1974 Log Royal Roads Military College

Page 1

NT'S MESSAGE Well do I recall that day in 1972 when firs and my words to you on that occasion . I told you without equivocation that you were em..,a~.III1"'\ upon the most demanding and challenging of all courses of education. I doubt very much if Royal Roads has been otherwise . It is my the course correspondingly great/ During your two years at Roya,l Ro __ ,~.....~ You have grown in knowledge and have mounting challenge and adversity by f

of , in retrospect, would suggest your time here at Wat you will find the rewards in having completed vel)d~veloped

morally , physically and intellectually .

~he reward in satisfaction that c ~ es from sur-

it with

determination and the su

of trusted

discipline, and the seeds of that coveted your future can rise with confidence . and they will grow as you continue yo Your future holds ;/ challenge grp"tp,r.lh::l,n any previous generation has

r nation is

and man's knowledge is growing a rate. Cherish your principles and seek the call to be leaders in our nation profound if our ideals, our nation and

faithfully. Ere long it will be you our very planet are to survive a

assessments of your progress here at R

records will preserve the sterile ~L""H'"'' Roads but only this Log can preserve

events , associations, experiences and i

the. very personality of the C

The files and memory banks of


cadets. This is a book of history, your h the pages of this Log in the decades a with satisfaction , perhaps even affectio for the future were well prepared. I congratulate you all on having p




... opening kick-off .. .

... true Naval Tradition .. .

... presenting the 'Grey Cup路 ... 5

~~--------r/ CALENDAR OF YEAR

/ 6

August 11

Recruits Arrive

September 2

Senior Cadets Arrive

September 4


September 21

Recruit Obstacle Race

October 19-22

Stand Down

October 27

Wing Cross Country Race

October 28

Second Slate Announced

November 9-11


November 24

Eas t/ West Flag Football

December 8-15

Exam Routine

December 21

Christmas Leave Begins

January 6

Christmas Leave Ends

February 3

Third Slate Announced

February 22-25

Stand Down

April 6

Ex-Cadet Weekend

April 11

Athletics Smoker

April 14

Honour Slate Announced

April 19-27

Exam Routine

May 3

First Slate Announced

May 11

Trooping and Ball

May 12

Cadets Depart




Introduction to The Log

Pg 1

The Commandant

Pg 2

Military Staff

Pg 8

Academic Staff

Pg 9


Pg 17

Day 1

Pg 42


Pg 53

Junior-Senior Games

Pg 59

Christmas Festivities

Pg 68


Pg 74

Representative Sports

Pg 83

Flight Photos

Pg 97

Graduation Ceremonies

Pg 100


Pg 112


Pg 113


MILITARY STAFF LCol GH Herbert Vice Commandant


Maj VAA Coroy SOC and MT

Capt HC Silvester 1 Sqn Commander

Capt JC Carlson 2 Sqn Commander

Capt GE Sharp 3 Sqn Commander

Maj WE Hellqvist CADO

Capt KW Henderson PADO

Capt CR King CALO

Capt WAM McAllister DOA

Maj ES Swoboda RC Chaplain

Capt AI Wakeling PROT Chaplain

Capt BD Kendell Dental Officer

Lt L McCabe ADOA


Dr. E. S. Graham Principal

Col. A, D. WalHs <Ret'.) Relillrar

Mr. C. C. Whitlock Librarian

Capt. W. M. Adam Au" Registrar

Dr . M. J. Wilmut

Dr. G. M. Lancaster

Maj. N. C. Balson

Mr. P. Smart

ENGINE ERING Dr. A. G. Brickn~1I D~an of Srienr~ H~ad of D~pt.

Dr. M. R . Barr

Dr. J . W. Madill

Prof. J. A. Izard Head of Dept.

Prof. E. R. Cbappell

Dr. H. J . Duffus Head of Dept.

Mrs. N. Whitney


Sgt. Coss

M /Cpl Waller

WO Harris

WO Brinn




.,• I



0 •

11113 DAVE MARSHALL Victoria, B.C.

MARS Eng. Mang.

Dave Marshall 's first year was spent doing skylarks as a part of the great 'Talking Horse ' and playing Rugby . The start of the second year found him as ewe and a part of the research staff involved in the monumental quest for 'J'. Dave's tactical genius was shown in ' Operation Retribution' a search and wakeup mission against UVic. This should hold him in good stead in the future as a MARS Officer. Dave originally hails from Edmontonchuk , although residents there would deny it. Dave will do well in all future endeavours.

11112 BARRY MADILL Bramaiea, Onto

CELE Eng. Phys.

During his stay at Roads, to say that the boy from Bramalea distinguished himself would be an un路 derstatement. After winning the Governor General's medal , French, Physics and M. L. M. prizes first year, he was to return second year as first slate eWA and then aspired the following slate to ewe. Just after moving out of that office for a respite as a senior cadet, Barry showed that he hadn 't forgotten how to give an 'o-g roup ' in masterminding 'O peration Retribution '. One might say that at Royal Roads , Barry had few worlds left to conquer - the band ? In any case, whatever challenges lay ahead at RMe , we know Barry will continue to rise above the occasion.


1110 BRUCE LEWIS Sault Ste. Marie, Onto

ANAV Elec. Eng.

Louie , or Benito , as he was fondly called second slate , never had any problems this year when it came time to size the guards , Competition in his specialty was a minimum . A big man with a sword and a pencil though , Bruce did an excellent job as second slate CWA . Third slate saw him return to Fraser Flight halls still complaining of air sickness from the poop deck , to retire into a state of boredom , commonly called lack of responsibility . He recovered from his maladies though and soon found a few sports teams to keep his time occupied . In a few years Louie will have mastered all those irregular verbs that spoiled his summers and he will be on to even greater things . Best of Luck in the future , Louie.

11151 PAT SWEETNAM N. Walsham, N.F.K., Eng.

INF Honours English

John Patrick Sweetnam hails from Calgary , Alberta , and in his two years here at Roads has accomplished many things . He was so keen in his first year, they gave him DCWC in the first slate and four in the third as CSL No.2 . He spent his first year in Science and Engineering and then switched to Arts in second year on his own initiative. Throughout his two years, he has managed to keep himself remarkably free of circles, charges, and other sundry corrective items. Pat is an ardent athlete and participates in all sports with great enthusiasm . He especially loves to play rugby , parachute and fence . In between discussions (arguments?) of which is more worthwhile to the team , the backs or the scrummies , he can be seen pursuing the IRIS of his eye. Pat is a dedicated , humorous, and very down-to-earth type of guy . He intends to make law his career and every success is wished to him.

11139 DAVE REDMAN Victoria, B.C.

LORE Elec. Eng.

"Red" was a keen rook in his junior year and came back first slate as No. lCSL . A native of Victoria he was one of the few to enjoy his weekends at Chilliwack by going home. He went home so often that he finally got engaged to a pretty miss named ----. Hardly seen on the college second slate Dave finally came back third slate as CWC where he did well. Dave specializes in AERE and antique Corvairs . He should do well at Kingston in his studies and military career .


11168 PETER YAEGER North Bay, Onto

AERE Eng. Mang.

Pete began his life at the college as a quiet recruit who liked to run. He had a problem though, he was always second to a certain senior. A year at the college has transformed Pete into a boisterous cadet who hates to run . He still has the same problem though, but this year he is always second to a certain junior . Pete's success has not only been on the cross路country course. He gave up his summer leave to return as first s late DCFL of Cartier Flight. During this time he became affectionately known as Uncle Egor by the recruits . This however had nothing to do with his newly cultivated moustache . Pete 's hard work earned him a promotion to CSL in 2nd Slate. Pete's success at Roads should lead him to greater things at RMC .

10652 NORM BONIKOWSKY Cold Lake, Alta.

ANAV Applied Science

"Nor m ", being the old man of the college, prides himself on still having all his teeth despite the fact that he is collecting old age pension. "Social Norm", could usually be found during study hours silting in his rocking chair, trying to devise new schemes to terrorize juniors, or perfecting the Mark 2 prototype paper airplane during exam routine. Being an appreciator of the finer things in life and basically liking slack academics Norm re treated to Applied Science this year. He enjoys classes so much that he decided to enroll in the five year plan after his first year. Saturday morning wing drill with " Bonnie " was always a laugh (if he showed up ). He could usually be counted on to liven up the parade with a differ ent procedure each time. If his reign of terror as first slate CSTO and second slate CSL are any indication of his success, Norm will assuredly do well in the Armed Forces.

11115 ROSS MATTHEWS Guelph, Ont.


Ross Mallhews originally comes from Guelph, Ontario. His neighbours were elated at his coming to Royal Roads; in fact they were elated anytime Ross went away . Ross was No . 3 Sqn . CSTO in the First Slate and went on to CSL in the Second Slate . His hobbies are flying , wrestling , barking and keeping his body unpolluted . He has quite a reputation among his lady friends for his wrestling techniques , but since he has such a large number of lady friends, these rumours are hard to substantiate. Ross is going to become a CELE officer and will probably get his wires crossed and remain at Kingston for the rest of his life .


11069 CHUCK FAST N. Vancouver, B.C.

PLT Eng. Mang.

" Chuckles " came back to Roads looking forward to being a slack senior. As fate would have it, he received CWEO in the first slate , then four bars as CWPMC in the third slate. As if the thankless job of PMC was not enough to keep him busy , Chuck fulfilled an old dream by producing the almost perfect Austin Healey . Chuck IS an engineer who ardently maintains his attention in class路 when not pitting or writing pictographic letters to Signi . Chuck has done fantastic work in his second year , and if he keeps it up , will surely be one of Canada 's best pilots .

11152 BRIAN TAYLOR Oxford Station, Onto

PLT Mech. Eng.

Brian is from Oxford ' Station , Ontario : he is also one of the few people to hear of the place. As the very capable CBM, he has been the only barman to maintain the same appointment for the entire year . He has spent countless hours over the past months bringing the Marching Band and the Stage band to perfection , and yet has managed to find time in his schedule for numerous other activities路 including playing rep hockey and soccer , overhauling every piece of his infamous "Green Bomb" (mostly within the confines of his cabin) and waiting for the new band instruments to arrive . 'Sambo' hopes to pursue a career as a pilot , as can be witnessed in his style of driving; and becoming at RMC, either an engineer or a certified mechanic who plays saxophone .

11157 EDWARD I. UNGER London, Onto

AIR NAV Honours Economics

Ed 'EI' Unger has to be one of the most eloquent cadets at Roads . This trait he has put to good use in both his years in obtaining almost all of the advertising for the Log . Ed spent his second year as Editor of the College yearbook, firstly as DCWIO, and then upon promotion , as CWIO. He also initiated the Cadet Wing Tour Guide Corporation during his tour as DCWIO , and then with his promotion, found himself back on the parade square. His interests range from fine women to motorcycles, to the stock market. A man of many interests, 'EI' is opting for Air Nav and a degree in Honours Economics. Best of Luck!


11126 BILL MILLER North Bay, Ont.

AERE Eng. Mang.

" Lumpy " has inherited the nickname of one of our illustriou s seniors , another of the sa me surname and approximate construction. He ha s lived up to his nickname as a true rabble-rouser and good guy. Always in the middle of it on the rugger field, Bill did a great job thi~ year after becoming a Fraser Fugitive. Bill was one of the most loyal members of the 0100 Club, not missing a m ee ting and devoting much of his time and energy to a worthy cause. Second slate this year sa w "Lumpy" as CFL of Fraser Flight , a position he filled well. A hard路working likeable guy, Bill has all our support in his future in AERE and at Kingston .

