1978 Log Royal Roads Military College

Page 1



This year's Log IS dedicated to the memory 01 Claus Gorglchuk. who lost his hfe this year In a tragic diving accident. Claus came to Royal Roads In 1975 and

spent his Ilrst two years In Mackenzie Flight. and was then transfereel to Hudson where he was the first slate CFL In 1977 Claus was active In the college as a member of the representative soccer team and as a member of several clubs. As a fellow cadet and as a fnend, he IS missed by all




Dr Gngg

Prol. Dalsin

Prol McintOsh

COMMANDANT'S MESSAGE This past academic year has been both satisfying and prodl)l;tJYe lor Royal Roads Many prOJects are no" completed or Ii) progress which will enhance our facilities for staf! members and cadets alike Changes made to the method of selectmg recruits. coupled with pre·academic training at BOTe have Improved the overall quality 01 the College's first year class. Moreover. a lormal program deSigned to eKpand your knowledge of the mihtary profession has been successfully introduced While other improvements withm theCoilegecan5tdt be achieved I am pleased with the progress todate. This edilion of ··TtltlOS·· will help all of us when remlnlscmg m the years ahead to recall actIVities. colleagues and close fnendshlps To the second year cadets who Will complete their course of studies at either RMC or CMR I extend my best wishes for success To the class of 78 you are besmnlllg your careers at a time when the future outlook IS most optimistic. Each of you. resardless of ClaSSification. Will be responsible for operating or maintaining complex and expensiYe weapons systems coming Into the Canadian Forces Inventory_ Your academic and mihtary Iralnlng has prepared you 10 meet thiS responSlbillty_ am confldenl you win find your professIOn challengmgand reward On behalf of all staff members at RRMC I oIfercongratulalions and warmest wishes for the future







. J.H. Roddick Colonel Commandant




CAPT RF Folkman


CAPT, PM, lobb Dental OffIcer

CAPT. A.B. Clark 3 Sqn Commander

Univ. Liaison Officer CAPT. J.T Oabrowski Chaplain (RC) CAPT G R.lves Chaplain IP)


CHEMISTRY Dr. A G. 8ncknell


Or H. J. Duffus



-1- \

Dr W C Horning

.. Dr M R. Barr

Dr H Montgomery

-Dr M G Robmson

0, D. p , Klllu.

Dr 0 W Hone


Or_H. R Gngs

Prof J A. Izard


Prof E R. Chappell

-. •

Dr W. T


Prof J W Madill

Prof W G Mcintosh


Mr. W T. Mann Commerce

Dr. P.J.S. Dunnett


Or J A Boutilier HIStory

Dr. W Rodney History Head 01 Dept

Mal H, R. Gardner MLM Head of Dept.

Mr, POM Stewart

Dr. G. Morgan English Head of Dept

(;apt. J.



.--. ,


U(N) W 0 John Enghsh


e, Archibald


Dr R Oldham Deano! Arts

Mr. B Aghasslan

Or. C N Ramkeesoon

Or. C Tchalekian

CaPt V Gauthier

Mme. J. VanCampen

Mme A.C. Hadley

Mlle. Y Fiammarelh

Mme. 0 M, SavOIe-Young

Mlle. R P Gnfflths

Mlle l Maynard

Mile A. Boudreau




wo Dunn路Bandmaster



, ••

THE YEAR , .~'

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..-. •

May the great master who Instructs me place on my paper. and for the beneht of my standing an general. a great or a passmg percentage. And may no misstatement by me lower It And may thoughtfulness upon markmg be the predominant feature m the Instructor's mind For my effort individually. I commit my paper to him that set It and may hiS blessing alight on me for dOing my homework faithfully. To him I resign myself and to the examlnahon which IS gIVen lometowrlle Amen. Amen, Amen.

CB K. 1944 Log)





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1'488 Fie"",,\! G H Suklloon_ Salk


Aft" 1J*'IIi't\Q • 0:001 ... mm.r ,n 1M Ar''''. ''The film roll.., back 10 the colleg. 10 Ilk. ~I " """ CBM Aft .. ",,,-,-u"'''II"'' mllllC.I .bllol"'.• nd drumm,"II up,he enlhu ........ ," the bend 10 • ...... po,cll, Gpoa _", . . .t."".ty .. t•• ..:1 IICOnd .,.,. perform'''lIlhe t.... IlduOUllIM of W'''II Com·

Aft., • c ....., IOu, '" off,CI. Goo-a "" lor • second I"m aMp,1I • p/lllorm bIIHCI on •• ,..."" the 'oo,mll 'fiI" .,.nd"d. To IIIe ""po'll o •• It III c'p'lllfid the POIIuon 01 Honor SI." W'''II Comm.nd.. ~ 11111 ,11,. wn due 10 II,. good 100lo.I bul .Il know 1"', " wi. aue 10 11,•• bol,1Y 10 00-11'111" 1M Sc .. bl Club DltplII,nll'.II. ""11'''11 I,om ..,1I0Il. lIt.. be d",,"II, """"11_ w",rpoIo. rTIOloo-cvcl. ,0<1,"11, 10 M.". Gord .... m.n~ 10 kNP 11,. KldemOCl on '''' \oW poomy mode Goo-d ......d'''II 10wI.d. CI,N. '" ,''' Mif. clln,licll,on ...... know ... w"1 do w.It, 10"", WI.II 't'OIi I\tppv ... ,1,"11 .nd bell of luck ,n 1/11 ' .. ,U ..






, 1813 C'.m."II. A G )('mbe,l.y. B C



O"II,n.lly I'om C.II1'ry A'cll,. '. one 01 IIIe f.w '.Ce(lI'on. 10 IIIe ,ul.,II.,,1I boy. ,un .w.y f.om J>om. to JOIn Ih' ".vy H. . . n 'W'y 10 U.. II h,s 10'. 10 one 01 thOIl n,mllY lIy,"II m.ch'nll 8.,"", one 01 , ... 1IIOf. 111,1"", 110" m.mbe,. o' Ih. tin, ... II.. held ,''' m'IOO-,'Y 01 ,''' be. POs<"on,,, on. lime o •• nothl< ,n h .. CMC e..... Founh y.a, wn no nCe(lIIOnIO Ihl. I I he Wei li", .,,,. CWTO.nd hll 1I•.o",'1d .. lhe The CI.m""," hi' ,.k.n In pan ,n 1h1 sPOrts 1I''''iI,.m pI.y,nll mosl 1M 11)0<1'_ bul lie mlde II" n,me on 1111 'e(llOc:el< 111m For 3 OUI 0'" VI'" III Wit '''' 1e..,1I1I pe.son on the CoIl"", bul wilen'" 118C1P8d onto , ... socc.. lield, people (espec,,1Iy thto Olher ,"m) Iookld 119 10 h,m 8eh'nd ho, a, .... m,"II lI"n A,eh .. h.o., m,nv III.nUl Th" of '''' ptI'l<M lICIuI.e-- thoc:kld l'Y'fY'OI1I ,n OUr second VI" w ........ III down " • po.no .nd utu.l .... beII.n pI''fI''II Be.lhcwen'. move......,,..nd Tch.'kovslty. 0 IIII •• nd E m,nor, M.ny ,n ,mpromplu ling-IOIIII wll pallid" '''' poano on I... OW,,1" Otd<" lunch I,,,,, - mUClllO , ... chill'''' of 1/IIlIm.1fIdw 01 '''' Cedel W,ng.nd ....... 11I1f P"h8jK , ... One ~Idron to.mh VI'" WIll bill .. membe. A>dl .. lrom t/IoII ple... nl '_ngl UP II T... A.ke, w"'n" Iboul mldn'ghl 10 'Ill 1,1I1.IioUow would beII,n 10 m.k. 1111 bIiI POInl In ,''' con"..... I_ .nd IOouI 1 00 I .... lie would Ion.'1y 1.11 bec~ 'n hli ell... ,hI< IIQfT\IOnI btOUi;lhl 10 lui ."..."on I'" IKI ,'''' he hid been ,epelllOllthe II""" lint.",,, lor .boul.n hour now Well doni Clem Of COUt.. the .. Will'" 'III old IIlu,1 of IIO<ng IhfOUllh....". poor roo!c', w>ndow on. 01 ''''11 meellf>lP And ... 110 could _ r '00-111' I... I.w n'IOf""'ll diSHS .ft.. UNOWHO "'I been II '''' CoIwood ,''' P I _ I n'!l'llt VII "loch.. IlII behind somelhong lot UI .11 10 ..""mt.. W.1t Mr Clemenu _ ,II know you WIll do Will It .. no, d,fflc:ult 10 _ you '''''''ng t;Onl.o.nlly 0',11 10 YOU' .tee« ........ bI.d wllh you. pollow luck.., und .. you •• ,m, 1I"'lIII<ng trom " , 10 H' .nd IIlt'ng d'"m'ly UP II I'" sIo;v You w,1t do well





fi,., "'fT



11901 Joelton. E 1'1 Prince Alben, Silk


G..... h .. I-pInt .11 of h,. ,ltUIl"O"1 fou' y....., Ro.Id. I. I member of F'ltl< FI'lIhl (W,nn, ilvy. duck1) Th,oulIJ>oul h" e01l19'l ca....... hit hlld V."O .. S comm.nd be. PO""on, Ind CI"'" beck 10 Ao,d. lh" f'" II CSl,1 HOI .b,h\y,o dr.v. ",.rybody 10 tn •• nlly wi' pan,eullf'V .v,de"t .1 W,nll Heldqu.ne .. m"""II' 10 h,. mo'l oft.n ulld ph'lIlI of "What wll Ihlll" 0' "Come on lIuy', I'm only 1'Y,nll to 1111 Ih,nWl' IIf"lIhl would be COUnl"" moan, ,nd 1I,0'n' 01 "Gill Joelton" Nav.n",I... IOf II" .lfon. \h'OUlihoul Ih. yu, hi wll 'liain placed In comm,nd 01 Ih. Numbe' 0 .... SQuara'on lor Honor 51." Gene·, I1hlll,e plowe.. on ,''' 1QU.1h coun •• nd on the .oct.. field wll • t;Onll.nt IOUft' of ,mUllmen\ IOf UI ,II HI w •• tile only IIVV ... '''' hlilory 01 RAMC 10 11" five po,nll befOfe ...."en onlO ,lie SQullh eounl Whine"" on. hllrd • blood cu'dlo"ll cry 01 "B.n.l", Y'Py,P Y,hoooIMll" I"'y knew G.......... ' .. mpong OUI 01. ptlrflClly HNfC.1bI1 ."craft Of 1kJ,"II , ... ,lope, of MI WhtStiel w,\11 ... ,Id .bendon II Gene w •• nol ,n h" .oom wortung (BIW,n' II B""e,-sl) hi could be 'OUnd OUI ,n 1111 1.1I00''I lI,kng 00- d'''ng IOmew"'" OUI 'n I'" ITfI'ts, Of .... , "'''ng' pie...... ",dol on Iu, H~ AI 1111 P..... denl 01 ,''' SCllbillUI CI .. b G..... m.nl9ld 10 11.1 QUII,oon.bII soc"I" 0IJ""11I lot ll1e w.,.,. 01 , ... CoIlelll H. wll .n • ....a tupoorl" oft.n 1h1 ,nsl'II'IOf of counldown d.y pa"'"11 IIIe CoIwood _ .ny day would do Gene "c,n"n 10 do """ Win " ' MARE Off",.. _ ., I'" PO', un pUl up ..... '"l'wm AU ,''' be.1 .nd good ..,t"'ll Geno


''''nge ....

11903 ~mr>m." R.J G,b&on. und>"9 a C



R...oo, rno,1I1rom th.i'l me1.CIPCII<s of 1M Sunt./I,,,. Conl G,b&on. Und<ng In 19" M \If.du.led ffOf'IlI>e 1oc:.1 "-1111 tothool. E/phIn$'_ Senoor SecondIfy w.UI II>e '''l'U1111OfI of be""" 1M onIv m.n to .nd

weir • ...."

tI. 10 d.sseI

,nd_ua! .1t1'lOugh of G.rm.n •• u _. w •• born «> _ 1M au.." It II lIod thaI R.ndy IS 10 fuM 01 military dtSQPI .... 11\11 I>e IIMPI «> .1I...11OfI .•lthcNgh tl'll comment h .. beer1 I'I'IIde- thaI M IS 100 \IU"9 for ",.C11C81 purpOlU Ao WIUI .... d. R•.ndy has Ius SUenIjIlh$ .nd _1u>HII1 HII It •• "9'111 ... In pI''''I''I\IIl'I. QU,II' l~fIQ '" Q<I'" .nother m.ltet). Qepong me W"'II Iupph..:I 1/1 agar.lI" ItId beanl"l\l !he bruttI of ........ 00.0. bald JOi<" WllhoIIl *<>mong IIPHI. or at ....I nol 100 oftan H•• w . .""""" I f• .., 1M form of • \IOUI"I\I VICIOn. 1a1S. "'-' to be Mrs, K.""' .... n. and "'" rampant IUpefSlltlOf'l Wh ... " Roy.1 Roads Randy has held Il'Ie _IKInO of CSTO, DCWC.• nd HonoIJ. Slat. (51. 01 2 5qu.ad,on .... 11>'11 of ....... oeh M has m.nag.ad 10 "",n • IOIId 1IOOf>d.c1... - . 1 1 H" choMn d'SSlficeloon of M,litary Eng'nIInng 11.1 doH to grunt' IS _ could ' - for And . • ftll' Ihor'l pa~lI.t tile end 01 tN' yell 10 9"1 m ...,...t. R.ndy .. oil 10 CIl,lk"'ack 10 compl.1I hll pll.1I III,n,,'II In .It .• w.ll-known led who WItt nol be "Slly forllO"""' nor w,tt h,. TCf Good lUCk, R.ndyl Th4~" ~III

11970 h,bet H J



alivII falil. a c

Howlld T.rbel '. the only IUrv,v,nll p-u,ebred HudlOn f".,,,h yll' HI III"'" h .. fin.1 Vllr In • good 1IIII,on by l.k'''9 1M ' .. n. of Three Squld,on IS CSL fo, bolh f"1! and honou' Illl" HI" r.Iv1"9 on h .. PI$! UPI",,"CI 1113 CSTO In tNrd VII' Ind HudlOn 1I'lIhl OCfl in MCOnd 1'1" 10 gllide h,m In

Ilia my.,."11 01 commlnd Throug/>o!.ll " .. four yllr vlSII to IIIe cotla~ (M mutt h .... I,ked" hi" to ",y 10 Ior>g. m.ybe il WII IhI wlatlled How ..d worl<ed hlIld 10 k8flll h .. ma.kI on IhI up.nd uo. II _ POInl .dI,tying r"" c .... - . r s A ,taunch II<Ipporler of IhI liP soc:c.. leam. hi h •• m.n.gad 10 kaep h"" ...1f ,n good 1hIpa. delp!III'equ.nl ).unlllo Ilia Colwood for • Oll'CIt bflW How •• d h .. lIMn .cl,,,, ,n the 1I'f'I'IU dub thlscube club. thl ski club (Wllh. w.ntSIon In one ~.nd. pot.. ,n ,hi other and IhI Illul ulI<I,II\I on hoi flel lhoi ,yod ...... Itw""" madII " 10 IhI bottom of !he Itdl on tirM lormll. InCI thl pa,achutl dub Aft .. , flw IUITIpIIO prove IIIaI hi wouldn'l fly oft ,nlO IPKI, Howlfd "'"ed, w,th Illun IntaCI, I,om thl ~.IChu" ,I"b After .11, why JUmp OUI of , perfaclly- _ b l e · ,.""ft1 Thl "Ogo-.. .1 M ~ known «> lhe Olhe. HudlOn \'II. . .nd ShVloclt~ 10 hr. lerm. Howlld ' • • IW.VI _ 10 011 out 10 1 ~rty or 1 good " .... II ANy " .... lilt. the lime wilen. aft. . . beyonel Illmm..c! lluough !he back of hr. medIC ..... cabo".1 hn Ih"d ..... ,1. 2 fourth OOU,..c! IlIamMiYI-I .nlO "'. I'OOftI II 3 AM Ind dfl\XJld "-m ,nlo Prr. Pub lor I 11M, AllO, Howard I 1lI1I... placl hal lIMn IhI tot_ for _ " I IIrm ~t·tOOllhl(l, Th" IUmme', Howald .. goong to Po". Ind 1,," on 10 M _ J.w.., .... rehof. PI" of polol. w ....1JI BIll of iucll .n 1M fUIUfl, Howlldl


UTPM Dewer J S VlncOUVI' 8 C




John WI. bo,n In 1951 ,n V.ncouve •• OO 9,ew up 10 baCom,' ..,rlO' 'n 1969 Ao. Sign.lm,n ha MIV..c! lbollO HMCS Ou'Apptlle.oo HMCS 1C00llniV Alter Ilarn.ng now 10 chlO Ollnt 100 Itow nol to Ih.ow up onlO Ihl wlOO John dac,ded 10 ,mp'OYI h,m ... U.OO becoml onl 01 Ihl 11111 UTPM·, 10 IIlInd Mlhl.ry Cot~1 wilen hi s""ed PIIP yll' 11 CoIl. M,I,tl,II ROYIII ,n 1913 Jolin elml 10 Roy.l Ro.d. '" 1916 Ind hn IlIncl ,-"cilled &eldem,cllly WII"""I .hlnl1'''9 h,. c"51mllll In f.el Jolin h .. onl\l lwo Ilult •. he won'l Inwr • party on IhI lI .... d.y ,t II g,van .nd hi It...... Y.. m ..' ..edlhl.n 01 w""ng a bellt S.ne. IOin'''9 lh1 CoIiIOI John hal lleld I number 01 ba. potIloonl .n" SQu,d,on .nd lhe Cadit W,ng IIICh n Cfl. CSL .nd VPMC John WlI., Colleen, .nd lwo ch,ld"n Scon Ind JIIIIC •. whO hVI In IhI II .... """ ... Wllh hll boob .nd desk John and h,s faM,'y ' - 10 moYl 10 V.ncou_ whell Jon.. w,nlllO pU ........ POllgri6ulll 1119'" l)r.9".m.n Ph'(lOCl1 Ocaanograplry II uec Wilen hi hn '-IfnICI .11 thefl'" 10 know John Will ,ltu.n,o the "IIYY al. MARS offocer. II wt\och Illnl hi will uII.1I h,' ~ 10 till 01 ....... how 10 chop pa,nl .nd how nol '0 ll'I'OW UP ,nlo Ihi w.nd




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UTPM Bru'". G E V'CIO'" Be


Geoff, born or, Englana ,n , 943, Io<ned tile RCAF ,n , 960 II. Commun,ullOO R....'relle' AII.r ,n S,·Jun, Que lie w •• POSled 10. numbe, of RCAF RCN .nd Roy.' C.n,d"n S'gn.'

