New Westminster Record October 6 2022

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CITY 3 Election 2022:School board race EVENTS 19 NEWS 5 Carving up NewWestminster LOCAL NEWS LOCAL MATTERSTHURSDAY OCT 6, 2022 There’s more online at Your guide to weekend fun Ken Armstr See Page TK Mayor Ken Armstrong See Page 10 for Mayor Autho ized by Dar en M ne F nanc a Agen for New Wes P ogress ves 604 256 2910 JOIN IN the conversation at

Crisis teamset tostart

A new approach to crisis care will soon be getting underway in New Westminster

Jonny Morris, CEO of the Ca nadian Mental Health Association, said the launch of the Peer Assisted CareTeam (PACT) pilot project is “imminent” in NewWest

PACT pairs a mental health pro fessional with a trained peer crisis responder The teams will respond to mental health crisis calls rather than having police involved

At Monday’s meeting, city coun cil approved a staff recommenda tion to support the selection of the Lower Mainland Purpose Society as the operator of a one year PACT pilot project in NewWest.

Morris said the CMHA, the city and the province have achieved a lot in a short amount of time

“We’re here to share that we ac tually have a team that will be launching very quickly here in the community,” he said

Morris could not give a specific start date but said it would be im minent. In the coming weeks, he said, training, outreach and support would get underway with the Pur pose Society.

CITY 3 Election 2022:School board race EVENTS 19 NEWS 5 Carving up NewWestminster LOCAL NEWS LOCAL MATTERSTHURSDAY OCT 6, 2022 There’s more online at Your guide to weekend fun ENDOFANERA: Demolition work began Monday on the Canada Games Pool The storied facility, built in 1972 for the 1973 Canada Summer Games, was a swimming and fitness centre for New Westminster families for decades before its career came to an earlier than anticipated end in September 2021 when a leak was discovered in the main pool tank. Construction of the new təməsewtxw Aquatic and Community Centre is progressing right next door. The new 10,000 square metre facility is expected to open in late 2023 PHOTO JULIEMACLELLAN MENTAL HEALTH
GAMES POOL COMES DOWN Continued on page 18
Armstr K st Ken Armstrong See Page 10 for Mayor Autho ized by Dar en M ne F nanc a Agen for New Wes P ogress ves 604 256 2910 Of e ends Octobe 31 2022 October Special! 40% OFF CELLULAR SHADES TRI CITIES: 604 944 3375 budgetblinds com 778.838.7069 | P E R S O N A L R E A L E S T A T E C O R P O R A T I O N Call me for a complimentary home evaluation.
2 THURSDAY October 6 2022 • New West Record PRODUCE GROCERY MEAT & SEAFOOD BAKERY DELI LANGLEY FARM LMARKET ANGLEY FARM MARKET Your Choice. Our Honour. Our Effort. Our Award. GIFT CARDS AVAILABLE IN STORE VALID THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6–SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2022 • WHILE QUANTITIES LAST For freshness and quality you can count on! LFM LANGLEY FARM MARKET For fresh and quality foods 7815 KINGSWAY, BURNABY 604.521.2883 STORE HOURS: MONDAY TO SUNDAY 8:30AM TO 9:00PM • HOLIDAYS: 9:00AM TO 6:00PM This sale is only for the Kingsway location $649 lb. $399 ea $699 lb. $699 lb. CHICKEN THIGHS BONELESS & SKINLESS $15.38/kg OUTSIDE ROUND ROAST AA Beef / $14.28/kg BABY YELLOW CROAKER FILLETS Frozen / 454g AA-1 NEW ZEALAND GREENSHELL MUSSEL 1/2 shell / Frozen / 454g CLAM MEAT COOKED 100/200 / Frozen / 300g $315 ea $389 ea. $439 ea. $315 ea. HOT CROSS BUNS 400g CARROT LOAF 450g OATMEAL RAISIN COOKIES 280g CLASSIC PANDESAL 12 pcs/bag ROMAN MOZZARELLA $209 /100g OUTSIDE ROUND STEAK AA Beef / $15.38/kg $189 /100g HOLIDAY HAM 2 for $13 2 for $10 $759 ea. $429 ea. $169 ea. $569 ea SAN REMO RIPE BLACK OLIVES Pitted & sliced / 398ml CASTELLO CAMEMBERT BRIE CHEESE 125g FREYBE COCKTAIL WIENERS 375g LOCAL LOOSE BEETS Product of B.C. $1.74/kg OKANAGAN PRUNE PLUMS Product of B.C. $2.18/kg LOCAL HONEY CRISP APPLES Product of B.C. $2.18/ roduct of B.C. 99¢ lb. roduct B.C 99¢ lb. $199 lb. GREEN SEEDLESS GRAPES Product of U.S.A $ BARTLETT PEARS Product of U.S.A. $2.18/kg 99¢ lb. $499 ea. LOCAL RUSSET POTATOES Product of B.C. 10 lb. bag $299 ea. MIXED COLOR PEPPERS Product of B.C. 2 lb. bag BOILER ONIONS Product of U.S.A. 3 lb. bag $199 ea. $269 ea. LOCAL CARROTS Product of B.C. 3 lb. bag LOCAL BRUSSELS SPROUTS Product of B.C. $4.14/kg $188 lb. BROCCOLI CROWNS Product of U.S.A./B.C. $4.14/kg $188 lb. 79¢ lb. YELLOW TURNIPS Product of B.C. $1.95/kg 89¢ lb. $249 ea. BALOCCO HAZELNUT WAFER 250g EAT WHOLESOME ORGANIC BALSAMIC VINEGAR OF MODENA 500ml $399 ea. EAT WHOLESOME ORGANIC KETCHUP 500g $439 ea. EAT WHOLESOME ORGANIC SAUERKRAUT & CARROT 909ml $299 ea. EAT WHOLESOME ORGANIC COCONUT MILK Regular/Light / 400ml $239 ea. EAT WHOLESOME ORGANIC WHOLE KERNEL CORN 341ml KIKKOMAN SOY SAUCE Low sodium / 296ml $319 ea. MARCA BRAND LA SAN MARZANO TOMATOES 796ml $269 ea. JAFFA CAKES Classic / 150g $179 ea. $269 ea. FARMER’S MARKET ORGANIC WHOLE CRANBERRY SAUCE 426ml $339 ea. HAMLET CHOCOLATE CRISPY THINS Assorted / 125g $279 ea. HARDBITE KETTLE CHIPS Assorted / 150g ZDRAVO BEET ROOT & APPLE JUICE 750ml $349 ea. SANTA CRUZ ORGANIC APPLE JUICE 2.84L $1099 ea. MITCHELL’S SOUP Assorted / 284-400g $799 ea.

in the community

Ken Armstrong for Mayor

Living in Queensborough, I know City Hall needs to listen better

Trustee hopefuls weigh in on school space crunch

Rapid population growth plus lack of land equals overcrowded schools

It’s an equation the NewWestminster school board is all too familiar with, as School District 40 grapples with the problem of how to fit all the city’s kids into their neighbour hood schools.

The challenge is partic ularly acute in the city’s core, where two elemen tary schools are strained past capacity: École Qayqayt Elementary School, downtown, and Lord Kelvin Elementary School, near Moody Park

The space shortage is so acute at Qayqayt, in fact, that the district is eyeing the possibility of a lottery system for kindergarten students in future years

Solving that problem will mean adding an other elementary school something the district is trying to do


Each year, school dis tricts submit capital plan ning requests to the B C Ministry of Education outlining their needs for new land and buildings For 2022/23, SD40 asked for $222 6 million, with $105 7 million of that des ignated for new schools.

Its top priority was a new elementary school for kindergarten to Grade 5 students in the Fraser River zone (the central to western part of the city), at a cost of $47 6 million Also on the list was $58.1 million to build a sec ond middle school in the Fraser River zone

It didn’t get funding for either. In fact, it didn’t get any funding for major cap ital projects

The provincial govern

ment has acknowledged the need for a new ele mentary school in New West, with the Minis try of Education support ing a concept plan for the new Fraser River elemen tary school. (See story on page 15 )

But completion of that new school is at least five years down the road

So what should the new school board do?

Candidates running for the seven trustee spots in the Oct 15 munici pal shared their thoughts in recent questionnaires sent out by the Record, with three main themes running through their an swers:


For current board chair Gurveen Dhaliwal, who’s running with Commu nity First NewWest, ad dressing the space crunch means continuing the work the current board has already started.

“As board chair for the last two years, I’ve been working with the Minis

Want to know more?

The nine New Westminster school board candidates shared their thoughts with the Record on a range of issues, including health and safety, school funding and what their priorities are for the new term You can find those questionnaires at www civic election information.

ter of Education and the city to advocate and prob lem solve issues related to our capital plans,” she said. “Advocacy and clear communication to the Ministry of Education is also important to ensure our plans are fully funded within the necessary time frames ”

Teo Dobre, a newcomer to the political scene who’s running with the NewWest Progressives, said the current fund ing model for new schools doesn’t take into account the “monumental growth” in population that’s being experienced by NewWest minster

“The next board will need to find better ways to advocate with the province for a new and improved funding model, one that

focuses on anticipating and readily meeting pro jected growth rather than relying on what current needs are,” he said Danielle Connelly agreed.

“The current formula only provides funding for current need, which of ten means new schools are seeing the need for porta bles shortly after opening their doors This is an out dated practice and an un economical formula,” said the incumbent trustee, who’s running with the NewWest Progressives


Connelly said there needs to be more collabo ration with the city to find

space to build new schools and expedite the building process.

Working more closely with the city is an idea that also found favour with Cheryl Sluis, a newcomer running with Community First NewWest

She said the board needs to identify oppor tunities and acquire land through partnerships with the city especially given the fact that NewWest minster is one of the fast est growing municipalities in the Lower Mainland

Elliott Slinn, a new comer running with Com munity First NewWest, also stressed the need for “strong coordination” with the city.


Marc Andres, another newcomer running with Community First, sug gested another part of the puzzle is to look at new ways to design schools.

“Because of our city’s small size, land is at a pre mium,” he pointed out. “I

am committed to explor ing designs that are more suitable for high density, urban environments.”

Dhaliwal agreed, sug gesting it’s time for “a re imagining of how we use and build schools to allow for the transition to an ur ban environment ”

Kathleen Carlsen, a newcomer running with the NewWest Progres sives, said the new board will need to work with the city to look at bylaws that would increase the allow able building height for fu ture schools.