11114 LEE MATHESON Regina, Sask.

MARS Engineering

Lee has a unique problem here at Roads . He just couldn 't find anyone who would like to play him a game of chess. It 's not that Lee is unpopular, it 's just that the outcome is never in doubt. Lee quickly shows his opponents that the probability of their defeating him is about as likely as the su n rising in the west. Besides chess, Lee does very well in soccer and badminton, not to men tion Math . Lee has sent in so many memorandums that it was rumoured that he was the only excuse for having Squadron Commanders. In Lee we see great things at RMC and after .

11129 DAN MURPHY Thunder Bay, Onto

MARS Honours English

Murph was one of the several ex-engineers who saw the light and switched to Arts. He was First Slate CSA and a woodworker on the Hud poop deck the next. Rediscovered Third Slate, he became CSL. Dan is the wing squash champion, and takes great joy in being able to beat the Padre. He also surprised the wing with a promising growth of facial foliage , that even the Sqn Comd couldn 't believe. As an aspiring ship driver, Dan will see more of Roads in future years to co me . Keep it up Murph.


11090 GEORGE HUTCHINGS Prince Rupert, B.C.

PLT Sci (Applied)

George was such a good water-bomber in 1st year that they decided to promote him to 1st Slate CFL of the Cartier Keen Machine. Right in his element , George aspired to 2nd Slate DCWC , where he won renown for his ability to operate a draught machine . Third Slate found him water-bombing junIOrs again . George 's hefty physique has helped wrestle him out of many situations , even a broken nose during rook-term . Either on the bollom in scuba gear or on the top in wrestling , George utilizes his athletic ability . Second year academ ics started off with a fizzle. Being the only Honours Science student made it too lonely at the top, so Hutch abdicated to the lowly position of Apple Sci---- now he 's spouting out honours grades . George has so many girls in Victoria ( they say his friends have to phone for him ) that he decided to stay for 4 years . However he 's one year too ear ly , but we know that he ' ll ace it at RMC . Best of luck .

11065 BOB DRUMMOND Richmond, B.C .

AERE Eng and Man

Bob hails from Richmond, B.C. and the next big crisis in his life is moving to the big, bad East. In both of his years at Roads he has been a standout in sports and is primarily remembered as goalie on last year's soccer team . A duty bugler and bandsman, he did such an outstanding job as first slate CFL of Mackenzie that he was reactivated as third slate CWTO . He presently see ms destined for a career in AERE but his personality can only aid him in anyt hing he decides to do . Bob ' s friendship is highly valued and his friends would probably su m him up by sayi ng " You can ' t beat the Dr um ".

11158 GARRY WALKER Moose Jaw, Sask.

AERE Civil Eng.

Garry "Biff Wacker" Walker came to Royal Roads from Moose Jaw as a long -haired skinny kid . In his first yea r , he became a s hort-haired skinny kid , and even Chilliwack failed to change that. In First Slate Garry was DCFL of LaSalle Flight , but in Second Slate he soared to CWTO . Third Slate left him as Chief Monk in the RRMC woodworker society , a position he holds with honour . Garry 's future loo ks very bright and starts out with becoming an Air Navigator .


11032 TIM ADDISSON Victoria, B.C.


"Piller" or "Arty" as he is beller known followed the road of many a distraught 1st year engi neer to become a 2nd year Artsman . When not in the pit Piller can be found helping the flight on the sports field . Tim has been a member of the rep hockey team in both his years at the college . Third slate found him changing loyalty , only physically, from Cartier to become CFL of Fraser . We all know that he has Cartier Flight deep inside. Tim likes Victoria so much he has opted for MARS classification. Piller should do well driving one of the Navy ' s Barges. Best of luck Tim wherever you go'

11128 ROBERT MORRIN Winnipeg, Man.


Eng. Mang.

Bugsy came to us a 98 lb . weakling from Winnipeg , but Co lwood electives soon earned him his present title of " Manitoba Fats " . Actually , this is not solid fact. Bob , famed for his moustache ( which is rumoured to ha ve grown in s ix hours ) and his death -defying human fly act , is a hard-working first class honours engineer. His unique humour and lively per so nality have earned him a very well-liked and respected pos itIon with the rest of us . CSL No . 2 first slate, and woodworking through the next two gave him ample time for his outside pursuits, varied as they were. As A N AV, he will return to his hometown for training this summer and then explode his energies on RMC for two years. All the best , Bob.

11063 RICK DODSON St. Thomas, Onto

INF Arts

Dody is another of the original LaSalle animals. Though now in the Hud , and having switched from Engineering to Arts due to his great love of Chemistry , he is still the sa me sort of person he was last year. His fondness of Chern istry is only surpassed by his love of the pit and arguing and he does both very well . Rick was Second Slate CSSO , much to the detriment of his time in the pit , and this made him all the more argumentative . Encouraged by the Recruit Obstacle course and Phase I, Rick is an aspiring pongo mudslinger . Best to you, Rick, but remember , you can't take your pit into the field.


11093 WALLY ISTCHENKO Niagara-on-the-Lake, Onto

PLT Eng. Phys.

Wally , or Sugarbear , as he is affectionately known by all , is another fine product of the Cartier Keen Machine. Wally , probably because of his size , stayed out of trouble in his first year , however his dreams of being a senior woodworker were shot to pieces when he learned he was the new CWPRO . Third Slate Wally decIded that three wasn ' t a big enough number so he convinced the Castle that four was more appropriate and so he became 3rd Slate CSL . Also just being on the rep soccer and hockey teams wasn 't enough, so Friday nIghts he forfeited elective elbow bending to play hockey for CFB Esquimall. When not at the rink Wally could be found either at Sharon 's or in the pit driving his mind . Being a pilot we know Wally will aspire to higher things . Best of luck at RMC Wally !

11121 TERRY McKENZIE Carnrose, Alta.

PLT Engineering

Terry or "Mack" arrived at RRMC from the Canadian equivalent of downtown Bolivia - Camrose, Alberta. In spite of the language barrier Mack was accepted by the Band during his first year - as was anyone or anything that the band could obtain . However , Mack's slack life ended when he was appointed 1st Slate CFL . Being barless for 2nd and 3rd Slates Mack was able to follow his religious upbringing by making frequent pilgrimages to Colwood. A true academic Mack tried his best to prevent his studies from interfering with his social life . His hobbies include reading 22 page letters as well as voluntary work for the Alberta Snake Skins Marketing Association. An all-around good guy and an asset to the college , we wish Mack all the best in the future.

11067 MIKE ERDMANN Crofton, B.C.

MARS Chern. Eng.

A 'tenderfoot ' by nature , enrolled in the Sea Element going MARS, Mike plays the role of 'Kreock ' , striking at any hour . A chemical engineer constantly complaining about having no spares , he spends hours on the telephone and likewise mysterious late nights out (Mother?). Hard-working, intelligent , witty , his future looks very bright in the Canadian Armed Forces, but may the Lord be on his side when he crosses his first RSM . Take away his test tubes , sink his tub, put him on a podium, and you have got Canada 's future C.O.S. With that overflow of knowledge entering MARS, we can safely feel our ships at sea are in very good hands . Keep up the good work, Mike'


11079 MIKE GROPP Regina, Sask.

PLT Administration

Mr. Magnificent came back early to crack the whip as CWTO and he ap proached the job with the same gentle disposition he takes with him onto the rugby field . Although he is an accomplished serum half , Mike 's athletic in clinations lean toward " boat racing " and crud . " Gropps ki " retreated to the Mackenzie flight leper colony where he began to appreciate life as an artsman . This was short-lived ; however , since we ' brought him out of retirement in third slate to get slack Mack back in step with the rest of the wing . In spite of being classified pilot , Groppski is a sailor at heart and he intends to do all his flying off the deck of a DOH . M ike, who can swear in two languages , and has his gold cord to prove it , assures us that going to CMR is not the same thing as entering RMC through the back door .

11061 DON DEBIENNE Estevan, Sask.

AERE Mech. Eng.

No one really knows wher e Don Corleone came from . He just rode in one night and became the te rror of the wing . His exalted position as " Don " has given him the tim e he needs to ge t down to work and prove he 's number one . Second Slate found him giving the juniors a taste of what it means to be a Hud Stud. His sometimes unorthodox methods of discipline seemed to work , however , and all the membe r s of the mighty Hud looked on him as a mother . After all he helped to keep the s ink s clean . Even with hi s tim eless devotion to his work the " Don " cannot be held back whenever he hea rs th e word woman. Still , he hasn 't let his love of the fairer sex get the bes t of him , except whe n stand-down rolls around .

11120 MURRAY MCKENZIE Moose Jaw, Sask.

AERE Eng. Phys.

Murray spent most of his first year hidden deep in the woodwork of LaSalle , coming out only for band practices , tours as Duty Bungler , and the occa sional soccer game . He mustn ' t have been too well hidden for someone figured that he 'd make a good First Slate CSL . He revolutionized academics when he introduced his pocket computer to the College and is probably responsible for the calculator craze . A whiz kid in electronics and a " ham " at heart , M.J . was partially responsible for selling up VE7CSC - Radio Royal Roads . As a fan of Dr . Demento , and an expert in " dat dere frog ," Murray should have no problems driving the rest of us crazy at RMC .


11117 DON McEACHERN Lanigan, Sask .


Chern. Eng .

Don came to RRMC as a quietly explosive farm boy from Saskatchewan ; this , with his confident nature , helped him slip right into the college way of life . His first year as a junior was by many new and venturesome events , the first of which was his choice to become a rugby animal. He also took up the quiet sports of parachuting and storming around on his motorcycle . Second year became another year of success for Don . He was again on the rugby team and hitting as hard as ever . His prowess was not limited to the rugby field . As a senior cadet he worked hard at squash , hockey and yes, even once in a while his academics . Second Slate , however , saw Don carrying a sword as CFL of Cartier. Don trying out a new idea began on his self promotion campaign . He was found one night to be impersonating one of his friends talking to a girl he wanted to take out. Not only that but he was busy convincing her that " Don " was a really great guy who she should get to know . Flying is the name of the game so fly high Don , you are bound to do well'

11039 KEN BARNARD Iderton, Ont,

LORE Eng, Mang_

"Barnyard" arrived in "sunny" B.C . from the poverty-stricken vi llage of Poplar Hill, Ontario. His obsession with bright shiny things was tempora rily satisfied when he was appointed 1st Slate DCFL. During the 2nd Slate "Barnyard" was found to be spending altogether too much time at the K-Mart and as a ruse to lure him back to the college grounds he was awarded 3rd Slate CSA. His many activities range from answering the telephone to the weekly polis hing of his penny co llection. He has made many friends whi le at RRMC who wish him a ll the best in the future and who will always remember him no matter how hard they try to forget' Good luck Ken'

11068 LES FALLOON Souris, Man.

MARS Applied Science

Whenever the cry was heard resounding thr ough the block , " Give him a pair of skates!" , you knew t hat Royal Roads a nswer to Bobby Orr was wandering the halls agai n. Les started his career with slack Mack but was transferred to Champ in a big trade , along with most of the Rep hockey team. F 'loon was ca ll ed away from his Apple Scientist studies to whip the juniors into shape for second slate and rapidly became known as PR No. I. He did such a good job as DCFL that he was retired for third slate. He immediately returned to his studies and became a n in absentia member of the 0100 Club , holding several committee meetings in his room . We are sure that Les , with a foghorn for his last name , will be right at home as a MARS officer and a fine one at that.