I)a..., \ •• ,n,ng

CorPS s,am,., •. ,nclud,ng two t..... 's ,n WtulehorH and two on AI.rt The ,lIOIaloOO doe. nol .... m 10 h.v. affected h,m, trow.ve•. as lie .nlOVed


bnlloanl m",t.,." car".r whICh roclulled hIm to 1h. fink of Qfficer

Cad" ,n only fourt.en short year •. he wu selecled 10' U P T M In 1974 AClu.lly. Geoff began h,. cunenl acad.m,c Clr"', ,n 1969 wh.n he begin liking hIgh school COUrse ••1 ,lie gflde n,ne ,...... , Tile ClJlm,n'lion cam. Ih,. y.ar Wllh grlllu,l,on wllh I B ~ ,n Phy.,cs .nd PhySlc.' Oc •• nogrephy Yov·ve com. , long w.y. babyl Th. ~rll couple 01 ~". ,n the p'OIIramm. wer. _nl .1 RMC. but Geol! I.W the "ghl Ind c.m. 10 Ro.<k for Th,rd Ina Fourth years H. hu be.n ,CFL lor Ihe U T P M ~u.dron, VPMC Ip, Ihe w'ng CSTO, and held lhe POII,I,on 01 VPMC fo, Honours 5111. The reC.nt ,mp,ovem.nt. ,n MH' Oecks .1Iesl 10 h,s abil,ly ,n Ih,. d.partm.nt. He hn .Iso become a I"her -confesso' and adv>sor 10' lhe ROT P cadell; exlolilng the ",rtues and advantages 01 ma'rrad lor, Th,s VII'. Geoff w,1I be follow,ng Ihe nample of hIS oIdes! son. who grldulled from h'gh school lasl vea, .• nd Roy.' R",ds Will be so,,.,, to see h,m and hOI lovely WlI... M'liI!IlI, le.v. Good luck ,n the futu,e, Geoff. and mev YOU .ch,_ you, Imblt,on 10 m.~. captain belo'. 'KerV,ng Ihe cla~ '0 your CO,

11943, Plows, CW BurhnglO<l. Ont



Cohn came back 10 R",d. Ih ll ye', hoirday ,n Engl.nd.nd Illumed Ih. '01. 01 WiOU Commander It was In Ih,. dom,n.n' poS,I,on Ihlt CoI,n demonstleted hos Slrongle""ership lIyle.nd 5uove 10 enlorce the coll.ge mono_ "'T,u lh. Duty. V"ou,"' In th,s 'ole, Col'n was very 1ut:<:lIlful Ind the eoHeg8 year gopall twO '(lars by rele,n,ng the crown 10 the c'O$sed club, Iwanl In addlt,on. Cohn scored h,s firsl goll Iver ,n ,nl"mur.'1e Th" yea, Cohn wlS .CI,wr'lI m.nV "eal 01 the college 1,le He 'i • strong member ofll>e M,htary Ch,,"nan F.llowsh,p, Scuba Club Ind Bind B.,OU a bIInd.man, Cohn's love lor mUI,e has n.ver f"'ed.nd h. hn become. "'SO's er."' l,n'lIc (IInglng '"Teenag" ill Love·· ,d nlusnm) CoI'II-s olher pest,mes are h,k,ng 'ead'ng Indlln and N.v.' H'llory boo~".nd IItmg Chln.se loho .... (aclually a '73 Musllngl Unlonunltely ,t has. h,b" of lil,ng w, th waler Illd become. qu,te unrrdeable Cohn IS ave,." strO<lg advocate 01 'he N,vy .nd n I. ,n 'hIS fi.1d Ihal h,s ImbillOn l he Ber"g' tr.mendO<.lllv hard wo,~erm .. d.y PT L.

MARS 11643. Ougu.v, 0 P80PO Lameque, New Brunsw,ck Olmel ,. lhe only Aced .. n 10 gradu8t. I,om Ro~d' th,. vear He hills Irom Ihe ,. I,nd 10Wn 01 Llmeque. olf the coe.t 01 New Brunsw,ck It II no mvst .. ,." thll h. chose. MARS cl.ss,I;c.IIO<l_see,ng 'hIt M ,s buI Ih. tallsl 'n 8 long hnl 01 saltwater fishermen Wnh h .. b.ck"round he .hO<.lld f", "gh\al hom. on lhe brrdg. 01 B luty,. command, 'liSh,n"' lor the w,ly sub Oan,el hI! been v.ry .cI,ve ,n a w,de v."aly of sport. HII rol. II on. 01 lhe IOCC" leam ', III" was curta"ed by 8 bad knee. howev.r th" enDbled h,m to opend more tim. parfeetlng h,s I,nn,. form Ind (,f loree 4 Or bene.-i h,s ",I,OU s k,ll Starl,ng out Ih,. yur as CWPMC, Oan,.' decIded he preferred the company 01 lhe college rag 10 the company 01 lhe Commandanl Ind came bae~ in honour .Iate as I colour enl'gn One of O,n"l, mosl note.bl. u.u. If h,. con"anl good humor and h,s .b,IIIV to gil along w ell wuh .VI,."Ona Th,s is most .'rrk'ouly s!>own on h,' app.rent ,mmun"y 10 I hangove,. when.1I thollaround him.re nol fillO look al To, steady ",end when on need and to one of the truly line ligure. 01 Ihe term. Oani.I, w. III WISh vou I." w,nd •. a lollow,ng sel .nd God 81es.

11857 Atwood J L VlI:tOl". 8 C



Following ttoe Ume path . . hi, lithe! J.mes ..,tOfed Aoy.1 Ao.d, ,n 1974 Ahlr"""" t,m, . . . shltd hII decJdltd toe would IHI mot, Heurl ,n lhe II< Ind "'1"l1li 1l'1li ",101 ellu,lIclt>on I. IIoCI Ih.1 ~n boI not,ced In F,._ Fhghl h.lls) E... n ,1l'1li,. p,lol. Jlmes fl,ll f... I, .ttraclltd bV the m\'1'I ..," of lhe 8.,ng the IoIoPPl< 01 .... ny whll" CfU,sef ",Iocel w.II, •. l'1li m.nllrMl 10 br'ng C'IW bid ..laIv -..... lime _Ih .101 of 900CI ....mot' .. J.mes' pe,sonalltV II PfOblb/y hll g,lItlll 'ttrlbute H,. d'gnlty with h'l POI," m.n", .. g ..""" h,m the ,~ of m.nv PIOI)II When hII Hts lui .... nd 10 do _Ih'ng J.",.. II • hltd work .. ,nd ....." Ie,..... tiP h'lf donII H. woll lIep out 01 h,. w.y to help -omebody ,n need Ou.rt>g tl'lll MCOnd semellOf, J.mes ,uurned 11'III1lOI'1IOI'I 01 Squltd,,,., leId.. HII lense 01 Outv .nd hll Ie..:l'ng bV u.mple brought h,m. 101 01 followe .. As p'lS<dtInl of the ..,I,ng club he Ofllln'tltd IhII Roy,l AOldi In"'IIt,on.1 A~'l1' WIth grill _ I I Ac<:uMd "ntruly .... ny 11..... of doodl,ng ,n d,u. J ..... f .. OU' 1.Io'Ot," Qrl00nr.1 Hit m"n tub, tlCl •. pt,,,,. ,nd sh.p. mille h,m I.mou. 'I .... ry poece 01 bllckbolrd 'I Roy,l ROIdt wll hit bV h,s 'Ichy .... nd The love 01 J,me,' I,fl dressed ,n ,ltd, II the I"...., of hllltrendt Y.. , hi " ... 'V PfOlJd of hll Au,,,n Spnte 59 whICh l'1li dn"" wllh phi""",. Iv'" on shppery mount"n cuv" JKQU" Aubor., w, wo,h you good fur;!< 'n 'r'OIJ' luture " .... , ,nd don't forget th't _tylh,ng thlt 11"1'1 up mull CO"" Gown BONNIE CHANCE






11664 Hamel, JALMA D,nv,lIe, OUt

Af1od .. ,IfU, F'eneh C'n-.:l,'n I,om -La Balle Provine." cam, 10 Roy,l Ro.d. Ihll Ih," yu,. II College M,h""e Aoy.II of SI·Jlln H" OUl9O'ng petson.hty nHdld. ch.nge 01 ICI"'ty. ,nd th .., wll no W'V I'IIId go 10 AMC Ahll demonll"I'ng h'll,ltdOflh.rp Iblhtv II Cadit Squad"", T",n,"g Otfll:lr '" 11-11 Thrfe! VHf l'1li wll made Mn,Of c,del for h" ,n"" Fourth V'" -0 l'1li concenUlled hIt ....,gI. . ,I.. wtr.,a HI tool< up the toO of Ch •• ,m.n 01 the M..Sing r:ommOll.I. Plnrc,palotd acI,v.1y Ott 1l'1li ..,I.ng 111m. ,nd broughl !o<w,rd, 101 01 odell ,,., 'n 'l1,mpl to ,mPfO\llIlrl IIN'trOt! II AAMC H, WII VIfY iClI¥' on II'III IIPCWUI field WI'III" h •• IItong .. nM 0' C_I,IO"., wil .n 'mplrltlOfl lor his IlI mm'l" H, ttrlfn.d 10 plev soo;c:,t .nd ..... oIIy1C1 WIIII'DOIo. bul mtSHd 1l'1li calobt, 01 hoc:kay 01 II5I"n Caned. Andr,', ,nl.. MII wlf' mora ,n g.rII dane ... ff .. roctsIups. p/IyIng IoIo<ng fiWlong kHP<rog "" old 1;1' _ b i t . Ind ",wng on ,nd out 01 Iroubitr I,., ells. II.. W"I_ lot frgofOU' 111'00" ,nd demon.t .. t ...... wn -omel'mes 'nnoymg to _ leecn.... bul.1 WIf.1to ....foc: ..1 to lhe el.... ,nd c.n"nly to h,mlllf.lUdII.ng by hOI K~m~ ""'" 'ng whrch moved hom IV"~ o. Ih"e! ,n h,. d.u H, m,n'mll wort.tId mlo,m,l IIf,c .. f'ICy NOllbrog r;an ,nl,"", w.th "" IOC"I hfl hoi mono boIrng 'WOtk hll ....... lun.d envonel Why "P "11,"11 , prKltdlr"tl ,nd boIllM 1i..1 onelHII' Ah" five o. """Ilty coIIIga M, And""",,," on 10 Fl,ghl IChooilfillllly) .. , yourog IIprnng poIoI BONNIe CHANCE ANDAE.. ET BONNIE AOUTEIII


bt-I_. '"



11916, MII,hllI, MK R.mbolv, AlII

In 1974 M"t,n (you'd boIlI" ~. clo.. " .. nd belo.. 'fOIJ call h'm 'Mln,,'II,11 Ih, qu'" weuroly o f Small Town Alblrt. 'ne! elme to 1l'1li h,"owld g,ound. 01 AAMC W,th h,m he broughl nolh ,ng but h" n ..'.... ,nlelll",roce ,nd good senM oill-umouf wh,ch hi ... bolh bI,n.n ....1 10 h,m in th' 1..1 lou, ve... A., m,mbet 01 LII.U, n'ghl for lhe 1111 Iwo yel ... Mln,n hll mlde I COt1.lInl nui..nce 01 h,m..11 by ,n'IOII'rog m,ny good t, ...... 1 tl'lll1oc,I wlt.llng !lol' Aft .. ph'Mth,". MIMln-1 pO....IiOII. h.d ,nefused I,om III~IIO nolh'ng 10 InClude. lqu,lh "eqUII, I Sli of left·hlnded golf club.,' .I..eo . • CUll ~l1ttr Calrc" ,nd """,lIh,ng w.n CuI.. Ihll he gol II lbout Ih. lima t,me h. boughlllM C,r II 'r'OIJ w ... _ , IooIung 10< M'tI,n ,n Fourth .,.... tty Ih' CoIwood, or Ih' gal' 11l'1li" not the,,_ Ity • cen"n hou .. OU I on C"'gm,lI" or e.Kon H,II P'tk whe .. he -ome"m.. 110M wllh IOn\IOtII who hv .. on C..,gm,ll.. II l'1li II'W c,n'l be fOUnd, Ity IhIIl,bf.ty H, p i th ... to h,de wile ....... the DOS fig ...... ,,-, II.... lot InOII'IIIf "chI! On lilt m.l.llty Side of Ih."II'. M.nm oft.., o. becom'ng 1>00.. 01. ml ... who hli bien "'ry ~.'ltO hom 'or thlll.ll1 IWO ....... M.n,n·, CI,_ II '" ANAV" ,1,11 up '" IhI,.. But whlltht< hII n... DtJOnI. S. . · KJngs. Of HIfC' WI know ""11 dO WIN Bftl 01 luck.n I'" lUlU .. M,rty.nd ..member 1l'1li old $Iyrng ,bout I'" lou. we_



11918 Muwell MJ R"9'n. Sa"



Mn'. final yaar " Roads was 'ndeed one to remember AJ.o oflen happens 11M b~ lime •••e fo.gotten and onlV II>e good remember":, so now we eln Ioo~ blc" to when lhe tranlm,nlOn fell out of h,s C.r Of when I>e was aPPOInted 10 th' P05,toon of CWPMC two we,"" before the Ch",'mn .uml• • nd I.ugh Irkl h,1I Ah, but lonu""le for Ih" bog Reg,na lad borthd.ys onlv com. 011<'. a VIII., n h,. aUe "w,le·to·be' w,1I conlltSS Y" folu, thefl rlght. Max met h,. milCh - • CUll Dlonde nUrHl who I.ughl h,m how 10


~" MO<'Iday morn,,,!!s would have n,.,r been Ihl SIma If

il wlJn'l for Max's black eyel and !)rUloeS from Ihe wee~end rugbY ~m .. Th,n one la,eful day whIle al1empl',,!! to enppl, some detenselen h,p· p,e ,n I Krum Me. look the ear out 01 h'I mouth ,ndnked h,msell ,f I>e had h,s homework done W,II.t least he gol 10 play .1 USAFA belore academ'es Iftl ,n It'S nol .ealiV true thaI Max'. POPCOrn·m,ke< '" the h~hlrghl of h.. ""rsonaloly bul It d,d pre.ent more Ihan one cne of I,mlne BUllhen a~'n It wlsn',n educI"onll.s, Cln of slrme or e IrgSlw pUr·


