1947 Log Royal Canadian Naval College

Page 1


ROYAL ROADS July, 1947







Edt/or Assistant Edt/or Senior Term Editor JunIOr Term Edt/or S. M. TOY

College News Sports Spotlight Exchange Humour and Sea Cadet Ex-Cadet Photography Art








Business Manager AdL'ertislng Manager Circulation Manager


D. N. KFR R. A.







H. W.











Advertising: PETER McINTYRE



Adviser: INST. CDR. M. H. ELLIS, R .C.N. D. N.


W. E.





FEEL that it is a privilege to have this opportunity of writing a brief foreword for the "LOG" This is so because the Cadets to whom I

am writing will in due course become the Officers who will have to carry the weight of responsibility for our country's naval defence in



It is likely to make heavier demands upon their flexibility than have ever been encoun tered by Naval Officers in the past. We live in an era of great and continuous change

The weapons with

which we fought yesterday may very well be entirely obsolete in any future war that we may have to fight.

Many of the methods employed in the

past may quite as easily become outdated.

These two bctors alone

emphasize the need for vigorous study, and the maintenance of the greatest possible flexibility during the preparatory days and early years of the modern Naval Officer's career. You have the opportunity today to lay firm foundations for your future service.

I know you are taking it.

I wish you the best cif luck in

the future and urge you to remember that your abiltty to lead tomorrow depends upon your abiltty to learn today. H. E. RFID. VIce Admiral.

Chief of {he Naual Staff.

Commanding Officer CAPTAIN W . fl CRFERY. C B.E. A.d.c. RCN.

Director of Studies INST CDR WILLIAM OGLE. M A .. RCN . (Navigation)

Chaplains CIIAP . CI. J A A ROGfRS. fl A .. B.D., O,B,F.. RCN, (Temp) Prote.ltant Chaplain: English


1 T CDR (A / S) R. p, WELLAND. D,S,C .. R,CN , - ExeClltive Officer: Profes,<lonal Subject. INST. CDR, (A / S) 1\\ H. ELLIS, B.A INST, CDR ,



)NST . CDR, e. e. COOK, M ,Sc. R e.N, (R)

INST L T, CDR, G. L. AMYOT. BA .. Re.N, (S) A, CRAIG, R,e.N, (R)

Chemistry; French Mechanics

Supply Officer

1.11 liT . R, B , HA YW ARD, R.e.N

Senior Term Lt.; Seamanship

(P) \V H I. ATKINSON D,S e. . R.e.N JUni o r Term Lt.: NUl'al AL'ialton Instructor; Gunnery Officer

iNST I )EUT J . S, M l.ANGl.OIS, M.A

LI . B. R e.N (R)

SUfl , ) JEUT (S) A . 0 , MANNING, R,e.N, SUB , LIEUT (S) R, N, G SMITH, R.CN, JAR. J, A, M c LAREN, Cd, Shpt .. R,e.N. MR I


Engtneer Officer

""ST L T CDR p, BANCE. M.A , fl,Se, Ph,D .. R.e.N,





11 CDR


M, EVANS, Cd. Eng .. R:C,N,

- Ihstory. Modern Languages Captaln's Secretary

Supply and Secretariat Branch Instructor Officer Shipwright Officer Assistant to Engineer Officer

MR. R. p, MYLREA, Boatswa,". R,e.N. - PhYSIcal and RecreatIonal Training and Sports Officer MR , B. CADDICK. Wt Ward master. R,e.N .

In Charge of Sick Bay




"THF LOG Editorial Section The Royal Canadian Na\")' and Royal Canadian Alfforce College COl [ r:GE l\'EWS 'Christmas Dance Carol Service The VisIt of Bishop Sexton Vlc路N"an路Van or BU'it . The Crui" of the Hesperus Aboard H.M.C.S Warrior Senior Gunroom ~ot('s JUnior Gunroom Notes The Long Cruise Junior Term Account Internalional Relalions Club The 24th of May -


12 16 17

18 19 19

20 22 24

25 27

29 30



"A" Team Rugger Season R,C.NC. Rugby XV . "A" Team Matches "B" Team "C" Team Skiing Interdivisional Sports


33 35 35

36 38



Royal CanadIan Navy Green Six 0 Bobo Exchange Sr. Cadet News


52 54








editorial FROZEN NORTH URING the past year at the College we have been becoming ever more aware of a part of Canada which hitberto had been claiming little of our attention that part of it beyond the Arctic Circle. This consciousness has been brought about both by articles in current periodicals and by talks and lectures given to us by authorities on the Arctic. First to speak to us was Inspector Larsen, of the R.C.M.P .. whose talk to the· I.R.C. LOok the form of an account of his experiences in the North and the objects to be contended with in its development. The Geopolitical side of the subject was put to us by Major-General W. W. Foster, C.M.G., D.S.O .. who spoke to the Officers and Cadets on the quarterdeck. The central theme of his lecture was the fact that the Arctic is now the world's "middle sea," JUSt as was the Mediterranean in the time of the Roman Empire. In occupying this position, the Arctic at once becomes the centre of future trade routes about the world, since the three greatest continents, North America, Europe and Asia, bound its coasts. Expanding on his theme, General Foster told us of the history of the North to date, and how, during the last war, it had been opened up for development more than ever before. The Alcan Highway and the airports which it links form the basis of a great new trade route, wholly Canadian, to the countries of Europe and Asia. Canada not only holds a major portion of the Arctic regions but will also be in control of many of its most important trade routes. Thus we share with the greatest nati€lns of the world the responsibility of ensuring future world security. It makes no difference what our population is or what we judge our own capabdnies to be-our country is placed in this strategic position and the challenge is ours whether we like it or not. We share with other nations many times more powerful than we the power to change the frozen North into the molten hell of warfare. We will be influential in decidin)o: whether it is to be the centre of future world trade and security or if it is to be the next battlefield. Thi's startling realization has not as yet come to many Canadians, and we are not, as a nation, aware of the situation and its implications. For we are faced with a tremendous challenge, and unless every Canadian pulls his weight in his own special walk of life our unlimited resources will not prove sufficient to make up for our




country's lack of interest. If every Canadian does not take his part. then our country faces a natural death, as do all weaklings at the hands of their stronger neighbours, no matter how peaceful and amicable they may seem. The time has come for Canada to look to her position in the North.

IN THE EYES OF THE NATION "These were the first modern Canadtan menof-war that ever entered EsqUlmalt Harbour, but tl was remarkable to note how few people there were to see them arrive."


H E above is a passage taken from the Editorial of the 1921 edition of "Sea Breezes," the "Log's" predecessor at the old Naval College. It is too bad that Commander Ketchum (then Cadet Ketchum, Editor) could not have been present to witness the arrival of H.M.C.S. Warrior and her escorts on December 14th, 1946, and to compare their reception with that accorded H.M.C.S. Aurora and Patrician, to which he refers in his editorial. For this was quite a different sight; thousands were on hand to greet the ships, to see "Warrior's" planes fly off near Beacon Hill Park and later to watch the ships pass into Esquimalt Harbour. It was indeed an inspiring sight as the carrier and her escorts passed the saluting base into the harbour, as one by one they steamed by against a backdrop of massed snow clouds, windswept hills and white-capped sea-a symbol of Canada's naval might. Perhaps even more inspiring was the fact that the show was not playing to an empty house; this time Canadians were taking an active interest in their navy and were there to cheer it on. Here was better than an intimation that our navy was of more than passing concern: this was proof that the service was of vital interest to Canadians. But the importance of the event does not stop here, for it was by no subtle coincidence that the crowds were on hand to greet "Warrior." I t was due to the fact that the people who were there had been informed of her arrival and had been able to read countless newspaper articles about the ships; they fclt a sense of pride in their navy and that it was their duty to take an interest in it. This is an apt illustration of the importance of publicity- -not advertising or propagandabut information indispensab le to a well-informed public. It is an illustration of that

obligation on the part of the Government to keep the people whom they represent informed in peace as well as in war. Once again we are beginning to shy away from a realization of the importance of the armed servIces. This may well be through a lapse of that important factorpublicity. For without it the navy is "the silent service." the "tin can navy." and all those other misbegotten epithets of what is. let us hope. a bygone era. However. that is exactly the status to which the navy will return if public interest. just as important in peace as in war. is not maintained. But why not go back to the old navy? It formed a nucleus which we were able to build in time of war into the deciding factor on our side in the Battle of the Atlantic Why not. in fact. let publicity lapse and rely on the perseverance and courage of a few men of foresight to maintain a small but efficient "peace-time" navy which we can expand in time of war? There are two great objections taking in two situationsthose of peace and war-either of which is surely sufficient to condemn such a policy. Prior to 1939 Canada was not the international trading nation that she is today. and did not possess a large merchant fleet of her own. Now. however. she does. and the navy is an absolute necessity to ensure respect for our merchant navy from other nations. Our shipping interests cannot operate successfully without adequate potential protection. The prestige gained by our country during the war must eventually dissipate if we do not maintain a sufficient naval force to ensure its continuance during the post-war period. In the event of war the time has passed when a small nucleus can be built up overnight into a major naval force. this due to the tremendous advances made in the art of warfare. Such a navy cannot fight modern weapons and methods. The time to train men and build machines for war is in peace. and the time has passed when the danger can be stalled off until men and weapons are ready to meet and repel it. The outward front of a country can only be the mirror of her internal affairs. of the awareness and responsibility of her people as manifested in the appearance of that country to the rest of the world. The navy is an integral part of our national policy; it must have recognition and active interest from those who formulate that policy-the people.

STEP FORWARD N the Christmas Number of the "LOG" we printed an editorial commentary upon the New Cadet Captain System Though this was primarily an informative. factual article. we


also indicated that we held high hopes for the success of the system . and were endeavoring to support it to the best of our abilities In overcoming the obstacles which had to be surmounted to ensure its smooth operation Now we have had the best part of a year to experience Its operation and judge its possibilities; the final group of Cadet Captains and Cadet Petty Officers has been selected and we may regard the whole scheme in the light of a certain amount of experience with it. There are two factors in the system of training at the College which must balance. First it is desirable that every Graduate shall have had as much opportunity as possible to occupy a position of authority and responsibility. He must not emerge from the College as an officer who has been disciplined but has not been required to administer just discipline. He must be capable of accepting responsibility and taking charge and acting independently on his own judgment. for that is to be his business. However. the type of training must not defeat its object as stated above. and that is a second factor which must be considered. If too many Cadets were to be placed in responsible positions during their time at the College. the level of training would drop accordingly. for in this case there would be no administrational stability among the Cadets. Those graduating from the College under such a system could have no idea of how an efficient organization operated and would have suffered from the effects of a bad one. To employ a method which would reconcile both these factors was necessarily the objective of the Cadet Captain-Cadet Petty Officer system. Viewing the year's events in the light of this idea it is probably safe to state that this optimum condition. from the Cadets' point of view. has been very nearly attained. While a general consensus of opinion amongst the Senior Term. who have been subject to both systems. disclosed this fact. the majority of answers was given with some reserve. The prevalent thought was that there were certain aspects of the scheme which needed amendment in its future application. The system is as yet only one year old. however. and there will be time and opportunity enough in the future to iron out any defects. Of p~ra足 mount importance is that tbe system has been a success with the Cadets who have co-operated and helped to make it operate efficiently. Any criticisms of it by the Cadets have been accompanied by a constructive suggestion for the future. which should indicate beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is now firmly established at the College as a progressive and beneficial method of training and Cadet administration. [ Elev<n

THE ROYAL CANA D IAN NAVY AND ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE COLLEGE By C APTAIN W. B. CRFFRY. C.BE. R.C.N .. CommandIng Officer H.M.C.S. Royal Roads HE announcement made by the Honourable Brooke Claxton . Minister of National Defence . on the 1st April. that the R.C.N . College would become at the end of the present scholastic year a combined R.C.N.-R.C.A.F. College. brought forth considerable comment from many sources. including the editorial columns of some Canadian newspapers. Taken by and large. the comments which came to our notice were favourable. but there were some which to our mind were unfavourable because they were based on an inaccurate knowledge of the reasons for the new scheme and of this phase of officer training. During recent years a great deal of thought has been given by the major Powers to co-ordination and even amalgamation of the three defence forces. The great combined operations of the war gave impetus to the thought with the result that in Canada action towards amalgamation has actually commenced . Thus one Cabinet Minister now holds the portfolio of defence and the amalgamation of certain naval. army and airforce administrative branches is imminent.


With the cessation of the Empire Air Training plan inaugurated during the war. the system of training officer entries to the R.C.A.F. came under revision and . true to the modern spirit of amalgamation . the authorities concerned investigated the possibilities of combining the training of Naval and R .C.A.F. Cadets at one College. On the one hand training in a combined College should prove more economical than establishing a separate R. C. A. F. training system. since accommodation is available in the existing Naval College and only minor constructional changes and additions would be necessary; the existing maintenance staff would suffice and the instructional staff would require but a slight increase. On the other hand. the combination would be in line with modern thought; it would get the future naval and air force officers together during tJ1eir initial training period. and this should lead to a common understanding between them which would be an invaluable asset to the co-ordinators and participants of the combined operations of the future. To decide whether the scheme is practical or not it is necessary to know something of the objective aimed at and the present scheme of training at the Naval College. The objective of the Royal Canadian Naval College is to produce graduates from a two-year Twelve


course suitably trained to become junior in the R.C.N. or in the R.C.N . (R) . latter case it is essential that graduates to do so may enter university courses sufficiently advanced to establish equity h~lt*.1i.l them and students who proceed directl universities on attaining matriculation Some explanation is necessary of "suitably trained to become junior Cadets are not junior officers. they are ally members of the R.C.N. at all, but being trained so that they may b~come OIIlcer& ..路~ Broadly speaking. this necessitates inculcating Spirit of diSCiplIne and developing in Cadets qualities of leadership. self-control. loyalty, the gentleman. responsibility; in short. all the Q6:er路 like qualities. what time they are given cation to fit them for their standing as The education must be partly acad partly professional. and much study and t ~.~t.: has been expended in arriving at the balance. The intricacy of modern methods and ments of war is not due to haphazard ments. but to scientific discoveries and gressive reasoning of strategists, practical technicians. The modern order to use the instruments (the word very broadly). must understand the principles they embody and. in many actual mechanics of their operation; his ing processes must be fully developed and In addition. so as to understand world and to enable him to discharge his du responsible citizen. sometimes even as sentative of his country among foreig must have a good grounding in the hu No two-year course can be designed w produce the complete officer. but it membered that the basic education im is augmented by future self learning, ence and by further courses which sive officer undergoes from time to time thl.ud~ out his career. Thus. the academic education givelJ should bear a strong relationship to a cOIl1ttliDa';. tion of that imparted in the first two Arts and Applied ~cience at the Un lenlltJilL ':, The measure of its success up to the gauged by the fact that a superior graduation. who nominally entered with Matriculation standing. has lost no time pursuit of higher education in the Applied Science. despite his two years' in Naval professional subjects. In credits awarded by the Universities to our uates are as follows: 1\'

The Universities of Alberta. Manitoba and New Brunswick. so far. have awarded similar credits to the above. according to the Faculty for which our Graduates are applicants.

that sufficient time is allowed for recreation and relaxation. but there is no doubt that life at the College is strenuous. Thus. to attain the objective. a syllabus has been devised to develop officer-like qualities and to afford the requisite academic and professional training. Naturally. the syllabus as it stands is not entirely suitable for the training of R .C. A.F. as well as R.C.N. Cadets. but studies in committee by experienced officers of both services have produced the following conclusions : (a) Development of officer-like qualities is common to both services and the present methods are satisfactory. (b) A higher academic standing on graduation is desirable. (c) Periods at present allocated for professional naval training and cruises would afford sufficient time for the teaching of professional R.C.A.F. subjects to R .C.A.F. Cadets. In view of (b) it has been decided to accept candidates for the combined College at Senior Matriculation level instead of Junior and to parallel the academic syllabus as before as far as possible with comparable University syllabi. Since former Graduates who have gone on to the Universities have proved worthy of the credits allowed them. it is reasonable to hope that even better credits will be allowed in future in cognizance of the more advanced syllabus.

The professional subjects taught to Naval Cadets are Seamanship. Pilotage and Navigation. Field Training and Gunnery. Torpedo and Anti-submarine. Signals. Marine Engineering. In addition. they do several two and onehalf day training cruises and one training cruise of a month's duration in H.M.C. ships each year; they also do a short air acquaintance course. during a portion of which they become airborne. They are taught sufficient of these subjects to enable them to take up their duties as midshipmen either in H .M . or H .M.C. ships. and it is at this stage that intensive professional education begins. The sceptical reader may feel that it is not possible to cram so much academic and professional education into two years. since the work appears to be great! y in excess of that done in two years at any University. He should remember. however. that our College is in session for nine months of the year compared with the Universities' seven. and that the days. which begin at 6.30 in the morning and end at 9.30 at night. are highly organized. Care is taken

Thus. no serious obstacles present themselves in the way of evolving this College from a purely Naval College to a combined R.C.N. R.C.A.F . College and the scheme may be regarded as practical. For our part at the R.C.N. College. we welcome the scheme with unbounded enthusiasm. We realize it will not be all smooth sailing or flying. but the bumps can all be ironed out. and we feel the scheme is right; it is in accord with progress. We are proud of our record of achievements: perhaps we will feel a lump in our throats the day we change from the R .C.N. College to the R.C.N.-R.C.A.F. College. but that is natural and will in no way detract from the wholehearted welcome we will extend to R.C.A.F. Officers and other ranks who will join our staff and to the successful candidates who will become R .C.A.F. Cadets. Nothing shall detract from our determination to make this. the first combined College of 路its kind. entirely successful and outstanding among the defence force colleges of the world.

.:(EDtrance--Senior Matriculation) AdmisIIioa of IUperior Cadets is granted to the Second Yaz of the courses in Civil. Mining. Mechanical. ClJemical. Electrical and Metallurgical Engineering. Architecture. Mining Geology. and. in nccptional cases. to the Second Ye:tr of Engineering Physics and Aeronautical Engineering. Adm_ion is granted to the First Year of the Faculty of Arts. MCGILL UNIVERSITY: (Entrance--.1unior Matriculation). Each case is considered on its merits and the credits awarded by McGill to our Graduates are very similar to those being awarded by Toronto. UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA:

(Enwlnce-Junior Matriculation) . Graduates of the R.C.N. College are admitted to the Second Year of Arts and Science with full standing; and to the Third Year of Applied Science with conditions in Chemistry and Civil Engineering. OTHER UNIVERSITIES:

[ Thirteen

"THANK YOu." F ROM THE EDITORS The Editors of the "LOG" once again have a long list of " thank-you's" for the many peop le concerned who have he lped us to compile this magazine. First and foremost we wou ld like to express our thanks to Commander Ellis. who has painstakingly gone through every article . correcting the all too many grammat ical mistakes. faulty construct ions and errors in spe ll ing. We are also gratef ul to him for being so tactfu l the day there were drops of coke spattered all over the wa ll (there just is not a suitable replica of a bottle opener in the Navigation office) . and one or two p laces where the desk top is singed from careless manomvering of a cigarette b utt



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SUd' #*1I"'! aiREl,.

Fo urteen


have been passed over as part of the day's work. A ll these articles have also passed through the Captain. who has made many most constructive suggestions which have been incorporated in the articles. and we are extremely gratef ul to him for h is in va lu able ass istance. Vole also wish to th ank Comma n der Ogle for h is help and supe rv ision pro ffered us in the Ex-Cadet Section. Captain Creery. Comma n der Ellis and Co m ma nder Og le joined company to be t he judgi n g committee for the "LOG" Prize for L ite rature contest. which is j ust one mo re bit of "LOG" work meriting our gratit ude to them.


TRUMPET TRIO-Left to right 路 George Whyte. Jim Clarke and Jim Murwin playing with Len Acres Orchestra at the Dance.


Hugh Plant with Miss Rosemary Evans



Stan Hopkins with Miss Maureen Patmore

By J. P.


It has become a tradition at the College to have a carol service at the closing of each Autumn Term. Officers. Cadets, Ship's Company, guests and the Civilian Staff gather together in the castle the night before the Christmas Dance, and, under the Padre's direction, the service commences. On Dec. 9th the College turned out in good voice and we determined to conclude the term with true Christmas spirit. When everyone was present and settled, the Padre gave a short opening address and the service started with some of the old favorites sung by all "0 come all ye faithful" and "Good King \Venceslas" present were the first two selections on the program. Following this, Cadets Jim Murwin, Jim Clarke and George Whyte as a trumpet trio gave a skilful performance of some special Christmas Seuenteen

numbers. They were very much appreciated in this and in a second appearance later in the evening. After a few more carols had been sung by the assembly, Mrs. Harry H. Youson was introduced by the Padre to sing "0 Holy Night." Though Cadets are not well known for their judgment of talent. one and all agreed that Mrs. Youson was very good. We are grateful to her and the other guest performers who enhanced the beauty of the service with their playing. Nights of practice about the piano on the quarterdeck now bore fruit, as Lieut. Langlois and his picked men, chosen both for their aptitude for French and their vocal ability, clustered about the piano to sing the well-known French carols, "Minuit Chretien" and "II est ne, Ie divin enfant." After this, as a further result of Lieut. Langlois' coaching, Cadets Craig Balson, Harry Frost and Stan Hopkins took the parts of Melchior. Balthazar and Gas-

par in "We Three Kings." We were quite proud of their performance. Lieut. Langlois remained in the spotlight as the Spanish Classes rose to sing the Spanish carols. "Gloria a Dios" and "0 Sanctissimo." Roused to great efforts by his able direction and the accompaniment of the three trumpets. they gave a most effective interpretation. After a brief intermission the service continued under the title of "The Christmas Story in Scripture and Song." Captain Creery introduced this part with the first reading. Between carols there were further readings by Lieut. Cmdr. Weiland. Nursing Sister M. M. Dolan. Chief Yeoman of Signals Smith and Cadet Hutcheson. The service ended with the carol. "Joy to the World." followed by the benediction by Father Wood. Refreshments were served in the wardroom to complete a happy evening pervaded by an air of Christmas good will.

THE VISIT OF BISHOP SEXTON By T. H. ELLIS N Sunday. the 19th of January. the Rt. Rev. H. E. Sexton. D.D.. Bishop of British Columbia. was the guest preacher at tbe morning service on the Quarterdeck. During the service Bishop Sexton dedicated two flower vases. donated by Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Izard and family in memory of their son. Lt. (E) T. Izard. R.C.N .. who was lost on active service. The Bishop addressed the Cadets most impressively on the importance of God. Country and Family in our daily lives. He also stressed the necessity of maintaining the British Commonwealtb and the principles for which it stands. He left us with the thought that as future Naval Officers it would be up to us to see that these ideals are upheld.



Left to right:



Padre Rogers. Mrs Izard. Bishop Sexton. Mr. Izard. Captain Creery.