11140 JOHN ROSE Cranbrook, B.C.

ARMD Applied Science

Johnson Albert Rose , hailing out of 'Cranberry', B.C., was runner-up for circle king of his first year. He also played soccer, probably a by-product of circle insanity , but in his second year he saw the light and came over to Rep Rugger . Thus his animal tendencies have been greatly enhanced, and to be " ROSED " is truly a terrible thing. In fact, he even tried to win a fight while driving a Volkswagen; needless to say, he lost - so did the Volkswagen . John is a reservist tank-driver and intends to enter medicine after graduation: a goal which should present no problem , and undoubtedly bring great happiness to his family and friends.

11075 BOB GEBBIE Windsor, Ont.

MARS Sci (Applied)

Geb, a hardy Ontario type from Windsor, is a sailor to the hilt. One need only to glance in his room to discover thaI. In his junior year, he wasn't satisfied with the life of a s lack Duty Bungler , so he became the College's only Duty Bos ' n. Fortunately, no one could decide whether his playing was good or bad and he escaped the drenchings of Last Post. However , he wasn't so slack that he was passed over as far as bars are concerned. He was given the task of whipping Hud rooks into shape right off the bat as CFL and returned in Third Slate as CSTO. An all-round athlete, Geb excels at hockey : is an excellent shot with a rifle : and a real judo e nthu siast. No doubt about it ... Geb has clear sailing ahead of him .

11025 NEIL ANDERSON St. Catharines, Ont.

AERE Mech. Eng.

Neil Anderson, better known to us all as Andy, is Royal Roads ' only true piper . Since Andy arrived last year, Sunday parades haven 't been the same. Andy is also famous for his belching. Being short and tending toward the plump side, he has tremendous reverberating power . Whether or not it is this which attracts him to the Mess waitresses is not known . Andy was the First Slate CFL of LaSalle Flight and is a future AERE officer . His only hobby , besides piping , is flying home on stand-downs at his girlfriend's expense. Neil also plans on her supporting him in the manner to which he plans to become accustomed. Perhaps Susan has views on that. Good luck Neil.


11165 HUBERT WILZEWSKI Drumheller. Alta.

MARS Eng. Mang.

Hubert has the ignoble distinction of being able to talk at a rate of 15 words per second. Zeus ' pet peeve is Or . Wilmut , who can write faster than Zeus can talk, proving that the hand is quicker than the mouth . Zeus , another rifle team member , is going to be a MARS officer . After serving valourously on the Log Staff, he was awarded two as Third Slate DCWIO. His future includes out-talking Or . Wilmut 's hand . Hang in there Zeus .

11156 DAN TRA YLING Vancouver. B_ C.

AERE Eng. /Phys.

Dan , a member of Two Squadron 's silent minority, has been the subject of numerous relentless attacks by the pit monster since his arrival here at Roads . Now a two year veteran of Champlain Flight , a satisfactory com promise still has not been reached . Surviving the disasterous 50% casualties inflicted in the first year , Dan roused himself to go on to serve a slate as CSTO, lifting Two Squadron to their first Wisener Cup victory in two years . A member of the Math 231-252 THINK TANK , Dan has also made his presence known in karate, fencing and volleyball. Keeping AERE goal in sight , Dan will certainly do well in RMC next year.

11036 BILL ARD North BatUeford. Sask_

ARMD Applied Science

Wap was on the run from the beginning of the year with the release of the 'Ardski Papers '. His first attempt to hide was to join the ranks of the artsman but after a few knifing attempts he went up to Apple Sci. Still not knowing if he would live to fulfill his commitment, he switched to reserve . He has since started installments on a dogsled and an RCMP stetson . Just for insurance, he has classified Armoured because he could only feel safe inside a tank . The only public appearances he makes anymore are on the ice and between sniper shots , you could hear his familiar cry , " Pasta puck!" Despite the high risk involved , Bill thought it was his duty due to the fact he was the No . 2 SQ.D CSSO. Wap 's only hope is that he gets into the right family at RMC .

11033 BILL AMIRAULT Bridgetown, N .S.

PLT Honours History

"Father Bill" is well known throughout the college for his excellent debating, prayers at grace and quick wil. He has an underhanded style of culling someone to ribbons before they even know it, all in good fun of course . His humble nature must come from his Nova Scotian heritage . Bill 's favourite .pastimes are stabbing fellow Artsmen , doing young ladies favours and walking up Recruit Hill. This year Bill succeeded in a number of things such as burning up a Nurse , picking up a Morgue, waking up a CFL and keeping the Wing in good humour . The best of luck in the future Bill.

11034 BRENT ANDERSON Dawson Creek, B.C.

PLT Eng. and Man.

Brent, a native of Dawson Creek , pulled a surprising switch from Slack Mack to Champ Flight, (we all thought it was a mistake ) and became DCFL Champ First Slate. His well-known booming voice kept the "rooks " running at the end of many a tiring day . After adjusting to two slack slates , Brent now spends most of his time obsessed with big frogs ( Freddy Mark 2) and Vice women . Even on Anti-Vice missions he tends to get captured for an agreeable amount of time in the girls' dorm . Brent is an engineer and is destined for RMC after pilot training this summer. We can feel confident that the Red Baron won ' t have a chance. Good luck Brent!

11046 DOUGLAS BROOKS Mississauga, Onto

INF Engineering

Dougie, who had a great time in first year (especially at the Xmas Ball with one of our U of Vic girlfriends ) continued into the second with the same attitude and enthusiasm . Doug , an engineer dedicated to using his talents as a pongo, showed us his great leadership ability in the position of 2nd slate CFL of Champlain . Without a doubt , he will wade confidently through RMC and in two years the Infantry will gain a fine, 'gung-ho ' new officer .

11052 GLEN BUCHOLTZ Vulcan, Alta.

CELE Chern. Eng.

Bucky was a CARTIER Flight junior turned Frazer Flight senior after a good summer at Chilliwack. He kept his nose hard in his Chern -Eng . books for two slates before coming out as an excellent DCFL . Glen led Fraser in sports, working hard to keep his teams alive . A native of Vulcan, Alberta , Glen should have a successful college career at R.M.C. if he keeps up what he has started at Roads .


11054 ALISTAIR CAMPLIN Calgary, Alta.

INF Sci (Applied)

Al Camplin is a seasoned traveller as far as the wing is concerned. During his reign as Second Slate CWSO , he managed to move from the Hud to Fraser to LaSalle and back to Hud again. A steam roller on the rugby field, he has no problem racking up points. An automobile nut , he 's owned vehicles ranging from 2 to 4 wheels, and now spends every other weekend in Van fixing sports cars, besides owning a fair percentage of Vic's sports cars. Classified Air Nav , AI 's a pongo at heart. Al managed to fill out his familiarization with the third element when he was one of two juniors to canoe out looking for holes in a Greek freighter. Whatever environment Al should succeed.

CELE Engineering

11056 RANDY COMIS Red Deer, Alta.

Randy , despite the hardships of first year and in particular of being 'Beta Bruce 's' roommate for rook term, scraped it through to the exalted rank of senior . His chief ambition in second year was to remain a woodworker, however , as fate would have it, third slate found him with three bars as CSSO for No.2 SQ.D. He took the position in stride and worked hard to make the squadron successful in sports. Randy's chief mode of transport was a Honda 500 which he handled with great ex· pertise. One cadet was heard to comment, "Co m is, you amaze me every time you come back alive." Although he was hoping for the oceanography course which was in the making at Roads , Randy will be going to Kingston next year, to give the speed cops a hard time.

11057 RICHARD COUEFFIN Kamloops, B.C.

ARMD Elec. Eng.

Rick left civilian university for the questionable benefits of military college. A displaced armour man , Rick often wraps two tons of Chevy II around himself and heads off for Victoria. When at Roads he has to remind himself of his responsibilities as 3rd slate Unof· ficial Acting Assistant to the Deputy Cadet Flight Leader . When not making confetti out of pistol targets, Rick can also be seen displaying his talents as a member of the Ron Thompson Memorial Fireworks Display Squad. Best luck at RMC Rick.

11064 BARRY DOUCETTE Shearwater, N.S.


Barry came to Roads with two distinctions that he won't let anyone forget ; that he is from Nova Scotia and is going Navy. With these handicaps he was destined never to pass a single math test until he saw the light and went Arts in 2nd year. Since then he has become a firm believer in the superiority and desirability of Arts. Douce traded in his cross·country skis for x·country shoes and his quick wit and good humour have helped to keep the team alive. Many of the nicknames he gave others will stick for life . Douce also decided to join the ranks of the poor and ac· cordingly bought himself a Suzuki with which he wore a rut from Chilliwack to Vic· toria . Many Monday mornings he would just manage to drag his body back to the barracks in time for the 0530 run . Douce got his Arts academics in commendable shape just in time to .swing CFL 3rd Slate and get that long promised sword. His final stroke of good luck came when he learned that he couldn't go to CMR but must attend RMC with the rest of us. We 're glad of that!


11070 TERRY FLETCHER Regina, Sask.

CELE Eng. Phys.

In August of 1972, Mr. Terrance Fletcher fell asleep on a plane leaving from Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan and was reported to have awakened somewhere near Victoria, B.C. However , there are those who still question if 'Rook Term ' actually woke him up . Anyway, our third slate CWA, the 'ogre ' came to be affectionately known by his buds as 'Fletch', 'Baggo', 'Flechio', or just 'Hey ya big ape.' 'Fletch ' was one of our most active rugger animals and he was a terror on the water polo team . ' Fletch ' has chosen to become a CELE officer and we at Roads know that he ' ll do well.

PLT Chern. Eng.

11071 GARY FORD Red Deer, Alta.

" Furd " is a great man around the squash courts and the soccer field . He can usually be found scuffing up and down Fraser Flight halls , his second year domain , living up to his reputation of One Squadron P .R . Gary started out in Cartier but he changed his alliance after Chilliwack. One of the few chemical engineers in the College he rea lly worked hard at the books this year except for the occasional weekend ride across town. His favorite pastimes this year were the movie at decks , picking up rooks and playing truth or dare with his girlfriend. Good luck at Portage this summer Gary and all the best for the future.

MARS Engineering

11072 RON FUNK Vancouver, B.C.

Ron , our illustrious Rugby manager and all-star right wing break , started his College career as a LaSalle animal, but attempted to culture the Hud Studs this year. Ron was able to evade bars for two slates and concentrate on academics, but third slate found him hidden in the filing cabinet of a CSA. A west coaster through and through , it is only natural that he join the senior service and go to sea. RMC should pose no unconquerable obstacle and we ' re sure he'll go far .

11073 HANS GARTNER West Lorne, Onto

MILE Engineering

Hans " The Beast" Gartner hails from Ontario. Hans started the year as a member of LaSalle but returned to the Hud to become Third Slate DCFL . Hans ha s earned a great deal of respect on the rugby field and wrestling mats especially from his opponents. Hans has found many ways to keep himself busy , what with sky diving, skiing, cliff diving , and canoeing, and last but not least "G uenther." Hans liked Chilliwack so much he plans to go back this year for MILE. The bulldoze rs are in for some competition.