W"h noth,ng bu, beSI regards Max. WI III wllh lucell. ,n your CeLE CI,eal, Ind in ~.. p'ng III four wheels attache<! 10 \'OU' car

11919 McFadden PO Vancouvar, B C


Oean retume<!lo Roads early ln hi' l,n.1 yea. 10 Ilkl ,h. rernl 01 2 SQu.dron IS CSL .ndlO break In new SON COMO Ba.. wer. nOlh,ng new ,0 "Spud" h.",,'g ".Id such h,gh and ,llul'roOUI POs,t,ons" CWA (I know I can pass Chemll' ryU, CSSO (What do I know aboul sPOrtlll, CSTO (On the I.h Or flghl 100111, and CFL (Whal w,. your name Ig"n11 AnywlY_ Oean wenl on to lhow.." ,II how It II done, and JUSI m.naged 10 lose I>.a .. on lime for Xmas examl, wile,. I>e achtlved lIICond-clau i'>onourr Return,ng 10 Roads Ih,. VU' wll hard lor Oean .lre' h,s Phnl 2 M, .. rourHIShould h,.e '''ved MILE, Oeanl SPO"onll an extra 20 pounds end. new g"If"end, Onn had 10 gl.e UP Rep Soccer. res.pon.,b,irt,e', and acedem,c •. bul somehow, hi m.de ,t anywav (P"OfitlU, you IuIow I Oean', constant good I"srr humour 100 o.ound!1i judoemenl Wflnl I long w.y towlfds help,ng Ihe Fourth Yn, Class m.~. <I through Ihl' dlfficull lime Whither ,n P.ol Ch."""I!'. Flu""s cours. (Orv,lIe, you'll neve' gel Ihat dlmn th,ng off Ihe g'oundl!. o. ,n French (in '4 4, ,I wa. oenocide. In '78 it. Queb,c.oel. Oean could be rel,ed upOn lor • Qu,ek Joke .nd • ready sm,le And so 0'8n, IS vou "de off 1"'0 the sunSlI In your blue MG M,doet, remember 'hree Ihl,,!!I, 1>0" ,s left, only beat Andrea once e.ery Ihree weaks.• nd don' l PU I 'I>e lOP down ," the r•• n But don't worry sooner or IDler, vou'll glOw up and come Iwav I,om ,II 01 that 8esl of luck ,n III ' hongs. Onn

11963, Smuh, G Y V,eto,la, B C


Granl ai'l! "G Y a fulure 1',101 decided hi enjoyed Ihe wes, COllI hte 0.0 much he'd ,'-V to< anolher lwo yll" 10 lu"ner 10,. education" Well th .. he dId andllao completed. degr" 'n Phvs,cs.nd Pt>ySlCllI Oceanog'aphv We all ~now 11'1,,, wlS , hllie factor Ihl IWlY"" h,. m,nd 10 dec,de ,0 SIIV ThIS was conlirmed when II>e lou"h ye ... re, urn"" I,om Summer tra,n,ng 10 lind '7 T" weaflng G V', new 118reo on 1 Plfl,cul., I,nger on I>e. lett hand Te.ry Qu,cklV conli.med" wlSn', hIS body she wlI afler We're ",illry,ng 10 figure Out what ,t wu Alwal'l G V hu ml'de a good ,"\leolm,nt aCQurr,ng nol onlv e cule blonde. but. .Iso. 1'" d" •• r 101 hi. w.e~end oscapad ... and someono 10 m'~1 Sure h" leeth don'l lall out Gr,nt has don. well durrng hIS lalliwo vearl" Roy.l Roads rec"."'g hrs crossed IWOfds, cro$Sld 1"'1011, sh,p's d,vlng officer Qual,ficat,on, all(/ much 10 our .url""O crosHId dub. We're lura 2 IQUI'd.on won'l lo'gel Iha reogn 01 G Y 81 2 CSt Ind h,. Ilrnt COfll"bul>on to d.us '.g..,lll,onl - lhe weaflng of su~t>ders

G y " on. of ,he lew 10 know what Ihe college saletv boat I~ <lesrgnad lor Some ""ople say G y has mellowed Ih" vear IS we saw h,m swrtch ftom a ",umph IPrtlire 10. "I.mllv wagon' bul I'm ",'e G y w,1I ram"n '''' 1,Ie 01 the pa"y wllh h" Qu.ck w', and .<!d,ct,on 10 the brown bollle As far .1 rll' lulU'. as lighl8' 1',101, 11'1"•• no doubt 11111 I,t 1111 ,mloe Ind do well We w,sh you alilhe Nil ,n 'fOUr lulur. endea.ours G Y ,whelhe' it be pUnch'ng holn in Ihe clouds Or IIV.ng I mahogonv deslr we'r. lure you'll do well GooI;Huck

11965 St..l<I, .1/1. Bumlby B C



John ..... " be ' ..w,ng tN con. ,II.. V'" to tackle till uPS.nd down' 01 h,. c"..' I f 1 N,w.1 01 fic" 11,. foul V-1" II Roy.' Rold. MVI Pl'epa.1d lI,m Ind Jolin w,1I do will . . . . .,lor John .1I011d out ,n MOOnd .1." .. C8M but wll lorcld to '''''1 du. 10' rugbV '"Jury How_' tho, dod rlOt 1qIJ.lch 1'1,' Iowl 10< muSOC. ,nd tumou. 1'1.. 11. "OM ~It .... e'f"ully you c,nll,II lit.. h,m pIroVOog 1'1" TulM 1\ J o'cJoc:k ,nllll motn,og Of! IN 3 SQN POOIl cleek wt. ....v .. \1It u.ge .",k•• film John 1'1.. been on tilt tMtnd lor 4 .nd 1'1" "10 panlClPl1ed on IN R.p Fenc:.og R..,gby. ,nd Beckg.mmon , ..m, It w. . .m",og 10 _ our fIOIlTIIIIV qu"t.nd humblt Johtt 51"'-'1'111 onto ••ugby .... m.1 WN ........ N gol on t.... fi.1d How_ •• n ,nIU<Y on Dec.mber forced lI,m 10 g'w, up , .... ge..... nd lie 1'1.. been I puasy(:11 _ . "'''''1 .10"'''' hogll .1Ind..d of IlYIog ," ho, c.bonlO ,mprlt.Md the Ca,tle 1111111!ey 1IIf...... 11y ,"lpKt tN 8111 wonder of the world Ind then ,"It.'1<111 ... m,III me.IU'" on till ...1 01 lhe w.ng One 01 John', 011".. "I<In'. bes.tdll"- orglno.led m.y""m 01 .ugby 1'1.. bun \h.1 01 Suoo.V School tuc .... , JoIw1I1I1 IIug'\I Sund.V School .......... Sund.V N .. 11 ROid. 10< 3 ye ..., Ind ,110 1111 been' member 01 ,lit M,""", 11I11owth,p Ind -*<Iv B,bIe .tudy John .Iw..... been on. 01 1"bill gu .... ,.ound, .nd III1.eedy ..",,- .nd .unnv d,IPOS"'OfI ,lw.V1! bMtn 'PfII'lCIlted by Iu. CIIIIIYII'" John. good Iuc~ ,n you. ".v., c••_ kH\l you. ode.l. hogh, 'CCIPI 110 comOlom,. . . nd WI I<now you WIll do well









11978 Turnbull, W N 0 St..fborne DotHI EngI.nd

/I.. I tflHl·bIu. ",lor .nd Eoghs.hm.ln. ,II tllil W'vne Wlshe. 10 be Hod R. ."-, Rled '-" .nd "~ ITIOfI B.llec


11984 W,lh,,,,,, 0 E I'u'l,nCh. Ont


IIJ, behln ••

M/l.RS 1'/101'0

Dutlng tll"d VI" DIVI "pel"Hild h"IOC,,1 10Vlfoomeni 10 .""omp... I.... m'lor,'V of V'CIOtl' By 1111101'1111 yu, he hid found. couple 01 n'ce _ , •• nd SllItld ,nlO tllem 10' h" lin.1 vu, Ahl" nl"Ow IK.PI '0 e~lm '01''''''' II CII".,,,,.. D.v. look up ,n ,nl'"'' '0 pllY'og Rugby Dive hid only onl lovi ,h •• paS! re •• She c.me ,0 • lhepe/y plCklgl. h,d I Vllilow t,nt . • nd u .... IIV IIMl • wh,,, Ned AI the pr_ 01 h" love IKlndMl dUflog IN velr, D.~e khle WII Und,uoled DIVI hMl • '"""" ,n IIPO<II_ Ind ,n III.p,ng Dum"" ucond ""1 he Hrved II the w'ng' cry!ng lowel H. WI' .!w..... W,II,rog 10 10'''0........ 10 1"- QUID 0_ Win,. to go 10 H,ltl.. Ind con"nu. Iu, MARS I."n,og OIl the 280', We.1I w,sh 1'1,,,, luck ,nd ,lithe bill .n t"- IUIUII And when 0 .... Ii"". thl fIght gn' w,ltnow III.,.he w,lI h.... he.





12638 And....on. R A VOCIOf!l, 8 C


ROM hoIIs been. ,..1 ....1 10 Clrl'lf AI dUllng lhe lnl two v.." H.s ~rlJCIQeIJOn.n V,"ed' M 1PO'11.nd tu ....oorou. 1,.,n,1IO IOf eou'H Ih'l Iumm ........11td 1>1." ,n c.ptunng. piKe ,n tholl '·11100'· club AIfIOf'IIIII, • .".nv KCOrn(II,lII!ments he n.v~11td II,s I.. ." 10 III pile' ,n lhe .nnu,1 ·'cs, pub lilly·· ,nd enchotll lhe 2nd VH' 00.1 'KIng t ..." N....... bt.gg.. t. he cl.,."s lhelllil succ..s .. lhe WOIk 01 Spoil" tIe_Iy lholl ,nlO.'C'\l1IO M tlId belOf. lhe'Ke ROM'" hoIItd .nd •• ,ned 2l1li clan honours II o."'lmn.nd 3,d 1111. CSA willie wontlng.n II mlny edm,,,," ••1ton PlllOO' II petMo' !:>Ie Roscoe II pet"'jK bftl known 10< h .. ,,,,",ngly QUICk ,nd she,p WlI When ...... nl ... ''I .. ~ • ....nI wII" 1"'1 m.n. M •• u .... lly ...., ''''"lIng. 11<1 bol1_n legl. aIIofIly aft_.td 0"11'",11" ..... 01'-<1 "' ... OIMI ROM IIOOfl NW lhe hglll.nd cll.ngId 10 ,nl.ntr" H. w,11 ~ Ih, • ... m ..... pauoIl.ng 1M dePIM 01 G'\jfIlown. N 8 wile.. he WIll t.k. pto.eH 2 Nul ...... he WIll be 1Ie.cl"'II 10 RMC 10 OOIl.n • degtll trt Honoull Mlhll"f' H'Slory Good luck_


12639. A,mluO<lll. M 8 CUUIIgI' 0 C


''''' ,"G

MOfI.V A.msuO<Ig II CI,U.g'" c;OnlllbuUO<I 10 Clm,. Flog"l B,n" known n Mon_ h. i, • lOfm" Alf C.del lu'ned ponllO H. 'I 11111 en ev,d p"WII. p,IOI Ind .nlO'l'I dlmon,u",ng hllle.obIllC .bolol". much 10 Ihl ""Of 01 h" P....r>gI •• HI II. bu,V min. hiVIng wo.ked 'n 2nd II,,, esc ,mongll • " ........ schedul. 01 Chem IUIOII,I, bo.1 ,ICII.• nd IlIle' w""ng A milO' po'110<1 01 h.",m... d,volltd 1o th. ,,11''111 of "0"". wllleh, II .... ' I,n"!>ed, all OCClIIOn.IV inl"U""iI AClullly, MOrl ... m.n 01 m.n" III,nll, be.nll' mlmbe. 01 lhe club.1III the clio .. 15 w.1t IS be,nll I me,nlll" 01 tl>e C.n... 1M ~ •• l1li ttroombllil I...... H." ,1110 ollin Ioond ",nnlng Ih. crou·COI.Inl"f'. genlng ,"dV for wmm." ,,"n"'11 In G'\jfIlown. N B R.I.led lC1,vn"s Include prOC'lrm,1IO th. v.rlUIl 01 an .. "II"" ,,'..' 10 ,II 11111"'", alPlCIIlIv lhe bo", In Log,",es.1III Inl.nl/y In.1>e 1.11 Mon pl.n,IO 110 on 10 RMC WMfI i'M w,11 lIudy t,v.1 allO''''''''ng Good luck Mort",



1261110. A,ms •• ong, R C K.""SlO<I. Onl


II you csn klltlP YOU' held when ,II you AI. Iot.Ing 11>e", ,nd lII.m,,'II 1\ on yOU yOU csn I",,, VOU'HIf when all min doub, you 8u, m.k •• IJowInCll IOf IMIf doubl,ng 100 II 'f'OU csn w., •• nd nol be t',ed by w •• ,'"" Or bI,"iI lold aboul dot... de.1 ,n I... 0. be"", "'.ed <ton·1 g'''' WI" 10 h.Il"il And "" dotf! look 100 good nor •• tk too w, .. If YOU c.n I.'k w,lh c.owdS .nd keep 'fOU' VI""', 0. walk WIlt> l(.'fIIII nor 10M t ... common touc" II ne"her ' - nor Iov'ng I"enCI' un hun 'fOU, II ,II men count w,th vou bul none 100 much If yOU C.n M! the unIOfIl,"'ng m'n .... W,lh "XI" MCOf!d' worth of d,llIne. run. Vours II tM hnh .nd ..... rylhil\il Il>er. In 1\ And - wn.c" " mOf' 'fOU'1i be • Men. m" son' "


121;141 6-.ckltn_ SA


N e C.III'ry, Alt.

Sam " . Vlt" unIQu, ,nd,vldu.1 ,n II>e Second V.., Tltm_ nol on'V bee.YH 1\to' ••1>e VOU"i/lSI. but ,1110 bee,UH ".·s Ih. only P8,son ,n Hono .. Sc.enc. He ruli'M' ousl>e.tl\to pornt by tonll,n,,,, Ich,.v,ng '''11 cll.. hono<. -GoId..,1' II .110 w.1I IIlIbh,hed 0<1 the spon' Iliid. hiVIng pI.'(ICI 0<1 Ihe'l9 ,ullby 111m for II>e ~II IWO " .... I M gimes ".IIIv .... Ide Sam II he .lw.V' pieV' hi, h"d .., H...."" gone IlI<oull" Second SI,.... a esc 1\ wls dlCoDad 11111 Sam dtd weh. good toO '''" he wlS bfoughT beck II In Honor SlI" esc S.m-, preHnce ..ound '''' w'ng hal "110 tt.en nollCed ~UH 01 h,. w."''''' .bol"V _sSll"1y .11<1 w""110 In I'lII m .... .,.,nutll (S.m " tl>e m...



