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REEVES, Dawn Dixon

On October 5th, 1962, Dawn Dixon Reeves was born in Cape Town, South Africa and from then on, the sun sh ned a l ttle brighter
In the 1970’s, the Dixon fami y came to Canada: Dawn, her be oved grandparents John and Agnes, unc es John, Wnston, Afred and Keith and aunt Esme n 1985, Dawn had her first child, John Short y after, she opened her very own PetroCanada stat on at the corner of 6th and Be mont, ead ng her faithful team with kindness and joy for many years In 1995, Dawn gave brth to her daughter Cassandra - from that moment the pair were inseparab e, forever the best of friends As a mother, she was ncomparable: devoted, selfless, ov ng Dawn encouraged her chi dren to dream and championed every endeavour In her own words: “Stop being so shy about your GREATNESS and be CONFIDENT n a l you do who cares what anyone says or th nks of your we l intended actions, p ans, goa s and dreams and never stop dreaming Dream BIG, it wi l man fest nto reality t rea ly wi l Become as you imagine t to be!”

In her life, Dawn made an ever asting dfference in the lives of everyone she knew Her heart was pure, with a never-ending capacity to ove To be oved by Dawn was to know you a ways wou d be Every soul who walked into her home fe t as f t were their own She ensured you never eft weary, upset, or hungry It was a treat just to sit and ta k with her, to hear her beaut ful vo ce and contag ous aughter Dawn oved the beach, sunshine, good music, and good conversation She described her favourite day as one Mother’s Day she spent with her daughter sitting by the shore, l sten ng to some tunes, ta king, eating gril ed oysters, and watching the water It s mposs be to put into words what our beaut ful Dawn was l ke, and impossible to mag ne a wor d without her A l who know her feel so lucky and blessed to have known her and wl forever mourn her oss
A service wil be he d on June 29th at 10:00AM at St Alban’s Angl can Church, 7717 19th Ave, Burnaby and a Celebration of Life to fo low at home, more nformat on wl be shared at the serv ce
I love you, Mummy
You are my best friend, my soulmate, and my number one, forever and always.
JANZEN, Elinor Marianne (nee Sullivan) (Marianne)
Marianne passed away on Sunday, 4 June She is predeceased by her father Audy Sull van, her mother June Sul ivan and her stepfather Joe Costain, and she is oving y remembered by her husband James Janzen, daughter Katie (Nat), brother Frank Sul ivan, stepmother Cherry Sullivan and a large extended fami y
Marianne was born in Scarborough, Ontar o but moved to Coquit am as a chi d and spent most of her adult ife in New Westminster (many peop e knew her as the “book mending” ady” at New Westminster Publ c Library She was passionate about commun ty involvement, serving on the Parent Adv sory Commttee and Arts Councl for many years as wel as vo unteering at the United Church She will always be remembered for her generosity and wi l ngness to step up and he p n any s tuation
A celebrat on of ife wi l be he d on Thursday, 6 July from 2pm - 4pm at Centenn al Lodge in Queen’s Park, New Westminster
In lieu of flowers, please send a donation to the Canad an Cancer Soc ety or another char ty of your cho ce

Kearney Co umb a Bowel Chapel 604-521-4881
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