1949 Log Canadian Services College Royal Roads

Page 1





HONORABLE BROOKE CLAXTON , K.C MIn.'stu of National Defence

INCE I became Minister of National Defence, there is not one single


question that has been given more attention than the training of officers.

One most important accomplishment in this respect has

been the establishment of Royal Roads and R.M.C. as the Canadian Services Colleges. I trust that everyone of you will depart from Royal Roads a disciple of the necessity of teamwork between the three Services. But I hope that you are learning what is more important , that the Armed Forces are part of a much bigger team. Most of you who seek a career in the Navy, Army or Air Force must realize your first responsibility is as a citizen in the service of your community. Those who choose to serve Canada in other ways must never forget that the members of the forces are fellow Canadians who are working full time for our country. To all of you I wish every success, measured not in terms of wealth or position, but in terms of contribution to your community and to your country. BROOKE CLAXTON,

Minister of National Defence.



BAR, A DC .. RC.N.

Commandanr, Canadian Services College

H.M.C.S. Royal Roads


AM glad to have this opportunity of smding a message to the "LOG" and very much appreciate being asked to do so.

We who work and play here at Royal Roads are very fortunate. not only because of the ideal and beautiful surroundings in which we live. but also on account of the strong and very worthwhile traditions we inherit from those who have passed through here before us. These traditions include duty well and loyally done. sportsmanship. a high standard of manners. and most important a spirit of service to other than self. Such traditions are more essential in this modern and changing world than ever before, particularly to those of us who aspire to serve Canada in the Armed Forces. In this first year of the three Services at Royal Roads. I feel that the traditions of the past have been carried on. and exemplified by the leadership developed and standards set by the Cadet Officers and Cadets of the 1949 graduating class. In addition to thanking them for their valuable contribution to Royal Roads. I wish them the best of luck in their chosen careers. I also confidently hope the first tri-Service entry of Cadets will justify in the greatest measure during their Senior Year. the promise they have shown in their first year.

H. S. RAYNER, Commandant, Canadian Services College H.M.C.S. Royal Roads.




Bar, AdC., R.C.N

Director of Studies


Officer In Charge Cadet WIng

WING COMMANDER R. B. INGALLS. D.S.O., DF.C., R C.A I'. (Vice Commandant)

CHAPLAIN CL. II R. R. WHITE, R.C.N. (R) (R. C. Chaplain) CHAPLAIN CL. II B. A. PEGLAR, B.A., R.C.N. (Protestant Chaplain)


ExecuttVe Officer Mathematics

Physics Registrar Mechanics

Engineer Officer Chemistry Economics


INST . LT. CDR. J. M. CLARK, B.Sc., R.C.N. Mathematics A G BRICKNELL. A.R.C.S, B.Se. Chemistry and Physics G. F. DALSIN, B.Se. Afathematics and Mechamcs J. A. IZARD, B.Eng. Mechamcal Drawtng and Descnptive Geometry A. STRODYK, M.A. Modem Languages INST. LT. J. D. HARBRON. M.A., R.C.N. History ACT. INST. LT. J. L. P. BERNATCHEZ, B.A., Ph.B., R.C.N. Spanish LT. (p) T. W. WALL, R.C.N. No. J Squadron Commander; Naval Professional Subjects


No.2 Squadron Commander; Army Professional Subjects No.3 Squadron Commander;

A,r Force Professional Subjects


Physical and Recreational Training Assistant to Engineer Officer

Supply Officer Staff Adjutant Shipwright Officer In charge Sick Bay




MESSAGE TO CADETS THE STAFF COLLEGE NEWS Graduation , 1948 Senior Gunroom Notes Operation Initiation Carol Service: Christmas Dance

7 13 14 17 23 24 25

Operation Hi-Box Junior Gunroom Notes Variations from the Main Theme The Midterm Dance Junior Midterm Chips from the Log College Clubs

26 29 30

THE LOG Editorial Photography Contest LOG Literary Prize W,nner Rest at Royal Roads The Brook High Flight A Day at the College A Military Review of Royal Roads The Band Refie:xions Sur un Juron Nous Nous Quittons

37 37

SPORTS " A " Team Players "A" Team Season Second Fi fteen Basketball Cross Country Origin of Rugger Inter -Flight Rugger Soccer Inter-Flight Boxing Inter-Flight Swimming Badminton and Fencing

32 32

33 35

40 41 42 42 43 44 48 54 55 56

59 61

62 63 65 66 67 68 68 69 70 71

GRADUATING CLASS Graduating Class-Home Addresses

73 75

EXCHANGE DEPARTMENT The Post-War R.A .F. College From R .M .C.




91 93


Associate Editor and College News JIM PRENTICE


Junior Term




















Aduisors Business




GRADUATION, 1948 By NOEL HE exams were over, the Senior Term was in the Mess Hall enjoying a last mess dinner, The Juniors, who guessed that by the time the mess dinner was over the Seniors would be in good spirits (or vice versa), were up top busily piling Senior beds into one large tangled heap while another squad was efficiently dispatching the corresponding mattresses


through a window onto the roof, (Present Junior Term take NO note,) What happened when the Senior mess dinner ended can only be imagined by a person who experienced B, C.'s disastrous flood of 1948, "We wuz hosed!" However, this little incident was not an indication of things to come, for in a few short days we would be coming face to face with Graduation, Me. Mylrea 's "Water100," Nothing more need be said, For the next four days we perfected (?) our P,T, display table by the only means to perfection known to civilized manPRACTICE. It would be hard to desc ribe the feeling of everyone that on the big day he was going to make a horribly obvious mistake while cameras were grinding on all sides, and go down in history as the " Boob" of 1948, THE DAY RADUATION Day dawned clear and sunny and preparations went well dur ing the morning, As the zero hour approached there was an atmosphere of keen excitement about the Cadet Block, reflected in the busy brushing activities everywhere, Sharp at 1430 we marched on to the parade square behind the Canadian Scottish Band, Prizes were presented for accomplishment during the year by Rear Admiral Mainguy, Awards of greatest interest were the King's Canadian Dirk to Bob McAllister; Officer of the Watch Telescopes to Hugh Plant, Dennis Pratt






and Jim Miles, and the "Log's" Literary Awards to Bob Leckie and Dick Kirby, In the traditional lanyard and slow march ceremony the Seniors were at last Midshipmen and we became Seniors, Our new Chief Cadet Captain or Cadet Wing Commander marched us off and we changed for the P,T. display, The high box work performed by the Seniors was excellen t, and we can never forget "George" Sheasby sailing thtough the air in a flyvault, wondering if he would ever come down, It was with the greatest of leisure that we walked back to the Cadet Block, Midshipmen and Seniors, as if we didn't have a care in the world, which we didn't. We spent an hour or so having tea on the sunny terrace of the Castle before it came time for the girls to go home and start preparing for the dance, which started around nine , The Quarterdeck was appropriately decorated with large baskets of gladioli whose fragrance sought out every last nook and corner in the room, As we came down the centre stairs and along the receiving line it was the last time for our Seniors, but everyone was enjoying it too much to think of that. In

fact, we all had the best time of the year at the Graduation Ball and were sorry when the time came to go, THE AFTERMATH The following noon saw the numerous Cadets with jaws hanging open and eyes drooping aboard the S,S, Princess Kathleen, yawning heavily and mumbling little phrases in their stupor, As the ferry left harbour a few Cadets leaned on the rail for a last look at picturesque Victoria in the hot July sun, but most were "flaked out" on the upper deck in a complete coma-tired but happy ,

ADDRESS BY ADMIRAL p, \V. NELLES e.B., LL.D., R. e. ODA Y'S exerciscs. complete. thc first year of a most interestIng expenment by our armed forces . . . the experiment of combining two services in one College . . . and your commanding officer has honored me by askIng that I should say a few words to you. In speaking to you today I am glad to do so as a retired officer . . . one who has been through the mill and is now free of the knowledge. and the burden. of secret plans of the government in defence matters . . . In fact. I know no more about the atomic bomb today than you do: I think I can speak without reservations not wnh any speCIal axe to grind, Just as a plain citizen. I consider that all of you who have taken part in this first year's experiment are most fortunate . . . the first to have been part of what, I think. we will look upon in the future as a completely necessary procedure. the earliest posSible trGlntng of our forces side by side. Even those who are leaving after only one year of the improvement must feel the new spirit. Before the beginning of World War II. as you know , it was generall y accepted that each of the fighting forces must have ns own ed~ca­ tional system. for its own people. It mlght almost be said that we were determined upon beating the enemy always in three different ways' . . . The opportunities for each service to discover the ways and means. the IImlts and the sacred precepts. of the others were limited to what might be discovered by a handful of officers . . . the best or the most fortunate, who were lucky enough or determined enough to makc the Staff Colleges. They were not al wa ys the most senior officers, because, unfortunately , seniority rather tends to make one lean in the other direction, to think that onc's own methods are incomparably better and really the only way to do things 1 • . • Take care that you never become cncrusted with the barnacles of prejUdice. or the gremlins of unfounded superiority; they stand in your way and reduce your ualue as defence officers. You know how in the last war we learnt again the cardinal importance of team-work, team planning and team execution of the plans. To be specific. the absolute necessity for complete, and happy. team-play was brought out in the great beach landing operations. . . . No place more so than the beaches of Normandy in Junc of '44. I mention those days because I was able to visit those operations themselves on 5 and see for myself what a monument had bee n raised to eternal comradeship between the forces. all of them, who were there. I don't believe the completely effective surprise and the completely rewarding successes





would have had a ghost of a chance. if wc had not risen to heights of team -work that had neuer been approached before. The inspirational planning began ouer a year before the landing . as you have heard. and the combined execution had commenced a week before D-Day itself. Something new had been added . . . and turned out to be the required ingredient. The old days of the discussions as to which came first, the chicken or the egg. the Navy or the Air Force. were gone for good . for uery good. The Navy transported the Army in all its echelons over a hostile-to the Army -element. in six thousand ships and craft. But the Navy would have been in a sorry plight indeed if the Air Force had not spread a brotherly wing over their heads. and if the Army had not been prepared to draw the teeth of all that other hostility that waited on the shore. Truly we were "a band of brothers" and if any felt cold fear he had only to look around him and into the sky to see that there was all the brotherly assistance and support that was needed to banish such a natural. but inconvenient. emotion. Fear is the outward expression of loneliness. and team-work is the souereign remedy. But in all this do not misunderstand me and think that I disagree. for instance. with what Air Force General Tooey Spatz says in a very recent and exceedingly important article in Life magazine (which I hope you'lI read) about the natural functions of the individual forces in the face of special situations. Where an enemy is so large. or so distant. or so dependent upon one thing or another. or such a pushover for certaIn techniques . . . then the greatest proportion of our natIOnal effort must go into the exploiting of that weakness without, absolutely without. an y sliver of backbiting. of intransigence on the part of the service. or services. not called to the forefront. There is a time for the chicken. add a time for the egg. and no time for argument. In the words of a song you all know , we must do "what comes naturally" to our branch of the forces and bring understanding of the others to every situation. However it is one thing to learn a lesson in War and another to put it into practice in Peace. Then the differences are as pronounced but there is not the incentive to compose them . . . not. that is to any but those who see ahead. clearly and with intelligence. In my opinion the only way to put into practice the lessons of the last war is to start now before we forget, and to start at the very youngest level at which our Air Marshals, and Admirals. and Generals, of the possible wars of the fu ture can be brought together. And that is you. my lads. [ Page Fifleen

Our government and its Defence Departments have decided to do this as fast as may be arranqed and their plans arc in the final stages of be~ng made into reality Next autumn will see them altogether under way with R.M.C. Joining Royal Roads and making a combination that is hard to beat for conuenience. facilities. useful traditIOns and tuell-directed competition. There remain some important uncertainties. I am told. as to how best to put this combination to work . . how to divide the time of the different groups to the best advantage. between working together and working apart, between work in class and work in the field Those uncertainties will be cleared up in fairly rapid order. for there is much thought being given to it by some exceedingly intelligent minds. men in whom you can have entire confidence. What you will bring to the business. I deeply hope, is the enthusiasm for the principle behind it all . . . the enthusiasm without which inter-service co-operation will never get

to first base. If you want a thing enough. in this world. you generally get it. Although each of you may feel that you have a full day. and a full career. of becoming effective in your own clement. whether it be on the water. in the air. or on the land. yet you will be called on to learn a lot about the other elements as well. What I want you to do is to set about this extra task with enthusiasm. with real understa n di ng . . . and without prejudice and without the taint of unnatural rivalry that can make useless all that we old-timers have learnt the hard way. R~member that the success in tackling extra tasks IS what distinguishes a real man in this world. Remember that d,scernment between what is really important and what is just a wastefu l luxury will see you through almost any difficulty you may ever face. Then go out and face the exciting future ahead with courage and a smile. You' ll have a grand time. and some day you'll be asked to pass on your secret to the next generation Tha t will be the best part of al l.

Prize Winners and \Vinners of Academic Awards GRADUATION CEREMONY-14TH JULY, 1948 Department of National Defense Officer of the Watch Telescope: \warded to the Cadet who, as the resnlt of examinations, attains the highc:-;t place in his term on passin~ out.

Won by Cadet R. J. M cAlli,tcr .\warded hy Reversion to Cadet J F.


Department of National Defense Officer of the Watch Telescope: ,\wardecl to the Cadet who attains the highest plan? among those entering the Royal Canadian Navy.

nrucr of merit being- determincd hy comi>ininR Officer like quality marks with examination marks in the proportion of one to thr('('.

\Von hy Cacld


H. Pratt

H. E. Sellers Officer of the Watch Telescope: \ warded to the Cadd who has ... cn"ed 111 IllS Senior Year at the College as Chief Cadet Captain. \\'on by Caclet R J :-fcAllister The Nixon Memorial Award of Honour: '\warded tn the Cadet who is awareled the highest Officer-like quality mark on graduation. \\' on hy Caclet II. II \V. Plant King's Canadian Dirk: Awarded to the hest all -round Cadet

The LOG Literary Contest: \\ on hy Caclets R. Leckie and R. IT. Kirby The followll1g- Cadets in the Graduating CIa" were warclecl First Class Certificates: Cadet R. T. McAllister Caclet D. -n. Pratt Caclet T. F. Miles Caclet -R. B. ~. McBurney Caclet T. G. C. Atwood Caclet P. D. ~f cI ntyre Caclet J. 11. \V. Knox Caclet II. B. \V. Bridgeman Caclet J. R. Young Caclet II . P . Lahelle Caclet F T F. Osborne Caclet G :\. Cowley Director of Studies Cup: Till.., l路up


awarded anllually to the outstanding

Junior Term Cadet fnr athletic ability and sportsmanship.

\Ynn by Cadet IT.

\ wardl'd to the most outstanding' Senior 'rerm


and athletic ahility. \\. on hy Cadet R. ]. McAllister

In "porhll1<lnship

Inter-Divisional Challen ge Shield: 011 ~radllat1l1~,

considering Officer-like qualities. academic standin~. athleti c ahility and spo rtsmanship in equal proportion ... ,

\Von by Caclet R. ]. McAllister

Pn'sl'lltt.'ci to the Divi~ion amassing the highest throughout the year in various [Iller-l>i\'isional sports activities.

111111lhl'r of points

\V"n by Drake Division

IN THE GALLEY "What are we having for supper I" Cook No. I: "Your guess is as good as mine. Cook No.2: "It's too early to tell yet." Page S,xteen


J. Tamowski

Captain's Cup:

SENIOR GUNROOM NOTES By H. J. T T'S much too noisy in the LOG Office, I might as well wander up to the Gunroom. It's after lights-out, maybe I'll be able to concentrate there . . I'll just turn this first set of lights on . , My, the air is clear in here for a change . . s'good thing the Gunroom Sweepers left the windows open . . . Hmm, now Gunroom Notes . . . what the devil can I write for Gunroom Notes . . . I can't pull that Gunroom Meeting routine, If I only they've been doing it for years had something to write about . . . some inspiration. That's funny, what's that odour? . . . why it smells like cigarette smoke . . . and . . . and stale beer. And that noise I . . . it seems like singing in the distance . . . and the tinkle of glasses. Look, that haze, it's pouring into the Gunroom from outside . . . It seems to be hanging together . . . and moving this way! It looks like there's something in that smoky haze . . . what's wrong with me? . . . maybe I've had too much pusser coffee. Who are you? "I am the spirit of the Senior Gunroom." B-but you can't be . . ghosts don't exist . I'll refuse to recognize you . . . why, you haven't even got a formula.



"You question my substance, my son? consist of the vi le smoke from Briere's pipe, the ash from Maxwell's borrowed weed, the foam spilt on the Gunroom floor, the splinters of 'Life Upon the Wicked Stage' and the odd feather from a ruptured pillow. I was created by the sound of husky voices raised in song, by the tinkle of the ivories when Peter or Moose were playing, and by the loud laughs of Tucker. Wiley and Trebell. I thrive on the din of 'Happy Birthday' in the Mess-Hall. the maddening confusion of a Gunroom Meeting and the scuffle of excitement caused by a nonchalant 'seven-no-trump.' I have been, and will be, as long as there is a Senior Gunroom." Has the Junior Gunroom a ghost too? "No, the Juniors arc much too young for spirits. " Oh. but why did you visit me, Spirit? "You are writing Senior Gunroom Notes . . You must portray the spirit of your Term! You have a deadline to meet, and here . Buck you sit muttering for inspiration up, my son!" . . I can't get any ideas . . haven't an y material

"You haven't any material! Why, think of all the things that have happened to you since you arrived here, just write a chronological history of your Term. That should be plenty. " . That's going to be plenty tough "Come now, your memory isn't that bad. Start right in at September '47 . , your first day at the College." . . . Hmmm . . . last September . . . now what happened last September? Sept. 1947: A motley-looking group of individuals, arrayed in various garbs of civilian clothes, arrived at the former Royal Canadian Naval College which had now become R.C.N.-R.C.A.F. Coll ege. We were shocked out of our lackadaisical civilian ways and introduced to "cattle-cars," Gunner's Mates, Cadet Captains, waiting in line, skylarking, Liberty Boats, gyup, slack party, early-morning P. T .. sightseeing trips around the grounds, mechanics' assignments, soggy toast, pusser coffee, and various other elements which were to implicate our lives for the next two years. During this month, Pat Maxwell first asked his favourite question, "Anybody got a weed?", Gears got a haircut and Ron Fortier began to complain about College routine.

Oct. 1947: After initiation, we became full-fledged Junior Cadets with all their rights and privileges. (How we could have been lower than this was hard to imagine,) It was in October that we started to play rugger. Rugger, that's

Paq/..' Elqhreen 1

a game invented by a sadistic English scientist to test the plasticity, toughness and abrasive hardness of the human body.

Oct. 16: Wilf Curtis had an argument with a rock Wilf lost! Oct. 20: Overheard at a rope-climbing class: "McCullagh, where's McCullaugh?" "Graveyard, come out from behind that rope!" Nou. 1947: November overflowed with typical Victoria winter weather. Weather prophet J. D. Prentice, who had obviously been here before, gave us a method of forecasting the weather. "If you can see the mountains, it's a sure sign that it's going to rain, and if you can't see the mountains . . . it's raining!" Ronnie complained about the weather. Nou. 10: Jake became quite attached to the belt and gaiters issued him. Nou. 18: Many of the boys who had formerly found it difficult to run for the nearest street-car, splashed their wa y through a 4.2 mile long crosscountry race. Ronnie complained about the cross-country race. Nou. 20: By this time we were fairly well accustomed to the place. Andy was all confused.

Dec. 1947: We held our first set of exams on the Quarterdeck. and after a Carol Service none of us will forget. and a Christmas Dance most of us will remember. we headed for the various parts of Canada for a well-earned leave. Jan. 1948: After a spirited train trip we returned to the College and to our bitter disappointment. it had not burnt down. January slipped by quickly as we all looked forward to a month of practical training. The highlights of our first year at the College were definitely these training trips. So many things were crowded into a short space of a man th tha t there is room in this column to recall only a few of the more important incidents.

Feb. 9路 . . . The sailors arrived at Magdelena Bay. the pigeons saw a movie entitled "Land and Live at Sea." Feb. 18: . . . It was a rough day at sea. Jim Creech tried to drown his sorrows (along with half his classmates) by opening a scuttle and allowing a goodly portion of the Pacific to pour into the Mess Decks. Ronnie complained about Operation Fledgling. Feb. 19: . . Navy types entered Long Beach and headed for Hollywood and points west. The Air Force types saw the inside of a parachute when one of their number picked one up by the "little silver handle." Feb. 24: . . . Air Force Cadets visited Montreal; the Naval Cadets visited Santa Barbara. Oh-So counted the rivets in "Crescent" and Al Bell took a bearing on a seagull. Feb. 26: . . . Naval Cadets went swimming at the Coral Cassino. . Air Force Cadets went to Clinton. Feb. 27: . . . B.A. and Wilf acquired a propeller in Winnipeg . . Jake did a swan dive into a Landing Barge. Feb. 29: . . . Some of us took a trip to Whitehorse. others transferred from "Crescent" to "Antigonish." Some of us felt "the Spell of the Yukon." others felt sick. Some of us wore heavy parkas and flying boots. Moose wore a blue suit and Peter Shirley's dinner. And so after a marvelous flip over the Alaska mountains and a wonderful voyage over the Pacific. we were re-united at Royal Roads. March 1948: This month of routine was brightened by our first Mid-Term Dance held at the Gob lin. A good time was had by all. March 14: . . . During mechan ics class. Lieut. Cdr. Amyot asked of our Willie for the 431 st time. "Do you understand that. Vrandenburrrrg?" And for the 431st time Willie meekly replied "Yes Sir."

Feb. 1948: Feb 3: . . . "Operation Fledgling" and "Operation Duckling" began. Our enthusiasm was soon dampened. Some of us realized why they had put paper bags in airplanes. others became familiar with the lee. rail. Jonesey didn't feel too well .. nor did Mitch. Feb. 7: . . . The boys in uniforms got their first taste of boys in the dark blue uniforms Diego. Oh-So went to the zoo. Cadets went to P.T.

the light blue Harvards, the arrived at San The Air Force

Feb. 8: . . . We were having an appetizing dinner of roast chicken on board ship. During the course of the conversation, J.D. brought up the wrong topic, and people lost their appetites. [ Page Nineteen

Aprtl 1948: April soon rolled around and with it came our Easter leave and some pleasant diversions. Em, Cy, Bill and others went to Seattle, while Ronnie, Jim and Bimbo went skiing at Mount Baker. Many of the Cadets went to Vancouver, and according to the Vancouver Police, there was quite a party thrown somewhere on Capilano Road. We returned to the College prepared to put our noses to the grindstone . . . especiall y Ross Curry . . his nose needed it. May 1948: Once again we had that salty taste in our mouths, only this time it was not salt water, but good red blood . . . boxing eliminations were on. The warm sunshine made life more bearable and many afternoons were spent bathing on the roof. May 15-17: On a week-end sailing trip. organized by Lieut. Pratt, half of our Term left the College in three cutters coxswained by Jake, Keith and Rip. After a few small handicaps (i.e. no drop keel on No. 3 boat and a four hour calm) we arrived at San Juan, where the "dry four" spent a good night while the rest swam about in their micks. Surviving Creech's cooking along with Bimbo's pancakes we returned with the aid of a light breeze and a "Fire Boat." May 24:. A holiday-almost. After a parade in the morning. the College won all the boat-pulling races they entered in the afternoon. "Caddy" put in an appearance and won second prize in the fancy boat contest.

While most of the boys worked with the Air Cadets, a few of the more alert types, all potentIal Fosdicks, served as Service Police. Ross Curry proved to be quite skillful at his new position and even used psychology on the prisoners. He knew, of course, that the prisoner would never think of escaping if he were given such a responsible position as tending the gate.

Sept. 1948: On our return to the College we found that the routIne and organization had changed considerably We were now Canadian Services College, Royal Roads, and had an Air Force set-up of squadrons and flights together with a very fluid type of drill which seemed to change from day to day. For a while the whole Term was confused and at times a bit discouraged, but our abundant supply of "mental ruggedness" helped us over this period and we soon became oriented to our new surroundings. Em, Archie and Danny brought back portable whisks with them but were promptly told to shave. While counting noses on the Princess Kathleen, we found that five of our number were missing, Jack Howarth, Wilf Curtis, Teddy Rankin. Bob Beattie and Bimbo Black. Though they did not return. we shall always remember them as part of our Term. Sept. 16: Study positions were assigned to Seniors. "Royal Rogues" were formed.

Sept ll: Pidgeon Palace occupied. On visiting the Pidgeon Palace, Prof. Langlois G. Day: remarked. "What's this, a high class Loft Boys' After many arduous days of P.T. Display association I " Table and a few such minor diversions as final Overloaded with work, we found ourselves exams, Graduation Day had arrived. We became Seniors with nearly as much enthusiasm as the Seniors became "Mids." The Grad. Dance over. we left the College for a much needed rest. "There now, see how much happened to your Term in your first year . . . and you couldn't think of any material." . What about summer leave. should I mention that at all? "Well. what about the fellows who went to Air Force Stations ?" . . . Oh, yes.

Summer Leave: During the summer. while Keith, Jim, Francis and Bobo went to Sea Cadet Camps, nearly the entire Air Force Term went to various Air Force Stations. Many of them held positions of authority, take for example, Gus, who was Wing Adjutant at Gimlie. or Danny and Cy, who ran the Orderly Room at Aylmer. Doug Liss and Hi Carswell were key men in the Engineering Department at Aylmer (Anybody want their storm windows taken off, floors waxed, or screen put in?) Puge Twenty



At a loss as


how Ihey should be worn

groggy in classes, and one Cadet even slept half way through the Eigtheenth Century. We had a "racy" course in both geometry and history to make up for the lack of earl y morning P. T. Oct. 20: ,The Winkydinks Club was formed and held its first and last meeting.

Fourteen members were present and after the elections the club had fourteen presidents. After toasting the Squadron Commanders with india ink, and after singing their Club hymn (Take a look, take a gander . . .) they dispersed. Oc/. l l : . "Life gets tedious, don't it'" Nov. 1948: After living with each other for over a year, "F" Class had a re union . Following a Mess Dinner at the " Ranch ," they proceeded to a party on Chamberlain Street and were not welcomed. Nov. 13: . , Our first MidTerm Dance held at the Royal Col wood was a great success. Bouquets are in order for Teddy Francis, Zubee and our guest artists, Lt. Cdr. Frewer, Mid. Peter Shirley and a cute little Hu lu girl named Gears. Ovearheard at the Mid-Term: "Kiss me , honey!" "J can't; I'm on light duty."





Page Twen/t/ 路 one

Ronnie complained about the Mid-Term. No!). 22:. . A great day in the annals of science. Cadet J. W. McDonough discovered a new compound . . . OHSOZONE. Formula. . SCHMOOO. Dec. 1948: Before we realized it, December had arrived. and despite the great progress we were making in our new study positions. the D.O.S. decided to give us a few tests at Christmas. During December. aided by the heavy rains. the LOG sprouted a TWIG. which was generously supported by advertising. The Carol Service and Christmas Dance rounded out the Term very effectively. 0530 . . . Dec. 18: . . . The TWIG was finally finished and many bodies who had asse mbled it after the Christmas Dance dragged themselves back from the Engineering School. Jan. 1949 : Back to dear old R .R. It was in January that Sergeant first attempted to bankrupt the Cadets with his continual purging of the Drying Room. Talks of V.A.T.P .. Technical Lists. Ordnance Branch and McGill began to circulate around the Gunroom more frequentl y. Jan. 26: . . . A description in English Class . . . " Her lovel y hair flowed across her shoulders and behind ." Ronnie complained about English classes. Feb. 1949: The topic of conversation in the Gunroom was the R .M.C. trip and a new class of Cadets. known as the "R.M.C. Candidates." was founded. These fellows had a strong fondness for drill and P .T. and could be seen at all hours of the day practising them . Seniors of this class were fitted out with Juniors' uniforms and at first were at a loss as to how they should be worn. Feb. 16: . . . Overheard in Physics Sound Class: "PIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNG! ' ~" Feb. 13-18: . . . A busy week in which our first Mess Dinner and last and best MidTerm Dance were held.

