CITY 3 Election 2022:City council race EVENTS 13 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT 11 NewWest Cultural Crawl returns LOCAL NEWS LOCAL MATTERSTHURSDAY OCT. 13, 2022 There’s more online at Your guide to weekend fun P i Ken Armstr See Page TK Mayor Ken Armstrong See Page 5 for Mayor Autho ized by Dar en M ne F nanc a Agen for New Wes P ogress ves 604 256 2910 JOIN IN the conversation at
Ken Armstrong
for Mayor
School district needs to convert space at Qayqayt school into classrooms to cope with growth
jmaclellan@newwestrecord ca
NewWestminster Family Place is looking for new space after finding out it will need to va cate its current premises at École Qayqayt Ele mentary School
For the past 15 months, the organization which provides programs and support for fam ilies with young children has been work ing out of designated community space at the downtown school The Neighbourhood Learn ing Centre (NLC) space was built under a provincial funding program that allows school districts to build new schools with extra space dedicated for community use
Now, however, School District 40 is facing a space crunch It needs to convert that NLC space to classrooms to help deal with rapid enrolment growth at the school which has grown from 522 students in 2020/21 to 614 this fall. When it opened in 2014, it had just 400 stu dents
School board chair Gurveen Dhaliwal said it’s tough to displace an organization that has helped “thousands and thousands” of New West families
“This decision obviously is a difficult deci sion because we are in a really big bind of ca pacity and needing to make sure students can go into their neighbourhood schools,” Dhali wal said at the board’s Oct 4 operations
Getout andvote Saturday
Yes, it’s that time again munic ipal elections are being held around British Columbia on Saturday, Oct. 15
In NewWestminster, you can make your way to any of the city’s 15 polling stations to vote between 8 a m and 8 p m
To help you get ready for the big day, we’ve compiled a host of re sources to help you out. See page 3 of this edition for an issue roundup with the council candidates
See 2022 civic election information for everything you need to know
Video interviews with all three mayoral candidates (Ken Arm strong, Patrick Johnstone, Chuck Puchmayr)
Q&As with all candidates the three mayoral hopefuls, the 12 council candidates and the nine running for school board on who they are and where they stand on key issues
Issue roundups:Where do the mayoral candidates stand on home lessness, the “Royal City” brand and more
Issue roundup: How would the trustee hopefuls fix the space crunch?
A brief history of NewWest’s lousy voter turnout and more.
CITY 3 Election 2022:City council race EVENTS 13 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT 11 NewWest Cultural Crawl returns LOCAL NEWS LOCAL MATTERSTHURSDAY OCT 13, 2022 There’s more online at Your guide to weekend fun ELECTION 2022
PLACE: New Westminster Family Place runs programs for families with young children in a community space at École Qayqayt Elementary School. But it needs to find a new home because the school district needs to convert the space to classrooms PHOTO CONTRIBUTED Continued on page 14 It is awful that we can no longer house them .
Ken Armstr
See Page 5
Autho ized by Dar en M ne F nanc a Agen for New Wes P ogress ves 604 256 2910 O e ends Oc ober 31 2022 October Special! 40% OFF CELLULAR SHADES TRI CITIES: 604 944 3375 budgetblinds com Are you thinking of selling? Call Donna for a free, confidential Market Evaluation! 604.526.2888 DONNATAYS.COM TAYS + TEAM REAL ESTATE SEE IT LOVE T L VE IT #102-321 6th Street, New Westminster
2 THURSDAY October 13 2022 • New West Record
New Westminster
Recognizing the increasing risks of extreme weather events I am committed to the ongoing development of climate change strategy and Using revenue from our $26 million sale of carbon credits for: ▪ Upgrading our electric charging infrastructure, ▪ Assisting strata properties in electrical upgrades, ▪ Completing our District Energy Plant. ▪ Planting thousands of trees while protecting our urban heritage forests. VOTE VOTE October 15
Ken Armstrong for Mayor
in the community
Council candidates weigh in on top city issues
TheresaMcManus tmcmanus@newwestrecord ca
Infrastructure, housing, and crime and safety are top of mind concerns for candidates seeking seats on city council
Twelve candidates are in the race for six coun cil seats: one independent, five NewWest Progressives and six Community First NewWest candidates
“Housing security and affordability are the city’s top issues,” said Hender son, a first time candi date, who is running with Community First New West “We need to prior itize protecting our exist ing rental stock, push to increase the number of af fordable units required in new multi family devel opments around transit, and streamline permitting processes to accelerate the construction of ‘missing middle’ housing for young working families, like lane way homes and town houses ”
Henderson, a city plan ner, said she’d like to ex plore more innovative and bold ideas, such as devel oping a Community Land Trust model
Daniel Fontaine, a New West Progressives candi date who placed seventh in the race for six council seats in 2018, said housing affordability and choice is one of theTop 3 issues in NewWest
“Despite the best of in tentions at city hall, New Westminster is facing an unprecedented housing af fordability crisis,” he said “Even before inflation ary concerns, rental costs were skyrocketing while monthly mortgage pay ments were on the rise Notwithstanding all the new towers under con struction, many of our youth are being forced out of the city to find their first home ”
Incumbent councillor Nadine Nakagawa, with Community First New West, said NewWest minster is in a deepening housing crisis
“We need to continue to do our part to ensure that all residents of NewWest have appropriate housing where they feel comfort able and are able to build a future in this community,” she said. “This is impor tant for seniors, for fam ilies, for renters, for the disabled, and everyone in between.”
Ruby Campbell, a first time candidate with Com munity First, said the city needs to prioritize afford ability, especially secure housing for working peo ple, marginalized commu nities and those with com plex care needs
NewWestminster’s in frastructure is another top concern for candidates.
“Population growth brings with it additional strain on existing city in frastructure and services,” said incumbent Chinu Das, part of the Commu nity First NewWest team.
know more?
gaps in local sports and recreation facilities as well as work with the broader community to create a re newed vision for the Anvil Centre ”
Street, also lists crime and safety as a top concern
“Safety underpins the feeling of well being, and without that safety on a day to day basis, qual ity of life suffers,” he said “I hear from of my neigh bours in downtown that they live in fear of being attacked when they are out and about town. Staff of many businesses have ex perienced physical and verbal attacks and there is damage to property on a regular basis Living in fear of being attacked is a com mon experience of resi dents and business owners in downtown ”
Several NewWest Pro gressives candidates cited crime and safety as a top concern, including Bud hwani.
“We will need to maintain and enhance our current levels of services and infra structure Senior govern ments must provide finan cial support for this.”
An “infrastructure def icit” is cited as a top con cern by candidates run ning with the NewWest Progressives
“Infrastructure manage ment appears not to be a priority for this city coun cil,” said NWP candidate Paul Minhas. “Streets and sidewalks are in disrepair, and some key facilities have experienced unex pected permanent closure. The city has grown; how ever, investment in com munity infrastructure has not kept pace with popula tion growth in the city”
Fellow NWP candidate Karima Budhwani said investment in commu nity infrastructure hasn’t
kept pace with population growth in the city.