PLT Arts

11081 MARVIN HAAGSMA Medicine Hat, Alta.

Marv , after having his first year in Mack flight as an artsman and bandsman, continued this tradition In second year, taking the demotion to Champlain Flight In excellent spirit. A healthy dlstate for Calculus , and a knack for English created wild fluctuations In Marv 's academic record . He amazed the Engineers with his electronic ability centered in Ham Radio . This ability resulted in the presidency of the Ham Radio Club and the appointment to 3rd slate UACFEO (Unauthorized Acting Cadet Flight Electronics Officer ). Marv acquired a pair of powerful wheels which he loves to race (during Wing Drill ). Marv aspires to greater heights at RMC , among which is the presidency of VE3RMC . With his accomplishments to date, I am sure that he will continue in the same fashion at RMC . Best of luck, Marv I

11084 PETE HARTLEY Canso, N.S.

MARS Applied Science

From deep in the quiet scholarly halls of Champ Flight comes the cry 'Hartleeey! '. From out of nowhere he appears to astound and entertain us with his down East tap dancing and death-defying cartwheels. Pete is a native of Nova Scotia which no one holds against him because he is one of the more likeable persons in the flight. Among Pete's better known accomplishments is that he has been the proud owner of 3 1/2 cars (?) this year alone, which ranged from a 1953 Zephyr to a 1960 Dodge . After relinquishing his two third slate bars , Pete will be going to RMC in the fall and should do very well there if he can get the English professors out of his hair . Good lu ck Pete I

11088 HOWARD HISDAL Yarrow, B.C.

INF Honours History

The Artsman Artsho le , Howie is known for his brilliant statements on senior drill and his re-writing of the drill manual during his term of Second Slate CSTO . Howard is a scuba diver , wrestler and Scribilerus fan who should do well as a "Pongo " since his home town is Chilliwack. Howard 's heavy workload of classes and responsibilities had quite an influence on him this year. After a few glasses of wine at the Junior Mess Dinner Howard couldn ' t find his room and had to locate it the next morning. Despite the confusion Howard took things in str id e and used his SMEAC to set things right. With talent like this , the "Shovel " should do well at Gagetown this year and at Kingston in the future.

11094 TERRY JANZER Trail, B.C.

MARS Electrical Eng.

Jantz began his career as a modest member of Mack Flight. In spite of his modesty, his senior s soon found out abo ut hi s brown belt in karate and hi s proficiency in fencing , hence 'Karate Janzer ' was never 'hazed ' quite as much as his compatriots. His ambition as a se nior was to woodwork himself through e ngineering but a certain female coaxed him out of his hole in the wood . Once exposed , Terry cou ld not avoid being bestowed with the honour of two bars and hence he became a member of the Mack Flight DCFL Club . Terry is an ardent scuba diver a nd when he is not out with his girl or in the halls choppi ng bricks with his bare hands or slicing Pat Sweetnam with his sabre , he can usually be found below the surface of Esquimalt Harbour searching out the mysteries of the deep. Terry's many talents will carry him far in his profession as a sea officer .


11097 BRETT JOHNSON Camrose, Alta.

MARS History

A woodworker by profession , a hockey scrapper by hobby , a Champ flighter by fortune , a slack junior bud by nature , an English hater by Nemesis , and a pitter due to lack of work ; Brett Johnson, as one of the 5 remaining original first year artsmen is an irrevocable member of the 2300 lights out club . Heralding from sunshiny Alberta two timing Brett views drinking and dancing as only a means Lo the sweet young things in life . Rudely depitted as 3rd slate CSTO , Brett is looking forward to Phase II Mars , and RMC as a step to becoming a sea officer . Good luck at RMC Brett !

11099 RORY KILBURN Fort Saskatchewan, Alta.

PLT Political Science

When out of his pit , Rory can generally be found torquing about on his Honda wonder machine with no money , a freezing bod, and need of more pit. After a few weeks as an apple scientist , Rory decided to refine his approach to life, by entering the Arts course of study . Consequently Ror is an artsman Monday through Friday , and a biker Friday through Sunday (weather permitting or notl. Rory ' s good sense of humour made him a master of facial expressions and odd phys ical poses , as well . Judging by his cabin decor , one can sense his military ambitions at once , for as far as the Forces are concerned , Rory is set upon becoming a pilot. Best of luck in the future , Ror , and keep on truckin '.

11102 HAROLD KNOP Edmonton, Alta.

ANAV Sci (Applied)

"Knopper" survived two years unscathed in the halls of Slack Mack , impressing the juniors with his razor sharp 'Singer ' creases. As the wing's undisputed authority on the evening television programs , Harold kept the plush armchair in front of the T.V . warm for the first two slates . His academic prowess was noted by the castle, thus he was rewarded with the position of chief proctor and DCWC in third slate . While " whipping " the juniors into shape , Harold kept himself in shape by joining the animals on the rep rugger team. As one of the fanatics that enjoys leaping from per路 fectly serviceable aircraft , Harold will leap from the summer para course , braced for touchdown at RMC . Happy landings , Harold !

11103 DENNIS KOLBA Brandon, Man.

MARS Eng. Mang.

Poor Kolbads, immediately upon arrival at Roads , fell in love with the Pit Mon ster . Dennis became known for his trumpet playing ability and was soon No . 1 Duty Bug. He also plays in the stage band , and it was a better Christmas concert with him there . Dennis became a mem ber of the Roads Motorcycle Gang and could be seen fixing it on weekends . Den also became a diver and took part in the many dives the Diving Club had . Being a good flat lander, Dennis is going as a MARE officer . That is if he survives the big two he got in Third Slate .


10703 BILL KOLUPANOWICZ St. Catharines, Onto

PLT Sci (Applied)

Bill or " Klutz " as he is known by the seniors , is a 3 year rodent. He started his career in the old sys tem and has seen a lot of changes. He came back last fall with his Jump wmgs to te rrori ze a fe w rooks as CSTO No . 1 Sqn . Juniors didn 't really look forward to their luncheon invitations from Bill and Bonnie. As with every true rugger ammal , Bill loves his beer and could be found up at the Colwood quite often during the year . Some people thought he and 'El ' had bought shares in the place. Never one for academics Bill stuck with wine, women and song. Ignoring the latter he concentrated on the first two in his visits to such establishments as the Paint Cellar where wom en are never wanting. Bill should do well in Kingston close to Queens and the 0100 Club wishes him the best of luck in his endeavors in the air as well as in his car .

11104 DOUG KONKIN Yorkton, Sask.

CELE Eng. Phys.

Doug came to Roads a graduate of Yorktown High , Sask . On that infamous day in '72, his former hippy life-style came to an abrupt end . Doug became a member of Fraser Flight. After a tedious year as a junior with only stand-<lowns and skiing weekends to look forward to, " Spiro" moved across the squadron foyer to Cartier flight to spend his 2nd year . Doug has had two very successful years at Roads; both academically , militarily and on the sporting side . All are verified by his academic grades, his appointment as CSTO in 3rd Slate and by the hard-fought for bruises from skiing , sailing and hockey . Without any doubt this engineer will excel next year ; both at RMC and on the snow-covered slopes of the Laurentians .

11111 KEVIN MACDONALD Edmonton, Alta.

MARS Science (Applied)

As hinted by his college number , Kevin is a unique character. He started his first year of college with a 'boom ' for he was the much appreciated bass drummer in the band . His enthusiasm for music has switched to his stereo which reminds one of Apollo Control, Houston . Kev is renowned for his smiling face and search for action . His involvement in the scuba and ski clubs only begin to satisfy his craving. The man with many new coats has been a 'Champ ' f1ighter for two years and is known as the " keeper of the Poop Deck". His talents were recognized 3rd slate when he became ' Unofficial Acting Assistant to the DCFL' (UAADCFL)' In the challenging classification of MARS, we know Kevin will be a good and successful officer . Best of luck Kev .

11116 DAVE McCUTCHEON Guelph, On1-

AERE Civil Eng.

Dave, one of the nine hardy souls of Fraser flight to survive the ravages of "Mort the Wart" Morrison and "Stephie" Stevens, as well as the patented Morfopoulos " ten days to Alcoholism " program, slipped across the 1 Sqn foyer into Cartier this year (in the nick of time , as Fraser 's performance will attest) . The change seems to have suited him well , as a sky-high average and DCFL bars will attest. Aside from academic excellence, Dave has distinguished himself by achieving the impossible (for a senior anyway) by remaining solvent for almost an entire year I Dave has also remained faithful to good old Uncle Morf , and became one of the Terrific Trio (the Wine Club) whose product graced the tables of the Senior Mess Dinner . Off to Kingston next year this Civil Engineer will have no problems . Good luck at Borden ! !



11119 DAVID MCKAY Calgary, Alta_

Eng. Mang.

Dave originally hails from England where he picked up a few elementary soccer skills. He should have stuck to soccer because the first time he played rugby it cost him a knee operation. Dave was one of the founding fathers (son ) of the 0100 club. Someday he hopes to be old enough to drink real beer , not just root beer . His seco nd ambition after pilot is to grow a moustache in under five years. Dave , who commanded Champ for the first slate as CFL is bound to do well at RMC .

11125 MIKE MILLER Brantford, Onto

CELE Elec. Eng.

Miraculously , "P udge " managed to survive the first year hazards of inhabiting Rm . 402 in Hud flight halls . It didn 't take him long to realize that living across from the DCWC was no fun at all. Being s hafted , however , seems to have been his lot at RRMC thus far , especially after being named Second Slate CSA. Mil is an academic whiz though, and much of his time is spent helping others. His favourite sport seems to be wrestling ... with his pit , where he gets pinned every time. Mike 's vital interest at present is with St. Joe 's Nurses, especially short ones. Mil is also a member of the famed " Hud poop deck crew." Keep up your good sense of humour , Mil. It should lead you to continued success when you hit the RMC scene next fall.

CELE Elec. Eng.

11127 DOUG MOORE Calgary, Alta.

Doug Moore hails from fair Saskabush. Since his return this year he has disappeared into his room quite often and nobody knew what he was doing until first semester marks came out. Now if you could just parlez Ie frog Doug I When not driving his mind , Doug is busy aiding the Alberta economy by driving his one-man mosquito demolition machine. Doug plans to be busy at Kingston for a while, with CELE this summer and then RMC. He may even attempt to tune in Tokyo .

11130 DAVID NEIL Regina, Sask.

ANAV Civil Eng.

QjJickly becoming a major stockholder in the Champlain Flight Junior Janitorial Service Co., Dave managed to deek being a Duty Bugler in his first year. However his talents were quickly discovered at the beginning of his senior year and he was surrepticiously shanghaied into both the stage and marching bands. Dave is a popular guy ( the fact that he has the best turntable in the college has nothing to do with ill, and was No.2 SQ..D Mess Rep . Having qualified as a charter member of the 2100 Club due to spending an exciting moment on the SOC 's carpet last year, he was instrumental in converting it to the 0100 Club. Dave will become an excellent navigator , since he has a great love for Math and Physics (as well as Mechamats) , unless he becomes the first Westerner to defect to the East in order to fulfill himself as a Ukrainian shepherd.


MARS Sci (Applied)

10730 GARY NEVISON Calgary, Alta.

NevI IS one of the few cadets who were convinced of the merits of the three year program at RRMC . As leave king in his super junior year , he followed with another record this year , and that is the number of times he was DCWO . Often beset with love sickness or attempting to escape from the throes of female paSSIOn , Nevi is renowned for the letters and phone calls he managed to receive . He was successful in his quest for bars ; first as the nut-cracking DCFL of Hud and then continuing as Second Slate CSTO . Nevi also had the distinction of being one of the few to get caught putting out contracts on the CWC .


LOG Administration

New Glasgow, N.S.

A Merry timer to the hilt , Oik never lets the wing forget about that fact. A source of constant joy since his arrival , Dave has done his best to add a bit of humour and colour to everything he does . His most sparkling performance occurred last Hallowe 'en; something that has not been duplicated in some time . For his keeness, Dave was given the position as Wing Jock Third Slate, and did his best to look the part. Being a very good man with paper (just look at his walls ), Oik will make a very good Log Officer , and we wish him the best of everything.

