford,R.D. (Denturist/Owner) •Makingsmilesforover23years •MemberofAssociationofBC. Smile FULL SERVICE DENTURE CLINIC 604-553-1222 #270-522 SEVENTH STREET, NEW WESTMINSTER, BC V3M 5T5 y y ery ery
Ken Armstrong for Mayor
in the community
In that situation, he re called, all his training “sort of kicked in.”
“You’re just doing it You don’t even think about it.”
Tuura was one among 40 Canadians who were recognized by Gov. Gen. Mary Simon at the 50th Decorations for Bravery ceremony held in Rideau Hall, Ottawa, on Sept. 9.
At the ceremony, it so happened thatTuura sat next to another NewWest resident, Dr Emilie Ste vens, who also received the award at the ceremony.
On June 23, 2017, Ste vens, who was then work ing at St Paul’s Hospi tal inVancouver, noticed a woman sitting on the sidewalk on the Granville Street Bridge, with her back to the bridge railing
“I thought that was a bit unusual,” Stevens said.
“But everybody walking with me kind of walked past her I did, too, but I got a bit further along, and it just didn’t seem right ”
When Stevens turned back to look at the woman, she was standing with her feet on the bridge rail ing. “At that point, I real ized that she was probably planning on committing suicide So I walked back towards her. Honestly, I can’t really remember what I said, but I think I said something along the lines of: ‘Are you OK? Are you thinking of hurting yourself today?’”
From the conversation, Stevens gathered that the woman had left the psychi atry ward of theVancouver General Hospital against medical advice “I talked
to her for a little while, and said, ‘I think we can get you some help Why don’t you come with me?’ But she didn’t want to”
Stevens had to sneak a call to 911 even as she held the woman’s attention
When Stevens finally heard the sirens, she felt better knowing that help was on the way. However, that night, there was some one else matching the de scription of the woman Stevens was trying to save “wearing the same co lour sweatshirt, maybe like 20 feet away from us on the same side of the bridge ”
When the woman saw the police stop at that other person, and real ized that they were coming to her, she attempted to jump, Stevens recalled “I grabbed her, and held
on,” she said all while screaming to the cops, “Wrong person!We’re over here!”
The officers eventually pulled the woman off the railing to safety, she said
Stevens was seven months pregnant at the
time; she described herself as 5 2 and weighing 120 pounds
But Stevens didn’t think about her own life then “It was an immediate reac tion,” she said
In hindsight, she does often wonder: “What was
I thinking? I was pregnant, I could have been killed, my baby could have been killed ”
A year later she was given the Award of Merit by theVancouver Police Department for her brav ery, before the more re cent Medal of Bravery by the Governor General
The experience pushed her to focus more on men tal well being in general relationships and in her medical practice
“Now, when I see pa tients, even though I’m an infectious disease doctor, I do ask them about their mental health, and offer them resources for it,” Ste vens said
“When you kind of make that part of your routine, sometimes you find that people really are not doing well ”
Heroes honoured: New West residents Dr Emilie Stevens, left, with Gov Gen Mary Simon, and Mark Tuura, right, earned Medals of Bravery from the Governor General at a ceremony in Ottawa Sept 9 PHOTOS CONTRIBUTED
FORTHEQUEEN: Residents gathered in Queen’s Park Sunday afternoon for a memorial service for Queen Elizabeth II Above, a bagpiper leads the entrance procession as the ceremony begins At left, Darby sporting her British colours was one of many dogs in attendance Centre, Shawn Wade of the Royal Commonwealth Society leads three cheers for King Charles III PHOTOS JULIE MACLELLAN
In memoriam: At top, a trumpeter offers up The Last Post in honour of Queen Elizabeth II Above, singers from the Vancouver Orpheus Male Choir lead the singing of God Save the King At right, residents left floral tributes
New West Record • THURSDAY September 22 2022 3
Continued from page 1 GovernorGeneralhonoursNewWestminsterresidents
See Page 8Autho ized by Darren M lne F nanc a Agent or New West Prog ess ves 604 256 2910
Living in Queensborough, I know City Hall needs to listen better to all our neighbourhoods!
WHEN: Monday, September 26, 2022 at 10:00 am PST
WHERE: Council Chambers, City Hall, City of New Westminster 511 Royal Ave, New Westminster, BC
All bidders must pre-register between 8:35am to 9:55am at City Hall. No registrations will be permitted after 9:55am. There is a registration fee of $175 payable in cash or debit (non-refundable). Only registered bidder will be allowed into Council Chambers for the tax sale process. Friends or family of registered bidders are prohibited.
Registered participants must be the age of majority, 19 or older, to register and will be required to show photo ID showing their legal name and their Social Insurance Number (SIN) when registering Registered bidders must have in their possession certified funds of the upset price at the time of registration.
The following parcels will be offered for sale by public auction unless the delinquent taxes with interest are sooner paid.
The 2023 City of New Westminster Community Grant intake is now open. The Community Grant program supports organizations that contribute to and support New Westminster in an inclusive way.
If you have an idea for a project or event, need to receive multi-year funding, a sport travel grant, or require City services to support your event, let us know by applying for a grant
The deadline to receive applications is Tuesday, Oct 4, 2022 at noon. For more information, please visit newwestcity ca/grants
Register now for Parks and Recreation classes with open spots. Sets that have already started will be prorated for the remaining days, it's not too late to join! Find a selection of classes at
Take part in the bi-annual tree sale and help us reach the City goal of a 27% canopy coverage within New Westminster by 2030! New this fall, tree sales will be held online An account will be required and it’s recommended to set one up in advance Limit of two trees per household, $10 00 per tree See the available species and find account setup information at newwestcity ca/treesale
Saturday, Sept 24 | 10:00 am 1:00 pm
1. The lowest amount for which parcels may be sold is the “Upset Price”.
2 The highest bidder at or above the upset price shall be declared the purchaser The purchaser must pay by certified cheque or bank draft Bidders will be given until 2pm on September 26, 2022 to secure funds for the balance of the bid price Upset price to be paid at time of tax sale
3 If no bids are received, the City will be declared the purchaser
4 The purchaser has no legal rights to the property until one year
Community members of all ages and abilities are invited to remove invasive species from Glenbrook Ravine This is a family-friendly event, and we have ways for people of all ages and abilities to get involved and contribute Anyone welcome!
Westminster Pier Park
Friday, September 30, 3:00 6:00 pm
Spirit of the Children Society will host a pipe ceremony at Westminster Pier Park to honour the lost children and survivors of residential schools, their families and communities. All ages are welcome to this free family event Out of respect for the event, please no drugs or alcohol.
Learn more:
4 THURSDAY September 22 2022 • New West Record Continued on page 18
has expired from the date of sale 5 The owner has one year in which to redeem the property by paying back the upset price plus interest accrued to the date of redemption 6 At redemption, the purchaser is refunded the bid price plus interest accrued from the date of the tax sale Refunds will be processed within one month 7 The City of New Westminster makes no representation express or implied as to the condition or quality of the properties being offered for sale 8 Prospective purchasers are urged to make all necessary inquiries to the municipality and other government agencies to determine the existence of any bylaws, restrictions, charges or other conditions which may affect the value or suitability of the property In the case of strata lots, questions can be directed to the strata corporation For general inquiries about the tax sale process, please contact the City of New Westminster Revenue and Collections staff at 604-527 4550 or City of New Westminster PUBLIC NOTICE OF TAX SALE MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2022 FOLIO PID CIVIC ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION UPSET PRICE 03145000 012-528 455 507 GARRETT ST LT 24, BLK E, SBBLCK 2, PL NWP2204 GRP 1, NWD 12,203.90 15391000 010 746 366 2125 SEVENTH AVE LT 21, BLK 5, PL NWP2974, DL 172, GRP 1, NWD 5,692 42 15392000 010 744 975 2127 SEVENTH AVE LT 22 BLK 5, PL NWP2974 DL 172 GRP 1, NWD 2,210 40 Friday, Sept. 23 6:00 pm Play the Parks Moody Park Saturday, Sept. 24 10:00 am Glenbrook Ravine Weed Pull Glenbrook Ravine Monday, Sept 26 6:00 pm Council Meeting Poplar Island Room, Queensborough Community Centre Meeting held electronically and open to public attendance CALENDAR OF EVENTS SUBSCRIBE TO CITYPAGE: THE LATEST NEWS AND EVENTS IN OUR CITY CITYPAGE
TheresaMcManus tmcmanus@newwestrecord ca
A local student darted into an uptown business to evade a man who was following alongside her in his car as she walked home on her first day of high school
The Grade 9 student had left NewWestmin ster Secondary School about 2:15 p m onTues day, Sept 6 and was walk ing on Sixth Street toward Eighth Avenue, when a man in a car pulled up be side her in his car and be gan keeping paces with her.
