1962 Log Canadian Services College Royal Roads

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FOREWORD I was very much honoured when I was asked to write the foreword for this year' s LOG. It is on opportunity for me to renew my ties with Royal Roods, and it recalls particularly to my mind the happy years I spent as commandant of the college . There seems to me to be one pre-eminent quality that should characterize the graduates of our military colleges; namely, integrity. The full implication of this word is important, for not only does it mean honesty and uprightness, but it conveys the ideo of wholeness of character that is all too uncommon . Without integrity, the highly praised qualities of brilliance, strong leadership and loyalty are nothing worth. You have received a training and education at Royal Roods that place the highest value on your all-round development - intellectual, physical , moral and spiritual. This is only right and proper since our country and the Armed Services will always stand in need of something more than well trained and well educated officers. I would urge you, therefore, to prize the quality of integrity above all others, and to resolve that it will be a distinguishing mark of your own character and personality. In no greater way could you honour Royal Roods. My best wishes to all of you for a successful and happy future .

.;'. /3. 1"'1'.' / (.,.J ~ Ai r Commodore Director Regular Officer Training Plan



SENIOR STAFF _______________________


LITERARY ___________________________ A Frank Admission ________________ When the Cock Flies ______________ RR as seen by Sam the Seagull ______

GRADUATES _________________________ Graduation Parade _________________ Awards 1960-61-62 ________________ Cadet Wing Commander's Address ____ Editor's Foreword __________________ Cadet Officer Slates ________________ Graduates' Biographies _____________

8 9 10 11 11 12 13

MILITARY LIFE _____________ _________ Recruit to Junior __________________ The Band _______________________ Flight Pictures ____________________ Army Summer Training ____________ Military Weekend _________________ The Parade Square ________________ ~

43 44 45 46 50 51 52

COLLEGE LI FE _________________________ Calendar of Events ________________ Log Staff ____________ ____________ Stand Down Weekend ______________ Dances and Parties ________________ Debating ________________________ Photo Club _______________________ The Castle _______________________ Officers' Christian Union ____________ Canadian Aeronautical Institute ______ Exercise Northbound ____ ________ Cruise to Seattle ___________________ Senior Gunroom Notes ______________ Christmas Carol Service ____________ Junior Gunroom Notes ______________ Candids _________________________

31 32 33 34 34 35 35 35 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38

ATHLETICS __________________________ Physical Education ________________ Soccer __________________________ Rugger __________________________

53 54 55 56

Swimming and Water Polo __________ T rack and Field __________________ Crog Count~ ____________________ Basketball and Volleyball ___________ Rifle and Pistol ___________________ Boxing __________________________ Fencing and Curling _______________ Regatta _________________________

57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64

FRONTISPI ECE __________ ~ ___________ _ FOREWORD _________________________


39 39 40 42

CADET INDEX _______________________ 65 EX-CADETS _________________________ 67 ADVERTISI NG ______ ___ _ ______________ 81


Group Captain A. F. Avant, D.S.O., D.F.e., e.D., psa ., B.Sc. M.E.I.e., M.e.I.A.

Director of Studies

Vice-Commandant and Officer Commanding Cadet Wing

Executive Officer

Dr. E. S. Groham B.Sc., M.Sc., (Queen's) . Ph .D. (M.I.T.)

Wing - Commander, L. Spruston, D.F.e., e.D., R.CAF.

lieutenant - Commander G. W. S. Brooks CD. R.e.M.

1961- . SEN lOR ST AFF- -1962

LCDR. C. P. Iisley

LCDR. J. G. Renfrew

Lt. G. A. Slocomb

Lt. D. A. Elrix

Copt. J. L. C. Entwistle

F/ Lt. K. G. McCrimmon

Copt. D. Snowball

Lt. L. L. Greig

Chaplain (P) A. J. Mowatt

Chaplain (RCl L. A. Dougan

A. C. Privett

G. F. Dalsin

G. M. Lancaster

F. T. Naish

A. G. Bricknell

W . C. Horning

R. F. Grant

LCDR. S. F. Mitchell


LCDR. W. B. Arnold

H. Montgomery

R.F.B. King

G.S. McCaughey

F.e. Parkinson

A.L.C. Atkinson

H.D. Smith

R. Oldham

G.A. Mackenzie

F.V. Tange

H.J. Duffus

H.R. Grigg

J.K. Kinnear

D.W. Hone

G.S. Burchill

A.E. Carlsen

R.H.D. Barklie

J . Motherwell

The cadet wing lost a great friend, when in January of this year, Lt .-Col. Price was pramoted ta the rank of Colonel and posted to Newfaundland as Area Commander. We extend to Col. Price our best wishes in his new posting, and ta Mrs . Price our thanks for her charming hospitality. e.e. Whitlock Col. H.E .e. Price




Thursday, 24 May saw the Parents' Day gymnastic display smoothly performed beneath a clearing, warm sky. Athletic awards listed on page 54 were presented by our commandant, Group Captain A. F. Avant. The guests then moved to the castle lawn and joined the Senior Staff and cadet wing for the presentation of academic awards. Following the presentations by the commandant and the Director of Studies, Professor E. S. Graham, an informal tea was given on the terrace. Friday afternoon the cadet guards marched proudly on to the square for the Presentation of the Queen's and College Colours. The arrival of His Excellency Major General G. P. Vanier, Governor-General of Canada, signalled the beginning of the honoured ceremony. Two hours of precision, pride and pageantry later, the graduating class escorted the Colours from the square to the tune of "Auld Lang Syne." That evening the commencement exercises were crowned at the Graduation Dance held on the quarter-deck. Now those times have passed, but their memory will always be cherished by every cadet of the Royal Roads cadet wing 1962.


COLLEGE AWr / 1961-1962


AWARD The Governor-Generol's Silver Medol _____ _ ___________________ ._ The Governo r-General 's Bronze Medal __ _ _____________________ The lieutenant-Governor of Quebec 's Medal _________________ __ _ _ Royal Military College Club of Canada Award __ .______________ The H. E. Seller's Telescope ____________ . _____________________ United Services Institute of Vancouver Island Binoculars ___________ The Nixon Memorial Award (Navy League of Canada Award) __ ______ The Canadian Army Award __ _______ _ ____________________ _____________ The Royal Canadian Air Force Association Award The Commandant's Cup ___________________________________ The Director of Studies Cup __________________________________

5920 6310 5943 5877 .5936 6245 5877 5876 5931 5874 6306

CFL J .AMocDonolCl J I C K.C.Schamuhn CWWO S. I.Rate CSL E.E.Davie CWC J .R.Pirquet J / C W.8 .Fax CSL E.E.Davie CFL D.D.Dalziel D/ CWC E.E.Mulder CSL J .E.Craft J / C M T.Saker

English _ .________________________________________________ 5868 French ____________________________________________________ 5868 History __________________________________________________ _ Economics _________________________________________________ 5870 Mathematics ______________________________________________ . 5920 Chemistry _________________________________________________ 5923 Physics ___________________________________________________ 5920 Graphics _____________________________________________ _ ___ 5913 Military Studies ____________________________________________ 5916

CSAdjt S.G.cIements CSAdjt S.G.Clements

6219 6639 6326 6245 6219 6650 6306 6219 6301 6306 6605

CWC R.W .Boadway J/C R.P.Jakubaw CSC W .S.Yankowich CSL W.B.Fax CWC R.W .Boadway J I C M.Leesti D/ CWC M.T.Saker CWC R.W.Baadway CFL AE.Robertson D/ CWC M.T.Saker J / C J .G.W.Carswell

6219 S310 6250 6219 '6219 6219 6219 6285 6250

CWC R.W.Boadway SI C K.C.Schamuhn CSC L.E.Grimshaw CWC R.W .Boodway CWC R.W.Baadway CWC R.W.Baadway CWC R.W .Boodway CSL D.G.Oke CSC L.E .Grimshaw

6651 6698 6686 6639 6639 6639 6597 6658 6674




SI C D.ACodling CFL J .AMacDonald S I C J .W .McNeili CFL J .A.MacDanald D/ CWC E.E.Mulder SI C L.J .Lawson


5885 L/ C K.S. Drolet 5854 SI C J .C.Beacham


JUNIOR ACADEMIC AWARDS English _________________________________________ 6300 French ___________________________________________________ 6245 History ___________________________________________________ 6287 Mathematics ______________________________________________ 6310 Physics __________________________________________________ 6310 Chemistry __________________________________________________ 6219 Graphics ________________________________ _ _______________ 631 0


D.M .P.Rabb W.B .Fax J .W .Palmer K.C.Schamuhn K.C.Schamuhn R.W.Boadway K.C.Schamuhr

Mi Iitary Studies __________________________________________ _



1960-1961 5936 5874 5877 5907 5892 6274 6306


CWC J.R.Pirquet CSL J .E.Croft CSL E.E.Davie CSL W .E.Hutchinson CSAdjt L.R .Geddie J I C D.P.MacLaren J / C M.T .Saker

6306 6268 6245 6605 6664

D/ CWC M.T.Saker CFL J.G .Leech CSL W .B.Fox J / C J .G.W .Carswell J I C L.G.Masan

1961-1962 J .R.Leitold G.VanBoeschoten R.T.Schmitke R.P.Jakubow R.P.Jakubaw R.P.Jakubaw B.A. Broomfield M.F.McCord R.B.Parrish

\1ING COMMANDER'S ADDR ESS BY CWC R. BOADWAY 6219 The gentlemen cadets of Royal Roads of the college year 1961-62 will recall with pride the events and accomplishments of their term . This was the year of the presentation of the College Colours by the Governor General; the trip for some to the World's Fair in Seattle, an enlarged Northbound; a third fifteen rugger team, a B.C. champion rope climber; a visit of the U .S.A .F. academy soccer team; a

fourth squadron; a new OCCW; the addition of hockey; a junior-senior pushboll game; the introduction of the chess ladder; a larger enrolment; and countless other events all adding to the success of the college year. Something







a member of Royal Roads gave us a certain satisfaction which

caused us to uphold the college reputation in everything we did. On the sports field, "The Value of Training" was stressed . The teamwork we learned and our attitude towards competition will help us in future years. It was not important

who won or lost, but how the game was played, and merely the fact that one did play . A necessary quality of a gentleman, social grace, was continually stressed at the various dances and mess We learned to present ourdinners throughout the year. selves properly in Her Majesty's uniform in such a way as to

benefits, however, was provided for us as officer cadets . One might call it character building . Most certainly, it is teaching us to be gentlemen of the service, as we live and work side by side with fellow officer cadets. Such desirable qualities as honesty, loyalty, pride, and sense of judgment were being developed in us constantly. Our

reflect credit upon that for which we stoad; the Canadian Services Co lleges. W hat we have learned can be summed in these three words: Truth, Duty, Valour-the first principles learned by a cadet. As we think of the meaning of these words, we realize what is meant by ex路 cadets who say of their service

self-confidence was improved vastly, as was our ability to lead . We were being instilled with determination to carry

college training, "It has made a gentleman of me," and we

out what was required of us to the best of our ability.

Now we move on to R.M .C. to continue our training , regretfully departing from the land of the warm winter sun

As well, we were learning the meaning of true com-


Nowhere before hod we experienced such close

contact with a group of

individuals very much

like our-

selves, both in aim and ability, as we have at Roya l Roads. From this enviable environment, we have found that cooperation is essential, not only among our term mates but with the senior staff as well. A certain togetherness was developed amangst ourselves, one which is lasting by nature . From the very start, self-discipline became a necessity.

hope to be able to say t he same. and all its benefits. We hope many mare cadets will pass through the college af ter us. As we leave Royal Roads we loak to t he future and wish "Goad Luck to the New Senior Term and to a ll t hose who follow."

We soon found it natural to do things without being told, and to plan our time in such a way as to get everythinp dane satisfactorily. In addition to self-discipline, personal

pride and college pride were deve loped in us.

Me re ly bei ng

EDITOR'S FOREWORD BY CSl C.R. KEPlE 6261 This 1962 LOG is mOre than a college yearbook; it

on t he Ex-Cadet Sect ion as in lost year's LOG .

Several new

is on experiment in improvement. Ordinarily a college yearbook is many things : a treasured scrapbook, a photograph ic

business techniques were added, the exchange department became international, and the photography department as-

album, or a glimpse of history. Its purpose is to record the events, the people, and the spirit of the year. Naturally we hope that thIS LOG fulfills that purpose well enough to be worthy of bearing the name Royal Roads. But in addition, we hope that this LOG wi II provide a fres h firm

sections with shifted emphasis, added a hard cover, and made arrangements to add a two page colour insert . In t hese ways we aimed to improve both the appearance

foundation for future editions.

In early September, when we began work on the LOG, we relied heavily on the sound foundation provided by past yearbook staffs. I n our search for ways of making improvements, however, we decided to try several experimental changes. The stoff was increased to four times its previous

size, and each flight contributed " Logging" and biography representatives . Ex-cadets across the country were notified of our aim and of our desire to maintain as large on emphasis

sumed a larger role.

In the book itself we redivisioned the

and the q uality of our yearbook.

In addition, we hoped to

modern ize our publication techniques for future years. Of cou rse we recognized the possibility of fOiling in our aim, a nd even realized that some imperfections were Inevitable. However, if the imperfections prove to be not too serious and if the LOG becomes a firm base for future editions, we can conclude that the risk of experimenting was wa rth taking. Whether or not our experiment has been successful is now up to the reader to decide.


CADET OFFICERS 1961-1962 First Slate

Second Slate


CWC Fox, W .B. D/ CWC Oke . D.G.

Douglas, A.e. D/ CWC Saker, M.T.

One Squadron

Two Squadron

One Squadron

Two Squodron

CSL Boadway, R.W . CSAdjt. Dick, L.K .

CSL Leech , J .G. CSAdjt. Keple, e.R .

CSL Day, R.G. CSAdjt . Boyko, R.

CSL Keple, e. R. CSAdjt. Leduc, J .e.M .J.





CFL Calow, T.e.

CFL McCumber, P.R.

CFL Mulder, G.

CFL Hinkley, J .A.





CFL Chapman, F.W .

CFL Knetsch, L.

CFL Yankowich, W .S.

CFL Harrod, H.R.A.

Three Squadron

Four Squad ron

Three Squadron

Four Squadron

CSL Douglas, A.e. CSAdjt. Renshaw, D.A.

CSL Saker, M .T. CSAdjt. Grimshaw, L.E.

CSL Robertson, A.E. CSAdjt . Scott, W .R.

CSL Cej, R.P. CSAdjt. Corson, E.J .P.





CFL Robertson, A.E.


CFL Row, R.A.

CFL Ai ley, B.W .





CFL Pope, L.S .

CFL MacPherson, J .Y.

CFL Stickley, R.L.

CFL Racine, J. H.



CBM Smart, S.E.

CBM Holmes, R.R.

Honour Slate


Boadway, R.W . D/ CWC Saker, M.T. CWWO McNeill, W .D.

One Squadron

Two Squadron

CSL Fox, W .B. CSAdjt . Mulder , G.

CSL Keple, e.R. CSAd jt. Leduc, J .e.M .J .



Champla in


CFL Day, R.G. CSC Dunne, P.J. esc Gibson, FW.

CFL Hinkley, J.A. CSC Boyko, R. CSC Yankowich, W.S.

CFL Leech, J .G. CSC La ube, J.N . CSC Paterson, A.L. CSC McCumber, P.R. (Supernumera ry)

CFL Knetsch, L. CSC Main, G.C. CSC Takagi, F.Y.

Three Squadron

Four Squadron

CSL Oke, D.G. CSAdjt . Renshaw, D A.

CSL Douglas, A.e. CSAdjt. Racine, J .H.



Vancouve r


CFL Robertson, A. E. CSC Bell , R.G. CSC Scott, W.R .

CFL Stickley, R.L. CSC Pope, L.G. CSC Summers, D.e.

CFL CeL R.P. CSC Ailey, B.W . CSC Ko ra pecki , Y.J .

CFL Carson, E.J.P . CSC Grimshaw, L.E. CSC Riis, D.W.

Band CBM Smart, S.E. CSC Holmes, R.R .• 12


6219 BOADWAY, R. Moose Jaw, Sask.

CA(R) RCA Chemical Engineering

A combination of self-discipline, drive, and ability has enabled Rob to become one of the outstanding cadets Royal Roads has produced. The word "all-round" describes Rob perfectly. In his two years at Roads Rob has led his term in academics with his marks ranking in the top three of his term. Rob ploys any sport well. He excels in basketball, hockey, and squash and is a prop for the First XV rugger team. He has led Cartier Flight to many victories with his ability. Socially, Rob has become the favorite of the debutante set in Victoria and has made the most of these opportunities.

6306 SAKER, M.T. Toronto, Ontario.

RCN Engineering Physics

After the success of his junior year, Mike was made Cadet Squadron Leader of No. 3 Squadron for the First Slate. His hard work as Squadron Leader won him Deputy Cadet Wing Commander for the Second and Honour Slates. Mike is very active in sports and is captain of the woter polo and gymnastic teams.

college athletics, Mike is on avid skier.

Aside from

At every opportunity he visits the ski

slopes neor Victoria,

Mike has been quoted as saying, ''I'm dying to get back East where there is snow." He is definitely against Fridays and Sundays. It could be because he has to dust off his sword and go on parade. He is one of the friendliest cadets in the college and has earned the respect of all who know him.


6245 FOX, W. Halifax, N.S.

CA(R) RCAC Arts.

Ability, determination, and a booming voice of command have 'NOn Bill the position of Cadet Wing Commander First Slate and Cadet Squadron Leader of No. 1 Squadron for the Honour Slate. In his junior year, his drill was suspected to be the best in his term and he has upheld his own standard in his senior year.

He is captain of the representative soccer

team and is an active participant in all interflight sports. He defends the theory that Quebec and Ontario are not part of Eastern Canada: they are just less-west than the prairies. Bill's career in the Army began many years ago and with the ability he has shown here he will go far in the R.C.A.C.

6261 KEPLE, C.R. Regina, Sask.

CA(R) RCE Civil Engineering

Last year Charlie decided that he had carried a rifle long enough. This year he carried a sword all the way through - CSAdjt ., CSL, and CSL Honour Slate. His hard work produced good results in both the military and academic fields . Aport from these compelling duties, Charlie found time to participate in water palo, debating, and the Skylarks. Moreover he accepted the responsibility of editing this Log . On the lighter side, "Special K" was always prey for a good practical joke. "Where did my cabin go?" His ingenuity and good humor never failed at a flight party.

6285 OKE, D.G. Chilliwack, S.c.

RCN Engineering Physics

It takes a good deal of space to list all of Derry's accomplishments. Academically he has always been near the top no easy task in Engineering Physics. In sports he played inside center on the First XV and centre forward far the soccer team on its trip to USAFA last year. Derry won his weight division in boxing and has been a close second to Dunc McCaig in squash. Needless to say he has been a leader in interflight sparts. Derry was appointed Deputy Cadet Wing Commander for the First Slate and was moved from No. 4 Squadron to become Cadet Squadron Leader of No. 3 Squadron for the Honour Slate. All these accomplishments leave little time for his hobbies of soiling, golf, chess, and bridge.

6240 DOUGLAS, A.C. London, Onto

RCN Honours Math and Physics

Craig's ability and leadership was evident from the beginning of his junior year. He was moved to No. 4 Squadron in his senior year to become its Cadet Squadron Leader. The outstanding showing he made both in academics and as Squadron Leader made him a logical choice as Cadet Wing Commander, Second Slate. "Doug" was returned as No. 4 Squadran Leader for the Honour Slate. Craig's academics have been aver the 70 per cent mark, very good for Honours Math and Physics. He is a member of the Second XV and has helped to lead Vancouver Flight to the interflight rugger trophy. He has been quoted as saying, "You can't win 'em all, " but this seems to be exactly what he is doing in his work here.


RCAF Pilot Civil Engineering

6283 MULDER, G.

Gory had to live up to the precedent set by his cousin, Eppie, and live up to that standard he did. His hard work moved him up from Cadet Section Commander in MacKenzie Flight to Flight Leader of Cartier Flight for the Second Slate and Cadet Squadron Adiustant for No. t Squadron in the Honour Slate. Not only did Gory follow his cousin's steps as for as leadership went; he followed him in choice of services. Originally Gory was on army cadet. When he come to Royal Roods, he was a nova I cadet, but he finally settled as a pilot in the Air Force. Gary is a strong backed serum man for the First XV rugger team. His ability in all sports hos strengthened Cartier Flight since his transfer into it.

6266 LEDUC, J.C.M.C. Ottowo, Onto

RCAF Air/Pilot Honours Arts

If you happen to be possing by the senior gunroom and hear a great spiel of French it's just Chomploin Flight's Frenchman .

Jacques, a converted engineer, is now one of the

mighty eight Artsmen . Although Jacques is one of the shorter cadets, his ability in sports, drill and academics more than make up for it. Jacques was Cadet Section Commander on First Slate, and C.S. Adjutant in the Second Slate and Honour Slate of cadet officers. We're sure Jacques will do well at R.M.C. and become one of Canada's "jet jockeys."

6296 RENSHAW, D.A.D. Fort Erie, Onto

CA(R) RCE Civil Engineering

"Daddy" Dove has proved by his success here that age means little. As the colleges oldest cadet, Dave has set on enviable record, winning CS Adjutant of No. 3 Squadron for the First and Honour Slates. His military tradition started early in his life when he joined the' Militia. He rose to rank of Lieutenant before coming to Roods. Dave has been a member of the water polo and fencing team for two years. Besides this he ploys for the 3rd XV and is a member of the LOG stoff as ex-cadet editor. Even with this heavy schedule Dove still has time for his hobby in Victoria on weekends.

6294 RACINE, J.H. Cornwoll, Onto

CA(R) Sigs Civil Engineering

Jacques, one of our two French Canadian cadets, brings more than his shore of ability from his hometown along the St. Lawrence . Outstanding in all flight sports, Jacques has played goalie for the Water Polo team and standoff for the First XV rugger team except when his various injuries have kept him on the sidelines where he is seen cheering louder

than anyone else. Jacques has always at least held his own academically and on the military side has successfully worked his W<X-/ from Senior Cadet to CSC to CFL to CSA on the Honour Slate. With his winning smile and friendly personality Jacques is going to have trouble carrying out his ambition of staying a confirmed bachelor.

6236 DAY, R. BelleVille, Onto

CA(R) RCIC Civil Engineering

Ron was transferred from Fraser Flight to Cartier Flight at the end of his junior year. His keenness and all round ability won the position of Cadet Squadron Leader for No. t Squadron . On the Honour Slate, he was given the position of Cadet Flight Leader of Cartier Flight. Ron hod his start in the army as a militiaman . He rose to the rank of Sergeant before coming to Royal Roods. Ron is on ovid infanteer and the RCIC have received a good man. With Ron's abilities, friendliness and drive he is destined to go tor in the Anny.


6258 HINKLEY, J.A. Ottowa, Onto

RCAF Tech/CE Civil Engineering

John quickly adapted himself to military life in his junior year and proved himself very proficient in all aspects of training .


He is an active participant in swimming and water After a summer in the barren wastes of central Manitobo, John returned to become

Cadet Flight Leader of Chaplain Flight far the Second Slate and Cadet Flight Leader of Fraser Flight for the Honour Slate. After a sajourn in the RCAF John's dream is to operate a ski lodge in the Rockies. John shauld do very well at R.M.C., in the RCAF, and in the snow.