“Due to rapid popu lation growth and a lack of new investments, get ting accepted into some community programs is akin to winning a lottery,” Fontaine said. “The fact so many moms and dads are struggling with some thing as basic as getting their child registered into a swimming program is very problematic ”
Campbell said she sup ports enhancing the city’s community infrastructure, public amenities and green spaces in a way that priori tizes equitable access
“This includes increas ing accessible green public spaces throughout the city to ensure all residents have access to shade natural spaces,” she said. “We also need to work with sports communities to identify
Community First New West candidate Bereket Kebede also named infra structure improvements as one of his top three issues in NewWestminster The Queensborough resident, who works in public trans portation, said increasing transit service in under served neighbourhoods, and expanding partner ships with local organiza tions are top issues he’d like to pursue if elected.
Daniel Ampong, a local businessman and the lone independent in this year’s council race, is one of sev eral candidates who con sider crime and safety a top issue
“The safety of this city needs to be a priority es pecially aroundWestmin ster station and Colum bia station, the crimes have escalated in these areas,” he said
Minhas, who owns a business on Columbia
“Residents all over New Westminster are express ing that they do not feel safe on the streets in our city, and this feeling is shared by residents of all ages and across gender lines,” she said “Partner ship with the police de partment is needed to find creative approaches or solutions that allow the police to do their job and make residents feel safe.”
NWP candidate Jiayi Li McCarthy said many citizens, especially women and seniors, aren’t feel ing safe on city streets af ter dark
“Our police need to be well funded, and we need more of them on the street,” she said “We also need to open a new com munity policing office in Queensborough to address the concerns of this neigh bourhood that has, for far too long, been ignored by city council ”
Note:The above story in cludes only highlights from comments provided in candi date questionnaires For full answers, see westrecord ca/2022 civic election information
New West Record • THURSDAY October 13 2022 3
INTHERACE: Top, from left: Daniel Ampong, Karima Budhwani, Ruby Campbell, Chinu Das, Rick Folka, Daniel Fontaine; (bottom, from left) Tasha Henderson, Bereket Kebede, Jiayi Li McCarthy, Jaimie McEvoy, Paul Minhas and Nadine Nakagawa are the 12 candidates vying for six spots on New Westminster city council in the Oct 15 local election PHOTOS CONTRIBUTED
The 12 New Westminster city council candidates shared their thoughts with the Record on a range of issues, including population growth, policing, cli mate action and more You can find those question naires at our 2022 Civic Election section at www. civic election information. See Page 5 ew West Progressives Author zed by Darren Mi ne F nanc a Agent or New West Progress ves 604 256 2910
Living in Queensborough, I know City Hall needs to listen better to all our neighbourhoods!
Folio Civic
Statutory Estimate of taxes
Proposed Exemption Authority 2023 2024 2025
01051000 811 Royal Ave Kinsight Community Society 224(2)(a) 98,300 102,200 106,300
03466000 318 Keary St Sapperton Old Age Pensions Association 224(2)(a) 13,200 13,700 14,200
01613501 236 Ross Dr Kolumbia Inn Daycare Soceity 224(2)(a) 5,200 5,400 5,600
00111100 788 Quayside Dr The Fraser River Discovery Centre 224(2)(a) 38,400 39,900 41,500
01441001 509 St George St Honour House Society 224(2)(a) 17,100 17,800 18,500
05873100 portion of Queen's Park Air Cadets Training 513 Hornet 224(2)(b) 8,700 9,000 9,400
Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron
09206100 portion of Moody Park New Westminster Lawn Bowling Club 224(2)(b) 27,000 28,100 29,200
00853100 portion of Tipperary Park New Westminter Tennis Club 224(2)(b) 12,400 12,900 13,400
05873150 portion of Queen's Park Vagabond Players 224(2)(b) 5,300 5,500 5,700
09206101 portion of Moody Park New Westminster Amateur Radio Club 224(2)(b) 1,900 2,000 2,100
05873103 portion of Queen's Park Arts Council of New Westminster 224(2)(b) 5,400 5,600 5,800
05873102 portion of Queen's Park Queens Park Preschool Society 224(2)(b) 2,400 2,500 2,600
05090000 Tenth Ave East GVRD water reservoir tennis courts 224(2)(b) 9,600 10,000 10,400
04317000 portion of Queen's Park Royal City Curling Club 224(2)(b) 35,700 37,100 38,600
07811000 1932 Eighth Ave St Gheorghe Romanian Orthodox Church 224(2)(g) 6,400 6,700 7,000
11831000 601 Eighth Ave Royal City Christian Centre 224(2)(g) 25,700 26,700 27,800
06417000 815 Kennedy St Free Methodist Church Sr 224(2)(k) 13,900 14,500 15,100
Citizens Home Society
11111000 25 Clute St New Westminster Sr Citizens Housing Society 224(2)(k) 23,500 24,400 25,400
15474000 2222 Edinburght St Connaught Heights Pentecostal Villa Society 224(2)(k) 11,100 11,500 12,000
Section 224 of the Community Charter does not require notice of exemptions provided under section 224(2)(f) [buildings for public worship] and section 224(2)(h)[seniors' homes, hospitals or private schools].
For information about the proposed bylaw, please call 604-527 4606
Find some spook tacular Halloween
to enjoy
night, and a haunted skate!
Saturday, Oct. 15 10:00 am
Oct 17
Council Meeting
The City of New Westminster welcomes you to join one of its committees in 2023! Joining a committee provides great experience, connections to the community, and a chance to offer your perspective on key City decisions. There is a virtual information session on Oct 26
We welcome applications that reflect the diversity of our community: women, Indigenous Peoples, racialized individuals, persons of diverse sexual orientation, gender identity, or expression (LGBTQ2S+), persons with disabilities, and others who may contribute to the diversity of our committees.
To see vacancies and to apply online visit For more information and to register for the information session, please email
Eligible community groups may
and events
the Active Living Guide’s
per issue
Bring your knowledge and perspective to the Library Board and help us implement strategic priorities, develop policies, and advocate for library services!
at 6:00 pm to learn more about this
the virtual information session
get involved
your community Email
newwestcity ca/committees
and submit your
4 THURSDAY October 13 2022 • New West Record
227 of the Community Charter requires Council to provide Public Notice of Proposed Bylaw 8366, 2022 being a bylaw to grant a permissive property tax exemption to the following properties for the 2023 property taxation year
House Glenbrook Fire Hall Monday,
Continued on page 7
new Community Page section. One message
offered for free Submissions for the Winter issue are open until Oct 15 Find the guidelines and the submission form at:
as a family including movie
on Oct 19
opportunity to
in to register
application online by Oct 31:
“Something from Nothing Story, Textile, and Weaving” is an interactive story experience where fabric is remade in new and inventive ways. Try easy toengage-with circle weaving, or more challenging bowl weaving Guided by Phoebe Gilman's retelling of a folktale, "Something from Nothing." This program is held at the Queensborough Community Center on Friday, Oct 21. To register for one of the following, phone 604-525-7388 or visit • 10:00 11:00 am (5 7 years) | #160992 • 12:00 2:00 pm (8 10 years) | #160993 PROFESSIONAL DAY PROGRAM FOR OCTOBER 21 SUBSCRIBE TO CITYPAGE: THE LATEST NEWS AND EVENTS IN OUR CITY CITYPAGE
New West Record • THURSDAY October 13 2022 5 School Trustee Candidates Authorized by Darren Milne, Financial Agent for New West Progressives 604 256 2910 #ChooseProgress
Budhwani LLB, MES
Rick Folka
Daniel Fontaine
Jiayi Li-McCarthy Paul Minhas
Kathleen Carlsen Danielle Connelly Teo Dobre
How a ‘get tough on crime’ approach is making life hard for the BC NDP
It is not often that crime and public safety surfaces as a top of mind issue with the public, but that is what seems to have hap pened in recent weeks.