“The passenger window was open, and he was at tempting to speak to her He was ‘chatting her up,’ and asking for her phone number, all the while
keeping pace with her in his car She ignored him as best she could; it was clear that she was not interested in speaking with him,” said the girl’s mother.
Christi, who asked that her surname be withheld “As she got to the cor ner of Sixth Street and Eighth Avenue, he told her to meet him in the Esso parking lot, so he could get her number, and then he drove around the cor ner and into the parking lot.”
According to the mom, her 14 year old daughter was “very uncomfortable” with the man’s behaviour She walked briskly past the entrance to the gas sta tion’s parking lot, passing in front of the car which the man had parked in the parking lot.
“The man then pulled out again, and kept pace with her as she contin ued down Sixth Street, passing the G&F credit union. She crossed Ham ilton Street, and ducked into a fast food restau rant, but came out again after a minute or two.The man was waiting for her,” Christi said “She walked a bit further and ducked into the Royal City Mail & Business Services store She waited there for sev eral minutes ”
From there, the girl called a friend, who agreed to let her into his nearby apartment build ing on Hamilton Street
“When she emerged from the Royal City Mail location, she could no lon ger see the man, and hur ried over to the friend’s
apartment building,” said her mom. “She called me from there, and I came and picked her up imme diately”
The NewWest mom said her daughter was “quite distressed” and un nerved by the man’s be haviour
Christi contacted the high school and the New Westminster Police De partment about the inci dent
“This student did the right thing by listening to her intuition and finding refuge in a nearby busi ness,” said NWPD Staff Sgt Jeff Scott in a state ment to the Record
According to the NWPD, officers searched for evidence, including CCTV footage The file has since been concluded,
but anyone who has in formation and hasn’t spo ken to police can call New West police at 604 525 5411
Christi worries the man will cruise the school
girl to give him her num ber or go somewhere with him
She encourages stu dents who experience a similar incident to report it to police and the school. She said it’s very dis concerting for a mid dle aged man to be trying to coerce a 14 year old
“My daughter has seen the car once outside the school, a few days af ter the incident, but did not get a clear look at the driver or the license plate,” she said in an email to the Record “She has been regaining con fidence as time goes by, and she has not been ha rassed since Both of my daughters are very con cerned about the shoot ings and stabbings in the GreaterVancouver area, and incidents like this do nothing to make them feel any safer ”
The girl described the vehicle as being a light co loured (possibly taupe) older model car with a full trunk (not a hatchback.)
NWSS stranger did the thing
New West Record • THURSDAY September 22 2022 5 News
student ‘harassed’ by
on street A 14 year old girl was walking home from school when a middle aged man followed her in his car This student
by listening to her intuition A champion for: 2022 Gabo Gas onyi S ud o
Poilievre faces an uphill battle
Now comes the heavy lifting for newly crowned Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre
Winning his party’s lead ership was a breeze.Win ning over enough mem bers of the general voting public to form government is an entirely different task, and surely a much more difficult one.
But make no mistake
Poilievre has instantly made the Conservatives competitive enough to worry the JustinTrudeau led Liberal Party, which has faced two weak chal lengers (Andrew Scheer and Erin O’Toole) in the last two elections
One of Poilievre’s big gest strengths is his abil ity as a communicator The trick for him now is to em ploy that skill talking about the issues that will resonate with voters who have not voted for his party in re cent elections
During his leadership campaign, Poilievre spent much of his time talking about fringe issues such as vaccine mandates, the Bank of Canada governor, cryptocurrency and the World Economic Forum
He also willingly associ ated with extremists, or at least refused to disassociate himself from them.
While this approach ob viously worked well in the leadership race, it is un likely to gain the same traction with the general voting public, particularly in urban areas where most electoral ridings are lo cated.
However, if Poilievre can pivot and make such issues as affordability, tax ation and housing his top priorities, he may catch lightning in a bottle. Many commentators think he will also mine the immi grant vote as both Liberal and Conservative govern ments successfully did in the past.
Working to his advan tage is that theTrudeau government’s best before date has likely expired
The prime minister’s own popularity has sunk to his toric lows, and it will be a challenge to rebuild his brand
Of course, the Liberals (and the NDP) will exploit and use Poilievre’s vulner abilities to the hilt.
They will brand him as an extremist who refuses to distance himself from far right extremists like Jer emy McKenzie and James Topp.They will paint him as the Canadian version of DonaldTrump, with all the distasteful and offen sive imagery and rhetoric that is associated with the former U.S. president.
Their inevitable attacks may get a rise out of Poi lievre and cause him to overreach or play into claims that he is wannabe demagogue who is not particularly supportive of democracy
It will be interesting to see if Poilievre continues his practice of not only ig noring the media, but pre ferring to attack it as one of the so called “gatekeepers” he likes to label what he calls the elite ruling class of Canada (the irony of mov ing himself and his family into the taxpayer funded Stornoway mansion be cause as Opposition leader he can do that appears to be lost on him)
Finally, it is far from clear whether Poilievre can keep any momentum go ing over the next several years before the next elec tion comes into view
The Conservative lead ership race by then will be a distant memory, as will trucker convoys, anti vax rallies and vaccine man dates
People may tire of his angry negativism and abra sive populism Or, perhaps they may warm to it
In any event, Cana dian politics has entered a new phase We’ll see if Pol lievre can expand his reach beyond a single political party
Keith Baldrey is chief po litical reporter for Global BC
Topic: Pilot project aimed at keeping pedestrians safe
“Do not waste money trying to keep idiots safe It is up to the pedestrians to ensure their safety BEFORE they step into the roadway, regardless of the walk/don’t walk indicator Remember kindergarten: ‘Look both ways before you cross the street Use your eyes and use your ears before you use your feet.’”
“And all these kids have their cell phones stuffed into their faces They get hit, they probably deserve it.”