"-internal structure all highly complicated. d'y'know?" "Okay. no call sign-long break and away we go." "It doesn't make a particle of difference." " -and there I was!" Eighteen


VIC-NAN-VAN OR BUST! By BORIS REFORD HE night of 26-27th March was spent by several Seniors trying to extricate. with the aid of a shoe horn. a motor cutter from the 路Lagoon at low tide. The reason for this was the scheduled departure of "Operation Vic-Nan-Van" early the next morning. This operation was comprised of two motor cutters. and its object was a four-day cruise from Esquimalt (Vic) to Nanaimo (Nan) to Vancouver (Van). In the 32-foot motor cutter there were Sub Lieut. Manning. Cadets Creery. Ellis. King. Ratcliffe. \Vales and myself. whilst following directly astern in No. 2 cutter were Cadets W. N Smith. Watson. Labelle. Provost. Booth. R A. Whyte and Morton. Proceeding at our estimated 5 y, knots. we reached Nanaimo at seven that evening. and. while the Juniors slept in the boats. the Seniors (plutocrats all) stayed at the Hotel Malaspina. Leaving the next morning. Friday. we experienced no difficulty in crossing the Straits of Georgia and arrived at H.MC.S. Discovery at about three forty-five in the afternoon. After spending that evening and the whole of Saturday in Vancouver. we left at four A.M. Sunday in the voyage luckily did not lead him to any in a fog, complete darkness and a heavy rain on further deviation. After a day at sea and a hasty our return journey to 路Vic." Despite the weather exit from the Lagoon channel following an conditions we made a landfall on Galiano Island unsuccessful attempt to take the boats in to the at about ten o'clock. thanks mostly to the expert boat shed. we reached the Boom Defence Jetty navigating of Dinny Wales, whose untoward in Esquimalt Harbour at six that evening to interest in Ladysmith Harbour exhibited earlier write finis to a very satisfactory Easter week end.




N the afternoon of March 26, eight unsavoury-looking characters were seen to leave the Cadet Block, and, after they had loaded their assorted gear into the truck, to roar away in high spirits. A closer inspection would have disclosed eight Seniors. starting off on their cruise to Seattle in the sailing cutter "Hesperus," displacement one ton. With the assistance of the shipwright, Mr. McLaren. Number Two cutter had been partially decked over, and taken to Esquimalt Harbour. Here the crew, Cadets Day (the "Master"). Nurse. Smith, Cohrs, Cumming. Murwin, Rusk and Hayes, manned it and cleared the harbour on the first leg of the trip. The wind was good until about 1800, when it died. and the cutter anchored off Discovery Island. However, about midnight the anchor watch called the boys. and all sail was set. The rest of the night was spent with each watch in turn taking charge, and sweating out three hours apiece of navigation at night At daybreak. the boat was becalmed off Admiralty Inlet, and made good only one knot.


Around noon, though, a stiff breeze sprang up, and "Hesperus" went skimming along at ten to twelve knots with four sails set. and seven cadets praying the masts wouldn't snap. (The captain was confident.) A fair speed was kept up all afternoon, and we arrived in Seattle at dusk. Some little difficulty was experienced going into the ship canal-"Stand by to ram ~ "-but we made it. After three very enjoyable days in Seattle, we started on the return trip. The boat left the canal at 1000 Sunday. and by 1500 we were driving through thick fog and rain at eight knots. We lost our nerve. however, and anchored until the fog cleared. Then we set sai l for the night. left two men on watch, and turned in. After an uneventful night. we woke to find a light breeze carrying us along. By 1500. we were off Victoria. just in time to meet the Vancouver boat. We followed it in. running before a fresh wind, under the amazed eyes of the passengers. Perhaps our biggest moment. aside from Roy's antics and Jim's seagull-hunting. was when the Customs officer who met us at the jetty said. "You mean to tell me you sailed that to Seattle?" We dood it! [ Nineteen


The Island. Left above: A Firefly of 825 Squadron. Right abovc: A Plane descending on the Lift.

ABOARD H.M.C,S, \V ARRIOR A Pleasant Variation of College Routine By R. L. MCCLEAN PON return from Christmas leave, all Cadets were anxiously awaiting a chance to visit Canada's aircraft carrier, H.M.C.S. Warrior, which had been stationed at Esquimalt during our absence. As time went on, we wondered if the opportunity would ever come. Then the day arrived-on January 13th we received the news that Captain Houghton (now a Commodore), Captain of "Warrior," would address the officers and Cadets that evening. During the evening he entertained the audience with an illustrated lecture on the history of "Warrior's" predecessors from the days of sail to those of steam, Following this came a few examples of his ability as a magician. This was to impress upon our minds the need for a hobby and the enjoyment one received from it. At the end of the evening Captain Houghton extended an invitation to the College to visit the "Warrior," A few days later the Cadets were taken to the Government drydock at Esquimalt to visit the carrier: at last we were to have the opportunity to see what the interior of a capital ship was like. During our visit we were only able to cover about a third of the ship, including the hangars (which comprise all of one deck of the ship), the flight con trol room, the plotting room, the radar display room and the action information centre. We were conducted on this tour in small groups, each of which was In




charge of one of the "Warrior's" officers. Though our visit was comparatively short, we managed to get a fairly good idea, in the two hours that we were there, of carrier routine. This was not, however, to be the severing of rclatlOns between the Cadets and "Warrior." A few of us were fortunate enough to take flight familiarization with her Firefly squadron at Patricia Bay, Then on February 15th the Senior Term was again to board the ship-thIs time to get a further look around and to watch the flying on and off of her aircraft. We spent most of the day at sea with "Crescen t" and "Charlottetown" following in our wake. All afternoon we stood in the Air Defence Position and looked on with awe as the flying program was carried out. The highlight of the afternoon came when our Commander went up as a passenger In one of the aircraft which were being catapulted off a ninety-foot runway. All in all, the afternoon was a breathtaking spectacle which we will not soon forget. At the conclusion of flying operations we proceeded back into harbour. Here we agaIn got a view of "Big Ship" routine as the guard and band were paraded for entering harbour. This was our last visit to "Warrior," which has left for the East Coast again, due eventually to sail for England and to refit at Belfast. She leaves behind her many enthusiastic Naval Cadets with big ideas for a future in the Naval Air Arm.

,t J'

.., "

The "Dan mark.




,;. .,. /'

training ship for prospective officers in Denmark's Merchant Marine.

1 ,:. "

The ship carries 1 06 cadets, who

do all the work of running the ship under the direction of their training officers. "Danmark." a full-rigged ship. visited Esquimalt on Sunday. December 29th. 1946. and about three-quarters of the cadet complement came out to have a look around the College. At their time of arrival here they had been away from Denmark since early September and would not be returning until the end of April.

This cruise was part of four years' training before the mast, two of which must he spent

under ,all. that the cadets must spend before they may qualify as officers.

R.C.N. Photo.


Ldt to right : Cadets Horn. Nurse. Graham. Hutcheson. Richards. Noble. King. Lieut. Atkinson. Cadets Day. Frost. Rusk. Costar. Henley. Atkinson.

[ Tw.ntv-ont


GUNROOM AFLOAT F , perchance, you bad been strolling on the jetty at H .M.C.S. Naden (tbree miles from Sunny Victoria) on a misty Monday morning a few months ago, your thoughts might have been rudely interrupted by a swarm of youths in blue uniforms, kitbags slung over their shoulders, charging toward the destroyer "Crescent." This. as almost anyone could have told you, was none otber than the Senior Term of R.C.N.C. embarking on one of their three-day cruises. Our first act was to occupy en masse the after messdeck, and convert it (in spirit) into a temporary Gunroom. Here we lived, ate, slept, complained about the routine , and carried on other functions necessary for a happy life at sea. So that we wouldn't make an attempt to take over the ship, we were placed under the supervision of one of the congenial Chief Petty Officers from the College. They were always very patient. und er the circumstances, but we have never heard of anyone volunteering for the job twice. Although their methods varied, they all obtained good results , making the place habitable, and often even comfortable. Our only objection was that they would frequently take advantage of the fact that we couldn't go away, to tell us sundry hilarious jokes and fascinating anecdotes, which we were in no position to resist. In our spare time in the evening there were four schools of activity (or inactivity) . Some people turned in, and made vain attempts to sleep. Other unfortunates got cornered into listening to: "You haven't seen anything until you've been at Whale Island--." Tbe bridge players would congregate at one table, making sufficient din to discourage all concentration. As there were invariably only two packs of grubby cards ("Reme mber, the joker is the Ace of H earts") and about fifteen hopeful bridge players, the games usually dissolved into a riot. The literary types could be found lying on their spines, draped about the messdeck, their faces buried in some long-overdue library book.


No matter how bard one tried, it was impossible to do just notbing. Witb so many people in sucb a small space, one was constantly being crawled over, or baving one's shins kicked , which was not conducive to peaceful resting. Now let us pause to mention some of the technical details of messdeck life. Someone, in a moment of inspiration , has invented small electric heaters, which are placed about a foot from the deck in strategic positions. They are obviously the greatest multi-purpose mechanisms since tbe advent of the safety-pin. Originally, I dare say, they were intended to heat the place, but we found a multitude of uses for them, such as: cigarette lighters, toasters, glove-dryers, hand-warmers, etc. The amusing thing about them was that occasionally some unsuspecting character would stand too close, and his trousers would catch fire. This was always good for a laugh. One of the most refreshing odours that can assail the nostrils of a weather-beaten Cadet as he slithers down tbe ladder into this homey abode, is the aroma of boiler gloves fried to a turn on one of these handy little efforts. These cruises take us to such interesting and picturesque parts of the world (i.e., the B. C. Coast) that it is surprising that the Government hasn't made a series of colour travelogues of our cruises, using a velvet-voiced commentator, to induce people to join the Navy and see the world. As the film would draw to a close, tbe soft strumming of guitars would fade gradually into the distance, and we might hear the commentator murmur in a voice fraught with reverence, "And now , friends, as tbe golden sun dips quietly into the emerald sea, and as the 'C rescent' glides proudly out into the cool green waters of the Pacific, we bid a fond 'adieu' to the beautiful little village of Chichicastenango, and the starry-eyed Cadets standing silhouetted in the twiligbt, look longingly toward the distant shore, where they will soon be able to wash for the first time in three days."

DEMOCRACY AT WORK The President: The meeting of the gunroom will come to order. Mr. Toy: I object! Pres.: Shut up! Gunroom: Shut up ! Pres.: We have gathered bere this evening, Twenty-two 1

gentlemen, to elect a committee to advise the advisory committee to the athletic association. Nominations are now open. Mr. Atkinson: Let's forget the whole thing. Mr. Hopkins : Mr. President, I--uhMr. Atkinson: Let's forget the whole thing.

Pres.: Let's not. ;\,O~H0iATI00:S ARE NOW OPE1'\: ,\/ r. Graham' I nom mate S. I. Ker. Mr. Montgomery' I nominate Frost. Afr. Ellis: \Vho's got a weede Mr. Clarke' I nominate Samuel ~I Toy. Mr. Toy' I object' Gunroom' Shut up: Mr. Quam (coming to): What's that? What's that? Gunroom: (Loud groan). Pres.: Come, come, gentlemen-let's have just one more nomination. Gunroom. (Silence.) Mr. Currie: I nominate Mr. Currie. Mr. Bayly; Mr. President, how is that spelt? Gunroom: (Groan.) (Loud knock at the door.) Pres: Who's there? VOice: Richards' Gunroom: Open the door, Richards! Mr. Richards: Whuzgoinon? Pres.: You idiot, why are you so late? Mr. RIChards: Well, yuh see I uhMr Cohrs (dejectedly): This couldn't even happen in Poland. Pres. : Will the nominees please leave the Gunroom? Mr. Toy: I object I M r Frost: Leave me alone- -I'm trying to sleep. (Nominees are forcibly ejected from the Gunroom.) Pres.: As in the past, we wdl elect the committee by a show of hands. We are to choose three men for this important post, which means that each of you will have three votes. Is that

clear' ~lister Davis. would you kindly read the list of nommees in a loud, clear voice? Mr. Dal'ls: \Vhere's my glasses? Pres . : Never mind. I'll read it myself (Fumbles through pockets.) Ah yes: (reads) "Three beers. two glasses of-" Oops! Wrong list. \Vell. in any case. gentlemen, all those in favour of Frost raise your hands, and remember. you have only three votes. (Commences to wander around, counting hands). 1-2-3-4Mr. Brenchley, is your hand up? Mr. Brenchley: No, I was just scratching my ear. Pres. OK.. O.K. We'll start again1-2-3-4-Mr. Hayes: What are we voting on, anyway? Pres.: The next man who asks a silly question will be thrown out. Here we go again1-2-3-4Mr. Atkinson: I move we put the first three men in, and get out of here fast. Pres.: We'll say the first man is in. Now vote for the second man (whoever he is). (Hands shoot up and down all over the room. Some people have both hands up, and others are asleep.) Brenchley! raise your arm up higher. Mr. Brenchley: I can't; it's gone to sleep. Pres. (wearily): Let's get this over with, gentlemen. We will now vote on the last man. Hands well up, please. 1-2-3-4Mr. Hayes: How many votes did you say we had? Pres. (losing all patience): Give me strength! 3 !-3 !-3! Mr. Ker (D. N.): Holy mackerel. Mr. President. I object. Mr. Ellis has had four votes! Pres.: Have you anything to say, Ellis? Mr. Ellis: Who's got a weed?

ALL'S \VELL THAT ENDS WELL O' I must be honest It actually was not as bad as that. At times democracy actually did work in the Gunroom; there were a few occasions when the hubbub of voices raised in mass protest did not echo through the corridors (if you really think back); the messdecks really were not too bad (once they got the toasters working). In fact. all things being considered, we were very fortunate. Think of all the good times we had; those episodes after the mess dinners, the Gunroom dances. the time we gave "Smiley" the table, the meeting when

1 N

"Sammy" objected once too often (I wonder if he ever did find them), the fights between "Meats" and John L., and all the other things that made our Gunroom a fascinating and pleasant place to be in. Without it, we could never have developed the Term spirit that has carried us through thick and thin. Now that all is said and done, we cannot help feeling that we had a Term that we can be proud of, and that the College will remember for some time to come. Perhaps we will even find someone to agree with us.

[ Twenly-three

JUNIOR GUNROOM N OTES By JII-.\ KNC, T was with mixed feelings that we received our first glimpse of R.CN.C from the unwieldy naval personnel carrier. better described as a "cattle truck." that brought us into captivity. For many it was the beginning of the first long spell away from home. and I think we were all a little homesick. The sight of the iron gates disappearing behind us. barring escape. as it were. added to our miseries. (He warms up to the place after a while.-Ed.) As yet we were not well acquainted with one another. but that situation was rapidly altered by the Seniors. and we soon knew everyone. at least by name. The life was strange. and took some getting used to. Constantly on the go. performing the routine jobs that confused and baIRed the best of us at first. we had next to no time to collect our scattered wits. However. a semblance of order eventually crept into this chaos and we began to act as a Term. Spurred on by Term spirit. the initiation was tbe first cbance we bad to pull togetber as a group. From then on. spirit rose quickly. and we were bolding our own in soccer and basketball. as well as illegal pillowfigbts. against tbe Seniors. Tbe Cbristmas term passed. and witb exams behind us we were off on a long-anticipated montb of leave at bome. We all managed to pull through. and none of us An excellent photo by Vernon Murison depicts a quiet Sunday evening in the Senior Gunroom was missing wben tbe second term got under way. The main event of tbe second term was tbe Gunroom Dance. beld on Marcb 1st at tbe Royal Victoria ments. which lasted many of us through the Yacbt Club. Several weeks beforehand we had week. elected a committee. beaded by AI Lowe. with About the middle of the winter term the Denny Pratt. Ted Lister. Marc Briere and Senior Gunroom very kindly lent us their piano. George Cowley. which was to see to the preparaand our musically talented members. which tions and arrangements. There were numerous seems to include the length and breadth of the buddies in the Gunroom and Reference Library. term. have never ceased to do their level best to especially on the part of Lister's specialty departen tertain us. ment. The result was an excellent dance with During the year we have had two G unroom only one drawback-it had to end. Pete executives. The first. composed of Bob McShirley. Craig Balson and George Whyte all Burney. Pete McIntyre. Walt Smith. Ted Lister deserve commendation on excellent musical perand Hart Price. retired at the end of the first formances. as does the Prairie Schooner choral term as the result of a "coup d路etat." and the group. Lieut Atkinson was a very polite patron. second committee of AI Lowe and Denny Pratt and was the real guiding light for the committee took its place. Both groups have been excellent in charge. Many thanks to the College Cook representatives and we hope that next year's and the Chief Steward for the ample refreshcommittee will do as good a job.





Saturday's epistle (before the young aspirant takes office) : "Please sew on Cadet Captain's distinguishing lace." A few days later (burdened with the dignity of his position) :





"Dear Seamstress: "When YOli last sewed on my stripe one end was a wee bit higher than the other. Now this is my Number I Doeskin. and I would like to have it (please turn over) just right. I think if you brought the left side down it would be fine. "Thank you." "



HIS year the. trainIng crUIse program for Cadets was altered somewhat in that for the first time In the history of the College both Junior and Senior Terms went to sea at the same time. The distance covered and the extent of the training received were more ambitious than an y previousl y attempted On the 1st April we left the Co llege and upon arrival at the Government Jetty at 路路Naden." went aboard H.M .C.S. Crescent. We were forty.six In number. and found ourselves allotted to the after messdecks. which are about as spacious as any common telephone booth . But, having cruIsed in "Crescent" last year as JunIOrs , when our number was fifty-four all told. occupying this spacious allocation with such a comparatively small number seemed like living on J::asy Street. Actually it was far from it. There was the usual scramble for the existIng lockers and slingIng billets, and for several hours chaos reigned in the messdecks. If there IS such a condition as "Panic Stations, " forty -SIX Senior Cadets certainly experienced it during the course of that morning. However, we soon realized that the messdecks were to be our home and it was up to us to make them a happy one. Several hours after coming aboard " Crescent" we heard the old familiar pipe , " Hands to Stations for leaving harbour," and with the aid of the Gunner's Mate we soon flew up the ladder and were standing at our statIOns. Although it must become routine to the profeSSIOnal seaman , the ceremony and formalittes carried out by a ship leaving harbour are extremely impressIve. The ship slips out to sea with its signal flags flying, the sound of the siren , the bosun's mate piping the sttll. and with the throb of the engines as a background . It is a tIme at which you feel proud of your ship and the fleet in which you serve. On clearing Esquimalt Harbour we proceeded down the StraIts of Juan de Fuca to a lonely harbour on the West Coast of Vancouver Island, known to civilization as Port San Juan. We were anchored here for the best part of two days, during which time we got ashore In recreation hours to play baseball, go walking, or Just to feel terra firma underfoot. Some of the more daring types among us went in for a quick plunge in the surf, After working on their bodies for several hours we finally revived them. "Refreshing," they said. Rumour has it that in the early hOUR of the morning some familiar faces were seen huddled around the steam drum in No. I Boiler Room. Then there was the fateful morning when we donned our oilskins as we prepared to leave the harbour. Everyone had painted some distin-

gUlshlng mark on the back of his otlskin in a determined effort to prevent it changing hands. as things invariably do . There were various figures and nicknames painted thereon : the actual owners being known only to a privtleged few . "Very unseamanlike ." they said . But to paraphrase the remarks of a well-known Senior naval officer, after all we were still only amateur yachtsmen . \Ve returned to Esquimalt where we were hustled off to the College to be present for the visit of the :---1inister of National Defence, the Honourable ]\'Ir. Brooke Claxton , who was at that time on a tour of inspection of the West Coast. We were mustered on th e parade square for a march-past and an inspection . after which

Mr Claxton addressed us We remained in Esquimalt for five day s. and since it was Easter weekend we were afford ~ d th e opportun'ty of celebrating it ashore. But alas I we were soon to face the supreme test- the open sea Of course. there were always the "Old Falthfuls" who never feel right, in more ways than onc, unless they arc occupying a position on the lee rail. On the whole, how ever, we had become pretty adept sailors (we kept telling ourselves)! The sea was not what one would call mountainous, but anyone who has crossed the Queen Charlotte Sound can appreciate a vessel in motion. Our next port of call was that quaint little city of Prince Rupert , where sun glasses are an unknown article and even the ducks wear oilskill,li. Prince Rupert is said to have an annual rainfall of 100 inches, but 'we never imagined that the


T UIPntu - fiue

quota could be filled in two days. While we were there the townspeople did their best to show us genuine Western hospitality, but nearly all outdoor activities were impossible. Nevertheless, the ships engaged in several basketball games and a boxing program at the civic centre , which contained a modern gymnasium built by the American Army during the war. Unfortunately, the Cadets' basketball team went down to defeat at the hands of smaller, but much more experienced players picked from the local populace. Before leaving Prince Rupert we paid a visit to the

then proceeded south to Nanoose Bay, where we were able to get ashore and work up our baseball team. Oysters were found in abundance along the shores of the bay. so a party of Cadets set off in search of this delightful sea food. Having completed the northern leg of our journey, we returned to Esquimalt in order to refuel and provision ship before leaving for the south. After carrying on board sufficient supplies to warran t "Crescen t' s" being called a floating groceteria. the Cadets dashed out to the College to enjoy the refreshment of a hot shower

Hollywood and Vine

local frozen fish packing plant. the largest of its kind on the Continent, and gained a fair insight into one of the main occupations on the West Coast. We next proceeded down the coast inside Vancouver Island. stopping briefly at Alert Bay, where the local Indian soccer team administered a crushing defeat to the team from the ships, but we had our turn in baseball. The scenery viewed during this part of the cruise was probably as impressive as can be seen anywhere on the West Coast of North America, the highlight of the passage being the treacherous Seymour Narrows. We remained overnight in a picturesque harbour called Oyster Bay, and



and pick up all the mail they had dreamed about while away. That afternoon we left for San Diego, U.S.A. This was definitely the biggest attraction on the whole cruise program. We were at sea for three days on the way down, and, surprisingly enough, there was actually little change in the temperature, at least not as much as anticipated. On arrival at San Diego we were received with the same warm hospitality with which we had been greeted at other ports of call. The co-operation between U.S.N. and R.C.N. made this a most enjoyable visit. While we were in San Diego arrangements

were made with the Armed Services Radio Broadcast Services for the Cadets to visit Hollywood and tour the film capital. The oppor tUnity was snatched up immediately. and before we knew it we were actually standing o n the corner of Hollywood and Vine. We were conducted through Paramount Studios. where we saw severa l pictures being made. and later witnessed several radio programs in the N.B.C. Studios. It would be impossible to describe in detail the way we. as Ca nadians. were received by the American people. No matter where we went or what we did. they seemed to go out of their way to see that we enjoyed ourselves. It was certainly a most encouraging feeling. The Cadets will never forget the show put on backstage after the Command performance. when

a well-known Naval Air Arm pilot attempted to outshine a famous comedian. It is rumoured that the comedian is due for his wings any day now. We remained in San Diego for three days and then the inevitable occurred-we were told that we were to transfer to "Uganda" while the Junior Term were to move over to "Crescent." We were far from happy to leave "Cresce nt ." as we had become attached to her. since she was the only ship in which we had done previous training while at the College. But we soon became accustomed to the "big ship" routine. and the experience gained in the ensuing days on our return voyage to Esquimalt will prove invaluable to all of us. After being back at the College for only a few weeks now. already the cruise seems far away. an almost unreal adventure. The kind of life we lived on th e cruise has been momentarily forgotten as we go about the arduous College routine. Many days will pass before we will fully realize the lasting effects of our experiences at sea. It is then that we will be able to look back and discover just how fortunate we were to receive such excellent training. Whether back in the offices of Montreal or in the far reaches of the globe. we will always regard it as a memorable and invaluable experience.



the important highlights of the cruise have already been described. this will just be a humble endeavour to cast some light on the Juniors' fortunes and impressions. Imprimis. we were more fortunate than were the Seniors as regards rough seas. The "Uganda" kept on an even keel most of the time. and only five of us were greatly bothered by the obvious malady. When we transferred to "Crescent" for the return voyage from San Diego. however. an appreciable number were suddenly stricken with the horrible sickness one morning. and it was reasonably difficult finding a vacant place along the guard rail. There were. of course. the ignorant few who did not know what the lee rail was. and this all helped in the mess and confusion. This is a delicate topic. however. so if more information is required. please consult P. D. McIntyre's exciting mystery novel. "The Case of the Missing Breakfast. or. Who's Rockin' the Boat?" We all had our little fun down at San Diego. Many Spanish students. wishing to practice their linguistic abilities. rented a fleet of "U-drives" and burned down South a bit. While they did

not see any of the proverbial little men neatly folded up under a sombrero having a siesta. there seemed to be numerous other attractions. There were myriads of quaint and fascinating trinkets which could be purchased for a song ( usually the highest note you could sing). and it was the general tendency to return to the ship quite impoverished. On our trip to Hollywood aboard the Santa Fe. we passed through Capistrano. the city that made the swallow famous. This year the swallows were two days late in coming back and the

[ Twenty-seven

whole city was thrown into a chaotic dilemma. The Cadets should have stopped there for an hour to augment the situation. We all agreed that Hollywood was a pretty nice place in which to spend a day. There were no famous screen stars perched under every lamp post, but if your eyes were focussed properly, it was possible to see the odd celebrity glide by in a '47 convertible. It was extremely interesting at Paramount Studios, especially to be able to chat with some of the actresses. After the C. B.s. "Command Performance" in the evening, several Juniors whiled away a couple of hours at the Hollywood U.S.O., letting feminine charms get the best of them. There was much weeping and gnashing of teeth as we left for San Diego after passing half a day in Film Landit was our last fling at freedom for quite a time to come. We all missed Dave Malloch during the cruise. We were counting on him to pick up some souvenirs along the coast; a totem pole and a senorita would greatly enhance the appearance of the Gunroom. Because of a broken ankle,



poor Dave was forced to go home for three weeks, and we all pitied him so much. Our dearest companions in the "Uganda" were the amiable P.O.'s. One in particular was exceedingly charming; every time he opened his mouth it was like little violets bursting into bloom, and when he spoke, 'twas like a zephyr weaving through a grove of magnolia trees. We held a party in his honour on our last night aboard "Uganda," and presented him with a brand new, nickel-trimmed horse whip. In general the cruise was highly beneficial in all respects. We learned and saw a great deal. did not over-exert ourselves too immensely, and had considerable amusement. We acquired skill in the fine art of pain ting, and gained a working knowledge of the nautical language with its monosyllabic vocabulary. Our wearing apparel took on a very fatigued air by the end of the cruise; in fact, our caps would fall asleep if they were set on a table for too long. In spite of all this , there was not as yet terribly much sea water in our veins, and it will take a few more cruises before we start whisking salt off our shoulders.