And that is potentially bad news for the BC NDP gov ernment, which has shown a curious inconsistency when it comes to tackling street crime In fact, it is conflicted with opposite views from within government on just how bad the problem has become
The first few question periods of the fall legisla ture session had the NDP back on its heels as the Opposition BC Liberals sensed a vulnerability on the ruling side We have not seen that dynamic very often since the NDP took power
in 2017.
Taking a tough stance on crime is a better fit for the BC Liberals, who have coined their own pet phrase (“catch and release”) to describe the seemingly revolving door of chronic offenders who com mit violent crimes and then are released back into their community in relatively short time
The NDP has bristled at this approach Premier John Horgan has accused the BC Liberals of coming up with “bumper sticker slogans” and nothing else to solve the problem but it seems to be effective, even if it can be misleading
All of which brings us to the seemingly contradictory views of the problem held within government
On the one hand, assis tant deputy attorney general Peter Juk (he is responsible for the prosecution service) recently released a sev en page letter suggesting problems in the justice sys tem were nowhere near as bad as recent accounts and criticisms would suggest
That is all well and good But then the government commissioned its own re port from a former police chief and university profes sor and it came to almost the opposite assessment
The authors, Doug LePard and Amanda Butler, concluded there is a serious lack of resources in the pros ecutorial side of the system and there is not enough con sultation with police when it comes to dealing with re
peated offenders and people with complex issues.
While overall crime rates may be lower, the authors found that “violent” crime rates are up sharply, par ticularly in Vancouver and Victoria, where random stranger assaults are up a whopping 35 per cent from a few years ago
I get the sense the gov ernment is leaning towards LePard and Butler’s take on things But the proof of that will be revealed in next spring’s budget
Given the whole issue has given the government pause, I’ll bet on some changes coming
Goodness knows the sta tus quo is not working
Keith Baldrey is chief po litical reporter for Global BC
6 THURSDAY October 13 2022 • New West Record
“What I’d actually like to see for a change is no more
plans or models Novel idea: Let’s just properly fund and resource what we have bet it would work!”
“I concur All smoke and mirrors. Too many academics with no concept of reality
” Opinion Tom Stamatakis via Twitter D.J. Johnson via Twitter Topic: Mental health crisis team LastWeek ▼ ThisWeek ▼ Is the rising cost of groceries causing financial challenges for your household? Do you use New Westminster’s bike lanes? DIFFERENT VIEWS WEEKLY ONLINE POLL
YES NO 28% 72% THE New Westminster Record IS A MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL NEWSMEDIA COUNCIL, WHICH IS AN INDEPENDENT ORGANIZATION ESTABLISHED TO DEAL WITH ACCEPTABLE JOURNALISTIC PRACTICES AND ETHICAL BEHAVIOUR. IF YOU HAVE CONCERNS ABOUT EDITORIAL CONTENT PLEASE CONTACT MARK FALKENBERG AT MWFALKENBERG@ NEWWESTRECORD.CA. IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED WITH THE RESPONSE AND WISH TO FILE A FORMAL COMPLAINT VISIT THE WEB SITE AT MEDIACOUNCIL.CA OR CALL TOLL-FREE 1-844-877-1163 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. Vote in the online poll at newwestrecord.caFor editorials, columns and more, visit: CONTACT US 201A 3430 Brighton Avenue, Burnaby, V5A 3H4 | General Inquiries: 604 444 3451 | newwestrecord ca The New Westminster Record is a division of LMP Publication Limited Partnership published at 201A 3430 Brightton Avenue, Burnaby BC V5A 3H4 FundedbytheGovernmentofCanada 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Lara Graham REGIONAL PUBLISHER
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Envision a better future
Editor: It’s municipal election time again, and all of us want the best outcome for our city
The number of people who are unhoused, mentally and socially different, has increased exponentially and, in general, the social prob lems have become so complex that in spite of efforts, the problems simply get worse People are dying on the streets, and the number of unhoused seems to grow each day because of economic or health reasons So, what would I like to see?
The mayor and council of New Westminster form a strong and collaborative allyship with the provincial and federal governments This relationship has the potential to bring housing to the city because municipalities do not have the financial resources to create housing The provincial and federal governments bring the money; we provide the land, zoning and infrastructure We also work with the agencies to provide wrap around services when needed We, the voters, have a major role to play; we want the unhoused off the streets and, given the scarcity of land, that new house might be next door; support is needed to make this happen Everyone mentions “affordable” housing I am not sure what the means anymore Land is scarce, materials and labour are expensive The houses might be built, but can the tenants afford the rent? Given the current economy,
even some people who are working are finding it difficult to keep up with rent increases So, this city has the ability to be a leader and work with other levels of government to make rents afford able Perhaps the Residential Tenancy Act needs a major revision
In the late ’80s and ’90s, there were many treatment centres There was Pacifica on the corner of Royal Avenue and Eighth Street in New Westminster, a huge one in Maple Ridge and of course Riverview and a detox centre were there I believe treatment should be available to those who want it. If there are no treatment centres, there will be no incentive to seek help when needed, and where would the mentally and socially different go to get help? We need to work with other levels of government: to bring back treatment centres to truly address the housing crisis perhaps the police are enforcing antiquated laws perhaps the courts and interpreting anti quated laws
We need help from the provincial and federal governments. When the unhoused increase daily, the number of people dying on our streets increase daily and people are getting attacked at SkyTrain stations at two o’clock in the after noon, we need to envision a different and safer future New Westminster could be the leader in these changes
Angela Sealy
Please include a contact phone number Send letters to: The Editor, #201A 3430 Brighton Ave , Burnaby, B C , V5A 3H4, email to: (no attachments please) or fax to: 604 439 2694 Letters to the editor and columns may be reproduced on the New West Record website, www newwestrecord ca
General Local Election for Mayor, Councillors, and School Trustees
Glenbrook Fire Hall, 1 East Sixth Ave
Saturday, Oct 15, 2022 | 10:00 am 2:00 pm
This is an exciting opportunity for the residents of New Westminster to join New Westminster Fire and Rescue Services for an interactive, behind the scenes look at the services we provide for the community and the agencies that we work side by side with, as well as gain more information on home safety The event includes live demonstrations, equipment displays, fire and community safety booths, Sparky the Fire Dog, and the New West Firefighters' Charitable BBQ by donation (all proceeds to New Westminster
New West Record • THURSDAY October 13 2022 7