The city’s parks and rec department invested in a new way to kill unwanted greenery.The Eco Weeder was designed to use infrared heat to kill grass, weeds and anything else green in its path The $4,000, pro pane fuelled machine, which looked much like a lawn mower, was designed in Switzerland and touted as an alternative to pesticides and mechanical weeding The parks department began by using it on the city’s base ball diamonds It also planned to use it to get rid of weeds and grass sprouting up between brick pavers
Debbie Cooke via Facebook
Mike Mountain via Facebook
6 THURSDAY September 22 2022 • New West Record We all live on this lovely planet, and we all need to be finding those tangible things that we can be doing JenPistor, storypage 13 THEYSAIDIT... ARCHIVE 2002 MAIN SWITCHBOARD 604 444 3451 DELIVERY INQUIRIES 604 398 3481 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 604 444 3056 EDITORIAL/NEWS TIP LINE 604 444 3020 FAX LINE 604 439 2694 EDITORIAL editorial@NewWestRecord ca ADVERTISING display@NewWestRecord ca CLASSIFIED DTJames@van net OUR TEAM MY VIEW KEITH BALDREY
LARA GRAHAM Publisher lgraham@newwestrecord ca MARK FALKENBERG Editor mwfalkenberg@newwestrecord ca THE RECORD IS A MEMBER OF THE NAT ONAL NEWSMEDIA COUNCIL WHICH S AN INDEPENDENT ORGANIZAT ON ESTABLISHED TO DEAL WITH ACCEPTABLE JOURNALIST C PRACT CES AND ETH CAL BEHAVIOUR IF YOU HAVE CONCERNS ABOUT EDITORIAL CONTENT PLEASE CONTACT MARK FALKENBERG AT MWFALKENBERG@ NEWWESTRECORD CA IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED W TH THE RESPONSE AND W SH TO FILE A FORMAL COMPLAINT VIS T THE WEBSITE AT MEDIACOUNC L CA OR CALL TOLL FREE 1 844 877 1163 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The Record is the winner of the 2019 Ma Murray General Excellence Award in its circulation category The Record won the same award in 2018 and 2015, and is the recipient of multiple blue ribbons for excellence from the Canadian Community Newspapers Association Opinion
Letters Privatizing won’t help B.C.’s health system
Editor: Re: Ambulance waits show need for privatization, Letters to the editor, NewWest Record, Sept 15
The shortage of nurses, paramedics, doc tors is concerning to all of us
It is hard to understand how switching to a private sector model could help there would still be the same number of nurses, paramedics and doctors in B C as today Is the proposed solution to raise the pay scale that nurses, paramedics and doctors are lured from other provinces or out of the B C care system? Who would benefit?
B C should be working aggressively and quickly to evaluate foreign trained medical professionals to have them safely and suc cessfully registered in our health system
One simple change could make more ambulances and paramedics available; now ambulance paramedics arriving at a hospital emergency must stay with the patient till admitted minutes or hours
Why not have a small team of paramedics (with identical training) at the ambulance
entrance receive a technical briefing on the patient, take care of the patient, and allow the mobile ambulance to attend to the next emergency?
Margaret Miller,NewWestminster NewWestie remembers her royal encounter
Editor: Thank you for publishing the 1971 photo of Queen Elizabeth visiting New West minster The photo brought back memories
My brother Bob and I, just kids at the time, wanted to see the Queen and so walked several kilometres from our New West home to city hall We arrived early and got a spot at the front at the top of the stairs where the ceremony was to take place.
When the Queen arrived, the crowds of people who had gathered behind us surged forward forcing us even closer to the Queen than we could ever have imagined. I recall being amazed at how beautiful she was
It was a true memory making day A stead fast presence over the decades, she will be missed
Please include a contact phone number Send letters to: The Editor, #201A 3430 Brighton Ave , Burnaby, B C , V5A 3H4, email to: (no attachments please) or fax to: 604 439 2694 Letters to the editor and columns may be reproduced on the New West Record website, www newwestrecord ca
Live the experience at SÕL, West Coquitlam’s newest collection of ONE bedroom to THREE bedroom, elegant, sustainable mass timber homes.
Conveniently located at Como Lake Ave and Robinson, SÕL nestles into a peaceful residential pocket, just blocks from action in young, city
New West Record • THURSDAY September 22 2022 7
INBOX LEARN MORE AT: General Local Election for Mayor, Councillors, and School Trustees SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2022 VOTE! This is not an offering for sale. Sales by disclosure statement only E.&O.E. Sales & Marketing by Adera Realty Corp. SoL Adera Projects Ltd. Adera’s Newest Mass Timber Community Coming to West Coquitlam
all the
Register Now
Karima Budhwani MES
Rick Folka CPA, CMA
Daniel Fontaine
Jiayi Li-McCarthy
Paul Minhas
Kathleen Carlsen Danielle Connelly Teo Dobre
8 THURSDAY September 22 2022 • New West Record School Trustee Candidates Authorized by Darren Milne, Financial Agent for New West Progressives 604 256 2910 #ChooseProgress
New West Record • THURSDAY September 22 2022 9 Renderings are artistic renditions only Layouts, materials, specifications, features, project design and pricing are for illustration only and subject to change without notice. This is not an offering for sale. Any such offering can only be made with a disclosure statement. Errors and Omissions Excepted (E.&O.E.) | 604.636.2220 DISCOVERY CENTRE OPEN DAILY 11AM 4PM | 6388 MARKET AVE, TSAWWASSEN 1 BEDS FROM $640K · 2 BEDS FROM $950K · 3 BEDS FROM $1.18M · NOW PREVIEWING A LIMITED RELEASE OF 17 DESIGN FORWARD FLATS & TOWNHOMES IN VIBRANT MARKET DISTRICT A BEACH COMMUNITY ROOTED IN FARMING AND FOOD 3RD AVE MARKETAVE B O U N D A R Y B A Y R D WHERE TIME IS MEASURED IN HAPPY HOURS. COURTYARD GARDEN + FOUR WINDS SOUTHLANDS Your backyard is an oasis where happy hour with neighbours becomes a potluck barbecue Grill farmers’ market veggies and take a seat at the harvest table. Or simply soak up the social vibe from your private patio or balcony Next door is Four Winds Brewing Co ’s new restaurant and craft brewery. Set amongst over 400 acres of farm fields and natural parkland All a short walk from beautiful Centennial Beach Quintessentially Southlands.
10 THURSDAY September 22 2022 • New West Record 2016CHEVROLETTRAVERSE LSFWD CARTERPRICED $26,500 CART $57,900 CARTERPRI $26,800 CARTERPRICED $60,900 CARTERPRICED $34,900 CARTERPRICED $70,500 CARTERPRICED $41,900 CARTERPRICED $64,900 2019GMCSIERRA3500 DENALI 2022G 2020GMCSIERRA DENALI1500 22018HONDACR-VEX-L 021JEEPGLADIATOR OVERLAND 2016HONDAACCORDTOURING COUPE • Power Group • Keyless Entry • Backup Camera • Touch Screen Audio System #C2 64791 • NAV • Camera • Power Boards • Wireless Phone Charging • Moonroof #P9 66930 • Low Kilomete • No Accident • Full Load #82 73461 • Hardtop • 8 4 Touch Screen • Spray Liner • Tonneau Cover #P9 66391 • 2 4 • Automatic • Sun Roof • Leather Interior • Power Group & More • Only 25,000km #P9 66850 CARS AVAILABLE AT TIME OF PRINTING. NOT EXACTLY AS ILLUSTRATED. ALL PRICES ARE PLUS TAXES AND $495 DOCUMENTATION FEE. SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS. DEALER REGISTRATION NO. D5505 • Sunroof • Heated & Cooled Seats • Navigation • Power Assist Steps & More #P9 66700 • 1 5L L • Automatic, Power Group • Leather • Sunroof • Rear Camera • Remote Start & More #H8 87212 TE PRIC D 7900 ACADIADENALI rs 2020FORDEXPEDITION LIMITED 2018ToyotaHighlanderXLE • 3 5L V6 • 8 Speed Auto • Leather Sunroof • Navigation • Power Group & More #Y2 41021 4550 LOUGHEED HWY, BURNABY WWW.CARTERGM.COM 604.229.4066 FAMILY OWNED SINCE 1963 CHEVROLET • GMC • BUICK CARTER SeptemberSpecials WePayTopDollarForQualityUsedVehic 0.99%financingonselectGM’s • Short Box • Leather • Nav • Sunroof #89 58601 CARTERPRICED $89,800 les, RICED 00
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On trail: office openings and more
TheresaMcManus tmcmanus@newwestrecord ca
Two campaign offices are now up and running for candidates running in NewWestminster Community First New West has set up shop at 314 Sixth St The office is open Monday to Friday from 1 to 8 p m and on Saturdays from noon to 4 p.m., and folks are wel come to drop in Independent may oral candidate Chuck Puchmayr has opened a campaign office in uptown NewWest at 614 Sixth St The office will be open Sunday to Friday from noon to 8 p m and Sat urdays from 10 a m to 4 p.m.
