1977 Log Royal Roads Military College

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COMMANDANT'S MESSAGE Since 1942, when HMCS Royal Roads welcomed its first class of naval cadets, many changes have occurred. 1977 marks another important milestone in the history and development of RRMC. The establishment of a degree-granting programme has added both status and maturity to the College which over the years has always enjoyed an excellent reputation. While this edition of " The Log" has recorded events and personalities of interest to all cadets, it will have special meaning for those leaving the college, either to continue their studies or enter the Canadian Forces as newly commissioned officers . For second year cadets proceeding to RMC or CMR, this yearbook will recall many pleasant memories of friendships and activities during your time at Royal Roads . I wish you everr success in your future endeavours. To the class of '77, "The Log " is the final chapter in your formal training as a cadet. Some of you have had the unusual experience of being senior cadets for three years, and have shared responsibility in the evolution of a four-year programme. You have received a combination of academic and military training, second to none, which should guarantee a successful and rewarding career as a military professional in service to Canada. The transition from senior cadet to junior officer is not always easy. Therefore, I urge you to take full advantage of your experience and qualifications as you complete training in your chosen classification, and join your first field unit. Moreover, as the first commissioned officers with degrees to graduate from Royal Roads, you have a special responsibility to uphold the traditions and reputation of your college. I am confident you will meet tbis challenge. On behalf of all the academic and military staff at RRMC I wish you well in your military careers.

J.H. Roddick Colonel Commandant

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P. E. STAFF FRONT ROW : Capt. Elwood, MWO Brynell , Capt. Miller. BACK ROW : MCpl. Bowie, Mr . Wood, WO Berryhill, Sgt. Robertson .


COLLEGE STAFF FRONT ROW : WO Berryhill, MWO Smith, MCpl Jones, Col. Roddick, MWO Guillet, Lt (N) Carey, MCpl McCourt, PI Yates, Sgt Saxon. MIDDLE ROW : Sgt Peace, Sgt. Dennis , Cpl Carrol, Cpl Ringland, MCpl Martin, MWO Rudhardt, Cpl Martens, P2 Clarabut , Cpl Dickson, Pte Desilets. BACK ROW : MWO Tyler, Pte O'Shea, MCpl Peters, Sgt Young, P2 Wells, MCpl Bowie, WO Wainwright.


DRILL STAFF PI Yates AH, MWO Guillet EG , WO Wainwright VH .

WAITRESSES FRONT ROW : Kelly , Scottie, Julie, Marilyn , Susan , Irene, Ruth , Betty . BACK ROW : Beulah , Shirley, Marion, Patty , Elsie , Jean, Cecile .



KENNEDY, B.G.J. Richmond, B.C.


P and PO

A baseball fanatic, a joke-teller, a rugby linesman, a witty journalist or maybe a left marker - Barry steps in. BGJ is a skillful and clever young man who has been variously honoured throughout his college career; in spite of it all, he has remained an all round "great guy." We can all recall several occasions when the activities路of路the day were getting to us and Barry stirred the air with either some side spitting anecdote, or an amusing bit of sports' world trivia . His familiar expressions "Get this'" or "I couldn't believe it! " usually meant that we were due for an earfu ll , or we'd just missed one of Barry 's best. There were times of course when this pilot had his problems; whether it be navigating back from the mess and returning shy one running shoe (?'), or thereafter making a safe landing in his own pit路 Yes', times were tough without a car or steady companionship, and with another year of residence life to endure. By Christmas however, Barry could be seen darting about in a sporty white Celica with more than an ext ra part of 'sweats' in the passenger seat. What did you do during all those missed meal hours Barry? We all wish the best for you Barry (french training won 't last forever)' And as you launch into your professional career, we know that you will always be the same 01 " Freddie Bunchowski" to us . Your probable fate is throwing paper airplanes about a penthouse office, casually churni ng out sports " Illustrations" articles to keep you in runners .. "Get a load of that! " Bonne voyage amigo'


NEUMANN, W. Edson, Alta.


Bill came back early to Roads as first slate CWC. He did a good job of running the wing while keeping the " folklore people" out of his hair. During the slate, being a prominent figure in the wing Bill could be seen doing a fly past for the East-West Football game, dropping paper on the crowds, or dashing off for chinese food as many times as he could. Also as it always happen good friends must part better things, the "little yellow Mazda" turned into a "sporty green MGB ", which the bank owns. After Christmas various things happened . Bill became a senior and changed his goals in life. His main ambitions in life were to get elbow pads for his battle blouse and to keep away from the man around the squadron foyer . Bill's constant struggle to stay in shape for the rep volleyball team finally made him decide to go on a steady diet of vitamin pills and beer. At the "100 days " party Bill wanted to get married but only ended up in cooling off "Hoss". He also managed to accidentally break a glass again but missed the corner room windows this time . Bill 's love for fishing proved to be a smashing success up at Port Alberni with the commander of " Ace Airways" . He never missed a night a " Pit 's Pub " until Bill's co ld water theory got a little warm towards the end of the second semester. However, lime will tell. Moosejaw should be looking forward to Bill's escapades. Best of luck in the future Bill.



CHANDLER, P.C.P . Deep Cove, B.C.


Peter got the year off on the right foot by doing an excellent job as first slate DCWC. His personality and basic good nature made the job very easy for him. It also carried him to the position of captain of the Rep Soccer team , and left him with a reputation as being the real driving force behind the team . The year was almost a total success militarily, but the navy likes Pete too much and refused to give him to the Air Force . This could also be due to the fact that he failed to perform any flying tricks out of windows this year ... Instead he pulled a navy trick by sailing back from the rock without a boat. In 2nd semester Pete started to get the knack of studying and didn 't have much spare time . He did , however , have time to think up a few good stories about the " Ladies of the church guild", better known as the Faculty Board. Pete received his first big spending ticket this year. It has such a profound affect on him that it convinced him to buy his MGB, leaving the old owner with the ticket. Pete is one of the all around good guys in the grad class , and is certain to do well in the future.


JAMES, S.L. Vancouver, B.C.


Steve returned from summer training a nerve shadow of his former self having shed some 20 Ibs of spare tire . He did well at Phase 3 Pilot but his heart was not in the air . A home-town nurse captured him quite landily and this was attested too by his absence from the college nearly every weekend and during crucial Rugby games. Steve was an asset to the rugby team but had an inborn aversion to being trapped in the scrum. He also helped kick some asses on the Tug of War team but listened to their exploits at USAFA whilst curled in the arms of the above mentioned nurse . Unlike the rest of us , Steve was not fired at Christmas but moved on from 2CSL to CWC. It put a weight on an already heavy academic load but by invoking " locked door diplomacy " he got it done . (However he was only seen out of his room for classes, parades , rugby, and heading for the ferry). Steve has done well and will surely continue to do well whatever he does, for richer or poorer , in sickness and in health , till death when he 's freed . Keep the right up Steve!


WILLOW, J. Victoria, B.C.


John in his final year at Roads has added numerous accomplishments to his ever growing list of credits. He took his rugby team down to San Fran cisco in the Suicide Van (the LaSalle Animals driving ) for the second year in a row-and returned ; he cut a telephone pole off at its roots-with his MGB ; he became 3CSL at Christmas and was forced to spend two nights a week at the college. As captain of the rugby team for 3 years running, John finally led them to a berth in the playoffs (next year we hear that they're going to let the backs help a little bit too). His opponents were so impressed by his towering figure mashing its way down the field , that he was offered a spot on the Oak By first fifteen. Mighty impressive John! But we know him better . John is basically a patient person, he waited until the last one and a half minute of the game against USAFA to score the winning try; and he is letting his fiancee of three years get away from him for another year. Mighty impressive John! Where is all that dark and handsome stuff? We all hope that John has continuing success in his future as a Aere officer and gets married quick-a Lasalle animal and a Scrummy is not going to let him get away for long . 19


KENNEDY, M. London, Onto


A little over four years ago Mike got the idea to go to military college. He didn 't know much about it but they told him he would like it . Being , at the time , from the east he told them he would like to go to R .M .C. The next thing Mik e knew he was stepping off an airplane in Vancouver . Well so much for having a choice in the military . Mike was always a westerner at heart though so this didn't bother him much , except when he came from the wrong side of the country to play on the winning flag football team . Being one of the three married cadets, Mike takes residence in downtown Victoria and manages to nearly always make it home at nights . Only on very rare occasions has he had to spend a night on his chesterfield when he has been unable to make the trip home . M ike is active in all aspects of college activities among which the main one is being a full-fledged animal of the rugby team. To our only fourth year air navigator we ask the following question " Do navigators really do it in the back seat?" Good luck and best wishes in the future Mike .


NIJMAN, G. Estevan, Sask.


In the first semester Gary spent most of his time ruling the Juniors by Terror as Wing Training Officer. He wasn't satisfied with simply inflicting pain on the Juniors so he again returned to the Rugby Field for another year. As a 'Brake -forwa rd ' he was able to give more hits than he had to take. With the annual USAFA visit approaching Gary volunteered his services to the Tug of War Team as both a Trainer and a Coach. After Christmas Gary quickly filled his time by getting involved in the organizing of a Rugby Trip to San Francisco and a 100 days party for the seniors. DOing such a hot job he got appointed onto the grad. Committee and ended up organizing a Wine and Cheese Party. These intellectual activities weren 't satisfying his aggressive tendencies so he went out to learn the finer aspects of boxing just in case one of those big 'Props ' caused him any problems. Leaving the best to the last it must be mentioned that Gary finally got engaged to that notorious 'foxy lady ' and we all wish them both the best in the future .


HATT, M. Calgary, Alta.

LOG P and PO

Murray Hatt started off this year as CWSO. Murray is also playing his third season in rep rugby and is a senior member of the rep tug of war team . He is a hard -working and quiet individual, possibly because he doesn't need to yell at people . His plans after graduation are to buy an Oldsmobile Cutlass, finish his one month logistics course, and to get posted somewhere in B.C. Murray should do well anywhere and we wish him the best of luck .



WALMSLEY, R. Windsor, Ont.


Roger came back early in the fall to take over the job as CSL of No . 1 Squadron. He applied himself in the manner we have come to expect from Roger , then settled down into the job of being one of us . " I can hardly wait until May " men after Christmas . Roger 's sense of humor and enthusiasm have infected us all and he has been a most welcome addition to our class since his RMC days . Good luck in Phase IV Roger, and stay away from the girls in England.



After a gruelling 3rd. year, Wayne and his wife , Patti decided that three years of seperate vacations were all they could take , so by hook or by crook , Wayne arranged the summer of 76 ' in Victoria. The complete story isn ' t out yet but it is said that he promised to go abroad a ship to do oceanographic research. After getting approval to take on this worthwhile task, he apparently informed the ships ' captain that his real profession was AERE and the airplane business , where upon the captain immediately banished him to four months of blissful unemployment. Wayne spent the summer teaching his younger daughter to ride a twowheeler, installing a motor in his two-toned volkswagon (blue and rust) and building a tank in the Phys Lab that is supposed to react like a miniocean (stagnent pool and all) . Who are you trying to kid Wayne ? Everyone knows you raise fish for fun and profit! During the first term of fourth year, Wayne found a bit of time for academics after being saddled with vice PMC; however, he demonstrated his love for oceanography beyond all doubt by manoevering Dr. MacFarlane into allowing him to write an extra exam . In the second term , after repeated efforts to avoid the burden of leading 4 Squadron through its many trials and tribulations, Wayne finally con路 sented to being crowned 'Prince of the UTPM 'S'. and a successful job he did at that. Many more success in your future , Wayne I 11056

COMIS, R. Red Deer, Alta.


Randy has always been known as one of the good guys of the senior term . If asked to lend a jacket, he will always throw in a shirt and tie as well. His

easy going flamboyant nature and his excellent sense of humor have often been in aid of getting the rest of us through hard times. The managing president of Ace Airways only had three little problems blemishing an otherwise perfect job as first semester CWPMC ; math, physics and oceanography. Randy 's extra project in second semester slowed him down but little , and he managed to remain a card carrying member of Pits Pub. As a matter of fact his fast living was not slowed down until it totally destroyed his seemingly infinite bank account. As expected, Ace's supply of good looking " cousins" kept the college gossip line going for another year. Unfortunately his record of falling in love with every girl he took out was broken in the fatefull fall of 1976. It was really too bad that her little medical problem allowed him to dance only at arm 's length. Mr. Reliable's used car lot expanded even further this year with the addition of a shiny white Celica . It looked too new, so it had to be random ly rearranged at 70 mph. The name of the car lot came because the owner can always be relied upon to be late. He can also be relied upon to dream up wild larks like the toilet paper strafing of football games etc . etc . It is almost impossible to list the college activities that Randy was a part of. Suffice to say that he is a past president of almost every club at Royal Roads. Everyone will remember Ace as the organizer and as the guy who always had a smile.