I'uq. Twenty-two


Feb. 2 1: . . In his talk to the Senior Gunroom. after discussing the future of the Navy Cadets. Captain Rayner mentioned that "The day will come when most of the fleet will be under water" . destructive bunch of Midshipmen. this lot. March 1949: March found us marching more than usual in preparation for the visit of the Governor General and the Chief of Naval Staff. The "LOG jitters" were prevalent among the LOG staff. and "exa m jitters" among the rest of the Cadets. But all March days were not blue days. March 3: . . . Today the propeller. acquired during "Operation Fledgling." finally made its appearance in the Gunroom. A year ago. it had been decided that all of us would help clean up the prop and that a clock would be installed in it. Doug Liss did a fine job. Perhaps in years to come. it may recall the memory of the only R.C.N./R.C.A.F. Term in College history. March 17: . . . On the evening of St. Patrick's Day. loyal Irishman. James McDonnaugh, suddenly turned Orangeman . . . until he managed to wash off the Tincture of Methiolate. poured on his head by a few staunch Scotsmen. Carswell had "drawer trouble." Ronnie complained about St. Patrick's Day. March 18:. . Roscoe did a one-and-ahalf from his upper bunk before an unappreciative audience. March 29: . . . Blood was flowing thick and fast in the Castle: but it was nothing to worry about. After an inspiring speech by our X.O. 947< of the Term gave blood donations to the Red Cross. The percentage might have been higher had it not been for people like Howard . who had no veins. and Witt. who had no blood. together with Graveyard. who went to the Castle with all good intentions. but ended up receiving a pint. Aprt11949: The last few days went quickly. A couple of weeks of feverish cramming. nervous anxiety. and hopes that "Barney" will jack the marks," and our day had arrived. (ContInued on Page 36)

1 OPERATION INITIATION By G. MCCAFFREY T the stroke of twelve a Wednesday in Cumming were "a llowed " to shave with October was born. True, there were straight razors in Neptune pool. wearing of other Wednesdays in October but this course the somewhat scanty rig of the day. Nepone will be remembered by each and everyone tune did not even bat an eyelid when " Hanky " of us as the fateful day of " Operation InitiaKerr and Herb Pitts swam a 10 yard race (4 tion ." laps) in his sacred pool. When the Cadets fell in for breakfast the Juniors were attired in the very latest fashions of the day. The highlights were Patterson's white tam. Sweeney 's ankle length black velvet robe adorned with gold and white elastic accessories and Chuck Taylor's ensemble of ferns . During this ceremony even Neptune had been dressed to su pport the occasion by Cadet Knight. Breakfast was enjoyed by all . Seniors . Cardinal Maxwell decided that a square meal should be eaten squarely and impressed this point on the Juniors. Tables were a luxury and spoons unheard of: sugar was found in salt shakers and pepper in the sugar bowls. Later on the way to classes cries of "Make way for the 'Royal Rogues'" could be heard echoing through the building closely followed by clubwielding Waddington and several other Rogue doggies who would clear a path for Rip Kirby, Ray Ross and Jim Creech or some other staunch "Rogue." Great was the consternation of the instructors on seeing Nelles barking, frothing High wire and crawling on all fours or Joe P. with his There was the sound of revelry by night and IOO-lb. cleat . Arnold even tried to sell Fred the crash of Cadet Officers' beds. Attack folCrickard to Professor Cook as a slave girl. lowed attack as obedient "doggies" (bless their An inspiring meal (of corn beef and cablittle hearts) carried out some evil order of their bage) was quickly followed by yet another inmaster or unsuspecting senior. Some tried to teresting sport. sponsored by Zoobee. Hank, protect themselves against the onslaught but all Hi and Rip . At the sound of the bugler playin vain and even such gentlemen (1) as Young and Prentice who had chained their beds together did not escape. Several uniforms bearing little gold bars were found at sunrise at halfmast on the yardarm, thanks to the special consideration of Messrs. Cumming, Riddel and McKee. Even the Captain was indirectly a victim as junior after junior visited his orchard to procure for their starving masters the food that lay therein. Yes. they came in pyjamas (Simons), in grass skirts (Withers) and in - - ( Broadbent), only to find that Crickard had borrowed all the apples and placed them in the Junior Gunroom. Long before sunrise, morning came in the Cadet Block. Doggies hastened to render service to their masters and protect them from marauders. Great delight was taken by the evil-doers of the "Knight" before in witnessing the utter confusion of seniors seeking their beds (Trebell's had taken post on the square), or searching for their uniforms only to have them hidden again by some other senior's faithful doggie such as Smyth . But the Seniors also had some laughs when Swartman, Peppler and Water hanrd


Page Tu..'entl/three

There they go

ing "horses to the post" some 25 juniors placed open cans of shoe polish before them and made ready on all fours. Some five minutes later Williams and Peacock simultaneously reached the far side of the square. having propelled their

can thither without use of feet. arms. hands or anything in fact except their noses. Ten minutes later. Hay being the last to finish was afforded the opportunity to wash up in Neptune fountain. Then before we knew it initiation proper had started. A short but (ouch!) thorough inspection was followed by a conga line which "BA" led as far as the first mud puddle where we practiced forward rolls. Despite our boiler suits. worn backwards. and with the aid of cheerful urging from the Seniors. we surmounted all the obstacles including streams. mud. coal piles. slipping logs. tunnels and fire hoses. Across the lower lake were rigged two ropes vertically separated by about 5 feet. These we had to cross and it looked comparatively easy until we discovered that the ropes had 3 degrees of freedom. One Senior, Emerson. and three Juniors. Parizeau. Germain and Margolese. were recommended for the purple heart but all four recovered in a short time. To round out the evening we all gathered in the Senior Gunroom where refreshments were served and we learnt several libertyboat lyrics from the Seniors.

THE CAROL SERVICE By G. H. KNIGHT vocal talent into a small group of carollers. who sang the French carols. "II est Ne Ie Divin Enfant." "En Passant Par la Lorraine" and "Dans Cette Etable" in fine style. This same group also sang the beautiful Spanish carol. "0 Santisimo." The enthusiastic voices of the Cadet body seemed in fine tone as they joined in the singing of the well-known carols. "Hark the Herald Angels Sing." "Good King Wenceslas." and "Carol. Sweetly Carol." The oft-voiced theory that there aren't three

ADING memories of the examinations quickly gave way to the joyful Christmas Spirit as the Officers. Cadets. Ship's Company. Guests. and Civilian Staff gathered together to enjoy the traditional Carol Service marking the close of another Autumn Term. The rapid expansion of Royal Roads was evidenced by the necessity of holding the Service on the Quarterdeck in lieu of the Castle in order to accommodate the many people who attended. The Service was conducted by Padre B. A. Peglar. who. after welcoming our many guests. started off our singing with two favorite carols. "Adestes Fideles" and "Shepherds in the Fields Abiding." Something new was added this year: the Padre was actually able to scrape together sufficient talent from the Cadet Wing to form a College Orchestra. Conducted by Lt. Cdr. R. P. Besant. R.C.N.R. (Ret.). conductor of the Victoria Symphony Orchestra, the Cadets added a real touch to the Service. Captain Rayner is to be thanked for adding his musical talent as a flautist to that of the Cadets. We feel deeply indebted to our guest artist. Mr Dudley Wickett. for his beautiful rendition of Rowley路s. "How Far Is It to Bethlehem" and the ever-loved. "0 Holy Night." He was ably accompanied by Mrs. Maquinna Anderson. Cadet Gagnon had organized the Cadets'


(Continued on Page 34)

Carol service


Bethlehem Star

WARM and lazy winter sun climbed over the horizon on Friday morning, December 17, and threw a startled glance on the Quarterdeck. Dungaree-clad figures rushed from place to place. carrying out the frantic orders of the decoration committee. Weeks of planning were now materializing, as streamers, tinsel, cedar and holl y branches fell in to place. By mid-afternoon, the stately grace of the Quarterdeck had been transformed in to a scene from Hans Anderson. The balance of the afternoon was spen t in last minute preparations for the evening; immaculate uniforms and sparkling shoes were the order of the day. Approaching the Castle, the scene that unfolded before us was not easy to forget. On the tip of the tallest spruce tree centering the spacious. sloping lawn shone the Bethlehem Star. while the rest of rhe tree was brilliant with a myriad of coloured lights . Strings of coloured lights illuminated Neptune Stairs and King Neptune himself hunted for victims in his murky pool with the aid of red and green side lights. The daytime chalk-whiteness of the Cadet Block was a riot of blues, reds, yellows and greens.


A warm and friendly spirit pervaded the interior of the block, reflected everywhere in the gay streamers, interwoven with cedar and holly. On reaching the Quarterdeck we saw the Cadets with their dates descending the cen tre stairs under tinselled arches to be received by Captain and Mrs. Rayner, Cadet Wing Commander Noel Lyon and his pretty date. Miss Jill Wallinger. On the dais was Len Acres and his very fine orches

By E. D. FRANCIS tra who were providing the evening's musical entertainment. Around the Quarterdeck there was evidence of a master's touch in decoration. Large gilded scrolls with Christmas messages printed on them hung from the walls. on eithe r side of the orchestra were huge Christmas stockings and six foot peppermint sticks were set at every corner beside gaily decorated ChrIstmas trees. Senior Cadet Ross and his coworkers had done a very beautiful Job A College Ball would not be complete without a brief intermisson from dancing to enjoy th e ridiculous. The B.B.C.路s thrilling saga of the "Solitary Constable and His Faithful Aborigine Companion. Toronto" drew hearty applause from even the most staid Britons in the audience. a tribute to their understanding sense of humor. Following this, the Seniors gave their impressions of College life as expressed in excerpts from various popular so~gs. What they lacked in harmony they made up In humor. The entertainment was well received by all present. orchids to Cadet Jones and Junior Cadet Withers. The supper dance is one that is always thoroughly enjoyed by the Cadets for "no matter how much one has eaten for dinner. there is always room for more"-Cadet Prentice. Both guests and Cadets enjoyed a delicious supper of salads, cold meats. with shortbreads. cakes, jellies and coffee. All too soon the familiar strains of a home waltz were heard and another College Christmas Ball was over. In years to come when we find ourselves celebrating the Christmas season In the four corners of the world, pleasant memories of this occasion will unite us once again.

Chri\Ul1Je; "tockings .1nd tinselled archcc; 1




J. N. HIS year for the first time in Canadian history, Cadets from the Services at Royal Roads flew to Kingston, Ontario, for the first annual competition with the Services College in the East. The fact tha t we lost the competition is a mere detail now almost forgotten. The important and lasting fact is that we started what we hoped will be a series of friendly annual competitions, the keynote of which will be unsurpassed sportsmanship and good relations between the two brother Colleges. To start at the beginning brings us back to Royal Roads on the afternoon of February 23, when the Commandant and those staying behind cheered off the thirty-four Cadets who had been selected to represent the College after some weeks of arduous training and eliminations. It was a warm sunny afternoon and the scene was one of the kind that lingers in a Cadet's mind years after he has left the College as a dream often lingers on through the morning. The Navy's Transports took us to Pat Bay, where we boarded the R.C.A .F. High Speed Launches "Huron" and "Malecite" after lashing our High-Box


P(/(/t' [U.'l'ntV "s/\



and Spring-Board to the deck of the "Huron." Two hours later found us under a Burrard Street Bridge in Vancouver, where we unloaded our gear and were whisked off to Sea Island by Army transport. There, after eagerly disposing of an excellent dinner, we went to our quarters to clean up, all the while singing praises of the Wing Commander who had just announced general eleven o'clock leave. It was our first visit to a real lively city since Christmas and the results were dynamic-morale hit a peak value that night. Many of the "A" and "B" Team members having

previousl y established "contacts " In Vancouver went most of the way with the crowd but disappeared steal thily into the night. Ah yes. there were some groggy faces next morning. SpeakIng of peaks. we were scheduled to fly over a good many that morning. a fact we kept in mind as we watched one suitcase after another disappear into the luggage compartments. The R .e.AF. types seemed appallingly unconcerned. however . so the rest decided everything must be under control The big North Star had been previously owned by T.e.A . and although it wasn't pressurized . its interior was definitely what we would describe as a plush job. The flight was smooth and clear all the way after we left the Coast. although the thin air at 13 .00 0 feet with no oxygen and non-pressur ized fuselage caused drowsiness and often left us gasping for breath . With no "silver han-

burn and !Isley represe nting R oyal R oads. The . results were close, R .M.e. getting a one point in two hundred edge, and our team is to be commended for so me good shooting. At eight o'clock that evening the Royal R oads doubled onto the floor for the P.T. table , after which came th e Matwork and High-Box display. We lost the P. T. competition by a narrow margin but won the point for gymnastics. giving us our first score. Then came a closely contested Bas ketball game which ended with R .M .e. on top. 46-31 . For R.M.e.. Kiar and Kelley were high scorers with 10 and 10 points respectively , while Tarnowski was chief goal-getter for Royal Roads with 12 points. Then came the event we had been looking forward to for some time- sleep. Owing to an unfair advantage we won that , as the R .M .e. Cadets had to attend classes on Saturday morn ing. Meanwhile we had a drill rehearsal in one of the nearby Army drill halls . After dinner

dIes" for Tarnowski to pull on, no paper bags. and th e conspicuous absence of " Pusser Jim's" green face the trip passed uneventfully in sightseeing. bridge and fitful slumber. It was dark by the time we landed at Trenton nine hours later where four R . M.e. Cadets and a chartered bus were waiting to take us to Kingston. Arriving at R .M.e. in the neighborhood of one a.m., we were nevertheless greeted by great flocks of Cadets who showed us our quarters and after some vain attempts to obtain enthusiastic conversation from us decided we needed sleep most of all. The following day competition began . The events to be competed in were : Shooting, P .T .. Gymnastics, Basketball, Drill and Volleyball. During the morning we had a light but thorough P.T. workout, after which Brigadier Agnew. Commandant of R.M .e., welcomed us to the College. In the afternoon the shooting was held- Marsh , Waddington , Moffat, Coch-

we played off the Volleyball, which we lost in favor of a more experienced team . A quick shower and change later. we were on our way to the R .e. E.M.E. drill hall for the last event. It must have been a nightmare for the judges with our team using Naval Drill and R.M .e. Team Army Drill , but they finally came through with a 2- I-split decision in favor of the R .M .e. squad. After the tenseness and strain of the past day and a half. the dance held on Saturday night was a most welcome and appreciated event. For some Cadets it was an especially successful dance since the parents and friends who had witnessed the competitions were able to attend also. During the evening. Cadet E. M . Mills of R .M .e. received the trophy for his team while Cadet Trebell received a combined Losers and GoodWill plaque. All too soon the pleasant strains of the orchestra faded away and the dance had come to an end. [ Page Twenty -sellen

After a Sunday morning Church Parade and an afternoon of touring the local points of interest. we returned to Trenton for the journey home. Taking off at eleven p m .. we touched down at a twenty-one-below-zero Winnipeg for a deep-freeze treatment and breakfast while the aircraft was refueled. As we came over the Rockies the sun began to catch up to us. bringing out the cold beauty of the rugged B.C. country. At Vancouver the sun was just dissolving the early morning mist when we taxied to a stop. Another two hours on the "Huron" and "Malecite" with a bright sun shining on a clear sea. a short trip in the good old transports and we were home again. For the thirty-four Cadets who went. the trip was generally successful. For many it was our first plane trip. and left a very favourable impression. For others. it was our first trip to

Puge Twenty -eIght


Eastern Canada, or the first time to R.M.C.; but for all. it was the first year of what is to become a great traditional event. the annual competition between Canada's Service Colleges. and we were all proud to have been the first to represent our College. Royal Roads. The results of the competition were disappointing. but we know that everyone had given of his best for the College. Great credit is due to those who planned the competition for a well-organized operation and to the three Services for the efficient and well-coordinated transportation facilities which made the trip possible. We must not fail to mention the P.T. Staff. Lt. Mylrea and P.O. Searle. who worked so hard to bring the high degree of skill to the tcam. and F L Wicken and F S Devought who likewise devoted much patience in developing our drill to the fine standard of perfection.



NTO each life, a little rain must fall. We must all be destined for uery long lives after being subjected to so much rain. However, I have been commissioned to paint for you, a picture of the sunny times in the Junior Gunroom.


It could happen to you

During this term, much less effort has been put forth towards the development of a social life among the Juniors, the one major exception being a term dance. However, in lieu of this, there has developed a feeling of responsibility and frank friendliness in the Junior Term as a whole. Day by day we have found ourselves calling more and more of our term-mates by their first names; something very rare before Christmas. On each occasion that our members have been together outside of the College, a new and deeper friendship and spirit has developed. In line with this same thought, something additional has been learned by the majority of our term. We have found out that the Senior Term is just as amiable and just as friendly as our own group. The first lesson came during our Christmas travel. to and from home. The second came to the few of us who were on the R.M.C. team. We found out that once away from the College a feeling of comraderie existed among us all, Juniors and Seniors. This is a tradition which we must preserve for next year's Juniors. It is unfortunate that so few of the Cadets could participate in the R.M.C. trip. It was, I bel ieve, the highl ight of the year and well worth the work we all put into it. Wholeheartedly behind those of us who went to R.M.C., was the remainder of the Term. I might add that on our return we were plagued, not only for accounts of every minute we spent away, but also for explanations, reasons, or even excuses for the outcome of the tournament. A solemn pact was made that next year things will be different. On the whole, this past term has been an extremely quiet one, with a great deal of time being spent in studies and on exam speculation.


The bridge fadlsts have diminished In number, turning to less strenuous relaxation. Some have taken up "honeymoon whist"; others are content to sit. smoking their neighbour's cigarettes, and listen to records on the new Gunroom combination radio. Though many things have changed, Ted Day's definition of the Gunroom still holds true-"the world's only ashtray with a door in it." Thanks to the very generous aid of the Recreation Fund, the Gunroom now displays a new combination radio. For the first time since last September, we hear the odd radio programme in the record line. Various members of the Term seem to have become fascinated by martial music-especially the bagpipes. No longer is the writhing form of Joe Laudenbach seen pulsating to "Slow Boat to China," but in his stead is Broadbent. beating two pencils, on the arm of a chair, in time to "The British Grenadiers." To the joy of the pianists, the ancient "Spinet" has been replaced by an instrument worthy of the title-piano. There has only been one term game this term in competition with the Seniors, a softball game, the score of which I shan't quote. Be it enough for me to say that next year, when we too have grown old and lost our youthful abilities, we may be defeated by the Juniors.

Monster may gel you POl}t! TWentll mnt>

VARIATIONS FROM THE MAIN THEME N October 23rd at 1600. W IC Ingalls and seven former Air Cadets left Royal Roads for Pat Bay on the first leg of the journey to Vancouver for a dinner given by the Air Cadet League. The Cadets were all winners of Air Cadet Scholarships . On landing at Sea Island at 1747 we were whisked away to the Officers' Mess at Jericho Air Station accompanied by the 0 C Sea Island. A sumptuous dinner was served at 1930, during which the Air Force and its contribution to victory were widely discussed . The after-dinner speakers. who were all prominent officers. commended the Air Cadet League for the donation of the scholarships. but stated that even more energy and drive would be needed in the near future. The " Princess Joan" arrived just in time for us to make classes. For six of us these were at bes t a hazy affair. but Broadbent flaked out completely.


Air Commodore R . L. R. Atcherly. e.B.E .. A F.e. and Bar. R.A .F.. and Mr. Patrick Johnso n . the Commandant and Director of Studies respectively of the Royal Air Force Training College. Cranwel1. England, visited the College from 7th November to 9th November. 1948 . During theif stay here. profitable discussions on organization and training took place with the Commandant and Staff at Royal Roads. The Cadets were inspected by the Air Commodore. who paused often to ask questions and who expressed interest in the uniforms and the Cadet Officer system in use. The Air Commodore mentioned that the RA.F. was watching with interest the Univer~ ity Air Training Plan in Canada under which a pilot is trained to Wings Standard during three successive summers of training during vacation time. The month of October. 1948 . will long be remembered as a milestone in the history of the Royal Roads LOG. For many years the editing of the LOG has been carried out under adverse conditions. Not the least of these have been lack of spare time. delays due to official censorship and financial difficulties. but more importan t has been the lack of an official residence. For some time the very generous occupants of the Navigation Office have allowed the LOG staff to share these premises. This crowded and unhealthy atmosphere was not. however. compatible with the fullest development of the LOG and so it was with great rejoicing (a nd celebration ) that the LOG Office was officially opened. Page Thirty


In these new surroundings, with an energetic and efficient staff and with their own typewriter. the LOG flourished and blossomed and even. sprouted a TWIG. The TWIG was the result of a contract with the printer which excluded a Christmas issue of the LOG. The Cadets. not to be beaten by the mere lack of a printer. decided to produce a small magazine by themselves and despite the few days that we had to take off for Christmas. it was finished at 0500 on the morning of the day on which our Christmas leave commenced. Soon after our return from Christmas leave. Victoria weather took a change for the better . the continual winter rain changed to alternate snow and sleet. The winter landscape was such a novelty at the College that the Cadets were

Squirmlsh on the square

soon engaged in juvenile sports. When outpipes went for classes. the Seniors still had half the Square but were being hard -pressed by the superior (in numbers only) forces of the Junior Term. Half of P .T. class was devoted to what was supposed to be inter-flight snowballing. but what rapidly developed into Junior versus Cadet Officers grudge fight . As has been the practice in the past . Mr. R . e. Stevenson was host to the Navy League Scholarship Cadets at a dinner held at the Empress Hotel on the 16th January. 1949. Mr. Stevenson . who annually tours the Dominion in his capacity of Coordinator of Sea Cadet Activities for the Navy League. has established this custom for the purpose of personally meeting each Cadet who is being sponsored by the Navy League. The dinner affords not only the opportunity of a fine mea l but also gives all the

ex-Sea Cadets a chance to inquire of developments In their respective corps since they have been at the College. At present there are ten scholarship winners at C.Sc.: Senior Cadets Kennedy . Kirby. Szach. Young. Orr, McDonough. and Junior Cadets McCaffrey. Cummings. Ilsley and McKenzi~. We hope that in the future. our successors will find this annual event as pleasant and informative as we have. Coincident with the R.M.C. trip. this pleasant cruise aboard M .L. 124 provided seven Cadets with an interesting diversion for the Stand-Down week-end. The trip. under the supervision of Lt. Wall. took in the picturesq~e scenery of the Islands in the Straits of Geor~la as far as Nanaimo. Ganges Harbor (pop. In-

A critical eye

the Governor-General, arrived at 1025 and inspected the Wing under arms. He spoke briefly to the Cadets. mentioning that he had noticed the new Junior uniform. which he had not seen here last year. He stressed the importance of the cooperation of the three services and said what a fine thing it was that Cadets of all three services should train together here. In true Victoria style. the sun came out to grace His Excellency's departure and the Cadets lined the roadway to give three cheers. A mobile Blood Donor Unit of the Canadian Red Cross paid Royal Roads a visit this March. An inordinate amount of brass

linitessimal). although no metropolis. proved very interesting and Nanaimo quite lives up to its reputation. Need we say more . . . l Our main impressions of the trip were: The excellence of the ship's cuisine: the appalling noise of the ship's engines: and the inordinate amount of brass on a Fairmile. On the whole, a very good show' .. All Cadets will carry rifles on Wing Parade this morning." By the third week in April this had become an all too familiar pipe. The reasons for this extensive training in rifle drill were the two parades which took place on March 23 and March 26. The first was on the occasion of the visit of the Chief of Naval Staff to the College. The Cadets fell in on the parade ground at 1030. under arms. on a beautiful. sunny. spring mor'ling. The Admiral was introduced to the m~mbers of the staff. inspected the Cadets and Ship's Company and said a few words to the Cadets. in which he emphasized the worthiness and benefits of a service career The Cadets marched past and advanced in review order to end the parade. On Saturday. 26th March. our luck ran out and owing to an intermittent drizzle. the parade was held on the Quarterdeck. His Excellency.


luck ran out


I t is rumored that some of the Cadets dropped in to buy a quart or so of blood in view of the coming examinations. but succumbed to the charms of the attractive nurses and the "cold cokes" and ended up by losing a pint. Seriously. though. we were exceptionally pleased to hear that 94~( of the Cadets donated Even King Neptune was sporting a "ba nd -a id" on his arm the next day. Fine show. fellows' [ Page Thirty-one

THE MIDTERM DANCE By H. A. CARSWELL WILIGHT and evening star, and one well. Lt. Mylrea, Padre Peglar and F L Wicken. clear call for me, It's Francis and his famous This worthy group gave us their rending rendiwords, "Get thee to the midterm." Snow tion of "Someone's in the Kitchen With Dinah" and freezing weather were against us, but after and some other piece which no one was able to practising elocution in our Economics periods recognize. Did they sing without the piano all year we were finally able to persuade the because of their keen musical ears, or because the U-Drive owners to gamble on us. piano was in tune? But seriously, both quartets The Royal Col wood Golf Club was the scene were exceptionally good, and, thanks to our of our dance, and its friend I y atmosphere put very capable M.e., "Bobo Honus" (officially us in the appropriate mood. Stan Szach and known as Bob Jones), things ran as planned AI Bell (Thank you, music lovers) mixed it throughout the entire evening. hot and sweet with "Ray Cording and His Captain and Mrs. Rayner were in attendance, Orchestra" and I'm certain that Zubee's final as well as several of the College Officers and ten-minute "Moonlight Serenade" was a hightheir wives, and our long-standing friends, light of the evening. Captain and Mrs. J. D. Prentice, were our And speaking of highlights, do I hear Delta chaperones. Rhythm boys in the background? Why, of After supper, dancing was resumed and again course, it's the "Ferocious Four," Canada's we heard soft words of love, such as "Oh answer to bacteriological warfare, consisting of Cherie, you are so beautiful." "My darling, I Ted DeLong, Rip Kirby, Ross Curry and Ray love you so," or "Pick up your feet, you big Howey, with Bill Welbourn (Moose, that is) boob." But all too soon it was midnight and at the piano. This quartet provided us with the Cadets reluctantly broke away from their last Term Dance. However, extra leave had some fine entertainment in "Kentucky Babe," "Mood Indigo" and "Cigareets and Whusky." been granted, and, all in all. I'm sure the Cadets Not to be outdone by mere Cadets, the officers made this the best Midterm Dance in Royal took up our challenge in the form of Lt. MaxRoads history.


JUNIOR MIDTERM By M. Y. PERRAULT this seems to be the telephone booth with which ACH College activity is characterized by is also connected a second feature.. namely some special feature. The Mid-Term a great shortage of small change and the cry Dance is no exception, but in this case "Has anyone got a nickel?" becomes even more the notable feature is the continual crowd of frequent than "Is Pagnutti here?" Cadets in the Quartermaster's Lobby from the 6th February was the date and once again da y the dance is a mere ru mor un til 6: 00 o'clock leave was extended and the Cadets enjoyed the on the evening of the dance. The reason for



[>C/ge Thirty -two


company of the fairer sex. This was the first thanks to them. everything rolled off perfectly. Two weeks beforehand. the Gunroom had unanimously agreed on the dance and immediately work started which ultimately produced such a successful dance. It was held at the Royal Col wood Golf Club. which proved an excellent place ... the floor was filled but not crowded. The entertainment was of a still higher quality than at our previous mid-term. for not only did the Cadets participate but the Officers' Quartette came forth with some interesting renditions of various songs. Cadets Peacock and Withers performed a skit on "Terry and the Pirates." followed by Cadet May, who tried to major activity put on by our new executive and. hang himself but miraculously escaped. thus saving us the trouble of burying him. Cadet . Yo-Yo" read us a letter home which he had just written concerning Montreal and Victoria. Our doubts as to the percentage of Scotch in his blood were soon dispelled by the sight of the paper on which the letter was written. However. the highlight of the evening came when Padre Peglar. F / L Wicken. Lt. Maxwell and Lt. Mylrea stepped on to the stage and struggled through ''I've Been Working On the Railroad" W C Ingalls and Lt. Cdr. Connor

then joined them to sing (?) " Jingle Bells. " Every item on the program was greatly appre ciated as indicated by the hearty applause that followed. The Junior Term was honoured by the presence of Mr. and Mrs. Wallis. who were kind enough to act as chaperons for the dance. Among the other guests were the Commandant and Mrs. Rayner. Wing Commander and Mrs. Ingalls, Padre and Mrs. Peglar. and a number of officers of the staff. Thanks go to Cadet Withers , who served as master-of-ceremonies; to Cadets Cummings and Cotaras for music slow and sentimental; bou quets to the Gunroom Committee, composed of Cadets Knight, Okros, Wallis and Pitts for their excellen t organization . Finall y, thanks go to all the Cadets and their dates without whom the dance would never have been a success. Although the evening ended far too soon for the Cadets. it made a vivid impression; for at the next Gunroom meeting the first question was "When is the next dance 1" The answer was "Sometime in the Autumn." All the Cadets are looking forward to our first midterm next year.