Firefighters’ Charitable Society) Admission is free! Please walk, bike, or transit, as there is no parking available on site. Call 604 519 1000 or email for more information. FIRE AND RESCUE OPEN HOUSE In order to conserve water during this extended period of warm/dry weather, lawn and garden watering restrictions have been extended to Oct 31, 2022 (previously Oct 15). Visit for permitted dates and hours. Voting day for the municipal election is this Saturday, Oct 15, 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. Visit for more info on how and where STAGE 1 WATERING RESTRICTIONS EXTENDED 2022 LOCAL GENERAL ELECTION: OCT. 15 Help reduce the risk of localized flooding this winter by adopting a catch basin in your neighbourhood. Your job is easy; throughout the year, you’ll clear the catch basin and surrounding area of any leaves, debris, litter, and snow that might prevent it from properly draining rainwater Learn more and get started at ADOPT-A-CATCH BASIN PROGRAM SUBSCRIBE TO CITYPAGE: ITYPAGE THE LATEST NEWS AND EVENTS IN OUR CITY CITY AGE
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10 THURSDAY October 13 2022 • New West Record This is not an offering for sale. Sales by disclosure statement only E.&O.E. Sales & Marketing by Adera Realty Corp. SoL Adera Projects Ltd. Adera’s Newest Mass Timber Community Coming to West Coquitlam Live the experience at SÕL, West Coquitlam’s newest collection of ONE bedroom to THREE bedroom, elegant, sustainable mass timber homes Conveniently located at Como Lake Ave and Robinson, SÕL nestles into a peaceful residential pocket, just blocks from all the action in this young, growing city Register Now CHARITY HOCKEY GAME CME HARIITY H HOOCCKKEEY G ADULT ADMISSION A$10 DULTTADMIISSION $10 PROUDLY SPONSORED PBY R ROOUUDDLLY Y S SPPOONNSSOORREED D B BYY: : HYDRANT CUP H2022 YDDRRANNT C CUUP P 2 200222 2 VANCOUVER CANUCKS ALUMNI VS NEW WESTMINSTER FIREFIGHTERS QUEEN'S PARK ARENAQA QUUEENN''S S P PARK K ARRENNA NOVEMBER 4TH, O,2022 OVEEMMBBEER 2 20022 2 BUY YOUR TICKETS HERE: B: U UY YOOUUR T TIICCKETTS S HEEREE:: QUEEN'S PARK ARENA QA U UEEEENN''S S P PAARRK K A ARREENNA A MOODY PARK ARENAMA O OOODDY Y P PAARRK K A ARREENNA A G&F GFINANCIAL & &F F F FIINNAANNCCIIAAL L 760 6TH 7ST 6 60 0 6 6TTH H S ST T GLENBROOK FIREHALL A GL L LEENNBBRROOOOK K F FIIRREEHHAALLL L #1 - E SIXTH 1AVE#E 1 1 -- E S SIIXXTTH H A AVVE E CHILD ADMISSION C$5 HIILD ADMIISSION $5 CENTRE C CEENNTTRRE E IICE C CE E S O SO S: P POONSSOOR::PUCK DROP @ 7:00PM DOORS OPEN @ 5:15PM PIVA MODERN ITALIAN AUTOGRAPH SESSION: @5:30PM - 6:00PM BEER BGARDEN BEEEER R G GAARRDDEEN N HOSTED HBY: O OSSTTEED D B BYY:: Available in London Drugs stores or order online at londondrugs com Search for ‘Wrinkle and Frown Line Cream’ Reduce the appearance of wrinkles up to 68% WRINKLE AND FROWN LINE CREAM: • For women & men of all ages and skintypes • Reduces the look of wrinkle depth up to 68% • 5 creams in one: A wrinkle cream, day cream, night cream, moisturizer, & make up base 604-761-4138Tracey Davies Realtor, Master Medallion 431 Queen’s Avenue, New Westminster $2,599,000 Here’s your chance to own a piece of history in the Queen’s Park neighbourhood. “Thrushvale” is a beautifully updated home offering 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, and over 4,000 sq ft on 3 levels, with basement. This location is prime, right across from Tipperary Park, and within steps to all you need. You will feel like you have stepped back in time, while enjoying all the modern conveniences. Have your Realtor contact me today for all the details. Tracey Quesnel PREC OPEN SUNDAY 2 4 P.M.
New West Cultural Crawl returns
NaveenaVijayan nvijayan@newwestrecord ca
It’s that time of the year when the entire city turns into a giant art gallery artists open their homes for people to take a sneak peek of their creations, co working spaces shape shift into walk in art stu dios, and breweries morph into places where custom ers chug a beer while star ing into large canvases.
NewWest’s 19th an nual Cultural Crawl, orga nized by the Arts Council of NewWest, is set to take place Oct 15 and 16 The event will dot the city’s map with 25 spots that art enthusiasts can waltz in and out of as they please, between 11 a.m. and 5 p m
NewWest residents will get a chance to enjoy art works by both emerging and professional artists, not just in pin drop silent galleries but also in a lively coffee shop, or, as it turns out, a church
Here are five spots that are not a gallery or a studio to check out at this Cultural Crawl:
Browsing through art in the quiet halls of a gallery can sometimes be intimi dating But looking at art with a beer mug in hand and a group of friends to clink it with seems more like a social out ing, doesn’t it? And who
knows swilling down a glass of lager might even give some a new perspec tive on those seemingly random brush strokes
Head to the newly built Art Department at An other Beer Co , a new en trant in the Cultural Crawl list, to look at artworks curated by the brewery which, by the way, has its creative labels designed by local artists
Where: Unit 10, 30 CapilanoWay
The co working space in Sapperton will pivot from being a place where people tap away on their laptops or huddle for serious meetings, to a free walk in gallery space for two days thanks to the 2022 Cultural Crawl.The Off ish will feature a solo exhibition by NewWest based artist Danielle Bo bier
Take time to browse through works themed around abstracted land scapes and atmospheric optics curated by for mer Arts Council exec utive director Stephen O’Shea
Where: 102 129 East Columbia St.
Kick start the Cul tural Crawl with a break fast of a lumberjack wrap and ice mocha, while sit ting back and looking at dreamy paintings of
crows, ravens, humming birds and NewWest’s Pat tullo Bridge Artist Janet Kvammen’s works will feature on the walls of the cafe that’s located in New West’s downtown a walkable distance from the other Cultural Crawl ven ues such as the Anvil Cen tre and River Market
Where: 102 900 Car narvon St
You might be frequent ing this local craft brew ery for its German pilsner, or for a late evening hang
with running enthusiasts, but here’s another reason why you should drop by the neighbourhood water ing hole on the weekend to check out artist Me lissa Burgher’s oil paint ings.
The artist, who de scribes herself as a “vi sual, spiritual and physi cal explorer of nature and humanity,” is inspired by Canadian landmarks and animals to make art as mentioned on her web site Grab a veggie Party Pocket from the brewery and let the artworks make
you ponder nature’s resil ience and the impact of your consumption
Where: 1319Third Ave.
At this Cultural Crawl, walk into the Holy Eu charist Cathedral (the cathedral of the New Westminster Eparchy of the Ukrainian Cath olic Church), to look at the stained glass win dows, murals and paint ings within the building Three Ukrainian iconog
raphers were flown into B C in 2018 to work on the images and patterns (that use artificial gold leaf and mimic Ukrainian em broidery) that you see in the cathedral today.
Where: 501 Fourth Ave
Find the list of all 25 venues at newwestculu can also sign up as a volun teer for the event by send ing an email to mail pro grams@acnw ca or calling 604 525 3244
New West Record • THURSDAY October 13 2022 11
Arts &
FORTHELOVEOFART: Artist Janet Kvammen greets visitors during last year’s New West Cultural Crawl Kvammen has her art on display at Serious Coffee for this year’s Crawl, happening this weekend PHOTO JENNIFER GAUTHIER/RECORD FILES
12 month 5.00%1 Redeemable Term deposit Future you will be so impressed. L m e d t m e o ff e r e m s a n d c o n d t o n s a p p y R e d e e m a b e a f t e r 8 0 d a y s a t 3 7 5 % G & F F n a n c a G o u p s n o w G u & F r a s e a r a d e n a m e o G u a n d F r a s e F s h e m e n s C e d t U n o n 604-419-8888 Let's talk.
