1946 Log Royal Canadian Naval College

Page 1








Fon:w()rd by the Gon:rnor-Cenera l -



to Cadet:-. from Captain Crallt



\\ l'lcome to Captain Crecry




Colkgc Xew-.;: Cunroom

On T\\o of


13 Xote,;

.\ Capt. H. Hornblower, R.C.N. (Temp.);

~fillt1tc ~ho\\"ers;

Sexton; the

the Junior Term Initi ation: the Visit


Festiva l ; the Christmas Dance;

Official Inspection hy the C.O.P.C.; Noche de Ronda; national Re lation ... Club:

Chips from the Log;



Cercmony. 19-15; the Long Cruise.

Thl' Craduatill,g Class


~p(lrt ...


"A" Tt.:am ~l'ason. ~\Iatches, Charactc.:rs

52 57

"B" and "C" Teams -


Il1tl'rdi\'isionai Sports:

Baskethall, Country.










Sailing. Highlights. Sta ndinf.(.




R.C X. Colle!.:c E,-Cadct Cluh lI(l111e

,\ddresses. Class of

Flobam and ]et ... am

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68 70







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T gives me great pleasure to write these few lines for your Log. and my first words to you are those of greetings from one comrade in arms to another.

The late war was won because we fought together as a team-and that team was the Navies. Armies and Air Forces of the Empire. In myoId Corps. the Brigade of Guards. our motto is: "Tria juncta in uno." Never before has the truth of this been better illustrated than in the strugg le we have all been through. And now it is up to us to see that in the future reorganization of the Fighting Services this co-operation is not only maintained. but developed and strengthened. The part played in our team by the Royal Canadian Navy has been outstanding. and one of which Canada may well be proud and the Commonwealth grateful for. You can recall with pride and satisfaction that it was here in this Naval College that a brilliant band of leaders received their early training which. when war came. fitted them for the mighty task of expanding the Royal Canadian Navy into the Third Naval Power of the United Nations. This great tradition of service is now passed on to you to maintain and add to. and I feel sure that it is in worthy hands. I send you greetings and good luck for the future.

Ii:h路路.L-1~. Governor-General of Canada.

I 3





AM honoured by the editors of "The Log" in being invited to write a short message for the 1946 edition.

Having been privileged to command the Royal Canadian Naval College from the first day of October. 1942, until the 6th of January. 1946. it is only natural that I follow its fortunes with the most intense interest, and I am therefore glad to have this opportunity to make some observations. Since taking up my appointment at Naval Service Headquarters I have become more than ever convinced that it is the graduates of the Naval College who are, and will be, best fitted to undertake the somewhat herculean task of guiding the Royal Canadian Navy to a still higher destiny. The welfare of some thousands of men, and indeed of our country itself, will be vitally affected by the calibre and ability of those charged with the great responsibility of being Officers in our Service. I have remarked before, and I again emphasize, that a Naval Officer's career can be one of high public service; no other profession offers greater opportunity to serve the best interests of our country. It is to be hoped that under United Nations Organization direction the scope of opportunity to serve may be increased to embrace all mankind. A natural consequence of two world wars, the one following quickly on the other, is war weariness in the minds of the elderly, and with the return of peace, some measure of reluctance on the part of the youth of this country to consider military matters a definite responsibility. Nevertheless, if Canada is to preserve self-respect in the eFs of the world, responsibility for the preservation and building up of efficient fighting services must be shouldered; grey hairs must play their part, but the clarion call is to youth. It is this last thought in this brief message that I urge Cadets most seriously to consider.

A Captain, R.C.N. (Temp.) Ottawa, 24th April. 1946.



EDITORIAL STAFF 1946 Edltor-in-Chief Assocwte Editors -



P. S. MORSE J. S. KER Aduert ising Manager Sports Editors Ex-Cadet Editor Senior Term Editor Photographic Edllor Chief Aduisor




VER since last August the Royal Canadian Navy has been undergoing a

slow, quiet and painful change. There are tens of thousands fewer men in the service today than there were twelve months ago, and already uniforms are becoming a rarity, the exception rather than the rule, even in the streets of our dockyard cities. Peace has truly arrived, and the Navy is turning again to its peacetime work-the patrolling of the country's long coastline and the unceasing training of officers and ratings to man the sizable fleet which Canada has acquired. For the Navy's task is not yet finished, nor will it be finished until permanent peace is assured. During the course of the war, this country gradually built up a vast industrial system for the purpose of manufacturing badly-needed munitions and equipment. A shipbuilding programme, far greater than ever befQre attempted in Canada, was initiated and sbips were soon being built at a very creditable rate: in a few years losses were replaced and the required fleet was in being . Altbougb peace has returned. these war-time industries will not completely disappear. A large proportion of tbem are converting to production of goods for peaceful purposes, and, witb tbe industrial technique acquired during the war. production will be far more than the nation can absorb. This means, of course, that exports will increase considerably, which in turn means that a use can and sbould be found for the large mercbant fleet built up during the war. and wherever there is a merchant fleet there must be a navy as its potentia l protector. Herein lies one of the chief justifications for the increased size of Canada's postwar establishment. 6


The position which Canada has won as a leading middle power carries with It a certain prestige: this prestige can only be maintained by a demonstration of Canada's ability to protect her expanding commerce in the air and on the sea. That is why "Uganda" has been "showing the flag" in the ports of South America: that is why the Royal Canadian Navy is now concentrating on obtaining ratings and officers of the highest quality and on training them to the highest standards of efficiency. The reputation of a country. like the safety of its ships upon the seas. can only be maintained at the price of eternal vigilance. A question which always arises in the time of peace is what premium the taxpayer will be prepared to pay for such national insurance. \Vill the expenditure of each shell. the issuing of each fathom of rope be so closely watched that a bare minimum of consumption will be permitted-a minimum which might fall so low as to jeopardize the efficient training of personnel? Or will the public recognize in the Navy. as in the Army and the Air Force. a sound investment. and be generous enough in its support to ensure that it has at all times a firstclass fighting machine at its command? History shows that continually in the past the British peoples have adopted a cheese-paring policy. even towards that greatest bulwark of their security. the Navy. It should be the endeavour of every Cadet at this College to prevent Canada from falling into a similar error today. The status of the Naval Cadet ashore has changed considerably with the other changes of the past year. Whereas. during the war. he was simply an embryo-officer on leave. he is now an ambassador for the Navy to the mighty taxpayer. with leave as a secondary consideration. Those who graduate from the Royal Canadian Naval College this year and enter the Royal Canadian Navy will become each one an active participant in that eternal vigilance which is the Navy's role: those who return to civil life have an equally important part to play. It will fall on them to explain to their friends and neighbours that. in spite of all the traditional pomp and ceremony of the service in peacetime (the underlying value of which can only be appreciated by naval men). in spite of the apparently fanatic concentration on scrubbed decks and gleaming brasswork. their Navy is not just an expensive shining toy. but is a weapon forged for their defence. This weapon has already given a splendid account of itself in two wars. establishing a record and traditions of which all ranks and ratings are justly proud: but it can only be kept sharp and keenly tempered by the unceasing and generous appreciation of the people of Canada.

l 7


8 J



C.B.E .. R.C.N.


COLLEGE such as this has frequent changes to record; farewells have to be said with one breath and with the next a welcome made. and it is singularly true of the Service changes that the regret experienced over a

departure is matched with the warmth of welcome extended to his successor. a word. we have been decidedly fortunate in our Captains.


And that is as it

should be. for no institution makes a greater demand for leadership and inspiration than a Naval College. The Captain must be all things in one and forgetful of sel f in his work. He is not destined to go down in history as a writer of a great novel. or the painter of a wonderful picture. or the leader of new political thought. but his intangible qualities of leadership and inspiration can be farreaching beyond measure. Captain Creery was probably well known to all of us except possibly to the Junior Term. He has ranged the whole gamut of a successful Naval Officer's career.

Since his entry into the Naval College at Halifax in 1914, he served in

World War 1. in Cruisers in the North Atlantic. and after the war, in Destroyers till 1923, when he specialized in Torpedo.

In 1929 he rose to Command with

H.M.C.S. Armentieres and in the next year was attached to the R.N. Third Destroyer Flotilla in the Mediterranean. A Staff Course in England followed before he returned to Canada to command H.M.C.S. Champlain. After a spell in Ottawa as Director of Naval Reserves and then in Halifax as Commanding Officer Stadacona. he was given command of H.M.C.S. Fraser in 1938. He was promoted Acting Captain in June, 1941, and confirmed July, 1942, following which he was Chief of Staff to C.O.A.C. and later Director of Operations at Headquarters and Deputy Chief of Naval Staff. The part played, in 1945 , by H.M.C.S . Prince Robert. Captain Creery', next command, was an honoured one, and, as it turned out, an extremely fortunate one for the Canadian prisoners at Shamshuipo. But this is another story. We are very lucky. indeed , to have Captain Creery as our Commanding Officer. May we all do as well as you. Sir: For Captain and Mrs. Creery there is already alive in the College a warm affection and admiration. May they grow to like us as much as we like them I

W. M. O.

[ 9

The arrival of the present graduating class at Royal Roads seemed probably to the officers present the wood torn out of the bottom of the barrel. when the barrel had been scraped only too thoroughly with holystone. We were awkward, bewildered, and even sceptical as we donned our bright new boiler suits and proceeded down to the rugger fields to put a mattress of mud onto the fields to soften the many falls which were to come. By Christmastime, however, we had straightened out the kinks of riotous living, and were properly convinced that the old adage of early to bed. early to rise, expressed admirably the philosophy which we inherited from our predecessors. We were certain that the fulfilment of ttJe latter part of this quaint old grandmothers' muttering was surely being manifested when at payment we were ladled out seventy-five cents each week-for trying hard. Days passed at the persistent rate of sixty minutes per hour for twenty-four hours, and we found that in spite of ourselves, we had become the white-haired little boys who could do no evil. Even our studies far exceeded the wildest dreams of the instructors. and by Easter we knew the principle of the pendulum so well that in subsequent lectures in mechanics, thinking was quite dormant; we knew all that there was to know on the subject. During the rugger season, the budding Juniors were outstandingly represented by several stout lads from our ranks. Boxing victories were not entirely monopolized by bloodthirsty Seniors. our own boys fought valiantly and unflinchingly against more experienced opposition. Our summer cruise as Juniors in "Nanaimo" proved to be a great success from a recreational and instructional point of view. While the life ashore was sumptuous compared with the hard slogging aboard ship, yet there were many happy moments of enviable bliss in the matelot life we led. Such thrills as firing the costen gun across the bows of H. M.C.S. "Talapus" sent even the least emotional heart a-beating at the thought that this indeed was the Navy, with its spirit of dogged determination to get a job done no matter what the means or price. As the sun rose higher in the sky, so did our hopes rise at the prospect of becoming lofty Seniors, and by the time July 5th arrived, more cigarettes had been bought by prospective Seniors than by the Seniors themselves. July 5th left us breathless and full of swank as we were doubled off the parade ground by the new Chief Cadet Caplain (who was so amazed by his appointment that we practically doubled around Col wood before he could blurt out the order to halt), and there we were, the realization of our hopes, Seniors at last. At this point the curtain falls and does not rise until September I st. when we again arrive at the blessed abode. No longer are we brittle with discipline, dogged with determination, groping eagerly for knowledge-the summer has had its effect, and we must start from scratch. We had our ups and downs in 10 1

.the months that followed, but we did hold up our own against the newly baptized Juniors. The rugger sides were composed almost entirely of our Term, with the exception of a few Juniors who will make a fine nucleus for next year's team. Here we arrive at the end of the story of the present graduating Term ; its dispersal to the R .C. N. and the Universities of Canada. It is certain that. despite the rigours of discipline, the few annoyances which have been placed before us to teach us, every Cadet graduating this year will leave with a feeling of gratitude for what the College has done for him. Our thanks go to the officers of this College. who have taken such a keen interest in our welfare and who have provided us, through their efforts, with a sound training which will serve us well in our future lives, no matter what we do. Royal Roads, farewell !


If I were keen, I'd surely rise Each morning at the dawning With eager shout and sparkling eyes, But look at me-I'm yawning. My eyelids heavy well suppress The faintest trace of glimmer. I curse my masters as I dress; My faith- my trust grow dimmer. For I'm not keen for morning jaunts Nor keen for station keeping. It's not P .T. my spirit wants; My keenness is on sleeping! I

J. T.




GUNROOM NOTES Webster might have defined our gun room as a rectangular room, windowed on three sides and harbouring a record player against the remaining wall. This would, in the strictest sense, be perfectly true, but Webster would have fallen short of the mark. No one who has not endured the trying, sometimes exhausting, life of a Naval Cadet could hope to capture the true element of companionship which inhabits the gunroom. Here, amidst a litter of discarded newspapers and chocolate-bar wrappers, we spend our fleeting spare moments, talking, playing cards, or just relaxing in the battered chairs, breathing a few peaceful breaths before the arduous routine catches up with us again. Card players are, of course, the dominating factor, but there are al ways a zealous few reading magazines, and the gun room would not exist as such were it not for the odd prostrate body, sprawled on one of the benches in an attempt to obtain some sleep. Despite this apparent air of chaos, it is in the gunroom, surrounded by the din and cacophony of everyday life, that we have come to know each other. True friendship has flourished there, and few of us will leave the College without carrying with us some cherished memory of gun room life.













We were all very pleased to welcome to our ranks last Fall that doughty little mascot "Herky." He soon made his presence felt by everyone, and by virtue of his boundless energies and continuous good humour he became a friend to the whole term. No one could predict what he would do next, but early in his stay he developed an intense liking for the cake and biscuits which are so essential a part of our day. A cup of milk and a raisin bun were just too much temptation for "Herky," who would spill the milk and carry the bun to some dark corner to polish it off in sheer ecstasy. His frantic scramblings in the handsome cage and his wild dash about the gunroom floor. carrying him up and over any innocent bystanders, amused us all; "Herky" shortly became the centre of attraction, a position he held with great pride and pleasure. He climbed over all, annoyed some, and was an ever-present danger under foot. To look at him, few of us would have thought that he was dissatisfied with life here, but after he had been with us about a month he was seen one night to leap through the window and escape to the woods. With his charming personality, and being a graduate of Royal Roads, he was doubtless quick to secure a squirrel wife and settled in wedded bliss. At least he won't have Navy tea. Few, if any of us, will forget that now historic evening when our own "Choc" allowed his wall of reserve to slip, and was heard to tell his friend and boon companion, "The Chest," to perform that infamous deed. "Choc" was quick to regret his rashness, and hastily tried to retract his statement, but his dare had been accepted by the whole Senior Term. \Ve all crowded arolVld to enforce the doing of the evil deed, pushing and shoving one another in our attempt to be right on the scene. Cadet Captains in general, and "Choc" in particular, lost so much face that night that they were forced to retire to their cabin, all the while muttering mingled threats and curses and casting unsavoury glances at that certain member of their caste. The man in question drooped around in a pitiable manner for a couple of days, but then lost his abashed look and tried to carryon as though nothing had happened. Nevertheless. we will always remember' P.T.I.'s, Wrens, and various other nondescript groups of humanity clotted around the doorway to watch our P. T. display one afternoon. The entire Senior Term, goaded on by the soothing sound of a feminine voice, emanating from our radio, went through various kinds of contortions and gyrations as she J4


cooed her steady One. two. three. up. down. all right now stop. Dunbar spent several hours performing that hip-slimming exerCise in a serious. puffing manner. but the rest of us were quite content to be light-hearted about the whole thing. pedalling our bicycles and bending from the waist very gaily. Most of us secretly hoped that the Navy "musclemen" mIght take heed and brighten up the morning gym. sessions with the playing of a piano and the use of a musical voice to urge us on to greater efforts. Our foolish hopes were soon shattered. however. when early the next morning we were greeted by that gruff and humourless character telling us to "Knees hup h u p . . hup~"