THE LOG The "Does your hat still fit you?" Department. Congratulations are extended to; Instr. Cdr. G. L. Amyot, who returned from Christmas with a new and shiny "brass hat." Lieut. R. P. Mylrea, wh" again featured in the ,\ppointment Lists. thus acquiring hi, sec()nd stripe. Wardmaster Lt. B. Caddick on his promotion from cOll1ll1i"ioned \\路ardma, ter. Shpt. Lt. J. A. McLaren, wh o was not forgotten either in the ,\ppointll1ent Lists. Inst. Lt. J. D. Harbron. whose history lectures are e\ en better than "hen he was a Sub1.icut { Pa q., Thirtl /' thn'l'

The" U nini tiated" Department. \\'armest commiserations to: Inst. Lt. Cdr. ]. M. Clark and Mr. G. E. Dalsin, who arc assisting in accelerating the Maths. CI III rse.

Instr. Lt. Cdr. W. H. Fowler, whose English lectures e\'cn in bleakest winter inspired thoughts of spring. Mr. A. G. Bricknell, who is in charge of Chemistry, (We are glad he has thus far sur\i \ ed its smells, smoke and minor explosions), Capt. T. S. Brunstrom, M,C., R.C.A.C., who came to us in September as No.2 Squadron C(lllllllancier.

Instr. Lt. ]. L. P. Bernatchez, whose fervent interest in his Spanish classes is most aptly expressed in his own worcis: "Eso no me importa." Instr. Lt. ]. D. Harbron, who has been marking the II istor), papers this year. Mr. ]. A. Izard, whose course in Descripti\'c Ceumctry is \ery useful, they say-for De'cri pt i \e Ceomet ry Exams. Lt. (E) A. C. Karagianis, who has replaced Lt. Johns at the Engineering School. 111掳路


Mr. A. Strodyk, whose coverage of French includes much interesting information concernFrench Gaiety. Sergeant Falconer, who, it is rumoured, has been offered a job by Woolworth's.

The "Deported" Department. \\'c are sorry to lose Instr. Lt. Cdr. P. Bance. The billiard room is far less smoky. Mr. ]. S. M. Langlois, \lho has taken up a positioll in t he External ;\[fairs Department. Lt. C. G. Pratt, whose departure meant the loss of one of our best friends. Lt. (E) L. R. Johns, \lh" has left for the ";\fagnificcnl."

"Pink and Blue" Department. Congratulations to: Wing Commander and Mrs. Ingalls, who were blessed on .\ugust 8th, 1948, with a little \\' ing Cooed, Esmee Roberta. Lt. Cdr. and Mrs. Connor, who also recei ved of life's joys in the form of Joel Gerrat on October 2nd, 1948.

The "In a moment of weakness" Department, ;\fuch to the consternation of the Senior Term. Lieut. Pratt forsook bachelorhood holy cieadlock \lith :--liss Mary \Varlowe. Capt. T. S. Brunstrom also consented to holy monotony, with Mrs. Anne O'Neil. Lieut. T. W. Wall, in true "Term Lieutenant" tradition. ful \lith :--fiss Joan \\' ar!owe.



ill also join the ranks of the faith-

CAROL SERVICE-(Continued) Cadets in the College who could do justice to a solo was completely shattered by Cadets Creech, DeLong and Howey. who voiced the words of Melchoir. Gaspar and Belthazar in "We Three Kings." Later. Cadet Curry sang the beautiful carol. "Silent Night." The Service continued with the theme. "The Christmas Story in Scripture and Song." Scripture lessons were read by Cadet Lyon. Mrs. I'cufl' Thirty 路 foor


Allan, c.P.O. Shirley and Captain Brunstrom, and finally, the Christmas Gospel by Captain Rayner. The lessons were intermingled with the singing of carols. Captain Rayner thanked our many welcome friends for helping to make the evening a great success. Refreshments were served in the Cadet Block to bring down the curtain on yet another inspiring and spirited Carol Service.

COLLEGE CLUBS Hobbies and extra-curricular activities have always played an important part in a Cadet's life at Royal Roads. Until last year. the last two periods on Saturday morning had always been laid aside for hobby classes. Last year. however. the sudden removal of this opportunity killed many of the Clubs. but gradually they are being revived. Several have made fresh starts this year and one or two new ones have been formed. The Recreatio n Club has recognized and supported the Camera Club. the International Relations Club. the Philatelic Club, and the Model Aircraft Hobby Club. THE INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS CLUB: At the beginning of the year, a proposal was advanced by a certain group in the Senior Term that the once-flourishing International Relations Club. which unfortunately had lain dormant last year. should be officially re-established as a recognized extra-curricular organization . A committee was appointed from the enthusiastic exponents to enlist the aid of our History instructor, Lieut. J. D. Harbron . in the organization and operation of a College I.R.C. Under his able guidance the Club was quickly organized, an Executive selected. a charter promulgated. and official recognition granted. It was decided that the primary object of the I.R.C. was to study International Affairs, with special consideration towards the ultimate effect of each particular situation or problem discussed on the Canadian political or economic scene. Lieut. Harbron attended each meeting in an advisory capacity and presented at the conclusion of each discussion a short, impartial critique of our presentation of the topic. He was also instrumental in procuring our guest speakers, Mr. W . A. Ireland , the Provincial Archivist and Librarian, who spoke on British Columbia. and Mr. Bates, who presented the platforms of the major Canadian political parties. Early this year, six Junior members were elected into the Club for the purpose of forming the embryo of next year's I.R.C. We sincerely hope that they will be successful in their efforts in improving and enlarging one of the more promising organizations within this College. THE CAMERA CLUB This year the Camera Club was organized by Cadets Clarke and Seath. who held the offices of president and secretary-treasurer respectively . The Club had an enrollment of 34 members. who turned out many fine pictures. including most of those in this issue. The Camera Club is under the auspices of

the Recreation Club and, thanks to their grant, was able to purchase much needed equipment. Thanks are also owing to Mr. BricknelL who aided th e Club in many ways by his advice and time. Highlights of the season were lectures given by the Cadets. These included those on composition by McLaughlin . on lenses by Withers. and on darkroom technique by Clarke. The final event of the year was a contest open to all Cadets. Many fine pictures were turned in and prizes were awarded to Cadets McLaughlin. Clarke, and Fortier. who won first . second and third prizes respectively. We wish to thank the judges of this contest who so willingly gave their time to make the selection of the winn ing pictures. MODEL AIRCRAFT HOBBY CLUB Model Aircraft building is a new activity here at the College. Although the newlyformed club has not shown any of the visible traits of an active organization as yet. the foundation has been laid for a constructive and enjoyable hobby for future terms. A committee consisting of two Seniors. Liss and Crawford. and two Juniors. Lowes and ChappeL drew up a list of necessary materials which are on order. A clubroom in the Castle has been approved. and awaits only the arrival of the equipment before it can swing into full scale operations. The aims of the club are to construct all types of aircraft models and also to teach new members the finer arts of model building. We hope that by next year the club's models will have adequately high performance to participate in local contests. THE STAMP CLUB For the past three years Cadets had expressed the wish to organize a Stamp Club at the College and only this year have succeeded in founding it. Everyone knows the multiple purpose of stamp collecting. It develops the ingenuity of the young collector. who tries to arrange his album in an artistic way; it increases his accuracy by compelling the hobbyist to notice all the differences in paper. colour. printings of the same stamps, and it also teaches him much geography, giving him information on small countries or states which. most probably. he will never have the chance to visit. A secondary purpose of stamp collecting. in no way the least important, is the fact that those stamps represent real value and that stamp collecting is in many cases one way of saving money. The Club. at its first meeting. attracted some fifteen collectors. but unfortunately some of [ Page Thirty-five

them soon realized that they could not compete with the advanced collectors and so never bothered attending the subsequent meetings Amongst those whose interest kept steadily increasing are Senior Cadet Charron, who at present is specializing in British Colonial. Canadian and American stamps; Junior Cadet Nelles, whose Canadian collection shows some really fine values. and Cadet G. P . Harley, who is interested in a world-wide collection, but specializes at the same time in British Colonial stamps.

1 he Club IS sponsored by Instr. Lt P Bernatchez, who. being himself an enthusiastic col lector, lIkes to give the Cadets all the help he can. It is to be hoped that more stamp collectors will join the Club in the years to come and by doing so join the group of the famous stamp collectors of the world, such as the late King George V, the late President Roosevelt. His Majesty King George VI. and the twelve to fifteen million stamp collectors in the United States and the 500,000 in Canada.

SENIOR GUN ROOM NOTES-(Continued) Apnl 30: Our last day in the Gunroom , and the Class of '49 departs for greener fields. Say , that wasn't SO BAD AFTER ALL' Thanks a lot. Spirit. " Don't mention it; I'd do the same for anyone in your Term . . I hope Ronnie doesn't complain too much about the article . , and don't forget. your Term may leave . but your spirit will always remain

in the Senior Gunroom So long, Kenny. Pit. Rusty, Zubee, Andy E, Higgsy. Freddie. Stew, Gus, Smillie. Gabby, Keith, Patty, Mac, AI. Whooey, Ronnie, Cwabby, Bill. Frankie, Harve, Lorne. Pudgums, Screech, Em, Ray, Swanson, Jimmie , Mitty, Roscoe, Onions. Hammy, Jake, Mitch, Oh-So, Ewald, Barry. Monster. Bobo, Cy. Curly. Danny, Les, Doug, Graveyard, Moosee. Carl. Rip , Larry, Francie. Willie. Andy. Gears, Scotty. Archie and you, Hank."

Rain was drizzling from the sky In a typical Victoria shower and the grounds were slightly dampened, but since we didn't mind walking in the rain, we left in spite of it It was to be a trip to Col wood, the kind often made by Cadets on Sundays . . and for some reason we decided to go through the woods. We walked towards the path which takes one from the circle and winds its way down into a gully filled with slender birch , stately fir trees and a swiftmoving, jostling stream As we sauntered down the path into the gully, Dick remarked with a weary sigh that "Well. only three weeks more and you'll be finished with this accursed place." We had been hearing remarks of this nature ever since we arrived at the College, most of them in a jesting mood, but somehow, now they began to strike home This "accursed place" wasn't so bad after all and, although some of us will hate to admit it, all of us, even Ronny , will miss the College. As we walked on, the stream flowed more swiftly into the gully, and in the distance the crashing of a waterfall was audible. Our life here at the Col-

lege is typified by the stream rushing. surging, always moving. always accomplishing something; though at times we wondered. The banks of the stream were the guiding hands which were always ready to help us on to keep us going in the right direction. Rocks in th.' stream were plen tiful. as were the obstacles we have had to overcome. As time dragged on. obstacles which loomed large in the path diminished in stature, and soon we will remember only the many happy hours we spent here. the things we did, and the friends we made for life. The roar of the waterfalls grew louder and louder as we moved on. and soon we could see the roaring torrents leaping down through a chasm hewn from so lid rock. All through our stay at the College we have gathe red a potential store of knowledge and training. and now we are here, poised at the brink of the waterfall. ready to plunge into our future Whatever it may be, we realize that the training and knowledge acquired at Canadian Services Col lege will stand us in good stead. v.,'e shall never forget Royal Roads !

Page Thirty-six


THE LOG EDITORI AL ITH tbe establishment of the Canadian Services College at H.M CS. "Royal Roads," memories of the R.CN.C and short-lived R.CN.-R CA.F. College may soon be erased from the mind. Though tbe names will fade and pass into history, let us hope that the fine and colourful traditions built up in the periods of tbe two Colleges will never die or be written off in a Memorandum from the Wing Office. At the risk of being labelled "diehard" and conservative, we shall make a stand in defence of our College Traditions. One of the oldest customs is the sal uting of the Quarterdeck. Though this has become a tri-Service College, it is still a ship, and in respect to Naval custom and mutual understanding the ship should be saluted. This mark of respect. combined with the restricted use of the Quarterdeck (by the Seniors only), gives to the Quarterdeck an air of distinction and grace. Thus at least, one place in the Block is definitely reserved for more formal occasions. Among College traditions and forming the greatest part are Senior privileges. One of these is walking on the circle. Tbis traditional privilege builds up in a Junior's mind great expectations for the day when he will fina ll y be able to wa lk rather than doub le around the circle and spurs him on to achieve a successfu l ending of his Junior year. Similar to this is the Senior's traditional privilege of awarding one circle as punishment to a Junior. Though this may seem like too potent a weapon to pIJce in Seniors' hands, it is used sparingly and only when necessary to check Junior slackness and remind them of discipline. This is by far one of the best privileges given to Seniors and should be guarded jealously, as it keeps the Juniors forever on their toes and wide awake. Also in Junior-Senior relations is the Junior's duty to stand at attention before a Senior. No matter how distasteful. for the sake of mutual respect, this traditional discipline should be maintained and enforced. The last of these privileges to be considered is Senior Gunroom Report. This dread term strikes fear into every Junior's beart, for it means a severe reprimand. not only for action contrary to Standing Orders, but also that bis attitude is considered to be ungentlemanly and rude. This is a stain on character which the Junior can remove only by hard work to prove that he is of the right calibre for an officer and a gentleman.



Of other than disciplinary traditions, there is also a great stock. First is the Initiation which every Junior must endure to be accepted by his fellows as a Cadet. The day of trial lives forever in his mind as evidence of the fact that he has proved his worth in appeasing the most exacting of masters-a Senior, and successfully struggled over the gruelling course set for him. In contrast is the much more pleasant year! y Carol Service of the Cadets. Following immediately after the Autumn Term examinations, the joy and merriment of the Christmas Season is like a gentle balm to soothe tense minds, and set the proper mood for the Christmas Ball. One of the most fluid of all Coll ege Traditions is that of the various Clubs which spring up with great gusto and generous quantities of delicacies. The moving force may be the Wing Office, in which case the Club adopts a motto ~long th.e lines of "misery loves company," or It may Simply be a case of "birds of a feather." No matter what the cause, the Loft Boys, Royal Rogues, Pigeon Palace, or any of the other numerous groups, all contribute enormously to addIng colour and variety to what would otherwise be a dull existence. Not pecu liar to our College, but an integral part of Cadet life is the birt~day ri~ual of blanket-tossing. In our daily routIne, thiS opportunIty to ease the strain is a most essential factor. When that dread tradition of Final Examinations nears, we find many Cadets grouped ~round King Neptune with homage. The tossIng of pennies. into the sea-king's pool is purely a Naval traditIOn, but one which is nevertheless appropriate f~r this College, as a ship with Naval Cadets In attendance. On the day of Finishing Exercises, when both the parade and P. T. display have been comp eted' the high level of spirits looks to the P. T. department for a victim and the P.T. officer who has ruled with an iron rod for two years is Joyously tossed by the Seniors in a huge canvas sheet. Finally: the Finishing Exercises Ball arrives, and .~Ith It the last few "Senior" privileges and traditIOns. As the few hours of evening dwindle rapidly the Seniors retire to "Midshipmen's Island," reserved for their use to meditate in the cal~ and beauty of the night: on the past two glOrIOUS years, the friendships formed, the experience and knowledge gained, the great team of which they bad been a part.

For the Naval Cadets whose professional training will take place at the College, there is a colourful ceremony in August. This is the Midshipmen's parade and lanyard-removal ritual. As the Senior Naval Cadets slow-march through the Juniors' ranks, the Seniors' lanyards, which have been cut previously, are pulled off, and they become Midshipmen, while the long-suffering Juniors advance to Senior status. The Juniors are then marched off the parade square, while the Midshipmen, who have eagerly waited for this symbolic event. salute the College and then throw their caps high in jubilation, giving three rousing cheers. This tradition of graduating Midshipmen reflects the youthful and vibrant spirit with which they leave the College going into the world to meet its challenge. Lest any grudges still linger with the new

Seniors, the tradition of a Last Breakfast has been instituted. Though weary and fatigued, the whole Cadet body goes to this breakfast. After many preliminary exchanges. the Seniors who are declared to be "jolly good fellows." return the compliment and, amid warm handshakes, join in "Auld Lang Syne" as firm bonds of fellowship are established. With the departure of the Graduating Class, the new Seniors eagerly take over their privileges and responsibilities. With pride and joy they accept these traditions and customs. for they know they have earned their use, that their constant efforts have finally been rewarded and they are fit to take on their responsibilities. For the Graduate there remain pleasant memories, chief of which are the traditions and customs which made life at Royal Roads different. and better.

We Take This Opportunity to Thank the many people who gave us assistance and support in publishing the "LOG." This year has probably been the most hectic in the history of the magazine, as we were obliged to produce it in the short space of four weeks. As a result. we sometimes were unduly impatient for articles and proofs, and would beg to offer meek apologies to our several victims for undeserved wrath. Special thanks go to the Captain, who read most of the articles and offered helpful criticism. Lieut. Cdrs. Connor and Fowler, whose task it was to read and correct almost every word in the magazine, deserve credit for their aid and constructive criticism. Captain Ogle gave invaluable assistance to the Managing Staff as well as helping in other departments. We were very fortunate in securing the services of Miss Jean Murray. who found time to type many articles for us in addition to her work in the Ship's Office; and "Moose" Welbourn must not be forgotten either, for the time he spent over the typewriter. crowding the small hours of the night. Lastly. there are the Wing and Sports Offices, who bore

our inroads on Drill and P.T. periods with remarkable and much-appreciated good-will.

FAMOUS LAST WORDS: The "Rec" Club will pay for it. Well, sir, the way I see it . . . General prezoot, sa-Iant arms! The problem just falls apart seven, eight, nine. TEN! .00237601 approximately. Defaulter, 1 day's "c." For what we have received. thank God. f'aqe Thirty right


[ Page ThIrty-nine

SHAKESPEARE COUNTRY Photograph by E. P. McLoughlin, Winner of the Photography Club Contest

Page ForllJ





Operation " Highbox ," Feb. 29 / 49 ... W est bound Winnipeg to Vancouver, DC4B. The blue lIames lIicker and the engines drum A pagan chant across the ageless Night . The black void waiting with its voiceless " Come" Now yawns agape 'neath our trackless lIight. But lo ! Along the graying rim of earth The glow of dawn comes stealing as a thief. The Star of Morning fades to wait rebirth . And tow'ring mountains rear their h eads beneath As velvet darkn ess falls to earth . Sword -bright A single beam now loosened from its sheath Of rock and cloud transfixes with its light Our craft. and blades become a fiery wreath. The skies above assume an azure hue ; The crags below grow white with icy fire ; Our calm silk vapours etch th e brilliant blue As purple shadows fade from every spire Of rugged mountains , scarred , wind tried but true. The valleys brim with tumbled frosty mire Of cloud still tinged with regal hue, As o n we soar ; our pinions never tire . The blue sparks chatter as instructions come, The pilot guiding. slowly we descend , The white strip's waiting and the engines hum As from afar we near our journey's end. Winner of the LOG Literary Contest

[ Page Fort y-o n e

REST AT ROYAL ROADS Each morning I get up at night, And dress by dim electric light. [n classes when my mind does stray I want to go to sleep by day. I have to go to school and hear An officer shout in my ear; And lately outside in the sun, Everywhere I go, I run. And does it not seem strange to you, When all the sky is clear and blue, And the whole world is meant to play, I want to go to sleep by day?

Air escort

CA. Clarke)


CR. Forrier)

The woods are dark beneath the hanging trees, Their shadow falls upon the rippling stream: The whisper of a lonely wandering breeze Brings memories of a sweet forgotten dream. The waters flow around a sunflecked hill, They wend their carefree way with laughing tune: By flowering bank, by slumbering brownstone mill, From dawn 'till dusk, to sleep 'neath silvery moon The murmur of a gently-moving brook Recalls a moment spent in quiet dell; Its babble moves the busy man to look And stop him there, entranced by nature's spell. The soft low sound of tinkling brook serene Brings him wistful memOries long unseen.

R. H


HIGH FLIGHT Oh, I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth And danced t he skies on laughter-silvered wings: Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirt h Of sun-spilt clouds--and done a hundred things You have not dreamed of-wheeled and soared and swung High in the sunlit silence; hov'rtng there, I've chased the shouttng wend along, and flung My eager craft through footless halls of air. Up, up. the long, delirious, burning blue I'ue topped the wtnd-swept heights wtth easy grace 'V here never lark, or even eagle flewAnd, while with silent liftinq mend I'ue trod The high un trespassed sanctity of space, Put out my hand and touched the face of God. John Gillespte Magee, Jr .. September 3, 1941. Pilot Officer Magee was an American citizen born of missionary parents in Shanghai, and educated in Britain's famed Rugby School He came to the Untted States in 1939. and, at the age of eighteen years. won a scholarship to Yale. But be felt he must aid the cause of freedom. and instead enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force in September, 1940. He served overseas with an R.C.A F Spitfire Squadron until his death on active service on December II, 1941. His sonnet. composed in September. 1941, as the exultant freedom of soaring at 30,000 feet made a word-partern in his mind. was scribbled on the back of a letter to his mother in Washington, shortly after he returned to earth.

[ Page Forty-three




AVE you ever been to Royal Roads? Not lately. you say. Well then. come along and spend a day with us. The College has changed considerably since you left. I'll bet you hardly recognize the place. To begin with, let us follow a typical Cadet, J. B. S. Beamer. usually referred to as Joe. as he staggers through a typical day. In order to keep Joe's life at the College orderly and happy, Cadet Wing Standing Orders have been printed, which of course can be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the Senior Gunroom


We first come across Joe as he is resting comfortably in his bed at 0625. At 0630, however. Joe stirs, slowly raises his head from his pillow and opens one eye. only to see the sleeping figure of Cadet Curry. Wearied by these early morning exercises. Cadet Beamer lowers his head and once more falls asleep. Then at 0649 we have an even more strenuous routine

Morning Wmg Parade

as we see Cadet Curry poke his head from under the covers and open both his eyes. only to see Cadet Farrant sleeping soundly. Exhausted by his efforts, Cadet Curry pulls the blanket over his head and is soon fast asleep. At 0700 the noise in the dorms is ear-splitting, until Cadet Clarke gets out of bed, to tap Cadet Stewart gently on the head with a silver handled mallet provided for the purpose. Stewart stops snoring and the noise ceases.

The new super-spoon-fed method Page Forty-four


Next, at 1000 the blinds are let up and the warm sunshine filters into the dorms. Soft music, to help Joe start the day properly, can be heard from the loudspeaker. This having partially aroused the sleeping Cadets, the Duty Cadets tiptoe around to all the beds and inquire as to what they wish for breakfast. The majority of them as usual have their breakfast in bed, and at their discretion, it is brought up

THE COLLEGE (AS WISHED FOR BY A CADET) by one of the very efficient waiters. During breakfast the gentle patter of feet can be heard. as the "runners" are bringing fresh toast and warm coffee to the Cadets every few minutes. At 1040 we find Cadet Beamer nonchalantly dressing while his bed is being

The majority have breakfast in bed

But Wing Parade is soon over and the Cadets buckle down to the serious business of classes. Cadet Beamer goes first to a Mechanics class in which. as in most of our other classes. instructors use the new "super-spoon-fed" method of teaching. So after relaxing in their seats and letting the knowledge force its way in, the lights go on and the instructor can be seen demonstrating a few simple "slot-machine" type of problems. And so the period goes on until the gentle strains of "Stardust" over the loudspeaker signals the end of the period . Then the instructor can be heard making the announcement "Since you have so many other things to do. there will be no assignment ... For his next period Joe goes to the Gunroom for a Spanish class. At this time. the Spanish instructor attempts to make real Spaniards out of the Cadets by having them listen to Xavier Cugat records and take rhumba lessons from a pretty teacher. The classes are so interesting that time flies by. and soon lunch time rolls around. After he has had the usual lunch of sizzling T -bone. we find Cadet Beamer relaxing in the Gunroom reading a magazine. There is al ways a large selection of the latest magazines in the Gunroom

Spamsh class

made. A few minutes later we hear a pipe in which a soft. soothing voice murmurs "Cadets wishing to attend Wing Parade. muster in the Senior Gunroom." This pipe has special significance for our friend Joe. as today he is Cadet Wing Adjutant. Consequently. Joe hurries down to the Square to take his place on the dais and in the meantime the Squadron Commanders are being fallen in. So. while the Cadets attending Wing Parade look on from thl Gunroom window. we can hear the C WA. exercising his power of command' "Buck yourself up in the guard."

P,T. and games


[>age Porty fille

Slightly different views .

(attached by a chain to a small twenty-ton stockless anchor to prevent them from wandering out of the Gunroom). While some are reading, or writing letters, we can find others like Ronny complaining of how strenuous the routine is, and wishing he had gone to R.M.C. One-thirty seems to come all too soon, and Joe once more proceeds to class. While one of the Class Leaders drives his class down to the Engineering School in his Class's Station Wagon, Cadet Beamer wanders over to the spacious, air-conditioned Chern Lab. During his stay at the College, Joe has had two Chemistry Instructors with slightly different views




Study position

Paq. Forty-six


on the subject. but by now he is quite well adjusted. Today he is doing practical experiments on the bulk preparation of ethyl alcohol from various grains such as rye and oats. He soon becomes so engrossed in his work that the rest of the world fades away. Classes are over at three-twenty, and after having ice cream and scones, the Cadets have P.T. and games. The emphasis, however, is placed on the games, so we can find many in the Gunroom playing them. In these periods Cadets are encouraged "to take charge" and can often be seen directing their classmates in a hand of bridge. Many sports are optional. and at this time of day Joe Beamer can often be seen playing a vigorous game of "snooker" in the new College billiard room. Other sports are compulsory, and perhaps today Joe will have to take fishing, hunting. or golf lessons; or perhaps even take instructions on the proper behavior when in attendance at a rugger match. P.T. being completed. Joe can be seen soaking in a shower and preparing for dinner. This evening the Cadets are having one of their weekly mess-dinners, and to aid them in dressing an automatic bow-tie tie-er. After an excellent dinner, the Cadets usually gather around the piano for a sing-song before proceeding to studies. Each Cadet studies in an ultra-modern study room and always can find time to finish all of


0'" .UN 0 ... PIc.TutlE 0" BETTy 4A."e~E ""'ttG..CM>4!tH -r-""~D.ofl ~""o ",,*ÂŁ$ (0""""'" .N ... ~ ~,",,,"I' oUfil e.w-"f'IÂŁ S'ECtA'-IS1""l.e.) 1'O"'f"E .,1:"'10" WA"~RoOM.

his assignments. He is. of course. supplied with his own slot machine, for the solving of mechanics problems and various other r 0 uti n e assignments. When he has completed his work. Joe's time is his own, and perhaps tonight he will take a refreshing walk up to Colwood before turning in . So. at about midnight we leave our friend Joe. exhausted from hi s strenuous day. sleep in g so undly .

A song In the Gunroom

[ Page Forrtj


A Military Review By J. D. PRENTICE ODAY is Finishing Exercises at the Canadian Services College. Although the Term which has just graduated represents only the Navy and Air Force, the Cadets who in September become Seniors form a tri-service team. On their shoulders therefore falls the responsibility of instilling in the new Canadian Services College the heritage of tradition and spirit which has sprung up here at Royal Roads. The Spirit of Royal Roads is a composite which has added to each of the several phases of its history. The story of this growth starts on a January day in 1941 when the Canadian government bought Hatley Park. The Dunsmuir estate was a paradise, the product of wealth, good taste and a great love of beauty. The Castle was the realization of a rich man's dream. Built of grey sandstone in Gothic style with square turrets at each corner, it


Page Forly-elghl

of Royal Roads was an impressive bui lding. Even more striking was the view from the terrace in front of it. Tree studded lawns sloped to the placid lagoon. beyond which, and separated from it only by a narrow sand bar . lay the choppy waters of Juan de Fuca Straits. backed by the snow-capped peaks of the Olympics . The Castle was surrounded by lawn and gardens; immediately to the west lay the formal Italian garden; behind were shady elf-like sunken gardens; and further to the west the b lossoms. streams and ornamental lake of the Japanese gardens. Here was a truly mag nificent setting for a Naval Training Establishment. Alterations were quickly accomplished. Early in 1941 the dairy had been converted to an engineering school. complete with lecture rooms . draughting room. and five fully equipped shops; the stable

1942, and thus. after a lapse of nearly twenty years. the training of Naval Cadets in Canada was re-established. The spirit of the R .N.e.e.. which had closed in 1922. was reborn in H.M.e.S. Royal Roads. In September. 100 Cadets had been accepted. The fifty with Senior matriculation became the Senior Term and the remainder with Junior matric. became the Junior Term. Dormitories. messing. and administrative facilities were provided for in the castle. and. as already mentioned. classrooms and practical Instruction rooms were read y for use.

housed eight classrooms and a gunnery school: and by the end of the year an exceptionally large. wellequipped gymnasium had been constructed. On the waters of the lagoon the sleek sailing dinghys and swift canoes had been replaced by whalers and cutters for practical seamanship classes. But this had not merely been a period of building and preparation . During these months the great shortage of Junior Officers in the R .e. N . had been alleviated by the training of six hundred Reserve Sub Lieutenants at Royal Roads . Now . all was in readiness for the opening of R e.N.e. This took place on Trafalgar Day.