6268 LEECH, J.G. Petawawa, Onto

CA(R) RC Sigs Electrical Engineering

John has been proficient in all college activities. He No.2 Squadron for the First Slate and Cadet Flight Leader this he is captain of the First XV, president of the Senior decorating committee. He is a member of good standing

was Cadet Squadron Leader of for the Honour Slate. Besides Gunroom and chairman of the of both O.C.U. and the choir.

John's friendly outgoing nature and his talents of leadership and organization make him uni-

versally adm ired among his term mates. make a career in the R.C.Sigs.

Following in his father 's footsteps John hopes to

6262 KNETSCH, L. Seaforth, Onto

CA (R) Honours Science

A fiery perfectionist, Lou helped to initiate the juniors as Flight Leader of MacKenzie Flight. A break in the demanding duties as a cadet officer, let Lou concentrate all his effort on his studies and sports, thus leading him to his final position on the\Honour Slate as Flight Leader of MacKenzie once again .

Lou 's activities range from cool guitar picking and the

Skylarks to rugged wing break on the second fifteen. In his junior year Lou developed a reputation as being a suave operator. If anyone had a good time on leave, it was Mr. "Kench"; however, this year he hit a brick wall with one P.W. I wonder why? Is he losing his touch?

6301 ROBERTSON, A.E. Mora Lake, S.c.

RCAF Pilot Civil Engineering

Robbie's winning personality and natural abilities have contributed to make Alone of the most successful c"dets of our term . A combination of ability and self discipline won for him the position of Cadet Flight Leader for the First Slate, Cadet Squadron Leader on the Second Slate, and Cadet Flight Leader of Hudson Flight on the Honour Slate. AI 's sports included playing center half on the rep soccer team, where his educated right foot was known to all, but especially to his flight mates, whom he helped through many tight games. Aside from soccer, he is a substitute for the First XV rugger team . The summer of ' 64 will find AI with the fly boys of the R.C.A.F . His showing at Roads leaves no doubt as to his future SuccesS.

6319 STICKLEY, R.L. Vancouver, S.c.

RCAF Civil Engineering

Bob's drive and determination won him the position of Cadet Flight Leader of La Salle Flight for the Second and Honour Slates of Cadet Officers. He was very active on the college soccer team until on ankle injury forced him to give up most sports for the year.

Now, most

of his time is spent convincing Hill Stevens that a combinotion of pilot, and engineer produces a man with irresistible charm and "sovoir faire"! What time Bob has left is spent in turning down Hill's offers to "set him up" for the weekend . Bob has the dubious honour of being the' only codet with a Bogey haircut. He is fascinated with speed, and claims that he is basically a IIg00d guy." 14



6231 CEJ, R. P. Prince Albert, Sask.

Chem ical

RCN Eng ineering

Ray, more commonly known as "uniclutch" was one of these fortunate non-rifle bearers

of the senior term. Roy was Cadet Flight Leader of Vancouver Flight for the First and Honour Slates and held the position of Cadet Squadron Leader for the Second Slate. Roy has been on outstanding sportsman at Roods. The Middle-weight Championship in his junior year and the Light-heavy Boxing Championship in his senior yea r fell to him . He is a member of the First XV and the star center of Vancouver Flight's hockey team . His future plans include marriage to a French girl and at least six children.

6229 CARSON, E.J .P. Manotick, Onto

CA(R) RCI Arts

Although John's home town is presently Manotick, he is from everywhere in particula r

and nowhere in general. Wanderlust caused him to turn down R.O.T.P. so that he could tour Europe for a yea r instead. Fortunate ly for the Army, John reapplied and his trovels ended for a while at Royal Roods. His many activities have led John from a Cadet Section Commander to Cadet Flight Leader of Thompson Flight. He ha s taken an active interest in the O.C.U. and is the Protestant choirmaster. John is a student of the trumpet and has progressed from the melodious "Wakey-wakey" to t he more polished numbers of the Skylarks.

6314 SMART, S.E. Toronto, Onto

RCAF Tech/CE Civil Engineering

Stu came back from a summer of chauffeuring for Mike Bond at Clinton to be the Cadet Band Master of the Royal Roads Bond . He was given this position on the Honour Slate alsa. He is noted for his absence during weekends weekends during which he is not wearing a red sash, that is. Stu was on excellent athlete but his promising stort made in his first year was cut short by an arm broken on the high box . Stu is well- liked by all and his sense of responsibility and de votion to duty inspire admiration for him among his term-motes.

621S AILEY, B.W. Centralia, Onto

R.C.A.F. Pilot Mechanical Engineering

At Royal Roods Brion or more commonly " Beetle " stands above everyone else. This i5 With his height advantage Brion was a

mainly because he is six feet three inches short.

star player on the Representative Basketball and vo ll eyba ll teams. maintains his average in second closs honours wi :h very litt le trouble .

Academically, Brian With h is abilities,

Brion was a natural choice for Cadet Flight Leader of Vancouver Flight for the Second Slate. Brion's motto has been to "toke it cool"

but somehow people ha ve mixed the word

"cool" with "slack" and he works hard to live down the impression .

As we all know, he

is looking forward to a pleasant summer in Moose Jaw, Sask. where he will train as a pilot.

627S McNEILL, W.D. Abbotsford, B.C.

CA(R) RCE Civil Engineering

Bill came to Royal Roads with three years of military service, a swinging sense of Scottish humour and a passion to be an Army officer. In our first year, when the system got us down, he was alwa ys there with the sound advi ::e or the cheerful spi rit that pulled us

th roug h. A natural with "changing room ballads", he became one of the ori ginal "Rooden ts." This year, as a member of the Mackenzie wee pipe-smokers, he distinguished himself in such great capers as the "Chief 's cabin inspection panic." H is ability as a radi o technician shone through when he bisected Ron's portable and when he transformed his speaker into

a cardboard box . Having earned the Honour Slate position of Cadet Wing Warrant Officer, he strode proudly into the job, guarding our square against poor drill, seohowks, and the untidies.

As he leaves Roods with his sights on Chilliwack and R.M.C., we wish him the best of everything in the future.


6222 BOYKO, R. Prince Albert, Sosk.

CA(R) R.CE.M.E. Engineering Physics

The east-west conflict that is the perpetual struggle for supremacy among cadets, is carried on in full force by Roy, and when he tokes part in any discussions on the subject,

the balance of power always sways to Western Canada . Roy is the only coder ot Roads who, in taking a radio apart, con lose some pieces and still have it working better on reassembly , Whenever music from this radio seeps into the halls, you can be sure he is relaxing standard at the some time.

with books and pen -

and raising his academic

t n sports, Ray was very enthusiastic and was best ot hockey, playing right wing on Fraser's power line.

6243 DUNNE, P.J. Toronto, Onto

R.CA. F. Rodio-Nov. Generol Science

A well travelled man is Pot, who entered Canada only seven years ago .

He graduated

from Oakwood Collegeote in Toronto. However, Pat 's travelling days are not over as he is training to be a radio navigator in the R.C.A.F. Pat's many talents include diving, painting both in water colours and ails, working out

on the trampoline and track and field.

During his two years at Roods he has distinguished

himself on the swimming and water-polo team s. trampoline competition.

Pat also placed third in the provincial

He is well liked by his term motes and his friendly nature will stand him in good stead in his career.

6247 Gibson, L. Cambridge, N .S.

R.C.A.F. Tech/CE. Civil Engineering

Len is another firm patriot of the true Eastern Canada as he hails from Kins Caunty,

Novo Scotia. Not being able to get the coast out of his system, he joined the air force, pocked his bogs and come to Roads. Len is a conscientious and hord worker in academics and because of his constant drive

he is a difficult man to beat on the spaqs field . injury sidelined him.

Len played for the First XV until an

If hard work ond drive mean anything Len is sure to be a success.

CA(R) RCI Honours Arts

6250 GRIMSHAW, L.E. St. Cotherines, Onto

Lou is a career officer who started out early in the services, first as a codet Lt. Colonel

and then as on N.C.O. in the Lincoln and Weiland Regt . He was a member of the Rifle Team for two years being Captain the second where he gained experience that will be helpful when he makes use of the medium sized arsenal that he has built up of his own. A hard working member of the erudite eight, Lou generally has a considerable portion of the college library in hi s cabin. In the infantry, and having on Arts degree too, he cannot help but have a successful career.

6260 HOLMES, R.R. Agincourt, Onto

CA(R) R.C.A.C Honours Arts

Ramsey is one of the many cadets who hails from Ontario. He is One of the artsmen for he felt that economics and essays were better than physics and lob reports. Ramsey's winning smile and determination mode him the friend of all and a great asset in the


Starting his senior term as C.s.c., he was promoted to Cadet Bond Moster for the

Second Slate.

A great debater, as all artsmen are, Ramsey seems to have his soy in the

friendly arguments around Champlain Flight's table . years in Kingston -


wonder why?

He is looking forward to his two

6263 KOROPECKI, Y.J. Toronto, Onto

R.C.N. Arts

Yorko is one of the most popular cadets in the college.

His wit has carried him to

positions of Gunroom president and treasurer and he was a C.S.C. for the First and Honour


Korky plays for the First XV and enjoys sailing and tennis.

Korky mokes most parades provided he is not sleeping and often he is ab!e to remain in a state of semi-consciousness until after breakfast when he becomes his bright cheery self again. exams. monies.

Korky's Coffee House was a stopping point for Vancouver Flight Seniors during

He is the hamburger salesman for the Seniors and also the collector of all dues and However, no matter how much he collects Korky remains as always -


R.C.N. General Science

6270 LOUBE J. Wyoming, Onto

"What a hook!" What happened? Just another great play carried out by Jeff in his effort to prave that he is the best hooker in the College. We are sure that no one will dispute this for Jeff is hooker on the First XV and is a steady driver for Champlain of the sports field. Jeff is one of the few navy cadets at the college and he is navy all the way even so for as the choice of his dates. Jeff has given up part of his summer leave so that he can take a diving course, We ore sure he will make a great, short, stocky novo I officer.

6272 McCUMBER, P.R. Toronto, Onto

CA(R) R.C.I. General Science

Paul came to Roods from the bustling metropolis of Toronto with the firm intention

of being a success here. Paul did well in all phases of college life. In sports Paul won the Light Welterweight Division and in doing so won the Michael Phillips Memorial Trophy as the best boxer. He was Cadet Flight Leader for the First Slate and C.S.c. for the Honour Slate. Whether on a basketball court or on the rugger pitch, Paul could always be counted on for an all out effort. After completing his education ot R.M.C., Paul plans to make a career in the Army.

6278 MAIN, G.C. Montreal George has been a sincere, hardworking student throughout his two years at Roads. His good nature has During both years his companions have liked and respected him. gained him numerous lasting friends.

It is well known that 01' "Yahoo" would take any

steps necessary to insure that any friend of his was given as much aid as possible. George has been one of the strongholds of sincere amiability to all who have known him. Carry an, George, and all our best goes with you.

6288 PATERSON, A.L. Vancouver, B.C.

R.C.A.F. Nov . Electrical Engineering

Whenever Locke cannot be found we know he is in his cabin wracking his brain, studying. For his consciencious attitude toward his studies Locke stood second in his Locke has been a great Junior year and we're sure he will do just as well this year. Champlain Flight morale booster both in sports and in academics. We will never forget his thundering voice as CWWO on the parade square. Although Locke has many memories of the "rofomobile" at summer training we are sure he will be a success at R.M.C.


6292 POPE, L.S. Windsor, Onto

CA(R) R.C.Sigs. Arts

Joe is a member of the gymnastics team.

He is called upon daily to entertain the

cadets, especially before rounds in the fourth deck.

him as Cadet Wing Warrant Officer?)

His imitations ore priceless (remember

As one of the " Enlightened Eight" Joe seems to spend

most of his time sitting in his cobin ploying his one record -

ot least Hill Stevens thinks

he has only one! Joe is also a member of the Debating Club. If he hadn't come to Roods, Joe would have become a disk-jockey or a C.B.C. producer. He enjoys making odd noises with his portable tope recorder.

6299 RIIS, D.W. Ancaster, Onto

R.C.N. Civi l Engineering

Dove is a quiet, hard working fellow with plenty of friends and no enemies.

He is on

excellent athlete, a leader in all fright sports, and one of the top contenders for the squash championship. Thi s year Dove was Captain of the Second XV. Dove's friendliness and determination ha ve earned him the position of Cadet Section Commander on the Honour Slate.

6311 SCOTT, W .R. Calgary, Alberta

R.C.A.F. Pilot Engineering Physics

Arriving at Roods from the cow-town and hi s hard work placed him in the top was the some his lost year at Roods and we Although a confirmed follower of the

of Calgary, Scotty soon settled into the routine The story know he will be successful at R.M.C. as well. air force, Bill still hod enough time so that he

four of the term in his junior year.

could spend weekends soiling in the lagoon or dining with a sweet young thing in Victoria. His enthusiasm in sports and in college life in general won him the position of Cadet

Squadron Adjutant on the Second Siote and C.s.c. on the Honour Slate. he will provide on excellent addition to the pilots of the R.C.A.F.

6320 SUMMERS, D. Kingston, Onto

When he graduates

CA(R) R. C.A. C. General Science

Dove hod the unique position of Cadet Section Commander Flight Leader for a couple of weeks Second Slate, a position he fulfilled very capably. His overall cheerfulness and friendliness make him popular everywhere. He gets more moil than any cadet at the college, and doesn't mind telling everyone. His hobbies are photography and answering all his letters. He has enough photographic equipment to start his own store, and occasionally develops pictures, which usually turn out well. His drive in flight sports has added much to flight spirit.

6322 TAKAGI , F.Y . Notch Hill, S.c.

R.C.A.F. Nov. Electrical Engineering

Fred, on Okanogan lad, is known for his prowess in the water by defying archemedes principle. At soiling, when the drop keel isn' t down Fred can still keep his cigars dry . A wiry little fellow he did well as serum half for the flight rugger team . Fred proved as quick and cool in the boxing ring as he did on the rugger pitch and as a r"sult, he boxed his way into the semi-finals. Fred is a generous and a sincere friend to all those who hove known him personally. He is always ready to shore a "coke" and have a bull session.


CA(R) RCEME Electrical Engineering

6217 BELL, R.G. Moose Jow, Sask.

"Cloche" is a joker, always happy. Bob is an active member of the Rifle Team. On weekends he is seen wOlting in front of the Hudson's Boy Company inside a car for the liberty boat. He's the lucky cadet who doesn't even have to phone a cab from H.B.C. he's got transportation waiting for him.

During the week his cabin is converted into a

gun room at about 2200 and he hosts Dave Robb and the boys. added a lot to the enjoyment of life at Royal Roads.

His spirit has certainly

6326 YANKOWICH, W,S. Toronto, Onto

R.CAF. Engineering Physics

Wally was Fraser flight's Flight Leader during the second slate and later became C.S.c. for the Honour slate. Both duties were fulfilled capably and with a certain individuality. In sports, Wally's interests have varied widely, including rugger, gymnastics and most of all, swimmin~. His hobbies are many and varied too, ranging from photography to do-it-

yourself electronics as was evidenced by his home-made hi-fi which was often heard throughout the Nixon Block. These interests did not prevent Wally from maintaining his academics at a high standard, a necessity in his choice of course.

6216 ANDERSON, W.J. Montreal, Que.

R.CAF. Pilot General Science

If there is on excess of witticism, puns, and other such forms of humou r at Roads this yeor, it is probably due to Bill.

His timely comments in the mess, classes or on the sports

field have brought many burs}s of laughter from those within ear-shot. Playing for the Second XV as fullback has kept Bill busy most Saturday afternoons.


has also been a valuable member of Fraser Flight's ferocious Fifteen. Soiling to him undoubtedly means swimming too, since he seems to enjoy being at the helm in near gale conditions on ly. Bill, a determined academic worker, retains a good standing at all times, in addition to

capable fulfillment of his duties.

6220 BOBIASZ, F.G. Toronto, Onto

R.CAF. Electricol Engineering

As a forward On the Fraser Flight water polo team and as hooker on its rugger team, Fred's enthusiastic ploy has been a great asset, as has been his support in all other inter-

flight activities.

The LOG Advertisement Deportment has had a secondory office in Fred's

cabin from where approach to potential advertisers across Canada has been made.

As a meeting place for "noted" Personalities of One Squadron Fred's cabin has reploced the gunroom. Boat polishing parties and other activities, always seem to wind up there. Fred is also noted for being able to see humour in all situations-that other side of things that most of us do not appreciate.

ability very effectively.

6221 BOND, M. Trinton, Onto Mike is Cartier Flight's "happy boy."

His stories of summer training at Clinton illustrate this

Fred will do well in his career.

R.CAF. Nov. Hon . Math and Science His natural wit has left a trail of laughter

during his two years at Roads and has made him one of the most popular cadets in the His academics have been high since his arrival and his ability in maths and will carry him to his degree. Summer is the favorite season for Mike and he has left a definite mark at the at Winnipeg. Mike can look forward to a promising future, both in hi s summers


college. science airbase and in



6223 BRADBURY, J. Edmonton, A lto.

R.C.N. General Science

Jim is a true westerner, coming from Edmonton where he graduated from Ron Shepherd

Composite High School.

However, even though he was high and dry on the interior, the

lure of the sea was overpowering and he pions a coreer 05 a navol officer.

Jim is on active participator in all sports, especially in the second XV.

Also, during his

two years at Roods he was a member of the bond. With two down and just two yeors left, Jim will be receiving a general science degree.

Good fortune, Jim.

6224 BROWN, R.P. Montrea l, Que.

R.CAF. Pilot Che m ical Eng inee ring

How many hours of sleep ore required if you wish to "cee


all exams? Ask Rod, he seems

to hove found the answer.

In addition to standing third in academics, Rod has represented Fraser Flight in squash and is on agile member of the high-box gymnastic team . He is a IIfly_boy" for the air force with many tales of last summer over Centralia and Grand Bend.

Rod's term of duty as C.s.c. was during the challenging period of recruit term . as always he performed h is duty well in a ll respects.


6227 CALOW T .C. Ottawa , On to

R.CAF. Te l. Elect rical En g inee ri ng

Tom did very well in his Junior year and was given the appointment of Cadet Flight Leade r of Cartier Flight for the first slate. He was a member of the rifle team and played on the rep soccer team .

Besides this, Tom was a key man in all interflight competition.


academic standing has always been gaod and this year he was one of the lucky ones to go

to Seattle . the fut u re.

With his ability to charm the weaker sex, Tom is'su re to have no t roubles in

6228 CARDIFF, L.O. Brantford, Onto

CA(R) K C.E.M .E. C ivi l Eng inee ring

Ollie was a newcomer to the fljght.

H owever, he was a welcomed newcomer.

H is goa l

tending talent mode him invaluable in hockey and he tended the nets until costs become the vogue.

Ollie not wanting to be an individualist, had to get one.

H owever, before the

cost craze Ollie sparked the flight 's basketball team and unfortunately played very well against us before he joined the flight .

This summer, he plans to go to Jugoslavia via tramp

steamer and visit wit h re latives at the Canadian Embassy.

We hope he makes it bock!

6230 CAWSEY, T.F. Moose J aw, Sask.

CA(R) R. C.A. Engi nee ring Phys ics

Tu pper is the type of man who works beh ind the scenes, accomplishing m u without fuss or fanfare.



He has always done well academically and has managed to earn

monogerial positions On the LOG and on entertainment committees. On the LOG he held the He is an enthusiastic positions of Division manoger, reoresentative and biographies writer. supporter in all flight and college activities. When not busy in his various activities, Tup can

be seen expounding on the virtues of Saskatchewan and especially those of Moose Jaw, his hom e town.


R.C.N . Mechanical Engineering

6232 CHAPMAN, W.F. Peterborough, ant.

Rick is a person one would colla "mighty midget," He is small in size but he is gigantic in Sportsmanship and leadership ability. Rick has boosted his flight in all sports, being a member of th€ gymnastics team and being serum half for the First XV. When Rick's accomplishments were totalled at the end of his first year, he was given the position of Cadet Flight Leader of Fraser Flight for the First Slate. Rick has a problem though - he wonts to stay h€re, but he also wonts to go home. Which will it be Rick?

R.CAF. Tel. Mechanical Engineering

6233 COOPER, G. T renton, ant .

Gory ha s been associated with the air force all his life and so it was natural after his In the summer he trains to become a telecommunications officer. graduation from Trenton High School, to come to Roads with this service.

"Coop"· is a quiet lad who is always around to help out when he is needed. well liked in the term and has the ability of getting along with anyone.

He is

He is aiming for an electrical engineering degree ot R.M.C. and with his steady perser-

verance h€ will receive it.

All the best at R.M.C., Gory.

6234 CUNNINGHAM, L. Edmonton, Alta.

CA(R) R.C.E. Engineering Physics

Lorry, having had militia experience before coming to Roads, adapted to

life here

Quite readily and ha s shown eagerness to assume tasks of a military nature . He was also very active in flight sports and proved to be especially valuable on the hockey team at a defence position.

"Cu ts " applied himself equally well to extracurricular

sports and was most able at curling and as the flight squash representative.

Th€ wing will remember Lorry as a cadet of high calibre in two fields. Academically, Lorry maintained a high degree of standard. In addition, he will be remembered as the versatile bugler, for no one else could play wakey-wakey, colours or sunset with such finesse ,

6239 DICK, L.K. Calgary, Alta . Larry 'has


R.C.N. General Science many









handled the duties of CSAdjt. for One Squadron during the first slate and those of a C.s.c. later in the year very admirably. Fraser Flight spirit has always recei ved a big boost from Larry, especially in sports. only was he an ardent hockey player but also excelled at squash,


rugger and tennis.

This year, Larry was programme convenor for the O.C,U. His skill in playing the orga n was also a great ~ sset to the choir and to the Church Services. This some skill at the piano has livened many a stand-easy and led to "tension easing" pre-exam sing-songs.

DRAPER, D.C. Moose Jaw, Sask. Don was active on the gymnastic team this year. asset in the inter-flight competition.

He played college rugger, so was an

Besides this he played on excellent game of basketball.

He will go down in history as the originator of that latest ha ir style - the "Drop Cut." Don hod perfected the ability of all cadets to go to sleep in any position. Dan's ability to work hard will carry him for in future years.


6246 FRASER, R.R. Ottawa, Onto

CA(R) R.CE.M .E. Electrical Engineering

Much of the time Bob spends in his cobin would seem to be devoted to studying, but if you were to look through the door you would find him fixing his rodio, exponding his knowledge of electricity and electronics, delving into a science fiction book, or looking over the latest skin-diving news and equipment for these ore all interests of Bob .

Second deck rodio operotors ore Indebted to Bob for the oerial he erected, one of the most efficient Roads hos seen. Soiling has been one of his regular pastimes.

In this sport, he has also instructed junior

cadets . Bob was C.s.c. for the Third Slate and was well known as "g uardian of silence" on the Nixon Block Stairway.

DUBE, L.G. Windsor, On tario No one remembers Christmas leave as clearly as L1ayd . In fact he still carries the buckshot around With him, just as a reminder af that fateful rabbit hunt when he played the unpleasa nt role of rabbit. The two sports that were foremost with Lorry were rugger and squash and, in spite of injuries, he was very strong in both . Even though he was quiet and reserved,

he was always around to be counted on

a nd was an able supporter of f light endeavours.

6248 GORDON, H.A. Ottawa, On to

CA(R) R. C Sigs. Eng ineering Physics

Hugh is one of those fellows who seem to pass all their exams without even looking at a book. His favourite pastime is visiting and trying out his off-beat theories on unsuspecting cadets. Hugh is a crock shot, winning the college crown in pistol shooting. He

has been a leader in flight sports and has organized the curling club. He is a great guy to hove around but slightly aggravating to those of us who have to st udy to get through.