Cozy Savings
Community Glenbrook open house marks Fire Prevention Week in city
TheresaMcManus tmcmanus@newwestrecord ca
Laser beams and Sparky the Fire Dog will be part of the fun when NewWestminster Fire and Rescue Services opens its doors to the community for Fire PreventionWeek
In celebration of Fire PreventionWeek, which runs from Oct 9 to 15, NewWestminster Fire and Rescue Services is hold ing an open house at the Glenbrook fire hall on Sat urday, Oct 15 from 10 a m to 2 p m It’s the first time NewWestminster Fire and Rescue Services has held its open house since 2019
“It’s a really nice free community event,” said Christie Bruce, fire protec tion officer “Who doesn’t
like seeing a fire truck?
All the fire trucks will be out in front and kids can go in them There’ll be tools to look at and dif ferent things. It’s going to be a bit more interactive this year We’re trying try a couple different things.”
Attendees will get a be hind the scenes look at the some of the services provided by the fire de partment, and other city departments will have booths and vehicles at the event Folks will be able to get information about fire and community safety, check out some equip ment displays, visit with Sparky the Fire Dog, en joy a (by donation) bar becue put on by the New Westminster Firefighters’ Charitable Society and watch demonstrations
“We have our live auto extrication demonstration once again,” Bruce said “And we will also be offer ing fire extinguisher sim ulator demonstrations. Those will be done about every hour or so It’s a dig ital simulator so there’s no live fire, and people can actually practise it It’s en vironmentally friendly It works with like laser beams It’s a really cool piece of equipment that we were able to borrow from the Burnaby Fire Department ”
This year’s open house also includes a temporary tattoo station and a chance to help create a mural for the fire hall. G&F Finan cial will be providing pop corn and Starbucks at Royal Square is donating hot chocolate.
12 THURSDAY October 13 2022 • New West Record
UP TO 2022
Even as you figure out the closest polling station from your home, take a minute to map out the best route to browse works of local artists at the NewWest Cultural Crawl 2022 Besides the usual cohort of galleries and studios, the annual art event will allow art enthusiasts to visit artists’ private homes, and discover art in everyday hangout spots such as breweries and a café You can discover art in an array of styles and mediums, from painting, photography and printmaking to sculpture, jewelry and decor (Check out the story on page 11 of this edition )
This year’s crawl is the 19th annual event, and it’s presented byVan Dop & Associates and the Arts Council of NewWestminster
WHEN: Saturday, Oct. 15 and Sunday, Oct. 16, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
WHERE: venues around New Westminster
MORE: See for a map and full details.
The spookiest day of the year is just a cou ple of weeks away Now is the perfect time to delve into the haunting stories from the past that are set in the city As part of the night tour led by paranormal investigator Amanda Quill, you might get to see what you only saw in your nightmares disembodied voices and phantom footsteps The tour starts at Hyack Square (800 Columbia St ), and tickets are priced at $20.11 per person.
MORE: (search for Ghosts of New Westminster)
It’sVoting Day in NewWestminster, as folks head to the polls to choose a new mayor, city council and school board You can head to any polling station between 8 a m and 8 p m For a full list of polling sta tions and all the details, check out the city’s Voter’s Guide that was delivered in the mail (or find it online) You can also see candidate Q&As, video interviews with mayoral can didates and more at our civic election page online, 2022 civic election information
If home safety is your top priority, head to the Fire & Rescue Open House (1 East Sixth Ave ) this Saturday between 10 a m and 2 p m This event promises to give a behind the scenes look at the services that the NewWestminster Fire and Rescue Services provide to the community While at the event, partake in NewWest Firefighters’ Charitable BBQ and meet Sparky the Fire Dog. (No parking available on site, so walk ing, wheeling or transit encouraged)
NewWestminster Hyack Festival Association is turning 50! Here’s a chance to celebrate the organization that has been be hind many community events and festivals for the last five decades. Join the cake cut ting, dinner (a set menu consisting as many as seven entrees to choose from) and dance at Stefanos Restaurant (315 Columbia St )
between 6 and 11 p.m. Each ticket is priced at $55
MORE: See (search for Hyack Festival)
End the weekend with aWestern classical music concert. Let the works of legends such as Franz Schubert, Maurice Ravel, and Felix Mendelssohn wash over you this week end Listen to musicians Henry Kramer, Yoojin Jang and Matthew Zalkind perform at an event presented by theVancouver Chamber Music Society at AnvilTheatre (777 Columbia St ), at 3 p m Tickets are priced between $25 and $35 plus service charge
MORE: See www.vancouverchamber or book tickets online through
compiled by Naveena Vijayan
New West Record • THURSDAY October 13 2022 13
Please send your information for inclusion to editorial@newwestrecord ca
Jennifer Gauthier/Record
files Artist Clarissa Banos greets visitors at the New West Cultural Crawl during last year ’ s event The annual self guided tour of studios, galleries and other arts related venues in the city returns this weekend Venues are open Saturday, Oct 15 and Sunday, Oct 16 from 11 a m to 5 p m WEEKEND Find more events online: www newwestrecord ca/local events your Don’t miss these weekend events & activities! Jazz at theAnvil PRESENTED BY Schedule of Performances at the Anvil Theatre September 27 A Night of Dave Brubeck October 18 A Night of Ella Fitzgerald November 29 A Night of Oscar Peterson December 6 A Jazz Christmas January 24 A Night in Rio February 14 A Night in Havana March 21 A Night in New Orleans Tickets available online at presentsP e r f o r m e d b y s o m e o f t h e t o p j a z z m u s i c i a n s i n C a n a d a
Community ‘It’s an actual crisis right now’
committee meeting “(Family Place) is such a valuable service to our city, and we are so lucky to have them. It is aw ful that we can no lon ger house them within our schools ”
Dana Osiowy, executive director of NewWestmin ster Family Place, recog nizes the school district’s urgent need for the space
“I do understand It’s an actual crisis right now,” she told the Record “It’s obviously painful for us and the school board ” NewWestminster Fam ily Place formerly occu pied a rented office at Sixth and Cunningham streets, but it moved out after its lease came up during the COVID 19 pandemic because it wasn’t possible to meet COVID guidelines there, Osiowy noted.
Then School District 40 stepped up and offered the Qayqayt space.
“It’s just been like a dream,” Osiowy said Not paying market rent freed up more of the or
Making space
Moving Family Place out of Qayqayt is just one part of a multi faceted plan by School District 40 to deal with an ongoing space shortage in its schools It’s undertaking a capacity review to come up with other solutions while it awaits funding for, and construction of, a new elemen tary school on the Fraser River Middle School site.
Other ideas in the works are a proposal to move infant toddler daycare spaces out of Fraser River Middle School and Qayqayt to other sites; a review of programs of choice (French immersion, Montessori and Home Learners) to determine where they should be located; and a consultant’s review to determine how best to maxi mize space at New Westminster Secondary School
A report will come back to the board in March 2023.
ganization’s budget to pay staff for full time hours, with benefits. And the space itself has been ideal for housing its office and running programs for kids and parents.