Captain J M Grant. e.B.E., R .e. N . who had been Captain of the ship since her commissioning early in '41. remained as Captain of the College. and Cdr. K. G. B. Ketchum. B .A .. R.e.N .V .R .. was appointed Director of Studies. Soon after the arrival of the Cadets. another programme of building was embarked upon. In the sunken gardens north of the castle. foundations were laid for the Cadet Block . and between the castle and the lagoon a parade ground and two playing fields were laid out.

July brought the first graduatIOn. for the Seniors. promotion to Midshipmen. and for the Juniors, a well-earned summer leave. When they returned in September, they found a term of fifty Juniors who had been selected on the basis of seven competitive exams of Junior matric level and an interviewing board, a system which was used for all succeeding Naval Terms. Again, October was an eventful month, for on the twelfth, the Cadets occupied their new quarters in the Cadet Block. Many of the Seniors were sorry to leave the section of the second floor was completely filled by the Quarterdeck , a main assembly hall for the Cad e t s. The heavy beams, herringbone hardwood floor and light oak panelling combined to make it an architectural masterpiece. Thus with the initial period of establishment and construction ended, the College was com-

friendly atmosphere of the Castle, but all the Cadets soon settled into their new surroundings. They soon realized also that this was the most superb building of its kind in Canada, complete in every detail necessary for the life of a Cadet. The whole top floor was occupied by four bright, airy dormitories, and two combined shower and wash rooms. The first two floors contained c han gin grooms, showers, classrooms, science laboratories, a reference library, a chapel, a mess hall, an up-to-date galley and two gunrooms. The centre [ Page Fifty-one

plete and the future was bright with opportu n i ty . Did I say complete? Not quite . . . the feminine touch was lacking , but even this was soon provided for when a detachment of Wrens took over all duties of Quartermasters, cooks, wardroom attendants and writers. Even the shock of wakey:-vakey ~as softened by a sweet femInine vOice. The programme of training which had been evolved for the Cadets was extensive and included the equivalent of two years college in a mixture of arts and engineering as well as the professional subjects, navigation. seamanship, marine engineering, signals, gunnery, and torpedo. The College year was arranged to include a cruise or cruises totalling about a month , and during their sea time the Cadets gained valuable experience in all the professional subjects. Practical seamanship at the College took the form of boat -wo rk on the lagoon , and during these periods all Cadets learned to handle boats under oars, power and sail. Drill. of course. formed an important part of the training and the Cadets became proficient in rille drill, marching and taking charge. Finall y, one of the most important parts of the training was the P.T. pro-

Page Fifty-two


gramme. Not only were the Cadets pu t through a vigorous physical training table, which brought them to top-line physical condition. but they were also instructed in, and took part in. nearly every sport that could be played. This included rugger, soccer, cross-country, boxing. softball, volleyball, basketball, boat-pulling, sailing, swimming and track and field. Thus their training prepared them for a career as Naval Officers, academically, physically and professionally. Later in the year, another valuable piece of equipment was installed. A planetarium, capable of seating fifty Cadets, was built in the old conservatory. It has proven invaluable in the study of Celestial Navigation, the apparent movement of the stars and many other phases of Astronomy. In July , the first two-year term graduated, and in September, sixty-one confused and nervous Juniors arrived. Two days before the Christmas leave, the Officers, Cadets, Wrens and Ratings assembled in the main hall of the Castle to sing Christmas carols. This was the first of the long series of College Carol Services and anyone who has crowded onto the stairs, or into the lower hall, before a roaring fire and taken part in the singing, will never forget it. Last year, owing to the large number of

Cadets and guests, it was necessary to hold the Carol Service on the Quarterdeck. By Graduation the war in Europe was over, and by the end of the summer leave, the world was at peace. Unnoticed by the Cadets, these events had started an action in Ottawa which was to vitally affect the College. A committee had been set to discuss the peacetime status of Royal Roads and R .M.C. In January, '46, Captain Grant was appointed to Ottawa and re lieved by Captain W . B. Creery, C.B.E .. R.C.N . For a year the College continued as before , but shortly before the entrance exams it was announced that both Naval and Air Force Cadets would be accepted, the entrance requirements being senior matriculation and qualifying

exams in Maths and English. There were, of course, the usual interviewing and medi cal boards. In September, the first and only R .C. N. R c.A.F. Term, containing twenty - seven N a val and thirty -four Air Force Cadets, was accepted. Thus, after a brief history of only five years, the R .C. N .C. became the R .C. N .-R .C. A .F . College. But still. the change The was only superficial. presence of the light blue uni forms among the Navy blue soon became an accepted sight and the Senior Term behaved as if nothing had happened , Air Force and Naval Term alike soon came to know " walls" as "bulkheads" and " buses" as " L i be r t y Boats." Morning Divisions, "bends" and .. itches" and Cadet Petty Officers remained. But once again, before the year was half gone, came rumours of yet another change. . . Rumours gave way to fact when, on the very Graduation Day of the last allNaval Term, the establishment of the Canadian Services College, Royal Roads, was announced. Canada was thus the first country in history to introduce joint training of officers for all three Services a t the basic level. September, 1948, brought no superficial change, but a complete reorganization . Cadet Squadron (Con tinued on Page 56)


raqe Flftt, thret'


, By AL AND OSO Although its leader's name is not MacNamara and its members hold no union cards signed by J Caesar P etrillo, nevertheless the Royal Roads Band this year has been the outstanding musical aggregation in this locality (Eds. Note: LocalIty includes only C.S.c. grounds). Immediately upon their return in September , last year's veterans showed an acu te eagerness to form a band, equal to, if not surpassing, all previous bands: but alas, no bass drum ! It was then that a guiding light, a true musician and a veritable paragon of leadership, came to the fore and soon overcame our tremendous obstacle-Vradenburg with the aid of ingenuity and hay -w ire fixed the bass drum. Thus one bright morning in mid-October the resurrected , rejuvenated

band appeared, and despite our high opinion of our ability, there was some adverse criticism of our noble effort. Some alleged connoisseurs of music disapproved, some suggested that we dissolve (literally), and some cad even intimated, and I quote, "They Stink." The primary rule of the band is to provide suitable martial music (?) for Wing Parades throughout the year, and secondly, to provide duty buglers to sound the required calls. Despite our late start and the scarcity of instruments, and of experienced bandsmen, it is safe to say (?) on the grounds of favourable comments passed by certain officers that we have successfully performed our double duty. The only regret is that we must disperse at a time when we are just achieving a near perfection.


REFLEXIONS SUR UN JURON Par MICHEL PARIZEAU Le rideau est leve. Un dernier tournant nous decouvre l'aile verdoyante d'un chateau imposant et nous voici tout a. coup face a. face avec un batiment dont la couleur nous rappellerait certains quartiers "d'Alger la blanche." La vague forme de navire de I'immeuble nous laisse tout de suite supposer qu'enfin nous sommes parvenus it ce fameux Royal Roads. Mais que! est ce juron familier qui se fait entendre au fond du vaste cam ion ? Serait-ce ... ? Non, pas possible' Mais oui ~ Voila un gars de Shawinigan qui n'a pas encore oublie ses bonnes habitudes! Tiens: Un autre, de Montreal. et un troisieme de Quebec! Et bientot, je m'apercois qu'une douzaine des notres - de Montreal. de Quebec, d'Outremont, de I'Ile d'Orleans, de Bordeaux - se sont rassembles sans se connaitre a. plus de trois mille milles de chez soi. Quelle surprise! Jusqu'ici un, deux, quelques fois trois, canadiens-francais avaient diriges leurs pas de ce cote, pousses peut-etre par la curiosite, l'attrait de cette cote du Pacifique, et ne craignant pas de tenter leurs chances dans ce nouveau college conduit en une langue et un esprit totallement different du notre. Tous toutefois revenaient chez eux, au bout de deux ans, debordant d'enthousiame, et desireux de voir de leurs compatriotes tenter a leur tour cette aventuredont les resultats s'affirmaient si prometteurs. Et voici que cette an nee pres d'un sixieme du 'Junior Term' se compose de canadiens-francais, de ceux-lil memes dont on critique tres souvent I'attitude vis-a.-vis du reste du pays et qu'on classe - arbitrairement helas - en un groupe d'individualistes entiches de leurs droits et de leurs traditions. Que se passe-t-il? Perdrionsnous ce sentiment que Jean Narrache a si bien decrit: C'est aujourd'hui la Saint Jean Baptiste, Ie jour qu'on promene not-mouton? Ne seraitce pas plutot Ie resultat d'un mouvement tendant it elargir nos horizons, a chercher ailleurs ce qui pourrait etre utile chez nous, it sortir de sa coquille pour mieux comprendre et mieux collaborer? Question certes delicate, mais qui vaut la peine d'etre discutee. D'abord, qu'un sentiment de conformitc el de traditionalisme ait existe, nut ne saurait Ie contester, puisqu'en fait c'est grace a lui si nous avons pu maintenir notre langue et nos traditions. Mais ce sentiment, diminue-t-il en in-

tensite? 51 I'on en Juge par I'attitude des canadiens-francais, ici au college, nous serions peutetre portes it repondre par I'affirmative. En eifet, certains de nos anciens n'ont pas hesite a se lancer de plein coeur dans tout ce qui demandait de l' initiative et du savoir-faire: C'est ainsi qu'on a vu des canadiens-francais oifrir une solide collaboration au 'LOG,' organiser des evenements tant sportifs que sociaux, prendre une part active dans Ie Club des Relations Internationales, et meme, se charger d'une chorale durant la periode des Fetes. Deja meme, dans notre groupe, des tetes s'elevent peu a peu au-dessus de la masse, et ne demandent qu'une chance de se faire valoir. Preuve de cette activite, nos camarades de langue anglaise-petit detail. mais combien significatif-ont eprouves euxmemes Ie desir de nous voir contribuer en tant que groupe aux divertissements qui accompagneront Ie bal de Graduation. N'est-ce pas la un signe de con fiance et de bonne entente? Et quiconque aura quelques connaissances du caractere anglais comprendra qu'il n'en serait pas ainsi, si nous avions forme groupe it part autour de notre "mouton." Que dire main tenant de ce courrant d'idees favorables aux voyages, aux etudes a I'etranger, enfin a I'observation d'autrui? S'il existait auparavant. c'est sans contredit sous I'influence des contacts etablis durant la guerre qu'il s'est develloppe sous sa forme actuelle; car c' est en combattant cote a cote avec d'autres peuples que les notres se sont rendus compte de nos faiblesses et des ressources it I'etranger. Devant cet exempIe, d'autres n'ont-ils pas eprouve Ie desir non pas d'emigrer, mais de visiter I'exterieur de leur petite sphere? Et c'est sous cet angle que ce mouvement semble expliquer Ie nombre de canadiens-francais qui ont laisse parents et amis pour venir sejourner ici. Sinon, il paraitrait assez etrange de constater qu'on bon nombre d'entre nous n'ont pas I'intention de demeurer activement dans les Services, mais que c'est plutot une formation qu'ils sont venus chercher. Etude et comprehension mutuelle, voila qui TIe saurait s'acquerir facilement en s'ancrant a tout jamais dans Ie milieu familial. Une seule ombre cependant, reste encore au tableau: c'est de se faire repondre par un jeune homme de vingt ans, ouvert aux choses de ce monde par une solide education classique: "Je n'irai jamais m'exiler la-bas."

EPITAPH Here lies the body of Harold A., Killed by his friends who wanted to play. "Close your eyes," they said, and just for fun Fed poor Hi a raisin bun. [ Page Fifty-fiue

NOUS NOUS QUITTONS Par JACQUES CHARRON Deux annees d'entrainement se sont ecoulees depuis l'arrivee it Royal Roads du premier lerme de cadets de I'aviation et de la marine : aujourd'hui, enfin, la graduation couronne tous leurs efforts. Cet eve nement memorable dans l'histoire du College des Forces Armees Canadiennes nous donne l' occasion de transmettre nos voeux de succes it tous nos confreres. II est difficile d 'exprimer l'emotion qui nous etreint it J'approche de la Graduation. Notre sejour au College s'est ecoul e rapidement, et il va sans dire que les amities vite formees se sont consolidees chaque jour. . Le temps s'est charge de trouver un sobriquet it la plupart d'entre nous . On se souviendra longtemps d' "Oh-So" McDonough . Type court et robuste, il est notre grand comedien, ainsi qu 'un travailleur consciencieux. Associe it son nom est celui de "Buck" McNair : 'ce sont nos "Mutt and Jeff" des illustres du dimanche. A ces deux noms, ajoutons ceux de " Snarls" Carswell. "Rosy" Trebell. "Gears" Delong, "Mitty" Marsh, "Screech" Creech, " Bobo" Jones, "Moose" Welbourn, et de bien d'autres. Notre seconde annee a vu naitre nombre de societes tel que Ie "Club 73," Ie "Pigeon Palace," les "Loft Boys." La premiere procedait it

la distribution clandestine de cafe aux heures d' etude, la seconde etait Ie rendez-vous des musicomanes; quant it l'autre, elle se trouve sans toit. Le bridge et Ie jeu d'echecs se sont avoues les passetemps favoris. II y eut de bons et de mauvais perdants, n'est-ce pas Scott? Parmi les amis de la musique moderne, "Bobo" Jones et " Zubee" Szach se distinguerent par leur eternelle trepidation. Les admirateurs des classiques etaient plus rares. Toutefois, Ie choix d'un disque classique ou de jazz amena souvent de chaudes polemiques, n'est-ce pas, Gagnon? Nos idees souvent rendues confuses par des etudes complexes et intenses, etaient heureusement rafraichies par la pratique des sports. Le rugger. Ie soccer et la boxe ont offert la plus vive rivalite. Souvenir inoubliable que celui des quelques minutes dans l'arene en face d'un adversaire aussi anxieux que soi de triompher! Pour I'entrain et l'energie mis au jeu, tous, gagnants ou perdants, meritent nos felicitations. Certes, c' est pour longtemps que demeureront empreintes dans nos esprits les anecdotes qui egayerent les deux plus belles annees de notre jeunesse. Dans cette atmosphere, nous nous quittons.

A MILITARY REVIEW-(Continued) and Flight Leaders had replaced Cadet Captains and Petty Officers; Squadrons and Flights took the place of Divisions ; instead of the glorious traditional Naval names, Nelson , Rodney , Drake, Frobisher and Hawkins, were found new brave Canadian names, Cartier, Champlain, Fraser, Hudson , LaSalle and McKenzie. Within a few weeks, yet another uniform appeared, this time a common one for all

Page Fifty-six


three services, but the Seniors were glad to be able to retain their own. Thus today, the only Naval-Air Force Term in history has graduated and today the story of the short-lived R .C. N.-R.C.A.F. College is finally ended; today the last link of the C.S.c. with the R .C.N.C. is broken and all that remains of the latter is the Quarterdeck, the White Ensign and the finest spirit in Canada.


Paqr Fifty ninr

"A" TEAM Lt. Cdr. Frewer (Coach) Carswell Moore Sweeny Langmuir

I'uq. Suitt


Lewis (Captain) Wallis Peacock Howard Knight

1948路49 Trebell (Vice-Capt.) Fra ncis Tarnowski Macdonald Loomis

Lieut. Mylre. (Coach) Crickard Wilson

Lyon Howey

"A" TEAM PLAYERS K. E. LEWIS (Captain) A hard-driving wing break whose courage and spirit kept the team working as a unit. He set up many College tries with his long dribbling offensives.

F. D. TREBELL (Vice-Captain) As co-ordinator between serum and threes. Trebell's determined fighting spirit and skill proved invaluable. His phantom running and powerful tackling were a continuous threat to opponents.

D . KNIGHT (Stand Off) An experienced player. Knight could kick and run well. His knowledge of the game was a valuable asset to the team effort. H. J. TAMOWSKI (Inside Three-quarter) Proved of great value to the team with his broken field running and driving spirit. His qualities as a deceptive runner and accurate kicker combined to make him an excellent threequarter.

J. N. LYON (Inside Three) F. A. MOORE (Right Front Rank) Used his weight and safe hands to great advantage in the line-outs. He was usually found in the thick of it and on the ball at all times. F. CRICKARD (Hook) A hard-workiing hook who played a rugged and relentless game. His tireless efforts to stay on the ball plus his hard tackling was invaluable to the team. D. LOOMIS (Left Front Rank) A fearless. determined tackler and runner. Loomis gained many valuable yards with his "tank-like" plunges. He was a tower of strength to the serum. R. SWEENY (Left Wing Break) A fast-breaking wing forward who made many good tackles. He stopped many threatening attacks and proved his worth on the defensive. R. C. LONG MUIR (Lock) Showed steady improvement throughout the year. His consistent determination and aggressiv~ playing were responsible for many College pomts. R. S. PEACOCK (Lock) A powerful serum man who increased his playing ability throughout the season. He was exceptionally valuable in the line-outs. where he displayed fine plunging tactics. B. A. HOWARD (Tail Up) A strong player who used his weight to great advantage. This. coupled with his keen spirit. gave the needed driving force to the serum.

An a~~ressive.. fast-running three-quarter, who positIOned himself well. A reliable kicker with a "never-say-die" spirit which was a great asset to the team. H. A. CARSWELL (Wing Three-quarter) . His speed and elusive change of pace made him a constant threat to his opponents. He is a good team player and excellent tackler. M. D. WILSON (Wing Three-quarter) A hard-working team player and determined runner who displayed courage and a will to win at all times. J. R. HOWEY (Wing Three-quarter)

Possesses a fine sense of sportsmanship. His fast. hard running assisted the team on many occasions. D. G. MacDONALD (Wing Three-quarter) A good pair of hands and an accurate kick enabled him to fill a position on "A" Team.

T. D. FRANCIS (Full Back) A cool ball handler and dependable tackler. Francis filled the position of full back admirably. His ability to break up a dribbling or running attack proved most valuable.

A. D. WALLIS A keen. energetic player whose experience and drive proved him worthy of "A" Team. AI's height and dribbling was a great asset on the line outs. HONOURABLE MENTION

H. L. BROUGHTON-To our capable team manager. who did a splendid job. His ready assistance to the team was invaluable. [ Page Sixty-one


Despite a disrupted season due to a long stretch of cold winter weather. "A" Team upheld its rugger reputation. This year the College First Fifteen were entered in the Senior League Second Division and through the excellent coaching of Lt. Cdr. Frewer. Lt. Mylrea and Mr. Roger Oakley were able to maintain a high position in the League. The first game of the season. an Exhibition Match with H.M.C.S. Naden. resulted in a decisive victory although the team was still in the formative stage. An excellent cheering section led by Cadet Curry. Nelles. Bell. Broadbent. and Perrault provided excellent support at this game and succeeding ones. The opening League game was played against the Oak Bay Wanderers. and ended in a disappointing defeat of 9-0. Although Royal Roads was threatening throughout the game. they were unable to carry the ball across the line. This game showed fine individual playing on the part of Cadets but a combined team effort was lacking. With six of last year's "A" Team colours and a number of experienced players from the Junior Term, the First Fifteen had a good foundation and in a return game with the Wanderers the sprouting of team play rather than individual work brought an 8-3 win for the College. It was a hard fought game with a lot of drive and spirit shown on both teams. Page Sixty-two


Within the first few minutes of play Lyon plunged across the line to score the first try. which went unconverted. Longmuir widened the margin in the latter half of the game by scoring the second try. which was converted by Tarnowski. Oak Bay made their only points by a field goal on a penalty kick. This year the Royal Roads First Fifteen represented the Navy in the annual contest for the Army-Navy Trophy and marched off victorious against the 5th Regiment team. In this game the scrum played exceptionally well and were responsible for 12 points. Scorers for the winning team were Longmuir. Lewis. and Loomis. One try was converted by Tarnowski to make the final score 14-0. The annual game in Vancouver against St. George's School. the game most looked forward to by the players. proved to be one of the most spectacular of the season. The weekend game was threatened by snow and rain but finally got under way. Inside the first five minutes of play Lewis collected the first try. which was converted by Tarnowski. St. George's often pressed into the College territory but good threeline runs always returned the field of play to the opposing end. Loomis picked up a loose ball and passed to Longmuir. who made a (Continued on Page 72)

Back Row: Lt . Mylr.a (Coach). Laudenbach . Kirby. Young . Welbourn . Curry ( Manager ). Jones. Morin . Taylor. Cotaras. Pitts. Cdr. Amyot (Coach). f'ront Row: Leslie. Hamilto n. Farrant. Fortier, PIenrice (Captain), Marsh. McNair, Mainguy, Miller.

THE SECOND FIFTEEN By LI C MARSH Schedules for the First and Second Fifteens were almost equally crowded during the 194849 season. The League. in which the Second Team played. consisted of Brentwood School, Shawnigan Lake School and St. George's School in Vancouver. A single game was played after Christmas with Victoria High School. and several practice matches were played . during the season. with the Second Fifteen from H .M .C. S. Naden . The season. which would have lasted until March . was brought to a close by the un usually hard winter weather which made fields unusabl e after the third week in January. This was unfortunate in that the Second Fifteen. which was almost completely new to the game at the beginning of the season. was improving steadily and would probably have done better during the Spring term . High spot of the season was the Team's trip to Vancouver, where a match was played with the St . George's Second Fifteen on December 4 . 1948 . Transportation was provided by a R .C.A.F. Dakota from Sea Island. and overnight leave was granted in Vancouver. The

week-end provided an enjoyable break in College routine. The season was reasonably successful for a green team, as three games were won, two tied and four lost. One injury of a serious nature was sustained when Cadet Wei bourne suffered a dislocated shoulder; the injury was complicated by subsequent development of pneumonia, which kept him hospitalized for a considerable time. Cadet Kennedy suffered a seriously twisted knee, which forced him to withdraw from all sports until Christmas. The serum was working together well toward the end of the season, in set serums, line-outs and loose serums. and their good condition was a decisive factor in several games. Hard tackling and abundant drive characterized the serum as they gained experience. The three-quarters were playing excellent rugger after overcoming an initial tendency to run "flat," and the serum half could count on a gain every time that he could get the ball out to them . Their speed and tricky running were a great asset. PUC/I! Si.xtl/-thrt!l'


unerring pass was the start of many rhree-llOe runs.

CADET FARRANT (Inside Three-quarter)

HIs ability to take hard knocks and seeming power to be In two places at the same time was an inspiration to the entire tC.lm. Only his light weight prevented him from playing With the First Fifteen.

CADET MAINGUY A determined front-rank player HIs difficulty in keepIng up with the play was offset by his value in both set and loose serums.

A hard-driving hook who was invaluable in the loose hook.ing in the formed serums steadily improved


throughout the season.

CADET LESLIE A powerful forward whose tackling was fiercely effective.

CADET McNAIR A hefty lock, he could always be rehed upon to supply morc than hiS share of drive. His tackling and dribbling were valuable assets to the serum

CADET COTARAS Always among the first to form in a loose serum height was invaluable in the line-out.



CADET JONES (Outside Three-quarter) CADET FORTIER (Wing Three-quarter) Outstanding runner of the team, he scored the majority of his tries and showed real talent in outwitting the opponent.

CADET LAUDENBACH (Full Back) Known as the "man with the educated toe," he was responsible for most of the penalty kicks and converts of the season.

CADET KIRBY (Full Back) A triple threat man, KIrby played well as tail up, inside or full back. His speed and kicking ability did a great deal to round out the team. His value lay in his good speed and accurate passing

Fast-moving wing break. his fierce play made him a valuable player. His height was very useful in the line out.

CADET MORIN A good wing break whose speed and hard tackling made him dangerous to opponents.

CADET HAMIL TON A good tail up, he supplied a great deal of the serum's push Always a hard-working player and tackler. THE THREE-QUARTERS CADET PITTS (Stand-off) He possessed a good pair of hands and speed


A sturdy. fast-running member of the three-line. real threat to attacking ball carriers.

CADET TAYLOR (Inside Three-quarter)


J>aql! Si.\ ttl four

CADET MILLER (Outside Three-quarter)

Hard tackling and sure hands made him a useful threeline player.



His tricky running and changes of pace foiled many would- be tacklers. His energy and determination gave him a fair share of the team's tries.

Back Row


RESULTS OF SECOND XV. GAMES Col,l,ege Second XV. vs. Brentwood 1st XV. Naden Intermediates

Shawnigan 1st XV. Brentwood 1st XV, University School Shawnigan 1st XV, University School _ St. George's 2nd XV. Victoria High School

14- 0 0- 0 9- 9

0- 3 3- 6 0- 9 9-10 __ 22- 0 9- 0

Cadet SZJch (Manager), Carswell, RIddell. \Vilson, Macdonald, Watt, Lt. Mylrea Front Row: P.ltterson, Tamow,ki, Trebell (Captain), Pitts, Kirbv.

REP BASKETBALL By F. D. TREBELL Basketball has finall y come to the foreground at Royal Roads. For the first time. the College has produced a "rep." team. In its first year as a major representative sport. basketball has become very popular. Equipment and uniforms were procured and time was laid aside for practices. From a good turnout of eager basketball participants. a team of twelve players was selected consisting of both Junior and Senior Term Cadets. The team pIa yed eleven games throughout the season and showed a steady improvement with each game. This improvement was due to the enthusiasm of the Cadets. the able coaching of Lt. Mylrea. and the kind assistance of Mr. A. McKinnon. of Victoria. The keen interest shown in the games by both the Staff and Cadets was indicated by the large turnout of spectators at all the games. CADETS VS. R.M.C. (31-46) The Cadets played a fast-passing. hard-fighting game. but were beaten by a more experienced and polished R.M.C. squad. The R.M.C. team was in top form and played a tight zone defence on thei r home floor. The Cadets pressed the R.M.C. squad throughout the entire SECOND TEAM FIRST TEAM game, but their open style of play was out of (guard) Wilson Captain. Trebell (guard) place on the small court. The splendid spirit Watt _ Kirby (g uard) (guard) and team play of both Colleges made it an out(forward) Tarnowski (forward) Carswell Lyon (centre) Pitts (centre) standing game. (forward) (forward) Riddel Patterson CADETS vs. VICTORIA NORMAL SCHOOL Alternates McDonald. Peacock (26-22) Team Coach Lt. Mylrea . R.C.N. The game with Victoria Normal was an exTeam Manager : Cadet Szach. cellent ending to the exhibition series. The spirit GAMES PLAYED was high and the competition keen . Both teams Win (80-37) College vs St. George's School displayed polish and ski ll in tricky plays and Loss (25路32) College vs. Victoria Normal passing offensives. The Victoria squad played a College vs Victoria High School Loss (20-23) close "zone." while the Cadets favoured an open Win (34-26) College vs Oak Bay Loss (26-38) College vs. Victoria Normal "ma n -to-man" defence. The Cadets came from Win (59路39) College VS . Warriors behind in the last half and held the lead to the _Loss (38路49) College vs. Victoria Normal end. The speed and superior condition of the Loss (36路42) College vs. Victoria High School Cadets proved to be the telling factor in securing Win (26-22) College vs. Victoria Normal Loss (31-46) College vs. R.M.C. the victory.

INTER-FLIGHT BASKETBALL Inter -Flight basketball got off [0 an excellent start early in December. The scheduled games began earlier because of a shortened scholastic year and progressed rapidly . with Champlain Flight taking the championship. They were undefeated throughout the League. due primarily to the fine playing of Trebell and Pitts. A revitalized Hudson Flight copped second position

with four wins and one loss. The remaining Flights in order of final standing were MacKenzie . Fraser. Cartier and LaSalle. Fine spirit was shown by the fast-moving competition in the League. Each Flight made up three teams to enable all Cadets to participate in the sport. In this manner many potentially good basketball players were developed for succeeding years. [ Page Sixty-five


Back Row: Simons, Crickard. Broughton (Manager), lIslcy, Scott. Front Row: Geddes, Lyon, Kirby, Wilson.

The Annual Inter-Flight Cross Country Race was held on Wednesday. 17th November. at 1600. Cadets thundered away from the Cadet Block and over a muddy 4.2 mile course which winds its way over rugged terrain. The weather was invigorating and this aided to make fast times. Kirby carne through with first place. setting a new record of 22: 18 seconds. breaking the College record of 23: II attained by Hilliard in 1945, Last years' time was 24: 41. achieved by Cadet Leckie. In second place was Wilson. followed in third and fourth places by Scott and Lyon respectively, The winning Flight was Champlain. led by C-F/L Kirby. while second place was achieved by Cartier Flight. LaSalle, Hudson. MacKenzie and Fraser respectively followed. It was with pleasure that we noted that the quality of Cadet physical training had not decreased with the new system and time table incorporated in the College this year. The Invitation Cross Country Run took place on the 1st of December, Unfortunately. Page Sixty-six


rain was falling and the track was exceedingly soft. The teams assem bled at 1530 on the roadway in front of the Castle for last-minute instructions. At the crack of the pistol. runners sloshed away from the starting line onto the course. which is somewhat shorter than the regular College Cross Country track. Twenty minutes. forty-nine and one-half seconds later. Phillip Matson. of Oak Bay High School. crossed the finishing line. breaking his previous record of 21: 16. He was followed closely by Cadet Kirby and Cadets Wilson. Lyon, Geddes and Scott. When all runners were in and points collected. Canadian Services College led with 218 points. followed by H.M.C.S. "Naden" (New Entry). 186 points; Oak Bay High School. 180 points; University School. 143 points; St. George's School (Vancouver). 126 points; St. Louis' College. 95 points. and Victoria High School. 62 points. Admiral P. W. Nelles, C.B .. LL.D. (Ret.). presented the winning team with the Nelles Trophy.