GAUVIN, J, St. Jean, P.Q,


Jacques returned to the college last fall (part-time anyway) from his extended summer holiday a happily married man. Having decided that he had enough of being a broke officer cadet he decided to get married and become a semi-broke officer cadet with Daniela being the prime breadwinner in the family. Jacques' magnificent salary, however, was enough to put new tires on his car and keep his fish fed. He soon found his time fully taken up with his family and fish (although not necessarily in that order). His time was so fully taken up by such trivial things as homework and housework that he even had to forego the traditional Wednesday night parties in the second semester, much to Daniela 's dismay. As second slate DCWC Jacques managed to set an excellent example as far as the length of sideburns and moustaches were concerned. After Graduation Jacques will be off to pursue a career as a Mars officer, hopefully on the West Coast. Good luck in your future endeavours Jacques .


HARVEY, M. Victoria, B.C.


After spending half of his summer working on a research ship and the other half, on an American Destroyer , all for the good name of Royal Roads , Harv came home determined to have some time for himself. Living off the college and having a course out of finding excuses for missing wing activities and functions , this ambition came true . However, one day in November, the Sqn . Commander coming out of the heads, madea right turn instead of a left turn and ended up at the far end of Cartier flight halls. Whereupon , low and behold, he found what he thought was a new cadet. Alas, Harv was discovered by his Sqn. Commander who, immediately recognizing superior interest, motivation, and keenness quickly made him his CSL for the second slate . Harv, much to the dismay of Hoss , did an excellent job as CSL and [ am sure that he will continue to do even better in the navy. Come graduation the college will lost not only a Trendsetter bt a true individualist.


HOCEVAR, K. Regina, Sask.


Kent has come a long way since he left high school in Regina, 998 miles to be exact. Academically and Athletically he has developed to the point where nothing is impossible : unless it's running a mile and a half or working on a computer. He has murdered new friendships, especially with the "glancous-winged " gulls outside room 324 . But all Kent has achieved is eclipsed by his buying of 101 options, with a brand new 77 Wabbit thrown in to make it a good deal (all it needs now is to pass the inspection station). Kent's room, reknown to local ' used antique' dealers, was moved into the 2 SQ!'< . after Christmas so as Kent could effectively perform his duties as No . 2 CSL. There is no doubt that soon after Kent has received his commission as a Mile officer his name will be known throughout the classification . A character in his own right "Hoss " will be as valuable to the forces as he was to the college. (no mention of Kent's ups and downs during the 100 days party was made by design).





Melville, Sask.

P and PO

Dwight 's love for the natural resulted in his parting with some hard ear路 ned cash for a super deal. He bought an aquarium and with much effort at路 tempted to keep his new pets alive. Occasionally one would survive long enough to reproduce so his population finally grew . A promotion to CBM reduced his fish watching time however . Being a previous unknown , he was now forced to make a name for himself, which he did 100 days before graduation, much to everyone 's delight. Suffering a move to Hudson Halls , Dwight was forced to expand the Wednesday night party concept into a daily affair , resulting in a vastly improved sheep with only minor dulling of the senses . Being a man of letters , an expert in numbers , and an oceanographer as a Log officer , Dwight should be a civy in no time .




Kingston, Ont.

P and PO

The red haired man with the moustache proved a point last summer by doing an outstanding job on Mars III. He did it again by whipping the paperwork in shape as Wing Ogre. Colin still left himself enough time to participate as the German General Staff in the War Game that covered half his floor. The sailing club had another fine year , thanks to Colin and his organizational ability . One problem he never seemed able to solve was that people got so attached to his wallpaper. This, plus the super sound of his stereo, meant Colin never was without company. Colin, as a character member of the casual class, is destined to be involved in great things in his career as a ship diver. His favorite saying , "What, my moustache too long' " Best of luck, Colin.



Joe spent his younger days not too far from Cold Lake , very close to the nesting grounds of the Whooping Crane and the Starfighter . One cold Cold Lake morning Joe observed an Air Force towing crew pulling a Starfighter from the hanger to the flight line . Well! This simply would not do - Canada paying $2 million for an airplane that had to be pulled to get it started - so in 1961 Joe decided to join the RCAF . He became a photographer in order to obtain actual proof of this outrage on film . Just as Joe was flicking the shutter , a living doll from Summerside side-tracked him. Joe and Kay were so good as bride and groom that the single experience has all the ear-marks of an infinite loop. However , they required two attempts as parents . Tony and Steven testify to that success. Joe will leave the college this year and return to the problems of the Starfighter . This time , in addition to his proof in pictures he will be armed with a degree in Physics and Physical Oceanography, the experience which can only be gained by leading No.4 Squadron twice, and with the authority to really tackle the problem . Perhaps Joe , we could harness the energy dissipated in vibrations as the ferry Coho accelerates out of Victoria Harbour . Seems odd Joe , that this phenomena should only happen when you and Kay are home alone . Best of luck to you Joe ' 23


THOMSON, K.A. Delta, B.C.


This year Keith managed to attract the attention of most everyone at the college in several different ways. To begin with, he was one of the cadets that fell to the wayside during the summer as the result of a very lovely wedding . However , he managed to maintain that old rugger sociability , even though Joanne insists that he really is a nice guy. The first semester saw Keith just barely miss the top academic mark in the class, as well as play his last rugby game . (Due to the long awaited latter point , Mrs. Thomson will now speak to her son once again) . During this time someone in the castle must have liked Keith's sociable attitude and made him CWPMC for the second half of the year. This gave Keith the chance to dazzle staff and cadets alike with his oratory skill at mess dinners , as well as ensuring that he could set his own standards of etiquette in his mess hall (the head table tradition lives on). The climax of his organizational career took the form of the fourth year 100 days party , from which all who attended have emerged with enough stories to tell that will keep any future audiences rolling on the floor (but not with Hoss). As a final expression of the senior terms appreciation, Keith fought off all oppositions (which in one case was fairly stiff), and walked away with the coveted Swine Award, which will grace the hallowed walls of his bathroom forever. As for the future, Keith is looking forward to a career as a MILE officer and we all wish him the best of luck . May he never know the pleasures of Alert.


WENMAN, W. Kelowna, B.C.


A good people. Not everyone can acclaim to it. A man forced with " impossible odds" in his last year . He goes on, keeps face, and further strengthens bonds he has already made. He will do well for himself no matter what the endeavour . Known as "Pit" he not only lives up to his name but also has made famous his name . Surviving the boredom of Profs and intemacies of garbage courses, Pit 's pub was the saviour of the day. Being the Proprietor of Pit's Pub, he has seen Pit 's Stein filled to the brim many a time , his room poured out his windows , his haunted bayonet passes from room to room via a 2-way mirror . 1st. slate CSL No . 3 brought Bill recognition deserving but did no hell for his academics although he somehow did manage to wangle fudge history course out of the Rod . His pet peeve on the other hand was Lanc Math second time round. A long time standing member of the Roads Rugby Team brought him fame and the Rugby Animal Award . Pit was missing from action for four weeks after Christmas when Doc Dent decided to tear the 4 smartest teeth in his head out and cut a big hole in the roof of his mouth to boot. Pit was to be Keith 's best man however, Pit passed out prior to the big moment. He may yet get to be best man . Most reliable Pit , to be late ! Extracurricular activities included the diving club , The Old Forge chair racing tournaments and Benitta . By chance Bill found his exact double only in the form of the opposite sex . She likes to do everything he likes to do . Most nights out it 's a toss-up who 's to drive the big red Javelin home . Possibly his most outstanding feature is his credit card rating . He has more credit cards than you can count. He writes off weekly to Chargex and Mastercharge not to put him off , saying " someday soon " just keep your pants on ' " In the meantime best of luck Bill'


WILZEWSKI H Drumheller, Alta.

Mars P and PO

Zeus finally made it through his fourth year after two trys at the third one . Zeus was an original roadent who went to RMC for a year and then returned to Roads the following year . I guess he didn ' t like the cold . Last year Zeus met a young girl and now, when he isn't playing rugby, hockey or in class he is over visiting home (soon to be that is). There goes another bachelor down the drain! After Christmas Zeus managed to pick up a little extra work - the CWSO position . Zeus being a navy type, spent last summer on the sweeps, and managed not to run over Race Rocks . His future father-in-law is giving this seataring lad lots of training in areas of prime importance for a good naval officer, knowledge of the local fising areas and practical boat handling . Best of luck to Zeus and the Mrs. in the future. 24



ALLAN,D.S. Stony Plain, Alta.


Don is a very valuable member of Cartier Flight. Ever since he stepped down to "spaz" math and established himself there, he has been the flight tutor . One could always go to Don for help, academically or monetarily (he served as flight banker as weIll, if he wasn ' t off to see a certain young lady. An essential member of the Cartier 1M powerhouse , and a rep soccer boy, Don 's first love is still sports . He 's off to Chilliwack for his MILE course this summer then on to Kingston to tackle a degree in Civil Engineering . All the best at RMC Don !


BARNES, A.G. Lahr, W. Germany


When Al came to Roads, he was quickly dubbed as the great white hope for the flight, and he proceeded to fulfill this expectation by remaining on top of the Arts class. Due to his keeness and skill in writing he was 3rd slate CSA. Shortly, Al will be in Gagetown to endure his training as an armour officer. Although Al is not as rowdy as some, his presence is truly noticed on the soccer field with some of his steam rolling defensive tactics. As an avid member of the archery club, Al is off to RMC where he will be seeking a degree in military history. Good luck in your future studies AI'





ANDERSON OJ North Vancouver, B.C.


Dave came to Roads from Vancouver with a gross tan and the intentions of being a pilot and an engineer . Being the youngest member of Fraser Flight he was quickly tagged the "kid " and was notorious for being kicked out of bars for being underage. However he solved this problem in second year by borrowing ID from a look-alike junior, but to sustain his individuality he bought himself an Indian head band and became "Chief Shilling Bull" . Doing things like irritating everyone with his boog music , double dating with seniors, shaving once a week, crawling down the hall in mental agony during exam routine and ensuring a long reporting line outside the DCFL 's door were all part of his daily life style . This summer will see Dave flying at Portage and then be off to RMC . Good luck Dave.


12258 BEST, R .C. Swift Current, Sask.


Reg , after spending his first year in Fraser Flight , moved into the " higher echelons" of Cartier. First Slate saw Reg as our DCBM and after exams we saw him obtain his annual first class honour standing. He continually proves himself to be a competant member of any 1M team he plays on and this year he changed his focus in sports from the cross country team to the volleyball team . We know that whenever we smell popcorn in the halls, Reg is nearby . ( Rumour has it that he's practicing to be " kernel ") Good Luck to you Reg !

12259 BIGGAR, K.W . Calgary, Alta.


Kevin's aggressive ness and competence during first year found him as this year's 1st. slate CSSO for No.1 squadron. From this he digressed into "deker's paradise", most nobably the band . As captain of the wrestling team Kev can be seen twisting people 's bodies into numerous uncomfortable positions just to hear the crunch of bones . On the sports field his aggressive manner is again visible (w ho else would chew on his opponents ear in the scrum). Kev 's expertise spread s also into academics . Anxious to learn the process of building things (a nd more so destructing them) Kevin is impatiently waiting to tackle RM C's Civil Engineering course. He is even more anxious to get into his training in the MILE classification this summ e r , where he is bound to do well. Good Luck '



John (Ward) was raised in Ottawa and joined the service there in 1967. After training as a radar system tech he was returned to Ottawa then in 1972 was posted to Germany . While there he ap路 plied for the UTPM program, was accepted and arrived in Victoria in the summer of 75 . While at Roads Ward curled , played golf and was active in other sports. We thought John was trying to lose his mind in the night life of Victoria but actually it was his car and moustache he lost. Best of luck to Ward and June in Kingston !




BRUCE, G.K . Richmond, B.C.


As a first year Gary proved to be of the civic minded as he unselfishingly offered his Honda for taxi service. This service continued into second year and ranged as far as his home in Richmond , B.C. Along with the responsibility of taxi driver Gary took on all the burdens of a bandsman by playing strong trom bone in both of his years at Roads . He came through all the hassle of being a bandsman with one of the top marks at BOTC and second s late DCFL . Gary was a valuable contribution to every 1M team he was on , but he couldn ' t find a rep team for his talents. Instead he concentrated on helping the wrestling club. He also maintained a special hideaway not far from the college itself. We hope your good fortune continues Gary !