CA(R) R. CE. C ivi l Engi nee ring

6249 GRIFFITHS, H. Burlington, On to

"Griff" travelled here from God 's country when he graduated from Burlington Central High School in Burlington, Ontario . This was hi s first association with the military but he picked the tough Engineer Corps anyway. Hugh is a big man and has played a rugged game on the water polo team for twa years. In

interflight competitions,






Griff is now working towards a civil engineering degree at R.M.C. work, Hug h.

6253 HARROD, H.R.A. Rossland, B.C

Keep up t he good

R.CAF. Nov. En ginee ring Physics

Ron is probably the most popular cadet in the flight . He is an excellent skier and hac key player. He was a big gun for the college so:cer team and he carried the rugger ball for his flight in spite of his chronic crushed shoulder muscle . Ron took his position as flig ht leo~er in the Second Slate and did an excellent job. He is studying to become an engineering physicist and he is sure to make it. Ron is anxiously Qwaiting the move to R.M .C . because he is not sure if he can ship all of his belongings at government expense -

in particu lar 600 pounds of letters! 24

6254 HEMUS, C.W. Victoria, S.c.

RCAF AIR/P . Electrical Engineering

A transplant from Okotoks, Alto., "Joe" finds his new home a convenient base for social activities. He seems to be one of the few who really core for the city of Victoria. Joe is an ardent sportsman, playing rugger and holding up the flight hockey team. Possessing a private pilot's license, he is on enthusiastic weekend flyer and looks forward with relish ta his flying career in the RCAF.

R.CAF. Tech/ AE Mechanical Engineering

6264 KOZIEL, J.T. Porcupine Plain, Sask.

The only Tech/ AE in this year's graduating class, Julian is also unique in being the sale representative of Porcupine Plain . A member of Champlain flight for both years, he has been a mainstay in flight sports. His quiet, unassuming manner has won him many friends. All路 Champlain flight should recall "Ju lie " and his broken glass frames during our recruit term. We all join in wishing Julie the best at R.M,C. and as an aircraft repairer in the路 R.C.A. F.

6267 LEE, A.D. Prince Albert, Sask.

R.CAF. A ir/N Electrical Engineering

Doug has been a credit to his flight in the past two years, in spite of his ability to stand at ease when at the "shoulder arms." He has worked and played hard . He is well liked by his flightmates for his original and witty humour as well as for the copious quantities of food he keeps in his cabin. Doug has been a very effective disciplinarian both as a senior cadet and a cadet section commander. Referred to as Mr. Turning Point, Doug, an electrical engineer, took a keen interest in surveying during the spring term. Good luck next year!

6269 LENAHAN, R.M. Toronto, Onto

CA(R) R.C. Sigs. Engineering Physics

Bob is one of the six permanent Mackenzie flight members and has done his part in making it the solid flight it is. He has done well in sports and excelled in academics. A student of engineering physics whose favourite pastime is solving the mathematical problems in Scientific American and nick-named " Lenin " by you know who, Bob has done well even in French . He organized and carried out his fljght's squash eliminations as well as putting up tough competition against the other flights. Bob is decidedly an Army Cadet as his sailing companion, an Air Force cadet, will testify.

McCAIG, D.C. Winnipeg, Man . Dune was a great fljght supporter in all activities and was especially outstanding in athletics. He played goal on the representative soccer team for two years and was substitute for the same position on the rep water polo team. Hockey and squash also proved to be equally easy to him. Always there with the ready smile and lighthearted words of encouragement, Dunc was well-liked by all of his term-mates.


6276 MacPHERSON, J.Y. Merritt, S.c. Jim is novy to the core.

R.C.N. General Science U.B.C. didn't prove military enough for his liking so he

transferred to Royal Roods where his hard work and determination earned him the position

of Cadet Flight Leader on the first slate of cadet officers. He is a great supporter in flight sports and he was one of the leading members of the rep volleyball team both years. Jim can always be seen as the center of attraction ot stag parties where he entertains with his large repertoire of colorful stories.

MARSHALL, W.P. Verdun, Que. Percy always was ready with a winning smile and a helping hand around Roods.


was a member of that fabulous singing group, The Rhadents, and starred in many of their performances.

Percy was very active in the sports world.

He was on the swim team and

rifle teams. He and Korky fought many a bottle out on the tennis courts. Whenever he got the chance he would be out skiing also. In his spore moments he could be found writing a young mi ss in Montreal. Best of luck for the future!

6281 MEEDS, D.J. Prince Albert, Sask.

R.CAF. Tech/Tel. General Science

The only "Transfer" to Champlain Flight, Dove quickly integrated himself with the "old guard" against the hated MacKenzie Flight. In spite of the fact that he comes from Saskatchewan Dove did very well at Roods. H,s most notable athletic was in boxing, but he contributed considerably to flight sports. Originally a pilot, Dove become interested in electronics, and transferred to telecom. His pions for the future are secret, But Dave is be successful ot whatever he tries.

certain to


6262 MILLER, M.J. Picton, Onto

General Science

Coming to Royal Roods from a tour of Europe, Mike quickly settled down to work.


was stondout in sports, playing rugger, and his infectious smile added greatly to his popularity. With his vivacious personality, he quickly endeared himself among the girls of Victoria, and

has enJoyed on active social life. Mike has lived in Germany and England and someday hopes to retire to Cyprus or Somali land. In the meantime he has done well as librarian C.s.c., and we hope he continues to prosper on the high seas.

ONEIL, W.T. Grifsholm, Alto . Wayne was a quiet cadet wha did hi s job without fuss or bother.

Wayne was a main-

stay in interflight sports. He seemed to ploy all sports well. He was a member of the gym team and as suc h entered and won the B.C. Championship for rope climbing. Wayne was well known for his visit to Seattle during Standdawn. Good luck in your P.T. course.


CA(R) R.C.I. Generol Science

6289 PHILLIPS, L.J . Toronto, Onto

"Scotty", one of the hardest working and best liked codets in the wing has been away from his home of Dundee for only five yeors.

He continues to retain his nationality,

now learning to play the bagpipes and later intending to join the Black Watch . Although perhaps not the gentlest player In the game, Scotty has been a hard driving regular member of the first XV both years. His hobbies include model building, collecting regimental insignia, and collecting war trophies such as bombs, rockets and shells; presumably all neutralized . Les intends to return home someday but Canadian girls are doing their best to put difficulties in his way.

6291 PLAYER, R.A. Drumheller, Alta.

R.CAF. C/E Civil Engineering

Bob's talents are well displayed in the bond, for which he plays trumpet, and on the sports field, where his drive and determination ore a great asset. Mother of the flight's westerners, Bob's easy going manner and likeable personality make him a natural for the social

life which h~ enjoys at Victoria. Now in Civil Engineering, Bob will follow Construction Engineering with the R.C.A.F. and can often be heard supporting his case for his choice of services.

His drive and personali ty will leod him to success in whatever he does.

R.C A. F. Nav. Civil Engi nee ri ng

6293 PRITCHARD R.Y. Colgory, A lto.

Always up on the latest aviotian mags and 0 member of the c.A.1. Roy is determined to follow a career in the R.C.A.F. (providing they don't obiect to his having a spot of teo every afternoon!' Arriving in Canada in 1957 from England, Roy has become attached to his new home of Canada, particularly Roods . Pritch 's endurance and drive made him on ardent runner and he was a member of the Cross Country team both yeors at Roods , Now in Civil Engineering, Roy will become a navigotor upon gradua t ion from R,M,C " spending his summers in the meontime troining at Winnipeg, Best of luck, guvnor!

RAYNER, S.J. Toronto, Onto Steve come to Roods after graduating from De La Salle College in Toronto. Another of the important group that sees that we all have a yearbook to enjoy, Steve worked on the LOG, representing Hudson flight . Steve's weekends were used up by the Second XV. rugger team for which he played outside center. He kept his marks high at Roods ond in ' 64 will graduate

with a General Science degree ond then iOin the Corps of Signals of our esteemed army.


final slate found Steve in such a position that he was able to have easier access to our

fi ne libra ry now and then.

We hope thot Steve is successful in a nyt h ing he attempts.

CA(R) R.CA Honou r A rts

6300 ROBB, D.M. London, Onto

Dove is the only senior army cadet to get posted as Artillery this year. must have been afraid to bear him away from guns.

and telling about handguns. college it


The army

His hobby is collecting, reading about,

He is the man of " 101 voices."

In his two years at the

doubtful if he has ever used the same voice from week to week ,

His vaults

on the box horse ore famous . He seems to prefer number five dress ta number sixes. Dove is always in a good mood, it appears, unless he is forced into the center rank and has to mark time.

His folk songs are a tradition at flight parties and always are appreciated.


6303 RON8ERG, M.E. Calgary, Alto.

R.CAF. C.E. Civil Engineering

The "Berg" is well known for his tongue in cheek humorous satire on anything and everything. He started out the year as Captain of the volleyball team but a rugger game retired him for the rest of the year from anything more strenuous thon walking.

It is

to his credit that he took all this extra time away from sports without complaint, using it to

study so that he could corry out his ambition of building backhauses for the R.C.A.F.

6305 ROW, R.A. Smith Falls, Onto

R.CAF. Nov. Civil Engineering

Dick's great ability on the sports field has mode him Hudson Flight's rival to John Landy. He is a member of the First XV and was a big asset in every game. His spi rit boosted Hudson flight In all sports and his hard work was reworded when in the Second Slate he was mode Cadet Flight Leader. Dick is on Easterner from the metropolis of Smith Falls, but he has Western hospitality. Many a night his cabin is a smaller version of the Senior Gunroom wth all the extras of

food and music. to success.

With a big smile and a pleasant personality, Dick will go for on the rood

6307 SANGSTER, G.L. Ottowa, Onto

CA(R) R.CAC. General Science

Grey has often been described on the rugger pitch as on irresistible force. Once he begins to move there is little that can stop him save the goal line. Grey used this ability both in interflight competition and as a member of the First XV. With Tom Calow, Grey represents the Royal Roods Stomp Club. Few core parcels enter the college without him asking, begging, and pleading for the stomps. is necessory.

He ha s always maintained that relaxation

To help him relox he has found a cute young miss in Victoria whom he visits

each weekend.

Grey's drive will make him a fine officer and a good soldier.

R.CAF. Tel. General Science

6309 SAUNDERS, J.M. Vancouver, S.c. Jim is one of the luckiest cadets in the college.

He doesn't eat Sunday suppers here .

Any Sunday afternoon he is seen going on leave to Oak Boy.

His cheerfulness has gained

him many friends in the flight and the college . Jim is probably most noted for his "redhot two gallon can" theory of cooking . He played soccer the first port of the year, then become one of the more faithful members of the Rep Calwoad Team on Wednesday afternoons.

Jim had the honour of receiving the award for taking up the least space on the

dance floor at the flight party.

6287 PALMER, J.W. Aylsham, Sask.

R.CAF. Nov. General Science

Jim is a quiet boy who has kept to himself during his stay at Roods.

He is very

keen on the air force and can often be seen wondering the halls in his flight cadets uniform. His fondness of music has resulted in hi s building up a fairly extensive record collection. Jim is always ready to lend his records or give a helping hand in all things. Jim is keen on "dolls" and we're su re he will marry one in true R.C.A.F. style.


CA(R) R.C.E. Civil Engineering

6310 SCHAMUHN, K.C. Kelowna, S.c.

During his Junior year Ken's hard working and studying won for him the stor and crown

which adorn his right arm. The Davy Crockett of the flight, Ken is a high scorer of the rep rifle team, spending his Wednesday afternoons ot the range and a few weekends hunting. He is the only cadet to bog a deer this year. Through the year Ken has worked with the choir and also with the LOG . Ken has chosen to follow the army as a career ofter obtaining his degree in Civil Engineering from RMC. His hard work here at Roods leaves no doubt that he will meet with success in later years.

CA(R) R.C.A.C. General Science

6312 SHWORAN, W . Taber, Alta.

Walt is a photography and record fiend. He has 500 pictures to his credit over a one-yeor period.

In Lasalle flight he is noted for the prodigious number of core packages

and money he receives .

His laugh con be picked ou t in any crowd.

and professes to speak Polish fairly well.

He was born in Poland

When asked what his extra-curricular activities

were he answered, lithe finer arts." Wolt is Hill Steven's official coffee supplier. He will probably be remembered as the one who played Johnny Cash records every morning for several weeks. Walt's friendly personality has mode him a well-liked cadet.

SKORSKI , B. Montreal, Que. Coming to us from Montreal, Bill always manages to keep the flight in a iovial mood . When he feels he can spare a little time from academics, Bi II can often be found to be writing letters to a certain Montreal Miss . The weekends seem to be a time when the college is invaded by sheep and Bill spends his share of time on "duty" counting them . A real "drive the-body" lad on the rugg€r field, he is on impo rtant member of the serum to Hudson flight . His success in the boxing ring puts Bill in good stead with all. Best of luck in your future, Bill.

6315 SMITH , D.F. St. Jean, Que.

CA(R) R.CAC. Chemical Engineering

Most people, perhaps, do not even have an aim but Dove has been successful in his aim. Ever si;'ce childhood, his ambition was to be an officer in the R.C.A.C. and this ambition was realized this year. However, Dave does not restrict his activities to the army. He was exchange editor for the LOG and did very well academically. Dove enjoys bowling and tennis and at every opportunity he will cflOllenge anyone to a game of snooker. His As Dave is hobbies include writing graphics exams and arguing with Dennis Tretiak. from Montreal, he is an ovid fon of the Toronto Maple Leafs and this year he came into h is glory after last year's crushing defeat. We wish Dove and the Toronto Maple Leafs the be·st of luck during the next season.

6316 SPENCE, G.E. Sa lmon Arm, S.c.

CA(R) R.C.E. Civil Engineering

Gory is probably one of the funniest cadets at the college, especially when he's not trying to be. His cheerfulness and drive have mode him one of the most popular cadets here. No matter haw low you feel, he can be counted on to cheer you up. If there was on award for the nicest cadet" he'd probably get it. Gory played on the water polo team for awhile, so he was a great asset in inter-flight games. He is a very good soccer pi oyer also and another member of the Rep Colwood team . He gets more CARE packages than the rest of the flight combined. 29

6318 STEVENS, H.J. Trail, B.C.

R.C.A.F. Telecomm. General Science

Coming to us from the interior of B.C., Hill has added much to the spirit of three squadron.

A tiger on the rugger field and a big asset to LaSalle's water polo team, Hill was one of the reasons that LaSalle made the showing it did this year. His efforts while playing for the representative water polo team



Enjoying the social life of Victoria to the utmost, Hill could often be found on the weekends in the company of a cute Florence Nightingale. Upon graduating from R.M.C. in '64, Hill will embark upon his career with the Air Force, where we are sure he will meet with every success.

6321 SZABO, D.P. Temiscaming, Que.

R.C.A.F. Nov. Electrical Engineering

Everyone has heard of Temiscaming without knowing exactly where it is, but Dan has put it on the map as for as Royal Roods is concerned . Dan has been on outstanding player in inter-flight, but this ond his very extensive social commitments in Victoria and across

Canada have left him little time for anything else, other than academics. on eye for the girls, he still remains true to the girl bock home.

Although Don has

6324 TRETIAK, D.J. Carrot River, Sask. Dennis is a "big, little guy" who excels in all he does.

R.C.A.F. Nov. General Science One of those things that he does

best is defending his hometown against vicious verbal attacks by his term-motes. Both it and Saskatchewan receive tongue lashings from jealous Torontonians, but "Tret" seems to be the victor at all times.

Sportswise, Dennis carried a heavy load. Not only has he been a weight lifter from his childhood days, but he was also actively engaged an the representative gymnastics and soccer teams.

Academically, he did well enough to be one of the fortunate winners of a trip to the Seattle World's Fair. Certainly, Dennis has mare than proved himself capable and will continue to do so in Kingston.


11!11 r





OCTOBER 5 12 20 29-30

NOVEMBER 3-5 4 18 25 DECEMBER 11-15 16 18 19-Jan. 7


Cadet Officers arrive. New Entry cadets arrive. Senior Term arrive. Recruits' Tabloid Sports Meet. Classes Start. Track and Field Meet. Interflight Cross Country. Recruits' Obstacle Race and Mess Dinner. Military Weekend.

10 12 18

MARCH 1-4 5

7 23 24

USAF Academy VisitSoccer Game. Hallowe'en Donee. Hibbard Trophy Game. Invitation Cross Country.

APRIL 6 12-24 28-May 11 30-May 5

Christmas Exams. Christmas Boll. Christmas Dinner and Carol Service. Christmas Leave.

MAY 20 24 25

Classes resume. Visit by Rear Admiral E. W . Finch-Noyes.

Visit by Major-General H. M. Rockingham .

26-June JUNE 2

Volentine's Donee. Visit by Air Marshal H. Campbell. Visit by Air Vice-Marshal H. M. Carscallen. Stand Down Weekend . Appointment of Slate Honour. Boxing Finals. Inter-squadron Swim Meet and Mess Dinner. Interflight Shooting Competition. Senior Term classes end. Senior Term Final Exams. Junior Term Final Exams. Senior Term Cruise to Seattle. Ex-Cadet Sunday Parent's Day. Presentation of Colours, Graduation Parade and Graduation Boll. Northbound IV. College Year Ends.


Dr. R.F.B. King Staff Adv isor Photography Advisor ___ Lt-Cmdr. c.P. Iisley Editor __ __________________ C. Keple Military Life __ __________ _ J. Led uc Asst. to Editor ____________ H . Crowford Ex-Cadet __ _ ____________ D. Renshaw Biographies ___________ __ T. Cawsey Literary __ _ ____________ K. Scha m uh n Athletics ________________ J . Loube College Life _________________ P. Dun ne Exchange ___________________ D. Smit h Photography __ _________ _ G. Main Photography . ______________ J . Kempling






Staff Advisor Business Manager Business ____

Lt-Cmdr. S.F. Mitc he ll J. Hinkley _ __________ D. Abbott


M. Geres B. Horwood Flight Representative ___________ M. Bond



5 I

F. Bobi a s. D. Lee J . Sou nders S. Rayner H . Gordon T. Lemaal R. Le ito ld P. Lync h


E 5 5

College Photographer ________ Mr. Feurey Athletics _______________ A . Bow les






Biographies Military Life Flight Biographers

J . Carru thers B. Cullen P. G ly n n C. Luke n bi ll P. Stewart _ C. Jurek S. Burridge T. Colow R. Chopmon D. Meeds B. McNeill B. Be ll H. Stevens (not shown) J . Corson 33

STAND DOWN WEEKEND by Pat Dunne The sap starts running at about the beginnmg of March, and Royal Roads cadets are no exception to this trend in nature . At 1200 hours, 1 Mar 62, the long a w a it e d Stand Down Weekend began . Well prepared plans for our three and a half days of freedom were brought to light. Our cherished civilian clothes were unpacked, our uniforms hastily put out of sight and out of mind, and we all headed someplace to "get it out of our system ." Many cadets went to Mount Baker fo r a weekend of skiing and frolicking in the snow . Royal Roads had a snowfall almost as heavy as the one on the sunny slopes of Mount Baker, but the skier5 brought back tales that made us envy them . Pete Messner was the only casualty with a twisted knee . He spent the rest of the weekend tactfully evading a reportedly good -loa king girl with simi liar troubles. Wall y Yankowich headed for Los Angeles, where we heard he made quite a hit with his pale pigmentation. A few of the Edmonton cadets decided to risk venturing back to their old stamping grounds only to find that the

temperoture was in the low below 50's. A lot of us were in Funville (Vancouver) short hours after our release, for a sure thing as far as having a good time was concerned . Many who were so inclined kept in good shape for the boxing by finding two taverns side by side and working out on the parallel bars . Some of us were even fortunate enough to be introduced to the gay set in Vancouver. The largest group remained within the environs of our hospitable little city of Victoria, no doubt because of the snow. The city reeled from the shock of a massed attack, but only light damage was sustained . Crumpled fenders and a few odd totally destroyed motels were the only serious incidents . Mike Bond recently closed a deal with the insurance companies: in return for never again stepping into a U-Drive, Mike will receive $100 per month for life. We think he got robbed . All in all, Stand Down was a roaring success. May we take the opportunity to suggest that a few more Stand Downs per term would raise the morale sky-high throughout the year.

DANCES AND PARTIES by Pat Dunne The first dance this year was the Hallowe'en Formal, held in conjunction with the visit by the USAF Academy. Juniors got their first loak at a blind date in Victoria and in many cases seemed extremely pleased . Our representative soccer team threw a party for the visiting team at the Grouse Nest. The USAF cadets were extremely pleased, both with their dates and with the entertainment we laid on for them . They left us Sunday morning with happy smiles and as a token of their appreciaton for our hospitality they made two low level passes over Wing Parade with their returning aircraft. The Senior Term had its first porty early in the fall term . The unaccustomed freedom of semi-civilian clothes made the party an unqualified success. The Christmas Ball was a very well planned and well decorated affair. The Junior Term is to be congratulated on its very fine effort. As is the custom here, all good dances wind up with a rip-roaring party and the Christmas Ball was no exception . A very sastisfying porty at the Elks Club concluded a very special evening . 34

All four squadrons held their porties after the New Year. All were well attended and there were no complaints about lack of either beer or sinful games. A warm aura of friendliness pervades these little gatherings. In addition to the squadron parties, almost every flight had an unofficial get together at either the Mess Decks or in some of the recognized places of pleasure . No complaints here either. St. Valentine's hit us when we were low in cash and close to Stand Down. The now famous phrase "all cadets are expected to attend" was given widely diverging shades of meaning, and consequently there was a lot of roam on the Quarterdeck for dancing . Many who were there enjoyed themselves more than on any other occasion . Finally, the consensus of opinion is that the social life this year was vastly richer than it had ever been before. Debutantes were escorted, new girls were met, old girls were forgotten, and our devil-may-care at tit u d e has achieved wider notoriety. A very good year.

DEBATING by Joe Pope I think we sometimes foil to reolize thot debating ploys on extremely significant role in our

daily lives as cadets.

There ore more debates

the changing rooms than in a whole yeor in porlioment. They moy not resolve

In Mnrch, a Royal Roads team of Joe Pope and Pat Stewart defeated the Victoria College Debating Union, holding the negative of the resolu-

undertaken daily in

tion, "Canada should impose a complete trade em-

many issues, and some of them are quite pointless,

bargo ogainst Cuba ." Victorio College made a significont comebock loter that month by defeat-

but they provide the means by which we con interchange our views on

ond the world . Debcting on

other cadets,



ing us in a return debate.

It was hoped that time would allow for a meet with U .B.C. in Vancouver, howeve r, such was not


beginning this year.

formol level sow a rather late

the cose and this debate will be postponed until

Nevertheless, with on execu-

next year. We owe a tremendous vote of thanks to Dr .

tive of Joe Pope, President; Jim Kempling, VicePresident; ond Pete Leormonth, Secretory, the Club wos put on its feet and in the several debates which were held in the new year made its mark in the field of rhetoric .

Carlsen, our foculty advisor and coach, who devoted a more than generous amount of his free time to

insuring the success of the Club.

