1954 Log Canadian Services College Royal Roads

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ROYAL ROADS 1954 路 ...





7953 - 7954 - VOL. 13 -


APRIL 30. 1954


4 9



GOVERNING BODYCanadian Services Colleges




GRADUATINC; CLASS. 1954 Biographies Addresses

17 - 40 41



Alec in Wonderland


The InterVIew





73-84 85

Canadian Football













Summer Training



89 89

College Calendar Cadet Officers. 1953-1954




A Junior 's First Impression






Cs.c. Tournament




COLl.EGE NEWS Graduation. 1953

The Carol Service The Christmas Ball


54 54

Clubs Junior Gunroom Notes


Senior Gunroom Notes


Predictions I n the Barber Chair

64 65







I 12





By G[;~ERAL CfL\kLLS f'OL [K[路S. C B . . C B [ .. D.s.n . ( D.

ChaIrman. Chtefs of Staff


AST April I had the pleasl!re of attendmg your GraduatlOn Ceremonies -' and this April you have given to me the honour of writing the Foreword to "The Log." and I would like to commend to you at this time this short message. The time may come when new weapons in the strength of our Armed Forces but the we shall be able to do without the military leadership and the spirit of sacrifice and fair for these qualities, qualitIes that will stand undertaking

may allow some reductions time will never come when virtues of courage, loyalty. play Royal Roads stands you in good stead in any

It is quite clear that in thIs nuclear age leadership is of more critical Importance than cnr before. but this attribute must be accompanied bv a higher standard of technIcal skill in future. If our Armed Forces are to be led successfully in peace and in war the officers must possess. in addition to the human traits and qualities inseparable from leadership. an intricate knowledge of the complicated weapon systems of their own service and of the combined employment of Navy. Army and Air Force No longer can the servIce leader isolate hImself within the circumference of a single service career. The tri-servicc influenres you have together with the high academic standard a firm foundation upon which you may kind of leadership required of you In the

experIenced at Royal Roads demanded of you will serve as confidently build toward the future.



• COl 0:-:1'1.


Commandant B WARE DS.O




D,rl'Cfor 0/ Studies



Officer-in·Charge Cadet WIng COMMANDER R \V TIMBRELL. D.S.C .. CD. R.CN Exe(utft'~ Officer LIEUTENANT-COMMANDER H. V. CLARK. RCN


PROf'ESSOR C C COOK. B.A. M.Sc. PhysIcs PROFESSOR C S. BURCHILL. M A B.Se. (Econ ) HlSlory and EconomIC< PROFESSOR A. L C. ATKINSON M.Sc. F.R.S.A .. M.l.N A .. M.E.I.C Engineering Drawing and DeSCriptive Geometry Registrar History and Economics English



H H A G. J R R

Engtneenng Drawing and Drscnptlue Geometry French M DUTTON. MSc.. A.lnst.P. Physics G. BRICKNELL. A.RC.S .. B.Se. Chemistry r DALSIN. B.Sc .. M.A. Mathematics D. KEYS. MSe.. Ph.D. Physics STEWART. MA .. M.C.I.C. Chemlstrl!

0 SMITH. M.A .. Ph.D.

01 DHAM. DrC .. Croix de Gucrre and Bar. M.A. OLen. (Pans) French ASSISTANT PROFESSOR I H S. HENDERSON. MSc .. D.Phil Chemistry MR r T NAISH. B.A J..,[athematl-c~ MR G. J. McKENZIE. B.A. French MR G. S. McCAUGHEY. B.A. English MRS M. CAMPBELL. B.A. I L A. Llbrartan LCDR (S) B. W. FAIRWEATH[R. C.D. RC.N. Supply Officer SHPT LT. J. A. McLAREN. CD .. RCN. Shipwright Officer LT. (E) W. G. ATTWELl . CD. MIME., AS R E. R.C.N. Engineer Officer IT. (S) P. J BATES. CD .. R.C N Staff Adjutant LT. (P) H. D. JOY. R.C.N. No.1 Squadron Commander CAPT. J. P. R. TREMBLAY M.C mq. p. R. 22. R No.2 Squadron Commander T'/L E. SIMKINS. B.PH.E . R.CAF .No 3 Squadron Commander I.T (M Ad) G A. SLOCOMB. CD. R.C.N. Alrdical AdminIstrator I T E 1'. PFTERSON. B.P.H r. RCA P. !1 R T Officer

President of the Canadian Serviccs Colleges THE HONORABLE BROOKE CLAXTON, D,CM, Q.C, M.P., BCL. LL.D MInister of Naltonal Defence

ADVISORY BOARD BrIgadIer C M. Drury. CBE, D.S.O. Deputy MInister of NatIonal Defence

VIce-Admiral E. R. Mainguy, O.BE, CD., RCN. ChIef of the ,VaL'al Staff

Lieutenant-General G. G. Simonds, CB, CB.E .. OS.O., CD. ChIef of the General Staff

Air Marshal C. R. Siemon, C B. CBE. CD. ChIef d the AIr Staff

Dr 0

M. Solandt. O.B.E.

ChaIrman ot the Defence Research Board

Parliamentary Assistant or ASSIstants to the Minister of National Defence Two Representatives from each of the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec One Representative from each of the other Provinces Two RepresentatIves Nominated by the Royal Military College Club of Canada One Represcntative NomInated by the Ex-Cadet Club. Royal Roads

PERSONNEL \IEMBERS COMMITTEE Rear-Admiral H. F. Pullen. OBE, CD .. R.CN. ChIef of ,\'aval Personnel. Ottawa

Major-General W. H. S Macklin. CB.E .. CD. Ad/utant General

Air Vicc-Marshal F G. Wait. CB.E .. CD. Air Member for Personnel

Representative of the Deputy Minister's Office Representative of the Defence Research Board

"r' H E


I 954



CADET is one of those, "who IS undergOing training to become an officer." This is the definition given by the Encyclopaedia Britannica: but does it really explain to us just what a cadet is' Surely it omits one of the most Important aspects of a cader's character. his individuality. He is, above all things, an Individual. possessed of all the attributes neces sary to make of him a leader of men .

anyone. Nonetheless. before following blindly the counsel of ot hers each person must consider for hlIT:self the various aspects of the situation to see whether or not their advice is applicable If this is done, then each decision made by the person is an expression of his individual will.

It must be realized at the outset that every cadet at this College is different from every other cadet. Outwardly, if one disregards physical differences. they are very much alike. They are compelled by reason of their presence here to wear the same type of clothes. to sleep, to ear. to play, and to study together. They take the same courses as their fellows and undergo the same training in order that they may, at some time in the future. take command of men. All this is necessary if the cadet is to become a part of the smoothly functioning life of the service

One of the primary functions of this College is to train th e cadet to usc his individuality, not just for his own benefit, but for the benefit o f all. Before arriving at the College each cadet exis ted in his own sphere The first few weeks of close and continued fellowship were sufficient to show that. if h e was to make progress in hi s training. he would have to subj ugate his own interests to the Interest of the whole. Many times he was told not to be an . individualist." but it was meant that he should learn to act as part of a team a nd for the team . That does not mean that he must conform to a set pattern of thought thlOu ghoul his whole career. It means, rather, that he must train himself and be trained to be an individual at the right time.

In one respect, however. the cadet is different from his fellows, and that is in his individual ity . The problems and situations that a cadet IS to meet in the pursuance of his career will give him many opportunities to show his initiative. If he is to handle these with efficiency and dispatch he must be able to rei y upon his own Judgment. If this is to be anything but a slavish imitation of those who have preceded him, then it is imperative that he use his powers of reasoning and of decision. That is to say. he must express his own individuality in the form of concrete decisions. This does not mean that he is to ignore the advice or experience of others. On the contrary, a good knowledge of the experience of others and a solid background in all things is an asset to

The individuality of every cadet is of a different nature At cer tain times it is easy to pick out individuals as we see them. At other times we must first become acquainted with them before we can see in what respec ts th ey are different. The only thIng that they have in common with their fellows is the desire to make better men of themsel ves by the experience they gain. Not one will leav e without having gained something. nor will he leave without leaving something behind The thing that each retains and develops throu ghout the remainder of his life is him self. his mind, his body , his ideas, but above all himself What he leaves is intangible: something of hi s spirit and individuality which co ntribute to the Spirit for which this College IS noted


CoW IC Paul David Manson Educated: Pembroke Collegiate. Home: Deep River. Paul hails from the "Atomic City" and judging by his achievements at Royal Roads he brought a little atomic power with him. His athletic interests and abilities cover almost every sport on the curriculum including the fair sex of Victoria. However, between Saturday "liberties" Paul has managed to play outstandlllg football as a quarterback and a fullback. In representative ~asket颅 ball and volleyball his drive has rarely been equalled. WIIlnlng t.he middleweight hoxing championship of the College earned for hI!" the right to represent us at R.M.C. He also sparked Champlalll Flight in hockey with his brilliant net-tending. His achievemel~ts did not go without recognition. Paul won the Director of StudIes Cup as the outstanding athlcte of his year. Academically, Paul is more fortunate than most, narrowly missing honour standing last year. He was appointed to C/S.L. in the first term and to C/W.C. in the second term. On both capacities Paul exhibited high qualities of leadership. The future holds R.M.C. and a degree in chemical engineering for him, and if his accomplishments here are any indication, any career he may choose can not but be successful.

C-SIL Arthur Caseborn Wade Educated: Alexander Composite High School. Horne: Medicine Hat, Alberta. From out of the heart of the wild west came our "Artricious the Vicious" with an ever-present genial smile on his countenance. Art was first term Squadron Leader of One Squadron and the success of the squadron, this year, is chiefly due to his devoted work. An outstanding member of the football, basketball and cross-country teams, Art has sheer determined drive which is unparalleled in the College. Another field in which he is unparalleled is evident whenever a dance comes our way. Everyone looks with frustration for a long-haired chum hut Arthur finds it no problem in turning up with two dates. Finishing High School at the age of nineteen, he worked for a year on Construction Survey (under P.F.R.A.), then came to Roads as an R.O.T.P. Army Cadet in the Engineering Branch. Art intends to pursue his Army career in the Royal Canadian Engineers and we have no doubt that he will he very successful in this field. F.A.W.W.

C-SIL Donald Jeremy Brown Educated: University School, Victoria. Home: Victoria. Tall, lanky, and blond, "D.]." was one of the most likable cadets in our term. A nativt: of Victoria, he was always ready to protect his home town, and the Colonies, against attack:: fro III the Eastern clements of the College. Although free and easy-going on the surface, Jern' has a 'crious side to his nature, as is shown by his mark~ and the路 way in which he has handled the post of Editor of "The Log" this past ,路ear. In ~pitc of this extra-curricular task, he managed to make' time to engagc in sports. He was a mem,her of the Championship foothall team, and reprc!"Ientcd the College for two years on the swimming team: For these activities. and his other qualifications, he held the apP0111tments of Flight Leader of Mackenzie Flight and Number Two Squadron 路Leader in the first and second term's respectively. A staunch llH.:moer of the R.C.N., he intcnds to continue his trailling' at Kcylw,m, England, and then emhark 011 a careCr ill the Navy. in which he :-;hOl1l<1 go far. F.J.N.

C-SIL Norman Starling Freeman Educated: Humberside Collegiate Institute. Home: Toronto, Ontario. \Vhen Norm, more popularly known as "Max," came to the College from "THE QUEEN CITY," it was evident to all that he had the makings of a first-class cadet. His good-natured manner and friendliness soon made him popular with everyone. As a speedy end in his first year, and as an outstanding back in his second, Max has contributed greatly to the many victories of the Canadian Football Team. This is not the limit of Max's athletic capabilities by far, as he has represented the College in boxing, basketball and volleyball in both years against our annual rivals. C.M.R. and R.M.C. Max's favourite activity is gymnastics. He has not been able to spend much time at it, however, because of his participation in so many other sports. His leadership qualities have been acknowledged by his appointment to Cadet Squadron Leader in the first term and through hard work and his excellent record, to Wing Commander in the third term. Norm has always fared well academically, standing well up in his class, and shows no signs of letting up in his academic endeavours. As far as Norm's future is concerned, he has pans for R.M.C .. an Engineering degree at the University of Toronto, and then a career in the R.C.A.F.


C-Ji'IL Jack Stewart Ink Educated: Central Collegiate. Home: Regina, Saskatchewa n. The Queen City's gift to Royal Roads has proved his unsurpassed drive and determination this year by c1im'bing from Leading Cadet in the first term to Cadet Squadron Leader in the third, a notable achievement indeed. In sports, Johnnie's fleetness of foot earned him a berth on the football team, but he met with bad luck last fall when a leg injury sidelined him for the season. His in domitab le spirit has led Fraser Flight to many a victory during his two years at the College, particularly in hockey. Not even Mackenzie's glorious Six have succeeded in spi llin g the Ink on the ice. When his mind is occupied by lesser things, you can be sure that Johnnie's dreaming about the "Ydlow Peril," for he's as keen as they come on flying. Genera lly accepted as the undisputed authority on model ai rplan es in the term, he's usual1y flying one of the littl e ones when no la rger editions are available during the summer months. The next two years will see J.S. in Civil Engineering at R. M.C.

C-FIL William Skene Laidlaw Educated: Esq uimalt High School, Victoria College. Home: Vic toria , B.C. Fresh from a year's hard labour at the local foundry Bill appeared at Roya l Roads with his soccer boots in one hand and his shootin ' iron in the other. Since then he has been a star of th~ representative soccer team both years and captain in his Senior year. Bill was also on the representative shootin' team and showed a great deal of ability in inter-flight swimming and B.C. "all-star" hockey. Either at the bottom of a skylark or the centre of an argumenl in the gun room "Ole Lump lump" quickly established himself for his quiet brand of humour. A gr eat advocate of "speed before efficiency" in the Chemist ry lab he nevertheless stood among the top 10 of his term. Bill's drive and popularity earned him the al)pointment of Cadet Flight Leader in the first and last terms and Cadet Squadron Leader in the second term. Navigation in the R.C.A.F. claims Bill's .ummers. Bill plans to go on to R.M.C. for an Engineering degree. After that he is undecided; for as he says, .. Reserve. Yea I" M.C.J.

I C-FIL Hugh Francis Haswell Pullen Educated: Dalhousie Vniversity. Home: Chester Basin, Nova Scotia. Born in Victoria, "Horrible" Hugh came to Royal Road" from llalifax. Rumour has it that he received his early education from a naval ~laster-At-.\rnls. As a Junior Ifugh became known as a good termmate and a first rate skylarker. Originally a Naval Cadet he later changed to the Army, amid the applause of the "Old Contemptibles." His cOllvictions about the Army were further strengthened during summer training at Camp Borden. Returning to Royal Roads as a Leading Cadet Hugh went on to become Champlain Flight Leader in the third term, doing admirably 路in all respects. He played well and hard for his Right in all sports, and became a member in good standing of the "Honourable Order of Artsmen." H.F.H. plans to continue in an Arts course at R.M.C. next year and then to enter the Army. With his past military trainingand his good personal qualities there is no doubt that Hugh will J:{O to the top in his chosen profession-that of an infantry officer.


C-FIL Donald Melville Gray Educated: Kingston Collegiate and Vocational Institute. Home: Kingstoll, Ontario. From the first day our term arrived Big "Oin" Gray made it dear that he was going to make hi, mark at Royal Roads. His capabilities in both scholastic and on the athletic field have been well proven. In his Junior year Don ,tood in the first 25, played representative football and basketball and showed himself to be a well above average cadet. He was rewarded by being made a Leading Cadet in the first term, the Cadet Wing Flight Leader in the second term, and the Cadet Flight Leader of Mackenzie Flight in the third term. This year he is the Cunroom Vice-President and ag'ain p layed representative football. During the boxing season he won the heavyweight division and was assessed the most sportslnanlike boxer, for which he won the Michael Phillips Memorial Trophy. From his record at Royal Roads there is plenty of reason to helieve that Don will do well at R.~1.C. and in his chosen service, the Na\路y. J.R.F.

C-FIL Archibald Kenneth Beare Educated: Carneau Division, Strathcona High School. Home: Edmonton, Alta. "\Vcll, then, where would the Arm\' and Air Force be without an efficient transport service to hack them up"-and again Arch is \"jgorou~ly taking his stand in the case of ~avy vs. the world. Arch came to Royal Roads from the "oil king city of the world," as we arc all informed daily in the gunroom. In his junior year he was our gun room president and went on in his second year to hecome CIFI of Hudson rlig'ht, ill the first term and CISI in the third term . . Always active in the :-.ports world, Arch plays a hard game of hndgc as well as being on the first line in football, hasketball, and \路olleyhall. In }li.!-. spare tilll e he can he ~eCll :o.quintillK over his camera or pl1r:-.uillg' hi.s f;n'ouritc hohbics-\\ riting' a 20 page letter to Van('ou\'(.:r. Arch's future p1al1s include ElcctricalEnginccring at R.~r.C. aTld then a permanent cOJl1missioTl in the ":-.ilcnt scrvice."

C-FIL Archibald Collier Brown Educated: Vernon High School. Home: Vernon, B.e. "Skylark," we have been told, is the first word that this Army Engineer said, and from what we saw of hin: in his Junior year Arch lived up to the word. Perhaps our SenIors thought that no skylark could be original, but Arch disproved this theory time and again as any cadet who felt the effects of his spark coil could testify. Besides this, Arch took an active part in College sports, playing on the representative basketball team and participating in all inter-flight sports. All his attributes in the Junior year led Arch to being the first term Flight Leader of La Salle Flight and second term Squadron Leader of Three Squadron in his Senior year. During his Senior year Arch played on the Canadian football team and the representative basketball team as well as leading La Salle Flight in inter-flight sports. No matter where he is or under what circumstances he finds himself Arch always staunchly supports tbe Engineers, and no doubt he'll always be doing that, both at R.M.e. and in the Army itself. A.K.B.

C-FIL Paul Moody Educated: University of Manitoba. Home: \Ninnipeg, Manitoba. Paul. commonly known as "Moo" to his term mates, had already secn two years' service in the R.e.A.F. when he came to R.R. Unlike most of the "bird-men," however, we heard no, well very few, hero stories from him. This is an amazing fact, particularly when one hears the rest of the term after one short summer's training: "There I was at 2,000 feet ... It was all right till the captain got seasick ... or, the mud was so deep we lost three lieutenants." Perhaps this is necessary because "Moo" prefers to tel! of epic parties that occurred in Winnipeg. As well as making Flight Leader first term, Paul played tackle on the football team and caused many beautiful young Victoria maidens to swoon over his heroic playing. Of course there was also the night of the sheep---smuggled by nefarious means into the dorms by an enterprising group of juniors, and captured eventually by Paul after a hair-raising midnight chase. He intends to forsake a promising career as a shepherd in favor of a quieter one at R.M.e. C.P.T.

C-FIL David Ho ward Hook Educated: Stamford Collegiate. Home: Niagara Falls. Hook? Good cadet. Anyone having difficulty with Physics, Calculus, Chemistry? Anything? Dave's always good for a little help with the problems we lesser intellects meet in our work. Recognized as one of the harder wo rking members of our term. Should be. Has a great deal 1110re to work with than 1110st of us. Breezed through his two years here without a problem. Not in this field. anyway. Made a habit of standing first in his term. Did it both as a Senior and as a Junior. Clear of his nearest competition by a good margin. But this academic work's a dull thing to be restricted to. Noth ing dull about Dave. Musical ability really good. Happy with a uku lele, or with a bugle ill the band, on the or gan, or giving an energetic rendition on the piano. Played our college song over CBC while we sang it. Playing brings spirit and vi tality to the gunroom.

. &





. .

Made the mistake of showing organizing ability and a flair for decoration. Got saddled with the task of doing the decorations for the Christmas dance. Fact is. he did the Christmas dance. Position as a decorator seelns to be a permanent onc. Received usual re\\路ard for ability-bars. Started with one in the band. Attempted mu s ical revolution, on small scale, with syncopation. Next term came up to two bars, and Lasalle Flight. Obtained feared reputation; did good job. Did good job on riRe team ill tournament. Sumnlcr training saw him outstanding too.

instructor in a Harvard.

Particularly whell in close pursuit of 3n The Air Force is a permanent affair with

Dave. \\' ill go to R.M.C. Hopes to see a group of letters after his nallle before too long. C.A.S. at least. e.G.

/ Cecil Gordon Bale Educated: Stamford Collegiate Institute. Home: Niagara Falls, Ontario. Gord, who hails from the city of misty spray and shredded wheat, is a person who is definitely destined to go far. In the field of academics, he is a first class honour man and a certainty to be right up there at the top of the ladder. During his Senior year at the College he was active on the Log staff and was also a member of the International Relations Club. He held the rank of Leading Cadet in the first term and did all excellent job as Flight Leader of Champlain Flight in the second. Gord's plans for the future include the Commerce course at RM.C., during which time his summers will be spent at sea with the Executive Branch of the R .C.N. After RM.C., it will be Queen's University to obtain his B.Comm. degree. His aim: to become a Chartered Accountant. ].E.W.

Raymond Jean Marin Barbeau Educated: Querbes Academy. Home: Outremont, Montreal. Ray (the Mad Frenchman) came to us from Montreal. He could not speak English but since then he has come a long way. He is even teaching us new words. He is one of our "three year plant! boys. Ray is good in all sports, but he excels in skiing, boxing, soccer and short hair cuts. He should become a pro golfer in a few years. Ray has set his mind to become a frogman next summer. As long as he doesn't decide to come and demolish my tanks I'll be quite happy. He intends to go to McGill University nex~ year to continue hIs course as a Civil Engineer. Ray also wants to invent a machine that will put chains on cars in winter without having to get out of the car. If it works, I'll buy a set for the car that I'll have in twenty-five years. H.F.C-D.

Riclmrd George Bethell Educated: Weyburn Collegiate. Home: Weyburn, Sask. In 1952 the "Dust Bowl" sent as its delegate to Royal Roads. a stalwart by the name of Dick Bethell. Born, raised, and educated on the prairies, Dick is one of those quiet types who form the backbone of the College. There is no doubt that he has made his mark both in sports and in the gunroom. In sports Dick plays soccer, basketball, and hockey very well and has been one of Lasalle Flight's staunch supports. His best game, however, is tennis; and according to "Western 'Villic" he From Ii\Villic" that is no mean plays a "cool, steady game." compliment. In other respect s Dick has also dOlle well. An enthusiastic supporter of gunroom activities and a possessor of a good sense of humour he has become a popular member of that select group. Jnst what Dick is planning to do after his graduation from R.M.C. is somewhat of a mystery as yet, but whatner his field of endeavour you can he sure that hi:; perseverance will gain for him the best. KA.B.

Kenneth Arnold Biccum Educated; Brandon Collegiate. Home; Brandon, Manitoba. During the past few years, Brandon, Manitoba, has been represented at our College and 1954 was no exception. In the fall of 1952 another addition of good prairie stock came over the wall in the person of Biccum, K. A. He spent his summer training at MacDonald, Manitoba, taking Aeronautical Engineering. Ken was a Leading Cadet in the first term and was scourge of the Junior race, I mean, term, who bestowed on him the affectionate name " Hot Tamales." He left the curling rinks in the prairies and turned to .iRe work in the mess decks. "Snappy B," as he is known among the Seniors, is planning to travel to the other side of Canada and take up Business Administration at Western. In spite of this handicap of completing his education in Ontario, I feel he will be a success.


Robert George Burnie Educated; Prince Albert Collegiate In stitute. Home; Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. Bob, with his friendly smile and infectious humour, didn't take long to win friends, and he soon became a welcome asset to the term. If there was a skylark in the making, he was sure to be in on it. This was well proven in the fact that he was often seen wearing the traditional "belt and gaiters." Quite active in sports, Bob was always a big help to Mackenzie Flight. In his Junior year, he was well on the way to making the semi-finals in boxing when unfortunately a broken nose forced him to withdraw from further competition in this sport. In hockey, he showed the true "Saskatchewan" spirit, and was one of the main-

stays of his team. Because of a knee injury. however, Bob was unable to take an active part in the sports of his Senior year. When it comes to academics, Bob is not outstanding, but through perseverance he manages to hold his own and never gets discouraged when the studying gets tough. Outside the regular College routine, "Burnie" seems to devote most of his interest to the fairer sex, and one in particular, who

gene rally keeps his spare time well occupied. Bob, who serves with the Air For ce during the summer months, will be taking a Navigator course this summer. He plans to go on to R.M.C. and intends to follow a career as a Civil Engineer. F.A.C.

Frank Abbott Carson Educated; Smiths Falls Collegiate Institute. Home, Smiths Falls, Ontario. After working for a year at the bank, Frank decided to leave "Cod's Country" and come West to sec how the Colonies were faring. Coupled with this spirit was the de,ire for a degree in Mechanical Engineering. A cadet with a versati le musical nature, he played the trumpet in the College band; on occasion he has also been known to play the bass drum on Wing Parades. Frank was Leading Cadet of the band in the first and third terms and his efforts were largely responsible for the success of this group. He was also a member of the Clee C lub and the Bell-Ringers during the Christmas Carol service.

A member of the up-and-coming fencing team, Frank made

a "ery good showing in the tournament at U.B.C. Frank's ability in soccer and his Eastern I>rand of hockey have made him a great asset to Cartier Flight. Although outwardly appearing to be quiet, Frank's good humour and hi s wholehearted participation in "skylarks" and term activities h3.vC made him a popular member of the gl1nroom . [n the extra-curricular soc ial activities Frank has proved to be 110

slouch alld he can always be relied upon to produce one of the

nicer "long haired chums" when the occasioll presents itself.

Last SUl111ller he took flying training at 3 F.T.S., Claresholm, Alberta, and after receiving his win!{s he intends to make the ".erv in: a permanent career.



Henry Franklin Champion-Demers Educated: SI. Patrick's High School. Home: Quebec City. Frank is one of the men from Quebec. If he does not receive a letter every day, it means that the Eastern mail has been held up somewhere. He is proud of being the other "three-year-plan" boy. Good in most of the sports, he excels in hockey and badminton. He is also the president of the photographic company, for which he does a lot of work. After he graduates from R.M.C. he intends to become the first General in the Armoured Corps. R.J.M.B.

Leonard Roy Creelman Educated: Richmond Hill District High School. Home: Gormley, Ontario. Len, our amiable "sticky-fingered" end of the tootball team. quickly gained popularity, both on the sports field and in the gunroom.

Len starred at right end on the College representative football team and received well-earned praise from all for his work. He didn't stop at football, but also represented the College on the rep basketball team. His shooting is almost as accurate as his passcatching and his playing added greatly to the strength of the team. Len's versatility helped Mackenzie Flight win the Sports Trophy in the first year and is contributing greatly to Hudson Flight's bid for the trophy this year. His Officer and Leadership qualities gained for him Leading Cadet's bars in the first term and Flight Leader's bars in the third term. Len kept Hudson Flight at the top in the race for the Wisener Cup and by his abilities and personality set an excellent example to his flight. Len plans to take Civil Engineering at R.M.C. and to obtain his degree at the University of Toronto. N.S.F.

Thomas Arnold Croil Educated: SI. George's School, Vancouver. Home: \Vest Vancouver, B.C. Tom is one of those fellows who combine intellect and ability. His chief interest is the International Relations Club, of which he is president. In this capacity he has wOn the respect of us all by his quiet and capable manner. Tom is one of the College's best cross-country runners. English rugger is his favourite game, but unfortunately he has little opportunity to play it at Royal Roads. As third term Flight Leader of Cartier Flight he has earned the name "Terrible Tom" by his example and high standards. His insistence that ilspiffies" be worn leaves one convinced that he is a chief stockholder in the industry. Tom's military attachments are \\'ith the )laval Reserve. Next year he'll be taking Chemical Engineering at R.M.C.: then he plans to go on to lTniversity for hil" degree.


Robert George De J ong Educated: Iiigh School of Montreal. Home: Mon treal. From the home of The B lack Watch comes " Dutch" De J ong, 6' 4" of bubbling mirth and a champion skylarker. As a Junior he won fame with, "Dejun g! Comes the sprin g I flonk you wiss a smile," from Doctor Sonet. Playing all sports. "Killer" De J ong has fought hard for "mighty" Cartier and became a noted pugilist in the overweight division. Skipping lightly past Bob's academic achievements we come to his extra-curricular activities, which include being a prominent member of the I.R.C. and the "Goldstream Guards." A solid artsman, he is also noted for his accuracy with a board brush between classes. Bob spent his summer carrying Bren guns for the infantry. He will go to R.M.C. and after that enter External Affairs, where he will, no doubt, succeed Lester Pearson. H.F.H.P.

Henry Maynard Dokken Educated: Ottawa Technical High School. Home: Ottawa, Ontario. Maynard (bette r know n as Doc) is o ne of those happy-go-lucky types who find friends everywhere (espec ially among long-haired ch ums). So far Doc claim s the title of being the o nl y cadet who starts to prepare for Sunday Wing Parade five minutes before fall in, and receives a compliment on his exce llent turn out. Doc is th e backbone ( lower portion) of Cartier Flight's hock ey team. He is also a s taun c h support er and member of the I.R.C. Doc's favourite pastime is skulling ; perhaps this exp lains why he is so proficient in all phases of Wednesday afternoon rec reatio nal activities. On th e academic side Maynard is a dilige nt worker, and although French is a bit bitter, Maths. and Physics make up for it. Next yea r Maynard plans to co ntinu e his education at R.M.C., ,tudyi n g E lect rica l Engineering. After that . . . just travel.

Earl Bryan Fletcher Educated: Duke of Connaught High Sc hoo l. Hom e: New Wes tminste r. B.C. Earl comes from the hill o f New Westminster in the sunny Fraser Va lley. H e came to Roads with th e ambition to be a pi lot, but eight weeks of summ er training and a PCH convinced him that he wo uld rather be a navigator. He can alwa ys be found in the g unroom arguing with Fournier and Graham o r tr ying to get some good mu sic on th e radio. He can be located by his cac kl e or that familiar phrase "Lookit 'ere, Buster."

His ath le ti c abilities a re far-reaching (?) but we all remember hi s adept n ess at playing hockey. He has been unanimou sly chosen h ead of the "B.C. All S ta rs" and has held this position through hi s Junior and Senior years. It has hecn said that he ha s been working 0 11 a formula fo r ';Sponge Ice." Next year he plans to go on to R.M.C. in Civil o r Mechanical Engineeri n g. Af te r R.M.C. Fletch plan s to make hi s caretr in th e H.C. A. F. as a Navigator. His main am hiti o n-"To get to Paree." H.].G.

/ Kenneth Sinclair Foster Educated: Indian Head Collegiate. Home: Indian Head, Saskatchewan. From the dustbowl lands of the Saskatchewan border, the home of golden wheat and hardy cattle, comes Ken Foster, sturdy plainsman of the Senior Term. Ken's benevolent attitude towards his surroundings at Royal Roads has earned him many friends. One of the strong silent types, he excels at keeping a poker face at cards, playing centre field at softball, or sleeping in after wakey wakey I Ken likes comics. bridge, skiing, Tijuana, Mexico, Tonl Collins mixture, the wide open spaces, and playing hockey for Mackenzie Flight. He hates B.C. winters and B.C. salmon. Next year Ken will be sailing to far distant lands as a midshipman in the R.C.N.

John Robson Fournier Educated: Conn aught High School. Home: New Westminster, B.C. Jack, New Westminster's gift to Royal Roads, came to us bubbling over with life and fun. It was his "skylarking" along that helped the rest of his term overcome the great odds of a Junior. \Vithout Jack last year, life would have been nearly unbearable. You can always tell Jack from any other cadet; he stands 6' 3" and it is a man every "inch." He is noted for his immaculate appearance and his perfect turnouts, that is, when the boys haven't been clowning in the gunroom.

He is a staunch supporter of Champlain Flight and has led th em to many victories in inter-flight competition, especially basketball. For the past two years he has been an active 111ember of I.R.C. and has picked up many valuable tricks in debates which he constantly uses in Service discussions. Jack, following in his father's footsteps. is in the R.C.A.F. and plans to take his second year with the Navigators. He will continue his studies at R.M.C. and with such qualities as personality, ability and the knack of making friends. he will surely make a success of his life. D.M.G.

Michael Outram Fraser Ed ucated: Victoria College. Home: Victoria, B.C. Mike Fraser, always a cheerfu l type, came to us from the ';fair city" of Victoria and was most useful-supplying the longhaired chums at a time whcn 1110St of LIS were unacquainted with Victoria and its ways. Mike is always pointing vut the advantages of the Colonies and the Island-in particular, even though he fails to convince us Easterners. As a Junior Mo was the only man ever ready for the 0600 slack party fall ill at 0100. This year he took up that sport quite strange to Victorians, skiing. and did not break any bones, only a pair of skis. We wonder if Mo's love for the seafaring life is as great after last summer's cruise when he turned a horrible shade of green; however he has sold his soul. along' With many, and plans to go to Kcyham next year. C.~!.T.