Periodically we have been summoned together in what is officia ll y termed a "gunroom meeting." These usually begin by our distraught President venturing to announce the topic under discussion. This is frequently. though not always. followed by a brief period of silence which is in turn relieved by a sudden clamour of voices bursting forth in a veritable exp losion. Any semblance of order is then abandoned. We proceed to shout across the room at each other on topics ranging from tomorrow's rugby game to the tea situation in Ch in a. This state of chaos prevails for periods ranging up to half an hour as more and more vociferous characters. incensed by the thrill of the chase. join in or start their own arguments. It is brought to a halt only by the screech of the bos-un's pipe informing us that the long-awaited bedtime has arrived. The President. in a last futile gesture. then asks for a vote on the origina l matter. which officia ll y ends the meeting. In spite of their hectic character. these sessions have served to accomplish much. and I doubt if we cou ld have survi ved the two years as a body without their guiding influence and that of the hapless individuals who have served as Presidents. We owe a vote of thanks to them. It was a Tuesday evening' We all settled comfo rtabl y in our chairs awaiting the arrival of our honoured speaker. Suddenly. the door burst open. admitting into the sanctity of our room that officer and gentleman. clothed in a fireman's hat and cape and carrying several fire extinguishers. some gaso lin e and a little truck It was to be a lecture in fire-fighting. he said. as he proceeded to fill the atmosphere with dense clouds of black smoke. all the while throwing handfuls of homemade foam a nd spraying his fire extinguishers in every direction. The final coup de grace came when a large mound of bona-fide gunpowder was heaped in the centre of the room and one of our number was ca ll ed forth to touch off the mess. There was a violent explosion: most of us dived under the nearest table. while our fire-chief threw foam at everything he could see through his singed eyelids. \Vhen he had run OUt of foam. all the extinguishers had been exhausted. and the last drop of gasoline had been cons um ed in flames. composure seemed slowly to return to him. With a final squirt from the CO, gun. he departed. leaving us among the charred ruins of our once beautiful gunroom. As we filed off to bed. the soft voices of the gunroom sweepers cou ld be heard in the background singing "Through the smoke and flame. I want to go where you a r e . " * * * * There are countless other incidents that shou ld be mentioned here .. the quiet Sunday afternoon when Chase and Joe vied with each other to see who cou ld pile the most "coke" bottles without incurring disaster the night DcsBrisay stood on a table and tried to incite mutiny and innumerable other littl e happenings which have served to keep the place alive during our stay here. But these will fade into oblivion as part of our life at the Co ll ege. We pass the traditions of this gun room on to our successors. May they find it as interesting a place to live as we have. H

A. T.






0 THE JUNIOR GU ROOM . On the day we first arrived at the College. I was wandering through the halls. hopelessly lost. when I chanced on a door marked "Junior Gunroom." With trembling hand I opened the door and entered. My first shock was to discover that the room was entirely devoid of the guns which the name had led me to expect. In fact. it was just like a large living-room. with comfortable chairs scattered about. and long tables along the sides. It had large windows overlooking the grounds, which admitted a stream of sunlight into the room. Later we were formally introduced to the gunroom, and told that it would be our personal room, our home, while we were juniors. At first the room was bare. except for the furniture and the record-player and radio in one corner. but soon magazines. "coke" bottles and gramophone records began to accumulate in increasing proportions. The gunroom has definitely become the most appreciated room in the College, as far as the Junior Term is concerned. Here we may spend our idle moments writing letters, playing bridge, or just sitting and thinking, and sometimes just sitting. Or perhaps we belong to the musical appreciation group, who may be seen crouched eagerly by the radio undergoing weird contortions. This musical faction and the bridge sect have. unfortunately, caused a gunroom crisis. The bridge games sometimes assume riotous proportions, which make it impossible for the music to be audible, whereupon the radio is turned up to a blare, and the result is a general din, with both parties protesting loudly. However, the problem is now being carefully studied, and a peaceful settlement is now in sight. Within the four stout walls of the gunroom many humorous incidents have taken place. The first was on that memorable evening at the first of the term when we were to meet the Captain. One unfortunate, who was having his first encounter with a detachable collar, was nearing his turn when suddenly there was a sickening twang. and one end of his collar was left Rapping in the air. Two adroit Cadet Captains leapt to his assistance, and after wrestling furiously. managed to secure it. When all had relaxed again. the same twang was heard again, and the performance was repeated. This time it held, and our stalwart regained the shattered remnants of his poise and bravely approached the Captain. Many mad scenes occur during gunroom meetings, which are those times the Term gets together and makes as much noise as possible. so that neither the President nor anyone else can be heard. When all possible witty or derisive comments have finally been exhausted, the chaos assumes the shape of a meeting, and various matters are discussed and voted on. Although the total number of votes invariably exceeds the number in the Term, one might say that the gunroom government is quite democratic and honest. That is, with the possible exception of the manner in which dues are extracted. On the night before payday. the executive go into a conclave behind locked doors. and invariably decide that money is required. The result is that on the next day, about ten minutes before payment. the juniors are informed by the poker-faced secretary that they will not be paid, as the pay has been transferred to the gun room funds. This means that the Term goes another week without chocolate bars. In spite of this, the Term is very indebted to the gunroom executive for their efforts, as at different times they have had to assume varied and difficult roles. As we were told. the gunroom has virtually become our home here at the College. Whether we play cards. write letters. listen to the radio or JUSt relax, we all welcome the comfort and the air of companionship of our gunroom, and in later years will certainly not forget the pleasant times and associations that it afforded us during our junior term. G. W. NOBLE. 17

A CAPT. H. HORNBLOWER . R.CN . (Temp.) On the eighth of March. the College was honoured by th e decision of Acting Captain Hornblower. KCN . (Temp.). to take up permanent residence on the College grounds. Captain Hornblower is one of the youngest officers of that rank in the service: we are given to understand that he is only seven years o ld. although by the appearance of his teeth we are inclined to estimate his age at a ripe old ten . His one and only appea rance in the College social whirl thi s season was at the final game for the Barnard Trophy. Earl y o n the morning of the game-0600 to be precise-four Cadets. brimming over with the des ire to do service to their fellow-men. and bring credit to the R .CN. College. wended their way to the lower pasture to catch our mascot. However. Hornblower did not see things in that light ( it was scarcely dawn). and it was only after forty minutes' spirited chase. which included a bronco-busting ex hibition by Nixon. that he was brought to appreciate our viewpoint. At 1030 . Nixon. Wilkins and Norton return ed to the fray. unaware of what the next ten hours held in store. Hornblower condescended to being led up to the Cadet Block with little troubl e. There. with more difficulty. he was tailored by Lt. Mason for his dress uniform . which he was later to wear so grandly on the field of sport. Transportation presented a problem. After an ho ur of fruitlessly attempting to load him into the truck. the mul e's halter parted . and he dashed. in full regalia . away down the pleasant rustic lan es of Hatley Park . A hot pursuit was opened with the aid of P.O. Goldfinch and his famous coupe. In a quarter of an hour we return ed . complete with mule . to the embarkation po int . and. with the aid of a veteran muleskinn er-w ho had been posing as a fireman - the loading operation was completed. At MacDonald Park Hornbl owe r conducted himself admirably. behaving like a perfect gentleman for the fir st (a nd last ) time that day. He was the centre of attraction for the rising generation. who complicated matters by con18


tinuall y getting within range of his after battery. Nevertheless, with a little management we weathered the game-no kicks. no runs, few errors. To our great sorrow, our fireman friend did not come with the truck driver after the game \Ve tugged, we hauled, we cajoled. we blindfolded, we persuaded, we swore, but Hornblower was adamant. It was decided to tire him out by towing him behind the truck for a couple of miles. This was a mistake: the jaunt merely warmed him to greater heights of cussedness. We stopped outside Crystal Garden, and had no more success in loading the brute. In true pusser fashion, N.O.r.C. Operations, Lt. (E) Richards, was given a blow-by-blow account of our action. N.O.r.C. Operations, in one of those bursts of genius which show the born leader. engaged experts from a riding academy to facilitate the loading evolution. In short order the horsemen were busy applying equine psychology, calling Hornblower pet names, and in various ways soothing his outraged senses. After an hour of honeyed words and gentle caresses, their tempers were observed to wear thin: their tone assumed a distinct note of annoyance and frustration. Then began a knock-down-drag-out battle of man versus mule. Man won after half an hour by sheer weight of numbers. It was nearly nine o'clock when we put in our final report to the Operations Officer in Royal Roads Action Information Centre. Although a loser in this skirmish, Hornblower's moral victory was complete. Slightly the worse for wear, but still unconquered, he stands in the lower pasture, master of all he surveys.

ON TWO-MINUTE SHOWERS When I consider how my time has passed Ere half the mud is off my scarred hide, While yet the slippery soap is clinging fast With greased tenacity to back and side Though I have rinsed in frantic, vain attempt To exit sparkling, well within the limit -twice sixty seconds-set, no doubt, by whim. Scarcely suffices. Who'd have ever dreamt-I


But no, 'tis fruitless to bemoan my plight: If orders say "Go dirty" then 'tis right. Let soap and mud encase me like a shell. 'Twill doubtless stop the icy wind quite well. While thoughts like these are coursing thru' and thru', I step back in and take another two. J. T. MARTIN.



THE JUNIOR TERM INITIATION The day we had been dreading for two weeks had come at last-the Junior Term initiation. We ate a hearty "square meal" and sat down to ponder our immediate future. This was bad, for we all started shaking simultaneously. We fell in on the square at half-past one in Initiation Rig: mainly boiler suits on backwards with slickers on top. Then in these rather cumbrous garments and holding up our pants, we formed a conga line and proceeded in this fashion to the gym. Having struggled that far, we were ordered to throw our shoes into a nearby field. We did so, and were informed that we were going to run a race in which the last twenty were to suffer dire consequences. With that much preliminary, we started at a roared "Go."

Bounding over a fence, we dazedly sought our shoes, grabbed the nearest pair, or two, and ran. Our path led up a long hill. where those who lagged were urged to greater efforts by all-too-cheerful Seniors. At the top we manowvred with great difficulty over a series of fences-still holding our pants upand ran off down rough roads, across fields and through forests, until we were tripped by some enterprising Seniors with a rope. Next we found ourselves charging along a cold, rocky stream at the bottom of a dismal ravine. Continuing on our weary way, we bumped our heads on the many bridges and trees we crawled under until we came to a sheer blank hill. But no! At the bottom was a very small culvert. Into this we were propelled by stonachie blows by Seniors; once out the other end we were again moistened by a powerful fire hose. However, all this cleaning was to no avail; we were penned In a rope enclosure and given buckets of foul. black, lagoon muck. This we plastered on each other very thoroughly indeed, and were proclaimed ready for "Ordeal by Rope": that is, crossing the lower pond on one rope hanging on to another rope. It sounds easy, but with a bunch of fiendish Seniors swinging the ropes violently skywards it becomes a little difficult. Most of us chose the easier method of being thrown off into the frigid water. When we finally drifted over to the bank we were dragged out by the hair, thumped on the head till we thawed, and were sent to the Cadet Block for a shower. The big moment of the day came when the Seniors treated us to ice cream and cokes in their gunroom, and Murwin played "Stardust" by order of the Chief Cadet Captain. At nine-thirty the tired but happy Junior Term turned In to dream up some fiendish tricks to play when they got the chance next year.



THE VISIT OF BISHOP SEXTON On Sunday, the 14th of October. the Rt. Rev. H. E. Sexton, D.O., Bishop of British Columbia, conducted the morning church service on the quarterdeck. In a very interesting address, Bishop Sexton left with the Officers and Cadets a few thoughts on the idea of Duty. Binding his old school motto of "Pro Deo et Patria" with the College motto, he strongly emphasized his belief of putting first things first-that is, duty to God and Country. Following church, a special service was held in the Chapel. when the Bishop dedicated the Altar Cross and Candlesticks presented to the College by the Izard family in memory of the late Lt. (E) Izard, R.C.N., who was lost on active service. The Cadets were represen ted by two Cadets from each of the Sen ior and Junior Terms. THE CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL The tradition of singing carols on the last night of the term, begun last year, was continued in much more elaborate fashion this year. Padre Hose conducted, and Lieutenant Gardiner accompanied the singing of a choice of carols classed as to period. The Padre explained the origin of some of the more popular tunes that the Cadets were singing with great vigour. Lieutenant Langlois gave an idea of what the French carollers sing on Christmas with an excellent solo rendering of "Minuit Cretien" in French. The applause was so great that he had to sing several encores, and he tried without much success to get us to join in, but it seemed that his audience preferred to sing in English. The guest soloist. Mrs. W. H. Wilson, sang the beautiful but not wellknown "LuI lay My Liking," accompanied by her niece. The Cadets joined in some of the later choruses led by Padre Hose, and sang the remainder of the carols, the more modern ones, with great gusto. The finale of the programme was the "Christmas Story in Song and Scripture." This consisted of appropriate selections of the Christmas story from the Bible, read by the Captain, the Commander. WRCNS P. O. Wilkin, A. B, Lawrence, and Cadet Nicolls; the readings were separated by carols to suit the selection. When the programme was completed, the Captain thanked Mrs. Wilson and the Padre, and the entire assembly retired to the wardroom for refreshments. THE CHRISTMAS DANCE The quarterdeck glistened in the soft light and the gunrooms with holly and mistletoe; all was in readiness for the big event of the Christmas dance. Already cars were stopping outside the Cadet the Captain was on the quarterdeck waiting to receive the Cadets. struck up, and the Christmas dance was under way.

were hung the termBlock, and The band

The gaily decorated gunrooms and games room proved excellent spots for sitting out. and to these the merry-makers retired to eat the refreshments, which were served midway through the evening. After satisfying their hunger, everyone returned to the dance floor for a final fling before the Cadets departed on leave the following day Bowing to popular demand, Cadet Murwin entertained the gathering with his rendition on his trumpet of two popular songs. 21

The dance ended about twelve-thirty, and, as the Cadets escorted their partners home, they wearily acknowledged that it had been one of the best dances yet held at the College. OFFICIAL INSPECTION BY THE CO.P.C The morning of the inspection broke a dull grey with light rain, a great disappointment to the Cadets, who had been polishing brass and scrubbing webbing equipment so arduously for the previous two days. However, after breakfast one final full-dress rehearsal was held on the quarterdeck, and everything kept in readiness. True to the old saying, "rain before seven, clear before eleven," it was clear enough by the time of the inspection to hold it outside as planned. At eleven-thirty the Admiral's staff car drew up in front of the Administration Building, and the Admiral's flag was broken on the Castle flagstaff. The inspecting party then proceeded up the Neptune steps to the dais, where the Commander, complete with gaiters and ceremonial sword. was waiting to report the College. After inspecting the Senior and Junior Terms, the Admiral took the salute at the foot of the Neptune steps as the College marched past. A signal was later received expressing the Admiral's satisfaction with the fine showing of the Cadets at the inspection. NOCHE DE RONDA Cadboro Bay was just settling down for the night when it awoke with a rude shock. Through the trees the lights of a car flashed, followed by another and yet another. Lieutenant Langlois and his rollicking caballeros had invaded. and were about to commence their noche de ronda. More or less freely translated, this means to have a good time, and the Spanish class were going to make sure of that. The scene of entertainment was the local jive joint. but this was quickly converted into a Spanish cafe. The gay costumes of the senoritas added to the general effect, and soon the throbbing notes of the tango could be heard penetrating the atmosphere. The highlight of the evening was a Spanish musical play. This can only be described as a semi-melodramatic comedy, if that's possible. It starred the beauteous. exotic Yolanda-no connection with the thief. This beautiful damsel (Frost in disguise) flirted her way through several scenes of the play. but finally a jealous lover in an outraged burst of song stabbed the fair one with a specially provided table knife. Alas. poor Yolanda. Everybody knew her well-too well. Several artistic beauties performed to the intoxicating rhythm of the rhumba. The famous Mexican hat dance was demonstrated and everybody duly impressed. although no one attempted to copy it. Perhaps it's just as well. our caps aren't quite made for that. As the evening progressed. slower music replaced the samba, and the lights dimmed. A vote of thanks is due Lieutenant Langlois for his efforts in making sllch a splendid Sllccess of our noche de ronda. 22 1



Although it has not been decided whether pyjama tops should be worn inside or not. many other problems of the day have been theoretically solved by the members of the IRC this year. Under the adopted name of "Quidnuncs." and once again under the guiding hand of Lt. Langlois. the IRC has had one of its most successful years. The topics under discussion ranged from Chinese Art to the Canadian Pulp and Paper industry. Lt. Langlois again showed his unerring genius in providing both interesting and informative guest speakers. The discussion on religion led by Canon Coleman will not be forgotten by the Quidnuncs. We will also remember the educational talk on "This Country of Ours" by Bruce Hutchison. and the addresses on contemporary Canadian affairs by both Dr. D. K . Sand well and Carl Goldenburg. Chairman at both addresses and discussions was the club president. J. T . DesBrisay. ably assisted by secretary G. C. Hyatt and vice-president J. S. Ker. Directed by this committee. the twenty-four members of the IRC made this year the success that it was. This review would not be complete without a special mention of Lt. Cmdr. B. G. Sivertz. who not only provided an endless source of information . but initiated many of the discussions.