11133 KEN ORR Burton, B.C.

INF Arts

" Keo " was one of the few seniors to find himself in his old home halls of Fraser Flight after a good summer at Chilliwack. Ken was so pleased to return that he crawled right back into the woodwork where he left off as a junior. An Artsman to the core Ken enjoyed the slackness of senior life until he was rudely tugged out of the wood to become DCFL in Second Slate. Ken rose to the occasion and did a great job. Third Slate saw him retire again to the woodwork of the Leper Colony only to emerge on Saturday nights to hop in his car , if it hadn 't been borrowed , and visit sa jeune fille as Papa Doc called her.

11136 STEVE PEACH Sintaluta, Sask.

PLT Elec. Eng.

Steve , a retired Saskatchewan farmer, came to RRMC looking for the better things in life . As a junior Steve was a calm and collected individual seldomly being aroused or excited except on weekends . He became introduced to the new sports of parachuting , wrestling, and match rifle shooting . He had no problems adjusting to the life as a slack senior in the Cartier Hallows, but as fortune had it , he was hauled out of the wood and became DCFL of Cartier Flight for the 3rd Slate . Sports this year included rugby, soccer and other hard-hitting games like grass hockey. One finds out that when you hit Steve on a check he hits back : as a certain senior with 3 stitches will vouch for I His noted pastimes are maniac driving and searching for a certain small silver object he lost one evening . In the future we'll see Steve at RMC and some day bussing around in the skies . Good work and good luck I


11142 DON SHAW Calgary, Alta.

CELE Eng. Phys.

Don has run head路on into success with just about everything he 's done at Roads. He has the uncanny ability to put everything into whatever he does . His starry performance on the rugby field , in the classroom, or at the pub attest this fact. As CWSO first slate Don set a shining example fo~ the recruits by demonstrating his marvellous feats of handwalking and juggling . Don's only mistake of the year was taking over his older brother's 1957 wondermobile . Better luck next time . Best of luck at RMC Don . We all know you'll streak on to bigger and better things .


LORE Eng. Phys.

"Chuckers" fled to RRMC from Sydney , Capte Breton - a fact which was usually not held against him . He was appointed 2nd Slate CSA and didn 't sufficiently recover from the shock to carry his sword, or himself, on parade for the entire Slate. A great team man and always mentally alert , Chucker's hobbies ranged from trying flies ( when he could catch them) to writing radical articles for the annual Coal Miners ' Review . Chuckers has chosen LORE for his classification which confirmed the belief that his ambition and attitudes are at least equal to those of a truck driver. Seriously though, the wing recognizes Chuckers as a true friend and wishes him all the best in the years to come.

11149 MIKE SULLIVAN Sherwood Park, Alta.

MARS Eng. Phys.

Sully is another aspiring ship driver , so much so that he wants to go out in a sardine can. Don't worry Mike, the Rainbow will still be around. An Eng . Phys. type, Mike eluded bars despite his large overkill average. Mike 's pastimes include Dr. Demento, the wobble of the moon, and of course the pit. Occasionally he does something useful such as making a giant 6 ft. Valentine 's heart.

11150 IAN SWAIN Abbotsford, B.C.

MARS Honours Economics

Ian came to Royal Roads with the ambition of becoming a brain surgeon. However , as time progressed Ian decided that to be a sailor was to enjoy those aspects of life unattainable otherwise. Hence , one week each year, (just after Hallowe 'en) , Ian uses to practice teChnique . 'Sweeney ' was one of our cross-country runners in first year and came to be well known by the Drill Staff for his unusual marching. He aspired to CFL of LaSalle Flight in 3rd slate and carried on with boat inspections and such quite effectively. Ian will be a great sailor I


11154 RICK TAYLOR Victoria, B.C.

MARS Honours Economics

Good old ' RK 's story is one of strange developments . Oddly enough he lived in Victoria for a couple of years (not more than 7 miles from Roads > and still he decided to come here for an education . He has led the Arts class for two years , yet he can ' t stand English . Rick also helped to lead 3 squadron to the wing sports championship as their third slate CSSO . Rick aspires to be a navy man, and we wish him the best.

11159 RICK WALL Rexdale, Onto

MARS Eng. Mang.

R.W. is probably the most changed person at Roads . One of the few to arrive at Roads with shorn locks, he was later persuaded to let it grow and was introduced to the vices of wine, women and song, not necessarily in that order. A Hud Stud by birth, he eventually saw the light and joined the ranks of LaSalle and in Second Slate found himself leading them as CFL . A woodworker at heart , he manages to take time off to enjoy the company of both a certain female and his pride and joy , a hot '73 Maverick . After RMC, R .W. is headed for a life at sea as a MARS officer. He ' ll do well.

11160 PAUL WASHINGTON North Bay, Onto

PLT Electrical Eng.

Working towards a degree in Engineering, and a career in the Air Element, Paul 's smiling face can be found wherever a 'good yuk' is to be had. When he 's not composing a song on his guitar, burning up the soccer field or walking up and down the stairs on his hands, he may be found working into the wee hours in an allemptto get out from under a mountain of homework . Good luck Paul and keep smiling .

11161 KEN WETZEL Red Deer, Alta.

LORE Engineering

Ken Wetzel's chief job at the College is repairing his car , a job he will continue in the future as a LORE officer . For Second Slate, Ken was DCFL of the Hud , but this was a secondary duty . Ken, beller known as Wetz, is also a member of the rifle team . At St. Joseph 's Nurses ' School, Wetz is known as a dead shot. A young lady there named Gail has been trying to get him to lay his rifle down and take up homesteading. Ken fights her off by fixing his car.


11162 MIKE WHALEN Kingston, N .S.

CELE Engineering

"Stretch" is a man who stands out (up?) in a crowd; cries of 'Down in front" usually accompany his presence at gatherings where a good view is essential. When he is not walking around with his head in the clouds , Mike is one of those who hides behind the old D. N. D . sign, either driving his books or his pit. Having survived his first year under the kind and understanding care of the Mackenzie Flight barmen and Chilliwack in the hands of the infamous 9 Platoon D. S., his emotional stability now is perhaps reflected in his regular early morning cross-country runs . He remains a loyal Mack Flighter and is a hard worker, however , which has earned him a third slate CSA position . Good luck next year at CMR, Mike'

11164 GERRY WILSON Cumberland County, N.S.

MILE Applied Science

Gerry had a fairly bu sy year. He started out epitomizing the woodworker's ideal as a first and second slate senior cadet and an apple scientist. Then he got involved with the stage band because of his ability to make a guitar do just about anything. He also joined the pistol club . In third slate, Gerry surrendered his woodworking equipment for two bars as the Mack e nzie Flight DCFL . Though Nova Scotia born , once Gerry saw the glories of beautiful British Columbia, he decided to stay and take the MILE course at Chilliwack .

11166 DAVE WINFIELD Dartmouth, N.S.

MARS Sci (Applied)

Dave Winfield alias Woof alias Winnie alias Winnie the Woof was Third Slate CFL of the Hud . His pride and joy is his moustache . We can't understand how s uch a little man could grow such a thing . Dave rose to fame in his second year and will long be known for s uch famous quotes as 'What am I doing here ?' or ' Is the frog the farmer 's friend ?' Nova Scotia should be proud of its only future MARS officer. Woof's hobbies include fencing , fighting various monsters, and Janice. Janice almost had Woof , but his monster fighting abilities sa ved him . Woof now looks forward to new battles at RMC .

11169 DON YOUNG Winnipeg, Man.

PLT Engineering

Youngs ki ha s worked hard all year long to break the 1 supp jinx . One might say he is the perfect engineer, since graphics and Mech of Mats are the only subjects he likes . Right now he wants to be a civil engineer and he 's trying to become the shortest pilot in the Armed Forces . Don ha s been one of the infamous mess deck rangers since his junior year and so far this year he ha s got to know most of the 'ins and outs ' at the Colwood. When he isn't Quenching his thirst you can probably find him balling a squash ball around or surveying the lates t issue of National Lampoon .


ROW SIX: MCpl NL Chow, Sgt BL Booth, WO DW Buxton, WO WJ Harris, OCdt MJ Whalen, OCdt DB Anderson, OCdt RG Kilburn, OCdt SC Peach , OCdt DS Kolba , OCdt MD Miller, OCdt MJ Sullivan, OCdt KR Wetzel , OCdt DT Neil, OCdt AJ Camplin , OCdt TJ Fletcher, OCdt RE Coueffin , OCdt HR Knop , OCdt RW Funk , MWO CC Smith, MWO D Harrison, WO W Byrnell, Sgt E Coss, MCpl JB Waller . ROW FIVE : OCdt RIW Comis, OCdt HR Gartner , OCdt BL Doucette , OCdt BJ Johnson , OCdt WE Amirault , OCdt RK Taylor , OCdt DL Shaw, OCdt DPA Hartley, OCdt DE McKay, OCdt DJ Moore, OCdt GS Ford , OCdt I Swain, OCdt DG Brooks, OCdt KE Orr , OCdt TJ Janzer, OCdt GN Bucholtz , OCdt CBA Shawcross , OCdt KJ MacDonald, Otdt DP Konkin, OCdt GD Wilson , OCdt GR Nevison, OCdt WG Kolupanowicz , OCdt RA Wall , OCdt Mp Haagsma . ROW FOUR : OCdt DN Oickle, OCdt DN Winfield, OCdt DR Young , CWO WC Ard , CWO DM Trayling , CSO DA McEachern, CSO LJ Falloon, CSO RJ Gebbie, CSO WJ Miller, CSO KL Matheson, CSO RD Murphy , CSO GS Hutchings, CSO RF Drummond, CSO GP Walker , CSO TH Addison , CSO RA Morrin, CSO RG Dodson , CWO WI Unger, CSO JA Rose, CSO KJ Barnard , CSO NJ Anderson, CWO HF Wilzewski, OCdt DM McCutcheon, OCdt PA Washington, OCdt HV Hisdal. ROW THREE : CWO CD Fast , CSO DL Debienne , CSO M Erdmann , CSO WO Istchenko , Lt L. McCabe , Capt W. Adam , Capt BD Kendell , Capt WA McAllister , Capt CWS Brod s ky, M.R . Gagne, Mme D. Gagne , Mr. CR LaBossiere , Mr . CC Whitlock , Miss Suan Day , Mme Normande Whitney , Mlle . Stella Pednault , Capt HC Silvester, Capt JC Carlson , Capt GE Sharpe , Capt CR King , CSO TA McKenzie, CSO MJ Gropp , CSO MJ McK e nzie. CWO RG Taylor . ROW TWO : Major VAA Coroy , Major WE Hellqvist , Capt JY Chatigny , Mr . B Aghassian, Dr JA Boutilier , Dr C Maingon , Dr MR Barr , Dr GM Lancaster , Dr HR Grigg , Prof JK Kinne ar : Prof JW Madill , Dr H Montgomery , Dr C Tchalekian , Dr WC Horning , Dr DW Hone , Prof HE Rankin , Prof ER Chappell , Dr MG Robinson , Mr . PDM Stewart , Mr . WG McIntosh , Mr . WT Mann , Major NC Balson , Capt KW Henderson . ROW ONE : Major EF Swoboda , Prof AD Wallis , Dr . G . Morgan , Dr AE Carlsen , Dr R Odlham , CWO DN Redman , CWO GB Lewis , CWO JP Sweetnam , CWC DJ Marshall, Dr ES Graham, Col RCK Peers, LCol GH Herbert, DCWC BR Madill , CWO PG Yaeger , CWO NE Bonikowski , CWO RG Matthe ws , Dr AG Bric knell , Dr HJ Duffus , Dr JA Izard , Prof GF Dalsin. Capt AI Wakeling , Major HR Gardner , l'IIajor GW Small.


... my golden locks!

... Iay it ALL on me ... What 's this,

a parade ?


... charge I




.. . lhey ' re off


.. . woooo ..