William Clarence Fraser II Educated: Salmon Arm High School. Home: Salmon Arm, B.C. The sunny shoces of the Shuswap donated Bill to Royal Roads. He was a member (Corporal) of the Rocky Mountain Rangers, but deserted the Army for the league of "Ry-boys." At Royal Roads Bill has taken an active part on the sports field, captaining Mackenzie Flight's soccer team, and swimming on the representative team. Extra-curricular activities (when time could be spared from studying) included "Hobby Crafts," but an engagement towards the end of the year seemed to occupy all his free time. Bill is headed for R.M.C. to study Mechanical Engineering and then to a future as a permanent force officer in the R.C.A.F. J.R.W.

Richard Mitchell Girling Educated: North Battleford Collegiate Institute. Home: North Battleford, Saskatchewan. "Dick" was born in Winnipeg, but now calls North Battleford his home. He is one of those "boys" from Saskatchewan and certainly lets us know that he comes from the better part of the West. He has proved himself a good athlete, starring on Hudson's inter-Right teams. He was captain of their hockey team, played a good game of soccer, basketball, volleyball and tennis, and also did well in swimming. During lectures, he always listened intently, and as a result his marks, with the exception of French, were generally above average. In the gunroom, he can always be heard arguing in a circle to prove a point. I<Dickey" is one of the few Reserve boys; however, he will be

with us for a coup le of more years at R.M.C. After graduating. he plans to go to Univer sity for a Civil Engineering degree. F.A.H.

Harold John Graham Educated: Vancouver College and John Oliver High School. Home: Vancou,,"r, B.C. It was September 12, 1952, when Hal (EST LA) Graham left home to spend the next two years of his youth at Royal Roads. He was a mainstay of the rep. soccer team and a valuable member of Cartier Flight, both on the playing field and on the parade square. Summerside, P.E.I., was his place of summer employment as a student navigator. After four months on "Spud Island" he became so homesick and despondent for old Royal Roads that they sent him back.

Several months after his return he was stricken with an

intense hunger for the magnificent food that was issued from the galley, and decided to show his appreciation. (Five lonely days make one hungry "B".) Nevertheless, Hal was still so devoted to his home away from home that he decided to leave one night and tell the outside world of the magnificent life which he led there. PITAYH!!! Est La's sense of humour, of which he has an abundant store. will Serve him well at R.~l.C .. where he intends to spend the next two years of his career. E.B.F.

I Michael Grunwell Educated: Thornton Crammar School and Kitchener-Waterloo Collegiate and Vocational Institute. Home: Kitchener, Ontario. Mike. Or "Lord Kitchener," came to Canada in 1948. After joining the Sea Cadets he decided to make the R.C.N. his career. Knowing what R.M.C. is like, Mike decided to come to Royal Roads for his training. Mike is a fair shot and has hopes of making the riAe team for the C.M.R.-R.M.C.-Royal Roads tournament. He is also a member of the illustrious Royal Roads band and is our one and only tom-tom beater. His hobbies are sailing and shooting (bull?). He is a staunch Navy type and the latest odds are nine to four that Mike sleeps in a hammock at home. Mike is one of the three cadets entering the Executive Branch this September after graduating from Royal Roads in April. ].T.W. and J,M.S.

Charles Theodore Gunning Educated: Peace River High School. Home: Peace River, Alberta. From "Wakey-wakey" to "Lights-out," Charlie has more energy than a pup-dog with a Aea on its tail. Even the worst news fails to spoil the spirits of this active little guy. Hudson Aight gained a valuable Leading Cadet when Chuck (call me "rock") assumed the weight of his one bar in the third term. Before this, he had attained the distinction of the best shot in summer training by hitting the Sea Training Instructor on the head with a jelly-fish. "C.T." was a mainstay of the representative soccer team this year and sparked the team on to many a goal with his drive. In the academic field he is outstanding and invariably ranks among the top five. I n fact. he studies so much that he had the honour to serve seven days' "A" punishment for being caught in the Library after rounds (doing an Economics essay late, it is rumoured). Charlie succumbed to the lure of R.O.T.P. and will further his career in Keyham, England. as a naval engineer. Fai lin g this, he will train Mexican jumpingbeans for a potential T.V. show. In either field Charlie will definitely he a Sl1ccec.;s. D.H.H.

Frederick Arthur Gunter Educated: Pembroke Collegiate. Home: Petawawa. Ontario. From the wilderness of Northern Ontario, Fred came to Royal Roads and has distinguished himself as a cadet and as an athlete. lie played Aanks on the football team for two years and was well known in the league for his hard blocks and tackles. Fred's love for hoxing built up to a climax this year when he WOIl th e welterweight championship. His rugged style makes him a good het for a victory in the R.M.C. tournament. Swimming, diving, skiing, hockey and rugger arc .,ome other ,ports in which he excelled while in the College. But Fred's talents don't end with sports, For his two years here he has given hi:, services to the band. On week-ends you will find him (when he iSlI't with a certain brunette) playing his trumpet on the quarter-deck. In the SUlllmer he spend., hi!'> time dig-ging trenche=, with the Infantry at Camp Bardell. Fred is going to R.M.C., where he is going to try an Arts course -for ca,ier studying! Even if he doesn't help their high academic standards, he will certain ly he an a!'l~ct to their "rep teams," D.S.O.

Frank Albert Hwhovsky Educated: Maple Creek Composite High School. Home: Maple Creek, Saskatchewan. Frank, better known as "Hi-lo" around the College, comes to us from "them thar Cypress Hills" of Southern Saskatchewan. Victoria must be quite a change from that rugged, outdoor, farm life. Athletically. Frank is an "old pro" when it comes to basketball, hockey, soccer, and almost every other sport. Frank spends his extra curricula time in playing golf and working in the dark room. I suppose there need be no question about his ability since he is a "Saskatchewan Boy." Frank, being somewhat a skylark, takes pleasure in sneaking about the dorms beaning his fellow ternunates upon the head with a pillow. A special warning goes to F.A.G.-beware of the "terrible Hi-lo." Frank spent last summer at R.C.E.M.E. School, Kingston. He is also looking forward to next summer when he shall again attend R.C.E.M.E. From there it will be Electrical Engineering at R.M.C. and finally a degree. R.M.G.

Garry Douglas Hunt Educated: Gordon Bell High School. Home: Winnipeg. From God's Waste Spaces comes "Tex" to investigate the benefits of Royal Roads. Finding the system to his liking, he settled down to a year of strange lectures in a commendable way and finally attained the Senior term. Being the fourth least energetic man in the world ("You've gotta make a effort to lie down"). he elected the Arts course with a view to the Infantry as a career. Fired with enthusiasm by Camp Borden. he is an ardellt supporter of the "Queen of Battle," and spends all his time converting the mate lots. To fill in the afternoons he played soccer alld hockey and to fill in t-he week-ends he gave the break to Victoria's long-hai red chums. Next year its R..M.C. for big "Tex"-so watch out, girls-here's Royal Roads answer to "The Wrecke r."

Murray Caister Johnston Educated: Richmond Hill District High School, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Home: Vancouver, B.C. vVhen Murray (I'm not from Toronto) Johnston changed his home address to Vancouver, B.C., Richmond Hill, Ontar~o, lost one of its 1110st avid supporters of all time. As an ath lete Murray reached the finals in the light heavyweight hoxing division in both years, being victorious in his second attempt. He was a member of the representative cross-country team in his ] ullior year and is one of Fraser Flight's more talented enthusiasts ill basketball, hockey, soccer and skiing. For a hobby Murray spends most of his spare time taking and making pictures. Because of his activities as a photographer of cadet life it is suspected by the Senior Term that he has made \"irtually "millions" as his "cut" on the disposal of said pictures; however, 110 incrirninating evidence has yet been found. ~r urray is the solid, conscientious type of the academic "solid ~cvellty" class. As far as "Ies jeunes fiUes" are concerned, Murray appears to do better than hold his own. After R.M.C. Murra,' intends to obtain a degree in Engineering and being a solid "three year plan" man, complete his three years in the R.C.E.M.E.; after that. who knows?


/ William David Johnston Educated: Bloor Collegiate. Home: Toronto, Ontario. No one is certain as to how the handle " Bongo" became attached to the rest of Bill 's name, but now it is the only name with which he is familiar. If anyone were to call him "John ston," he might be startled into replying, "Who-me?" Royal Roads saw his real value during the football .. asons, especia lly this year's. A strong, sixty-minute player, our co-captain was a great morale booster; he played his heart out in each game, coming off the field "punchy" more often than not. He is still one of the "formidable nine" remaining pilots in the Senior Term, but as of late he has been seen studying navigation and Winnipeg road maps. Don't fight it off, fellows; "Dunc" was an exception. Bongo has girls in Toronto, Victoria, Claresholm and Edmonton; he shoots a fair game of pool, and spends economics periods sleeping behind the drums, dreaming of the good old Air Force, and two years at R.M.C.

Rowland Ian Kingham Educated: University School, Victoria College. Home: Victoria, B.C. Getting to know Ian was one of the few 'lgift" consolations of our Junior year. He came to R .R. full of the undying spirit of some ideal-was it Mike Hammer? The change from Oak Bay to R.R. was by no means great enough to Quelch this. With his talents, looks. and good-natured personality. Ian had little trouble making his efforts end in success, and his versatility helped him distinguish himself in academics, in football , and on the Rep Rifte Team . His appointment as Leading Cadet was most ably fulfilled when backed by his loyal, never faltering support for Cartier Flight. An ardent proponent of the Army Reserve , Ian intends to continue his training at R.M.C. in Civil Engineering, thence to U.B.C. to specialize in Forest Engineering. His ambition in the meantime is to invent a smokeless lubricant for slide-rule s.

Ronald Ian McKinnon Educated: West Glen High School. Edmonton. Home: Calga ry, Alberta. A "true" Westerner, Ron was born and- raised in Edmonton,

and afte r having spent two years at Ottawa, he naturally returned to the \Vild ,,ve st, and now calls Calgary his home. A loya l Lasalle man. he was a constant threat in interflight competitions and on parade. "Daisy" wielded a wicked cutlass and exerted a powerful voice of command (developed from practice ye lling ushowers !"). When yOlt see Mac with that gleam in his eye and that wide grin, you can be sure he is ttp to one of three things: he is looking for an argument


politics. about to tell a humorous

(?) story, or to let fly with a blackboard eraser. Academically. Ron found that in hi s Junior Year his marks varied inversely as the number of days on slack party. but this years he seems to have hit his stride. reaching the top ten at

Christmas. After spending his Sllmmcr taking air navigation at Sl1111merside.

P.E.I.. Ron has decided to switch to radio work. finding it a hit

too uncomfortablc tryin~ to control hi s instruments and his stomach

at the same time. while flying in R.C.A.F. "Exploders." If wr don't see him at R.M.C. next year, he will more than likely be at University of Alberta, planning to capitalize on the natural wealth of his home province hy taking eit her engineering or commerce.


Ronald Thomas Mace Home: Halifax and Victoria. Educated: Victoria High School, Victoria College. Although residing in Victoria. Ron is a true Haligonian and defender of the Maritimes. Having the ambition to see the world through a scuttle, Ron became a Navy man and has already completed two summers of training. Undoubtedly the best piano player in the college, Ron's tastes run from Eartha Kitt to Beethoven. His excellence in music is paralleled only by his support of the sports car. A member of this year's rifle team, Ron is known for his drive on the sports field. A seasoned hitch-hiker of the air. Ron's experiences together with the "Shediac Kid" are eye-openers. With his eye on Keyham and English girls next year, Ron hopes to put Anglo-Canadian relations on a new high level.


Francis Godfrey Morewood Educated: Quebec High School. Home: Quebec, P.Q. If Quebec City is responsible for Frank's scholastic standing and his skiing there certainly are advantages to living there, although we often wonder if it isn't more his ability rather than those gloomy suroundings that accomplished these. Being a top-notch hockey player and a hard-driving tackle on the rep. football team. Frank did well in College sports. Possessing brains as well as a good pair of feet, he naturally passed up the lower corps in favour of becoming one of the elite of the Army, an Engineer. Frank passed an enjoyable summer at Chilliwack, B.C. He plans to attend the University of Manitoba next year to study actuarial science, and with his ability in mathematics

he will do well as an actuary. C.S.R.

Desmond Jerome M ur phy Educated: Glebe Collegiate Institute, Ottawa, Ontario. Ilome: Vancouver, B.C.

This wandering birdman known as "Murph" sprouted wings :-.hortly after hirth and has heen up ill the air about aeroplanes ('Ycr since.

Although his favourite pastime is swapping hero stories with his

fellow pilots, he also has other diversified interests. In sports he played centre and guard on the rep. foot hall team and this year he hoxed his way into the finals in the middleweight division. Taking an active interest in the I.R.C .. he became its vice-president. In class he excels in sleeping behind his horn-rimmed glasses with his

pcn poised on a hlank sheet of note hook paper. \Vhcllcver the occupants of his dorm hear a voice in the night saying. "There I was with the ceiling down to zero and nothing 011

the clock hut mud." they all know that Murphy flies again. "Murph" intends to make the Air Force his career after R.M.C. and bcing a proud Artsman his future is secure either as a pilot or as a member of the staff of the 路;Rolllldel."



Roger J. Neill Educated: West Jasper Place High School, Edmonton. Home: Edmonton, Alberta. Roger "The Dodger" is a staunch Prairie lad, willing and capable of expounding the virtues of the plains and, in particular, Alberta. His personality. wit and ever-present sense of humour has made him a popular menlber of the gunroom. His academic standards are of the highest. He is a brilliant s tudent, who obtained honours in his Junior Year and shows every promise of the same laurels this year. Roger's drive and determination on the sports field is to be adm ired. Although excelling in no particular sport, his overall high s tandard of performance has made him a valuable asset to "Fighting Fraser." His qualities have not been unrecognized; for he received the appointment of Leading Cadet in the second term and obtained the office of Associate Ed itor of the "Log." "Roge's" first passion is flying, closely seconded by girls. H e 1I0t on ly has his private flyin g li cence but he is also one of th e "celebrated few" from C1aresholm. His keen interest in all things pertaiiling to th e Air Force coup led with his sense of responsibility assures him succrss at R.M.C. and later with th e Air Force. K.F.S.

Francis John Norman Educated: Trinity College School, Port Hope, Ontario. Home: Caracas, Venezuela. Frank "Spo rts Car" Norman is one of those types who, at fir s t glance. s trike you as rather unusual Hlads." This appearance is, in truth, not at all deceiving, for he lives up to these expectations. Characterized by hi s drive and enthusiasm he has done well in all phases of college life. A Leading Cadet in the fir st term and an o rga nize r of no mean abilitv. he is always to be found doing some(hing outside of schoolwork: In his spare time he was the very able advertising manager of th e "Log." 'Nh en Frank a rrived at the College h e soo n made his mark among us by displaying hi s generosity, much to the relief of prowling fagists. This generosity has been in evidence ever since and being well endowed he is only too eager to help those who need a hand. In hi s mo re se rious moods Frank is one of those st urdy few who labour in th e pursuit of "A rts," and he will be found many tinlcs defending hi s courSe in th e gunroom. His other interests lie in golf, fencing, skiing, and activi ti es both outside and inside th e College, particularly outside. After graduation he plans to attend R.M.C. and from there to the R.C.LC. D.).B.

David Stephen Oaks Educated: Port Arthur Collegiate. H o m e : Toronto, Ontario. Steve was probahly our best known and


popular cadet.

I n his first week at the College he impressed our football coaches and went on to beco m e an outstanding back-fie lder in the Victoria Leagu e. In his Senior Yea r Steve was made captain of the team and w a~ 11 0 less effective. In both year> Steve played touruament basketball and despite his mode s t 5' 7" was a high scorer. Amazingly enough, Steve's versatility did not end there. As a Senior he WOI1 the lightweight hoxing championship. He was tops in hoc key and rugger. a hridge fiend and a chess champ. This spirit wa s responsible for his high standing with the "Belts and Gaiters Cluh." Steve rec hanneled thi s spirit, howeve r, and was mad(' a Second Term Leadi ng Cadet. As a s tudent Steve ranked in the fir s t third of the term. lie is ill th e Engineering Course and plans to o btain a degree after R. M .C. During the su ml11 e r, at Chil1iwack, B.C., Steve di gs tank trap s for the R.C.E. bet\\' t'~11 sessions a t the har, a nd s toutl\' denies that there i~ a pic k ill his fuhtrc. He int en d.; rather to r~ise his own football team.


Charles Albert Olson Educated: Humberside Collegiate Institute. Home: Toronto, Ontario. The title "Cadet Wing Travel Agent" has been given to Ole this year for his efficient and money-saving travelling plans. At Christmas time he could be seen dashing off to a telephone clutching a handful of timetables or, at stops on the way home, talking business with important rail officials. His inRuence held a train for some late cadets at one stop, and managed to deliver a large number home safely. "Spongy," as he is sometimes called, was the first for fifty-four to experience "B" and reasonably enough has become Quite proficient at throwing a riRe. He is also noted for his keen interest in the International Relations Club and his grim determination to captain the B.C. All-Star Hockey Team. Ole hopes to take Fleet Air Arm (R) training this summer and next year he will be one of the Royal Roads clique at R.M.C. His final goal is a B.Comm. at Queens in preparation for Chartered Accountancy in later life.

Charles Stewart Robertson Educated: Mount Royal High School. Home: Montreal, Quebec. With a combination of athletic ability, a sense of humour, brains, and a great deal of common sense, "Chuck" has become known as one of the better all-round members of the term. A tackle on the rep. football team, Chuck proved himself to be indispensable, and as a result he played almost 60 minutes of eve ry game. He had an exceptional amount of drive and team spi rit in a ll inter-Right sport s. In addition Chuck was one of the enthusiastic skiers of the College. Never having to worry much about his studies, Chuck managed to get a lot of "sack time" in classes and sti ll keep his marks in the upper bracket. Chuck's plans for the future include R.M.C. and a degree in Civil Engineering. F.G.M.

Robin Round Educated: Central High School. Home: Calgary, Alherta. Robin was born in Castor. the oil centre of Central Alherta a nd moved to the illu strious ci ty of Calgary at an ear ly age. Like most Calgarians, his ambition is to return and sett le down as soon as possible. His interests run the usual gamut. He is especially good in sports. He was a member of the representative soccer and baskethall teams a nd has been a consistent stand-hy for Hudson Flight in all the inter-Right competitions. On the other side of the ledger, he is one of the most capahle scholars of his term. Rohin was made a second term Leading Cadet and his quiet personality has made him well liked by everyone. He intends to go on to R.M.C. although he is not certain of the particular type of engineering he is going to take.

He spends his sumnlcr training with the Army engineers. gaining a good deal of practical experience. Whichever course he chooses, you may be sure he will be a success and a credit to OUf Co ll ege. R.I.M.

Ronald Clifford Rud Educated: Camrose High School. Home: Camrose, Alberta. "Local Yokel Makes Good" was the headline on the first and only pa!;'e of that great newspaper, The Cam rose Canadian. So Ronald C. Rud, known as "Bud," came to Royal Roads from the hitherto unheard-of hinterlands of Alberta. Bud is an Alberta boy from 'way back, and in fact was born in Cam rose and had lived all his life there before coming to glorious B.C. Since coming to Royal Roads. Bud has excelled at practically every sport - basketball, hockey. soccer, and particularly golf. He also likes to think he is a good crib player. Besides all this, Bud has brains, and is always in the upper one-third of the term. Bud is a staunch Air Force type, and took his 5umnlcr training at Claresholm. He was one of the few to remain there all summer. Bud is taking Chemical Engineering and is thus going on to R.M.C. From there Bud will enter the Air Force, as he is R.O.T.P .. to a career as a "Ayboy ," J.E.R.

John Eric Rymer Educated: Peace River High School. Home: Edmonton. Alberta. Jack came to Royal Roads from the wilds of Korthern Alberta and the town of Peace River, but now resides in Edmonton.


came to the College with a good flying background. having obtained his private pilot's license through a flying scholarship in Edmonton and followed up last summer with a good record on the Harvard. "Co Co" can he found spending his spare time in the g'llnroom, reading novels or playing "cribbage." He was bitten by

the golf-hug back on a cow pasture in Peace River, and can be found on su nn y Sundays on the link s of the Royal Col wood. Jack found his place in Hudson Flight as a Junior; and as a Sen ior he was gained hy Cartier Flight. In the ring he packs a wicked right and is an asset in all inter-flight competitions.

Coming from Alherta, Jack has a well-rounded education an" sta nds well lip in the term. R.M.C . wilt sec him in a course in chemical engineering. preparing for a career in the Air Force.


James Shantora Educated: Agil1cOllrt Continuation School. Home: Agincollrt. Ontario. Jim is the only member of our term from central Europe. Poland to he exact. His family moved to Canada and now he i.s it naturalized Canadian. Jim was fortunate enough during his early years in Europe to learn CZl'ch, Ukranian, Polish, Russian and now

Engli sh . .. Big Jim:' as he is hetter known to the term, is an excellent studcnt. ath lete and cadet officer. This year he played on our winning football team and was a Flight Leader in the second slate,

The quiet a nd serious element in our te rm is Jim. S011ll' "error" he was named 路'Sky-Iark."

Htlt through

Jilll p lan s tn at tend R.M.C. as a Reserve .\rlll V Cadet a1ld takl' nll'chanical l'llgilll'cring'.

A llan Douglas Sherwin Educated: York ton Collegiate Institute. Home: Yorkton. Saskatchewan. If you look in the Senior Gunroom jammed with seventy cadets and you see a smiling vivacious face. that's Allan. He is one of the Senior Term's better-natured cadets (the only one who comes from Sask. and still admits it). His pleasant personality and his sense of hunlour have WOn the admiration of the term. Even when he was caught using silvo in the inside of his barrel he avoided all embitterment by calmly explaining, I '01 not keen, just scared," AI has many attributes. His hobbies are all practical endeavors such as "collecting lip stick." Seriously. his achievements are outstanding. He was acclaimed first in drill as a Junior. He became the band's first term Leading Cadet. H is enthusiasm, tact and determination are responsible for the successful organization and maintenance of the drum section. In sports, he advertised his powerful right. His keen eye made him a dangerous competitor for the College's representative rifle team. An Air Force R.O.T.P. cadet, he previously attained his wings in the Air Cadets. Now "to the ill luck of the navigators" the R.C.A. F. has allowed AI to attempt to win his regular pilot's wings. After the Arts course at R.M.C., AI will make the R.C.A.F. his career. With his ability and especially his O.L.Q.'s he certainly will have a successful future. w'J.S. II




W illiam Joseph Shewaga Educated: Revelstoke High School. Home: Revelstoke. Bill hails from the railway city of the Rocky Mountains. Bill did not, however, wish to become a coal stoker, and so joined the ranks of Royal Roads. Although Bill was a prominent member of the ;'goon squad" his marks more than make up for it. He stood in the top three of his term in his Jun ior year. The Air Force is taking advantage of Bi ll 's scholastic ab il ity and is trying to make him a navigator. An ardent sportsma n, Bill is the hero of Lasalle's B.C. all-star line in hockey. He has scored the line's only two goals of the season. In basketball=-well, he has racked up a couple of points. But soccer is his game. He has three "assists" chalked up. H there is a noise in the east dorm after rounds, Shewaga is usua ll y the cause of it. He's probably hitting" Hlohovsky over the head with a pillow. Bill is p lann ing to take electrical engineering at R.M.C. \Vith the ahility you've shown at Royal Roads. Bill, we know you will ha\Oc 110 trouhe in attaining this aim. A.D.S.

Frederick Douglas Simpkin Educated: Bur lington District High School. j 1011le: Burlington, Ontario. Bur lington was reduced considerably in mass when "Big Bear"

Fred left to come to Roya l Roads. H is ready wit and genial good humour have made him an outstanding contributor to our "skylarks" and one of the most popu lar members of the term. Fred is in his element when playing football. H is size and know-'how made him a stalwart of the first team, and all are in agreemcnt that the job of winning the championship in the second year would have bcen much easier if Fred had 110t hroken his leg in one of the first games of the season. j Ie was Ilrollloted to the rank of Cadet Flight Leader in the second terJn and was to be seen hobbling up and down the ranks of II1Idson Flight at morning' inspection. A" Bailey Bridge" huilder by trade Fred plans to continue his studies ill Civil Engineering at R.M.C. D.J.M.


Peter Stuart Simpson Educated: 51. Andrew's College. Home: King, Ontario. Pete was one of the first members of the junior term who acquired the knack of making a pair of boots g leam like glass, and the shine has stayed there ever since. It was not ~ncomm?n to see him brushing for wing parade at 7.15 every mornlllg. HIS enthusiasm and conscientiousness gave Pete an appearance and bearing that many find hard to match and kept him in the envious position of top 10 in academics. Though he was put out of most sports by a dislocated shoulder, Pete proved to be one of the best hockey players in the College. He deserves much credit for the fine job he did as referee for most of the hockey this year, and the time and energy he put into his job as manager of the basketball team. Pete showed an abundance of organizing and administrating powers as Gunroom President in his senior year. His O.L.Q.'s and sportsmanship earned him Leading Cadet's bars during the second term and Flight Leader's bars during the third. After spending a summer hanging over the rail of the Beacon Hill, Pete decided that the Fleet Air Arm of the R.C.N. is the place for him. J.R.W.

Ian Joseph Harrower Smart Educated: 51. Andrew's School, Aurora, Ontario. Home: Bermuda. Ian comes from the "tight little island" of Bermuda and. as its se lf-appointed publicity agent, has given us such a description of it that we are all eager flltllre tourists. Ian has represented the college at swimming and soccer in bo th years, while in academics he is a true arts mall. He made a meteoric rise to C. \'f.F.L. in the third term, a post to which he is well suited. being the lea st energetic man in the College. In the summer he graces th e ranks of the Infantry and, having sllrvived one summer's training, is a full-fledged "Old Contemptible." Like most of the rest of us he has joined R.O.T.P .• and envisions a career in a certain regiment. Next year he plans to go on to R.M.C. and gin the Kingston girls a break. G.D.H.

James Malcolm Smith Educated: Qualicllm College. Semiahmoo High School. Home: White Rock, B.C. Although Jim, otherwise known as "horizontal," was horn in Montreal. he has been living in B.C. for the past severa l years. While attending Qualicum College, he was a member of the Army Cadets. After three years (during which time he attained the magnificent rank of corporal) he "retired" to join the Reserve Air Force. Sillce I'Ilen he has been a stannch "Fly-Boy."

Jilll's chief interest is in amateur radio work and during the last )'('ar he has been "Ham-in-Chief" at Royal Roads. He has high hope, of being the first person to announce to R.M .C. that the\' ha\'e been roundly defeated in the tonrnament. Jim is a member of the illn strions Royal Roads hand ,,¡here he plays (?) the cymhab. Dnring the second term he was made Leading Cadet IIC drums . .\[ter graduation frolll R.M.C. , Jim hopes to I/:et his navigator" wlllg~ and later become a telecom111unications officer. M.G. and J.T.W .

R. P. Smith Educated: Preston High School. Home: Preston, Ontario. Although he is now another firm upholder of Southern Ontario against the rest of Canada, Bob originally hails from Swansea, S. Wales. Perhaps this explains his exceptional ability at handling a soccer ball; for Bob was a two-year representative soccer man. He also helped a great deal to put Champlain Flight near the top of the sports standing with his drive and will to win. Although a staunch arts type and a hard worker Bob seems to enjoy life around the College (as long as he gets his breakfast on time). His many interests include music of all kinds, dancing (he's an avid and accomplished Charleston fan), sports cars, and, yes, women too (or should I say woman ?). He's also president of the S.P.V.N.S.H.l.. the Society for Preventing the Vse of the Name Smith for Hypothetical Illu s tration. Although Bob likes to travel, he seems to think he'll see more from a foxhole than from the bridge of a ship; for he is currently waiting for his transfer to the Army. Not content with being the o nly underdog in the family Bob apparently talked his twin brother into entering RM.C. Bob hopes to join him next fall.

David Frank Spooner Educated: Kingston Collegiate and Vocational Institute. HOJllC : Kingston, Ontario. A gentleman cadet by the name of David Frank Spooner arrived at Royal Roads in 1952. The place has not been quiet since. In his Junior Vear Dave's peculiar ability of getting up at 6.30 a.m. and still being able to sing amazed everyone. Dave's drive showed up extremely well in sports. He was a member of the representative swimming team in both years and his "crawl" was a valuable asset to the team. He plays a fast game of tennis and is a hard man to encounter in the boxing ring. He made an excellent showing in inter-flight sports where he was the drive of "Fighting Fraser," especially in soccer and basketball. An active member of the Glee Club both years, his voice added greatly ~o the volume of the club. Dave did well in summer training as Flight Leader at RM.C., pulling down good marks in his course on Aero Engineering. A fervent proponent of the Reserve Air Force Dave spends his summers at Aylmer, where, when he is not learning new ways of

wrecking aircraft, he attempts to design a "Flash Gordon" outfit to whisk him home on weekends. After Royal Roads Dave is going on to R.M.C. and then to U. of T. to secure a degree in Arts or Chemistry.

Murray Clare Stewart Educated: Leamington High School and Strathroy Collegiat e Institute. Home: Mount Brydges, Ontario. Meet Murray Clare Stewart. He is a tanker. Get Murray aside in the gunroom and ask him about the Armoured Corps; an ecstatic look will come over his face as he starts to recite the past glories of the Royal Canadian Armoured Corps. "Man, he is a real gone Tanker!" The Tank Corps is Murray's goal and he is going all out for it. Murray shows the same drive in everything he does, whether it be summer training, drill, academics or inter-Right sports. He was elevated in January to Leading Cadet. Since then he has driven the Jl1ni o rs in th e band while blowing a Hmean" trumpet.

In the inter-

flight sport s Murray excelled in soccer, hockey, boxing and basketball, but his main interest was in fencing.

As a member of the rep

fencing team he did well against V.B.C. experts. Murray plans to go Oil to RM.C. alld then, aftcr obtaining a degree in Arts. into a permanent career in the Armoured Corps.

Hi s excellent record s both a t the Coliege and in summer training promise him plenty of success in this.

I Kenneth Frederick Stubbings Educated: Victoria Composite High School, Edmonton. Home: Ottawa, Ontario. Maybe he is the smallest member of our term. but " Root" certainly makes UI> for it with plenty of drive and a ready smile. Coming to RR from Whitehorse via Edmonton, he takes every opportunity to expound the wonders of the Far North. namely fishing. We are forever plagued with his story of "the one thaU got away." Ken keeps the gunroom in an uproar with his pet theme -Strategic Air Power. During his two years at the College, Ken has been a main cog in the Fighting Fraser machine. His drive and will to win helped Fraser place second last year in inter-flight soccer and won him a place on the representative soccer team. Being a first stringer in hockey, Fraser's welterweight representative in boxing and a good player in most other sports, Stub has certainly proved his worth. On the academic front. Ken is in the top third of the term. As a member of that misled clan-The Arts Types-he plans to get an Arts degree at R.M.C. Although he was one of the "unfortunates" at pilot training last summer, Ken is continuing his Air Force career as a navigator. If his achievements at Royal Roads are any indication, he will be a fine officer and a real asset to the RC.A. F., even though he still can't find his way around Victoria.

Mamoru Sugimoto Educated: Raymond High School. Home: Raymond. Alberta. Sugimoto came to Royal Roads from the R.C.A.F. and hold; the distinction of being the only Service cadet of the graduating class. After gaining his Senior Matriculation in Alberta. "Sugi" decided the Air Force held a career for him. After eighteen months as an airman his renewed interest in a university education led to hecoming the first Japanese-Canadian to come to the College. "Sugi" has distinguished himself in many ways but perhaps the 1110St prominent was his work as Flight Leader of Cartier. Despite his reluctance to wear a lispiffy" Sugimoto has proved himself onc of the most smartly turned out cadets in the wing. His enthusiasm and keenness on the parade square spirited Cartier to second place in the Wisener standings during the second term. Academically. he has proved himself very proficient by placing in the top fifteen in both his Junior and Senior years. "Sugi" will go to R.M.C. to study as an electrical engineer . . \fter that he hopes to take engineering physics and work in research for the R.C.A.F. RF.K.