" As 'Midshipman of the Boat' on Visitors' Day only put the bow in to the jetty. When the boat is full-go astern." Off the record, "There's a good pub near the end of Firth of Clyde." "Now remember , when you're in a big ship, be sure the drummer's closed up !"







J.T.B. (in the course of delivering a short physics lecture): "And as the motor starts the resistances grow increasingly less." c.c. T.H.E.: "You may leave the mess hall without standing up."



INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS CLUB By GEORGE CURRI E N reviewing the activities of the I.R.C. during this third season , the executive feels that its perennial aspirations have been adequately fulfilled . Our Club, now a recognized institution at the College, has been host to many distinguished guest speakers, around whose talks our discussions have been centred. A conscientiously planned program has taken the place of unco-ordinated lectures. Our first topic during the winter term was a discussion on problems in the Canadian theatre. We inaugurated our session with Mr. Bruce Hutchison , who gave us a first-hand account of the Provincial-Federal deadlock. He went on to give us his impressions of the recent United Nations Conference at Lake Success. We then turned to Canadian Defence problems. General Foster spoke to the whole College assembled on the quarterdeck. His lecture on the Alaska Highway and its significance to Canadians was s~p足 plemented with beautifully coloured movmg pictures. He stressed the necessity for Canadians to occupy their Arctic and establish necessary bases for practical defence. Inspector Larsen, Commanding Officer of the " St. Roch ," the first and only ship to navigate the North West Passage in one season, explained the I?r~ctlcal difficulties in our Northland . These VISitS were appropriately followed by a lecture on mountain climbing by Major Gibson, who brought with


him many of his climbing implements and illustrated his talk with lantern slides. Dr. Malcolm Wallace. former President of University College , University of Toronto, spoke to the Club con~erning " The Educati~n of the Negro in the Untted States of Amenca . We were now focussing our attention on the world problems before the United Nations. Turning to the Far East, we were tre~ted to a discourse on the Pakistan questIOn by Sir Robert Holland. Following this , Mr. H . W . Hender son , geologist and mining engineer, who has spent many years in Burma , told us of the Japanese invasion of Singapore a?d o~ Indo Burmese relationships. Now , as thiS article goes to press, we are about to undertake the study of the Palestine question and the Moslem League. Interspersed in our program previously have been talks on such interesting sidelights as Halley 's Comet, Submarine Warfare, and a visit from Brigadier Rockingham, who spoke to us on Canada's .part in the defeat and subsequent occupation of Germany. The great achievement of this year's work has been the gradual departure from formal talks to the more beneficial forum discussion. Despite this progress, we have, notwithstanding the efforts of the executive, failed to arouse the "Light up and listen boys," who have tenaciously maintained their intellectual aloofness. THE QUID NUNes.

WISENER FUND Through the generosity of Mr. R . A . Wisener the College this year received $150 .00 as a fund to be placed at the disposal of Cadets. This fund has been used to give financial assistance to Cadets' hobby projects in the Saturday morning special classes. On behalf of all Cadets we thank Mr. Wisener very much indeed .

ENTERTAINMENT Twice this year a quiet week-end has been enlivened for us by special entertainment arranged by Mr. Evans. First, Stoker Bull. of our own Engineering School. came out to give the Cadets an exhibition of his uncanny ability to imitate almost any kind of instrument you can name. Next time he brought a whole show , which was another great success. We would like to thank Stoker Bull and his company for giving us such a fine performance, and give three lusty cheers for Mr. Evans, who arranged for them to come out.


IDENTITY OF "BOBO" Though "Bobo" may seem to possess the idiosyncrasies of many Cadets, he is in no way a characterization of anyone of them . We would like to make this clear, as a certain Cadet has had " Bobo" as a nickname during his time at the College; he is another person altogether from our " Bobo."

The cover and section cuts of this number of the " LOG" were penned by R. F . Day. The Carol Service picture was done by Ken Car'ruthers , and the " Bobo" cartoons were the product of Stuart E . Riddell. The sports drawings were done by W . E . Davis.

[ Twenty-nine

THE 24th OF MAY By TIM CREERY HE parade seemed e t ern a I . March, march, march; the rifles became heavy and induced a steady ache in one's arm. March, march , march; we swung along buoyed up by the encouraging sound of the band close at our heels and the applause on either hand . March, march, march; and the eternal had ended; miles of the slow-moving parade crept past, but at last it was over for us. Now for the regatta! The first boat race got off just after 2 o'clock from the starting point, about 50 yards above the Bay Street bridge. Nearby were stationed all the naval entries for the ensuing regatta. Alongside one float was the "Golden Hind," the College's "fancy boat"; at another a cut-throat pirate band from "Uganda" awaited the signal to proceed up the Gorge in the pirate ship of Captain Morgan; alongside the same float. Cleopatra in all her glory reclined upon her barge chatting to Mark Anthony as the two held their slaves In readiness to row them before the eyes of the spectators. Finally, at 3.30 this bizarre trio got under way, Captain Morgan resorting to a diesel engine, contrived, no dou bt, by a particular! y ingenious member of his skilful crew. Cleopatra moved forward in state under oars, then, 10 and behold! the "Golden Hind " reaching up the Gorge with not a sound but the orders of her skipper and the creaking of her yards. The ships made a picturesque spectacle indeed, and were greeted by the ovations of the crowd, who were momentarily chilled in'to silence by the bark of "Golden Hind's" nine-gun broadside, the explosion of Captain Morgan's terrifying ballistae , and the crashing of Cleopatra's resounding gong. Our boat had the honour of transporting the May Queen and innumerable beauteous Princesses of her entourage about the Gorge. The Royal Party alternately plugged their fingers in their ears during the broadsides and fulfilled their regal obligations during the rest of the time. Following this , the prize for the best fancy boat was awarded to "Cleopatra's Barge," which was indeed an eyeful. As the races continued during the afternoon, the cheers of the crowd greeted the winners, and in each race the College entered these were our whalers. When the regatta was concluded we




were excusably exultant and proud of our crews. Weeks of back-breaking training had won them their deserved reward. There was nothing but praise, too, for the "Golden Hind, " a well-nigh perfect job, thanks to Cadet R . F. Day, his crew of riggers, and the College's shipwrights. Dick has proved to us that he is the College's foremost and most versatile artist. The "Golden Hind " was built to his design and furbished by his artistic ability, a betted by some of the College's aspiring artists. The 24th of May was a gruelling, tiring , thrilling day, but is by no means a culmination of th e College's concerted efforts. It is the first of a series of events, including Graduation Day, on which the Cadets must get out front and do their stuff. There is little room for doubt that the standard which has been set this year on Empire Day will be equalled or excelled on these future occasions.


rrA" TEAM RUGGER SEASON By R. A. F. MONTGOMERY T was decided before the season began that "A" Team should again attempt to compete in the Senior League. Although some doubts had been expressed as to our ability to measure up to peacetime standards in this company, the incl usion of five of the staff seemed to offer some prospects of success. The season opened successfully with a win against the Oak Bay Wanderers, but in the James Bay team we came up against opposition that proved far too strong for us. The shock to our morale was not lessened by injuries to some of our best backfield players, including Lt. Hayward. Lt. Gibbs and c.P.O. Blades. By Christmas we had not succeeded in winning another match and were beginning to realize our incapabilities in the Senior League. It should not be inferred that our team was appreciably weaker than that of last year, but rather that the opposition, bolstered by the return of members from the forces, was considerably stronger. On returning from Christmas leave, we found that our team had been withdrawn from the Senior League and entered as an all-Cadet team This came as a in the Intermediate League. shock to many in the College. who thought that our prestige had been lowered by this withdrawal. However, we made it our aim to make good in the lower league and strive to win the B. C. Intermediate Championship.


We began the second half of the season well by defeating the Navy team which was to have taken our place in the Senior League. Some of us began to wonder, but it must be admitted that it was not the Navy's strongest team which we beat. Our winning streak continued, and with the able coaching of Cmdr. Ellis we went through our Intermediate League matches without a loss. As Victoria College had won the pre-Christmas round of this league. we had to playa final game against them for the Vancouver Island Championship. We did considerable training for this, but unfortunately we were at the same time in the midst of the boxing competitions, with the result that some of the team were somewhat over-tired. The game. played in perfect weather conditions, was the hardest fought of the whole season. Although we crossed our opponents' line to score a try and appeared to have a slight advantage over them throughout most of the game, we were, howeve r, robbed of victory by a clever drop kick which gave Victoria College the championship by a margin of one point. Although we did not quite achieve our ambition, at least we can claim to have upheld the R .C.N.C. tradition of playing clean, hard rugger at all times; while the fact that five Juniors found places on the team after Christmas gives promise of a good season next autumn.


Characters of the Players CDR. ELLIS (Coach)

R. A. F. MONTGOMERY (Capt.). Wing Three-quarter. A splendid at-

K. D. B. CARRUTHERS. Forward. Another player who developed steadily

tacking player with a safe pair of

through the season. He is fast and aggressive in the loose, while his height makes him useful in the line out.

hands and a good kick.

He inspired

the team with confidence at all times. It was most unfortunate that an injury

kept him out of the game during most of the second hal f of the season. T. D. HAYES. Forward. Won a place

J. T. BELCHER (Vice-Capt.).

Break Forward. A good forward who played consistently well throughout the season. His determined leadership of the

forwards in the second hal f of the season improved them out of all knowledge.

in the team after Christmas by his hard work and determination. Is still

inclined to kick the ball too far ahead in the loose. though he has improved in this respect.

J. F. MILES. Wing Three-quarter. A R. L. MCCLEAN. Centre Three-quarter. Though a wing by choice. he settled down well as an inside to be-

fast and very determined runner. When he learns to give an inside pass, he will

make a really good wing.

come the mainstay of the back division. Aggressive in attack and deter-

mined in defence, he is the most improved player on the team

R. RATCLIFFE. Stand-off Half. Admirably unselfish. he ably fulfils his

D. W. ATKINSON Break Forward. A very good forward. He is fast. tackles

well. and has a good sense of position.

which enabled him to score tries on

prime dUly of getting his three-quarters away quickly. His hands are





player in


several occasions.

R. O. COSTAR. Forward. A very hard-working forward both in attack and in defence. His chief assets are his hard tackling and his ability to kick with either foot, which relieved the

R. S. KING. Serum Half. Has improved the quickness of his passing out from the serum, though it is still too erratic. Has all the courage so essential for this position.

pressure on several occasions.

S. E. HOPKINS improved player.


A much

He uses his weight

effectively in both tight and loose serums. goes hard. and is always on

the ball. S. M. TOY

D. H. PRATT. Centre Three-quarter. Has a good knowledge of the game and a good eye for an opening, but must learn cO time his passes better. Improving all the time in defence.

Rover Forward. Filled this

difficult position very adequately when

he learned to keep on-side. Backs up well in attack and is effective in spoiling the opponents' passing movements.

A. F. MORRIS. Full Back. A safe pair of hands and a fair kick. To become a really reliable full back. he must tackle and fall on the ball with greater determination.

R. J. McALLISTER. Forward. Though new to the game this season. he quickly

established his place in "A" Team. developing into a fine forward. Always in the thick of it. his tackling sets a high standard to the rest of the team. If he can improve his place

kicking. he will be additionally useful next season.



N. S BALSON. Wing Three-quarter. Though he has still much to learn. especially in defence. he is a strong runner who should develop into a scoring asset next season.

"A" TEAM MATCHES (Intermediate League) R.CN.C .. II

J.B A.A .. 3

The fir" day on which the now All-Cadet "A" Team was to play was fine and seemed to promise a good game. The first scoring play was made by King on a sneak round the short end. NexL Balson terminated a long run by planting the ball in the centre of the posts and Morris converted it. Later on, Mdes ran another one over, but the convert failed. The last score of the game was made by the opposition. who intercepted a pass and made a try in time to prevent a shut-our. The Naval College had the upper hand throughout a well-fought game. R.CNC .. 3;


In the firsl half of thiS game lhe only score was made by a three line run and pass to McClean. who took the ball over and touched It down to gain the honour of being the first man to cross the Victoria College tine during the season For the rest of the game it looked as if it were goi ng to be defeat for the Victoria team until. unfortunately, an offside by one of our men gave them a penalty kick. The kick was perfect. and through the rest of the game no score was made. R.CN.C. II. J.BA.A .. 0 R.CNC.'s clash with the James Bay Intermediate squad opened under a threatening sky and on a slippery field. The game began very evenly. with possibly a slight advanlage for the "Bays" but R.CN C lurned the tables and began the scoring very early on a long run from our lwenty-five yard line for a try by Miles. converted by McAllister. Not long afterwards lhe College was awarded a free kICk; McAllister. again shining with a fancy bit of drop-kicking. gained an additional three points. Not slackening at all. the College fifteen was soon pressing its opponent's line again. The "three line" staged a well-executed passing play. despite the rain. enabling Mites to drive across the line for a second try. Quite understandably due to the wet ball this was not converted. The second half began with an earnest attempt to score by J.B.A A . ending in a twenty-five yard drop out From here to the end of the game the play was even. with no sCOring by either side.

RCN.C. 8;



The second Victoria College game resulted in a WIO for our team. which certatnly deserved it that day The first scoring play was set up by a three line run and a loose serum three yards outside the opposition's goal hne. The ball was well heeled and passed to the lheee hne. The ball went to Ratcliffe. who. unable to cross. passed to Pratt. who plunged over on the left of the posts. The try was converted by McAllister. The second try was made by Atkinson on a short run, but the convert since It was from an awkward position. was missed. The rest of the game. hard fought. produced a score by Victoria College. one of whose men made a score from a penalty kick. RCN C .. 3.


This game. the last of the season. was played to decide the Intermediate League Championship. The teams werc very evenly matched R.C.N.C. were somewhat superior behind the serum. while Victoria College had a slight edge in forward play. In spite of some promising runs by the Navy three-quarters. there was no score in the first half Soon after the start of the second half. however. a long run by Montgomery and McClean resulted in a try by Atkinson Unfortunatcly, the convert, on which the result of the match was to depend, went just wide of the post. Victoria College returned to the attack, scoring with a drop kick from the twenty-five yard line, which gave them four points and the championship. After this. both sides went at it harder than ever, but neither was able to score again before the final whistle ended a hard-fought game . EXHIBITION GAMES R.CN.C. 17; 0; 3; 0; 16; 0; 8; 1;

Wanderers (Sr.). 9. J.B.A.A. (Sr.). 19. Wanderers (Sr.). 8. J.B.A.A. (Sr.). 20 Navy. S. Brentwood. II. University School. St George's. 5

Characters of the Players (Cont 'd) H. L. PRICF Full Back. Played in several matches in the first part of the season. but was out of the game with injuries after Christmas. He is a fair tackle and ha\ a strong kick, but must learn to position himself to get his kick in sooner Should develop next season.

T. H. ELLIS. Forward. Made an admirable subslltute for any of the regular forwards. fitting in with the rest of the pack A hard worker and sound in the line out




"B" TEAM Rack Row (left to right): Davis. Clarke. Stde. Rusk. Quain. Ellis. McBurney. Ker. S. Front Row' Brenchley. Henley. Smith. Hutcheson (Captain). Frost. Plant. Creery.



Back Row (left ro right): Day. Knox. Bayly. Cohrs. Thomas. Graham. Poitras. Malloch. Shirley. Front Row: Bridgeman. Watson. Nurse. Noble (Captain). Emerson. Leckie. Bethune. Thirll/-{our

"8" TEAM, 1946-47 By J. G. R. HUTCHESO:-l "B" Team began this season in the Vlctona Intermediate League, where it met with heavy and, unfortunately, successful opposition. Against the heavier and older J.B A.A. and Victoria College teams we did manage to put up spirited and often nearly successful fights, so that, although we won no games, we did not suffer any drastic defeats. Brentwood's "A" Team also beat us, and this time by a considerable margin, but we had a good game against an experience,? a,~d polished team that later defeated our own A Team. The highlight of the pre-Christmas season was our trip to Vancouver, where we were matched against St. George's "A" Team at Brockton Point Oval. Here again experienced players were more than a match for us and we were once more defeated. In spite of this, the game was one of the most enjoyable of the season. Our Autumn rugger was not entirely without success, for we did win an exhibition game against Oak Bay High School with a score of 5 to 3.

After Chnstmas It was wisely decided that "A" Team should drop down to the Intermediate League, so "B" Team took to playmg exhibition games against high school teams. For the remainder of the season we only played two games, the rest of the time supplying "A" Team with someone to practice on. These practices often resulted in several of our players ending in Sick Bay, but gave us the added initiative to win the first and draw the last of our two matches. Our victory was over Brentwood's "B" Team, when, due to the excellent team work shown by all players, we took the game 12-0. Our last game of the year came with another trip to Vancouver, and our opponents this time were St. George's "B" Team. On a day that was good only for ducks we fought it out on a muddy, slippery field until both teams were almost exhausted. The result of our. efforts was a 0-0 draw. We ended the season that evening with a dance at the home of one of our Van couver players. Although "B" Team has not met with a great deal of success this season it was never disgraced, and the games that we have played together will not soon be forgotten.

"e" TEAM, By ROBERT LECKIE "C" Team has never had a very prominent position in the scope of College sports as a "crowd-drawer," but, nevertheless, it has particular significance as a "trainer" for "A" and "B" Teams. Juniors on "C" Team usually play on one of the higher teams the following year. This year our schedule was not very impressive, only four games, of which we won one, tied two, and lost one. The first game was against Shawnigan, in which we were beaten by a considerable score. The second game, against Brentwood, was more successful in that we won by a narrow margin of two points. When St. George's came here from Vancouver, "C" Team played one of their best games to tie them. Particularly notable was the scoring


of the tieing score by Red Quain after a brilliant run from cen trefield. The last game, against University School's, ended as the preceding game, in a tie. Considera ble cred it might be given here to the captain, George Noble, who joined after the mid-season shuffle, which, incidentally, took some of our best men to fill gaps in the "B" Team ranks. "C" Team feels fortunate in that it sustained but one serious injury during the year, that one being suffered by Dave Malloch, who broke his leg in a practice towards the end of the season. All things accounted for, it is felt that the members of "C" Team have accomplished a great deal in learning a new game. Success is not measured by games won or lost, but by the spirit shown and, in our case, by the amount learned; so with that as our criterion it was indeed a successful year.

[ Thirty-five



The Ski Weekend By BOB McALLISTER N the morning of Saturday, the first of February, the College was alive with excitement, people rushing to and fro, skis and poles piled in great heaps outside, and a few lastminute packers trying vainly to stuff lunches into already bulging kitbags. Yes, you have guessed it. it was the ski weekend which we had all been awaiting. Upon arriving in Port Angeles we were greeted by Messrs. Clarke and Winters, a huge Coastguard truck, and a steady downpour of rain. Our baggage was piled into the truck and, after waiting for a few Cadets who had to buy supplies, we set out up the mountain to Deer Park Lodge. About half-way up the mountain the rain turned to a wet snow which gradually changed into a terrifying blizzard that blanketed the mountain and made driving exceedingly dif-

ficult. The Cadets and the boys from Brentwood, who were also with us, disembarked and lent a hand to help bring the cars to the top of an extremely steep hill. The sight that met our eyes made us gasp in dismay. A snowslide about four feet deep had covered the road for a space of twen ty to thirty feet. After a few vain attempts to shovel a pathway through, it was decided to abandon the cars and hike the rest of the way to the Lodge Our arrival at the Lodge had been anticipated and a very welcome dinner was waiting for all. Only a few had brought their packs up to the Lodge: so during the night several expeditions were made to the cars to obtain packs and skis. We turned in rather late with dreams of a whitetopped mountain, skis and ski tows all confusedly running through our minds. Sunday morning dawned bright and clear: an ideal day" for skiing, although it must be admitted that. after the exertions of the previous evening, many did not feel in the least like an exhilarating run down a mountain. During the day two races were held, a slalom and a downhill. top honours for which were hotly contested. When the final tally was taken it was found that the College was well in front of both Brentwood and St. Louis College. We are very grateful to Lieut. Comdr. Craig, Lieut. Langlois, Lieut. Atkinson and all the Snow . 'inow. nothing but snow; from out路of-doors it follows you in. Vernon Murison got this shot at Deer Park Lodge after a hardy group of skiers had other officers who put in so much returned from venturing out into the blizzard and drifts to pick up supplies. time and hard work to make this The seemingly beautiful summer day in the background is a picture on the wall glorious weekend possible. which just made the boys shiver a little more violently.