Srnce Sam " • Pll"son who II Ilw'yo doclonng new lden w, UPK\ 1111' ... shell do VIIIY Will 1M 'UIU" I'" 1'-0 UPltled Ihll wile ....... S.m.nth up ,hey sh.1I oll,n M,t I(Hp ,he l'IO<II dow!> IhII.. hoIIlI. 'HOIInd,"iI oft ,n willi



12642. BertJey. J M Oll ....... Onl.no


MIChael J Be,k./eV oflenum.. known.. MLke . II • membe' of I.... m.no<,1'1 ,n I......... ,ng thel wea ... I......1"", maple le,f AllhoulI~ h.. name '" fl' I<om be,nll F'lfIch ..... comes f,om C.nad,· . capoI,1 C01Y ,rod hIS Ibll' ly 'I' I....... cond I.ngo,ge .. 'am.,hble A de<j,cated m.mbe, oIl .... " Unde, 400" club . M'~I hn been <m. ol lnllt,oog'" m.mber. of Ihe Caw., fhghl ..... ".'palo IlIIm. II ...... tl lIS mambe, of Ih' rep socc.. I.,m H. I, I t>lndsmln olt .... filii dog' .. who was appoonled ""and 11.le OCBM for h" eonlJnoUI .lfo'II ov.. t .... pnl two Hopefully M'~e woll conlonu. TO be • clevoTed membe, 01 Ihl RR MC band 10' Ihe naKI couple 01 U .... pl.ns 10 ge l • dog .. , 'I' Plio PO We can oolV beheve Ih'l M '~'!\as grown lond of lhe H. SO mUCh 110 , Ihll ha ISP"" 10 1JI.c0me. MARE ofl,ea, Wa w llh h,m well ,n all h, •• ndliVOUfi



, 2643 BI., • . P F Welllnd, Ont



Cln,,, n'ghl has finailly becom. b'hngual 'n Ihe fOfm 01 ·· BI.... .. "',," SPIn! f"st 1111. IlIch'flg rook. thai h,s n.m. wao "' Bleh" , Ind nol "' Bill'·' IS CSC Th'l WIs.n'1 .nough so .... got ,nother ba,.nd spenl""ond Ilata • • DCWA Thud 11lI1I ...... lcomed Pal. ,n lO Ihe -...oodwork. bUlhonoU' 1IIIe found h,m as CSA B.,ng' membe, 01 Carl'" I<een Mlch,ne . Biller nltu"lIv "caived hil croMld .wo'd' ..... 'lh c.own and a. wall P,.... won I". dubs .nd • •,Iv.. mlple 1111 Jun,o, C'clel BI" , also won 1<00 of tha '/I1t.no' bush Iward ,n his ~ .. t '/I" Howell' t ...... $1 of Us w 'n anythlhg I I all Pele', got " .I,"dVIl 01 cou,," Roads ,s happy to keep :wcn. keener ,n P&PO II'I too ~ Ihll III th.llllenl has 10 be wISIM On a p,lol Well . we wt,h P",.. success 'I' all h" fulure andnvoutS BON CHANCE . MON VIEUXtt

12260. Bly. CJ lelhb"dge. Alta



Chff d.cld.d he h~ed Roval Road$. so h' cho" 10 give ,I ooe mo .. y.. " by com'ng ~ck IS honOfary C W S S V IClde t W,ng SlOpe, Second Yaa,) . AcJflg off Iha li"I semuter. cion got nil aeadem.., ' Iar . • nd now hold. h,. own lUlo".I. QU,I. ,egul.rly He could .Iways be ....n w.lk'ng clown I.... hall PraCI,e,ng the art of yOYO,ng. watch,"g TV, in Ihe compu ter 'OOm. Of 'unn,ng Ih. SP,t Ha ....... a va'Y .cllve membe, ollhe REP P" Ioi and R,II, T.aml. and aell"a 'I' I.M spcm. Chff .. w.11 I,ked by ev.ryooa. but InO$T of th" popul,,,1V . tems f,om h' l b".fe... ··p,cture.·· H. pl,nllO mo ... on 10 RMC and EI.e",eal EIlQ,n •• "ng, nul Y'" GOOd Iud. Chff

12645. Boul' I, R.J G'and Can"e. Alt.


Robetl 80ulll Tende'ly refened 10 I . '"Th' Sp,k.. ·• Ihroughoul Ih. w 'ng. " indeed • un'qua mamba, of Ca,"e , fll H. hid great influ,"ce "pon h,. pea.. 'I' Fi'l! V.... wllh soma cadell behe.,ng Ihallhe whola fj,ghlSllflld 10 sound hke h,m How.ver Iha.. beh.', wa .. as incon ... tenl I. Rob', Own bel,,1 Ihet h. w<>uld s lay w ,t h ··T.... System"' Second V... b.ougn l g,a" eh,nges Sp ,ke re""SId h .. ,t· I,tude lowa,d, Ic,d.m,cs .nd soon hed III beh," 'ng Ihal '" was her. '" IOf In aducalOon'" Th .. ha p,oved. IOf d.""IIa h" Sunday , II""""" snoo. as, by Ch"., mas h. wal fi,mly set .1 tha lOP of Iha Arll Cla ss la COIOl"1 tasl!} . • rank h' 1>81 ."'001 01 hold,ng throughOut h .. CMC Cllllr H,. coolf,butoons to 1ha 'ep tenn .. leam, . nd Ihe cam" 1M mach,na .•"ned h,m Ih. p ...llg'ou. po" " on 01 Th"d 5111e IG.S) One Squld,on CSSO Rob w,1I be w,ng,"g h'l w 'Y 10 Borden Ih .. summ.. to anjoy Ih. "'uttl.board las,.,n. on lhe loglS"CS cou,se H. w,1I In.n be p'oceed,ng 10 RMC wha .. In ,"an",,1 g'.nlOng 01 en honou,. deg"e 'I' In18.n'IJOnll Slud,as w,1I be w 'thin ht. g .."" W. 'e«>gn,~. you Sp,ke


12646 6,own 0 W Burn.1»' B C


Ooogl.. W 8roWfl ,h. 111"" dog !)liddle' II.., of Ih. RocIu ... com •• f,om t"- g'", "",nopoh. o. B",nlby B C S.ow.... '- .. WI III know 110m, hIS g"" '1!)I,,'oonl of be<;.o<nI"9 ..... b,..."n.. IYIM offoc •• w"h.1I of 1>01 d,~,"9 gea._ "- w,1t g ...dy tne . . . . . c:.n.cl.·. m'''''''''' d.f_ ,n~.n· ,ory Doug II .n ae"", member 01 ,,,- K"be club_ 10 wtooch "- WIS recenlly nom.,..I.cI pr.ttden, • • ~ w"-n ",', 01.11 of II .. oc..n .nVl.on..,..,l. '" hll ,0 be _ 01 ,hi .h"",""t W,"tle .. on lhe o;oIflllll

,"m av.. lhe

Doug h. bien "'ry KU". on ,he sport. r..ld . • Iw.VI Itylng 10 HII"hleloc Ibtl" .......... pUIIO good u.. 00""9 .-.cI JIll. when he wlS 'j)pOHlild CSSO for One SQo.r.cl.on Nu, \'N' Doug WIll be "noqu' 10 IhI 'hnd re.r d ... " ROMIs bIong. r>On ",gby pI.yet Wlthou,. go"" .. ~ Get. gnp Dougltl pall IWO


.lI!ofuloon". ,he CMC PE ""p

h_". K''''". noroc IOCks.llc.)


12641 Bry.n. SM c:.lg.ry. AU.


S M Bry.n The n.m. YO,c ••nd lac.... !<nOwn 10 m.ny, ,nclud,,,,, P T ,n.nUClO...ood .,.If.nd "nlonunll' ,ullby oll,c,.I, How,,, ... thole who know Ih. men beh,nd th' fee. e.. I.w.nd'it btIW"" Thosa who "nd.,.,lnd h,m It. "Wlt V" St_ ecqu,r.cl. fine pal&'1 on ,he r"gby pnch l'lI"nd h.. thlllhil i. wh ... II. WI. born .nd wb· 5I<I".ntly on • d,1! of h"m.n I,mbl. obll,n.cl du""" ,,,' I,vo"tl Iorm of ''''. "I.. ,lIon Ind org.n,rld mlv"-m Know" for hll Otl,ory ,kill., SI'.' won '''' Gold.n G.",I Cornp,"uon. pul on by III, V,e,oll. ToaSlmlll'" ClUb, .n ,ccomph.hm.m .'mOIl .1 1111.1""00. II h,. ;0."1 .!fort. THE HIICORN Orlg,n.lly hop,ng 10 be. P,lol on. C"-m Eng dlgre •. Sle". WIll be to RMC IooIung lor. btrth ,n Honoutt H,,,ory. elt.. t.pIInd,"II II w..'" II c:. .... dl·, G","I S!)II Soon RMC w,11 be h• .,. '''II lIIson5 olN !!!!I·CT Ih,,,gl w. ntId no' w"h you luck YOU'II gil will" you're go,ng on ,loll "ona





12M6 S".h. M U

s..nr. On,

came 10 Roedl .... ,he RIO Grinde from 1"- IMtrochlmoc.1 caPOIII of c:.n.d. s.",. •. Ont III WII Immld<l1e/y "gged w,th ,he tuCknIom •. 'T0qUI'. I»'.n obbgoflll d,,,n~ln bud who .hymed WIth 8u,ke T0qUI II nolld for Iu, d"nIYng e.pee,ly end ne_ m'.....n oppOttumry '0 prO\1 hom..H I I • men-, m.n on !h........ Ind " QU"I 1UCC.1S1u1 "nil' "- reee .....Iege III ,n ChImp Roul,ne 8H1d11 dnrwng IlIOUgh. M,ke "" INf1'IOI\Iu.tld tom. 01 Iu' other III",,, F'onol . .me" .. _ he ac ........1d F,rs. CIII, HOfIOIjrs .~ '" the PT 1111 01 1"- yilt. . . . ned 1'10<'1'l1lI1 • IIlOl ,n lhe pr..I'II""" 450 Clut> These fell' ... QU'II .. ,...rk.bIe. keePIng ,n m,nd II" "", CO!'<SUlnpllon of erg...II . . Ind lhe 10\1. of TV du"''fiI l1udy hour. M'\'"11IV. TOq'" wll on lhe bill Ind caPlurld J.d 11.11 CSC IIrrOf "'to "'1IfV hee" TIIII."mme. M'~ ..... II bellk,"9 MARS 2 wfloch w.· ........ Ill-,' _ off. be,"9' /ormer m... on lilt renowned wh.l" "T"- M'IIhry MouV' N• ., YII' Mtk. w,1I be oil '0 IIMC 10 .~pand hot knowl.clge of IIIe GIII,c longU' wh,l. pu.eu,"9 1 degree ,n HOflOUrs Engh,,, Good lUCk TOqul .nd "C.rp ("1m" M,~,



'hough' "



12649 B"rr.nlh,w S E Mldoc ..... Hit, Alt.




I, w,11 be.1oniI .. me before !loy.1 ROld, ",.nlgel 10 Ifl .. from '" m.mory SII.wn Bu,"n.h.w "loult .. he ,t known 10 .11. dod not II" gene.. 11y behe"ed. worlt II In 'U'O machn,e beforl h,. I"'v.' on Ih' Wilt Coall f.om M.cIoc,n. Hit A5. "'ry It,.. r. ...1 lilt. esc. lie w,!1 bt .. memberld /Of' I>rl dllil d.lH. ,n ,,,- h" Ind Ihlt well·"Hd lowr·"tedn phrlsa Mr Bunln,hl"" call 1111 I"n. pI. .sal" ,. prom,n.nl m.mbt. of till w'"II,"II club too- mos, 01 ,lie Yilt. lie .'so bee.me .cIdoclld 10 1IOOf" PlflchUMIl HOPefully he WIll nol bt lorced '0 ,,"I,~. 0", IIrborne 51,,11 dU"flII hll .... mme' PIlot ".,n,"II Tho, prlol ""n,,"'fit thould pooH hllie problem 10 ShWfl, who lI.n ,xPIf.. ncld firer N.. , V.... w,lI ... SlItwn ",11 bu,lIIfl11l"- m,dnlghl 011 ,n.n 'Ulmpl'O c~llI. o_Ik>.,.bt,o m.,nll'" hll ,"n· d,"9 on Chem EflII II RMC

12650. Cha19, K 6 Vancouver B C



Ka"", ,s knowo anod loved bV all h... 11 Roedl. Wllh ,'III COI'InecTlOn' I I bolh nur.,,,,,, home. and UVIC II ,. SI"d he Irnved '0 I dl" hom all \lie m,hllry, ,nod oow look,,,!! II h,m. II '. . .19 10 SilV he $1,11 II H, 's' v.ry aCllva per""" Wllh I 101 of h,s "'TIe Spenl ,n Iha band, scuba dub and rKOVI""1Ilrom INIrlChuuog ,n 1M NVd .... "!! club Chafav-poo" Spends whaT I,me h. hll lell over Il\IIng up 10 hll n<cknam.,.. 'P,I Wrlnkla·· and ··O'IKO'· AlThough ev.r SIOCI h,. hghl o.g..o bI.w Ih, ... lu .... '0 h,. roommiles Slareo, Tha ··O,sco" hu bean suffa"ng WI ,II w,sh Kav luck a' K".,g"on whl,e he w,lI be ,ak'ng tna CHE cou... thll summer obtain'ng Eleclllcli Engu1fl.nng Oaglea latl. at RMC



12B51 Chfford T K Cal\l8rv AlII


0 .... 01 Iha Calgary XVIII, Tully " a man of d'SIU'lCtlOl1 II Roeds, from Ihl

betwe.n hIS fronl tlftlh (Ind hi' r.markableab,hW to propel waler Ihrough 11) 10 Ihl oumbe. 01 month, hI spanl on .'spa •. ' T K made II 'hrough fim vur by "'flul of III' 'blhtv 10 pul •• m,11 on Invone'l f,c. Thoullh he IhrUtened 10 VW 'f hI want a w.ak WI1t1OUl gelling any rna", "gam' 'rom Julia" and Iha I."hlul bank statemenl alw.ys """med 10 pUll through 'or h,m Blessed WIth '·Wtlgl.y's" knees. Tully's all npenH l)I,d IfIp to Bo.dan lUI summlr was poslPOned, as lhe doclors dacoded to reVlmp h,. body. If turnat! OUltO R<HIdl' benefi\. IS Tully r.'uroed 10 the spa.to program w"h 'In"Wed v'gor. becom,ng tha backbone 01 CarIJa" 1M teams and th" t."bo .... of 'hI rep voillybalitum Tully,s also. rIP ",m debator. mek'ng tilPI''' ,.. ,wlY I' Edmonton. onlV 10 lind lhe dabat. c.ncelilld H, used h,. sk,ll. SO effeCTIvely n CSC dunng 3rd sill'. quelh"" Juniors w,lh h" ,enowned r.butill •. Ihll h. was g,ven th. posll'on lor honor ,11'e I I well Tulty II hop,ng 10 dO,"ua I clfee' ,n c,y,l eng,nea.,ng W,(h hll Ih,n'ng outlook he .. bound TO rond success .nd haPf)lness in (he future

12653, Dav,s, R G Yarmouth, Novl Scolla




Graham alflved It Roads as • toeen Ilf cadel, end promplly oul to prove 'I. by burn,ng mOra f,ngers ,han anyone alse wh"a preSl,ng dunog rook larm Fit.! ve" "w h,m blgg,ng ,he Icadlm",. more th.n anyone .'se. Ihus h,. n,ckn.m., "6agd",'a"' By Ch.,scmll olsacond Vllr. he WII evan Ilk,ng Fnday n'ghls off 10 Villi. cenlln young I-.ly An acllve m.mber of the Fly,ng Club, h. mao'ged 10 deak IwO day. classes wh"e 00 Ihe Sao Fral>C'l-Co 'liP 'h'l however was 10liOWed bV threa weeki of recluH .oullne 10 'emady Ihe soWalton. H. IS .Iso I prom,nant flltull of Can,ar'l 1M latmS Wh.o noT dlly,og h,s body on ,he spatT, f,eld he '$ oh.n sean runn,ng th' cross country cou ... ,n lull combals PraCTlC,ng Ir>r Gagllown, I>e tell, uS BI" of luck

12655. D,xon. R.J Brandon. Man


0,. ent,red Roads a ltha age of 16 In hit "younge" dIY' he wll. "'81 puppy" and now pllns '0 con"nue h,. c.... r " .81 " I MARS off;':er D'~ spends moll of ",s w.ekends recrut'ng lor Ih" V'CIO'" General HOIPIlII under tha IUSP'Ces of Rep Rugby H. I.ys cl"m 10 Ih. lacl Ihll he 'I Cln .. r FIIgh!"1 only hooker For 2 Vllr. h' pl'VIKl rugby wh,ch helped 10 lulfill hll motto e •• today. I/O"" lomorrow" Ma,o'l,n,ng a bllghl outlook end In usV 1/0'011 mlO""r o,~ IS also &CII"" on a number oilM tUm' and ,n th. s.:uba club On. 01 ,he mora symbolhc ach,ev.ments wlJ ;o,n,ng th, bind where ha w . . . smash,ng successl 0 .. II go,ng on 10 RMC ne~, yur and wllh h,m he 'lk85 OUr memo,,' and be" WISh.. Good lucl,