1973 The following officer cadets attained an average of 75 % or above in their first year of studies Mike Erdmann Barry Madill Dave McCutcheon Mike Miller Bob Morrin Don Shaw Pete Yaeger


u. S. A. F. A.









The twofold purpose of the USAFA - RRMC exchange was met with great success this year . The team competitions were excellent; with Royal Roads succeeding in Soccer 3 to 1: Rugby 16 to 10 : and Debating. USAFA took advantage of the lower altitude by placing 9 runners across the finish line before Roads' first runner in the cross-country competition. Socially, the visit was also


a tremendous success. The American cadets thoroughly enjoyed the atmosphere and the Canadian Girls provided for the dance. The weekend also promoted the opportunity for Roads ' cadets and USAFA cadets to meet new friends, compare ideas, and exchange 'v aluable' momentos , such as, name tags, medals, sweatsuits, berets , and addresses .

JR. VS. SR. SOCCER The weather reflected the outcome of the match almost before it commenced as far as the Juniors were concerned. However, the Juniors challenged them with fervor and the game was very exciting. The weather did prove to be an omen: final score Seniors 3, Juniors O.


JR. VS. SR. RUGBY "Rugby player" is synonomous with "animal " according to Hoyle, and indeed the match warranted such descriptive adjectives. Each team played well while spectators cheered from the sidelines. Once again the Seniors came out on top: final score 18 to 4.


BASKETBALL Junior - Senior basketball represented the midpoint in the academic year as well as being the highlight of the Junior _ Senior competitions. The teams were evenly matched, and the game they played was spectacular. Final score: Seniors 50, Juniors 49.


VOLLEYBALL Thrilling suspense .. . hair raising action .. . raw emotion, are but a few of many phrases to describe the scene surrounding this competition. Each game was decided by the minimum two points, the series being the best of seven games . Outcome , Seniors 4 games, Juniors 3 games.

JR./SR. BROOMBALL Junior-Senior broom ball represented the last opportunity for the Junior class to defeat the Seniors on the sports field. On completion of regulation play the score was tied 0-0. In overtime, and with no goalies, the Juniors caught the Seniors off-guard and scored! Final score, Juniors 1 Seniors O.





Hockey is a most exciting sport on any occasion, but especially when the opposing teams are Seniors and Juniors. It was a tremendous game, full of great action in both ends. However the superiority lay with the Seniors; final score Seniors 5, Juniors 2.


CHRISTMAS It has been the tradition at Royal Roads to create the appropriate atmosphere for the arrival of St. Nicholas. The tradition includes a Christmas Dinner for the

FESTIVITIES cadets and staff as well as a carol service. Both events were most enjoyable which was a good omen for Christmas with the family.










REAR ROW, Left to Right: Bill Neumann, Doug Erlandson , Charlie Ennis, John Foster, Howard Hisdal , Larry Clark, Lorna Peers , Ron Cooper, Brian Peers , Mr . Gagne, Bill Kolupanowicz, Doug Konkin , Rick Coueffin, Ll. McCabe , Club Advisor. MIDDLE ROW : Doug Cowie, Terry Janzer , Rick Wall , Steve Peach, Ken LaValley . FRONT ROW : Dennis Kolba , Gord Fleming .

SCUBA CLUB The scuba club has involved itself within the College life quite pleasantly. On any free Saturday or Sunday the club had dives planned for various locations around the island; both fresh and salt water. The ocean environment was new to most


divers which added a new dimension to each dive. The club is very well equipped, possessing 10 tanks and regulators, as well as a large selection of flippers, weights, masks, and snorkels.


REAR ROW, Left to Right : Pat Sweetnam , Mike Gropp, Chuck Fast , Capt. Carlsen, Club Advisor ; Mike Kennedy , Kent Hocevar , Hans Gartner , Doug Dubowski , Wayne Shorrock, Mike Harvey , Kevin MacDonald , Harold Knop. FRONT ROW : Scott Smillie , Barry Kennedy , Steve James , Stan Benda , Ron Cooney, Howard Hisdal , Terry McKenzie, Doug Moore , Marvin Haagsma .

BACK ROW, Left to Right : Dave Neil, Ross Matthews, Ray Richards , Jim Willis , Brent Anderson , Randy Comis , John Foster , Jay Olson . CENTRE ROW : Mike Gropp , Chuck Fast , Doug Erlandson , Roger Kugler, Gary Nevison, Bill Kolupanowicz , Mr . Gagne. FRONT ROW : Paul O'Connor , Dan Nasar , Major V. Coroy , Staff Advisor; Dave Gunderson , Greg McQuaid .


BACK ROW, Left to Right: Dave McKay , Neil Clegg , Kevin MacDonald , Mike Lehre , Scott Miller, Ross Matthews, lain Swain, Gord Fleming, Barry Doucette, Pete Yaeger, Scott Smillie . FRONT ROW : Dennis Kolba, Dave Marshall , Doug Konkin , Paul Washington, Greg McQuaid , Capt. Carlsen, Staff Advisor ; Blaine Streithorst, Bruce Lewis , Don McEachern , Bill Miller.




Royal Roads Ski Club was newly formulated this year. Its excursions included two weekend trips to Vancouver Island's For-



bidden Plateau, as well as a four day, stand down excursion to Garibaldi 's 'Whistler Mountain.'



The club is headed by Dr. Charles Maingon , who holds a black belt. With his expert advice, the club ' s members quickly acquired the necessary skills to enter basic competition . The sport is enjoyed by all.


BOTTOM TO TOP, Leflto Right: Marvin Haagsma, Don Clark, Pete Tenbruggencate, Ken Orr , Colin Stuart, Blane Ryan, Gordon Fleming, Scott Miller , Ken Mislan , Jerzy Romaniec , Doug Konkin , Doug Brooks , Dave McCutcheon , Ron Funk .

Sailing in the Pacific Ocean proved to be something new and exciting for all the members. The club made good use of the College sailing equipment to enhance their sailing tact.

SAILING SQUASH The squash team enjoyed a monopolistic position in the College in that they controlled the squash courts. This year's team also proved that short men could indeed compete in this game.

KNEELING : Don McEachern , Hubert Wilzewski . STANDING , Leflto Right : Dave Oickle , Gary Ford , Brad Gibbons, Pele Noble , Captain Wakeling, Coach; Gary Patterson, Dan Murphy , Don Debienne, Don Young.



BACK ROW : Major Gardner , Coach ; Randy Comis , Dave Gunderson , Murray McKenzie, Ken Wetzel. FRONT ROW : Gary Nijman , Doug Southen , Doug Alder , Ken Zelenka .


BACK ROW : Steve Tighe , Rick Coueffin , Wayne Shorrock, Neil Clegg, Dan Murphy , Ron Cooney . FRONT ROW : Barry Madill , Dave Neil, Mike Gropp , Gerry Wilson . 80

Fencing is an art as well as a competitive sport. It requires great reflexes and a high degree of coordination. The object in fencing is to strike your opponent in designated areas of his body with certain areas of the blade of your sword. It is of equal importance however to prevent your opponent 's blade from striking you . This makes for an extremely fast and rigorous sport. REAR ROW, Left to Right : Dan Trayling, Barry Madill , Dave Winfield, Howard Hisdal , Ken Misland, Ken Joseph. FRONT ROW : Terry Janzer , Sgt. Coss , Coach ; Pat Sweetnam .


AMATEUR RADIO LEFT TO RIGHT : Murray McKenzie , Chris Robinson , Tim Green , Greg Jones, Marvin Haagsma, Charlie Shawcross , Major W.E . Hellqvist.

Silence please! Peru being received very faintly . "This is VE7CSC do you comprehend?, OVER" No reply however this situation occurs frequently for those avidly involved with radio transmission. The Amateur Radio Club offers to its members the opportunity to earn their private transmitting licences as well as practical experience . It is agreed by all that the ultimate reception would be Radio Tokyo.


SCRIBLERUS CLUB This was the first year for the Scriblerus Club which under the direction of Captain Brodsky tried to provide a variety of activities . Whether it be touring the special collections of the U of Vic library , attending a play , cooking dinner at Dr . Boutilier's home , or listening to a guest speaker , you can be sure that the members of the club are enjoying themselves. SEATED : Larry O' Neill , How a rd Hisda l, Dave Oic kle . STANDIN G : Captain Brods ky, Mik e Mc F a dd e n , Bria n Le ona rd , John Willow , Doug Southe n , Jay Olson , Ba rry Madill .

DEBATING SOCIETY The Royal Roads debating society , under the guidance of Mr . LaBossiere , was active and successful once again. The club assisted Roads ' victory during the USAF A visit when the y argued successfully for the unification of the defence forces of North America . That topic was broadened to include a total unification when the team went to RMC in January . Against com petition drawn from some of the best universities in the east the team won half of their debates. The club ended the year by killing the topic of euthanasia in the BC totem conference .

LEFT TO RIGHT : Howard Hisdal , Bill Amirault , Ken Mis lan , Barry Ma dill , Larry O' Ne ill.



Rugby , the College 'Animal Sport ' , was indeed the most popular of all representative team sports . Our Animals were most successful this season , winning consistently except against the tough Douglas College team . Roads also provided four players for the Island under 19 team .




BACK ROW , Left to Right : Dr . Lancaster, Coach; Scott Smillie, Barry Madill , Bill Kolupanowicz, Dave Marshall , Terry Fletcher , Alistair Camplin, Steve Shore , Paul Labrosse , John Willow , Pat Sweetnam , Mike Taylor , Paddy Stewart , Coach. FRONT ROW : Glenn Nordick , Don Shaw , Capt.; B,II Miller , Mike Gropp, Hans Gartner, Don McEachern , Bill Wenman , John Rose .


SOCCER KNEELIN G: Gary Gies brecht , Ri ck T ay lor , Mik e Le rhe, Bru ce Da vidson , P e te r Cha ndl er, Ga r y P a tt e r so n , Cha rli e La R ocqu e, Murray Mc Kenz ie , Robe rt Mor rin . STA NDI NG: Don Cor r y , Ga ry F ord , Wa ll y Istche nk o , P a ul Was hingto n , Bob Drumm ond , Dave Mc Kay , Ca pt. McA llister , Coac h.


Roads ' soccer team did not participate in the local league this year . However, in several exhibition games the team showed great skill and fine spirit. The most notable , as well as most gratifying game was the team ' s victory over USAFA 3 to 1.


BACK ROW . Left to Right : Marvin Haagsma . Manager ; M/CpJ. Waller. Coach; Gary Patterson. Les Falloon. Bill Ard. Ken Webb . Bruce Gallagher. Wally [stchenko . Gord Dornstauder . John Rose. FRONT ROW : Brian Taylor . Paul Labrosse . Don McEachern . Mike Coady. Hube rt Wilzewski . Tim Addison. Dan Trynchuk . Bre tt Johnson . Charlie LaRocque .

The hockey team enjoyed a most successful season this year . They were victorious in all of their exhibition games against the local police force. Their road trip to Calgary and Edmonton was great fun as well, however they were outscored at the buzzer 2-1 and 2-0.



Roads had ' a very powerful water polo team this year . The players were all strong swimmers and enjoyed playing the game . Consequently , when Crystal Pool invited the team to playa match against them, Roads did very well. The team also represented the College proudly in Calgary .

BACK ROW : MWO Harrison, Coach ; Terry Fletcher, Don Corry , Bill Kolupanowicz , Pete Noble , Norm Bonikowsky , Pete Tenbruggencate , Gord Fleming . FRONT ROW : Mike Erdmann , Herb Chambers , Murray Halt , Mike Le rhe , Jay Olson , Glenn Nordick, Ed Unger. 88

STANDING, Left to Right : Dave Serek, Jim McEachern, Mike Dorey , Joe Braithwaite, Warren Dufour, Barry Doucette. KNEELING : eil Bronson , Neil Clegg , Pete Yaeger , Murray McKenzie .