BYRTUS JED Athabasca, Alberta



BLY CJ Lethbridge, Alberta



Darcy aced off Rook term with a grin on his face and by the end of the year he had risen to be the unanimous choice for First Slate DCFL. Although Darcy is a hockey player at heart , he played rugby to keep up his seasonal average of " kills " and to keep in shape he was an all-star on the Drinking Team of Decks after each game . Darc has chosen to stay at Roads. We expect him to " settle down " when he gets the 4th year privilege. Darcy 's charismatic personality has made him very popular at Roads , and this gift will ensure success in all his future en deavours. Good luck Darc!


Cliff has held the astute positions of President of the College Ya Ya and Star Trek clubs, as well as membership on the Rep T .V. team. Cliff usually leads the Second Year cheering section at games with his Chinook call. This squeal , though unbecoming of an officer , is a great motivator . Cliff is a unique and well liked person and we wish him the best at RMC next year .

CAMPBELL, D.O. Moose Jaw, Sask.



Doug is the kind of soul who floats through tempests untouched . His trademark is his perpetual smile . As 3rd Slate DCFL of Cartier he tried on the aura of " thoughness " but alas his rookies didn 't even notice . Doug is a man of many activities , some of which included rep . soccer , virtually all 1M 's, scuba and snowplowing at Whistler. Doug looks forward to RMC and eventually MILE, his smile will get him there too! Boune Chance Doug !


12265 CAMPBELL MD Abbotsford, B.C.


"Camponi" as he is known to his close friends has established himself, since he has been here , as one of the top cadets of his term. Athletically, he is a 400 Club member and also the superfast first string, fullback of the Rep Rugby team . Academically , he achieved first class honours last slate. His one big complaint this year was that he had to come back early as First Slate DCFL of Champlain Flight , which did not help his suntan any. Mikey is one of the few Chemical Engineers trying to make the cut, and next year will proceeed on to Kington to continue his studies. He will, no doubt, make an excellent officer and pilot in the Forces. That is , if he can keep his nose out of the way !

12266 CARR, J.J . Vernon, B.C .


"Fonzey " returned to RRMC for rook term '76 as CSA of No.1 Sqn. Throughout the year his considerable talents were appreciated on both rep . soccer and basketball teams and as well played for the rep volleyball team late in the season. His popularity with the opposite sex was well known throughout the year but he remained rather elusive until a fair dam路 sel caught his eye at Christmas which led to him receiving the mushiest Valentine in the squadron. John also has the dubious honor of being Vernon 's oldest living stunt driver and takes every opportunity to prove it. His like for quiet music is only excelled by his desire for a large piece of grass and a soccer ball. John 's academic inclinations are towards the electrical and communications field which he hopes to receive his degree in at RMC . Best of luck John .

12271 PILOT DEVANDERSCHUEREN, M.J.J. Mississauga, Onto Arts One has to admire our friend DVDS, not only has he survived two years on the "rain coast" but so has his name, in spite of computer cards which would not accomodate 16 letters. One of our star crosscountry runners . Marc was always having introduced to his inmates some strange but useful expressions (Buckets '??) . As a staunch supporter of the stage band, he added a lot to the musical aspect of College life, both as DCBM in 2nd Slate and as our one and only baritone sax player, on parade valiantly trying to work "In the Mood " into his part of "Logistics". One can ' t decide whether or not to warn RMC of his coming , but his good humour is sure to be missed here. Good luck, Marc.


12 C E



D1LLENBERG, T.H. Regina, Sask .


Ted Dille!1berg, unofficially known as "The Dill" is Cartier Flight 's Sportsman. Although not very active in the I.M. Program, Ted is a member of the Royal Roads Rep Cross-Country Team. He also enjoys swimming and is the only Cadet at the College who owns a Kayak. Ted does a fair amount of paddling at Thetis Lake and on a sunny afternoon, that's usually where he can be found . Ted is a constant source of humour and never ceases to amaze his fellow flight members with his antics. This lighthearted attitude should stand him in good stead this summer when he is at Infantry Phase II. Ted has always been an active member of Cartier Flight , and has been a fine example of steadfastness for the rest of the Flight to focus on. Good luck to you in the future, Ted . ANAV


COULTER, R .E. Edmonton, Alta.


EVANS, J.R. Montreal, P.Q,


Bob 'Clootche', an Edmontonian arrived here late during recruit term just in time to take part in a room in , spection. He obviously liked his new environment for he threw up while awaiting to be inspected . That escapade coupled with his hairy chest earned him the position as flight comedian. Trying to change his image in 2nd. slate, Bob became DCFL and tried ( and is still trying) to grow a mustache . An avid skier and ski diver and owner of a "71 Colt, for the man who has everything". His favorite saying is "You guys are beginning to piss me off" which he repeats along with everything else at least 1000 times a day . Next year may see Bob staying here at RRMC which will make a certain little lady very happy indeed.


FAWCETT OJ London, Onto

ANA V Arts

John is Cartier Flights outspoken artsman. As a result he often attempted to carry the flame for the rest of his fellows but sometimes found it snuffed out under a cold shower. An avid member of the Rep . Fencing Team, he also enjoyed 1M rugby and broom ball, and is especially noted for his bruising hockey style. As well, John was president of the Amateur radio club , in fact , he was the only member ! It seems John 's favorite hobby is the opposite sex and he can usually be seen with an attractive lady on his arm . This summer John is going to wing his way into the "wild blue yonder" as an ANAV. Good luck John in all your endeavours .


Early in '75 Doug decided to do something right for a change, so he packed his bags and came west to Roads. For one and a half semesters Doug laboured in Engineering until he woke up one December morning and found that he really wanted to go Applied Science and to stay at Roads to obtain an Oceanography degree . Having a kind heart, being a rook bud , and having an MG are but a few of Doug 's fine qualities as we all know. If Doug would get over his fixation over life in the east, he should have a successful life and career. Good luck Doug .



FERGUSON, I.A.C. North Vancouver, B.C.


Ian is a member of the Vancouver area clan. Residing in N. Vancouver, away weekends usually see him on the ferry bound for home in hopes of " forgetting this place " for two days. Ian has occupied himself with the rep. fencing team, and many I.M . sports. Ian's most evident characteristic is his interest in the navy. This summer he will participate in Phase II Mars, and next year he hopes to stay at Roads for Oceanography. Cartier Flight wishes the best of luck to a real dedicated sailor'


FLETCHER, C.M. Burlington, Onto


A stau nch supporter of the "artsmen will rule the world" club, Craig is one of the few roadents going to RMC for the English program . He can often be found on the tennis or squash courts, just leaving for somehwere on his ten-speed, or maybe on the West Coast Trail which he hiked twice with the Outdoors Club. However , these activities and his term as 1 Sqn. CSA in second slate weren't allowed to interfere with his academic standings. As a future Armoured Officer, he was surprisingly quite about his classification, unlike some other Combat Arms types . Anyway, he is sure to do well in his chosen field .


GLADSTONE, K.E. Victoria, B.C.


First year saw Keith smashing his feet into the ground floor and pounding down the CFL's door when reporting . Being here in body only his heart was still with une belle jeune fille in Ontario. Keith was a firm believer in Supp routines as the sign of his door (oUT TO LUNCH ) revealed . Second year saw Keith go up and down at the same time . He went from a 2nd Year to 3rd Slate DCFL and from Engineering to Applied Science however , what ever Keith does , he puts everything into it, and he should have no problem in the future (if he keeps his mind off women')




GORGICHUK, C.D .D.H . Two Hills, Alta.


Claus halls from a farm near Two Hills , Alber ta . Although now a Canadian citizen Claus was born in Germany and came to Canada when he was eleven. During the past two years , Claus has been a member of the rep soccer team , the flying club , the parachute club and the radio club. Besides being in so many clubs Claus has been an active member of Mack Flight, whenever you could find him awake . One of Claus 's big assets is that being able to speak German he is a very useful person to ha ve in a French class where the teacher also speaks German . Claus 's aspiration in the Forces is to become a pilot and knowing the type of person the Horselass Carriage, as Claus is known in CB terms , we can expect to see him flying overhead in the near future . 12286

GREENWOOD, N.S . Powell River, B.C. GEORGE, A.



Art George, 6'8", 98 Ibs . from Lloydminister , Alberta joined the C.A .F. in 1972 to get out of farming and gain some weight. His posting to RRMC followed two years at C.F .B. Comox where he " worked "? ? ? as a floor cleaner, tube checker, pain in the neck and oh yes even once in a while as a tele tech . Art is in engineering and doing very well. It also happens that he is trying to major in joke telling and instructor correcting . Unfortunately for everyone he is failing miserably in both of these subjects . It is a good job that neither are required for the CELE classification which Art is in . As Art "rambles " on through his career we wish him the best of luck. 12287

GREENWOOD, R.W. Powell River, B.C.


Last year when the two Greenwoods arrived at Roads , no one could tell them apart. Then Nigel decided to change his image and grow a mustache . Too bad no one could see it. Nigel was always involved with the band and this year he was first slate CBM . Nigel was also president of the Roads Archery Club. He was always able to arrange things so that all the archery competition happened on home weekends . Nigel was continually looking for someone to tickle with his mustache , but he had some bad luck . He ended up with a lot of pen-pals though. He was never lonely though , because he had Norman to keep him company at night. Nigel got kind of tired of driving around in an orange bug , so he went deep into debt and bought himself a Honda . Nigel, being a keen MARS type, wants to stay at Roads and get an oceanography degree . Best of luck Nige.


Between turning the first slate barmen with the help of his twin brother Nigel , arousing the Wing in the early mornings with his fervent trumpet solos, and finding enough time to frequent trips back home to Powell River (it seems there was this certain girl), Richard eventually managed to succeed through his first year . In appreciation of his efforts , he was awarded an (uncommonly early) return engagement as first slate CSA of 2 Sqn. Richard is an avid sailor and ship des igner and hopes to pursue a ca reer as a Naval Architecture in the Canadian Navy . Being one of those rare persons with an uncanny ability to achieve ex cellence in everything he does, he is sure to ex cel in his chosen field . Good hunting next year at RMC, Rich . Try not to " rough-it " with all those girls from QjJeens . cross~yed


12288 GREENWOOD, T.G. Yellowknife, N.W.T.


Tim originally hails from Saskat路 chewan, but now his family resides in Yellowknife . He has therefore become our token Eskimos , or a reasonable facsimile thereof. Tim 's first year at the College was spent as the " LaSalle Flight Yukker ". There seemed to be no situation no matter how serious , which could not bring a smile to his face, much to his dismay at times . Second year brought Tim third slate bars as the squadron paper pusher, more commonly known as the CSA . He proved himself very adept at this job . Tim plans to further his education at RMC in the pursuit of a degree in electrical engineering. This will coincide well with his classifica tion as air nav . We wish Tim continued success in his future career.

12289 GROVES , R.R . Kamloops, B.C.


Richard has done well at Roads , being active in all aspects of college life . " Grover " is secretary of the sailing club and on the Log Staff. Rich is an excellent student, obtaining a very high first class standing. He has a special flair for math路 some say it 's because he likes working with figures . Grover is heading for Kingston next year for a degree in honours science . We wish him the best of luck at RMC and in his career .

12290 GUNDLING R Langley, B.C.


After terrorizing seniors and winning the Animal Award in 1st year, "Rugby" Rob set out to do one thing in 2nd year get himself a pair of " softee " contact lenses , thus enabling him to see on the field and tackle mem bers of the other team as well . A solid member of the '400 Club ' Rob has proved his prowess in all sports at Royal Roads. His accomplishments on the field were so numerous that this year he was selected to play for the AllVancouver Island under-19 Rugby Team. When not playing rugby, Rob can usually be found cycling around the college , racing deer or refibreglassing his MGB . Rob's future interests lie in staying at RRMC to take oceanography and eventually becoming a "One-O-Wonder". We wish Rob the best of luck!




HARRISON P .G. Victoria, B.C.


Old " Baggo " Harrison was, to say the least , something different. Having his home in Victoria worked out quite nicely for Pete , especially when he would decide to go duty-ashore skiing in his back yard. I suppose we'll always be eternally grateful to Pete for his endless supply of girls. Despite the fact Pete was made Second Slate CSSO, he still remained the biggest procrastinator in the flight. But we 're sure he'll make do at CMR next year, without straining himself one little bit. Bonne Chance Pete !

UTPM Mike came to the college from West Coast fleet where he peras " Eagle Eye ", the top r plotter . is the pride of our group in achievement. He always to pull off first class rs, but his studying habits much to be desired . His most words on Friday nights are: one more beer Al and then leave " . ost of Mike's spare time is scuba diving, sailing and his "mo路ped", but not iJy in that order. During 'ngs he is kept hopping betthe Colwood, Hug and Slug Halfway House only to a few . The only room路mate handle is "Patches". ugh he was slated for E, M ike is a ttem pting to nge to MARE so he can get back a life at sea. No matter what hannel you take Mike , we all wish ou the best of luck!