Ski Trip

To Vancouver By J. P. GRAHAM T the invitation of the University of British Columbia Ski Team, the Naval College on two occasions took part in ski meets in Vancouver. The first of these took place on the 2nd of March. This was the third annual International Ski Tournament sponsored by U.B.C. and the Vancouver Sun. Johnny Belcher, George Currie, Red Quain, Bob McAllister, Jean Poitras and myself made up the team that was sent. Snow conditions left much to be desired, as did our racing results. The iciness of tbe course made tbe going difficult, if not hazardous. George Currie managed to finish in respectable time, but tbe rest of us have to take refuge in tbe fact tbat we had bad absolutely no practice On the weekend of Marcb 15th and 16th tbe team went again to Vancouver, this time to meet U.B.C.'s "B" Team. On this occasion conditions were definitely more favourable. with a blazing h~t sun and plenty of fairly new snow The slalom was held on Grouse Peak immediately before tbe U.B.C. intra-mural races. George Currie again had the best time among the Cadets. While we did not hold I st or 2nd Left to right places. we were concentrated


strongl y enough in the average times to give only the small margin of 100 to 97.7 points to U.B.C. in the final score. Encouraged greatly by this, we set out for tbe downhill. It turned out to be a ratber dangerous course. especially for the Cadets, who had never even seen it before. Although U.B.C. again beat us. our results were so mucb better than those of our previous attempt that we felt reasonabl y satisfied with our performance. Both tbese weekends were made possible by the unbounded hospitality of the Vancouver Out Door Club. at whose lodge we were accommodated. We should like to record our appreciation of their generosity and encouragement. In tbe future we expect U.B.C. to be our chief contestant, and we indeed appreciated being received with such welcome in these our first attempts in ski competition.


Bob McAllister. George Currie. Red Qu,in. John Belcher. Jean Poitras. Hugh Plant. [ Thirty-teven

INTERDIVISIONAL SPORTS INTERDIVISIONAL SPORTS CROSS COUNTRY The weather was exceptionally good for the cross country this year. Running conditions were approaching perfection as we milled about the square anxiously awaiting the starting gun. The race was a hard -fought contest for all. but Ronald Costar was the first man back. Pacing him the whole way was Thomas. Currie was third. while Plant. fifth . was the first Junior to finish. It was very noticeable that day how high divisional and even Term spirit was. Drake took top honours. followed by Hawkins. Nelson. Rodney and Frobisher. Costar's time for the run was 24: 29. which is a good time for our 4 Y8 -mile course. We are sure the course record. which is 23: 11. made by Hilliard in 1945 . is not likely to be broken. RUGGER Champions of rugger this year were Hawkins Division. It was a close struggle. but Hawkins managed to overcome the mighty opposition of

ing ring. This year each division was represen ted by a boxing team in the interdivisional fighting. Elimination bouts were fought off within the division for places. Many of these fights were very good. and it is unfortunate that so many excellent boxers were eliminated before the final night. All the contestants. whether experienced or novices. showed a degree of courage and determination which was very much to their credit. On the final night. the first bout was a featherweight contest between King. of Drake Division. and Frost. of Nelson. Last year Frost defeated King. but this year King proved to be the better man. The lightweight bout which followed featured Emerson. of Frobisher. and Carpenter. of Hawkins. and again this year Emerson proved victorious by a T.K.O. over a courageous but outclassed opponent. The welterweight contest between Shirley. of Nelson. and Provost. of Drake. could have proved very interesting had Shirley not broken a bone in his right hand during the first round. This was followed by a good. hard-slugging match between Quain. of Drake. and Clarke. of Fro-

Drake and Frobisher. Rodney was originally very powerful. but had hard luck with injuries. When it comes to the explanation of fifth place. Nelson-we are at a loss for words. Owing to the fewer numbers of Cadets in each division. it was a rare event to see two teams boasting 15 bodies. Undaunted . however. by the lack of spares. spirit ran high within the divisions. Hawkins team was a well-balanced line -up of heavy forwards and a light. fast three-quarter line. It was obvious that this division had its full sha're of "A" and " B" Team players. Though the calibre of the game may have been slightly lower than that of previous years. for knowledge of the game was substituted drive and hard fighting . which is a tribute to all divisions.

bisher. in the heavyweight class. Quain managed to land a few more punches and emerged the winner. The middleweight bout was between Toy . of Nelson. and Costar. of Hawkins. Once more Toy gave us an exhibition of his lightning punching and his excellent footwork. By winning this fight . Toy annexed his second middleweight championship. The last fight of the evening was in the light-heavyweight class. Atkinson. of Drake. and McAllister. of Rodney. gave an excellent display of hard punching. It was a very close fight. but McAllister was given the . decision by a half a point. This year the Good Loser's Cup was awarded to Leckie. of Frobisher. for showing exceptional determination in getting up from repeated knockdowns at the hands of Shirley. of Nelson. in a preliminaw bout路

BOXING The Cadets' winter term would not be complete without the annual nightmares of the box-

SWIMMING MEET The interdivisional swimming competitIOn was held on March 24. in the Crystal Garden.

This year it was organized by the Cadets themselves. under the direction of Cadet Plant. Competition was exceedingly keen. and some very good performances by individual swimmers were turned in Up until the last event. the divisional standing could not be predicted A win by Drake's divers brought that division out on top. followed closely by Nelson. Hawkins. Frobisher and Rodney. This year one record was shattered beyond all hope of repair by Cadet Plant. who swam the 100-yard free style with amazing speed to chop several seconds off the previous time. Atkinson. in the 50-yard free style. lowered his own time by two seconds. Knox. in the breast stroke. and Murison, in the back stroke, both turned in good tlmes which pushed the records very closely. Quain won the diving event by a good margin with an excellent display. During the intermissions, Plant and Emerson caused several mild cases of hysterics by their comedy diving act. and four P.T.L's from the College and " Naden" gave us a thrilling exhibition on the two trapezes high above the pool. After the meet, coffee and sand wiches were served in the lounge to finish off a very enjoyable evening.

SOCCER Soccer this year was introduced in September, when each division played two or three games to get into training for the rugger season. These were merely practices and had no bearing on the in terdivisional standing, The soccer play-offs were begun in March and were completed in the first week of May. when we had returned from our long cruise. Drake Division's team came out on top with three wins and one loss Frobisher. Rodney and Hawkins tied for second place. each having won and lost two games, while Nelson took third place. The competition was very keen this year: except for two of Drake's victories and one of Hawkins', the scores never went above a two point lead . Tuesday. May 6th. was certainly the most notable day in the soccer season Both Drake and Hawkins had won two games and lost one That afternoon Drake was scheduled to play

Nelson, whlie Hawkins was to play Rodney's eleven The games were played on the two lower fields, so that the four teams. but espcClally Drake and HawkInS. kept a wary eye on onc another's scores Skilful playing and the aid of Lady Luck brought Drake out on top. while Hawkins suffered their second defeat and went to share second place honours with FrobIsher and Rodney , This brought to an end a very successful season, as all of Drake Division will heartily agree (Written by an unbiased member of Drake Division.-Ed ) BASKETBALL This year a greater interest was taken In basketball at die College than ever before During early morning P.T. periods the Cadets practiced their shooting and floor tactics, while in the afternoon P.T. periods practice games were played between the classes. All this practising resul ted in a better brand of basketball and in some hard -fought struggles Rodney Division showed great fighting spint and aggressiveness to win all four games to take the Interdivisional Challenge Cup Spearheaded by the sniping of McBurney, Rusk and Ratcliffe on the forward line, and supported by Murwln

and Carruthers as guards, Rodney took a close game from Hawkins by 24-12. and an even closer contest from Drake by 22-20. Rodney beat Frobisher by 21-10 and clinched top position by downing Nelson 17-10. Hawkins, with Belcher and McClean as the division's mainstays, took second place with three wins and a loss. Drake was pushed down to third place by losing to Hawkins in a very tight game by 1817. Nelson took fourth place. while Frobisher. lacking the services of Montgomery for most of their games, stood last. losing all their encou n ters. Win or lose, the enthusiasm and the energy with which the dIvisions played their games made the race for the Cup always keenly con tested. BOAT PULLING The boat pullIng and sailing races were scheu uled to take place on our Long Cruise during


Th,rty ",no

our visit to San Diego. This did not come about as planned. and the boat pulling was held in the lagoon during the second week in May. Each division entered a boat in two elimination races. the first two boats in each heat to qualify for the final race. Drake and Frobisher qualified In the first heat. while Hawkins and Nelson qualified in the second. The best pulling was displayed by Drake Division. who in the first heat finished 15 seconds ahead of Frobisher and bettered the time made by Hawkins in the second by 23 seconds. The whaler which had been pulled to victory in the first two races was No.6. and it seemed as though the division which drew No. 6 would undoubtedly win top honours in the final race. The next day. when the boats went to their stations at the starting line. Frobisher was the favourite. as they had drawn No. 6 Though they tried hard. Frobisher was no match for Drake's strong crew. Drake finished a boat's length ahead of Frobisher. followed by Nelson and Hawkins. The final standing ended with Drake first. Frobisher second. Nelson and Hawkins tied for third. and Rodney in the cellar.

BADMINTON Badminton at R.C.N.C. has been played most enthusiastically by many of the Cadets. This year it has been played more in our spare time than as an organized sport. The divisional teams were organized in the autumn term. but because of a lack of time in a crowded sports schedule it was decided to playoff only the singles matches. Nelson took first place by winning eleven of their sixteen games. There was a very close race for the second berth. with Hawkins Division winning nine of their games to triumph over Frobisher. which earned the third position by winning eight games. There was also keen competition between Drake and Rodney for the consolation prize. Drake won in the end by a very close margin to take the fourth place. The individual honours go to D. N. Ker. of




Hawkins Division. who successfully met all hiS opponents. Even though there has not been a great deal of time in which to play badminton. it has been played with a sportsmanlike spirit of competition by all who engaged in the sport. SOFTBALL This year our softball was run off in a sudden death manner. as time was again the limiting factor. The games were all fast and furious. the results of some being the exact opposite of the predicted outcome; however. good sportsmanship and hitherto undiscovered skill were displayed. The general plan was that five innings would be played and when a division was beaten it was automatically out of the series. So. the five divisions were lined up as follows: Rodney vs. Drake. with the winner playing Nelson; Frobisher vs. Hawkins. with the winner here playing the champions of the Nelson vs. the winner of the Rodney-Drake game. Things started off like a ball of fire. with Rodney overwhelming Drake 46-8. and Frobisher defeating Hawkins 14-6. Rodney then marched on to its second victory. defeating Nelson 12-6. leaving Frobisher and Rodney to battle it out for first place. while Nelson and Hawkins vied for third. Hawkins took this 21-7. The final game for first place climaxed the season with a dramatic ending incomparable to any of the others. The end of the fourth inning saw Frobisher out in front 18-11. Rodney then buckled down. taking Frobisher in their half of the fifth three up and three away. The Rodney champs then stepped up to bat. walloping in six runs. while Frobisher had retired two players. With two men on base. the last Rodney batter stepped up to the plate. slamming a hot grounder between first and second to bring in the tieing and winning runs. Rodney. thereby. won the championship 19-18. This game was a tough one to lose. being a hard. well-fought exhibition. and I think that most of us only wish there were more.




A "Firefly " (Reconnaisance Bomber) catc hing an

ar rester wIre upon deck-landing,

PhoLO by P,O. Writer

F Noyes.

Left above

H MC.S Micmac. sister ship to "Nootka."

Both are Tribal Class destroyers budt in Canada.

R.C.N. Photo. Right

Canada's first Aircraft Carner and Capital ShipH.M.C.S. Warrior R.C.N. Photo.

Left below

H.M.C.S. Crescent. training ship for Cadets

and o nc o f Canada's most modern dest ro yers.

MY SHIP A member of the ship's company of three dif ferent ships writes about his ship in this feature. Two of the writers, Sub Lt. Cia yards and Chief Petty Officer Parkinson, UJere formerly of the College; one as a Cadet. the other as Gunner's Mate.

H .M .C.S. WARRIOR By FLOYD W. NOYES. Petty Officer Writer R .C.N. WAS drafted to the United Kingdom in mid-July of 194 5 as part complement of the advance party to await the commissioning of my ship , H .M.C.S. Warrior. She lay alongside the jetty in Belfast, Ire land , a credit to the shipbuilders


H.M.C.S. Uganda is one of Canada's two cruisers. She is at present engaged in training new entries, and upon completing her CO~足 mission this summer, her work will be carried

on by H.M C.S. Ontario.


is a

"Uganda" class cruiser which was transferred

to Canada in 1944 from the R.N. after refitting in the U.S.A "Ontario" is of the "$wifrsure" class and joined the Canadian

fleet in 1945. Forly-two


who had exerted their labours in engineering and workmanship to produce what is the fourth ship-of-war to bear the name " Warrior." On the 24th of January, 1946 , an impressive ceremony was conducted on board, which placed in commission Canada's first capital ship; Canada's first aircraft carrier. Is it any wonder that each member of the crew felt a surge of personal .pride to b e a working part of the largest vessel in the Royal Canadian Navy ? Although the top speed of this ship is merely 26.6 knots , her striking power is far greater than that of other types which display their massive guns to the public eye. Two complete squadrons are normally housed in her hangars :

one as solely a fighter unit. the other as a reconnaissance bomber unit. their range of effectiveness being approximately 150 miles. 190 deck landings were completed before a mishap occurred. and there has not as yet been a fatal landing. Backed by extensive protective weapons. her total armament adds up to make her a real fighting ship. Riding seas with a slow roll. her crew is envied by those of the ships in company. It is most certainly a fact that "Warrior" is a self-contained unit. and compares favourably with a small town for convenience. Messing is on the cafeteria style for leading rates and below. while chiefs and petty officers have their own enclosed messes (closed to traffic) and are served from their respective pantries by messmen. We boast a small chapel. complete with organ and altar. the use of which is shared by two chaplains of the Protestant and Roman Catholic denominati ons. Motion pictures are shown daily and there are many other forms of entertainment. We have a lending library of 2.000 books; a canteen stocked with literally everything from a needle to an anchor; a 2-chair barber shop complete with barber pole and wall mirrors: and a soda fountain with ice cream dishes and soft drinks. which are really a Godsend in the tropical climates. Basketball. badminton and deck hockey courts are laid out and there is ample space for track participants. A hobby club is operated from the Special Services Office. The ship's radio equipment boasts of some 80 albums of recordings and request pro-

grams are staged almost nightly. The ship's band is composed of experienced musicians. some of whom were professionals in their prior civilian capacities When joining "Warrior." each officer and man is issued with a chart guide to find his way about the ship. which is six decks in depth. A switchboard with a total of 1'35 telephones helps to simplify communication. Our ship is the largest to have proceeded up the St. Lawrence River as far as Montreal. where she was visited by Their Excellencies the Governor-General and Lady Alexander and family. The size of the ship is well illustrated by the fact that as many as twelve hundred workmen have worked aboard her at one time during her construction. From keel to flight deck the "Warrior" is about the same height as a fivestory building. During my period of service aboard H.M.C.S. Warrior. the standard of morale has been the highest: the presence of a feeling of companionship and fellowship tbe strongest. and the number of defaulters tbe fewest of any sh ip or establishment in wbicb I have as yet served.

H.M.C.S. NOOTKA By W. E. CLAYARDS. Lt. R.C.N. NOOTKA." tbe second of the Canadianbuilt Tribal class destroyers. has no war experience in her Log. but. as her Nootka Indian motto "Tikegb momook solI, I,

[ Forty-three

Top-A corvette, though now obsolete, one of the navy's hardest fighting ships during the war Bottom-An Aigerine minesweeper many of whic hare Jt pre'icn( in the Active and Reserve rleet'i

Forty , lour]

leks" says, she is "Ready to fight." Th~ spirit of the Tribal class lives on in Nootka, in the minds of her ship's company. who arc r~spon颅 sible for her personality and name. Let's Just cu t ou t part of a da y and s~e for ourse! ves. 1700, at sea, Just south from the Bermudas, Nootka and Micmac are in company with H,M,S, Sparrow. General Drills completed, the lads are In the happy, relaxed first dog state, and remarks are bandied about on Nootka about nosing out-Elephant's nose:-the other two ships in the drills. The upper deck IS festooned with seamen, stokers, stewards, and gash types with barbed poles, gaffs, nets, buckets and all manner of fishing gear, \Ve're going fishing. "Sparrow" wtll drop depth charges "for exercise" at 1730 Our Captain has quietly suggested to Number One that we gather the returning fish Fresh fish is indeed a wonderful change for the lads, besides, as the Captain says, 'Red Snapper can be very nice." Number One found the Buffer yarning to the forenoon quartermaster on the subject of his "Hands to dinner" pipe at noon, and, as he came up he heard-"Sounded as if you had a drunk cricket up your R.C.N. Jumper." The quartermaster grinned foolishly and replied, "That was a bean, Sir." After all. the Buffer took dogwatch instruction as an 0 ,0. from Captain Becket. the man who standardized the presen t calls, Num ber One laughs and tells the Buffer of the Captain's plan, A few instructions, a few suggestions, and they have organized the captains of the tops and manned the whaler with the special sea boat's crew, the Buffer all the while wondering to himself how much of the gear would be returned to the proper place, and how much of that in good condition. Ah well. this new navy. Captain of the forecastle, while rustling out gear for the fishing, gazes at "A" gun; it was a similar gun which got him his Ju.88's and D.S,M. "Well. blow me, there's a ruddy offwatch stoker with his oily dungs on my clean gun' Scram you, or you'll ruddy well scrub that gun from muzzle to breech." The tired stoker shuffles over to the guard rails and leans on them, only to get a similar blast. He goes below to crash in peace, Alongside the whaler Captain of the Maintop good路humouredly recites "Little Albert," as he details his men off for boat lowerers, while the leading hand of the Foretop, looking as if he'd suddenly appeared from the "Player's" trade mark, is gently threatening to fill in the boat's crew if no fish are produced, A wit amongst the O,D,'s suggests frogs as a substitute, the Leading Hand, being of Quebec, turns and glowers menacingly. There is an odd silence over the group, "Man overboard, starboard side'" The ship

turns hard a-starboard to clear the screws , and the lifebuoy sentry aft heavcs out the lifebuoy . Flag five at the dip, I umber One is ready at the sea boat, a leading hand passes the beanngs of the man from the truck. The ship glides alongside the man , Down gocs the whaler and in a twinkling the whaler's crew have the man inboard, Flag Five Two blocked, then hauled down , Officers and petty officers clear the guard rail of interested spectators , Finally the man and whaler are inboard; he's exhausted, bedraggled and befuddled; he'll never know how much of a lesson he taught the ship's company about playing with guard rails, nor how fortunate he was to be rescued at all-and in six minutes Last seen, the man was shuffling aft under the Sick Berth attendant's watchful eye. Again we resume stations and the Unit goes on to eighteen knots, Bump, bump, bump, bump go the charges. Five minutes later, three whalers are plying the area for fish, Almost half an hour elapses before the boats are recalled. The gaffs, nets and pikes aboard the ship have not been used. No fish appeared! Then, as the whaler pulled alongside, under the four hundred and sixty-six eyes of the ship's company, the bowman stands up and sheepishly produces one wretched fish about the size and colour of your pet goldfish. "Hands to supper'" and the lads go laughingly forward.



y ship, H,M,C.S, Crescent, was the first

destroyer to be built of the present "Crescent" class, of which she and H.M.C.S. Crusader are on loan to the Royal Canadian Navy, She was completed too late to take any active part in the last war. but her career since commissioning has been active and varied. To most people not familiar with the sea and those who serve in ships, warships are generally associated with angry shots and acts of aggression. I am endeavouring to show how important the peacetime work of the navy is in cementing friendships between nations and promoting trade and good will. To do this I am recording some of the highlights of "Crescent's" activities since commissioning. H.M.C.S. Crescent was commissioned September 10lh, 1945, and placed under the command of Acting Lieut. Cdr C. P. Nixon, an officer with six war years of experience in destroyers; assisting him as First Lieutenant was Lieut. 0 M. Waters. The usual trials were speedily carried out and "Crescent" lost no tIme in starting out on her peacetime vocation by paying goodwill calls on [ Forry路five

the Channel Islands of Jersey and Guernsey. While at St. Helier, Jersey, the ship, on behalf of the people of Canada, accepted a token of appreciation from the people of the Islands for Canada's aid during the German occupation. This token is in the form of a rep I ica of the Silver Seal of the Islands. On October 9th, 1945, less than one month after commissioning, "Crescent" sailed for Canada via the Azores, Jamaica and the Panama Canal. A heavy gale was encountered between

ship officially began on November 29th, when she was designated training ship for the R C.N. College, H,M.C.S. Naden and tender to H.M, C.S. Givenchy This duty brought her in close co-operation with Naval Cadets, giving them many pleasant memories and much practical experience. "Crescent's" first duty in 1946 was symbolic of the close co-operation between Canada's armed forces which allowed this country to play such an important part in the successful conclu-

SHIPS OF THE ROY England and the Azores which proved the seaworthiness of the ship. "Crescent" finally arrived in Esquimalt November 7th, 1945. Once more on goodwill duty, the ship moved around to Victoria to take part in the Navy Week celebrations during November. During this period approximately 4,000 visitors got acquainted with the latest addition to Canada's navy From here the ship sailed out to Cape Flattery to escort H.M.C.S. Ontario home from the Pacific theatre. Her present duty as training Forty路six


sion of hostilities, On January 3rd the ship sailed to rendezvous with c.P.S.S. Princess Louise. which was carrying back from overseas the 1st Battalion of the Canadian Scottish Regiment. made up mainly of men from Vancouver Island. As the two ships met, "Crescent's" ship's company cheered their comrades-in-arms to give them their first home-coming welcome , Cadets' train ing cruises commenced when Lieut. Cdr. R. p, Weiland and some staff from R.C.N. College embarked with 23 Cadets for

the first of many week-end cruises dunng 194546. In all. "Crescent" made fifteen week-end cruises with Cadets during this year. In addition to these. there were three longer cruises for Cadets' training, commencing with a ten-day Easter cruise for those who volunteered to go during the leave period. This was followed during May by the four-week Senior Term cruise. which visited Ocean Falls. Naden Harbour. Stewart. Prince Rupert. Carter Bay, Port AIberni. and finally Portland. Oregon. returning

to Victoria and then from Victoria to Twin Isles. On November 7th. 'Crescent" sailed for Balboa to meet H.MCS. \Varrior and escort her to Esquimalt. On the return voyage she carried out many exercises and mJnceuvres with "Warrior" and "Uganda." who joined the Untts outside Acapulco on the way north. While in Acapulco a contingent from the ship was landed and taken to Mexico City to take part in the Presidential Inauguration ceremonies. During her


CANADI AN NAVY to Esquimalt on May 18th. The two-week Junior Term cruise later in the term was likewise a great success. Again this year a heavy cruising schedule for Cadets was carried out. Coming back to July. 1946. finds the "Crescent" in Vancouver taking an active part in the Vancouver Diamond Jubilee. which included a sham battle and a parade. "Crescent" had the honour of transporting His Excellency the Governor-General and Viscountess Alexander and party from Vancouver

stay in Acapulco a serious fire broke out ashore and threatened two stores. A fire-fighting party from the ship. headed by Lieut. Waters. quickly brought the blaze under control and earned the gratitude of the shopkeepers. as well as forty cases of beer for the ship's company. So goes the work of a peacetime ship. and when her present period of loan to Canada is concluded. the people of our country may proudly say. "Well done~" to a good and faithful servant.