“It’s beautiful It has a commercial kitchen it’s just a gorgeous space that has been so wonderful for us,” Osiowy said
Being located right in the school has also al lowed the families com ing to their programs to develop connections to the school; former Fam ily Place kids who are
now in kindergarten con tinue to have relation ships with Family Place staff It also builds rela tionships between the ed ucators on both teams, as Osiowy’s staff work along side school staff to pro mote early learning
“It creates that inter connected kind of feel ing, where it’s really happy and healthy for kiddos,” Osiowy said. “We’re really creating this hug of early year services in NewWest It’s painful for all of us to have to rejig ”
Osiowy said the de
mand for services for New Westminster families is greater than ever
“The need of families right now is weighing very heavy on our hearts,” she said.
Family Place programs at Qayqayt will continue for the 2022/23 school year, but Osiowy and her team are looking for a solution for next fall and beyond
Family Place has a con tinuing partnership with MasseyTheatre, where it runs four days of pro gramming at the Eighth and Eighth arts space and demand for those programs continues to grow
But Osiowy said the or ganization needs down town space as well, and that’s what she’s on a mis sion to find.
She’s flexible on what kind of space that is It needs to have a room with capacity for at least 75 people, plus storage space and enough office space for two staffers to work In Osiowy’s “dream world,” it would also have a kitchen.
Family Place is plan ning a fundraiser for later this fall: a silent auction and dance party at Cen tennial Lodge onTuesday, Nov 29
They’ll also be doing community consultation, meeting with their part ners and trying to figure out what options are avail able for a long term solu tion
In the meantime, Osiowy also welcomes anyone with a space that might be suitable to con tact her they can email info@newwestfamilies ca, message her onTwitter (@ danaosiowy) or call 604 520 3666
“When we get our new space, we’ll be able to of fer even more program ming and resources for families,” she said “There is nothing more joyful than to be able to support babies and little kids ”
14 THURSDAY October 13 2022 • New West Record
Continued from page 1
+save up to 20% on cemetery prearrangements* 0% interest for 60 months** Chung Yeung Festival Limited time d scounts val d only for select cemetery property October 1 30 2022 Discounts apply to new pre need purchases on y Terms and conditions apply See an associate for deta ls **0% nterest free financ ng for 60 months va id only w th 10% down payment October 1 30 2022 Terms and cond tions apply See an assoc ate for eligib l ty detai s A divis on of Service Corporation Internat onal (Canada) ULC LOCK IN 2022 PRICES Honour your family’s legacy when you plan ahead Boal Chapel & MEMORIAL GARDENS 1505 Lillooet Rd | North Vancouver, BC V7J 2J1 FirstMemorialNorthVancouver com Forest Lawn FUNERAL HOME & MEMORIAL PARK 3789 Royal Oak Ave | Burnaby, BC V5G 3M1 ForestLawnMemorial Burnaby com Ocean View FUNERAL HOME & BURIAL PARK 4000 Imperial St | Burnaby, BC V5J 1A4 OceanViewBurialPark com Victory Memorial Park FUNERAL CENTRE & CEMETERY 14831 28th Ave | Surrey, BC V4P 1P3 VictoryMemorialPark com Act now to secure savings. Call 604-328-6079. SHOP.CHOICESMARKETS.COM Engman & Gunther N O T A R I E S P U B L I C • Residential Real Estate Transfers • Mortgage Documentation • Wills • Powers of Attorney • Representation Agreements 710 6th Street, New Westminster, B C V3L 3C5 Tel: 604-522-8149 Fax: 604 521 5792 ts Email: Proudly serv ng new west for over 25 years! PLEASE RECYCLE THIS NEWSPAPER.
New Westminster Fire and Rescue Services
2022 OPEN HOUSE Join Us
Saturday, October 15th,
Glenbrook Fire Hall
East 6th Avenue
Live Demonstrations
Equipment Displays
Fire & Community Safety Booths
Sparky the Fire Dog New West
Firefighters’ Charitable
New Westminster Fire
ghters’ Charitable Society)
New West Record • THURSDAY October 13 2022 15
donation (all proceeds to
2022 10:00 am 2:00 pm
Walk, bike or transit, as no parking available on site.
exciting opportunity for the residents of New Westminster to learn about your emergency services, your community safety agencies, and fire safety
Info: 604-519-1000 Email:
Quiz, then bring to the NWFRS Open House at 1 E. 6th Avenue on Saturday October 15th, 2022 to be entered into our prize draw Name: Age: Phone Number: Question 1: Fire moves fast Once the smoke alarm sounds, you could have less than minutes to escape. A) 2 B) 5 C) 10 Question 2: How many ways out of every room should you have and be aware of? A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 Question 3: Fire is Deadly! Smoke and toxic gases kill more people than flames do A) true B) false Question 4: When should you replace your smoke alarms? A) Never B) Every 20 years C) Every 10 years or when they stop working (if sooner) Question 5: When your smoke alarm chirps you should…? A) feed the bird inside B) replace the battery or replace the alarm if it’s 10yrs old C) nothing, it will eventually stop? B.5C.4A.3B.2A.1s:reswnA
February 25, 1946 October 3, 2022
Janis died far too soon and w l forever be missed by her fami y and friends A proud Ukrainian Canadian with a memorable laugh, she was a much loved wife, mother, grandmother, s ster, aunt, daughter and fr end She was born n New Westm nster and grew up n Burnaby n a house her father bui t She p ayed accord on and basebal and she loved spend ng t me with her brother, her friends, her arge extended family and her dog Tnker Over the course of her l fe she shared many happy stories about her early years
After graduat ng from Burnaby Centra n 1964 Janis worked at Eaton’s the Compensation Board and B C Tel When her chi dren were older she returned to work at Active Sales and enjoyed her years there mmense y
Janis and Dave were marr ed on October 1, 1966, and celebrated their 56th wedding anniversary ust two days before her death Together they moved to Coqu tlam, ra sed two chi dren, started and ran a fami y business, and travel ed extensive y In more recent years they we comed four beautifu grandchi dren Dave and Jan s a ways sa d that they knew they wou d never win the ottery because they had won the jackpot many t mes over with the r wonderful fam ly We al felt the same way about her Janis was predeceased by her parents Stan and Patric a Osadczuk She s survived by her husband, Dave Mercer; daughter, Adrienne Breen (Michael), son, Jason Mercer (Caro ); brother, Stan Osadczuk (Margaret); and grandchildren Ho den and Isla Mercer and Lucas and Em ly Breen She s also mourned by her niece and nephews, her brother n law, sisters in law and extended fam ly
As per Jan s’s w shes there wil be no funera serv ce In ieu of flowers, the fam ly we comes support for Ukra n an refugees or for the Union Gospe Mission’s meals, she ter, clothing and street evel outreach programs