PHOTO CLUB by Wally Yankowich This year, the Photo Club chiefly with the education of os possible in the delicote techniques ment. As a direct result of this

was concerned many cadets as of film developinstruction, the

By for the most popular subject was "the girl back home", ond it was nat very long before that petite,






darkroom became a beehive of activity, with favorite prints being enlarged to extraordinary magni-

portroit to be proudly displayed on 0 dresser. It is quite evident that the Photo Club proved to be a worthy organization, and it succeeded in

tudes, limited only by the size of the photographic paper.

one of the worlds most rewarding hobbies.

stimulating an avid interest in what is undoubtedly

THE CASTLE by Pat Dunne This year it was decided to revive an old tradition . Previous to 1959 the Cadet Wing produced

Patterson, Joe Pope, Korky, and Pot Dunne.


efforts have received high acclaim from all critics,


and now we toke this opportunity to thank the

magazine called The Twig . In the years 1960-61 the magozine died because of lack of interest. Now, under the able editorship of Mike Sake r, The Caltle

work will be carried on next year by the Junior Term.




was born.




many willing contributors.

We sincerely hope this

Assisting in its productiin were Locke

OCU by Larry Dick Each Sunday evening this year, abcut a dozen OCU'ers met ot Podre Mowatt's home for a short devotional service, followed by discussions on varied topics such as the value of duty, and ideas arising from the Padre's Sunday morning sermons. This successful year was mode more so by our

our visits to several churches

in Victoria.

The exeCutive included: John Leech, Preside路n t; Jim Kempling, Vice-President; Lorry Dick, Program

Convener; and Bob Lenahan, the faithful recorder of "complete and detailed" minutes of this year's activities.

viewing of several thought-inspiring films, and by

CAl by Bob Stickley With a considerable increase in me'mbership over lost year, the CAl hod on interesting year. During the spring term a competition was held for

Seattle and a tour of the Boeing plont there .


locol trip which is planned in the neor future involves an inspection tour through the Martin

the aword of the CAl Student Section Medallion . The competition was in the form of short talks

Mars Flying Tonker ot Patricia Bay. At the regular meetings during

on some aspect of aviation, prepared and delivered

several films dealing with the current problems of space research were shown. All in all, this has

by the members.

On March 17, twenty codets

went to Vancvuver by air to visit the TCA facilities

located there.

the year

been one of the best years for the CAL

There is also a possibile trip to 35

EXERCISE NORTHBOUND by C. JUREK This year Exercise Northbound was not only a recreationol period but also a period of practical training . Certainly we all needed this relaxation after the tensions of examinations and graduation preparations. To the surprise of some and the delight of others, we discovered that first aid lectures were the ideal time, in the P.O.'s words, for assuming the "Cadet's favorite position ." On the other hand, Lt . Greig's idea of the "favorite position" was one of constant motion up and down Nanoose Mountain . He sent us there after confusing us with eastings that went north, northings that went east, etc. In addition, who can forget the day when he was on Duty Flight, spending the morning cruising around Nanoose Bay studying brass polishing and deck scrubbing aboord the Y.F.P.'s. In the afternoon one returned to continue his studies in the arts of washing dishes and scrubbing pots . Wasn't it wonderful to see graduates, including cadet officers, up to their elbows in suds and steel wool::>

The squadron parties each night and the Wing Smoker added the finishing touch to these fair days of outdoor living. Then, all too soon::>, we returned to Royal Roads refreshed, rested, and eager to return for Northbound V. N'est-ce pas?



On the 29th of Apri I, 38 Seniors boarded HMCS Oriole and her auxiliary boats bound for Seattle, Vancouver, and pleasure . These were the Seniors who had passed all their exams on the first attempt . Thot night we sailed into Seattle where we were met by a group of that city's young ladies at a hospitality party. On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday we were turned loose in Seattle; the great attraction being the Century 21 World's Fair. The Fair seemed to swarm with cadets . Everywhere one went one could see a small group of blue-blazered cadets usually clustered around a booth containing a particularly charming member of the other sex. Although the Fair provided the greatest attraction some of the connections made at the hospitality party certainly paid off. Whether at

the Fair or in Seattle itself, a very good time was enjoyed by all . On Thursday we left Seattle and sailed to Bedwell Harbou r where we went through customs . This day was probably one of the most memorable since it was the first encounter for most of us with the misery called "seasickness." On Friday we sailed to Vancouver where 12 of us got lost in a swirl of teas and parties preliminary to the Debutante's Ball. The rest went out in the pursuit of many diverse forms of pleasure offered by thot beautiful city. On Sunday we returned to Victoria and to Royal Roods, both of which seemed very dull after the "fleshpots" of Seattle and Vancouver, courtesy of the RCN .

SENIOR GUNROOM NOTES by JOHN LEECH While the college year 1961-62 officially started on September 8 with the arrival of the First Year Cadets, or a few days earlier, with the return of the New Cadet Officers, things were not really in full swing until the weekend of September 14, when the Senior Term reported back for its second year. What a difference from the arrival of a little more than a year ago l Gone was the panic of unfamiliarity with "the System" and ahead stretched a challenging year trying ta beat it. Everywhere friendships were renewed after a few months off. Tales of summer training were swapped and stretched; we heard all about P.F.L.'s and Rofomobiles, about driving Sherman Tanks off cliffs, and about circumnavigating Vancouver Island . Happy groups of Officer's Mess or Wardroam-fed grins could be seen eyeing the new Recruits and rueing the day when P.T. would start again . While on the square new drill squads were valiantly attempting the "2-3" pause our term put away gold braid, puttees, anc wedgies, to settle in for the academic year. And quite an academic year it has been . At the date of writing, exams are hovering near; the culmination of late night wrestles with Chemistry Labs and bent Vectors, of Library searching and seminar-smoking looms close as a great challenge . The respect of the Seniar Term is extended to the Senior Staff, not only for their obvious academic ability, but also for their seemingly imperturbable patience . But there have been a great many other highlights of our Senior year which are worthy of mention. The Fall held a heart-warming " Homecoming Dance" and spirit building sporting events. And

who will ever forget the sight of rubber-booted, be-dungareed groups, surreptitiously shovelling streams into impassable mud-holes, converting waterfalls into escalators, and altering scenic beauty by adding landing nets to existing foliage for the annual Obstacle Race, this year a very successful test of the strength and mettle of aur new candidates. It was a pleasure to welcome our comrades of the Junior Term into their new uniforms during the festivities of the Fall Mess Dinner. Social events included the weekend visit of Cadets from the United States Air Force Academy, with the accompanying saccer game and Ball, and the Christmas Ball with the crisp hint of snow and leave . Standdown weekend again afforded that all too infrequent opportunity to stand easy during the "Stretch Drive" to the finals . The Seniar Gunroom Notes should ideally end in the Gunroom, the common room of our term . Whether serving as a world parliament, a dance instructor's salon, a TV. Studio, a cafeteria, a tailor's shop, or just a plain relaxing spot, the Senior Gunroom has been the centre and arena of the Senior Term, ranking above the Wing Office as the most lived-in room at Royal Raads. After all, where else can yau get everything from afternoon tea to chess lessons;> In closing, the Senior Term of '62, now looking forward to eastern climes, salutes the new occupants of the Senior Gunroom, passing on the position and responsibility of being an inspiration to a succeeding first year. May the Colours which we escorted to the Castle stand forever with the spirit of every Senior Term as the cornerstones of tradition at Royal Roads .

CHRISTMAS CAROL SERVICE by PAT DUNNE The white mantle of snow had completely melted away, but the spirit of Christmas diffused throughout our beautiful campus. The Castle and the grounds were an incomparable setting for an unreal and ethereal Christmas scene . The mood of anticipation for our long-awaited annual leave charged the air. His Excellency the

Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia arrived at the Castle on the evening of December 17, and our annual Christmas Carol Service in the Great Hall began. The well remembered hymns, the faultless Bell-Ringers, and the sacred words made this occasion one to be cherished long after we have departed from Royal Roads.


JUNIOR GUNROOM NOTES by STEVE BURRIDGE This year 1961-62 has been great, and our Gunroom log is bursting with goodies. Here are some of those we can safely put in print.

Helpful hints : if it moves, salute it; if it doesn't, shine it' B.P. The ANTI CAMPAIGN shall not fizzle' Elvis Surprise' Tonight we had too much kye . But after four pieces, your stomach sagged below your knees. Duty flight doesn't know what to do with it . Hint : tie it around certain senior's necks and point them due east . P.R .L. Recruits beware' Acute senioritis again strikes the college . Symptoms' A characteristic cry given off by those afflicted is "RECRUIT, report here," given off at intervals of 30 seconds.


Duration : one week, known as "Doggie week." No cure . S.R.B . There is nothing greater than humility, and that we have all learned . We will be better men because of it. R. N. McRae Q. What does Gagarin call his gash bucket? A. An astro can. P.R.L. The Wing (2,3) will observe (2,3) the stondard pausp. (2,3), R.S. Memories of men and events are ours, but still the future is unknown. S.R.B.

LITERARY A FRANK ADMISSION BY esc L S. POPE We had worried these last few days about many things; would they listen to and obey our orders, or laugh at us? When we reprimanded them, would they submit to our criticism or would they regard us with defiant eyes and yell bock: "Who do you think you are'" Our anxiety, ot any rote, was very strong, for this was new blood coming into th~ college, new faces and personalities whose owners, we hoped, would quickly learn to

put aside petty personal desires in favour of truth, duty and valour, the words by which we had learned to live. With the announcement of the Duty Cadet Squadron Leader that the recruits hod left Nonaimo half on hour ago, we donned our headdress and marched over to a position in

front of the Grant Block slightly west of the dais and facing the building. Some of the other Cadet Officers hod ~Iready arrived and others had yet to come. As we stood at ease and awaited the arrival of the buses, I noticed that September seventh was a rother hot day. The thick worm air, combined with our nervous emotions and anticipations of what was to transpire shortly, created on unusually sombre atmosphere at Royal Roads a heavy atmosphere which hung over the quiet green college like a giant cloak. A careless breeze danced down Cadet Hill and through the turrets of the Castle, and then it hurried over the lawn and the parade squa re and across the lower playing fields, the fields of praise; then it blew away and tried to defy the insolent waves upon the Straits of Juan de Fuca. These new "recruits" would be, for the next six weeks, the "lowest animals" on the face of the earth. They would be frightened and nervous creatures who would be continually yelled at, canstontly criticized, and made ta "double-off" penalties around the circle for such minor offenses as moving their eyes on parade and smiling slightly in the mess. And yet, we had prepared for their coming as jf far generals or admirals. Countless hours had been passed sweating aver boots until they were perfect mirrors. And as for brushing, never had we brushed so thoroughly and for such a long time in an endeavour to remove every speck of lint and dust from tunics and trousers. By now all the Cadet Officers hod arrived. We did not talk. We stood quietly, thinking. The last four days had certainly been very busy ones filled with briefings and instruction periods without ends, words of wisdom and

warnings, encouragements and sugge::.tians; but now we were on our own. Ever since we hod all arrived and put on our rank bars we had been living in a sort of make-believe world. At heart we were still junior cadets and we felt ourselves for from ready to fill the boots of those who had come before us. The bars on our lapel felt like meaningless pieces of metal which really had no significance, like a little boy's sheriff badge. The plaintive roar of bus engines gearing down at the bottom of Cadet Hill were their own heralds, and shortly, off to the left in front of the Nixon Block we could hear the drill sergeants herding the recruits into some semblance of three ranks. They then marched over to the upper square. As they passed by us with searching eyes we tried to hide, with looks of indignation or passive indifference, the ghastly pallor which covered our faces. As my flight was gradually formed by the Chief Drill Instructor out of the massive crowd of variously clothed individuals, I began to realize that I was having trouble keeping my shaking legs from buckling underneath me. As I took over the flight, I became aware of the fact that the next few minutes would be the most important and crucial test of all that would transpire in the weeks to come. I took a very deep breath and spoke the some words my flight leader had said to his flight one year before: "From now on you will be known as recruits. The roadway on which you stand is called the circle, and you will move at the double at all times on this circle until graduation day next June. At Royal Roads recruits are not authorized to wear watches, rings, pins, or jewellery of any kind. You have exactly ten seconds to get these things out of my sight." I raised my arm across my chest and stared intently at my watch. After a second or two I hazarded a quick look up under my eyebrows and all I could see was a flurry of fussing and tearing at wrists and fingers awkward, panicky movements as if their lives depended on it. And suddenly I felt calm. My legs were stiff and locked. My face was slowly filling with blood and it was warm. The sun caught my bars and reflected the bright gleaming light into my eyes. Somehow these little pieces of brass now seemed olive and real; they seemed to have meaning, the meaning and spirit that was Royal Roads, that had been passed on from year to year down the long red line.



It was raining. The clouds hod been hugging the mountains for five doys now, and everywhere one walked the ground gave up

little gasps as boots pressed into it. Only the densest thickets had underneath their tangled branches a semblance of dryness, and underneath one such thicket, one of sevE:ral hundred interwoven across a knoll, lay Ion Koutsky.

Kautsky hated fighting . He loathed war and everything connected with it. It was almost a year ogo, he thought, that the smartly dressed Army lieutenant hod knocked on his door, and had introduced himself as a recruiting officer.

He hod said his nome was von Hoff

or von Koff Kautsky could not remember . He chuckled to himself as he recalled the lieutenant : fat, with heavy jowls and a large mustache that seemed to tickle him, for he hod wiggled his nose constantly. Kautsky remembered the words of praise the lieutenant hod for his high school record; he remembered his appeals . "Just think of the service you'd be doing for your country," he hod said. Kautsky did, and refused . Leave a job for the Army? But hi s wife final ly persuaded him and Ion Koutsky become a recruit in the

Regular Canadian Army, a port of the 2nd Batallion , PPCLI . Kautsky found that soldiering was a bearable life - at least on weekends - but he was for from happy. Then the war broke out. He pondered for a moment . That was 1950; yes, about a year ago. He thought of the days spent in sick boyar hanging over the edge of the ship on the voyage to Pusan; he recalled the rain and clouds and mud which awaited them; he recalled the day two months after they hod landed . That was when he first sow it; the little house in the centre of the bright green meadow, the rolling hills, covered in places by groves of aspen .

Koutsky remembered

that he hod been out on a patrol, and that he hod suddenly felt drowsy.

He remembered sitting under a tree , and the

feeling he hod one of drifting, drifting away from himself, almost. And then he hod seen the little house. What struck him most was the weather vane on the roof; it was a rooster with a bright red comb, a green and yellow body, and black toil feathers that seemed to flow out behind. He remembered this as being quite different from the usually block or dark red pointed vanes people put on their roofs -

quite strange, actually, to hove one so colourful.

Around the house and in the meadows were people dressed in Victorian路style clothes; everyone was laughing, everyone was happy. Kautsky remembered a little girl

that hod waved to him, beckoning him and then he had awakened. Twice since then Kautsky hod seen the little house; twice more he had noticed the colourful, queer little rooster He had almost decided to accept the invitations vane. everyone seemed to extend to him; the last time he remem-

bered reaching towards the little girl who waved to him; then he woke up. In front of him he saw his Platoon Commander, with a pistol pOinted at him. . "Koutsky," he had said, "if this ever happens again _ ju st rememb~,r before you decide to sack out you may never woke up.

Kautsky started to explain, then thought better of it. Since that time , he hod not hod such on experience ogain .

He thought to himself, This is crazy How am I going to get out of this? How . He stiffened as the ideo hit him .

Then he relaxed -


Maybe -

their invitations?

no, that wouldn't work -

maybe it would

why not accept

Why not join them and live a life of joy

and happiness with no fighting?


it wasn't

He clenched his teeth,

and struck the ground with his fist . himself .

I will! he promised

The next time . .. yes, the next time . ..

Kautsky shivered, shaking a branch with his elbow and knocking the water from the branches onto himself. He stopped








branches. Ahead of him was Cowly, a lance corporal; behind him was the of the section. He shivered again, knocking more water on to himself, and then grabbed the bose of the bush and

in exasperation gave

it a

hard push .


muffled shot reached his ears as a branch above his head spun into the sky. "Cow ly! " he loudly whispered. "What the hell was that all about?" Cowly, fifteen yards away, rolled over onto his bock, and raised himse lf on his elbow as he shook his head . "Could be a former," he whispered bock. Kautsky ever so carefully moved from under the bush to the partially cleared spot where Cowly was. "A former? Around here? " He wiggled his foot against a toller than usual bush. Nothing happened . He wiggled it again . " Guess you could be right . Probably he figures a fox is ofter his chickens.

Soy, ore there any faxes in Korea?"

Cowly screwed up his face as he contemplated the "You got me there. I never seen any yet. I I He looked at Kautsky and noted that his face was wet,


but from perspiration, not from rain . He sucked in his breath, and let it out in a whoosh. "I bet there aren't any chickens in this damn' country, either. Hey Kouts, how'd

you like a chicken right now? Fried gold brown, tender and juicy, with mashed "Shut up'" lashed out Kautsky. Cowly looked at him hard, almost ready to retort,

Kautsky's eyes.

when he sow something

He looked down a' his feet .

of ~rass he mode a

little circle


With a piece

in the mud clinging to

his boot, then looked bock at Kautsky. "Sorry, Cowly. Listen : if I bark at you, it's because of this war; you know how I feel about this life. For God's sake don't make it any worse .

I can't toke much more."

Cowly nodded, and Dulled himself into a crouch. "Cowly?"

"Yeah?" " Look -

I said I was sorry -


"Skip it." " Figure we better go?" " 1 guess maybe so, or we'll never reach that hut. We'd better swi ng around this here ridge. You wait here

till we've all started, then follow behind . We'll meet at thi s spot here by 1315." He pointed at the mop he hod on the ground in front of him .

"See you later."

Kautsky watched as Cowly pulled himself along the ground with his forearms, until he could not see him through

the brush. Then he got on his knees and sot on his haunches. He pulled his rifle off his bock, and gent Iv wiped the water drops off the action . After he satisfied himself that there was no mud anywhere on the weapon, he

dug in hi s jacket pocket for his lost Cigarette. He gently pulled it out, and placed it between his lips. Then, removing hi s helmet, and pulling his jacket over his head, he lit the cigarette, crouching near the ground to conceal It.

He took five long puffs, blowing the smoke into his jacket, then put it ou t and returned it to his pocket . He pushed the helmet onto his head, and crawled after the section. He was forced to crowl for some seventy路 five yards through brush before he come to a scrubby forest . Kautsk y crouched lo w as he s lowly walked ahead, until he reached


a footpath almost grown over.

Following it for a while, he

soon decided it would be more advantageous to go through the trees if he wished to go around the knoll. The going was rough , and soon Kautsky was sweating.

He stopped,

swa yi ng slightly, and bent over to shake his head at a sudden dizziness which ove rcome him. His head felt heavy; he fancied a sledge hammer being swung against hi s temples .

With his left hand he pulled out the slightly soggy cigarette ; he stood up to s ling his rifle over his shoulder. Then he dropped the cigarette as his eyes beheld the scene before him . Stretching out for miles were green 1awns and graves of aspens quivering ever so slightly; there was the little house, and yes, there was the some colourful rooster . People

were all about, laughing and frolicking . Kautsky looked up ; the sky was a bright blue dome, broken by patches of wonderfully soft- looki ng white clouds. Suddenly someone saw him ond waved, urging him to come and join them .

Koutsky thought, Here's my chance . . . I've got to get to them"Kautsky!" He snapped around, dropping to his stomach instinctive-


Hi s vision darkened, and he shook his head to clear his

brain .

"Koutsky'" He peered to his front , and sow Cowly in the trees looking at him. He twisted his head around; the forest blocked his view. He looked up and sow a sky heavy with overcast .

Cowly started towards him. Koutsky stood up. "What's the matter?" he asked . Cowly pushed his way through a bush to his side. "The rest of the guys are way around the hill. watched to see if you were coming, and when I was sure you weren't , I came bock . You okay? Come on, let's go."

Koutsky closed his eyes, and said , " Yeah , I'm coming." He opened his eyes, and paused. " Cowly, what's the South like?" "The south of what?" "Of the States." "I dunno; kind of grassy and green, I guess "I wonder what it is and where it is," Kautsky asked

himself. "Where what is? Scy, what kind of talk is this?


you sure you're all right?"

Kautsky smiled. No, I'm not all right, he thought . His eyes hardened . Oh, to get out of this war. "Let's go," he snapped. "Hello, one -

hear me?


one, hello, one -

one; how do you

Cowly listened, then repeated, "Hello,

one one; how do you hear me? Over." He waited until the campony commander picked up the phone to answer. Then he continued, " We are at grid reference two-threethree-six-niner- five . No enemy spotted, are returning . Out."

Cowly took off the headphones and gave them to the signalmon beside him .

he looked first at his watch, then at the sky.

He squinted

as he scanned the gray cover over them .

" listen' " Kautsky scrambled to his side, and the two men cocked their heads, straining their ears . Cowly looked at Kautsky. " Hear an ything?"

Cowly shook his head . " I thought I did. Scunded like a jet - MiG." Kautsky nodded, and looked at his watch . The sweep second hand moved around the face in little jerky movements; the faint ticking was barely audible to Koutsky as he stored at the watch. He thought, Just like me going round and round, never stopping.

I wish my head

would stop pounding . Wonder what the weather's like bock home Snow Jill guess she's at her Ma's with Mike . Better write soon or they'll worry; Jill's like that . . Snow bright, white, with little pinpoints of orange, green and yellow . . Sure would like to hear the crunch o f " MiG!"

Cowly screamed.


The seven men,

sitting alongside the shock, dived into the bushes which grew within six feet o f the walls. Cowly threw himself away from Kautsky and rolled into the brush . Kautsky did not move . The jet come at them over the hill, soundless, huge, its intake like a gaping mouth. Kautsky closed his eyes. "Kautsky'" Cowly frantically called again. Kautsky started to stand up. He looked straight at the enemy plane, but all he sow was a bright sun coming out from behind a fluffy cloud, in a clear blue sky. The hill was green with summer, and gay with laughing people who were waving at him.


waved bock and smiled at their beckons: then he took a step forward towards them. He thought, This time for sure . . I can toke a closer look at the rooster.

Sure is queer -

Kautsky sharply sucked in his breath as suddenly the hills he sow were white with snow; the air was filled with blowing snow; no one was in sight. It was growing dark. He screamed.

Cowly sharply saluted, o"d stood stiffly at attention. "Relax, Cowly . Now Koutsky. You soy he didn't seem to see the MiG?" "No sir; I mean, thot's right, he didn't .

From where

I was, I could see his face . I'd never seen him look like that - all smiling and happy . He hated the war ." "The plane?" "It was some kind of MiG. sir -

come right at us, real

low Kolinsky got a shell in his right leg . I guess the Chink I mean the enemy pilot hit Kautsky three or four time s twice in the chest. Funny thing, though, about the MiG; just as it went over, I saw something On the

cowling .

Looked like a rooster -

a big green and yellow

one, with a long black tail ; almost like a weather vane . ..