CHIPS FROM THE LOG The "Some day you may wish you never had" Department Our congratulations are extended to those who saw fit to enter Holy Monotony: Lieutenant and Mrs. Jensen-to the great joy of the Senior Term. who escaped from a whole week of gunnery. Lieutenant (S) and Mrs. Izard . whose reception was greatly appreciated by all who attended. Lieutenant (E) and Mrs. Simpson. who will enjoy a great future in the instruction of the appropriation of the automobile.

The "We'll be following you L'ery soon" Department We are very envious of: Lieut. Comdr. (E) Hughes. who is at present instructing at Toronto University. Lieut. Cmdr. Genge. who will no longer dash about the lagoon in the skimming dish. Lieut. (E) Simpson. who is at present somewhere back in Ontario. Lieut. Dorman. who is writing radio scripts in New York. Mr. Evans. who has left for parts unknown.

The "\Vhy dId you haL'e to come. but now that you are here we will . make t he best of you" Depart ment We welcome: Commander Ellis. whose love of the turf extends to narrative poems. Lieut Cmdr. Welland- a noted fire-fighter. [ 23


24 1

Lieut. Cmdr. Amyot, who plays a mean game of golf. This is probably due to his ability to conquer water holes by means of hydrostatics. Lieut. Cmdr. Sivertz-a noted Naval Officer, who has operated out of Vancouver in harbour craft. Lieut. (S) Gardner-an accomplished pianist and billiard shark. W.O. Evans, whose love of nocturnal excursions after stranded boats well known.


The "Draper and Dimple" Department Congratulations to: Lieut. Cmdr. Bjorklund and Mrs. Bjorklund for their recent addition to the bottle brigade.

The "Don't get swell-headed" Department Congratulations are in order to: Lieut. Cmdrs. Ross, Amyot and Bjorklund on obtaining their half stripes. Lieuts. (S) Gardner and Izard on their recent promotion.

The "Departed" Department Our best wishes to: Captain Grant, who left us at Christmas for another appointment. Hercules Gunroom, Sr., who left us early last autumn for another appointment in a nearby virgin forest. The Editorial Staff would like to express its appreciation to Dave Milner, who spent so many hours completing the very excellent cartooning seen in this year's edition. Also many thanks to Ken Blackburn, who drew the section cuts. PASSING-OUT CEREMONY, 1945 A beautiful July day marked the third Passing-Out ceremony of Cadets at the Royal Canadian Naval College A large crowd of parents and visitors lined the boundaries of the parade square to watch their sons and friends graduate. As the Navy Minister was unable to attend, the Commanding Officer of the Pacific Coast, Rear Admiral Brodeur. C.B .. C.B.E .. R.C.N., inspected the Cadets and addressed the parade. The essence of the Admiral's speech was that continuous hard work was necessary if one expected to get ahead in the Service. He humorously compared the increasing difficulty of promotion in the higher ranks to a person passing through a series of gates when the gates were becoming smaller and the person stouter. After the Admiral's address the Captain spoke briefly on the necessity of a strong Navy in the future. "If one wants to do away with fires, it hardly does to get rid of the fire engines," he said. "So it is with the future peace and the Navy" The presentation of prins to the Cadets by the Admiral then took place. The Captain introduced the Cadets, who doubled smartly up to the presentation stand. The following awards were made: [ 25

DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE OFFICER OF THE WATCH TELESCOPE Awarded to the Cadet who. as the result of exammations. attams the highest place in his term on passing out. WON BY CADET OGLE. DLPARTMEN'T Of NATION.".'- DEFENCE OFFICER OF THE WATCH TELESCOPE Awarded to the Cadet who attains the highest place among those. entering the Royal.Canadian Navy, order of mertt being determined by combin lfl g officer-like quality marks with examIflati o n marks In the proportion of one to three. WON BY CADET OGLE-AWARDED TO CADET COSrORD. H. E. SELLERS OFFICER OF THE WATCH TELESCOPE: Awarded to the Cadet who has served in his Senior year at the College as Chief Cadet Captain. AWARDED TO CADET TETLEY. THE NIXON MEMORIAL SWORD OF HONOUR ' Awarded to the Cadet who is awarded the highest officer-like quality mark on passing out. WON BY CADET TETLEY. INTERDIVISIONAL CHALLENGE CUPS Donated by Navy League of Canada Salhng Navy League of Canada Boat-pulling Rugby Ex-Cadets B.E.S. L. Naval Veterans Soccer Instr. Cmdr. L. N. Richardson Boxing Track and Field Ex-Cadets Basketball Ex-Cadets Ex-Cadets Grand Challenge Shield


The following Cadets in the Passing-Out Term were awarded First Class Certificates. These Cadets attained an overall average in examinations of not less than 75o/(l. with not less than 50% in anyone examination subject:


A. D. D. J.





After the presentation of prizes. the Senior Term Lieutenant called the parade to attention for the march past. Drake Division stepped off from the vertex of the "V" formation and the remainder fell in alongside at the right moment- a n exhibition of nice timing in precision marching. The Cadets circled the parade square once and then marched past the saluting base, where Admiral Brodeur took the salute, coming to a halt in the centre of the square. Next came the graduation ceremony proper, the moment which forty-five Cadets had been awaiting, hoping for , dreaming of for two years. Chief Cadet Captain Tetley marched out to call for markers, and the Graduating Class and Junior Term fell in, one in front of the other. At the appropriate order, the Seniors turned about and slow marched through the Juniors, who gleefully ripped their lanyards off. Who could blame those who couldn't keep back that smile? Graduation-the thought uppermost in every Cadet's mind every time he had to turn out in the morning, every time he painstakingly scrubbed his gym. shoes, and every time he worked off a "sixteen": at last it had materialized.

It was a joyous group of Cadets and Midshipmen who soon after demonstrated their talents in P.T. The new Seniors gave a groundwork display and the Ex-Seniors performed some spectacular stunts on the high-box. Tea was then served on the terrace, followed that night by a ball , held on the quarterdeck in honour of the Graduates. 26



THE LONG CRUISE We joined the " Crescent" mid-morning on April 20, and descended forthwith to the depths of the after mess deck. This space was filled to overflowing with our sea bags and other miscellaneous gear, and then fifty-two Cadets entered with great gusto and the finesse of a tidal wave coming through a porthole. Our enthusiasm was somewhat dampened on discovering that the after messdeck, which we had previously occupied with half the term, bore a striking resem blance to the Black Hole of Calcutta when holding fifty-two of us. In shorr order we had all settled in fairly well. and had somehow managed to stow our gear in a locker about the size of the average bucket. This order, however. soon turned to uncertainty and then to chaos, and within two days anyone who still had his own oilskin was looked on with wonder. The messdecks became almost homelike to us, though , and after the first week a few had even mastered the art of eating soup off a flat plate with a knife- just where the extra cutlery went is still an unsolved mystery , but it is suspected that a forgetful "cook of the mess" hurled it into the ocean with the dishwater. We had not been at sea long when the gales came, and the lee rail once more became the centre of population . Rumour has it that one stormy night on the West Coast, the voice of a self-appointed usher was heard above the wind" Two singles on the rail amidships." Our first port of call was Ocean Falls. B . C. a pretty town that can be seen almost any day at low tide. The townspeople were very good to us, and [ 27

we all enjoyed roving up and down the main street seeing the sights and savouring the futuristic odours. Quite a number of Cadets went swimming at the indoor pool. feeling very large among the local children. There was. however. a notable drop in enthusiasm when it was discovered that at Ocean Falls. if by the age of six you have not mastered various flips and backdives, your chances for survival in a light drizzle are almost nil. Our ego was partially restored later on being accosted on the street for autographs. We left Ocean Falls a few days later with the inhabitants standing atop their rainbarrels in oilskins, waving to us with their umbrellas , A day or so was spent at sea and then we entered Naden Harbour , a desolate spot in the Queen Charlotte Islands. The only living inhabitant was a man by the name of Joe Smith, caretaker of a deserted whaling station. We were the first white people he had seen in two months, and so were very welcome. in spite of the fact that on arrival the Cadets turned his coal car into a roller coaster. From Naden Harbour the "Crescent" proceeded to Stewart , stopping at Prince Rupert for one night on the way. Stewart is just on the Canadian side of the Alaska boundary; on tbe other side lies Hyder, an American town. Tbe customs people do a roaring business by charging every third person, and telling the rest to conceal the parcel. We were somewbat surprised to find they used money that far north, having expected to see Eskimos and the miners lay down gold dust for food. Prince Rupert was tbe next ill-fated town to harbour us, and it was tbe first town of any size we had visited. On visitors' day the people swarmed on board by one gangway while the crew and Cadets swarmed off by the other. leaving the visitors in charge of the ship. The officer of tbe watch usually lasted about fifteen minutes. after wbicb time be was jostled into one of the boilers and burned to deatb , bis screams being drowned by tbe noise of tbe mob as they wbirled around tbe sbip. . Rupert survived for two days, and after that we left and proceeded to Carter Bay, a completely deserted spot on tbe mainland of B C. It was here that we carried out the evolution "paint sbip." This is just an exc use to get rid of any spare bands wbo bave been so mucb deadwood on board. Tbey are lowered over the side on stages or in bosun's chairs, armed with paint brushes and pots. Once or twice. in a fit of compassion. the lowerer has been known to pull them up again. but very rarely. and then only to pry the brushes from their stiffened fingers . After tbree days we left Carter Bay bound for Port Alberni. but first we spent some more time at sea. By this time tbe Cadets were getting accustomed to the pitching and the rolling of the ship, and intestinal fortitude was child's play to all but a few. We continued to stand watches in tbe various parts of tbe ship, and there was variety too; you could get up in the middle of the night and freeze on tbe bridge. suffocate in the radar shack, roast to death in the boiler room , or simply get shaken to pieces in tbe engine room. 28 J

The "Crescent" berthed alongside the jetty at Port Alberni. The last visitors' day being dim in our memory, the ship was once more opened to the public. and the kids swarmed on board to take us apart. And a merry gang they were, as merry a gang as ever trampled you into a shapeless pulp. In spite of this, we were once more treated royally by the town. The "Crescent" was running low on fuel by now, so we returned to Esquimalt for a few hours to refuel. While the ship lay alongside, the Cadets returned to the College and wallowed in hot showers. That afternoon we slipped and proceeded to Portland, U.S.A .. the largest city on our calling list. Our visit there overshadowed all our previous experiences, and the hospitality we received will make Portland a name well-remembered by all Cadets, Three days we spent in the United States, then our ship once more slipped and headed down the Columbia River, leaving behind on the jetty a large group of friends we had made during our stay. It was a dramatic moment when we pulled out, with various attempts to wave while standing at ease, the odd hurried invitation to the Graduation Dance passed at the last minute . and even a rose thrown on the foc 's le as a parting gesture, That night we were at sea again feeling like old salts who had difficulty walking on land . but who felt right at home with a deck heaving underfoot. Four days later, H.M.C.S. "Crescent" put into Esquimalt-home again. But work was not yet done, for that same morning we deammunitioned the ship, This was done in short order. that is, only two or three hours of continuous weight lifting, under the persuasion of large whips wielded by even larger men. Still. we enjoyed it tremendously. and the doctor says I'll be up and around again in two w~eks. This article might have been written for the express purpose of misleading the reader as to our activities on the long cruise. More accurate accounts than mine will be found in the journals that we kept during the cruise. These tell the true story of lectures, practical seamanship, gunn~ry and torpedo firings, softball and soccer games against the local teams of the towns at which we stopped, polishing the brightwork and painting ship. Senior Cadets still swell with pride at the memory of the correct identification of targets with radar. and the firing of a torpedo that missed the target (a small motor boat) by ten yards: the thrilling vibration as the ship increased speed to twenty -eight knots. They recall the manner in which the "Crescent." and allan board, were welcomed and feted wherever the ship called. and the sight of the Ensign over white wake on a sunny day. In short, our cruise was successful in every way. and we left the ship with some regret. richer by much experience and many friends .

J. P.


[ 29


[ 31

CH IE F CADET CAPTAIN ROBERT A. WISENER Home: Toronto. Educated: Trinity College School. When Bob-or "Sails," as he is knowll with his coat off, first arrived, he was even a Jiale quieter than mo~t of us; but he was not unnoticed and \ovas SOon ~lccted gunroom president, a position he held for the rest of the year. His ability in leadership did not go unobserved either, and he has spent his senior year dispensing Naval Law to unwi ll ing recipients as Chief Cadet Captain. I n his spare moments he has been building an eighteenfoot sloop with some other hometowll sailors, a source of great wonder and interest to all who visit the pattern shop.

True to T C. S. tradition. Bob excels in nearly every sport, from nIgger to badminton. He is a very good swimmer, play.., an excellent game of soccer, and is a good man in track and field. In short, he is a very valuable all-round athlete. and as such has inspired his division to many a hard-fought \'ictory on the rugger and soccer fields, and on the basketball Aoor. With a touch of diplomatic genius he has helped many a cadet out of a truly desperate situation, and has extended a warm friendship to everyone, a friendship which has been mutua l. For this reason it is with a touch of regret that 'w e vyish him good luck, and good sai ling on his return to civi lian life.



JOHN P. FISHER Home: ~Iontreal. Educated: Trinity College School. "Zoot" is one of T.C.S.'s many gifts to R.C.:--:.C., and he has made a great success of hi..;; two years here. Alway..;; a tower of strength for his division

on the playing fields, "Fi,h" ha, the elwiab le record of playing hreak on "A" team for t\\"o yea",. He has won the respect and admiration of the whole College with his perfonnances in the boxing rin,:c fo r two years in a row hc ha ... boxed his way into

the fina ls of the middleweight di\'i,ioll.

Sailing i,

just another item on the list of sports he has mas-

tered, a, well "' baseball, socce r-in fact, all of them. "Zoot" is just as proficient in studies a..;; in sports, and is always among the top tell when thl'

marks are given out.

\Ve feel ,ure that his great

ability and his evc r-p resent smile wi ll ca rry him a long way ill whateve r career he chooses.

JOHN I. MAN ORE Home: Port Arthur, Ontario. Educated: Port Arthur Collegiate Institute. Jack is the Twin Citie, answer to the ca ll of the ,ea. Since his arrival at the College, he ha, been unflagging in his purpose to acquaint himself

thoroughly with all thi n gs Naval.