Charles Patrick Tisdall Educated: Victoria College. Home: Victoria, H.C. Pat is one of our naval cadets brackets "E." who. though he yearns for the smell of diesel fuel and the sound of salt water lapping against the bulkheads, has done well as a Junior. Senior. and Leading Cadet at Royal Roads. For two years he has defended mighty Champlain Flight against all comers in soccer. basketball. \'olleyball and hockey. and although he doesn't admit to be a boxer we all remember his first fight as a Junior. when he stepped into the ring with blood in his eye and laid his opponent low with one hlow. In his off-duty hOllrs. Teez-dale. as he is affectionatelv cal led. may often he heard from the depths of the gunroom defending the rights of man, engineers, and co-education, condemning clcctricit\' and candelabra, planning or rehashing a party. talking over IlC\~' designs for C.S.C. uniforms or worrying about his 20o/t in Fr~l1ch.

Pat is making the Navy his career; so next year he \V'ill be in Keyham. England. at the Engineering College. and from there who knows?

Charles Michael TowlIselld Educated: The Crove, Lakefield, Ontario. H o me : Young's Point , Ontario. ~£ikc 'l'ow ll sc nd is o ur sa lties t navy


lit' lilt: ... hl'$ l ttl

spe nd hi s ~p3rl' hours sailing- or sw il'nmiuf{. \V(, ('veil hear he ~ pl'nt hi s Christmns 1~avc sai ling n schooller out o f I'nn:lItHl ~i l)f, Fllwida! Often Wt' find Mike in thc gunrooll\ arguillg fier ce ly for hi s se. vire. Don't talk to him nhout air or land sttprclI1nt'y or the kt'y 10 pOWl'r .

I t' s the Navy or nothing for Mike. During hi s second ycar Mike becnme n Lcn din~ odt'! in .Mackrll 7ic Flight. Jn the .S.C.'s tOl1rnament tlt l' s winll1\il1~ Il' fUll was s trcngthened by hi s strong hrea s tstro ke .

Mike plnns to make th c Novy hi s cart'cr. take Engin eering tmiuinl( 'It Kc y1.nm.

Ne,t Yl'ar Ill" will

M .O. F.

Frederick Alldrew Webster While Educated : o11l1)bc1lford Iligh Sehool. !lome : Port Mellon, O. . After "Ted" finisher.! hi s Scnior Matriculation nt till' ..'arly ilR'l' of sixteen, h(.' spellt two years in tit -. workillK ,·vorld ()II illdu strial construc ti on joh s. During tlli ~ Ill'riod hi s keen ~Iliril Rained for him a position on the Peterhorough Srllior hockcy tC:II11 , 'r'his wn~


on ly one of many c1uhs for whi h lie playe<l t111rin{{ IIi s hockey ca reer ill junior and se nior I C:lR I1 CR, That same s pirit followed Ted to Royal Road s and proclai1l1«1 him an o ut s tanding" athlele in ha skcthall, h ockey and foothall. UIIfortunately a fractured coll ar hone took "Whitt,y" out of the fool ball season 'hefore the 1, l" yoffs and put a stop to his hoxilll( carel',' which wOllld 1111dollbtcdly h"v e takell him to th,· "finals." Ted's high officer- like qllaliti

'S ,

di s played ill hoth fi"l alld Sl'C -

ond years, were rC CQg nizl'd in hi s appoint1l1ellt to FIiJ.(ht I..l'nc1cr, of mighty Cartier, ill the fir ~ t terlll - a well dl' IH..' l"vrd honour!

An ahundan ce of pcr~OIl:llity ha s 11Iadl' him Olll' of the h(.' ~ t . li'kcd

cadets of hi s term. With 811ch hiJ.(h "0. L.Q.' 8" alld pOI"darity all'OIlI( cO l11r:ltlc s, 'I\'d can't mi ss hein g' a !; I1CC ('SS as n pilot ill the Fleet Air I\rm , A.C. W .

John Thompsoll Whiteley I':dllcateci: Port Arthllr Colk-I(ink In stitlll,· . 11 01lle: Ilort Arl'hllr, ()utario, John or as he is more familiarily kllOWII, " 'l unlll'Y," or "BIICkll'Y," (;J mc to us fro III the hillterlalld of the 1.:lkchcad, john wn ~ a melllher of Ih· I\ir Cadet s whe.·c' he attained the rank of W .O.2 alld \va s extrel11 ely forullalc ill heing' se lected for :,11 ('xl'lia nf,{c trip to EIl1{lan<l alld 11011:111<1 :11,<1 ill qll:difyillg' for a ll y il~J.( tr:dnillg' I'ic ll olHrship. J o hn' s c hid rec reational int",'(" s l at th e Colkgc i ~ Ih e I\lI,a lenr Radio Clnh, where hl" is Chid Te c hnician nnd S""i"r Cadet ill" crcctiOIJ of [Icrial s, I k hope s to g'c t hi s "hall1" ti ckl't ill the 114,:: 11" future . john is t:lkiu l-( tlectrica l l'l1J.(iliccrillK of ("oursc: alld illll'llfl l" to Serve with tlte Air Forel' as ;1 re sc ,'Vl' pilot. Ill' ha s hi s privall' pil o t' s li l'l' Il ~(' alld should ('asily Illak e tllf.: J,( r :l(ll', Afh:r J,(r:ldl1atillJ.( rrolll R.M .C, johll is j.(f1ing to tlllivcn.; it y to ()hta;1I Id s d('j.C rt.'l' alld will tht J1 to ni .... !" til l' t-lt:rlrollit"I- rit'lri (III "('ivy HII'('(· t. " A

J . M.S. ""d M.C .


John Richard Wigmore Educated: Markham High School. Home: Milliken, Ontario. Soon after his arrival at Royal Roads it became quite evidet~t that John was the logical person to occupy the Wtng Commander s cabin in 1953. With his quiet, reserved manner he soon became ,a favourite with his term, and as the year progressed,. and as John s accomplishments both on and off the parade square, tncreased, httle doubt was left i:1 anyone's mind that he was "it." It came as. no surprise when his name was announced as the first term Wmg Commander for this year. John's prowess by no means stopped short of the athletic fidd. In his Junior Year he was a prominent member of the representattve shooting team that so humbled R.M.C. in the annual C.S.C. ~ourn~足 ment. This year as well as again being on the rep. champlOnshtp shooting team he was a member of the Canadian football team. Aside from rep. sports, he is a staunch supporter of La Salle Flight. especially in hockey. In spite of the heavy responsibilities of Cadet Wing Commander, John managed to maintain an average academic standing. His immediate future includes securing a degree in Civil Engineering at R.M.C. and a career in the Canadian Army. Last summer John trained at Borden with the Infantry and this summer he intends to go to Chilliwack with the Engineers. With such extensive training John will be of great value to his service. P.S.S.

Richard Barrie Wilbur Educated: Upper Canada College. Home: Toronto, Ontario. "Skylark" was a word that most of us had not heard before coming to Royal Roads. but judging from his actions these past two years we all feel that "Wilbs" must have invented the word. "Turn In" was a favourite expression of the Cadet Officers; however they never told us what to do afterwards. Naturally "Wilbs" got out of bed "to find out" or so he told them. A sparkling little end. he helped the College to one of its best seasons in football this year. He is an excellent boxer, a versatile diver, and an outstanding gymnast. His amazing sense of balance and especially his ability to walk on walls surprise everyone. (Chief Sealey is still puzzling over the hole near the ceiling in the Senior changing-room wall.) "Wilbs" spent his summer on the West Coast as a Naval Cadet, much to the chagrin of the officers, and much to the amusement of his fellow-cadets. "The Beacon Hill Chorus," "Tijuana" and "Bobby" are some of Wilbs' favourite topics in the gunroom . Next year he will carry his original art of skylarking to R.M.C .. where he plans to take Mechanical Engineering. "Are having much good time, Wilbs?"


John Edward Wilson Educated: St. Catharines Collegiate Institute. Home: St. Catharines, Ontario. ';Willie/' as he is affectionately known, merits, without a doubt. an honorary membership in the St. Catharines Chamber of Commerce. As a booster of his native city. which he claims is the "Garden City of Canada." he talks eloquently and incessantly. In the field of sports it is in tennis that he is outstanding. Hi, cool steady game makes him a formidable opponent. Next year "Willie" will he found on the campus of the Uni"ersit)' of Wc~tern Ontano .. Those of us who arc continuing on to R.M .C. will mIss 111m; for hIS exuherant spirit has made him a very popular 1llCtnuer of the term. C.G.B.



CLASS 1954

;\iAME ADDRESS 20 I 5 Franklin Ave :-.Jiagara falls. Ont BALE. C. G. 1785 Lajoie An .. Outremont. .'vlontreal. P.Q BARBEAU. R J M. 10801 8lrd Ave. Edmonton. Alta BEARE. A.K Box 1056. \Veyburn. Sask BETHELL. R. G BICCU~I K. A 348 hr" Sl Brandon. Man BROWN. A. C. 3607 ~lara St.. Vernon. B.C. 437 Constance I\ve., Victoria. B.C. BROWl\'. 0 J BURNIE. R. G. 149 - 15th St. W. Pnnce Albert. Sask. CARSOI':. F. A 8 Gladstone A", .. Smiths Falls, Ont. CHAMPION-DEMERS. F. H. 157 Belvedere Ave., Quebec City, P.Q CREEL'"IA '. L. R RR. No. Z, Gormley. Ont. CROlL. T. A. 2991 Mathers Ave .. \Ve<t Vancouver. B.C. DEJONG.R.G 5 166 Sherbrook.e St W., Apt. 8. Montreal. P.Q. DOKKEN.H.M Box 193, Cyrville, ant. flETCHER. E. B I 107 Hamilton St .. New Westminster. B.C. __ 480 Fountain St.. Preston. ant. FOSTER. K. S. 1530 Hamilton St .. New Westminster. B.C. FOURNIER. J. R. 190 I Tudor Rd .. Ten Mile Pomt. Victoria, B.C. FRASER. M. O. de S. Box 895, Salmon Arm. B.C. FRASER. W. C FREEMAN. N. S. 26 Leopold St .. Toronto, Onto GIRLING. R. M. 1272 - 103rd St .. North Bartleford. Sask. GRAHAM. H. L_ 556 I Lancaster St.. Vancouver. B.C. GRAY D. M 235 Nelson St , Kingston. ant. GRUNWELL. M 46 Chapel St, Kitchener. ant. GUNNING. C T. Box 802, Peace River. Alta. GUNTER. F. A PctawJw.l, Ont. HlOHOVSKY. F. A .. Box 32 I, l\laple Creek, Sask, 2 I 95 Dorchester Rd .. Niagara Falls, ant. HOOK. D. H. 659 \\'cstminstcr A\路c .. \Vinnipcg, Man. HUNT.G.D 27 3 I Regina, Regina, Sask. INK. J. S. JOHNSTON. M. C. 4090 W. 35th, Vancouver. B,C. JOHNSTON. W D. 307 St. Claren, Ave" Toronto, Ont. KINGHAM. R. I 3485 Upper Terrace. Victoria. B.C. lAIDLAW. W. S. 529 View Royal, Victoria. B.C. McKINNON. R. 1. 6 Donegal l\lansions 810 Sunnyside Blvd. N W .. Calgary. Alta. :vIACE. R. T. 16 Howe St., Victoria. B.C. 55 Hiller芦t Ave., Deep River, ant. MANSON. P. D. MOODY. P. Lot 78. St. Norbert. Man. 94 De Salaherry Ave., Quebec. P.Q. MORE WOOD. r G. Stc 12. 2625 lonsdale Ave., North Vancouver, B.C. MURPHY. D. J. NFILL. R. J. 15402 - I 03rd Ave .. Edmonton. Alta. Canadian Embassy, Caracas, Vcnc7uela NORMAN. F. J. OAKS. D. S. __ .322 Rosemary Rd. Toronto, ant. OLSON. C. A. 136 Berry Rd. E .. Apt. 42, Toronto 18. ant. PUI lE H. F H. c/o R! A H F Pullen, Naval Headqu.uters. Ottawa, ant. ROBERTSON. C S. 66 Dobie A"e , Town of l\lt Royal. Montreal. P.Q. ROUND. R. P 0 3226 Verchercs St.. Calgary, Alta RUD. R. C .5 615 - 49th Ave .. Camros<, Alta. RYMER. J. L 9933 - I 08th St . Edmonton, Alta. SHANTORA. J R.R. No.2. Agincourt. ant. SHERWIN. A. 0 215 Betts Ave .. Yorkton, Sask SHrWAGA. W. J. R.velsloke, B.C. SIMPKIN. r D. 5)0 B"nt SL. Burlmgton, ant. SIMPSON. P. S. R R. No. J. King, Ont. SMART. L J H. Braes-O-Doune, Shelly Bay. Bermuda SMITH. J. M. 827 VICtoria A,路e .. Box 512, White Rock, B.C. SMITH. R. P 370 Hamilton St .. Preston, ant. SPOONER. D. F. 90 MacDonnell St.. Kmgston, Ont. ST[WART. M. C. RR. No.4. Mt Brydges, ant. STUBBINGS. K. l\pt 6. 215 Alvin Road. Ottawa. ant. SUGIMOTO. M P.O. Box 27. Raymond. Alta TISDAI L. C. P H M.C.S. "Stadacona." Halifax, NS. TOWl\'SEND. C. M. .\IIerryhill. Young's Point, ant. WADE. A. C. 230 - 3rd St. S[ :Vlcdicinc Hat. Alta WHITE. r A c ' 0 Howe Sound Paper Co Port \1.11on. B C. WHITIU-Y. J. T 1 J \\'innipcg Ave., POrl Arthur. Ont WIG:vIORF. J. R R.R. No. I. Steeles 1\ VC. Milliken. Ont WILBUR. R B. 51St Andrews Gdn roronto. Ont WILSON J E. 311 Quecnston Rd St Cathcrines. Ont




I 9 54



RADUATION morning started much like any other-perhaps the Seniors were out of bed a little earlier than usual but after breakfast the pace quickened, and the next four hours were a confused period of comings and goings and last minute preparations. The graduating class. however, did not. seem to l;>e as much embroiled as the new Senior Term In the hectic scurrying about the halls and on the stairways. We took time out to savour the occasion; for it was our last day and we could be philosophic about everything. We were in an exalted mood. and there was a good deal of figurative back-slapping and mutual congratulation on each other's coming departure. Anyone who had any regrets kept them well hidden. Once dinner was over we began our preparations for the parade. On went the Sunday trousers, the Wing Parade boots, and the Number One Tunic, meticulously cleaned and pressed for the occasion. White belts. brass, and rifles received a last bit of touching up; then out we went onto the square to brush. With everyone whisking like mad there was little time for conversation, but most of us took this last opportunity to insult our brushing partners, just as we had been doing for the last two years. After what seemed a very short interval the Cadet Wing Commander ordered us to move down to the square, to the accompaniment of the usual protests from the un brushed ones. Each of us gingerly buttoned on his belt, and with a rather mincing gait-the better to protect his lovely boots-proceeded down the hill to the square. There was little conversation now-to tell the truth we were beginning to feel a little nervous-and the squadrons were fallen in quickly. After a quick inspection by the Cadet Officers we were left standing easy, nobody saying much, most of us just standing there picking off stray bits of "frowst" and smoking a last cigarette. The trees on each side of the roadway. almost meeting over our heads. left us in deep shadow. but between their trunks we could see that the square and the lawns were bathed in sunlight. The shadows seemed to put an end to our earlier carefree mood. For the first time we fully realized that this day wrote "finis" to two years of our lives - two years that had changed us all. Yet uppermost in our minds were thoughts of that next hour on the square. We were tense with determination to "put on a good show," but worried lest we should not. Joking comments from the drill instructors brought forced laughter and a slight easing of the tension. Maybe it was "just another parade," but we had been working on this one


for two years and we now felt a fierce deSire to get it over with. We had often waited for things to happen at Royal Roads, but never had time passed with such agonizing slowness as in that last fifteen minutes. The precautionary command "Wing I " putting an end to our suspense. came like a benediction. As we executed the movements of the slope, which by now were second nature, we slipped into an almost instinctive routine. In our minds, focused as they were on images of perfect rifle movements, there was no room for other thoughts. And then we were marching, the band of H.M.C.S. "Naden" leading us onto the square. A series of wheels brought us to the required position; we went to the open order, ordered arms, and finally stood at ease. Another wait seemed to be in store for us. This time, though, it was different. There were few of us who had no parents or friends in the crowd which lined the square, and it was a more severe strain than usual to look straight to our front. Watching the spectators took our minds off oursel"es, and relaxed us considera bl y. But here came the inspecting party, walking down the path from the castle. Each of us stiffened unconsciously as the "Alert" was sounded on the bugle. We were brought to the slope, and then, as the inspecting officer stepped on the square, we executed a present arms. As Cadet Wing Commander Standen reported to Lieutenant-General Foulkes each of us eased his rifle butt into that exact spot by hiS fight toe where It belonged. While the inspecting officer passed down the rigid blue ranks the band played its customary soothing tune, superfluous today, for on this occasion no one had the slightest intention of fainting. The inspection over, and permission having been granted for the march past, we were turned right and moved off. In succession each squadron did a left wheel and a left turn, and marched across the front of the square in column Our heads snapped over to the right and the swords of the Cade! Officers swept in graceful arcs as we passed the dais in salute. Proceeding around the square we passed the saluting base again, this time in column of route. Halting at the rear of the square we advanced into line, and performed our advance In review order-the good old fourteen paces Jnd the quick halt. The wing having been formed into hollow sq uare, the various prizes for academic and athletic achievement were presented. Lieutenant-General Foulkes then delivered a short address congratulating us on Our showing, and




gl\'lng us some excellent advice for our future careers, whether they were to be in the serv ices or in civilian life The parade was nearly over by now. The wing was drawn up in line facing the dais, and the graduating class given the order to fall out We stepped out of the rank s and marched singly o r in small groups to the corner of the square This movement seemed to symbolize both our departure from the coll ege and the scattenng of o ur term. Forming up together for the last time, our term stepped off at the slow to the tune of "Men of Harl ec h ," and marched past the dais once again. The climax came as the band changed to "Au ld Lang Syne"

whIle we marched between the ranks of the new Senior Term. The slow march. traditional for occasions of sadness, gives one time to think Each of us felt a different thing-some sadness some happiness. most of us a mixture of the two--but none could say the ceremony left him unaffected For a few moments we seemed again to be part of Royal Roads. and then we were through the ranks We broke into quick time, in seeming eagerness to be gone, and passed from the square None of the traditional tears were in evidence--our term always was nonconformist-but for many of us, firing off our blank cartridges and skylarking about, it was a case of " laughin g that we might not cry."

Prize Winners and Winners of Academic Awards GRADUATION-1953 Governor-General's Silver Medal Awarded to the Scnior term cadet "ho,


passtd all subjects, ohtains the hig-hcst standing- ill his aradcmir year.

Cadet T. \Y. Till

The Commandant's Cup to the ~(,Ilior term cadet who proves himself mo ... t outstanding' in ath le ti c abilit)" and sport smanship. Cadet Flight Leader G. R. Rayment ~ \ warded

Governor-General's Bronze Medal

The Director of Studies' Cup

A\\'arckd to the Juni or term caclet who , ha\'ingp3ss(:'d all suhjects. obtains the highest standing in hi s academic year.

i\wardcd to the Junior term cadet who proves hiTllself mo:-.t outstanding- ill athl et ic ability and

Lieutenant-Governor of Quebec's Bronze Medal (English) _\ warded to the Senior term French-speaking cadt't \\"ho has made mo:-.t progress in Engli:-.h. Carle! G. Lessard

Lieutenant-Governor of Quebec's Bronze Medal (French) \warded to the Senior term EIlg-li~h:-.peakillg' cadet who ha:-. made most progres:, in French Cadet ]. \\'. Cohurn H. E. Sellers Officer of the Watch Telescope Awarded hy ~ Ir. H . E. Sellers to the cadet holding the positio~1l of Cadet \Ying Commander for the final academic tt'rm.



sporbmanship. Cadet P. D.

Cadet D. H. Hook

Commander ]. H.



The Wisener Cup .\ward<::d to the Aig-ht whIc h l11aintail1~ the high-

est standard of drill. \Yon hy Fraser F light The Inter-Flight Grand Aggregate Shield Awarued to the flight ama~sing the highe~t number of point::. ill Inter-Flight Sports competition \\'on hy ~Iackcnzie Flight

First Class Diplomas Till. R \\ S h ook, C :\. Coh u rn, ]. \\'. H aslett. l'\. J. Black, D. F. Elson. ] B.

A J u n ior o n the party of slack Was shining a quarterd eck plaque. When he picked up a sabre And end ed his labor By stabbing himself in the back .



路 1954



Royal Roads. In the carll' morning. FROM r can hear the shrill of sirens pierctng the air and in a few minutes see fighting ships making their way to sea. I watch wbile tbey disappear over the hOrizon and wonder what awaits thcm across the great expanses \Vtth this impression of fantasy and adventure. we Naval Cadets waited for the beginnIng of our first summer's training. As I try to recall the events of those four months. only the ones which seemed out of the ordinary routine come to mind Certainly we had courses in NaVigation Seamanship and Drill. but they are Similar from year to year and it is only those things which one always remembers that made the summer of .~) diff eren t from the others.

r remember the first day we put on naval uniforms and the accompanying suggestions from all corners on how to make hat badges more "salty." The Reserve Training Establishment brings back memories of drill in the hot sun In hot Uniforms on a hot square I recall the night there and the quiet padding of feet as the sleepy fire sentry passes on But be>r of all was the bar where one could enjoy the privilege of a cold beer in warm weather Then there was Coronalton Day. then the whole Navy turned out to mark tbe creatIOn of a new Commander-in -Chief and marched through Victoria to the music of drum and bugle.

r can still picture H "'\ C S 'Beacon Hill" and "Antigonish." lying on either Side of the Jetty as we first saw them ThiS \Vas the day for which we had all been \Valtlng As we approached the two sister ships. with their blue jacks rippling in the breeze. they represented a calm. powerful sight of that of which we were to become a part This time, when the sirens pierced the air and these two ships moved out of the harbour. we were not ashore watching; we were aboard -we were off to sea

I remember the laughing in the mess decks as \\'e tried to gain the comfort of our hammocks the first ntght out and the sleep-filled eves at 0600 as we began morning boat pulling at Bedwell Harbour. This harbour. hidden away between North and South Pender Islands. formed an excel lent stretch of protected water for our courses. It was nice to get away from civt!1Zatlon for a whtle and enjoy the good weather. the sports and the training. Then early one morning we sltpped and made our way to the open Pacific. Destination; S.1n Diego. California All the cadets could talk about now was sea sickness. Sure enough as we came around Cape Flattery more and more of us came up from the ~less Decks ..1S we said. to view the surroundIngs. It certJlnly was odd to sec cadets leaning ov~r the guard rail taking in the view: And so we all turned green. some faring better than others. but everyone giVing the galley staff a rest I rememblr the hours spent on the Morntng \'\'atch as a bridge lookout. We would stand. In a duffel coat. our faces I11tO the cold. biting \'路Ind. and look out to sea. occasionally raiSing our binoculars to scan the bleak horizon. Time passed very slowly and JS we stood. ducking the salt spray, our minds dwelt on many things Soon our thoughts were turned to breakfast and our relief. who came to be the most welcome Sight aboard ship. Our stay III SJn Diego was very pleasant. giVing us ltme to forget our sea voyage and get u~cd to being lan dlubbers again. After our cruise there was the Graduation Ceremon y and Command Ball. As first year cadets we had the privilege of pulling lanyards off the graduates. thus making them midshipmen. The ball was a great success and a fine event to close the year And then I remember the day I took off my naval uniform and placed it in my trunk; It W;!S the L1st day. we were going home We were leaving the Navy for awhile. but we would be back. For she was our service and we were now part of her:






Early in May four stalwarts from Royal Roads arrived at beautiful Camp Borden in the heart of scenic Southern Ontario to spend a plea~ant summer with the R.CA.C Those taking first year training were Pete Baker, Fro Renaud and Murray Stewart. while Frank Champion-Demers left us to take second phase training. Our first nine weeks at the R.CA.C School was spen t in that delightful phase of all army instruction-basic training. This included instruction in military law, map and compass work, all types of small arm weapons from the 9 mm. Browning pistol to the rocket launcher, and the ever present drill. We always managed to work in a five- or six-mile route march some evening during every week when we didn't have an ything else to do. A great deal of time was spent in the practical application of infan try (ugh I) tactics and we were fortunate to go on several 36-hour schemes that included compass marches. night river crossings, digging in and attacks at dawn, all without sleep, of course. There was also a course in Technique of Jnstruction. Our basic training was completed with a passing out parade in July. Then. in the Wireless Wing we busied ourselves with the intricacies of wireless sets and the study of voice procedure. Our Wireless Course was climaxed by a four-day scheme in the field, where we put our practical knowledge to use.

The next week was spent in the Driving and i\llaintenance Wing on an Introductory Course. At last we got the chance to examine a tank. This was the moment we had lived for. We spent a few days learning the mechanics and operation of the Sherman M4 A2E8 tank and then two days in the field actually driving. But the time allotted was all too short and we soon were back in our regular squadron. Then came "Exercise Blue Mountain," a four-day compass march with full pack on a 65 mile jaunt over the Blue Mountain to the Meaford Ranges. When we arrived we were given a taste of what we might expect in second summer training. The final week was devoted to an Administration Course, in which we were taught the duties and characteristics of the other arms and services in the Arm y and taken on tours of the various corps schools. All this seems like hard work. but we enjoyed every minute of it. As far as the lighter side of life goes week-ends in Toronto. Barrie, Wasaga Beach and evenings at Minet's Point were utilized to the fullest extent. The late August summer was brought to a close with a CO.T.C week-end climaxed by a dance in the Officers' Mess which was a great success. It was a summer in which we made many new friends from other universities and we are looking forward to next summer's training as "tankers" with enthusiasm.



January 1st, 1983: (A.P.) "In a special dispatch issued by the Chief of General Staff at Chilliwack, B.C, the Navy and Air Force bave today been declared obsolete, as tbe Royal Canadian Engineers have completed bridging the seven continents and booby trapping all cloud formations." Such a prophecy is not hard to believe. judging from the enthusiasm shown by the eleven Royal Roads cadets who chose the engineers as a possi ble career. The first ten weeks at R.CS.M.E. found first year types, Brown, Morewood, Oaks, Robertson. Round. Simpkin and \Vade engrossed in basic training. which included care and usage of weapons, drill. theory of instruction, drill. first aid, drill. military law, physical training and drill, with route marches and schemes in tactics added to pu t the theory in to practice. This was followed by specialized corps train-

ing. which covered in detail the actual role of the engineers: the supervision of water supply, field defences and demolition; and the interpretation of aerial photographs. All this time, the advanced (?) engllleers Kingham. Rich, Devine and Douglas were relaxing in the open air at Melville Camp. trying to discover why their Bailey bridges weren't falling down and experimenting with the heavy equipment used in the construction of roads and airfields. Throughout the summer the cadets seemed always anxious to test their soldiering skill. as witnessed when they launched a well-planned. mobile surprise attack on an unwary enemy in their bivouac area. The withdrawal was aided considerably by Oaks' and Brown's thirteen man Model "A" night later. A well placed tear gas cannister in a rival hut resulted in complete evacuation and the constant use of handkerchiefs for several days after the incident. The halls in the huts were battlegrounds for

I THE LOG-1954

48 man)' combats with st1rrup pumps and water buckets. and to this day no one knows who put the hole in the wall. . R e.S.M.E. furnished a well-organ1zed sports program. featuring basketball baseball. golf. swimming at Cultus Lake. tenn1S. track

and field. The Officers' Mess. one of the finest 1n the country. was the scene of many enjoyable even1ngs. as was the lake. only two miles away. All in all. a profitable summer was spent at Chdliwack; a summer which included both learning and enjoyment to the nth degree.



Camp Borden, Canada's largest military establishment. is about sixty miles north of Toronto, and here is situated the Royal Canadian School of Infantry. By May 15 nine Royal Roads types had arrived there to undergo their basic infantry training with the e.O.T.e.: Bethell, Dejong, Gunter, Hunt. Norman, Pullen. Smart, Shantora and Wigmore. The basic training period lasted for twelve weeks and included courses in such weapons as the .303 rifle, Bren Light Machine Gun. Sten Machine Carbine, 36 Hand Grenade. 3.5 inch Rocket Launcher, Booby Traps, and the 60 mm. mortar. We also drilled, learned how to use maps, became acquainted with military law. and did a few route marches (called "controlled road walking" in the time-table.) The work was interrupted, however. by Mess Dinners and a e.O.T.e. Dance. as well as by weekends at Wasaga Beach. Toronto. or visits home on the long weekends. In August a parade of all e.O.T.e. cadets in Camp Borden was held for the Chief of General Staff, Lieutenant-General Simonds. and the Battalion Commander was "Bumfry" Upton. a former flight leader at the college. Our basic training over. the staff decided to send n umber two platoon of Able Company to Meaford. an ~rmy training camp aboul sixty mdes north- west of Camp Borden . for tactical training in the field. Here we took part in a

demonstratlOn of an attack by a squadron of tanks supported by a rifle company of infantry. and underwent other training in the field. Life at Meaford was enlivened a bit when Smart forgot to present arms to a Major. and Wigmore's paseball moustache (nine aside) refused to grow. Norman. of course. was living up to his reputation as the "Ginger Ale Boy." and Hunt's arm. which had been broken on an obstacle course at Camp Borden. was now mended. When the camp at Meaford closed for the year the remaining cadets returned to Camp Borden to take a course in either the 81 mm. mortar or the V1ckers Machine Gun. two support weapons. We r~alizr that our basic training . though it seemed dull and monotonous at times. was the most 1mportant part of our training in the army As well as the actual training. we had executive respons1bilitv as cadet platoon and section commanders Our tactical training consist~d of seclion and platoon tactics. and 1n command1ng these units during attacks. defences. and retreats. we learned some of the problems of the junior leader in the field Throughout the year many of our fellow cadets have joked and sneered about the P.B.I., the "Queen of the Battlefield." Though the infantry may lack the glamour of other corps and services. it has a tradition unequalled by any The statement of Field Marshal Lord Wavell that "all battles :md all wars are won in the end by the infantry" has yet to be disproved.

R.C.E.M.E. By M e.


Naturally the men from THE corps of THE service had the best time this summer Royal Roads was ably represented this year by: Jim Rea in third phase; Stan Wallace. Tom Noon and John Hagerman in second phase; and Frank Hlohovsky. Murray Johnston and Ron Kristjanson in first phase. Second Phase training was all practical except for one week in the field; First Phase trainmg consisted of six weeks practical and ten weeks basic training. However. this training was only one part of the summer. Hagerman. Johnston and

Hlohovsky were on the e.O. T.e. Softball Team. well on its way to the camp championship when the summer ended. Stan, "Sammy \Valrus." \Vallace. by dint of many seconds and thirds at the dinner table. managed to heave the ShOl-put for a record 35 feet in the Track and Field meet. Hagerman . Johnston, Hlohovsky and Kristpnson were also on the e.O.T.e. Track Team. which ran away with the camp championship. The social events were the highlights of the summer. two formal dances. wiener roasts. a square dance and many more innumerable parties. both large and small.