As he remained sitting on his heels,


ROYAL ROADS AS SEEN BY SAM THE SEAGULL BY CSC W.S. YANKOWICH Oh drat, there goes that despicable whistle again, ond . oh no' not the bugler; please, not t he bugler . . . well, I suppose they're all up now . Boy-oh-boy, this getting up in the middle of the night is strictly for the humans. Gads, the revolting whistle again, and that bugler that's one cadet who is going to get IT from ME someday. And there they come, hordes of uniformed cadets streaming out of the building known as Nixon Block, some walking casually along, others running as if they were ten minutes late. To the best of my knowledge, there are twa very distinct classes of cadets that make up this herd : one species known as the senior cadets, and the other, the junior cadets. As I understand it, the main difference between the two lies in the subservient role of the juniors, and their boundless

willingness to please the insensitive seniors, who undoubtedly use these juniors as an outlet for their many unspent passions - the "whipping-boy" en masse . They've formed up on parade now for what I believe is a very brilliant display - a few select cadets yell blatant commands and the remainder of the group, known as the wing, performs various tricks. The leaders of the group, each in charge of a certain section of the wing, known as the

flight, then submit their request for a reward, and if the performance is pleasing, the human in charge magnanimously

grants the group the right to eat that morning . THE MEAL IN ITSELF IS NOTHING, but the ceremonies involved do provide a thrilling sight. For example, quite a sporting event is held before each meal, whereby each table of cadets clashes in silent mental combat with every other table in the mess to see what group will remain standing the longest time; competi t ion is keen as deep concentration reigns over all, not allowing an eyeba ll to move, or a smile to break out. At a significant paint in this contest, the spell is broken and an eight-way draw is proclaimed a most exasperating climax . The method by which the spell is broken is a ceremony in itself, the main idea being an attempt to break as many dishes as possible with one blow of a hammer. After the morning meal, it is time again for another display of diverse tricks, culminated by a very peculiar chase. One cadet stands out in front of the entire group, stamps

his foot, and all the leaders of the smaller sections immediately turn towards him. The head cadet then yells at the rest of the cadets, at which they unhesitatingly step out after him, chasing him around a huge elliptically-shaped course.

I f he is in fine form that morning, the head cadet

will easily outdistance t he pack, and will then confirm his victory with a dispersal of the entire group . The cade ts now proceed to academic instruction, for what purpose I fail to perceive . The c lasses offer a very relaxing atmosphere, and with a scintillating professor standing at the front of the class, expounding his abstruse theories on various subjects, the general mood of tranquility

slowly but invariably settles over everyone, with TOTAL mental calmness the indubitable result .

Mid-day comes quickly and once again the procedure by which the cadets earn their lunch is staged, and again the odd mess practices are executed . The afternoon session of classes begins soan after for

and a cold, metall,c VOice mumbles a questionable "STAND EASY ." I say "questionable," because moss pandemonium results at thi s sig nal , with the cadets moving with more

speed than they have exbibited all day.

Utter chaos reigns

in the changing rooms, and one can only observe that a direct contradiction of "stand easy" is predominant - a true paradox in all its magnificence. A few minutes later, the







smoking implements ore promptly extinguished. is now assembled and herded away.

The scene: the lower parade square grounds which


so affectionately

haven of tranquility for tired gulls."


The wing

OUR stamping


to as


The purpose of this

assemblage I foil to find a reasonable answer. Colour is predominant and highly significant: cadets wearing blue arm-bands are members of sick parade, and as I understand it, carriers of dangerous diseases; the cadet with the

red arm-band is undoubtedly the league .

leader of the anti-sex

Unfortunately, this latter effort is not very suc-

cessful at Royal Roads, as a new leader is appointed practically every day. Those cadets with red sashes are the playboys of the college, the highlight of their social festivities being the early morning parties in the gymnasium


I believe they call them "dee" parties. There stands a cadet with a white bond on his arm on which is marked the word "CWWO." This is undoubted~

~r on a,~glicised version of the ~atin word, "Quo," meaning

where , and thus I gather thIS poor cadet is perpetually lost; and is to be looked after by his fellows . Another cadet is wearing a similar arm-bond, but this one has the word "COO" on it. I can see no meaning behind this word,

other than it is one-half the cry of on exotic bird, the other half of which is exactly the same. Once more, the some head cadet who was chased that morning yells vehemently at the remainder of the wing,

and then after placing himself in frant of the pock, steps out very slowly with the wing following closely behind. I believe the cadet is chased around the square once at this slow pace in order to show the other cadets the route

that they are to travel later, and to give them the ideo of the entire procedure . The remarks of the head cadet finally become so annoying that the wing begins to chase him at a

much quicker pace, following him very well, as he hod foolishly outlined his escape route just before. All this time, various people are sauntering about the parade square, doing

strange things .

For example, one little fellow is holding

a giant navigating compass and is constantly measuring distances on the ground; another human, quite a bit toller

and slightly pudgy, works himself into a frenzy every now and then with his rather pathetic cry,

"KEEPYOURWITSABOUTCHOO!!" The chose is soon over, and the cadets are seen preparing for the work involved in earning their supper. it seems that millions of minute Brushing is predominant microbes are attracted to the blue jackets of the cadets, and this practice of " frousting" as it is called, despite it being

Eight cadets, slowly

a necessary evil, is looked upon as a HALLOWED tribute

strolling across the square to the Nixon Block; why, these are the same cadets I saw this morning quietly relaxing in their rooms while classes were in progress . These must

The evening passes quietly and quickly, as most of the cadets take full advantage of the fact that their room has a

all the cadets -


be the scholars whom the remainder of the wing so affectionately refer to as "The Artsmen ." With the termination of afternoon classes the horrible whistle resou~ds ~hroughout the buildings ~nce more,

but what is this?

to cleunliness .

(continued on page 79)


; j








WE CONQUERED AS JUNIORS! Recruit term had ended, and at last the halls and canteen were ours to enjoy at ease.

It began as Our feet first touched the pavement (deck?),

when we had descended, civy clad, from the buses, (which weren't buses but It finished as these same tireJ feet crossed the finish line of the


Obstacle Course, 6 weeks later, and our ears were greeted with the mem-

arable, "Well done JUNIORS!"

THE BAND "Keep your



"Duty bungler head table!!?"

you in the Band!" As




this fami liar cry ec hoed



square, the Wing could




confident ban d

squared away and ready to


It all began in September

with a soles pitch

to the


enumerating the many privileges (?) of

bond membership .

Morning practises were

held, and we attacked severol new marches . As graduation loomeq neorer, the band became a

Friday morning affair, but daily our buglers flawless ly performed their duties. 45


Gibson, Day, Boodwoy, Lt . Elrix, Fox, Mulder, Bond . Ambachtshee r, Baxte r, Bradbury, Calow, Arche r, Bird , Dunne . Arnold, Brewster, Al sen, Arm strong , Abbot, Beardmore .

Cooper, Griffiths, Bowles, Ba iley, Boulton.



Brown R.O.P., Cunningham, Hinkley, Lt . Elrix, Dick, Fraser, Anderson . Broomfield, Burridge, Yankowich, Dube , Bobioz, Chapman . Brown J . R., Chiasson, Cole, Corbett, Carruthers, Boyko. Brown, G.A.S., Cable, Carriere, Cope, Carswell, Busche, Clarkson . 46


Holmes, Laube, Leech, Copt. Entwistle, Leduc, Hemus, Kozie l. Dill, Meeds, Demaree, Gerry, Davies, Ducharme, Cullen.

Paterson, Cronk, Davis, Geres, Coulter, Crawford, Miller.


Takagi, Lee, Knetsch, Copt. Entwistle, Keple, McNeill, Lenahan. Humphrey, Glynn, Marshall, Jurek, Ivanachka, Geurts, Main, Harris. Harwood, Grandin, Kennedy, Kempling, Klassen, Jeffries, Cardiff, Harrod, Jakubow.


Bell, Renshaw, Oke, F I Lt. McCrimmon, Robertson, Schomuhn, Prichard. Liggett, Lynch, Row, Rayner, Player, Scott, Lemoal, Leitald. Leesti, Learmonth, Lukenbill, Kryzanowski, Mabee, Mallory, Lorson, Mason.


Summers, Stevens, Soker, Fi ll . McCrimmon, Stickley, Shworan, Spence. Menzies, Sounders, Draper, McCartney, Presley, Mowat, Mitchell, Rask. Pope, Parrish, Plouffe, McGinty, Messner, McCord, Robb, McQui nn.



Philips, McCoig, Corson, Copt. Snowball, Racine, Ranberg, Wilson M.J. Szabo, Grimshaw, McPherson, Riis, VanBoeschoten, Walker R.W., Wright, Whatley. Walker G.R., Welsh, Talton, Young W.H., Wilson J.e., Gordon, Wilson A.J., Umrysh, Young E. F., Zelmer.


O'Neil, Smart, CeL Copt. Snowball, Douglas, Palmer, Songster. Koropecki, Shamber, Shupe, Schmitke, Cowsey, Tretiak, Rode, Smith, Selig. Stewart, Sarnowsky, Ailey, Rattray, Savant, Swinehart, Revering.


SUMMER TRAINING SUMMER TRAINING - As a new policy, THE LOG, has decided to outline the Summer training of only one service a year. In 1961 the Canadian Army instituted the "Introductory Phase," across Canada tour of corps' school designed to completely familiarize potential officers with all the different parts of the service. So it is fitting that this year's space be alloted to outline the new idea.

ARMY R.O.T.P. TOUR A tour;> That's what they said; and that's what it was' In 1961, the R.O.T.P. first year Army Cadets had a summer training period that few will forget . Instead of spending our initial summer at one or another corps' school of our choice, we were taken an a visit to all the corps' schools, a two and a half month junket through those camps of our Army which awaken nostalgia in so many Canadians, to see the changing, moblie shape of the force of our choice in all its mobile facets . The accent was on participation as our " Introductory Phase" made the rounds of the schools, from the sands, tanks, tents and sunshine

of Camp Boren, the radios and technology of Barriefield, near Kingston, the vast railyards, warehouses, and maintenance facilities of Longue Pointe, Montreal, to the flatness and the guns of Camp Shi 10, Manitoba, the parachutes of Rivers, and finally the bridges, bulldozers, mountains and guncotton of Camp Chilliwack, British Columbia. It was quite a summer. Our crosscountry trip was enjoyable and rewarding and everywhere we were welcomed very warmly. While there will linger some cynical remembrances of the capabilities and limitations of a Deuce and a Half, and although some of us will never cease to shudder at the cry "One More Hill''', we can look back an a successful experiment, and remember that as officers under training, we had a better look at the Canadian Army, than have any of our predecessors.

MILITARY WEEKEND RCN-STRAITS OF JUAN DE FUCA The clean, flowing grey lines of the ships of the Second Canadian Escort Squadron hosted this year's "Navy" portion of military weekend. Warmly greeted aboard HMCShip's OTTAWA, SAQUENAY, and MARGAREE, all the first -year RCN cadets and several Army and RCAF cadets in their second year, were treated to a day's tour of these destroyer escorts in dockyard. Introductions to the complex electronic detection and control systems for the modern armaments, were provided by the crew, who went out of thei r way to explain with pride any detail of the important fighting arm of which they were a part. The next day the trill of bo'sun 's pipes heralded the departure af the ships for the ranges in the Straits af Juan de Fuca. Under-way, the cadets were able ta see all these systems in use, pouring aver dimly lit 'scapes in the sonar roams, and abserving surface and anti-aircraft "shoats" by the sharply cracking "Three inch fifties," and thrilling to the whump of the limbo bombs . At day's end, it was easy to see that these D.D.E.'s did indeed live up to the enviable reputation which they hald in the eyes of the navies of the world.

RCAF-COMOX The long awaited military weekend came at last, and junior RCAF and selected RCN and CA(R) cadets visited RCAF statian Camox . First impressians pravided by comfortable accomodatians and the well appointed mess were more than favouroble . The excellent meals and the pleasant mess atmosphere slowly relaxed the frenzied minds of all the cadets. In the morning, after a brief welcome, we began our tour . The maintenance hanger, in which the CF-l OO's of the all-weather interceptor squadron were repaired and given pre-flight check ups, gave us a glimpse of a jets complexity . We met the pilots and crew in the ready room, prepared as always, to react to any emergency. Another hanger introduced us to the Neptune, Maritime Air Cammand's time tested anti-submarine hunter-killer. Out on the runway, an

Argus, the Neptune's big brother, waited for clearance. One of the highlights of the tour was a visit to the visual control tower and to the GCA, ground control approach . Here, as everywhere, we found it most interesting and pleasant to chat with the airmen . The safest topic seemed to be the proposed swapping af the CF-100's for the faster Voodoo. Later, we fired on the stotion's pistol range and then moved on to the CF-l 00 simulator. After a fascinating display of simulated interception we returned to the beckoning warmth of the officers' mess. It seemed that departure time arrived all too soon, and as we were dragged from our positions at the bar, we all bid sorrowful farewell to our pleasant hosts of RCAF Comox.

To the right, one of No. 407 Squadron's Neptunes pot r 0 I 5 over the Pacific in operational training out of Comox.




THE DRILL STAFF S/ Sgt. Halligan, c.P .O. Cochrane, F/ Sgt. Chabot






Sports is one of the major activities at Royal Raads from compulsory physical and recreational training, embraced in the letters P&RT, ta the volunteer sports program. We have facilities for nearly all sports _ Rugger, Volleyball, Squash, Hackey, Water Polo, and many others. The following pages will give a brief picture of our sports program and the activities available ta cadets.

P. O. Duncan, C. P. O. Searle, Lt. Greig,


O. Jones, Sgt. Hickey.

FLIGHT ATHLETIC AWARDS AWARD The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The


Interflight Grand Aggregate Wisener Cup Interflight Track & Field Trophy R. I.L. Annett Trophy for Cross Country Running H.E .C. Price Trophy for Recruits' Obstacle Race Interflight Boxing Trophy Interflight Soccer Trophy Interflight Hockey Trophy Slee Memorial for Trap Shooting Interflight Rugby Trophy Interflight Squash Trophy Interflight Volleyball Trophy Intersquadran Swimming Trophy Interflight Basketball Trophy E.A. Brown Memorial Trophy for Rifle Shooting Alfred Atkinson Water Polo Trophy Interflight Whaler & Dinghy Soiling Trophy Interflight Boot Pulling Award

1961 -- - Cartier

MacKenzie Hudson & Cartier Hudson MacKenzie Champlain Cartier

1962 Champlain Champlain Vancouver LaSalle MacKenzie Champlain Vancouver


Cartier Cartier MacKenzie Fraser & Champlain Cartier Champlain Champlain Cartier & MacKenzie


Vancouver Thompson Vancouver No. I Sqdn. Vancouver

Champlain Champlain Vancouver MacKenzie


LEFT TO RIGHT: G. Von Boeschaten , B. R. D. Mitchell, R. W . Klassen, C. D. E. Cronk, A. E. Robertson, R. P. Jakubaw, N. B. Fox, G. W. Davies, S. G. N. Presley, A. J. Wilson, A. Rode, K. P. Ambachtsheer.

U.S.A.FA Game Ai r Force Academy Royal Roads

3 1



The Third Fifteen: G. Presley, D. Renshaw, C. Jurek, P. Shamber, D. Carriere . B. Anderson, W . Gerry, L. Knetsch, A. Lynct1, R. Leitald . L. Cunningham, D. Crank, J . Brawn, D. Wright.

The First Fifteen: E. Cable, W . Gerry, J . Laube, J . Leech, R. Chapman, L. Phill ips, Y. Karapecki . M. Sarnasky, R. Baadway, R. CeL J . Racine, D. Oke . G. Mulder, R. Raw, M. Leesti .

The Second Fifteen: D. Mowat, C. Demaree, D. Riis, B. Broomfield, P. Calbert, M. Grandin . L. Gibson, J. Hemus, A. S win e h art, T . Bailey, J. Leduc, C. Ducharme . S. Rayner, P. McCumber, A. Douglas, B. Harwood, L. Paterson, R. Jeffries.



Water Polo and Swim Team LEFT TO RIGHT: B. G. Davis, H. W. Crawford, M. T. Saker, J . H. RaCine, D. L. Cope ; H. M. Griffiths, M. W. McQuinn, D. A. Renshaw, J . A. Hinkley, P. U. D. Messner, P. J . Dunne; J . G. W. Carswell, G. A. S. Brown, R. M. Selig, R. E. Chiasson.




L. Mason tokes over from W . liggett in the Relay Race.

Mackenzie Flight "Toke the coke" in the Tabloid Sports Meet.

All recruits give an all-out effort in the Recruit Inter-flight Tabloid Sports held on September 15. The second year cadets stand by the side-lines and enthusiastically cheer them on .


K. Clarkson putting the shot.




R. A. Row wins the 200 yds. race.

CROSS - COUNTRY Training for cross-country storted almost immediately upon the arrival of the cadets at the beginning of the fall term . The 4-mile run seemed interminable to most of the recruits. The seniors hod one advantoge--they hod one year to acquaint themselves thoroughly with the grounds and knew every short-cut. From among the best runners were picked the members of the representative cross-country team which took port in all local events . Padre Mowatt was in charge of the training .

The Cross Country Team C. Ducharme, R. Leitald, R. Beardmore; R. Prichard, J. Carswell, Padre Mowatt, W. Plouffe, T. Bailey.

Inter-flight finals were held on Oct. 12. The Victorian sky smiled upon the event with all the radiance of its liquid sun s h i n e. Soaked but victorious, J. G. Carswell splashes to the finish line. Padre Mowatt is on hand to congratulate him .

The Commandant of the college, 'Group-Captoin Avant, is shown here holding the starting pistol for the Nelles Trophy Race held at Royal Roods on Nov. 25 . Royal Roods' cross-country team took port in many such events and placed well in all of them, thanks to Padre Mowatt's unstinted e f for t s at training the team.



BACK ROW: Cullen G.B., Swinehart A.E ., Ailey B.W ., Davis B.G., Wright R.E.L. FRONT ROW: Beardmore R.J. , Davies G.W., Shupe T .G., Armstrong W .O.



BACK ROW : Davies G.W ., Beardmore R.J ., Ronberg M.E. FRONT ROW: McCord M.F., Busc he D.L., McQuinn M.W., Humphrey A.J .C.

RIFLE AND PISTOL SHOOTING The rifle and pistol teams again hod a successful year. This is due mainly to the excellent supervision given by the Drill Stoff . Much thanks to CPOL Cochrane, S/Sgt . Halligan, and F/S Chabot. Top honours in the rifle competition went this year to Wilson , A. J. with Gerry, W .N. and Beardmore, R. J . close runner-ups. Top honours in the pistol competition went to Gordon , A. H. AII-in-all the outcome of this seoson promises much for next year.


BACK : Summers D.e. , Abbott D.B , Young W .H., Wilson A.J, Schamuhn K.e. FRONT: Bell R.G., Grimshaw L. E., S/Sgt. Ho lligan , Wilson J .e., Arnold


INTERFLIGHT SHOOT MEET This year the interflight shoot meet was won by Champlain Flight. Thi s field day was enjoyed by all , even though b r u is e d cheeks were numerous. PICTURES : ABOVE rifle and pistol team practice . LEFT - An F.N . rifle in action . RIG H T Alsen B.U. firing a Sten Gun .







Immediately following ond before standdown weekend our sports program was concentrated on boxing . The finals were held on Wednesdoy, March 7, which will be remembered as "white night ." Every championship bout fought that night was won by 0 boxer in white trunks. The men in white were : CSL W . B. Fox - Cartier - lightweight SIC D.J. Meeds - Champlain - lightwelter SIC P.R. McCumber - Champlain - Welter CSL D.G. Oke - Hudson - Lightmiddle weight CFL R.P. Cej - Vancouver - lightheavy CSC B. Skorski - Hudson - Middleweight CFL J .G. Leech - Champloin - Heavyweight SIC P.R. McCumber also won the Michael Phillips Memorial Trophy for the winner of a weight class who displays the bes~ sportsmon-like qualities.





G The beekeepers in the straight jackets pictured above are actually the three musketee rs of Royal Roads; J IC G.A.S. Brawn, CSAdjt D.A. Re nshaw, Professor G.S. McCaughey and J IC R.B. Parrish .



R l I



Anywhere you go, you are bound to find people who like to throw s~ones. Although we have such people, we have controlled this basic instinct so that every Saturday afternoon this group journt:ys to Esquimalt to throw

stones at red and blue rings on sheets of ice, and the rumour is that they call it a curling club.


REGATTA War canoes close engagement.

in a heated


A strong




good crew

carried this whaler over the finish-


These few pages give but a brief glimpse of the athletic activities of the year. However additional photos of the other numerous college activities have been scattered throughout the advertisement section.


CADET INDEX SENIORS Ailey, B. W . Anderson, W . J. Bell , R. G. Boodway, R. W. Bobiasz , F. G. Sand, M . Boyko, R. Bradbury, J . E. Brown, R. O. P. Calow, T. C. Cardiff, l. O. Carson, E. J. P. Cawsey, T . F.

CeL R. P. Chapman, F. W. Cooper, G. A . Cunningham, l. F. Day, R. G. Dick, l. K. Douglas, A. C. Draper, D. C. Dube, l. G. Dunne, P. J . Fox, W . B. Fraser, R. R. Gibson, F. W. L. Gordon, H. A. Griffiths, H. M. Grimshaw, l. E. Harrod, H. R. A. Hemus, C. W. Hinkley, J . A. Holmes, R. R. Keple, C. R. Knetsch, l. Koropecki, Y. J. Koziel, J . T . Leduc, J . C. M . J . Lee, A. D. Leech, J . Lenahan, R. M. Laube, J . N. MacPherson, J. Y . McCaig, D. A. McCumber, P. R. McNeill. W. D. Main, G. C. Marshall, W. P. Meeds, D. J. Miller, M. J. Mulder, G. Oke, D. G. O'Neil, W . T. Palmer, J . W . Paterson, A. l. Phillips, l. J . Player, R. A. Pope, l. S. Prichard, R. V. Racine, J . H. Rayner, S. J . P. Renshaw, D. A. Riis , D. W. Robb, D. M. P. Robertson, A. E. Ronberg , M . E. Row, R. A. Saker, M . T . Sangster, G. l. Sounders, S. M .

141 St. Lawrence 330 Union Blvd. 866 4th Ave . NE. 1109 Monk Ave . 61 Barrhead Cr. 34 Namao Dr. 1257 River St. W . 11049 145th St. 108 Glasgow Ave. 1071 Aloba Ave. 34 Walter St. Box 251 1164 - 2nd Ave. NE. 158 - 6th St. E. 28 Weller Cr. 5B Lawrence Dr. 12210-58th St. 436 Dundas St. W . 4027 - 79th St., NW. Bowness 509 St. George St . PMQ 47, RCAF St'n. R.R . No. 2 57 Chestnut Park Rood 11 Slayter St. 90 Billings Ave. Cambridge St'n 136 Fanshaw Ave. 1411 Eden Place 39 Weiland Ave. 749 South Dr. 3330 Maplewood Rd. 391 Miller Ave., Apt. 10 29 Donalda Cr. 2215 Elphinstone St. Market St. 225 Gladstone Ave . Box 356 142 Lebrun St., Apt. 134 - 23rd St. E. 156 Moreuil Wd. Blvd. 61 Neptune Dr. Box 227 Box 34 120 Perkside Dr. 1 Loke'shore Dr. R.R, No , 3, Gladwin Rd. 1389 Manning Ave. 7220 Ouimet St, 3125-2nd Ave. W , 10 Ortona St, R.R . No.1 13 Williams St, N, Box 574 Box 119 1380 Dagwood Ave, 312 St . Johns Rd, Box 155 1563 Ontario St. 719 84th Ave, S.W, 1011 First Ave, E. 216 Withrow Ave. 22 Bardal Ave , 173 Mt. Pleasant Ave, P.M.Q. 196 RCAF St'n 27 McEwen Ave. 77 Vanderhoof Ave . 504 Golden Ave . 2091 W. 61st Ave ,

RCAF St'n" Centralia, Ont. St, Lambert, Quebec Moose Jaw, Sask, Moose Jaw, Sask, Rexdale, Onto Trenton, Onto Prince Albert, Sask, Edmonton, Alberta Pointe Claire, Que . Ottawa , Onto Brantford, Ont. Manotick, Ont. Moose Jaw, Sosk. Prince Albert, Sosk, Peterborough, Onto Trenton , Onto Edmonton, Alta . Belleville, Onto Calgary, Alta . London, Ont, Moose Jaw, Sask. Harow, Ont, Toronto, Onto Dartmouth, N,S. Ottawa, Onto Kingsco, N,S. Ottawa, Onto Burl ington , Ont. St, Catharines, Onto Winnipeg, Man . Victoria . B.C. Ottawa, Ont, Agincourt, Ont , Regina, Sask Seaforth, Onto Toronto, Onto Porcupine Plain, Sosk , Eastview, Onto Prince Albert, Sask Camp Petawawa, Ont, Toronto, Onto Wyoming, Onto Merritt, B. C. Winnipeg, Man. Toronto, Ont , Abbotsford, B, C. Verdun, Que. Verdun, Que, Prince Albert, Sosk , Picton, Onto Beachville, Ont, ChilliwaCk, B, C. Claresholm, Alta. Aylsham, Sask , Vancouver, B. C. Toronto, Ont, Delia , Alta. Windsor, Onto Calgary, Alto , Cornwall, Onto Toronto, Onto Fort Erie, Ont, Ancaster, Onto London, Ont, Mara , B, C. Calgary, Alto . Smiths Falls, Onto Toronto, Onto Ottawa, Onto Vancouver. B. C.