This year the cross-country team competed in a variety of meets. The training combined with spirit brought

the team a third place finish at Trinity College, and a fine showing at the Admiral Nelles Invitational.







BACK ROW, Left to Right: Larry Clark, Jery Romaniec, Chris Robinson, Greg McQpaid, Greg Jones, Bud Pennington, Dwight Lawrance, Roger Kugler , Gord Fleming, Mark Broschell , Dave Neil. FRONT ROW : Don Corry, Murray McKenzie, Mike Gropp, Herb Chambers, Marvin Haagsma , Dave Gunderson , Don Clark, Brad Gibbons, Tim Green, Nell Anderson, Rick Wall , Brian Taylor , CBM.



LEFT TO RIGHT : Greg McQjJaid , Piano ; Brian Taylor , Tenor Saxophone ; Murray McKenzie , Baritone ; Denis Kolba , Trumpet ; Chris Robinson, Trumpet; Rick Wall, Clarinet; Gord Fleming, Clarinet; Ray Richards , Trumpet ; Dave Neil , Trumpet ; Roger Kugler , Baritone Saxophone ; Dave Marshall , Bass Guitar ; Terry Janzer , Lead Guitar; Gerry Wilson , Classica l Guitar ; Marvin Haagsma , Drums .

Rhythm 'n Blues, Dance, Jazz, Concert, or Popular: your choice. The stage band provided the wing with a pleasant change from the commercial bands, both in style and repertoire. Led by Brian Taylor , the Band prac-

ticed on an irregular basis. However as an engagement approached, the frequency increased. The boys enjoyed getting together and having fun: the wing enjoyed listening and dancing to their music .


... the first cut. ..



... futuristic view ...


FRONT ROW : Roy Israelson , Hans Gapmann, Maurice Turpin , John Phillips , Wayne Anderson . MIDDLE ROW : Roger Gauthier , Ron Cooper , Wayne Herrgotl , Dave Richardson , AI Bedard. BACK ROW : Simon Klaudt , Mik e Tipman , Ivan Madronic , Kirk MacLennan , Joe Szydlik .

U. T.P.M. CLASS This was the first year in the Military College history that former enlisted men were given the opportunity to enrol. UTPM is an abreviation meaning University Training Plan for Men . The cadets enrolled through this programme attended classes in their respective choice of studies along with the remainder of the first year cadets.


They were also given the opportunity to compete in sports with one of the established flights . 'Dining' proved to be most exciting with the UTPM, as the 'Napkin Scandal' and the 'Luncheon Date' proved to be most humorous events. Dave and the boys also made great company during weekend discussion groups at the Colwood.


FRONT ROW , Left to Right : Kolupanowicz , Konkin , McEachern , Taylor , Yaeger , Istechenko , Hutchings, Addison, McCutcheon , Doucette . SECOND ROW : Peach , Joseph , Braithwaite , Boyer , Bass, Bronson, Alder , Thompson , Chandler, Lee , Blondeel. THIRD ROW : Benda , Coady, Neyedli, Adam s, Clegg. FOURTH ROW: Clark, Ser ek , Chambers, Coo ney , Broscheit.


FRONT ROW, Left to Right : Orr , Hisdal , Shawcross, Miller , Lewis , McKenzie , Barnard, Bucholtz , Amirault , Ford . SECOND ROW : Cowie, Erland son , Fisch , Day , Davidson , Pennington , Harvey , Floyd, Dubowski , Corry, Ellis . THIRD ROW : Dorns tauder , Foste r , Ennis, Fleming , Dufour.



FRONT ROW: Johnson , Brooks , Falloon , Matheson, Sweetnam, Erdmann , Trayling, Ard, McKay, Haagsma . SECOND ROW : Neil , Streithorst , MacDonald , Klimaszewski , Green , Jones , Kennedy B.G.L ., Hartley, James , Com is , Anderson . THIRD ROW : Gunderson , Gibbons , Kugler , Kimick , Huesby . FOURTH ROW : Hall , Kennedy M .P ., Harron , Gallagher, Hocevar .


FRONT ROW: Whalen, Rose , Drummond , Fast, Madill, Bonikowsky, Gropp, Morrin, Coueffin, Knop. SECOND ROW: Miller , McEachern , Leonard , Lawrence , Nijam , Janzer, Washington , Larocque, Wilson, Martin . THIRD ROW : Lerhe, LaValley , Labrosse , Nasar . FOURTH ROW : Neumann , Mislan, MacDonald J .A.W., McFadden , MacDonald J .P .S. 98


FRONT ROW : Kilburn , Miller , Gebbie , Dodson , Debienne , Murphy, Wilzewski, Wetzel , Taylor, Camplin . SECOND ROW : Ryan, Fletcher , Sullivan , Nevison , Winfield , Oickle , Nordick , O'Connor , Gartner , Funk . THIRD ROW : Shelley , McQjJaid, O' Neill , Olson, Romaniec . FOURTH ROW : Smillie , Pettis, Shore , Robinson , Noble . FIFTH ROW : Richards , Parker , Paxton , Patter son , Pack .


FRONT ROW : Young , Kolba , Unger , McKenzie , Matthews , Marshall , Walke r , Anderson, Wa ll , Swain . SECOND ROW : Shaw , Tighe , Moore , Waggott , Trychuck , Southen , Turnbull, Stuart , Webb , Tudor , Tenbruggencate . TH IRD ROW : Willow , Wenman , Ze lenka , Waller , Taylor .



D .N. W .E . W.G.


G.S. P.G.


T .A. K .J .

Redman Amirault Kolupanowlc l

M N E.

Taylor Fast Istchenko Unger

Morrin Erdmann Bonikowsky


M.J . R .D. RG


FRASER McKenzie Barnard

Marshall Sweetnam Madill Gropp Shaw


CARTIER Hutchongs Yaeger

D.J . J .P . B.R M.J . D.L . B.G . C.D. W.O. E .!.

Drummond Washington

McKay Anderson

Murphy Matthews




Gebbie Nevison


Anderson Walker



H V.






D .A. O .M .


W.J. K.E



Lewis Walker Camphn Fast Taylor Istchenko Unger

Bonikowsky Matheson

Trayling Ard


R.G MD . G.R. R G.



Madill Hutchings


NE K.L . D .M. W.G

CARTIER McEachern McCutcheon

B.R . G.S. G.B. G.P. A.J . C.D. B.G. W.O. E!.

Rose Janzer




Debienne Wetzel



Matthews Miller Nevison Dodson


Wali Young


W.O. K.J D.P. G.S.


B .L . S.C.


T.H . G.N.


Barnard Konkin Ford


D N.

HR . T .J . R.F . D.N. C.D. B.G. E .!. H. F .

Redman Knop

Fletcher Drummond Olckle

Fast Taylor Unger Wilzewskl


Sweetnam Whalen Johnson

Com IS

M .J .





Addison Buchollz

D .N H.R .


D.P .


Winfield Gartner



Murphy Funk Gebbie Taylor






RD. R .W R.J R .K.

I D.S.




FRONT ROW : Chuck Fast , Pat Sweetnam, Dave Marshall , Barry Madill , Bruce Lewis. SECOND ROW : Dave Redman, Pete Yaeger , Norm Bonikowsky , Ross Mat路 thews . THIRD ROW: E .!. Unger , Brian Taylor , Hubert Wilzewski.



1 SQ.UADRON P .G. Yaeger W.J . Miller G .S. Hutchings T .H. Addison c;ARTIER

D.J . Marshall B.R . Madill G.B . Lewis J .P . Sweetman D.N. Redman C.D. Fast B.G. Taylor E.!. Unger H.F . Wilzewski

2 SQ.UADRON N.E . Bonikowsky K.L. Matheson R .F . Drummond R .A. Morrin MACKENZIE

3 SQ.UADRON R .G . Matthews R .D. Murphy G.P . Walker R .G . Dodson HUDSON

CFL W.O. lstchenko D/CFL D.A. MacEachern

M.J . Gropp J .A. Rose

D.L . Debienne R.J . Gebbie

FRASER CFL T .A. McKenzie D/CFL K.J . Barnard

CHAMPLAIN M. Erdmann L.J . Falloon

M.J . McKenzie N.J. Anderson








SENIOR TERM Addison, T.H. Amirault, W.E. Anderson, D.B . Anderson, N.J. Ard, W.C. Barnard, K.J . Bonikowsky, N.E. Brooks, D.G. Bucholtz, G.N. Camplin, A.J. Comis, R.I.W . Couerrin, R .E. Debienne, D.L. Dodson , R .G. Doucette , B.L. Drummond, R .F. Erdmann, M. Falloon, L.J . Fast, C.D.A. Fletcher, T .J . Ford, G.S. Funk, R .W. Gartner, H.R . Gebbie, R .J . Gropp, M.J. Haagsma, M.P. Hartley , D.P .A. Hisdal, H.V. HutChings , G.S. Istchenko, W.O. Janzer, T.J . Johnson, B.J . Kilburn , R .G. Knop, H.R . Kolba, D.S . Kolupanowicz, W.G . Konkin, D.P. Lewis, G.B. Macdonald, K.J . Madill, B.R . Marshall, D.J.M . Matheson , K.L. Matthews, R.G . McCutch~on, D.M. McEachern, D.A. McKay, D.E. McKenzie, M.J. McKenzie , T .A. Miller, M.D. Miller, W.J . Moore, D.J . Morrin, R .A.L . Murphy, R .D. Neil,D.T. Nevison, G.R. Oickle , D.N. Orr, K.E . Peach, S.C. Redman, D.N.

2442 Tanner Rd . Box 345 11136-15 St. 192 Dalhousie Ave. No. 81 R .C .M .P . Barracks R. R . No . I Box 2006 2685 Bushland Cres. Box 696 851 Lake Lucerne Dr. 4321-35 St. 613 Cowan St. 932-4 St. R . R. No . 4 27 Swordfish Dr . 997 Mortfield Court 1577 Joan Ave . 138-2nd Ave . W. 2096 Hoskins Rd. 852 Campbell St. 4026 Mustang Acres 9916 East 29th Ave . R . R . No . 4 915 Marion Ave . 1855 Connaught St. 81-7th St. N.W. R. R. No . I 4068 Eckert Rd . 533 Hays Cove Cir. 636 Rye St. 3201 Highway Dr . 9419-741h St. Box 1790 10704-46th St. 2933 Park Ave. 298 Vine St. 219 Franklin Dr . 433 McNabb St. 10128-80th St. 64 Danesbury Cres. 2259 Arbutus Rd . 4020 MacPhail Ave . 252 Courtright Rd . R . R . No . 4 Windridge Farm Box 713 506 Salem Ave . S.W . 1042 Ominich St. E . 4903-52nd St. 26 Sanderson St. I Prince Edward Dr . 2222-36th Ave . S.W. 484 Woodward Ave. 531 North Edward St. No . 18, 18ll-8th Ave . N. 3704 Brooklyn Cres . 336 Willow Ave . General Delivery Box 84 1037 Fenn Ave .