John ·,h" WII ...y' O..n li.., leW 11>1 l'IIhllll 1941 ,n ShlWVlIIe. PO ,nd jOined 11>1 lIoy.' ClnelI,.n A" fOfCI ,n Novlmber_ , 96b BII'c ,r •• n,ng II SI Jean_ POw,s loIlow«! by T,.o.. I",n"'ll II 1M NI"'9'"Ons Aldt School In Cllnlon. 0..1"10 H.. firsl "" posl'ng leW '!!m beck In ,., .. I"Iome pr ..... ,nce II' N,y AIIh leen " SI Hubert •. wI>I" 1>1 IPIflI lour ~'rs Ie"",ng how 10 , .......... MI 'nd pUl ,n a new one In 1910 Joron wll POSled 10 Pon,ge I, P"'''I. wI>I" 1>1 cam~'gned succ.salu'lw tor ,n ...... ' .... poslong 1'401 conl,nl "",til, posung 10 Baden. JolIn made 11>1 bog II~ /O'ne<I 11>1 UTPM prDgf.m.nd .... 'tId 1I!111MC In 1976 HIS ~'''Inl h'gh perfOfm,ncl won h,m f"" d,u honou .. IOf hr. f'",~" and 11>1 t;OYIled 1)05"00I"I of CSTO.Of 1M f""aIlil 01 1M n.181C1damlC ~" John p i 10 IIMC na~1 yl."Of Honours PIIySICI: & Mllh ,nd WI "","'John Ind hr' cn.,m"'ll _'1 F.ad. ,II 11>1 tlnl


, 2659 Ehftnllllnll K P SU"IW 8 C

E,,.- .. KI,uI "



known 10 IVlryona ,. ani 0"1"1011 guys who hlL.. 10 "IY 0111 of Ihl I.mlloghl HI m,nagld 10 IV.o. btl ,II VII' E, f ,. Will Iokld I)y hll IllIow cad". and bV hOi Iidy "'endl Thl I.n.,. h' impfllMI Wllh hll nlw VW whoch he b'OIIghl back 10 Ra.dl w"h h,m ,n Augu" BI,ng I , ..,dlnl of SU"IY. ICI,u. could alw.Y1 be found II Ihl fllry on aw,y w..,klndl. hlld'ng


lor t>om. KI.u. ,nllndl to go II" n .. , YI" 10 IIMC whl" he "",II complill h,. deg'" in Mech.n,c.' Eng"'''I''ng lIu"IO keep h" CI' 'unn'ng) HI lIP"" 10 be. ' ighll1 p,lo, Ind wI.1I wrlh h,m 11>1 btll 01 Ir.rck ,n lhe ....". ,held


UTPM fI ...... ng f P D'umhtad Nov. Seou,



F"nk WI. bo<n ,n OfUmMld 1'4...... Seou. In 1945 HI /O'ned IhI Roy" C,""'"n A" fOfCI '" , 965 and compIeled betoe: I,,""ng II RCAF Su\JOn SI Jean H. spent IhI fifll """'n ....... of "'. CI'"' " ' mtchrn'll. '''Ch'ng lhe ,,,10k 01 s..-~.nl- HII prl'llOU' POII'ng. ondudId Bordan. KlngIIOll, Ind Onlw, HI pOIned ,he UTPM ,.nu.I Roy.' Road. In I 916. ~ng 1>1•• from OM of,I>I Ser-nca, motl lamous tum"", YKilOOl"l spotl. CFB BOfden. whirl 1>1 wll .n ,nllfuctOf " CFSAOE UrI! Stpllmbl<, f •• nk MCOnd VI" I I lhe UTPM Squld,on', 1000In A'"M,n The '1Sj)()fIS,b<~I'" of Ih,. PDl<IOOI"I ~ heav,ly on ho. IIhouldlrs,nd wit lun ..... compounoHod bo,Il"ullM'· '"'II Mlecl'" II F,," SI"I CSSO H_vlI 11>1 load WII 1.!Jllllned by lhe f.cI Ihll he bleaml 11>1 1,," CSSO 10 spend h,. "'".. IOU' on apIO' Fr.nk', 11'11'" ,nlerll" be..clllIlUOV'ng"l hll lovely w,f" Jlln.nd h" two chrld,,,, TerIY. Iw.nd T.mmy. Ih," NIU ....... Flink .nd hit f.m,IV .ft off 10 IIMC whe", he hope, ' 0 1"'1f ,1>1 Commer~1 G_"I Program WI w,." lhem ,II lhe ball 11 1('ngIlGII



12660. FI'gulon. J S MOOM J,w Silk

Sc:on. Olherw'H koown I I Ferg caml 10 Ra.dl woth gfl" prOSpIICli lor Ihl fYlu .. 001 rook 'erm qulClLly PUI In Ind 10 Ihll As. IKon<! ....... ferg soon ad.pled 10 I.... "p' of KqIJ'''I'IIj' Chlm

Eng ~'"_ ,nd whirl 001 wlld\'ng T V 1>1 01 oft..., _n w.ndttnrog Ihl hilt. wllh h,. p,~.n one ,.,.nd I Sportl lIIul11'1ad m.g ,n 11>1 01 ..... All ,oIung ,lIde. Sc:01\ II , h.,d wort.., bolh .cldem,ully Ind physoc.tlly H, II on m,nV I M 111m. ,nd II I mlmbl! O',hl IIlp toCCI' ,"m. I I Will ". be<ng.n KI'YiI memblr 01 lhe 1)1$101 club SeoI1 I,"",'es 10 become .n AEIIE off"''' ,nd pI.nl 10 "IO,nd IIMC ",~I VII' W. wttIl rum .tl lhe besl of luck In hr' fulUl1 IndliotOUrI


12661. Flnl. PE TOIO<\IO, Onl


Aher lwo yeal'S 11 Roaos, Paul m.na~ 10 _lIne. Il'Iroogl'lll'll 1emIMSI and SUrv'VI unsc.,1'l1Id For h,s oulllanding perform.nce ,n f,rSI VII', Peul .... " g,ven 1'1,. Cl'O$I·I'N01dl. ,nd lsI 51ale C5C of F.aM' Fl'ghllhrs yea. To •.cogn,ze a IOb .....1I done ,n flf" sI.le and 10 fin,sh off 1>'1 lob .... 111'1 IN rookl. Paul .... 81 g,ven Honor 51ale C5C Bel_ollte r'po",ng 11 ai, Paul mao,ged 10 find lhe \'me 10 lIudy and otneroed r,tll clns hollO/, ,n ac.dem,<:s Ao K\lv' .... mber 01 Frese. Fhght. Paul wll alweys 011 hand when the ...... 1 a ruCkul aboul, lhough he WII ,Iwavs careful nol 10 be impl,elllld Dec,d'ng he c.ome he'e fOl an educalroo. Paul chon 10 complete 1'1" I,.,n'r>g and stud,,, ,n RMC Berr>g • """ UIIe"" at lteart. Paul w,11 be Iook,ng lorwerd 10 •• Ium."Ij elS1 II Ihe end of 1he yelr Bnl of luck ,n Ihe nexI two y.... Plul

12662, Fosle', P A C.lobrook, Be


TIte ·'Foss·' rosa oul 01 lile w,k/I of B C .nd look Roads by .,00m Wrlh h,s lI.v g<>I"Ij oullook.nd un'Que ··dralecl After wrv,v,ng Ih.ough I traum.tic fo ..1 V",, W,lh CFl', r;ont,nuilly b',"hlr>g do .... o 1'1,. oeck. Fossre w.,,1 on 10 .ce 011 BOTC '0 hrs uw.1 h.ppy goo luckV fastr.OIl . Wilh In almoll gorniul level In PhYI'CI. Paul never the IHS h.d • m .. ed .c&(!em.c 'lGOId. Th"" p.oInbly due 10 1'1,. oonl1,ol I1Utnt.ons loward the gentler se~ FOI& broughllha Irt 01 "deeklng'· 10 new ltelghll.nd I", ...... had M. By"u$ sc."",og 11'1, lud .. nces 01 brrefi"lP .nd chu.ch pa"d" for 1'1" presence Alw,ys '0 search 01 1he gOOd hfe. Paul has decoded 10 110 10 RMC 100 sludy EJ.ctrrcal Englnee"ng Aha. h,v,"g cOnlempllled Combel A.ml, Foss raga,ned 1'1,. Hnses and el1<>M CELE 1'1" dn5lfiCIl,on Paul i, now hap,ng Ih" 1'1" <:OUr" .... '11 heve 8 generous number of femele cadell We w"h P.ul good luck lod good hunl",g "... 11 h,s fUlure ande.vou ..


12663, F.."ko. O.vod Moose J ...... 5ask



even lhough OaV>d" clan,foc81,00 II CHE. he·, I')"ng 10 be. MILE offlc". ,rod 1'1,. effortllo make A,my N'ght • ,""ceen .how th&1 he ...... hes 10 be a tru. g.unl ,n lite fo.e," Allhe 0011. Dive hll been la"lv busy ,0 8 v.roely of aCl>V'"'' He Wit Pin,denl of Ihe photog'.phy club. m.".g,,'OO lIOalie of 11'1. rap soccer "om, and a member of Ihe Hy'ng dUD. HII g.UIeII Ichlevamenl wn!ll Io,,,,og lite ov.. 400 club alta. do<ng the 1111 P T la.'. Dav,d .... '" do well" RMC ",X! yea., Ind 'MIl undoubledly h.ve • successful ca"". ,0 Ihe force.

12664. F.ed,", DW C F 5 Oonl, 5.sk


Wayol """ed " Ihe coll.g. from Iha .001'ng p •• "ies ,rod Piocaeded 10 .ee off firll ve .. He did 50 w.1I Ihallte relU.n&d '0 M«I<ld VI.... Flfll 51ala CSC Ha Qu,ckly wh,pped Ihe Fflse. Fllghl Rook' ''''0 sh.ll"'. who ...... e impr.lsed .... uh hOI ...... lOme "". wh,ch has lI",ed h,m 1he n,cknam. "S lflpp"" · W.vn •.• B 5. LO T H p. 'S allO e member of 1he 400 Club, H. was I v,luable mambe. of Ihe F.ase. fhghl I M powerhou .. ond captam of 11'1, Rep ellkatb.1I Tum, Way", II 50 Basketball·era.., Ihillte II never seen ,n 11'11 hall ..... v. Wllhoul. besketball H,. ~I '" hfe" 10 IOmedav be .ble 10 dunk. bilk,,· ball W.V'" " the p.oud own" of. 1972 Cep" HI eln be ,.en moll week,oo ...... sh,ng II O. Iry,ng 10 (1111 lhe engme 10 purr", Wavne hll deCIded 10 stav al ROids aocr become, member of lit. noIO"OUI P&PO CIUD Good luck WBv"a ,n III \'OU. fUlure endeavours


, 21'3 Frog, Klfm" 0 Monlll.l. PO

H.,long I.om '-,. billie PfOVO_-- K.. m" one 011111 ' - bo'hgu.' Cadell ,n,he coIl~ A ."unch IUPPO<1If 01 3 Sqn 1POf'I' III found h,m..11 ,1'1 Hudson FI'9h1 only bile..... he w.. 100 cold blooded lor ,hel.S.lle An,m." H. so ""JOY1id bII,ng' IUnoor 1111 fiJlI u..,. Ih., our 'fiend ,.Jklld the .~moc.nd m,I'Jlry .lIff tnlO "lI+ng h,m do" 'gI'n .• nd he,.... held. solid 55',s • .,..~.wr ..ncto. wl'wc" would no doubl ,mO'OYe ,I he would 1100 ,Umpong hom 3 Sqn wonoow. K.. ",·, .mbllloni 01 bII,"" I polol we.1 dllhed l.sl IoUmm'" dun"" ANAV HiecIOOl'l" porI.~. SO ,... 1'0.,;110 op. 10< ,.,.. MCOnd ~.nd w ..., MARS. e"",,,nong Ih •• he IIopa 10 ~I on I COU... " flul O ... ,ng Uno! .nd become I I.ogm.n K... mn .. off 10 CMII "'xi rei' where he HV" he'" /wi more ., I'oorN Bill 01 ,..c~

12665 G,II.nl M J Ollaw •.




M J i. 01'11 ollhe lound'ng mlmbllr. Ollhl KI.m" lhe Frog dub. and .... nv '. Ih. ,, .... he h .. "'u.nlld 10 ..,' c.b<n 10 I,nd Ker"," flpellong down t ...... ",0' FIIQuII'I1IV. M,k. ,. "'1'1 dllh'ng ac.o •• the corel. beTWun Ih' IwO blocks, 10" Qu,ck but i ... pO'"1'11 KVI bt"k o. dtlh'"II down 10 gVm (SQuISh flCQUI '1'1 ".nd!. so thll hi Cln Vlnl 10m. 01 h,. Irust"uonl OUI on .he Count M'~I IlIuCk I... '1'110 Ihl he.n. ollh. '00.... du"ng lrd .I'!e. IS F..... FllQhll esc, by U"ng h" pOl,CY 01 "00<1,ng unde< 1111 ,,," dig, .. Be,ng • IludOOU' 'VIM M J ."""Id h,v. no o.obI .... on cau .... Ih,. ,u ... m" II !he SChool 01 S'gn." or ...., rear ,1'1 the Elecl"c.' Eng,n""ng I-"ullY" RMe Good luclt 10 VOU ,nlhelulu" M....



12666 H.",. R R CfS Gvosum~'lIe. M,n


Roch H.rn•. Ib.. lhe 600·800 M.n ,. one 01 lhe or,gon"lh,I'I'" Itt • ..,.n The ,,,,ul"'g c.nl....,gned h,m UP 10 ....... lhe aU"n 1'IowI¥... One lQU.dron Ioy.'os,. ,n..",hll"" II lUll 'doong " lor Jake' Rock II. . _ _ MCOnd ctl" I'IOI'IOuf • •,l1u' On the sooru ,,,kI. ,... II • velu.bIto ..,.mbar 01 bolh lhe '10 IOCC. . .nd .. p 111'11'1" clubs R,ck did • commendabl. JOb II MOOnd .1". CSA H,I wonge'" -- HY he hll oectI.. km.uc H.ny II ..' 'CI"" peftOClpan\ ,1'1 .'ph.·llede••,p .... s.oru H. I. In uecutJ~. of lhe.lph.·one club (deVOled 10 .. hob,)'''''ng pHudoil On f.O(j.y n'ghll Harry OOm,n,".,he 'oolball m.ch,,,, ,1'1 Ihe college

IJI..,.. ,oam

R,c~ w,lIg.lIdu." '1'1 1980 wITh I deg ... In comm .. c. Ind Good luck Rockl

12668. HIV'" London_ 01'11


on 10 .......1 'log'J"U ofloc..




Stoll H.v'er" •• ullv g(>Od II"Y hUII .. k Illm ,nd he-" lell \'011) AClu.lly_ ,II of ul ,Ihll"" 'lid j>HuOO·,nllIlKlUII '"11'1'1..<1 01 Chimp oW. SCOII In apOlogy to. cont,nulliv h.",,'ng h,m lbout h,. only m,hllry I.ull lhe RCR Ind h" ,.. bt. I,"mpi IIl1duc'''"II h,m..lf '1'1 h,. only -"ad,m,c IIUII

Am Stoll m,de aul ~Irv Will ,1'1 HCood VI" .evlf-hu. of 8 ..con H,II P"U) 11'1 fiCI. one could Sly" WII UI"..,.1y ",~cIIJ'ul H. II w.1I known for ",J ",numlll" moon!,g'" w.,'" "'.ough lheg..d .... du.II'Ig dencH.1 Roed. !c.om. on Seem ,.11 more ,boul!hl I'>o, .. onlll ,K1'''' Oploon ,1'1 K,II.,. C.' ) Scali. "ong w,,11 5 or 6 gUl'llrom Chomp (KIIP Trying 9,1111 d._.1Id I Cull hili. nur"" Ray.1 Jubolee (Rumou' h •• " he II conl,nu'"II .... lIoJdy of ph\'lOC.I Anatomy "'~I .Iong Wllh Z,c,,".nd l .. B,I w," bII mllor'ng HI goong blond ~I " 8,~nl R.m.mber Scotl. I,...... more 10 k.... Ih ... m ..11

u. one.



SCOII II helld'ng 0" to RMe 10 """" some ,ncomO'........ bII cou.... 1n Arll.nd PU'_ h,. c .._ IHI IS • GRUNT", lhe RCR AtI 01 u. w,sh hom 1111 bell of luck HI the lulu ..

12669 Hnm J T InuYlc. N WT


J T '800m 800m" E$ltJmo Joe Healh descended on Royal Roads lall yUI II ou, le • .oeot Eilkomo. leln"'9 hom Inu",k. N W T J,m hu I h'gh CIPI(:'tv 10' Ilcohol ,n"kl Ind IlwI'f$ mlnaged to thow oH Ih,. Ita'i 11 11 SQn, 9""e!(Ht panoe. and Fnd.v n'ghl T G IF', H,. baby f.ee and tar'"'' at, t'lude only help 10 '''ggl'811 hIS SOmel,mes ,,,,,brllied condlton Nonetheless. J,m-. perlorman<:e In hIS firsl YI" e,med h,m Ihe n9hllo become fusl ,I.tl CSA. I pot'llOf1 to wh'ch, .. In I"smln, he could I ..,IV rat"a He also r."l",ed HOflOUI SI"I CSSO ba.. hIS hlfd WOfk on lhe 1POfl! fi,Id"1 mambe, 0 1 mlny 01 Fra"", Fhght"s 1M Ielml. and . . . mlmber ollhe RIP Cross Counl1V Telm With IWo ye,rs beh'nd h.m, J,m huds lor RMC 10 complete hll deg'" ,n HOl"lOlltt EconomICS .nd Comm."e Good luck 'n lila lUlU" , J,m!