• •••

Warrior. Magnificent (Light Fleet Class). Magnificent to be stationed on East Coast. Displacement: 17.000 tons (about 18.000 full load). Length: 690 ft. (O.A.). 650 ft. (W.L.). Beam. 112 ft. (O.A.). 80 ft. (W.L.). Armament: 40 aircraft (2 squadrons of 15 each plus spares). 29 pompoms. 19 Bofors. Speed. 25 kts. Complement: 1.200 officers and men.

Ontario (Swiltsure class). Uganda (Uganda class). Ontario stationed on West Coast. Displacement: 0-8.000 tons (over 11.000 full load). U-8.000 (over 10.000 full load). Length: 555 y, ft. Beam: 0-63 ft .. U-62 It Armament' 9 6": 0-10 4" H.A.: U-8 4" H.A.: 3 multiple pompoms: 8 twin oerlikons: 6 single oerlikons; 6 21" torpedo tubes. Speed 3 I 5 klS Complement. 900.


. ~ ...

\ ~ __=c::=J72~o--


Athabaskan. Cayuga. Haida. Micmac. Nootka (Tribal class). Last three mentioned











(Crescent class) To be stationed on West Coast. Displacement I. 710 (2.525 loaded). Length. 362-h ft. Beam: 35:}(j ft. Armamento 4 4.5". I (win bofors; 2 pompoms; 2 oerll-








Coast. Athabaskan. Cayuga on West Coast. Displacement: 1.990 tons. Length, 377ft. Beam: 37ft. Armamen to 6 4.7": 2 4": 4 2 I" torpedo tubes (quadruple mtng.). plus depth ch,lfges. Speed· Over 36 kts. Com ple____ mcnt 265 officers and men.

~ ~


j:==~~~"r~=~ :==-!~~~~~~~~~~~~~rre~~~::=:::~

mtng.). Speed. 3) ___ \ . . . .??~i~ 17.0~if"be, ~~(~.Wtc)= ~ kons: 4 plus 2 I" depth torpedocharges. tubes (quadruple klS. Complement· 2 20. ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ': 1





Anl1gonish plus other unlt'j. DISplacement: 1.445 tons. Length 301 I/~ fr Beam 36 1,.l ft. Armament 2 4" H.A 10 orrhkons. plus A 'S weapons Speed 21 kts. Complement. 140

MINESWEEPERS Algerine ciass . Displacement : 950 lons. l.ength , 230 ft . Armament: 14" H A .: 40erlikons. Speed 15 kts. Complement 104 to 138.




River class destroyer.

"Sioux" and "Algonquin," similar to "Crescfnt." are at present in reserve at ES'1uimalt.

. (Oulilne drawings bv Harry Rusk)

No information is available at the time of going to press as to the exact status of the Reserve F1ec{' Many members of Canada's wartime fleet have already been sold to take up peacetime occupations in a new guise, or disappear forever from the seas as ~crJP Thus we cannot list names in thlS section. but can only state that It seems likely at present that a few frigates and minesweepers will be held in reserve. Information as to the future of the fairmiles and corvettes still in posscsli:ion of the Navy is not available.

Though "Ontano" and "Uganda" are both included in the Active Fleet Section. this is done for the sake of sim~ plicity in recording statistICS. Actually 路路Uga nda" pays off this summer and "Ontario" takes her place and is to remain on the West Coast. Similarly, it is indicated from Mr. Claxton's latest available press release that of the two aircraft carriers only "Magnificent" will stay in commission with the R.C N. She is to be stationed at Halifax.

"LOG" PRIZE FOR LITERATURE GREEN SIX-O By GEORGE W. NOBLE GREEN six-o. a fog bank. Sir." Lieutenant Douglas Prior. Officer of the Watch. being suddenly jerked to his senses. was about to drawl "What's that?" but revived in time to utter a terse "Repeat please. " "Green six-o. a fog bank. Sir." "Thank you. Eliot." Prior cursed himself for having been caught daydreaming. He always felt uneasy when Eliot was his look-out. and tried hard to appear alert. but today it was difficult. for the tropical sun beat down upon the destroyer's open bridge. and he felt rather tired and slightly ill. Eliot. although still a seaman. was ten years his senior. and possessed a peculiar sort of intelligence. which. combined with his taciturn nature. caused many to call him eccentric. Prior rather suspected that Eliot almost resented. in his own way. the authority of a younger man. especially one as inexperienced as Prior For that reason he strove to appear efficient in the seaman's presence. but now it was of little use. He glanced over at Eliot. who was staring out to sea. his face inscrutable. Prior. too. soon found himself gazing distractedly. although there was nothing to see bu t a broad expanse of water. It was growing late on a stifling Sunday afternoon. The bridge. deserted except for the officer and a look-out on either side. was deathly quiet save for the faint vibration of the engines. The Caribbean was like a mirror-silver green. There was not a ripple on its surface; just the shimmering glare of the sun. as it dropped closer to the horizon路 As he stood transfixed. one bead of sweat and then another rolled off his brow. Automatically he lifted his cap with one hand and raised the other to wipe his dripping forehead. He thought of the pervading quietness. and remembered that many would be resting below in the shade. The tpought made him feel more drowsy. He began to feel slightly dizzy. and leaned forward. propped his elbows. his chin resting in his hands. Looking into the distance. over the starboard bow. he saw the haze. It was a soft grey strip. obliterating the silver rim of the horizon to the west. cradling the sun. and imparting to it a whitish-blue tint. The fog was the only break in the whole of that dull green surface. and he focused his gaze on it. To him the destroyer no longer glided through the water. but seemed to move slower and slower. as if the sea had turned to pu tty. His eyes burned. his throat felt rough and dry I. I.



-once again he became lost in his thoughts. "I must do something about those service sheetstomorrow maybe. If only I weren't always putting things off. Look at Somers. always so efficient-not such a bad fellow. though. But al ways worrying. I wonder what joy he gets out of life. At least I'm happy. and-" "Green six-o. ship. Sir." Prior straightened up suddenly. cleared his throat. and managed a hoarse "Thank you." He reached for his binocu lars. which fe lt heavy within his grasp. and looked out to sea. but he saw only the fog. closer now than before He mentally remarked on the acuteness of Eliot's vision as he impatiently adjusted the focus. and once again raised the powerful glasses to his eyes. This time he discerned a dim speck. and as he peered. it was illumined by the rays of the sun filtering through the fringe of the haze. It seemed to be a small sailing ship. and he was struck by the fact that it had a curious glowing appearance. almost as if it were afire. he thought. But the sun can play strange tricks. and his eyes were weary. Still. it fascinated him. so he watched until the strain on his eyes became unbearable and the scene became a blur. He lowered the binoculars and covered his eyes with his hand. The idea that the ship might actually be afire flashed across his brain. but he banished the thought. However. the impression preyed on his mind. and he wondered if Eliot was thinking the same thing. Yet he hesitated to ask. because he had a great fear of appearing ridiculous. Instead he tried to seek refuge in idle reflection. His head ached so much now. that even thinking was difficult. and his thoughts became like a disjointed dream. "Something about those Latin Americans-full of colour. always so gay. Their music-." He seemed to feel a dull rhythm in his ears. "Yet so quiet down there. so easy. and so restful-and those girls. if only--" He was jarred from his half-quandary by Eliot's voice. which snapped him back to reality. "Sir. have you ever heard of St. Elmo's Fire?" Prior was surprised by the irregularity of the question. but he thought again of the ship. which haunted his brain. and he was hoping that Eliot would mention it. and relieve the weight of doubt on his mind. He was afraid that he was imagining things. but he would not give in. not yet. Eliot spoke in a calm. serious voice; the officer looked at him. hoping that Eliot's expression would betray his thoughts. but he was met by that same empty stare. "St. Elmo is the Patron Saint of sailors. isn't


h~l I cant say In heard of St. Elmo's Firc, though." replied Prior. straimng to appear calm, although he felt ready to shout aloud Eliot continued. "Few ha\路c. sir-few have: St. Elmo's Pire was the name given by mariners to the electrical discharge which sometimes occurs from the masts of shIps in thunderstorms. Centuries ago. of course, they didn't know Just what it was. and so supposed it to be supernatural. There's a strange story about it: I often think of it when I'm in the Caribbean-l guess it's because it happened on the Panama coast." Prior was anxious to know what he meant by '路it." and was about to ask him to go on, when Eliot did so. "In about 1506 some mutineers captured the town of Darien, and to get rid of the Spanish Governor and his friends, they put them (they numbered sixteen. I thInk) into a small. leaky brigantine, with orders to steer for Hispaniola. There was a fierce storm arising, so the mutineers knew that their victims had little chance. As they stood on the shore watching the little ship. some relented, but it was too late. for al read y the storm had engulfed the brig sailing into its teeth. Then they heard the roar of thunder, and saw the masts and yards light up with an eerie glow in the blackness of the storm, They knew at once that it was St. Elmo's Fire, and it filled them with awe, for their superstition was that a ship caught in a thunderstorm could not smk as long as the strange fire burned at her masts. The light continued to glow, and the brig disappeared into the driving rain. Then a strange thing happened; the storm suddenl y broke, and the sun breaking through the clouds lit up a patch of the sea. Once again they saw rhe ill-fated ship, moving into the distance. but the light was still there, brighter than ever. and they watched it in horror. Then the brigantine disappeared over the horizon, all aglow, with the sun shining bright around it. and the sky clear above. The mutineers were terrified at the sight, for they knew that as long as the fire burned. the brig would sail the Spanish Main, and haunt it forever. "Of course, I don't really believe a story like that, but it's funny, sir: some people swear that on a bright day they've seen that brig sailing along with St. Elmo's Fire burning around her masts, and though some have come near it, they've never been able to catch her. Yes, sirfunny thing." Prior had listened to the tale with astonishment. It had an hypnotic effect on him. He felt his imagination running away with his reason, each time he nervously peered at the ship, which \\1as slowly drawing closer, although still blurred

to hIS vision . The morc in ten tl y he stared, the surer he became that there was something strange and unreal about what he saw , for now the ship seemed ablaze with a spectral transparent light. He struggled with his waning reason, he knew that it wasn't possible, but he was waging a losing battle. He began to tremble, and broke out in a cold sweat Then he was seized by panic. He would ask Eliot. "Eliot, that ship--doesn't it look strange to you-as if it were afire I " "Afire, sir l " "Yes, of course it is, I know it is. Can't you see it-are you blind, man /" Blind, that was it. blind. He would get Somers: he would tell him. He shouted down the voice pipe for the wheelhouse messenger to get Lieutenant Somers. After a moment that seemed like years, Somers appeared on the bridge. "What's the matter. Doug? You look as though you'd seen a ghost." Prior's voice was almost a shriek. "I bavelook out there-that ship-look at that light! -Iook--" And as he turned to point, the colour drained from his face, for there was notbing; the fog had rolled over the place where be had seen the ship. Somers hardly knew wbat to say. He thought perhaps it was a joke, but he looked at Prior, who was becoming hysterical. and tben be realized that something was wrong. "I don't see a ship, Doug. You must have been mistaken." Prior's voice shook. "I did see it. I tell you. It was horrible, Itke something out of tbis world -it was right there, and now it's gone, gone' But Eliot saw itl-it was there ' " Somers looked at Eliot, who seemed oblivious to what was occurring. There was only one way to make sure. "Eliot, did you report a ship?" "I reported a fog-bank, sir." There was an agonized gasp from Prior, and Somers wheeled to catch him, as he slumped toward the deck. Somers called down the voice pipe, and in a few seconds two officers came rushing onto the bridge, to be met by the sight of Somers holding Prior limp in his arms. Somers explained quickly to the pair, who were obviously startled. "Doug's had a touch of the sun. Better get him below. I'll take over the watch now." The officers carrying Prior left the bridge, and then there was a long silence. Somers looked at the fog and shook his bead. "Green six-o, sir-" And as Eliot spoke, a faint smile crept across his face.

[ Fifty-one

, I




"B OBO" By "BOBO" HE meeting of the "Log" staff terminated. as usual. in mixed shrieks of laughter and dIsgust. leavIng the sports editor beating his. breast in triumph. and the editor tearing his haIr under the table. However. one thing had been accomplished; Bobo was to write an article for the "LOG." It was through unanimous decision that the ex-Cadet editor was sent to inform Bobo of this signal honour. After a long search. our hero was located outside the Cadet Office-KRCN in one hand. Captains' Standing Orders in the othermuttering. "Dey got nuttin' on me." After a short argument. Bobo agreed to do the job. Look what happened!







First of all. I wish to remove from the minds of my readers any possible misconceptions of my character which the editors' introduction may have given them. The truth is that I'm sadly misunderstood. I am deeply hurt by the insinuation that I may become an ex-Cadet before July. This is a despicable falsehood: I probably won't become one even then. And. as for my being constantly in trouble. one look at my record will enable any reader to determine the truth of this matter for himself. But I understand that the editors wish me to record my impression of my stay at the College. They sa y first impressions are lasting: I only wish my first impression of the College had lasted. The grounds resembled those of some exclusive country club. and the quarterdeck was. I thought. obviously made for dancing. Little did I know! In the first week I ran over every inch of the grounds at a pace facetiously called the "double march." and. as I was soon to discover. the beauty of the quarterdeck was marred by a little door on one side-the Cadet Office. Fifty-two


During my first weeks at the Col1ege. I was very confused. In fact. I've never quite got over it. It was due to this state of mind that I first experienced the terrors of "slack party." A week or so after I arrived. I inadvertently forgot to

muster with the Junior Term for lunch. Soon after. I was seized by a brawny Cadet Captain. and told to "report tonight." Report where. I wondered. and what for? I found out! Next day. clad in the gun-belt and gaiters of the convicted criminal. I was mustered on the square several times. and. to add injury to insult. lhe next morning I was awakened at 0600 and forced to double around the circle for half an hour. But enough. for the time being. about punishments. My main intention. I think. is to convey to the publIc the excellent manner in which we are treated at this fine establishment. the well-cooked food. the comfortable beds. fine medical service -Medical Service?! Ah. yes ~ I feel that I must definitely dwell a pause to enlighten you about this point. Our local hospital is known as "Sick Bay." It is a well-equipped treatment room. fully capable of caring for minor illnesses or accidents. It is also the source of the life-saving "light-duty" chit. for here. one may obtain this precious morsel of paper. which excuses the Cadet from various duties. such as doubling. or "all sports." or possibly "all musters." depending on the seriousness of the ailment. This immediately brings up a touchy point. that is: whether or not the ailment is actual or merely imaginary. I say this for the simple reason that many Cadets. including myself. wake up with a bad case of "Divisionitis" every now and then. This is very easily remedied by appearing on sick parade with some drummed-up illness路 As sick parade is held during "Morning Divisions." a Cadet going to sick bay is excused Divisions. (Quite convenient. don't you think 1)

There is also the story of the Cadet who somehow reported at sick bay with a broken ankle. The Chief P.T.!. saw him sculling about, and asked him what he was suffering from. "A broken ankle, Chief," was the terse reply. Spake the Chief Instructor of Physical and Recreational Training, "Well, don't sit around doing nothing, get down and start doing push-ups, you loafer! " Of course, these tales have been minimized to preserve the dignity of the service. One experience at the College that I will never forget is the time we had on our long cruise. I will not deny that we learned quite a bit about practical seamanship, or that we had some very interesting minutes. Several of these minutes were ghastly-I refer, of course, to the times we were seasick. It's horrible 1 First you're afraid you're going to die, and then, later on, you're afraid you're not. And none of us will forget the times when leave was given-" . . . men under age, 0300: Naval Cadets 2359." After eight months or so, I woke up one July

* A


morning to find all my teammates glowing with happiness. \Vhen I asked the cause of this clation, I was set upon vIOlently How was I to know it was Graduation Day> Since the examinations had started, I'd been In a complete daze. That afternoon--oh JOY of JOYs! I became one of the elect. nothing less than a SENIOR! When I returned from leave last fall (much to the amazement of some of my more pessimistic friends), I found that life was indeed a bed of roses. There was only one trouble-somebody had removed the flowers and left most of the thorns. But so far I have managed to survive the strain without having a nervous breakdown. One thing bothers me, though: nobody seems to believe I reall y am Napoleon! Soon I will be leaving the College (I hope as a full-fledged midshipman.) But my life here during the past two years will always leave its marks on me, no matter whether I enter the Navy or not-last night I boxed the College champion.

S.f- 路R.

So L00 ~, SobO *



"And I quote from memory," also, "On, Stanley, on! Charge, Chester, charge!" "Any questions?" "No?" Well, then, I have a few!" "It can't be that-it must be grapeseed oil!" "We will now resort to a trick, an artifice, as



"There are one or two who just won't pass in this Term if they don't study. Now, fell as, all I ask-"

[ Fiftv-three


By GEORGE CURRIF OMMENCING with this number of the "LOG" we are establishing the Exchange Department. It has been inaugurated in order to obtain wider recognition of our Naval College abroad, and to consolidate friendl y relations with similar establishments. The plan to


exchange ideas, articles and magazines with other Naval Colleges was inspired by the editors of the "TRIDENT." United States Naval Academy. We have communicated with them and also with the Exchange Editor of the "BRITANNIA." Royal Naval College. We have agreed to send to one another publications of our respective magazines. These will be made available to Cadets at our Naval College. and we feel sure that. as in the past. they will be read with much interest and enthusiasm. Featured in this exchange section of the "LOG" there will appear. from time to time. articles of mutual interest. They will be written for us by other editors or extracted from their pu blications. We have always felt that our Cadets would be interested to know more of the general organization and training program carried OUt at our sister Colleges. Earlier this year we wrote to the Exchange Editor of "TRIDENT" and asked him to write for us a guest article. telling us something about the Naval Academy. Midshipman D. R . Morris. U .S.N ., has complied with our request. Featured below is his most interest ing and welcome contribution to our magazine. To him we extend our sincere thanks and introduce to you the initial article of the Exchange Department.



HE United States Naval Academy was established in Annapolis, Maryland, on the 10th October, 1845 . Prior to that date , American Midshipmen had received their naval education afloat, entering the Navy at any age from 11 up. It was at best a sketchy education, and the need for a central institution had long been felt. Accordingly , Secretary of the Navy George Bancroft purchased the Army Post at Fort Severn, assigned Commander Franklin Buchanan as Superintendent. and directed all new Midshipmen to report to the School. (It did not become an Academy until 1845. Buchanan, inciden tally. later won fame as Captain of the " Merrimac " in her famous fight with the Union "Monitor .") With the exception of the Civil War period. when, due to the expected proximity of the fighting , the Academy was moved to Newport. Rhode Island. the Academy has always been located in Annapolis. Fifty-four


ENTRANCE TO THE ACADEMY There are a number of ways that an American boy can enter the Naval Academy. The age limits for entrance are 17 to 21. although men with a year 's service in the armed services may enter as late as 23. Generally speaking, an appointment must be secured from a member of either House of Congress. These appointments. of which each Senator and Representative has a certain number, designate a Principal and three Alternates. The entrance examinations are taken by all four men , and the Alternates only stand a chance in the event that the Principal fails. In addition. 200 men are selected from the Service at large. and the President may appoint 25 from the sons of deceased officers. The territories each send one, and some South American Republics also send a candidate. Two years of college work excuses a candidate from all examinations: a satisfactory high school record excuses him from all but substantiating examinations in

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-. -----------------------------------------------------====~~;-~~~~.~~.~~ ~_.=c~. ~_--~~ ~ ~~~~_~~~~~. . . .~

Mathematics and English. but the Sen'ice men and those not qualified must compete in all six of the regular examinations. The successful candidates gather at Annapolis, and, if they pass the exceedingly stiff physical examination, are sworn into the Navy as Midshipmen. All Midshipmen take the oath of obligation in Memorial Hall. standing before the most treasured relic of our Navy, Perry's "Don't give up the ship" flag. which he flew at the Battle of Lake Erie. The Academy undergraduate body is divided into four classes. The entering 4/ c are known as "plebes," the second year 3/ c as 路路youngsters." (The 2/c and l / c have so far remained free of nicknames. ) LIFE AT ANNAPOLIS The new plebes are given three days in which to stencil all their gear. and get used to the bell system, formations, and sundry other items which must be indoctrinated before the wouldbe Admiral can venture about the Academy on his own. After the three days are over, and most of the stencil ink has been scraped off. the plebe enters a phase of his career known as "plebe summer." He is not likely to forget it for quite some time. Generally speaking. the summer months make a sailor out of him, while the following three years are devoted to making him an officer. Practical drills are held in all phases of nautical work. and a goodly number of phases of Army work. Sailing. signalling. infantry. gunnery, naval organization and physical training drills fill the days until the start of the academic year in September. With academic year about to commence. the plebes join the Brigade, and acquire a brand new set of difficulties. Plebe year is apt to be hard. especially for those middies who have been accustomed to the easy life of a civilian college. Plebes quickly learn that they may not talk in the corridors or at mess, must always walk single file in the centre of the corridors. square corners. not lean against the backs of chairs in the messhall. and in general be seen and not heard. In addition. they may not have radios in their rooms, "drag" young ladies to the "hops" (they cannot even attend the "hops"). must always be in complete uniform, and may only go out into town on Saturday afternoons. This last item does not hurt too much; during plebe summer they were not allowed out in town at all. Academics sometimes prove too difficult also. The passing mark is 2.5 out of a possible 4.0. and that magic 2.5 can be very elusive at times. Midshipmen recite five days a week. and Saturday morning. The day is divided into eight periods of 55 minutes each. seven of which are classes or laboratory drills, and the eighth is a physical or infantry drilL A Midshipman receives a mark each time he recites. and the weekly

marks below 2.5 are posted on " trees ." .\\arks between 2.5 and 2.8 are " bush" marks. and are read off to the middies in class. Abo\"C Z. Q the marks are not considered dangerous. and the Midshipman must wait until the end of the term to find out how he is doing The incurable nautical habit of assigning nicknames to everything extends even to the academic departments. English is "Bull." Marine Engineering "Steam." and Chemistry. for some reason. is known as "Skinny." Juice. Nav. Seame. Ord . and Dago are self-explanatory. although Dago is lIable to include Russian. German. French. Italian. Spanish. or Portuguese. There is even a . 'Reverse Spanish" course for the South American boys. who usually need a little extra English instruction more than they need an elemen tary Span ish course! The whole Academy travels by boat to nearby Baltimore for the football games. and usually goes to Philadelphia for the Army game. The Army game is the event of the year. for West Point has always been Navy's traditional rival in all sporting events. Midshipmen have even been known to turn out for chess matches when Army is the opponent! At Christmas all hands rate ten days' leave. except for those few unfortunates on the wrong side of 2.5 in some subject. Shortly after Christmas leave come the exams. These constitute two-fifths of a term's mark. together with threefifths multiple of the dailies. Plebe year academic fatalities are heavy compared with the remaining three years; over three-fourths of those who "bilge out'" do so during their first year.