ORIGIN OF RUGGER OME writers claim that rugby was played as early as 500 B C. by Romans. who called it "harpaston ," and by the Greeks, who called it "follis." No evidence of any kind has ever been produced to justify these claims. and credit for originating the game goes to England. It seems that between the years 1050 and 1075, some years after the Danish innders had left English soil. English workmen. dIggIng in an old battle-field, uncovered a skull whIch was undeniably that of a Danish warrior. The men. who were still smouldering with rage and contempt for the Danes, started kickin~ the skull to show their feelings. In a few mInutes work was forgotten and everyone in the vicinity was applying the boot to the defunct Dane s dome. Boys watching this sensed a new means of enjoying themselves, and dug around ttll they found a skull and began to boot It around. However, most of them did not have shoes, and kicking the skull proved painful. A few days later, one of the boys turned up WIth an Inflated cow bladder to replace the hard skull. and this bladder proved much more acceptable to all participants. In the 12th century there were no rules and no set limits for playing areas. Players from adjacent towns would meet at some midway spot. The bladder would be thrown in and immediately scores and sometImes hundreds of players would start kicking the ball. The game ended and the winner was declared when one team had succeeded in kicking the ball into the centre of its opponent's town. This, it appeared, had too devastating an effect on farmers' crops, small buildings and fleeIng pedestnans. The disciples of "kicking the Dane's head," as it was called, were commanded to play theIr games in vacan t fields . A. field was marked .off and this was the first step In the standardIzatIOn of the game. Up until the middle of the 19th century.it was still a kicking game called soccer, but In 1821 one William Ellis, of Rugby College, because of his failure to kick a bouncing ball in a soccer game, picked the ball up and ran down the field , placing it between the opponents' goalposts. Thus was originated the distinctive features of the rugby game. Since that time there have been two distinct camps among football players those who prefer to use only their feet. and those who would use both hands and feet. By the '60's the game had become very popular


and it was found necessary to form a Rugby Union, who were to standardize rules and playing areas. From that time on the two factions of foot bailers have gone their separate ",ays. the Association players using a round ball and the Rugby Union players using an oval ball. The rugby game has changed from its original character perhaps more than any other game. At the time of the formation of the Union it was a rough-and-tumble affair with a tremendous amount of serum mage. Some scrummages would last as long as ten or fifteen minutes , with the players locked together struggling and kicking for a ball which most of them could not see. From accidental kicking of one another 's shins in these scrummages the next step for the players to take was to make use of intentional shin-kicking. It became a means of forcing through opposition, and kicking the shins of a player when running (with or without the ball) was called "hacking over." Another oddity of the game was "moiling." The player was tackled over the goal-line: it was not uncommon to see the tackler and tackled player wrestling on the ground for possession of the ball. while the remainder of the teams stood around and watched. The dawn of the modern game broke when the team strength was cut from twenty to fifteen men . The game began to show teamwork . Instead of players standing upright in the scrum and pushing blindly, the forwards began to push with their heads down so they could see the ball and attempt to control it. Wheeling and heeling out became a ptominent feature of offensive play. This act of wheeling or "screwing" the serum about met with utter disapproval and disgust from the older pia yers of the game. Heeling the ball out of the serum and passing the ball to the backs met with even more disapproval. One old player condemned it as a "canker-worm at work." Thus the back's role was switched from a purely defensive function to one of offence. To pass the ball from one player to another, however , was scorned and it was supposed to indicate lack of intestinal fortitude on the part of the player passing the ball. The idea was for a back to pick up the ball and run down the field with it until he was brought down and forcibly compelled to part with it . The three-line runs , however , came into their own and 'since that time have been one of the most thrilling parts of the game as we know it today.



Cadet S L to defaulters: ''I' ll flip you, double or nothing ."

K. E.


INTER-FLIGHT RUGGER Flight spirit always reaches a new high when the bone-crushing Inter-Flight Rugger season gets under way and this year was no exception. All Flights exhibited the driving effort which characterizes College games. A total of fifteen games were fought with

the Champlain vs. Fraser match outstanding. Fraser's well-balanced scrum and speedy threeline combined to make an excellent team which paired off with Champlain's smooth-running fifteen, making a fine game to watch. Both squads drove forward to scoring positions at

various times, but were continually beaten off by their opponents. A number of kicks were tried but missed the posts by inches. At no time did either team slacken their fighting spirit and when the final whistle sounded the score read 0-0. MacKenzie Flight played consistently well throughout the season , achieving four wins and

suffering onl y one loss. The deadlock between Champlain and Fraser as a climax enabled MacKenzie to attain most points to win the League. Champlain's ability to go undefeated gave them second place with three wins and two ties. Fraser Flight placed third, followed by LaSalle, Hudson and Cartier.

SOCCER The Inter-Flight Soccer League, as usual. displayed fine spirit and teamwork. Although Flights were inclined to be unorganized at the outset, due to the strangeness of the game to some, the League soon developed fiery teams as the Cadets' knowledge and proficiency in the game increased. Better passing and smoother running combinations were definitely in evidence towards the end of the schedule. Low scores showed well-balanced teams. and only the last few games determined first place in the standing. Fraser Flight harvested top honours to chalk up 60 points towards the Inter-Flight Sports Trophy with three wins, a loss, and a tie. MacKenzie was second with three wins and two losses, followed by Champlain, LaSalle, Cartier and Hudson. Appreciation and thanks are due to F / L Wicken and Chief Tel. Shirley for their fine

coaching, refereeing and general interest in the Cadet Soccer League. In the annual Cadets vs. Staff soccer game the Cadets ended up on the short end of a 4-0 score. At the end of the first half the score was 0-0, but as the second period developed the Cadets' defence faltered badly and the superior plays and passing of the Staff soon became evident. Victoria High School swamped a Second String Soccer Team fr~m the College to the tune of 7-0 at Victoria High grounds. Though hastily chosen and unprepared, the Cadets put on a hard-fought, commendable performance. In the game between Naden "New Entries" and the College representative team , the Cadets came out on top with a 3-2 score in a close match. Farrant put two goals past the keeper, while Pitts tallied once.

Will the Cadet who has found key ring number 10, with keys marked 101 , which opens locker number one, return them to Cadet Tarnowski. Page Si., ty -.ight I


Back Row: P.O. Searle. Loomis. Swartman. Knight. Devlin. Macdonald. Marsh. Miller. Front Row ~ Howard. Laudenbach. Trebell. Francis. Prentice. Patterson.

OXING teaches confidence in .one路s ability to outsmart and outfight hiS opponent, the prime necessity of war. It also teaches one the ability to relax-to remain cool and poised under pressure, to make quick. aggressive decision; in short-to think and act quickly. It is for these objectives, then , as well as for the sport's sake, that boxing is taught at the College . The 1949 tournament began on February 4th after numerous periods of instruction and many Wed n e s day and Sat u r day afternoons of practice. Three rings were in operation for the preliminaries with Cad e t s handling most of the ring duties. Those not taking part in the bouts of the day we employed in a rotation system as Ring Managers, Chief Whips. Whips, Announcers. Recorders, Scorers, Timekeepers, Sec 0 n d s and Shadow Judges. In this manner, Cadets were given experience not only in actual boxing. but in the successful organization and administration of a tournament. One hundred and two elimination b 0 u t s


were held to dete.rmine the various Flight Champions of each weight class. Twelve quarter-final bouts were fought in preparation for the semifinals. which were held on Monday evening. February 14th. During these inter-flight fights the winner scored two points for his flight. and the loser collected one. On Tuesday eventnj;. the 15th of February, the College BOXing Finals of 1949 were conducted. The first flight in the Featherweight class was won by Cadet D. C. Patterson of Hudson Flight over Cadet W. Marsh of Mackenzie in a close. fast-moving dis p I a y. Last year's Featherweight Champion and now fighting in the Lightweight class , J. D. Pre n tic e of Mackenzie Flight showed great deter mination and drive in gaining a decision over a likewise hard-hitting opponent from Car tie r Flight. R. MacDonald. There was a fine display of boxing given in the Welterweight fig h t between Cadet E. D . Francis of LaSalle and J. K. Devlin of Hudson. Francis taking the title with perhaps some of the best boxing of the evening. Cadet F. D . Trebell of Cham(Continued on Page 72) [ Page Sixty-nine


Left to Right路 Peacock. Tarnowski. Trebcll. Howard. Patterson. Stiles. Wallis.

The annual Inter-Flight Swimming Gala was held at the Crystal Garden on Monday evening. the 14th of March. The meet got under way with the 50 yard Free Style: a close battle ensued between Cadet Patterson. of Hudson Flight. and Cadet Loomis. of Champlain. with Patterson achieving first place. Cadet Squadron Leader Trebell made the 50 yard Breast Stroke in 38 3/ 5 seconds. to bring honors to Champlain Flight in the event. The Evolution of Swimming. a demonstration of the various his torical phases of swimming. was presented next. Cadet Gagnon. of MacKenzie, won the 50 yard Back Stroke. with Cadet Wisener . of Champlain . offering extremely close opposition ..and in the 50 yard Side Stroke MacKenzie Fhght gained honors when Cadet Tarnowski won over Cadet Farrant. of Fraser Flight. in one of the closest races of the evening. An excellent trapeze display was exhibited by the Cadet Trapeze Team. when they showed the fine resul t of their weeks of practising. A number of spectacular stunts and dives were executed to the accompaniment of H.M.C.S. Naden Band . The 150 yard Medley Relay was won by Champlain Flight. whose team was composed of Cadets Trebell. Loomis and Wisener. Following the Relay, the Diving Competition commenced . A representative from each Flight was required to do a specified number of dives. These

were followed by two voluntary dives. Points were awarded each competitor on each of his attempts. and when the final tally was taken Cadet Tarnowski reaped top honors. The 100 yard Free Sty Ie was a tight race between Cadet Styles and Moore . in which Styles took first place. This eve nt was followed by the Long Plunge. where competitors endeavoured to outcoast each other from a standing dive. First place was awarded to Cadet Wallis of LaSalle Flight. In the 200 yard Free Style Relay. Hudson Flight achieved top place. The winning team consisted of Cadets Howard. Peacock . Styles and Patterson . MacKenzie Flight came through to win the Unigrip Rescue Race when Cadets Gagnon and Marsh struggled into first position . The All-Comers Relay . where each Flight enters twelve swimmers. was conducted Monday night and again the following Sunday because of the difficulty of jUdging the contest. LaSalle Team proved speediest here. with Champlain a close second. On the final summation of points. MacKenzie Flight won the Inter-Flight Swimming Trophy with a total of 74 points. Champlain and Hudson tied for second spot. and Fraser. LaSalle and Cartier brought up the rear in that order. Admiral P . W. Nelles . C.B .. R .C. N. (Ret.). presented the large trophy and the steins and medals to the individual winners.

SHOOTING The Rifle Team. under the able guidance of LI C Marsh . had a very successful year. The team entered the D .C. R.A . competition and on the first set of targets had a 94'7< average. In Page Seventy


the competition against R .M.C. they were edged out by a narrow margin. From this year's experience. the team should be in a good position to avenge this defeat in the coming year.


Left to Right

Hay . McGreel. Lalonde and Stiles

Badminton and Tennis were the only noninterflight sports of the year. The badminton tournament was organized late in December and. although no time from the sports schedule was allotted to it. its popularity was made evident by the large number of entries. both in the singles and in the doubles. Although the matches were played after the regular afternoon P. T. periods and on the weekends. interest never waned and all games were keenly contested. Cadets Hay and Stiles fought their way through the doubles to gain the championship.

Runners -up in the doubles were Cadets Lalonde and McGreer. In the singles tournament, the doubles champions vied with each other for high honours - Cadet Stiles defeating Cadet Hay in one of the hardest contested games of the lournament . On completion of the final games. W IC Ingalls presented the champions and the runners -up with their badminton awards. Much of the credit for a successful tournament goes to Cadet Howey. who devoted valuable time to manage the affair. As the LOG goes to press. the tennis sem ifinals have not yet been conducted.

THE ROYAL ROADS FENCING CLUB By CADET R. OKROS The Fencing Club was formed last November under the direction of Inst. Lieut. J . D. Harbron, M .A .. R .C. N . At first quite a few enthusiasts turned out. but after several lessons the majority of the Cadets did not develop into "Errol Flynns." and our numbers decreased to the following permanent members: Don Knight. Maurice Lalonde. Eric Chappell. James Lawrence. Guy Arsenault, Richard Smyth , Fred Crickard, Richard Okros. Our instructor immediately began lo confuse us with a great deal of terminology common to the art of fencing. The words riposte, en garde. parry. thrust. lunge. sixte and quarte were only

a portion of this formidable vocabulary. After slashing at many an invisible enemy, we were taught how to fence against each other and how to judge bouts. We had quite a few practice tournaments among ourselves. The members of the Club would like to extend their sincere gratitude to Lieut. Harbron for the kind help which he has willingly supplied. The Club is now engaged in polishing up its techniques in foil and sabre; and on any Wed nesday at 1600 or Sunday at 1400 the clash of cold steel may be heard from the grounds behind the Castle.


Page Sevmfy 路one

"A" TEAM SEASON - (Continued) beautiful 25-yard run to score a second try, which went unconverted. Two more tries were made in the first half. one by Loomis and the other by Kn ight. In the second half. St. George's made a magnificent 25 -yard "dropout," sending the ball 65 yards to "touch" on the opposite side of the field. Bailiff carried the ball over to give St. George's their only try.

BOXING plain beat out D. I. Knight of Fraser to take the Middleweight title. Cadet J. Laudenbauch of Fraser won the Lightweight title in a good match with Cadet R . K. Swartman of Champlain. In the final event. Heavyweight class. Cadet B. A. Howard fought a rather close fight with Cadet D. G. Loomis of Champlain. the former taking the title for Hudson Flight. The final tally gave victory to Hudson Flight. followed by Champlain and Fraser in second place; then Mackenzie, Cartier and LaSalle in

In the remainder of the games. League and Exhibition. J.B.A.A. was the only team to offer severe competition to "A" Team, and on the first encounter College went under 3-6. The game was redeemed, however. in the next battle, when Royal Roads won 5-3. Because of the short academic year. the College was obliged to withdraw "A" Team from further competition in the League.

(Continued) fourth. fifth and sixth places respectively. At the close of the tournament, Major General Hertzberg. former Commandant of the Royal Military College, Kingston, presented the champions with silver cups and the runnersup with bronze meda ls. The Inter-Flight Boxing Cup was presented to a representative of Hudson Flight. Cadet M. Miller of LaSalle Flight was awarded the Best Loser's Cup for his display of courage and determination against a superior opponent.



DIAL 900

Ii -

[ Page Seventy-three





* *

HOME ADDRESSES 6 Queen Street. Amherst. N.S. Springvale Place. Montreal. P. Q. 317 Silica Street, Nelson. B. C 227 Aberdeen Street. MedICine Hat. Alta. 14 de Bernieres Avenue. Quebec. P. Q. KamsJck


Havelock. ant. R R. No. 3 1001-7th Avenue E .. Prince Rupert. B. C. Wolseley Barracks. London. Ontano R. R. No. I. Rockwood. Ontano .994 Valour Road. WinnIpeg. Man. 1957 West 35th Avenue. Vancouver. B. C. 24 Robert Street. Minllco. Toronto 14 23 Haddon Street. Toronto. Ontario 32 Seymour Street. Halifax. Nova Scotia Box 2070. R. R. 4. Victoria. B. C. ... 2350 Capilano Road. N. Vancouver. B. C. . __......... Box 266. Fillmore. Sask. 1519 Barton Street E .. Hamilton. ant. 16 Centre Street. Picton. ant. 10837-127 Street. Edmonton. Alta. R. R. No.2. Sarnia. ant. Okanagan Mission. Kelowna. B. C. RR. No. I. Beamsville. ant. 2751 Richmond Avenue. Victoria. B. C. 60 Heber Street. Trenton. ant. .. 270 Mercille Avenue. St. Lambert路23. Que. Glenmore. Kelowna. B.C. c.o Mrs. A. Brill. 122 Margueretta Avenue. Toronto. ant. .11211-76 Avenue, Edmonton. Alta. Box 105. West Lome. ant. R. R. No.3. Ripley. ant. 70 Centre Street. Stratford. ant. .. 37 Arundel Avenue. Manor Park. Ottawa. ant. 5390 Durocher Avenue. Outremont. Montreal. Que. 712-36th Avenue. Calgary. Alta. I Killarney Road. Toronto. ant. Beamsville. ant. __ .... 250 Melrose Avenue. Toronto. ant. 705-18th Avenue N.W .. Calgary. Alta. 356 King Street W .. Oshawa. ant. Havelock. ant. 333 Metcalfe Street. Ottawa. ant. 49 Dixon Avenue. Toronto. ant. 122 4th Ave. S .. Saskatoon. Sask. Chapleau. ant. 300 Ritchie Avenue. Trail. B. C. Milo. Alta. Box 13 04. Vernon. B. C. 137 Springfield Avenue. Greenfield Park. Que. 1245 Sussex Avenue. Montreal. Que Port Rowan. ant. 147 Benton Street. Kitchener. On t. 138 Monarch Park. Toronto. ant. Beeton. ant Morden. Man.

CADET WING C011MANDER KENNETH EDWARD LEWIS Educated: Central High. Home: Calgary, Alta. "Ask Ken" has become a byword in our term, and small wonder, because this blond Calgarian seems to have just about everything at his fingertip, and under full control. During our Junior year, Ken found his place on "A" Team rugger, and participated in all divisional sports. He soon stood out as a leader in all lines, and showed us the real meaning of the word drive. However, his exertions in athletics didn't detract from his scho lastics; he was well wit hin the first ten when Our standings for the year were posted. The proof of Ken's abilities was in his appointment as Cadet Wing Commander for the first term this year, a well deserved position which he discharged so efficiently that he enjoyed the coveted honor of holding the same top rank for the final term. He also led HAil team to a string of victories as team captain, and when we sent Our College team to compete with R.M.C. at Kingston there was no better man to command the drill exercises than Ken. He still found time to be Sports Ed it or for the LOG. In spite of the authori ty he has exercised over us, Ken has never lost his popularity-always one of our best-liked and most respected Gunroom comrades, he is a staunch defender of "Cow-Town" and plans to go into the R.C.A.F. Pennanent in General List. 'V e wish him luck. although we know he doesn't need it. 'Vhat Ken aims fo r , he gets. P.F.M.


JOHN NOEL LYON Educated: Lisgar Collegiate Institute. Home: Ottawa, Onto In our first few hectic days at Roya l Roads, Noel soon changed to "Christmas," and although it wasn't December, "Christmas" was soon in the foreground, particularly as a driving serum-ha lf for liB" Team. I n the spring "Christmas" took an active part in the track and field meet, establishing a new College broad-jump record. In his Senior year, under the title of "Gabby" he soon won his place on "A" Team and later in the year played guard for the College basketball team. A member of the cross-country team and a strong swimmer for Fraser Flight, "Gabby" was appointed Cadet in charge of the P.T. display table and was a member of both the matwork and high-box teams in the R.M.C. squad. Number one Squadron Leader for the first and last term s, "Gabby" was Cadet Wing Commander for the second. Academically, with each subject seemingly his pet, he remained extremely close to the very top throughout both years. A genial personality. with a keen wit and a mind of his own, "Gabby" has shown a spirit and interest which have kept him in constant touch with the Gunroom, although his work as a Cadet Officer tended to break the ties. A pal we're all proud to have known, "Gabby's" success will not end here, but will carryon throughout his career as an officer of th e R.C.A.F H.A.C.

Page Sel.'C'nfL/-six


C.\DET SQL:ADRO); LE,\DER FRANCIS DORLAND TREBELL Educated: Humberside Collegiate Institute, Toronto. Home: Picton,Ont. During his stay at the College, Frank has been known to yanO\l,

individuals as I'Trickel," "Treb," and "Puppy," but to everyone he i~

known as an all-round and outstanding Cadet. Frank's athletic prowess covers a vast range of activities. He was Vice-Captain _of the First XV. and Captain of the Basketball team. He has stood out in track and field, soccer, volleyball, softball, boat pulling, swimming and boxing.

In fact, name almost any sport, and Frank has

played and excelled in it. Frank's accomplishments are not confined to sports, for he held a number of important Cadet appointments. In his Junior Year he served on the Gunroom Executive and on the training cruise he was Leading Cadet in charge of the Junior Navy Term. In his Senior Year he has held the ranks of Cadet Squadron Leader for two terms and Cadet \Ving Commander for one. After-hour activities, such as night operations in the dorms in


Junior Year and Cadet Officers' parties in our Senior Year, have had Frank as one of the central figures. Besides he is considered by far the best shot in the College with a Revel at fifteen yards. Frank intends to return to Picton, tomatoes and . . . oh well, the East anyway, where we know his dominant persona lit y and sense of humor will be a large factor in his future success. H.L.B.

CADET SQUADRON LEADER ROY CARLETON LONGMUIR Educated: Havelock High School. Home: Havelock, Ontario. Carl was one of six of our Term who came to us from the ranks of the R.C.A.F. His general ability was soon recognized, and Carl was made a Leading Cadet for "Operation Fledgling" of February last year. He was also appOinted Cadet Squadron Leader for the fi"t and last terms of his Senior year. As an athlete, Carl was outstanding in the more manly sports of rugger, soccer, baseball and swimming. He played the position of scrllm back of the First XV. rugger both years, and was outstanding for his hard playing and clean tackles. At apparatus and matwork Carl was hard to equal. His prowess in fie ld sports was shown when he broke the previous College record in the discus throw. Carl has chosen the R.C.A.F Regular, and it is with confidence that we say he will have a brilliant career. Be,t of luck, Carl, and happy landings.

[ Page Seventy-seven

CARTIER CADET FLIGHT LEADER WILLIAM NELS PETERSON Educated: Milo High School. Home: Milto, Alta. Some of the boys who like to catch an extra few minutes' sleep in the morning feci "Pete" is very narrow minded between 6:40 and 6:45. "1'etc" left a Radio Technician's cour'e at R.C.A.F. Station , Ce ntra lia, Ollt., to join our College. His amiable attitude and pleasing smi le soon won him many friends. Pete was not outstanding in a ny onc field, but showed up wel l in a ll. His favourite hobby is bridge. lIe carried his man)' commendahle abilities with him into his Senior Year and there proved his worth by being appointed a Squadron Leader of Number One Squadron during the second term, and Flight Leader of Cartier Flight for the final term. "Petc's" present intentions arc to return to the Air Force upon graduating. \rVe arc convinced that with his self-confidence and determination he will be sllccessful in his Service career. R].E. LEADI:-.IG C.\DET ROY ALLAN MacKAY Educated: King's County Academy, Kentville, N.S. Home: \Vinnipeg, Man. The name "Rusty" was acquired by Roy MacKay so soon after his entrance to Royal Roads that most of the Term st ill do not know his first name. It is due, of course, to his coppery-colored hair, which he kept in a so rt of conservative brush-cut and which has made quite a hit with the local belles of Victoria. The College representative soccer team had a good goal tender in the person of Rusty, who showed ,urprising agility in blocking a ball. He also made his weight felt in the front rank of Fraser Flight scrum . A good athlete and a capable Cadet, Rusty was made Flight Leader of Fraser Flight during the. third term. The blood in Rusty's vein, is not lacking in sa lt , and he intends to enter the RC.X. in the Ordnance Branch via R.X. E.C. at Kevham. Because of hIS ability and pleasant manner, we feel sure that Rusty ;vill go far, and l'xtend to him our be~t \\i5he~ and good luck throughout his career in the Navy. T.W.O. LEADING CADET STANLEY SZACH Educated: F.R C lo,e Technical Institute. Home: Hamilton , Ont. "Zubec," as he is affectionately known to his class-mates, made his debut at Royal Roads by winning the shoe-polish race at 1nitiation. Besides standing well academically, he displayed skill at mat work, rugby, volleyball and soccer. His appearance on Cartier Flight's roster, and his never-ceasing cheerfulness when the chips were down, played a large role in that Flight's continual drive. His reward was the trip to R.M.C., where he competed in mat work and drill and served as the basketball team's manage r. \Vi th bars or without, he was always a welcome asset to the Gunroom, where the shriek "Zuoeeeeecc" would signify his presence. His biggest achievement of the year was as Editor of the LOG'S Christmas Edition-"The Twig"-and this Graduation number. Much of the credit of these issues goes to Stan. who,e hard work and "never-say-die" attitude was an inspiration to the LOG staff. Stan's plans for the future are not yet definite. \Vhether he goes Ordnance Branch, R.C.N. or returns to Hamilton's mountain to study. with the brain and sense of humor that he has, he can't fail to read the top. K.M.Y. ANDREW FORREST BENDER Educated: Stanis las College, Montreal. IIome: Our boy Andy was born in a small vi lla ge along the St. Law rence called Montreal. Up to his arriva l at the College he was a solid citizen of this fair city, where he attended Stanislas College for several years. On Sundays and before studies, Andy can be seen on the Quarterdeck scated at the piano. beating out hot jive or musing over a serious piece . . \mong his chief characteristics are his blazing red hair :lnd friendly attitude towards his fellows. Scholastically. Andy is "par excellence" in all field, of study. He is rated as one of the College's finest tennis p laye rs, placing well up in last year's finals. On the basketball court or nIgger field he has been onc of Cartier's stalwarts with his keen spirit and interest in the activities of both his Flight and Coll ege. Alter graduation. Andy's main interests will lie in Civil Eugineering subjects, where he will join the ranks at McGill. We wish him every success and we know he will succeed . Page Seventy-eight


FLIGHT PATRICK JOHN HI GGS Educated: Central HIgh School, Calgary, Alberta. 1Iome: Calgary, _'.Iberta. "Have you e,er seen the Calgary Stampede?" . . . "\Vell, you ain't lived." This is Pat (short fur Patrick) HIggs' favourite expression. Bringing with him a flashy smile, rat soon made ardent friends in his Term. Usually you can find him listening to the latest Peggy Lee recording, or engrossed in a game of bridge . . . which he plays expertly. Formerly, Pat was a Sergeant in the Air Cadets, because of which he was awarded a combined scholarship to the College. In sporb, Pat has shown a keen interest, and has excelled at golf and softball. Last year, he was the pitcher of the College representative team. This year Pat was a member of the LOG Advertising Staff. l! you ever wish to lose your weekly allowance, just ask Pat if he cares to back up the Calgary Stampeders Hockey Club. On graduating, Pat intends to go General List in the RC.A.F., where his likeable personality and his good humour will carry him far. J.R.C.

F REDERICK ALEX ANDER MOORE Educated: Trail High School. Home: Trail, B. C. Freddy can usually be found sittmg sedately in one corner of the Gunroom, reading, or listening to "Gaite Parisienne." As one of a group, he can always be distinguished by his loud guffaws of laughter and his strong voice. A staunch "A" Team serum man in his Senior year, and an excellent swimmer, Fred proved to be the best distance man in the swimming meet. He is a stalwart Flight supporter in all games, and gained a position on the R.M.C. Team through his ability at matwork. Fred devotes most of his spare time to fishing and hunting, and finds Intellectual relief in Spanish, his favorite subject. He intends to take a year's flying to get his \Vings, and then is not sure what he will do. \Vherever he goes and whatever he does he will take along the best wishes of his many friends. K.E.S.

CLIFFORD ANDREW STEWART Educated: Philmore High School. Home: Philmore, Sask. Cliff, or "Stew" as he is better known, came to the College from Phil more, and from the day he arrived he has taken an active part in College affairs. Like tl10~t good prairie men, "Stew's" game is curling, but he has shown us that he is well able to take care of himself in the ring, being eliminated only in the semi-finals of the boxing. \Vhen it comes to a bridge game you can always depend on "Stew" to take a hand. He has also proven himself to be very proficient in any card game. It could be said to be one of his vices. "Stew" intends to make the RC.N. his career and we know that whatever branch he chooses it will have a good man. The whole Term joins in wishing him the best of everything. RK.H.

