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Latest News And Events In Our City
Calendar Of Events

Thursday, April 27 5:00 pm
Curl Mapped: Artist Talk and Opening Reception Anvil Centre and online
Saturday, April 29 10:00 am
Glenbrook Ravine Restoration Centre of Glenbrook Ravine Park
Monday, May 1 No Council Meeting
May 1 - 7
Youth Week newwestyouth.ca/youthweek
Friday, May 5 3:00 pm
Red Dress Day Hyack Square
The New Westminster Scholarship Training Employment Program (S.T.E.P.) for Swim Instructors and Lifeguards is now accepting applications. Successful S.T.E.P candidates receive the required training for their future positions, all paid for by the City! newwestcity.ca/STEP
Notice Of Disposition Of Land
Whereas the City Council of the Corporation of the City of New Westminster wishes to license a 560 m2 (more or less) area of the Bernie Legge Theatre, which land is not available to the public for acquisition (license) therefore, the Corporation of the City of New Westminster hereby gives notice subject to Section 26(3) and 94 of the Community Charter:

(a) The land is more particularly described as: Parcel Identifier: Queens Park Legal Description: NWD Group 1 Plan 2620
(b) The City proposes to license the above described property to: Vagabond Players.
(c) The nature of the disposition: a license for one year from April 1, 2023 to April 1, 2024
(d) The consideration for which the Purchaser shall pay to the city: The sum of $3,600 00 per annum ($300 00 per month) plus a four month renewal
For more information concerning this lease, please contact:
Christy Mereigh, Manager, Strategic Projects 604-527-4502
Lisa Spitale Acting Corporate Officer
Lisa Spitale Acting Corporate Officer
Moody Park Arena | Tuesdays, May 16 – June 6
Learn the basics of inline skating including stopping, gliding, and road safety Must have your own equipment, including: inline skates, helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, and wrist guards. Registration fee is $30 00 / 4 classes Call 604.525.5301 or register online at newwestcity.ca/register
• Beginner Preschool: 4:00 - 4:45 pm (ID# 175030) or 5:00 - 5:45 pm (ID# 175032)
• Beginner Youth/Adult: 5:00 - 5:45 pm (ID# 175078)
Youth Week is an eagerly anticipated annual event held throughout BC during the first week of May, celebrating the remarkable contributions of young people to our communities. At the City of New Westminster, we're proud to be part of this provincewide celebration, recognizing the positive impact that our youth make all year round. Join us as we celebrate the extraordinary achievements of our youth and foster a vibrant, thriving community for all with fun and engaging events and activities all week: newwestyouth.ca/youthweek
Moody Park Arena | Tuesday & Wednesday, 9:30 - 11:00 am; Sundays, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm, Children (0 - 5 years) can practice riding their tricycle, bicycle, strider bike, roller blades, or scooter in a safe controlled dry-floor environment. A recreation leader will be on hand for extra assistance and to set up fun obstacle courses! $2 for 0-5 years. Program runs weekly until June 14; no Sunday session on May 14 and 21, or June 4 For details call Moody Park Arena, 604.525.5301.
It's spring gardening season! While you're planning out your garden beds, make sure you're also thinking about the trees on your property Per City bylaws, it is the responsibility of the property owner/occupant to properly care for and maintain private protected trees, which includes:
1) Adhering to industry standards (American National Standards Institute Publication A300) and best management practices of the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA),
2) Only hiring tree contractors who are ISA-certified arborist and licensed to operate in New Westminster, and
3) Ensuring trees growing close to City streets are not impeding vehicle or pedestrian traffic and sight lines. However, DO NOT prune or alter any City-owned trees or hedges, including City boulevard trees. If you wish to get involved with caring for our urban forest canopy, you can help water newly planted trees through the Adopt-A-Street Tree program. For more information about the relevant bylaws, your responsibilities as a property owner/ occupant, tips to keep your trees healthy, and City trees, visit: newwestcity.ca/trees2023