16 THURSDAY October 13 2022 • New West Record classifieds newwestrecord ca ADVERTISING POLICIES All advertising published in this newspaper is accepted on the premise that the merchandise and services offered are accurately described and willingly sold to buyers at the advertised pr ces Advert sers a e aware o hese conditions. Advertising that does not conform to these standards or that is deceptive or misleading, is never knowingly accepted. If any reader encounters non-compliance with these standards we ask that you inform the Publisher of h s newspape and The Advert s ng Standards Council of B.C. OMISSION AND ERROR: The publishers do not guarantee the insertion of a particular advertisement on a specified date, or at all, although every effort will be made to meet the wishes of the advertisers. Further the publishers do not accept liability for any loss of damage caused by an error or inaccuracy in the printing of an advertisement beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by the portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred Any corrections of changes will be made in the next available issue. The Richmond News will be responsible for only one incorrect insertion with liability limited to that portion of the advertisement affected by the error Request for adjustments or co rec ons on charges must be made w th n 30 days of the ad s exp at on For best results please check your ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Refunds made only after 7 business days notice! Due to space restrictions,
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DTJames@glaciermedia ca Please recycle this newspaper Obituaries
MERCER, Janis Patricia (nee Osadczuk)
Let our experienced lawyers help you. | westcoastwills com *A law corporation Probate made easy. WestcoastWills &Estates 604 230 1068 ExEcutor SErvicES COMMUNITY annOuncements HELLO@ROYALCITYRECYCLINGCHAMPIONS CA ROYALCITYRECYCLINGCHAMPIONS CA In four 2 hour evening classes, learn the local waste ecosystem, how recycling really works and how to help your community prevent and reduce waste. The course includes 2 hours of post-class mentorship, and 20 hours of customized community outreach FREE FOR RESIDENTS OF NEW WEST FREE HEALING WORKSHOP Free EMDR hea ing trauma workshop for Ukra n an displaced women and the r kids November 5th and 6th 2022 in R chmond BC Ukra n an host fam l es or staff that are burned out from helping displaced Ukrain ans are also welcome to join us! Free unch and childcare are provided Drivers are ava lable for part cipants who do not live n R chmond The workshop s sponsored by United Way and the Ivan Franko Soc ety EMDR humanitarian Assistance program trauma recovery network is putt ng on this needed workshop Contact Crystal Arber @ crystaarber@gmal com https://www facebook com/groups/62843639891 4165/permalink/629109375513534 Registration link: https://forms gle/k2WR6z9hJYfyyMEi6 LOst GONE LIKE A SUNSET 2 Where are you, gorgeous smile? EMPLOYMENT Join OurTeam! • Critical Care Nurses • Paramedics • RespiratoryTherapists • Physicians LIFESUPPORT Air Medical Services is the global leader in medical repatriation. They bring patients home from all over the world to receive the medical attention they need If you have a casual line at the hospital or are semi-retired, this could be the perfect opportunity for you to take on challenging international missions They transport one patient at a time so their clinicians can focus on providing exceptional patient care LIFESUPPORT responds to new missions within 24 hours, so their clinicians must have flexible schedules Send your resume to GeneraL empLOyment Ironworker Reinforcing Rebar Position Wages: $18 00 to $35 00 depending on experience Permanent Fu l t me Job To start as soon as possible English required Minimum educat on high school Educat on Job description: • Secondary educat on requ red • 3 5 years exper ence requ red Own too s: • too s, stee toed safety boots, hard hat, safety g asses/ goggles, gloves • Own Transportat on, wil ng to trave Fast paced env ronment, t ght dead nes, hand ing heavy oads, phys cally demand ng, attention to detail, bend ng crouch ng, knee ng, manual dexter ty and overtime paid To apply please send your resume at: memreinforcement@gmail com traDes HeLp MARKETPLACE WanteD CASH for your CLUTTER I will pay CASH for your UNWANTED ITEMS! I spec alize in RECORDS, English Bone Ch na & Figur nes Col ectibles Tools, Ant ques, ETC Rob • 604 307 6715 WANTED SASQUATCH SKULL Also purchas ng SIL VER & GOLD co ns bars ewelry, scrap, nuggets, ster l ng 999+ BULL ON maple eafs, bulk s ver, pre 1969 co ns Co n co lector BUYING ENTIRE COIN COLLEC T ONS old $ & Royal Cana d an Mint coins TODD 250 864 3521 RENTAL apartments/ cOnDOs fOr rent GARDEN VILLA 1010 6th Ave New Westminster Suites Available Beaut ful Atrium w th Fountain By Co lege, Shops & Transit/Skytrain Pets negot ab e Ref req d CALL 604 715 7764 baysideproperty com SKYLINE TOWERS 102 120 Agnes St, New Westminster H R se Apartment with River Vew & ndoor Pool 1 BR & 2 BR Available Rent inc udes heat & hot water Remodeed Buldng and Common area Gated underground secure park ng avai ab e References required CALL 604 525 2122 baysideproperty com VILLA MARGARETA 320 9th St, New Westminster Suites Available A l suites have nice balcon es, Underground parking avail Refs req’d Small Pet OK CALL 604 715 7764 suites fOr rent BBY S 1 BR, furnished Easy walk to Metrotown skytrain mal N ce res dent a area Su ts 2/coup e NS/ NP $1600 incls utls Avai Nov 1 Good Refs 604 430 1358 NEW WEST Queensborough 2 BR bsmt ste sh d W/D $1850 inc s utls NS/NV/NP Avail Nov 1 604 562 0269 MARKETPLACE Call or email to p ace your ad, Monday through Fr day 8:30am to 4:30pm 604-362-0586 • 604-653-7851 • Book your ad online anytime at Your Community NEW TO YOU Your junk is someone’s jackpot.As you share the stories and the memories of how they lived their lives and how very much they meant, may you find comfort...