HOWARD RUSSEL WITT Educated: Maple Leaf Collegiate Illstitute. Home: Morden, Manitoba. The majority of us had never heard of Morden before "Gus" came to the College, but he soon informed us that Winnipeg is one of its suburbs. HGus" does not stand out in sports, but he more than makes up for it in interest. He is a keen hockey and baseball fan. and is an ardent curler. His favorite Gunroom pastime is disputing Prof. Brown's Calcul us with friClld Emerson, or adding up points ill a cribbage game. at which he is seldom beaten. "Gus" also keeps us regularly informed on the wins of the g r eat \\'innipeg hockey teams. When not doing this, he is cracking his "funnies" for \\ hich he is particularly noted. "Gus" is a member of the studious "Backroom Boys" and his marks show his scholastic ability. lie does not plan to roost in the Air Force, but hopes to study Engineering Physics under the U.A.T.I'., so we wish him best of luck in his chosell car~~r.

FRASER CADET FLIGHT LEADER KEITH YOUNG Educated: Kelowna High School. Home: Kelowna. Our HKcithums" hails from B. C.'s garden land, the Okanagan, in whose defence he has often stood against unnumbered enthusiasts from the East. 'I"his same keen spirit is characteri~tic of all his efforts. "Keithums" shines especia ll y as an organizer in view of which he ~crved two term~ as a Flight Leader and one as a Cadet Squadron Leader. His d,rive ,an.d determination \\-on him.a berth as \Ving Break on UB" Team, and hiS skil l III soccer was an asset to hiS team in both Junior and Senior Years. Among the many pastime;:; of the Gunroo111

"Keithums" has chosen

bridge, the I.RC., and lecturing to the "Zube" on'the virtues of the R.C.K. Following in his brother's footsteps, Keith plans to go RC.". That he will be successful we have no doubt, for he is ideally equipped for the position. 111 our minds he will always remain as a cheerful, ~taullch and true friend, S.S. to Wh0111 we extend our best \\i~hes for a happy cart:t:r.







LEADING CADET PATRICK FREDERICK MAXWELL Educated: Nutana Collegiate. 11 ome: Saskatoon, Sask. Pat had already established a fine reputatIon as an Air Cadet before arriving at Royal Roads On a Scholarship, and as a member of a group of Canadian Air Force Cade!> to go to England under the Exchange System. "Max's" pleasing per,onality and ready hand to all who needed it soon achieved for him the respect of his fellows. HIS cheerfulness and friendly smile have done much to make life more happy for those around him. In his first year, he held the po~ition of CunrooJ11 President, and at the outset of hlS Senior Year, Pat returned as Cadet Fli~ht Leader of Fraser Flight. Pat is interested in nearly all ~ports, out he excels on the Parade Square where his distinglli~hed manner and bearing sen'e him well. Academically, Pat has no trouble maintaining a good standing in the Term. u:Max" has his sights !'Jet on a pair of pilot's wings, and with his keenness and love of flying we are sure he will hit the mark. K.E.L. LEADING C.\DET MALCOLM DAVID WILSON Educated: Samia Collegiate. Home: Sarnia, Ont. "Mac" entered the College with a keen interest in sports, and has since shown his worth along this line. He played for "B" Team in his Junior Year and his playing abi lity gained him a position 011 "A" Team in his Senior Year. II e abo played on the College basketball team; however, his main interest is track and field-his best races being the 880, "40 and 220. He did well in the longer courses, too, placing second in the College cross country race in both years. His overall drive and determination were rewarded in his Jtlnior Year when he won the HGamest Loser's Cup" for boxing. In the Gunroom, h1fac" is a willing customer for any bridge game, and in the dormitory, he is no slouch with a pjllow-ju~t ask Francis! "~!ac's' e....,ecutive ability caused him to be twice a Leading Cadet and Flight Leader in the second term, \\'ith thi~ incentl\'e, it !jcem . . only natural that "~Iac" is electing the Executive Branch, RC '. \\'.F.J. HARRY ALLISON BELL Educated: Amherst Senior High School. Home: Amherst, Nova Scotia. Coming to Canada from Nova Scotia, "AI" is one of the two "bluenoses" of the Term. He has been gifted with definite musical abilities which he has put to good advantage as a prominent bugler in the College band for the past two years. "AI" is also the Senior Term's pride and joy Oil the trumpet, with which he has brought life into the GUllroom on mally occasions-then there are those birthday parties I An expert on model aircraft construction, HAl" is a person with whom it would be inadvisable to create argument concerning either aero or marine engines. "AI" has always been in the upper half of his class. He has an excellent sense of humor, and some of his wittiCISms would make Red Skelton blush. After graduation from Royal Roads, he intends to enter the Royal Naval Engineering College at Keyham, where he will take a course in Aero Engineering. \\' ilh his record at the Cullege, he should do well in the Technical Branch, and we wish him the best of luck ill hi~ chn-.en cart:t:r. C.T \.

FLIGHT HUGH ALEXANDER FARRANT Edllcated' Stratford Collegiate \'ocational In,titute, 110me: Stratford, Ont. \\' hcther it is a bridge, rugger, ,occer or softball game that is going on, "Hooey" is ,ure to be found in the thick of it. "Hooey" is the gift of the "deserted village" to Royal Roads, (Ed", l\otc, The de'erted village is the name given to Stratford, a small town 24 miles from Kitchener.) At the College, the sports circle ha, benefited frolll his all-round ability. He is a mainstay of "B" Team, a fair pugilist, a trapeze artist, and a shifty soccer player, who,e educated toe helped brinl/; Fraser Flight to the Inter-Flight championship. His skill docs not end in sport" for academically he sails along wIth little difficulty and is always perched well up in his term . "Lightsalit" acti"ities, as well as any practical jokes, are aided by his helping hand. "Hooey" has made up hi, mind to enter the Regular Air Force, where after his flying training, he intends to go Technical List. Hi, easy-going nature and cheerful dispo~ition. which ha\'c made him a popular member of the Gunroom, will carry him far in his chosen field-All the best, "Hooey." RONALD FRED FORTIER Home ).lontn.:al, Que. Ron hails from the fair metropohs of )[ontrcal. and has spent the last two years wondering why he left it. One of the leadIng lights of the term, he may be fou nd in "Cosy Corner" of the Gunroom or in the P.O.'s ~ l e" (Pidgeon Palace) arguinÂŤ with Scott on the respective merits of Mec hanical Engineering and Honor Chemistry. Ron is an ardent skier. and spends many of the winter nights dreaming of the hill at SI. Sauvert. La,t year, he placed third In the Vancouver Is land Ski 1!eet, and a, Captain of the newly formed ski team, he hopes to lead the College to victory in this year', meet. Ron also play, a mean game of rugger and holds up his end of the three-line on "B" Team. Being a good all-around athlete, he also plays first base well in softball, and i, no slouch at soccer or tennis .

QIle of the tell \\ ho have been accepted for the Cnivcrsity ~\ir Training Plan, Ron intend, to enter second year Engineering at )lcGill next fall. Here's to the "Plumbers, Dawson College," and the red and white.

RA YMOND EDWARD ROSS Educated: North Vancouver High School. Home: Vancouver, B. C. Very shortly after h is arrival at Hoyal Roads, he earned t he nickname of "Crabby" because of his amazing ab il ity to catch "crabs" at boat-pu ll ing c1as~es.

As well as heing an excellent scholar, "Crabby" is always willing to help in any extra-curricular activities. He received great fame for his fine efforts as head of the decoration committee for both the Christmas and Graduation Dances. He is also a ready and willing, if not an able hand, in night skylarks. Ray's curly hair and bashfu l blush make him a sure hit with the ladies where,'er he goes. But of course, all the Roya l Rogues are indeed la(lic~'


llis future plans will lead him into the !\avy, where he intends to take up Ordnance and major in )[aths and Physics. \Vith his good dIsposition and agile urall1, "Crabby" i, bound to be a success in any line that he follows.

J.L.C. WILLIAM MARSHALL SEATH Educated: HIgh School of Montreal. I [orne: 110ntreal, P. Q. "Hey, Andy, are you going dowll to the darkroom?" . . . a nd so we have one of the more familiar questions of Bill Seath, who alollg with Andy Clarke, runs the photogrphy business of the College. Bill is one of the staunch 1[ontreal supporters, and can often be heard a rguing with some Toronto fan on the merits of "Les Canadicns." Bill is certainly no slouch at athletics, having taken part in all the I nterFlight sports, particularly contributing to the fight of "ye old Fraser" serum. Bill was a member of the R.1I.C. team, and i, keen on such sports as sai ling, squash and skiing. Although he is no Einstein, Bill has consistently held the half way mark in the Term academic standing. I f he shows the same drive and determination as in th e past he should realize hi~ alnbition of obtaining a civil engineering degree at )[cGill University. The good wishes of everyone go with you, Bill, no matter where thejuture takes you. A.A.C.

[ Page Eighty-one

CHAMPLAIN CADET FLIGHf LEADER G E O R GE HARVEY KNIGHT Educated: Lawrence Park Collegiate Institute. Home: Toronto, Ontario. G. H. (R.C.A.F.) Knight, otherwise known as "Harv," joined our ranks as one of the more Quiet and serious types, but we soon found him to be gifted with a cheerful smile, a "calculus" brain and a purpose: that purpose is to be an aircrew member of the permanent force, R.C.A.F. His previous experience as a W.O. I in Air Cadets, as a flying controller with the "400" City of Toronto Auxiliary Air Force Squadron, and as a member of the Toronto Flying Club, plus his activities here, have placed him in good stead for just that. A natural leader, he coped quite easily and efficiently with the responsibilities of a Cadet Officer for three out of four terms in his final year. "Harv" is one of our literary types and has served in the capacity of Exchange Editor of the LOG, and also as Secretary of the I.RC. His main athletic abilities are track and field, and soccer. His favourite pastime aside from talking about the Air Force, is sailing on the lagoon. Having the shiniest pair of boots in the College, he was a "natural" for the drill team that took part in the R.M.C. tournament. Wherever he goes in the R.C.A.F., we know he will be a success. All the best to you, Harvey. D.C.L. LEADING CADET H A RRY L O RNE BR O U G HT O N Educated: Nutana Collegiate Institute, Saskatoon. Home: Victoria, B. C. Lorne originally hai led from the fair city of Saskatoon, Sask. From the word go, he entered into College life with a keen, energetic spirit and abundant enthusiasm. Lorne's main attribute is his personality, which has won him a host of friends and has placed him high on the Gunroom popularity poll. Lorne has entered all phases of Flight activity with equal enthusiasm. He played an excellent game as a member of Champlain's Championship Basketball Squad, and played soccer and rugger for the Fligh!. Lorne was rewarded in the Third Term when he was given the position of Flight Leader. As manager of "A" Team, Lorne was as valuable as any player. His encouraging words and self-sacrifice were an inspiration to the boys. Lorne proved his business ability by being Advertising Manager of the LOG. You may see Lorne walking down the halls with "Monster" Carswell somewhere about his waist. This combination of six-foot-two of sunshine and five-foot-four of snarls have brought many happy moments to the Senior Term. Lorne proved his business ability by being Advertising Manager of the F.D.T. LEADING CADET D O N A LD KEITH M cNAIR Educated: Lawrence Park Collegiate Institute. Home: Toronto, Onto H there was an embellished silver trophy for the Cadet who was consistently not in bed after "turn in," our "Pudgums" would surely be in possession of it, for he has spent more time out of his appointed place after 10.30 than any Cadet. This nocturnal sport, however, is not the limit of D.K.'s ability, for he has held a place on "B" Team for two successive years, as well as helping his Flight in the point scoring race for the Challenge Cup. He was appointed as Flight Leader of LaSalle Flight during the 3rd term. McNair must enjoy the life of a Cadet for in transferring to the Army at the latter part of this year, he will attend RM.C. for another three years. As the first Army graduate of the old R.C.N.-RC.A.F. College we wish him the best of luck. J.W.McD. J A MES L. CREECH Educated: Nelson High School. Home: Nelson, B. C. Born at Vancouver in '28, Jim soon headed for Nelson. Educated at Nelson High, where he was in charge of the Cadet Corps, he had a fine background for the College. Within a few seconds after his anchorage at Royal Roads, he was inevitably dubbed "Screech." He soon set himself up as the life of the Gunroom, with his captivating ways, ready wit and oratorical faculties. No. I am afraid that if there is one adjective that doesn't apply to "Screech" it's "quie!." We will always be indebted to him for his reliability at leaving port holes open when the briny green rolls by, and also for his cuisinary powers of cooking hot-cakes not a bit less durable than man-hole covers. In all seriousness, the Navy is Jim's "first love" and with his inimitable personality and keen spirit he will certainly make an ideal "Exec."

R.E.R. Puge Eightv-two


FLIGHT RAYMOND JOHN E M E RSON Educated: RIpley Cont111uatloll School. Home: Klpley,Ont. "cmmv" arri\'ed at our College from the Air Force, \\'here he had previously speilt six months on a Radio 'TechniCIan's course at Centralia, Ontario. \Vhen in the Gunroom, he can usually be found engaged with "Guo" \yitt o\'er the daily crossword puzzle or hunched over a bridge game, at which he ha~ attained the reputation of being one of the Gunroom experts. "Emm" has the dubious honour of being the only Sellior to go to the hospital on Initiation day, and due to his foot injury was out of sports for the first part of the Term. He has, however, been an asset to his flight rugger team and has sho\\'n fine flight spirit throughout the year. His main interest at Royal Roads, however, has been the academic work, with Physics and 1faths at the top of the li,t, and if not in the Gunroom, can usually be found with his cohorts in that smoke-filled room just off Pigeon Palace busy with a Calculus problem. "Emmy," on leadng the College, intends to continue the R .C.A.F., and \\ ith his good nature and likeable per~onality he will make a success of it.


JOHN RAYMOND HOWEY Educated: Beamsville High School. Home: Beamsville, Onto If the strains of a bagpipe should be heard coming from the Gunroom, the chances are that it \\'ould be Ray with his fidd le, for this versat ile chap ~pecializes ill playi ng the violin in just about a ll y way except the right one. Ray left the sunllY frui t-growing district of the Niagara Peninsu la to join our College, and with his ready smi le and good hU1110ur soon established many friends. A good athlete, Ray fought his way to a wing position on "B" Team in his Junior Year and with that same drive, ascended to the coveted ranks of the Coll ege First XV in his Senior Term. A keen participant in inter-flight activities, Ray has also proven his \\'orth on the softball diamond by getting his team out of many tight spots with his pitching. Upon graduation, Ray intends to join the R.C.A.F. Regular and wi th his friendly attitude and general abilities we know he will be successful in his chosen career. Best of luck, Ray! THOMAS WILLIAM ORR Educated: SI. Mary's College. J lome: Ha li fax, Nova Scot ia. A lt hough bei ng o ne of the morc conservative members of our Tenn, Tommy has won himself a place in the hearts of all of us throug h his pleasing manner and winning smile. uSwanson" has been active in most of the College ath letics. However, his main ta lents lie in the field of artistry and at all the College dances, his work was usually one of the standout pieces of art which adorned the Quarterdeck bu lkheads. He has also been very prominent on the A r t Section of the LOG and his llumerous cartoons of the College idol "Joe Beamer" have J.,IVCIl all of us many a laugh during out stay at Roya l Roads. He is a lso a member of both the I.R.C. and Camera Clubs, but with all of these extra-curricular activities, has sti1l fo und time to rank high academically in his own term. Tommy has caught the scent of the salt-sea air and has elected to fo llow an Engineering career in the R.C.N. \Ve know he will meet this challenge with equal success and we wish him all the best in the years to conIC. R.A.McK. WILLIAM ALBERT SMITH Educated: Port Rowan and Simcoe High Schools. lIome: Port Rowa n. Who ever heard of Port Rowan? \Vell, this smiling "best Captain on Lake Eric" soon educated us as to the finer parts of God's Country . Bill has proven his academic abilities by constant ly attaining a high rank. A lad of many ta lents, Bill has shown a keen interest in all flight activities and has given invaluable assistance both on the soccer and rugger fields. No mean slouch at throwing leather. Bill fought his way into the Boxing semi-finals. Upon many occasions "Smitty" has been a great boon to his flight on the ball diamend with his powers as a sure catcher and heavy hitting. Noted for his \\'illingness to enter a game of bridge or a fr iendly tussle, our \\'ould-be tough guy will find 110 dofficulty with his flying career unless he takes to "beating-up" a certain Nurse's Residence. Bill intends to go Technical List, R.C.A.F. Regular. Best of luck in your chosen career, Bi11, and don't get the "slip-stick" mixed with the "joy-slick."




Eiqhl'l Ihree


JAMES DOUGLAS PRENTICE E du cated: Tri n ity College School. H ome: Victor ia, B. C. Having se rved two term ... as F light Leader and olle as Squadron Leader,

Jim has betn a driving force in MacKe n zie" 'I"est for the Cha ll enge Shield. H e has take n part in all Inter-Flight sports. doing especially well in socce r and rugger, and has \\'on a boxing championship each yea r at the College. 路'J.D." was capta in and serum-half of "B" Team this year a nd 'tis rumoured the onl y thing which prevented him fro 111 playing 011 "A" Team wa, his h abit of bleeding a ll over Lt. My lrra'> new balls. Having littl e trouble with ~tudies, Jim has found time for many ac ti vities. lie is President of the I.R.C., and has done much work on the LOG as Associate Editor, besides iJeing a mCTni>er of the famous "High-Box Quartette." Jim is headed for }'C cGill, Chemistry-Physics, and Research \Vork. H.J.T. LE,\DING CADET

WILLIAM JAMES MARSH Educated: Malvern CollegIate, Toronto. Home: Toronto, Ont. Bill, a Leading Cadet for the "nal term, was the Flight Leader of MacKellzie during the third term.

was made fe lt in his drive. I n Afte r

1ris principal hobby is rifle shooting and he

captaill of the rifle team that "ent to R.M.C. He has made hImself Flight a n d o n th e Second X V. as a Quick-Cooted hook with lo ts of boxing, BilJ made the finais in the Featherweight C lass. grad u a t ion, "Mitty" illtellds to go Permanent Force in the RC.A.F.

JIe has his Civi lian Pilot's licen~e, and with an interest in flyi n g and his engaging personality, Bill should have 110 fears ahout his future in the Service.



HENRY JOHN TAMOWSKI Educated: St. Jerome's College. Home: Kitcheller, Ont. "H ank" soon made a name for himself at the College both on the p laying tield alld in the classroom. This was officia ll y recognized last July when he lias awa rded the Director of Studies Cup for outstanding athletic ability and sportsmanship in the Junior Term.

His natural ability and drive earn ed him

a place 011 th e R.M.C. Team, alld made hllll Illvaluable in the basketba ll , vo ll eyha ll , mat work, and high-box evtnts. "lIallk" has always stood high in the Term academically, and served the secolld term as a Flight Leader. After graduation he is join in g the Air Forct', and we wish him eve ry . . ucce ... s in his Service career.



Educated: Strathcolla High School, Edmonton. Home: Edmonton, Alberta. "Roscoe," "Skipper" and "Herbie" are but a Cew of the mallY )'clcptions bestowtd


this chap who strongly maintains that Canada lies between

Edmontoll and Calga ry and inside the Alberta borders. Ross plays a mean hand of bridge. and with partner Hughie Farrant made a ckan sweep of the Collegt Tournament last year. His other activities include shooting, golf, badminton, and hockey; however, first and foremost he prefe rs riding, at which he e\.cels. \\' e wish him all the luck in hIS future .\ir Force career.


JEAN WALTER GAGNON Educated: Carnier College, Quebec. H ome: Quebec C ity, Quebec. "O ni ons" arri\'cd late III our first year, and so some of liS did not ge t to k no\\' him so \\c ll as a Junior. However, when we got back from o ur summer leave, ] ean proved himself to be one of the staunchest members of the Senior

Te rm . J ean is our Term philusopher, and many of us have attentively recei,路ed his expostu lations on the mad mix-up of thi~ modern world. A Sunday afternoon usually finds him in the Gl1llroom, arguing over the respective merits of classical music and jive.

Before coming out to the College, "Olliolls" attended Carnier Co llege ill Quebec City, alld travelled throughout ['urope. \Vh ell he lea"es here, he will most li ke ly see a lot more of thi~ world, fur hIS aim is permanent R.C N. Ollr best wi~ht's go with you in your career, Jean


R.H.K. Pa,,"


four J

FLIGHT RICHARD JAMES KING HAMILTON Educated Kamsack Collegiate. Home: Kamsack, Sask. Reared in the thri\'ing metropolis of Kamsack, ., Hammy" embarked on hi~ military career in the Artillery Resen"c. Soon, however, he was to change to the Senior Service as a Cadet at Royal Road" but according to the College grape-"ine he is contemplating a switch to the R.C.A.F. During the College year, the "Kamsack Kid" lent his weight to "B" Team scrum as \\ell as displaying great agility on both the basketball floor and the soft hall diamond. "Hammy" is \'cry adept on the business end of a 51100ker cue, and observation has proved that he shines best at night. Land, sea, or air, whichever he chooses, Dick with his good nature .and cas)' gomg manner is bound to be a success, R.E.R.

JOHN KINROSS KENNEDY Educated: Booth 1femorial Hlgh School. Home: Prince Rupert. In our minds, nobody repre,ents thc swash-buckling, salty, sea-dog type more than "Jake." As an easy-going ] unior, "J akc" had a knack of involving himself in e,rapaoes that inevitahly led to the "rattle." This was one of the factors in his being initiated as No.2 of the Loft Boys Association this year. On the sports field, "Jake's" long leg' have won him fame. During his Junior Year he was a member of the College Cross Coun t ry Team w h ich copped honors in the Invitation 1feel. Hi, lean 6 ft. 20 in. frame fitted him for a valuable centre forward position on his flight's basketball team. At present, "Jake" is torn bet\\een a stay in the Navy and a Varsity career, but whichever he chooses we're certain of his success. E.D.F.

JAMES WILLIAM MICHAEL McDONOUGH Educated: 11imico High School. Home: Mimico,Onl. :\ot long after arriving at the College, "Oh So" had acquired not only a permanent nickname but also an outstanding reputation as the College clown. This reputation had been strongly upheld during our two years and many a boring period has been livened by one of his whispered jokes. '\lthough a staunch supporter of his Flight sports, Jim was always more noted for his activities after "Lights Out." In spite of this, Jim managed to obtain a good sta n ding academically, and was always ready to lend a hand to those less fortunate. After graduation, "Oh So's" plans centre around the University of Toronto and Chemica l Engineering, and we all wish him the best of luck. D.K.1!.

BARRY MATHESON MITCHELL Educated. Chapleau lIigh School. Home: Chapleau, Ont. On entering Royal Roads, "1[itch" was just another boy who had travelled all the way across Canada to become a Cadet. However with his easygoing disposition and hearty laugh that can be heard for blocks, he lost little timc in acquiring a host of friend~. Tuesday is a red-letter day for "11itch," because this is the day that the "Chapleau Post" arrivcs. He can be seen sitting in the Gunroom. grinning from car to ear as he reads aloud various passages to a group of bystanders. Chapleau is a small town, tucked away in the heavy bush of Northern Ontario . . thus he has hecome our expert on hunting, trapping and fishing . "Mitch" has his eye on the Air Force, but whether he chooses the Service or a civilian career, we know he will do well. The best of luck, "~1itch.1t

C.A.S. EWALD RYLL Educated: Concordia College, Edmonton, Alberta. Home: Vernon, B. C. All was dark and quict in the Senior dorm. There could be seen on the far wall a square blotch of white light and not far from the ligh t a group of s.elllo r ,C~,dets hud,?led around a central figure. What \Vasthe occas ion? \Vhy, 1",ald s fl,ckers, of course! That was only one evelllng that the Se niors were entertained by Ewald and his movie camera. Ewald went to great expense and spent many weary hours producing a film on College life which was very successful indeed. When Ewald is not taking pictures, sleeping, or having a boil ing hot shower, he has found time to travel to the sunny (?) and quiet (1) town of Vlctona to see a certam party of whom, we understand, he is very fond. Ewald is planning to go to University and then to the Air Force. F.D.T. [ Page Eightv-five



CADET FLl(;llT LEADER BARRY ALLEN HOWARD Ecluratcd: lTl1in.>r~ity of Toronto Schools. H ome; Torollto, Ont.

\\,hell "IL\." lirst came to Royal Roads


that memorahle day



tl'mber of '47, he immediate ly s('t out to be o n c or the leaders ill the Junior Te rm both 111 sports and scholastics. "B.A." soo n proved his ab ilit y by Wll1l1in~ his "A" Team colours, and by being runner-up in his Junior Year in the hca\'ywcight boxing division and champio n in his Senior Year. "B.A." is 110t just a sporbman, however, and was a Carlet Ofliccr for the first two and the last terms. Although he would ohvious ly Lc a great success ill the Service, his sentiments have always hetll strongly "pro-Varsity," so he intends to return to the L'ni\'crsity of Toronto.

I.E \1)1:\(; CADET HAROLD ALLISON CARSWELL Educated. Trenton High School. Home: Trenton, Ont. Our fi\·c feet fOllr of "sunshi IH:" al1d occa"lol1al thllnder-sturms aIlS\\ crs to the \·arious name .. of "11i," "Cowhoy," "Snarls," or '·i\lollsler." He started

right out by making "A" Team


the fa ll of his Junior Year, at US pounds.

Since then, he has proved himself to be an all-around athlete by doing well ill soccer, hasketball and track and held, to name onl y his hest ~porb. "Mollster's inexhaust ible wit, \\ hile frustrating its v ictims, has kept o ur morale high through our lo n g months as Jun iors. During h is two terms as Cadet Officer, "I i i" proved himself one of the most capahle and efficie nt in the Term. III tht, field of academics he has always been in the fir .. t sevell or eight. \\~e wish him sucees . . at Qucen's, wherc we arc sure he will do we ll.

LE.\DINC CADET WILLOUGHBY FREDERICK JONES Educated: Hayelock High School. 1I0me: H3\'elock,Ont.


"Hoho," who comes to LIS from that fair \'lllagc of Havclock, can alwavs he picked out in the Cunraom. II e is the body \I·ith the brush-cut who 'is sure to be listening to the late . . t recordmgs or puzzling over a bridge han(1.

"Jonesy" spreads his life 111to many lie ld ,. He played for ·'W' Team this year and his hard head making contact often braught distress to hi s opponents. He plays a snappy game of soft hall far our Term team, and hi s drive made hllll Fhg-ht Leader af il udson for the third term. He was also the stalwart :\0. J af the "Loft-Bo)s·' and was e ho,"n for the R.M.C. Tea m.

"Jonesy" has had his eyes Sl't 011 the green ~tr ip (' of the Electrica l Bra n ch and wc kilO\\, he will do well 111 hIS chosC"1l profession.

M.D.W. CYRIL THOMAS CLARKE ARMSTRONG Educakd. Bealll,,"ille HIgh School. 1Iome: Beamsville, Ont. "C,.-(never-a-dull-moment)-Armstrong," with hi, bright pe"onaht)', ha . . left a lasting impression on our minds.

Alway . . ready With a joking

remark at the right time, he can he depended upon to bring out the bright side Besides riding along close to the top of the academic list. "Cy" has made IllS presence felt in nearly all Inter-Flight sports, distinguishing himself at eros!'> country rU1l1llllg.

l'pon Icaving Royal Roads, "Cy" plans to attend C. of 1'., to st ud y e,,·i l Engineering. Ho\\"evcr, he plans to malT1tain his link with the R.C.A.F through the l '.A.T.P., with an eye towards enteri ng the Service after ohtaini ng his degree. Our best wi . . hes g-o with him whr rcvcr he goes.

JACQUES JEAN CHARRON Educated: College Du Mant-St. Louis, Montreal. Home: St. Lambert, 1'. Q. "Curlv" came to us from the banks of the St. L3\Hence. H" billiard-ball haircut al1el ready grin make him easily rccognizahle in Gunrootll bridge gam~s. "Curly" is one of the most ardent stamp collectors at the College an d 10 his Senior Year he presided over the College Stamp Club . A keen member of Hudson Flight. Jacques' spirit has (in 'pite of some of the jokes he tells) made him a ,·ery popular member of our term. He is ,·ery fond of cia"ical music and plays the record-player expertly, altho ugh he has ne\'er taken any lessons in the art.

Jacques intends to enter tbe R.CA.F. (Regular) as a pilot. Page Etghtysix J


FLIGHT DANIEL CHARLES F ARRELL I·.ducated· Lisgar CollegIate l,,,titutc. Home: Ottawa, Ontario.