12610. H,gg'ns C Burhng loo, Oil!




H.g '· II 001 01 1111 c04lege's 110'1 ""a 01 Chem,cII Eng'nll". bu',US! barely Aller some Ic.dem,c d,H,cult," Iround Ch".lmas he managad 10 pull up h,. sockl and os sllil wllh UI If III can makl II PIISI lhis ye.' he pllnS 10 fin ..11 hll dagrll" RMC He wn In .cllve member Ollhl rep TV and pool lnm., and wuh the addOllon 01 cable 10 Ihe commOn rOOml h. look In a"en mora anthu.,ast,c ,n lIIISI ,n the Inm On. oll"s ol hl' cll..1 ,nt,raSI' wnthe college "'OOI'''IItllm, and 0.". won h,. croasftd·"fle•• nd crown H, wa. 11$0 In .ct,,,e part,cip.an l "I Ilia I M p.ogram and II .. p"""nea wll a gre"u""t to III of lhe 181mS th.1 I>e playad on TI>e .oou In,ned a •• 'V ."" rook lI.m nOllo stndy·up fa. Chll' a' Ihey wauk! lall pray 10 Iha pll deslroyer Despot. mucll "bb'ng H'g stIli ptO<.ldlV announces h.. ,nlenuonl to "pound tha gfOUnd" II an Inlanteer Well w e cln't hold a"a"llll'ng Igainsl h,m Wa'd Ilka 10 w,sh you lila be.1 olluc~ 11 AMC Ch" • • nd, 'Wanne buy • duckl"'

12611 H,li,. SG Onl




When he "n'l "bagg,n' thl bookl" SImon II I,the' sc.nmlng down Ihe .Iopes 01 WII,,,,. , Mountlln. smaslllng balls .round Ihe tenn" court, IlIling in the Lagoon 0' OO.ning around thl ClOSS COUnl"l cou'"" Above .11, lhough, SImon IS a tlue ,nl,nt1Vm8n.nd he i00i<1 """'lid 10 h .. tla,n,ng ,n Glgatown. N 8 lh" summer Th,oughout hlllWO veals.1 Roy.' Road •. he hIS dOni well and ,"lned lhe POI" ,on of -Jecond state CSC W, lh thot ~,nd 01 IUCCISS SImon sl>ou~ hlva no u oubl. WIlli Econom,.,. Ind Commerce 81 RMC

12291 Houston J R M G 5 1 S.uveur des Monll. PO


Known a UecuonBI.'y as Hous.1 da Mouse 10 ,'Isman and ang,"a'" ah~'. GLENN hes be.n wlnd."ng "mlessly about La""lIe Fllghl for qUlla s.oma u rn. Needless 10 say_ hell.. p'Cked up lome 01 "" Lasalle Anlm'" mora ,n lamous 111111 HIS athletIC prowess II a.ceeded only by hit des"e 10 IIIUln 10 h,s N8Ilve Ouebec and 1'1" eonunual des", 10 ullll lrencll obscen ll i.. whlill .,mounded by Enghshmen H, wreaked havoc ImO"'lllhe lilll ya.1S dunng hI' firll te.m a.Ii'"1 slat. CSSO. lubJectong them 10 "golS only a Iroggy,dog could Indule H,,,,ng ICed oH POrTlga, Houn.. IS ,tell,ng 10 ,Ilu.n to the ·',uck".nd 1"1 h•• luck ,n Moose J,w Glenn WIll conMue" CMR IS I 8 u,'n'" Adm In mlJo, Soc,ally. S,mmy',,,le has bean qUIt. lecret ,.CIPI fof In ,ncount" ollha "ery clo.. V,nely W, lh. eartarn "'amplov" 01 Iha Collage It wlS rumoured Ihl1 Ihe 0);,111 h' ICqurred on Rep c.asl-counl1V 18am. uemandoul endullnee. and occ..,onal 101'V' onto the ,ugby pilch, hetd'hm'ng hal be~n pultO use more thin once How,,,.... "er III thIS III sl,1I m,n.ged 10 "lIln s.o",e ..11,.espect Ind ha hi. ",ulnedl0 the lam,h" sll! llooes of Wh,stle. Maunlaln f . om III you. m.ny .nd ctot.a Iri,nd., goocIluck ,n ,II \'OU' adventure. 60n chlnel, HOu,,,

121174 .;.g•• d PR Redwatllr. Alt.



In .leapong I.om thlt Y1nu.1 .~t.Of! o. RlMlw'tll' to tlite up '1I1QfIC/I '" thlt 1I>'lIwhng ..... trOPOl .. 01 Roy,l ROIMII, It . . .ml P..., lie. ~t 10 ov.. tom. IIIe ,tiKI' oIlh.. d' .. ella,. An 'VId ....."'be. of MKk PK" P.uI·, ..." .. b" M one o. o;ont"m conllMkcIIOll. Alu-gh lie". ve<y 1.I.nlltd .lhlel.1Ie 1fIIl1eS$1v ell,m. 10 be Wa..1y oul of lh'j)/I, dHpn. tile fact "".IIIIIe. II. F,ench t.Khef, lie Ij)/IIlhlle whol/l .,.... In IIIe 'S_.thog F.«Kh d,u. ,nd .. Honou. $III, CSA 01 2 SQn hit mln~ 10 pe.l>ClpItll '" ho, ."'...,,. hOI:Jby w.,,"'" hi. own \, ..... AcIl•• 11y P.ul '. IooIung 'orwlrd 10 ,m",_ng h'l 110 ClIlIMI gotlg ...... thl. IlUmmer whole leklng Ph_ n AERE ,n Bolden. ffom wtMre lie WIll ",0C<Nd to RMC to complill I EIKI'ICII


"-II'" '"

E""' ........,"II '1 would be 'lMIund,nl lo ...... h P.ul IIIe bIIIl o'lutk peSI .Iong • wlfn'ng \0 11M young IIdtH 01 CUM.,..


RMC.nd ,n piKe of th,. we would .1Ihe<

12675 JonM R G PILOT 8 .. c/lbr~ Ont ENG Upon '.,lYIng ,n the ••• hlMl h,lI. o' M,ck." .. , "'IIht, Rob Jone_ ,mm/ld"'lIly .., out '0 m.~.' ""mil for h,mlelf H, lOOn g •• w .ccullom/ld 10 .11 11111 ",lion" 10k.. and n.ned himS/llllh. fUPKl1MI posnion o. Honour. 11,111 esc A mllmbe. O'lhe 400 club' JOf>/I5/lY ,I aCIIVII ,n I.M lPOtli and in onl leglndary !)ami. hi ..mlMllhl l,tllI ··Bl1kl,b.1I Jon.. '· HII w ••• Iso thl Win"". 01 the B,,, Mo.lly aw,.d for Ihll moll 'mp.ov/Id IOc:C.' pl.ye. Th.ough ha.d wo.~. Rob h.. kepi h'l mltkllt' '.ljIICtlbll 1.""I.nd wlMn noT bagog>ngThl booI<I Rob un ulu.IIV be 'Ollnd" Ih. Rid Loon Iry,nll'O I""ng ">o,h•• MKk "'ghl p.rty AIIdII f.om ,h.t lie " oITlln """'ng III"'" to • U""n IIlfl b.lc:k ,n Onllrlo Nelldll" 10 uy, Rob I1I1e.d/ld hick 10 Onll(lo In pur ... " of.n Eng,n"","g deg ..... 1 RMC, lor 10 he 1..111 UI .......11 kno ... "'I ...1 "'lIOn) Whll ...... Ihl ca.. , ....... 'u" he WIll do WI" lind _ Wllh h,m th. bltst 01 luck



Abbo" .... d 8




W"I h/lC:lt. Mlrl... 'nroll'ng 10 Roads ...lI. m,,"k. H. WII 1u.1td by the _IKIII'r -..ery lhe bH>ul,ful clonl"e.nd the .II:",ng n",ht I,,. 01 RQld, whICh IS seldom found ,n lh1 fog·bound e,ty 01 Ab bo"' .... d wile .. f1IOIl o' YOU' II ..... II Spef'lT t,."ng 10 rond."ou. w,y "Go,md Alter the ""11,1 ohoc:k.nd Id ",llmll<lI 10 sunl'lIhi .nd.ooIo; ' .. m. Milk hlld • succ/lSlful V-IJ 1/ lid chlr.ct.. "lKlung lI.ny w.y. II ..... "only II not .m"bohr, Milk .nc:tII.1IId the number 01 ft .. nds he hIS ,n h,s MCOnd yHr from cadtrl'" .....1 du"ng BOTC " Boldin 1010..... 0'1'" '/!gUII •• 1M 'raq....,11y ~(I . , CoIwood I<VI He held the 001<1I0Il ollll"d .." . CSC ,nd did In ncelt.<lt jOb It .Iso !)aVII h,m. ch.ne.lo gel .w.y lhe Bind ifill hIS T.umpel MIlCUI".n eg,1e """". proving h"nMlI by ....MI"II the 0"K10< of Slud_ Cup, pI'Y'ng fo< ll1e Rap so.c:.:.r ,,'m ..... ye ••• nd • h.lf pI'Y'ng '0< the Rep Buhlblll tnm on MCOnd ye'" ,nd by ...."". pUlI'ng ho. lOCk on blckw •• d. A, ,.,. 'ulu'. pI.ns. M,r1t hi, d/lcrdlld to t;lrry Of! '1 Road, .nd bKom, • memOll< of the P&f>O eilib. Ihin movto Of! 10 becom/I. Pliol HIS WIII"'l d.llm II, 001 d.y. baing ulllId 10 \he FIIghl . 1,1'1/1 by "'I Squ.drOf! Comm.ndll. being IlIkId w'th, m .... Of!lhat hi m'ghl nol '.Iu.n 'rom. lIMn tw ..... Iv dull QUI 10 h" TWIn O"e•• nd IIke-otl 8 ..1 of Iud< 10 y. 1.11,1


12679 KI.,n , A B Reg,n. Silk


Andy lilli, from Reg,n •.• bill hlcklown Of! ,he IIf."'" known lor ill cllilu..1..tut ........ sophflllcatlon, .nd _"ng skyt.... KI.' .....· i. ",.lIy "IV gomg guy who spend. h .. t, ..... lellong .ng....... they". ,U".'.I. ba.bI".", If you If. IIvlflooIong fo< Andy Of!, w ...klflCl .... " ",ob.bIy not .n h .. room bul OUI be'ng cullu.. 11y acchm.",1d by doing the lown wUh h •• f.. low ltIoqu.,,1 .tt...... n



In ""I lWO .,...,1 1\ AoacII. AndV WII the ·~t .. " O. the 'ap socc.. I.. '" ,nd ...11 .Iso .lKoncI ",-II esc Ih,. PII' Ylllr 8 .. ng atd/II,rr/Id Itom ~ .... much oIlhll ... 1IOn dIM 10 'I! .nklel AMy found I...... 10 bKo..... lhe 1IOnIII\'..... /ldltor O'ihe '.moul 'M.eI, FI,ghTIf ~ Tht....m ...... Ancty WI. be In Pon.ge sho\oV1ng ..... rybody now ,I I done Ned •• 11 KIe' .... w,N go 10 RMC ,nd m'IOI" on E _ s W,th .ny Iud< I! .lIfintrltiPn'-· you .... 11 probably ifill UP ftvong F- l$'I, nol PJP/If Cubs

12680, KnIW. N.el D Wellskl"".n



Klllppe(' Ir""ed II RRMC Summer Reson II I d'UdVlnllgl be.ng I.om 1.. ·llIme. counu",!' After lhe shock of.ook I.. m he 'emembe,..:! hOI >dem,tv Ind fi.ed In I memotlndum .. ~.ng lor ulend..:! leave II .efuMd much 10 ~.s d,sm.~ and he unlble 10 enlO'( h,. UUI,n'ln Chollm" II home N,ce Ity N,el Th.s yea. ,n .evenge he de,"oyed mo5l 01 the IIlIIl Ch".tmlS dl>COtllK>n ""<lh 1l'1li IlIght nuri



"." N,el'. Iccompl,shment•• nclude co-o.d.n8nng Ihe /l'ghl 2nd Yl' TV .OOm .nd Ihe Mlei< photog.aphv drSOIlY He gol h,. chanee 10 1..,OOze the rook. ,n "COnd ..me" .. II CSC Knlppe. WIll spend h,. summers in K,ngslon " CHE type end 01 to IIland RMC ,n perlU<I ola Elect Eog deg"e


12881. L'grandeu" R Leduc, Alta


Ros. 'S' proud Alben"n, whose only trouble ISsom,lIlmg ;mo RGad. w .. genlng ove, "the g"l on the Olher .,de 01 the Mountltn." Ahe' geu'ng over th, •. Ros' p,oved to be I "alw.n 01 "Mlck Pick" LUlie dId RRMC know whit k",d 01 • IIlenl II wlS gem ng ROil rs • b.ojo p,cke. nlr,ord,n'"e M.nV hours ~IV" be .. n spent .. n"n"n,ng the Colleg. down" Decks. much to Ron', dehghl. w<lh Ih" ,mmensa IIlent HIS m.ny .. bohne. n,ned h.m the pos,Ioon of CSA 2nd ,Iate.nd, Itea I"p to the An,c. amod ,lIlha comments "I dldn'l kno"" '100 spake Franeh?" All wa ,nll,/ wlntlO know ROil <S. d,d vou ever lind .11 VOU' underwear' Ross'. talents w,tltake h,m th.ough hll m,ny lu lu'e .mbol,onl The" "'elud.. obllln,ng a deg.ea ,n mOl. you. Good Luck Ross M.. chan.c,1 Eng,ne.,ing and "fix,og pl.llls" II an AERE office, Roads


12688, UIC'O. R To.onIO. Onl



O/Cdt L,.e,o hn had lWo ..... ry suee .... lul v..... atlh .. college He vlntu,ed oul10 Roads Irom thlt bog bad COIl' caUed To.onlO and w i t ona of tha faw clde" who saemed to enjoy lirst 'I .... Rocco alwaY" "ams to be ,n a good mood, Iv .. n when he IS caUed on .. 01 hOI many o,cknamn h~a Rock_On Rocco o. Il8hon Sl8lhonl Rocco.s look,ng Iorw ..d 10 h" Ph .... Two Eng,n .... , T,a,mog at Ch,lhw ack Ih<l lumme, and lhan w,1I be closer to home.I flMC K'ngllon to lin'sh h.. 51ud'e. in C,v,1 Eng,n ...."og I know tlll1 ROlds w,1I mil, Ihal k.... n. lall, da,k I. IIIhlO LeI'. JUS! hope thll II MC w,1I be abl, to. hindi, II

12690. Madley. W B.A Calgary. Alta



B.II cam .. 10 floy.1 Roads lwo ya....go I I • Clv,hln. Ih,"G" h.ven', changed much .,nce Ihen A co .... "'n II heart l'1li c.n o"an be lound wllh th .. Thuf1.day n,ght CoIwood Club. be ing. lull t,ma membe,. or l,aqulOllng Ihe Sen,o. Ching, Room ,hat I F.ldav 0. Satu.dlv nrgh !'. oullng '" Vlclo".·s dISCOS 8,11 has been, lull I,m .. member 01 Iha volleyball team and recenUv ol lhe baskl1b1l1tllm aa,ng I 'Iock' of the H'gh l he linally .""ned hIS ClOSSed clubs. only to losa them 10' ",long h,. mila-,nd-.,h.1f .un, • firSI Ha I,nally ach,eved th .. m ,n 1l'1li lilt lest 01 lhe 'III' AP90'Oled IS. CSC ,n Fi,"t Sllie. he man.ged 10 lu"",va RIC,,,rt Te.m. only to com .. b.ek 10 be.n Honou. Siale CSC of Champltln Floght (ha ,"'e drslika' tho.1 dut,elil. well d"", 8,11 S,11, known to mOil 01 Ul as 'Seau', ," off 10 RMC nUl yal' 10' Meo;h,nrc.1 Eog,n","ng .nd volleyball 0, bnketb.oll We w,"h h,m suc<:e.. lo 1'1" ventu ... lhe,e an<! 'n thl IUIUfl Good Luck. 8e,u

12693 M, .. ~ EJ london, Onl


F"I Eddy.r>DwMl cour. Ihr' ",,'1 yea, "

"- .. 1""nMI 10 ROfd. In Avgu.1 .n 1"-1 .nc:,MlrbIe .fI..-bu' ...... All of lIMo MCOnd ~'fI w ...