Hi , chief hobby

is the consumption of crackers and cheest', an occupatIOn at which he is the unchallenged (and unahashed) champion. \.., \\ til as heing a boxer of no mean ability,

Jack wa, thi, year a ,tal wart of the "B" rugger team, and could always he counted 011 to turn in a strong performance. He also inspired his di"isiol1 to tcrrifir efforts to win the Challt:nge Shield-with IIfesa\'ers among other thing-so

This year, on his promotion to Cadet Captain. he quickly made a name for himself for his kecl1ncss .. eftiriellcy and abi lity ill leading his division . Jack intends to wed the Service this July, and we are ..;ure that this will be the beginning of a brilliant and successfu l career.


R O BERT C. K. PEERS j j ome:

Victoria. Educated: Oak Bay High School. A persistent and powerful exponent of the charm::;, female and otherwi~c, of "sunny" Victoria,

"Choc," or "Spheres," or both, as Bob was called, came to the College with the a,'owed intention of entering' the R.C.N. and stuck to hi" gUlls throughout our entire two years here. ~addled with the somewhat arduous duties and responsibilities of a

Cadet Captain, Bob, with his unfailing sense of humour, has proved himself both resourceful and sucCl路ssful, as many pillow-fighting Jtlnior... will

testIfy. As Captain of Rugby this year, Bob was a hardworking and steady serum man, who was always In the thick of the play with a fearsome leer on his face and an opponent's body grasped firmly in his hairy arms. A cheerful worker and a good companion, we know that Bob will find life in the Service pleasant, and that he will make mallY more staullch friends in all his future appointments.

ALEXANDER C. TI T US Home: Toronto. Educated: Cni"ersity of Toronto Schools. A brush-cut sported by a tall, lean figure, with a dew-worm


the right sleeve

Ilne Cadet-"Sandy" Titus.


describe only

Sandy can be heard

lending his \'oice to the frequent Toronto Varsity

and the less frequent D.T.S. yells. \\ hen the spirit Ill",'es the Cadets from Toronto or C.T.S. lie lIses his long legs to g-ood advantage, as we found out at our track and field meet last year,

when he took the honours ill the high jump, and agall1 this year when he very efficielltly filled the

I)oSltion of fullback on the "Hoh' Rollers" team. 11 e has a phenomenal reach. too. which got him as far a.,;, the welterweight finals this year.

Throughout the year he has led his division energetically and successfully in the interdivisional competitions. Sandy is at present undecided as to whether he wishes to go R.C.N. or Reserves when he graduates, but either way we know he wi ll go far.


THOMAS STEEL A LLAN Home: Phillipsburg, P. Q. Educated. :-'lontreal \\'e't HIgh School. Although the midget of the term. "Dudle)," is easily one of the best athletes. He was a rUl1ncrup in the interdivisional boxing, and an outstanding

player 011 the "E" team three-line; but howen:f proficient 1I1 these fields, his forte is the honzontal bar, \\ here he has definitely proved himself to be Scooper's boy. Hi~ sunny di . . position and wining

attitude, coupled with the right proportion of mischievous ideas, place him among the most amiable members of the gunroonl. ~lontreal':, blue-eyed boy has aspirations toward engineering at 1IcGill, but intend . . to spend a rear at sea with the active Rescn'c before starting. 1 t i, to be hoped that he sees the light of the permanent force while at sea, but whichever he follows

he should o,'ercome all difficulties with the same finesse with which he ha . . mastered the horizontal


JOHN McLAREN A S H F IELD Home: 1lontreal. Educated: :-lontreal High School. Ashfield-Morse arguments are epics. as any member of the Senior Gunroom will testify. \\ hen engaged in one, John forgets his usual quiet self and matches words and wits vehemently. His name is 110t usuallv associated with violent escapades such as bra,,;ling and fighting, however, but he is always to be found near the head of his class. In spite of all the time he has spent work ing


the "Log" and availing himself of the library's opportunities, he has kept his instructors satisfied from the very beginning.

In sports John holds up his division very well, e'pecially In badminton. On the "Holy Rollers" team he held down the difficult position of break. John is undecided yet as to whether he will entcr the Engineering branch of the R.C.N., or whether he will become a civilian. Whatever he does, we wish hinl the very best of luck, and know that he will make the best usc of his opportunities.

PHILIP G E RALD M c CONN E LL BANISTE R Home: Montreal Educated: Trinity College School. This dynamic character from the island city of Quebec is well-known in parlor and gunroom cir-

cles for his gift of quick repartee. He can be seen at any time diving for the latest copy of Time, Life or Post, or discussing a subject of which he nc\'cr tires-the merits of ~[olltrcal and Ics Canadiens. lIe upheld 1'\ elson Division's high standard of rugger and soccer this year. and incidentally went all-out as scrunl-half for "A" team. Tn his spare time he is a librarian. Also in the sports line. his

hobbies include sai ling, skiing and archery. They say he's pretty good, too. Unfortunate ly, his heart is not with the silent service. so he is forsaking us to be a disciple of Hippocrates. \\' e wish him the best of luck in his profession, and hope that he will always wield a mean scalpe l .

[ 35

K E NN E TH WILLIAM BLACKBURN Home: Quebec City. Educated: Quebec High School. From Quebec High School, where he set numerous records in track and field, Ken came to R.C.N.C. to demonstrate his talents. As one of Rodney's stalwart gentlemen, Blackie came to the fore in all forn15 of sport. This year, as captain of Rodney's basketball team, he led the way to the championship, In soccer he was the leading goalgetter, and in rugger his super-speed carried hiITI to many long gains and tries. On top of this, he fought his way to the light-heavyweight championship in the interdivisional boxing. His stentorian voice should be heard even above the howl of a sixty-mjlc gale, and when he is in charge YOLI kno",' it. Ken is an artist of no mean ability. as may be seen by his sketches for the

"Log." ,\, a future member of the R.C.N., Ken has all the qualifications to make good in his chosen career on the upper deck. All the best from all of us, Blackie!

J. PHILIPPE BRAIS Home: .iMontreal.

Educated: C pper Canada College. Almost everyone at the College seems to have picked up a nick-name of sorts, and Phil is no exception. "Now men" seen1S to have used the phrase once or twice too often, and has been dubbed with a lasting handle. Phil is the French-Canadian representative to the So-Select-Sixome, the College librarians. He has devoted a great deal of time, wit, humour, and maple sugar to the promotion of fellowship and good-will in the library. A very accomplished camera fiend, "Now lnen" can be seen at nearly all the "A" team league rugger games taking action shots. Incidentally, the reason no pictures of the "Holy Rollers" team in action have been made is that Phil is an important player in the serum.


\Vhether Phil enters the R.C.N. Electrical Branch or "Civvy Street," he will have a promising career ahead of him, and we wish him the best of luck in everything he tries.

ROBERT CAMPBELL BROWN Home: Montreal, P. Q. Educated: \Vest Hill High School. Bob is a chap \\-'hose good nature and persOIlality make him very popular with his class-mates . A member of the "trashers," he has done his share of the "'duties" in their organization during his lime at the College. Proficient in all sports, Bob has worked hard for the College and his division on the playing field-excelling in rugger, soccer and basketball. One of the few unswerving R.C.N. types. Bob is determined to enter the Fleet Air Arm. \lIle are sure that the Navy is receiving a good officer and a keen fiver, and we wish him luck in his chosen career. - Keep your air speed up, and Happy Landings, Bob!



ALBERT PETER CAMPBELL Home: Victona, B. C. Educated: \'ictoria High School. Pete i~ the right kind of fellow to have around becau!=.c he alway ... sees the humorous :'lde of things; this is onc of the reasons whv Hawkins Division i~ never downhearted. In intcPr-divisional sports he ha, played a "aluable role-break for his rugb)' team, left forward in basketball, running the hundred, and swimming' for them par excellencc in the swim mcet. Pete', studie, don't lag behind his .ports abilities either; in fact. he stands well in the upper brackets, amongst those who desen'c to be campl!mented for their results. All of his term-mates join us in wishing him as much success 011 the ,,"atcr as he has had ill it: all the high seas, which he has chosen for his profession.

HUGH M cDOWELL CLOKIE Home: \\ Jnnipeg. Educated: Keh'in Techlllcal High School. "C loke" is one of the upholders of our term's jovial spirits. In the n~ry face of the direst calamity. \I ell-liked Hugh will come out with one of IllS many quaint c;...prcssiOlls and send us all into gales of laughter; Of if nothing- else will suit the situation, he \lill fall back on his classic "Oh psh'-' "Cloke" and \\' jtkins (for whom he was fOfC\'cr wa..,hing lanyard ... ) will be remcmbered as the inseparahles of our term. lIugh cou ld always be relied on to pia)' a strong game of anything for Frobisher, or ab ly W<I\'C a towel in the red corner during- bo:\ing. He \\'a .. always loud in his support of the teams 011 the field or trying to pro\'c his point in friendly argument. and it is this same good spirit which we hope \\'il1 help him on in the R.CX .

GLENFORD ERWIN CULHAM Home: Brantford, Ontario. Educated: St. George High School. Should there be a heated argument in the Senior r.unroom. with several people hollering about nothing, Glen \1111 he in the thick of the fray: and should it end with somc fantastic bct, it is easily six to five that he is in on it. \Vhell the g'unroom phonograph is p laying' a stack of C l en~ l il1l'r's records. the man responsihle will be our own Glen, probably sprawlcd on a nearby sofa. Glcn has a lways becn a staunch supporter of the College. an(1 more spccifically of Rodne), Di"ision. Forced out of sports with a bad knee. he took charge of thc hadminton this year, and it wa ... through his efforts the tournament was . . uccessfuJly run off. He has decided that the R.C.N could use his services. and next July. with a white ring on each sleeve. and a K.H.C.X. under his artn. he will beg-in a nc\\ chapter in his carttr. ~r ay his "206" be thl: best.

[ 37

JOHN TORRE NC E D esBRISA Y Home: Toronto. Educated: University of Toronto Schools. "Deb" laughed his way out of U.T.S. into the College, and is still laughing. Here his jovial personality, his ambitions, his skill at solving detective stories, his Torontonian pigheadedness are as well known as his raucous laughter.

But he has made his mark elsewhere, for he is one of the staunch players who make up the backbone of the "A" rugger team. He is a Ne lson man through and through, and has been a major factor in their winning the shield for all-round interdi visional sports.

The fact that he has the most mispronounced name in the College only adds to his ability to amuse us.



should hear him sing!


skill at public speaking, as well, has been shown many times in the HQuidllunc Club. of which he is the president. Next July the R.C.N. will be losing a good man, but the University of Toronto will ll

gain a better one.

JAMES IAN BRUCE DONALD Home: Toronto. Educated: University of Toronto Schools. Having lived in Toronto and having been educated at U.T.S., "Red" came to us with a perfect past, and soon showed us that he had benefited from it. A hobby of bending iron bars with his bare hands and an unusual desire to compose new lyrics (usually in French) to previously popular tunes soon put him in the gunroom limelight-a position he has maintained ever since. Ian's activities are not confined strictly to entertaining us. for he is a notable baseball, soccer and rugger player, being a staunch member of the "Holy Rollers." Incidentally. "Red" is also famous for his deadly aim when pitching coke bottles at those who interrupt his study periods. Donald is R.C.N. to the core. although he sometimes wavers in his faith during a stormy day at sea. Entering the R.C.N. with the same staunch spirit he has exhibited at the College, ran is destined for the top.

FRANCIS J . DUNBAR Home: Hamilton. Educated: Hamilton Central Collegiate. Frank came to the College from the fair city of Hamilton. where as a sea cadet he first tasted the life of a seaman. As a member of the Junior Term, he earned the respect of all as a handy man with a pillow and took part in many nocturnal escapades.

It was also in his junior year that he began collecting a wide assortment of nicknames, the most

widely used by the cadets and the Gunner's Mate being "Dunderhead." As a rugger player Frank \\'as a welcome lllenlber to any serum, and did much in getting Drake's

fifteen to the second place this year. He also played in the "Holv Rollers" serum. Frank has ah:\,'ays been a staunch supporter of the R.C.N. and will always be a welcome member in any gunroom.



D OUGL AS RA Y DY M E N T Home: Toronto. Educated: Cpper Canada College. One's first impression of Doug is that he is a natural born lawyer. The longer you are acquainted with him, the more you realize it. You can always count on him to argue over subjects which are nebulous, or subjects on which he seems to be an authority. He is also known for his wide knowledge and fondness of classical music. I n the sports field Doug is an important cog in the mighty "Holy Rollers" machine, as well as heing one of the outstanding swimmers of his divi,ion, and a good boxer. Beyond this he has done very well for his division in the sailing- races. I n all things he keeps smiling, with his chin up, and with a ready generous heart. \Vith this personality Doug has chosen tp follow the bumpy path of a civilian. Good luck, Doug, we're sure you will pull through.



~"jtf;:}! ,,~

.. (

NORMAN FREDERICK E LSEY Home: Saint John, N . B. Educated: St. John Vocational School, N. B. Norm is destined to be the College's gift to the airways, though we suspect the reason he wants to fly is that that is thc only means \\'hereby Ol1e can enter the wilderness called New Brunswick, whence he hails. As serum half, Norm has captained the "B" rugby team this year, and very well. too. His cheery spirit and heartening voice have made the team an exalnple of "good losing." He shincs at soccer and in the gunroom bull sessions as well, but perhaps his main talent lies in his ability to laugh. His good nature is perhaps a little misleading to those whom Norm meets in the boxing ring, for this year he was only eliminated in the semi-finals of his class. Norm's future is not yet certain, but whatever it may hold for him, two things are certain: it will be happy and carefree, and it will somehow have an aeroplane in it. Best of luck from us all, Norm, and Happy Landings'

MICHA E L JOHN ROBERT F ITZGE RALD Home: Montreal. Educated: \Vestmount High School, ~(ontreal. Mike, better known as the "Curl" for obvious reaSOll:-;. holds what must be some sort of record by ha\'lllg gOlle to thirteen different schools, in six different coulltries, at various times during his life. His willingness to help othcr~ makes 11ikc easy to g<:t along with, and a desirable fellow in any gunroom.

A staunch slipporter of Rodney Division, Fitz has shown his fortc to bc swimming. as well as oeing a memher of their "ictorious hoat-pulling crc\\ . ~I ike is returning- to ci\'ilian life after a year at sea, and hopes to go hack to England within the next few \'cars. \Vhatc\,cr ~\likc's ultimate career may ht', ,,"hethcr or not he has his hoped-for Atet of yachts. we kllo\\ that his amiable personality will t:n"'Url' success.



JO H N ANDRE W F ULT ON Home: Grinlsby, Ontario.

Educated: Grimsby High School.

,q44 - 1946


Andy is really Canadian, but he has been in England so much that he is known by his pals as "Juicer." He is, however, one of the gunroom authorities 011 everything English, frol11 hereditary litles to the latest type of merchant ~hips; nor was it by accident that we founel "Rule Britannia" among the



\Yith a tendency to be slightly taciturn when he lirst cntered College life, it did not take him long to make friends after he had gotten llsed to his new surroundings. He is average in academic work, hut in sports he is a strong, steady player who has majored in soccer and rugger. During his scnior year he made a very good showing as lock for the "8" team serUlll.

Andy is a possible R.C.N. candidate, with his future planned for the Fleet ,\ir Arm, or perhaps a .Kiagara Peninsula fruit Fartn. OUf

Tn any case, Andy, best wishes for success go with you.

WALTER J. HANNAH Home: St. Catharines, Ontario. Educated: St. Catherines Collegiate Institute. If a poll were taken of the most popular fellows in the Senior Term, it is safe to say that Walt would be up near the top. Good-natured "Houseboat," as we know him, early showed his mettle, and he became one of the leading exponents of nocturnal warfare. Although he is a good student, \Valt shows up to best advantage on the field of sport. A member of the "A" rugger team, a participant in all interdivisional games, he may a lways be found in the thick of the fight. In boxing. too, he is no mean antagonist-his experiences in intercabin warfare have stood him in good stead. There is never allY doubt but that in work or in play he will come out near the top, and whether he makes the Navy his career, or whether he decides to join the ranks of those returning to civilian life, we wish him good luck and all the best.