R.C. ~. F. PILOT By D H. HOOK As pilot trainees, our home for the summer was Number Three Flight Training School. Claresholm, Alberta, where we were trained along with cadets from a certain otber Instttu tion of little importance. Claresbolm IS situated nearly midway between Calgary and Lethbridge on tbe ~!cLeod Trail and tbus is In the middle of vast rolling farm lands. Off to tbe west about fifty miles tbe footbills begin and tbe Rockies can be seen beyond tbem on a clear day. We were at ease under tbe "sunny" Albertan skies as we settled down to two weeks of intensive pre-flight Ground Scbool instruction and approximately six incbes of rainfall. After tbls tortuous period of suffocating in class and watching aircraft cavorting about tbe sky, we were finally allocated to our fligbts. At last tbe day, the hour, had come when we would fly or at least sit in thc cockpit. We will ncver forget tbe first flight and the inexpressible thrill of feeling tbe aircraft respond to our will However, it wasn't all pie and cake We had to study cvcrytbing about flying: the aircraft, tbe wcathcr, the aerodromc. the pilot. Every day we had four hours of Ground School and pcriodic tcsts that kept us on our toes. In the early part of July worried frowns bcgan to crease the brows of our potential Air Vicc-Marshals. The time had comc for the first solo' What weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth echoed amongst the hangars as each fledgling took off into the terrors of the stratosphere. \Vhcn the same aircraft returned to earth (rather shakilv) the flcdgilng was gone and in his place sat the master of the universe. Quickly he was relieved of his tie (perhaps his undershorts too if the enthusiasm got the better of the crowd) which was hung in the flight


room emblazoned w nh approprIate inSCriptions of his historic flight. Unfortunately a few of us fell under the blows of a iJrge axe inscribed "Ceased TrainIng." These boys went undauntedly on to ~avigational Training School at \Vinnipeg. By this time most of our plucky aviators had travelled extensively about the countryside durIng week-ends. Many of us saw Banff and Lake l.ouise in Alberta's great Naironal Park . Calgary and Lethbridge were extremely popular for diversion, while the more advcnturous Spltlts roamed southward ro \Vaterton Lakes and Great Falls, Montana For rhose who were less Inclined to wander there were dances and shows in Claresholm, and occasionally there was a station or a Flight Cadet dance. For the latter, nurses from Lethbridge and Calgary were brought in by bus to brighten and cheer our mess An equally popular diverSIOn was the celebrated "Course Party," where a mixture of cadets and instructors generated uproarious fun and song much to the discomfiture of the harassed barman. As the summer progressed our proficiency In the air increased splendidly. Tbere were only three prangs during the entire summer for our course. One Royal Roads cadet scraped a wing tip and two "pilots" from another college mutilated their aircraft. FOrLunately their heads absorbed the punishment and they weren't seriously injured . The summer came to a close and brought our careers to a climax in the Intermediate Clear Hood Test. As this test represented all our efforts for the summer, we worked hard towards It. When at last our training was over, we looked back on a great experIence and a perfect summer.

NAVIGATIOK AT No. 1 A.N.S. H. J GRAHA,\! C. A SHOOK 'Flrst navigator responsible for navigation. track to be maintained within ten miles." With these words ringing in our cars we went, by day and night, down to the Daks In buses. Again and again. for five hours we took fixes woke up the pilot with chits and MTB's and acted as waiters to the crew. There were Wark and .\1acdonald who remember with some distaste an incident concerning Shade I. Shook and :VlcKinnon who couldn't serve coffee: Graham and Laidbw who grappled with B ~ A' Dokken who shamed us all on that first trip; Shewaga who bought the twenty -four "Moose路 heads" in Charlottetown, and of course Roy

Gray and Andy Perrault down in the preCIS room Away from flying. we spent the long hours in Ground School at Control Plots, DR NavigatIon and lectures on maps, instruments. com passes. radio. radar and meteorology. But all was not work at Station Summer Side. There was tbe nIghtly trek to the Snack Bu. the Friday and Saturday nights in the .\-less and thence to Charlottetown, Miscouche Or the Diner The untiring eR'orts of all our instructors, especially F L Rodrigue. were more than instru mental in makIng the summer a good one for all concerned Good luck to future navigators. and to th~ "fivc week boys'" fletcher, freeman, Smith and Stubbings.

/ 1 H E


LOG -- I 9 5 4


F SPOONER Royal Roads had only two Junior Air Force cadets last summer at the Reserve Officers' School. Royal Military College. Kingston. Ontario. Though only two in number. cadets Sugimoto and Spooner evangelized and spread the good word about Royal Roads. lacking. however. the success of their Navy brethren. who secured a convert Tbe course included Air Force Law. Public Speaking. ServICe Writing. Current Events and Drill. Some ex-Army officers now In the Air Force tried to make us Into Infantry types In a short but very interesting course in Ground Defence. We spent a week playing witb gas masks. playing Reds and cadets and kitten-crawling through the mud DAVID

Royal l'Zoads representatives both received cadet officer appOlntmcnts: Sugimoto. wing commander, wing adjutant and squadron adjutant. Spooner. flight leader and section leader. -1 be six weeks soon wound up in a mess din ncr. graduation ball and parade. The mess dinner was a gargantuan affair. putting everyone In a Jovial mood This was followed a few days later by the graduation dance and the spectacular graduation parade. As a grand finale Sabres from Trenton buzzed the parade ground and put on a show of aerial acrobatics We later found out tbat a mistake had been made and we should never have been sent to R.OS. but both Sugimoto and Spooner ag ree that they had a fine time

COLLEGE CALENDAR 1953 Sept 10-Cadet Officers Report II-Junior Term ArrIves IS-SenIOr Term Returns Ocr.


4-R.R. vs Vampires 9-Lecture by Mr A. R Lendl. "Switzerland.' , 12-R.R. vs. Oak Bay 17-R.R. vs. Navy, 20-Inter-Flight Cross-Country Run 21-Junior Term Obstacle Course 24-RR. vs. Oak Ba)' 25-Cburch Parade at St Andrew's PresbyterIan Cburch and St Andrew's Cathedral 31-R R vs Navy I-Inter-Flight Regatta

7 to 10-Stand-Down Weekend 10-Second AcademIC 1 erm Commences II-Remembrance Day ServlCc II-Inter-Flight Swim Meet IS-Junior Term Instructional Mess Dinner. 21-R.R. vs Vampires. 2 I-Invitation Cross-Country Run 24-Inspection and Address by RearAdmiral H F Pullen. 0 B.E CD .. R.CN 25-Army Corps Demonstration 2S-R.R, vs, Navy Won (12) to (5) Dec.

10-Christmas ExamInations Commence. 17-Carol Service and Mess Dinner IS-Chr istmas Ball. 19-Christmas Leave Commences

1954 Jan .

7 Third Academic Term Commences SRed Cross Blood Clinic

13 to 16- C B.C Radio Recording Team Visit College. 20 Inter-Flight Hockey Commences. 30 Ski Weekend to Port Angeles. Feb. 12 Lecture by Dr. G. E. Ha ll. P resident of University of Western Ontario 路Ski \Veckend to Port Angeles. 14 CB.C Team Record Sunday Wing Parade, 19 to 21-R.M.C-R.R -CM.R. Tournament 23 Inspection and Address by General the Honourable A. G. L. MacNaughton. CH.. CB.. CM.G .. DS.O. M.SC, BS.L.. LL.D. P.SC. I.D.C 26 Stand-Down Weekend. ,ybrch I Fourth Academic Term Commenc~s. S Inspection and Address by Group Captain W F. M. Newson. D.S 0 . D.FC .. CD .. S.A.S.O . and Group Captain C H. Greenway, O.B E, CD. S P.S.O. 17-InspectlOn and Address by ViceAdmiral E. R. Mainguy O.B E, CD. R.CN. 26-lnspection and Address by General Sir Kenneth Crawford. KCB. MC April 2-Inspection and Address by 1I. laJorGeneral C Vokes. CB .. CB.E. D.S 0 . G.O C Western Command



I 954





So. I Squadron CoS L WAD[ A. C. Carller Flight C-F L White F A L C Sugimoto M. L C Blccum K A

Fraser Flight C-F L Laidlaw \V S L ' C lnkJS L C Norman F J.

No. Z Squadron CoS L MANSON P 0 Champ lam Flight C-F L Moody P. L/C Bale C G. L/C Pullen H F H

},,[ackenZle Fliqht C-F L Brown 0 J L C Gray O. M L C Fraser W C

No. 3 Squadron CoS L FREE:-.IAN N. S. Hudson Flight La Salle Fllqht C-F L Beare A, K. C-F L Brown A. C. L C Creelman L R. L , C Shan lora J L. C Simpkins F O. L , C Wilbur R B The Band L C Sherwin A. O. (Drums) L C Carson F. A, (Trumpets)


No. I Squadron CoS LINK J. S CartIer FlIqht Fraser Flight Cor L Croil T. A, C-F L Simp~on P S I. C Wade A C. L C Laidlaw W S L C Kingham R. 1. L C Slubbings K F No. Z Squadron CoS L Moody P. Champlatn Fllqht Machenzle FlIght C-F L Pullen H, F. H. C-F L Gray 0 M L C Manson P. 0 L C Brown 0 J. L C Barbeau R J M. L C Townsend C. M.


3 Squadron


IJudson F1iqht La Salle F1iqht C-F L Creelm'an L. R. C-F L Hook 0 H L C Gunning C. T L /C Brown A C L C Morewood F. G. L C Wigmore J R The Band L C Carson F. A. (Drums) L C Stewart M C (Trumpets)


So. I Squadron CoS L LAIDLAW W S Curt ler Flight Fraser FlIght C-F L Sugimoto :-"1 C-rllnkJ.S L C Croil T . A. L C Smart I J H L C \Vade A C. LtC Simpson P S Xo. 2 Squadron CoS I BROWN O. J Chumplaln FlIqht MackenzIe Fltght C-F L Bale C. G C-F L Fraser W, C. L C Tisdal C. p , L C Oaks O. S. L C :-"lurphy O. J I C Neill R. J. No ') Squadron CoS L BROWN A. C. Hudson Fliqht La Salle Fltght C-F L Simpkins F 0 C-F L Shantora J L C Freeman N. S L C Wigmore J. R L C Round R. P 0 L C Bethell R. G The Band L C Smilh J. M. (Drums) L C Hook 0 H. (Trumpels)

FOURTH TERM C- W C MANSON P. O. C- W F L MOODY, P. C- W W 0 Blccu!\.! K, A.

No. I Squadron CoS L WADF A. C. CartIer Fltght Fraser Flight C-F LInk J S, C-F L Laidlaw W. S L C Sugimoto M. L C Simpson P. S L C Bethell R, G. L C Croil T. A No 2 Squadron CoS L BROWN O. J. Champlain Fltght Machenzle Flight C-F L Pullen H F. H C-F L Gray O. M. L C Townsend C. M. L C Bale C. G. L C Round R. P. O. L C Oaks O. S. No. 3 Squadron CoS L FRHMAN N S. Hudson Filqht La Salle FlIght C F L Beare A. K C-F L Brown A. C l. C Gunning C. T. L /C Shantora J L C Simpkins F. O. L C Wigmore J R The Band C-F L Hook O. H. L C Sherwin A. O. (Drums) L C Stewart M C. (Trumpets)

'I HE L 0 (,


I 954

A Jt NIOR'S FIRST I\IPRESSIU\ OF LIFE AT ROYAL RO \DS first impressions we as "Recruits" reT HE:.ceived didn't enter our handsome noggins unsupervised In fact. one could even say that they were created for us--created by that hard, inexorable band of masterminds who formed the first slate Their intention it seemed, was to present the College in as unsympathetic a light as possible. In this they were highly successful. All of us, as we were running hither and thither to the stJcc.Ho of barking voices, pinched ourselves - more than once - and wished we'd gone to R.J\.I C. Our impressions of and the attitude we first took towards Roads' life are welI ilIustrated by a letter written by one of our term-Herman ("Ozark") Scruff who hails from the foothIlls village of Edmonton, Alberta, This letter was returned to Ozark by the HalI Porter who, after reading it. decided it was sabotaging the security of the College Royal Roads, September 18th Dear Ma, I finally got here but I think I want to go back home. Royal Roads is a rIte n ice place with lots of trees and even some sheep which I don't no what are used for (Ed's note Herman found [hal out on Initiation Day), but I don't like the life here which is pretty funny. We run alot allover the place, but of coarse I don't mind that. Some of the city guys what have got indoor plumbing at home and aren't used to running find it prctt), tough, tho I got an awful cold on account of thcy cut off all my

hair the first day, It was the first time somebody else but you had cut it and you know what' The dumb guy what cuts hair doesn't evcn usc a bowl. They don't like hair here Jnd they even cut the stubble off your head l'\'ery week, J\le whats used to getting my hair cut only twicc a year finds that pretty funny Another thing I finds pretty funny is eating grub with your left hand which they insist upon We've got some pretty swell guys here in our term even if some of them are from Ontario. ['he guys I don't like are the guys who yelI at us. These guys arc the cadet officers (guys picked from last year's term to boss us around), They arc an awful queer lot - queerer even thJn old Harry Dagg who hasn't changed underwear since 1927 and sweeps all his dirt from hiS floor Into the basement None of these guys laugh, they alI have loud voices, and they don't seem to get no joy out of life at all. One guy I seen even had a sheep in the dorm with him. I hope the sheep was housebroke-but probably wasn't-that's the kind of guys they arc. So you see these cadet officers arc a pretty queer lot, I could probably put up with them but that isn't what I'm worried about, I'm worrIed that I might become just like them in a year or so-can you Imagine that? So I think I had better come home and marry Cousin Julie Your SIncere son, Herman






HE night of October 20th. after having been treated to an overwhelming display of some hitherto unseen miles of Hatley Park grandeur, most of us staggered out of our stud, positions visualizing our beds with more zest than usual. Alas, as we soon found out. these beds were to remain unfilled for some time yet. for on the night of October 20th the Seniors staged a skylark, and the top came off at Royal Roads. It was Halloween two weeks early. The Seniors displayed their more than considerable ingenuity in their many interesting and outlandish arrangements of C.S.c. attire. Although the cry of "trick or treat" was not raised. it could very well have been. Unfortunately treats were confined to apples this year-fresh: and even more unfortunately. treats were provided by those downtrodden stal warts, the Junior term. In order to operate their skylark at peak efficiency, each Senior adopted a Junior as bis "boy." A "boy" could be (and they were) asked to do any number of stimulating things. He might have been asked to balf-drown a Senior (or if he was even more fortu nate, a cadet officer) with a gash can of cold water. He may bave had tbe opportunity of calling down-with no fear of respite-any Senior he met. Or. if be bad nice legs and a suitable face, be may have been captured by Wbite for White's rather ill-fated cborus and burlesque team. Tbe runners. of course, were dispatcbed. amid a flurry of fireworks, to a nearby orchard for eats. Others, tbe more amorously inclined Juniors. treated audiences to sparkling displays of techn iq ue wben tbey made love to their Senior's girl friend (s) over the telepbone. Some Seniors. wbo became bored by just being carried incessantl y to and fro from tbe shower room. found some measure of entertainment in watching tbose liver-lipped types (Juniors, of course) pick up pennies between their teetb in Neptune's fountain. Yes, it was quite a nigbt, and altbough our faces smarted from cold shaves in sour milk or in the fountain for days afterwards, we all bave reason to remember tbe Seniors for, for tbe "swell" time tbey sbowed us on. . Doggie Nigbt. TRAFALGAR DAY

Initiation day started-as all otber days do at Roads-about six hours too early. It was destined, bowever, for great tbings right from

the start. As the term soon found out, before it even bad its pyjamas off in fact, initiation day was also Trafalgar Day. . Trafalgar Day. for the benefit of tbe poorly ll1formed. is a SenIOr Cadets' most zealously guarded beritage. Nelson, by winning tbe battle of Trafalgar. bas given all Senior Terms ro perpetuity. it seems. tbe right to ask, on the days of its anniversary. their Juniors insinuatincr questions about obscure aspects of his life~ Juniors failing to respond quickly to these questions are punisbed-severely (and how). Tallies of 25 or more circles amassed during the mornll1g were not uncommon in the Junior term-especially amongst the more darina who ventured out of tbcir classrooms at m~rning stand-easy and did not remain hidden under their tables as did man y of us of more circumspect inclinations. THAT AFTERNOON

Shattering as tbe morning's experiences proved to be. if the Seniors thought that they had prepared us amply for the afternoon exercises, then they hit a foul ball. Notbing can prepare one for a Royal Roads obstacle course. As we gathered in the gunroom for Johnnie's inevitable pep talk, we still seemed to be a pretty gay lot-in spite of that insignificant station we then held in life. This was going to be fun. we told ourselves, and strange to say. the first part of it was. We staged our "fall in" effectively: our callisthenics on the soccer field were a joy to bebeld: and we ran through the coal-carrying routine with no trouble at all. Tbe next stage was different. It remains a rather garbled memory to most of us. On attempting to recall it all our poor memories will yield are but a few firmly etched lines: "Lower. Junior, lower"; "More bubbles, Junior. more bubbles": "Do that somersault again. Junior": "Now go to the back of the line. Junio['" We couldn't win. Tbe highlight of the initiation was. of course, our "coronation"--a 1953 innovation and one of wbich the Senior Term is jutifiably proud. We were "coronated" with that strange new concoction fondly known as "White's annointment.'路 . 'White' s annointment" makes practically a story in itself. Prof. Bricknell attempted to analyze it, but when he found that it reacted as an acid in a base and as a base in an acid. be gave up. Harold has taken up where the master left off, and at last reports. has succeeded in determining the root mean square velocity of this amazing new scinetific curiosity.



I 9 54

THE CAROL SERVICE By R. G. DUONC, the finishing of the exams on December 17th. the thoughts of everyone began to turn towards home and Christmas. After the annual Christmas Mess Dinner. the Cadet Wing proceeded to the Castle It was obvious that a great deal of time and energy had been spent :n decoratIng the lower hall. the stairs. and the baleon y of the second floor The cedar and holly boughs. the lanterns. tbe "Merry ChrIStmas" sign. and the little picket fence around the great fireplace gave the Castle a warm. friendly atmosphere The cadets grouped themselves on the stairs and the baleony. the Glee Club in the rear of the landIng. Chairs had been placed In the lower hall for the staff. their families and guests. Throughout the next two hours the Glee Club. the Bell Ringers. and the remainder of the cadets and staff sang the old traditIOnal songs of the Christmas season JunIOr Cadet Segers sang two fine solos. whde the Bell RlIlgers. who had been guided by i\.lr E WIzard.



gave an excellent performance. one that they were almost to duplicate the following evening at the Christmas Ball. A great dea l of credit must go to the Glee Club and especially CDR Fairfull. who wdlingly gave a good deal of his tIme . fhrough hiS careful coaching and the efforts of its members (who gave up their free moments) the Glee Club made a contnbution to the Carol Service that was thoroughly appreCiated by everyone. When the service was finished everyone gathered In the wardroom for coffee and re freshments 1 he Carol Sen-ice was. without doubt. the most pleasant way to end the examination period. It was a pleasant and sociable evening for the staff. their families. and guests while for the cadets the relaxed and friendl y atmosphere was a litting prelude to the ball. ;Vlore than anything rise it united all sections of the Co llege and brought the Christmas spirit to it For thiS result our thanks must go to Mr Izard. CDR Fairful. and espeCially to Chaplain Peglar. who organized the service



HE Christmas Spirit entered Royal Roads early this year when the Social Committee began to plan in November for the Annual Christmas Ball. As the weeks passed by. the various bits and pieces that make a dance fell IIlto their proper places and preparatIOns neared completion by the end of the examinations. The decorators sang garbled Chnstmas Carols as they laboured to filllsh on the afternoon before the dance. The whole wing pitched in (more or less voluntanly) and in short order the quarter deck was transformed into a cheerful Yuletide ballroom. The entIre cadet block was scrubbed and sitting-out rooms were furnished and decorated. Then. free at last. the cadets dashed madly through the halls In an effort to catch the liberty boat to the outside world The couples began to dnft up to the College in shining V-Drives. greeted by organ music and hundreds of coloured lights strung about the grounds. Around the dancers and the orchestra the decorations glittered in the true Chnstmas feeling. with green cedar boughs and holly hung in generous proportions. At either end of the quarter-deck stairs disappeared into two giant fireplaces. and the smiling faces of Santas and Carolers beamed out from the panels onto the waltzing couples. Behind the orchestra a seven-

foot Santa Claus Wished one and all the tradillonal "Merry Chnstmas." Among the many people present. VIsiting dignitaries lent their gleaming brass and braid to the brilliancc of the ball. The girls were tantaliZing in their breath-taking formal gowns. many of them haVing to lead dazed cadets around by the hand. Halfway through the evening Junior Cadets LeWIS Sorokan and Hale took over for the orchestra and reduced harmonics to the bare essenllals. naturally to the enjoyment of all ThiS was lightly referred to on the programme as "entertainment" Fortunately. for those who appreCiate good music. Senior Cadet Mace played some Chopin After supper the dancing resumed with increased vigour in spite of a localized lighting failure (cngulfing the quarter-deck and the gunrooms). which somehow failed to dampen any (pardon the expression) spints. J\\uch too qUickly we realized that the evening was slipping from our grasp and the dance ended to the haunting melody of "Hold That Tiger." The danclllg was over but the fun had just begun. rhe next hour was consumed by the traditional traffic snarl which resulted when every cadet tried to get "there" first But at last the chaos subsided and everyone was finally on hiS way home from the best Christmas Ball of 1953.




CLUBS THE BAND By F. A. CARSON Since it was found in the autumn that there were relatively few Seniors left in the band , several Juniors had to be initiated into the cberished position of bandsman. However, under the leadership of L / C Sherwin and L C Carson, the band got off to a good start in the first term. In tbe second term. under L , C J. M. Smith and L C Hook, and the third term, under L/C Stewart and L. C Carson, the band continued to maintain a high level of perfection, as far as music-making was concerned. The year ended with F L Hook in charge of the

band, and with L I C Sherwin in charge of drums and L C Stewart in charge of trumpets. Naturally, there bave been a few comments during the year as to just what tbe cadets on the wbole think of our little organization; but. on the other hand, there bave been a few remarks of appreciation which have been very gratifying. Along with a few new pieces produced this past year, tbe band managed to attain a repertoire of about fourteen tunes; although the cadets in the wing still claim we bave only one piece to our credit. My only wish is that as long as there is a Royal Roads Band there will be a "Bananas on tbe Circle."


By K. A.


There is an old song which tells us tbal "singing is a tonic for the care-worn." Even at Royal Roads we often need a tonic of some kind. No doubt. some people who have heard our singing would say we need more than a tonic. bu t who cares? It was a lot of fun trying. From the middle of fall term tbe members of the Glee Club met around the piano on the quarter-deck every Wednesday afternoon to tear apart vocal I y some well-known and beloved song. Commander Fairfull gave us his all in an attempt to discipline our voices and to direct them along reasonably defined musical tunes.

The group was segregated inLo three voice groups for harmony's sake. At times. for harmony's sake. it probably would have been better if we had gone to sports instead. Despite our limited talent we managed to polisb up a few carols for the Carol Service in the Castle. From comments we have heard, the effort was appreciated. and if this is so, a sincere vote of thanks is due Commander Fairfull. Every Wednesday he came to us from Dockyard to help us along. Our co-operation was not always what it might have been. \Ve wish now to express both our apologies and our tbanks for the time and effort he has so generously given.


By K. A.


Organized last fall by Professor Carlsen, the Hobby Club was intended to be a collection of individuals drawn together by a common cause -the urge for each person to build or manufacture something useful or ornamental with bis own two grubby little hands. To tbis end. everyone in tbe group bent his efforts during tbe past year. The results have been encouraging. I am quite sure we have produced enough asb trays to stock tbe Empress Hotel. Downstairs under the Engineering Scbool. a small fleet of model ships has been started, an army

of toy soldiers has been painted, and a squadron of model aircraft has been built. In tbe woodwork shop, some of the army types bave produced facsimiles of tbe army swagger-sticks which all good army officers carry. To Professor Carlsen's sorrow, no one has adopted any ambitious scheme concerning his beloved totem pole whicb was started last year. It would appear that he will have a little job to do next year as well. We wisb him lots of luck. Our thanks go out to him for his assistance and advice. and La the staff at tbe Engineering Scbool who have alwa ys done tbeir utmost to help cadets in distress.



By T.


This year the Club changed its policy slightly in that the emphasis was laid on open forums rather than on guest speakers. We began the year with a meeting of this type in which two teams, each consisting of a Senior and a Junior, voiced the pros and cons on the resolution "that American military influence in Canada is excessive and should be diminished." After a general discussion, Colonel Ware, our Honorary Chairman that evening, closed the meeting with a brief resume of all that had been said. For our second meeting Me. Baikie-Simpson gave us a talk on "Psychological Warfare in the Far East." Me. Simpson was in Japan at the outbreak of the war and upon release became an Intelligence Officer for the British Army. He had some interesting facts to tell us. The




cadets and the members of the staff present kept him well occupied with queslions. Two other meetings of the forum style were on Canadian education and France's policy in Ind o-China. Our argumenls and disagreements became quite heated over the first topic; for everyone had developed his own opinion on education after some fourteen years in school. The Indo -C hina question was equally well handled and everyone a little wiser by the end of the evening. But nothing very much would have been learnt from these forums without Professor Burchill's criticisms of our discussions. He would show the teams where they had fallen down and point out the Aaws in their arg um ents Except for these criticisms Professor Burchill was really a silent member. In our last meeting the new executive was elected from the Junior members. We wish them success with the Club in 1955



Johnston President Robertson Vice-President Champion-Demers Treasurer Kato Secretary

The Photography Club was organized early in the term under the sponsorship of Professor Bricknell The object of the club is to stimulate and promote interest in photography People who know little about photography were encouraged to join the club as well as This year those who were more expeCienced the club was fortunate in obtaining a great deal of valuable equipment A Goo. len camera, an automatic focus enlarger, a drum dryer, and a film drying cabinet were placed at the disposal of club members. The new equipment was used to its full advantage. The dark room was a hive of industry during the week-end and during the recreational periods. The novices

were shown the fundamentals while those who were morc experienced gained proficiency Throughout the year, all the major social and athletic activities were recorded by club photographers. Many of the photographs in this Log are samlpes of their work. In order that the cadets might remember the various events and expenses reduced , many of the photographs taken by the club were offered the cadets. All the darkroom work necessary to proVide these photos was done by S C Johnston, Barbeau, Champion-Demers and Robertson. DUring the latter part of the term the club sponsored a photographic contest, the WInners of which won prizes. The club members wish to express their gratitude to Professor Bricknell for his interest in the club. Much credit is due him for the highly successfu l year that was enjoyed by the club.

A Junior while circles running Was stopped and questioned by Gunning. "Not guilty," he pleaded; "My circles completl~d, "But my style is perfectly stunning."


LOG -1954



By J. M. S:-'IlTH To the uninitiated thIs would probably mean nothtng. Actuall y it means that one of that peculiar breed, "The Ham," at Royal Roads, is trying to contact another Ham at RM.C The RadIO Club has made great strides thIs year. As two Juniors already had their 'phon.: \tcences, we immediately went on 'phone instead of using only Morse After erecting various antennae, we hit upon a combination that gave good results Contacts were made with Japan, Brazil. Cuba, New York, Quebec, Fort Churchill, and Fairbanks, as well as many intermediate points-altogether about four hundred contacts. Several cadets were able to talk to their par-

ents in Saskatchewan vIa radIO. In additIOn. for the first time In the history of the College. the RM e. and Royal Roads Radio Clubs ftnally establtshed contact and the results of the C.S.e. Tournament were passed on to R M.e. at that time There has been very little construction of radio gear this year, but the stock of tools and parts is slowly buildIng up and plans are being laid for more construction next year. We hope to obtain a more powerful transmitter in order to talk to European and African countries. The members of the Radio Club would like to extend their thanks to Dr. Henderson, who has proved to be a most able and competent sponsor, and to the Physics Departmen t for lending us a great deal of electronic gear and giving us much helpful advice.

THE MOO By I. K. S. Moody' Moody' mooing loud, Weather be it froid or chaude. What immortal phone or ear Could not hear thee mooing there'



LOG- 1 954

JUN IOR GUNROOM NOTES "] he FIrst Term HE first week. Jarring as It was. was not wIthout its reward, It introduced us to that very necessary aspect of Roads' life路 the skylark Egged on by those sl y monsters, the cadet officers, and anxious. as new recruits, to prove our mettle, we finally, after many wild and wooly gunroom councIls, came up with an "orIginal." Yes. we were all very proud of our big "Operation Bach," even If it was a "Moo' that ended it all. Our Seniors. when they arrived. were indeed an impressive looking LOT, Only after we had smeared them 1-0 In soccer did we cease to regard them with awe (and terror), At the term party after the game we were guests of three of the finest members of our term - the Belgians, Without their sparkling footwork that day, our victory would certainly never have been realized, Like all good things, our SIX weeks of enforced confinement finally came to an end At last we were allowed to find out what news Renaud had arranged for us in VictorIa Some of us had had news for Renaud, During the next few weeks the term made great use of that fascinating phenomenon-the liberty boar. Liberty boats, as everyone knows, breed a certain type of music. In thIS department our term, not to be outdone, has succeeded in boosting considerably that vast quantity of lyric material that bellows fonh from those long blue buses on Saturdays and Sundays


The Second Term We now had our stand-down under our belts, Would it be enough to keep us sane until Christmas' Taking no chances, the Senior Staff pIled on an instructional dinner, and forrified with this pleasant respite. we all managed to survive until -at long last the last ChrIstmas exam had been written, Two days of ChrIStmas Royal Roads style-were now before us The Mess Dinner on the night of December 17 starred things off, for us Juntors It drove home to us the extent to which a spirit of unity and good will had grown III our term since September. During the dance the next night we were all impressed all the more wnh all that we had found at Royal Roads these last four months. With the husk y sound of 'We want more - bee r" still ringing III our ears we finally headed for that place one never really leaves-home.

"/ he Third Term We arrived back at the College with a new slant on life It was only a matter of hours before the sIan t had been removed by the new slate of cadet officers, The much-feared reign of terror never became more than a heavy drizz le, but we might note that the patter of J u niors' feet was heard for a good many days, I t was not long before the term was once resorting to all kinds of ingenious skylarks In theIr efforts to work off steam, Neptune became a Flight Leader one chilly January morning. A week or so later the Seniors found their gunroom transformed into a la u ndry room, On another Gray woke up looking very much like a shaggy cod fish, peering out from under a fish net stretched over his bed, Not even a term CIrcle for that one, either - will \\'ondl.?rs never cease mor~


The tournament team sported many of th~ Juniors and the term was proud of their effon" Stand-down was a much looked forward-to event A few ventured as far as Seattle, The two Kennedys, Kearley, and ~lcPherson, while on stand-down, removed one of the Trophies of the U.B,C. englneers A small plaque was SUItably engraved and attached, and cup. returned Chalk one up for the cadets in the Roads- U B C. ti ff Fletcher returned from Seattle with a tape recorder whIch has since proved a very entertaIning pIece of equipment. Just ask the Sen lars The West Dorm pulled the "Black Hole of VIctorIa" skylark when they barrIcaded themselves In their dorm WIth mattresses The WIng Commander. evidently well clued in his Milttary Studies, effected a rapId flanking movement which soon brought things to a close. Some of the West Dormers said that the exercises whIch followed were Just what was needed for that noto~iously prevalent Royal Roads disease Insomnta The term ended with the traditIOnal dousing of the old cadet officers, In some respects we hope that the remaIning term will roar by as fast as the Third one did,

The Fourth ['erm As we ginger! y accept are Just about on us we thIng only-would the play at 120 beats to the

the fact that the exams ask one thing and one "Naden" band please minute




SEN IOR GUNROOM NOTES HEN a member of the SenIOr Term managed to lay his hands upon a good book. or If he wIshed to write a letter home. he would naturally seek refuge in some qUIet room where he could give his whole attentIOn to the matter at hand. If there is such a place In the College it has never been found . On the other hand , if h~ felt that IrreSIStIble urge to take h,s lIfe in his hands and live dangerously. he would stuff cotton in his cars, adjust h,s bullet-proof vest and cautiously step into the SenIor Gunroom, Daring as that magmficent act of valour IS It has been accomplished many times by the Slxty-mne members of our term dunng the past clght months at Royal Roads None of us will cver regret having gone in: for during the few minutes we spent there everv day. each one of us found the realIzation tlut is a necessary part of a cadet's life , By normal standards. the word relaxation" is a misnomer Nevertheless, no SenIor will deny that he was completely relaxed as he hurled a bun across the narrow confines of the gunroom or reccn'ed an accidentally spilled cup of scalding cocoa In hIS lap. Except for on~ or two instances. notably when a recently polished wing parade boot was Inadvertently tramped upon by a steel heel. or when some poor, unsuspecting soul deigned to ask a certain red-headed member of the gunroom for a cigarette, tempers were rarely lost. The prevailing atmosphere was a completely miscible solution agitated by an almost unbearable amount of noise. There were three main sources of noise路 the rad,o, (he piano. and the Seniors themselves each of the three was engaged in constant battle


with the other two , trying to make itself heard At an} one time an occupant of the gunroom might have heard a hilI-billy tune blaring forth from the radIO at full volume: a piano trio consisting of Ron l\.lace playing "Rhapsody in Blue" on the bass kcys. Bill Shewaga playing On Top of Old Smoky" in the high notes and Dave Hook playing "There's an Old Rugged Cross" In the vicinity of middle C. while sixty-mne screaming voices carried on normal conversatIon During the morning stand-easy periods things were usuall y quieter tor at this time most of the SenIors were still undergoing that slow process of awakening which follows early-morning lectures. It is understandable, then, that we were quite content to SIt back and watch Wilbur casually dOIng giant SWIngs from the chandeliers, or Wigmore demonstrating the fine art of Scottish dancing to the tunc of "Road to the Isles." One never-ending source of diversion within the hallowed walls of the gunroom was the playing of many varied card games, the most popular of which was bridge. For those members of the term who had not acquired a mastery of that game. there were others, such as "Knockout Wh,st" and "Bother Your Buddy.' Those precious moments spent in the Senior Gunroom won't be forgotten soon by any of us: our reminiscences of the College will certainly include the old stuffed cagle, the propeller-clock, that doesn' t work, the hardwood tables, the comfortable sofas and all the other things which help to make the Senior Gunroom the one place in the College which we could truly call home

FAMOUS LAST WORDS I. Now that you have mastered Chapter 18 of your history text 2 Why I've never been picked up yet . 3. There . my bed's perfect now. 4. What beans' 5. Pass the catsup please. 6 Leave Book must be signed by 21.30. 7. This position READY' 8 What's the matter: no term spirit' 9. General prezoot. salant, ARMS' . 10. Don't worry, it comes out of your deposit accoun t. 11. Dum . dee dum dum JAWS':" 12 Carryon when you're finished, carryon






PREDICTIONS in Twenty Yeurs We'/I See . .. GORD BALE-"Blue PassIOn." Married and with a wife to drive him home. RAY BARBEAU-LookIng for a barber who will give him a short hair cut ARCH BEARE-Pondering over the meaning of WE Want More-DICK BETHEL-General manager of a beetle exterminating firm operating in the BordenMeaford area. KEN BlCCUt>I-Furiously renouncing RO.T.P. with many a snarl. "D. J." BROWN-Still asktng for biographies and summer training reports. ARCH BROWN-Engineer of the gIrls' dormitories in U.B.C. BOB BURNIE-Boarding a bus for the Indian Reservation. FRANK CARSON Experimenting with selfplaying band instrument 'CHAI\IP" DEMERS DeSIgning an antI-antitank gun. LEN CREEL"IAN-C 0 of the Oak Bay underground. TOM CROlL-Multi-millIOnaIre in the spiffy industry. BOB DEJONG--Author of the latest book on Mess Etiquette. . Doc" DOKKEN - Trying to get more than one glass of wine at the Governor路 General's levee. EARL FLETCHER-Falling tn love with every girl that kisses him KEN FOSTER-Owner of a speak easy In TiJuana. JACK FOURNIER-In charge of the hose section of the local fire department 1'vl0" FRASER-OperatIng a green snake ranch for wholesale to Victoria cocktaIl lounges. BILL FRASER-Paid the last Instalment on his ring. "MAX" FREEMAN - BeggIng for her father's consen t. DICK GIRLlNG--Director of prop maIntenance for the new R.C.A F jet squadrons 'HAL" GRAHAM-DodgIng Vigilantes DON GRAY-Leaning over the rail lookIng for Simpson. .'vIIKE GRUNwELL-StIll shootIng for a -'98. CHARLIE GUNNING - Founder of a cadetship for child prodigies. FRED GUNTER-Polishing his trumpet with the same old mixture of Silva and gIn. FRANK HLOHOVSKY - Cisco Mk. II of the Cyprus Hills. DAVE H OOK-Sketching class pins for "54."