Maya Russell, an in cumbent running with Community First, em phasized the positive: that more than half of stu dents in the district are now studying in new schools. (École Qayqayt Elementary opened in 2014, Fraser River Mid dle School in 2016, New Westminster Second ary School in 2021 and Skwo:wech Elementary School in 2022 )

Plus, a 12 classroom ex pansion is underway at Queen Elizabeth Elemen tary School

But Russell agreed the issue of school space needs to remain top of mind

“Keeping up with this planning and advocating for the schools we need must remain the board’s main focus, so that great schools are open for the students living here five, 10 and 20 years ahead,” she said

Note:The above story in cludes only highlights from comments provided in candi date questionnaires For full answers, see the candidates’ Q&As linked on our 2022 Civic Election page: www newwestrecord ca/2022 civic election information

New West Record • THURSDAY October 6 2022 3
INTHERACE: Top, from left: Marc Andres, Dee Beattie, Kathleen Carlsen, Danielle Connelly, Gurveen Dhaliwal; (bottom, from left) Teo Dobre, Maya Russell, Elliott Slinn and Cheryl Sluis are the nine candidates vying for seven spots on the School District 40 board in the Oct 15 local election PHOTOS CON TRIBUTED (VOTING GRAPHIC BY MSTAHLPHOTO/E+/GETTY IMAGES)
See Page 10Author zed by Darren M ne Financ a Agent for New West Progress ves 604 256 2910
to all our neighbourhoods!





Folio Civic

Statutory Estimate of taxes

Proposed Exemption Authority 2023 2024 2025

01051000 811 Royal Ave Kinsight Community Society 224(2)(a) 98,300 102,200 106,300

03466000 318 Keary St Sapperton Old Age Pensions Association 224(2)(a) 13,200 13,700 14,200

01613501 236 Ross Dr Kolumbia Inn Daycare Soceity 224(2)(a) 5,200 5,400 5,600

00111100 788 Quayside Dr The Fraser River Discovery Centre 224(2)(a) 38,400 39,900 41,500

01441001 509 St George St Honour House Society 224(2)(a) 17,100 17,800 18,500

05873100 portion of Queen's Park Air Cadets Training 513 Hornet 224(2)(b) 8,700 9,000 9,400

Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron

09206100 portion of Moody Park New Westminster Lawn Bowling Club 224(2)(b) 27,000 28,100 29,200

00853100 portion of Tipperary Park New Westminter Tennis Club 224(2)(b) 12,400 12,900 13,400

05873150 portion of Queen's Park Vagabond Players 224(2)(b) 5,300 5,500 5,700

09206101 portion of Moody Park New Westminster Amateur Radio Club 224(2)(b) 1,900 2,000 2,100

05873103 portion of Queen's Park Arts Council of New Westminster 224(2)(b) 5,400 5,600 5,800

05873102 portion of Queen's Park Queens Park Preschool Society 224(2)(b) 2,400 2,500 2,600

05090000 Tenth Ave East GVRD water reservoir tennis courts 224(2)(b) 9,600 10,000 10,400

04317000 portion of Queen's Park Royal City Curling Club 224(2)(b) 35,700 37,100 38,600

07811000 1932 Eighth Ave St Gheorghe Romanian Orthodox Church 224(2)(g) 6,400 6,700 7,000

11831000 601 Eighth Ave Royal City Christian Centre 224(2)(g) 25,700 26,700 27,800

06417000 815 Kennedy St Free Methodist Church Sr 224(2)(k) 13,900 14,500 15,100 Citizens Home Society

11111000 25 Clute St New Westminster Sr Citizens Housing Society 224(2)(k) 23,500 24,400 25,400

15474000 2222 Edinburght St Connaught Heights Pentecostal Villa Society 224(2)(k) 11,100 11,500 12,000

Section 224 of the Community Charter does not require notice of exemptions provided under section 224(2)(f) [buildings for public worship] and section 224(2)(h)[seniors' homes, hospitals or private schools].

For information about the proposed bylaw, please call 604-527 4606


Take part in the bi-annual tree sale and help us reach the City goal of a

canopy coverage within New Westminster by 2030! New this fall, tree sales will be held online An account will be required and it’s recommended to set one up in advance Limit of two trees per household, $10 00 per tree See the available species and find account setup information at newwestcity ca/treesale



Monday, Oct. 10 No Council Meeting


The extended season opening for both Moody Park and Hume Park outdoor pools will come to a close after this weekend. The fall aquatics schedule goes until Oct 10 View it here:


Parks and Recreation program and facility hours may change Oct 8 10 Check before you visit a facility Learn more: newwestcity ca/rec


Do you represent a community group or minor sports organization primarily serving New Westminster residents? You may be eligible for a free listing in the new Community Page section of the Active Living Guide Submissions for the Winter issue are open until Oct 15

The wet weather will be back soon Help reduce the risk of localized flooding by adopting a catch basin in your neighbourhood. Your job is easy; throughout the year, you’ll clear the catch basin and surrounding area of any leaves, debris, litter, and snow that might prevent it from properly draining rainwater As a catch basin caretaker, you’ll also get to name the basin, which will show up on the catch basin map Learn more and get started at catch-basin

Have you picked up the Fall Drop-in Schedules brochures from one of our facilities yet? Find skating, fitness, gymnastics, and many more programs to fit your schedule The brochure is available in print and online at newwestcity ca/brochures

4 THURSDAY October 6 2022 • New West Record
227 of the Community Charter requires Council to provide Public Notice of Proposed Bylaw 8366, 2022 being a bylaw to grant a permissive property tax exemption to the following properties for the 2023 property taxation year
Continued on page 7


Electoral boundary redraw could carve up New West

NewWestminster could be carved up into five rid ings if proposals from the BC Electoral Boundaries Commission proceed

Under the proposals being put forward, New Westminster residents would be voting in five provincial ridings: Burn aby East, Burnaby New Westminster, Burnaby South, NewWestminster Maillardville and Rich mond Queensborough

“The population of the current electoral district of NewWestminster is large and growing quickly,” said the commission’s Oct. 3 preliminary report “To address this, we propose moving some of its more residential areas into ad jacent electoral districts in


The commission has published its preliminary report with recommen dations for changing Brit ish Columbia’s provincial electoral districts for the next two provincial gen eral elections

In addition to creating six new ridings, the com mission is recommending adjustments to the bound aries of 71 electoral dis tricts based on geographic, demographic, communi cation and transportation considerations.

NewWestminster res idents are currently part of two provincial rid ings NewWestminster (which includes all of the city’s mainland) and Rich mond Queensborough (which includes Queens borough)

The commission’s re

port noted that “New Westminster’s population is too large for a single rid ing but too small for two electoral districts ”

In the Burnaby, New West andTri Cities area, the commission is propos ing to add an electoral dis trict, make boundary ad justments and change the names of six ridings

According to the report, people expressed different opinions about whether Queensborough, which was moved into Rich mond Delta in the last electoral boundary adjust ment, should remain in a Richmond riding or return to NewWestminster.The commission is proposing to keep it in a Richmond riding.

“We heard that Queens borough has ties to both NewWestminster and

Richmond.We did not hear Queensborough res idents express concern about the effectiveness of their representation,” said the report

The rest of NewWest, however, would be divvied up among four ridings:


This riding would in clude the Kelvin and Glenbrooke neighbour hoods of NewWestmin ster and the adjacent East burn, Middlegate and Edmonds neighbourhoods of Burnaby The proposed boundaries of this riding are Imperial Street in the north, Griffiths Drive in the west, Sixth Avenue in the south and the line of McBride Boulevard and Newcombe Street in the east


For this electoral dis trict now situated in the northeast corner of Burn aby, in an area bounded by Kensington Avenue, North Road and the Bur rard Inlet, the commis sion proposes boundary adjustments to remove the neighbourhood of Eastburn and to add the part of NewWestmin ster bounded by McBride Boulevard, East Eighth Avenue and Cumberland Street


This riding would in clude the Metrotown, Suncrest and South Slope neighbourhoods of Burn aby and NewWestmins ter’s Connaught Heights


The proposed rid ing boundaries include “downtown” NewWest minster (south of Sixth Avenue) and the neigh bourhoods of Queen’s Park, Sapperton and Bru nette Creek, as well as Maillardville in Coquit lam This riding now ex tends as far north and east as Austin Avenue and Schoolhouse Street


Having released its rec ommendations in its pre liminary report, the com mission will now begin a final round of public con sultations

In NewWest, a pub lic meeting is scheduled forWednesday, Nov 2, at 9:30 a.m. at the Inn at the Quay If you plan on pre senting at the meeting, RSVP to info@bcebc ca

New West Record • THURSDAY October 6 2022 5
B.C.commission suggests splitting NewWestminster,with neighbourhoods in five separate ridings October 15 VOTE
Nadine NAKAGAWA Bereket KEBEDE Tasha HENDERSON FOR CITY COUNCIL Ruby CAMPBELL Jaimie MCEVOY Chinu DAS PATRICK JOHNSTONE for mayor Authorized by Financial Agent Jason Campbell contact@communityfirstnw ca Inspired, caring leadership getting results for New Westminster

Letter: Time to get tough on crime

“We can not allow this rot to continue. I don’t care which party you vote for just so long as your leader is pragmatic My GF is too afraid to go out at any time of day. She’s fearful at night when she has to take the SkyTrain home ”

“There are none so blind as the righteous. Gotta love those ‘law abiding citizens’ demanding ‘iron clad laws’ to ‘lock the thugs up ’ So what do we do with them once released after all that time learning to be better criminals?”

BC United


or maybe not: How the BC Liberals’ rebrand is a risky one

For a political party that won four of the last seven B.C. elections (and which won the most votes in two others) chang ing the party name seems like an odd move.

But that is exactly what the BC Liberals are planning to do if enough party members support changing the name to “BC United” later this fall

The announcement of the proposed new name was quickly greeted by many with jokes about the new title being more associated with soccer than politics (e g it will be the only soccer team without a left winger!) but the BC Liberal leadership ev idently thinks it’s a name that will catch on over time It seems clear the po tential name change is

being spurred in part by what could be the inevita ble growth in the political fortunes of the provincial Conservative Party and the growing problems associated with the federal Liberal Party of Canada’s time in govern ment

The word “liberal” seems to rankle some party members, who fear hav ing the word as part of the party name is a turn off for right of centre voters

Indeed, it can be argued that in the last provincial election, Conservative Party candidates received enough votes in ridings in Abbotsford, Langley, Chilliwack and Vernon to allow NDP candidates to post narrow victories in places their party had never

won before.