CHARLES F . B . HASE Home: Vancouver. Educated: Vancouver College. No one would believe that our chubby-cheeked Chase was one of the oldest of the passing out term, but behind his cherubic features his friends discover anything but all angel. In his junior term Chase was noted as an amatel1r mechanic and a

practical joker. with an admirable flair for booby traps and other such pillow-fight warning devices.

Chase will admit that he is not an all-round athlete, but he has quite a bent for swimming and badminton, being one of the best backstrokers in

the College. Lately Chase has been studying very hard in all effort to secure himself an appointment at the



Engineering College at


H ere's wishing him the best of luck and opportunity in the future.

40 J

WILLIAM ANDR E W HUGH E S Home: Kingston. Ontario. Educated: King'ton C01ler(iatc and \' ocational Institute. Bi1l came to us a quiet, shy boy, but he has gradually changed without lo,ing any of hi, good qualities. One of Bill's nIGst outstanding traits is a fanatical promptness. \Vhcncycr "A" Cla ... s. the ~enior Term. or Drake Di\,j~ion i-.; mu~tcrcd, good old Bill is there fir~t. and con:-.cquently is permanent marker. He "lays lock for the "A" rugger team, and is one of the most reliable member,. 11 e has al,o contributed greatly to Drake's :-.ucccsses in intcrdi,·i:-.ional sports. especially in ruggl'r, soccer, basketball, and in track and field. In boxing, too, he has done \'cry well for his division, being eliminated only in the semi-finals. \Ve understand that he ha, cho'en the permanent force for his career, and with all his experience in sweeping the Straits with his glasses, he ,hould be a natural. A1I jesting aside, we are c",rtain this is the right job for the right man, and we wish him all success.

ANDREW T , HUNTER H omc: London, Ontario. Educated: London Central Collegiate In 'titute . An example of what London Central can turn out in its finer t110ments ... Hunt" camc to the College with a ready supply of witticism, a wide knowledge of basketball and rugby and the record "Your Feet's Too Big." Fortunately, the record was broken within a week, but the gunroom has been enhanced b\' Andv as an endless source of :-.ubtlc remarks, a;,d th'; College has benefited by his athletic ability, As a junior he played on the College ba,ketball team, and as a senior he 'parkled in the hackfield of the second rugby fifteen. "Hunt" is also \\ ell-known for his abi lit y to take care of himself in the ring. ~ C(Jming from a long line of V. R.'s, Andy seems destined for civilian life. 1n another fifteen or twcnty years. I think wc shall sec him a~ editor of \"est ern Ontario's foremost newspapcr. Our best \\ ishes go with him 011 the arduous climb up. GLEN C. HYATT Home: Vancouver. Educated: Prince of \\'alos High School. Clel1 came to the College from the fair tOWI1 of \'anCOU\Tr, and from the day he arri"ed he has takcll a \·ery active part ill ColleRc acti\·ities. L. ike most Yancou\'erites here, he i" particularly inclined to\\"ard the suhject of English, and he inh.'l1ds to put his knowledge to usc in later Efe doing litl'rary work. Besides this, he holds office in the "Quidnunc"," and is GUllroom Tr(.'a~urer. Ili " achil'vements in sports are equally as good a ... his accomplishments in the literary 1inc. ] n the position of serum half on the rug-ger fil'ld he has hl'l'll an asset to every team fo r which he has played. Ch.'n intt·ne! ... to return to civil life after a year at "'l'a. If IH.: keep ... up to the ..,tal1dard he has maintained at RCl\·al Road,,_ he will slIrely go far in whatl'\Tr \·o<:~tinn he choost's.


[ 41


\C)44 - '9~6


Home: Toronto. Educated: University of Toronto Schools. Bob came to us two long years ago, a loyal graduate of his high school, and a lad with decided yearnings for the fair sex. He leaves us as one of the few vvhom Victoria femininity did not shake on

the latter score' He has lost none of his loyalty to his old school, and has become just as strong a supporter of his division and the College as a whole. Bob entered into every College activity with his whole heart, and even branched Ollt il1to different fields. such as taxidermv. bird lore, and boatbuildinR. 11e repre:;;cnted his division in il1terdi\'isional sports. and was a keen sai lor. Robert plans to lea\'e the Navy and go on to University, where he will app ly himself to the problems of Engineering. Our best wishes for his success go with him.

KEITH DUNHAM LEWIS Home: Ottawa. Educated: Glebe Collegiate Institute, Keith. bettcr knovlll as "Lou" or "}'1ax," brought his shy, likeable grin to us all the way from Otta\va. This same friend!v smile soon won Keith many firm friends. We had scarcely been at R.C,!\!,C, a week when he demonstrated his athletic ability; this '""as in the ancient but venerable sport of pillow-fighting. Rugger, softba ll and basketball were also eas)' prey for Lou, who represented both the College and 1\ elson Division ill these and other sports. Keith's inexhaustible supply of good humour and high spirits will stand him in good stead in his fllture life, On behalf of his many friends, here's wishing him the best of lu ck and success in his career in the R,C!\!,

JOHN SOUTHAM KER Home: Hamilton. Educated: Hillfield, "The Pride of Hamilton" greeted us all with a broad Sllliic, a dragging pair of feet , an operatic

baritone. and moods of depression and joy, all of which left us in a daze. and questioning his sanity.

But after we had known him only a short time. we realized that these were Ine~eh' eccentriciti es

pecu li ar to J ohn, ' John's legs won him a wing on "B" team this year, and when he was


busy on the playing

field, or in the near vicinity, be could usually be found eloque ntly supporting his side in a gunroon1 argument, playing classical music on the quarterdeck piano, or betting "Gums" on the contents of pa rts of Chaucer. Bouncing a long th e road on his motorcycle is typical of John 's attitude, and we all wish him the best of riding 011 a smooth road to success.

42 1


PAUL L . S. McCULLOCH Home: Victoria. Educatcd: Brentwood CoI1~ge . .. ~lo()~c:' as he is affectionately known to all, i~ ea..,i)y olle of the most popular felfows in the Senior Tl.:rm. He has earned thi~ distinction b\~ his cndless supply of good humour and hi ... ch~l'rf\11 attitude to\\ard life. Paul is one of the few cadets \yho are at home doing- any joh. He has represented the Colleg-c at rugg-cr, t:xccllcd in gymnastic .... boxing, and many others, and IS a \'l'ritable Guncit'r Hacgg- in CfOS",,country running-. Because of his tremendous tact and diplomacy. he wa ... elected to scn'c in the difficult capacity of Senior \,unroom president. The choice was well ju ... tific:d. as he caltned the mall\' stormY outbur"'h in the g-unroom with almost un'bclic\'ab'k ease and rapidity. Paul will always be remembered as an athlete and a gentleman, and the whole term joil1~ in wishing him the best of everything in the R.C.X.

DONALD B. M c CRIMMON Home: Toronto. Educated: l'nivcrsitv of Toronto ~chools. "~lickl'\," is one of C.T.S.'s 1110st welcome contrihutions "to the College. as his rcmarkahle \'crsatility has made him an in\'aluable membcr of Dcarly cvery team that has heen organized in the past t\\路o years. He i!'o one of the few cadets who were able to make the "A" rugger team in their junior year, and he has also an en\'iahle reputation as a basketball and soccer player. His diminuti\'c stature has in 110 way impaired his faculty for sparking Hodney'.., efforts in interdivisional sporh. and standing heside ~rilller at Divisions, he prohably frels quite tall. :Mickey's ready smile and e\'er-pre ... ent good nature will undoubted ly he valuable asseh to him in the future. though it's douhtful if he \\ill cvcr make much monev with his cricket imitations or his jt.:w ... -harp. \Vc a ll join in "'ishing' him the best of luck in whatever he does. JULIAN HUGH M cDONALD I [ome: \Vinnipeg. I路:ducated: Bishop Ridley College. Long before we began to USe salty languag-c and wear chl'mically trt.'atcd ~ea-dog's cap-badges, we were well acquainted with "~rac." He i ... a representati'"e of '"The Gate"ay to the \\"est." and has upheld the hest traditions of that fair cit)路. II is good-natured dispo ... itioll and keen scn<.;e of humour han~ won him many staunch friend .... His natural c1everncs<.; has won~ the respect of us all. but his field of endeavour is not confined to the c1a<.;"room alonl'. As a hard-working nlenlber of Drake Di"jsian. he has taken part in all the interdivi .. iona l sports. He excels at swimming, and is one of the best sai lors at the Co ll ege. He will he returning to civi lian life after graduation, a-; he p lan .. to take up either ~r cdicine or Engineering. \Ve know that he \\ill be a great succe<.;s in either field. and our good wishes go along with him.

[ 43

JAM E S IAN M c G IBB ON Home: Montreal. Educated: Montreal High School. "Anybody wanna play chess?" As these words cut through the babbling of the gunroom, our most ardent bridge, chess and checkers fan can be seen once again recruiting partners for a game. Since Jan has arrived here he has acquired the. nickname lipuclgy/' and, unfortunately for Ian, it has stuck. But it is only good-natured bantering, and "Pudgy" u-,ually reciprocates with a broad grin, a facial contortion he nearly always wears. J n sports Ian has played his part well, having throwll his weight around to the advantage of the ,. Holy Rollers" on the ruggcr field. and in the ring to the advantage of Hawkins Division, where incidentally he boxed his way to the heavyweight chalTIpionship this year. Apparently Ian intends to go to McGill in 'M ontreal, whence he came, and we wish him a l1 the best in his studies there. JACK T. MARTIN Home: \N oodstock, Ontario. Educated: Woodstock High School. Coming from Woodstock, it would seem that Jack has a small town point of view. In one respect this might be true-he is an extremely ingenuous fellow) with a good sense of humour. Apart from these virtues, Jack possesses admirable athletic talents. He was one of the towers of strength in the "A" team serum this year, playing consistently well all year. His other sports activities in descending power of interest are golf. basketball, javelin throwing, and , ..'earing Vic. College pins to divisions. In addition to his physical attributes, Jack is funning a close second in his accountant studies. But his chief interest is reading and writing poetry in the style of Ogden Nash, Lewis Carrol and A. A. :M ilne. H is present intentions are to go into the KC.N .. and as a Naval officer we are sure that Jack will do well. Good luck, Jack, the sea is "vaiting for you. MICHAEL A . MARTIN Home: Kingston, Ontario. Educated: Kingston Collegiate and Vocational Institute. ~like. or ")"Iouldv," as his near friends call him. is one of the fe\\" cadets who has benefited from his ... ea cadet training. In dri1i of any kind. P.T. or at divisions, he is always one of those pusser almost in the extreme. His ambition is to be a naval aviator, and consequently he pays considerably morc attention to professional subjects than the rest of us. His sport-; record is very good: he played a spirited game in the three-line of the "I-Ioly Rollers" rugger tean1, and his high-boxwork is tops. 1n the boxing ring, too, he always is well up in his weight. \ ,Vc all feel quite certain that if "Mouldv" beCOlllt'S a member of Canada's cmbn'onic Fleet Air Arm, he will fOI'\\'ard its cause unceasingly. 44]

YVES BROSSOIT MAYNARD Home: Quebec City. Educated: Quebec High School. From the day he arrin~d, \'YCS \\'a" dett.:rmincd to polish up on hi:-. Engli:-.h, and he ha:-. done a fint.: job. Uurin~ the I1r:-t ic\\" ll1onth~, though, it \\a ... amu~ing for the rC!'lt of Us to listen to his attempt-. at nUIllIH.:'ril1~ the front rank. But what \Hmld Drake Di\"j ... ioll ha\"e been in basketball without him, and ho\\ rauld the "Hilly Rollers" han=. healtH "e" team ..,0 often without Yn:s' able captaining" oi the tcam:' Hc i ... cn~l1 mOrc agile mt.:ntally than physically. being (lilt: of tho ... c fcllo\\ ... who can do anything with figure.... (.路\nd not oniy the arabic Dill'S.) Future maths students will, no doubt, han.' good n :a::'OI1 to n :T11l'111hef hi..., name, fOf. ill addition to :\apier',:; circle. they will also han: the 11ayna rd circle to confu:-iC theln. In spite of contrary wind:-.. Y\'es has remaincd onc of the few keen R.C .X. types, and we wish him the be~t (Ii luck ill future appointll1f.!nts.

KEITH D. MILLS Home: Ottawa. Educated: Li'gar Collegiate [nstitute. E\'er since making his fir~t appearancc 011 the B. C. coast nearly two years ago, he has been the saIne Keith. lIe is well-known for the impossible situation:-. in which he frequently finds himself; chiefly renowned for his sp li t-second dressing acts in the morning rush for breakfast. X othing e\'er ~eems to get him down, and he ha~ remained one of the terIn's most cheerfu l members. One of the more sc ho larly type,. Keith has prove n himself the outstanding student of the year by consistcntly maintaining the top berth in the term. His favourite sports are skiing and sailing, but of course ~itting in the gunroom has features. Keith i, returning to Ottawa and the 11edical profession in the Fall. \\'e wish him the best of luck in his future plans. and undoubtedly we will be hearing of him aga in later all. comp lete with s tethoscope a nd thermometer.

CHARLES WILLIAM DAVID MILNER Home: Toronto. Educated: Cpper Canada College. Hailing fro III the '路Queen City.'路 as all Torontonians like to boast. "Duke" makes up for his size by his ahility in the maths classroom and 011 the rllggor fie ld . II is roulld. fr eckled face and h appy persollality earned him the title "Hotshot." His exubcrant spirits keep everyonc with him on the go. and e"en though one occasionally gets a pillow of his hard across the hack, in a dorm. fight. ,':e all regard him as a true pal. He has supported the College nohly in sporh. playing at different times "B" team break and "A" team serum half. Besides this, he was the pinch of dynamite Rodney used to good advantage on the rugger and soccer fidds. and on the basketball Aoor. J lht as h e gets the hall to the rugger hacb. hl路 never fails to make friends with those he meets. Although he is 'us pee ted of being very V. R., we wish our Da\"C the best of ('very thing.

[ 45

PETER S COTT MO R S E Home: Winnipeg. Educated: Ravenscourt School. Always ready to defend his home town, Pete has certainly been a good advertisclncnt, and a credit to Winnipeg. Although he never intended to join the permanent force, he puts his whole heart in his work. His spirit and courage were often shown in interdivisional games, and in his rugger for the "Holy Rollers." Pete's athletic capabilities cover a very wide field: he plays a good game of basketball, badminton and rugger, and boxes very well indeed. Besides this his record in track and field, soccer and swimming are well above par. His terrific arguments with Ashfield should prepare him for any debating he may have to do in future life, which we understand is going to be along a civilian line. OUf best wishes go with you to the University of Manitoba, Pete. JOHN PETH Y BRIDGE RAN K ING NICOLLS Home: Vancouver. Educated: 51. George's School. When Johnnie had been at the College for only a few weeks, he became very well known in Junior Term circles, because he was onc of four Juniors whose inherent rugger abilities were of "A'! team standard. Since then he has kept himself in the upper brackets of the sports world by his first-class achievements both in rugger and in soccer. His exceptional abilities in these sports made him a pillar of strength for Nelson Division. On Saturday afternoons, after a hard morning with the "Quidnuncs," he is quite likely to appear on the lagoon sailing a dinghy, one of his favourite sports. Johnnie is also one of the privileged few who pay periodic Sunday visits to the archives to delve into the ancient history of British Columbia. "Nic" has decided that white patches would be difficult to keep clean; accordingly, next September will find Johnnie learning to persuade hard-headed merchant skippers to invest in insurance.