GARY HUNT-Waiting for the sequel to "From Here to Eternity." JOHNNY INK Secretl y repairing his groundlooped CF- 180 with balsa and airplane glu e. MURRAY JOIINSTON - Working on a camera that will enable the user to change rolls and bulbs while wearing boxing gloves. "BONGO" JOHNSTON - D.O.S of S1. Margaret's School. IAN KINC,HAl\I-Developing a smokeless lubricant for his slide-rule. "Lul\IP LUMP" LAIDLAw-Navigating his way to the Col wood Inn. RON MCKINNON-Finally defined Social Credit as a form of entropy. "ACE" MACE- Designing a Carley float with that sports car appeal and a built-in piano. PAUL MANSON-Playing on the trombone a solo lead to "Serenade to a Savage" PAuL MOODY Finally ran out of new names for his lab partner FRANK MORFWOO[}--lVlulti-billionaire. retired. married and dOIng head stands for a hobby. J[ RRY MURPHY - Advocator of gaiters as a part of church rig. Still trying to talk the ROGER NIILL R.C.A F. into that last year of university. FRA.'JK NORI\IAN Inventing new uniforms (with sashes) for officer cadets . STE\'1 OAKS-Looking for the character that took that pIcture in Vancouver. CHARLIE OLSON - Travel agent and general manager for Swissair. HUGH PULLE);-Looking for Fournier's hat buttons. CHARLIE ROB! RTSO); - In parrncrship WIth Tisdall publtshlng war songs for Doukhobars. ROB!'" ROuN[}--Trading tn hIS ten-gallon hat for a membership in the Victoria Conservative Club. BUD RUD 路Still thinks marginal utility means writing his notes on the pages of his English texts. JACK RYI\Il.R TrYIng to think of a come-back for "Coco," JI:-"I SH1\NTORA-Thinking up new Skylarks. AL SHFRWI'J-Canada's one and only Lipstick tester


A W.O.L. as usual Begging



PETE SIIo.IPSON-Leaning over the rail lookIng for Gray IAN SI\IART-Champion breast-straker of the Army.

THE LOG-1954


"J.M." S:--!ITH Inventor and builder of sponge rubber parade squares. BOB S~!JTH- Trying to transfer to RC1\I.P. DAVE SPOONER - Singing commercials for Wild roOt Cream Oil. MURRAY STEWART-Inventor of a miraculous anti-tank fuel (rum and coke). KEN STUBBINGS - Laboriously explaining Strategic Air Power to his wife for the umpteenth time. "SUG!" SUGIl\IOTO--Patented the technique of grafting mirrors to boots. PADDY TISDALL - Behind those sWingIng doors. MIKE TOWNSEND-Agreeing with Wilson on the attributes of the R.CN. ART WADE-Trying to tell the girls that he's not lonesome.

TED WHITE-Advocating the introduction of football jackets as regulation mess dress In the Royal Navy. JOHN WHITELY-Making phone calls to Port Arthur via radio. JOHNNY WIGl\IORE-In love again, only this time it's serious. DICK WILBUR-Fifth Volume:

Skylarks for

any occasIOn.

JOHN WILSON-President of the St. Catbarines (tbe Garden City of Canada) Junior Cbamber of Commerce. CHARLIE POIRER - Trying to get Perry's Wharf to represent Canada in tbe World Hockey ChampioGship. "FRO" RENAUD--Creelman's 2ic in the Oak Bay Underground.

IN THE BARBER CHAIR By HAIR B. Brightly polished boots and buttons, we all know, are most important to the youth who has devoted his life to the Services, but equally momentous is the aspect of his more personal hair style. Soon after initiation the Junior awakens to the fact that hair is, after all, of little ornamental value and has no rightful place in a military institution. Therefore he learns, soon. lO cherish, even to take pride in a crewcut. brushcut or even the extreme. infantry summercut, w~ich is not much more than a plain "beanshave. Nevertheless, he can, with his newly acquired

"Coastal defences" took tbe offence on standdown weekend wben four Royal Roads cadets avenged their college as tbey raided U.B.C The feud between the two colleges, w bicb started wben some engineers made off witb tbe Roads' cannon cover, is getting botter every week. Never before in coastal college history bas such a daring feat been accomplisbed. The four cadets spent over tbree bours on tbe U.B.C campus on Saturday nigbt, long after the engineers' bed-time, prowling tbrough the buildings and leaving numerous pieces of evidence to show tbat tbey had been tbere. Even tbougb tbere were many attempts to upset their plans, Royal Roads came through in the end and "stole" a cherisbed loving cup from one of tbe main classrooms in tbe engineering building. They ran into difficulty only when

style, do away with the comb altogether and treat bis scalp tbe same way as his boots and buttons, witb a stiff brush, and save by tbis practice a valuable minute in tbe morning. On parade he need not tremble when the inspecting eye surveys the portion between collar and cap. His lady love must also acquaint herself witb the advantages of this manl y mode, and if ber affections are deeper than just tbe surface she will love to run ber dainty fingers tbrougb the bristles of her cavalier's proud bead. So tbe next time you see your curls roll down tbe barber's white cloth, rejoice in the fact tbat you have mastered sentimentalities and tbat you will be recognized, even in civies as the "HeMan" you really are.

their taxi driver reported them to tbe Moun ties, wbo cruised tbe territory for an hour in searcb of them. After tbey bad taken tbe cup tbey were seen by a student, wbo, in bis fright that they mgiht be "thugs," again notified the police. But the Services College men evaded tbe Mounties a second time, painted "Royal Roads" on tbe streets in red letters, and returned to tbeir lair in Victoria. The twelve-incb trophy, whicb was donated by tbe Engineering Undergraduate Society, was won by tbe Civil Engineers last Wednesday nigbt for tbe best table display at the annual science ball. It has not yet been decided when the cup will be awarded to U.B.C for tbe best display in sleeping in on a Saturday nigbt, but it will, no doubt, be a historic occasion.

I 66

0111 rServicemen Know lhe Value


SEA POWER • THESE ARE THEY WHO GO DOWN TO THE SEA IN SHIPS U-68167-"Greenface" Simpson-Commander (Air) H.M .e.S Flattop. 0-29633-"Greenerface" Gray-Chief of Naval Training (Land based). 0-44082-"Ace" Mace-Director of Naval Transport (Sports Cars). 0-77429-"Canvassback" White--Permanent Member R.e.N.H U-17950-"Splffy" Croil-Order of the Pusser's Cellar. 0-25152-"Serpent" Fraser-Order of the Mountain Dew. U-3925 -"B.P." Bale-e.O. Maid of the Mist. U-4260 -"Wrongwheel" Barbeau-Order of the Ring with Gloves. 0-73487-"Totters" Tisdall-Chief of Naval Complaints. 0-3497 -"Lofty" Brown-Chief of Naval Publications. 0-24651-"TiJuana" Foster-Order of the Tiquella Bottle. 0-29603-"Klps" Grunwell-Boy Seamon H.M.e.S. Niobe. U-57403-"Oerllkon" Olson-Canadian Naval Attache, WashIngton, D.C 0-73798--"Whitecane" Townsend-Naval Representative e.N.I.B. 0-5133 -"Conned" Beare-Short Circuts Operations Officer 0-29706-"Baby" Gunning-Order of the London Dry. U-79525-"Wee Willie" Wilson--C O. Great Lakes Training Fleet. 0-59598-"Sea Legs" POlrer-Editor e.R.e.N. (Charlie's Regulations Canadian Navy).



THE ROYAL CANADIAN INFANTRY CORPS W hen the Busdrivers cry about Airpou'er And all impotent Navy asks why? They forget that those who will wars Are the mell of the P.B.!. W hen the glory of science fiction has faded Alld the Navy sets sail 110 more, The proud P.B.!. will still be there Fightillg and winlling the wars.

THESE ARE THE MEN WHO WILL DO "THE FOULEST, FINEST JOB OF ALL" Major "Romeo" Bethell-Director of Deeper Dugouts. Boy Soldier "Creep" Creelman-i c Transfers to Army. Colonel "Dutch" Dejong-Military Attache at Colwood. Sergeant "Punchy" Gunter-Are you ready for Freddie;:> Lootenant "Tex" Hunt-i c Lead Soldiers and Sandtables. Corporal "Noble Dome" Norman-Highspeed Transportation Officer and U-Drive Operator. Ma jor-Genera I "Dumbo" Pu lien-I nspector-Genera I of Bootsoles. Capt. "Skylark" Shantora-The Casbah's Secret Agent X-9. 2nd Lieut. "Yup-Yup" Smart-Operations Officer for "Stoney's Used Cars." Private "Gen-am-ad" Smith, R.P.-2 i c escapes from the R.C.N. Lance-Corporal "Wilbs" Wilbur-Director of escapes from the R.C.N. Field-Marshal "Don Juan" Wigmore-Liaison Officer to R.C.E.

I 68









I "5 o'Clock" Wade

"Bushed" Kingham

"Da rkhorse" Round

"Grizz ly" Simpkin

"Barfly" Oaks

"Tow-Me" Morewood

"Model-A" Brown

"Chug-a-Lug" Robertson





" Half -Track" Champion-Demers

"Bounce" Johnston

"Poison- Ivy" Stewart

" Hi-O" Hloh ovsky





We of the Elite Corps extend th e heartiest congratulations to those members of the less fortunate services who compri se the Graduating Closs of '52 - '54.

1tterarr ~illl~

I THE LOG-1954





Alec was beginning to get very tired of lying bcd and reading his comic book over and over "If only," he thought. "I could be with the boys in the poolroom for Just one morc game." (As it was. Alec was 111 the observation ward of a hospital to escape the purple snakes that were following him). As Alec idly mused over his comic. he happened to spot a whIte rabbIt wearing horn-flmmed glasses run out from under his bed Now. as wc all know. there's nothing startling in that. but when this rabbit pulled The HIstory of EnglIsh L,terature from out of its briefcase and cried. ''I'm late, I'm late. the Queen will have my hcad." Alec started to puzzle over the inCident He jumped out of bed and raced out of the ward Just in time to see the rabbit Jump Into a bin of red tape Without hesitation. Alec Jumped in after it. only to find himself s1l1king and sinkIng and finally being wrapped completely in It Suddenly. thump ! down he came on a concrete parade square and the hll was over Alec jumped to his feet In time to sec th~ white rabbit run into .1 mediacval castle and hear It say. "Oh' :vly cars and moustache. how late it's getting. the book IS long overduc. the Queen will surely have my head'" Dismissing this creaturc from his mind, Alec wandered up a roadway looking for someone to help him As he rounded J corner he came upon a huge caterpillar reclining beneath J closely trimmed hedge It was engaged In earnest conversation with a l1111sculJr glyphon. As the gryphon settled J pair of thick goldrimmed glasses firmly on its beak. the caterpillar sat screnely puffing smoke rings out of an Imported calabash pipe They contemplated Alec for quite somc time In silence. At last the caterpillar. dclIbcratelr taking the pipe from its mouth. addresscd Alec In a rounded British acccnt "So good of you to come' 'he said Too surprised to answer Intciligentir. Alec merely stammered. "Aha'" said the catcrpillJr. carefully weigh ing each word by scnsltivlty. "you must b~ having a bit of trouble with your chemistry . Now, as we all know. there IS nothing so unusual about this statement. for nearl y everybody has trouble with chemistry. but at this time Alcc was so surprised that he Just nodded "1 thought so." drawled the caterpillar puff' It may be all 1ng out a perfect smoke ring boiled down to one enlightening fact atoms'" "Atoms?" echoed Alec. who did not look very enlightened. Encouraged by this unusual display of attcntion, the caterpillar went on "Let us begin with the fact that the atom is of infinitesimal 111

magnitude. Very good. Let us grant .then, that though It IS imponderable and 1l1dlVISIble, it still must have special content. Do you grant me this'" "Granted." said Alec. Refilling his calabash with Imported British tobacco. the caterpillar droned on. 'Very good. assuming the atom has a spherICal form and assuming the dynamic forces are familiar to us-a bold statement I admit-" Alec looked as bold as possible. But inwardly he was searching for a way of escape from thiS unfathomable discussion. His hopes were dashed as the gryphon took up the argument. "It is then seen, by simple algebraic calculation and obvious substitution, that we have the simplest matter conceivable. The whole system becomes nothing but that of an oblate spbenod dcscri bed by the revol u tion of an ellipse on ItS own minor axis." "Good heavens." said Alec as he assumed the time -hallowed look that students acquire when they don't understand one iota of what's be1l1g said "Is that all there is to it?" "Precisely." continued the gryphon. mistakIng the look on Alec's face for one of understanding "Any further calculation merely 1l1volves a quadratiC Simplification of the root of infinity. of course. I don't know what the root of infinity IS, but we can handle the unknown as well as anyone can 'Of course." said Alec gravely. for he felt himself In the presence of a statement that demanded respect. He continued. "You then have the atom where you want it'" Not exactl}'." inJccted the caterpIllar with a sad smile that left traces of tears in his eyes. 路Unfortunately. my analysis, perfcct though It IS. stops short" He shot a piercing glance toward thl grypbon. who shifted uneasily, sayIng 111 a defenslvc tone. "We seem to have made somc small error in our calculations" Alec moaned sympathetically. but inwardly he fclt he was grappling with the impossible He started to leave. "If you'lI wait a moment I'll find out Just wbere wc've gone wrong." pleaded the gryphon. as Alec edged gently away. ''I'm sorr), but I really must go." he said "Good-bye. Sit" As he quickened his pace, Alec was alarmed at hearing a weird chanting noise I nvcstlgating. he was amazed to see a mock-turtle addressing a large group before him. The turtle seemed to be chanting the words. "Truth. Duty, Valor." over and over, as mock-turtlcs usually do, but the group In front of him seemed to be paying him no atten-




tion whatever It was obviously some SOrt of a pagan prayer society Still wondering about this, Alec wandaed into the mediaeval castle, As he meandered from room to room, he was startled by a shrill cry of "Off with his head.' Alec hurried towards the room from whence the sound camL and burst Into the '"Throne Room " of the Queen of Hearts. Cowering in a corner marked ' Reserve ,' and trying to cringe behind a volume of Cat'alcade of the Enghsh Xoce/, was the white rabbit Standing in front of him frantlcall y waving an expired library card in the cooled aIr was the Queen of Hearts She was addreSSIng the white rabbit "Not only dId you dare to turn In thIS book 30 minutes late, but it was deliberately stolen from the private corner of my 1 hrone Room There is absolutely no excuse. you know full well that only I am allowed in there'" WatchIng this nonsensical display with In creasing amusement. Alec calmly lit a cigarette and threw the match into a nearb), ashtra),. He started to speak. But before he could utter a word, the Queen roared, Off with his head' '"

"\Vhat for?" quaked Alec. 'For throwing a burnt match Into m)' ash tray" '"But isn't that what they're for" How SIlly can one person get ?" said the Queen Ashtra),s arc for ornamental purposes only. Nobody dares to desecrate the ashtrays in my kingdom Guards, take him away-off WIth his head, and while you're here take the white rabbit with you: '" 'But Your Majesty," sputtered the whae rabbIt. I didn't mean to play my symphonies so loud and so close to your kingdom. I'll compromise with you-I'll play the bagpipes for you" '"Off with their hcads," roared the Queen '"Nonsense'" said Alec very loudly and deCldedl),. but to no avail The guards closed in Alec started strugg lin g, he bit and kicked. hit and scratched. but to no avail; closer and closer and closer came the axeman andEasy boy, easy. things aren't as bad as all that Alec focussed his eyes and glowered at an orange snake that was wrapped around his bedpost "Where am I" he stammered

THE INTERVIEW By T. A. CROlL The waiting room was quiet and smokefdled. The ticking of the big clock on the wall and the shuffle of papers seemed to break the uneasy silence In the corner the secretary worked over ha fdes, occasionally looking out of the WIndow to study the patterns of traffic below , Besid~ her desk a frosted glass door leadIng Into an adJoining room had '"Manager' prInted on It In gold letters. Directl y across the room there was a group of men seated on a bench . They were all different except in one respect Each sat hopefully, waiting to see if it was going to be his lucky day or whether tomorrow he would be walking the streets agaIn, part of that traffic that never seemed to be going any where. Their appointments began at nIne o'clock and it was now eight-forty Twenty mlnutc~ to success or failure, twenty minutes to live a Itfe through again. Some of th ese men were ready to give up. driven to the pOInt of despair. they clung to this last hope TheIr futures lay behind that door. A simple name on a piec~ of glass held the balance of their fortunes The thIrd in line was Max Gueldner, a lean serious-looking young man of twenty-seven He was dressed in his best suit, undoubtedly of a European design The cuffs were frayed and there were new, shiny leather patches sewn on the elbows He wore a striped shirt with a

clean white collar held in place by a very neat knot in his tic His shoes were well shone though badly worn Hi s face showed age and maturity not natural In a young man His right cheek was missIng and in its place was a large scar that reached from his Jaw to his forehead. His eyes seemed to indicatc no feeltng nor to focus on anything particular He dId not seem conscious of those around hIm . It was in 1945 that '\'\ax had been released from a British prISoner-of-war camp, his wound healed Jnd hIS spirit high. All the way to Germany he had tried to remember what his parents looked Itke and had enjoyed picturing their expressions on his arrival Max had not heard from thcm for some time and the closer he got to his town the 1110re excited he became Finall y the train stopped and Max jumped out He wished he'd never come! The town had bL'en blitzcd and as far as he could see no progress had been madc towards its revival. His heart sickened when he found that both his father and his mother had been killed two months earlier 1 hey were all he had had In thIS world and no\\ he was alone. It was seven ),ears later that he sat, third man in a line waiting \Vaiting as he had been waiting through these long years for Canadians to accept him as a human being and not push him aside because he was German. This Canada he had heard so much about. This coun-



try of open opportunity. where good Jobs welc for the asking. had kept him in poverty for five years. He glanced Up at the clock Fivc to nine He thought how much he had wanted to come to America and start a new life. He remembered how he'd made plans for months ahead. but he was just another DP .. and who care\ about them? The two men in front of hIm began to get rcstless and this brought Max back to the present Twelve minutes to go until his interview. Eleven minutes and thirty seconds. The hands seemed to stick to the clock and the tickIng seemed to slow down, pounding through hIS body like a heart-beat. Max thought of what he would do if he were turned down. He reached for a magazine to take his mind ofT it, but the printed words never reached his brain. He thought of all the things that were against him in this interview. First he was German; he spoke with an accent. and he had that awful scar on his face. He was poor and badly dressed and he had little education He could hear the voice of the manager tclling him: ''I'm sorry, Mr. Gucldner. but I'm sure you understand what we're up against. Perhaps you'll call back in a couple of months'" The palms of his hands began to perspir~ and unconsciously he reached for a handkcrchief to dry them off Was there any use? Nine-o-five. The first intervlcw was fin Ished: the man walked I istlessl y across the room taking a last glance at the clock before closing the door behind him. Max fumbled for a CIgarette. lIt it. and Inhaled deeply. He put the magazine back on the table and walked over to the WIndow. He placed his hands on the ledge to steady hIS nerves and looked OUt over the city. For a moment he was lost in his thoughts. How could this God-created world be made so cruel for man' Was it man's own stupIdIty' He



thought of the war he had fought. What had he been fighting for' Certainly not for the way he was living now. But then was it not because of the war that he was living this way? A buzz on the intercom shocked him to his senses. "Miss Coleman. send in the next." After tbis it was his turn. He took a last puff. carefully ground the butt in the ashtray and went over to look at the magazInes. He flIpped through all of them. Then spotting a mirror. he walked over to it. The scar seemed to cover hIS whole face and his eyes froze in a fixed stare. Sweat was trickling onto his clean white collar He turned away sharply. Reached for his CIgarette package. Searched for a momcnt. Empty. He tossed the useless box in the waste basket and pushed his hands into his pockets. One more minute. The clock began to play games with him. It seemed to be inside his head. banging on his brain, shaking his whole body at every stroke He wheeled and glared at it. thcn gave up and went to the window. The second man came out with a smile on his face. said a few words to the secretary and left There were still two vacancies. Was Max to have one or was he to suffer the fate of the first man' He glanced down at the traffic dodging mechanIcally back and forth in the street below. Then he looked up and over the hazy outlines of the city buildings and began to whisper a short prayer. The Intercom sounded "Send the next. please." 'This way. Mr Gueldner." He straIghtened his jacket and walked to the door with the gold leaf letters and passed through Two minutes later the door opened. Th~ \'Olce was sa yl1lg: . T m sorry. Mr. Gueldner. but

WAR A chdd was born. his mother died in gIvIng They snarled, sprang and smacked into tbe birth. slime He lived full twenty years upon this earth. Tbe ooze boiled. writhed. pitched and tossed That morning the sky was blue. the hills with life. steamed in heat, Then a knife flashed. and blood squirted into The soldier lifted up his gun and crawled to the slime. meet his fate. 'T he blade was home but the victim held hil He crawled through mud. he crawled through conqueror by the eyes. slime, The crimson flowed To the lip of a monstrous pit. And spread and sprcad and spread A man pulled himself along the ground. using TIll all the pit was red. his arms and knees. One gasped and died: His hair was black. his skin was brown The other cried He lifted his gun and Jumped into the pit. /\nd gazed at his prize with sightless eyes. For a moment in time they looked at each other and paused; -D. F. SPOONER.


Bock Row : P. L. lawes, A. K. Beare, J. C. Kennedy (Manager), C. McSweeney Third Row : R. L. Kristjanson, C. E. S. Ryley , A. C. Wade, D. A. Hale, D. J . Brown, J . Shantoro, L. R. Creelman , F. A. Whit e Second Row : R. B. Wilbur, A. C. Brown, J . R. Wigmore, P. Moody, P . D. Monson. D. M. Gray, C. S. Robertson. D. R. Boyle, C. Poirier, J . R. Stephenson , O. J . Murphy , front Row: J. G. Johnston , E. Law, W . J . Broughton, N . S. Freemon , Sub·Lieut. Archibald (Asst . Coach ), W . D. Johnston (Team Captain ), Colonel C. B. Wore (Commandont ), D. S. Oaks (Team Captain ), 2nd - lieut . Turner (Coach ), F. A . Gunter. R. I. Kinghorn , F. Morewood. D. W . A . Muir, R. S. Binnie.

ROYAL ROADS REPRESEtH ATIVE SOCCER TEAM - 1953 - 54 Bock Row : H. J . Graham, R. P. O. Round, I. J . H. Smart, Prof . Dutton Centre Row : D. Chf'ekc, R. P. Smith, D. G. Lewis, K Stubbings, J . De Wilde Front Row : W . S. laidlaw, E C. Brody, P. M. Segers , C. D. C. Jacobs, C. T . Gunning

BOXING TEAM front : Wilbur, R. B.; Oaks, D. S.; Gunter, F. A .; Freemon, U. S. Centre : Champion-Demers, F. H. ; Cook, R. D.; Barbeau, R.; Johnston , M. C.; Rowen, W. (Coach ) Reor : Gray, D. M.; Oke, D. H .; Stewart, I. K. ; Wade, A. C.

RIFLE TEAM Front: Kingham, I.; Wigmore, J . R.; Sgt. Kennedy; Gogon, E. ; Mace, R. T . Reor: Grunwell, M.; Pullen, H. F.; Laidlaw, W . S.

SWIMMING TEAM Front: Wilbur, R. 8 .; Boyle. D. R.; Smollmon-Tcw, B. 0 ,; Gunter, F. A. Centre: lieut. Atwell; Muir, D. W .; Broughton, W . J .; Townsend, M.; Spooner, P. F.; F/ l Simkins Reor: Froser, W. C.; Stewart, I. K.; Orown, D. J .; Smart, I. J . H. Mining : Kristjanson, R. W .

BASKETBAll TEAM Front : Oaks, D. S.; freemon . N . S.; Manson , P. D.; Binnie. R. S.; Broughton, W . J . Centre: Creelman, l. R.; Brown, A . C.; Beare. A . K.; Wade, A. C.; White, F. A. Rear : Crofton , P. D. ; Ryley, C. E. S.; Bethell, R. G.; Golphin , S. ; Simpson , P. S. (Manager)

VOllEYBAll Front : Freeman, N. S.; Wade, A . C .; Oaks, D. S. Centre : Lieut .- Cmdr . Clarke; Brown, A. C.; Beare, A. K.; Lieut . Peterson . Reor : Ryley, C. E. S.; Binnie, R. S.; Monson, P. 0

fENCING TEAM front : Moo re, W . J. ; Stewart, M. C.; Norman, f . J .; Hicks, R. J . Reor: Aponiuk, O. B.; Mr . McCaughey ; Corson , F. A.

CROSS- COUNTRY TEAM Front: Brodv , E. C.; Gunning, C. T .; Culley, R. W. Reor : Oke, D. H.








C.P.O. Barker

C.P.O. F. Potu

Sgt. H . Kennedy

P.O. II R. Irwin

W.O. II J. Cobain

EDITORS D. J . Brown - Roger Neill SPORTS



Pete Simpson

Charlie Gunning

Gord Bale




Murray Johnston

Dave Hook

D. H. Oke


Bob De Jong. Tom Croil. Ian Smart. Bob Smith

ADVER TISING Frank Norman and Arch Beare ASSISTANTS

Earl Fletcher. Fred Simpkins. Hal Graham. Jack Fournier



Mr. McCaughey

Professor Sch ieder







H E year of 1953-54 can be looked upon by Royal Roads as a very successful one in sports. Besides the usual Inter-flight sporting events, Roads had representative teams in football. soccer. swimming, shooting, basketball. fenCing and cross-country. Although we were not champions in every spon in which we participated. not one team let the College down fhe inter-flight Sports were played with enthusiasm and in all events the competition was extremely keen On publication of this issue two events, vollcyball and track and field, ha\'c not yet been completed, and up 10 this point the flight standings are \'ery close with only one flight, Fraser being assured of Its final position that of coming last. However, It appears as though Champlain Flight has a fair chance of carrying away the Grand Aggregate Shield. unlcss it completely collapses In the remaining two events The football team brought a great deal of prestIge to the College in defeating Navy to win


The only pleasant aspect at the beginning of the 1953 football season at Royal Roads was the arrival of coaches Lieut. Turner and SubL,,~ut Archibald, both ex-pro footballers in Canada. Last year the outstanding members of the team were Seniors and on their graduation the weight of responsibility fell on such players as BIll Johnston, Steve Oaks, Paul Manson, Ted Whitc and John Ink , who shone in their Junior year As the season progressed, however, this load was lifted off their shoulders by the emer gence of such cadets as Wilbur, Creelman Freeman, Poi ncr and Wigmore and Junior Cadets, Binnie, Law and Lawes. At first the team couldn't work together, but by the end of the season the Cadets formed an undefeatablc. well-co-ordinated machine in both offence and defence, This year the league was made into a four-team affair WillI the introduction of Oak Bay. For the first timc in the history of the Col lege a football game was pia yed at Royal Roads, The first game of the season was played against Vampires. Even though their strength had been cut in half by the formation of Oak Bay the Vampires forced the issue nght till th" last gun. As the 2-0 score indicated the game was strictly a defensive one. This was espeClall y true for the victorious Cadets. The team shon e defensivel y but seemed to lack that precise timing needed to produce an efficient

the Tommy Douglas Trophy, the symbol of football supremacy in Victoria. A fencing representatI\,e team was reYI\'ed this year. This team had two exhibitions with U.B C and although neither match was won by the cadets we can expect in the near future a first rate fencing team The basketball team had a successful season because of the astonishing way in which it handled R.M.C and C.M.R. in this year's tournament The shooting team took part in several competitIOns with various colleges and military Institutions throughout the United States as well as in the tournament. The big disappointment of the year was the defeat of Royal Roads at the hands of R.M.C. In the annual C.S.c. Tournament. C.M.R. partiCipated as well. but the big guns were definitely the cadets from R.M.C. However, though R.;\,tC. won four out of five events, they were all extremely close and next year we expect the Juniors to return Claxton Cup to Royal Roads, where it belongs.

FOOTBALL offensive. Manson's shrewd field management and the determined play of lineman Creelman, Wilbur. Johnston and Poirier were instrumental in the Cadet's victory. In the second game the Cadets were pitted against the untested team from Oak. Bay. Strangely this game was an exact opposIte to the one of the previous week. The team was on the bit offensively but suffered numerous defensive lapses that let the large Oak Bay line rip gaping holes in its defence. Had it not been for a few timely Oak Bay penaltIes it might not have been a 12-6 victory for the Cadets, on scores by Ryley and Oaks who scooted 77 yards for his major. The excitement of the game was deadened by the fractured leg acquired by Fred Simpkin on a rather questionable block by Oak Bay. Binnie, Ink, Freeman and Manson were great in the backfield and Wilbur and Lawes shone on the line. The third was played against Navy and even though the Cadets lost 7-5 this game was one of the best of the season. Unable to penetrate the huge Navy line, the College took to the air putting the best passing attack seen in Victoria for some time The first hal fended with Creelman outstretching two Navy defenders, and seemed to be over when he stumbled on the 10-yard line. A bad lapse in our pass defence permitted Navy to comp lete a series of passes which led to a major score. The


86 gam~ ~nd~d wIth Creelman pulling In a beautiful pass to climax a determined downficld march to make the final score 7-5 Navy's speed artIst. I ICUt l\1acKenzle. broke the cadets' hearts twice when Oaks seemed to be headed for pay dirt Credman. Manson. Beare and Freeman put on a good sho\\'. but we did miss Ink at fullback who might have be~n able to penetrate that Navy hne .