JUNE WEEK Classes continue until June Week, when all academic work ceases. and the entire Academy turns out to say "Goodbye" to the Graduating Class. A full week of dances. parades and ceremonies is climaxed by an impressive graduation ceremony. and all classes move up one step. For the plebe this is a time for special rejoicing; nothing will ever be like plebe year again. The youngsters now rate radios, and the 2 'c is now l / c, with all the dignity and responsibility that accompanies the senior class. June Week is also important for the 2. c, for they receive their class rings at the Ring Dance. (The only "dance" at Annapolis; all the others are "hops.") These rings are heavy knucklecrushers. with the Academy seal on one side and the class crest on the other. They are the "old school tie" of the Navy. and the Ring Dance marks the entrance of the Midshipman into the "brotherhood of the sea." The ring is dipped into a binnacle containing water from the Seven Seas, and the middie and his OAO ("One and Only." may be. "One Among Others"). march through a huge replica of the ring. She slips the [ fifty - five

, ':


ring on. and the Midshipman. by tradition. rewards her with a kiss. PROFESSIONAL TRAINING DURING THE SUMMER After June Week comes the cruise. The new youngsters and the new I 'c embark on battleships for three months of what for many is the first taste of life afloat. During the war. cruises were limited to the Caribbean area (at the height of the U-boat menace one was even limited to Chesapeake Bay!) but. commencing this year. the ports of call will be in Europe again. The youngsters find that they are still junior class. and perform varied duties under the supervision of the 1/ e. In fact. they do not gain their youngster rates until the chapel dome is sighted homeward bound. It is tbe honour of the "anchor man" (Navy slang for the lowest member of the class academically) to knock out the securing pin when mooring. The 2 'c devote the summer to aviation. usually making a cruise on a carrier. and sometimes spending time at the air station at the Academy for ground instruction. Leave comes in September. 30 glorious days of it. Even the boys from Alaska get a chance to see home. an almost impossible feat during the ten days' leave at Christmas. For those incurably professional-minded Midshipmen. there is an opportunity to spend part of the leave at a submarine base or air station. and for those again below 2.5 the opportunity-nay. requirement. of catcbing up. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES AND SPORTS IN ABUNDANCE Many extra curricular activities may be engaged in at the Academy. No less than five publications are issued regularly by tbe Midshipmen. ranging from a bi-weekly magazine to a small



almanac issued annually containing all tbat a plebe sbould know. 'Tbe various clubs range from a Mathematics Club to a Cbess Club. with all the usual stops in between. The Masqueraders put on a show each year. and the Musical clubs combine for an annual review. The sports program is well organized. In addition to varsity and junior varsity. there are plebe. battalion and company sports. (The Brigade is organized into two regiments of three battalions each. There are four companies to a battalion and rougbly 100 Midshipmen to a company.) The sports available include football. basketball. baseball. lacrosse. swimming. golf. tennis. sailing. wrestling. boxing. volleyball and track. to mention a few. Football is far and away the most popular. When tbe team is playing an away game. it is possible to walk tbrough the town of Annapolis and follow the game perfectly; every radio in Anne Arundel County will be tuned to the same station. Eacb Friday before a game a tremendous pep rally is staged .. Coaches and players talk to the Brigade and skits are put on. Of course. Bill. the Navy goat. is on hand to help matters along. Last year Bill. the ninth in line. was a purebred of undoubted lineage but of doubtful figbting ability. the gift of a well-wisher. A telegram was sent to the Governor of Texas r~questing tbe "toughest. meanest. gnarliest. smelliest goat in Texas." and the Governor sent us Bill X by air express! Bill the tenth turned out to be a born fighter; tbe underdog Navy team beld the migbty Army down to 21-1 8 score. in tbe closest game on record. Great things are expected of Bill this year. tbe Navy is out for revenge. So overpowering is the team spirit apt to become tbat it was once necessary for an Admiral to put out an order to tbe effect that the singing of the National Anthem would not be concluded by a thundering "BEAT ARMY!" in the future!




In future all books found sculling in the Gunrooms and Classrooms will be punishable by running tbe circle per book. Books will not be put in the scran locker.






Ex路Sea Cadets at the College at a luncheon held in their honour by officials of the Navy League of Canada. Back Row (left to right: Cadets Smith. Ellis, MacDonald, Sircom, Thomas, Miles, Currie D. G., McCubbin, Ratcliffe. hont Row: Cadet Nurse, Mr. E. r. Fox. Mr. R. C. Stevenson, Mr. J. B. K. Mtlne (all of the Navy League), Cadet Plant.


(Midshipman, R.C.S.C )


ICTORY II was commissioned in September. 1943, and over a period of a little more than three years she has increased in strength to the complement of a Cruiser C lass Cadet Corps. By the time this article appears in print, the training program of the Corps will have been revised to that of a new one put out by the Navy; but here is a summary of what is being done at present. In gunnery it is the prime aim to instill into the Cadet the ability to give, as well as take, an order. In other words, discipline. The best way in which discipline is imparted to the Cadet is through the medium of field training In this particular branch the Cadet is instructed In foot-

drill and rifle-drill. There is theory and practical instruction given on the oerlikon and twelve-pounder. For instructional purposes and for the Cadets' own recreation a rifle range is provided. Two subjects on which the Cadets are very keen are Telegraphy and Visual Signall ing. A lthough the "sparks" course is new to our corps, semaphore has been taught for quite some time. To qualify for the Morse Class a Cadet must first obtain his V /S badge. In the Seamanship School instruction is given on bends and hitches, compass and helm. anchors and cables, navigation and ship's routine and organization. At Camp Ewing, sailing (dinghys and whalers), and pulling (cutters and whalers) are included in the routine, [Fifty seven


434 Hamilton Avenue. Ottawa. ant 1844 Crescent Road. Victor ... B C


117 Evelyn Avenue. Toronto. ant.


141 Rosedale Heights Drive. Toronto 5. ant.


157 Ballantyne Avenue N .. Montreal West. P. Q. 148 Wolseley Avenue. Montreal West. P. Q. 5044 Notre Dame de Grasse. West mount. P. Q. 316 Glebemount Avenue. Toronto. ant.


845 Princess Avenue. Victoria. B. C


Captain's House. R.CN. College. Royal Roads. B. C



277 Harvard Avenue. Winnipeg. Man. 3 Roxborough Avenue. Westmount 6. P. Q. 106 Barrie Street. Kingston. ant. 231 Glengrove Avenue \V .. Toronto. ant. 952 North Drive. Fort Garry. Man. c'o Bank of Montreal. Bathurst. N. B. I Ravenscliffe Avenue. Hamilton. ant. 6101 NW. Marine Drive. Vancouver. B. C 116 Beech Street. Ottawa. ant. 4911 Connaught Drive Vancouver. B. C Burlington. ant.


Box 2. Okanagan Mission. Kelowna. B. C


4645 Drummond Drive. Vancouver. B. C





1524 Shasta Place. Victoria. B. C 608 Victoria Avenue. West mount 6. P. Q. 152 Sanford Avenue. St. Lambert. P.Q. 2697 Richmond Avenue. Victoria. B. C 9 Maple Avenue. Ste. Anne de Bellevue. Que. 237 Talfourd Street. Sarnia. ant. 318 Oriole Parkway. Toronto 12. ant.


Dominion Experimental Station, Harrow, Onto


216 St. Clair Avenue \V . Toronto. ant.






38 Nursewood Road. Toronto 8. ant. __ Kingsmere. P. Q. 251 Carlton Street. St. Cathannes. ant 6 Redpath Place. Redpath Street. Montreal. P. Q. Edgehill Road. Lambton Mills. Toronto 9. ant. Sunningdale. Box 2109. Trail. B. C 185 Belmont Avenue. Ottawa. ant. 190 Queen's Drive. Weston. ant. Concession Road. Preston, Onto 26 Learmonth. Quebec City. P. Q. 62 Dufferin Street. Brantford. ant. 200 St. Clair Avenue W .. Toronto. ant. 195 O'Carrall Avenue. Peterborough. ant. 10 Dale Avenue. Toronto. ant.


ROBERT ARC H IBALD FRAS ER MONTGOMERY Home: Toronto, Ontario. Educatcd: 5t. Andrcws College. Bob, better known as "Doc," hails from Toronto (a fact of which he is quite proud). He is also an S.A.C. "old boy," and so brought to the College an S.A.C. sweater as one of his most prized possessions. "Doc" soon distinguished himself both academically and athletically. Although he is not one of the socalled "brains," he has remained ncar the top throughout. His athletic ability can be judged from the fact that he led his dh'ision in all sports competition, has played on all College rcprcsentative teams. and also won a position on the Victoria Rep. team in English rugger.



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"Doc" returned this year in the official capacity of Chief Cadet Captain for the first term. However, soon after the tweezers (his mark of distinction) disappeared, we found that he had many "new" and "fiendish" ideas for inter-dorm warfare, which is one of his favourite pastimes. His term mates were all g lad to see Monty's name on the fina l list as Chief Cadet Captain, and felt that his capabi lities had been g iven fair recognition.

In July, "Doc" is planning to re turn to IrCivvy Street' and study medicine. If inte rest is any indication of success he is a cinch to reach the top of his chosen profession.

THOMAS HUGH ELLIS Home: \\'innipeg. Manitoba. Educated: United Collcge. \Vinnipeg. Hugh cracked a joke while coming out to the College two long years ago, and has been most consistent in keeping up this practice ever since. It has been his mortal task to persuade non- Winnipegers that Winnipeg is a grand city, graced with the widest st reet in Canada, and not two tow ns separa ted by a piece of prairie. In his Junior year, Hugh-the Golden Gloves Kid-gave many a Senior a case of nerves before the boxing began, and showed us a nice display of fighting when the time came. Hugh, good in all spor ts, has shone especially brightly on the "B" rugger team scrum, and, in fact, played with "A" team in the championship game. Hugh also served as Cadet Captain for his division during the final period, and deserves much credit for this accomplishment. \Vhile very much at home in a messdeck. Hugh intends to heed the call of the land and return to University. A good friend always; best of luck, Hugh.

CAPTAINS JOHN CO LBECK TRESILI AN BEL CH E R Horne' Toronto, Ontario. Educated: Humberside Collegiate. "Burp" wasted no time in showing' uc:; what a sp0rtsman the Queen City had made of him. A valuable asset to hi, division on every field. hie:; specialties cannot be listed here; it must suffice to mention that 111 R.C.l\.C.'s main sport. rugger, he played for "A" team through thick and thin during the whole of hi, Senior year. In basketball. too, he represented the College and headed his division.

I n the inter-dormitory sports after lights out his presence was also to be felt. either behind a pillow in front of the fray, or as the hand of the law at the light switch. John's exceptional abilities have won him his post as final Cadet Captain for Hawkins Di\'ision, a well-deserved appointment.

As to the future, John hopes to extend his field to the air as a "Ayboy" in the Naval Air Arm. Keep it up, John, wherever you go!

HARRY LOUIS FR OST Home: Hamilton, Onta rio. Educated: Hillfield School, Hamilton. Harry entered the College in September. 1944. Due to an unfortunate accident, however, he was forced to l ean~' early in his Junior year. The following September he returned to begin his first year anew. \Ve all took an immediate liking to our pitasant, amiable friend with the copper hair, and considered ourselycs lucky in having him put his past exper ience of the College at our disposa l, to guide us along the straight and narrow path during our first weeks as JUllIoro:;. Harry's small stature does not hamper him in his sports activities. He is a past master in the ring, and is invaluable to "B" team on the rugger field. His culminating achievement at the College was his appointment as final Cadet Capta in of Nelson Division.

He a lso dabbles in classical music and plays an adept game of bridge. In the "Quid l\uncs" he holds the position of secretary-treasurer. He is also a g reat asset to the '"Conservati\路c" Party in the Quid Nuncs" mock parliament. Harry intends to enter politics in later life. \\'e all feel that his initiative and intelligence will carry him to the top in his chosen career, and we wish hllll the very best.

RICHARD RATCLI FFE H ome: 5t. Catharines, Ontario. Educated : St. Catharines Collegiate Institute. After a few days at the College, this one hundred and forty-five pound package of sunshine and good checr acquired the name "Raho," the name of a club to which he belongs in old St. Catharines. Since coming to the College, Raho has proven himself an outstandIIl g ath lete. This year he played stand off for '"A" rugl(er team. and was a member of the basketball team. He is noted abo for his prowess as a boxer and softball player. But Raho's abilities are not confined to sports alone. He stands high in his class work and is the term's consultant in all matters pertaining to seamanship. This year he capahly managed the difficult position of Cunroom president Crowning his succession of achievements was his final appointment as Cadet Captain of Rodney Di\'ision. Raho is going to make his future career the R.C X. \\,ith his cheerful disposition and natural ability he is sure to be a success in the service.

[ Sixty-one

DRAKE HERBERT EDWIN THOMAS Home: Quebec, Quebec. Educated: Quebec High School. Herb, or ffLofty," as he is better known has been a sourct of constant hilarity, and we shall always remember his 'spontaneous wit. His statement that 14Th ere is an air about an alcoholic" is one of his morc famous lines.

We could not help but remember Herb's unfailing eflort at all times, whether It was for Drake Division or "C" team. His great speed and endura~ce

that brought him his second place in the cross-country was always with

hln1 on the sports field. We all knew he was always ready to serve his term as a Cadet or as a Cadet Petty Officer during the final period. The best of luck to you, Herb. and to your medical career. \Ve all hope that some day you will be able to find that fabulous herd of elk in Scandinavia. DAVID WALTER ATKINSON Home: Ottawa, Ontario.

Educated: St. Andrews College. "Wee Davee" came to us from S.A.C .. where he had already won renown

as a fine athlete. Since his arrival at R.C.N.C. he has been devoting most of his time to maintaining this reputation. He is one of the stalwarts of our "A" team scrum and will be particularly remembered for his o utstanding performance in the final game with Victoria College, when he scored our only points. Dave's athletic ability is not confined to our first rugger team. He also is a staunch member of Drake Division's soccer. basketball, track, and boxing teams, and a powerful swimmer.

Dave has always been a leader of our term. \Ve soon learned that he was a very capable wielder of the pillow. This year, he has done his stretch as Cadet Captain of Drake Division, and led it to the interdivisional rugger finals. Dave's cheery personality and easy-going disposition have won him many friends and admirers, and will, without doubt, win him many more in the

course of his career in the Naval Air ,Arm. IAN MACDONALD BAYLY Home: Victoria, British Columbia. Educated: Duncan High School. Ian came to us as one of the famed Victoria Boys, ~ho\Ving a splurge of keenness from the start, not only in the professional subjects but in all academic work. His best subject is Engineering, to which much of his spare time is devoted. He has decided that Engineering will be his vocation, and expects to go to Keyham thi. fall. J an is one of his division's stalwarts in all the prominent sports of the College. His outstanding ability on the soccer field has earned him the position of Captain of Drake's eleven. He deserves great credit, too, for his determination in the cross-country run and his fight on the rugger field. Lately many of his wingers have decided that part of his incentive and never-dying stamina are the result of a source of inspiration near at hand. (Who knows?) Happy landings in the future, Ian, from us all.


JOHN LEWIS COHRS Home: Toronto, Ontario. Educated: Waterford High School. When this mirthful character joined the happy family last year, he brought us the .ource of a large portion of the laughs which occur in the Gunroom. The most noteworthy of his frequent pranks is his ability to wa lk on his hands, hence the name "Monkey Cohrs." As far as studies are concerned, the Great John L. is always up to date and is constantly annoying the less clever Seniors by announcing, "Oh those, I had them all done three weeks ago." J n athletics, John is an all-around player, starring especially in basketball and rugger. His divisional spirit has done much to help Drake's efforts to reach the top. His Saturday morning hobby is the radio vacuum-tube course, and he intends to enter Engineering Physics with his bowler-hat comrades at U. of T. Good luck, John L. S,xty two


DIVISION J O HN PHELA N GRAHAM Educated Prince of Wales High School. H"mc: Vancouver, British Columbia. John "Peeker" Graham was once heard to say. "Ker! Keep silence." It \,,"jtll these words that OUf crstwhilt friend from \'ancouver became famous amon~st his term mates for his novel ~ensc of humour and never-failing smile. John belongs to a large Gunroom group who spend their fteeting spare moments trying "their hand" at thl' intrigues of bridge. Those who have played with him will always rememb"r his unfailing good luck. In the sporting acti"ities of the Call ell''' John will be remembered as an outstanding forward on the "c" rugger team, and as the cros.::o-country member of the ski team. On Saturday mornings Steve Ker and Pecker can be found muddling around with model engines. Xext year \\ill find John at V .B.C. In whate\'er carccr he follows we know that his personality and natural abilities will carry him into a bright fture. W3!;

JOHN ARTHUR NAIRN HORN II orne: Kelowna, British Columbia. Educated: Kelowna High School. \Vhy John ever left Kelowna is more than we, his term mates, wi ll eve r understand; however. without him the Gunroom would be a different place. As John tells it, the thriving little metropoli, of Kelowna. situated in the heart of B. C.'s famous Okanagan Valle},. is the most beautiful place on earth . :-':0 matter how tall the tale, John has always got one to better it. All his stories measure up to. and C\'cn exceed. his 77 inches of height. John's favorite sport is basketball, and he is one of his division's outstanding players. lie also like~ other sports. such as dri\'ing cars. John is planning to go on a course of Engineering Physics at McGill. \\'hcrc\'cr he goes, we know he will be a big man in this world.

RONALD STUART KING Home: St. Lambert, Quebec. Educated: 51. Lambert High School. In every crowd there are the large and the small, and our friend "Nobby," a lthough in the small bracket, has made as big a name for himself here as anybody. As an example of this, "Nobby" has done extremely well as scrum half on "At! team this year. Amongst hi~ other sports accomp lishments he numbers golf and tennis, in which he di~plays rare talent. \Vhcrever "Nob" goes he nearly always has a large grin on his face and his twinkling eyes conceal the thoughts that he rarely discloses. \\'hen he is not eng-aged in a crihha~e game he can usually be found up at the Engineering School hell>ing Lambie build his "Corvette." ":Nobbv" intend ... to return to ci\'ilian life, where we feel sure that he wi ll make a ""me for himself. Best of luck to you, ":-':ob," in whatever path you choose to take.

DUGALD GORDON WALES Home: Peterborough, Ontario. Educated: Cornwall Collegiate and Vocational Institute. "Dmny" hails from the city of 100'ely ladies. Cornwall. Whe n "Din's" parents moved from Cornwall to Peterborough he really thought the good Lord was trying to smother the flames in his heart. On returning from Chri .. tmas leaye, however, it was obvious that new sparks had been added to an already yoluminous inferno blazing within "Din's" chest. Ever with a smile on his face, a good laugh in any bridge game, he will always be remembe red for his prowess in Xight Operations. He was always the man behind the man With the pillow. Din's Saturday morning training in modern \.\路arfare from the Commander should stand him ill good stead for the R.C.N., as should his (IUalification .. mentioned abo\'c. ~ a doubt, he will try to demonstrate his sl1lH.:rior technique whl'rl'\'cr he gocs. \\rith a ~mjle like that, how can he fail? [ Sixty路 three

FROBISHER GEORGE NAPIER M cDONALD CURRIE Home: West mount, Quebec. Educated: Trinity College School. George is one of the many who boast of coming from Westmount, thoug h no o ne knows why. He entered the limelight soon after his arrival at the College when he was the first Junior to finish the cross-count ry, coming third. Throughout both years at the College he has proved himself adept at all sports, and outstanding in skiing, tennis and soccer.

Napier has the rare faculty of revealing his thoughts in a flourishing style, and has been duly rewarded by his appointment to the Vice-Presidency of the I nternational Relations Club. as well as being Frobisher's final Cadet P.O. r n Gunroom circles he is better known as a fervent supporter of the Montreal Canadiens, and will take bets at any odds from all comers. His rendition of "Casey at the Bat" has been a classic at our Gunroom dances. Also he is one of the more accomplished "Culbertsons" of the Senior Term. As we suspected, George has chosen the more auspicious path of civilian life, and we know his sojourn at the College will stand him in good stead. JAMES YOUNG CLARKE Home: \ Vestmount, Quebec. Educated: \Vestmount High School, Montreal. Jim's predominate interest is music, and. besides playing a hot trumpet, is

seen in his leisure time leaning over the record player beating out the rhythm of the latest jazz number. We hasten to add that he has amassed quite a selection of jazz-after all, he did look after the purchasing of the Gunroom records for two years. An outstanding player in fiB"

team serum, Jim has played an important

part in all of Frobisher's activities. He is especially accomplished in nastics, and it is a pleasure to sec the look of pride on the P.T.!.'s face arches gracefully over the high-box. Jim plans to enter the R.C.N. and eventually hopes to fly with the Air Arm. Our best wishes for a Sl:ccessful career go with you, Jim. luck.

gymas he Fleet Good

WILLIAM EVANS DAVIS Home: Kingston, Ontario. Educated: Brockville Collegiate Institute. Prior to writing this personal. I asked "Spider Bill," ou r ill ustrious pay bob, what his main interests were. He rep lied: "Sleeping, but I' ll always accept a hand of bridge if I can sec the cards." Bill's main claims to distinction lie in his achievements on "B" Team and

his presence on Rodney's triumphant pulling and sailing crews last year. This year he has taken on a difficult job as one of the two Art Editors of the "LOG," and has ahly controlled the Senior Gunroom finances in the position of Secretary. One of "Smith's Bovs," Bill works hard for Frobisher, and hopes to do I1kewise in the R.C.N. He has done his time as Cadet Petty Officer and Cadet Captain. and is a progressive member of the International Relations Club. \Vith his ever-present smile and ability to make friends, Bill will soon be running the R.C.N. Supply Branch with all the zeal which has made him a most popular fellow in the Senior Term. RICHARD FRED E RICK DAY Home: Toronto, Ontario.

Educated: Laurence Park Collegiate, Toronto. Dick first came into prominence as one of the former Sea Cadets who starred in seamanship.

He has, however, pro\'ed to one and a ll that he is a

good sailor. He sailed a cutter to Seattle over the Easter Leave, manned by some of his more trusting friends. They returned. Although we did not realize .t until the publication of the Christmas issue of the "LOG," Dick is an excellent artist. The covers that he has done fo r the magazine have added tremendously to the success it has enjoyed. He has managed to spare enough time from drawing to play serl1m for


team and

to aid Frobisher in rugger, soccer and badminton, and to be Cadet Captain of Frobisher during the first term. Whether Dick decides to become a naval officer or not, we wish him great success in the future. SIxty-four


DIVISION GEORGE HENRY EMERSON Home: Bathur5t. XC\\ Brun~wlck. Educated; Bathurst High School.