Schamuhn, K. C. Scott, W. R. Shwaran, W . Skarski , B. Smart, S. E. Smith, D. F. A. Spence, G. E. Stevens, H. J. Stickley, R. L. Summers, D. C. Szabo, D. P. Takagi , F. Y. T retiak. D. J . Yankowich, W . S.

1985 Abbott St . 27 Winchester Cr. Box 1126 5289 Waverley AVE 5 McClinchy Ave . 355 Bellefleur Blvd . Lakesho re Terr. 1962 Topping St. 3478 W . 39th Ave. 124 Robert Wallace D, 455 5th St. Box 19 16 Lynd Ave .

Kelowna . B. C Caleary, Alta . Taber, Alta . Mantreol, Que . Toronto, Onto St. Jean, Que. Salmon Arm, B. C. Trail. B. C. Vancouver, B. C. Kingston, Onto

Temiscaming, Que . Notch Hill, B. C. Carrote River, Sco;k. Toronto, Ont.




Abbott, D. B. Armstrong, W. D. Alsen , B. U. Ambachtsheer, K. P. Archer, R. F. Arnold, S. J . Bailey, T . A. Barton, T . G. Baxter, T. K. Beardmore. R. J . Bird, R. B. Boulton, J . D. Bow les. A. B. C. Brewster, T. E. Broomfield, B. A. Brown, G. A. S. Brawn . J . R. Burridge, S. R. G. W . Busche, D. L. Cable, E. S. C. Cole . J . E. Carriere, D. L. Carruthers, J. F. Carswell. J . G. Chiasson. R. E. Clarkson, K. W. Ca lbert, P. J. Cope, D. L. Corbett, M. B. Coulter, G. R. Crawford, H. W . Cra nk, C. D. E. Crutcher. S. M. Cullen, G. B. Davies, G. W. Davis, B. G. Demarce. G. C. Dill , A. S. Ducharme, C. E. Geres, M. J . Gerry, W . N. Geurts, W . Glynn, P. A. R. Grandin, M. A. Harris, J . D. Harwood, B. K. Hurr.phrey, A. J . C. Ivanochko, R. W . E. Jakubow, R. P. Jeffries, H. R. Jurek, C. H.

Ottawa . Onto Willowdale, Onto Don Mills, Onto

Kempling, J. S. H.

Aderdeen, Sask.

Corunna, Ont o

Riverdrive Park, Ont o Calgary, Alta . Edmonton, Alta . Toronto, Onto Regina, Sask. Port Alberni , B. C. Vegreville, Alta. Trenton , Onto Toronto, Onto Ft. Churchill , Man. Vernon, B. C. Calgary, Alta. Coleman , Alta . St. Catherines, Onto RCAF . Centralia, Onto RCAF, North Bay, Onto R. R. No.1 , Ariss, Ont. Spruce Grove, Alta . Drumheller, Alta . Montreal , Que. St. Johns, Que. Ll oydminster, Sask. Vernon, B. C. Toronto, Onto Quebec City, Que. Landon, Onto Edmonton, Alta . Prince Albert, Sask. Thornhill , Onto Peterborough, Ont o Regina, Sask. Winnipeg, Mon.

North Bay, Onto Hantsport, N . S. Toronto. Onto Oliver, B. C. Scarborough, Onto Pa rt COQuitlan, Onto limehouse, Onto Calgary, Alta . Estevan, Sask . Ottawa, Ont . Fort William, Onto Hubbard Sask. Holden, Alta . Ste. Rose, Que. Scarborough, Ont

Kennedy, A. Klas~e n , R. W . Kryzanowski, M. A. Larson, D. D. Learmonth, P. R. Leesti , M. Leitald, J . R. Lemoal , G. A. Liggett, W . L. Lukenbill , C. C. Lynch, A. B. McCartney, D. W . McCord, M. F. McGinty, T . M. McQuinn, M. W . Mabee, R. H. Mallory, E. A. Mason, L. G. Menzies, K. M. Messner, P. U. D. Mitchell , B. R. D. Mowat, D. N. Parrish, R. B. Plouffe, W. A. J. Presley, S. G. N. Rask, D. L. Rattray, W. A. Revering, C. A Rode. A. Sarnosky, M .W . Soya nt, G. L. Schmitke, R. T. Selig, R. M. Shamber, P. D. Shupe . T . G. Stewart, P. N. Swinehart, A. E. Toltan, L J. T releoven, R. L. Umrysh, G. T . Van Boeschaten, G. Walker, G. R. Walker, R. W . Welsh . W . H. What!ey, B. W. Wilson, A. J. Wilson . J . C. Wilson, M. J . Wright, R. E. L. Young, E. F. Yaung, W. H. Zelmer, A. C. L

Apple Hill, Onto Winnipeg , Man .

Foom Lake, Sask. Winnipeg, Mon .

Winnipeg, Man. Ottawa, Onto Winnipeg , Mon .

Debden . Sask. Gimli, Man . Midnapare, Alta . Trenton, N. S. Ottawa, Onto Kamloops, B. C. Ville D'Anjou, Que. Brantford, Onto Kingston, Onto Pointe Claire, Que. Edmonton, Alta . Port Hope, Onto Hamilton, Onto Sault Ste. Marie, Onto Calgary, Alta . Brompton, Onto Scarborough, Onto Arnprior, Onto

Broadview, Sask. Niagara Falls, Onto Lake Lenore, Sask. Toronto, Onto Edmonton, Alta . Vernon, Onto Inglis, Man . Montreal, Que. Bridesville, B. C. Weyburn, Sask . Hadgeville, Sask. Calgary, Alta. Oak Lake, Man . Lacombe, Alta. Edmonton, Alta. Calgary, Alta. Lethbridge, Alta . Moose Jaw, Sask. Cumberland, B. C. Port Arthur, Ont. Calgary, Alta. Capper Cliff, Onto Fort William, Ont. Moose Jaw, Alta . ;t. Stephen, R. R. No.3, N. B. Orillia, Onto Calgary, Alta .

Four ex-cadets now serving on college stoff . LEFT TO RIGHT : LCDR C. P. Iisley, F/ L K.G. McCrimmon, LCDR S.F. Mitchell, LCDR G.W .S. Brooks.


Ex-cadets talking to cadets, comparing post with present .


EDITOR'S NOTES Almost without exception, the closs accounts received by the loss of contact ex-cadets experience. By pnnting each yeor an the " Log" to provide this contact. To the closs representatives " Log " extends its thanks. The " Log " depends wholly on the any account which will help it to adequately fulfill its purpose.

ex-cadet staff have begun with a statement expressing the

account of passed graduoting classes, it is the purpose of whose co-operation made possible this year's section, the information supplied by members of each class and welcomes

6296 D. A. RENSHAW

CLASS OF '43 by A. B, GERMAN and P. G. MAY J . A. ANGUS Angus

Ltd .,

Head of the Edmonton branch of R.

machinery distributors .

Married .

R. I. L. ANNETT - Killed as a Midshipman during World War II. H. C. ARNSDORF - Commander, RCN . An Air Engineering Specialist and Engineer Officer, HMCS SHEARWATER. J . F. BLEAU - Banking in Quebec City. F. J . L. BOYLE - Commander, RCN . Ordonance Specialist, Naval Overseer at Hamilton .


Married .

Lives in St. Catherines, Ontario and

is with Lever Brothers' firm .


R. W. J . COCKS - Commander, RCN . Staff of Chief of Naval Personnel , Ottawa. A. L. COLLIER - Commander . Left HMCS SKEENA where he was C. O. to take RN Staff Course at Staff College, Greenwich, England . W . E. CLA YARDS - Lieutenant Commander . On exchange with USN in Keywest, Florida . E. R. CHASSELS - Retired from RCN. Is now on Anglican minister in New Westminster, B. C.


M. A. CONSIDINE - Lieutenant Commander. Leaves Joint Maritime Warfare School and tokes up his appointment as Commanding Officer on stoff of CANAVBRIT. R. W. J. COX - Commander. Executive officer, HMCS CORNWALLIS . A. B. GERMAN - Commander, RCN . Commanding Officer HMCS MACKENZIE. Married . A. O. GRAV - Lieutenant Commander, RCN . HMCS BONAVENTURE . Married. G. L. HOPKINS - Commander. On stoff of Directol of Officer Personne l responsible for Electrical and Ordanance Officers. G. D. HUGHSON - Chemical Engineer with International Paper Company, Ottawa .

D. S. JONES quarters, Ottowa .

Lieutenant Commander.

Naval Head-


A. D. MANNING - Lieutenant Commander. Naval Headquarters, Ottawa. P. G. MAY - Lieutenant Commander. Staff, Maritime Commander, Pacific .

J . R. KILPATRICK Hamilton .

With McColl-Frontenac Corp .,

Married .

A. A. MILLER Officer, HMCS SIOUX. J. S. MURPHY as a Lieutenant, RCN . J . J . MACBRIEN

Lieutenant Commander . Executive Married. Killed in on airplane crash, 1952, -

Retired from RCN as Lieutenant

Commander and is now with Canadair.

Lives in Beaconsfield,

Montreal. Married . A. P. MACDONALD- Chartered Accountant running Edmonton office of Price-Waterhouse .

Married .

J . L. NICHOL- Lives in Vancouver, B. C. Married . C. G. PRATT - Lieutenant Commander, RCN . Serving on stoff of SACLANT in Norfolk, Virginia. R. A. SHIMMIN - Lieutenant Commander. Fleet School, HMCS NADEN. W . J . SPENCER - Killed in a flying accident as a Lieutenant, RCN, 1951. A. B. TORRIE - Lieutenant Commander. Commander of Second Minesweeper Squadron and C. O. of HMCS FORTUNE. H. J . WADE - Lieutenant Commander on staff of Director of Officer Personnel. J . G. J . WALLS - Retired from RCN and is now on the staff of the Deputy Minister of Notional Defense. J . G. WATERS - Retired from RCN as Lieutenant Commander.

In business in Vancouver.


Married .

CLASS OF '44 by J. WIGHTMAN The individual reports ore patchy. some outlying districts haven't been heard from for years.

courtesy of the THIMK Corp., "Statistics to Prove Anything You Like," reveals that the following milestones in this year's course along life's rum rhumb line: - added .24 .06 of a brass hot; received .005 lines under-scored in red on that annual love-letter Captain (this being a very creditable score well be low parl; reduced the mortgage by the waist; added 39 groy hairs but, at the same time, lost 39 hairs of whatever was quillizer pills and 71

tums for heartburn ; shot, with a non-service revolver, .0001

strength of the class motto " Moderation in all things"); bettered the annual

A statistical

5 U

rvey ,

members of the class ochieved the chi ldren to the family; acquired from the appropriate Admiral or $537.80; grew 1.5 inches around the origina l colour; ate 237 tron-

mothers-in-law (this indicates the endu~jng

income by $200 and moved from


ta Victoria or vice verso .02 times.


A successful journalist, where-

abouts unknown.

WAITE BROOKS - The squire of Royal Roads has finally left the homestead and is XO-designote of HMCS MACKENZIE, which is scheduled to commission in October. CASEY CAMERON - Secretory to Rear Admiral Brock and Deputy Naval Secretary, when he gets time off from curling.


ALAN CAVENAGH - (This is a family journal so we don't print nick-names of questionable origin Editor) At present on the Royal Navy Staff Course, having recentl, been XO of SKEENA. 68


No up to date word .

Making his

first million in Toronto at lost report.

AL COCKERAM - Staff Officer Communications to CANFLAGLANT. Blew into Ottawa recently and demoralized several of his old friends. JACQUES COTE - Vice Commandant of CMR. Recently acquired a very handsome new hot.

DAVE CRUMP - Practicing on occult art c a I led "Weaponry" in SHEARWATER. IAN DAVIDSON - Nothing new since lost year's report on his proctice of architecture and Alpinry (that's kind of a good word, Mr. Editor, please leave it in) .


Captain of the ATHABASKAN, appar-


In Victoria on the staff of COMSUPT-

ently driving the thing under the Impression that it's a jet

PAC There

F2H3 but hasn't hod a wave-off yet. Also bought a new hat recently. J 0 H N F RAN K - Engineering for the Aviotors in CANAVHED. Stdl full of vinegar and all like that. New hat, too. OON GAMBLIN - XO of the HAIDA. Haven't been able to unearth any scandal on him . JOHN Glll-XO of the KOOTENAY. He has one of the most electric-looking beards in the RCN or hos

been frightened by a bottle of it as 0 youth. BOB STAIRS - No word but he must be toiling some-

recently shaved it off.

Our lines of communication haven't

told us anything new . DON HARRISON - A doctor practicing in Toronto, we think. PETE HEATON - last heard of as one of the staff Doctors at Chalk River. FRED HENSHAW - Enroute to the RCAF Staff College in Toronto . Almost got there last year but the TAS men grabbed him on the way.

Some incredible stories to

relate about this officer but, like we said, it's


fomily journal.

ROBIN MANIFOLD - Serving at the Joint Anti-Submarine School at londonderry on exchange . Teaching the Brits how to ploy bridge, among other things. DANNY MARCUS - left the service this year for the cruel business world . He left with as many heart-felt good wishes 05 0 guy could hove.

SAM MCN ICOl - Somehow has wangled an oppointment to NIOBE, after some sea time in the COLUMBIA. He's researching a new hogis recipe


inclusion in the


scale of rations. PAT NASH - A Commander (there's that hat business ogain ) on the stoff of ADMEE in Headquarters pursuing a

by Rube Goldberg which Engineers operate just so they can life-long

love offair with the various devices designed

keep the Captain nervous.

DICK NIVEN - Has become sort of a combination psychiatrist-padre-detective who tells people how to do the lob in half the time at half the cost with on upper deck party of two and a half seomen. They call it "Work study" HERB ROWLEY - Toiling with recalcitrant engines ond unreasonable captains who just don't reolize that machines

have feeling and you can't talk harshly to them . On the stoff of the Commodore Superintendent Atlantic Coast. DON SABISTON - On the stoff of the Fleet School at NADEN, teaching young sailors how to become men . Contrary

to all expectations, he has developed a brain along with all that muscle . It is only fair to note that Sob, for one, did not odd the notional average inch and a half to the waist-line.


No recent news at all.

We would

certainly like to hear from him.


On his way to the RCAF Stoff College

having recently finished a commission in command of the



a rumor thot he never touches port, having

where reorganizing some esoteric division of applied physics.

ED WIGGS - XO of ASSINIBOINE, moving down the rood apiece to become XO of MARGAREE when " The Bones " goes into conversion refit .

JOHN HERTZBERG - Trials, weapons (above water) and other assorted intricacies on the stoff of CANFlAGPAC. GEORGE HOBART A rugged private entrepreneur building a successful business associated with the paper industry, based in London, Ontario . We heard some of his stories a year or so ago in Toronto and he hasn ' t lost his

touch . JAKE HOWARD -

A legol eagle of some considerable

standing in Toronto .


Up to his ears in his first million

or port of it, and making very

large wagers on



expectancy of people like the closs of '44. Living in Montreal. DOC IRWIN - Practicing, we believe, in Swift Current, Sosk ., the old home town. DAVE JEllETT - Stoff Officer In tel I i g e n c e to CANFlAGLANT. DON JOY - En route to BYTOWN, where he is jOining the stoff of the Director of Naval Training . Has recently relinquished command of the SUSSEXVAlE and the ship is apparently intact .

STAN KING-Captain of the NOOTKA.

He also

wears one of those nice hats with the expensive peak.


Probably the Minister of Education by

now for Saskatchewan.




but we mentioned the

problem of nicknames earlier) a doctor practicing in Montreal ,

we think. BUD lECKEY -

In Toronto setting up a flourishing

practice in industrial medicine. He was seen a year ago in Toron to and is still the lovable, sweet, profane bandit we knew so well .

CHUCK lEIGHTON - XO of CHAUDIERE . He is apparently healthy and bursting with life as usual. BOB MACLEAN - Assistant Chief of Stoff (Air) on stoff of CANFlAGlANT. Doughie has not yet developed ulcers like the rest of us, but he has got one of them there nice hats (there seems to be a pre-occupation with hots ')

IAN MACPHERSON - Captain of the 0 T TAW A, recently completed on all-round sweep of the For East ond South-East Asia. New hat. JIM WIGHTMAN - On the stoff of the Director of Naval Information eating double the notional average of tranquillizer pills for breakfast and in possession of very little information of any kind.

BOB WOOD - We remember him as sort of the Iron Man of the class, no recent news of any kind.

CLASS '45 by S. F. MITCHELL At this relatively isolated outpost in the commonwealth the news garnered from personal contact is negligible, therefore errors will be In evidence, but still it is the latest available in February, 1962.

P. M. BIRCH -JONES - lCDR . On stoff of F. O. A. C. R. CARLE - CDR. "By town". H. T. COCKS - lCDR. On exchange in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

D. L. COMMON - MR. lost heard of in England. P. M. CORNEll - MR. Bank of Canada, Ottowa . E. J. COSFORD MR . low in Toronto.


CDR . Attached to HOCHElAGA. MR . Working on construction out of


G. R. J. H.

M. DeROSENROll - CDR. "By town" . J . DICKINSON - lCDR? "By town". E. OOMBRlllE - lCDR_ "By town". D. EVANS - MR . Ottawa. 69

D. D. EVERETT - MR . Winnipeg. J . A . FARQUAR-MR . Manager of H.D . Hardy, Gen, Ins. Agents, Ottowa , Onto R. S. HAMPSON - MR . Montreal T. L. B. HEBBERT - LCDR On stoff F. O . A. C. G. S. HILLIARD - LCDR Transferred to MARGAREE . J . P. LAWSON - MR . Presume still in Toronto. W . S. LOVER - MR . Presume stdl In Halifax . D. C. MAT HER - MR. Presume still NEEAH WISCONSIN. S. F. MITCHELL - LCDR On stoff C. O . N . D. R. W. MORRIS - MR. Toronto. H. R. MULLAN - MR . Presume still in Montreal. B. J . MacKAY - LCDR BYTOWN . P. R. D. E. MacK ELL - MR. Montreal. A . C. McMILLAN - LCDR FORT ERIE

G . C. McMORRIS - LCDR BYTOWN . J D. McRUER - LCDR BYTOWN . W . M . OGLE - LCDR BYTOWN . D. C. RADFORD - LCDR CRESCENT . T . J . ROBERTS - LCDR Dockyard, Halifax . P. SAMPSON - MR . Montreal . D. F. SLOCOMBE - MR. Presume still in Halifax . R. C. STONE - MR . Toronto. A. W. SUTHERLAND - MR. Not known . W. A . TETLEY - MR. Montreal. J. B. TUCKER - LCDR Western Universlly . C . A. WANKL YN - MR. Somewhere indubitably . F. W . WHITE - MR . Ottowa . G. B. WITHER - MR . Winnipeg . J. H. WILKES- LCDR NEW WATERFORD.

CLASS OF '46 by G. W. OSBORNE ALL A N - Lt. Cmdr . RCN . Power Officer HMCS TERRA NOVA. ASUFIELD - Lt. Cmdr. RCN. HMCS N I A GAR A, Washington, D. C. BANISTER - Pedetrician in Montreal. BLACKBURN - Lt. Cmdr. RCN . TAS Officer HMCS SAQUENAY. BRAIS - Thought to be in Montreal. BROWN - Lt. Cmdr. RCN . HMCS STADACONA . CAMPBELL - Lt. Cmdr. RCN. HMCS NIAGARA , Washington, D. C. CLOKIE - Chemist, Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, Middle-

MANORE- Lt. Cmdr. RCN. HMC COMMUNICATIONS SCHOOL Digby, N . S. MARTIN U . T.) - Lt. Cmdr. RCN. Deputy supply Officer HMCS SHEARWATER. MARTIN (M. A. ) - Lt. Cmdr. RCN. Liaison Officer USS ESSEX. MAYNARD - Lt. Cmdr. RCN . HMCS RESTIGOUCHE . MIL L S - Child Psychiatrist. Montreal Children's Hospital. MILLER - Psychiatrist . Onlorio Hospital, Brockville, Ontario .

HANNAH - FRCS. Obstetrician and first mole doctor o n stoff of Women 's College Haspilal, Toronto. HASE - Lt . Cmdr. RCN . HMCS ST. LAURENT. HUGHES - Lt . Cmdr . RCN . HMCS NIOBE, London, England . HUNTER - Medical Doctor In practice in London,

MILNER - Employed by Imperial Oil in Edmonton. MORSE - Lawyer practising in Winnipeg . N I COL L S - Vice-President, MocCauley, Nicolls & Maitland Ltd ., Vancouver. NIXON - Cmdr. RCN. Electrical Officer in Ottawa . NORTON - Lt . Cmdr. RCN. Attached to A rgentine Navy as an observer during on Antarctic cruise. ODELL - Lt. Cmdr. RCN. HMCS STADACONA . ORMSBY - Employed by Norris Inc ., T ulsa, Oklahoma. OSBORNE - Statistical Analyst, Abitibi Power & Paper, Toronto. PEARCE - Lt. Cmdr . RCN . Squadron Communications Officer HMCS CRESCENT. PEERS - Lt. Cmdr. RCN . NDHQ Ottowa . PROUSE - Frank Prouse Motors Ltd ., Acton, Onlaroa. SMITH - Employed by Ottowa Journal. STACHON - Lt . Cmdr. RCN . Electrical Officer at NDHQ Otlawa . TITUS - Deceased. THOMPSON - President, Superlest Petroleum Ltd.,


London, Ontario.

HYATT - President, Evergreen Press, Vancouver. KER - Former near St. Thomas, Ontario. LANNING - Lealher goods manufacturer in Belleveille . LEWIS - Lt Cmdr. RCN. FLAGS TO CNS . McCRIMMON - Lawyer practising in Toronto. McCULLOCH Lt. Cmdr. RCN . Navigator HMCS BONAVENTURE. McDONALD Lawyer In Winnipeg . McGI BBON - Asst. to Vice-President Boord Products, Abitibi Power & Paper, Toronto.

WILEY Director of Market Research, S. C. Johnson & Son, Racine, Wise. WILKINS - Lt. Cmdr. RCN. HMCS STADACONA . WILSON - Lt . Cmdr. RCN. NDHQ Ottowa . W I SEN E R - Director, Wisener, MacKelier & Co.,

town , Conn .