NewWest Progressives
council candidate Karima Budhwani typically spells her name karima budh wani, but she’s opting to capitalize her name during the campaign.
“It was always a per sonal stylistic choice of Karima’s,” said an NWP spokesperson, when asked to clarify the change “With the election in full swing and many events coming up, she doesn’t want any special treatment and wants the focus to re main on the issues and ideas ”
How have things changed in four years?
It was a four per son race for the mayor’s chair in NewWestmin ster in 2018, but incum bent mayor Jonathan Cote breezed to victory
In 2018, Cote had 10,487 votes, or 72 99 per cent of the votes cast for mayor Trailing behind were Nikki Binns (1,870), HarmWoldring (1,512) and Jimmie Bell (519)
This year, NewWest residents will have three mayoral candidates to choose from: rookie can didate Ken Armstrong (NewWest Progres sives); two term councillor Patrick Johnstone (Com munity First NewWest); and veteran councillor Chuck Puchmayr (inde pendent)
In 2018, Johnstone gar nered the second highest vote total (7,270) in the council race. Puchmayr received 6,595 votes, which was good for the sixth and final spot on city council.
In the 2018 election,
School meeting set in the race
This year, 12 candidates are vying for six councillor seats, including six Com munity First NewWest candidates, five NewWest Progressives and one inde pendent
first time councillor Na dine Nakagawa topped the polls with 7,764 votes, followed by imcumbent Johnstone (7,270), in cumbent MaryTrentadue (7,202), incumbent Jai mie McEvoy (6,799), first time candidate Chinu Das (6,716) and incumbent Puchmayr (6,595)
The NewWest Progres sives, which formed in ad vance of the 2018 election,
were shut out of spots on city council in their first campaign, but they took the next four spots Dan iel Fontaine (5,297), El lenVaillancourt (4,760), Paul McNamara (4,531) and BrynWard (4,490) Trailing behind were four independent candidates: Mike Ireland (3,253); An gela Sealy (3,013);Troy Hunter (2,638); and Benny Ogden (1,299).
The Community First NewWest slate includes: Ruby Campbell; incum bent Chinu Das;Tasha Henderson; Bereket Kebede; incumbent Jaimie McEvoy; and incumbent Nadine Nakagawa
The NewWest Pro gressives candidates are Karima Budhwani, Rick Folka, Daniel Fontaine, Jiayi Li McCarthy and Paul Minhas Daniel Ampong is the lone independent running for councillor Got election news to share? EmailTheresa, tmcmanus@
12 THURSDAY September 22 2022 • New West Record News
the campaign
for school board? The New Westminster Dis trict Parent Advisory Council (DPAC) is host ing an all candidates meeting for trustee hopefuls next weekend. It’s set for Sunday, Oct. 2 from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Grand Commons at New Westminster Secondary School (620 Eighth St.). All are wel come You can submit ques tions for candidates in advance at nwdpac ca WorkSafe BC and other Provincial WCB Networks, VAC, MSDPR, and FNHA/NIHB accepted Reg stered under the Col ege of Speech and Hear ng Health Professionals of BC 8TH & CUMBERLAND AT 102-128 EAST EIGHTH AVE & 721 CUMBERLAND ST, NEW WESTMINSTER PROPOSED INFILL TOWNHOUSE PROJECT Arezoning and development i li ti h b b i d f h d i fill 8th & Cumberland’s project site is loc Street, New Westminster and is com in the McBride Sapperton neighb ground oriented infill townhouse dev and-a-half/three storeys in height w facing façade, rear private outdoor VIRTUAL OPEN HOUSE The homeowners and design team in availabe to review any aspects of th you may have DATE: Wednesday, October 5th | 6:00 FROM: RS-1 SINGLE DETACHED DWELLING DISTRICTS TO: RT INFILL TOWNHOUSE AND ROWHOUSE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (Lots 61 & 62, plan 20449 & lots 23-30, all except: southerly 8 feet, of lot 13, plan 2620 all of suburban block 4 New Westminster Distcit) PROJECT NAME: 8TH & CUMBERLAND PROJECT WEBSITE: EMAIL: PHONE: 604-687-4741 ONLINE SURVEY: | Live until October 12th for questions & comments NEW WEST BE HEARD WEBSITE:
TheresaMcManus tmcmanus@newwestrecord ca
A NewWest family is up for the challenge of finding ways to try and live a net zero lifestyle to help tackle the climate crisis
The Pistor family Jen and Remo and their daughters Madelyn, Sa brina, and Lily is one of five Canadian households taking part in the Live Net Zero Challenge, which hopes to inspire Canadi ans to reduce their carbon emissions at home Live Net Zero will follow five households from across the country as they com pete in challenges aimed at drastically reducing their carbon emissions and try ing to live a net zero life style
“Participating in the Live Net Zero program is an opportunity for our family to learn how we can do more,” said Jen Pis tor “Sustainable living is about progress over per fection for us, and we’re excited to share what we learn along our journey”
The Loewen Nair fam ily from London, Ont , the Leung family fromVan couver, the Richmond family from Red Deer, Alta , and the Lai fam ily from Stouffville, Ont , are also taking part in the challenge Each house hold will be documenting their efforts along the way and using social media to share their journeys to in spire and teach fellow Ca nadians what they can do within their own house holds to reduce energy
consumption, shrink their carbon footprint and lower their spending on energy
“Hopefully, people will follow along, not just with our journey but with all the families,” Pistor said “I’m excited for it; I think it’s going to be a really cool experience ”
Canadian Geographic, which is hosting the chal lenge, said more than 25 per cent of the coun try’s carbon emissions come from household en ergy use, so carbon reduc tions must be made at the household level to help Canada meet its climate targets
The Live Net Zero Challenge is provid ing each household with $10,000 to help them re duce their carbon foot print They’re taking part in themed bi weekly chal lenges, which started Sept. 19
“That [$10,000] will be something we’ll be us ing throughout the chal lenges,” Pistor said “They have laid out the five ar eas which are commuting, electricity use, home enve lope, heating and cooling, and a holiday challenge. And we definitely have some ideas of those areas based on our home and our lifestyle. But as each challenge comes up, we’ll definitely be pushed into really working to figuring out exactly how to allocate those funds for each chal lenge ”
Challenges are designed to help the participants identify their greatest sources of carbon emis
sions, prioritize retrofits and educate them on be havioural changes
“Getting Canada to net zero will be a huge challenge for us all, and that’s why we’ve created this challenge,” said Aran O’Carroll, Canadian Geo graphic’s national direc tor, government relations and environment “It is de signed to help participat ing families significantly lower their household’s carbon footprint while in spiring fellow Canadians to join the journey to net zero”
The Live Net Zero Challenge kicks off with the commuter challenge that encourages families to explore different strategies and ways to get around with the lowest carbon emissions impact.
The Pistors have al ready taken steps to re duce automobile trips. They’ve scheduled their kids’ activities, such as soc cer and dance, in a way that reduces back and forth travel They’ve gotten rid of their second vehi cle. But Pistor said they’re looking forward to find ing even more ways to cut down on car travel
Subsequent challenges include: the electricity challenge; the home en velope challenge (con sulting with experts to conduct a home energy audit and identify retrofits and upgrades to improve the air tightness of their homes); and the heat ing and cooling challenge
(consulting with experts to conduct an audit of their home heating and hot wa ter systems and evaluate greener solutions such as heat pumps and tankless water heaters)
“For us, I think our home is definitely a big one,” Pistor said “I think there’s a lot of good things we’re doing lifestyle wise, but I think there will be things that we will learn.”