Small, dark and full of dynamite, "Feezer," still a ,trong supporter oi the ~Iaritimes, is one of the Cadets keen on the RC.X., particularly the 1\a\'al I.ir Arm, which he hopes to join. Exceptional co-ordination has made "Fcczer" outstanding in all sports, winning his weight in boxing in both hi~ Junior and Senior year~. He also rates amongst the best on the golf cour . . (.'. OIl the tennis court and in the gym; there his ahility to Hshow form" has been the chief factor in restoring the P.T.I's faith in our term. During his second year "Feezer" played a steady game of rugger in the three line of "C" team. His pleasing good nature, sense of humour. and ability as a comedian made him a mo:-.t adept clown at our swimming meet. This same drive and spirit \\ as responsible for his being chosen as a cheer leader lor the College. It is with sincerity that we wish him all the best in his chosen career-the ~avy. ERIC BORIS MOUNT STEPHEN REFORD Home. :If ontreal, Quebec. Educated: Trinity College School. With one of the longest names in the term, our good friend frOI11 the Port of :llontreal did not take long to distinguish himself on arrival at Roya l Roads. Due to his outstanding ability to talk on any subject, from the stations on the Trans-Siberian Railway to income tax evasion in the Belgian Congo, "Bobo" soon earned the title of "Master of Trida." Perhaps it should be mentioned that this is not the same character who appears as Bobo in the "LO G"-or is he? I'Bo" will always be remembered for his famous "quickies." On many occasions he was seen calmly stepping out of a shower with only two minutes before "Fall in.' He was never late for a muster! Always an excellent sailor. the R.C.~. will be losing a good type if Bori, returns to his forme r civilian habit. It is a hard road. but we are sure that he will hit the top. Our best wishes go with him on his way up. IAN DAVID TOWNLEY Home: Toronto, Ontario. Educated: Upper Canada College. fan, even though he has been on Vancouver Island for the greater part of two years, is still definitely a Toronto man, and we think his "Home Thoughts from Abroad" usually head straight East. He has practically become a Gunroom fixture with his perpetual smi le and pipe, and his discourses on numerous topics, including pipe tobaccos, are well known. 1\ot the least of his accomplishments was his navigating a ),[odel "T"' up to Deer Park on the ski trip, no mean feat, as anyone on the trip will tell you. Ian is a ciny underneath his blues, and we think that the University of Toronto will he his home for the next few years. \Vh ether it is or not, we wish him the best of luck and all the success in the world. DAVID HODGINS WISHART Home: Toronto, Ontario. Educated: University of Toronto Schools. Dave came to the College from Toronto a confirmed fresh water sailor from having spent his summers on Georgian Bay. \Vhilc here he has proved his aquatic ahilities in swimming and sailing. Dave has done well in sports on his division's teams, placing high in the cross-country and playing a good game of rugger. 9nc ?f his chief interests is in classical music, either in playing the piano or itSh:nmg to Cunroom records. Dave also has a yearning for the fair sex, whethtr in Toronto or here. and he seems to have found a spot on the social rcgistl'r in \'ictoria "A" class will always remember him for his questions in ~avigation Class. \\'heth.r Dave enters the Navy or goes to University, we wish him the best, and are sure he will do well. [ Sixty-five


Educated: St. Patrick's College. Lou,d, indignant cries of "Culbertson couldn't be wfong." from the midst

of a bridge game first announced the presence of "Red" at R.C.N.C. Ever since he has continued to amaze us with his combination of ath letic

and academic abilities.

Tn the former field Red is College heavyweight box-

ing champion, the fleet-footed wing three-quarter on uB" rugger team, member

of the ski In the room but "Red"

team, and our undisputed tennis champion of the College. academic field he displays his mental prowess not only in the classalso as President of the International Relations Club. has the added distinction of being the only man at the College to

have been in three different divisions: 1':elson in his Junior year; Drake Divi-

sion, where h路.' did service as Cadet Petty Officer and Cadet Captain for the first part of this year; and now he is Cadet Petty Officer of Hawkins for the final terll' Despite his qualifications for a naval career, fiRed" expects to return to civilian life at the end of the year.

Best of tuck, "Red"!

NO RMAN W ILLIAM B E THUNE Home: Toronto, Ontario. Educated: Upper Canada College. An Eastern lad from Toronto, Norm was educated at U.C.C.

A quiet and

unpretentious chap, Norm made friend~ readily and was soon very popular

about the Gunroom and other fields. Norm has always been a boon to our hard-striving instructors, as he stands well at the top in academic work.

A keen athlete, he has indeed left an impression on our sports world. will remember him most for fine hooking in the



team scrum and his

inspiring sprinting on track and field day. Perhaps the realm in which he excels most is that of photography.


has long heen the leading picture artist in the Senior Gunroom, and many of

his fine photos appear in the "LOG." There is no doubt in our minds that i\'orm will go far ill"civilian life. which is the path he has chosen to take. His generosity and friendliness will doubtless carry him far. All of us join in wishing him the very best of luck.

RONALD ORR AL COSTAR Home: Victoria, British Columbia. Educated: \\'estmount High School. Originally one of the more taciturn members of the College. it did not take Ron long to make many friends. \\,ith a definitely unique sense of humour and an inexhaustible supply of patience, he soon slipped into the role of peacemaker in the Gunroom.

As hook for "A" rugger team Ron is one of the pace-setters of every game,

and in soccer is an asset to any team. To consolidate his position as one of

the most versatile athletes in the College, it is only necessary to mention his victory in the cross-country run, his uncanny skill on the box horse, or his success with the mitts in the squared circle.

A look into the future would disclose Ron pacing a wind-swept bridge, for the sea, and more specifically the R.C.N., is his fi<'t lo\"e. Good sailing, Ron! \\'e will always remember you as a fine athlete and a good shipmate.

T ERE NCE DESMOND JOHN HAYES Home: Ottawa, Ontario. Educated: Glebe Collegiate Tnstitute. "Oh my gosh' Are they falling in already'" This is Terry Hayes, frantically wrapping a tic around his neck one minute before breakfast. With this one exception he is not easily perturbed. Happy-go-lucky and goodnatured, Terry refuses to be upset about anything. His spirit and drive won him a position on "A" team serum, where he

could be counted upon to come through the thickest of melees with a grin on his face and the ball at his feet. Terry enjoys pillow fighting .an d debating. Although he used slightly different tactics in these two pastimes, he was equally decisive and success-

ful in both. After a long quandary he has decided not to return to that fair city of Ottawa, but instead join the Navy and become an Air ,-\rm type. As undauntable a spirit as his surely must go far. SIxty-six


DIVISION D AVID NATION KER Home: Victoria, British ColumbIa. Educated: SI. Andrews College. Although educated in the East, "D. N." is one of the few staunch supporters of V,ctoria, and has generously opened his home to many a Gunroom dance. He will long be remembered for his repertoire of staggering remarks. "D. 1\." is one of the "reg'lar fellers" of the College, is an expert at the hIgh jump, and e'luall), shines as a badminton player. In moments of great stress Da"e ha.;; heen heard to exclaim "Holy mackerel!" and with this same

gusto served as one of Hawkins Di,'ision's Cadet Captains. Da\'e intends to complete his education at Victoria College.

Our best

\vishes go with him on "Ciyvy Street."

VINCENT F REDERICK LAMBIE Hom,: VictOrIa, British Columbia. Educated' Queen Elizabeth High. Halifax. "Vince" originally hailed from a well-known Eastern Canadian port.


moment we heard the words "Is that a door or a window'" we knew that he

was slated ior the Pay' branch. From that moment on we have heard nothing more from him except about the Supply Branch. Vince did w<:l1 in the cross-country run and is a strong boxer. as his sparmates found out. Perhaps his most accomplished work is the building of an

18-foot cahin auxiliary. He has shanghaied a working crew of five Cadets, and when finished it will be one of the seven wonders of the world. Vince \\ ill app ly his financial acumen to the R.C.;\I'., and we think he \\ ill go a long way.

RALPH LOUIS McCLEAN 1I0me: Sarnia. Ontario. Educated: Sarnia Collegiate and Technical Institute. "~fick" arrived at R C.1\.C. with an infections grin on his face unnatural ability for any and all sorts of athletics. He soon made for him~c1f by being one of the two Juniors to play on flAil team . His work in the three line has made him a valued member of the team

and an a name sterling

for the

past two years.

On the basketball floor 1fick has earned for himself an enviable reputation, and there are few who su r pass him. Always a staunch member of his divisio n, 1Iick has been on every divisional team, and has proved his capab ilities at almost every sport that has come up. ~[ick plans to join the RC.N., where we are sure he' ll meet with every !o;uccess-espccially in moto r cutters.

Best of luck, "1Iick."

RICHARD HVOSLEF REID Home: Toronto, Ontario. Educated: Uni\'ersity of Toronto Schools. During his two-year stay at the College, Dick has been one of the q uie test, though one of the staunchest, members of our term. He has always been ready to carry more than his share of the load in any undertaking, whether in the classroom or on the playing fields. His prowess on the rugger field is be,t demonstrated by his playing on "C" team last year and "B" team this year. Amongst his other accomplishments, Dick is renowned as an engineer, due to his work on the model locomotive down at the Engineering School. lie is also famous as a distinguished artist on the high box. l\cxt year will find him back in Toronto, where he is thinking of taking medicine at e. of T. \Vhatever he does, he is taking with him the best wishes (If tht, Senior Term.

DAVID BURNELL STEEL Home: Pre s tC,lIl , Ontario.

Edul'atcd: Preston High School. Da\'c IS one of the quieter mcmhers of the t<.'r111-until he gets in the ring dunn", boxing scason. Last year, one of our predecessors was heard to remark on his style of fighting-, and Dan:! has been "Creeper" to us ever since. He excels at otht.'r sports as well, using his size to great advantage in the "B" ttam serU111, where he was always reliable and a hard tackler. Dave has also bt.'cn a gn.路at a~sct to his diVIsion in inter-divisional sports.

One of th,路 harder workers in the term, Da ve has been consistently good at everything around the College. He is still undecided about following his brother into the Naval Air Arm. But no matter where he goes, we know he'll stay the same-a good man to have around. [ Six/v路seven

NELSON SAMUEL MA RTIN TO Y Home: Brantford. Ontario. Educated: Upper Canada College. Sammy, Ollr boy from Brantford. came here direct from D.C.C .. where he had already distinguished himself. Ath1t-tically and academicallv he has lived lip to his reputation at R.C.N.C. lIe is concluding his final year at the College as a Cadet Petty Officer, a position which everyone agrees he deserves. Sam did himself credit as one of the stalwarts of the "A" team scrum. But this was not his greatest achievement. as anyone who climbed into the ring with him will agree. Sam is one of the more polished boxers in these parts. Sam is supposedly giving up his naval career for an Engineering degree at University of Toronto, but rumOur has it that he thinks quite highly of Toronto night life and tlie belles of Toronto. Could this be the real reason' Anyway, \\ e all wish him the best of luck I

JOH N ART HU R BRE NCHLEY Home: ~[ontreal, Quebec. Educated: Prince of Wa les High School, Vancouver. A native of Vancouver, John's shy, mischievous smi le has won him a firm place in the term of '47. "Brench" has done well at the College, playing rugger on "B" team and soccer and basketball for Nelson. Perhaps his most remarkable achievement is his long period of undiscovered crime. We are amazed by his constant clean sheet I John isn't "ery specific about his hobbies. He likes skiing, hiking. and mountain climbing (within reason, of courser). \Ve hope he will enjoy skiing ill the East. But he'll baffle the French-Canadians! All John's morc emphatic instincts seem to point to a bumpy way down "Cin') Street." (\\'e hear it isn't paved yet.) Be it Engineering at McGill or anything else, anywhere else, we know he'll do well.

GORD ON R OS EV E AR CUMMING "ollle: \\'innipcg, Manitoba. Educatell: Kelvin Technical High School. Bridge player extraordinary, and ardent supporter of Canada's Prairie metropolis, "1Ieats" stands a massive six feet. every inch of which he uses to good effect on a rugger field. Due to a leg injury, he was unfortunate ly not able to play on "A" team this year, or to take part in any sports (with the exception of the odd GlIllroom hrawl) until late in the winter term. Then he finally appeared in his old form to defend the uprights as the captain of Nelson's soccer team. A t present he contemplates a future as either a doctor or an engineer. \\'hichcver he chooses. we know he will charge through to success,


ALAN ALEXAND E R TRELA WNEY HENL E Y Home: Vancouver, British Co lumbia. Educated: Prince of \Vales High School.

Hailing froll1 Vancouver, AI had plenty of drive to take College life in his stride. His daring escapades and frequent pillow fights in the dorm. will long be remembered. Our thanks go to .\1 for the hectic leaves which he engineered for us through his unlimited contacts in gay Vancouver. AI played outstanding nIgger on "B" team's three line, and did equally well in gym and high box. generally proving himself an all-round athlete. A hen Cadet. he has always shown great interest and ability in all profes... ional subjects. His ambition is to become a "Ay boy" in our Naval Air Arm. Our hest wishes go to AI for fair sailing and happy landings in his naval career. Sixty eight


DIVISION STE PH E N INNES KER Home, ~fontreal, Quebec. Educated. The Grove, Lakefield, Ontario. Steve, better known as "Si," is the kind of fcllo\\ who ah',;ays has a cheerfu l smile and a ready laugh. A popular member of the Gunroom, he is ready at any time to playa hand of bridge or take part In a friendly discussion. \\'e will never think of him without remembering his great pal, "J. P.," and their skylarks in !\umber 3 classroom and the \\'est dorm. "Si" is one of those who consider themselves lucky to have heen in :\el ... ol1 Division for the two years at the College. A staunch supporter of his di"ision and a keen participant in all sports. he played consistently well on "B" team', three-line. His other activities include golf, badminton. skeet-shooting, and making a model engine. Steve's personality and ability to make friends are sure to make his future happy and successful. Best of luck in the future, Ste,'e!

ERNEST JAMES LATTIMER Home: Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec. Educated: MacDonald College High School. "Diamond Jim," as he is known to most of us, is one of our many 1fol1trcal supporters. As a Junior, he was one of the strong supporters of Hawkins Division, liThe division of champions. Unfortunately, as a Junior, Jim spent severa l months in R.C.N. Hospital, Naden. This didn't affect his athletic or academic prowess in the least. He came amon ~ the first five in the cross-country, and is often seen plodding the green turf of the Colwood golf course in search of that little white ball. Having a quiet and likeable disposition. sprinkled with occasional flashes of wit, he is a well-known orator in the I.R.C. Jim's plans for the future seem to include a law career, his faith in the R.C.N. (R) being unwayering. And so, In your future studies and practice, we wish you all the best, Jim! 1I

GEORGE WARWICK NOBLE Home: Toronto, Ontario. Educated: University of Toronto Schools. This dashing and dapper character. better known to some as "Ten-knot" Noble, since that is the way in which he tries to bring a harbour craft a longside, is never without a complete line of witticisms, wild antics, and. to us, immorta l remarks. However, both in the classroom and on the field he puts forth his best efforts. George worked his way up to Petty Officer and Cadet Captain of Nelson, and proved himself a strong and efficient leader. On the rugby field "01' Ten-knot" was the captain of "c" team and could a lways be depended on fo r a fine game (as well as turning out in a blue jersey when the team was wearing white). Despite his charm with the fairer scx, his favorite pastime is sleeping. As a keen R.C.N. lad, we know there will never be a dull moment wherever he goes. Good luck, George I

HAROLD WILLIAM SMITH Home: Weston, Ontario. Educated: University of Toronto Schools. Ever since arriving at the College, Smitty has prm'ed his scholastic ahility hy consistently turning up top man in his academic work. In addition to this, he plays break in the "B" team serum, and is a staunch ~upporter of Nelson on the playing fields. Onc of Smitty's favorite pastimes is discussing the shortcomings of the Supp ly Branch (or of Halifax) with his fellow Cadets-mainly Vince. On Saturday mornings during special classes he can he found exploring the mysteries of the vacuum tube and radio. After very careful thought and much calculating. Smitty has finally decided to enter the Electrical Branch of the R.C.N. He plans to take his course at the elliversity of Toronto, where we know he will be very successful. Best from all of us, Smitty I

[ Sixty-mne

RODNEY TIM O THY W ILLIA M H U LBERT CREERY Home: Vancouver, British Columbia. Educated: Rothesay Collegiate School. Tim came to the College with the admirable trait of being able to make friends easily. We found out evelltually that he is the Poet Laureate of our term, and many gems, often satirical, have appeared 011 the GUllroom notice board under the nom de plume of "Twhc." He has also shown artistic tendencies . . By his ability in the classroom and spirit shown on the playing field, espe~lallr I~ soccer and as an excellent hook on uB" team, he ha.., been a great InSplratlOn to our term, and served Rodney as final Cadet Petty Officer. His most outstanding achievement, hO\'.;('\,cr, was his enterprise as Editor of the "LOG," which included, through sheer hard work, the additional production of a Christmas Number. This is the first time that the "LOG" has been published bi-annually. \Ve all wish you lots of success in your future life as a journalist.

KE NNETH DAVID BERT RAM CARRUTH ER S Home: Montreal \Vest, Quebec. Educated: Montreal West High School. "K. D. B." came to the College from the big city of Montreal, and he has been continuously a supporter of the glorious East. His terrific smile has righteously won for him a definite spot in our term of '47. Ken is a big fellow with tons of drive, which he has used to full advantage as a mcmher of the "At' team serum. ]11 inter-divisional sports he has wholeheartedly entered all activities. A member of the Art staff of the "LOG," Ken has shown us what fine work he can do in the way of drawing, which, by the way, is one of his hobbies. As a scholar, "K. D. B." has been amollg those few who have managed to hold their positions at the top throughout their stay at the College. Ken has his heart set on a course in Architecture, and so next year we will probably see him on the campus at McGill. Good luck in the future, Ken.

STANLEY E VE RE TT HOPKINS Home: Burlington, Ontario. Educated: Burlington High School. Soon after Stan arri"ed at the College he was labelled with the nickname "Hopp)'." Because of his friendly nature and ready comment on any problem, he soon acquired many friends from amongst his term. I n sports, "Hop" has always been an asset to his division and the College, playing serum on "A" rugger team for the whole of his Senior year. He represented his division equally "ell in almost all the inter-divisional sports. Through the years he has come to be known as the engineer of the term. \Ve all remember how he and Lt. Richards would sit with their pipes and talk, mainly over the construction of a model locomotive. All his qualifica' tions served him well as Cadet Captain for his division. Stan, at the moment, is undecided as to "hether he will take to the Engineering Branch or strike out into civilian life, but with his winning manner he will be a success in whichever he chooses.


JAM E S GOR D ON RODGE RS HUTCH E SON Home: Vancouver, British Columbia. Educated: St. George's School, Vancouver. Rod is known to us as the "Beaver," since he shows a tendency to eag-erness. Though he is small, he is the spark plug and Captaill of the "B" rugger team. Whenever inter-divisional sports have been played, "Beaver" has been right in there with all his heart and soul. r n the Gunroom he is noted for his dry wit. which is often aired at the expense of the Senior term. H is never-fading schoolboy grin is one of the highlights of his popularity. His fine photographs enhance several pages of the "LOG." A \Vesterner to the core, "Beaver" is as yet undecided as to his future, but the chances are good for D.B.C. next year. His consistellt brilliancy in academic work will stand him in good stead there, and he should go far on the broad highway of life. \Vhatever your choice, "Beaver," we join together in wishing you UVaya con Dios." Seventy 1

DIVISION JAM E S H E RB E RT MURWIN Home: Harre,w, Ontaric>. Educated: Harrow High School Hemember Our Initiation Day' !\'onc of us will forget his early morning trumpet rendition uf Stardu .. t. Since tlH.:ll Jaime has played his way to fame both in the- \,unroom and at all our dances. He is a Ycry ardellt gymnast. \\ ith great physical co-ordination. ann was beginning to apply his natural

sports abilities on the rugger field when he injured his knee. ,\s a result, he has been forred to cheer from the sidelines, but. just like an o ld race horse,

he j~ Itching to get into ::.port again.

He is an expert cameraman and nry keen on model building.

He also has

inh.-rest . . ill South ~r anitoba and British Columbia, and is an expert of great renown on these topics.

J)m plans on entering the H..C,~. upon graduation and his eventual hope

is to fly with the X3,'al \Ir Arm. "'ith him go our best wishes for a speedy n.'CO\Try befurl' entering hi~ exciting career

ROY JOHN NURSE H(lme: Toronto, Ontario.

Educated: Malvern Collegiate Institute, Ever since he arrived at the College, "R. l." has imp ressed us with his amazing vocabulary and literary knowledge, and is recognized as the term's leading phi losopher and cynic. "One of the boys," he may be seen sitting in the Gunroom, a book in one hand, a bridge hand in the other, and a cigarette dangled expertly from his mouth. Roy's g reatest outdoor pastime is boating, at which he excel>, although he insists he prefers canoeing in the Great Lakes. Roy is a rough-and-tumble serum player for HC" team and always makes a good showing on the playing field for Rodney Division, Always a staunch upholder of the tradition of "the Beach," his ambition i... to settle down there someday llntil "Black Friday," he was an eager RC.:>I. type, hut nexl year he hopes to study Engineering Phys ics at the U. of T .. where we are certain he will he a great success.

PETER COLIN GRAHAM RICHARDS Home: Trail. British Columbia. Educated: St. Andrews College. Coming from Trail, Pete is olle of the \Vest's staunchest supporters in the Senior term He ~tarted his education in Trail. but subsequent ly we nt to St. Andrt.:ws in the East. Last spring he was in the Ground \Vork display team, where he showed lot, of ability, II e played on "B" rugger team fhis year until Christmas. whcn he was sidelined by a knee injury which he sustained while skiing.

Pete's chid claim to fame around the College is his happy smiling face and the fart that he is building a sail hoat. He claims he wi ll have his boat finished by graduation if Belcher will co-operate. He also disting uished himstlf a"" Cadet Captain for one period. I'de wants to be a mechanical cngil1l'cr and he is going to get started at

P.Il.C. next )'l'ar \\'e all wish you lots of luck, Pete. and hope you make a hig succe . . s of your career

HARRY RUSK I lome: Ottawa, Ontario. Educated: Ottawa Technical High School. "Cusser" is one of our quieter members of the Spanish Class, although at the crucial moment he usually comes forward to uphold the Spanish Class's g-ood reputation.

Throughout this year Harry has been one of liB" team's most reliable playtrs and has put his utmost into the game, as well as into every other sport which ht.' has tackh:d. His favorite sport, at which he is an expert, is basketball. lIarry's hobby is drafting. and in this line he is really outstanding among his fellow Cadets. On weekends he may be found in some '1uiet corner drawing silhouettes of ships plying the seven seas. Although for some time undecided, Harry has finally chosen the Navy as his career. \Ve know you will be successful in your undertakings in the H.C~ .. Harry, and with you go our hest wishes.

[ Seventy-one










------ - - - -





Ker, S. 1.











*-Chief Cadet Captain



Ker, S. 1.














Except for final period. all appointments arc probationary.

c.P.O.-Cadet Petty Officer






Ker, D. N.








C.C.-Cadet Captain











Ker, D. N.