HOPE, P.H. Georgetown, Ontario


HEINRICHS, J.M . Naoaimo, B.C.


During his time at Roads "Elton John ", as he was nicknamed by his seniors, has been one of Mackenzie Flight 's quieter members. John generally keeps to himself and can be commonly seen puffing away on his pipe , enthralled by the newest "C anadian Defense " magazine or wrapped up in a war novel. He is by no means a war mongre , however . John was one of the college's most religious cadets, and a frequent attender of Bible study sessions and church ser vices. He was a member of the cadet choir and the bell ringers as well , and could " ding-dong " with the best of them . From Roads, John is continuing on to BOTC and then RMC, where he pursues an artsy History degree , not to mention those wonderful women from Qlleens.


If not spending his money on rented

cars and planes or engagement rings at Christmas, Pete is adding to his evergrowing collection of cassette tapes. On the flight side , Pete was very involved in flight intramural teams (very uncoordinated ) nr as disc jockey for squadron parties (tone deaf , of course). Pete hopes to go on to graduate as a Roads Oceanographer. Anyway, we wish you well, Pete , in the air and on the water, at Roads and wherever you may go (with Lisa in tow , of course). Best of luck .



HOREL. G.C . Nanaimo, B.C.


One of the college 's seven proud Chern Enges , Gerry ' s interests touched on Biology early in the year following his purchase of several well-known female Australian singer 's albums. An ardent supporter of Mac Pack activities, expert rabble or junior-rouser, first class squash squisher, Gerry also took a leading role in the sailing club, where he could outsail everyone there, since he had taught them all how to sail in the first place. Bozo has an assured future in the sea, MARE specifically, where they have been trying for years to find out why seawater tastes so funny.


HOUSTON, J.R.M.G. Val D'Or, P.Q,



"Sammy", as he is affectionately known to all, inherited the name out of the grunts and growls emitted by "The General " during rook term drill. Like many other expectant athletes , Glenn soon discovered that Roads didn't have quite the programme that his recruitors had him believe , so he tried his hand in another field and has developed into one of Roads finest cross-country runners . Unfortunately , being a gear did not agree with Glenn , and he returned this year as a Super Junior . Perhaps to prove the Faculty Council wrong , Sammy lept to the top of the class at the beginning of the year and will finish "NUMERO UNO " as an artsman . Whether Glenn has heard the " Call of the Wild " or is just tired of the Victoria night life, he will be heading back to QJIebec next year to finish his degree in Business and Adm inistration at CMR . We wish him happiness at CMR and the best of luck I


JAGGI, U. Dryden, Onto



Ulrich hails to us from the deep thick bush of Northwestern Ontario, but is originally from the far off lands of Switzerland . His natural athletic ability saw him as a full back for the rep soccer team and saw him get his clubs in the first year. Ulrich's overall flight spirit and keeness got him a job as 3rd. slate DCFL for Champ. He is a member of the flying club and parachute club. Ulrich hopes to continue on at Roads in 3rd. and 4th. year, but you can bet yourself that it 's not just that oceanography course that 's keeping him in Victoria.




JOHNSTON, K.J. Regina, Sask.


KevIn , one half of the dynamic duo came to RRMC from Regina, Sask. In his first year, Kevin was involved In many mtramural sports and was first str mg on the RRMC rep "Tug,()-War" team. This year has been no different; with his excellent background in wrestling, he has helped to form the nucleus of the RRMC wrestling team . He even managed to teach the Juniors a thing or three . His prominence in athletics naturally led to a leadership opportunity as No . 3 CSSO. A popular member of LaSalle flight, Kevin has decided to continue his academic course here at Roads as an Oceanographer. This should compliment his career as a Mars officer very well . We all wish him all the best in his future endeavours. 12301

JOHNSTON, K.W. Regina, Sask. HUTTTON, J.




Everyone knows how college life corrupts character. Well in Keith's case it corrupted him for the better . At Christmas, in his junior year, he attempted to jump over a two foot barrier that was actually four feet high . Imagine trying to explain a black eye and stitches to your mother at Christmas. Ever since then , Keith claims , he 's never exceeded .08 (o r so he says l. Com ing back after the slack summer at Borden he was soon striking terror into the hearts of the rooks . It seemed that wherever they turned he was there, (Little did they know). For a while it seemed that poor Keith was sick. One could see him amourously carrying around a cement block but to everyone's relief it only turned out to be a slight case of the tug-of-wartis. Keith hopes to return to Roads for third year Oceanography . Best of luck .

Jim affectionately known as "Beaver", came to Roads via Halifax . A true sailor, ha ving spent eight years on the boats before Roads, he has often amused his fellow students with tall tales of Bee-wee dollars , exotic foreign ports and mushroom soup. His only true love other than Palty Ann, is a big mac at the Golden Arches, Jim, having some doubts about the program during the first semester, did an about turn at Christmas and has turned out fine marks since. Jim has decided to stay at Roads for Oceanography ; and, for the future, we wish him smooth sailing and prosperous winds.

JOHNSTON, S.R. Chilliwack, B.C.



"S.R." insists on calling Roads his true home . Showing excellent drive and participative spirit on the I.M. sports field, nelted Steve the "most improved player" award at the end of his junior year . Similar enthusiasm was displayed in his tenure as 1 Sqn. sports Officer in third Slate . In spite of being an avid member of the rep . T .V. club, Steve maintained a high academic average . He plans the great move to R .M.C. to polish off a degree in Chemical Engineering . His sense of humour and courtesy should stand him in good stead in future endeavours as an officer in the CELE branch of the Canadian Armed Forces . Good luck , Steve!




Steve came to Roads with a lillie background as a CE TECH (a week or so) and four years of experience with the 2PPCLI. How did he ever get ANAV? Nobody knows for sure. His hobbies include target shooting and socializing at the Colwood. Steve is very lively and enjoys partying . He has taken out a French girl on a few occasions and she was telling me that it is easy to teach French on the pillow. How about it Steve, did yours im prove? Steve will be taking engineering and management at RMC; and , knowing his great sense of logic , we are certain that he will be very successful and happy in his new field . We wish him all the best.


KENNEDY, M.N. Kamloops, B.C.


Mike, the Champ Flight resident classical music freak could usually be found in his room listening to opera or similar torture on his stereo, contemplating how to make his car last until May and then how to make it good enough to sel l. He is somewhat of a jock, playing hockey, broomball, ETH, and tennis very well. He also enjoys gazing at heavenly bodies, ... through his telescope of course. Mike has been accepted as an ARTY officer and will journey down to the beautiful east coast for the summer. We are s ure he will do well as attested by hi s high acedemic standing. Good luck at RM C!


KOWALUK, S.W .H. Winnipeg, Man.

CELE Eng .

Steve, a member of the nefarious Champ Flight Magicians claims Winnipeg, Manitoba as his hometown. If you want to find Steve , there are four likely places to look; down at the gym practicing Karate ; in his pit , hanging off the end of a parachute , or hanging on the end of a botlle. Bes ides being an avid drinker and party maker , he includes swimming and soccer as his favourite sports. He is in the ski club and is a very active member in the Parachute Club. Steve's classification is CELE and he is working towards a degree at RMC in Electrical Engineering. All the best in the future, Steve I




LAMONT, R .L. Calgary, Alta .

Eng .

"Lurch" comes to us from Calgary with the intention of making it as a pilot. Let's hope they'll find the plane to fit him . He beat his way into our hearts every parade first year, as the bands bass drummer. He managed to "graduate" to snare drum this year and still maintains that the band should have won Wisener. The discovery of a mysterious lady soon led to mysterious departures of dear Lurch. Needless to say, this led to one of the longest leave cards in the wing. Lu 's a great guy and definitely one of the most respected in Champ. He 'll do well at whatever he puts his hand to. Good luck Lu .




KLEIN, B.G . Regina, Sask.

MADORE, P.O. Sydney, N.S.


Eng. Paul is known for his good looks , enduring charm, and unmatched wit , and Sydney, N .S. is the holiday capital of Canada. Seriously though , Paul owed his immense popularity in 2nd. yea r entirely to his television set, with special thanks to Olivia Newton John and Star Trek . Paul is a lover of big cars, NHL hockey , English essays, and cute redheads , in that order. A waste of subtle sarcasms and whiplashing puns, he is silent only when kidded about his nasal protuberance . However , this has no way hindered his ability to be Champlain's Flight honorary pussycat. Arriving at RRMC with hopes of being a pilot with an engineering degree , he is at present an artsman navigator. We can be sure that Paul will continue to live up to expectation in his future endeavours . Good luck Paul!

Barry 's strange imagination and peculiar sense of humour made him the mysterious editor of the underground newspaper, " The Mack Flighter" . As second slate CSSO, Barry, being a spirited second year, was always Quick to defend his term and was forever critical of the juniors in Mack Flight. This made him a prime target for the juniors to carry out their frustrations on ( i.e . showers). When Barry is not hard at work in his room, he can usually be found on the rugby pitch, jum路 ping out of planes , girl-watching, being late for something, or just pitted out. It's on to RMC and an Engineering degree for Barry and we wish him all the best of luck .




MANN, D.S. Victoria, B.C. Doug , after being a successful drum major for both his first and second year at the college, went on to become 3rd slate DCBM . He is usually always found at the front of the band on Sunday parades, performing acrobatics with the mace . When not holding a mace on parades, he is usually holding a rifle, as a member of the rifle team . Despite the fact that rifle target shooting tends more towards the land forces, he is one hundred percent Navy, and is always arguing on the pro 's of a seaman. His love of the navy ensures that he will do well in the future in whatever he undertakes. We wish you good luck , Doug.



MANTON, J.I. Smithers, B.C.


Jim Manton , alias Wolfman Jack is a wishful pilot. 3rd slate CSSO, he is the bulldozer of the rugby pitch . Jim is a very good participant in sports, currently enrolled in the rep volleyball team . Some of his greatest exploits are jumping out of serviable airplanes, and designing manpower airplanes . Most of his ingenious inventions got no further than the drawing board; however , he has great hopes for the future. He is the president of the car club here at Roads and to date has a 68 suped-up El Camaro and a 64 Cadillac which he has rebuilt. Born in Sm ithers , B.C . Jim is a true ranch hand . He has hopes of staying at Roads for this third and fourth year. Good luck Jim!


MATHIEU, M.J.J. Ottawa, Ont.

AERE Eng .

From his pet frausty to his life路size portrait of Mr . Spock, Mike was always a centre of interest , more exactly curiosity. Following s uit , M ike became an active member of the Scuba Club. But when Mike's feet got too wet, he joined the Parachuting club. Mike 's highlight of his years at Roads came during his seco nd year when he took his first evening leave in Victoria and discovered, " The Parliament Buildings have lights on them !" Yes it's true, Mike doesn 't galavant too much but rather he puts in a lot of work . A center of never ending energy, Mike 's endeavors reflected, to a great extent, upon the spirit of the halls. This summer little Mikey is off to Bor den for AERE training and then to RMC . Best of luck , Mike ! McLEOD, D.


In 1975 a little package of humourous , unchained madness, arrived on the doorstep at Royal Roads . This one man variety show came C.O.D. from C.F.B. Baden , West Germany, where he was an Air Force Master Corporal. Don joined the R.C .A.F. in 1962 and spent most of his career at home in C.F.B. Trenton before going to the Rhineland in 1972. Not forgetting his technical attribute, Don is best admired for his indifference towards established norms, his characterization of the classical 'dirty old man ', and his dominant role as the college humourist. His brand of humor was a refreshing change to the otherwise stuffy halls of the Dunsmuir estate, where the profs delighted at his ability to harmonize incongruities. Equally capable in his studies, Don laughed his way to a B-plus in the Arts department. A father of three and a mother to none , RMC is in for lots of fun . Best of luck Don! 38

12316 MILLER, K.L. Lethbridge, Alta.


Kevin is well known by the young ladies of Victoria as the owner of the hottest sports car at Royal Roads. It is said that there doesn't exist a road long or straight enough in all of B.C. to see how fast this marvel of automotive engineering will really go . Despite all the virtues of this magnificent machine, Kevin was once overheard saying, "Gee Watt, I sure wish I had a Volkswagen. " Busily active at the College over the past year as president of the shooting team, Kevin is most popularly remembered by first and second years as the man who organized a trip to Nanaimo M.T .R. during a half-home weekend . This summer, he's off to Borden. Good luck in CORE, Kevin . McCANN, D.