New West Record • THURSDAY October 13 2022 17 HOME SERVICES To advertise, call 604 362 0586 or email DTJames@glaciermedia ca Please recycle this newspaper. By virtue of the Warehouseman’s Lien Act Munde’s Towng, Storage & Service (1976) Ltd wil dispose of: 1) HONDA ACCORD VIN#1HGCG1648WA008540 RO: UNKNOWN 2) HOLIDAY TRAILER VIN# UNKNOWN RO: UNKNOWN 3) 2006 HONDA MC VIN# JH2MC13296K100288 RO: KATHERINE ANTLE 4) 2002 CHRYSLER SEBRG VIN# 1C3EL46R62N183375 RO: NADINE MOODY 5) 1999 LEXUS RX300 VIN# JT6HF10U9X0082600 RO: MANUEL R BE RO 6) 2000 HONDA ODYSY V N# 2HKRL186XYH002785 RO: ROSALES LU S ESTRADA 7) 2005 DODGE RAM 1500 VIN# 1D7HU18D75J534625 RO: MARKO BULJAN 8) 2002 AUDI A4 VIN# WAULC68E92A131154 RO: BUENDIA JONATHAN CHAVEZ 9) 2005 PONT AC MONTANA VIN# 1GMDV23L85D182515 RO: ROBERT WAGENAAR 10) 2000 TOYOTA CAMRY VIN# JT2BF22K9Y0269877 RO: YANRU ZHANG 11) 2009 FORD FOCUS VIN# 1FAHP36N29W256157 RO: KIRSTEN SCHULTZ Units may be viewed and b ds to be subm tted on TUESDAY October 25, 2022 at 5917 Thorne Avenue, Burnaby, BC between 10:00am to 3:00 pm Al wr tten b ds to Mund e’s Tow ng 5917 Thorne Ave, Burnaby, BC V3N 2T8 LEGAL/PUBLIC NOTICES LEGAL CONCRETE We do ALL kinds of Concrete Work • Sen ors d scount Loca, fam y business 40+ yrs 604 240 3408 DRAINAGE DRAIN Tiles, Sewer, Water, Video Inspection, Jack Hammering, Hand Excavating, Concrete Cutting, Rootering, WET BSMT MADE DRY 604 782 4322 DRYWALL Boarding & Taping Good Rates! Reliable, Free Est. Reno’s & Small Jobs Welcome! Call Gurprit 604-710-7769 ELECTRICAL All Electrical, Low Cost L censed Res/Com Smal ob expert Renos Pane changes (604)374 0062 Simply Electric Commercial & Resident al Reno’s & Small Jobs bf#37309 778 322 0934 EXCAVATING #1 Backhoes & Excavators Trenchless Waterlines Bobcats & Dump Truck & All Material Deliveries Drainage; Video nspection, Landscaping Concrete Stump/Rock/Cement/Oi Tank & Demos, Paving, Pool/Dirt Removal, Paver Stones Jackhammer Water/Sewer L ne/Sumps S nger Ava , Concrete Cutting, Hand Excavat ng Basements Made Dry Claudio’s Backhoe Service 604 341 4446 FENCING West Coast Cedar Installations since 1991 New • Repa red • Rebuilt Fences & Decks 604 788 6458 (no text) cedarinsta l@hotma com FLOORING Hardwood Floor Refinishing Experts • Repa rs • Sta n ng • Installat on • Free Estimates 604 376 7224 centuryhardwood com FLOORING GOLDEN HARDWOOD, LAMINATE & TILES Insta Hardwood, Sand ng/Refinishing, Til ng + Home Renovat ons • 778 858 7263 • NSTALLATION REFINISHING, Sandng Free est great prces Satsfacton guar 604 518 7508 GUTTERS • Gutter Cleaning • Roof Cleaning • Power Washing WorkSafeBC • nsured www gutterguys ca Mike 604 961 1280 Call Simon for prompt & professional service 30 yrs exp. Gutter Cleaning, Power Washing, Window Cleaning, Roof Cleaning 604-230-0627 A 1 Steve’s Gutter & Window Clean ng & Repair from $98 ! Gutters vacuumed and hand cleaned 604 524 0667 HANDYPERSON BONDED & INSURED EXPERIENCED EMPLOYEES PROFESSIONAL, SAFE AND RELIABLE 604 900 6010 NEED IT FIXED? All jobs $25 an hour Call/Text Rob 604 850 4908 ineeditfixedrite com LANDSCAPING Start Finish Demo Design PAVERS, Driveway, Sidewak Concrete Remova Replace LANDSCAPING, Turf, Hedges, Retainng Wa Pato Dranage 604 782 4322 SHAW LANDSCAPING LTD Complete Landscaping • Lawn Cuts • Gardening • Prun ng • Power Washng 778 688 1012 25+ years Experence Fully Ins’d Lic’d & WCB FALL Clean up SPECIALS • Lawn Maintenance • Power Rake • New Sod & Seeding • Tree Topp ng & Trimming • Power Wash • Gutters • Patio’s • Decks • Fences • Concrete • Retaning Walls • Driveways & Sidewalks & Much MORE All work guaranteed Free Estimates 604 240 2881 MODERA LANDSCAPING • LAWN Gravel, Bedrock • HEDGE Trimming • PAINT Exterior • STUCCO Repair, Chimney • DECKS Fencing Patios • RETAINING Walls • Pavers • CONCRETE Driveways • ROOFING Repairs 27 Yrs Exp 778 968 7843 LAWN & GARDEN MASONRY ROCK • SLATE BRICK • GRANITE • PAVERS Incl. Landscaping, Stone Structures, Patios, Pools 25 years exp No job too small Wil 604.805.1582 MOVING Affordab e Moving From $45/hr 1,3,5,7,10 Ton Trucks L censed & Insured Local Long Distance Free Est Sen or Disc 604 537 4140 www affordablemo versbc com ABE MOVING & Delivery & Rubb sh Removal $45/hr per Person 24/7 • 604 999 6020 PAINTING/ WALLPAPER INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Residential & Commercial 778-984-0666 A. RIGHTWAY PAINTING Ltd 25 years experience Free Estimates 35%OFF SPECIAL FALL PAINTING DISCOUNT PAINTING/ WALLPAPER D & M PAINTING Exterior/Interior Specialist Many Years Exper ence Ful y Insured Top Qua ty • Quick Work Free estimate 604 724 3832 INT/EXT SPECIALIST 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE FREE ESTIMATE 604 723 8434 Painting Specials g g 778-895-3503 2 rooms for $400, 2 coats any colour (Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls premium quality pa nt NO PAYMENT until Job is completed We do all sorts of wood flooring and all types of mouldings PLUMBING • Hot Water Tanks • Plumbing • Heating • Furnaces • Boilers • Drainage • Res & Comm • 24/7 Service 604-437-7272 POWER WASHING Call Simon for prompt & professional service 30 yrs exp. Gutter Cleaning, Power Washing, Window Cleaning, Roof Cleaning 604-230-0627 PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Property Maintenance $150 00 Gutter Cleaning, Garden ng, Dr veway Sea ng & Pressure Washing 604 209 3445 RENOS & HOME IMPROVEMENT A 1 Contracting Bsmt bath, kitchen cab nets, tile & lam nate flrs, painting, decks and more Ca l Dh llon, 604 782 1936 ALL RENOVATIONS: •K tchen •Baths •Additions •Patio •Stars •Deck •Fences •Pa nting •Drywal & MORE 778 892 1530 a1kahlonconstruction ca Kitchen & Bathrooms, a Tile, a F oor ng, Drywa l, Pa nt ALL REPAIRS +More! 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Over 40 Years in Business NEW ROOFS & REPAIRS Gutter Cleaning • $145 Free Est • GLRoofing ca 604-240-5362 RUBBISH REMOVAL • FULL SERVICE JUNK REMOVAL & Clean-Up at Affordable Rates • Pianos & Hot Tubs No Problem • Booked Appointments • Same-Day Service • Residential & Commercial JUNK 604.220.JUNK (5865) 20 YARD BIN RENTALS from $249/week + dump fees BRADS Find all the help you need in the Home Services section Any Anyproject, project, BIG BIG or orsmall... small Need help with your Home Renovation? Find it in the Classifieds! Find all the help you need in the Home Services HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! Share the love 6Call604 362 0586 toplaceyourad
18 THURSDAY October 13 2022 • New West Record FOR A LIMITED TIME, ENJOY FREE PICKUP FROM YOUR LOCAL CHOICES Choices’ Own Hot Soup While quantities last Not all items available at all stores We reserve the right to correct printing errors Product may not appear exactly as depicted Buy One Get One Deals Not Available Online Kitsilano 604-736 0009 | Cambie 604-875-0099 | Kerrisdale 604-263-4600 | Yaletown 604 633 2392 Commercial Drive 604 678 9665 | Burnaby Crest 604-522-0936 | Abbotsford 604 744-3567 Kelowna 250-862 4864 | North Vancouver 604-770-2868 | South Surrey 604-541-3902 Scan To View All Our Specials This Week Avocados 100% BC OWNED AND OPERATED WEEKLY CHOICES Prices Effective October 13 October 19, 2022 Fresh Steelhead Fille Botanica Organic Vitamins & Supplements 30%off Assorted Sizes 349-499 500g 650g Olympic Organic, Krema or Greek Yogurt Nuts toYou Almond Butter & Organic SesameTahini 799 500g Tahini 849 365g Almond Butter 398 bunch from USA Organic Broccolini 1099 32oz 599 16oz Choices’ Own Festive Garlic & Cheddar Bread and Roasted Garlic Butter Bread LOCAL BC rom 598 1 36kg bag 399 /100g 2/ 300 from Mexico 899/lb 19.82/kg from New Zealand /Australia Lean Ground Beef Grass Fed, Value Pack 499599 200g 320g Product available until Nov.28th