CHARLES ROB E RT NIXON Home: Shoal Lake, Manitoba. Educated: Shoal Lake Collegiate Institute. Shoal Lake's contribution to our band of brothers has brought to the College a distinct Wild \Vest Aavour, blended with an indefatigable sense of humor and a flair for training I11uies. In short, Buzz Nixon. The original eager beaver, Buzz has gone all out in every phase of College life from the day he arrived on board. Among his many hobbies are home-brewing and combining with Hase, Norton and \Vilkins in frequently successful attemps to ruin the appetites of those who visit table three only one day in five. In his spare time he played break for the "Holy Rollers," and performed his duties as a librarian. Being endowed with a scientific mind, he intends to devote his life to the pursuit of happiness in the Electrical branch of the Service. Best of luck, Buzz, and don't get your wires crossed, 46


NEIL ST . CLAIR NORTON Home: \'ancouver. Educated: Britannia High School. A little fellow with a cheery voice, Xeil is SI. Patrick's gift to the College. His original ad libs and wild pantomiming cause infinite amusement among his classmates-oftcn to the utter confusion of discipline when in c1a~s. A Vancou\'cr man through and through, Neil has apparently been a ~on of the sea ever since he first went swimming. and has a good knowledge of seaman~hip, gained in several summers spent on the C.P.R. coastal ship:-.. His sports activities CCIltre chiefly around his hooking on the "Holy Rollers" team. lie has a new method of hooking with both fcu. which has proved vcry succcs~flli. and without which the team would ha\'e been lost. The winner ofaXavy League scholarship. :-leil is one of the deplorably few who have shown tendencies of wanting to take Engineering at Keyham. \\' e know that he will soon grace the wardroom of some ship. Best of luck, ~cj l ! You arc a splendid friend to have. RUSSELL KENNETH OD E LL Home: Ottawa. Educated: L isgar Collegiate Institute. From Ottawa "OdIe" came to us with eve rv intention of doing a job of work. He has done ju;t that. and at the same time pushed the "C" Class reputation a little higher. Ken is a librarian, so we see little of him during our study period wanderings, but we are ~ure that he is hard at work. H.odnc" Divi!'.ion also claims hin1 to their advantage. I n the scrum he provided much of that badly needed oomph, and he rea lly shone in the long plunge in the swimming meet . Besides these interdivisional sports. Ken is reported to be an excellent skier, and is on(' of the College's promising sai lors. It is good to wake in the r110rning and find him \\'aiting with some cheerful rel11ark to help start the day off right. For his cheerfu l smi le all the whi le, the who le term joi ns in wishing him the best of luck fo r the future in the Electr ical B r anch. GEORGE W. OSBORNE Home: ),fontreal. Educated: Montreal High School. George came to us from Sillery, P. Q., a dyedin-the-wool R.C.X. man whose aspirations have never wavered during his two-year sojourn at R.C.l\.C. He first came to our notice as the ambitious author of a very impressive war diary. \Ve were all mo!'.t relieved when peace was finally declared. for George had invariab ly hacked the morning paper to bits before anyone knew jt had arrived. It's a good thing the comics were jn the advertising s(.'ction. He is always enthusiastic ahout life in gencral. and takes a genuine interest in all Col1egc activities. 11erhaps Ceorge is at his hest 3:-i a long--di:-.t3nce swimmcr or as a spirited singer of rollicking~pani . . h songs in the Senior Gunroom-wc could cxpanel all this suhject. but the shadow of the "Log" is hoycring over us-so all our 1>est to you, George. whatcv('r life may have ill store for you.

[ 47

G. DAVID P E ARC E Home: Toronto. Educated: Univer,itv of Toronto Schools. \\'hen Dave came to -the College t\\'o years ago, he came with a song and a smile, and has somehow managed to keep them with hin1 the whole tit11e he has been here. vVith this happy spirit Dave entered Hawkins Division, where he has constantly done his best in all the sports in which his division has be(;11 engaged. This year he has been a member of that renowncd gang of ruggcrs known as the "Holy Rollers," where he has 111acle a g-rand showing as a llll'mber of the serum. During his spare time Dave has been busily occupied \\'ith several other cadets in building a boat, but at the present rate of building we think Dave is likely to be well 011 in the Service before it is finished. All the time he has been here Da\'e has been deeply interested in the R.C.N., and hopes to make the Service his career. Good luck, Da ve.

FRANKLIN DUGAN PROUSE Home: Toronto. Educated' University of Toronto Schools. Frank is the quiet type who has established himself solidly in the term without


or fuss.

The only time he really gets worked up is in any argument about ships or the C.P.R. Because he could spiel salty dips much sooner than the rest of U:-i. he earncd himself the nickname "the Adnliral." Frank is quite an expert on the subject of classical music, too, and is continually astounding everyone by nonchalantly reeling off the names of obscure pieces heard on the radio. He prefers aquatic sports, being a very good swimmer and an exceptional sailor.

That great old question. to go R.C.N. or not, was probably mulled over in Frank's mind a good many hundred times before he finally settled on an answer. It seems that he will spend a year at sea before returning to an Arts course at Toronto. Best of luck, Frank.

ROSS WELLS SMITH Home: Ottawa. Educated: Bishops College School. "Smitty" hails fro1l1 the nation's capita l, which he naturally considers the only place in Canada worth living in. Rightly or wrongly, he is still a good egg. and is very well liked bv the whole term. His ever-present wit and cheery- smile have done much to enliven some of the duller moments in the gunrOOITI. Hearsay has it that he has quite a bevy of female admirers back in Ontario, but he seems to be keeping them well hidden and out of our reach. \Ve are very curious, Roscoe. Besides being one of the "brains" of the term, he has certainly held his own ill sp~orts. For two years running he has won the championship for his "veight. and he has been a very reliable scrU111half for the mighty "Holy Rollers" fifteen. We wish you the best of luck in your future studies at McGill, Ross. and are sure that you will make a rip-roaring success of life.



JOS E PH ANTHON Y STACHON H orne. ~I ISsion, B. C. Educated. Philip Sheffitld High School, Abbotsford, I:l. C. E\'cr since Joe came ·'~lu ... hing in from ~11s­ sion," he ha~ been a source of good cheer to his term. I n his junior year, J oc was a leading figure in interdormitory affair:-.. and he is still known

among- hi:-. colleagues for his unerring usc of a pillow-c\'cn when blindfolded. as we found to our inhnitt: delight when the great "1'ra:-.her . . " fight was stag-tel on the night of the boxing final~. However, thi ... year most of hi ... ellcrgy has been used up lH~twcen playing hook for the "A" rugger team, and ranking in the fir!!lt ten of the term. He is well-known for his genius in physic .... and

it seems that J ac is going to put thi . . talent to u~c in the Electrical branch of the Sen·ice. Although he has a quiet manner. Joe's profound observations on life keep us all amu~t:d, and his good nature Inakes him a fine shipmate. So here's to you, Joe! May your life in the Nayy be filled with luck.

JAMES GORDON THOMPSON 11ome: London, Ontario. Educated: Bishop Ridley Co ll ege. "Tillie':o-" unending pride in his home town is a my~tt:ry to most, as is his source for the priceless remark, which have been a feature of "C" Class French periods for so long. ~o mystery, however, in his estimable record. both athletically and academically. Tillie· ha:-, been a mainstay on all the teanb of his btlo\"ed Frobisher Division, and has been a successful coxswain in the divisioJlal sailing. To add to all this. he won a berth as fullback on the fir:-,t rugg-er fifteen this year. Bkssed with a keen sense of humour to augment his personality. Tillie has become a popular figure despite his bugle-playing ab il ity or lack of same. The compelling urge of many pcrfulllcd cpistles has pr obably been ins.trllmenta l in forming his dec ision to r eturn to civi lia n life. Ou r best \\'i~ h cs go with him.

FRANCIS FREDERICK WILEY H ome: Kitchener, Ontario. Educated: St. Jerome's Co ll ege, Kitchener. Frank \ Viler. better known to us as "Smiling Bud," arri\'cd from KitchcI1l'r with an infccti(Ju:o. . mile on his face, something' that ha . . rcmaincd there c:.'ycr sinCl'. Bud's easy-going di:o-po . . ition, coupled with his remarkable abilitr to sleep in any po . . itioll, or at al1\' time. has won him mallv fril'I1ds at thl' College ~Ild ill the ~ocial circles of Victoria. In the ~ports field. "Knees" is well a1)o\'e the a\·crage . .\ . . a junior he played o n the "B" ruggl:r team. and in his senior year he has hecll a strong memhc:.'r of the "A" team serum. Il i ... athletic ahilitics. however. arC' !lot rc:.· . . tnch.· d to rughy alone. fur hl' has hee n olle of the most active memhers of \'l'I ... ol1's di\·i . . ional teams. Frank hopcs to go on to \\"t· . . krn lTnin'r . . ity. and with his \'l'ry good Ilaturl: and ag-rc:.·cahk pc:r. . onality, \\c kno\\ he will he sucrL· ....... ful wht:fl'Yc:r his ill t lIfl' kads.

[ 49

BRADLEY LAURENCE WILKINS H omc: Toronto. Educated: Jarvis Collegiate. The "\Vedge" was one of the many Toronto boys who arrived at Royal Road~ in Septctnber, 1944. By his ability ill the classroom and spirit shown on the playing fields, he has always been one of their outstanding 111cmbers. A 5ta1v,'art ill interdivisional sport, and a member of the "Holy Rollers" rugger team, his spirit made him a valuable addition to any team. As a cheer leader at football gamcs he usually worked harder than the players. and he will long be rCl1H:mbered along with Nixon and Norton for his attempts to manage Captain Hornblower. Thi, year, as editor of the "Log," he has spent many hours of work and deserves great credit for its high standard. "\Vedge" hopes to join the Electrical branch of the permanent force, where his spirit and good nature are sure to carry him a long way. WELLINGTON BRUC E WILSON Home:

Stratford, Ontario.

Educated: Stratford Collegiate Institute. On his arrival at the College, Bruce, or "\rVimpy," as he is nl0re often called, soon established himself as Olle of the leading "sea- lawyers" of the ternl. Because of his amazing ability to twist facts, his tcrmates quickly realized that an argument \,路ith Bruce could not produce satisfactory result:-.. Bruce supported his di\'ision well in sports this

year, and played on the "Holy Rollers" team, but he really excelled in boxing. He fought a series of

hard, close fights to reach the finals in the lighthea\')'\\'eight class, and although defeated he gave his opponent a great deal to worry aVout.

Bruce will graduate as one of the top scholars of the term, a position he has earned by constant hard

work. He intends to enter the "L" branch of the R.C.N .. and we all join in wishing him a happy anel successful career.

ADAM HARTLEY Z IMM E RMAN Home: Niagara Falls, N. Y. Educated: Bishop Ridley College. "Zim" came to the College with the admirable trait of making friends easily; we have found that his talents in this respect haye not been confined ~olely to males, as many a fair damsel will shyly agree. His greatest claim to fame, however. lies in

the field of sports in general and in English rugger in particular. He has the unique honour of being the only member of the senior term proficient enough in this sport to 111ake the Victoria Rep. team. At swimming and di\'ing as well. 2im h3.s ~hO\\,l1 marked ability. Although an excellent sailor, and very good in seamanship, it seelns that he would much rather

display his talent on the Georgian Bay than on the high seas; this is part of Zim's claim that his greatest attribute is his Reservist inc lination, the niceties of which he is willing to proclaim to all \\'ho \-\'ill listen. Be that as it may, \\'e all wish him smooth sai ling over the civilian seas on which he

has decidecl to lay his course.



Good luck, Zim.



--~ -

[ 51



LTHOUGH we won no cups or championships this year, I think the College can feel justly proud of the team. They went out on the field of play and proved again and again that little men with condition and

courage can do well, even against heavier and more experienced opponents. The season started well for the College, beginning with a 13-0 victory over a much heavier Victoria College XV. This was followed up by other triumphs, until by Christmas we had won the first half of the 1945-46 League. However, our opponents were becoming stronger as time progressed, and by Christmastime their condition and weight were making them very formidable. After Cbristmas, two very tired teams took to the field for the first game of the 1946 season. The Victoria College team was suffering from lack of training, as was the Naval College XV; both teams were laboring under the effects of an excess of Christmas cbeer. The weight of our opponents told, and we went under for our first defeat, to be followed by several others in quick succesSIOn. We had lost the edge of our superior condition; the opposing teams were more than our equal. At this point we owed a great deal to our able coach, Commander Ellis, who saved us from quite giving up the ghost, and put us back on the track. By the end of the' 46 season, we were improving .lgain, and wound up the League schedule with a victory over the Oak Bay Wanderers.

This did our

spirits a world of good. From our pre-Christmas victories we gained the right to play the James Bay A. A. in the final game for the League championship. We started a do-ordie conditioning period, and twice each day we saw the Col wood Corners. Until we were in tip-top training, we practiced scrums and tackling, dribbling and passing for the big day.

It was a big day; spirits were high, and nerves

were tense. The teams marched out on the field to be confronted for the first time by our new mascot Captain Hornblower, for whom we were to spare no effort. Senator Barnard kicked the ball to start the game and the contest began. The Cadets playing like wildcats found a stone wall of defence in front of the J.B.A.A. goal. For the Bays it was not quite so, and at half time the score was 6-0 in their favour. But by this the Cadets learned that their best defence was an offensive, and except for one slip this plan was carried out in the second half. The final whistle found a score of 9-6 for the Bays, with the Cadets pressing hard for a further score. We had done our best against a heavier team and had given them a hard run for the Cup. -R. C. K. PEERS, Captain of "A" Team. 52 1

"A" TEAM MATCHES Odober '!O.

R.C.N.C. -l:J. Vic. Co Here -0.

The College opened the rugby season with a fine victory over a much larger, heavier team from Vic. College Perhaps the highlight of the game was the play of McClean, who was playing his Hrst competitive game or rugger. He opened the day's scoring while following UP a cross-kick by Nicolls and running 25 yards for the score Peers converted In the second hal!, our Hrst score was on a beautiful backHeld run, with Brown going over for the touchdown, which Peers converted successfully. , The final score of the day came when Gibbs kIcked high to clear, and McClean, following UP Quickly. took the ball In his stride and ran 50 yards for a very spectacular and well-earned try.

Nove m ber 3.

R.C.N.C. -8, J . B.A. A. -G.

The surprise of the season came with our Armistice Day victory over J,B.AA. In the Hrst half, the Bays garnered 3 points on a penalty goal, which was avenged early In the second half with Gibbs crOSSing the line for a major score. Bays answered with an unconverted try FollowIng a sustained offensive. Gibbs went over for his second try. which was converted by Peers to end the day's scoring.

Decembe r I.

R.C.N.C. - 11. Vi c. Co Here - II.

In their fourth game of the season. "A" team came from behind to tie UP a hard-fought game. Halfway through t h e Hrst ha lf McCrimmon broke away and twisted his way down the Held for'a score between the uprigh ts which Montgomery converted Vic. College re plied with two Quick trles- -one of which was converted. After half time Vic, College came back with another unconverted t r y We came to life again and Gibbs scored on a good pass from Blades I n the dying moments of the game, Blades picked up a miskick by Vic. College and fell over the ltne to knot the final score ll-ll. Dece m be r 8.

R. C.N.C. - II. Wa ndere rs -3.

After being down 3-0 at half time, the Naval College fought back hard to rain an Impressive 11-3 triumph In the Hnal game In the Hrst half of the League Blades scored soon after haIr time on a pass from McCrimmon Keeping UP the attack, the College scored again on a play by Hannah and Zimmerman, with Hannah crossing the line Gibbs went over to score on a wellexecuted three-line movement whleh Montgomery converted. J a nu a r y I'!.

Jan uary


R .C.~'.C.

-So Wande r ers -l路!.

Trailing by eight points in the Initial stages of the game, Wanderers fought back to upset the College 12-8 After ten minutes of play Brown went over for a try which was converted by Peers Five minutes later, Gibbs cross-kicked to Zimmerman. who went over for a try to end the College's scoring. Wanderers played hard, displaying remarkable condition, and garnered four tries to leave the final score In their favour

R C.N.C. -3, Wa n derers -3.