"Dan the Man" enlisted in the RCAF in 1965 and since that time he has enjoyed the luxurious living of such exotic places as Rivers, Man., North Bay, Ont., and Cold Lake, Alta. Before coming to Roads, Danny was a weather man - he didn't know whether he should drink rye or beer! Although Dan is working on a degree in Commerce, he already holds an honorary Phd. in "Colwood". Once or twice a year, the P.T. staff hire Dan as a steam-roller for the cross-country course. Dan's not looking forward to another summer in Camp Borden he always gets homesick after he leaves there. His aim in the forces is to be a finance officer - he thinks it is something he can always figure on. Dan enjoys all sports to think that someday he might play one. His greatest attribute is his pretty wife Darlene, who also holds an Honorary Phd - in patience. Best of luck, Danny! 12318 MOENS, A.W. Kingston, Onto

12317 MILLS, T.S. Toronto, Onto


Scotty, alias "Sweetie Poo", or "stock bondsman", came to Roads from the heights or depths, of Toronto's "mens room ". But the Militia's loss was Roads ' gain; on second thought, both were losses. With his ever prominent feature, his mouth, Timothy Scott was never at a loss for words but on those rare occasions when he was, he filled the gap with his version of taps. Scotty is off to Gagetown this summer for zip ... , armour training and then off to RMC. Best wishes for success in the future!


Al came to Royal Roads for a change of scenery from already familiar streets of Kingston. "Mooner" seemed doomed to a very strange fate in his first year. It seemed that each of his roommates were caught short with regards to haircuts. After AI's attempts, they all still managed to be charged. Having been in the naval reserves before, AI was a keen cadet and no one was surprised when he became Champ's second slate DCFL. Yes, we all can remember that great, white, flashing smile, and that funky dancing style at the squadron parties. AI retired to the poopdeck after Christmas and lived a peaceful, easy-going existence. There he wrote many a letter during study hours. Between letters, and his silver.<follarflipping, AI managed to keep up his marks. Best of luck At and enjoy your years in Kingston.


MOXLEY, T. Edmonton, Alta.

INF. Arts

Mox is the "s ilent but deadly " type who has lurked LaSalle halls for the past two years. Having arrived at Roads complete with " jump wings", Todd has been a faithful supporter of his classifiction, Infantry . His martial talents have lent themselves to the fencing team in 1st. year and to the wrestling team in the 2nd. year. His personal acquisitions were also split between years. In first year he acquired a fiancee, and in second year a car. These , and 3rd . slate DCFL of LaSalle , have kept his spare moments pretty busy . Best of luck in the future Todd and keep on Gruntin',

12320 NATYNCZYK, W.J. Winnipeg, Man.


Big Wally returned early to the hallowed Mack Pack halls this year to shoulder the burden of being first slate DCFL . He came all the way from Winnipeg , aT. V. set under one arm and a yellow Volkswagen under the other. His legendary smile has lulled many opponents on the rugby pitch into believing he really is a pussycat. After the first play, they were usually seen looking around the field for the truck that hit them . Any night , Walt can usually be seen limping towards the coffeeboats; the world famous battle cry on his lips - "Oh my knee, my knee ." This was allegedly referring to a run in he had with some fellow at USAFA but his buds all know better , he just wanted to check out the nurses at Naden. This summer Walt is heading off to Gagetown and we all wish him good fortune I 12322 PHILLIPS, R.A_ Courtney, B.C.

ARM Arts

Rick Phillips affectionately known as Steve began as a recruit at Roads with the lacadasical attitude of a 4th year. This is not to say though, tha t he has no points of applicable merit; for one , he 's the captain of Hudson's curling team, as well as an excellent squash and soccer player, and of course if one were desperate for good points there 's always his flexibility . He saw himself as an engineer and a pilot , but gradually came to the sudden realization (about the time of Xmas exams) that his true calling was arts. As for the Pilot, after the great fun time in Borden we could barely hold him from airborn and believe me it took some talking to get him into Armour . Keep on truckin ' Rick . Best of luck at CMR.



PICKETT, D. Fort Saskatchewan, Alta .


Dave hails from Fort Saskatchewan a small hicktown on the prairies. During his fIrst year, "Mad Dog Pickett" was one of the terrors of LaSalle Flight. As a slack second year, he 's settled down somewhat. His usual routine for the week consists of bugging his buds who are trying to study or play " Pickett Ball " in the hallways . On the weekends, he 's seen in his " model fac. tory " turning out model airplanes with incredible detail. Known throughout the WIng as a deke bandsman , he 's constantly enlIghtenIng others as to the rewarding yet tough life of a bandsman . When he first came to Roads , he had aspirations of becoming a pilot ; but, for some reason he switched to CELE. We wish Dave suc: cess with his future stUdies at RMC .


NICOL, S.A. Victoria, B.C.




PILE, T.H.W. GeraIdton, Ont.



Ty was one of those fortunate people who saw the light early. After one month of academics , he was an art· sman. Ty does Quite well in all sports, making the rep volleyball team first year and the rep rugby team second year. Ty wouldn 't be at home at Royal Roads if he didn 't have his bullworker to keep him busy . He made the ultimate achievement of first year returning as first slate DCFL. It cost him a few weeks holiday but he guarantees us it was worth it. Ty is gOIng to RMC majoring in Economics with hopes of becom ing a jet jockey in the near future .

Steve is from Victoria and came to us from down the road . The nea rness of his house, and the fact that he is an artsman in high standing, (slack) has helped him overcome many of the trivialities of college life . Since he arrived, Steve has become a Crib Master . His sidekick Rick was beating him in one com· petition , however, by the end he was down 740 beer. Steve is plan· ning to continue at CR, striving for a degree in administration. He is a definite asset to the armed forces in any area of his endeavour.

POUCHER, D.J. Victoria, B.C.



Coming to Roads as a home-town boy and a service brat to boot, Pouch so daz· zled the Castle, tha t he found tha t the only way to retain his summer holidays was as a super-j. He strove to remain incon· spicuous, periodically allowing himself the relief of waxing the competition on the cross·country course. So successful was he at becoming inconspicuous , Doug (no longer in danger of losing his holidays ) promoted himself to 2nd year. Returning in September , he decided to unleash his long dormant powers , and in a matters of weeks , managed to earn the coveted white gaiters. For his glittering performance , the Castle conferred upon him the title "OC FL Mack " for 3rd Slate. Now well in his stride, Pouch has his sights set on crossing the finish as a member of the Oceanography faculty . In this , and all his future races , we wish him the best of luck. 41

11953 RICHARDS, C.E.P. Powell River, B.C .


After a humble beginning in the halls of Mackenzie Flight , Chris was "promoted" to CWSJ (Cadet Wing Super Junior ) in his second year. Along with this dubious honour, he moved to Cartier Flight and inherited a flight full of eager juniors. He did not disappoint them , in that they quickly learned of such things as alligators , crocodiles, baboons , jelly-fish , bears, and Popes. Undoubtedly, it was noticed how quickly he whipped the juniors of that flight into shape, for he was given 1st s late DCFL of Cartier this year, and then 2nd slate DCWA . Obviously the academic woes of his first year have been left far behind. Chris plans to remain at Roads and pursue the Oceanography - Physics Course. Chris is an important part of Cartier 1M teams . His other activities include running , sailing, and a certain brunette nurse . Good luck for a continued career, Chris r RICHARDSON, L.T.


Larry joined the RCAF as a Com路 munications Technician in 1965 . His first posting was to Bagotville, P.Q., where he received a number of creditations during his career, one of which is a community service award, presented in 1971 at Portage La Prairie. Before coming here , Larry completed high school at night while repairing obsolete radio equipment during the day. He was promoted to M/Cpl prior to being appointed an OCDT. While at college Larry has been active in sports and is a member of the Scuba Club. He had an outstanding first year , and received first class honours. He plans to continue his education at RMC in the field of Mathematics and hopes to eventually secure a position in the teaching profession . Before leaving us, Larry was awarded a Canadian Decoration . With his alert mind and strong will, Larry is sure to be an asset to the CE LE classification .



Randy who? This may well be the question of many who know him only as R .D. This truck driver man from Charlton, Ont. joined the forces in 1970, eventually to become a 'heavy' radar technician . He came to Roads from CFB Gypsunville ; but, before making the trip west , he managed to marry Laurel. Between working with his model trucks, talking in CB jargon and trying to keep the police from confiscating his Nash 'Met', he somehow finds time to study. R.D . plans to complete his science degree in RMC and then on to a rewarding career in (what else?> the CELE classification. Good luck rubber ducky, breaker out!




Ken 's greatest claim to fame lies in the fact that he IS the colleges ' one and only submariner. Those who do not know what it means to be a submariner, obviously have never bent over In the hallways with Ken standing behind you . Ken is also the holder of another first at the college . He is the only cadet ever to have his entire family including his wife , Theresa working at the college . A true family man . All kidding aside, Ken came to us from our east coast fleet. And now, after en路 joying the navy way of life for ten years as an " amp路tramp ", he IS headed for the Air Force as an AERE officer . Ken has also been busy in all facets of college life since he first came to Roads . As a matter of fact he takes quite an active part in the sports programme. However , this is not the sole reason that he is very popular with the Rodents . I am inclined to think that his cute younger sister has had a lot to do with his popularity . MARS


ROBERTSHAW, G.P. Drumheller, Alta.



SCHICK, BILL Leoville, Sask.

In his first year G reg became well known throughout the Wing for his protege, Junior Cadet Buford . However , in his second year he has another identity, " Elvis " . Most of Greg 's spare time this year has been spent with a little lady whom he has found to divert his attention. Anyone living in the Leper Colony in LaSalle flight knows the familiar sound "Excuse me, 2nd. year Robertshaw , you have a phone call ". On those rare occasions when he can be found on the college grounds, Greg managed to live up to his casual reputation very well. He has ingeneously managed to be excused from sports and drill for most of his second year, and his greatest achievement has been showing up for class on time for an entire week.


SHEASBY, H.G. North Vancouver, B.C.


Schnick, as we 've come to know Bill, came to us with the aspiration of being a jet jock but doing stalls and spires are still too much for his stomach . Bill is best known for being one of the Hud路 son Flight Stereo Freaks which also qualifies him as one of the Hudson Flight Poor , for being a bit more accident prone than most, for continually amazing Warrant Dunn with the expertise in 'which he turns his cymbals inside out , and for the caterpillar he's been culturing on his upper lip for the past year. Having achieved his gold star standard in academics last year, Bill is certainly not to be underestimated.


For two long years the Sheas has defied experts and confounded his enem ies by beating the odds and surviving intact. Gord managed , at last , to defeat Gerry once and for all in their gentlemanly duel for the most days on charge in the wing . When not on charge, Gord often went scuba diving. Gord was also able to transfer from Engineering to Arts at Christmas and thus became an active member of the rep T.V. team . Gord is the most gung-ho infantry cum armoured officer type who is a pilot in the services . Best of luck at RMC .



SIMARD, J.G.G_ Ralston, Alta_



Guy 's keeness and ability to get down to work in first year won him the position of 1st. s late DCFL LaSalle. He took advantage of this position to keep the Animal tradition alive in the rooks, and even added some of his own perverse flair. For two years Guy has sacrificed his body to the game of rugby and has become a standout as scrumha lf and team manager. Despite his low tolerance for alcohol Guy e njoys his nights out with the boys, even if he never makes it through his second beer. It is rumoured that Guy turned to sports where he excells, to escape the more cruel life of his academics but he has even managed to come to terms with them this year . All in all Guy has everything in his favour , except for being French, and thus should become the top notch pilot he aspires to be with little difficulty. 12336


SIMPSON, D,B, Kingston, Ont,


Bruce was a fine example of a MARS officer, unfortunately he transferred to that haven of gung-ho lunatics, the infantry _ In his foxhole he can practice what he does best , touching his nose with his tongue . This feat has never been equalled in the annals of Royal Roads. When Bruce is not grossing out people at the college, he is grossing them out at pubs . Surely the world remembers the night at the Tam . In fact , Bruce is so gross that even Weennie couldn 't live with him . Bruce worked very hard for the sailing club and the pistol club. His efforts were much appreciated by all concerned . His talents went unrecognized by the powers that be however , all year. Bruce is a capital fellow and should do well at Gagetown and at CM R.


SMENDZIUK, R.W. Winnipegosis, Man.

ANA V Elect_ Eng

Whether it was Ritchie's initial goal to become an ANA V officer , or to excel on the Roads volleyball team , is not easily determined . However his awesome ability to suspend himself in mid-air while delivering his best shot has also contributed to his playing ETH very well, and may be a great asset for his future in ANAV . Rightfully so, Ritchie found himself as 2nd slate CSSO . As one might guess, Ritchie has never been short of nicknames , the most common ones being "Smedly " and Smenzie. " He soon found himself the fall guy for the infamous Drill Staff jokes of "OCDT Smedly ." Ritchie will be leaving Roads next year for RMC to look for more volleyball teams , and pass his time with electrical circuits . Good luck in the years ahead .