The Pistors have done work to their 1940 home through the years and know there’s always more work to be done
“We still have drafts in our house, we still have windows that make rooms a little cold, and we have rooms that are a little too hot in the summer, too cold in the winter,” Pis tor said “So this will be a good way to push us into doing some of the things that we just haven’t dove
into yet with the house ”
The Live Net Zero chal lenge wraps up with the holiday challenge, which asks families to evaluate the environmental foot print of their gift giving and travel and explore less carbon intensive options
“I’m excited for the hol iday challenge,” Pistor said “That was the first one where my wheels were already spinning, and I al ready have lots of ideas for that one ”
Pistor’s full time gig is as a stay at home mom to an eight year old daugh ter and twin five year old daughters, and her part time gig is as a fashion blogger, who focuses on
slow fashion and sustain able fashion
Pistor’s kids already en joy helping out with re cycling and shopping at thrift stores with mommy, so she hopes to involve her kids in the challenges as much as possible She thinks it’s important to in still good environmental practices in children from a young age
“We all play a part. We all live on this lovely planet, and we all need to be finding those tangible things that we can be do ing,” she said “No matter where we live or what our circumstances, there’s al ways things that we can all be doing ”
AGREENERWORLD: Jen and Remo Pistor, along with daughters Madelyn, Sabrina and Lily, are all set to participate in the Live Net Zero Challenge Five Canadian households are taking part in the challenge that hopes to inspire Canadians to reduce their carbon emissions at home
New West Record • THURSDAY September 22 2022 13
New West family takes the net-zero challenge Five Canadian households to compete in a series of challenges aimed at reducing carbon footprint SHOP.CHOICESMARKETS.COMPLEASE RECYCLE THIS NEWSPAPER. Engman & Gunther N O T A R I E S P U B L I C • Residential Real Estate Transfers • Mortgage Documentation • Wills • Powers of Attorney • Representation Agreemen 710 6th Street, New Westminster, B C V3L 3C5 Tel: 604-522-8149 Fax: 604-521-5792 ts Email: Proudly serving new west for over 25 years!
Misting stations installed on streets
TheresaMcManus tmcmanus@newwestrecord ca
Fifteen misting sta tions will be installed at locations around New West to help folks stay hy drated and cool during hot weather
In recent weeks, the City of NewWestminster in stalled blue misting sta tions at Hyack Square (two), Library Square, Westminster Pier Park (two) andThompson’s Landing Park in Queens borough.The posts, which arrived later than the city expected, feature a mister and a bottle filler.
“Many cities are intro ducing seasonal misting stations in the public realm as an immediate and easy way for people and pets
to cool down in extreme heat,” said Erika Mashig, the city’s manager of parks and open space planning, design and construction Mashig said the first lo cations were selected to pilot the misters in 2022 She said they were in stalled in public realm lo cations with: high urban heat island effect and low access to shade/water; high use by pedestrians, includ ing vulnerable populations; and close proximity to a water service Mashig noted the city’s emergency management office, in collaboration with other city departments and community organiza tions, continues to develop and implement mitigation strategies and initiatives designed for heat response
within the city
“This includes develop ing information for resi dents indicating where to ‘cool off’ which includes locations for indoor cool ing centres, water stations, outdoor pools, misting sta tions and spray parks, as well as green infrastructure (i e parks and natural ar eas with mature trees/for ested areas that create cool shade),” she said
The misting stations will operate annually from May to September, but that timeline could be ex tended, pending warm weather.
“The misting posts in clude bottle fillers, so we anticipate use into the late September/early October shoulder season,” Mashig said.
According to Mashig, the city has purchased 15 misters in total; six have been installed in 2022 and nine will be installed prior to summer 2023.
“Through the introduc tion of the pilot misting stations and conversations with member of the pub lic, staff will seek better un derstanding of priority ar eas for additional cooling infrastructure in each of the city’s neighbourhoods,” she said.
Mashig said parks staff will be visiting the six pilot mister locations to collect feedback from the public.
More information and opportunities for feedback will be available through the Beheardnewwest ca platform starting in April 2023
Stay cool: Misting stations, including misters and a tap for filling water bottles, have been installed at several locations around the city, including outside the New Westminster Public Library uptown PHOTO THERESA MCMANUS
14 THURSDAY September 22 2022 • New West Record Community
Nine more to come in 2023 as part of NewWestminster’s efforts to help people and their pets stay cool during extreme heat
COACHING, PROGRAMS, & GROUPS IN NEW WESTMINSTER Find out where & when at Cook n new recipes, learn to budget, meet friends, & more.
Grab a warm blanket, and head to Moody Park (701 10th St.) to watch Van couver based Incendiary Shack perform as part of Play the Park free concert series, at 7 p.m. Incendiary Shack is an indie rock project by an artist who is a multi instru mentalist wheelchair user and adaptive surfing world champion Head to the concert early, not just for a good spot, but also to watch yo yo professional champion Terrance Wang perform Entry is free
Popular Irish recording artist Daniel O’Donnell is coming to town The singer of the wildly popular song My Donegal Shore, among others, will be performing live for the first time in New Westminster, at Massey Theatre (735 Eighth Ave ), start ing at 8 p m This is your chance to see in person the musician who has managed to consistently score a hit in the U K Album Charts since 1988, and sold 15 million records in four decades.
MORE: See or buy tickets through www
Watch the classical Indian dance form of Kathak live this weekend, at the 11th Mushtari Begum Festival. Organized by New Westminster based couple Cassius Khan and Amika Kushwaha, the festival, besides Kathak, will also include ghazal (a short poem about love and longing), tabla (a drum), and Khayal (a form of Hindustani classical music) performances The festival will be held at Massey Theatre, 7 p m onwards
WHEN: Saturday, Sept. 24, 7 p.m.
WHERE: Massey Theatre, 735 Eighth Ave.
MORE: See www or buy tickets through
Put on your dance shoes and join a swing dance session at Century House, (620 Eighth St ) at Jazz Cats Social Once done with your lindy hop, settle down to listen to live music by Ben MacRae and the Royal Columbians.You don’t just have to listen, you can bring along your instru ments and play along with the band at this jazz jam.The event is on from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
MORE: Register online at uptownswing Cost: $10 for members, $15 for non-members.
Community members of all ages and abilities are invited to join the City of New Westminster and New Westminster Environmental Partners in another weed pull event to help remove invasive species from Glenbrook Ravine Tools are pro vided You don’t need to register ahead (but you do need to sign a waiver when
you arrive) It runs from 10 a m to 1 p m
MORE: Find details at GlenbrookWeedPullSeptember
Ever wondered about the culture, com merce and biodiversity that Fraser River supports? Sign up for a guided Quayside walking tour along the New West board walk, and get a chance to discuss all about the B.C.’s longest river with an expert.The walk, organized as part of RiverFest 2022, will last an hour and a half. Participants can check in at the entrance of the Fraser River Discovery Centre.
Other RiverFest events include a Family Fun Zone on Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and a full day of entertainment, exhibitors and vendors on Saturday on the boardwalk including the popular Lucille Johnstone Workboat Parade starting at 2:15 p.m.