Dan entered the College after ~t:r\'lng for over a year as an aIrman III the

R.C.A.F. At the time he entered the College, he had almo,t completed a Radio Technician cour~e at Clinton, Ont. He soon distinguished himself as an all-round ath lete, especially in rugger, ba~k(:tball and swimming, Unfortunately, early in his Junior Year he fractured his left ankle playing rugger. ~o sooner had thlS injury healed than he had the added misfortune of breaking his left forearm in preparation for the graduation exerci~es. (Danny gcb all the break .... ) Never one to let his Fli!(ht down, he entered the Swimming 11eet before his arm was completely well, and in spite of this handicap he placed third in the diving competition. upon graduation, Dan will re-enter the RC.A. F. If drive and determ11lalion are the prime requirements of an officer, Dan is bound to go far.

WILLIAM ELMWOOD LESLIE Educated: Fergus HIgh School. Home: Fergus, Ont. "Les" is a staunch member of Hudson Flight, taking part in most InterFlight competitions. He was also a valuable asset to "B" Team serum in his Senior Year, tack ling hard and always fighting In the centre of play, On "make and mends," "Les" can otten he found in the gymnasium either boxing o r working on apparatus.

J\'aturally, "Les" is a good R.C.N. type \\' ho aspires either to becoming a" Fly-Hoy" or a nother "Gun nery" type.

Unlike mo:-.t of US l he is not subject to "mal de mer" and was therefore a one-man working party to sling "micks" for those poor unfortunate~ who turn sl ightly green at the mention of the sea, \\'hichever branch he chooses l we know he will succeed.

DOUGLAS CLAYTON LISS Educated: Osha\\'a Collegiate & Vocational Institute. Home: Oshawa,Ont. To Doug, the opening of an H.C.N.-H.C.A .F. College was a timely gift which was to be instrumental caree r.


bringing to reality his ambition of a fiying

Doug has tackled a ll College sports \\'ith the same drive and enthusiasm

which WOI1 him a. place on the College Second Ruggcr Team, J n hi:-. spare moments l if 110t playing tennis, Doug is sure to be found out in a whale r or a uinghy practbing hi:-. favourite pastime of saili ng. All who Know Doug are assured that his ever-pleasing na ture and boundless enthus iasm wi ll car ry him high up the ladder in his choscn flying ca rcer.

Our best wishes, and Happy Landings, Doug.


RONALD GRAHAM McCULLAGH I-:ducated: Garneau High School, Edmo11to11, Alberta. Home: Vancouver, B. C.

\lthough not an outstanding athlete, "Mac" puts forth a good effort in . . port:-.. He adds hi:-. share of the spirit to Hudson Flight and is always rcady to support its merits. "~fac"

has travelled much. both 111 Canada and E11gland, and can tell you

interesting e:\periences about his trips . He enjoys reading a great deal and IS generally seen in the GunroOIll with a g-ood hook or magazine. "~Iac" plays a bit of bridge and OIlCt= in a while joins in with the .. ~f usic Lovers Croup" around the radio.

\ Ve would like to see "Mac" sta)' in the Navy but he has a greater d"irc for the ArmYl where his know ledge of signals will stand him in good stead.

(;ood luck, "11ac"!


WILLIAM GEORGE WELBOURN Educated: Westglen High School. Home: Edmonton, Alta. Bill proved his abilities by being selected for "B" Team rugger during his two years at the College. Other athletic activities in which he is keenly intere~tl'd are skiing and badminton, and he is a staunch supporter of the

Edmontun Flyers hockey team. On the fairway, Bill frequently tees off for a coo l 250. During his spare moments you can usually find Bill heating out the harmony for one of the members of the Senior Term Quartette known as "Moose Welbourn and his Four Bucks." Bill has selected the Ordnance Branch of the R.C.N., and \\'ith his like ahle personality he will go far in his chosen career.



'#t T



LA SALLE CADET FLIGHT LEADER RI C HMON D HI LL K I RBY Educated: Quebec High School. Home: London,Ont. "Rip," as he is better kno\\11 to his associatts, has activated him...,elf ill almost e\'cry phase of College life, and his quiet but determined leadership ha~ been an inspiration to all those with whom he has came in contact.

An all-roulld athlete, "nip" has excelled III such sports as ruggcr, basketball and :,oeeer, bClIlg a member of n:prest:ntative College Teams in each of the above mentioned sports. lie was also a member of the R.M.C. Team. As team captain of the College Cross Country Team, he led his charges to a decisive victury in the annual


of the meet in which he himself broke

the l'\.isting record for the course,

He has t\\ ice held the rank of Flight Leader, the second appointment of which was the final krm. Ilis literary takllt WOI1 for him the LOG Literary C()l1tt..'~t 111 his Junior Year.

DIck h" elected a career in the Executi"e Branch of the R.C.l\., and

with him go all our best wishl's for "good ~ailing" wherever his profession lllay <.:all upon him to sen路e.

].c. LE.\Dl NG CADET EDW A RD DAVID F RANCIS Educated: Daniel Melnt),re Collegiate Institute. 11omc: \Vinnipeg, Manitoba. At a typica l livewire Gunroom mcet1J1g it is announced: That's our popular pre~ident, Ted Francis, who has just managed to gar ncr our \veekly dollar again.

"No payment this week, Seniors." "Groan 11 1 1 - - "

On joining the College, "Francie" soon established himself as a leader in I nter-Flight sports, and ,ened as one of LaSalle Flight's Flight Leader s. \Ithough a ncwcomer to the game of rugger. "Francie" proved his mettle by making- "B" Team in his Junior Year and winning "A" Team colours in his Senior Year. "Francie's" pugili~tic powers are respected through the Col1ege, slllCC la"lt year he was rUllner-up in the lightweight boxing division, and this year he moved 011 to c.arry off the welterweight crown. Tcd plal1s 011 a ).laval career, and current indications are that he's headed

for the Fleet Air Arm.

Best of luck, "Francie," and clear sailing.

].K.K. LE.\DING CADET LARMOUR DONALD CRAWFORD Educated: Victoria College. Home: Victoria, B. c. Larry, or "Digits" as he ha~ come to be known, is a tall slim chap with hy far the most agile fingLr' in the entirc College. His hobbies are building model aircraft, doing radio work and flying; he took the Royal Canadian Air Cadet Trophy for B. C. Larry served in the First Term as Flight Leader of LaSalle Flight and






his spirit of co-operatIOn and friendlil1e~s, with or without bars, has made him many friends. Though he is not really an outstanding athlete, his spirit and energy have made him a valuable member of his Flight in rugger, swimming'. and boxing. and he placed high III thc Cross Country Race. An even temper, a keen sense of humour, and a sardonic wit have made Larry a pupular member of the Cunruom, and coupled with his interest in flying and radio, these should carry him far in his chosen career with the Pc..'rmancllt Royal Canadian Air Force. \V ell expect to hear more of Larry in years to come-till then: All the

hc,t, "Digits."

\V.].M. WILLIAM PALMER VRADENBURG Educated: Preston High School. Home: Toronto, Ont. Our friend Bill bears the distinction of being the on ly member of our

Term with experience in two Services before entering the College.

He saw

action at sea with the RC.N.V.R, and after the war transferred to the Air Force to take a Radio Technician's coune, His Senior Year saw him in command of the "Vradenburg Fusilliers"-

the College Band. Definitely, up until last April, a Pro-Easterner in the eternal Cunroom debate of East vs. \Vest, he suddenly developed a mysterious attachment for this Island, especially the Saanich Peninsula. Looking for\\路ard to getting back in the RC.A.F., Bill plans to make it a permanent career.

HIS ambition: to conduct his orchestra of bugles and drums on a weekly hrlladca-;t over a coast-la-coast network-any sponsors')

].].C. Puqe P'Y/"" ",yht ]

FLIGHT ANDREW ALFRED CLARKE Edul'ated: Kelowna HIgh School. Home Glenmore, B , C Onginally from the sunny Okanagan, Andy came to us with morc than a year', service in the R.CA,F. In his special domain, the dark rOOl11, he has been heard to say stich apparently irrelevant things as .. Pass me a cloud, Seath," so I can finish off this picture." However, although the methods may be unorthodox the finished picture is u . . ually "tops." An<ly'.., experience ill photography, plus excellent all-round ability, ha\'c combined to hring the Camera Club a most successful ... cason under hi.., presidency. Among other di:-.linctions, he is reputed tu brc\\ the best cup oi coffee in the College, \\"hen he returns to actiyc duly afi<:r g-raciuatioll, we arc sure that his spontancQu,,;, smile and Teddy fund of humour will make Andy a definite asset to the Service, in addition to assunng hl~ continued succes!" . .. All the best, Andy'"

EDWARD ALBERT DeLONG Educated. St. Thomas CollegIate InstItute. Home: \\ est Lorne, Ont. "Gears" hit the College from \,vest Lorne, Ontario, a year ago last September, and has since become one of the most popu lar fellow~ in our Term. \Ylth hiS indomitable spirit and a pre\'ailing sense of humor, Ted could al\\ays come up sm iling 111 the thick of a ny troubles. As an athlete, Ted pro,'ed to be no slouch. He turned out to be the keenest baseba ll enthusia>! in our Term, and this year is the Captain of the Gunroom Team. He represented LaSalle Flight in almost every sport, and was chosen to represent the College Shooting Team which went to the R.M.C. Tournament. Although Ted is of small stature, he has shown that he could account for himself in any cndea\'our by his inc,haustible determination. Ted is entering the General Li,t of the R.C,,-\.F. and we know he is headed for the top in his cho,en profession. Lots of luck, Ted, and good flying'

KENNETH EDWARD SCOTT Educated: Montreal High. Home: Gree n field Park, Que. Scotty, when 110t hidden in "Pig-eon Palace" with hi.., radio and a good hook, ca n ge nerally be found in the r.un room taking part in a vicious game of "Nines" or quietly listening- to any and all good music. I n the fie ld of sports. Ke n has esce ll ed in boxing, track and field, and more c~pecially in cross country rUllning. Although not a flashy participant III his Flight teams, Kenny has been a solid and hard working supporter. After leaving Royal Roads, Scotty intends to carr yon his studies at :-'lcCili University with a "iew to pursuing the field of Chemical Research, planning to complete his flying training under the V.A.T.P. In both these undertakings we feci that Ken will more than succeed, and all of his many friends wish him the vcr)' best of luck.

F.A. ,\1.

VICTOR FRANCIS WILCOX I':ducakd. Barrie Collegiate, Ont. Home: Beeton, Onto Victor. bcttcr known as "Archie" h~ his friends, has been one of a gro up \\ ho has enahlcd us to find a great amou nt of cnjoyment out of o ur sojourn at Royal Roads. III hi, Junior Year he caused the Senior Cadet Officers no end of consternation and worry with his c~capades. In this. his Senior Year, he has succeederl in being brought to task for his cavortings less often, on ly because he has learned to do the wrong thing at the right time. \Vhile not a ,tar in sports, he played a very steady game as tail-up in the scrum of LaSalle Flight. and", goal-keeper in soccer. has helped to keep up the high morale of hi, fl,ght. "Archie" has been accepted as a Flight Cadet under the C.A.T.P., and hopc~ to take pilot's training in his summer vacation from a course in Eng-ineering Business at the Cni\'cr~ity of Toronto. \\"e wi,h you all the success in the world, Victor, believing that you will make as many friends at e. of T. as yOll have at Royal Roads.


[ Page E,ghty-ntne

By G. H. KNIGHT In December. 1946, the Royal Canadian Naval College at Royal Roads. at the invitation of the U. S. Naval Academy. Annapolis. joined in a system of world-wide exchange of maga zines. articles. ideas and customs with other Naval Colleges. Having passed from a Naval College to a combined R.C.N.-R.C.A.F. College, and then this year to a tri-Service College. Royal Roads has likewise expanded its exchange interests to cover Military Colleges of the three Services. This year, the Exchange Department is very pleased to have been able to add the names of two new Colleges to its ever-increasing roster of Service friends, namel y. The Royal Military College of Canada and the Royal Air Force College, Cranwell. England. In the Fall of '48, R .M.C. again opened its doors as a Cadet College after serving as an Army Staff College throughout the war. On the Page N Inel y


following pages is printed an informative article on life at R.M.C. sent to us by Cadet P. D. Botly. Last September. the LOG'S Exchange Dept. wrote to the R .A .F. College at CranwelI. inviting them to join us in a mutual exchange. In the few months since that time. a very friendly exchange of correspondence. articles. and respective magazines has taken place. Consequently. it pleases us greatly to feature in this year's "LOG" a very enlightening article written by Flight Cadet Corporal W. J. Harrington. entitled "The Post-War R .A.F. College." The R.A.F. Journal's Summer number will be including a write-up on the Canadian Services College at Royal Roads. which this Department has forwarded at an earlier date. We would like also to gratefully acknowledge the receipt of magazines and correspondence from the Royal Australian Naval College and the Mexican "Escuela Naval."

THE POST-WAR R.A.F. COLLEGE With Traditions to Uphold By FLIGHT CADET CORPORAL W. J. HARRINGTON In October. 1946. the Royal Air Force College at Cranwell reverted from its war-time role of a Flying Training School to that of training regular officers for the Flying and General Duties Branch of the Royal Air Force. To this end. the training is calculated to produce men who are not just pilots, but who are fitted in every way to fulfil the tasks of junior officers, and. later on. to bear the responsibilities of higher rank. The course. which lasts two years and a half. is divided into two parts. During the first two terms-six months-the Cadet lives under airman conditions so that he may better appreciate the airman's point of view. In this period. emphasis is laid on physical fitness. bearing. and the basic drill movements. At the same time. instruction is given in the fundamentals of the subjects into which the Cadet delves more deeply as the course proceeds. together with practical work on air-frames. engines and other components. Flying during these first two terms is confined to familiarization and navigational flights. at present in Ansons and Avro XIX路s. Though he does not live in the College during this period. the Cadet attends parades and lectures at the College, and may take part in all College games. It is not until he enters the College itself in his third term and is designated Flight Cadet that he becomes a Cranwell Cadet proper. Now begins the second part of his training. when he lives domestically as would an officer. In addition to the use of lecture rooms. and the library. each Flight Cadet has his own room. wherein he may

work---or not. as he thinks fit. To accustom the future officer to the traditions and customs of officers' messes. the Flight Cadets' Mess is run on exactly similar lines. Elected Flight Cadet representatives sit on the Mess Committee. while any Flight Cadet may raise queries at the regular mess meetings. Weekly guest nights are a feature of the College routine. At this stage. too. the Cadet is initiated into the eagerly anticipated flying training. which assumes increasing importance as the course proceeds. The first three terms' pilot training are now carried out in Percival Prentices. which have facility for blind flying and night flying. Cadets complete their last three terms on Harvard II B's, which remain the standard advanced trainers. On it. the Cadet is taught general handling. aerobatics. formation flying. applied flying. with increasing emphasis on instrument flying. gunnery. and a limited amount of dive bombing. At the completion of the course each Cadet should have a total of about 200 hours. Flight Cadets are encouraged to discover for themselves the most profitable ways of filling their spare time. To this end lectures are restricted as far as possible to morning periods. leaving some afternoons free for private reading and study. In the final year this includes writing a thesis on some selected subject. The educational syllabus is divisible into two general headings. Humanistics and Scientific. Of the Humanistic subjects. most time is devoted tC' a general background of historical development. particularly in Europe; of European expansion, [ Paqe N met tj ,one

with emphasis on British Imperial affairs; and of the economic and industrial areas of the world. An introduction into the basis of economics links up with geographical factors and the potentials of the Great Powers past and present. Included also is a history of the Royal Air Force. Inter-Service co-operation is stressed in lectures by Army and Naval liaison officers by means of exercises and a study of varjous phases of World War II. In conjunction with these lectures a study is made of the principles of war and the way they have been applied, or misapplied, durin.g various wars. In the last year Cadets have a grounding of information which will serve them in good stead in their careers. This involves a study of Air Force Law, Discipline, Organization, Service documents and forms, and types of Service papers and letters. On the Scientific side, the subject which is studied in one form or another throughout the course is Mechanics of Flight. This comprises aerodynamics or the theory of flight, and includes all aspects of flight with more and more attention now upon high-speed and high-altitude operations. A small wind tunnel provides useful experimental data for class work. Interwoven with this aspect is a study of airframe structures. the loadings, stresses and strains to which an aircraft is subject. Closely linked with these two sections is that of aero-engine theory and practice. From the basic principles of the four-stroke cycle, its efficiencies and its failings, the development of power plants is trated through piston engines, superchargers to gas turbines. Throughout. much consideration is given to operating limitations of engines and fuels. Navigation rates high-nevertheless, Cadets still get lost on cross-country flights. Though the operation of the many new automatic navigating instruments is our chief concern. the standby of manual D.R. navigation is stressed as strongly as ever. Radio and Radar play a large part of present-day flying. The study of these is by no means neglected, a course of basic electricity. radio and radar being included in the syllabus. Maths. is studied in the first five terms, mainly as a help to other technical subjects. Last, but not least, Meteorology occupies an

important part of the syllabus. In addition to classroom lectures, all Cadets attend a dail y Met. briefing before the day's lectures begin, so that an up-to -date picture of the weather is maintained . Additional training takes the form of Ground Combat Training, including airfield defence, mopping-up of snipers, obstacle courses, range work, and, most enjoyable of all, escape and survival exercises. Every encouragement is given to Cadets to take part in sports, particularly team games. Although Rugby, Soccer, Hockey and Cricket are regarded as major games at various times of the year, the College also runs teams in boxing, athletICS, squash racquets, fencing, swimming. and cross-country running, to mention but a few. Horse riding is taken up seriously by the majority of Cadets. Inter-Squadron competitIOns In all sports arouse great enthusiasm among teams, spectators, and Squadron Commanders. Our main rivals in In ter-College sports are the R .M.A. Sandhurst, R.N.C. Greenwich and Dartmouth. Full fixture lists for all teams include matches against clubs, colleges from Cambridge, Nottingham and Leicester Universities, as well as some Public Schools. College Societies cater for a considerable part of the Cadets' leisure hours. Many continue their activities during the leaves. For instance, skiing camps have been held in Austria and France; gliding camps in Germany and England are very popular; and many are the adventures of those who venture as far as France in the College's sailing expeditions. The Drama Section aspires to at least one production each term plus an occasional review. Mountaineering, photography ,and model engineering interest many. Perforce this article has been rather a list of ~acts, and I fear it may perhaps have given an ImpreSSIOn of an over-burdened existence bounded by work. Reading through what I have written-a good habit, I am told-I am amazed at what we are supposed to know. In actual fact, of course, the assimilation of it is spread over two and a half years, and though we do work extraordinarily hard-it would be injudicious of me to say otherwise-we are not, as was Jack in the old adage, very dull boys .

Did you ever hear . Have you considered taking gas lately Out of it! May I ask you a question ? Take it and get! Where have you been , Sansllm I Not good . . . YOll have to think in this League PUql' N,nt'ill two


FROM R.M.C. By CADFT P D. BOTLEY Marching in town is much casier than marching on the Square. In town , there is always someone calling the step for us. When one fellow stops, someone farther up the street carries on. The only thing that we do resent is the cracks made regarding our uniforms and we often wonder whether the people are referring to us when they remark on how smart the new postmen look. From the opening of the College last September, sports got off to a great start. During the autumn, the rugby and soccer teams played exhibition games with local clubs and broke even in the win and loss columns. Two cross-country teams and a sailing team were also in the competition. During the winter season, our basketball team made a good showing in both the Ontario Bas k e t b a II Association and the Inter-Collegiate loop. The hockey team culminated an ex cit i n g season in the College series of the O.H.A. Junior "B" by absorbing a 5-4 defeat at the hands of West Point. While it was disappointing to lose this game, it is generally conceded that the boys lived up to the best trad ition of the game in keeping the record of having no penalties in the eighteen games intact. Life at R .M.C. is a never-ending fight to keep off defaulters' parade. These drills are the reward for some major infraction of the law such as leaving a speck of lint on your uniform, leaving the mirror in your room dirty, going on parade with dirty fingernails, having dust on your radiator , or returning from a pass at 0400 hours after a "cokc" party at the Wagon Wheel. For any spare time that is left to us, we have sports to please all. These include boating, squash, basketball. tennis and boxing. Pool sharks spend most of their time in the billiard room where three tables are constantly in use. The few intellectual types among us spend their time in the reading rooms. So, surrounded by the comfort of R.M.C., we overlook the examinations looming on the horizon and look forward to meeting our fellow-Cadets from the west at summer camp.

HE College is built on a peninsula onethird of a mile long and one-sixth of a mile wide, and is located one-half mile east of Kingston. The grounds are divided approximately in half by a stone wall which forms the line between the inner and outer enclosures. At the tip of the point is Fort Frederick-a remnant of the days of war between Canada and the United States. It is in the inner enclosure that Mr. Cadet stumbles blindly on to a distant vision of a commission in the Canadian Armed Forces. The highlight in every Cadet's life is the daily visit of Santa Claus in the form of the mail-man. Let no one tell you that we go to the mail box unprepared. T hat would be taking our lives in our hands. The now commonl y accepted procedure is to don a combination of a hockey goalkeeper's paraphernalia and a rugby player's helmet, gather a few of our more trusted associates around us, and organize an attack resembling Montgomery's push at EI Alemein, although not always quite as successfu I. There is no "lights out." That does not necessarily mean that we never go to bed. The amount of sleep we get depends on the amount of work we have to do in the evening-or the small hours of the morning. Queen's University is the hub of Kingston, around which all entertainment revolves. It is on the Queen's campus that most Cadets spend their weekend passes, and incidentally, make their passes. Yes, the Queen's girls are all beautiful. But then , what girl wouldn't look beautiful after staring at close-cropped hair , handle-bar moustaches, and hairy chests for a week? Entertainment at Queen's does not all take the form of dances. There are not infrequent sports' nights at which displays of every sport from swimming to hockey are given. To facilitate our attendance at these functIOns. we are allowed to stay out until 0200 hours twice a month. This is in addition to the two 2300 hours passes which we are allotted each week. Out of this time must come the half hour which it takes us to march back from the Queen's campus.


[ Page Ninety three


Page N,netv-four ]

PRESIDENT'S REPORT REGRET that I have little or nothing to report of my own activities in the interests of the Ex-Cadet Club , as I have been away from the West Coast District for the period September, 1947, to October, 1948, and so out of touch with Ex-Cadets stationed or domiciled in this part of Canada. I did, however, meet quite a large number of Ex-Cadets both in the United Kingdom and in Eastern Canada, and there is no doubt in my mind that the wish of Ex-Cadets to maintain old associations and friendships formed at the College is a living force,


It is desirable that my report draw the attention of members to the necessity of considering amendments to our constitution to meet changed conditions at the College. According to our constitution and in accordance with a resolution approved by Ex-Cadets at a meeting held at the R.C.N. College on the 12th day of June, 1947, the office of President should have passed to the Eastern Canada District of our organization some few months ago. I believe members here present will agree with me that before handing over the duties of the Executive to a new District we should discuss the changed status of the Coll ege, and the consequent need to change the name of the Ex-Cadet Club, if it is the wish of members that Cadets of all three Services who now attend Royal Roads be eligible for membership.





It is observed that at our last business meeting (12th June, 1947) the following resolution was moved and carried: "That consequent upon the entry of R.C.A.F. Cadets into the College in September, 1947, the name of the Ex-Cadet Club be changed when necessary to ensure that all eligible Ex-Cadets be members in the ExCadet Club of the College," No change in name has in fact yet taken place. It is further observed that Cadets of all three Services are now attending the Royal Military College of Canada, and no doubt all Cadets in good standing passing through R.M.C. will become eligible for membership in the longestablished R.M.C. Club. Some Naval Cadets, however, will not attend the Royal Military College, and some Army and Air Force Cadets will not attend Royal Roads , This complicated situation raises a problem to which the only happy solution would appear to be the amalgamation of the two Clubs. The question of amalgamation might be investigated, but I personally feel should not be urged by this Club until the new scheme of Combined Services Cadet Colleges has been under way for some years and results pronounced upon by the three Services.

The joyful day might arrive when each Service would have its own Cadet College ; then , no doubt, each Service would have its own Ex-Cadet Club. For the present I feel sure it will be the wish of members of this Club to so amend Articles I. and II. of our Constitution as to make it clear that all Cadets in good standing who train at Royal Roads will be heartily welcomed as members (on payment of dues) . Should such amendments be approved by this meeting it will be necessary to change a number of words and sentences throughout the Constitution to conform. I suggest the necessary changes in word ing be left to your outgoing Executive. Members will be aware that in various parts of Canada meetings of civilian Ex-Cadets have taken place. Arising from a meeting held in Montreal on 26th April. 1947, was the expressed wish of members there present that the Eastern Canada District be divided in two, i.e .. that the Provinces of On tario and Quebec each form a separate District. I think there is no doubt that the National Executive, with the support of members here present, should approve the necessary amend ment to the Constitution. My report presents to members the major problem that faces us, namely, the changed status of the College; a sol u tion is necessary if the Ex-Cadet Club is to flourish and eventually provide a strong body of civilian public opinion in support of Service Colleges. I have made several suggestions, but I wish to emphasize that it is my personal opinion that the wishes of the young members of the Club should carry the day-for they are the founders of the Club. I hope that. following presentation of this report, and the report of the Secretary-Treasurer, that this meeting will make decisions on outstanding questions and so enable your Executive to hand on a clean sheet to the proposed new Ontario District. At this point I remind members that an amendment to our Constitution has already named Toronto as the place where the next National Annual Meeting shall be held. I conclude by expressing the sincere wish of the Executive-in which I am sure all members join -that great success attend the Commandant and Staff of this College in all their endeavours for the well-being of the three Services. I also express on behalf of the Ex-Cadet Club grateful thanks to the Commandant for his kindness in allowing us to hold this meeting at the College. (Signed) J. M . GRANT, President.