The Conservative Party also finished a strong second to the BC Liberals in both Peace River ridings and their candidate in one of the Kamloops ridings helped make it a very close race between the victorious BC Liberals and the NDP

The two recent byelec tions also showed noticeable support for the Conservative Party, or at least in the riding of Surrey South, where it re ceived almost 13 per cent of the vote

Clearly, the BC Liberals have to be nervous about the potential growth of the Conservative Party brand in subsequent elections Hence the proposed “neutral” name change, to something that might reach out to voters

who may be getting tired of the Liberal “brand.”

Of course, changing the name is not without poten tial risk.

Some BC Liberal officials argue the current name is confusing for voters because it has nothing to do with the federal Liberal Party

But if “BC United” is not put in front of the voters for a lengthy period of time to get longtime BC Liberal sup porters used to the idea of a new name, voter confusion could be even higher

So even if party members endorse the name this fall, it is far from clear which name will be on the actual ballot come the next provincial election

Keith Baldrey is chief po litical reporter for Global BC

Have you decided who you’ll vote for in the Oct. 15 municipal election?

ThisWeek ▼

Is the rising cost of groceries causing financial challenges for your household?

6 THURSDAY October 6 2022 • New West Record
YES NO 33% 67% THE New Westminster Record IS A MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL NEWSMEDIA COUNCIL, WHICH IS AN INDEPENDENT ORGANIZATION ESTABLISHED TO DEAL WITH ACCEPTABLE JOURNALISTIC PRACTICES AND ETHICAL BEHAVIOUR. IF YOU HAVE CONCERNS ABOUT EDITORIAL CONTENT PLEASE CONTACT MARK FALKENBERG AT MWFALKENBERG@ NEWWESTRECORD.CA. IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED WITH THE RESPONSE AND WISH TO FILE A FORMAL COMPLAINT VISIT THE WEB SITE AT MEDIACOUNCIL.CA OR CALL TOLL-FREE 1-844-877-1163 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. Vote in the online poll at newwestrecord.caFor editorials, columns and more, visit: CONTACT US 201A 3430 Brighton Avenue, Burnaby, V5A 3H4 | General Inquiries: 604 444 3451 | newwestrecord ca The New Westminster Record is a division of LMP Publication Limited Partnership published at 201A 3430 Brightton Avenue, Burnaby BC V5A 3H4 FundedbytheGovernmentofCanada 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Lara Graham REGIONAL PUBLISHER
Falkenberg EDITOR
Magnison REGIONAL SALES DIRECTOR FOR ALL CIRCULATION INQUIRIES PLEASE CONTACT: CIRCULATION MANAGER 604-398-3481 The Record is the winner of the 2019 Ma Murray General Excellence Award in its circulation category The Record won the same award in 2018 and 2015, and is the recipient of multiple blue ribbons for excellence from the Canadian Community Newspapers Association


Fighting climate change starts at the ballot box

Editor: “Cities are where the climate battle will largely be won or lost” This advice from UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres is par ticularly important as New Westminster heads into municipal elections. In the past few years, we have seen the pressure on cities increase as they learn to cope with extreme weather events The physical and social infrastruc tures of our communities will be tested more frequently and with more intensity if further changes to our climate are not prevented, ulti mately placing the health of all citizens at risk

Nurses have a notable history of advocat ing for human health, and we have become increasingly concerned about the looming climate crisis Deaths from extreme heat events, worsening of asthma and other lung conditions from wildfires, and the expansion of diseases such as Lyme disease are realities of our time All Canadians are affected by climate change; however, certain populations are at a higher risk, including those living in poverty, the young and the elderly, and peo ple with chronic illnesses Future generations will suffer the most

The most significant driver of climate change is human caused greenhouse gas

(GHG) emissions, from the extraction and burning of fossil fuels. How we live, work and travel all contribute to collective GHG levels Municipalities and regional districts in Canada can influence approximately 50 per cent of our national GHG emissions through decisions on land use, transportation and infrastructure. Significant reductions in GHG emissions in cities would limit the warming effects of air pollution, improve air quality and mitigate the overall impacts of climate change.

Municipalities are on the front lines of climate change, and our communities and local leaders need to be prepared to rise to the challenge. Unfortunately, the provincial av erage for the last municipal election was just 34 per cent; in New Westminster, only 27 per cent of voters turned out This Oct 15, citizens can take meaningful climate change action by voting for candidates who understand the integral role municipalities have in addressing climate change

We must be clear: Climate change is a human health and social justice issue with significant implications for municipalities and local communities Each election could mark a historical turning point for our community; consider asking candidates which side of history they will stand on Agnes Black, RN, Member of the Canadian Association of Nurses for the Environment


Glenbrook Fire Hall,


This is an exciting opportunity for the residents of New Westminster to join New Westminster Fire and Rescue Services for an interactive, behind the scenes look at the services we provide for the community and the agencies

New West Record • THURSDAY October 6 2022 7
EDITOR We edit for taste, legality and length Please include a contact phone number Send letters to: The Editor, #201A 3430 Brighton Ave , Burnaby, B C , V5A 3H4, email to: editorial@newwestrecord ca (no attachments please) or fax to: 604 439 2694 Letters to the editor and columns may be reproduced on the New West Record website, www newwestrecord ca
and other Provincia
WCB Networks VAC MSDPR and FNHA/NIHB accepted Reg stered under the Col ege of Speech and Hear ng Health Professionals of BC
Sixth Ave Saturday, October 15, 2022 | 10:00 am 2:00 pm
that we work side by side with, as well as gain more information on home safety. The event includes live demonstrations, equipment displays, fire and community safety booths, Sparky the Fire Dog, and the New West Firefighters' Charitable BBQ by donation (all proceeds to New Westminster Firefighters’ Charitable Society) Admission is free! Please walk, bike, or transit, as there is no parking available on site Call 604 519 1000 or email fire@newwestcityca for more information
OPEN HOUSE Bring your knowledge and perspective to the Library Board and help us implement strategic priorities, develop policies, and advocate for library services! If you have the following experience and skills, we want you: • Experience providing financial governance • Ability to collaborate with a wide range of people • Passionate about your community and social inclusion • Professional with experience that will enhance the Library Board Learn more about the Library Board by attending a virtual information session on Oct 19 at 6:00 pm Email committees@newwestcityca to register We encourage applications that reflect the diversity of our community Board terms run Jan 1 to Dec 31 The application deadline for the 2023 term is Monday, Oct 31, 2022 at 5:00 pm Apply online at JOIN THE LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES SUBSCRIBE TO CITYPAGE: THE LATEST NEWS AND EVENTS IN OUR CITY CITYPAGE




8 THURSDAY October 6 2022 • New West Record
New Westminster
Recognizing the increasing risks of extreme weather events I am committed to the ongoing development of climate change strategy and Using revenue from our $26 million sale of carbon credits for: ▪ Upgrading our electric charging infrastructure, ▪ Assisting strata properties in electrical upgrades, ▪ Completing our District Energy Plant. ▪ Planting thousands of trees while protecting our urban heritage forests.
VOTE October 15
New West Record • THURSDAY October 6 2022 9 For the month of October, we’ll donate $1 from every sale to a school in your neighbourhood! Buy a Pumpkin, Help Local Schools! While quantities last Not all items available at all stores We reserve the right to correct printing errors Product may not appear exactly as depicted Buy One Get One Deals Not Available Online Kitsilano 604 736 0009 | Cambie 604 875 0099 | Kerrisdale 604 263 4600 | Yaletown 604-633-2392 Commercial Drive 604 678 9665 | Burnaby Crest 604 522 0936 | Abbotsford 604 744-3567 Kelowna 250 862 4864 | North Vancouver 604 770 2868 | South Surrey 604 541 3902 Scan To View All Our Specials This Week 100% BC OWNED AND OPERATED HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Prices Effective October 6 October 12, 2022 Whole Free Range Turkeys Raised Without Antibiotics 499/lb 11.00/kg While Quantities Last LOCAL Similkameen Valley from Thanksgiving Meal From Our Deli Department Specialty StuffedTurkey Breast Turkey Gravy Cranberry Stuffing Delicious Side CDishes ranberry Sauce 549/100g 699 500ml 199 /100g 169-269 /100g 499 250g 999 710ml Savör Grass Fed Butter 250g 2/ 600 348ml 398ml Choices’ Own Famous Thanksgiving Baked Goods! 8" Pumpkin Pie 999 Gluten-Free 8" Pumpkin Pie 999 8" Pecan Walnut Pie 1099 Gluten-Free Stuffing Mix 1099 240g LOCAL 2/ 700 227g pkgCanadian grown 198 /lb Brussels Sprouts 4.37/kg Organic Cranberries Organic Winter Squash 4.37/kg LOCAL 198 /lb BUY1 for 7.99 GET 1 FREE Earth’s Choice Organic Cranberry Sauce & Canned Pumpkin each FEuropeanCell loralBouquets
10 THURSDAY October 6 2022 • New West Record School Trustee Candidates Authorized by Darren Milne, Financial Agent for New West Progressives 604 256 2910 #ChooseProgress
Budhwani LLB, MES
Rick Folka
Daniel Fontaine Jiayi Li-McCarthy Paul Minhas Kathleen Carlsen Danielle Connelly Teo Dobre