MORE: Find a full schedule of events at compiled by Naveena Vijayan
PHOTO CREDIT: Jennifer Gauthier, Record files
Cassius Khan and Amika Kushwaha of Queensborough are the founders of the Mushtari Begum Festi
val of Indian Classical Music and Dance The festival returns to Massey Theatre on Saturday, Sept 24
New West Record • THURSDAY September 22 2022 15 SATURDAY, SEPT. 24
Please send your information for inclusion to editorial@newwestrecord ca
WEEKEND Find more events online: www newwestrecord ca/local events your Don’t miss these weekend events & activities! Jazz at theAnvil PRESENTED BY Schedule of Performances at the Anvil Theatre September 27 A Night of Dave Brubeck October 18 A Night of Ella Fitzgerald November 29 A Night of Oscar Peterson December 6 A Jazz Christmas January 24 A Night in Rio February 14 A Night in Havana March 21 A Night in New Orleans Tickets available online at presentsP e r f o r m e d b y s o m e o f t h e t o p j a z z m u s i c i a n s i n C a n a d a
THREE ADVANCE VOTING OPPORTUNITIES for the 2022 General Local Election will be open to qualified electors at the following locations All voting locations will be open from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm
Wednesday, October 5, 2022
Voting Location Location Address
City Hall Council Chamber 511 Royal Avenue
Queensborough Community Centre Poplar Island Room 920 Ewen Avenue
Saturday, October 8, 2022
Voting Location Location Address
New West Lawn Bowling Club Clubhouse 710 Eighth Street
Wednesday, October 12, 2022
Voting Location Location Address
City Hall Council Chamber 511 Royal Avenue
New West Lawn Bowling Club Clubhouse 710 Eighth Street
If you are not on the list of electors, you may register at the time of voting by completing the application form available at the voting place and making a declaration that you meet the requirements to be registered as set out below:
To register as a resident elector you must:
• be 18 years of age or older on general voting day (October 15, 2022);
• be a Canadian citizen;
• be a resident of British Columbia for at least 6 months immediately before the day of registration (at time of voting);
• be a resident of the City of New Westminster on the day of registration (at time of voting); and
• not be disqualified under the Local Government Act or any other enactment from voting in an election or assent voting and not otherwise disqualified by law
To register as a non resident property elector you must:
• be 18 years of age or older on general voting day (October 15, 2022);
• be a Canadian citizen;
• be a resident of British Columbia for at least 6 months immediately before the day of registration (at time of voting);
• be a registered owner of real property in the City of New Westminster for at least 30 days immediately before the day of registration (at time of voting);
• not be entitled to register as a resident elector; and
• not be disqualified under the Local Government Act or any other enactment from voting in an election or assent voting and not otherwise disqualified by law
In addition, for non resident property electors:
• The only persons who are registered owners of the property, either as joint tenants or tenants in common, are individuals who are not holding the property in trust for a corporation or another trust
• If more than one individual is a registered owner of the property, only one of those individuals may, with the written consent of the majority of the individual owners, register as a non resident property elector
In addition, in order to register at time of voting:
Resident electors must produce 2 pieces of identification (at least one with a signature) Picture identification is not necessary The identification must prove both residency and identity
Non resident property electors must produce 2 pieces of identification (at least one with a signature) to prove identity, proof that they are entitled to register in relation to the property, and, if there is more than one owner of the property, written consent from the majority of the property owners
You must produce at least two (2) documents that provide evidence of your identity and place of residence, at least one (1) of which must contain your signature The following classes of documents will be accepted:
a) a Driver’s Licence;
b) an Identification Card such as i a photo BC services card; ii a non photo BC services card;
c) an Owner’s Certificate of Insurance and Vehicle Licence issued by ICBC
d) a BC CareCard or BC Gold CareCard;
e) a Ministry of Social Development and Economic Security Request for Continued Assistance Form SDES8, (now “Monthly Form EA181);
f) a Social Insurance Number card; g) a Citizenship Card; h) a real property tax notice; i) a credit card or debit card; or j) a utility bill, (such as electricity, natural gas, water, telephone or cable services)
The above listed identification documents MUST be accepted by election officials An election official may also accept other forms of documents that provide evidence satisfactory to the election official (e g , a valid, current passport)
For the first time, New Westminster voters can vote by mail To request a kit you can apply:
• Online at;
• By phoning 778 222 8602 and speaking with elections staff; or
• In person by phoning 778 222 8602 or emailing and making an appointment with elections staff
Electors must submit one piece of identification in order to receive a mail ballot Identification can be submitted through the online form, by email (elections@ newwestcity ca), fax (604 527 4594) or in person by calling 778 222 8602 to make an appointment with elections staff.
The following dates apply for mail ballot kit requests:
Deadline to apply to receive a ballot by mail 4:30 pm, Thursday, October 6
Deadline to post a ballot to return it to the Election Office (recommended) Noon, Tuesday, October 11
Deadline to apply to pick up a ballot Noon, Wednesday October 12
Deadline to update missing or to correct ballot information 4:30 pm Thursday, October 13
Deadline to pick up a ballot at Election Headquarters 4:30 pm, Thursday, October 13
Deadline to return completed ballot to Election Headquarters (City Hall) 8:00 pm, Saturday, October 15
To be counted, your mail ballot must be received by the Chief Election Officer at City Hall no later than 8 pm on Saturday, October 15th on General Voting Day
Phone: 778 222 5613
, please contact the Election Office
Fax: 604 527 4594
Email: elections@newwestcity ca Web: newwestcity ca/elections
Jacque Killawee, Chief Election Offi
16 THURSDAY September 22 2022 • New West Record welxn VOTE! VOTEZ ਵਟਕਰ투표 投票
Arts & Entertainment
Jazz at the Anvil concert series launches Tuesday
TheresaMcManus tmcmanus@newwestrecord ca
A new music series at the AnvilTheatre aims to introduce audiences to the rich world of jazz.
Piva Presents: Jazz at the Anvil is a new jazz mu sic series that will feature seven monthly concerts showcasing musical talents from NewWestminster and beyond.
“The goal of the series is to not only elevate the appreciation of music and tell the story of jazz,” said Tom Keenlyside, “but also to provide an opportunity to engage, strengthen and amplify the arts in New Westminster ”
Jazz at the Anvil is spear headed and financially supported by Piva Mod ern Italian restaurant in collaboration with Keen lyside, a NewWestmin ster based and Juno award
winning jazz musician
The two came together with a vision to share their love of jazz music with the NewWestminster commu nity and pitched the idea to the AnvilTheatre team,
who embraced the idea
“With new takes, as well as nods to classic art ists like Dave Brubeck and Ella Fitzgerald, and ar rangements inspired by warm nights in New Or leans and Havana, these shows will move audiences in new ways and introduce them to the rich world of jazz,” said a press release.
The series kicks off on Tuesday, Sept 27 with Piva Presents: A Night of Dave Brubeck featuring Tom Keenlyside The con cert runs from 7 to 9 p m in the AnvilTheatre, 777 Columbia St.
The series continues with: A Night of Ella Fitz gerald, featuring Jennifer Scott, on Oct 18; A Night of Oscar Peterson Featur ing Miles Black on Nov 29; A Jazz Christmas Fea
Celebrating a ‘grand’ addition
Piva Presents: Jazz at the Anvil will be one of the first opportunities to showcase the theatre’s newest asset: a brand new grand piano
The theatre was able to purchase a new Yamaha C5X grand piano through the support of Tom Lee Mu sic, Yamaha Canada, Piva Modern Italian, and Tom
turing Karin Plato on Dec. 6; A Night in Rio Featur ingTom Keenlyside on Jan. 24, 2023; A Night in Havana Featuring Jack Duncan on Feb 14; and A Night in New Orleans Featuring Doc Fingers on March 21
“The city is thrilled to welcome Jazz at the An vil to our venue,” said Todd Ayotte, the city’s
and Nicki Lea Keenlyside. The city’s capital plan in cluded funding for the new instrument
“The city is committed to supporting the contin ued growth and develop ment of the local perform ing arts community and creative economy, and this new asset will help support this goal for many years to
manager of community arts and theatre “This cabaret inspired series is a perfect fit for the Anvil Theatre and a great op portunity to welcome au diences from across the re gion to experience what NewWestminster has to offer And, for local music lovers, a chance to come out and enjoy live music in their own community”
come,” Mayor Jonathan Cote said in a news release Ayotte also acknowl edged the support of com munity partners in helping to secure the “beautiful new grand piano.”