Lt. Cmdr. RCN . HMC Dockyard, Victoria,

B. C. DESBRISAY - Lawyer practising in Toronto. DONALD - Lt. Cmdr. RCN HMCS STADACONA. DUNBAR - Lt . Cmdr . RCN . XO of HMCS CAYUGA. DYMENT - Working in family firm in Toronto. ELSEY - Wood, Gundy Ltd, in Regina . FISHER - Engineer with Dam in I a n Engineering, Montreal. FITZGERALD - Lt. RCN. HMCS ATHABASCAN . FULFORD - Water Softener Distributor in Brockwille , Ontari o.



Comptroller, Naranda Mines, T o ronto,


CLASS OF '46 REUNITES Durong the week-end of June 2 - 4th, 1961 , 32 members of the Royal Canadian Naval College Closs of '44 to '46 gathered at th e summer home of the Chief Cadet Captain R. A . WISENER at Sturgeon POint, Onto roo, to observe the 15th anniversary of graduation.


This is the second such reunion , the first having taken place in 1956, and a third is planned for June, 1966.

The 32 who ott end e d the reunion represented over 50% of the original cla ss and the number was mode up of 12 se rving officers o f the RCN and 20 civilians. They come from as for as Vancouver and Halifax. The occupations of the civilians included 3 doctors, 2 lawyers, a former, a major oil company president and a number of engineers and businessmen. Many on hour af life as a naval cadet was relived and many on event was recalled that did not seem too funny at the time . It was interesting to trace the activities of the closs over the post 15 years and it is worthy of note that all have prospered . During the weekend, the civilians challenged the sailors to a game of baseball which resulted in an official score of 5 to 4 in favour of the civilians. It is only fair to soy that shirts were used to mark the positions of the bases and nat infrequently were the bases moved to suit what was thought to be the capabilities of the batsmen! It is perhaps m ore truthful to report that the game ended in a draw. The highlight of the reunion was a mess dinner on the Saturday night presided over by our host and Senior Cadet of the closs, Mr. R. A. Wisener of Toronto. Many toasts were drunk ond speeches made in reply. There were many ather proofs that

the past 15 years have not dampened the spirit of the RCNC class of '46 and that there is a bond between us that will result in a continuation of these quinquennial

reunions until

death do us part.

CLASS OF '47 by N. W. BETHUNE ATKINSON Lt . Cmdr. D. W . Married with several children . Now XO of HMCs MICMAC, based in Halifax . BAYLY - Lt. Cmdr. I.M . Two children, working in Naval Headquarters. Home at 2012 Haig Drive, Ottawa, Ontario.

Lt . Cmdr.


J .CT.

working in Naval Headquarters. Ottawa, Ontario.






Home at 11 Wigan Drive,



now Vice-Presi-

dent and in charge of Merchandising, Marketing and Product Engineering for C & M Products Limited in the Residential, Commercial and Industrial Lighting Fixture business . Still travelling coast ta coast with many recent reunions with old classmates all across Canada. Living at 199 Lord Seatan

DAY R. F. Three children, now doing store interiors and other de sig n work as independent consultant, mainly in retail shoe business. Living at 2 Talwood Crescent, Don

Mills (Toronto ), Ontario . DESCHAMPS ALBERT.

"Pop" is now the Vice-

President of Albert Deschamps Ltee ., general contractors in Montreal. His firm undertakes industrial and commercial construction and 'Pop" reports that they hope to obtain part of the contract for Montreal's new subway . "Pop" and his wife Michelle have one son and are expecting the second child in June . He is living in N . D.G . and is active in skiing, golf and tennis . He is also the secretary treasurer of the Montreal Branch of the Engineering Institute of Canada .

Montreal from Vancouver where he has been promoted to re sale products supervisor of the plastic division of C.I .L. When out west he sow Sam and Marg Toy and Bob and

ELLIS - Lt . Cmdr. T .H. Married , one daughter 5, 5.0 . (Communications) to Cancomflt . going as XO HMCS FORT ERIE, April 26th . Yogi Jenso n is CO. EMERSON - Lt . Cmdr . G. H路. Two children and working for HMCS sTADACONA, Halifax . FROST - H .L. Married with children and believed to

Marg Montgomery fairly frequently . George Currie is the godfather of John's third son Mark .

be heading Frost Steel Products in Hamilton . down further at time of writing .

In Vancouver, John and Naomi finally acquired a daughter to round out the family . John is naw looking for a house in Pointe Claire and is off on a business trip to England for three weeks at the beginning of May.

GRAHAM - J.P. John is on investment analyst with Greenshields I ncorporated in Montreal. He is also chai-rman of the Quebec District Education Committee of the Investment Dealers Association . John has two children, a boy and a

CARRUTHERS - K.D .B. Two children, now on architect with E.M . Pei Associates, port of the Webb and Knapp

girl, and enjoys skiing and golf . Home at 24 Summit Crescent, Westmount, P.Q. HAYES - T .D. Believed to be in Ottowa and influ-


Willowdale, (Toronto) Canada . John has recently returned to BRENCHLEY - J .A.

organization in New York . Has recently been directly involved in Montreal's tremendous Place Ville Marie develop-

ment . Home at Apt . 21, 222 Central Pork South, New York (City). CLARKE - Lt . Cmdr. J .Y. "Several" children . Now XO of HMCS NEW GLASCOW, based at Esquimalt . Now EnCOHRS - Lt. Cmdr . J . L. Two children . gineer Officer of HMCS COLUMBIA, based in Halifax . COSTAR-Lt. R.O. Married with children m and working On Stoff Command Technical Officer, Halifax. CREERY T .W .H. Now married and Washington correspondent for Southam Press.


Dr. G. R.


G.N .M .

ential in high places.

to be working


"Napier" is President of Urwick,

Currie Limited, Management consultants, in Montreal. His work takes him all over Canada, frequently to Toronto, and he has seen several members of the term during the post year . Recently the Wisharts visited the Curries in Montreal and George keeps in touch with John Brenchley, John

Fisher, Dr. Philip Banister, Bill Tetley, and hod dinner with Sam and Marg Toy in Vancouver. George and Daphne have three children, two girls and a boy. They recently returned from a skiing holiday in

Europe . living at 36 Franklin Avenue, Montreal 16, P.Q. DAVIS Lt . Cmdr. W .E. One very new son, and Secretory to Concomflt., Halifax, (The abbreviation is his).

Home at 5718 Iglis Street. Halifax, N .s.

Unable to pin

Unable to trace at time of writing.

HENLEY - Lt . Cmdr. A.T. Married, three children, serving in HMCS ASSINIBOINE as Squadron Navigato r of the 2nd Canadian Escort Squadron . HOPKINS - S.E. Lt . Cmdr. Married , three children (two boys, one girl), Seni o r Engineer of HMCS BONAVENTURE . HORN - J .A.N . Believed to be bock in paradise Kelowno , B. C .

N o up-to-date report .


Winnipeg at Chi Idren's Hospital and University of Manitoba, specializing as a physician on dIseases of children's hearts. Married with at least two children.





Lt. Cmdr. J .G.R.


Ferry, Quebec . KER - D.N .


One child.






7938 Laburnum Street. Vancouver, B.C

Presently in the accounting department of Canadian Pacific Airlines . He reports that his present job is that of being in charge of the company budget. D .N . recently married a Vancouver based Dane , but took the trouble to travel to Denmark for their wedding. He reports all visitors are welcome , as far a s any visiting firemen or term mates are concerned .

KER-Lt. Cmdr. 5.1. Two children. HMCS ATHABASKAN , base in Halifax. KING -



XO of

" 1 top people on the shoulder" is the

way that Knobby describes his work. He is with the Deportment of National Revenue and is engaged in corporation asse ssme nt work. Knobby still lives in St. Lambert

and has tw o children, a boy and a girl.

He ploys golf

regularly and ha s had recent contact with Pete Kn ox- Leet

and Hop Well s. P. Q.

Address: 326 Tudor Avenue


St. Lamber 71

KNOX-LEET -- R.M . Pere lives in Montreal and has three children. He works for Nordoir as a pilot and has been flying on D.E W . line work . Home at 128 Arrowhead Crescent, Poi nte Claire, Quebec . LAMBI E - Lt . Cmdr. Still single . Has been serving as A / Sec. on the stoff of Flag Officer, Pacific Coast and soon to toke ove r a s Supply Officer, HMCS CRESCENT, based in Halifax. LATTIMER-J .E. Jim is the only member of our class li ving in Montreal who is sti ll active in the Navy. He is the XO of HMCS DONNACONA and is a lieutenant commander. As a lawyer Jim's work involves a general practice. Extra -c urricular activities include squash, skiing

and sai ling at the R.CN .S.A. and the Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club. McCLEAN - Lt . Cmdr . R.L. Married, no children, now S. O. (TAS) to Cancomflt ., going as XO HMCS McARRAN in September. MONTGOMERY - R.A.F . Presently practising low, rai si ng children (nearly tw o), and building a new home in

Calgary, Alberta .


it Or not,

Bob specializes in

Caurt work!

MURWIN - Lt . Cmdr . J .H. Four children . Now Communications Officer in HMCS BONAVENTURE, based in Halifax . NURSE - R.J . Seven children ( I), now working in systems design for Minneapolis-Honeywell in St . Pet.ersburg,

Florida . We are to ld that he may ha ve helped brIng Col. Glenn bock safely. living at 1468 Maple Street, Clearwater, Fl orida.

QUAIN -- R.CH . Recently married and practising low in Ottowa (Quain & Quoin ). Home at 141 Cooper Street , Ottowa , Ontario.

RATCLIFFE - Lt. Cmdr. R. Two children, now in Washington, D. C , coming to Halifax as XO of HMCS ST. CROIX, a Restigouche closs Oestroyer, sometime t his summer.

REFORD E.B.M .S. Bo is the Vice-President of E. A. Gibson & Reford Ltd ., shipping brokers In Montreal His compan y is part of the Hunting group and hi S work involves chartering ships . Bo skis in th~ winter and has

seen Jim Lattimer and Pop Deschamps occasionally.


dress: 3777 Cote Des Neiges, Montreal, P. Q. REID - R.H. Fairly recently married, no children . Now First Officer on Vanguards for T.CA . and liVing the good life on a farm near Beaton, Ontario.


P.CG .





Vancouver (" Poutln ' Pete ") Peter ha s two children, one dog, and carries on a very busy law practice in his spare time . He is the first of the closs of ' 47 to return to the active naval rank s in that he ha s been promoted to

Captain of his own 33 - foot cutter sloop, which ha s sai led in many local races, including the "Swi ftsur e."

RUSK - Lt. Cmdr . H. Two boys, serving as Staff Officer (Weapons Underwater> on the stoff of Flying Officer Pacific Coast. SMITH - Lt . Cmdr. H . W. Two daughters. Now at Naval Headquarters


Ottowa .

H ome ot 74 Reid Avenue,

Ottowa. STEEL - Lt. Cmdr . D.B. One boy, XO HMCS GLOUCHESTER, Naval Radio Station outside Ottowa . Lecturing in THOMAS - Dr. H.E. Three children . Law and Psychiatry at University of Pittsburgh, in port-time private practice and training to be a psycho-analyst . (Closs

of '47 always did need one of those ) Home at 363 BreodmOOr Avenue, Pittsburgh 34, Pennsy' lvania , U.S.A. TOY - S.M . 4749 Belmont Avenue, Vancouver _ not disbarred from the practice of low yet . tw o dogs, one cat and no further comments.


Five children,

Two chi ldren, now in Accounting

Administration with T . Eaton Company in Toronto.


at 137 Crescent Rood, Toronto . WALES - Lt . Cmdr . D. G. Two children . Commanding Officer of HMCS CHIGNECTO, a Minesweeper based in Halifax. WELLS - H. He is a pilot with T .CA. and lives in Como, P. Q. We understand that he has three daughters. WISHART - D.E. Three children and a partner at Clarkson, Gordon & Co., chartered accountants. Living at 73 Harper Avenue in Toronto.

NORM BETHUNE, in contributing this report, wishes to thank WILLIE DAVIS in Halifax, GEORGE CURRIE in Montreal, HAROLD SMITH in Ottawa, SAM TOY in Vancouver and HARRY RUSK in Victoria, for their regional reports, which have been used verbotum, wherever printable.

CLASS OF '49 by Lt. Cmdr. E. D. FRANCIS BELL - H .A. Soon to return to Engineering duties in HMCS NADEN marking hi s first visit to the west coast

plumber for some time now and may well have moved on to a new appointment .



in thirteen years.

doing for

CREECH - J .L Jim is now in Headquarters on the stoff of D. N . Comm . FRANCIS - E.D. Ted is currently serving in HMCS FRASER. KENNEDY - J .K. Jake has returned to SHEARWATER and is serving as Senior Pilot in VU-32 . KIKBY - R.H. Lost heard of running the Weapons Deportment in ST. CROIX. MACKAY - R.A. Rusty is still keeping the propulsion

the East Coast. STEWART -









on ly



Someday we'll find out what Rasco is

living -

lotest news is tri -se rvice functions on


Stew has recently token up the

appointment of Staff Officer Communications to the Senior

Canadian Naval Officer Afloat, Atlantic Coast. WELBOURN - W .G. Moose, are you still in Terra Nova or where do we forward your mess bills?

WILSON - M .D. Our term's springer who may now be sp rung from his labours as Stoff Officer P&RT Atlantic Coast. YOUNG - K.M . Last by alphabet, but first in seniority, Keith is now the Flog Lieutenant Commander to the






Naval Boord .


. .



It would appear that seve rol dog teams with mail were way路 laid In the Kootenays thiS yeor, as a res~lt news on t e First Eighty-five is a little scanty. H owever, from the various publications which managed to get through , It would appeor

th t 路t has been a profitable year for many of the class . d a 'For the Naval contingent this has been the " Year of the Half Stripe" as all lieutenants of the closs were promote to the lofty rank of Lieutenant-Commander.

will be dealt with hereunder. 72

The majority of the Senior Service are stili located on either Coast -

but Individuals

TINO COTARAS is in Miramichi in command; DICK OKROS usually sails with him, in command of Cowichan . ROGER SWEENEY leaves the west Coast in the fall to go to the Weapons Division " Stodocona ". STAN RIDDELL is in Morgoree and has just returned from a pleasant threemonth cruise to the For East. Yours truly is still holding down a desk at Ye Olde College. IAN McKEE reports in from Hochelaga that he is enjoYing life learning about Man Management and keeping the

better sports



the area

in use .



sorry to hear that NICK PEREAUL T has left the Navy, and hasten to wish you all the best in your continued coreer

of teaching, Nick. HANK DESAULLES has token the leap into wedded bliss, and is now in double harness.

In Kingston, MONTE MOFFAT is busy with the current Army Staff Course . This, I gather, involves considerable travelling, and even more studying. GARY HAMMOND and BRIAN SIMONS are on the some course. After a year in Ottawa, BOB PEACOCK is looking forward to his posting to I Bn PPCLI at Work Point Barracks in June of this year. Major DAN LOOMIS is a Company Commander in the 1st Bn RCR, currently at Camp Ipperwash . He is anticipating

countered on on RCAF sched路run out of Vancouver in January. However, Phil tells me that Summerside is home where he flies the Argus for Maritime Proving and Experi-



DUSTY RHODES is also flying Argus for

Maritime Air Command after a long stint of recruiting in

Calgary. DR . GUY ARSENAULT (the only non-naval member of "F" Class '49) is now working at the Naval Research Establishment, Halifax . His associates of " F" Class obviously had some effect upon him . That balding chap of Air Force fame, BOB COCKBURN, is still wearing a toupee out of CEPE Cold Lake . Bob was one of the first Canadians to toke the CF 104 conversion and expects to spend another year up in the beautiful frozen North. MIKE PIDDINGTON is ministering to the needs of the faithful



Lookout, Ontario,


expects to


there this fall. Incidentally, Michael is an honorary Chaplain of the R.M.C. Club. Congratulations, Mike' IAN WISHART, our other "Man of the Cloth " is reported in the Queen City of the West - Regina. The

onl y overseas correspondence




the unit's transfer to Germany in October 62 .

LOCHEAD who reported in from HMS COLLINGWOOD in

It is understood that HERBIE PITTS is in AHQ learning the intricacies of the Army as E. A. to CGS . BOBBY BULL

Gosport Hampshire where he is instructing RN apprentices .

is keeping him company in Headquarters .

expecting to return to Canada this summer, but the Navy has, thus for, kept their destination a secret.

Most surprising

news of the year is the fall from bachelorhood of that redoubtable veteran - JOE DEVLIN . We jOin in wishing Joe our congratulations

joining the ranks of . .



As for as is known only JOHN ARNOLD in Montreal has preserved his masculine sanctity.

MOE LALONDE is still in Air Force Headquarters as a Squadron Leader. Beyond doubt he leads the field of family men, at lost report he and his charming wife Daphne

were counting

6 2 / 3 off-spring!


Dave and Ann, with their family of four children,


AL WALLIS has just welcomed his fifth son into the world, and leaves shortly for Indo China as a Squadron Leader on the Truce Commission. from

That completes the information received from the term; the remainder we must presume that ItNo News is

Good News"!

was en-


Supply officer at Stn . Trenton

where he is working for the Air Movements Unit.

two children. ART BEEMER -

One wife,

Art was still in Germany with the

the few successful escape and evaders as for as wedding bonds are concerned.

BOB GROSS - A Tonk Corps Captain last seen at Camp Borden. Bob has " flying" plans . DICK HITESMAN - XOing for HMCS Skeena out of

army at last report . Married with two children.


BOB BIGELOW - Bob was still teaching in Vancouver at last report . Myrtle and he have two children. RUSS BLACK - Still n9 word on Russ. DICK BOHNE - An army engineer. LEN BALGER - An engineer for Shell Oil in Calgary . Last report wife (Jean) and one child. JOHN CAMPBELL - Civilian doctor near Toronto. SCOTTY CAMPBELL - Naval office r on East Coast

DUTCH HOLLAND - Killed in CF- I 00 crash in 1955 at North Boy. ROD HOUSTON - Engineering officer in naval aviation at Shearwoter with Experimental Squadron VX 10. JOHN HUDSON - A staff officer at Maritime HQ in Halifax . JOHN JEFFRIES - "Where tell me where" Ed. RALPH KEEN - Engineering the army in Europe.

on tri路service appointment . Married; one child at lost word .

NORM KERR Rumours on Norm from various centers but nothing confirmed .

DAVE CHALMERS- Engineering for Shell Oil. Married (Buz, of course) with at least 3. ERIC CHOPPELL - Still in the armament branch of the RCAF but no idea where. TONY CLARK - Tony is still with Pratt-Whitney at Longueuil, P. Q. Busy showing Dusty Miller the ropes. NORM CRESSEY - Norm has mode it all the way from his hometown of North Bottleford to Saskatoon. He is managing on engineering branch there .





navy at Stadacona,

weapons officer, no less.

RIC EDWARDS - A medical doctor in New Market. Beryl and he had one child at last report . GARY ERNST - With the navy in Ottowa working for Director General Ships. FITZ FITZPATRICK - Chasing ambulances in Toronto. TED FOREMAN - Lost heard of i~ the UK on exchange duties with the RN. BOB FRASER - Lost heard of in the Hamilton area where he was working as on engineer.


Engineering specialist with navy.

Lost seen in HMCS Sussexvale working out of Esquimalt .


A geology instructor at UNB . One of

Dick's specialty is navigator .

TED KALBER - A United Church minister who finally foced the altar from the other side this past year. If I hadn't lost his oddress he would be writing this class report!

BOB KOSTIUK - Killed in Sabre crash in Germany in 1955 . JOHN KYLE - Teaching at U of A, Edmonton . BILL LAW - Trying to outchose Fitz in Toronto. CLARK LOWRY - Lost seen in UK on exchange duties with British army .








KEN McCRIMMON - Can be located as follows : To Aug . 62 Royal Roods To Oct. 62 Portage La Prairie To Jan . 63 Chatham, NB. To May 63 Cold Lake, Alta . After May 63 Flying CF-I04's in Europe (he hopes ). HUGH McKEE - Ugh tock the Bomarc cOurse at Boeing last su mmer and is now at N orth Bay as a civilian engineer. JOHN McKENZIE - Still no word . KEN McMILLAN -

Ken is working as on engineer in

the atomic line near Weston .


DAVY MARTIN - No word on the big fellow . PINKY MAKEN - XO of Minesweeper HMCS Thunder out of Halifax . Wife and three children. BILL MARCHANT - With the navy on the east coast, serving in


Algonquin, a destroyer escort.


Navigator in HMCS Restigauche. Just

bock from subma rine service with RN in Molto . Wife and

four children DUSTY MILLER - With Tony at Pratt and Whitney in Longueuil , P. Q. Dusty got his MSc from Queens 2 years ago. GUS MOREN - At station Centralia with RCAF picking cadets for Royal Roods and those other places . NORM MORRIS - Executive of firm in Ontario. BOB OME - Bob is a ship constructor with RCN , presently in Ottowa with Director General Ships.


With Lands and Forests branch of

Provincial government in Victoria. Wife and two children.

JOHN PEERS - Weapons officer in HMCS Algonquin out of Halifax . Wife, no children. PETE PINSMNAUL T -

Lost heard of in the UK with

the army.


Executive officer of HMCS Granby,

the clearance diving unit in Halifax . One wife, three children.


Lost seen at AFHQ, Ottowa where he

is serving in Construction engineering branch,

PAUL RUCK - Paul is bock in the air force in the supply field . Unit unknown. G EO R G E SHEPPARD - Engineering with Dominion Bridge in Vancouver.

Single at last report .

. TOM SIMMONS - Shell oil man in Calgary, Tom is the third Shell man we have heard about. BILL SMALLWOOD - Airfarce navigator lost seen at Winnipeg ,

JOE SOSNKOWSKI - Joe is on air test pilot working with the USN . MAR C SOULE - Lawyer in Vancouver (Campney, Owen, Murphy) . J 0 H N STEWART - RCAF engineer instruction at RMC. After three boys he and Isabel finally got a girl. PETER TRA VES - With navy on west coast in HMCS Jonquiere . Lucy and he have one child . LORNE URSEL - Working in civil aviation field in Ottowa. JERRY VIVIAN - Jerry is in naval aviation, Director General Aircraft in Ottawa.


Squadron Commander at RMC looking

forward to posting bock on jets after three years at the "o ther

piece". JOHN WILLSHER - Assistant to the General Manager, Canadian Western Natural Gas Co. Ltd . DERRICK YOUNG At AFHQ, Ottowa, working in engineering.

In addition to the above graduates of 51, I have run into BRIAN WHITWORTH and KEITH VINDEN who left us in the first year, Brion is a salesman in Vancouver while Keith is doing well as teacher and principal in a school in

Victoria .

Finally, a plea to all members of the closs to pass

in the latest information on the whereabout, activities and families of yourselves or other classmates you may know



HMCS LA HULLOISE; slated for

first long operations Course in Halifax.

GOODFELLOW, CHUCK - Has qualified for Stoff College . Hopes to make it to Kingston in 1963. JONAS, HARRY - 2 i/c of Military Engineering Squadron. KIDD, DON - Stationed in the Congo. MARSHALL, A - CWC in 1952. Mrs. Marshall visited R. R. lost year and met Mike Saker who was awarded the Marshall Memorial Award for Sportsmanship. MARTIN, GERRY - Orchestan Cottage, Braomrigg Rood, Fleet, Hants, England . Working on a 10 week refresher course (scientific technical) at Chrivenham ,

McKEY, KEITH - Arlington Va. Holds a desk job in Washington . MERREDEW, RUSS - Now a portner in the low firm of Williams, Bradley & Merredew in Pembroke, Ontario, is also the solicitor for the town of Deep River ,


Shrivenham, England. Ken finds the first

port of his MC of S course fairly easy, but anticipates heavy slugging during the design exercises coming up .