New West Record • THURSDAY October 6 2022 11
Private walk up front doors open to a pedestrian friendly street or courtyard. You’re next door to Four Winds Brewing's new restaurant and craft brewery. Just down the block from Prado Cafe and their great espresso, across the street from the farmers’ market and a range of village shops Set amongst over 400 acres of farm fields and natural parkland. All a short walk from a beautiful sandy beach. Quintessentially Southlands Renderings are artistic renditions only Layouts, materials, specifications, features, project design and pricing are for illustration only and subject to change without notice. This is not an offering for sale. Any such offering can only be made with a disclosure statement. Errors and Omissions Excepted (E.&O.E.) | 604.636.2220 DISCOVERY CENTRE OPEN DAILY 11AM 4PM | 6388 MARKET AVE, TSAWWASSEN 1 BEDS FROM $640K · 2 BEDS FROM $950K · 3 BEDS FROM $1.18M A LIMITED RELEASE OF 17 DESIGN FORWARD FLATS & TOWNHOMES IN VIBRANT MARKET DISTRICT A BEACH COMMUNITY ROOTED IN FARMING AND FOOD 3RD AVE MARKETAVE B O U N D A R Y B A Y R D NOW SELLING
12 THURSDAY October 6 2022 • New West Record 2016 CHEVROLET TRAVERSE LS FWD 2018 KIA SORENTO LX AWD 2022 G DENALI 2020 GMC SIERRA DENALI 1500 2018 HONDA CR-V 2EX-L 021 JEEP GLADIATOR OVERLAND 2017 GMC ACADIA DENALI • Power Group • Keyless Entry • Backup Camera • Touch Screen Audio System #C2 64791 • NAV • Camera • Power Boards • Wireless Phone Charging • Moonroof #P9 66930 • Low Kilomete • No Accident • Full Load #82 73461 • Hardtop • 8 4" Touch Screen • Spray Liner • Tonneau Cover #P9 66391 • Full Load • Only 16,000Km #72 48351 CARS AVAILABLE AT TIME OF PRINTING. NOT EXACTLY AS ILLUSTRATED. ALL PRICES ARE PLUS TAXES AND $495 DOCUMENTATION FEE. SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS. DEALER REGISTRATION NO D5505 • Sunroof • Heated & Cooled Seats • Navigation • Power Assist Steps & More #P9 66700 • 1 5L • Automatic, Power Group • Leather • Sunroof • Rear Camera • Remote Start & More #H8 87212 IA I rs 2020 FORD EXPEDITION LIMITED 2018 TOYOTA HIGHLANDER XLE • 3 5L V6 • 8 Speed Auto • Leather Sunroof • Navigation • Power Group & More #Y2 41021 4550 LOUGHEED HWY, BURNABY WWW.CARTERGM.COM 604.229.4066 FAMILY OWNED SINCE 1963 CHEVROLET • GMC • BUICK CARTER October Specials WePayTopDollarForQualityUsedVehicles, 0.99%financingonselectGM’s • 2 4L • Bluetooth • Heated Seats • Backup Camera #E2 57342 CARTER PRICED $25,500 CARTER PRICED $40,500 CARTER PRICED $62,900 CARTER PRICED $23,500 CARTER PRICED $57,500 CARTER PRICED $69,500 CARTER PRICED $59,900 CARTER PRICED $41,500 CARTER PRICED $33,900
New West Record • THURSDAY October 6 2022 13 4550 LOUGHEED HWY, BURNABY WWW.CARTERGM.COM 604.229.4066 FAMILY OWNED SINCE 1963 CHEVROLET • GMC • BUICK #D5505 ELIGIBLE COSTCO MEMBERS WHO TAKE DELIVERY OF A NEW 2022MY OR 2023 MY OF ELIGIBLE VEHICLES BETWEEN SEPT 12022-NOVEMBER30 2022,WILL RECIEVE A $750. INCENTIVE ,TAX INCLUSIVE. COSTCO MEMBERS MUST COMPLETE THE REISTRATION FORM ON LINE AND OBTAIN A UNIQUE AUTHORIZATION NUMBER. CARS AVAILABLE AT TIME OF PRINTING. NOT EXACTLY AS ILLUSTRATED. ALL PRICES ARE PLUS TAXES, LEVIES AND $495 DOCUMENTATION FEE. SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS. FINANCING ON APPROVED CREDIT STK #N2-76130 5.49% @ 84 MTHS TP $112,093; STK #E2-87570 3.99% @ 84 MTH TP $74,894; STK #E2-51980 4.99% @ 84 MTHS TP $40851.72; STK #N2-70300 3.99% @ 84 MTH TP $118,201; STK #Z2-30590 4.49% @ 84 MTH TP $67,325.STK #N2-03060 3.49% @ 84 MTHS TP $94,661.84; STK #82-41410 5.49% @ 84 MTHS TP $98,265; STK #82-51090 3.49% @ 84 MTHS TP $196; STK #N3-93670 5.49% @84 MTHS TP $131,760. ORDER YOURS TODAY INTO FALL DRIVE MEMBER ONLY BONUS 2022 CHEV TAHOE LTZ 4WD • 10 Speed Automatic • Power Sliding Sunroof • 22” Polished Alum Wheels • 6 2L Ecotec 3 V8 • Power Assist Steps #N2 76130 MSRP PRICE $93,003 $307/WEEKLYOR 2022 BUICK ENCLAVE AWD AVENIR • 9 Speed CXL • Sunroof • Convenience Pkg • Wireless Charging #E2 87570 MSRP PRICE $65,188 $206/WEEKLYOR 2022 BUICK ENCORE GX ESSENCE AWD • 1 3L • Transmission 9 Speed • Ecotec 1 3 Turbo #E2 51980 MSRP PRICE $34,443 $112/WEEKLYOR • Duramax Diesel • Power Steps • Full Load • Power Sunroof #N2 70300 MSRP PRICE $101,163 $324/WEEKLYOR 2022 CHEV BLAZER AWD RS MSRP PRICE $57,728 $185/WEEKLYOR 3 8 • 10 Speed Automatic • Multiflex Tailgate • Adaptive Ride Control • 22” PNTD Alum Wheels/CH • Power Retractable Assist • Power Sliding Glass Sunroof • Tri Fold Hard Tonneau #N2 03060 MSRP PRICE $83,938 $260/WEEKLYOR 2022 GMC YUKON XL SLT 4X4 MSRP PRICE $81,528 $269/WEEKLYOR 2022 GMC SIERRA 1500 SLE 4WD • 10 Speed Auto • 5 3L Ecotec V8 • Spray On Bedliner • Skid Plate Package #82 51090 MSRP PRICE $62,263 $196/WEEKLYOR Dually D esel 10 Speed • High Country Spray On Liner • Forward Collison Alert • Surround Vision Camera • Gooseneck/5th Wheel Pkg #N3 93670 MSRP PRICE $107,773 $362/WEEKLYOR • 9 Speed Auto • 3 6L Power Sliding Sunroof • Remote Vehicle Start • RS Plus Pkg #Z2 30590 • u lly sel 2023 CHEV SILVERADO CRW CAB LTZ • 5 3L V8 2022 CHEV SILVERADO 1500 HIGH COUNTRY • 5 3L V8 • 10 Speed Auto • Dual Pane Power Sunroof • SLT Premium Package #82 43410 2022 SILVERADO 3500 4WD HIGH COUNTRY LIMITED-TIME SAVINGS CARS COST LESS AT CARTER!





Candidate Name Elector Organization Candidate’s Address

ARMSTRONG, Ken New Westminster Progressives New Westminster

JOHNSTONE, Patrick Community First New Westminster PUCHMAYR, Chuck New Westminster


Candidate Name Elector Organization Candidate’s Address

AMPONG, Daniel Kofi New Westminster

BUDHWANI, Karima New Westminster Progressives New Westminster CAMPBELL, Ruby Community First New Westminster DAS, Chinu Community First New Westminster FOLKA, Rick New Westminster Progressives New Westminster FONTAINE, Daniel New Westminster Progressives New Westminster HENDERSON, Tasha Community First New Westminster KEBEDE, Bereket Community First New Westminster LI MCCARTHY, Jiayi New Westminster Progressives New Westminster MCEVOY, Jaimie Community First New Westminster MINHAS, Paul New Westminster Progressives New Westminster NAKAGAWA, Nadine Community First New Westminster


Candidate Name Elector Organization Candidate’s Address ANDRES, Marc Community First New Westminster BEATTIE, Dee Community First New Westminster CARLSEN, Kathleen New Westminster Progressives New Westminster CONNELLY, Danielle New Westminster Progressives New Westminster DHALIWAL, Gurveen Community First New Westminster DOBRE, Teo New Westminster Progressives New Westminster RUSSELL, Maya Community First New Westminster SLINN, Elliott Community First New Westminster SLUIS, Cheryl Community First New Westminster



Wednesday, October 5, 2022

General Local Election will be open

Voting Location Location Address

City Hall Council Chamber 511 Royal Avenue

Community Centre

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Island Room 920 Ewen Avenue

Voting Location Location Address

New West Lawn Bowling Club Clubhouse 710 Eighth Street

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Voting Location Location Address

City Hall Council Chamber 511 Royal Avenue

New West Lawn Bowling Club Clubhouse 710 Eighth Street


Special Voting Opportunities for the 2022 General Local Election will be open to qualified electors of the City of New Westminster as follows:

Date and Time

Voting Location Address

October 8 from 10 am to 2 pm Holy Trinity Cathedral 514 Carnarvon St

October 13 from 9 am to 12 noon

Queen’s Park Care Centre 315 McBride Blvd October 13 from 1 pm to 4 pm Royal Columbian Hospital 350 E Columbia St

Only qualified electors of New Westminster who are patients or residents at the above facilities, or are users of the services provided at social services centres, are eligible to vote at the above noted special voting opportunities Where the voter is unable to attend the voting place within the facility, election officials may attend the patient for the purpose of receiving their ballot


If you are not on the list of electors, you may register at the time of voting by completing the required application form available at the voting place To register you must meet the following qualifications:


To register as a resident elector, you must:

• be 18 years of age or older on general voting day

• be a Canadian citizen

• be a resident of BC for at least 6 months immediately preceding the day of registration

• be a resident of New Westminster at the time of voting, and

• not be disqualified under the Local Government Act or any other enactment from voting in an election or otherwise disqualified by law

To register, resident electors must produce 2 pieces of identification that, when combined, have your name, address and signature (e g a bank or credit card with your name and signature, plus a utility bill with your name and residential address on it)

Picture identification is not necessary The identification must prove both residency and identity

