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Royal LePage Customer Care team is here for you

The seven most commonly-asked questions

At the Royal LePage Customer Care Centre, we handle an average of 2,100 phone and email enquiries every month. While some of these are unique questions or requests for information about specific situations, many of them are about issues common to many Royal LePage professionals. To assist you to work as efficiently as possible, here’s a list of the top seven most frequently asked questions – and answers – to get you on your way.


Of course, if you have any further questions or concerns, you can always reach us by phone at 1-877-757-4545 or by email at help@royallepage.ca.

1. How can I change my password and/or set up answers to my security questions?

Both of these functions are found in the same place on the rlpNetwork. Once logged in, just click on the Help tab, then on ‘Account Settings’. There you will see two options, ‘Update Password’ and

‘Update Security Questions and Answers’. Having your security questions set up will ensure you don’t need to contact Customer Care if you ever forget your password.

2. How do my listings get on www.royallepage.ca?

Your listings are loaded in your local Board’s system, then uploaded to the Canadian Real Estate

Association (CREA) to be placed on www.realtor.ca.

Once the listings are there, they are then uploaded to www.royallepage.ca. This process typically takes 24 to 36 hours after the listing is visible on www.realtor.ca.

3. Can my @royallepage.ca email be forwarded to another email address?

No, for several reasons email forwarding is not supported by policy. However, we can assist you in configuring your smartphone and/or the email software on your computer to pick up your royallepage.ca emails. If you use a web-based email service, such as Hotmail or Gmail, for instance, we can also assist you in configuring your account to retrieve your royallepage.ca messages from those accounts.

4. Can I pick up my royallepage.ca messages on my smartphone and/or tablet?

Absolutely! We can definitely assist you in configuring your BlackBerry, iPhone or Android smartphone to enable you to send and receive mail from your royallepage.ca account.

5. How do I access the

Royal LePage University (RLPU)?

The RLPU is easily accessed from within the rlpNetwork. Click on the

REALTORS® tab, then on

‘Increase Your Skills’, then

‘RLP University’ and finally on the button reading ‘Access

RLP University’.

If you have any trouble accessing your course, you can contact

RLPU support at 1-888-546-7704.

6. How do I access the

Canada Post Unaddressed

Admail tool?

This tool is available in the rlpNetwork, right on the

Home tab. Look to the top of the page and click on ‘Suppliers’, then ‘Unaddressed Admail’ and finally on the button ‘Create My Order’. This will launch you into the Canada Post Express Order Entry system to create your order.

7. How do I access the Marketing Centre?

The Marketing Centre is accessible on the rlpNetwork by clicking on the REALTORS® tab, then on ‘Marketing Centre’ and finally on the button

‘Access Marketing Centre’. This will launch the

Marketing Centre in a new window.

Questions or concerns?

Please don’t hesitate to call or email the Royal LePage Customer Care Centre, at 1-877-757-4545 or help@royallepage.ca. Business Hours: 9 am to 6 pm EST, Monday to Friday.

During normal business hours we will make every effort to answer all incoming calls immediately. If all staff are busy, or you call outside normal business hours, your call will be routed to voice mail. All calls routed to voice mail will be logged into our call tracking system and returned as soon as possible. Our goal is to respond to your voice and e-mail messages within 24 to 48 hours. We look forward to helping you.

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