In the next gam~ th~ Cadets only managed ,I disapPoInting 12-12 tie with th~ 5uppos.edly weak Oak Bay team The Infused enthUSIasm of th~ Oak Bay team and listless attitude of th~ Cadets made th~ game a very poor one for the Cadets. Only rarely (ould flashes of the brilliance of the prevIOus game be n()tic~d. The Navy was the next team to be fortllnate enough to catch Royal Roads with tlmr defeated ,1ltltude This along WIth th~ absence of seven first stnng lost through InJttrles led to an 18-5 defeat Royal Roads Just couldn't Withstand the brute force of the Navy's attack The Cadets were stymIed both on the gr0und and Itl th~ air The only score was on ,1 P,lSS from BlIlnl~ to Ink . The roughhouse tactics of the "layv team sent Oaks. Freeman and Sh,lntor,1 dmplng to the side lin~s :lIld put Ink out for the remaInder of the season. Oaks. unttl he was "ddined. went for great galm d~spite Navy', defence ,1nd Freeman. \Vilbur and Robcrtson \\'cr~ strong on defence Although the last g.lme of the s~ason was a I (l defeat at the hands 01 the revamped VampIres It was one of the finest displays of the season It was a hard fought and cleanly played cont~st all th~ way With most of the .1ction takIng plac~ between the two 30 yard stnpes Tht Vamps scor~d th~lr lone. bUI d~C1ding, pOint In th~ thIrd quart~r on .1 rouge rh~ Cadets couldn't gel roIling ttll the last quart~r when. led by the great running of Oaks \!anson and Freenun. thre~ t1m~s thl:)' drove to the Vampires' ten and twenty yard lInes only to thwart the I [ own chances on fumbles. The Cad~ts seemed to be afraId to cross their ten yard line The Cadets took the field In the semI-final game with the VampIres with a determInation to put an end to their losing habIts ThIS spirit and almost a full roster led to an overwhe lmin g 16-6 victory for the Cadets. The defenSIve pIa)' was near perfection and the offensive play wa', better still Manson proved to be a triple threat at his new fullback slot and Blnne showed us that he IS quite a shrewd field manager Creelman. Gray and as usual "old faithful" Bill Johnston did well on the hne


I 9 ') -1

/\ w~~k later the Cadets faced their old sturn bhng blocks Navy The stands were crammed 1ull 01. surprISing as it may seem. loyal Cadet supporters waiting to see what later proved to be the best displa)' of football that has been seen around Victona In some time -I he Cadets entered the game: very much the underdog an ; "lavy was cxtremdy os'er confident This atti tude soon lltsappeared when Binnie threw a long sleeper pass to \Vilbur that went for"" yards Paul \lanson made a rouge for a single point After.1 senes of running and passing plays high. lighted by a long run by Oaks and an Imp05sib!: olle h.lnded catch by Freeman. the Cadets finall r got to the Navy prd line There Ron Bmnl ' pulled the now famolls "sleeper play" and h,t himself w~nt over for five pOints. In the seconei quarter Normie i--rceman again made a plctur~ catch from Manson to make it 12-0 for th~ Cadets Navy. taking advantage of a Cadet fumble on tlwr own 8-yard line. made it 12-5 as the half ended. In the second half the rough hous~ tactIcs of the Navy team started to wear down the lighter Cadets and they almost broke Into the open s~veral limes for certain majors \Vith seconds to go Law saved the day for tiP Cadets by intercepting a long I'\avy pass Th season was over and the Tommy Dougla s Trophy IS now back where It belongs and where it should stav for some tllne. 1 he (olonlst summed up this whole victonous season with one small phrase. "to Inspire." which means "To infuse into th.. mind. to communicate to the spirit: to conve) as by diVIne or supernat ural powers." These are loft y words but the methods were pretty well those used by coaches Turner and Archibald as they led their team from what seemed to be .). hopeless poSItIOn to the final crowning triump'l against Navy Rumour has It that Lieut Turner might be back with us next year. so to those JUlllors remaIning we can only say. 'Let's show 'em again next year. gang'" il.lembers of the CanadIan Football team

1953 Gray Wigmore Freeman White Johnston. W D. McSweeney Law Gunter Beare Lawes Oaks <\tlanson

Prof Cook' What overcomes Brown. A. C. Brown: A little persuasion. Sir.


Muir Brown. A C Wade Poirier Wilbur Brown. D J Kingham Moody Robertson Ryley Binnie Creelman



I 954


R. G. Dr



Shortlv after a "d rumhead' sen'lce on the parade square. the 1951 Fall Term Regatta got un~er way at I I 15 The whaler and dInghy saIlIng were won by CartIer and Champlain Flights re~pectlvely _ ~Iacc's able seamanshIp stood Carller In good stead. whIle Fraser flight's whaler. WIth Brady in command. seemed to bl' addIng a submarine to Canada's fleet ,\frer lunch the first event was the cutter pUlling, run off In two heats of three boats each. the final pull beIng won by Fraser. 'Admi ral ' POIrier. Champlain Flight's cutter coxswain. using such orders as "Take your oars out of the air .. dldn't seem to be able to bring vIctory to ChamplaIn The Fltght, however. went on to \1'In the whaler pulling. the next event. After that came the whaler war canoe race.

WIth e\'ery cadet putlClpattng. ThIS also WJ'; won bv Champlain Flight. The zIg-zag cours, of CartIer's war canoe didn't help it any more than it h.ld the previous year The last two events of the day. Dinghy Jousting and DInghy PaddlIng. pro\'lded everyone WIth a good deal of amusement In the final standing ChampIJin came first with a total of 'j 5 pOInts. and Cartier was second \I'ith -+ 1_ Though La Salle placed a close third WIth pOInts it did not manage to win J SIngle el'ent a bte shared bv both :Vlackenzle and Hudson flights. WIth 36 and 30 pOInts respectiveh' lraser brought up the rear with 28 pOInts. But the partiCIpation of the entIre Cadet \Vlng as well as most of the Staff. together with the keen competition shown. combIned to make It a good regatta and showed the excellent spint In the College.


REP SOCCER As to actual games, however. there were few complaInts. \Ve won only one game, against Victoria College, 3-1. but found all the contests most enjoyable Special mention must be made of the Army-Navy-Alr Force Vets. who played hard. well and clean, with a notIceable absence of unnecessary chatter on the field.

Bli I J. H. S.\IART R. P. S~IITH ThIs Year the Rep. Soccer team was entered in the Lower Vancouver Island Football as a half-schedule member. that IS, all our games were voted as "Exhibition.' Practice began carll' in the fall Term and continued whenever possIble un ttl the final game on December 6th, under thc active coaching of Prof. Dutton. It w~s felt by the team members, however. that the time allotted to practice was insuffiCIent In VICW of the experience of our opponents. Our mter college. RM C. trained its hrst Team tor ten hours a week and thus gained the champIOnship In the Senior League. A pOSSIble ~olutlon to this problem is to WIthdraw the tcam members from lnterflight Soccer and usc thesc periods for Intensive trainIng

Other teams who provided good hard playing were the Tillicum Athletic Club. the Combine JunIOrs and last. the Staff III the Shaving Bowl Classic This was. of course. won by the cadets All members of the team of '')3 played well and showed an extremely blgh standard of spIrit. Only one Injury WJS received during the season a direct result of good condition.


A double round robin series was played. WIth powerful Hudson Flight. after taking a fast lead and seWIng there for the whole schedule. emerging on top \I Ith ten wins Jnd no defeats. ASIde from Hudson 's winning spree the rest of the flights were very evenl y matched. Scores Fraser Flight. In winning were seldom high the last game of the season. managed to squeeze Into second place. one point ahead of Cartier. Only four points separated the last three teams : La Salle edged Mackenzie by one and Champlain brought up the rear with fourteen points. On the whole the competttion was keen as


so much depended on each game. The novices to the sport came along tremendously well as the season worc on and by the last game many of them could stand up to the OLD seasoned veterans. [ven though they were outn umbered 16-11 the cadets managed to emerge from this highlight of the SOCCer season vlclOrs on a last second 1 he game In general was an extremely goal thrilling one with both sides receiving their share of bumps As a result. all had a good time. even the more bruised mem bers of the staff




TIlE I~' IT \TlO~ CROSS-COlJNTR\ were anything but good, with every indicatIOn that the race would be slow and unspectacular I t would seem that Royal Roads no longer It was neither The Vic High team started off has any of the outstanding cross country talent With a blazing pace that either left the remainder she boasted in past years 1 here arc several behind, or left them exhausted from trying to promising runners, but none who can co'!lpetc keep up Later it was Gibson of U .B.C who with the best of our oppositIOn This IS so, displayed the speed. Wearing spikes, and despite the fact that the inter Right cross running very strongly, he finished in the country was run earlier than usual this year, so remarkable time of 20:40-a course record that that the rep, team would have more time to should stand for some time J. Pickup of Vic practice before the invitation And practice we High came second. some thirty seconds later. did, and when the day came, run we did, with also breakIng the previous record L,cut Petersen's "We've got to get that trophy Victoria HIgh School ran magnificently as a back to the College" ringing in our ears all the team, placing second, fourth, fifth and sixth for way, We ran well as a team but unfortunately the winning total of seventeen points, and win as a lOSing team, placing ninth , thirteenth, and nIng the Admiral Nelles trophy for the second tWO fourteenth, J C Brady, who did well With straight year. After Vic High, the other teams J time of 22,28, was the best we could display were, in order, U.B.C, Royal Roads, Victoria as our star. Co llege, Belmont High, Navy, RCSME "A" Jnd RCSME "B." Eight four-man teams made The race itself was J good one, in spite of the competition this year strong. Let's hope the weather For the inter flight run , the we have as good a race next year, with perhaps course had been wet, for thiS event. it was, in a fond dream of the return of the Admiral places, practically awash, with a steady cold Nelles trophy to Royal Roads . Conditions rain Increasing the discomfort



INTER-FLIGHT CROSS-COUNTRY ran well and finished in the leisurely time of 21 : 48, closely followed by J COke who had To make a trying course a httle tougher. th~ been in the lead for most of the race . But as inter -Right cross-country run was held durll1g always Right , rather than individual. victory one of the rainy seasons. The wet, and in was the prevailing objective. places slippery, footing can, perhaps, be blamed Some Rights found themselves short of for the unusually slow times that were made. talent. as It was felt that cross-country running Another unusual aspect of the race, perhaps was not desirable training for members of the unprecendented in the brlCf history of this football team There must be some good reason classic event, that was revealed afterwards was for Hudson Right 's following up last year's the shameful fact that two cadets had failed to glory with such a lamentable showing. Since complete the course. Hudson Fhght had been so craftily eliminated, Apart from this, however . all. perhaps the WInning flight. as any good Fraser Flight encouraged by the thought that thiS would be man would have told you before the race. was the last time around the merciless course for a Fraser The order from there on was Macyear or so, put forth genuine effort to finish as kenzie. La Salle , Cartier, Champlain and soon as they could. Early arrivals at the finish yes of course, but let's not rub it in line were juniors, led by J C R W . Culley, who

C T.



By Sj C M. C


Boxll1g was held before Christmas this year As a result we found the fights harder without the benefit of the usual "post-Xmas" pudding to soften the blows. However. the bouts were faster and cleaner on the whole with plenty of drive and competitive spirit making up for any lack of skill Here are the results in each weight. Heavyweight: Winner-SIC Gray. Runner up-J C Bradshaw. Light Heavy: Winner- SIC Johnston . Runner-up- S /C Wade.

1953 - 1954 Middlrwcight路 Winner- J C Cook. Runnerup-S C Murphy Welterweight: Winner-S C Gunter Runner-up-S C Wilbur. Lightweight: Winner- S C Oaks Runnerup-S C Freeman. Champlain won the interflight boxing trophy and S C Gray won the outstanding boxer award. Congratulations, everybody. We should also like to thank the Senior Staff, who acted as judges, and all who helped make this year's boxi n g such a success.



89 HOCKEY - 1954

On Wednesday. January 13 another short but exciting hockey season opened at Royal Roads. Classes started at 7.30 to enable the cadets to be finished in time to leave for the arena at I 1.30. Each afternoon saw thre~ forty-five-minute puck-chasing' classics." with the honor of scraping off the ice being reserved for the loser of the final game All the games were played with much vigor and drive. for in such a short season each game counted for a great deal. The competition was keen and so were the cadets whether or not their ability on skates would allow Much praise must be given to the "grand old man of the nnk." Earl Fletcher. who went out of his wa) to teach such up-and-coming stars as Tim Ryley and Ian Steuart the fundamentals of equilibrium. However. in all cases a deficit in skill was overcome by an abundance of spirit Much


Although it won only seven out of thirteen games this season, Royal Roads experienced the most successful basketball season in its short history as a tri-service College. This seemingly unwarranted success was due to the comparative ease with which the team handled both the R.M.C. and C.M.R. in the C.S.c. Tournament. Before the Tournament the cadets had lost five straight games, sinking to an all time low at U.B.C., where they lost 80-34. However, all was not as bad as it may seem. All during this apparently listless period the team was being groomed and a first rate starting line-up was being formed. which was to hit its . peak against R.M.C. and C.M R. The main strategy of the team was butlt around a fast break and in each game our players tried. sometimes with success, sometimes without, to wear down the opposition by running them into the floor. We counted mainly on the speed of Freeman and Oaks and the accuracy of Manson and Binnie for our success. Praise should be given to Binnie, who: even though he was suffering from cracked nbs dunng the latter part of the season, still managed to carry off the scoring laurels despite the efforts of Manson. who ended up a close second. GA:--'IES PLAYED: Royal Roads 61 vs. Normal School " "62 Navy 72 McMorrans

47 50 51

credit must be given to the goal-tenders, some of whom had never donned the pads before. It was clear from the start that MackenZie would walk off With the honors. Cartier and Champlain both possessed good teams, but neither was a match for the powerful Mackenzi~ squad Fraser and Hudson were equally matched, each winning and tying a game. whil~ La Salle was held to a tie. Mackenzie walked away with the hockey laurels. win111ng every game, while Cartier and Champlain came close behind Final Standings- Won Lost Tied Pts. :Ylackenzie 0 5 15 0 Cartier 3 I I 12 Champlain 2 I 2 Ii Fraser I 3 I 8 Hudson I 3 I 8 La Salle 0 4 I 6

BASKETBALL - 195.f 71 89 72 55

34 44 54 61 67 81

Sooke St Louis College Chinese Students Victoria High School "Totems"_ U.B.C. "Chiefs" Esquimalt High School McMorrans Scott \1 Peden R.MC. C.M R.

I:--IDIVIDUAL RECORDS Games Played 12 Binnie 12 Manson II Freeman 12 Oaks 12 Ryley 12 Beare II Wade II Crofton 5 Broughton 4 Creelman 2 Lewis 9 Brown. A.C 2 Round 1 White 2 Bethel I Boyle

The Most Awful Noise In the World. the Royal Roads Band at 06:00 the morning after graduation.

Total Points 173 148 110 100 69 55 48 42 18

14 6


5 6 4 I

79 84 58 65 80 54 55 75 59 65

Points Game 144 12.3 10.0 8.3 5.7 4.6 4.3 3.8 3.6 1.5 3.0 2.7 2.5 2.0 2.0 1.0

.,. HE LOG路

90 I~ TE R -FLI(;HT

[he basketball season this year lasted a bll longer than usual. and was filled With mafl\ varying degrees of skill and knowledge In the art of sinking the ba ll However, where skill was lacking determination wasn't, a fact which may help to explain the large number of foub encountered in the games As in the soccer season. the te,1m to beat \Va; Hudson Fhght. but as In the former sport this Fhght was not to be beaten l.a Salle, !vlackenZie, Champlain, and Cartier came a fair diS-

I 9 'i 4

BASKETBALL tance behind the league leader. in the above order, whlic Fraser was held to a draw during the 5eason to bring up the rear. Here's how t hey stood: flight Won Lost 'lied Pts. Hudson 10 0 0 30 La Salle 6 4 0 22 MackenZie 'i ') 0 20 Champlain 4 ') I 19 Cartier 4 6 0 18 Fraser 0 9 I 11

SHOOT I'\G - 1953 - 1954 By R. I. KINUIi\,\\ ThiS year the reorganizatIOn of the nile team became the responsibility of Sgt. H W. Kennedy as Sgt Brien left for Korea Sgt Bnen's personahty was missed at first. but the patience and enthUSiasm of Sgt Kennedy made up the loss completely. The long hours of practice produced good shooting . but last year's record at R M C. could not be matched . The R :'vl.c. team proved to be the better on the day b y taking the shoot With a score of 486 to Royai Road's 481 and C.M R.路s 466 '1 he team participated In the DC.R.A . dOing well In the January shoot by plaCIng in the I;'oney. The results of the february and March shoots have not been released as yet rhe othrr competition was a shoot against the United States Coast Guard Academ y. cond ucted by mad. with two shoots at ')0 ft. one \\'ith U ~ targets and the other with our o\\'n D ,c'R ,A targets Just how \\'ell the I\m([I('1n5 will do IS anybody's guess. but the)' will ha\'C a difli-


r hiS

year the FenCing Club got off to a good start at the beginning of the first term with a large turnout. Most of these tleuglng D'Artagnans however lost interest In the hea\' y gnnd of conditlon111g. and the Club \\'as soon reduced to the present membership of SIX , t\\"o remaining f rom last year In spite of the bantl1cap of fenCing not being an official representatln sport. these six man aged to fit in enough praclIce to fence against a team from U.B.C. dunng the first Stand-Do\\'n weekend In view of their lack of expenence. the four who represented the College. Aponiuk. Carson. Norman and Stewart (Hicks and Moore attended but did not fight) put up a very good showing against a far more practiced and tourn-

cult lime b(tlering the Coll ege sco re of 490. which Includes a possible by J. R. Wigmo re. The rifle team this year included Wigmo re, Kingham, Pullen, Laidlaw, Hook, and Mace. Before the end of the year cadets who achieve a high standard of marksmanship will qualify as marksman and wing marksman and wear crossed niles This will be a new practice for Royal Roads but one that has been carried on at R",l C Inter Hight shooting played a larger rolc tillS year in College life than in any prevIous one. At least two targets were shot by every cadlt . the best fifteen targets scoring for the I-hght Champlain proved the victor, thus winning the E , A. Brown Memorial Trophy. This !rophy was presented to the College this year by the graduating class of 1953 in memory of Cadet P A [~ro\\'n, who was killed in pilot training last summer This trophy has made Inter路Fhght shooting a competitive sport and the class of '')") IS thanked for the donatIOn of such a memonal.

CLLB ament-wise team. far better indeed than the score of 18 to 2 would seem to indicate . After Christmas a retl1rn match \\'JS arranged. and this ti111e thc College managed to \\'111 fin of the twenty bOllts , \\'ith Cuson. ~loore and Stewart each \I'lnning some of their fights .\lr ,\lcCaughe\' gave the tcam a good grounding In the three \\'eapom. foil. sabre Jnd <'Pl'C. as well as some very good ideas on tournament technique Those who go to RJ\i C next ye.1r hope to be a ble to con tin lie 111 the sport. \\'hlie here at the College. It IS expected that there \\'dl be a riSe In Interest, as a result of tbe new equipment. and Increased time for practICe and play



19 54

195-1- - THE C.\:\'DI':\ "'ER'H_E~ COLLECE TOlR:\.UIE:"iT On Friday. february 19th the three Canol dIan Services Colleges. R:-'lC. C:V1R and Royal Roads. gathered at Royal Roads for their annual tournament As last year R:V!.C agaIn won four out of the fiw events to take the Claxton C.up back to the East However, R 1\ l.C dId not ha,'e such an cas)' time as the score mIght indicate All events were extremd y close and could have gone any way ThIs year. because three colkgcs were competing. the boxing event. m:lde up of 12 bouts. was split and half the contestants fought in the morning and half in the e,'enlng of the 19th R ,\1 C won six of the bouts with Royal Roads a close second. wInnIng five and C \1 R. brought up the rear with one victory The first bout put Royal Roads Into a good mood WIth Barbeau pounding out a second round TKO over Coutts from R M C This brief lead was overcome when Hlndmarch. a R.:V!.C light-heavyweighl. won a unanimous decision over Gallinger of C M R In the third bout Wash brook of C :VI R. won on an unfor tunate second round T K.O over Gray of Royal Roads. R 1\1 C stepped into the lead for good when Munroe of RMC won in a very close Had fight over Schaubcl of Royal Roads Schaubcl had the reach and height of Monroe I believe the decision would have gone the other way In the fifth bout Armstrong of RM C added to his team's lc;!d by ddeallng Johnston of Royal Roads on a second round 1 KO Steuart finally put Royal Roads back in a WInning mood by defeating Sherlock of R,,\1C In tIll' first bout of the afternoon Oaks raised the hopes of Royal Roads by a split decision over Watkins of CM.R. in a very close. well- fought fight Gun ter pu t on the best show for Royal Roads when he defeated Bizon of C:-'!.R. in a first round K.O In the thIrd bout of the afternoon Badger of R M.C won a unanimous deCIsion over \Vharton of C M R Oke won the in the middle-weight division last bout for Royal Roads by defeating Romano of CM.R. in a second round TK.O The remaining two bouts were between R.M.C. and CM.R .. and for Royal Roads to win the boxing CMR. had to win one of these two bouts As it turned out R.M.C won both bouts with Naudie heating Kelley of CM.R into submissIon in a first round T.K.O. and Hinton winning an easy unanimous decision over Toye of CM.R The next event was volleyball. The first game was played between R.M.C and Royal Roads and R.M.C won 2-1. Roads started out well by winning 16-14. but things became increasingly worse as they lost the next two games 15-6 and 15-0 to a much better team. The second game between Royal Roads

and C,\1 R ,,'as \l'on bv Royal Roads 2-0 [,'en though they \\'on I S-7 and 15-9 the Roads cadets had no casv ti me of It I n the final game R.:Vl.C made It strictly no contest In winning I=;路{ and 1'5-4 over C.l\lR. The hlghhght of the tournament. as far as Royal Roads was concerned. was the basketball saies against R:Vl C and CM R. The first game was played agaInst R :Vl.C and after 35 minutes of extremely close basketball Royal Roads finally went Into the lead In the last five minutes and won 67-'59 The second game of the tourney included R M.e. and e.~tR . JPd only bec:\Use of their freeZing of the ball for the last two mInutes did R.:VIC squeeze out a 54-52 vIctory. The final basketball game ended In a very t1dinite 83-65 victory for Royal Roads over C .M.R. The outstanding players of the basketball tournament were Man son of Royal Roads. who was top pointmaker with ~O pOInts In the twO games. and Howe of R i\1 C .. who scored 40 points. The big dIsapPOIntment of the tournament was the shootIng competition. After the excellent show PUt on by the Royal Roads cadets last year a little too much was expected of them thIS year Apparently It Just wasn't "Roads" day Cadets who in the practice targets shot 98's and 99's slipped to an uninspiring 93 and 9';. The highest scores we could muster were two thin 97's by Hook and Wigmore. The final scores were R.M e. 486. Royal Roads 481. and C M R. 466. The sWImmIng meet was typical of the whole tournament with the winner in doubt until the last lap of the last race As It turned out R.M.C came first with 39 points. Royal Roads j). and e.MR with 9 points came last. The first race was the I 50 yard relay and Royal Roads set a standard for the whole when Brown. D J. Smart and Boyle set a new record of I . '\ 5.2 The next race. the 100 yard free style. was won by our old nemesis from R.M.C .. Morrison. who by the way was the outstanding swimmer of the meet. R.M.e. took the lead by winning the diving competition with Roads coming second and e.M.R. third. Freill and Dion won for R. M.e. in spite of the efforts of Wilbur and Gunter of Royal Roads. Special praise should be given to Morin of e.M.R .. who was the only diver representing his College and who compiled a remarkable 179.6 out of a possible 200 poims. Morrison again won for R.M.C in the 50 yard free style race RM.e. took a commanding lead w hen Foster won the 50 yard breast stroke Fraser of Royal Roads raised our hopes again when he won a deciSIve victory over Ross of R .M.e. and Dodge of e.M.R. in the back stroke. At this point Royal Roads and R.M.C. were very close in total points and everything


92 depended on the last race. the 200 yard free style relay. It was neck and neck right up to the last lap and then J\lornson took over and helped R.M.C. to will the event WIth a recordbreaking time of I : 49: 8 and the meet. All through the tournament coupled with the keen, tense competition was an ever-present feeling of friendship, and I am sure that this feeling IS growing from year to year For Its


- I 9 5 -f

first compeltllve year C.M R. put on a com mendable shOWIng 111 spite of the fact that almost half of Its team had (Q remain at St.-Jean because of academIC standards. However, this victory of R M C. was the fourth time out of the five years the tournament has been in competition and It is becoming a very bad habit. So to the JunIors carrying on to next year all I can say is. "Men, it's time for a change'"



HE annual C.S.C Tournament had drawn to a close late Saturday afternoon and cadets from the three colleges went their separate ways (Q supper and parties before the dance began. As they returned with their dates, a canopy sheltered them from the rain as they left the crowded cars. The receiving line waIting tbere consisted of Colonel and Mrs. Ware Colonel I abaie. Com mandant of C.M.R. \Vlng Commander Snyder. and tbe Cadet Wing Commanders of tbe three colleges. As tbe coupJrs descended the stairs tbeir attention was drawn to the huge glittering \Iaded Fist, emblem of the S, rVICC< Colleges. whicb glowed on the backdrop behind the orchestra. Eyes quickly wandered to other decoratIOns. cartoons depIcting college life and (Qurnament incidents. Soon couples were swayIng to the lively rhythm of the orchestra of H M C.S. "Naden." Many of tbem ovelflowed Into the sitting rooms and gunrooms At midnight the band relaxed as tbe cadets

endeavoured to entertain their guests. Senior Cadet Gunter played the solo, "Trumpeter's Lullaby" on his golden horn. accompanied by Cadet f1igbt Leader Hook at the piano. Junior Cadets Neilson, Hale and Sorokan charmed their listeners with "Orchids in the Moonlight" and 'Dardanella" on the piano. saxophone and trumpet, respectively. Then they switched to the more stately "Annie Lauric in the Groove ," which, incidentally. was solid, Jackson, solid' After a buffet supper the dancing resumed with renewcd vIgour as a series of Sambas. rumbas. tangos and congas echoed through the halls As time passed the tempo qUIckened and the musIc worked up to a fever pitch Just in time to play "The Queen" As the last notes faded away, the tbrong made a spontaneous dIve for the doomed decorations which were abducted in short order The time had come (Q leave. In spite of the raIn no spirits were dampened and as the cars wound their way home one couldn't help but know that the dance had been (\ success

THE FIRST SKIING \lEEK-END The cadets would Itke to express theIr th2nks to the organIzers of the first skiing week-end , Lieutenant Joy. Dr. Keys and Professor Dalsin. The semi-tanned faces of tbe Roads skIers returning from their first trip were contented ones. Where else, for instance. could the cadets clImb six thousand feet In twenty-one mtles' However. they were the first to admit that WIthout a truck they couldn't have done It. The arrival at Deer Park Lodge way up in youall country was at first disappointIng . Things looked brigbter that evening after a snowball figbt in which hls(Qry repeated itself -the Canadians defeated the Americans (the latter group consisting of three men and three girls) "Marilyn Monroe" Murphy livened things up by having himself (clad tn a sleepIng bag-period) thrown out into the deep cold snow. Sunday morning everyone slept in 'till seven or so and then cleared out to the hill. The

snow condItIon was faIr and the htll and tow were ours. As the sun drew higher the conditions became better and more and more Americans came up the htll It was about this time that one of the more experienced cadets twisted his ankle and for the rest of the day was escorted about by a bevy of helpful beauties. 1 he cadets sported everything from novices to pros. One of the pros could be heard quietly Instructtng. "Jus' leen a leetle to the right and. by gar. you're aroun' de corner in a flash." By the end of the day the majority of the skIers. IncludIng "Mo over frens, I'm coming through'" Fraser and "Look Out'" Poirier. had mastered the htll and were tired enough to head for home On the way back the cadets were fortunate enough to experience some of the Navy's wizard navigation as they sped through the fog towards Roads. It was not long before all were looking forward to another week-end of snowbal ls and sitzmarks.

THE LOG-1954




Cartier Flight meet m the Reference Library 2130'" This announcement m the mess causes the members of Cartier, the SenIOrs at least, to pound on the table After supper someone will be heard to say, 'Who pays tonight? ' "Come to think of it. It'S JUSt about Spiffy' Croil's turn . Hey, where IS Spiffy' '" That evening the Flight meets In the Rcfelence Library as CroIl has had two Juniors carn' down a case of "cokes" and a box of bar~. "Anything left for me?" Art Wade, as usual. shows up and still expects to eat. He Just doesn't seem to realize that we have "1 inyboy" Anderson in our Flight. "Has an yone heard the one about and Hil,debrand launches on another long and necessanly complicated Joke usually working some member of the Flight directly or indirectly At the end everyone roars, of course, 'Anybody want another coke'" "Sugl" asks and downs it before anyone has a chance to answer. "Who wants a deck of weeds'" asks "Coco" Rymer and slips the package quickly into his battle blouse. "General Dutch" De Jong has been extolling the virtues of the infantry corps to a group of skeptical armoured corps types. Logan, Taylor, and Moore aren't easily convinced, but Schaubel and Lewis arc buying It all By this lime Hildebrand has entered the discussion "Naturally, you guys realize that if It weren't for the engineers you'd still be fighting wars With stone axes and big rocks" Fly-boys Rymer and Carson are telling hero stories to three gullible Juniors, Anderson,

Johnston, and Price "Coco" seems quite impressed by a wheelless, flapless, powerless, and wingless landing he almost made , "Cheri" Carson prefers bragging about all the fast time he made over Stampede week-end , 'S piffy" and 'Ace" Mace arc shootmg a lme to Blacker. "L ips" Kennedy, Kirk, and Lawes Kirk doesn't say much, but Lawes makes up for it. Blacker, With his "bewildered daze" smile, softl y mterrupts a particularly stirring part of "Ace's" story to enquire of Croil whether It were necessary to stand at attention while being VIOlently sea-sick on duty. Kingham, Wade, Dokken, and Graham shoot a pessimistic breeze about the forthcoming exams and academic work in general. "You know," Ian drawls, ''I'd kinda' like to take Prof. Izard and hang him by thefrom one of his X B . ' crane hooks." Everyone seems to agree "Doc the Rock" Dokken nods a silent approval. But there is an end to everything and soon Croil announced: "It's about 10: 15 now guys. Let's pack it up ~" And so we clean up the gash and turn in. Ancther Flight party is over. What have we gained' Perhaps not much. However. not all learning comes from books. Our little group has come together for a period of little over half an hour. yet in that time, each person has learned Just a little more about the other members of the Flight. Half an hour isn't much, but a single comment which takes a second to utter can reveal much of a person's inner self Flight parties accomplish a lot; they prove that both Juniors and Seniors are only human.


By M. O.


1 his year Fraser's history has been a series of "up's" and "down路s." One week our suc cesses would run high, the next week we would find ourselves a doormat~ However. throughout the whole year a strong spirit has held us together Even now with only a few weeks left, we can look at future events With guarded optimism We got orr to a wonderful start tn October when we walked away with the Cross-Country We owed our success mainly to Drummond. Brady, Johnson, M C, and Neill. who really ope ned the throttle for the who le 4.2 miles and placed in the first 15.