14 THURSDAY October 6 2022 • New West Record welxn
VOTEZ ਵਕਰ ਟ투표 投票 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY given that an election by voting is to be held to elect one (1) Mayor, six (6) Councillors, and seven (7) School Trustees, and that the following persons are candidates for each office:
GENERAL VOTING will be open to qualified electors of the City of New Westminster on: Saturday, October 15, 2022 between the hours of 8:00 am and 8:00 pm at the following locations: # Voting Location Location Address 1 Queen Elizabeth Elementary School Gym 921 Salter Street 2 Connaught Heights Elementary School Gym 2201 London Street 3 Lord Tweedsmuir Elementary School Gym 1714 Eighth Avenue 4 Lord Kelvin Elementary School Gym 1010 Hamilton Street 5 St Barnabas Anglican Church Parish Hall 1010 Fifth Avenue 6 Century House Douglas/Fir Rooms 620 Eighth Street 7 Fraser River Middle School Gym 800 Queens Avenue 8 Anvil Centre Main Floor 777 Columbia Street 9 Queens Avenue United Church Gym 529 Queens Avenue 10 École Qayqayt Elementary School Gym 85 Merivale Street 11 Herbert Spencer Elementary School Gym 605 Second Street 12 Glenbrook Middle School Gym 701 Park Crescent 13 F W Howay Elementary School Gym 91 Courtney Crescent 14 Skwo:wech Elementary School Gym 331 Richmond Street 15 Sapperton Pensioners Hall Basement 318 Keary Street
to qualified electors at the following locations All voting locations will be open from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm.
Continued on page 15


New elementary school planned for Simcoe Park

A new 600 student el

ementary school will be sharing campus space with Fraser River Middle School and a separate al

ternate program building, if a concept plan from the NewWestminster school district comes to pass


School District 40 re vealed its plans for a much talked about new elementary school at the Sept. 27 school board meeting, the first meet ing of the 2022/23 school year.

If it goes ahead as planned, the new school will be located on dis trict owned land next to Fraser River Middle School on the Queens Av enue side, using Simcoe Park to provide green space for both schools

Elementary School, near Moody Park are both operating well past capac ity

In fact, space is at such a premium that the dis trict is already eyeing a lottery for kindergarten registration at Qayqayt starting in the 2023/24 school year


By the numbers

Enrolment at schools in the city’s core has in creased substantially over the past two years:

Lord Kelvin: 486 stu dents in 2020/21; 521 in 2021/22; 580 this year


To register as a non resident property elector you must:

• be 18 years of age or older on general voting day

• be a Canadian citizen

• be a resident of BC for at least 6 months immediately preceding the day of registration

• be a registered owner of real property in the City of New Westminster for at least 30 days immediately before the day of registration;

• not be entitled to register as a resident elector, and

• not be disqualified under the Local Government Act or any other enactment from voting in an election or otherwise disqualified by law

In addition, for non resident property electors:

• The only persons who are registered owners of the property, either as joint tenants or tenants in common, are individuals who are not holding the property in trust for a corporation or another trust;

• If more than one person is registered owner of the property, only one of those individuals may, with the written consent of the majority of the owners, register as a non resident property elector

To register, non resident property electors must produce 2 pieces of identification (at least one with a signature) to prove identity, proof that they are entitled to register in relation to the property (e g a Property Tax Notice from the City of New Westminster or Notice of Assessment from BC Assessment), and if there is more than one owner of the property, written consent from the other property owners


The elementary school would go on the spot where the parking lot and portables are now

The new kindergar ten to Grade 5 elemen tary school will use a three storey, “urban style design,” secretary trea surer Bettina Ketcham said

In March of this year, the B C Ministry of Edu cation gave the district the green light to work on a concept plan for the new school

The new school tops the district’s capital fund ing wish list, since the two other schools in the area

École Qayqayt Elemen tary School, in the down town, and Lord Kelvin

Though the minis try has not approved any funding for the new school, Ketcham said ap proval of the concept plan process is a “strong sig nal” from government that they recognize the need for it

Originally, the district had asked for funding for a 500 student elementary school but, given the rapid growth in the city, Ketcham said they’re now planning for 600 students instead

The district is also plan ning for construction of a separate building for its alternate education pro grams, which are currently housed in leased space at Columbia Square That new, purpose built space would go up between the existing middle school

Qayqayt: 522 in 2020/21; 561 in 2021/22; 614 this year

Fraser River Middle: 539 in 2020/21, 555 in 2021/22; 622 this year.

and the school district of fice, which is on the same property fronting Ontario Street

“The concept plan is still in draft stages, but we are confident in our rec ommendations,” Ketcham said.

Once the concept plan is approved, the district must move to the second stage of its business case, known as the “project defi nition report ”

If all goes well there, Ketcham said, the district would anticipate a funding announcement sometime next year

New West Record • THURSDAY October 6 2022 15
New school: The Fraser River Middle School site, seen here from the Queens Avenue side, could soon be home to a new elementary school, as well as a permanent building for the school district’s alternate programs The school district has unveiled its concept plan for the site but still needs to get
of Education approval and funding
VOTEZ ਵਟਕਰ투표 投票
The City of New Westminster is pleased to offer mail ballot voting for all eligible electors You can apply for a mail ballot in the following ways: • Online at: • Calling 778 222 8602 and have a staff member assist you or make an in person appointment for assistance The following deadlines apply for requesting mail ballots: Deadline to apply to receive a ballot by mail 4:30 p m , Thursday, October 6 Deadline to apply to pick up a ballot at City Hall Noon, Wednesday October 12 To be counted, your mail ballot must be received by the Chief Election Officer at Election Headquarters (City Hall) no later than 8:00 pm on Saturday, October 15, 2022 (General Voting Day) Additional information is available on the City s website at: or scan the QR code at the bottom of this ad PLEASE NOTE: If you apply for a mail ballot and then decide to vote in person, you can vote at any advance polling location, or any location on General Voting Day You will be required to sign a document that you have received a replacement ballot and have not voted before in the election FOR FURTHER INFORMATION please visit the elections website at newwestcity ca/elections, contact the Election Office at or 778 222 5613 Jacque Killawee, Chief Election Officer NOTICE OF ELECTION BY VOTING cont’d from page 14


Fall tree sale returns Monday

Did you know strawber ries can grow on trees? A European strawberry tree is one of several species up for sale at the City of New Westminster’s fall tree sale

The sale features a vari ety of trees that residents can purchase for $10 each Residents can purchase up to two trees for their prop erty

“For the fall tree sale, the city will be offering 150 trees for purchase,” said Erika Mashig, the city’s manager of parks and open space planning, design and construction “The selection of trees in cludes fruiting trees, flow ering trees and trees ap propriate for planting in pots on balconies and pa tios ”

Seven types of trees are available at the sale: Eu

ropean Strawberry tree, Fireglow Maple, Golden Variegated Dogwood, Stellar Pink Dogwood, Mount Aso pussy wil low, Honeycrisp apple and Royal Star magnolia The European Strawberry tree and Fireglow Maple are suitable for balcony spaces

In past fall and spring tree sales, residents have called parks and recre ation to purchase trees, but the upcoming sale is heading online Residents will be required to set up an account to take part in the sale, and the city rec ommends people set up their accounts before the sale

Mashig said the parks and recreation depart ment is piloting on line ordering only for the fall tree sale to help ad dress the feedback from the spring 2022 sale

In February, the city received an “unprece dented” response to the 2022 spring tree sale Trees sold out within two hours

“Although city staff did their best to answer calls in the order they were re ceived, we know that many residents were frus trated that they were not able to reach a staff person to put in their order,” said the city in an email to res idents after the sale “City staff are actively working on improving our order ing system for future tree sales including the launch of an online ordering sys tem for the next tree sale in October 2022 ”

The upcoming sale be gins at 8:30 a m onTues day, Oct. 11.Trees will be available for pickup on Saturday, Oct 29 be tween 9 and 11 a.m. at the Queensborough Commu

get ready to act fast

How to get a tree

Here’s how to take part in the tree sale: Set up an online account at activeliving and save your credit card information in advance (If you already have an account for program registration, you have an account. If you have trouble setting up an account, call 604 527 4567 to get some help ) Review the tree options at www newwestcity ca/treesale and select your two favourites

Residents are advised to

nity Centre


In 2019, city council endorsed a tree planting master plan that proposes to plant about 11,800

choose trees based on their height and spread measurements

Login on Oct. 11 at 8:30 a m (After logging in, if you don’t see the product page, go to My Profile > Products, to find the list of trees )

According to the city, people can order by phone, but an online registration account is necessary. Setting up an account in advance will increase your chances of being able to purchase a tree.

trees by 2035 and a 10 year plan for where those trees will go The plan aims to plant 3,330 new trees on private land and 8,500 new trees on public land, including new street trees (6,300) and new

trees on city owned park and civic lands (2,200).

The tree planting mas ter plan is a key action in the city’s urban for est management strategy, which was developed in 2016 The strategy pro vides a framework for how the city is going to grow the citywide urban forest canopy cover from 18 per cent to 27 per cent, which is the average for a North American city

According to the city, the fall tree sale is one of the ways residents can help NewWestmin ster reach its goal of a 27 per cent canopy cover age in NewWestminster by 2030 Information about the available species and in structions for setting up an online account and or dering trees can be found at treesale

16 THURSDAY October 6 2022 • New West Record
This is not an offering for sale. Sales by disclosure statement only E.&O.E. Sales & Marketing by Adera Realty Corp. SoL Adera Projects Ltd. Adera’s Newest Mass Timber Community Coming to West Coquitlam Live the experience at SÕL, West Coquitlam’s newest collection of ONE bedroom to THREE bedroom, elegant, sustainable mass timber homes Conveniently located at Como Lake Ave and Robinson, SÕL nestles into a peaceful residential pocket, just blocks from all the action in this young, growing city Register Now

in the community

Meet New Westminster’s ‘book matcher’

Elaine Su is on a mission

Through her eight years of working as an elemen tary school teacher and li brarian, Elaine Su has of ten been asked questions like, “Do you have a book recommendation for a kid with two moms?” or has parents tell her: “My kid is biracial, and non binary I can’t find any books that reflect their identity”

Those queries always set Su on a little hunt to find books those kids could identify with

So earlier this year, Su wondered: what if she did it on a larger scale?