CollKIOOIl 01 null ,nd boIll. lhe 'FuUnobrl,', COmpl4rI. Wllh

.. rnC>IV .....,.-1 wl>etlthey IIW Ihl! prei:I of hnilly lunMIrunk rotllo I hilt In Iront of N.xon Block Ind d .. In "" _re bm, Ed IMoI k'PI buly WIth the voIltyt..II t . .m .nd lhe bind. the d •• trnc:, IOUnd 01 Ed', F,enc:h hom added 10 lhe .I"ady m'lIn.fie.nl sound of OUr fine blond Ed lI.rtltd 0" h .. IfI(IInHrr"ll Clr", on. good nol' by wlnn'"'II11Mo "'II,nHrrrlll ""n In firal V-Ir. Ind h, pl.... 10 c;onbnu. on with """'_"'11" K'''9Ilon wile .. he ' - I to Ilk, rntC"'l\>CIl 'nor.-"'II As I" II the mllrl.ry goa. Ed .... ·1 known for h •• I, .... (ltlil. bul _ .11 ktrow Ihl1 he-M m,ke. I, .... CHE offICer cr- UP Ed _ ..... , 1"'1 Alert II ".lIy be,ulliul In the ~Ingl

UTPM M.rt,n, M B.nc:kc,olt Onl



M,k. Mer"n IOInMI lhe M""e. In M.rch 1974 Ind wllltdmmed 10 RRMC by Jun. 1976 Ounnll He .. M,k. demontUII,eI , 'UIII"O' .blhly II In 'wo .hOrt veer, of lI",fe, hI. h. en.olled In Ih. UTPM P'OII"m OICelI MillIn culmlnlled hll fU'I V.... II Ro.dl by d.mon,,,atrnlllo The RI Hon BB.ney O.nlOn. M'nlsle, 01 NII",n.1 O,f,ne, lhe new CAF PUllnll OUI d,,11 The d.monllfl"on w.nl 01110 w,lIlhl1 he repelled 'hi pe,lorm.ne. BI CFOCS, Borden OU"1lII h,...eond YII', how,ver. M,k. dl.hnIlU •• h-id hlmself.n • mOil lObe, IlIh",n by beeomlnll the VPMC 01 lhe Cede, M .... In the ~"'II Mm.lle, M,II._ hll wII. B'end' .nd tWO ch,IOlln, Ellk •• nd I,n. !>IV, enroved IheI, ,IIy.1 RRMC Ind 100II lorwarO 10 Ihelf nexl IWO ~.r. In K.nll"0n wh ... MIke WIll PII.SUI I Mechllnlc.1 E"II,nee"ng 0'11'" Every -..cen, 10 you Mike tIllt 11m. h. wi. pOlled 10 CFB G,"nWOQd .nd .mploved .. ,n Au F,.me Tech

12694 MIV N R Meole Rodge B C



NelllOlr midi 1111 bog jump 11 1111 biglM>l'III 01 ,he MCOnd ~If loom EnglnH''''II onlo An •• ft .. IlfulIII"ng tI>tough IWO ...PIl$ .lthol.rllh 'I'V'ng ,w.ke ou''''11lhe eurns would h .... mide PlI"IIII' bol ...... Srr>ee Ih.1 ...... he r... ,nc:r..HCI h'l An .....n voc.bul.ry COt\I>defib/v I I oft..... not th,ough OSrnos<l wh.1e ..cked ou, ,n eI... bul he un hlfdlV be bIImltd lot berng 10 e.haul1ltd Wllh onlV .rgh"er' Neveni>ltlil. dellt'lll I.......... ng h,bots NelllOlr hils found IOmI I"n. lor .~tdemrc:1 .nd PUlled 011 Second Clil. Honou,. " Ch"'tmlS A'ound Ih. NIIIIOIr "'.11\... OUI hll ,n'.. UII IfVlng 10 .lIrt Ihll ,nf.mout P,nIO, pt'l"ng for lhe .ep .u\IIIY 111m (whr~h Oddly lnough lost every game bul one Ihll he pllvtd 'nl. Ind on ,he JUrMOt$ II lIICond sj.11 CSC, wh ... he WII Plrt,eularly Iffe<:1""" IS w"nllHCI bV 1111 volunt • .., Wllhdrewll Ollh," Chllmp Fllllhl ,ook. H,III"lt .mbrt,on ,'10 '"V on II ROfd, II. Flook Term CFl .nd lhut " .. ry on WIth hot 1ICi!I1+O; lenr;lenclU. but h!l An. COU'M ,nlUre. h" d""nu .. RMC White .... lhe Clil. w. WIth hIm the bell 01 Iud In the '~tu ..






12696. GA SI$klloon. Suk Gary. belli'


'n Ch.mp n'lIht II KIll,." llihe only Ro.denl who c.n honlilly 1111, Whll. h.lv ,n ,he sor;<;" ,njUry IInl h,m 10 the hOSI",,1 untIl I•• " .n lhe Ch",,........ m .ou',ne. h,Vlng m,.HCI moll Ollhe 10V' 01 be.nll' .0010. H, h .... nee upe ... nced Ih....1loll .1 Roadt when he Wit tr.n.lormed 110m. Il,ck 2nd YII' 10 Ih' 3rd ,III' CSA. knH-d"p .n Plperworlr. Ot'II.n.llv' Iu" v-er 'llII'nH' he 's.cen<Itd 'Iu....... 10 Applred 5eJenc:e.nd 'I pt.n ... ng 10 "Ieh hll """h ","I yelt In Honou .. H,"Ofy " RMC Glry hII' .110 co..... tong w ..... ,n "IlOfU. belnll --_. 'ot mosl o. hr' "111 ylI' he hll_ked hrm..,11 up 10 lhe 400 Club' Ind I. .m ('pII,n 01 C",mp', 1M sor;<;I. l"lm How ...... _h" ,"1 ",1...... he.n 1111 wold blu" yonde. F'eQuonlly 1"0>1"'11 hll knick lot HV.ng ..... n Wllhout II> .,tpI..... by W>n"""" 41h pt_ .n PI,achulll'lll compel,hon. BUI wr..n hi 'I nol IIk'''II11II lump" he un be IOUnd irl1""1111 10 m",1IC ot lhe PI.no All eonstd.,.,r;!_ KIller he. btett • Ut>oqUi conl.lbuTor 10 Chimp n'lIhl ,nd _ WIth Iwm IUCCIII.I RMC .nd I I • polo'

II I,k. 10 be. rook1'


'''.1 ........


12697 Monk, €F Alta



Ted 18 F.) Mon~ ha,l. from CIJgafY H. er"ved II Roeds 'n fitSl yea' W'IIIII" PII."1 'jed MOllk Sm,l. I.... laCon<! yea'. he ClIme back ... uh somllh,"8 more prKl<ClIl, ... he .... he brOUgll1 hIS CI' Th,. lnabled yOIl"8 Ted 10 m'~e m..... y. m'dn'ghllflp 10 '·Ronn •• ,-· A rugby ..... 'm.11l hl,n. he I'ded lIS. III 10 m ..... y VlCIO"". m"nly th.ough the le.ro. IIClOCI he emp~ 1000,n'l lroe OPPDI'llon g hOI IHIII. r,"" Inti cle.IS Ted,s lUll as Iclwe i.... hOI Kld.m,cs, ,tid h. sho..., hOI .nlllll.....m by .1tS"ng h,. he.d on a desk.nd anor'''8, ... he .... ool'II(:I,ng. l'lffiOIlr" to up ..... d lhe m'nd. ThOl um, dfTY>ng $1)' ....1 "OCOIJ"gflI h,m 10 10.n lhe band .... he .... h. WI' g'v ..... the o:/'oo'CI of drum slIcks o. a "lie H,. n'glll $1)'''1 eamed h,m thud sial' b-iI" IS SKl<on Commlrod •• of T.... ,ve &lellO ..... mUClIlO Ih. no.ror ,rod d'$m.y of lhe 11l .... 'or an,m.l. Th .. uPCOm,"II .... mmllf TIId II IIklOg Ille CElE COIl. . . , .... K,ngSion Ha ... ,11 btl con· " .... u, .... g hIS college IIdllca"on II RMC.ntI koow, .... g TIId Monk ..... krlow h. WIll be 1111 funh.mng h" Clre"

1I.,. .



UTPM MOO'I , 0 YOrkIOll, Sask



0 ..... ' lomld Ihe Au Elamenl ,.... Ap. 1973 and c,malO Rov.1 Ro.d. f.om CF8 Chlt.m ....1'1"'11' hid bee .... emploved IS I Rltda. Syslem, Toch 0 .... 11'1. CFIOI Voodoo Tha chl"ll' of eiom"a he., ,0 Vieto", obv,ously confountled h'm. IS h. ,s always ..k' .... g abo\ll one·s fHI atld .......... 1IIIl$Oon 10 h,s ch,'dhood W' .... I•• S ,n Snkalehew...... aOld Ihe cO ..... llnl Ih'881 01 f'OSlb,11 du" .... g w,ote' Ih"a I guns Wh,l. atleroding school full-I'ma. Oan •. I I OUt s'ngl. (smann mambtl •• camlld Iha aojd"'o .....1 reswns,b,hIY 01 m ...... la'n'''1I h,s POsrlton as hoflOU"rv barm.n in ..,,,.ral p.Om' ..... nlloc.1 ISlIbl"h",.nl$ (Ti ffany •. The Old Fo.gl Col""ood, etC I HOI ,nle.aSIS Include sk" .... g .• w,mm,ng. SQuash. wh ... Iw! WLlKlI • mlln tlCQUII .• nd e~len.,,,. 'eed,ng H,. pIa ..... a" 10 "ud~ Elecl"c:a1 Eng,n""ng II RMC, so Ih'l hl'll know WAn II w.ong "",,1'1 IIw! ."c.aft under h.s Care II en AERE off,cer We all willi h'm milch succus ,n h" lu lure SlveI," " RMC, .Old hOPtl 10 saa Ihal eockeylld Q«m 10' manv yUtS to coma

12698. Myshk .... ,ch. Z,O T01O" .o.Onl


ZetlOf1, Olhltw'''' known as 2ack. ,s off 10 RMe No longe, w,11 Ih<s .... ,d Preslay Ian f.om Ihe Uk.a,ne enl""' .... h,s lallow Champla,n.", "".Ih hOI ,,"och~ ""II,ng THAN I( GOOIII Zack .ftlved al Ro.ds wllh Ihe 11m of t>ocom,"II I P,1o1 How.ver whe .... h. d,oelWl.ed Illat lhe AERE school ... as o .... ,y "XIV m.les I.om homelow .... TO'O .... IO, he qu,ckly eOManed over Th,. vear. il seem. 11'111 'f Zack W.",·I .peak,og Ukra 'n ...... w,lh P'ole-ssor Sman or could flOl btl foorod anywhere .Iu OIl Ihe eoll.ge g,outlds. 1'1, could ....... edly be saan ncot\,ng I Siudent nu,u f.om Roy.' Jub<IH MosPllal Itouod Ihe o,ghl lore 01 downlown V,eto". The magna"e fo.c, of RJ H ,nd Ihe be.ul,11l1 VIeIO'" w,alher .Imost mid, Zack. P8tPO caod,dlte Z.ck. now."", 'S w,'h .... g 10 endutft lhe cold halSh w,mers of RMC 10 8111ln 1'1,' degree ,n MechanICal E.... g'n.." .... g 00 .... ·1 ... orry leck W, ha .. lhe nu,us from Olle.n·. un keep you prelly wa.m

12700, ObSI J C l 8C

p"""" G80rge.



l •• arr,ved II Roads p'olacled f.om lhe OUISlde wo.kj end now ah" IWo Vel" w,·.a I.... ,.... g 10 prOtecl Ille outs,d, WOfld f.om l.e Ha began Ihis yll' IS f"st S1811 CSC, Chlmpl.,n O'gnl.'Old qu.ckly ."oed •• ,,,,,lllton 10, nol be· .ng abl, 10 hold I S"I'ghl feee whe .... d".h .... g w'lh Rooks Ha ",,,,,,d his g<>O<Il'Iumovr w,th h,m onlO Ina apOfts filld m8k, .... g a valuabla conirobuioon 10 Rep Rugb'{ lee hIS nald litSl cl,S$ hoOOUIS !luting hIS V"'s" Roads Ind .osP"e of cll'ms to Ih. conl/'ry he has bean s...... Sludy' .... g whln nol v'""'"g Pat o. 1Ult\'e'p.".... g ,.... Ih" Colwood Clllb All '.... all &leoOld yea. h.. been a good vear for Lee Wa can say Ih" .... an Il'Iovgh Roy.1 JubilH has ....... more of h,,..,, Ihan Ro,ds Evan 00, lee has mln.glld 10 kHP lI,mnll (omplny al R.J H by play,og m"chma~.. A'g~1 ScOII. J,m. Zack 8,11 1 Thos summit lee w,1I be 1111 o .... lv lobsll. aV" 10 fly a Muske"" Good luck 11 RMC and ,n vou. clteer as a p,lol L.e We kno ... yDIl'lI do Wilt

12702 Pa,joO' 5 B Voctor" B C



M ... R5

_.Id , ,-


5,_. com''''il ,0 Roads wi. only • .non IfIp hom V.ncouv•• 5'......."vld" ,,,-l;OIllgIhnh

0/,,,- N.v.1 R..._.nd w ••

m,WtV 01 h.","'il h,. gotglOU.1oc:1tI m.'ocoously '''mmed Air. . .ICOV ..,ng I.om t"- .nll,., shock of 'IUU" Slev, bIcI",. h ......1y ,n\tOlvld ,n ,,,- b.nd .nd bIcI.... 0lIl of 1"- ''''Ild de~. t..nd ...... n In fKI. 5,_ w.. SO good II betng • t..nd.""n Ihll ""'u.ned Ih" YH' " 11M Ii .., DCBM • t<>b Ihl1 1M conl,nuld h.. Ited,'_ of h.f1:1 won on h.., wtMon 5,_ I. not w"h 1"- band, 1M conl'AUn 10 wort< on h,. mus,c.llIl.n, ,n h, •• oom There ... m.ny ...... 'fIgS when 5 .."" an boI ..... d ,,,umm'ng on IuS gu,,1t '0 It.. eI>eg"nI",lItu .. of the .H' of the ...."'bet.oI Hudson Flogh, PI.oII,ng mu"",, ....... 5'_ tull ..", ,h.OIJ9h hot titl' VII' It.n nd 01 w .. Mil w'y ,h.ough hll HOOnd,.... ,hll 1M tlw ,he 5,_. ,,'I ~"",ng wllh hoi n • ....,. ,.Id,"on II. , .... MARS ~.nd "- u....'-n'" '0 APPLE SIGH w,'h 1"- ,ntenl oIl1<1.tu,ng. de1Jt" ,n PhVIICS .nd Physoc.' OctoltlOllflphy II Roid. In .ny I'IfInl. S,'n " • h .. d worI<e •• nd II bound '0 become • good otfoe.r ,n 11M C.ned"n N• ....,. B.., of luck ,n '/"OU' Iu'u" nuPldft, ,.."Iofl






12707, Pon K 5 Calg'I'(_ Alit



K,n e.me '0 u. hom 'ti. o,lIet "d, of 'h, moun,,,n. In 76 ,nd soon ,1I.D/"hId h,m .. II., Ro.d. 11 ...1011. Ind .b,Io,,,. lu.tofilb'v elmitd h, •• II' of esc bl', ,n ,., lilli, wh,ch he look .d~lnll~ 01 by wh'i?Il,ng h,. '000 ,n,o .h'lM!, .nd ., 'h. lime 11m' in,.oduced ,,,-,,, '0 10m' 01,,,- fin .. lI.hc.c,,, of Ch, ..." eulI,n, A g,ound pound" by nIlY,e. h •• ,nl""" ,.-..;Iude fIn •• hoolJng_ pistol .hoolJng_ ,nd PI •• chul,ng T"- p.oud own.. of • CI' Inli IOI,vlllOfl. "- wll neve, " • 10.. lor re, ... ,ion 01 comlM'nV w"-n h' Wlln' bagg.ng '''' l1ud ... Of '1M "POIII, Ken II IlIong hll pos.." _• • nd ".Ylng for K'ngI1Gn, whe •• w. w,.h h,m '''' bel' 01 luck w,th EI.c. Eng Ind LORE