12339 SMITH, C.R. Georgetown, Ont.

LOG Arts

Chuck 'Tall Boy' Smith was one of those few guys who actually paid for the privilege of coming to Roads. In his first year he established his reputation as a jock by joining the prestigious '400 Club' and demonstrated his athletic prowess again this year on the Whistler Mountain chairlift. Thmitty played the glockenspiel for the band, and played artsman during the week. He was the only student who ever received private tutorials in hi s own cabin. Though Randy plans on studying Honours French at RMC, it isn't true that he ever asked, "Comment tha va, y'all?" Bonne chance, Randy路 we all know that you'll do well.

12337 SLATER, J .D. C.F.S. Beaverlodge, Alta.

INF 12341 STEPHENSON, AL Kapuskasing, Onto


In his first year at Roads, " Digby" soon showed his prowess as a true LaSalle Animal. So much so, he became the first "Sandwich" on Hallowe 'e n . An engineer by choice but an artsman at heart , Digby can usually be found busy as Log Editor , a position he 's held all year, or in the waiting arms of one particular love who has managed to hold his attention. The remainder of his time has been spent trying to pass math , acting as President of the Outdoors Club, shooting on the ranges or playing waterpolo. Recognizing the virtues of a life in the Combat Arms, Digby is looking forward to Phase II Infantry in Gagetown this summer. Afterwards, it 's off to RMC and an eventual degree in Civil Engineering . The best of luck Digby. 12342 STEWART, J.A. Ottawa,Ont.

PILOT Oceanography

The academic year of 76路77 was the year of the Cat, as Stephenson played the role of 1st. Slate DCW A after achieving claim to being " Best Junior Soldier " in his first year. Among his nicknames are " Dennis the Menace"


"Festus", and "Ca t Stephenson ". very good all round athlete this member of the rep . volleyball team plans to remain here at RRMC for Oceanography, his main academ ic interest. The "Cat" is a high-spirited supporter of Hudson Flight Spirit; and, when not taking active part in 1M sports, he is cheering others on and shouting directions. He is an outstanding cadet in every field of ac tivity and is bound to become a high quality officer and pilot. Best of luck to you AI' PILOT Eng.

"S tew " came to Roads with the military in his blood . However this blood is slowly being replaced by his favorite drink , beer . It is at the pubs that Stew conducts experiments in the name of science, e.g. jump starting cars back路 wards, and proving that drinking and driving don 't mix . Stew became second slate DCFL in LaSalle Flight because of his greatest downfall , his mouth . The ad路 ministration figures that the power of his voice might instill a little fear into the rooks. Stew is very active in the College. He became secretary of the mess committee. He also joined the rugby team and ever since then has been walking around like an invalid. He attained first class honours in engineering and plans to proceed to Kingston to study Civil Engineering. His great ambition is to become a pilot and he even may make it if he doesn ' t jam the communications systems with his mouth .



TOMASZEWSKI, A.G. Chatham, Ont.



" Chevy " otherwise known as the Big Dumb Polack is one of a select few . Not only does he hail from that exalted land of Ontario but he is also an ardent Fly Boy . Andy came to the College with no Military background , the son of a humble bricklayer. After two years at Royal Roads , it can be safely said that he is still without Military background. Andy in his first year played fullback for the Rep Soccer team . This year, however his high school training in football prevailed and he joined the Rugby team . Because of his athletic ability , Andy was given first slate CSSO of Three Squadron. Upon leaving Roads Chevy will go to CMR where he can pursue his Artsy Career while commuting from Montreal. Andy will do well in either of his chosen fields, Pilot or Business Management, if not by skill and aptitude , then by brute force .



Richard 'Touche ' Touchette was born in St-Theodore D'Acton , Q]Jebec . He enlisted in the Canadian Armed Forces on 2 Sep路 tern ber 1971. He did his basic training in Ste . Jean , Q]Jebec and served with Tran路 sportation Company , First Service Batalion in Calgary before com ing to Royal Roads . When Touche came to Victoria he was single and he did not know how to play squash . Now he is a married man and the scourge of the squash court. Rick aspires to be a CELE officer and will study civil engineering and Debbie at RMC in Kingston . We know he will be very happy in all his pursuits. Best of luck, Rick!


TURNBULL, J.L. Ottawa, Onto


John (Turnwood), a native of Ontario , is a veteran of LaSalle flight's Leper Colony , where he often indulged in such animalistic activities as conducting blanket parties for the innocent souls . John 's receipt of x-rated letters made him the envy of those whose love lives were less lively . On weekends, he dabbled in the sport of climbing oversized molehills. John returned to Roads after a relaxing vacation at Borden , and he promptly joined the dubious ranks of the rep wrestling team , and now spends his weekends thumping Civy wrestlers . Academically , while pursuing (vainly) a degree in engineering, he cajoled the French Department into giving him a blue leaf, and has since spent his time trying to convince the rest of us that it is the blue not the gold, that represents the epitome of bilingualism . At any rate, John is off to the "big place " next year, we all wish him success in his future endeavours.




VOS, J.E. Woodstock, Onto


Ed is another of the Hudson gang who can pour 100 watts plus of amplified sound out of his room . Needless to say , Ed loves music , be It jazz from his massive collec路 tion , or a march past on the parade square . A valuable member of the marching band, Ed is also a part of the stage and jazz band (naturally ). Ed is as dedica ted to academ ics as he is to his band . Many are the nights when Ed will be sweating Morris Math while rest of Hudson is out trying to gain a reputation (bad). We all wish Ed the best of luck in the future .




TOUESNARD, E.R. Cape Breton, N .S.


Roger Touesnard (pronounced "Twin-ore") , a fighting Cape Bretoner, started his recruit life and completed his first year in the ranks of Hudson Flight. An avid basketball and volleyball player he supported his "intramural " teams with skill and enthusiasm . At the start of his second year he had to change his ways ever so slightly and become a part of Lasalle Animals . When Roger isn 't busy picking up rooks , he 'll be stretching his vocal chords in the Royal Roads Folk Group. Roger plans to become an AERE officer and will continue on at RMC next year in pursuit of a degree in Mechanical Engineering . From all of us, best of luck Rog! 12347

WAWRYCHUK, W.F. Ottawa, Onto


"Was " joined the RCN in 1963 and says it was because he was fulfilling a boyhood dream to see Halifax . (His profs . think he is still out to sea). Bob brought to Roads the determination of the Shearwater football team of yesteryear and the broad smile of an old "salt" who was fortunate enough to be with the Air Force in Gemany for three years. That convinced him to be a grunt - actually he thought LORE was a girl. Bob likes all sports and is a fierce competitor. (he arm-wrestled Prof. Wilmut one day to see who 'd use the washroom firstl. Bob has finally realized he's too old to make the team anymore so he 's creating his own with three fine sons. He thought he would have it made as coach until he realized Jo - his quiet but mighty wife, was to be the referee. In his- career, as in all pursuits , we know Bob will succeed! MILE Eng.

Will came to college at the ripe age of 16 years with the sole intention of becoming a MILE officer. His first year proved to be one escapade after another with his true "LaSalle Animalism" evident , as he managed to develope the reputation of having a cavalier attitude towards rules and regulations. Second year saw Will's obvious administrative talents put to use as he was made 3 Sqn. 1st slate CSA, then 3rd slate DCWA, while also inheriting the position of Alpine Team president. He also managed to find a certain young lady who has kept him well showered with affection . In sports, Will is a constant worker and has established himself in both wrestling and rugby, where pound for pound, he is one of the toughest competitors. Despite all these activities, Will has still managed to maintain a 1st class honours standing in academics and should have no problems in obtaining his engineering degree and becom ing a MILE officer. 47


WHEADON, TERRY Belleville, Onto

ANAV Chern. Eng.

"Weeney" an easterner hailing from Belleville, Ontario has had little trouble in adjusting to the life of a true westerner. Terry, being a public relations man for Kellys, has upheld his image in the stereo wars of Hub Flight. When Terry isn't trying to outsmart the Prof in stats , he retreats to his humble abode and asks himself what he's doing here. After all, back home he'd never have to go on parade after a Saturday evening at the Colwood . On the other hand, he'd never rise to fame as an air nav either. Terry is leaving us this spring and taking his vast knowledge to RMC, in pursuit of a Chemical Engineering degree, that is if he makes it through the summer at Winnipeg. Best of luck Terry, from all your fellow stereo lovers.


WILEY, D.S. Yorkton, Sask.


Dave is one of those "Saskabush" boys who came to Roads last year in search of a commission. Dave did well in his first year here, and when he returned, went into seclusion up on the 3 Sqn Poopdeck. He came down, out of the woodwork , to be 3rd. Slate DCFL of Hudson Flight and distinguished himself by his military bearing a reflection of his asperations to be an ace artillery officer. This " prairie dog " has become an invaluable member of the rep soccer team as well as being a member of the pistol team. Dave, after spending the summer in Gagetown training for his artillery career, will go to RMC for his electrical degree . Good luck Dave . We know you'll do well.


WILLMES, C.H. Burlington, Onto


The Chwylms is a navii type animal who has an impressive lout library and a losums whistle to prove it. Although perhaps not a great athlete Chris showed considerable dexterity last summer at Borden when he managed to catch a thunder flash in the ear with his eyes closed . Chris is an aspiring marksman with his crossed rifles and the crown as well. As soon as he came back this summer Chris gave up engineering for the slack life of an artsman . Soon even the arts holes were jealous of his number of spares. Being in Mars he'll never be far from Roads and we all wish him luck in his career as a boat driver .




IAN YEATES Burlington, Ont.


"OK fans, Ian says politely" at the start of another major campaign on the wargaming board. Always in good humour, one would often find Ian with one of his infamous fiction novels, quietly chuckling to himself. Our resident "Limey" is well renowned for his wit and subtle English humour, which at times causes people to wonder about him. Besides forever misplacing his SF cap, Ian is blessed with a heavy-duty, spring-loaded head of hair. This is definitely not a good combination for a lad whose hair style resembles that of Phyllis Diller. (oop's, sorry) However, we can overlook this lack of self control for anyone who has such a mad passion for squash and tennis as Ian. With crossed swords in hand, Ian tackled the job of second slate CSA and did an excellent job. lan's deep interest in military history, thick English blood (90% tea), and jovial manner will make him a fine Naval Officer. 12356

MARK ZBITNEW Regina, Sask.



RON WILZEWSKI Drumheller, Alta.

Mark, otherwise known as "Zbit" claims to be totally self-motivating. Perhaps tha t explains why he earned the nickname "Pit" last year. Mark may seem to be a quiet guy, but he makes his presence felt on the sportsfield as well as within the flight halls. He also felt the presence of others on the sportsfield, in the form of a broken collarbone. He was second slate Mack Flight DCFL, and avoided the use of P.R. tactics like the plague when dealing with juniors. As an avid Saskatchewan Roughrider fan, going on to CMR next year may be somewhat traumatic, but we are confident that he will remain loyal, and wish him the best of luck .

Chern Eng.

Ron, better known as "L il Zeus", hails (rom the coal mines of Drumheller. As an ex-sea cadet, Ron still enjoys the sea but has chosen the air as his element. He can often be found in the weight room preparing for rugby matches in which he loves to maim and kill others. Ron is also known for the growlie packages he receives from home every TWO weeks. Once Ron meets his ICBC premium, his problems will be over, we hope I Good luck Lil Zeus!



LOG Admin

MARS Eng. Phys.

Alas poor "Zube", we knew him well. Winning the Hudstud Award in first year, maintaining first路dass honours , and a gifted ability to play the guitar, were qualities which no woman could resist. Steve soon found himself "engaged " in extra-curricular activities with Sue. Besides rugby and soccer, Steve enjoyed the rather odd sport of sitting in his car, in front of Woolco, late at night, in rather qua int apparel, trying to see how many buds he couldn't meet. As 2nd Slate DCFL Steve was quiet in nature, but let his presence be known . Best of luck in the future Steve.












The 1976 Recruit Term marks the end of a long standing tradition . Next year 's recruits will attend their B.O.T .e . prior to arriving at Roads .











Because of weather problems, an originally scheduled four-hour trip turned into a two-day tour which included overnight visits to McChord AFB in Tacoma, Washington, and to Buckley and Lowry AFBs in Denver, Colorado. USAFA was reached, after an eighty mile bus ride, on the third day of our trip. On that day, three days of sports were rescheduled into one and away we went! The USAF A complex is mammoth - it handles 4,200 cadets versus RRMC's 250 - and occupies 1800 acres of land at an altitude of 7,200 feet. Our presence there hardly caused a ripple in their program! At the end of the day USAFA had won the Soccer, Rugby, Volleyball, Cross Country, and Tug-ofWar; and RRMC had only won the Debating. However, our athletes found themselves a little "out of breath" at such a high altitude and are eagerly awaiting and training for a return match.