In May 2022, she got a grant through the Neigh bourhood Small Grants program to “match kids who are underrepresented in kid’s books with brand new books that reflected their identity and lived ex periences ”

Su put a call out to par ents, saying: “If you feel like your child is under represented in the books that they’re seeing, apply, and I will see if I can find something for them ”

The message was posted on her personal so cial media account, the NewWestminster Moms Group on Facebook and some neighbourhood


In response, a total of 60 NewWest families ap plied, she said

“Some people have been like, ‘When I was growing up, I had deep shame about my culture, my race, and I don’t want my kids to grow up like that I want them to read books that really celebrate the joy of their identity,’” said Su

“I’ve had a few appli cants who said, ‘We’re an Indigenous family; we are growing up away from our roots and we are trying to reclaim our identity. I re ally want to cite books that help celebrate that instead of feeling shame or feeling like we’re any less ’”

Su has been busy the past few months finding books for these applicants. “It’s been challenging ”

“Some of them are a lit tle bit easier than others like when they say ‘We are a first generation Chi nese Canadian family,’ I can find books for that depending on the age of the kids,” she said “Then there are other families who are like, ‘We are a bi racial family with a Black mom and a white father, and our child is non bi nary,” she added Those are more challenging to find

books for kids who are

Su came across “so many wonderful intersec tions of identity,” she said But are there books that reflect those?

Not enough, she said. However, she noted that children’s publishing is “getting there.”

“But as I’m finding in this project, we are still so far behind there are so few books to represent such a wide diversity of experiences And, for so many multiracial fami lies, for gender non binary and gender non conform ing kids who also happen to be racialized, who also happen to be disabled, there are still so few books that reflect the intersec tion of their identities and their experiences ”

Through the project, Su has been able to notice these gaps in publishing and convey it to the peo ple she knows within the industry

Out of the 60 families who reached out for her help, Su has been able to purchase the right books for about 30 of them some through the new NewWestminster based Wildfires Bookshop

The applicants will get their books by mail. But, said Su, “I have more ap plicants than I have the funds for” adding that

she is also accepting do nations from people to be able to fulfill all 60 re quests

With the project, Su is making sure kids of this generation get what she lacked growing up: being able to read books that re flect their reality

As a child, for Su, Clau dia Kishi from the popular ’90s book series Baby Sit ters Club was the only form of representation in literature she could iden

in children’s stories

tify with Kishi was Jap anese American, Su is an East Asian Canadian person, “but that was as close as we got; I had ex actly one character that looked vaguely like me. That was it ”

“There were no sto ries that I could read that spoke to my identity, my family’s lived experience, our culture and our day to day experience.There were just no books that were centred around a dif

ferent experience, a differ ent identity,” she recalled

“So I’m grateful that my kids are growing up at a time where they can read books that reflect back to them the realities that they grow up in,” she said

“Because, that’s def initely not what I had when I was growing up,” she said

Follow Elaine Su’s work on her website, www elainesu com

New West Record • THURSDAY October 6 2022 17
to find
Teacher librarian Elaine Su has made it her mission to find books for children who don’t see their identities reflected in the stories they read PHOTO CONTRIBUTED MORE photos & contests Online Shop Now Open! potteryworksonlineshop ca www.potteryworks.caPotteryWorks Studio 612 Victoria Street | New Westminster | 604.553.7332 Gift Cards Available! UBC Faculty of Dentistry T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O R B R T I S H C O L U M B A UBC Dentistry is screening patients 7yearsofageandolderwhorequire Braces (Full orthodontic treatment cost: $1,000to$4,200) For information, visit wwwdentistryubcca/gradortho GraduateOrthodontcsProg am Toarrangeascreeningappointment: 604 827 4991(12years&older) 604 827 0706(7to10yearsold) oremailgradorthoclinic@dentistryubcca SHOP.CHOICESMARKETS.COM Engman & Gunther N O T A R I E S P U B L I C • Residential Real Estate Transfers • Mortgage Documentation • Wills • Powers of Attorney • Representation Agreements 710 6th Street New Westminster B C V3L 3C5 Tel: 604-522-8149 Fax: 604 521 5792 ts Email: Proudly serving new west for over 25 years!



Morris said the need for the alternative response to mental health distress calls grows every time there is a high profile incident in the community

Work done to date in cludes engagement with community organizations and First Nations, selec tion of a service provider, hiring of a program coor dinator and development of a training schedule for PACT members

A staff report noted that an extensive campaign is being developed that will let the community know how to reach the PACT team when it’s needed Morris said PACT was a “topic of interest” at the recent Union of B C Mu nicipalities convention, with a number of munic ipalities asking how they could get a PACT team of their own.

“That’s music to our ears,” he said “And I think we’re seeing such strong indications of sup port provincially for the work going forward ” Morris said CMHA is in active conversa tions with the prov ince and other munic ipalities around how PACT could move be yond a pilot project into a meaningful branch of community based, com munity owned and com munity centered mental health response that pro vides the right care at the right time

In November 2021, council approved the city’s participation in the PACT pilot project, in collabo ration with the CMHA, the City ofVictoria, the City of NorthVancouver and the District of North Vancouver.That followed a February 2021 sub

mission by the city to the province that supported a transition from a police response to a community response for mental health crisis calls

Mayor Jonathan Cote said city officials have talked for years about the “broken system” about how people in a mental health crisis are dealt with in communities He said the first responders who respond to those calls are not always trained or the right people to help de es calate those situations

“We are leading the way with the pilot program,” he said “I guess there’ll be learnings through this process how do we make sure we’re doing this work right But I’m quite confident we are going to be paving the way to a model that we are going to see all over the province of British Columbia ”

18 THURSDAY October 6 2022 • New West Record
Continued from page 1 OCTOBER 15 + 16 11AM TO 5PM OVER 100 ARTISTS ACROSS 5 NEIGHBOURHOODS NEWWESTCULTURALCRAWL.COM NW CULTURALCRAWL Truth, brought to you by real life superheroes, the people behind your local press. Celebrate the power of words with the new “Champions” font inspired by the essential service newspapers provide Download it for free at



Here’s a reminder to return your books to the NewWestminster Public Library (716 Sixth Ave ), and while doing so, to check out their ongoing exhibition on the second floor The show, called Group of Seven: Past, Present and Future, by New West Artists, reimagines some of the iconic artworks of the Group of Seven painters in the present day context, as per the library’s website.The free show is on till the end of the month but take note that the library is closed on Sunday and Monday for theThanksgiving holiday

WHEN: Throughout October; open during library hours

WHERE: New Westminster Public Library, 716 Sixth Ave. (upstairs). MORE: See

and they get to decorate/colour in” reads the description on the studio’s website.

MORE: www.arriettaart ca.





Tough week? Laugh that stress away at Rick Bronson’s House of Comedy (530 Colum bia St ) for, Ivan Decker, the comedian who created the 2018 award winning album I Wanted to be a Dinosaur is coming to town For those who haven’t heard him before, this would be a good chance to learn why he was named “Comic toWatch” byTBS at the NewYork Comedy Festival and earned his own comedy special for Netflix He will be performing at 7:30 p m and 9:45 p m on

Friday; and 7 p.m. on Saturday.Tickets $25.




For kids who prefer crayons to toys, NewWest’s newest art studio, Arrieta Art Studio (707 Front St ), has a session that’ll get them colouring a unique illustration their own portrait. At the three hour Kids Illustrative Self Portrait event (between noon and 3 p m ), “we will trace together the image of your child’s face on poster paper

Looking for books beyond the main stream ones? Check outWildfires Bookshop’s first pop up store at Old Crow Coffee Co. (655 Front St.).The store will include used and new books, and lesser known titles such as The Boy and the Bindi, and IronWidow, among others The pop up will launch on Saturday, and remain open till Oct. 22.

MORE: Check it out on Instagram at



If you are from Iran or love Iranian music,

you have probably heard of Aref He is cred ited to have started a genre of his own back in the ‘60s rendering songs with western melodies and romantic lyrics, according to Iran Chamber Society He has performed in top venues such as the Asian Games (1974) in Iran, and Madison Square Garden in NewYork, and now is all set to perform at NewWest’s MasseyTheatre (735 Eighth Ave ) between 8 and 11 p m on Sunday Tickets are priced from $60 to $120

MORE: Book tickets at or see



Don’t miss theVagabond Players’ season opener, onstage at Bernie LeggeTheatre Oct 6 to 22 Tickets are just $17 regular, $15 for seniors/students, or $12 for previews Oct 6 and 7 Call 604 521 0412 or email

MORE: compiled by Naveena Vijayan

New West Record • THURSDAY October 6 2022 19
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Images Yes, it’s Thanksgiving weekend, but you can’t eat turkey all weekend long, can you? (Don’t answer that ) Get out and enjoy some of these other events the long weekend has to offer WEEKEND Find more events online: www newwestrecord ca/local events your Don’t miss these weekend events & activities! Jazz at theAnvil PRESENTED BY Schedule of Performances at the Anvil Theatre September 27 A Night of Dave Brubeck October 18 A Night of Ella Fitzgerald November 29 A Night of Oscar Peterson December 6 A Jazz Christmas January 24 A Night in Rio February 14 A Night in Havana March 21 A Night in New Orleans Tickets available online at presentsP e r f o r m e d b y s o m e o f t h e t o p j a z z m u s i c i a n s i n C a n a d a
20 THURSDAY October 6 2022 • New West Record Introducing our NewEventsCalendar ACCESSIBLE IN PRINT & ONLINE Looking for something to do? We’ve got you covered with over 400 events in New West right now! Check out hundreds of events happening in your backyard: ■ Live Music ■ Food & Drink ■ Kids & Family ■ Arts ■ Sports & Leisure ■ Community POWERED BY Want to promote your event? We want to help! PROMOTE YOUR EVENT PROMOTERS Type In The Details & Share It. It’s Just That Easy! P H O T O J E N N I F E R G A U T H I E R Find them all at Just log on to events

Arts & Entertainment

Royal City Theatre company returns to the stage

Ghost of a Chance plays at

The Royal Canadian Theatre Company is emerging from its pan demic hiatus with a silly, spooky offering for fall

The company presents Ghost of a Chance at the AnvilTheatre in New Westminster from Oct 22 to 29, following a run at the Surrey Arts Centre Oct 14 and 15

The play, written by Flip Kobler and Cindy Mar

cus, follows the story of Bethany (Ivy Padmos), a strong willed but insecure widow, as she heads to her cottage in the woods with her fiancé, Floyd (Anthony Lively), and his mother,Verna (Kerri Norris) She’s deter mined to put her first hus band’s death behind her but little does she real ize that Chance (Fernando Aloise), or rather his spirit,

is still around and has no plans to leave or give up his wife for another man

Also onstage are Amanda Haggett as Crys tal and Nigel Brooke as Adam Lucas.