The regatta served to show that Fraser could lese. It was a lovely day for sailing, lots of sunshine. beautiful girls among the frozen spectators and lots of wind Our valiant sailing whale crew exploited thiS last factor to the full and. before the starting gun had sounded, had capsized their boat in the middle of the lagoon. However. tn the course of the afternoon the struggling crew were pICked up by the motor cutter and to thiS day they still survive. The rest of the afternoon progressed Just abo ut as profitably with the result that we placed a glorious 6th in the regatta standing. Meantime. soccer season had shifted into high gear. The combination of OUr "old faithfuls"


96 from last year. some very skilful JunIOr (plus Imported Belgian stock), and a good deal of drive put as in second place at the end of the round robin, With the inter-flight rifle shoot our success 1 he good targets curve ~lumped to bedrock shot by Laidlaw and Kato went badly offset by snifers in our midst who either tried to hit the lights at the end of the range or Insisted in hitting the thumb tack whICh held the target up. Unfortunately they give one no score for hitting such a tiny object at 2'5 yards' After Christmas hockey started with twisted ankles, flYIng fragments of hockey sticks, whls-


If you should ask any member of Champlain Flight if he is "keen" you would be told in no uncertain terms that no one In h,s Flight is keen. You would hear dIsparaging remarks about drill and parade!\. pointed comments on the uselessness of sports and P T and. in longIng tones of the deep pride that each and every member of Champlain has for the higher thtngs of life (all of which arc banned by the College law) Underneath the blasl' extenor. however. there lurks in each a spark of spirit We do stand first in sports and at the moment second in points for the Wisener Cup Somebody must be keen Among the diffident heroes of our Flight we have nine Seniors and Juniors who mad~ the College football team. all of whom played


WIth cleven stalwarts from last year plus fourteen Juniors. VIctorious MackenZIe was ready to continue on WIth the magnificent showing which thIS organizatIOn has made in previous years. On the whole, however. we appeared to have lost more than we gained, but our reputation was suffiCIent to convInce the other Flights that we offered just as much com petition as last year. In soccer. while some of the hardrocks were participating in football. we were unsurpassed at times, through the efforts of Romyn, Fraser. Foster, Jacobs, and Fox The cross-counte) race alm06t proved that Mackenzie was back to its dogged 'affinity for winning again, as topnotch performances by Froebel and Crook aided in clinchIng second place for us in this gruelling run. As the time for the regatta approached, th< Flight. with such "old salts" as "Tiajuana" Kenny Foster, "CI" Wainwright and "CPO" Grunwell loomed up as a potential winner.


1 954

tllng pucks and the screams of unfortunate opponents mangled by the flailing blades of B.C. all stars Our first line "Root" Stubbings and Co, second line-B.C all-stars "second class" and thIrd line B.C. all-stars "first class" won us fourth place. Though It'S been pretty erratIc going, some of us will agree that It'S been a good year Our flight partIes have been livened by McSweeney's jokes (Black Pete, etc) and our hockey strengthened by Fletcher's skating. To our Juniors the best of luck In '54-'55 To our Seniors let's not forget the flIght that tied us together for a couplc of years

FLIGHT well and courageously We also accounted for four members of the basketball team In Inter-Flight sports our soccer team almost went insane trying to win a game, and finally after maiming a large percentage of our opponents, we did win one. Going on to the more pleasan t side, namel y, the regatta, ri fie shooting and boxing scored a clean sweep. defeating aii the other flights In basketball and hockey although hampered by many B.C. all-stars, our teams drove hard and came in a good steady 3rd to 6th At present we are off to a fine start in volleyball. winning two games, losing none The Seniors leaving Champlain hope that the Flight will maintain, in the future. its reputation of being "one of the better Flights." -C.P.T

FLIGHT However. our entry in the whaler sailing race neglected to traverse the starting line and Our coxswain in the war canoe race had difficulty in steering properly. these calamities were minimized by near wins in whaler and cutter races At the swim meet our entries were sparked by Brown and Fraser, who succeeded in insuring that we didn't take last place (5th place though) . Such "dead-eyes" as SherWIn. Grunwcll and McMaster were very accomplished in the shootIng competition. although we achieved a less spectacular loss. Things began to look up during the bOXIng and the Flight [Ook second place, encouraged by the championshIp crowns of Gray and Oaks. After Christmas, Mackenzie continued in its "winning" streak, this time in basketball Paced by such cagers as Oaks, Gray, De Vaney, Ryley and Crook we did, on our best days, very well indeed. As the basketball season progressed w~

THE lOG -- I 9 5 4


could see the development of 'flukers' such as Smith thorizontal", and Kullman It was dUring the hockey season ho\\'e\'cl, that "the machine" really started to click Our well-balanced teams with such scorers as Fraser. La Marre. Froebel. Fox. Oaks, and Gray with Neilson backing us up in the Mt. swept aside an}' opposition the other Flights sent against us, accomplishing stupendous scores . Credit must also go to the third and fourth IInc. wher~ spectacular plays by Brown and Grunwell (more than often while Iymg flat on the icc' )

were suffiCIent ro convlncc our opponents of OUI wrsatdity All that can be saId at the moment about the \Visener Cup competitIOn. the track and field meet and volleyball are that Mackenzies' reputation wdl not allow us to losl these events. The graduates arc confIdent that the new Seniors of the Flight will better this year's record. although they would have to do extremel y well to match :V1ackcnzle Fhght this year in spirit and drive -M C STEWAR路I.



5) 54 for Hudson A year of hIgh optImIsm and blossoming hopes of cxtended suc Yeah. But something went wrong cesses. Started off with a c1imax-a burst of glory in Won ten straight games without the soccer least hesitation Strategy. Let the ot her Flight score the goal. then walk all over them while they pat themselves on the back Mainstay was DeWilde Gave a consistently Impregnabl e performance at centre-half. ThIS high peak was followed by a dIsmal showing in the regatta and the cross-country Regatta was bad. Missed the hardy salts who helped bring us the cup last year. Cross-countn' was worse. Too many men on the football team . With a solid run by Fletcher a run which rivalled Scotty Price's show last year we fared no worsc than sixth SWImmIng' Last to first in one short year Bolstered by new talent. Steuart and Brough ron swimmmg, and Freeman diving Vindi cated past disgraces . This was followed b i boxing. Too bad . Kept up on apparent Flight trend Placed a sorry last again. Ri fIe shoot ing was one of our few "fai r" showings

Hockey proved a dIsappOIntment. as far as winning games was concerned. But wotdahell' We had some enjoyable games. particularly those of us who hadn't played much before Then basketball Another of the sports in which we were InvincIble Had a good number of the rep. team plaYIng for us. Secured vic tories by scores like 55-6 against some obscure Flight. PrestIge. It wishes to remain as anony mous as possible But now from Sports to other Flight hIe Can't honestly say our drill was consistently good. Then again. it wasn't as atrocious as some of our friends In No. I Squadron would have us believe. Nlonday morning turnouts had a nasty habit of appearing too frequently during the week . Stayed on top in th. Wisener though Proves we were pretty good Fame didn't suit us. Earl y in March we retired from this hdrsh spotlight. During the year. CIvilian life claimed two of our members 1 hen our export material Round-was spi rited away by the exclUSIve ranks of Hughie 's boys Must mention Steuart for his refined stories at our Flight parties Puts a final touch to the activities of an excellent FlIght.

LA SALLE FLIGHT By J . E. WILSO:-.J It's fIve o'clock on the eighth of June, 197~ . Two well-dressed, distinguished-lookIng gentlemen bump into each other in Toronto's crowded subway They excuse themselves and turn to rush on Then. almost simultaneously the ;' stop for a second look at one another "Why. If it Isn't Bill Shewaga '" "Well. HIO , you old son -of-a-gun' I haven't seen you since graduation away back In flfty four .. "How are you, anyway ~" "Not bad at all. and yourself '" "Just fine ."

"How about the wife and kids! " "Couldn't be better." "Well. come on over for a cup of coffee. while we talk over old times ." The two gentlemen enter a nearby Honey Dew and find themselves a table. The waitress brings coffee and they continue to hash over pleasant memories of Royal Roads . The conversation soon gets around to the Flight. "I wonder how old La Salle's doing," says Hio. "Pretty good," answers Bill. setting down his cup of coffee. " I hear they won the sports trophy last year for the fifth straight tim~."


98 "1 hree cheers~ I knew La Salle would start winning championships sooner or later" "We didn't do too badly In Sl 54. If I remember correctly. old man." "No. we didn't. We weren't always in first place. but we were right in there with that old La Salle drive." Hio dropped in another lump of sugar and stIrs his coffee. "Yes sir I Remem ber that Flight spirit. If there was one thing I a Salk really bad that year. It was dnve " "Can't understand wby we dldn't take more firsts Why. even witb stars like Hooker and Cheekc we finished fourth In soccer." "And don't forget Ron McKinnon and Earl Mansfield. They played a darn good game too. "We got a first in the swim meet. though. didn't we?" "I tbink we tied Hudson for first place. We had some good swimmers tbere in SmallmanTew and Ron Binnie." "Didn't Binnie play football '" "Oh. sure We had a lot of fellows on the rep. football team. Archie Brown. Johnnie Wigmore. Dick Wilbur (remember Wilbs) and big Jim Shantora." Bill signalled for the waitress '00 ),ou remember hockey that winter?" . Say. that was good for laughs We tied our first game and then lost all the rest. Ended up in last place." "Oh, could we have more coffee please. 'vbss , .. "Well. let's see Champion Demers and Dick Bethel played a pretty fair game And do you remember our goalie little Bill Culley' He was reall y terrific" The waitress fills both theIr cups. 'Basketball was OUr sport Did we get first or second there?" '\Ve were second Bill. right behind Hudson.


"Archie Brown was our big scorer, wasn't he?" "Yes. and then there was Dave Grlmster He really played a great game." "Say. this is good coffee." "We got a couple of tbirds didn't we?" "Yea. tbanks to Culley and Kearley, we took third in the cross-country. We got tbird In the regatta also. I think. Should have done better with a couple good Navy men like Mike Townsend and Willie Wilson." "How did we do in boxing'" 'Not so well. but we had a couple of fellows right in there. Ron Cook and Wilbs " Hio takes another sip of coffee. " We sure had a lot of fun that year. Remember the Flight parties?" "Never forget 路em. Wonder If Wilbs still tells the one about tbe 'Blue Passion.路 ... "Say. do you recall tbe time we were on guard and the Flight Leader and both guides stood at case with one and three squadrons' No wonder we didn't win tbe \Visener Cup that year." Bill shoves his empty cup aSIde "Who else did we have In tbe Flight' Oh. yes. there were Don Coulter and Ron Blakely" "And don't forget Bill Causier and Jim \Valker and John Mullarkey "It was a great Flight, 'wasn't it. Hio'" "Yes. Bill. it sure was a great fligbt." "Say. I've got ro run along. I'm late now old boy" Hio leaves two bits on the table (he's still (R.O T P.) and the two men leave the restau ra n t "Well. it's been swell seeing ),ou again. Bill . 路Yea. it sure has . Give my regards to the I1ttlc woman" 'Sure wIll:" So long. HIO " 'So long. Bdl "

Heard In the classroom. Cadet Sir. would you mind dOing this probIrm. please? Professor (on.:-half hour later) Jnd therefore. by Simple algebra. we arnve at thiS Now what was the trouble' .lnsw,'r


I 1 HE L 0 G- 195.i


EDITOR'S NOTE 1 he "Log" wishes to thank all the class representatives who have compiled the news about their classmates, and particularly Mr, George Currie of the Ex-Cadet Club, who coordInated their efforts to give as complete an account of the activities of the ex-cadets as possible. Special thanks is extended to Professor C. C. Cook. who gladly rendered valuabl~ Jssistance. We appreciate the efforts of LIeutenant Joy , who collected the material for the

Class of '41, and also the help received from Lieutenant R. J M. Bell in providing information about the Class of '50. I t IS hoped that the Ex-Cadet Section in succeeding years will be made more interesting b} more active participation by the ex-cadets themselves If ),ou have any interesting notes, stories or photographs, the "Log" urges you to submIt them It is your section and your responslbilit)'

During the past year two ex -cadets have been awarded the Military Cross. It is with

pride that we print here excerpts from the official citations



During the night 2 1 May 1951 the battalion was attacked and subjected to heavy morraring and shelling b)' the enemy. Many shells landed around the mortar base plate positIOn He showed a high example of leadership by hIS courage in controlling under enemy fire the mortar platoon fire in support of the Royal Canadian Regiment and his own battalion. Throughout his service with the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry Lieutenant Pitts, by his coolness, devotion to duty and leadership of a high order maintaIned perfect control during many dIfficult tasks"

I.t. H. C. Pitt,


Lt. D. G. Loomis


. On the night 26 27 September Lieutenant Loomis, while leading a fighting patrol on Hill known as Feature 227, was wounded by fragments of enemy grenades as he assaulted their positions. Despite his wounds. he regrouped his patrol. continued under heavy shell and machine gun fire to assist in the evacuation of three of the patrol corporals who were wounded in the assault. and during the entire encounter with the enemy he succeeded in keeping his commanding officer informed of the situation by wireless. " His utter disregard for his own safety, his untiring efforts and his fine leadership have been an example to all ranks of his battalion."

I H E: LOG -

I 954


GEORGE "OBLE \Vhen George Noble dIed In the Fall of 1953. we of the Term of 1947 realized. with a shock of sadness at hIs passing. how much a part of our Iife he had been At Royal Roads we drew hcavil y on our resources as a group for whatever success we attained as individuals By pouring his energy into the building of that term Splflt which kept us driving forward together. George became one of our leaders. He had a buoyant personality combIned WIth gifts of keen Intellect. good humour and zest for living which brightened the lives of those about hIm The same qualities set him apart as a man whose distinctive achievements while young pOInted to a successful life. George was one of those people you think of with a smile of good times recalled and the hope of more pleasant meetings to corne He will remain joyfully remembered but sadly missed by the term In whIch he was so good a friend and so valuable a member.

ERNEST ALFRED BROWN Cadet Brown was born in Brandon. Manitoba. on October 28. 1933 His primary and secondary education was obtained in local schools and in Brandon CollegIate He graduated from Brandon Collegiate in June. 1951. having won the Governor General's medal for proficiency in his final year Nor were his talents restricted to academICS He took an active part in all school functIons and was elected to the Student Council in his last year When school plays were produced he always had a major role When sports events carne up he was always on a team His enthusiasm in everything gave inspiration to those with whom he worked. He was one of the most popular students in the school. In September. 1951. he carne to Royal Roads, ;lnd his bright personality and friendly manner once more brought him popularity. He was well lik ed by everyone. and especially by his termmates In April. 195,. he graduated from Royal Roads and went to R C.A.F. Station Moose Jaw to continue his flying training. With his second summer practically completed. on the evening of August 6. he was engaged in routine night navigation flIght 路his last for the su mmer-when he lost radio contact with his base. Dunng the next brief minutes. he met his death. Death always comes as a shock even when it is antiCIpated. but In Brown's case. the shock was Intensified by hIS youth His passing will be mourned by all who knew him. but let them who will miss him most derive some comfort from the words of the AthenIan poet. Menander. who said. "He whom the gods love dies young."

JOEL GLENDON STANSFIELD Joel Stansfield was born in Toronto, Ontario. on June 7. 1934. He received his secondary education at Guelph Collegiate Vocational Institute. from which he graduated in 1952 The interests of this popular collegiate student were many and varied As an accomplished musiCIan. he played in the school orchestra and other community groups. as an athlete he excelled in volleyball and basketball In the fall of 1952 he enrolled In CanadIan ServIces College. Royal Roads. From the beginning he played a prominent part in the life of the gunroom Probably his greatest contribution to the life of the College was as organist at services on the quarterdeck. It was with regret that we learned of th .. fatal traffic accident of August 27. 1953. and we extend to his parents our deepest sympathy.

THE LOG-1954


CLASS OF 1943 This has been a promotion year for the class of 1943 who are still in the Navy. The following members are to be congratulated for successfully completing eight years as Lieutenants. This list is in order of promotion and is up-todate to the 1 May, 1954. L T.-CMDR. (ND) A. B. TORRIF. LT.-CMDR. (L) G. L. HOPKINS. L T.-CMDR. (G) A. B. C. GERMAN L T.-CMDR. (NO) C. G. PRATT. LT.-Cl\.IDR. (p) R. W. J. COCKS. L T.-CMDR. (ND) K. R. CROMBIE. L T.-CMDR. (ND) A. L. COLLIER, D.S.C. L T.-CMDR. (ND) A. A. MILLER. LT.-CMDR. (P) J. J. MACBRIEN. LT.-CMDR. (A E) H. 0, ARNSDORF. LT.-CMDR. (A E) D. S. JONES. ORD. L T.-CMDR. F. J. L. BOYLE. LT -CMDR. (C) J. G. WATERS. LT.-Cl\.IDR. (C) M. A. CONSIDINE. L T.-CI'vIDR. (P) R. A. SHIMMIN. LT.-Cl\.IDR. P. H SKELTON, R.C.N. (R). The following notes are all that could be completed by the Staff of the Log before press time SPECIAL NOTICE MIKE and JOAN (nee Pope) CONSIDINE are the proud parents of an eight-pound boy born 21 February, 1954. NOTES F. J. L. BOYLE-B. B. attended an ex-cadet reunion recently held at Naden. Married and with a family. W. E. CLA YARDS-Ted attended an ex-cadet reunion recently. He has just returned from Korea. Married and living in Victoria.

J. A. GIBBS-Recently working for the B.C. Forestation Service, now reported as interested in buying and selling timber and rumoured to be heading for South Borneo. Jack appears to be a man of many talents. G. L. HOPKINS-Hoppy has very successfully resurrected his career in the electrical branch, after a disastrous accident while flying that made him medically unfit. He was married in Dartmouth about two years ago. George is to be congratulated. J. J. MACBRIFN-Married a Toronto girl recently on return from Air Combat with the U.S.N. in Korea. "Jet Jockey Joe" last seen in Canada with a three holer Buick, believed convertible, and shortly on his way to an R.N. Staff Course. W. C. MCPHILLIPS - Reported as married. Seen in Toronto before a Western, U. of T. football game about to enter the King Eddie. C. G. PRATT-Has been out to the College during the year. Has since left for the East Coast on Staff of the N.D. School. A. B. TORRIE-Bruce was recently on leave in Victoria He also came out to the College during the Tournament. It appears that he is the second of his term in the R.C.N. to be appointed in Command. His present appointment is as C.O. of H.M.C.S. Portage. Still unmarried, J, G. WATERS - John has just finished a "dizzy" season in Ottawa as the Aide to the Governor-General. He also was recently on leave in Victoria, and came out to the College during the Annual Tournament. John is still unmarried, but . . .

THE TERM OF '44 By JAKE: HOWARD It's ten long (or short) years since the great "passing out" day and hence this attempt to trace everyone's wanderings. First. your correspondent must apologize that, owing to a late start, the following stalwarts have not been heard from. Tony Hilliard-A lot of us have seen "Bonehead Junior" flying about in recent years, but would like a direct word from the Squire of Lethbridge. Dunc Bancroft and Bob Stairs have disappeared into the far reaches of Quebec, we think. It is reported that Mike Ney has returned to England to a life on the stage. Bob Wood is also said to be somewhere in England, but his movements are unknown. Least of all is known of Ian Davidson, who was last reported in the Vancouver area, and no one seems to have

heard from Dick Leacock, Don Owen or Charley McBride. I t is very d ifficu I t to know how to cover the other forty-one. It could be done in many ways, from their prowess as fathers to a division based on geography. The latter seems to be preferable to prevent this from degenerating into a birth notice column. John Frank is an air engineer at Shearwatel at the moment, and quite the family man with his three handsome children. Doughy MacLean is also at Shearwater doing an instrument flying course. Ed Wiggs is in the same establishment of bird-men. He was recently married and although we haven't seen her, five will get you two she is blonde. It is reported that the ocean bears Robin Manifold as T AS expert in "Magnifi-

THE LOG-1954


cent. It's too bad to revive a nickname that seems to be buried, but "Dirty AI" Cockeram is a direct descendant of CY.S.V.S. I Smith's tender care and is doing communications for th~ floating "Quebec." Artie Shaw has recently moved from the Air Direction Centre in Shearwater to ply his N.D trade in "Algonquin." Fred Henshaw is a ping merchant, who is presently at the school in Stad," but spent a month or so last winter in Toronto. The same "Stadacona" claims a few more of our number. Dick Niven, an N.D. and John Gill. a C, are dreaming up puzzles and answers at the Joint Maritime Warfare School. Stan King, recently returned from using hiS ND. qualification in "Ontario" is teaching at the ND. school. Stan is the proud father of three girls, one set of twins. Ian MacPherson, who has just come back from a spree on staff at Whale Island. is now at the gunnery school. Don Sabiston is in the instructor world and, having just completed the J.O.T.L.C. is working at the "L" school. Bob Irwin IS doing post-graduate work in surgery at Mon treal General Hospital. Three small boys keep things popping at home. John Ireland, also in Montreal. has one son and IS considering dowry offers from term mates with eligible daughters. He is now working toward his final actuarial exam. Congratulations in advance. Snoot. Headquarters hides a number of the term. Jim Wightman is working with D. N. Inf. to swell the ranks. Herb Rawley is an AlE on the staff of Staff Officer Air Personnel. Chuck Leighton is in the N.D. world as E.T.O. at Ottawa. Sam McNichol occasionally emerges from behind piles of ledgers and myriad forms

in some un-named H.Q office Fred Sanford still a happy bachelor. is on the staff of the Director of Naval Organization Pat Nash IS reported by one correspondent to be Staff Officer Engineering at "Niobe," but we prefer the news that he is listed in the H.Q phone book as "Steam Turbine Design"shades of little men setting off dynamite caps on turbine blades. 10 these many years. Trenton has taken on Jacques P. Cote after his stint as aide to the Governor-General and he is dOing an Instrument flying instructor's course. Albert Fox-he is stdl called "Foxy"-路 has just finished the Trenton course and is said to be standing Jets on end over the prairies In Toronto the Bobsey triplets of Medicine have begun to separate. Peter Heaton is back from staff at Deep River and delivering babie. at a great rate at the Grace Hospital. Bud Leckie is back from staff medicine for International Nickle at. of all places, Lively. Ontario. and is starting the Gallie Surgery course. Don "Hardtack" Harrison is in private practice at Deep River, but is reported to be coming back to the Wellesley Hospital stan sometime this summer. Jack Chipman is using all the old persuasive charm in the marketing organization of a Toronto paper and stationery house. While his golf is still good, it is reliably reported that he is not as fleet of foot as he once was. Your correspondent finished law school last spring and is practising in Toronto. In spite of Sir Joseph Porter's advice, he is seen at the coast every summer. George Hobart shows up in Toronto on selling and or buying trips for his own paper business which has headquarters in London, Ontario.

CLASS '45 By PAUL SAMSON BRIAN BELL-IRVING reports that after returning from exercise "Main brace" in Nonmber be joined a ten-plane fighter squadron with which he carried out H.E. bombing exercises at Rivers. Manitoba. While "Magnificent" is undergoing a refit. he will be based at "Shearwater" and expresses no regret at a period free from "hairydeck landings." PETER BIRCH-JONES returned from his (G) course to take up an appointment at the Gunnery Training Centre at "Naden." He was married at Easter '52 while in the U.K. DAVE COMMON, after completing his course In Divinity in New York. is studying Medicine at Oxford. DICK CARLE is married and is serving as a Gunnery Officer in "Ontario." In a cheery note from Harvard. PETE CO~颅 NELL gives evidence that whde working for hiS

Ph.D .. he has still managed to keep in contact with the Navy. In 1952. he made two trips to Europe in "Swansea" and this past summer commanded the "Porte St. Louis," which acted as a Reserve Training Vessel on the Great Lakes. He is in the second year of his Economics course. ED. COS FORD reports that for the last six months he has gathered information for a book on International Law th'at will deal particularly with tidelands, the continental shelf and the high seas. This will be the first contribution by a Canadian to this subject. He expects to have completed his work by May, when he wdl practice Law in Toronto. DENNIS EVANS writes that he is enjoying working with the Assistant Supply Officer-inChief (Administration) and is settling down comfortably in Ottawa. DOUG EVERETT has been called to the Mani-

104 toba Bar. but has forsaken the legal profesSIOn for the automobile business In Winnipeg. GFOI I HILLIARD has transferred from the CAG to "Shearwater:' where he describes himself as a bus driver for ftedgl ing observers He was in "Magnificent" for the Coronation tour and took part in the Spithead Review. In August. he partiCIpated in a cruise along the Atlantic Seaboard. calling In at New York, Providence and Norfolk By April. he expects to have three potential Naval sons or wives. PI'TI LAWSON IS a sales representative for Canadian ReSins and Chemicals In Ontario and makes his headquarters in Toronto. He has maintained an Interest in the Navy and spent tWO weeks at "Stadacona" last summer BILL LOVIR IS now married and keeps up his Interest in the Navy BILL OGL[ returned to Canada from his Constructor's Course in 19'i2 and drove in easy stag~s to Victoria, where he spent four weeks leave prior to taking up an appointment at Bremerton Since returning to VictOria. he has been in charge of the destroyer conversIOn job that will model "Crescent" after "Algonquin," As a diverSIOn from building ShiPS, Bill has spent his free time building a home PFTL McKELL can and wtll speak for him self "Practically the only things that have changed In my life are my hairline and my waist-band, both for the worse, [rarely see any of our class. other than fellow shysters Tetley, Cosford and Paterson. who occasionally shove me out of the way in the race to the scene of an accident I was impressed by the number of our class who have turned to the practice of law rather than working for a hVlng." DAV! MATHER Writes from Kapuskasing, 'i00 miles north of Toronto. where he is employed by the Spruce Falls Paper Co, that his son Andy has JUSt been presented with a brother. STAN MITCHEl L IS Dockyard Supply Officer in Halifax BOB MULLAN writes In his unmistakable style. "Things have really happened to me In the past few years I am married with a little boy (not to him)" He IS now Assistant Accountant and Internal Auditor for a Utility In Venezuela In July. he plans to be in the U K and hopes to see some of the term there, BRYAN MCKAY, married with two children, is ASSIstant Operations Officer at "Shearwater." which he describes as being a chalrborne aviator ANDY McMILLAN IS liVing In Haltfax and his outside activities include breeding dogs JOHN McRuER has been appointed to Halifax after two years in the U. K, completing his (G) ,

-I路 HE


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JI~I PATI-RSON IS now the father of two. In March. he was appointed Assistant Secretary of Aluminum Ltd. and describes his work as being in the field of International Finance_ In the past year his work has taken him to New York, the U, K .. France. Switzerland and Holland.

FRANK PHIPP[N practices Law in Vancouver, but found time to spend a month in California last summer and plans a trip to Mexico City in February. He is now the father of three, BOB SrONI, another City man. is a statistiCIan with the F. H. Deacon Co in Toronto, His time is kept filled with his new home and I 12 year old son AL SUTH[-RlAND, determined to give no ground to other lawyers in the term. has enrolled In the University of Toronto's law course this year. DON RADI-ORD has left "Antigonish" for Halifax, where he will Join a new ship, PAUL SAI.1PSON "I have been in Toronto for the past year after six months in Schenectady. Last summer, Tetley, MacKell and I carried out an experiment on the body's ability to go Without sleep dUring a week's holiday in the Eastern US" BILL TITLE'Y IS practicing law in Montreal and reports that he has a foolproof method of winning at the market. Maritime Law occupies a good deal of hiS time. for which his naval experience provides a good background, JOHN TUCKER. after 21 months as Supply Officer in "Beacon Hill." is now back at the Supply School in Esquimalt. In February and March, a tour In connection with Reserve Training will take him to Divisions from Vancouver to Montreal WALLY WHITE, itvlng in Ottawa, is In insurance He gets together with Bob Hampson to talk shop when Bob calls in Ottawa, Wall y spent two weeks with the Navy in Halifax last summer GEORGI' WITHER returns to Canada in March. with his wife and two children, Due to the exigencies of travelling he will be forced to limit himself to one servant. JOHN WILKFS IS now a Gunnery Officer in "Ontario" after having completed his (Gl The InformatIOn on the term's activities was provided by cards or letters written by members of the term Each reply was In the individual's style that made the letters so pleasant to receive and that each of us would remember so well. Unfortunately, this style has been all but lost In the editing, Invariably the reply contained a request that the writer's best wishes be passed on to the remainder of the term, which I am pleased to do




THE By JOH:-':



The past year has looked with favour on our class, and we are now fortunate to have our achievements recorded by our enr faithful Boswell (alias Pudge ,\ 1cGibbon) Pudge'; newsletter, at Christmas tlme, was a masterful effort, he must have had the R.C.f\! P track down some of the errant civiltans. Dudley Allen topped hiS class (mainly Ail Force, so what do you expect:) in obtaining his wings, and is now doing advance flYing in England Dudley is presently leading the class In the number of brackets after hiS name Maynard and Hase arc both dOIng grease monkey duties on the East Coast Odell. Stachon, Nixon and Jack Martin have been representing the Navy in Ottawa, and have recently been joined by Frank Dunbar who ha; completed hiS "C" course Roscoe Smith is a city editor with the Ottawa Journal, so their activities are slightly curtailed lest they end up on the f ron t page. Blackburn and Donald arc divIsIOnal officers at "Cornwallis" and Dave Pearce is an Instructor in th~ Communications school Jack Manorc is now Flag Lieutenant to Canflaglant, Halifax, single but not worried about It Max LeWIS has returned from hiS Gunnery course and JOined the gunnery school at Naden Andy Fulton has stayed at Whale Island to tnstruct Peter Campbell who is taking a later course Among the butter merchants, Pudge McGibbon IS well on his way to be the first to gain a Master's Degree. (Business Administration at Western) Banister is in search of further knowledge at Oxford Latest reports indicate that he will be returning to Canada next year Keith Mdls IS taktng second year mediCine at Western \\le should be able to get free medical attention from some of these doctors Tilly Thompson is working in London. (Free meals for Pudge and Keith)



In ;>"\ontreal Phd Brals has joined the marned ranks .hurrr up girls , there arc not many left. John Fisher IS ready to show hiS new daughter to an ybody passing through i\\ontrcal In Toronto, Zimmerman recently had a small get-together to talk over old tlmes . Only the wives prevented J short run around the block to show \\'hat fine conditIOn everyone was stdl In (Bless the wives') Present were Zim. Knees Wiley , Deb , Fish, and Doug Dyment Lanning, Prouse and i\\CCnmmon arc also reported to be In the Toronto area but thelf exact status IS not known John Ker has opened up a new occupation for the class he IS taking- agnculture at Guelph and living in Dundas. George Osborne is Public RelatIOns Officer with the Ontario Hydro at Niagara Falls, so ani honeymooners should look him up. In Winnipeg, Peter Morse and Hugh j\\acDonald are both lawyers, and neither will say it he has met the other In court yet. Duke Milner. Sails Wisener and Norm Elsey are dotng their part to Increase the population of Calgary They will gladly give free adVice to any class members in their oil deals In Vancouver, Johnny Nicolls is running a yacht while on relief, not bad when he has a wife as well. Shudders Hyatt represented the class at the CoronatIOn Review. He is active in the reserve and works in his free time for a printing company. T a show how dlff ceen t the careers of the class are, Jack Dunn decided to Join the army come Jack. "Sixteens" were not as bad as ali that Pudge located Ralph Balmer In North Carolina working for a paper company Ralph appears to be a dark horse in the baby contesl with an carl y lead with four children "Chesty" Norton has returned from N D (N) in the U.K., complete with Scottish bride, and seems to be on an extended leave on lhc West Coast before a thIrd tour

NEWS LETTER - CLASS OF' '47 By D. N. KFR ATKINSON, D. W .-Dave IS now a graduate spnnger" at H M.S. "St. Vincent." Southern England, but expects to return to Canada In April. He has two children, a boy and a glr! BAYLY IAN Ian is still struggitng with the Constructor's course at the Royal Naval College, Greenwich BFTIIUNI, N. W -Norm IS selling dcclncal fixtures in Hamilton. He's married.

BRFt-:CHLf y, J A. John IS at Western's Graduate School of Business Administration CARRL TI1FRS. K 0 B Ken is back in Montreal With hiS bride after a trip around Europe on an archltcctural scholarship. CLARKI, J Y J Y has now been ap pointed to H M C S "Toronto," J-Iaitfax. Rod graduates from U N.B CaSTAIC R 0 in May. then wdl be spending a year and a half at Stadacona, laking a long "L" course


106 CRFFR), T. 'V.' H Tim IS. at present. rcporting for the Toronto Telegram We have heard reports that he intends to leave for Europe and other parts of the world soon CURRlF. G. N. M. Napc spent a winter holiday In Austria this year. He has been spending a considerable amount of lime and effort in organizing and collecting all the termletters for the Log. a very commendable job. DAVIS W E. Spider claims that marriage IS a sure cure for ulcers and that \Vashington, D.C, Isn't a bad place after all. Dn R JDick IS operating a foam rubber Industry according to latest reports Sounds lIke a soft touch EI I IS. T. H - Pusser Hugh IS Flag I leutenant to the Flag Officer of the PaCific Coast. and wowing all the girls In Victoria GRAHAI\I, J P.· Puker is just recently malned. we have heard. and intends to stay in tvlanche,tcr on the starr of the Datly Mail Hr:AU\. A A T Al IS back In his home terntory here on the West Coast and IS apparently enjOYing it. together with the female population HOR:-.l, J A N long John IS home in Kelowna, we belIeye Hutch has been Ht,;TCHESOl\'. J. Y R roaming the Maritimes. from New Brunswick to P .ET . and now back to ·Shearwater." near HalIfax KER. D. N -Yours trul y IS In hiS final year of the C A. course. and Intends to take orr for a long trip when it's allover KER. S I. Steve and Diane have a very young fellow and a slightly older JaguJr to keep them busy KING. R S -Knobby has been very quiet

about hiS love life. sounds suspicious but perhaps it's the reticence of the professional accountant L\1I.IBII· V . F Vince hasn 't changed. LA TI11I.tl R. E. J .-Jim must be one of our most successfu l businessmen: he 's the only one that us~s a typewriter. MONTCO,\,IIR)', R. A F.-Mont is having a big year at Toronto Law School. as president of his class M URWli', J H-Jim and his wife are off to \VashIngton, DC., most probably, to see that "-lcCarthy does not investigate Willie Davis. QUAIN. R C. H.- Red has completed his law studies at Laval University. REf;ORD. E. B M. S.-Pleased to hear that Bobo 15 back in circulation again. RUD. R H. Dick is on the New York run with T.C.A .. and lives in a bachelor apartment near Toronto RICHARDS. P C. Y-Pete is in a law partnership with hIS father in Vancouver. THO~tt\S. H. E.-Herb is evidently another one of our perpetual students. since he. is no,:" at Queen's University. He has comb1l1ed hIS studies with marriage and a small daughter. To)' S. M Another student, Sam's at U.B.C. Law School and is married. TOWNU·Y. 1 D.-Dal's not saying much about himself but I heard from a reliable source that he was married on March 6th to Virginia Leishman. He is WIth Canada Life in Toronto doing group insurance. WALl-So D. G. Dinny is Flag Lieutenant in Ottawa to the C.N.S. WISHART. D H.-Dave is married and is in C A with C larks on. Gordon in Toronto.