In a hard-fought. even match, the College just missed a win by a small margin. Our forwards dominated the play for the majority of the game. and not until two members of the scrum and one back were out owing to injuries. could Wanderers have It their way. Our try came from a three-line movement with Gibbs gettJng the score. The convert faUed, and the Wanderers retaliated with an unconverted try in the last minute to knot the Hnal score. Nove m be r 12

a rush in the first five minutes of play-however. we answered with a try by Gibbs whleh was converted by Montgomery These proved to be our only p(}ints while Vic. College added six more with two well-earned tries.

R .C. N.C. - t:i, Vic. Co llere -9.

Our Hrst defeat of the season came at the hands at Vic. College. who fought. back tram a t.wo point deHclt to win Vic. College scored on

J an u ary 26.

R.C.N.C. -:i, J B.A . A. -9.

Fighting back from behind an early 5-0 score, the Bays turned in their Hrst victory over the College. The College opened the scoring when Peers took a pass from Blades and crashed over the line. Peers also converted Bays CA.me back hard with three unconverted tries to win the match. Fe bru ary 9.

R.C.N.C. -0. Vic . Co ll ege -路!9.

This game is one about which we have no story to tell. Playing hard. but completely outclassed. the College could not seem to do anything right, and lost very decisively to Vic College

Fe bru a r y 23 .

R.C.N. C. - It. Wa nd er ers -6 .

I n the final game before the playoffs the College won their only game of the second half against a weakened Oak Bay team. Fisher opened the scoring with an unconverted try. which was answered by a successful penalty kick by Wanderers Peers came right back with a well-earned try which he failed to convert. Immediately after half time Backburn crashed over from 10 yards out for an unconverted try. This was again answered by a try from Wanderers. However, Zimme r man ret.aliated with the College's fourth try to wind UP t h e day's scoring 12-6 in our favour Ma r ch 9.

R.C. N.C. -6, J . B .A.A . -9.

I n a thrilling Hnal game the College lost by a narrow margin to the much older, experienced Bays. The J.BA.A players played their usual rough, bruising type of game, and were better in the first half; however, the College's condition began to show, and In the second half we came within an ace of winning several times. The first Bays score came on a successful penalty kick. which was Increased before the half by an unconverted try The College broke into the scoring column when Peers scored the best Held goal of the season on a penalty kick from 40 yards out. Our hopes diminished when the Bays answered with another unconverted try In the last minutes of play Montgomery raced 35 yardS down the sidelines and passed to Fisher who went over. Thus a happy but difficult season ended for us. and although we would have chosen to trade places with the Bays. we congratulate them for a well-deserved win

I 5,

"A" TEAM CHARACTERS R. C. K. PEERS (Captain): A solid, hard-working forward and a good place-kicker. He has set a fine example of enthusiasm, detern1ination and clean play throughout the season.

A. H . ZIMMERMAN: A very good wing-forward. He follows up well and is quick to seize an opportunit y. Sometimes inclined to hang about offside in loo se ser ums, but he largely corrected this in the latter part of the season . Played on Victoria Rep team. W . A . HUGHES: A very good forward. Plays we ll in the tight and the loose. a good pair of hands and breaks away very fast when he sees an opening. p layed consistently well in all matches.

He has He has

J. P. FISHER: An effective wing-forward. He started the season ve ry well, but lost some of his speed after an ankle injury, team.

He h as been a very usefu l member of the

J. T. MARTIN : A fast, energetic forwa rd . Good tack le and dribbles well. He has got through more than his share of hard work in every match.


T . DesBRISAY: A useful wing-forward. well and goes hard from first to la st.

Always in the thick of the fight.


F . F. WILEY: Second-row forwa rd . He came into the side after Chri stmas, and has p layed some very good games. Usef ul in the lineout a nd a good tackle.


A. STACHON: A good hooker.

A hard-working forward with a lastin g drive.

P. G . BANISTER: Scrum-half. He is rather too light fo r Senior Rugby, and as a r esu lt has had to be out of the game for some of the time through injuries. In defence his tackling and falling on the ball have a lways been an example to the remainder of the outsides. D. B. McCRIMMON: Stand-off half. A clever playe r, he has improved s teadily throughout the season both in attach and defence. He has filled a difficult position with considerable credit. LT .

J. GIBBS: Centre three-quarter. A very finished player with a gran d turn of speed. He has been an inspiration to and the mainspring of the team both in attack and defence. Captain of Victoria Rep team.

C.P.O. BLADES: Cent re three-quarter. A good attacking player who always goes hard and is quick to see an opening. His splendid tackling has been a great asset in defence.

R. L. McLEAN: Right wing three-quarter. last part of the season.

Out of the game owing to injuries in the He is a strong runner and a good tackle.

R. F. MONTGOMERY: Left wing three-quarter. A strong, versatile player who should be very useful with more experience. Victoria Rep team vs. U.B.C.

A good kick and a sound tackle.

J. P . NICOLLS: Full-back. He has good hands and kicks well. 54 1

Played on

Montgomery Wiley Banister DesBrlsay Stachon

Nicolls Peers ICapt. \

McClean Hughes Cmdr_ Ellis Gibbs (Coach I

McCrimmon Zimmerman Fisher C,PO Blades Martin

[ 55





"B" TEAM. 1945-46 "B" team was a very unsuccessful body of players last season since it won only one game. Nevertheless. it was a team to be reckoned with. and never conceded an easy victory. although its competitors in the intermediate league were the first teams of other schools and colleges. Throughout the season it was hampered by the loss of its best players to "A" team. and by the inevitable wet field which lent character to all intermediate league matches. Most of the team's practice came from games against "A" team with the result that. while the forwards had excellent practice in all departments. the three-line had very little opportunity to practice in offence. Their tackling. however. improved greatly throughout the season. and only when faced with very superior runners did they allow tries resulting from opposing three-line running. The backs wo~ked very hard perfecting their technique all season and it was unfortunate that more playing fields were not dry enough for easy passing and running. As a result of all this bad weather. the forwards were the work-horses of the team. There was plenty of weight among them and after the first few games they worked well together in most cases. especially in loose serums. Playing in the line-outs was fair. although each player could have exerted more drive in breaking through. Dribbling was effective whenever tried. but not until the end of the season were the players sufficiently accustomed to one another's playing to count on it as a method of scoring. The tight scrums held up fairly well. but should have broken faster. and heeled the ball more cleanly. As a general rule, the members of the scrum were good ball-handlers. and there were usually enough on the ball to help out a stranded backfielder. Throughout the season. Lt. A. P. Izard. the team coach. gave excellent advice to all team members. more especially to the forwards. All of the players were sorry to lose the elected Captain Wiley, but Elsey stepped into the captaincy and did a fine job in every game. "B" TEAM-CAPTAIN' ELSEY 1.1WIS















"C" TEAM The "C" Team of R.C.N.C. for '45-46 was made up entirely from the Junior Term. The purpose of the team was to serve as a proving ground for new material and to give Juniors more experience in match play. Through its efforts the College should have seasoned players for next year. The highlight of the season was the trip to Vancouver to play St. George's School second fifteen. It was an even, hard-fought battle as the three-all score indicates. Much of the credit for the success of "C" Team goes to Lieut. Boyle, who was on the practice field to coach us, and on the playing field to cheer us on. Brentwood University Brentwood

6. O. 9.


Sl. George's >. University J J.

R C.N.C. R.C.NC 9

[ 57

INTERDIVISIONAL BASKETBALL The Interdivisional Basketball Challenge Cup was won this year by Rodney Division, with Hawkins, Nelson, and Drake all tied for second place. The competition this year was extremel y close , and Rodney only came out on top through the sharp-shooting of McCrimmon and Blackburn. Rodney won three games, but lost one to Nelson by the close score of 29 to 25. Drake Division, last year's champions. led by Maynard, managed to stay in second place by defeating Hawkins and Frobisher. Frobisher was pushed into the last place after losing a very close game to Hawkins , 9 to 8. Although the calibre of the basketball played was not exceptionall y good, the fighting spirit of each division made the competition very keen . INTERDIVISIONAL SOCCER This year a little more soccer was played at the College than has been the custom in the past few years, with several outside games beside the regular schedule. The in terdivisional soccer was, as usual. strongl y contested and not a little rugged . Much experience was gained at the first of the year in three scrub games against the R .N. Stokers temporarily drafted to the College. Their team had some international pIJyers who gave us many helpful hints: this fact alone boosted the standard of play throughout the College. In the interdivisional series. Nelson outplayed the other divisions with a strong. well-balanced team . This team won three and tied one game to win the cup. Frobisher and Drake fought it out for second place, the honours going to Drake . Hawkins and Rodney tied for fourth place. The College soccer tea m , spearheaded by Nicolls and Peers , had four games with " Uganda " and one with "C rescent." Against "Uganda" the College gained three wins and one tie, but "C rescent 's" team was too much for us, and they finished off the season on a gloomy note for us by beating us soundly.

INTERDIVISIONAL RUGBY This year's interdivisional rugby was probably the most closely contested series since the College's inception. Nelson finally wound up the winner after a play-off with Drake. Frobisher and Hawkins had a hard-fought battle for third place. with Frobisher taking third honours in a playoff. Rodney proved to have the hardest luck. having lost all their games. but not without fighting hard before going down . Nelson fielded a star-studded aggregation which was well balanced in all departments. while Drake's power lay in a very heavy , powerful scrum followed up by a few clever threes. Frobisher and Hawkins were both good teams. although not spectacular at all. 58 I

In all matches competition was hard and clean and every game. with one or two exceptions, could have gone either way. With no hard feelings we all take our hats off to Nelson for their most successful endeavours.

INTERDIVISIONAL SWIMMING This year, interdivisional swimming was introduced to the College for the first tlme: a meet was held at the Crystal Garden pool. and was a great success \~!l~ Rodney dlvision took an early lead which it increased throughout the evemng. Drake, Hawkins, Frobisher and Nelson divlslons. fimshing in that order, trailed far behmd the leader. -In addition to the senous swimming competition. each division also entered a "comedian." All five did a very excellent job of entertaining the spectators with their antics. The judges voted Emerson, of Rodney, the best clown.

lJ1fi~ C\. ""{11

In the fifty yard free sty le, Atkinson of Drake finished first by a good margin. McDonald, also of Drake, won the difficult hundred yard free style race. Zimmerman (Frobisher), and FitzGerald (Rodney) won the fifty yard breast stroke and back stroke races respectively. Rodney's representative, Dyment, by holding his breath longer than anyone else, won the long plunge by a very wide margin. Milner (Rodney again) took the flutterboard race, and Zimmerman won his second event of the evening in the diving competition. Rodney once more proved its supremacy by taking both of the relay races. At the close of the meet, the P. T.I.s gan a thrilling trapeze demonstration. The evening was most successful. and it is hoped that a swimming meet will be held annually in the future.

BOXING This year, as usual, the boxing produced many rugged and evenly contested bouts, and the finalists deserve a great deal of credit. To win five or six preliminary bouts requires skill. but more than anything, pluck and determination which were so much a part of every fight, and which, as Admiral Brodeur remarked, will get one farther on in life than anything else. In the featherweight class Frost and King fought a very even bout, with Frost edging King out to win a very close decision. Likewise Emerson and Allan put on a good display in the lightweight class, Emerson winning the decision. Ross Smith took his second boxing title in two years by beating Titus by decision, becoming welterweight champion. In the middleweights Toy met Fisher. Toy's tremendous reach and rapid footwork saved him many a powerful punch and eventually won him the title.



Perhaps the best bout of the evening was In the light-heavyweight class, when Blackburn, who had an impressive string of K.O.s behind him, beat Wilson. Wilson is a very cool boxer and his foiling of Blackburn's left hook in the first round gave the latter a little trouble: however Blackburn fought the remainder with straight lefts and overpowered Wilson. McGibbon and Quain gave a first-class demonstration of slugging in the heavyweight division: McGibbon won a close decision by getting in just a few more punches. Afterwards Admiral Brodeur voiced everyone's sentiments in congratulating all who had boxed in the competition. A fine spirit was shown by everyonethe spirit which makes the College what it is.

CROSS-COUNTRY In spite of one of Victoria's raIniest, muddiest, and coldest days, the cross-country this year was run off In fine style and good times were made. McCulloch jogged around the course well ahead of everyone and wound up first with a very good time24:01.2, not an easy achievement under the prevailing conditions. John Ker surprised the "experts" by coming in a good second with a time of 24: 12.4. Currie came in nine seconds after Ker to uphold the honour of the Junior Term and Hawkins Division. With two in the first three, and many placed in the first twenty, Hawkins piled up the most points.

INTERDIVISIONAL SHOOTING Keen interest was displayed this year in the interdivisional shooting which was not contested last year. Many Cadets have shown a natural aptitude for putting the lead where it counts most. The following Cadets scored a possible: Wisener. Morse, Dunbar. Lewis. Atkinson. Day and Wells. In the shoot off for top individual honours, Wisener stepped out of the Gunner's Mate's class by putting eighteen shots in the small circle after three bulls for sighters. Congratulations. Wisener! Good shooting! . Morse. a deadly shot. scored a very small group of twelve bulls, plus three for slghters. while Atkinson copped third place with eight bulls and three sighters. In passing, I would like to mention the trap shooting outfit we have acquired. The Cadets are very eager to shatter the clay, and judging from the few I ~ave seen in action, there are going to be a lot of dead pigeons when we SWing Into aettOn on the new trap range. GUNNER'S MATE.

60 I

INTERDIVISIONAL BAD:VIINTO Badminton at R .CN.C has taken a turn for the better this year. The whole schedule has not yet e; been completed, and there promises to be a close race for the laurels. At present Drake Division is in the lead, having won twenty games-thirteen of them in singles. Following closely comes Nelson Division with eighteen wins-thirteen of them in doubles. Just behind Nelson Division, and in third place, Hawkins Division has seventeen wins to its credit-eleven of these in doubles. Rodney is in the fourth slot with fourteen victories, and with but four singles wins. Away behind the pack, and out of the running, good old Frobisher is plugging along with a mere five victories to show-three of these in singles.


Individual honours in the singles go to Ashfield and Wisener, both of Drake Division. Both remain undefeated to date, Ashfield with seven wins and one game to go, and Wisener with six wins and two games to go. The doubles are all very even, with one or two teams either slightly above or below the rest. Tilden and D . N. Ker of Rodney share the spotlight in this department with eight wins, two losses, and two games still to go. Badminton has provided us with much good fun and weekend relaxation aside from the competition, and the keenness displayed has been very encouraging to those trying to make a good game better liked at the College.

INTERDIVISIONAL BASEBALL Fielding an all-round, well-balanced team, Nelson Division added this year's baseball cup to its already well-filled collection. Supported by the long hitting of first baseman Wilson, and the unerring fielding of MacLean, Nelson came through undefeated . Led by the smart fielding of McGibbon and Smith, Hawkins Division survived many close battles to end up in the league second place, with only one loss against them. The competition for third place was extremely keen, with Drake Division, led by Brown and Hannah, getting the better of a 6-4 pitching duel against Frobisher. Frobisher 's mainstay lay in the untiring efforts of Montgomery in the pitcher's box. Bringing up the rear with an undying spirit, Rodney Division, led by Blackburn and Titus, gave a good account of themselves, dropping close games to Hawkins and Frobisher. Undefeated in four starts, the Senior College team played the majority of their games on the cruise. Starting off early in the season, they defeated a Junior team by a good margin . The local team of Stewart, B. C, were next on the list, and they went down by the score of 17-10. The opposition of the ship's company on "Crescent" proved to be a little tougher. Although the Cadets won an impressive victory in their first encounter, "Crescent" tried again to break the winning streak, and only after an inning of overtime did the Cadets manage to come out on top 14-13 . [ 61

BOAT PULLING The Cadets have participated in more boat-pulling this year than in previous years. Each division entered one boat in three elimination races, and the first and second crews in the elimination races participated in the final. Frobisher was the only division which did not get into the finals, which were run off with much grunting and straining. Rodney's two boats came in first and second, followed closely by Drake 1. and Nelson, with Drake II. and Hawkins bringing up the rear. When the final points were compiled, Rodney won easily, Drake and Nelson tied for second, Hawkins came fourth, and Frobisher filled the last place. Also worthy of note in our 1946 boat-pulling campaign was the 24th of May regatta held at the Gorge in Victoria. A crew of ten Cadets paddling a whaler cleaned up the all-comers rac e by a good margin. There were also three other picked whalers' crews who competed against one another in an elimination race , which was very close. The winning crew competed in the finals against crews of new entry ratings and one of Chiefs and P .O.s. The Cadet crew again did the trick, and won by several boatlengths.