SEYMOR, CHRIS - HMCS CORNWALLIS. SHICK, LARRY - Now lives in Toronto. SCHNEIDER, DON - Appointed to D. Comm., Victoria Is., Ottowa. SNIDER, DUKE - RCAF Station, Winnipeg? THURSTON, JERRY - Still in the Finance Division, successfully completed his third year c.P.A. examinations this spring,

TRENA YNE, FRANK "Tiger" Graduated from Low School in Toronto. VALLEVAND, BILL - HMCS FUNDY, Halifax . VANSICKLE, JERRY - 4th Weapons Officers' Course Candidate in Halifax . WALKER, K. C. - Teaching at MacKenzie Hi g h in Deep River. WILCOX, RUSS - HMCS STADACONA. HULSEMANN, JOHN - Living on Ridout Row at RMC. John is Deputy Squadron Commander of No. I Squadron (frigate),

CLASS OF '54 by G. BALE Almost a


has elapsed since our closs entered ROYAL ROADS.

Needless to soy the efflux of time hos brought

with it many changes for instance, marital status. Seventy-five percent of the closs is married; sixteen per cent is single. No aspersions are being cost ot the remaining nine percent, their martial status is merely unknown. A rough est i mat e indicates that the number of new Canadian citizens who can be attributed to the clcs!:. is approximately equal to the number

of members in the closs. Frank Champion-Demers is believed to hove been a father more often thon any other class-mote. With the birth of twin girls In May, he now has four children.


GORD is completing a low course at Queen's

and plans to article in Vancouver.



RAY was married lost year.

He is on

engineer with the Aluminum Co . and is living in Arvida .

B EAR E - ARCH IE is instructing at the School of Artillery at Shilo BICCUM KEN IS thought to be In Winnipeg BETHEL - DICK IS now employed as a civil engineer in Regina


RON is now on Assistant Professor of

Economics at Stanford University, Colif .


PAUL is associated with a firm of architects

in connection with a big project.


FRANK is in Montreal and is nearing

BROWN - ARCHIE is driving around Kingston in a large Mercedes and attending Stoff College.

the completion of his actuarial science course .

BROWN - D. J. is on engineering officer aboard HMCS BONAVENTURE . BURNIE - BOB is with a large firm of consulting engineers In Toronto. Visitors should beware as he owns a large German Shepherd. CARSON - FRANK is in Montreal with the RCAF. CHAMPION-DEMERS - FRANK is at Are a Head-

settled down in the teaching profession in Edmonton .

NEIL ROGER is with the Fourth Fighter Wing in Europe. NORMAN FRANK was married during the summer and is now on the Tech Stoff Course at the Royal Military College of Science in England . OAKS - STEVE married lost spring and, after a honey-

quarters in Kingston .

moon in Europe, enroled in the M . B.A . course at Queen's

CREELMAN - LEN is on a Tech Stoff course at the Royal Military College of Science In England .

class, has lust returned from an araund the world trip .


TOM, who is in Britain on on Athlone Fellow-

ShiP, is now with Ferronti, a computer firm , programming chemical engineering problems and managing to do a considerable amount of travelling-.


BOB is completing on M .B A. program at

the UniverSity of Western Ontario .

DOKKEN - DOC is engaged in engineering 路 work near Ottowa. FLETCHER -- EARL is with the RCAF at Summerside, P E. I. FOSTER - KEN IS in the RCN on the West coast. FOURNIER - JACK is in Winnipeg with the RCAF. FRASER - MI KE IS in the final year of Architecture at U. B.C FRASER - BILL is at RCAF Station, Portage La Prairie, Mon . FREEMAN - NORM is on course at the RCAF Stoff School In Toronto and on its completion will be posted to Ottowa . GIRLING - DICK is with a municipal consulting firm in Edmonton . GRAHAM - HAL is with the RCAF in Ottowa. GRAY - DON took up a new appointment at the end of July with the USN on exchange as A / OPS 0 f f ice r (Engineering) Atlantic and will be at Norfolk, Va., for three years.


MIKE has not been heard of for some

time .

GUNNING - CHARLIE is at Naval Headquarters in Ottawa and has recently completed a submarine course ot New London, Conn. GUNTER -

FRED is teaching high school in North Boy

and has become a vigorous supporter of N .D .P.

BILL, having tired of the life of a pilot

is with Civil Engineering Branch of the RCAF in Beaverbank,


IAN has become on expert in the field of

soils engineering while with the Better Roods Association in

Ottowa. Ill. LAIDLOW -


Pacific Airlines



is thought

to be with










inveterate traveller of the He

informs me that the bus trip from London, Eng . to Bombay, India was the most interesting part of the trip .


HUGH is the P.A . to the Commandant at

RMC . Hugh gave so much assistance to the lost command路 ant, Brig . Anderson, that the Army was obliged to promote

him to Mal . Gen . when he hod only completed half his term at RMC ROBERTSON CHARLIE is in the rood construction business in Kentucky.

ROUND ROBIN has on At h lone Fellowship and is at Plas do l-y-moch, Glaenau, Ffestimog, Merionethshire, Wale, . Wit h on address like that he is probably not getting much moil. RUD BUD has been posted to Europe to the First Fighter Wing. RYMER JACK is with 30 AMB in Europe . SHANTORA JIM is living in Toronto. SHERWIN AL is the R.S.O. at Mount Allison University, Sackville, N .B. SHEWAGA BILL is another person about which little is known, exceot thot his moil can be forwarded through his mother in Revelstoke.


FRED is with International Business Ma-

chine in Toronto and has recently completed his M. Sc. thesis for Queen's.


PETE is with Thompson Products in St.



IAN was with the First Canadian Guards in

Ge rmany and is now on the Instructional Staff in Montreal.


BOB lost year completed the course work

for on M .A. in Politics at Queen's and is now with the treasury board. It has been rumored that he even scrutinizes t ravelling claims .


HOOK - DAVE recently took a course on the new CF1 04's and will be instructing on them . HLOHOVSKY - F RAN K is with the R.CE.M.E. in Calgary . HUNT - GARY at lost report was recruiting officer at Brandon, Man . INK - JOHN is now in civilian life and living in Regina. JOHNSTON - MURRAY has been sent by the Army to do post-graduate work for an M. Sc. in mechanical engineerIng at the University of Michigan ot Ann Arbor. JOHNSTON -


DAVE is teaching high school in Armpriar


STEWART MURRAY has been posted to Camp Borden as the Assistant Admin . Officer of the School of Infantry . KEN is at RCAF Station Uplands. STUBBINGS SUGIMOTO -

BREM married in October and spent

most of the winter in Florida taking courses about the Bamarc missile. He is now in Ottowa, possibly woiting for a decision from Dief.


PAT is the Aero Engineer Officer in a

Helicopter Squadron in Shearwater.

TOWNSEND - MIKE, after leaving the RCN and completing a degree at Queen's, is teaching at Lakefield. WADE -

ART is with the Engineers in Werl, Germany

and is now driving a big Mercedes.

WHITE - TED is a pilot at Sheorwater. WHITELEY - JOHN is believed to be in London, Eng . WIGMORE JOHN is with the Block Watch in Germany and will be returning to Canada this year.


DICK has returned from Spain where he

MACE - RON is in the RCN and believed to be on the West Coast . MANSON - PAUL is at Air Division Headquarters in

was a foreman on a plantation . Several people who attended a party in Toronto recently will vouch for the fact that he still walks down stairs on his hands.

Europe. Camping expeditions have token the Mansons to many ports of Europe.

ticing law in St. Catharines.


JOHN was married lost spring and is prac75

CLASS OF '55 by WILLIAM J. BROUGHTON, Lieutenant, R.C.N. There are twa ex-cadets to my knowledge in the Boston area , Lt. THOMAS (TOM) G. DRUMMOND and myself. Tom is in the first year of a three yeor graduate course in Novol Architecture and Marine Engineering ot M . I.T.

He and Mrs . Drummond

recently had a baby sister for Kathy and Susie. Their address is 15 Morningside Drive, Arlington, Mass. I shall be completing a Doctoral program in Naval Architecture this June at M . I.T., after which we sholl be moving to Ottawa where I have been appointed to the Directorate of Naval Ship Design and Construction.


BOB is still in Ottawa working with opera-


GEORGE is in charge of a RCEME work-

tions equipment.

He is still single and having a real time

shop in Regina .

George has a new addition to his family ,

of it. BINNIE RON is Operations Officer in HMCS IROQUOIS and becoming more of on authority on the stock market each day . CORNElL - ROBIN is finishing up on ho nours moths and physics course at Queen's University. FRANKLIN BARRIE is Squadron Electrical Officer in the Ninth Escort Squadron . COOKE ED is finishing up on appointment as Sonar Equipment Officer in HMCS STADACONA. FYFE JOHN was just married last summer and serving in East Coast Tribels.

GILLARD -ROD is working on his certificate of competency on the east coast. Rod has a new addition to his family . MULGREW - JOCK has on air engineering appointment in HMCS SHEARWATER. TYNAN JOHN is married and working on an Engineering Wotchkeeping Certificate .

JIM WOOD, GEORGE JACKSON, BILL DRAPER, PAT CRAFTON , CLIFF CROW, MIKE LAMBERT, and MIKE REIMANN are allan the west coast. ARMY: McMASTER BILL just married last summer. Bill is with the Block Watch in Gcrgetown.

BYER LLOYD has a RCEME workshop in Petawawa and TOM CHELL has one in Calgary. DEVANCY - JIM is daing a tour of duty in Europe . KINLOCK GEORGE is married and with the Engineers at Chilliwack. I believe DOUG BROWN and ROBIN BRYAN are there as well. LONDON - " TAMMY" is still teaching civil engineering courses ot RMC . He is expecting to do his Moster's work next fall. FRED JOHANNES and DON WILSON, when last heard of were at the RCEME School in Kingston. AIR FORCE : THOM -

MURRAY is flying Sabres in Europe.

I be-

lieve he is olso flying a Porsche sports Cor.

GEORGE HERBERT, ERNIE BOO T H, HUGH McDONALD and CHUCK KEMP are also piloting jets in Europe. HAFFMAN DOUG is navigating Argus aircraft out of Greenwood, N .S. and driving his spirited Austin sports cor.




Argus aircraft on the west coast.




Denny is still single.


believe DAVE MITCHELL is out there as well. ALLATT DAVE is doing overseeing work for the RCAF at Westinghouse in Hamilton.

CLASS OF '57 by C. W . HEWSON RALPH ANANIA Constructive Engineer-RCAF Stn . Saskatoon. CHRIS AUSTIN - Last seen in Toronto attending U. of T. DON ANDERSON - Married (Bev)-RCAF Stn . Winnipeg, Manitoba . LARRY ASHLEY Married (Goill-HMCS Bonaventure.

COLVIN BARRIGAR Married, I child--Camp Gagetown, N . B. JOHN BARAGAR Married, I son, serving with 2PPCLI Edmonton, Alta . Married (Loise)-I girl-FMD CLAUDE BELAND No.2 Escort Sqn. Esquimo It. B.C. DOUG BELL - RCIC School-Camp Borden, Ont o GI LLES BELLAVANC E - Married, 3 children, soldiering with 3R22R in Camp Val-Cartier, P.Q. GORD BLACK - RCAF Stn ., Trenton, Ont o GORD BRISTOWE - Single and with the Ld. SH (RCl in Calgary, Alta . OAKY BROOKS HMCS Bonaventure . TOM BROWLEY - Married (Dorothy), twin girls Toronto, Ont o NICK BROWNE - Navy pilot, flying off HMCS Shearwater .


NORM BRYGA - Married (Shirley)-83I Montreal Rd Ottowa, Onto KERRY BURGESS - Single, on board HMCS Assiniboine-Esquimalt, B.C. CHRIS CARR - RCAF Stn., St . Hubert, PQ.-445 Stroth cona Ave ., Montreal. 76


Married and with 2PPCLI in Ed-


RON CLAIR- RCAF Stn .-Comox, B.C. PETE CLASHEEN - FOB Winnipeg, Man . LEN COOK - Married and flying Sabres at Chatham CAM COPLAND RCAF Stn .--Comox, B.C. BILL CROFTS - Married (Agnes), 2 bays-FMO Halifax, N.S. CHUCK CROW - Working in Windsor, Ont o BOB CROSSLAND - 3RCHA-CAPO 5052 CF Europe. DAVE DANCE - RCSigs, Vimy Barracks, Kingston . BRIAN DAWSON At the RCS of Sigs in Kingston, On to PETE DAWSON - Is single and with the Constructive Branch of the RCAF in Chatham, N. B. JIM DEAN - Married (Sandra)-FMO No.2 Escort Sqn . Esquimalt, B.C. DON DEMERSE - Killed in an auto accident May 1960. JEAN DESJARDINS Married (Michellne)-I child No. 2 Escort Sqn. Esquimalt, B.C. RCAF Stn . Summerside, P. E. I. RICK DESMARALS BILL DIBDEN - Married <Barb)-4 RCHA-Camp Petawawa,Ont.


Manager of department store in Van-




wawa, Onto

RUSS EGAN - With the RCAF at Aylmer, Ont .-married (Winnie) I boy, I girl. RAY ENGEL - Finished his B.A. at Queen's .

RICK EURAI RE - 1 Bn . R22R, Camp Volcortier, P.Q. GARY FACEY - Married, 1 girl-serving with 2 Cdn . Gds. at Camp Petowawa, Ont o IAN FLETCHER - Killed in on auto occident May 1960. JEAN-GUY FORTIN - Married RCAF Stn ., St. Hubert, P.Q. may be going to Cold Lake soon. JOHN FOSTER - At lost report attending University of Alto. OON GALLOWAY - Married (Carol )- RCAF CAP05056 CAF Europe . BOB GOLDS - Working in Barrie, Ont. WARREN HARRISON - An Air Force navigator presently at RCAF Stn ., Greenwood, N .S. WILSIE HATFIELD-With the RCE first FD Sqn . Camp Petowowa.

KEN HAWKINS- Married (Anne )- 1 son-l PPClI, Victoria, B.C. SHANE HENRY - Ld .SH (RCl, Currie Barracks, Calgary, Alto. BOB HERSEY - Married with 1 son, presently with 1 RCR at Ipperwash, Ont. BILL HEWSON - Married, 1 girl-presently with RCSME Camp Chilliwack. KEN H IGSON Married (Anne)-Comp Chilliwack, Vedder Crossing, B.C. GARRY HOLLINGSHEAD - Married, 1 girl-presently with the RCASC at HQ Camp Petawawa . GEORGE HOPP - A navigator in the RCAF. GARRY HOLTZHAUER - Married, is with the RCASC at HQ Camp Petawowa. MIKE HOWARD - RCAF Stn . St . Jean P. Q. OON KARN - Married (Yvonne), RCAF CAPO 5056 CAF Europe . GEORGE KELLS - Hussars, CAP05050 CAF Europe 4C1BG . SAM KINGDOM - Married (patti), RCAF Stn., Comox, B. C. JOHN KLENAVIE - 4RCHA, Camp Petawawa, Onto HERB LABRIE - Married, 1 child, 1 Bn. R22R, Valcartier, P. Q. GILLES LAFOND - Married (Gigi), RCAF Stn . St., Hubert, P. Q. ART LANE- Married (Barb), RCAF Stn., St. Hubert, P. Q. ETIENNE LAVOIE - Married (Elizabeth), 1 boy RCAF Stn. Greenwood, N. S. AND R E LECA VAll ER - 3 RCHA-CAPO 5050 CAF Europe 4C 1 BG . DAVE LESLIE-With 1 RHC in Germany. J 0 H N LOGIE - Married (Marg), 2 girls, HMCS Cootenoy. ED LYPCHUK - A navigator at RCAF Stn . Winnipeg, Mon . MARKS McAVITY - Married and nQW on board HMCS Skeeno at Esquimolt, B. C. BOB McCRACKEN - Married and at Aylmer, Ont. with the RCAF .









TONY MANSON - Married and also in Europe with the RCAF. PETER MARA - Married and on board HMCS Kootenay in Halifax, N. S. BERT MARCOTTE - Married with a son, three and a daughter, two at RCAF Copososy, CAF, Europe. GUS METHVEN - Married (Francis) with one child and at RCAF Stn. Greenwood, N . S. BUCK MILLER - Married (Nancy) with a daughter and presently with 219 Wksp . RCEME at Whitehorse, NWT. SAM MILLER - At RCAF Stn . Greenwood, N . S. AL MILLS - Married and with 1 RHC in Germany. BILL MOLNAR - Is with 1 RHC in Europe . ED MURRAY - Is married with a daughter and is now with No. 2 Escort Sqn. Esquimalt, B. C. T ERR Y NEILL - Married and a pilot at RCAF Stn. Comox, B. C. GUS NELSON - Married with a daughter, is presently with the RCAP Cot HQ Camp Petawowa . BILL NORDICK - Presently in the Construction Branch of the RCAF in Europe. MERV PALMER - Is still single and at the RCSME in Chilliwack MAX PLAGEMAN - Married and with 1 FGH at Camp Petowowo, Ont o GORD REID - Is with 2RCHA at Winnipeg, Mon . HAL SHERWOOD - Married and with the RCAF, is presently at AF HQ in Ottowa. JIM SMITH - Married with a daughter, is with the RCN in Halifax, N . S. BILL ROZEL - Married and with the Construction Branch of the RCAF in Winnipeg . COLIN SANGSTER - Married with a son, is a member of the RCD's. He is presently flying helicopters at Rivers, Mon . GO R D SIMPSON - Married with a daughter and presently with the RCN in Halifax. MIKE STEDMAN - Married and in Europe as a pilot with the RCAF . TOM S T 0 U T - Married and with IQOR of C in Germany.


Married and on board the HMCS

Chaudiere, living in Halifax.

KYO UJ IMOTO At lost report was attending UBC. BOB WALSH - Is married and presently at RCAF Stn ., St. Hubert . BOB WANLESS - Married with a son, on board HMCS Assinboine and living in Victoria .

MERV WIT HER 0 N - Married, with 1 FGH and is presently at the RCAC School in Camp Borden, Ont o ROY WOOD - Married, with a daughter, on b a a r d HMCS St. laurent and living in Victoria . KING WOODSIDE - Is attending Edinburgh University in Scotland.

CLASS OF '58 DON SMITH - Has been in Egypt for the post year at Rafio and EI Arish with the U. N . RCE Works Co. He has a reason in Edmonton for getting bock to Canada . That basking on the Mediterranean must be great. WAYNE WHARTON - Now with 3 Field Squadron,

STAN FRANKLIN - And Mary Lou (ex-Oak Boy) also ore ot Chilliwack. Stan is working in Tactics Section ot RCSME and spends his spore time deer hunting and fishing . CARL HUNTER - Has just returned from building a 300 ft . bridge up near the B. c., Yukon Border. His next

has hod a big yeor in '61 -

challonge is a survival course ot Fort Churchill.

Plans for' 62 are bigger -

a new wife and a new dog .

a new cor and a new baby!

CLASS OF '61 Of the Royal Roods closs of 1961 , there is onl y o ne full-fledged Ex-codet. team at Whitecourt


Northern Alberto .

He pions to go to the

DICK ROBERTS is at present with a surveying

University of Alberta

in September.


rest of us ore

trying to complete third at R. M . C. 77

LITERARY (CONTINUED) <Continued from poge 42) bed in it, and thus review elementary trigonometry by resolving themselves into their respective horizontal compon-


But once again, the college is rudely aroused from deep









voice crackling through the halls of Nixon Block . With FEW ottempts ot playing the correct notes, the duty bugler ends the day ot Royal Roods; the only people left wondering about now ore old men in uniform, methodically waddling from one building to another, hoping against hope to find nothing, but nevertheless, incessantly looking . He hum, I sure am getting tired it's been a rather

hectic day . I think I'll just glide over here to the rest of my flock and NO'! NOT the whistle' NOT the bugler! This getting up in the middle of the night is strictly for the humans!

Major General Vanier presents telescope to CWC Boodwoy.


E. Seller's

WING NUTS Eve ning announcements: not port of their equipment."









Dinner lob Ie discussion: "Think how good morole would be if they hod two men for every job in the Army." "Yes, but think how much better it wou ld be if they had two women for eoch mon'" Dissatisfaction? -"1 think they should cut out academics, training, and have compulsory leave every day."


"The only thing this burberry needs is a






Artsman on the weather: "We actually get relatively little rain in Victoria. They get for mOre in Indio and Molayo."

Art sma n in Chemistry laboratory: "How much is in a drop?" Overheord in the mess: "If this ploce were a restaurant, I wouldn't eat here again!"

Ex-Cadets relox in front of costle.



ROYAL ROADS WELCOMES PROFESSOR E. S. GRAHAM This year we welcame a new Director of Studies to Rayal Roods. A very highly qualified gentleman who wears his learning lightly, Professor Graham has joined the Royal Roads staff after an already successful career. Upon receiving his B.Sc . in Chemistry from Queen's University in 1942, he joined the Canadian Army, serving in Canada and in Europe. After the war Professor Graham returned to Queen's, obtained the degree of M .Sc . and went an to study organic chemistry at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he received his Ph .D. degree in 1950 and won several Teaching Fellowships . Professor Graham then joined the staff of Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio, where he rose to become Professor and Chairman of the Department of Chemistry. While at Kenyon College he achieved Ford Foundation and National Science Foundation Fellowships, membership in the Visiting Scientists Committee of the National Science Foundation Summer Institutions, and a guest lectureship at the University of Dacca , East Pakistan. He has undertaken extensive lecture tours in United States colleges and high schools, helped to originate and write material for a new high school

chemistry course which employs the Chemical Bond Approach , and has also been active in the Advanced Placement Program, in which he served on the Examination Committee in chemistry and as Chief Reader in Chemistry. In his first year at Royal Roads, Professor Graham has gained the respect and admiration of all the cadets . We are unanimous in wishing him success in his "second tour" with the Mi litary.

EDITOR'S NOTE To complete this LOG without giving special thanks to those people who have assisted us, would be most unjust. We are indebted to Dr. King for his guidance and assistance, and to Prof. McCaughey and Mr. Parkinson for their editing of our copy . LCdr Mitchell and LCdr Iisley deserve our thanks for assisting the business and photography divisions. Without Mr. Feurey's expert photography our LOG would certainly be more than lacking . In addition, Mrs. Spotswood receives our thanks for the endless copy which she typed. To these friends , and to everyone who assisted in this yearbodk, Thank You.


Parents' Day Gymnastic Display




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PATRONS Mr. & Mrs. J . A. Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Brown Mr. & Mrs. J . M . Butler Mr. & Mrs. L. A. Grimshaw Mr. & Mrs. W. Hinkley Mrs. M. Horsman Mr. B. Ivanochko Mr. P. Jakubow Mr. & Mrs. F. Knetsch Mr. P. U. D. Messner Mr. & Mrs. F. W . Saker Mr. A. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Swinehart Mr. A. VanBoeschoten Mr. & Mrs. P. Walker Mr. & Mrs. W. Young Mr. A. Zelmer Mr. & Mrs. H. A. Zelmer




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INTER-COlLEGIATE PRESS, LTD. Publishers Yearbooks Diplomas -

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Graduation Announcements

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