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FRONT ROW , Left to Right : Gundling R , Simard JGG . KNEELING : Tomaszewski AG , Lawson CJ , Nijman GM , Natynczyk WJ, Laviolelle JS , Campbell MD , Byrtus JED, Rose K. STANDING : Nicol SA , Kennedy MP , McFadden PO , Willow J , Hall MR , Wenmah WM , Bryan SM , Wilzewski U, Prof Lanca s ter .



Royal Roads proved itself to be a force to be reckoned with in the Vancouver Island Rugby Union's Second Division . After posting an impressive season league record the team had the misfortune of drawing a very strong James Bay side in the playoffs and were forced to bow out of the semi-finals. A number of exhibition games were also arranged during the season, the opponents including the Vancouver City Police, a very fine New Zealand Navy team, and USAFA . After losing a close match to the Americans in Colorado Springs, the Roads side was determined to gain revenge on the return encounter. The result was a tremendously exciting game which was won by a Royal Roads try with only a few minutes remaining in the game . One of tHe highlights of the season was the annual trip to San Francisco. The four days were spent in wining, dining, and seeing the sights of the fair city . The game itself was a close match between ourselves and the St. Mary's College of San Francisco, with the Americans emerging as the winners. Next year, we intend to reverse this result as RRMC plays host to their team . Although the team is losing many stalwart members due to graduation and transferrals to RMC , a strong nucleus remains upon which can be built another strong contender for the Times Cup and Second Division Supremacy. Much of the nucleus comes from a second team which played an exhibition schedule in the Third Division. This introduced many to the game of rugby and has proved to be a valuable training aid for those who will next year be called upon to play for the College's first team. Rugby at Royal Roads looks forward to next year with the anticipation of a fine showing once again . 66

SECOND STRING FRONT ROW , Left to Right : Dixon RJ , Doyle DC , Simard JGG , Laviol e lle JS , Lawson CJ , WhillaU GA . STANDING : Prof Lancaster , Armstrong RC , Tomaszewski AG , McFadde n Ph , Backlin SA, Dijker FWJ , Bryan SM , Wilzewski R, Wilzewski U, Pile THW, Capt O' Brien .


FRONT ROW , Left to Right : Campbell DO , Jaggi U , Carr JJ , Anderson OJ , Labrecque AJM , Clements RG , Scott OK , Steenken CM, Wiley OS . BACK ROW : Franko ON , Allan OS , Hayter JS , Jones RG, Kandal MA, Chandler PC , Zuber S, Tarbet HJ, Klein ABA , Klein BG, Capt. Clark.


Despite the slow start in adjusting to the style of play in VISL IV division, this year's Representative soccer team managed a third place finish . Capt. Clark, in his second year as head coach, was aided by Capt. Parker and Dr. Warren Wolfe . The team adopted a flexibility which allowed it to compete with varying levels of opposition . Richie Clements returned to the forward line and provided much of the team 's scoring punch. Team captain Pete Chandler and John Carr controlled the midfield while Dan Duguay and his first year fullbacks anchored the defence. Mark 'Pigpen ' Labrecque succeeded in retaining his goaltenders position in spite of Dave Anderson 's efforts . The highlight of the season was the home game against USAFA. After regulation time and two overtime periods had passed the Rep. team had to settle with a 0-0 tie . The College had viewed over two hours of international soccer at its best. The team was fortunate in that several second years started to play soccer this season . Coupled with the talented juniors the team gained a depth that was absent in previous years . Rob Jones, the rookie right-winger , earned the Bert Mozley trophy as the most improved player. Next year the team expects a fast start and a strong finish in an attempt to clean up the wagon burning division .

VOLLEYBALL ROYAL ROADS VOLLEYBALL TEAM Four years ago Rep Volleyball was practically non-existant at RRMC _ Thanks to the efforts of people such as Bill Neumann, volleyball was kept alive and has become one of the top Rep teams. This year we inherited a very talented coach, Captain Miller, who brought the team from simply a group of interested players to a highly functional unit. The team practiced long hours and took off many hours of study time in order to practice and play in the Victoria Senior B Volleyball League. The added play on Thursday nights was very helpful and the teams seventh place finish did not reflect on their true calibre of play . The college was able to witness the volleyball team in its finest form during the USAF A weekend . Although both matches during the year were lost to the Academy , the team showed they belonged on the same court as the Americans . The games were among the most thrilling of the weekend , with players on both sides making remarkable plays. The only other tournament play RRMC received was at the Kamloops Invitational Tournament. Roads played against other college teams of similar ability and skill level, bowing out to BCIT in the quarter finals . The tournament experience gained there was immeasurable . Next year looks very bright for volleyball . Most of the team will be returning and with added competition we will have a high quality volleyball team of which to be proud of. Best of luck to Bill, Ritchie, Reg, Pete, and Barry , who are leaving . Perhaps we may meet again on the RMC courts .


TUG-O-WAR With the trip to U.S.A.F .A. certain this year the Tug 0' War Team easily picked up last year's inherent spirit and, at the time, 'picked up the rope' to jaunt up the hill to conduct two weeks of awe-inspiring practice. Major S. Brodsky, with 'the stick' in hand, pushed on the gallant troops in practice and spirit, with team captain M.P. Kennedy in support. This complete, practical experience was required and a challenge was rashly answered by the P.P.C.L.I. The blow off was felt by Infanteers across the land as the Royal Roads contingent thoroughly trounced their opponents over the seven pulls. With spirits growing to dizzy heights , the team eagerly awaited their main bout with the U.S.A.F.A. Finally the day came, the team was ready, but to their surprise, the match was not to be held on natural turf, but on an indoor track for which the team's equipment was unsuited . The match ended in defeat for the Roads crew; defeat not by skill路 or determination, but by condition of the match. Many thanks to Major Brodsky who built up a strong spirited and determined group of lads; to M.W.O. Guillet, the chief judge on the competitions, and to fifteen young men who were determined "not to let their minds go before their body'"

WRESTLING The wrestling team had a small but dedicated body of wrestlers coached by John Steurnol who wrestled here himself from 1970-72 as a cadet. They attended the UBC Wrestling Classic tournament on 13 November 76 in Vancouver. They hosted the 1st. annual RRMC invitational wrestling tournament in early February. The tournament was to serve a twofold purpose in that they wanted to hunt down some competition on the island and also to try to make wrestling more popular and mobile on the island. The team also attended the B .C. Open on 19 March in Vancouver . Because it's the first time in a number of years that there has been a team at the college, they were a rookie team lacking experience. There is, however, a good solid core of wrestlers coming back next year to build the team on, and we're sure to see better seasons ahead for the Roads wrestling team.

FRONT ROW , Left to Right : Biggar KW , Wawrychuk WF , Armstrong MB , Slater JD , Moxley WT. REAR ROW : Bruce GK , Johnston KJ , Mars hall MK , Williams D , Brown DW , Johns ton KW , Steurnol J .


STANDING, Left to Right: Houston JRM, Terhart BA, Walters RG, Devanderschueren MJJ, Dahlgren KB, Prof Smart. KNEELING : Poucher OJ , Shields SFR , Heath JT , Tailleur RJ .

This year was in all respects quite a remarkable season for the Royal Roads cross-country team. Having competed in ten races with a record of one 1st, five 2nd , two 3rd, and two 4th place finishings , was quite a commendable job considering the limited training schedule and our junior athletes . Yes , although we were quite successful, we did leave our problems, which mainly consisted of breaking in and sifting out our new arrivals . The task at hand was to determine if they were merely out for some free time away from the wicked grasp of their seniors , or if they were in fact , serious about running . Well , also , we still don ' t know , but nevertheless must commend them on their efforts whatever their motives . With running greats like Smoking " Eskimoe " Joe Heath and the " Missing" Bob Walters to head the team next year we know the recruits will be in experienced hands . Some of the more memorable events of the year were running in the hall marathon (14 miles) at Shawnigan Lake and really experiencing what running is all about ; competing against USAFA in Colorado , but in reality touring the various Air Force base social clubs and the Denver city disco joints ; showing Coach Smart that our frail thin bodies really don't match our appetites ; and experiencing what it 's like to be beaten by one of your own " older" professors who generally goes to the alias of "Flash " Dunnett. Overall, we have proved to the local Victoria teams that Royal Roads is a force to be reckoned with . This will especially hold true in the future now that the college has become a genuine degree granting institution . Where as before we could only rely on a team with a depth of two years experience, we will now have the fortune of four years backing . We've had an enjoyable year and we extend this wish to our athletes in the years to come.



LEFT TO RIGHT : Flemming GH , Greenwood RW , Richards CEP, Greenwood NS , Horel GC , Stuart CE, Groves RR, Simpson DB , Atwood JL .



STANDING, Left to Right : Teel RW , Mills TS , Burtenshaw SE , Gladstone KE , Ferguson JS, Evans JR, Burke MU , Steele JA. KNEELING : Rawnsley KHJ , Sheasby HG.

FENCING TEAM The fencing club of 76-77 commenced the rep season with an overwhelming membership (approx. 20). Soon after, by natural selection (survival of the fittest) membership was reduced to an elite core of six (the photo reflects an early enthusiasm). Our small crew, coached by the legendary Eric Corss competed in two major tournaments. Our performance was highlighted by a victory in sabre at Chilliwack. We feel that there are many benefits to be had by being a member of the fencing club and it is our hope that our experiences can be relived by future RRMC swordsmen .






LEFT TO RIGHT : Simpson DB , Willmes CH , Heinrichs JM , Kowaluk SWH , Stewart JA , Smith GY .

The Shooting Clubs started this year with 2nd. year Miller as both President and Vice-President in charge of the Rifle Club , 3rd . year G.Y. Smith was Vice-President in charge of the Pistol Club and 3rd. year M .K . Marshall Vice-President in charge of Trap Club . At about the mid-point of the year 3rd. year W.O . Turnbull took over Marshal 's position and held it until the end of the year . The Trap Club wa s run on a purely recreational basis this year , no shooting was done in competition with teams from off of the college . Many people took advantage of the facilities to break a few clay pigeons , and the situation should remain the same next year . One of the major purposes of the Pistol Club is to qualify people to wear the crossed pistols award . This year there was a holdup over acquisition of targets and so the program got off to a late start. Even so, two people did qualify in time to wear their pistols on Graduation Parade . No . 3 P .P.C .L.1. foolishly challenged the club to a 9mm pistol competition . Realizing their mistake just in time, they declared that the competition would have to be shot in a weekday . As this was impossible to arrange the competition was effectively postponed to sometime next year . The Rifle Club started its qualification program on time , it just took a while for anyone to reach the standard . Only one person was qualified to wear rifles this year . High point of the year for the Rifle Club was participation in the British Columbia Rifle Association's Military Smallbore Rifle Match, shot confidently but not especially competently just after the second stand down . In the aggregate picture , CADWINS were amended to the effect that there is now a crown awarded to each of the highest scoring crossed rifles and crossed pistols wearers in each year. Previously only one person in the wing wore a crown on these awards, now one person in each term does . 78




FRONT ROW : Mann, Greenwood, Miller , Simpson, Stewart. REAR ROW : Heinrichs , Willmes , Bly , Comis, Higgins , Chafe.

ARCHERY LEFT TO RIGHT: Kennedy MN, Chafe KB, Barnes AG , Schick WG, Higgins C, Greenwood NS .


The Scuba Club was extremely busy this year, under the leadership of Tom Bower, president and his side-kick Gene Joelson, vice-president, the scuba club grew to become the biggest club on the college. We started off the year with a big course and qualified more than twenty people . After Christmas, the club went on a boat dive on YFP's up the east coast of the Island. Everyone got lots of diving done and a good time was had by all. The club got together again in February for a bottle drive to raise money for new equipment. There were two more short but smaller qualifying courses this spring . You could tell all the newly qualified divers by the broke but happy expressions on their faces, secure in the knowledge that they were now part of the etite, in debt, group of scuba divers with wet suits and tanks . Next year we hope to have even more YFP dives and become even bigger and better.


