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New West has been in vanguard of protecting rental housing
upheld the city’s residential rental tenure zoning bylaw,” Johnstone said in a news release. “The City of NewWestminster has never shied away from doing what’s right to protect residents during the ongoing regional housing crisis Protecting renters and preserving rental housing means more residents sleep secure tonight in homes they can afford ”
In July 2018, the province enacted rental tenure zoning authority to enable local governments to expand and preserve rental stock
In January 2019, New Westminster became the first B C city to apply new rental residential tenure zoning to existing rental housing stock In addition to 12 city-owned properties that could be used for future municipal housing projects, the city also applied the bylaw to six existing stratified buildings that have been operating as rental buildings for many years
In a May 1 decision, the BC Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal
“Nothing in the bylaw in any way contravenes or is inconsistent with the provisions of the ResidentialTenancies Act, nor was it unreasonable for the City of NewWestminster to consider the Local Government Act to authorize its adoption,” said the BC Court of Appeal ruling “The chambers judge correctly dismissed the petition ”
The registered owners of all six strata properties –VI T Estates Ltd , VIAM Holdings Ltd., Elmwood Apartments, 0730794 B.C. Ltd., Geordie Holdings Ltd. and
0964956 B C – initiated legal action against the city and asked the Supreme Court of British Columbia to declare bylaw to be illegal and/or void, to impose an order quashing the bylaw and to pay costs of the legal action
When the Supreme Court of BC ruled in the city’s favour, the building owners took the matter to the BC Court of Appeal.
According to the city’s press release, NewWestminster sought to protect more than 200 households whose tenancies could not adequately be protected by any of the other existing legislative tools found in the Local Government Act and the Community Charter Johnstone said the city has taken “some very bold steps” in the last couple of years to protect renters during the ongoing housing crisis, and he’s pleased with the court’s decision.
“It’s a big victory for us. And actually, it’s a victory for the region; it’s a victory for other cities who are going to be bolder now in protecting rental that’s available.”
Johnstone said the case involved purpose-built rental buildings that were already stratified “We were concerned they were going to get sold off as condo units, and they could be,” he said. “So we changed the rental only tenure, and they challenged us.”
Johnstone said the buildings are zoned as rental and will remain that way, unless a future council decides otherwise.
“We’ve had a long tradition in NewWestminster of protecting rental property,” he said.
Start Enjoying Outdoor Pools
Moody Park Outdoor Pool is now open for leisure swimming, lane swimming, and Aquafit. Limited drop-in spaces are available but reservations are strongly recommended. Reservations are available 3 days in advance for New Westminster residents and 2 days for everyone Starting May 20, Hume Park Outdoor Pool and Grimston Wading Pool will also open on Saturday and Sunday For more information and to reserve a swimming session, call 604-777-5100 or visit newwestcity.ca/outdoor-pools
View or download the Summer Active Living Guide at newwestcity.ca/ALG.
Registration is now at a new time, 10:00 am, and on two dates:
• Day camps - May 11 for New West residents, May 12 for everyone
• Summer programs and lessons - June 8 for New West residents, June 9 for everyone
Remember to ensure your online account is up to date in advance of registration day, as all course registration requires an account For more information and registration tips head to newwestcity.ca/registration
Notice Of Disposition Of Land
Whereas the City Council of the Corporation of the City of New Westminster wishes to license a 560 m2 (more or less) area of the Bernie Legge Theatre, which land is not available to the public for acquisition (license) therefore, the Corporation of the City of New Westminster hereby gives notice subject to Section 26(3) and 94 of the Community Charter:
(a) The land is more particularly described as: Parcel Identifier: Queens Park
Legal Description: NWD Group 1 Plan 2620
(b) The City proposes to license the above described property to: Vagabond Players.
(c) The nature of the disposition: a license for one year from April 1, 2023 to April 1, 2024
(d) The consideration for which the Purchaser shall pay to the city: The sum of $3,600 00 per annum ($300 00 per month) plus a four month renewal
For more information concerning this license, please contact Manager, Strategic Projects, Christy Mereigh at 604-527-4502
Peter DeJong Corporate Officer