THE TERl\l OF Bli WAL Tl R TILm·N Craig Balson is still in Halifax and Jim KnoJo. IS in "Quebec" Jim Atwood "Cluey" IS taking a speCIalIsts' course on "flying saucers" at Shearwater Jock Andrew now has two children, or is It three l Jack Watson is just back from sampling Saki in Korea and IS now on a T AS course with MacDonald. Young Robbie JUSt left in "Cayuga" to sample more Saki Al Morns is in "AlgonqUin." Murison, "Bugs" Booth, and Al Lowe- ·are serving on frigates "Prestonian." "Beacon hill" and "Toronto." Hugh Plant and "Pancho" Costin are at



NIObe" trying to find the shortest route to the moon Leckie and Hamish Bridgeman are In 'Ontarlo" Rumor has it that Leck plans to sail around the Horn on a "Ca rlie Float." Pete Shirley IS in charge of the bar on the Stettler. " Denn y Pratt (last year they called him 'Penny") and Gunder are testing light bulbs Jt Defence Headquarters in Ottawa. McCubbIn Ernie is back from the land of sunshine and IS now cooling off in the dockyard at "Naden" Whyte· R. A. was last heard of at Shearv..' atcr Sheasby IS still showing the R .C.A.F. how a Navy man would run the Air Force. Bruce is believed to be ~tationed at Metz. France.

1 HE LOG-1954


Max Briere and Jenny Pro"OSt atc belie"ed to have done their time at the Sorbonnc and are now speCIalizing in'fixIng" parkIng tIcket路, In Montreal .'v1ax is mamed a"cc famille . Red Carpenter-Sam is still articJing for his C A. George Cowley has JUSt fintshed a sIx-month stint with the R.N aboard the 'Obdurate' Kelly was making almost as much as the admIral: so he has gone back to the Sorbonne Tim Coughtry IS married and workIng In Canada (i.e. Montreal) Bob ~1cBurney is in the wcst and Pusser Don Currie has moved to KIngston HtlJ. Streom and 1\lalloch arc In Montreal Buck is an Insurance magnale WIth Sun Life. Davey is wnh Northern Electrtc. and no one knows what Pete docs during the dayltght hours.

1 urbo Labelle is in Paris on a French Government scholarship. Ted Lister is in his last year Arts at Dalhousie. Bob McAllister is now married and will ,ake up residence in Trail. B,C.. after graduat 路 !ng ;n engineering from McGill this spring. O),xie Osborne was last heard of working on .:t dC\'1ce for talking on a beam of light. Fde McIntyre is married with one or two chtldren and is living in London. Onto Jean Poitras was graduated in engineering. Hart Price is working for McDonald Currie ~1 Co .. chartered accountants. in Montreal. \Valt Tilden is in the car rental business in Ottawa

Rumour has it that "Smitty" kept the books for the Shakespeare Festival at Stratford.

THE TER'\I OF'49 By KEITH YOUNG Dear Jim: Our "chain" letter got bogged down somewhere between Japan and the U .K" so here IS a resume of what might have becn In it All the active "execs" finished courscs In England in the fall of '52. All came back. commissioned. and the odd one with a wlfc. Tcd Francis married Paula Stevenson (a VIctoria gal) and Rip Kirby walked the aisle with an English gIrl. The rest returned unscathed. '53 saw Stew calling away boats In "Quebec." Mac in "Maggie" until he took the hint and went to Centralia to learn the art of the wings. Also at Centralia now arc Jake Kennedy. who has been "flags" in "Swansea." and Teddy Francis. who now drives around with a wife and baby son RIp and Dick Hamilton have been with Wcst Coast Frigates since their return. Rip is now the proud owner of a '32 Austin and a '53 daughter Les is still riding a motor bike around "Sioux." when he'; not busy with his guns. Jim Creech and Keith Young. still shaking salt after a 14 month Far East tour in "Athabaskan." head for "Corn

wallis" in April. Jim was flown across the Atlantic to join his ship in an aircraft piloted bv Harvey Knight. The Plumbers of '49 have almost finished in the U [( Roscoe. Moose Welbourne and Rusty " !c Ka v. all married (l think there is a small .\100se too). are specializing in Ordnance. while Tommy Orr and Dinger Bell are going in for StC21l1 Tommy was in " AthaBee" for two months last spring. Dinger sprouted the term's champion beard while in "Glory." facing a I(orean winter. l-rank Trebell is canning tomatoes. etc .. and COIng very well. He is married. as is Ted Rankin who is with the Ontario Liquor Commission Zubee-ee-ee Szach. in and out of the ,\ctive R .C.N. is. I believe. now finished with unIversity: likewise Oh-So McDonough who graduated with a Chemical Engineering Degree. Jimmy Prentice is now studying for his Ph.D. ~t GlJsgow University. Jean Gagnon was last heard of in Europe. studying. Bimbo Black is I vilig in Toronto working for an insurance firm I General. no life) . "Graveyard" is still lost behind his lanyard. and of A . F. Bender Jnd Keith McNair there are no clues.

CLASS OF '50 ARNOLD. J. R.: John graduated from U B.C with an honor B Sc and an Athlone FellowshIp to England for two years. After working in the tunnel at Kemano for three months. dUring which time blond John grew a huge and bush\' red beard. he went to England. where he is no~ employed with the Brush Able Group.

BFLLAMY. C. P . : Pete graduated from U.B.C in '53 with a B.S.F .. and is now in the bush ncar Kitimat. CHA~ TER . W . Bill has completed Sub's courses in England and is now in "Ontario." CCCKBURN. R . : After graduating from Queen's with a Mechanical Engineering degree.

c. :

I 108 Bob IS hurtling jets across the skIes above Chatham, N B CRICKARD, F W Fred IS In the recomm issioned frigate "New Glasgow," a her fin ish Ing Sub's courses CU~I1\IING, J M JIm has completed Sub's courses and IS now married and stationed at Csquimalt An offsprtng IS expected about the time thIS goes to press, COTARAS, C : After Sub's COUlses, Tino returned to Halifax and IS now In "Micmac" Concerrll:1g hIS marital status, he IS engaged LASSON S. R Stan obtaIned 1m B.Sc. front Queen's and IS wIth Bob Cockburn in Chatham, NB He IS also on jets, which he hopes will lead to an overseas postIng. HICKMAN. W B Bill. after graduating from Queen's, has accepted a pOSItion with the Shell Od Company in Calgary. ILSLIY. c.: Charlie graduated from Queen', WIth a B Com and IS now at R N c., Greenwich, takIng Sub's courses. He was married In October to a gIrl from Moose Jaw KLRR. J S. John is ltVIng In Toronto an(. IS CanadIan Sales Manager for Taylor, Farge (1 PIpe Company of Chicago. L. A LONDr. L J. M Maunee graduatec from Queen's In EngIneering and IS now marned, with a son about six months old LAWIU-NCl;. J W JIm graduated from U B.C. with an LLB in '51. LOCKHI.AD. D S : Dave renounced his bachelor's status in October ''j1, but is sttll carrying on WIth his Englneenng course at Queen's. McCi\1 FERY. G : Mac graduated from McGdl In '51 with B Com. and is now with the CanadIan Gulf Ot! Company In Calgary McKI I I F Ian. after completing his Sub's courses In England. IS now statloned at Halifax , He stdl has almost a full-time job looking after DIck Smyth MAIN(,I.,y' D N Dan has completed hIS Sub's courses and is now stalloned at Halifax. In January '54, he was married to Susan Elizabeth Wainwright in St Mark's Church, Quebec. MARGOLLSI. L : Len is married and attendtending UBC. In Commerce. Nr LU;S, W A Btll is now In "Ontario," after completIng Sub's courses He IS due to be married In the earl y part of May Oh.ROS, RODick has completed Sub's courses In England PI RRAULT. M . Y J N NIck IS marneJ and has a daughter He IS presently stationed at Esquimalt. RIDDr LL, S W Stan was in "Ontario" for a year and is now at ReN .. Greenwich He was married in May ''j to Ann Kiteley of Saskatoon.



SANSU.\I V. H.: VIC IS now out of the army and IS In second-year Applied Science at U.B.C. Sl\lYTH, R. F Dick, after completing Sub's courses, is now stationed at Halifax. STIl.ES, P. M: Pete is attending U.B.C. and IS in third year Applied Science. SWi\R 1l\IAN, R. K. After graduating from Queen s, Bob is now the Engineer Officer with the 414 Squadron. He is married and has a ltttle boy whom he belteves will be ready for "Roads" by 1970. SWl-ENY, R. D. c.. Subs courses completed, he is now with Fred Crickard in "New Glasgow He still swears that he will remain a bachelor WALLIS, A. D.: Al is stationed at Comox, B.C., and is living on the base with his wife Shirley WATT. W.路 Bill served in Korea with 3 Bn., P.P.C.LI.. returning to Canada in August '53. WLRNLR, J.' Joe is in third-year Geology at U B.C He was married in September '53 to Elizabeth M Browne, of Aldergrove, B.C. WISHART, I S Ian will graduate front Toronto this year and plans to enroll in Theology at the University of Edinburgh next year The follOWIng group served for a year In Korea, returning home In August '51 All are still in the regular force. BLLL, R. J. M.路 LdSH (RC) Rick is attending U.B.C. for one year to complete his B A. He was married in August' 5 3 to Marga ret Anne Hansen, of Calgary BLACK, K. R : RCD. BULL. R. W LdSH (RC) DEVLIN, J K.: RCHA Joe IS attendtng Queens to obtain his B A. I Ii\,\I~IOND, G. F RCHA Garv is also attendIng Queen's to obtain his B A. Loo:-'lIs. 0 G.: BCR Dan is attending Queen's to complete his Engineering course. He was married in August '53 to Diana Finland of Victoria. MOHAT, A. c.: RCHA Monte is attending Queen's for a year to secure his B A. He has a son about a year old PATTERSON, D. c.. RCD Don IS on the campus of McMaster University to complet~ hIS B A PEACOCK, R S PPCLI Bob is presentlv statIOned with I Bn at Currie Barracks, Calgary He was married in August '53 to Donna Wallace, of Hamtlton PITTS, H C. PPCLI Herb is at the U. of T to complete his B.Se. SIMONS, B. V.: RCSigs Brian is completing his Engineering course at Queen's.




WITHERS, R. ~l.: RCSlgs Ramsay is also at Queen's to secure his B.Sc Bud Brooks, back from hIs submartner's course with the R.N., is now Staff Officer at 'Queen" in RegIna. Bev Koester IS Staff Officer V N.T.D at ,Saskatoon, where he IS workIng for hIS master s degree In education Alan Cavanagh is back on his beloved Island teaching at the N D . school at 'Naden" and is, to quote an Island correspondent, still single not~v.ith~,tanding several beautIful "opportunttles. Dave Crump, another three-of-afamily man, is at the TAS training centre Dave Jellet IS also at N.D. training centre after leaving " Maggie" Of the civilians In the Far West.

Dunc ,\lcLaurin IS in the engineering world at Yarrow's. Ted Reynolds wins the paterntty race 111 a walk. with four offsprtng. He is sports director at CJVI Casey Cameron IS assistant secretary to F.O.P.C" while Danny Marcus, having been someone's sec for years. is now in Naval Stores Depot when he Isn't recovering from jJundice. John Hertzberg , the GI-man 111 the "Athabaskan" during her recent tour, is now back in Victoria. The whed comes full Clrcle and finds D ;\11. Joy, after finIshing the R.C.A.F. course in Toronto. back at Royal Roads as a Squadron Commander-that s 'Term Lieutenant" to you old fogies.

CLASS '49 - '51 By L. F. BOLGER , R. F. HOLLAND, J. D . YOUNG ThIS IS the first year that members of the Class of 49-51 have been away from the Canadian ServIces College. Here is some news about where they are, and what they are doing . AR.\ISTRONG. W. B.- in the final year at R.M .C. BEEMER , A . J. - joined the Army and married and now finishing a year's service in Korea. On return to Canada, he will go back to Uni versity for his Mechanical Engineering degree . BIGELOW, R. S.-now studying for his C.A. with a firm in Toronto. BLACK. A R.-finishing off his Civil Engineering degree at Toronto Varsity. BOHNE, H . R . -serving a year in Korea with the Army and on returning will attend the U. of A for his Civil Engineering degree. BOLGER , L. F.-joined the Air Force as a pilot and is studying for a M ec hanical Engineering degree at U. of T CAMPBELL , J. D .-studying Medicine at U. of T. CAMPBELL. J. M . -in England studying the Sub's Course. CHALMERS, J. D.- at U. of T . studying for his Electrical Engineering degree. CHAPPELL. E. R.-joined the Air Force and proceeded to Queens for his Civil Engineer's degree. CLARK, J. N,-studying for his Mechanical Engineertng degree at Queens CRESSEY, N. E.-back in his home province taking Civil Engineering in the windy city of Saskatoon. CUMMING, A. R.- went into the Navy and spent some time at Westinghouse , Now in final year Electrical Engineering at Queens DILLISTONE, E. G. - working with Dept. of Highways in Manitoba.

DZIOBA. L. A. - married and taking Sub's Course EDWARDS. R. B. -went to Medical School at V. of T . ERNST. V. G-went Into Royal Naval Engineering at Keyham, England. Oink is now back with the R.C.N . after successfully completing his course. FITZPATRICK. J. E. W . -now studying Law at Osgoode Hall . FORl\IAN, G. E.-entered the Navy as a pilot. and is in the final year of Electrical Engineering at V.B.C. FRASER , R . C.-completing his Civil Engineering degree at Toronto. GIBBONS . R. A.-back in Canada with R .C. N . since finishing the Engineering Course at Keyham in England. Bob married on his return to Canada. GRANT, R. H. - in Korea for a year. HITESl\IAN, R . I.- in England on Sub's Course. HOLLAND. R . F.-joined the Air Force as a pilot and is studying for his Chemical Engineering degree at U. of A. HOUSTON, R. M.-back in Canada after finishing the Nava l Engineering course. HUDSON. J . R . -went into the Air Force as a navigator. He is living in Vancouver with his wife. and studying for his Mechanica l Engineer's degree at U.B.C. JEFFRIES . J. R. Joined the Army, and is serving a year 111 Korea. KEEN. R. D . -married and with the Army in Korea for a year. Ralph will return to University for his Civil Engineering degree. KERR. N. S. in his final year of Civil Engineering at U of T KOLBER , T. S.-joined the Air Force and is studying for his Electrical Engineering degree at U. of A.

THE LOG-1954


KOSTIUK, R, W.-Bob IS now flYing Sabres out of Chatham, N.B., with the Air Force. KYLl::, J. D.-married the daughter of our esteemed Professor Sonet and is now studying Business Administration at Western. LAW, W. J.-moved "sea bag and sword" from R.M.C. to Osgoode Hall. LOWRY. C. A.-after serving a year in Korea. Clark will finish his Civil Engineering studies. LUNDLlE. M. O. L -studying History at U of T. MCCRIl\IMON, K. G now Jockeying a Sabre around the skies over Chatham. McKFE, W. H.-studying for his Electrical Engineering degree at Queens. McKENZIE, J. A.-a married man residing on the West Coast. McMILLAN, K. W.-joined the Air Force as a Radio Officer and is taking a Navigator's course. He is living with his wife in Winnipeg and studying for his Mechanical Engineering degree. MAKIN. E. A.-in England on Sub's Course. MARCHANT. W. T.-also on Sub's Course. MARTIN. D. J.-working for McColl-Frontenac Oil Co. in Toronto. MEEK. G. R.-on Sub's Course in England. MILlER. D. S.-Joined the Air Force as a pilot. married, and studying for his Mechanical Engineering degree at Queens. MORIN. A. J. C. - flying Sabres around Chatham. N.B. MORRIS. D. N.-studying for his C.A. with a firm in Toronto. ORME. R. C.-back in Canada after completing the Engineering Course at Keyham. PEARSON. D. F.-at U B.C studying History PEERS. J M -now in England on Sub's Course

PINSONNAULT, P J.-married and with the Army in Korea. ROWSE, A. W.-married and on the Sub's Co urse in England. RUCK, P. G.-joined the Air Force as a pilot. RUNDLE. J. R.-joined the Air Force, and is studying for his Civil Engineering degree at Queens. SllEPHERD, P. G.-George is studying Civil Engineering at U. of T. SIMMONS, T. G.-working in Calgary SMALLWOOD, J. W. - Bill married and joined the Air Force as a Navigator. SMECHER, H. C.-with the Consolidated Mining and Smelting Co. at Yellowknife in N.W.T. SOSNKOWSKI, J N.-at Greenwich for his Sub's Course. SOULE, M. M.-studying Law at U.B.C. STEWART, J. A.-joined the Air Force as a pilot and is studying for his Civil Engineering degree a t Queens. TRAVES, P. J. A.-at Greenwich on Sub's Course. URSEL, L. V.-Lorne is an Air Force pilot, and is now studying for his Electrical Engineering degree at U. of A. VIVIAN, J. M.-has successfu lly finished the Royal Naval Engineering Course. WADDINGTON, W. H.-employed at Canadair in Montreal. WHITE, M. A. J.-now living with his wife down at Chatham, N.B .. and flying the F-86 Sabre. WILLSHER, J. M.-John is now studying for his Civil Engineer's degree at U. of A. YOUNG, J. D.-went into the Air Force as a Radio Officer. He is now married and in his final of Electrical Engineering at U. of A.

THE TERM OF '52 By C. C. FERGUSON. J. E. CZAJA Only two short years ago, 66 eager young men graduated from Royal Roads with the intention of following man y and varied interests. Since then, the few of us who came on to R.M.C. have been kept fairly well informed of our team - mates' movements Perhaps, the easiest way to account for their whereabouts would be by a geographical anal ysis. Beginning out west. we hear that Jack Casey is in Medicine, and Sid Wood is in Law at the University of Alberta. . that Young Pelton is working out of Uranium City in search of radioactive material in the wilds of northern Saskatchewan ... that further to the east in Winnipeg,

Herb Walton, ex-editor of the Log and editor for the past two years of the University of Manitoba year book. is in his final year of Electrical Engineering ... that Russ Merredew has several years remaining before gaining admIttance to the bar and that Churchill. Manitoba. IS home for the next two years of "Logger" Jack MacDonald and his newly won bride. In Ontario, we are represented at the University of Toronto by Mal Gray, presently completing his second year of Aeronautical Engineering, and by our term's stalwart crosscountry runner Pete Watson, who graduates this year in History . Also in Toronto is Keith Walker, the latest member of our class to be

THE LOG-1954


marrIed Keith has invaded the business world of Ba y Street via a brokerage house. At last reports, Arnie McArthur was working with the Ontario Hydro. In the Peterborough VICInity is Carl Sergeant. who after successfully completIng his third year Economics course at RMC, decided to forsake further education for the peace and quiet of domestic life.. The Armoured Corps has already claimed one of our term in the person of Gerry Thurston. who IS now stationed with "A" Squadron of the Royal Canadian Dragoons (RCD's) at Camp Petawawa, Ontario. Located here at Kingston, In the sheltered lif~ of R.M.C, are 38 of our original 66 graduates, doggedly completing the four year CS.C course. Here one of the finest compliments wa~ paid our term by the selection of Alick Marshall as Cadet Wing Commander. Alick along with Larry Shick admirably represent our term in the facul ty of Chemical Engineering, while Laurie Altwasser, John Neroutsos and Andy Wojcie chowski are completing their course in Civil Engineering. Shifting our attention to the Department of Mechanical Engineering, we note. with some misgiving, that only six of our class have managed to survive the four year grind Those remaining are: Hank Bepple, Ed Ezaja, Bob DaVies and Ian Flemming, Gord Reade and Al Shade. The fourth of the R.M.C Engineering Departments. and supposedly the most difficult, the Department of Electrical Engineering, has not proven too hard a grind for the eight members of our class still struggling along. Don Kidd, Gord Kilger, Aub Lawrence, Keith McKey, Ken Perry, Claude Rinfret, Ray Tardif and Dave Wightman have all proved themselves worthy of the task at hand. Under the head Ing of general course one finds many small. but distinctive, departments, such as the Departments of Commerce, History, Political and Economic SCience. Social Studies, and Science,

etc, and it IS here in one of these smaller departments that one can find the sleepy-eyed individuals known as Artsmen The Class of '52 has 13 such IndiViduals 'Army" Armstrong, "Pogo" Clendlnnen, Chick Ferguson, Chuck Goodfellow. Ken Hoffer, John Hulsemann, Bill Kaip. Ian MacDonnell. Jerry Martin, Terry Pocock, John Till. Frank Tremayne and "Hub" Wyers, and all have turned out to be quite good students whenever the necessity arose. Unfortunately, six of our classmates will not be graduating until a year this coming June. Taking a crack at third year again are: Don Bucher Chuck Casson, John Graham, Harry Jonas, George Skinner and Bob Thompson. Through various channels we have heard that two of our class, Don Strang and Harry Stroud, can now be found in Chatham, New Brunswick, taking a Jet conversion course with the R.CA.F .. Also in the R.CA.F. and married is our term's Glen Miller exponent. Don Schneider, who has been reported in various Canadian stations over the past two years. The remaining members of our class are now either stationed in Halifax, at H.M.S. "Key ham," or aboard H.M.CS. "Magnificent" as acting Sub-Lieutenants. To be married shortly are Bill Vallevand, Nigel Brodeur, Paul Godbout and Brian Valiquette, and with Bill Evans still trying to make up his mind. Chris Seymour. Bill Hall and Russ Wilcox seem to be content with their status as bachelors, though it is rumoured that in the Navy this is the exception rather than the rule. The above eight are the sole members of our class in the executive branch, and are serving aboard the "Magnificent" . Some correspondence has reached us from our classmates in England, taking an Engineering course with the Royal Navy at H M.S. "Keyham," are "Scud" Eyre, Art Griffin. Al Inglis, Dick Stone and Bert Wagner

THE TERM OF '53 By J. R.


Of the eighty-odd who started off at the College in 1951, sixty-four graduated in 1953, with forty-three carrying on to R. M.C The remaining twenty-one have more or less scattered in "N ~ I" directions, and it seems thal It will become increasingly more difficult in future years to keep tab on everyone. As almost everyone in the class knows who went on to R.M.C" we'll concentrate here on the other twenty-ooe who are hither and yon We were all very sorry to hear of ERNI[ BROWN'S unfortunate and untimely death last summer, and I'm sure the whole class joins in sending heartfelt sympathy to his family. He was a great guy and we'll all miss him

DOUG BOWIE, BRYAN ELSON, JOHN HARWOOD, GERRY VAN SICKLE and DICK WILSON all joined the R.CN. as midshipmen in September, and seemed to be enjoying themselves in and around Victoria prior to Christmas They left in early January, in the "Ontario" for a three-month cruise to Australia. New Zealand, The Tongas and points south -J painless way to spend the winter if there ever was one. With a gun room equipped like theirs. and those "Bali Hai" women-Wow' "SPIFFY" SMITH, BILL ATWOOD and "KIPS" JEKYLL left for Keyham August 26th as Midshipmen (E), and at last reports GORD was on a ship in the Mediterranean, and BILL and BOB with the Home Fleet in a new "Dog Class" Destroyer Kipperland seems to



be agreeing very well with the boys" some more good wardroom accents coming up. no doubt. GUY LESSARD is now a Lieutenant in RCR·s. and doing very well. Just stand back and watch him keep going up and up. The remainder have now joined the civilians. all with "c l" ratings-Civilians 1st Class. that is. At U.B.C.. ROSS RAYMENT. JOHN COBURN and BOB KELLY may be seen casu ally sauntering around the campus. ROSS is heading towards a Law degree and is carrying on his football feats with the Thundcrbirds. JOHN is taking Chemical Engineering. as is "BIG BOB." one of the first to revoke his bachelor status. JOHN HAGERMAN IS a Civil Engineer at Queen's-drops out to see us occasionally and for some reason al wa ys has a sel f -satisfied grin on his face when he comes near the place.

l 954

"STU" MATHESON is working up north In the mines. near Sudbury. and plans to take Mining Engineering at Queen's or McGill next year. JIM BUCHAN is married now. as of October 26th. and is in a chartered accountants office in Victoria. working towards his C.A. Best of luck. "Smiley." DA VE YOUNGER is in Chemical Engineering at McGill. "DAPPY" SMITH. RON TILL and FRED BLACK arc at U. of T. DAVE is at Trinity and plans to go into the Anglican clergy RON IS in Actuarial Science. and FRED in Aeronautical Engineering. SCOTTY PRICE. when last seen. was on his way to Sun Valley with his skis tucked underneath his arm.

EXCHANGES Lack of time has. unfortunately. prevented the publication of the Exchange Section of the Log. but we should like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the receipt of magazines from the following: Royal Military College. College Militaire Royal de St.-Jean. Royal Air Force College. Cranwcll. Lincolnshire. Royal Australian Naval College National Defence Academy. Dclva Dim Ashbury College. Ottawa. Lower Canada College. Montreal. Ridley College. St. Catharines Gordon Bell High School. Winnipeg

Congrat ulat ions to Graduates

900 Wharf Street

Compliments of

11l..c.-.ri.n.e (;.. J nd •• 4.:lrlal. a: i.tti.n.c,4. PRESTON


Victoria, B. C.



I 9 ') -+


CHIPS FRO'1 THE LOG The past year saw numerous staff changes. I n true College fashIOn tue sall 'teelcome aboard" to.

Doctor H. D. Smith from Dalhousie Untversity. who takes over as head of the French Departmen t. Doctor 1. H. S Henderson direct from the , ational Research Council. who replaces Assistant Professor R. Stewart in the Chemistry Department Lieutenant-Commander H. V. Clark from Stadacona as our new Executive Officer. Lieutenant H. D. Joy as Squadron Com mander, No. I Sqd, after having juSt completed a course at R.e.A.F. Staff College. Lt Joy is an ex-cadet of class' 44. Ft L E Simkins from 426 Sqd on Korean Air-Lift, as Squadron Commander, No.3 Sqd. Sgt Kennedy posted from Korea to drill staff CIGI4D Barker, to drill staff CIPR4 F. Potts, to the P \1 RT staff P2PR2 IrWin, to the P. \1 R T staff. LAC J Drury, as Air Force representative ABMA I T. Matheson, to Sick Bay ABMAI R. Sheedy, to Sick Bay. CIER4 R. Sedger, to the Engineering School. PIER4 R. D. Webster, to the Engineering School P2NS2 W. R. Ball from H.M.e.S. "Cayuga" takes over Naval stores from P2NS2 Wright. CISW3 V. Noon. as Chief Steward. ABSWI R. E. Webber, from H M C S. "Ontario" as Steward. C2A W3 J. Huber, from Supply School. H M.e.S "Naden" to Ship's Office. DUring the past year. the {ol/OUJlng members of the staff departed:

Doctor E. Sonet, who has returned to France. his beloved homeland, for a well-deserved rest. Professor R. Stewart. who is presently attending the University of Washington Lieutenant-Commander I B B Morrow has gone to H.M.e.S "Niobe" for R.N Staff Course. Lieutenant G M. de Rosenroll. who first went to F.O.P.e. as Flag-Lieutenant, then proceeded to H.M.e.S. "Niobe," London, England, for T AS course with R.N F L F Campbell. who first went to R C A.F Stn., Trenton, for a refresher course, then to A.F.S., Portage La Prairie.

Sgt. ":-like' Bnen, posted to Japan CIPT4 C Bryan to P \1 R.T. staff, H.M.e.S 'Naden" PZPT2 J. Jack to H.ivle.S. "Naden." CIGI4 E Sealy to Gunnery School. H.M.CS. "Naden" Cpl. R. H. Mtlne posted to No. I Z Air Defence Group Headquarters. Vancouver, Be. CZSW3 e. F. Half yard drafted to H.M.C S "Ontano" ABivlA I D. Taylor drafted to H.M.C S. "Ontario." PZNSZ J Wright drafted to H.M.e.S. "Cayuga." which has since gone to Korean \vaters.

C2ER4 D. Tyre drafted to H M.e.S. "Bytown," Ottawa. Ontario. ABMA I G. Stevens to H.M.e.S. "Ontario." CI ER4 E. Soady to HM.e.S. "Cedarwood." PIAW3 A N. Witwickl drafted to Supply School at H.M.e.S "Naden" ABMAI W. Major to H.M.e.S. "Naden." PIER 4 H. Davies. who has left the R.e.N. with plans to reside in sunny California. Hearly congratulallons to'

Professor L. A. Brown on being awarded the Coronation Medal. Professor e. e. Cook on being awarded the Coronation Medal C I ER 4 R. Reid on receIving the Coronation Medal. C I ER 4 R. Sedger on receiving the Corona tion Medal. CIGI3 E. Scaly on being awarded the Long Service and Good Conduct Medal. C2LR 3 Burnett on being awarded the Long Service and Good Conduct Medal. The fo/lowl/Jg marriage look place:

PIAW3 A. N. Witwicki to Miss Mary Elizabeth Lahmer (R.N.) 111 St. John's Church, Victoria. V,s,led by I he Slork:

To Doctor and Mrs. H 0 December. 1953. Many thanks

Smith, a girl, In


Lieutenant Turner, who came to Royal Roads to coach the football team and then left for a tour of duty in Germany. Sub-Lieutenant C H. Archibald. who also coached the football team, then returned to H.M.e.S. "Naden."

1 1+




A Toast

To Your Subsequent Graduation

, I






ADVERTISERS' INDEA B .C. Electric B.C. Sugar Bank of Montreal Bank of Nova Scotia Bernard ~ Sons Ltd . Birks ~ Sons Ltd . Bon Cafe British America Paint Co. Burrard Dry Dock Canada Life Assurance Co. Canadian Bank of Commerce Canadian Bank of Commerce (Col wood) Canadian General Electric Chez Marcel De Hav!land Aircraft Co. Dickson Bros. U-Drive Dominion Hotel Eaton's Ltd. Engineering Institute Evans. Coleman ~ Johnson Fort. Robert Francis Jewelers Gordon's Ltd. Hocking ~ Forbes Ltd.


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2 16 112 116 117 116 I

93 II~ 11'5

55 58 16 115 15 116 57

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I 122




FINALLY In looking back over the past year o ne often wonders at the amount of energy expended by the staff of a journal such as this . There is no doubt that the work would have been far harder had it not been for th e ceaseless efforts of Professor Schieder and Mr. McCaughey. To them , we of the staff offer our most heart felt thanks for all their hours of labour so patiently spent; without th em th ere would hav e been no Log. Sincere thanks must also go to. Professors Brown and Cook for their invaluable aid to the Ex-Cadet section. Mrs. Spotswood and Miss Mitchell for their

labours in decoding Our scrawlings. Lt. Slocomb for giving us the usc of what we style the "Log Office ." Lt. Peterson for his cooperation with busy staff-members. The many members of th e academic staff who aided in proofreading. Mr. Dudley Green of the Colonist Press , our publisher. To ,~ve r yo ne who has donated time to thr cause. In conclusion we can all say it was a lot of work but it was also a lot of fun . We would be glad to do it again .

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