This year the RRMC Flying Club undertook only one major trip , to San Francisco , but involved itself in a number of other activities . These include numerous films of general aviation interest shown to the cadet wing , flying for oceanography work , as well as supplying the pilots of the cadet wing with maps and flight guides in hopes of preventing them from becoming lost too often. The highlight of the years activities was indeed the trip to San Francisco in October. Departing a day late due to bad weather , eleven brave souls ventured southwards on flimsy wings in search of some California sunshine . It was a very successful trip in that all made it there and back , and , thanks to Ace Airways , much " inusual " weather flying experience was attained . Pierre Blais is now a noted authority on snow storms ; Mark Labrecque on pepperoni ; and myself on night flying . Next year an " all out " San Fran or bust excursion is planned and it should be interesting to say the least. The Flying Club has been a useful means by which the college 's nearly thirty licensed pilots can maintain their hours and enjoyment of flying . It has also provided a number of " air ops " cadets the opportunity to experience flying in all its glory . G.Y.



The RRMC Alpine Team saw a fair amount of action over the past year . This was highlighted by two attempts on Mt. Baker. One in the spring and the other in the fall of 1976. Both attempts were unsuccessful because of poor weather , but the experience gained by the cadets was invaluable . A fair amount of rappelling was also done this past year in the local area. Many cadets were introduced to this sport for the first time and it looks like the interest will carryon next year . A joint trip with the Out- doors

club was also carried out after Christmas . A dozen cadets went up the West Coast Trail and spent some time rappelling off the sea cliffs . A fair amount of equipment is now held by the club and the only limit the club had is one of experience . Next year should see more ex peditions and perhaps Mt. Baker will be topped .


FRONT ROW, Left to Right : Sheilds SFB , Clifford TK , Prof LaBoissiere , Heinrichs JM , Gorgichuk CDDH. REAR ROW : Bryan SM , Stewart JA , Moxley WT , Roach RA , Hawthorne DR .

The year 1976-77 has been a relatively busy and successful one for the R .R.M .C. Debating Club . We began the year by defeating the Americans at USAFA and finished by hosting a tournament at the college in March . Between these times the Debating Club sent representative teams to the B.C. Invitational Debating Tournament at Ladysmith and another to an intercollegiate tournament at the University of Victoria. Though we didn't always win the club always showed fine form and prospects for next year look even better.

SCRIBLERUS CLUB The Scriblerus Club had a reasonably successful year this year. The club, headed by Gene Joelson, is a member of the Canadian Institute of International Affairs, enabling it to attend a series of lectures at UVic. These lectures were all interesting, and most were controversial issues. The club made funds available to anyone wishing to attend events at McPherson Playhouse, as well as getting special prices on tickets for cadets and staff. The purpose of the club is to broaden one's horizons and to experience the finer social aspects of life and good participation is hoped for the future . LEFT TO RIGHT : Slater JD , Kennedy MP, Ca mpbell DD , Fletcher CM, Heinrichs JM, Evans JR , Maj Brodsky , Atwood JL , Bower TC, Nicol SM, Hamel JAMA , Joelson ER , Flemming GH , Smith GY, Plows CWo


1/3 OF OUR









RUGBY 2nd YR-O 3rd & 4th YR-IO


HOCKEY 1st YR - 8 3rd & 4th YR-2


SOCCER 1st YR-O 2nd YR-3


• BROOMBALL 2nd YR-l 3rd & 4th YR-2


WATERPOLO 1st YR-3 3rd & 4th YR-IO


BASKETBALL 1st YR-38 2nd YR-36




















FRONT ROW : Johnston S.R ., Bruce , Richards , Duguay, Harvey, Gauvin , Clements, Fletcher, Campbell D .D. SECOND ROW : Walmsley , Blais , Allan , Dillenberg , Biggar , Evans , Brown , Best, Ferguson , Backlin. BACK ROW : Davis , Burtenshaw , Collison , Anderson R .A., Chafe , Clifford , Dixon , Armstrong M.B., Berkley , Boulet , Bryan , Burke.


FRONT ROW : Gladstone , Bower , Joelson , Atwood , Chandler , Nijman, Turnbull W.N .0 ., Greenwood N .S., Harrison . SECOND ROW : Coulter , Gallant , Fredin , Franko . Fawcett , Carr , Byrtus, Devanderschueren, Anderson G .J., Bly, Barnes . BACK ROW : Hawthorne, Higgins, Simard D .G ., Ferguson , Hill , Fleet , Doyle , Heath, Ehrenfellner , Huber, Harris, Foster .



FRONT ROW : Lamont, Mann, Kampman, Lawrance, Kennedy, M.P., James , Hocevar , Smith, G.Y. , Nichol , M.S. , Campbell , M.D. SECOND ROW: Wilson , D.A .C., Smith , C.R., Groves, Peers , Hope , Kowaluk , Madore, Jaggi , Moens, Kennedy , M.N., Manton , May , Platt. BACK ROW: Madely , Obst, Oostlander , Myshkevich , Reid , J .R ., Mannie , Mantell , Hayter , McDonnell, Parker, Marak , Miller, G .A.


FRONT ROW : Greenwood , R .W., Natynczyk , Steele, Plows , Comis , Hatt, Thompson, McFadden , Maxwell , Mathieu . SECOND ROW : Armstrong , R .C., Mills, Poucher , Gorgichuk , Klein, B .G ., Miller, K.L ., Heinrichs , Johnston , K.W., Zbitnew, Horel, Lausch . BACK ROW : Liscio , Kotelniski , Ledrew , Laviolette , Knapp , Walters , R .G., Jegard, Jones , Kandal, Lagrandeur , Klein , A.B ., Kemnitz . 109


FRONT ROW : Yeates, Stephenson, Hamel , Paxton. Wenman , Neumann, Stuart , C.E ., Labrecque, Tarbet , Smendziuk . SECOND ROW : Simpson , Steenken , Strogran, Sheasby , Sheilds , Zuber, Wiley , Pile, Wilzewski, R.R. , Philhps , Wheadon, Nicol, S.A., Schick, Vos . THIRD ROW : Paget , Stephen , Stott , Savage , Pon, Roach , Poulter , Rawnsley , Rose , Seitz , Stinson, Poitras, Scott, Reid, D ., Zaharychuk .


Turnbull ,J .L ., Slater , Wawrychuk, Williams, Willow , Wilzewski , H .F.C., Fleming , Marshall , Johnsto!l , K.J ., Greenwood, T.G . SECOND ROW : Walters, P .H., Terhart , Stewart , J .A. , Tomaszewski , Vriend, Moxley , Simard , J.G .G ., Touesnard , Robertshaw , Pickell , Williamson , Willmes , Stranks. BACK ROW : Wright, Teel , Symonds, Wilson, D .A., Whittall , Zohar, Monk , Lawson, Wagner , Tailleur , Tepylo, Houston , Waite . 110


FRONT ROW : Kelly , Fanning , McLeod , Rozell , Touchette. SECOND ROW: Szydlik , Moore , Sorsdahl, Martin , George . BACK ROW : Naldrett , Brasier , Dean.


FRONT ROW : Wasney , Russell , McCann , Demps ey, Dewar . SECOND ROW : Guerard, Rodgers , Hutton , Brilton . BACK ROW : Richardson , Herrgotl , Vandale .



11 3

CADET OFFICERS CWC Neumann WJ, James SL DCWC Chandler P, Gauvin J Nijman G, Kennedy MP CWTO CWA Kennedy BGJ, Stuart CE DCWA Stephenson AJ, Richards CEP, Wawrychuk WF, N atynczyk W CWSO Hatt M, Wilzewski H Marshall MK, Steele JA CWIO CWPMC Comis RW, Thomson KA CBM Greenwood NS, Lawrence DG DCBM Best RC, Devanderscheuren M, Mann DS, Greenwood RW LOG EDITOR Slater JD






Walmsley R Harvey MJ Carr J Fletcher C Barnes A Anderson DJ Turnbull WNO Joelson E Biggar K Harrison P Johnston S Dillenberg TH

James SL Hocevar K Greenwood RW Lamont L Heinrichs JM Mathieu JJM Kampman RJ Maxwell MG Gundling RPG Klein B Manton J Gorgichuk CD

Wenman W Willow J Wawrychuk WF Yeates I Greenwood TG Wilzewski RR Tarbet HJ Hamel A Tomaszewski A Smendziuk R Johnston KJ Turnbull JL




Nichol MS Smith GY Campbell MD Moens A Jaggi U Kennedy MN

Labreque M Paxton RJ Pile THW Zuber S Wiley DS Sheasby G



McFadden PD Plows CW Natynczyk WJ Zbitnew M Poucher DJ Johnston KW

Williams DE Flemming G Simard JTG Stewart JA Moxley WT Robertshaw GP


Bower T Atwood DCFL Richards CEP Bruce G Campbell DD Allan DS FRASER CFL

Clements R Dugay D DCFL Byrtus MED Coulter W Gladstone K Bly CJ



FRONT ROW : Neumann W., Kennedy B .G .J . , Nijman G . SECOND ROW : Kennedy M.P. , Chandler P .C.P ., Szydlik J . , James S.L ., Willow J. THIRD ROW: Walmsley R ., Halt M. FOURTH ROW : Hergott W. , Comis R ., Slater J .D . FIFTH ROW: Dugay D., Greenwood R.W. , Greenwood N.S. , Wawrychuck W.F.


































• II • • •

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Basketball Broomball European Team Handball Hockey Rugby Small Arms Soccer Squash Volleyball Waterpolo Aggregate Shield

Mackenzie Fraser Hudson LaSalle Cartier LaSalle Champlain Cartier Hudson Cartier Cartier

WING COMPETITIONS Cross Country Swimming Wrestling Track and Field

No . No . No . No .

1 1 3 2

Sqn Sqn Sqn Sqn

RECRUIT COMPETITIONS Tabloid Track and Field Cross Country Obstacle Race

No . 2 Sqn No.1 Sqn No . 1 Sqn

INDIVIDUAL AWARDS Commandants Cup D.O.S. Cup Gold Medal Silver Medal Instructors Shield Bert Mozley Award Animal Award Balls In Hand Award Crippler Award


Kennedy B .J .G. Clements R. Carr J . Liscio R . Kandal H. Jones F . Bryan S. Gundling R .P .G. Walters R.G .

MILIT ARY AWARDS RUSI of Vancouver Island Award Military Engineering Association Award RCAF Association Award Royal Canadian Artillery Association Award Navy League Of Canada Award R.M .C. Club of Canada Award H.E. Sellers Award RUSI of Vancouver Island Award (3rd Yr )

J .R . Reid W.F . Wawrychuk A.J . Stephenson W.T . Moxley C.E .P . Richards C.H. Willmes W.F . Wawrychuk C.W. Plows


B.G .J . Kennedy

ACADEMIC A WARDS Governor-General's Bronze Medal Governor-General 's Silver Medal Lt .-Governor of B.C. Silver Medal Governor-General 's Gold Medal

D.R . Hawthorne R .R . Groves J .S. Dewar K.A. Thomson


s P E C I A L






* 'Jto.w we wdf hw.e to 'Z-e&, on 1Jt. 1. 'R. t4 ~ Ud- CJ4UttJ路 tfod kwe m芦~ u~ Ud-.



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Page Sponsor THE SUGAR'O MULE RESTAURANT Chateau Victoria


Page Sponsor THE RED SWING RESTAURANT 1011 Broad St.









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As with most everything , time brings about change, and Roads is no ex- ~].: ception. 1976-77 brought with it a break from the old ways and the first !:;tt:at:=<Eid~~Wt_=tJh~ graduates received their commissions after completing the college's j ~ .,i. -tcr first four year course . The last recruit term was completed by the first r4FO f-I years as next years recruits will receive their Basic Officer Training ::! ~ "'t"1 r Course prior to arriving at Roads. The bar system has undergone a t-"'r" major transformation as well, creating new senority levels . 1 :a:r f..1TF Ii""" ~ g These changes however are leading us to greater opportunities than U-l- ::;ti ever thought possible . It is with great pride that I have helped log the ~ I-l f.L.r1.. past year's events, so that they might remain fresh in our minds, in the n years to come . i'r:~ t;:1



Good luck to the graduating class of 77, we the ones remaining are proud of you. And to those of us who are leaving for our sister colleges, the best of luck to you as well.


Remember one thing , "once a Roadent, always a Roadent."




q:lJ"t:::t:J 1fhllt1 'UII





FRONT ROW , Left to Right: Stephenson AJ, Marshall MK, Zohar JAAOJM, Slater JO . BACK ROW: Brya n S, Simpson DB, Franko ON, Groves RR, Walters PJ.



Editor ................................... .. .... John Slater Assistant Editor ........................ Steve Bryan Layout Designers ...................... Doc Savage Marty Marshall Al Stewart Al " Festus" Stephenson Richard Groves Richard Wagner Business ...... ................. ... ....... .. Phil Walters Dave Franko Bruce Simpson Gord Sheasby James Zohar Bert Terhart Typing : A special thanks to Mrs. Terressa Rozell for her time and effort. Photography: A special thanks as well to Len Watling, whose excellent photography has helped make this book what it is.



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