It’s directed by Patricia Brooke

The production in cludes a set promised to be “built as ghostly as the main character, Chance, with see through walls and missing parts ”

The play is suitable for older children (upwards of 12).

There’s also a relaxed performance at 7:30 p m on Oct 26, designed for those with intellectual, be havioural or other chal lenges who might find a regular production too in tense They’re also suit able for those with babies in arms.

The relaxed perfor mance is presented in partnership with the Mas seyTheatre Society.

For a relaxed perfor mance:

sound and lighting cues are adjusted to be less in tense than usual; exiting and entering is allowed at any time; auditorium lights are never fully turned off;

29 after a run in Surrey


What: Ghost of a Chance, presented by Royal Ca nadian Theatre Company

Where: Anvil Theatre, third floor, 777 Columbia St

When: Saturday, Oct. 22 to Saturday, Oct 29

Performances at 3:30 p m on Oct 22, 23 and 29; evening shows at 7:30 p m Oct 22, 26, 27, 28 and 29. Relaxed performance Oct 26

Tickets: Regular: $34 99; seniors or 12 and under, $29 99 Family pack of four for $130; groups of 10 or more, $24 99 per ticket. (Group and family packs can only be booked by phone). Call 604 521 5050 or buy through

pre performance, the cast explains what’s about to happen; and audience noise, move ment and the use of phones and fidget devices is permitted

More info: The show is suitable for older children (aged 12+) and adults. See more at www rctheatreco com

Save some space in your calendar for next weekend: the NewWest Cultural Crawl is returning

The annual self guided tour gives people a chance to visit artists’ studios, gal leries and other venues around town to experience an array of art in different mediums and styles, cre ated by local artists

It’s set for Saturday, Oct. 15 and Sunday, Oct 16, with venues open from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days.

You can pick up a copy of the Cultural Crawl bro chure at the Gallery at Queen’s Park, or find a copy online along with everything else you need to know at

newwest culturalcrawl

New West Record • THURSDAY October 6 2022 21
In the spotlight: Kerri Norris as Verna in Ghost of a Chance, the Royal Canadian Theatre Company production that’s on at Anvil Theatre Oct 22 to 29 PHOTO DEVON FURTADO, COURTESY RCTC
NewWestminster’s AnvilTheatre Oct.22 to
Spooky season: Anthony Lively as Floyd in Ghost of a Chance, onstage Oct 22 to 29 PHOTO DEVON FURTADO, COURTESY RCTC
com Cultural Crawl returns +save up to 20% on cemetery prearrangements* 0% interest for 60 months** Chung Yeung Festival Lim ted t me d scounts val d only for se ect cemetery property October 1 30 2022 Discounts apply to new pre need purchases on y Terms and cond t ons apply See an assoc ate for detai s 0% nterest free financ ng for 60 months valid only w th 10% down payment October 1 30 2022 Terms and conditions apply See an associate for el gibi ity deta ls A divis on of Service Corporation Internat onal (Canada) ULC LOCK IN 2022 PRICES Honour your family’s legacy when you plan ahead. Boal Chapel & MEMORIAL GARDENS 1505 Lillooet Rd | North Vancouver, BC V7J 2J1 FirstMemorialNorthVancouver com Forest Lawn FUNERAL HOME & MEMORIAL PARK 3789 Royal Oak Ave | Burnaby, BC V5G 3M1 ForestLawnMemorial Burnaby com Ocean View FUNERAL HOME & BURIAL PARK 4000 Imperial St | Burnaby, BC V5J 1A4 OceanViewBurialPark com Victory Memorial Park FUNERAL CENTRE & CEMETERY 14831 28th Ave | Surrey, BC V4P 1P3 VictoryMemorialPark com Act now to secure savings. Call 604-328-6079.
22 THURSDAY October 6 2022 • New West Record Community
Vancouver Wooden Boat Society held
its first ever
open house during RiverFest celebrations in New Westminster Sept 24 The society, which operates out of a heritage building
Sapperton Landing Park,
welcomed hundreds of visitors Top:
Mike Bretner, left, and Todd Smith at the open
house Find out more at www vancouverwoodenboat
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November 02, 1937 September 14, 2022

Passed away on September 14, 2022, Bhanu s surv ved by her two daughters, and her brother, Yusuf Pate and his fami y and her brother in law, Arv nd Sakl kar and family Her youngest s ster, Zeb and Zeb’s husband, Umar, perished on A r India Flight 182 Bhanu was born and raised in Gujarat, India Her Canad an ourney began when she marr ed her late husband, the Rev Dr Vasant Sakl kar They met at the Univers ty of Bombay where Bhanu studied polit ca science and h story Bhanu accompanied Vasant to Newfound and with their young daughter, Renée The Saklikars moved to Northern Quebec, and then to Montreal, where Bhanu supported her husband as he studied theology at McGill University The fami y moved to Saskatchewan and then New Westminster B C where Bhanu joined her husband in his charge of Sixth Avenue Un ted Church She taught a popular Ind an cookery class at New Westm nster Sen or Secondary and worked as a baker at Century House where she served on the Scholarsh p Comm ttee A member of the University Women’s C ub, she loved read ng The Economist and discuss ng pol tics Bhanu wil be dear y m ssed by her family and many friends In lieu of flowers, donat ons n Bhanu’s memory can be made to School D str ct #40 n New Westm nster, care of msherwood@sd40 bc ca

A Celebration of L fe w l be held Sunday, October 30, 2022 at 2:00 pm at Centenn al Lodge Queen’s Park, New Westminster Inquir es can be made attent on to Renée Sakl kar on beha f of the fam ly care of Kearney Funeral Serv ces in New Westm nster (604 521 4881)

Condolences may be offered at www kearneyfs com

New West Record • THURSDAY October 6 2022 23 REMEMBRANCES To advertise in the Classifeds, email DTJames@glaciermedia ca Obituaries
Kearney Co umb a Bowe l Chapel Let our experienced lawyers help you. | westcoastwills com *A law corporation Probate made easy. WestcoastWills &Estates 604-230-1068 ExEcutor SErvicES COMMUNITY annOuncements HELLO@ROYALCITYRECYCLINGCHAMPIONS CA ROYALCITYRECYCLINGCHAMPIONS CA In four 2 hour evening classes, learn the local waste ecosystem, how recycling really works and how to help your community prevent and reduce waste. The course includes 2 hours of post-class mentorship, and 20 hours of customized community outreach. FREE FOR RESIDENTS OF NEW WEST LOst Gone like a sunset I ve lost the gorgeous smi e of a fami ar stranger. Last seen at MP on September 2nd, around 6:30am. EMPLOYMENT Join OurTeam! • Critical Care Nurses • Paramedics • RespiratoryTherapists • Physicians LIFESUPPORT Air Medical Services is the global leader in medical repatriation. They bring patients home from all over the world to receive the medical attention they need If you have a casual line at the hospital or are semi-retired, this could be the perfect opportunity for you to take on challenging international missions They transport one patient at a time so their clinicians can focus on providing exceptional patient care LIFESUPPORT responds to new missions within 24 hours, so their clinicians must have flexible schedules Send your resume to GeneraL empLOyment Ironworker Reinforcing Rebar Position Wages: $18 00 to $35 00 depending on experience Permanent Fu l t me Job To start as soon as possible English required Minimum educat on high school Educat on Job description: • Secondary educat on requ red • 3 5 years exper ence requ red Own too s: • too s, stee toed safety boots, hard hat, safety g asses/ goggles, gloves • Own Transportat on, wil ng to trave Fast paced env ronment, t ght dead nes, hand ing heavy oads, phys cally demand ng, attention to detail, bend ng crouch ng, knee ng, manual dexter ty and overtime paid To apply please send your resume at: memreinforcement@gmail com trades HeLp MARKETPLACE Wanted CASH for your CLUTTER I will pay CASH for your UNWANTED ITEMS! I special ze n RECORDS, Engl sh Bone China & F gurines Co ect bles Tools, Antiques, ETC Rob • 604 307 6715 GOLD SILVER & PLATINUM BUYERS purchas ng a l gold & s lver bu on ewelry co ns nuggets, dust, scrap, pre 1968 co ns bulk s lver ster ng +++ Num smat st pur chas ng ent re co n co lec t ons & accumu at ons, Roya Canad an M nt co ns wor d collect ons, old $$$ +++ 250 864 3521 BUSINESS SERVICES reaL estate services LAND VALUE HOMES availab e for BUILDERS, RENOVATORS & INVESTORS n Vancouver & Burnaby Call Paul • 604 836 6098 RENTAL apartments/ cOndOs fOr rent GARDEN VILLA 1010 6th Ave New Westminster Suites Available Beaut ful Atrium w th Fountain By Co lege, Shops & Transit/Skytrain Pets negot ab e Ref req’d CALL 604 715 7764 SKYLINE TOWERS 102 120 Agnes St, New Westminster H R se Apartment with River Vew & ndoor Pool 1 BR & 2 BR Available Rent inc udes heat & hot water Remodeed Buldng and Common area Gated underground secure park ng avai ab e References required CALL 604 525 2122 baysideproperty com VILLA MARGARETA 320 9th St, New Westminster Suites Available A l suites have nice balcon es, Underground parking avail Refs req’d Small Pet OK CALL 604 715 7764 baysideproperty com suites fOr rent BBY S 1 BR, furnished Easy walk to Metrotown, skytrain, mal N ce res dent a area Su ts 2/coup e NS/ NP $1600 incls utls Avai Nov 1 Good Refs 604 430 1358 MARKETPLACE Call or email to p ace your ad, Monday through Fr day 8:30am to 4:30pm 604 362 0586 • 604 653 7851 dtjames@glaciermedia ca • nmather@glaciermedia ca Book your ad online anytime at Your Community TODAY'S PUZZLE ANSWERS LOOKING TO FREE UP SOME 604-362-0586 ooking for a New Career Direction? Discover a World of Possibilities in the Classifieds! Call to Advertise 604-362-0586