MINUTES OF THE NATIONAL ANNUAL MEETING Held at Canadian Services College at 2030, 19th November, 1948 PRESENT: The President, Capl. J. M. Grant, C.B.E., R.C.N.; Captain (E) B. R. Spencer, R.C.N.; Instr. Captain W. M. Ogle, R .C. N. ; Mr. McDonald, Mr. Common, Lts. Pratt. C1ayards, Grav, King, McPherson, Gill; Lts. (S) Tucker, Cameron; Sub Lts. Jackson, Slocombe; Midshipmen Ker, Henley , Hayes. There being no quorum present, the decisions of members were put forward in the form of recommendations for the consideration of the next National Committee: (a) Recommended that the Eastern Canada Division be divided in two, i.e., the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec shall each form a separate district. (b) With reference to paragraph 2 of the Minutes of the meeting of the Ex-Cadet Club hdd on 4th June, 1947 , where it was resolved that the name of the Ex-Cadet CI u b be changed when necessary, it is now recommended by this meeting that the name of the Club be not changed, i.e., that it remain the Royal Canadian Naval College Ex-Cadet Club. Recommendation carried ( two dissen ters ). (c) It is recommended that all Cadets who attend the Canadian Services College, Royal Roads , for a period of at least one academic year be eligible for membership in the Royal Canadian Naval College Ex-Cadet Club. It is understood that a Naval Cadet who attends the Canadian Services College, "Royal Military College," for one academic year, and who leaves in good standing, but for some reason is unable to take further professional training at Royal Roads, should be eligible to join. Recommendation carried. (d) The question of investigating the amalgamation of the Royal Military College Club and the Royal Canadian Naval College Ex-Cadet Club was discussed, but it is not recommended that amalgamation be proceeded with at this time. It is, however, recommended that a Liaison Committee be established to ensure that the two Clubs act together in the best interests of all three Services. (e) Recommendations regarding financing for the National and District Committees; I . That one dollar of three dollars per member be turned back to tbe local district for financing. Per capita share per paid up member. 2. That for the annual banquet the National Committee be given tbe grant of $4.00 per head per paid up member; total grant not to exceed $200 per dinner, wbichever sum is the lower. (f) The full support of the meeting was expressed for the suggestion tbat the Executive take Paq.



steps to increase tbe recovery from the Ex-Cadet Club in respect of copies of the "Log" from 75c to $1 00, retroactive to tbe July, 1947, issue. (g) Tbe following were nominated for tbe office of Vice-President of tbe District Committee: Lt. McPherson, Mr. McDonald, Mr. Ker. A vote was taken and Mr. Alastair McDonald was elected to the office of Vice- Presiden t. The meeting adjourned at 2255. EX-CADET DINNER, MONTREAL 13th November, 1948 H E following facts have been culled from several letters of Ex-Cadets addressed to the Secretary-Treasurer: Owing to a small fire on H.M.C. S. Donnaconna tbe venue of the dinner was changed to the Naval Officers' Club, MacGregor Street. Forty - three attended in all. thirty-eight R.C.N.C. Ex-Cadets and Staff. three R.N.C.C. Ex-Cadets, Captain Warwick, H.M.C. S. Donnaconna, and Lt.-Col. Powis, D.S.O. Commodore W . B. Creery. C.B.E., R .C. N .. was introduced by Capt. F. A. Price and spoke of tbe present status of the Services Colleges and possible changes in the future. He then went on to the subject of co-operation between the R.C.N C. Ex-Cadet Club and the R .M.C. Club. He suggested that. since the combined training scheme at present in operation was still in the experimental stage. we should not amalgamate the two Clubs completely. However, be put forth as bis suggestion that it wouid be well worth-wbile-indeed, necessary-for the two Clubs to co-operate closely with one anotber and to co-ordinate any policy suggestions which tbey had to make. He went on to suggest tbat the two Clubs hold joint meetings during the year and that some sort of co-ordinating committee should be created which would look after matters of joint interest He stressed the fact that the ideas pu t forward were personal and not representative of any specially laid-down policy. Lt.-Col. Powis then spoke on the idea of cooperation from the R.M .C. point of view. It is probably notable , he pointed out at the outset. that he and Commodore Creery had come to almost parallel conclusions on tbe subject. He emphasized again the usefulness of a combined front and also tbe special reasons for maintaining separate Clubs. He followed this by suggesting the same type of organization as previously advocated. tbat is, separate Clubs having a joint committee and joint meetings each year. He expressed his appreciation of being invited to speak on behalf of R.M.C. at the dinner and boped that it would be a signal for subsequent joint gatherings of the two Clubs. Tbe Hon . G. C. Marler thanked the speakers and said a few words about the advantages of


co-operation on a policy level as well as a social level between the two Clubs. Following the speeches, nominations were called for in the election of the new Executive Committee. The following were elected: D. e. Mather, 1945, to represent the terms of '43. '44. '45: J P. Fisher. 1946, to represent the terms of '46, '47; George Cowley, 1948. The retiring members were Dick Stikeman. Bob Hampson and Tim Creery. RECENT APPOINTMENTS AND PROMOTIONS Commodore R. E. S. Bidwell. e.B.E .. granted 12.1.49. n.d.c. qualification Lieut. e. G. Pratt, Niobe additional for N.D. Course, 13.1.49. Lieut. A. A. Miller, Niobe additional for N.D. Course, 13.1.49. Lieut. G. W. S. Brooks, Stadacona for New Entry Training Duties (temp.), 29.1.49. Lieuts. (E) D. P. Nash. H. Rowley, Niobe additional for AlE Conversion Course, 13.1.49. Lieut. ) E ( F. A. Sanford. Niobe addition for A E Conversion Course, 9.3.49. Lieut. (C) D. M. Waters, Stadacona additional for duty as O.I.e. Coverdale Radio Station, 28.1.49. Lieut. (P) A. E. Fox, Shearwater additional ffd. for operational Flying Training School. 23.3.49. Cdr. A. P. Musgrave. O.B.E., Cornwallis in command on commissioning (retaining Act. rank of Captain, R.e.N.). Mids. (L) J. G. R. Hutcheson, J. L. Cohrs, H. W. Smith promoted to rank of Act. Sub. Lieut. (L). Lieuts. A. B. Torrie. A. L. Collier granted N.D. qualification. 28.1. 49. Former Stadacona for duty in N.D. Training centre: lalter Naden for duty in N.D. Traning centre. D.T.B.R. Mids. (E) J. Y. Clarke. S. E. Hopkins, 1. M. Bayly, Niobe from leave, additional for training with R.N., 11.2.49. Lieuts. S. M. King, J. S. Hertzberg. Cornwallis on commissioning. Confirmed in rank of Sub Lieut. (with seniority of 5.3.47): D. F. Slocombe to Ontario, 1.1.49; R. Carle for Antigonish (temp). 2.3.49; N. S. Jackson, Ontario, 29.11.48; G. e. McMorris, Athabascan. 29.11.48; J. D. McRuer, Nootka, 26.11.48: A. e. Millin to Haida, 26.11.48; D. e. Radford to Nootka, 26.11.48; G. M. De Rosenroll to Athabascan, 29.11.48; T. L. B. Hebbert to Ontario, I. 1.49: G. B. Wither to Crescent. 29.11.48; G. S. Hilliard to Ontario, 29.11.48; W. M. Phillips to Magnificent. 26.11.48; J. A. Farquhar to Magnificent. 25.11.48: J. H. Wilkes to Magnificent, 26 11.48: P. M. Birch-Jones to Crescent. 29 11.48.

A Sub Lieuts. (E) T. S. Allan, Y. B. Maynard. e. F. B Hase were confirmed in rank with seniority of 3.5.48. Lieut. (P) R. A. Shimmin to Shearwater additional ffd. in 19 e.A.G. in 825 Squadron. 1.12.48. Lieuts. (p) H. D. Joy. E. A. Wiggs, J. J. P. Cote, Shearwater additional ffd. in No. I T.A.G. for Operational Flying Training, 1.12.48. Licut. (S) H. T. Cocks to Shearwater. 1.12.48. Sub. Lieut. (El W. M. Ogle promoted to Ace Lieut. (E) I 4.48 and transferred 14.4.48 to rank of Constr. Lieut. with seniority of 5.7.47. Sub. Lieut. (E) E. J. Dawson promoted to Act. Lieut. (E). 1.4.48 with seniority of 5.8.47. Sub. Lieut. (E) R. J. S. Dickinson promoted to Act. Lieut. (E), 1.4.48, with seniority of 5.12.47. Lieut. (S) D. L. Marcus to Naden, 20.12.48. Lieut. (S) A. K. Cameron to Tecumseh as Supply Office, 10.1.49. Sub. Lieut. F. J. Dunbar (46) writes that his term should finish courses in May and be returned home for their W IK tickets. Mids. Plant. Young and White. 1948, according to the most recent information, are still in H.M.S. Vanguard. At one time in Weymouth they foregathered with Mids. (E) McBurney, Balson, Knox, Andrews and Atwood, who were all in H.M.S. Victorious. Later the Canadian representation in Weymouth was increased by the arrival of Mids. Watson. Morris, Murison and Reid. also 1948. Thomas and Brenchley, '47, spent an interesting summer, 1948. serving in an Imperial Oil tanker as ordinary seamen. Bridgman. '48. writes from Douglas Hall. McGill University, that Ex-Cadets continue to support the rugger game at McGill. MacKel I. Tetley, Mather, White and Carruthers were noticed in the red line-up. We take pleasure in recording the wedding of Tommye. daughter of Dr. and Mrs. T. M. Stanton, to John G. Ireland. 1943, at High Point, N. e., 29th January, 1949. John Ireland led his class in '43, and since then has been making a name for himself in Accountancy. e. M. McBride, '44, is now at McGill University after attending University College, London. Thanks are due to Creery and Lattimer, '47. for the information received about the Montreal Ex-Cadet Dinner. D. L. Common, '45, is attending Union Theological Seminary in New York City. [ Page Ninety路seven

Tetley and Mackell. '45, are In Law I at tvlcGill. Mid. (L) Miles, '48, writes that there is a little Royal Roads at "Ajax" in the persons of McCubbin, Currie, McIntyre and himself. Keith Mills, '46, we are glad to say. has been free of hospital for nearly a year and is now in third year Arts at Carleton. J. A. T. J. Bleau, '43, is manager of Lauren tian Sales Co., Quebec City. He sends particular regards to "Speedball" Manning.

Shirley and Leckie are both Mids. (S) serving in "Magnificent." The Secretary-Treasurer would be glad to hear from the members of the 1948 class who intended to Join the Ex-Cadet Club. Can anyone supply the addresses of: R.C.N.C. Ex-Cadets: I. J. Davidson, ' 44; J . L. Nichol. '44; F. H. Phippen, R. F. Day, '471 R .N.C.C. Ex-Cadets: Class of 1911: H. J. F. M. Hibbard, D. B. Moffat, Rear Admiral L. W . Murray, C.B.E.. RC.N . ( Ret'd) . Class of 1912: T. C. S. Critchley, D. St. G. Lindsay, - McCarrow.

At McGill are McAllister, Price, Cowley, Rowlands, Carpenter, Osborne, Tilden, Briere and Labelle, all of ' 48 .

Class of 1916: F. N. Hilliard, G. B. Willson. Class of 1917 ; G. MeG. Mitchell. F. L. Pickard, A. B. Smith.

Other graduates of 1948, Poitras and Provost are at U . of M., while Currie and MacIntyre are at U . of T.

Class of 1918: A. Cann, J. E. Ellis. Class of 1919: B. B. Brock, D. M. Hope, J. R . Mitchell.

Malloch of '48, while at Queens, visited R.M.C. to cheer on the Royal Roads team. Mid. (L) Pratt is studying at U .B.C. in preparation for acceptance in to the Electrical Branch of the R.C.N.

Class of 1920: W. A. Crisp, J. A. Dawson, H . S. Holman. Class of 1921: E. D. Coyle, L. A . MacLaren. J. A. McAvity. J. E. Mitchell. - Alliso n , F. J. Jefferson, R . A . Howley.

Statement of R. C. N. C. Ex-Cadet Club Finances 31st January, 1947 - 19th November, 1948 1947 - 1948 Fees 1947 Interest on Bonds 1948 Interest on Bonds ( 1 Vz years)

$1.365.61 9.00 13.50


Annual Dinner, 31st January, '47 Telephone Calls Postage , 1946-48 Photo Prints 225 Logs at 75c, July, '47 140 Logs at 75c, December, '47 146 Logs at 75c, July, '48

$1.388.11 Difference in Increase to Surplus Cash in Bank, 31st January, 1947


Cash in Rank, 11 th November, 1948 Accounts Payable

$1.202.95 14.00

Cash in Bank, 19th November, 1948 Trust Fund 3'1 V.B. at par \;/ar Savings Certificates at maturity

$ I.I 88.95 300.00 120.00



Paye Ninety-eight


795.81 407.14


170.93 1.96 34.57 1.53 168.75 105.06 109.50



OUR DAY By SCB LIEUT T W H CREERY KeN (R) E were the Graduating 1 erm, the Term of '47, and that was our day. It was Implicit In everything about the College that it was our day, no one had to shout it out: it was a day which meant a lot to a great number of people: but we will always think of it We can as ours. It IS vivid in our memory recall everything about it because it stood for so much. You might say that it started in the early afternoon on that shady length of road which runs along a little above and to the left of the parade ground We will start out there again and soon find out that really this day started on another almost two years ago, that in some way It stands for those tWO years路 路and what a two years they were' "Hey, Sammy"


"I hear you ca llin g." "Well. I was wondering, Sam, if that little glimpse of beauty I got through the trees wasn't your Vancouver importation /" "Yes. yes, as a matter of fact it is. I'll see if I can't arrange a little introduction for you later ... "You're okay, Sambo." "You're okay, too, Dhobe." Sammy re-addressed himself to giVing the final touches of the whisk to another Cadet's uniform, and concluded with the remark, "Willy, you sparkle." "Yeah, well. you don't, my son: gimme that whisk. My God, Sam, you been to bed in this thing /" Everywhere remarks were flying about. The Cadets were gradually forming up into rough little groups in preparation for the march onto the parade ground. A little way down the road the band was forming up. The Term Lieutenant kept glancing at his watch and asking the Chief Cadet Captain if al l the Cadets were there, if this and that had been seen to. The Gunner's Mate was rushing about telling everyone that things would go all right if they'd Just remember all the things he had taught them. Opinions as to the extent of the crowd and how it compared with last year's, as to how long we would be kept waiting, as to almost anything that happened to enter our minds were bandied about. The last specks of dust were flicked off the shoes. The crowd grew larger. The Teqn Lieutenant glanced at his watch more often. The Band was ready. It was time. "Form up," said the Lieutenant to the Chief Cadet Captain. Out went the markers. Then came the fall-in, and the tense, excited throng of a moment before was a parade of five Divisions of the Cadets of the Royal Canadian Naval College

Nearly all the spectators attending the Graduation ExerCises at Royal Roads come out by car from Victoria, the College being about nine miles outside that city. On arrival at the College the cars turn down the road where the Cadets are forming up; but turn off it to the right before reaching that spot. The turn leads them onto a large field, a section of which is used as a parking lot. After getting out of your car. you walk down the field towards the parade ground. Behind you towers the "Castle," an imposing stone building gaily bedecked with flags which snap about in the breeze. Across the field to your right you notice that the trees stretch the whole length of the field almost down to the waterfront, and beyond the trees you can catch a glimpse of sparkling water in the lak es of the Japanese Gardens. To the left you see a lin e of trees which separates the field from the road, and through the trees you will probably notice the Cadets forming up in readiness for the Graduation ceremonies. Now, looking down ahead, your eyes first alight on the parade ground of grey asphalt. Beyond the parade grou nd and on a lower level there is a playing field, and beyond and below that one, another. The grass is a fresh verdant green, shivering in the breeze. A road runs along between the lower field and the lagoon. The boathouse is on the la goon shore to your left with a mast beside it, at whose yard-arm the White Ensign is flying. The lagoon is separated from the main body of water by a narrow sp it. about three quarters of a mile in length. Beyond the spit lie the straits of Juan de Fuca whose blue waters, dazzling in the sunlight, fade into the low mist which shrouds the far shore. Out of the mist rise the Olympic Mountains, purplish in the distance, their peaks capped with snow, a sym bol of power at rest across the choppy waters of the straits. The sky is blue, flecked with white tufts of cloud, above the ragged skyline of the mountains. The flags Whipping in the breeze, the Castle, the trees, the fields, the water. the spit. the mountains, the sky-they are not one after another like that. but a breathtaking impact of beauty at which you will gaze until the whole vista is forever in your memory. It is early afternoon as you join the crowd above the parade ground. A few minutes pass, and more and more people take their places. Each successive Officer arriving down the path from the Castle seems to have more stripes on his arm than the last. and then from the roadway comes the sound of orders barked out and you catch the flash from the instruments of the band as the players get them ready. An order; and the band is under way, marching onto the parade ground with only a drum giving the



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step. Once the band is off the roadway. the order rings out. "Quick MARCH!" Thump. thump. thump from the bass drum; an accompanying tattoo from the side drums; a clash of the cymbals, and the band swings into the strains of a stirring march. Attention quickly turns to the Cadets as the five divisions follow one another in column of route onto the parade ground. There is a wonderful swing to their stride, heads are high. formation is perfect; the Cadets are putting on the kind of show that is expected of them. and throwing in that extra little bit of smartness. because this is the really big show of the year. Once the whole parade is well on the parade ground, a whole series of orders is barked out and each division heads off in a different direction. When they come to the halt they are drawn up before you in a "V" formation, the open end of the "V" facing the upper end of the parade ground, as are each of the divisions in the "V." The divisions are allocated two to each arm of the formation with the fifth at the apex and the band behind it. We had been standing rather rigidly "Easy" for perhaps five minutes when the inspecting party came through the gate in front of the Castle, and started walking down the path towards the parade ground. As the party reached the top of the steps leading down onto the square itself. the parade was called to attention. The band played the stately salute, "God Save the King"; the Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia who was to inspect the Cadets stood at attention head bared; Officers and Cadet Captains saluted; and the crowd rose to its feet. The salute ended and the inspecting party descended to the parade ground as the order rang out: "Stand-at EASE!" Slowly the party moved from division to division inspecting the Cadets. The band commenced with its restrained and decorous "i ncidental music" and our Graduation Ceremonies were under way. We had been through the drill a hundred times and there was not a slip. In our minds the afternoon was something of an obstacle course divided up into several phases. The first phase was the inspection, and if everything went all right then, the next hurdle (prizegiving and speeches) was not likely to cause much trouble. so we felt secure until the march -past. The tension eased off now that the inspection was over. We returned to that most relaxing position of "sta nding easy." wh-en we could move the head the odd fraction of an inch to get a look at things, slightly bend the knees so as to relieve stiffness and generally amuse ourselves in such ways as would be imperceptible to the onlooker. Then the most outstanding of our number were called out to receive their reward . and not one of us begrudged the other the honour of his Paqe One Hundred


hard won laurels-he had worked for them, The most brilliant Cadets, the leaders. the Cadet with the highest Officer-like qualities. and so on, darted ou t from the ranks to receive their prizes. (Salute the prizegiver, pace forward. shake hands-"No. Dumbo. you do not remove your glove"-receive prize, pace backward, salute. turn right. double away. deposit prize on table, double back to the division.) There was a routine for everything; but a meaning above and beyond the importance of carrying out the mere motions of the drill. Following the prize-giving. the Captain gave a short address concerning the progress of the College and the work of the Cadets. and finished by wishing best of luck to the Graduating Term. He then introduced the LieutenantGovernor who proceeded with his speech. As the speaker talked on. the farther my spirits wandered from the occasion, and the more memories crowded in upon me-Memories. catches, glimpses-incoherent you may say-but if you were not at the College I could explain for ages, and though you might be near it you would not know quite what the College had meant to us, done for us. the association we would soon be leaving. A few unpleasant memories ?-yes, there are a few; but they diminish with time; our overall memories have always been happy. and that is important. We were working hard, striving, getting a drive out of life. and that is how I remember the College. Incidents flashed out now. a string of memories of the College. "Form up in three ranks. Never mind about your baggage. it will be looked after." . . , piling. new and strange, fifty-four of us, into that long open trailer truck.. P.T. at 0630 . . show respect for the Seniors . . . ''I'm known as the 'Gestapo' round here and I like the name-so beware." hard as nails the CYS but heart of gold one of our best friends at Royal Roads . You have let me down stinko! I expect more from the Junior Term." . . . Term spirit. we must stick together as a Term . . . initiation . . . they say the first two months are the worst but after that you get used to it . . . "May I congratulate both teams on their games. Good, clean sport and spirit, that's what we like to see" . . . prompt, courteous replies to invitations, prompt. courteous .. " You notes of thanks to hosts or hostesses got a girl for the dance, or Captain's choice?" . . "J ust do your best. that's all that's asked of you.". . "Rim. ram, russ, we know we mustn't cuss, but holy hell. we feel so well. we absolutely mus' ! Rim , ram; jim. jam, etc.East Dorm. hooray!" Rilly. rahlly, beastly . jolly; West Dorm- Rah !" . . . "Okay. who bust that pillow? No one I The whole dorm will get up at 0600. Now , who bust that pillow ? No one? Okay." . . Exams, carol service, Christmas dance, winter term. Our Captain is relieved by a successor, rugger , drive

studies, drill. P.T . . . . the only thing we got over them is condition . . . "Three days slack party. Defaulter, on-CAP: DisMISS' . . . " "Three days number eleven for that? Jese , they must be cracking down" . . . "Oh, it's a hell of a lot slacker this year than it was last!" 路 . . Buck up, my son. Heads up, chests out, stomachs in-look proud! Slow down the pace in front." . . . Spring, it's our turn for the cruise; a ship's an awful place to live. "No hot water so how the - - can I shave?" Sprawled out on the quarterdeck, not so sick if you keep doing something; libertymen; dance ashore; at last. Seattle; special leave . . . back at the College . . . Seniors graduate; now we're Seniors; God, what a year! Oh, sure, I enjoyed it all right. Yeah, it's terrific; it's no picnic, though; you're damn right it's tough; anyway, we'll have the upper hand next year. The pleasant interlude of summer sped away. "Have a good time?" "Sure did; glad to be back, though, and you?" "Yeah, terrific, going to be hard, though, getting back into the old routine." . . . bit of a gap in the ranks for a while; some of the fellows hadn't made it ... " "Jese, did we look that sloppy when we first arrived?" . . . "Wakey, wakey, wakey, rise and shine-come on, my sons, outa yer carts!" 路 .. When you dismiss; take a paceforwardturn rightturnleftaboutturnclass-diss MISS! Fallin again! Now, when you dismiss; take a . . . 路 . . three day flying familiarization course; that truck drive out to Pat Bay. "No, I'm sorry, you can't use the Link, the last Cadet pranged it. No, there won't be any flying today, lectures instead." . . . "In P.T. you don't walk, you don't run, you don't even fly-you just disappear and reappear" ... Junior Term's getting out of hand, time to clamp down . . "Okay, into dinner, Seniors, get your mail after, Juniors. For what we are about to receive, thank God." . . . like last year only more advanced, more freedom, don't have to double around the circle; the year rolls past Christmas into winter-"Out cameras, men, there's snow on the ground." ... "I got a gal who's mighty sweet, big blue eyes and tiny feet. There's a shanty in a town On a little plot 0' ground And the green grass grows. There was a girl. I knew her well. Deenah, is there anyone feenah. We gather together to sing the Lord's praises, He hastens and chastens. Don't move over, stranger, that's not Eternal Father strong to save, whose arm doth bind" . . . gunroom dances at the Goblin; what a dump, but it looked okay after someone turned the lights out 路 . . "Good-Oh. Way to go. Bags of drive. Well. rowdy-dow." . . . away for four weeks to change us from "amateur yachtsmen to professional seamen." Sudden 1y the cruise is over; there's just a couple of months to Graduation. The boys start moving into the cupboards to

study. Four weeks to go; two weeks to go; one week to go. "We'll never get there." Four days to go; two days to go; thirty-six hours; twenty-four; twelve; three hundred and sixty minutes; everyone's applauding; snap out of it. Snap out of it: Properly at ease. "Pah-rade HUH!" Boy, one or two of us were almost caught napping that time. "Parade will march past in review order." The Chief Cadet Captain saluted and ordered; "Frobisher Division, quick MARCH!" The first two Divisions, one in either arm of the "V," counted the paces as the division which had been at the apex advanced. As it came abreast between them (about eight paces) they stepped off. Then, as the three marching Divisions came abreast of the two remaining, they in turn stepped off, so that the whole parade was advancing toward the front of the parade ground. A couple of drums were tapping out the step. The parade advanced to the front of the parade ground close to the bank where the spectators were watching and then turned into column. We advanced in column of route around the parade ground making a wheel at the first two corners, and then each division separately turned into line at the far left hand corner (as you look out to sea). As the last division made the turn and we advanced towards the fron t of the parade ground, the band swung into the stirring naval march-past-"Heart of Oak." We put more into the marching than ever, took a quick look at the dressing out of the corner of an eye, and swung on in time to that rousing tune. On reaching the front left-hand corner of the parade ground. each division performed a "left form" which altered our course so that we were advancing. each division in line abreast and one behind the other, along the front of the parade ground to pass the reviewing stand. Number one flag. "Division, eyes RIGHT!" (Look the Inspecting Officer straight in the eyes-and HOLD THAT DRESSING!") There was a man standing in front in civilian clothes with his hat over his chest and we stared in the direction of his eyes. There was a blaze of brass and gold braid standing at attention and saluting. "Heart of Oak" blared out in the background. A White Ensign flew above the stand. A splash of colour and faces applauded. Number two flag. "Division. eyes FRONT!" We marched on. making the appropriate wheels, until the parade stretched across the cen tre of the parade ground; then halted, and turned so that we were facing the spectators. Then we were dismissed to fall in by Terms on the left front quarter of the parade ground, the Junior Term behind the Senior. [ Page One Hundre1 and One

The Chid Cadet Captain ordered. "Senior Term. about TURNI" We were now facing the Juniors The order "Slow MARCH'" was given and we advanced towards the Juniors. carefully counting the paces to the time of the big bass drum which whacked out the beat to the tunc. "The Road to the Isles." The two terms merged. and as each rank of Seniors came opposite the corresponding rank of Juniors. each Junior's hand snapped the lanyard (attached only by a piece of thread for the occasion) from around the Senior's neck, By that traditional ceremony we were advanced from the rank of Cadet to that of Midshipman and the Juniors became Seniors, There was the odd hurried whisper of "What's the step?" and the corner of a mouth would open to reply. say. "eleven." At "fourteen" we commenced the about-turn. still at the slow. Then. on "nineteen" we stepped off at the quick, the sudden change of rhythm from the band producing a sharp effect. urgent. buoyant. as we marched back to our starting place through the ranks of the now Senior Term. coming to the halt automatically, The former Chief Cadet Captain then turned about and ordered his successor to fall out, The Chief Cadet Captain doubled out in front of the Midshipman and saluted, "March off the Senior Term," "Aye, Aye. Sir." After the Seniors had been marched off came the final orders of the ceremony of Graduation, From the reviewing stand the Captain ordered. "Fall out. the Midshipmen '" We took a pace forward and saluted, The Captain returned the salute We hustled about into a group "Three cheers for the College!" Hip, hip, Hooray: Hooray' Hooray' (there's no tiger in the Navy; but this is a special occasion so J Hooray' As the Midshipmen double off, the spectators wend their way from the position above the parade ground to one above the upper of the two playing fields, There are many comments "Did you notice how t h e y " . "Spectacular. that bit where. , ,". "Damn smart looking ,". "You know. I never did succeed in seeIt had been a moving experience to Ing . ' . watch the drill Something about the swinging stride. the spirit. the near-perfect drill had impressed everyone, The beautiful clear day. the sweeping panorama. the marching ranks had all combined to produce an effect memorable in its grandeur. Hardly do the onlookers reach the upper field when the first athletic display is under way, In the background the band plays while the teams perform in the foreground After an exhibition fencing bout come the chair tricks These are followed by the ground work team and they by the high-box, Page One Hundred and Two

We rushed off the parade ground and changed into P. T, gear in a flash, Everything In the display that afternoon had to get off on time. and the athletICS had been so arranged that there should be no hold-up between the drill and their commencement. The main body of the Cadets were being formed up on the lower field; but the fencing and chair trick teams came on for their displays from the front left-hand corner of the field. as there was no time to be lost. After the chair tricks, in which five of us took part. we doubled to the far end of the field where the majority of the Cadets were already sitting in neat ranks on the grass. having doubled up from the lower field to that position, After each act a great swarm of Cadets would rush out onto the field to provide the apparatus for the next one. Everything was running like clockwork. and now that the drill had gone off without a hitch. we were pretty confident about the P.T, display. The Victoria Daily Colonist always has a word to say about the youthful. tanned, athletic figures of the Cadets and I will leave anatomical discussion almost completely in the hands of that worthy daily, Suffice it to say that the strenuous athletic programme at the College allowed little excuse for slouchiness and. dressed in gym shorts. running shoes and socks. we were fairly exposed to observation as far as physical development was concerned. There was a feeling of suspense among us as the high-box display commenced, The finest gymnasts at the College were on the team and. having watched them train. we knew just which exercises were the most spectacular, which had required the most effort. where there might be a weak spot and where applause was most deserved We made a far better audience than the spectators in this respect and fairly monopolized the applause at times. amidst muttered comments from the ranks. such as, ''I'd like to see some of them get off their big fat fannies and try it-then they might give a 'hand' for the boys that can'" The feeling of tenseness grew as we continued with the displays, For the last time we were taking part in a College activity. working with our Team-mates, trying to do our best as a team-and the afternoon was drawing to a close, After the group performances we would be doubled OUt so that all the Cadets would be formed up in a large square covering the best part of the field We would be given the order. "Sit DOWN'" Then the sports prizes would be awarded. there would be another speech, and we would put on the rhythmic table. a set of twelve exercises (sixteen times each) performed without a word of command Then would come the counter-double-march and the Graduation would be completed, (, . , tea on the

terrace In front of the Castle, the Graduation Ball that night. subsequent revelry. in all probability none of us would sleep a wink before leaving the College on the following morning. piling. old friends. forty-six of us. into that long trailer truck . . . no more P.T at 0630 .) There was still a good deal to look forward to. so that the feeling of a departure was not in the forefront of our minds; but somewhere it lurked there. and every now and then we would remember that the College days were almost over. We sat on the playing field and remembered the many rugger and soccer games we had played upon it together. Perhaps there was even a hint of nostalgia at the thought of never running another cross-country on the road that ran by below the field-perhaps not. Soon the lagoon and o ur lengthy. and sometimes exhausting. sea time upon it would be past. Tomorrow we would be going our ways after our intense association of two years-two years during which we had come to know one another just about as well as possible; on the playing field. in the classroom, at sea on the cruise. taking orders. giving orders. helping another. being helped.

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It was a companionship which we hated to break up. ambitious as we were for the future. I t was impossible that we should be together again as the same group which had worked together for those two years. was graduating today. and would leave tomorrow; the group that consisted of Wee Davie. Ian. Burp. Norm. Brench. KDB. Mortis, John L .. Ronnie. Twhc. Meat Ball. Nape. Spider Bill. Dicky. Pusser Hugh. Feezer. Harry. JP. Terry. AI, Hoppy, John. Beaver. DN, Si, Knobby. Vince, Diamond Jim. Mick, Doc. Jaime, George. RJ, Red, Dhobe, Bobo, Gaggy Dick. Pete. Cusser. Smitty. Creeper, Lofty. Sammy. Innocence Divine. Dinny, Dave. We were leaving the College; but taking a lot of it with us. For the last time we would be seeing our Officers and Instructors who had done so much for us and shared our enthusiasm. We were saying goodbye to a way of life which had been demanding; but which we had enjoyed. This, our Graduation day, summed up for us all that we had done and learned and enjoyed during those two years. That was our day.

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