Victoria, B.C. Bridgetown , N.S. Dawson Cree k , B.C. St. Catharines, Ont. North Battleford , Sask. Iderton , Ont. Cold Lake , Alta . Mississauga, Ont. Vulcan , Alta . Calgary, Alta . Red Deer , Alta . Kamloops , B.C. Estevan, Sask. St. Thomas , Ont. Shearwater, N .S. Richmond , B.C. Crofton , B.C. Souris , Man . N. Vancouver, B.C. Regina , Sask. Red Deer, Alta . Vancouver , B.C. West Lorne, Ont. Windsor , Ont. Regina, Sask. Medicine Hat , Alta . Canso, N .S. Yarrow , B.C . Prince Rupert, B.C . Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ont. Trail, B.C. Edmonton , Alta . Fort Saskatchewan , Alta . Edmonton, Alta . Brandon, Man. St. Catharines , Ont. Yorkton , Sask. Sault Ste. Marie , Ont. Edmonton , Alta. Bramalea, Ont. Victoria, B.C. Regina , Sask. Guelph , Ont. Guelph , Dnt. Lanigan, Sask. Ca lgary , Alta . Moose Jaw, Sask . Cam rose , Alta. Brantford, Ont. North Bay , Ont. Ca lgary , Alta. Winnipeg, Man. Thunder Bay , Ont. Regina , Sask. Ca lgary , Alta. New Glasgow, N.S. Burton, B.C. Sintaluta , Sask. Victoria , B.C.


Rose, J .A. Shaw, D.L . Shawcross, C.B. Sullivan, M.J. Swain , I. Sweetnam, J . P . Taylor, B.G .L. Taylor, R.K . Trayling, D.M. Unger, E .!. Walker, G.P . Wall, R.A. Washington, P.A . Wetzel, K.R . Whalen , M.J. Wilson, G .D. Wilzewski, H.F .C. Winfield, D.N. Yaeger, P .G. Young , D.R .

701-14th Ave . S. No . 203 , 1305 Glenmor e Trail Point Edwa rd R. R. No . 4 1866 Dahl Cr es . Oaks House , 9 Yarmouth R . R . No . 2 128 Croft St. 3381 Ea s t 29th Ave . 89 Victoria St. 835 Stadacona St. W. 9 Ringwa y Cres. 630 Daneave 102-1 SprIn gfi e ld Ave. 399 E ast Main St. Wentworth Box 603 23 Bella Vis ta Dr . 2 Airport Dr . 252 We xford St.

Cranbrook , B.C. Calgary, Alta . Sydney , N .S. Sherwood Park , Alta . Abbotsford , B.C. N. Walsham , N.F.K ., Eng . Oxford Station , Ont. Victoria , B.C. Vancouver , B.C . London, Ont. Moose Jaw , Sask . Re xdale , Ont. North Bay, Ont. Red Deer , Alta . Kingston, N.S. Cumberland Co ., N.S. Drumheller , Alta . Dartmouth , N.S. North Bay , Ont. Winnipeg , Man .

JUNIOR TERM Adams, D.M. Alder,D.A . Bass, M.A. Benda, S.F. Blondeel, J .A. Boyer, H.D. Braithwaite, J .E . Bronson, N.R . Broscheit, M.R . Chambers, H.W .L . Chandler, P .C. P . Clark, L.S. Clegg, N.M .A. Coady, M.F .P . Cooney, R .J . Corry, D.J .K. Cowie, D.F . Davidson , D.B. Day , J . M. Dornstauder , G .M. Dubowski, D.G. Dufour, W.M. Ellis, K.R . Ennis, C.A. Erlandson, D.L. Fisch, G.H . Flemming, G.H. Floyd, G.S. Foster, J .D. Gallagher , M.B . Gibbons , B.S. Green, T .C. Gunderson, D.S. Harron, G .A. Harvey, M.J . Hatt, M.R.


Box 236 70 Main St. 32 Longbourne Drive R . R . No . 1 2108 McDonald Ave. Wes tvie w Drive 15 Maple St. No . I , 1469 Springhill Dr . 825 Bison Ave. N.E . 11354 Cha let Rd . 7 Loy ala Bay 3920 Orton a Cr es. 10 Nick e l St. 405 Martha St. 1149 Koma Cres . 4517 Cottonwood Dr . 126 Bruce Ave . 4114 -38th St. 5007-57th Ave . 415 Vaughan Ave . 1710 Madd e n Ave . 522-13th Ave . 1171 Hands worth Rd . 23385 Dog wood Ave. 27 Lillu oet St. E . 2015 T ay lor St. E . Kentwood Rd . 225 -14th Ave. N. 19 Thucher Dr . 36 Cunnon Cr es . 666 Countess Ave. 5207-53rd Ave . 227 Allan Ave. 2937 Pi ckford Rd . 3108-13th Ave. S.W .

Champion , Alta . Brampton, Ont. Bruderheim , Alta . Wes ton , Ont. Grande Point, Ont. Prince George , B.C. Vancouver , B.C. Elmira , Ont. Kamloops , B.C. Weyburn , Sask. Sidney , B.C. Winnipeg , Man . Vancouver , B .C. Levack , Ont. Burlington , Ont. Delta , B.C. Burlington , Ont. Winnipeg , Man . Red Deer , Alta . Lloydminster , Alta . Selkirk, Man . Saskatoon , Sask. Cranbrook, B.C. North Vancouver , B.C. Maple Ridge , B.C. Moose Jaw , Sask. Saskatoon , Sask. Cumberland, B.C. Cranbrook , B .C. Winnipeg, Man . Dartmouth , N.S. Portage La Prairie , Man. Ponoka , Alta . Churchbridge , Sask. Victoria , B.C. Calgary , Alta.

Hocevar , K. Huseby, R .O. James , S.L. Jones, G.K . Joseph , K.D. Kennedy, B.G .J. Kennedy, M.P .J . Kimick, B.A. Klimaszewski, M.L . Kugler, R.J.A. Labrosse, P.P.J. LaRocque, C.W.J. LaValley, K.R. Lawrance, D.G. Lee, S.J . Lerhe, M.S. Leonard, B.R. Martin, D.T. McDonald, J .A.W. McDonald, J.D.S. McEachern, J.A . McFadden, M.W. McQpaid , R.G . Miller,D.S. Mislan, K.A.J. Nasar, D.W. Neumann, W.J. Neyedli, B.R . Nijman, G.M. Noble, P.R. Nordick, G.W. O'Connor, P.A . Olson, J . M. O'Neill, L.H. Pack, D.M. Parker, O.K. Patterson, G.C . Paxton, R.J.C. Pennington, W. Pettis, B.G. Richards, R.S. Robinson, C.J. Romaniec, J.M. Ryan, B.G. Serek, D.J . Shelley, C.R. Shore, S.A. Smillie, C.S. Southen, D.J. Streithorst, B.C. Stuart, C.E . Taylor, M.A. Tenbruggencate, P.O. Thompson, K.A. Tighe, S. Trynchuck, D.J. Tudor, 0.1. Turnbull, K.G. Waggott, J .G. Webb, K.L.J. Wenman, W.M. Willow, J.C . Zelenka, K.R.

65 Salis bury Ave. 5204 Wilson St. 3274 W. 8th Ave. 511-2440 Portage Ave. 249-9th Ave . W. 563 Camden PI. 578 Village Green Ave . 8 Laird Dr . 10 Yawkey Ave. 2183 Grant Ave. 22 Charlton Cres c o 34 -7th Ave . N. Box 1050 375-10th Ave . 7l08-89th Ave . 608 Redfern Cresc o 4 James St. 7 Galley Ave . R .R . No . 2 Box 704 P .O. Box 341 10373-146th St. 1702-24A St. S.W. 211-13th Ave . S.E . 1434 Lakewood Dr . 4614-6th Ave . 3256 Birds Hill Rd . 110-17th Ave . 954 Newport Ave . 368 Maple St. 4210 Dunvegar Rd . 5 Amberwood Rd . 312-25th Ave . S.W. 8958-94th Ave . P.O . Box 1218 23-12th St. P.M .Q., 510 No . 16, 300 Decair e 2840 Baycrest Dr . Box 1348 653 Huron St. 814 Helen Cresc o Box 98 702-6th Ave . 14 Hughes Rd . 42 Abingdon Dr . 1621 Ethel St. 27 Prince St. 512 Riverview Rd . 744 Ashley Cresc o 110 Firs t Ave. 92 Auralea Blvd . 5811-16A Ave . 3008 Radisson Ave. 16 Cedar St. H06-17th St. S. P .O. Box 217 268 McNaughton Ave. 5 Ve nus Bay W. 1876 Ethel St. 1644 Rockland Ave . P .O. Box 133

Sas katoon , Sas k. Blackfalds, Alta . Vancouve r , B.C . Winnipeg , Man. Melville , Sas k. R ichmond, B.C . London , Ont. Trenton , Ont. Marathon , Ont. Pt. Coquitlam , B.C. North Bay, Ont. Yorkton , Sask. Valleyview , Alta . Me lville , Sask. Edmonton, Alta . Richmond , B.C. Lahr , Germany Thompson , Man . Orillia , Ont. Nanaim o, B.C. Lanigan , Sas k. Blind River , Ont. Surrey, B .C. Calgary , Alta. Calgary, Alta . Vancouver , B.C. Edson , Alta. Birds Hill , Man. Estevan , Sask . Victoria , B.C. Kamloops , B .C. Burlington, Ont. Islington , Ont. Calgary , Alta . Fort Saskatchewan , Alta . Grande Cache , Alta . Lancaster Park, Alta . Medley , Alta. Coquitlam , B.C. Ottawa, Ont. Melfort , Sask . London , Ont. Pickering , Ont. Seba Beach , Alta . Fernie, B.C. Orillia , Ont. Ottawa, Ont. Kelowna , B .C. Forest , Ont. Yorkton , Sask. Kingston , Ont. Timmins , Ont. Weston, Ont. Delta , B.C. Windsor , Ont. Greenwood , N.S. Lethbridge , Alta. Treherne, Man . Chatham , Ont. Winnipeg , Man . Kelowna , B .C. Victoria, B.C. Taber , Alta.



SEATED : Glen Bucholtz, Ken Joseph, Ian Swain , Hubert Wilzewski, Bob Paxton, Paul O'Connor , Ken Orr, Doug Brooks. STANDING : Bob Morrin , Ed Unger, Dr . Roy Snell , Staff Advisor; Brian Neyedli.

Edward I. Unger

Editor in Chief

Robert Morrin Brian Neyedli

Q)Jality Control Supervisor Layout Design Supervisor

THE BOARD Chairman Members

Edward I. Unger Robert Morrin Brian Neyedli Robert Paxton Hubert Wilzewski

The Staff

Doug Brooks Glen Bucholtz Ken Joseph Paul Labrosse Paul O'Connor Ken Orr Ian Swain

Credits: Photographs;

George Allen (Pg . 12 and 13) Mike Bass Dennis Kolba Mike McFadden Gerry Wilson

Art work : 110

Mike Kennedy

Len Watling, being the College photographer, has contributed a great deal to the development of this edition of the College memoirs. For his contribution the Log staff thanks him very much.


TRUTH _ DUTY _ VALOUR, to one's self, one's country, one's friends. Royal Roads Military

College has over the past two years developed this pride in each individual cadet, arming him with the necessities to accept the happy times as well as the disappointments of life. Through devout comradeship cadets have come to realize humanity and to respect their fellow man: for all men partake of the wealth of life. Two years at Royal Roads have passed quickly, however the bountiful supply of fond memories will last for many years to come. From these memories one may relate to problems at hand with the knowledge and confidence of an experienced officer. It has been my pleasure to produce this edition of the 'Log' for you, and I hope that in leafing

through the pages, you may be proud of your accomplishments.







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Major (ret'd) H.E. RANKIN, C.D., B.Sc., P.T.S.C ., M. Inst. M.C., Associate Professor of Physics , Royal Roads Military College 1967-1974.

Printed by Inter-CollfIQlate Press 01 Canada (197 1)


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