“This is a wonderful asset that will serve to expand programming op portunities at the theatre,” he said
Tickets for all con certs in the series are on sale now, and can be pur chased at They range from $35 to $55, plus service charges
All proceeds from Piva Presents: Jazz at the Anvil will be used to support the music programs at New Westminster Secondary School
In the spotlight: Juno winning artist Tom Keenlyside is behind the new Piva Present: Jazz at the Anvil concert series PHOTO CONTRIBUTED
New West Record • THURSDAY September 22 2022 17
l • Vibrant • Personal • Yourself ed • On your terms • Confident Well • Secure • Respected • Hap Empowered • Revitalized • Act V H A Call today to book a tour (604) 524 6100 Thornebridge Gardens 649 Eighth Ave, New Westminster, BC Reserve your Studio Suite by September 30th to save $3,000 during your first year!* Your studio awaits! *Limited availability Special promo offer valid for the first 12 months of residency
Fraser Health Authority has applied for a Temporary Use Permit (TUP) to continue using a portion of the property located at 97 Braid Street as temporary parking to facilitate phase 2 of the Royal Columbian Hospital (RCH) redevelopment The term of the TUP is three years until October 3, 2025. The TUP will have the same conditions as the original for phase 1 of the redevelopment consisting of up to 500 spaces for use by RCH staff and construction workers during the hospital redevelopment and food truck operation during times when the site is not being used by RCH staff and construction workers. The new permit would also allow the existing tenants located at the site (Planet Lazer, and the Soccer Academy) to have restricted access (after hours) for overflow parking
This Temporary Use Permit was previously scheduled to be considered for issuance on September 19, 2022, but the Council meeting was cancelled because of the Day of Mourning for Queen Elizabeth II.
From September 22 until October 3, 2022, except September 30, 2022, read the related material at Legislative Services, City Hall 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Friday, and online at:
Service levels for the Q to Q Ferry are decreased throughout the fall and winter seasons. A new schedule will be in effect starting Oct 3, 2022 until spring 2023.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2022 AT 6:00 PM
Meeting held electronically and open to public attendance in Council Chamber, City Hall
Temporary Use Permit for 311 Louellen Street (TUP00029)
Maintain Recovery has applied for a Temporary Use Permit (TUP) to operate a residential recovery program for up to 10 men at 311 Louellen Street The program would provide a supportive, group living environment for men transitioning from primary care treatment for substance use (drug and alcohol) and/or behavioural addictions (specifically video games and/or gambling), to independent living Supports would include counselling, group therapy, peer support, recovery coaching, and life skills training for residents. The permit would include limitations on the number of clients served; require potential clients be screened for suitability and have successfully completed primary treatment; specify operational hours and livability of the building; and require the facility be smoke-free, and registered with the Assisted Living Registry
A TUP is required as a residential recovery program is not a permitted use under the current RS-1 zone (Single Detached Residential Districts). The proposed TUP would allow the residential recovery program to operate for three years, with an option to renew for an additional three years, subject to Council consideration.
This Temporary Use Permit was previously scheduled to be considered for issuance on September 19, 2022, but the Council meeting was cancelled because of the Day of Mourning for Queen Elizabeth II
From September 22 until October 3, 2022, except September 30, 2022, read the related material at Legislative Services, City Hall 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Friday, and online at:
This Temporary Use Permit will be considered for issuance on October 3, 2022 On July 12, 2021, Council approved a resolution requiring written feedback only on Temporary Use Permits. Send your comments by email, mail, or dropping off at the mailbox on the north side of City Hall by October 3, 2022 to: Phone: 604-527 4523 Email: clerks@newwestcityca Legislative Services Department, 511 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, BC V3L 1H9
18 THURSDAY September 22 2022 • New West Record MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2022 AT 6:00 PM Meeting held electronically and open to public attendance in Council Chamber, City Hall Temporary Use Permit for 97 Braid Street (TUP00028) WHAT IS THIS TEMPORARY USE PERMIT ABOUT?
HOW DO I GET MORE INFORMATION? HOW CAN I BE HEARD? This Temporary Use Permit will be considered for issuance on October 3, 2022 On July 12, 2021, Council approved a resolution requiring written feedback only on Temporary Use Permits. Send your comments by email, mail, or dropping off at the mailbox on the north side of City Hall by October 3, 2022 to: Phone: 604-527 4523 Email: clerks@newwestcityca Legislative Services Department, 511 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, BC V3L 1H9 Watch the meeting at Written comments received by 5 pm, three business days before the meeting will be included in the agenda package Later comments received until the close of the hearing will be distributed on table at the meeting All comments are published. Jacque Killawee, City Clerk
Watch the meeting at Written comments received by 5 pm, three business days before the meeting will be included in the agenda package Later comments received until the close of the hearing will be distributed on table at the meeting All comments are published. Jacque Killawee, City Clerk
Please visit our website for hours: newwestcity ca/qtoqferry
Bring your knowledge and perspective to the Library Board and help us implement strategic priorities, develop policies, and advocate for library services! If you have the following experience and skills, we want you: • Experience providing financial governance • Ability to collaborate with a wide range of people • Passionate about your community and social inclusion • Professional with experience that will enhance the Library Board Learn more about the Library Board by attending a virtual information session on Oct 19 at 6:00 pm. Email committees@newwestcityca to register We encourage applications that reflect the diversity of our community Board terms run Jan. 1 to Dec. 31. The application deadline for the 2023 term is Monday, Oct 31, 2022 at 5:00 pm. Apply online at JOIN THE LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES SUBSCRIBE TO CITYPAGE: THE LATEST NEWS AND EVENTS IN OUR CITY CITYPAGE
DUBORD, Paul Joseph
Paul Joseph Dubord MD, FRCSC, OC, passed away Monday, September 5 in Vancouver after a short, intense battle w th pancreat c cancer He s surv ved by Mary Lou, his lov ng w fe of fifteen years, and by her ch ldren Mitche l (Maryam) and Tom (Sharla) Paul was predeceased by h s wife Joanne and is surv ved by the r three sons: Luke (Laurie), Michael (Shei a) and Marc (D anne)
Dr Dubord was a renowned cornea surgeon an active member of the Ophthalmology community and a world eader in nternational eye banking and cornea transplantation Pau worked t re essly in Canada, Japan, S ngapore, Sri Lanka, Africa, South America, Europe and especia ly n India to improve access to qua ity corneal transplants Paul was a Professor Emer tus at the University of British Columb a (UBC), Department of Ophtha mology and was a board member of the Branch of Internationa Surgery at UBC He was act ve in the Eye Bank Association of America where he he d var ous eadership pos tions, includ ng serv ce on its med cal advisory board since 1992 He also worked on expert panels of the Canadian Standards Association and of the World Health Organizat on to develop standards for tissue transp antat on
In 1994 Pau founded the registered charity Eyes ght Internat onal which has worked nternat onal y to improve corneal transplantation and has had a long and product ve re ationsh p with the LV Prasad Eye Institute in Hyderabad, India train ng hundreds of fel ows and he p ng thousands of peop e For his contribut ons to ophtha mology and for his t re ess humanitarian work on the nternat onal stage, notably in India, Pau was appointed as an Officer of the Order of Canada
Paul was an av d dancer, boater and hiker who found solace in the natural beauty of the mountains and sea He w l be great y missed and remembered by his many fr ends and col eagues all over the wor d
Date of the ce ebrat on of ife pending
In ieu of flowers, donat ons may be made n Paul’s memory to Eyesight Internationa : https://eyes ghtinternat ona com/ (Registered Canad an Char ty # 92923848RR0001)
It s with deep sadness that we announce the sudden pass ng of our Mother, our Oma, our Great Oma Karin Fa t n (nee K iemantat) on Ju y 19 2022 at the age of 84 Karin was born on June 5, 1938 n Hamburg, Germany
She s predeceased by her husband Gunter and her son Glenn, her parents Adolf and Herta, and her brother Ado f She is survived and sadly m ssed by her son Roy (Chris) and her daughter Sonia; her grandch ldren Ryan, Jennifer (Gabe), Ky e (Char otte), Valerie, her great grandchildren Avery, Arya, Rory, and Rowan; her niece Ronda and nephew Raymond; and her beloved dog, Gracie
Karin thoroughly delighted n the beauty of nature and anima s, and had a great love for walk ng and sw mming She was very fash onable and art st c with a pass on for books and a keen nterest n many things Karin enjoyed being a member of the Concordia Cho r & A p ne C ub, the Burnaby Lawn Bowl ng community, and darts/card p aying clubs
She is loving y remembered for her fun spirit, quirk ness, d rectness, green thumb, her fits of laughter (that you cou dn’t he p but augh along with!), and many more interesting and wonderful qua ities of her personal ty!