* Atkinson








FOREWORD By H . L. FROST HE Ex-Cadet Section of this issue is compiled with a different aim in view from that of the Christmas Number. It was decided by the Editors of this year's "LOG" that the Christmas Number should be more devoted to the Ex-Cadet Section than the Graduation


NIXON MEMORIAL SWORD In 1944. Mr. T. G. Beament, an Ex-Cadet of the R .N .C.C.. suggesled that a sword. to be known as the "Nixon Memorial Sword," be purchased by a group of Ex-Cadets and presented to the Naval Cadet graduating from the College who obtains the highest marks in officer-like qualities. This was done. and each year since then the same group of Ex-Cadets has been canvassed so that the Nixon Memorial Sword could be awarded annually. It is considered probable that the majority of the Ex-Cadets of R .N.C.C. are not aware of the source of the fund from which this award is purchased. and that many of them would like to have the opportunity of contributing. The cost of the sword is approximately $60. and it is now the custom to divide it annually among ten subscribers. It is requested that all those Ex-Cadets who wish to contribute to this fund will forward their names to the Commanding Officer. R.C.N. College. The Commanding Officer would then select ten names in rotation each year and bill the subscribers accordingly.


EX-CADET CLUB MEETING On Friday. 31st January. 1947. thirty-eight Ex-Cadets of the Royal Naval College of Canada and the Royal Canadian Naval College assembled in the wardroom of the College for a dinner meeting. When dinner was over. Rear Admiral Mainguy. acting as President. opened the meeting. He stressed the importance of a clearly defined purpose for the Club. so that it would prove of real value to the Navy as a whole and could not. in any sense. be regarded as an attempt to create an exclusive clique of officers within the service. He then asked Instructor Commander Ogle to introduce the agenda. Commander Ogle explained that he had organized the meeting in response to many requests from all over Canada to get the Ex-Cadet Club going. The main point brought forth was the election of a temporary executive who could start the ball rolling. Seventy-four


Number, since so much of this magazine S space is taken up with the Graduating Class pictures and personals, However, we intend to print as much news as possible of Ex-Cadets, together with all announcements concerning the ExCadet Club, Your news will be everyone's news if you will let the "LOG" know about it.

The committee now elected is as follows: President: Capt. J. M . Grant, C.B.E., R.C.N. (Ret), Vice-President: Cdr. H. W, Soulsby, R.c.N. (Ret) . Secretary-Treasurer: Instr. Cdr. W. M. Ogle. R.C.N. Members: A. MacDonald. Lieutenant R.C.N. (R) ; K. Crombie. Lieutenant. R.C.N. As to the purpose of the Club. it was finally left to the discretion of the committee to make it clear that the purpose of the organization should be to maintain the associations and friendships formed at the R.N.C.C. and the R.C.N.C.. and to create and extend throughout the Dominion support of H.M,C.S. Royal Roads as a permanent and valued institution. It was decided that those eligible for membership should be Ex-Cadets. Staff Officers. and civilian Professors from the new and the old College. It was also agreed that there should be no honorary members. Fees were raised from $2.00 to $3.00 annually for the year beginning July 1st. 1947. because of the bi-annual publication of the "LOG." but the life membership fee remains the same. A vote of thanks was passed to Capt. J. M. Grant. Cdr. Ketchum and Lieut. J. H. Kirkpatrick for their invaluable help in the preliminary organization of the Club. LETTER FROM SIMONSTOWN Midshipman Paul McCulloch. R.C.N. (46). writes from South Africa: Our life since we came across to England has always been interesting and busy. so as yet we have not had the time to sit back and complain. Our one month gunnery course was part old stuff and part new. The part that was new to us (and not to the English Mids) was on Long Range Anti-Aircraft control and organization. gone into with as much detail as one can in two weeks. On the test at the end of the course Canadian names ranked well near the top. Campbell tieing someone for either first or second place. While Peers and Titus and I were in "Howe" we had a taste of what the R.N. is really like at

the moment. I know that I learnt a great deal while in the . Howe." mostly about small pOints of behaviour and seamanship. things which I had been told about at the College but had not "hoisted in" due to lack of experience. Our Snotties' 'urse kept us very much on the trot with instruction in navigation and torpedo. and work with the Master at Arms. Shipwright and Victualling officers. We had plenty of sport while in Portland. playing rugger. soccer. and even grass hockey for the ship. We joined "Vanguard" on November 28th at Portsmouth . A week later we sa tied on our shake-down cruise to the Canaries and Gibraltar. The amount of instruction we have received has been very little. because each officer has been worried about having his department on top line for the Royal Cruise. Instead we had extra jobs to do. such as the stages and lighting effects for the ship's concert and crossing the line ceremonies. Thus. though we had little instruction. we were kept busy working with the officers to whom each of us has been attached as assistan t. We three have been divisional mishipmen. I am the quarterdeck Mid. and spend most of my time seeing chippies. bosun's mates and dockyard people about little jobs. For action stations we three each have a section of 5.25"s. We are the only midshipmen on 5 25"s. I suppose because our nurse realizes that we do not have I 5" in the R.C.N .. but it would be interesting to work with the ship's bofors. whICh are supposed to be the last word in gunnery conttol. My entering harbour position has been in the lower steering position. which is a rotten place. because one does not see a thing on entering harbour. or fuelling at sea. Our duties change. fortunately. and now I am with the division on the quarterdeck when entering harbour. At the moment. while a group of midshipmen do their engineering. I have taken over one of their group's duties in the Commander's office as Commander's Assistant's Assistant. I expect to learn something about ship's organization. We three Canadians have done our engineering on our way down to South Africa. We managed to wangle a four instead of a six week course in view of the extensiveness of our engineering course at R.C.N.C. Our snotties' nurse (E) was considerate in that he said we might be excused a Watch if it prevented us from accepting a Royal invitation. The Gunroom was very fortunate and saw a great deal of the Princesses because we are more of their age. It began on the evening of the sixth day out. when the Gunroom had invited the Royal retinue and staff down for cocktails. The Princesses decided that they would like to come down too . As I suppose everyone else has said. they are delightfully natural and we all got along very well together. One evening the Royal Family asked four

Gunroom officers to a dance which they had on the starboard side of the quarterdeck. The prerequisite for those going was the abtlity to do Scotch reels. so none of the three of us went. We had a very good ship's concert. our stock of talent being padded. I am certain. by men draughted to the ship especiall y for this purpose. The Gunroom skit was especially popular. It was a take-off on a Gunroom guest night. with most of the comedy centering around "Rodney" (about 5' 4" tall) and the "smashing piece" he had picked up called "Myrtle" (about 6' 4" tall). Titus and I had parts in this skit. On the eighth evening at sea. the Gunroom had the King and Queen and the Princesses. again. for cocktatls. Once more the party was a huge success. everyone appearing to enjoy it very much indeed. It was a peculiar feeling to suddenly realize that one was in the same small room with Their Majesties. who would be laughing and chatting away most amicably with the Midshipmen. Speaking of impressions. I would say that "Vanguard's" departure from Portsmouth and the Home Fleet's salute was the most impressive sight I have seen in my small life. There have been some excellen t photographs taken of this "manceuvre." and I consider them a "must" for my collection. Later on the same day the French battleship "Richelieu" and a two destroyer escort came out to meet us and to pay respects to His Majesty. With typically French Clan. they arrived threequarters of an hour too soon. but we manned ship anyway. Then "Richelieu" signalled that she only wanted to ascertain our position and that she would come back again at the right time. So we "unmanned ship" for half an hour. When she came to fire her salute. she steered along a course parallel to ours for five minutes. and everyone admired her main armament while waiting for her salute. Then there came a puff of white smoke and a bang from somewhere aft of her crooked funnel. and after the usual exchange of courteous messages she and her escorts left us. The weather. once we had passed Biscay. was fine and we had plenty of deck games like deck tennis. deck hockey. deck quoits and shuffleboard. and even cricket nets rigged on the port side of the quarterdeck. which were laid aside. at certain times. for our softball practices. When the Royal Party were not using their royal swimming bath we were allowed to use it. In return for our party for their Royal Highnesses. thirteen members of the Gunroom were invited to go to one of the Royal films. after which they served refreshments. \Vith this film there was the news-reel of our departure from Portsmouth. which had been flown from England to Gibraltar and then passed to us by a destroyer. After the film I had my first real



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[ Seventy-five


opportunity to chat with them. I was pleasantly surprised to find both Elizabeth and Margaret Rose quite natural. normal girls. Elizabeth is quite serious, conscious of her destiny, I suppose, and she refers to her father and mother always as "The King and Queen," whereas Margaret Rose will say "Daddy and Mummy." This same day that we went to the Royal film, the ships ctossed the line with full ccre-. many and fireworks. The night before, "Neptune's Heralds" came aboard via the hawsepipes with a beautiful and expensive show of fireworks. The ceremony the next day was attended by the whole Royal Party, some members of which were very thoroughly initiated. The Princesses were initiated too, but they only had their faces powdered with huge cotton batten puffs and had to take pills which were actually cherries. The next evening I was lucky enough to be one of the three from the Guntoom that went to a Royal sing song. This was a great deal of fun, and after we had sung all the old folk tunes, Scottish songs and sea chanties, and had begun to sing popular songs, the old people drifted away and left the Princesses (Margaret playing the piano), the Queen and us three mids around the piano. A more pleasant evening I could not imagine. Before they left I was called over to Their Majesties, who complimented me on the sketches I had been doing to illustrate the "Vanguard Daily News," which is always produced while we are at sea. So I left the starboard side of the quarterdeck this particular evening feeling impressed, most impressed, by the charm of the Royal Family. The next day the Princesses came to tea in the Gunroom. We played games afterwards, like charades, etc., and they did not leave until about seven o'clock. I was not present, but I am told it was very amusing, with Lady Margaret Egerton, the Princesses' Lady in Waiting, aping to put "Coax me a little bit" across to her own team. The next day I think I hit the jack pot! Twenty-one of us went on a treasure hunt organized by the Royal Party. We were to go around the course in pairs, so we had to draw for our partners. I drew Margaret Rose, much to my astonishment. The treasure hunt was a lot of fun, and we eventually came in fourth. Margaret was pleased because we had at least beaten "Lisbet" and her partner. The first prize for the hunt was a bottle of the King's best port, which had been hanging in the Royal swimming bath. One of the Mids won it, and has since let all of us have a sip. After refreshments we all played games of the Physical Training type on the quarterdeck, at which point the news cameras took pictures of us all that have since made the newsreels. However, as usual. all one can see of me is the back of my head. By this time you can imagine what great Seventy-six I

admiration and respect we had all developed for the Royal Family. We would meet them and occasionally play games with them on the quarterdeck. So eventually, when we arrived in Capetown on a perfect morning amidst a tremendous reception and they left us, and were swallowed up in the mad howling crowds and morning heat. we were sorry for them. The magnificent way in which the Royal Family, in particular the Queen, managed always to be so charming is beyond me to describe. I have a tremendous respect for the Queen. The ship stayed in Capetown for eighteen days, during the first week of which we three finished our Engineering course, with instruction in domestic machinery (including an automatic bread-cutting and buttering machine) , refrigeration system, and the salt and fresh water services. The Commander (E) had us into his cabin for an informal oral test, after which we sent our boiler suits to the laundry and returned to executive duties. The entertainment schedule for ship's company and officers was quite strenuous while in Capetown. Fulfilment of official engagements came before private ones; however, everyone was very hospitable and pleased to see us, as I suppose you can easily imagine. After Capetown we went around to Simonstown for three days and anchored in the Bay. Ever since we have been here we have been seeing a great deal of Norton, Fulton, Lewis and Ker, who at the moment are serving in the sloops "Nereid" and "Acta'on" on the South Atlantic Station. Norton and Fulton, in the "Nereid," at the moment are up the coast somewhere, but the "Acta'on" is here in Saldamba Bay with us. We are here now for two weeks. It is a desolate place, but a "safe and commodious" harbour. The South African Naval Base is here. We have had pulling and sailing regattas, sports meets, hockey, soccer, and even rugger games here. Our softball team got under way and started with an overwhelming victory over the "Acta'on's" team organized by Lewis and Ker. The land here is dry, dusty and flat, and at night the breezes off shore bring a strong odour which smells like a lion cage at the zoo. Large fifteenfoot (well. it might have been twelve-foot) sharks cruise around the ship, casually rising now and then to sample a cigarette package or a tin can. So none of us have been swimming. At the moment we three are beginning to wonder what will hapen to us when we return to England. We have had a chat with the "nurse" and stressed the fact that we are keen to get more sea-time, as even the groups of English Mids two months our junior, and with whom we expect to write, have already had five more months' sea-time than we. In other words, we would like to come out to some station again rather than stick with the Home Fleet in Port-

land. We are expecting to do the two years' midshipman's time. in spite of the rumours that it will soon be changed to sixteen months. MIDSHIPMAN JOHN KER WRITES FROM HMS. ACT lEO IN SOUTH AFRICAN WATERS We have this hour returned to Simonstown after three days at sea, meeting and escorting "Vangu.ard" to Capetown. We are riding at anchor In Simons Bay. awaitIng the arrival of "Nigeria," which proceeded this morning on radar tnals after leaving "Vanguard" with us. On Saturday morning we proceeded out of Simonstown in company with "Nereid," the other sloop. Rounding the Cape of Good Hope in two hours. we set a course up the coast past Capetown to intercept "Vanguard." which was about a thousand miles from Capetown, in company with "Nigeria." flagship of the South AIIan tic Fleet. We were following a strong southeaster which blew up during the night to gale force, making everything very uncomfortable aboard these easily stirred sloops. Despite the scuttles being closed down tightly, water poured in through these and skylights overhead. The officers' quarters are aft underneath the quarterdeck, which only has about seven feet of freeboard. The quarterdeck was well awash and the cabin flats were wet with water racing across the deck from side to side as the ship rolled and yawed in the long swell following on her quarter. At one moment she would be picked up and hurled along the rise of a wave, reach the crest and be hurled into the trough of the preceding wave. She seemed to hover as a sinking ship about to make her final plunge into the green below . Then she would rise again, a ghost ship returlllng. and be borne along with powerful grace and excitement. These sloops are not like destroyers in their actions. They are more akin to the beamier frigates, which have a break in the fo'c'sle farther aft. allowing a greater overall freeboard, which produces a greater tendency to roll when considered with extra topweight. Throughout that black night we steered at 14 knots, until at last the moon appeared. lighting the water in our path over our starboard q.uarter. I did the middle watch, but had very httle of Interest to do. It is a dull watch, the middle. no change in scenery (even if there was scenery to change) and not much except the roll to keep you sufficiently uncomfortable to prevent sleep overtaking you. I slept solidly from four-thirty to sevenforty-five on Sunday morning. At ten o'clock we picked up "Vanguard" at twenty miles on the radar scan, bearing 337 degrees. Within the hour she was upon us, with "Nigeria" at four cables on the starboard beam It was slightly

hazy on the horizon to northward. so that she was only visible from about eight miles off. \Ve passed between her and 路路Nigeria.'路 .. ereid" fired a twenty-one gun salute. we a nineteen following her. On the quarterdeck of "Vanguard' could be seen the Royal Marine Band and contingent. Ahead of them, about half-way up the quarterdeck, stood the Royal Family. although who was who I did not know. Forward on the steep, sloping fo'c'sle, the ship's company lined the guard rails as we passed. giving "Vanguard" a most impressive and pompous appearance. As the salute ended, three cheers were given for the King. and caps rose from the ships' companies' heads in proper driI[ fashion. "Vanguard" is an extremely imposing looking ship, but not. perhaps, so impressive as one might imagine. She shows a trend towards American design in her lines, which are not nearly as clearly defined in silhouette as normal British designs. Her hull is very simple; the beauty spot being the fo'c'sle, which has a marked flare and cut-in rake to the stem. The stern is an American style of cut cross-section, as in the Colony Class cruisers, instead of the graceful tapered stern found in nearl y all of the larger ships. The superstructure is reminiscent of the South Dakota class of battleship. The cowled funnels are practically an innovation so far as British battleship design is concerned. but offsets the lack of rake to the funnels themselves. The general appearance is pleasing enough; her symmetry is well balanced by not too much regularity and uniformity in outline. She is a credit to British design. LETTER FROM THE MED. Grand Harbour, Malta, 29th April. 1947. Dear Editor: To save you the trouble of looking at the last page to see whQ is writing this letter, I will state that it is from Martin. Blackburn, Brown, Manore, Osborne and Campbell. We have calculated that you should be going to press soon. so this letter should bring you up to date on our travels in the Med. (Their letter made the printers' deadline by the skin of its teeth.-Ed.) We joined "Ocean" in Greece in late October, just in time to stand by "Volage" and "Saumarez" when they were mined at Corfu. Following that. we returned to Malta for a refit and remained quite inactive until January. In the latter half of that month we flew the flag of V.A. (Med.). who is also Admiral (Air) of the Second A,ircraft Carrier Squadron. "Ocean" proceeded to Port Said. Egypt, to accompany the "Italia" and "Vittoria Venito" back to Italy from the Bitter Lakes, where they [ Seventy-seven

have been laid up since the end of the war. We were lucky enough to visit Cairo and, of course, climb the Pyramids, ride camels, etc. The next thing on our agenda was the Spring Cruise and exercises. The cruise was to France and Italy. All the fleet split up to cover as many ports as possible. We visited Toulon in France and Leghorn and Rapallo in Italy. There were quite a few opportunities for side excursions to Marseilles, Nice, Florence, Pisa and Rome (lovely place, Rome~). Incidentally, the Med. Fleet consists of C.S. I (4 cruisers) : 2nd Aircraft Squadron ("Ocean" and "Triumph"): 3 destroyer flotIllas: 2 minesweeping flotillas, and 2 subs. We had some swell night exercises-you know the sort of thing, ships all over the place travelling at 30 knots, firing star shells at everything. We were "sunk" three times. The latest thing that has happened to us is the Infantry course that we have just been subjected to. We spent two weeks at the Royal Marine Training Camp (Med.) at the "tender mercies" of a group of ex-commando instructors. I wore through a pair of boots in two weeks with marching, etc. There is a little consolation in the fact that we know how to kill a man in four seconds, but alas ~ so few people are willing to allow us to practice on them. Well. Ed., that more or less brings you up to date on us. We are of the unanimous opinion that your Christmas Edition was a really "gen" idea and should be encouraged in years to come. Well. good luck, fellows, on the approaching finals, and we hope to see you over here next September. (Sgd.) PETE'R CAMPBELL, KEN BLACKBURN, MIKE MARTIN. BOB BROWN. JACK MANORE', GEORGE OSBORNE. The Editors of the "LOG" would like to take this opportunity of thanking very much all those Ex-Cadets who have written to the "LOG." Their letters have been invaluable in compiling a magazine of interest for each member of our varied company of readers. NEWS NOTES Lt (S) R. A. Stikeman (,43) has informed us that he and Acting Sub Lts. Sampson, Lawson, Hanyson and Mid (L) Brais arc now serving in the Active Reserve at H.M.C.S. Donnaconna. Capt. C. M. McBride, with the Sikh Light Infantry R.C. in Punjab, India, has informed us that he is not married, as we had rumoured in the Christmas Number. Our apologies. Seventy eight ]

Sub Lt. W. S. Lover has written us to say that he is now serving in the Active Reserve at H.M.C.S. Prevost. Lt. A. B. Cosh, R.C.N., and Padre Orville Hossie are also at this division and should be remem be red to the class of '45. He has just recently finished his second year Maths and Physics course at Western Ontario University, and would appreciate very much a letter or two from his term mates of '43-'45, with his promise that they will be answered. WINNIPEG MEETING J. H McDonald (,46), who is Vice-President of the Winnipeg District, has reported a meeting of the District's Ex-Cadets, on 15th March, 1947. At that time the proposed constitution had not been circulated with its proposed rotational scheme of each District holding the reins of office once in four years. Mid. McDonald proposed that a National Convention would be the best way to draw up a constitution and elect officers. To implement this he suggested that the cost of bringing goodly numbers of Ex-Cadets to Royal Roads on Graduation Day for subsequent meetings might be pooled, and an average cost assessed each member present. This suggestion has all the merit in the world, but even the average cost assessed would be high for individuals in these hard times. It was the feeling of the Provisional National Executive that such a venture would have to await the day when the increased numbers and consequent improved finances of the Club could assist. Comment is invited from local meetings on such a plan, MONTREAL MEETING On the 26th April. 1947, the Montreal District of the R.C.N.C. Ex-Cadet Club held their annual dinner at Roncarelli's Cafe Restaurant, 1429 Crescent St" Montreal. organized quickly by Messrs. Bob Mullan, Paul Samson, Brig. Kilpatrick and Ed. Cosford. There were 16 members present, including Instr. Lt. Cmdrs. C. T. Teakle and G. H. Bjorklund, R.C.N. (R) (Ret.). In the business conducted after the dinner, discussion arose on the status of the Montreal "Division." As will be seen from the Provisional Constitution arising from the West Coast meeting, 31st January, 1947, Ontario and Quebec were proposed as one DIstrict. of which J. R. Chipman ('44) has consented to act as Vice-President. The Montreal meeting have put it on record that this arrangement is impractical "owing to distances involved and the present financial condition of most members." There is justice in this claim, as the Ontario Ex-Cadets number 5 7 by home residence and the Quebec Ex-Cadets at least 20, which is the quorum necessary for decisions from a National Execu tive meeting. This matter will be put before the National Executive Committee

as a suggestion for amendment of the proposed Constitution. AT THE UNIVERSITIES TORmHO: D. C. Harrison-First Year Medical School. P. B. Heaton-First Year Medical School. J. F. Howard-II and III Year subjects in Arts-Commerce and Finance. J. B. Jackson - II S.P.S. - Engineering Physics. R. G. Leckey-First Year Medical School. M. F Ney-II Arts (probably Pass Arts). W K. Rankin-II S.P.S. o P. Sabiston-II Physical and Health Education. C. E. Spence-II S.P.S. R. Morris-II Arts-Commerce and Finance. J. T. DesBrisay-II Pass Arts-pre-Law. D. R. Dyment-I Arts-Sociology and Phi losophy. C. W. D. Milner - II S.P.S.-Mining Geology. J. G. Thompson-II S.P.S.-Mechanical Engineering. A. H. Zimmerman-I Arts-Sociology and Philosophy. C. R. Nixon-Electrical Engineering. (L) Branch R K. Odell-Electrical Engineering. (L) Branch. B. L. Wilkins-Engineering Physics. (L) Branch.

W B. Wilson-Engineering PhYSICS. (L) Branch. :V1A~ITOBA .

H. McDonald-ThIrd Year SCIence H. Clokie-Second Year Science. P S. Morse-Third Year Arts. C. D. Hasselfield-Second Year Pharmacy. R. Irwin-Third Year Science. U.B.C.: Stachon ('46) is a Mid. (L) in Second Year Engineering Physics. Banister (,46) is in First Year of Medicine at Edinburgh University. ERRATUM CONSTITUTION EX-CADET CLUB P. 2. Article III-ORGANIZA TlON Last sentence should read: The Districts are defined as follows: The West Coast shall embrace the Province of British Columbia and Yukon; Winnipeg shall have jurisdiction over the Provinces of Alberta. Saskatchewan and Manitoba. etc. WEDDING SHAW-ROWLFY-4th June. 1947. at St. Paul's Garrison Church. Esquimalt. Hilda. daughter of Lieut. Herbert Rowley. R.C.N .. to Sub Lieut. H. P. Shaw. R.C.N. (1944).

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