24 THURSDAY October 6 2022 • New West Record LEGAL/PUBLIC NOTICES HOME SERVICES Please recycle this newspaper By virtue of the Warehouseman’s Lien Act Munde’s Towing, Storage & Service (1976) Ltd wl dspose of: 1) FORD TRANSIT VIN#NM0LS7F76H1306868 RO: UNKNOWN 2) BMW VIN#BURNT RO: UNKNOWN 3) 2005 NISSAN ALT MA V N# 1N4AL11E45C310076 RO: CAMILLE ISSAC VERDON 4) 2003 AUDI A4 VIN# WAULC68E83A181867 RO: THOMAS FRANCOIS LAGANA 5) 1996 HONDA ACCORD VIN# 1HGCD5616TA805239 RO: ANTHONY BENNETT 6) 2006 HONDA MC VIN# JH2PC35286M700150 RO: AARON FIELD 7) 2003 VW PASSAT VIN# WVWPD63B33P291091 RO: LOMELI ELOY BRAMBILA 8) 2009 KIA RONDO VIN# KNAFG528897229968 RO: SAMAD MOHAMMAD ABDUL 9) SUR RON ELEC MC VIN# 2299221000342222 RO: UNKNOWN 10) 1995 GMC 1500 VIN# 2GTEK19K9S1555806 RO: DEREK ROSA 11) 2014 MERCEDES CLA45 V N# WDDSJ5CB1EN102083 RO: MENGWEN QU 12) 1996 TOYOTA COROLLA VIN# 2T1BA03E5TC122618 RO: EGBERT WARR NGTON 13) 2005 MAZDA MZDA 3 VIN# JM1BK143951330170 RO: MOGGA BARABA 14) 2009 FORD ESCAPE VIN# 1FMCU03799KC33138 RO: MARIA HUERTAS 15) 2014 AUDI A4 VIN# WAUFFCFL5EN021414 RO: JIASHUO CU 16) 1993 TOYOTA 4RUNR VIN# JT4RN36S6P0007130 RO: RIEKMAN DAVID GINGRICH 17) 1997 VW CBRLT VIN# 3VWAA81E3VM800495 RO: JENNIFER LESLIE ANN VICKERY/VW CREDIT CANADA 18) 1999 LINCOLN TOWNC VIN# 1L1FM81W4XY677531 RO: MICHAEL O’BRAY 19) 2004 VW GOLF VIN# 9BWGL21JX44003436 RO: STEVEN WILL AM DELORME 20) 1998 DODGE DURAN VIN# 1B4HS28Y1WF181163 RO: MARIE POSADOVSKA 21) 2001 MAZDA TRBUT VIN# 4F2CU08111KM66881 RO: CHRISTOPHER MAGUIRE Un ts may be viewed and b ds to be subm tted on TUESDAY, October 11, 2022 at 5917 Thorne Avenue, Burnaby, BC between 10:00am to 3:00 pm All wr tten b ds to Mund e’s Tow ng 5917 Thorne Ave, Burnaby, BC V3N 2T8 LEGAL By virtue of the Warehouseman’s Lien Act Munde’s Towing, Storage & Service (1976) Ltd wl dspose of: 1) 2004 CHRYSLER PT Cruiser VIN# 3C4FY48BX4T242707 RO: AN KO PANCOK 2) 2001 DODGE DAKOTA VIN# 1B7HG2AN01S251398 RO: NORBERT GIRARD 3) 2010 DODGE CHARGER V N# 2B3CA4CD1AH178935 RO: KAYRON SM TH 4) 2007 HYUNDA ELNTR VIN# KMHDU45D57U129195 RO: NOVAK KOS 5) 2006 CHEV EQUNX VIN# 2CNDL13F366109014 RO: STEVEN KILPATRICK 6) 2006 BMW X5 VIN# 5UXFA13536LY43409 RO: AL CIA MARIE JONES 7) 2004 CHEV OPTRA V N# KL1JK62Z34K022024 RO: KEV N ALEXA CABEZA MONTANO 8) 2002 VW JETTA VIN#3VWTH69M22M155340 RO: MARCELL SHERWOOD 9) 2008 FORD ESCAPE VIN# 1FMCU931X8KE37123 RO: CHELSEA BOUGHNER 10) 1980 FORD MOTORHOME VIN# E37GHGJ3067 RO: IVAN PAGE 11) 1999 HONDA ACCORD VIN# 1HGCG1650XA800157 RO: ROBERT ROHMAN 12) NORCO INDIE 4 VIN# UNKNOWN RO: UNKNOWN 13) 1985 ARISTOCRAT VIN# 2GDJG31M9F4516416 RO: JOSHUA NEWING 14) 2003 TOYOTA CAMRY VIN# JTDBE32KX30204674 RO: CHRISTOPHER DUNHAM 15) 2010 TOYOTA MATRIX V N# 2T1KU4EE9AC249154 RO: REYES ISRAEL GARCIA 16) 2004 MITSUBISH LANCER V N# JA3AD29F24U606229 RO: SJS AUTO SALES INC 17) M/C Z1000 ELECTRIC VIN# LJ7WT02E9L1820012 RO: UNKNOWN 18) HONDA ACCORD V N# 1HGCG1648WA008540 RO: UNKNOWN 19) MIN DIRT BIKE V N# UNKNOWN RO: UNKNOWN Un ts may be viewed and b ds to be subm tted on TUESDAY October 11 2022 at 5917 Thorne Avenue Burnaby BC between 10:00am to 3:00 pm All wr tten b ds to Mund e s Tow ng 5917 Thorne Ave Burnaby BC V3N 2T8 CeramiC Tiling Bathroom Renovations TILING All Installations Santo • 778 235 1772 ConCreTe We do ALL kinds of Concrete Work • Sen ors discount Local famiy busness 40+ yrs 604 240 3408 Drainage DRAIN Tiles, Sewer, Water, Video Inspection, Jack Hammering, Hand Excavating, Concrete Cutting, Rootering, WET BSMT MADE DRY 604 782 4322 Drywall Boarding & Taping, Good Rates! Reliable, Free Est. Reno’s & Small Jobs Welcome! Call Gurprit 604-710-7769 eleCTriCal All Electrical, Low Cost L censed Res/Com Sma l job expert Renos, Panel changes (604)374 0062 Simply Electric eleCTriCal Commercial & Residential Reno’s & Small Jobs bf#37309 778 322 0934 exCavaTing #1 Backhoes & Excavators Trenchless Waterlines Bobcats & Dump Truck & All Material Deliveries Dra nage; V deo Inspect on, Landscap ng Concrete Stump/Rock/Cement/O Tank & Demos, Paving, Poo /D rt Remova , Paver Stones, Jackhammer, Water/Sewer L ne/Sumps S inger Avai , Concrete Cutt ng, Hand Excavat ng Basements Made Dry Claud o’s Backhoe Service 604 341 4446 FenCing West Coast Cedar Installations since 1991 New • Repa red • Rebu t Fences & Decks 604 788 6458 (no text) cedar nstal @hotma l com Flooring
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New West Record • THURSDAY October 6 2022 25 ADVERTISING
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To solve a Sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. SUDOKU PUZZLE ANSWERS ON SEPARATE PAGE ACROSS DOWN 1 Bay Area humorist 5 Hurt 10 Icelandic poems 14 A taro corm 15 Metaphorical use of a word 16 It fears the hammer 17 Excessively quaint (British) 18 Laid back California county 19 Cook in a microwave oven 20 Not late 22 Go from one place to another 23 Peoples living in the Congo 24 Popular pasta 27 Available engine power (abbr ) 30 Popular musician Charles 31 Angry 32 Spelling is one type 35 One who makes a living 37 Indicates location 38 Imperial Chinese dynasty 39 Small water buffaloes 40 Hungarian city 41 Fabric 42 Ancient kingdom near Dead Sea 43 Precursor to the EU 44 Philly footballers 45 Female sibling 46 “When Harry Met Sally” actress 47 Magnetic tape of high quality 48 Insecticide 49 Apparatus to record and transmit 52 Some is considered “dog” 55 Israeli city Aviv 56 Fencing sword 60 Ottoman military title 61 Wise people 63 Cold wind 64 Popular type of shoe 65 Administrative district 66 A way to reveal 67 Cooked meat cut into small pieces 68 Actress Zellweger 69 Romanian city 1 Small town in Portugal 2 Site of famed Ethiopian battle 3 German river 4 Christmas carols 5 Cash machine 6 Rough and uneven 7 Rumanian round dance 8 Widespread occurrence of disease 9 A place to relax 10 Feeling of listlessness 11 Coat or smear a substance 12 Wild mango 13 Brews 21 Belgian city 23 Confined condition (abbr ) 25 Swiss river 26 Small amount 27 Part of buildings 28 Vietnamese capital 29 Sailboats 32 Shelter 33 Terminated 34 Discharge 36 Snag 37 Partner to cheese 38 A container for coffee 40 Spend time dully 41 Satisfies 43 Snakelike fish 44 Consume 46 Type of student 47 Erase 49 Instruct 50 Girl’s given name 51 Jewish spiritual leader 52 “To his own” 53 North central Indian city 54 Greek alphabet characters 57 Weapon 58 Amounts of time 59 American Nobel physicist vital to MRIs 61 Soviet Socialist Republic 62 Witness 00 HOME SERVICES Find the professionals you need to create the perfect renovation. To advertise call 4-444-3056604 362 0586
26 THURSDAY October 6 2022 • New West Record The perfect centrepiece to your holiday table slow roasted and naturally smoked! 429 lb Western Family Signature Smoked Ham Limited Edition, 9.46kg .99lb Yams No 1, USA, 2 18/kg 399 ea Artisan Potato Bread Also Selected Varieties, 450g AAA Beef Western Canadian 3 DAYS ONLY THURS SAT OCT 6 8 599 lb Top Sirloin Premium Roast Aged Min.14 Days, Guaranteed Tender, Fresh, 13.21/kg, First 1 WHILE QUANTITIES LAST. 399 ea Breyers Creamery Style Ice Cream Frozen, 1 66 Litres BUY2 GET1 Pepsi Soft Drinks Selected Varieties, 12 x 355 mL he per ecThanksgivingThanksgivingDelicious SHOP THE FULL FLYER FOR YOUR THANKSGIVING MEAL Prices effective October 6 to 12, 2022 Offers require use of More Rewards card Asparagus Mexico, 7 69/kg349 lb

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