This year provided a good wind for the elimination races, but an unfortunately poor one for the finals. Frobisher and Rodney both got two boats in the finals, while Nelson had none in at all. Dyment coxswained the winning boat for Rodney , choosing his tacks well. and winning by a good four hundred yards. The final standing in sailing wound up with Rodney on top, Frobisher and Hawkins tied for second, Drake fourth. and Nelson at the bottom.



WHO will eve r forget- The many. many times the "A" team threes suddenly spurted into action, speeding down the field in perfect formation? - That beautiful kick of Bob P eers' in the Barnard Cup final which just dropped over the bar to give us three badly needed points ? - Ernie and his cigar and little black bag charging out to help the unfortunate players who were injured? - The time at the swimming meet when "B utch" Newell reached for the trapeze bar that just wasn't there ? - The epic fight that Capr. Hornblower put on on the terrace to the infinite amusement of the hordes of spectators? ~ The


sight of that long , long hill half-way around the cross country?

- The flash of oars and foaming wake as Rodney's two boats shot over the finishing line in th e whaler final ? - When Yogi, complete with tails, was heaved in after coxswaining the winning war canoe? - Blackburn's terrific knockout left hook ? - Wilson 's home runs in the tight spots? - The wonderful effort of the cheer leaders which incited the spectators to frenzy and "A" team to many victories ? 62




[ 63

INTERDIVISIONAL SPORTS STANDING The interdivisional sports standing up to the time of printing is listed. Nelson and Rodney are at present very close together. and the competition is very keen .




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l 65

Foreword: The Ex-Cadet Section is becoming of increasing importance with each edition of the Log. It is a means by which the Graduates can keep track of their classmates and, with them, enjoy memories of past experiences. They will gradually lose interest in College events and sports, but always in the pages of the Log they will find news about someone they once knew. The Permanent Force ex-cadets will remain in contact with one another in the course of their careers, but the gulf between them and the Reserves will gradually widen until only the Log will provide a source of information as to the activities of their former chums and classmates. It was with this end in view that this year's edition of the Log was prepared. In future years the Ex-Cadet section will grow larger, but it is up to the Ex-Cadet to make it so. It is their link with the College; let them make it a firm one.





Bleau, J.A.T.J., had the unfortunate experience of being hospitalized in Ceylon after only a month and a half sojourn in the "Renown." He was returned to Canada some time later. and received his discharge at the beginning of this year. He is now working in the Bank of Nova Scotia in Quebec City. News has trickled in concerning the following: Arnsdorf is at R.N.E.C. Clayards is in the Fleet Air Arm. German is in the "Uganda." Gibbs has become First Lieutenant here at Royal Roads. Hunter is at the University of Western Ontario. Jackson, Millen, Kilmer, Spence and Rankin are all at the University of Toronto. MacBrien has until recently been in "Crescent," and May and Pratt are there now. MacDonald was recently discharged from "Prince David." McPhillips is also at Western. Nichol is at the University of British Columbia.





King and Leighton were Sub-Lieutenants in H.M.S. "Tenacious" when we received their letter. Leighton left Canada in "Implacable" and King in "Glory," but they joined their present ship together in Shanghai. They sailed for England at the beginning of the year via Hong Kong, Sydney, Colombo, Bombay, Port Said. Malta and Gibraltar. They expect to take sub's courses on arrival in England. Gill and Shaw are now taking courses in England. They served in H.M.S. "Norfolk," operating out of Scapa Flow. V-E Day found them steaming about the Skaggerak, and shortly afterwards they went t9 Oslo with King Haakon. Last summer they went to the Far East. taking exams. at Trincoma lee. They left "Norfolk" in Java and joined a flotilla of minesweepers before proceeding back to England. 66

Irwin is now taking medicine at the University of Manitoba. He has been in "Puncher." "Calgary" and "Fort Erie." and was discharged last September. Hobart is in a sanitarium with tuberculosis. Our deepest sympathies are extended to him. as well as our wishes for a speedy recovery. Cote has been invalided from the service. and at present is working in a bank in Quebec City. McBride is in the rather unique position of being an officer in the Indian Army. Best of luck to him. McLaurin is an apprentice at Yarrows Ltd. At the time he wrote us he was in the drawing office learning to draw straight lines. He would like to hear from his classmates. Harrison is now at the University of Toronto. It seems that a small colony of Ex-Cadets have gathered in Toronto and are attending the UniversityBart Jackson. Lou Spence and Matchwood Millen. all from the first term. Second term Ex-Cadets include Chipman. Sabiston. Wightman. Leckey. Heaton and Harrison. So far. the only third term Ex-Cadet is Roger Morris. A small reunion took place in the Laurentians at Rastus Stairs' cabin in St. Saveur at New Year路s. Spence. Bancroft. Harrison. Heaton. Ireland. Leacock. Leckey. Sabiston. Stairs and Wightman gathered to do a little skiing. and much of other things. Midshipmen (E) Nash and Frank. and Sub-Lieutenants Chassels. Grav. Maclachlan and Waters were all sighted whilst on leave in Toronto. Wiggs was first appointed to "Uganda." and was with her in Tokyo. He returned home for two months' leave. and was then sent to the Far East again -this time in "Glory"-along with Cavenagh. In Hong Kong they were appointed to "Terpsichore." and performed various duties. including chasing pirates. After that they were in Shanghai and expected to leave shortly for England. Gamblin joined H.M.S. "Glory" in Vancouver. expecting to transfer to H.M.S. "Wrangler" in Hong Kong. However. on arrival he found that "W rangier" had left. and that he was appointed to "Hogue." He sailed from Hong Kong in H.M.S. "Pioneer." and joined "Hogue" in Sydney. Australia. From there he proceeded to various ports in the Far East. expecting to arrive in Tokyo Bay in March. 1946. and then proceed to England for an eighteen months' course in Torpedo and Gunnery. Jellet has been in Devonshire along with MacPherson. Wade. Koester. Hertzberg. Manifold. MacLean and Niven. up until last December. Last June they began trooping from Plymouth to Sydney. Australia. On the way out they called at Colombo and Freemantle. and the same places plus Gibraltar on the way back. They had a very pleasant ten-day stay in Sydney. They saw "Ontario" in Colombo and were very impressed with her. One other trip to Sydney was completed before they were split into smaller shipsMacPherson and Jellet to the "Fraserburgh." a Bangor minesweeper; Wade and Koesler to "Ossory." Hertzberg and Manifold to "Grecian." and Maclean and Niven to "Jason." "Ossory" and "Grecian" are Algerines. while "Jason" is an Halcyon.




* I 67

Here and there ; Bancroft, Stairs and Ireland are attending McGill. Cockeram is taking a sub's course. Davidson is at U.B.C. taking an Arts course. Ney was seen in Victoria some time ago , and was reputedly returning to Toronto University. Nash, Sanford, Frank and Rowley have been home on leave, and have since joined their respective ships.





Farquhar, McMillan, Slocombe, McMorris, MacDonald and Jackson are all in "Superb." They joined in Newcastle and then proceeded to Rosyth for a month . They also ran into the Engineer Midshipmen in Devonport. After a trip to Malta, the ship will recommission and then perhaps proceed on a Bal tic cruise. Bell -Irving, Birch-Jones, DeRosenroll, Hilliard , Cocks, Phillips, Wither and Wilkes were sent to " Ontario," and went via Halifax, Panama and Manila. However, they missed their ship, and spent some time in " Letitia" before being posted to "Duke of York." Carle, Tucker, Everett, Hebbert. Roberts , Stone, Radford , McRuer and MacKay joined "Uganda" to go to sea, and then remained in Esquimalt for six months . To make up for her inactivity, she sailed in February on a South American cruise, shortly after Cornell, Samson, Cosford and White had joined her. San Diego, Magdelena Bay, Talara, Lima and Callao greeted them in turn , and they were reluctant to leave them all. What was worse, orders were changed, and "Uganda" arrived back in Esquimalt after only a four months ' cruise. Ogle, Dickinson , Dumbrille and E. J. Dawson have followed in the footsteps of many Engineers and are at R.N .E.C .. Keyham. Reports have it that they are enjoying themselves immensely. Tetley is at present in Montreal waiting for McGi ll to open this Fall. of last year's term there are Wanklyn , Common and Mullan.


Morris has left for U . of T. , and Sutherland for McGill. Lover and Lawson have also been discharged. Mitchell is on the East Coast, while Evans has returned to the Old Country.

THE R .C. N. COLLEGE EX-CADET CLUB One of the by-laws of the temporary Constitution of the Club states that "until the war ends. each graduating Cadet will. on completion of the final term, pay to the Club Treasurer the sum of $1.50, which is all he is expected to contribute for the duration." Those of the passing out term of 1945, who paid $1.50 in July , 1945, in addition to the ir 1945 "Log" fee, will not be assessed for fees until May, 1947, when the annual fee of $2.00 will be resumed. Previous classes of 1943 and 1944 will be assessed $2.00 for 1945-46 with the publication of this year's issue of The Log. In the past year, two additional Ex-Cadets of the new College have each paid $25.00 to become life members. 68


With the advent of peace. it is considered necessary to organize a general meeting at the R.C.N. College in the near future. which it is hoped. will determine the general policy of the Ex-Cadet Club and elect its officers. Since such a meeting could be attended by only a few Ex-Cadets. the influence of the absentees could be appreciable if they would write to the Secretary giving their observations on the following points: 1.

In addition to the annual copy of The Log. a News-Letter should be sent to each member at Christmas and at Easter.


A biennial distribution of a List of Ex-Cadets with their addresses should be sent to all members.


Appointment of local secretaries in important centres across the country to collect information about Ex-Cadets in their districts. arrange annual dinners and forward suggestions for the benefit of the Club.


Appointment of a permanent Secretary-Treasurer from the College Staff. responsible for the above-mentioned publications and for the general organization of the Club.


Holding of an Annual Meeting in Victoria. Halifax and Ottawa in rotation to elect a President and Executive Committee.


The necessity or otherwise of a suitable members of the Club.


and blazer crest designed by

RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS SINCE 31ST MAY. 1945 Receipts $148.47 Membership Fees 50.00 2 Life Memberships 18.00 1944-1945 Interest on Bonds $216.47

Disbursements I 53 Copies of The Log

114.75 $101.72

Difference is increase to surplus

Statement of Assets Cash in Bank Capital Account (4 Life Memberships) Trust Fund 3 % Victory Bonds at par War Savings Certificates at maturity

$338.42 100.00 $300.00 120.00 $658.42

SURPLUS TOTAL ASSETS as at 31 st May. 1946



[ 69




Philipsburg, P. Q. . 406 Pine Avenue, St. Lambert, P. Q. .Inversanda Ardgour. Argyll, Scotland ...... 260 Fraser Street, Quebec City 21 Roskilde Avenue. Outremont. P. Q. 4206 Hingston Avenue. N.D.G. Montreal, P. Q. 1403 Ryan Street. Victoria, B. C. .clo Me. Jarvis. Box 483, Route 3. Petaluma, California ...... Box 194. St. George. Ontario ___________ "._. ___ ." 34 South Drive, Toronto ... 40 Walmer Road, Toronto 26 Fairleigh Avenue S., Hamilton, Ontario ___________ 72 Sighthill Avenue, Toronto 74 Lancaster Avenue, Saint John, N. B. ____ .____ .5 6 Belvedere Circle. Montreal c 0 The Bank of England, London. England 2 Robinson Street S .. Grimsby, Ontario 205 Russell Avenue. St. Catherines. Ontario .. 5583 Cypress Street, Vancouver, B. C. _____ ._ . ______________ 99 Albert Street, Kingston, Ontario ............ __ ......... 847 Hellmuth Avenue. London, Ontario .......... __ ....... 4625 Connaught Drive. Vancouver, B. C. .. __ .. _ South Street, Dundas, Ontario 59 Wellington Street W., Toronto 16 Lakeside Avenue, Ottawa. Ontario __ _. _____ . ___________________80 Dawlish Avenue. Toronto .. 3695 Beach Drive. Victoria. B. C. ____ 121 Park Boulevard, Tuxedo, \Vinnipeg, Manitoba 718 Hartbnd Avenue, Outrernont, Quebec ____ Government Fish Hatchery, Port Arthur, Ontario 584 Princess Street, Woodstock, Ontario 260 King Street E ., Kingston, Ontario J 20 Cooper Sereet. Onawa, Ontario 11 Castle Frank Drive, Toronto 180 Kingsway Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba __ .... 305 GrJnde路 Allee, Apt. 504c, Quebec City, P. Q. 3637 Pine Crescenc. Vancouver, B. C, Shoal Lake, Manitoba . 2615 Oak Street . Vancouver, B. C. 361 Daly AvenuE.', Ottawa, Ontario 23 8 Laurier Avenue W" Montreal, P. Q . _134 Hillsdale Avenue W., Toronto ____ c/ o Bank of Nova Scotia, New Westminster. B. C. _____ _____ 7 Riverside Crescent. Toronto _ 454 Laurier East. Onawa. Ontario .. Metsqui. B. C. 790 Richmond Sereet. London, Ontario _. ________ 101 Riverview Drive, Toronto _A4 Rose Street, Kit(hener, Ontario .. __ .. 62 Whitehall Road. Toronto _ 249 Erie Street. Stratford, Ontario __ . ( ; 0 \Visener t1 Co., 73 King Street W., Toronro 333 Buffalo Avenue, Niagara Falls. New York

FLOTSAM AND JETSAM "There is no real yardstick of love." When you're at sea it is enchanting to see the sky spread OUt above you like a golden pincushion. "Twinkle, twinkle. little star. I wonder what your right ascension are. Plot Bridge Plot Bridge Shut up, Plot ~ "Tell your class to wipe the smiles off their faces." "Class, wipe them OFF~" "An earcraft kerrier kerries from 80 to 100 earcraft." Who will forget the night that Banister got Dunbar's cap and the Chief Yeoman wanted the seniors quiet. P. T.r.: "Campbell. when did you last wash your sweater?" Campbell: "Seventeen weeks ago." "According to the gospel of Sivertz Also "Sivertz is here!"

. .

Then there was a certain well-known officer who was oiled at sea fortyeight times. "Hanner, when I larst left Scarper . Overheard during Gunnery: "Give us a shake at twenty after." In a mechanics' period: "Now are there any questions?" "Yes, Sir, is there a thing on a typewriter for making root signs?" Now if any of you want to take a standeasy from the Drawing Officeswish, swish. swish, swish. The senior man present will give the signal: Hip! Hoo ~ Hah! Heevee ~

If that spoon has 25 on it, you'll be sorry! Canteen's closing-watch your fingers' FFF FFF Let the ship come ahead thirty feet~ The Duty Cadet will shake Lt. Hayward at the time indicated with a glass of milk. Do you recognizeNow gentlemen, we have a job of work to do. Of course, this is a circuit consideration. Don't just sit there, get this down. This izzz important. Ahright? Oh, I know my stuff all right. In gunnery: "Now if you heard the following, what would you doTonkle, tonkle. buzzzzz, hoot hoot, ding ding, clang Again ,~he ~.,T.I.: "Ker, did you clean your shoes last night?" Ker: Yes. P.T.I.: "They certainly don't look it." Ker: "Oh, these aren't the ones'" [71






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