A Celebration of Lfe is planned for the sprng of 2023
Kar n wi l be forever loved, forever m ssed, forever remembered Goodbye und Auf Wiedersehen Mama | westcoastwills com law corporation
NO M209965
NO. M209970
TO: The Defendant, Peggy Man Yee Ng
TAKE NOTICE THAT on September 6 and 12, 2022 respectively orders were made for service on you of a Notice of C v l C aim issued from the Vancouver Registry of the Supreme Court of Brit sh Columbia n proceeding number M209965 and M209970 by way of th s advertisement
In the proceed ng, the P aintiff cla ms the fol owing relief aga nst you:
(a) General damages;
(b) Damages for past loss of income and past oss of opportunity to earn income;
(c) Damages for oss of future income and future earn ng capac ty;
(d) Cost of future care;
(e) Damages for loss of housekeep ng or house maintenance capac ty;
(f) Specia damages;
(g) Interest pursuant to the Court Order Interest Act, R S B C 1996, Chapter 79;
(h) Costs of this action;
( ) Such further and other relief which th s Honourab e Court deems just
You must fi e a respond ng pleading/response to petition with n the period required under the Supreme Court C vil Ru es fai ing which further proceedings, including judgment, may be taken against you without notice to you
You may obta n, from the Vancouver Reg stry, at 800 Smithe Street, Vancouver, Br tish Columbia, V6Z 2E1, a copy of the Notice of Civi Cla m and the order providing for serv ce by this advert sement
Th s advertisement is p aced by the P aintiffs whose address for serv ce is c/o Suite 1100, 510 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC, V6C 3A8, Fax: 604 681 5084
FALTIN, Karin (nee Kliemantat)
New West Record • THURSDAY September 22 2022 19
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20 THURSDAY September 22 2022 • New West Record ADVERTISING POLICIES All advertising published in this newspaper is accepted on the premise that the merchandise and services offered are accurately described and willingly sold to buyers at the advertised pr ces Advert se s are aware of these conditions. Advertising that does not conform to these standards or that is deceptive or misleading, is never knowingly accepted. If any reader encounters non-compliance with these standards we ask that you inform the Publisher o th s newspaper and The Adve s ng Standards Council of B.C. OMISSION AND ERROR: The publishers do not guarantee the insertion of a particular advertisement on a specified date, or at all, although every effort will be made to meet the wishes of the advertisers. Further the publishers do not accept liability for any loss of damage caused by an error or inaccuracy in the printing of an advertisement beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by the portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred. Any corrections of changes will be made in the next available issue. The Richmond News will be responsible for only one incorrect insertion with liability limited to that portion of the advertisement affected by the error Request for adjustments or correct ons on charges must be made w h n 30 days of he ad s exp rat on For best results please check your ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Refunds made only after 7 business days notice! HOME SERVICES To advertise, email DTJames@glaciermedia ca To advertise in the Classifeds call 604-362-0586 Please recycle this newspaper LEGAL No : NEW S S 242370 New Westminster Registry IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Between: THE OWNERS, STRATA PLAN EPS5758 Petitioner and: TIANRUN LU Respondent ADVERTISEMENT TO: TIANRUN LU TAKE NOTICE THAT on August 24, 2022 an order was made for serv ce on you of a Petit on to the Court ssued from the New Westm nster Registry of the Supreme Court of Brit sh Co umb a in proceeding number NEW S S 242370 by way of th s advertisement In this proceed ng, the Petitioner cla ms relief against you regard ng unpa d strata fees, the enforcement of a l en, recovery of ega fees, and the potential sale of your strata ot You must file a responding response to pet tion within the per od requ red under the Supreme Court Civi Rules fai ing which further proceedings, including udgment, may be taken aga nst you without not ce to you You may obtain, from the New Westminster Registry at 651 Carnarvon Street New Westminster Street, a copy of the Pet tion to the Court, Affidav t n support, and the order providing for service by this advert sement This advertisement s placed by the Pet tioner whose address for service is placed by the solicitors for the Petit oner, Cleve and Doan LLP, 1321 Johnston Road, White Rock, Brit sh Columbia, V4B 3Z3, Tel: (604)536 5002, Fax (604)536 7002 (Attention: Shawn M Smith) LegaL/PubLic Notices EMPLOYMENT geNeraL emPLoymeNt Ironworker Reinforcing Rebar Position Wages: $18 00 to $35 00 depending on exper ence Permanent Fu t me Job To start as soon as poss ble Eng ish required M n mum educat on h gh schoo Education Job descript on: • Secondary educat on requ red • 3 5 years exper ence required Own tools: • tools, stee toed safety boots, hard hat, safety glasses/ gogg es, g oves • Own Transportat on, w ll ng to trave Fast paced environment, tight deadl nes, hand ng heavy loads, phys ca ly demand ng, attent on to deta l, bend ng crouching, kneel ng, manual dexterity and overtime pa d To apply please send your resume at: memreinforcement@gmail com trades HeLP MARKETPLACE WaNted WANTED Danish and Brazilian Modern Furniture We pay top dollar for teak and rosewood furniture from the 1950s 1970s All types and conditions Single items or entire estates Call today! 250 886 7335 Danishmodernfurniture @gmail com CASH for your CLUTTER I will pay CASH for your UNWANTED ITEMS! 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SUDOKU PUZZLE ANSWERS ON SEPARATE PAGE ACROSS DOWN 1 Crops sown in winter in India 5 Nursemaids in EastAsia 10 Investigates 12 Treated like a child 14 About religious belief 16 Widely used exclamation 18 Car mechanics group 19 Not good 20 Indigenous people of Alberta 22 Everyone has one 23 Fencing sword 25 Soaks 26 The human foot 27 Of she 28 Erythrocyte (abbr) 30 Soldiers 31 Energy, style and enthusiasm 33 Playwright O’Neill 35 Stone parsley 37 Small stones 38 Gas descriptor 40 Monetary unit of Samoa 41 Jeans manufacturer 42 NHLgreat Bobby 44 Cool! 45 Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! 48 Winged 50 Partner to “oohed” 52 Defensive nuclear weapon 53 Coated 55 Furry household friend 56 Chinese principle underlying the universe 57 Prefix meaning “within” 58 Makes easier 63 Transferred property 65 Branched 66 Hillsides 67 Abba , Israeli diplomat 1 Eggs in a female fish 2 Military mailbox 3 Unit to compare power levels 4 Line on a map connecting similar points 5 One who accepts 6 Partner to cheese 7 Ancient Greek sophist 8 About hilus 9 Southeast 10 Where actors ply their trade 11 Beloved Philly sandwich 13 Intend 15 Talk excessively 17 Bronx cheers 18 Drain 21 Renews 23 Monetary unit inAsia 24 Relative biological effectiveness (abbr) 27 Carthaginian statesman 29 Aged 32 Mauna , Hawaiian volcano 34 Firearm 35 Consolation 36 An island in the north Atlantic 39 Pitching statistic 40 Disconsolate 43 Apart of a river where the current is very fast 44 Call it a career 46 Behave in a way that degrades someone 47 Health insurance 49 Recommend 51 Baltic peninsula 54 Father 59 After B 60 Bar bill 61 Doctors’group 62 2,000 lbs 64 Equal to one quintillion bytes3 33 Find the professionals you need to create To advertise, contact Dawn 604-362-0586
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