12708 Poult •• I C O'"WI On,

hi'" •__


WORM _ 01 ,"- IIflngnl C,"IY,....... '0 g'Ke l1ud1On ".gh, btll whoM MARS 1CIo.I.w,re botIcheci ,n 1.¥OUr 01 1"- tUmblong mKIIo .... 01 LORE 11••, _ " 'lIQOI"IIIb" lot pull. 'ng Hudlon ~ht 7e-77 /IIntOfl,h,ough fi'.',.. ... 1111 IhI .. _ of r."1 d ... honou" -WORMS 5 9"" II,.nl_ 10 dell~ .nd to-.. of IM'IMIWOfI< ..."Id h,m 2nd.nd Honou. II... eSA When nol beong pH, .. ed by,,,- wot ...... or h,. 1.11ow Cldell Ihi WORM Cln be found In 'hi CS .... abon_ng IIflAge Ih'ng. 10 ·Ie.. "", ,hot lrog I.n •• 1M.. lot. good I,,,,, nol I h ..11 I, ...... nd II hu.",ng_ h.gll """,'ed me",be. 01 l1udaon n",h' 11. "'.n.,o m.,." ,n MK Eng" RMC.nd ,I hIt 1/;1_1" RRMC .., .ny ondtclloon, RMC look ou,lI1l


127'0. R.,d. 0 N'Plw,n. S.lI<


Ouncen "VOODOO R.1d wll 1"- '(OUn~1I ""mbol. 01 l1udson FI",hl ,n h .. fi ... yll' .nd .110 In .... HOOnd yII' wo,h OIMI"Clpllon Oune.n w,w.to become. tel polol Duncen could .Iw.ys be found doong _ 01 ,h." ,h,nv- Iludyong ,nlO ,he I\oUfI 01 the morn'ng IOf.n ... m 1"- ..... , d.y. pI.¥I"1I hIt h .. manlCl_ Of WOflong on "" tr...,;om "'Kilo... Aft".n '_""ng tum ..... ,n N'Plwon. DUn<;1n "'U.ed ,n Augull to begon "",·cuflocul.. mys'ery mllh .tud... 11... gDlng 10 1'1 M Clot. de1Jt" ," enlll 'ng"'''''"11 W•• II yOU '1M bel, 01 fuck ,n R M C Ou.-..;



12711 Reid. JM Ham,llon. Onl



In Augu$1 1976 wllh his ha'dhat In one haltd altd h" luoc~buckel In lhe Olhe, J,m clme 10 RoedS from Hlmillon 1e.I>1ng ilel>lnd I~ woold 01 long hi". goodlomll Ind Lon I gU1i1 ROYII ROlds SU,'ed rum wen be-cauH he's slly'ng fOf tWO mo .. ~I'I J'm •• Iurned thIS yea. I>OOlng h'",,",,11 ,n lhe nlhed posol,on 01 he.d Depe,pulhef (OCWA). bul we.1I know how mUCh he loved " bec,use ~ ~t ,t &g.,n ,n Honou. SI.te ~ yea, wu. good yelf 10< JIm I. in second Hme"" he became I Oflm,., membe, 01 lhe Thu'sday n'gl"ll Cotwood Club (which. by the w.v J.m. hll l~tenOed • lP8(: ••1 1W0·y,,' membersh,p to you). AI I~ seme Uml J,m llso d,scov.,ed Roya) Jubll .... 0' lhOuld wa sev Royal Jubot.. nu,ses dlloCOve.ed Jlm1 Uln Ilhll "ghl P,ulett., Donhy, Sue. EII,en, Jo·Anne ) When Jim 'eaehed 20 Ihll yea, he adopled hIS open doO< pOIocy 0' 6lnkl .. legal .,d and Mlnt'\18 Counsellor (R'ghl let!1) We an w,sh J'm good luck ,n h.. ",101 el'", The only th'ng we ~n'l fogu" out J,m "hoW \'011 Ifl ~'ng 10 'elch the padal,

12712. ROleh RA C,a,gmora, N S


Ronn, •.. ,~ R.!"· as he IS affecloonllely known, h.,I. I,om C.pe B"ton H. ~me to the col~ bec.use he r'gu'ld 'I was Ih. ne~I beSllh,ng 10 go,ng on well.,. HI Slined OUI In Eng,nelnng If' rof1l1 yel' but g,adulled 10 Ani at CI"'Slml' S,nc, Ih,n h," .eadem,es hive been do,ng jUII rone H" tIQ)fl(I ve., slIned Wl lh him be,ng a rolll "atl, poop deck SlCOnd yeal. bul someone had" In for h,m Ind he beclm. a CSC in Ihud ,llIe HI wll. membe, 0' Ihl dabal,ng club and.n IVld '·"nk,,'· HIS •• "nllVI "IIn,ng has ,ncluded • S1Inl .\ CFOCS Bood,n Detachmlnt IS I membe' of Go.se ·s GUIf"lIas and \h" SUmme, he w,1I be dC>ll 10 hIS 1I0mp,ng grounds in Gige '"Nam·· Aft., Ihll fil 0' madne ... he w,1I be P'J,.u,ng In Honou,s £nOI,sh dltQ'''' at RMC He .houldn'l h.ve .nv orobl.ms I~" bul hl"'s Ihe beal 01 luck end IIPadh lel1

UTPM. Rossell . H H P"OCton, Nlld



Harvev wao born. brld anti "'sed a Newloundlll1<le, E.,1y ,n hll loll he IIW Ihe ·1"0r' 01 h,s w...... Eage' 10 sel Ihe wo,1d all<! lempled by Ih. Fame Ind Fonune p,om,.td by t~e "mad forcal hi jo,ned lhe Nlvy.t Ihe esle.""'" Igi of ""Intl,n So Itt H,rvey·s ela,m 10 lime '. Ihll he i, Ihe only Newfie aU.nd,ng RRMC Hopelully h,. Ionune WIll .mve on Ihi nul Ihlp D.",ng h,. liluo"'oul Navel elrae' BS In All BMun . H.rvey has spenl SIX we .... on I sh,p. Ihi P'OVldet The .em.,nlng n,ne vea,s we.e p&,~lIed OUI w,lh •• linl 81 CFe Comox.nd .nothe, II CFBE B.den. Baden Enhghlened bV ''''' vears Hrved in In AI, Fo,ee Envlfonmenl . Harvey hll h.d Ihe w,sdom of conl,nu 'ng ,n Iha\ bunch , 11" h,s collell' days If' ove' Wh,I. II Comox Hlrv 1111 m Jove and CI,ol beclml hI. w". Presently Ihey Ife II¥lng ,n, mobol, hom. ,n Sh,wn'gan lake end have Iwo kwelV ehiltlran H'rveV.n avid IUnnel. IS ",II a mlmbe, 0' Ihe C,A F PhVSlcl1 FlIness AWlfd Club. eVen though he h.. hltl hnle lime 10 pursue Ih" hobby wh,l. in CollltQl Among hll Olhe, con"'bu llons all membe, 01 lou, squld,on he "so d,d luSl'CI 10 Ihl POSltoon 01 Honour sll" SPO'ts Olfi(:e'

12714 Slvage.CR Wonn,peg. Min



Clayton ··Doc·· S''''\18 h8pp,IV .."vl!'d II RoV.1 Ro.ds, he. IIPInd,ng Ihe summe, ,n la, IWlV W,n· n,peg HII Ie". at Road. <ncludl beIng .ppo,nted Log Ed'to' 10' lou' CD<'IlI(:uIJV' sllllS Doc'. 'nl.... ts include. 10 l~e dllm.v 01 SOme 01 10'1 '''endl. plsy'''II the cla"net Th" !Illn\ led ClaVlon 10 becom'ng. m.mbe. of thl band H. wn. membe, ollhe Su Cadels. Ind ~ now wllhe. 10 becoml a pan 01 the Nlvy Doc w,lIlong be oemembe,.d 10. hllg,aph,cs orO)IIC'I. wh>ch was lhe dellgn 01 • new de.,rove, 101 Ih. Nlvy Doc wll a hlfd wo,ke' ,II ve., long. both .cademicallv end on Ihe 11)0'" fi.ld Doc dod much to 10SI., sp,UI ,n Hodson O'lIhl and he w,1l be klndlv 'Im,mbe'l!'d bV 11'><>1. ,n hll t.,m who "Igo,ng to RMC Best 01 luck .n Ihe lutu, •. Docl


12715 Scott OK 1Algary, Ah.


Scott,. um. to Au 1Anad. U compl.te w,tll "",ht schedul.. , map. oltn."y ,lid the de"r, to

11'9- "'. wly ,nto prlol'ng "'1;/,11 The ··O.k,,· laded ,nlO 2nd y.., obIMOfI ,n 1,," "'.tl. but wll un' ~_rtd /of M<:oM ,lit. CSC d'iI," H. 1,1 SO _u bltrrnd lhe yellow doof ..... wore two M .. /of honour ""tl IS CSC DooJg' •• bol,1V to hoIndl. l'I,mHlI on re. w.. 'jlpfK.,tld by , .... "",,,, hoc:~ .... Ind bfoombellillm, H,. 11,,11. on lhe aoc:o;e< pr1Ql _ " •• pIooted by the ,~ I,.m If undy'ng ,nte,"t 'nd IS m,ny pholOiIS he Cln lind by voom·voomi heios ..... -11 be on lOP 011 .... eou... " Po"I~. w...... academICS 'nd tll""lron mIX •• well IS til.., do.t IIIIMC 811t of luck I»c:k " " II IIMC w,th CIVIl Eng',,""ng

112\8 S,m..d,OC



M' ...... ug •. Ont

O.no. tile 'WhlZ K,d' hll I>trfIn ....,.,. inStrumental Plrt of F'Ulr Flrghl 10' Ihe p..1 two V.... O.n h" been ~IIY acl"'e Wllh bolh tile m,,~h1ng b.nd .nd Ih. lI.ge band .t lIoVl1 Road. HI hal proved 10 be v.ry ,depl II pI.ymg Ih' S ... phon. bolh on IIId 011 ,1'01 ·'O,sco-O.n II he 'I bell.' known ,n mUIr<; c,,~I .. _could .Iw,,,, be found" til. loc,l ~.b.," eng,ossed ,n mIOtiC wh.n nol sWdv,ng, d,v'ng fOf burred ,,,....... 0' Iry,ng 10 belt hll ~Io"," ,,~.I .1 tenn .. O,n .. mad I.... POI,t,on .. 11'I"d aI.l. 0 C 8 M 'nd 1110 found h,m ...1f I. Honour SI.II C S C 10' Fra ..., nIght Oln hal .lw.W'I lOPPed Ih. n~, ,n ac.dlm,e •• nd prol ...... 10 m,lOI ,n ElacVr<;11 £ng',,"rrng " 11M C Good luck O.n In you, fulur. elldeavoulS I t • MAR E olficII



12720 5IMnk.n, CM Nonll V.nc<>If'N'. 8 C


H,"'ng _ I the !lUmmi' pnOItO com'ng 10 Road. II I .... <If, ..... t , .... Man"'" Olympoar Cotny IlId no problem ad''''''ng to the o.hon 1'I •• ,.nd bool pohltlong n. Incounl..ed" Ro.rh H, ad,,,fled.,;l __ n. gol 11'I"d ,1'1' CSSO ,n 1'1.. MCOIld v-ar AffecbOnlll'y known by the Socc.. T.. m " the whal. Cot ...... -. ml,n IKI'C on 11'I.1>aId II to krek the blldOer OUI of !/Ie ball .... llullbac:k he h" ,n rnr;,edobia ""-'k IOf ,,·Ioc.II'ng pI.y to IhI opponenll end Iny t,m. the ball II.ppans ..... wly H, pu •. IUfId h" 'nl....1 ,n sL,ng by voIunt.."ng h,m ...11 I t prllrderu 01 lhe R II M C SIu,ng Club. ,nd ,I VOl> look UP IOmfUU". you m.y ... 11'1'1 two h,,!\d,ad pour>do. d.nglrng und., I parachute Off 10 R M C II Ilia ItIId 01 Ihrl V-". Cotney" 'notll....... I.V .. Ind 1'1.. tl'll .mbtl,on 01 one d,y becom'ng' polol GOOd luck Cotny. m.v~ the Fore.. w,1I ~ buYIng .om, "" Ihll f; 1 youl

12722 St,nson, T 8 C.lg,,.,. AlII



TOm UmI to Hudson fl,ght not wllh long fIow'ng loel<l 01 han II you m.v upecl I,om, new 'lC'utl bul w,lh .no". clo ... -c,opped ,Id ha,r.nd \he wllthe,ad ~ounlln.nce 01. trIO' Grunl Tom I'IId Ifoubla.n h"lim V-" lCidema ,nd thlt; VII' bIt.mI one ollhe coIleoe .1011" 3,d Vr A,"m,n Wh.., nol o.gg'ng' 10.·hoIe ,n the bac:k 10f"tY_ VOl> e.n I,nd Tom luck,ng I IOCC.. ban for t .... COliIII' lIep Tllm Inl.." OIl becom'ng' good Inl,nl,.,. oll;e". Tom look. sIIol .Ilead,ng rook. " ' \11 aI". CSC ,nd be 'ng 10 good II II becaml honou, aI ... CSC. 100 8", Rid II head'ng oil /of IIMC "''' yll' wh<i<. _ Itl ..." he'lI .saule .vlfYbod'rr A. /of the Inlanl,.,.. Will ,I Tom.,.n the,e wllel'l'ng !of n'!IIlm, the" moghl be IOf\'\I hope /of tl'llm V-t Good luck, Tom

12723 Stogr,n. PB


RocIImond. B C


p" K''''e E~tremul Stog· "n... ed " A A M C ""ecl I,om the fun Ind ,"011C 01 c.wv IIr"t end qu.citly "t~b.t'11>ed hlmsall IS the Hud· ft'ght Grlunch K+r>g No longar would tha .. be pelC' ,n Ih' "'IUey u Pat . I hold" 0 1 a Brown·belt In Karate . founded the A A.M C K.,,,, Club lbett" known u the K,II· am'lf-yotJ"Clln Clubl Inllnt on J)Un.shlng h •• body, Pit w,lI be found th .. Wmmer poundIng the turlln C f B Gige-Nam With hlS unQUenchabl, dn", to wttaed at whatev" he "'al Pit sl>ould 0;10 will .. In Eng'n .... . t R M C (w,,,, 1 hllla help from th .. Voodoo Aled freedom-MlCh,nel

12724 SIOII, N K, Vancouver. B C



K,m hid only a shon hoo(IIC'OIS the lira,,, to come 10 RAMC Be,ng I.om VII'ICOU"'''. h' wll rar'ly seen IIOUnd the colleg.e on ,way weekends P.. rhlpl h.. hIS .ometh,ng tucked IWly blck homa thl' the rest 01 uS don', know about Locked aw.y ,n hll room study,ng 0' ....."'ng the Ch,nlsa conle<:loonlry wu whe .. K,m could ululily be found du"ng tha firll samu", Bul th"d stili found KIm w,lh CSC batS, .nd soon tha "a"o. 01 Hud.on FI'gh!" could be found IIllklng th. h.1I1 K.m hu an .... ,d ,n'a."t ,n electron,e. Ind can be found Mka"ng w,th hil or otha, alectron'c gadgetry "gularty A CI"" ,n Electrlc.1 Eng,n ... "ng Ind tha CELE ellls,fitillon .hou~ be "II"t down h'l allay Best 01 luck It AMC


12725. SII.nkl. A Grand Cenl". Alta


Rob Slrankl, afle<:t.on8tely known as "S" rky" hl,ls from G.. nd Cenl" . Albe,,, With no rul m,lollry background Slerky wlS oH to I IKlW ttln blCk ,n 'ook te,m Howa ... " . onca he le.,nl Ih' ,no t""" .n 01 s hav,ng ...... ryI"'ng wn finl Rob Will be ",udy,ng towa.d an Honou" HIStory dag,ee at AMC and I. <.. nalnly lookIng forward 10 the changl, ha .... ng already ..ad ,nd correclld all the bookl ,n ou' I,brlry Starky" amusas h,msall by play,ng Badm'nton , SqUISh , wo,l"ng OU t on weroht. and. behl~e ,I Of nOt, I/OIng to ·'plays" ,n Victo"a Tha ve ..' he has sPlnt studying h!larn Ph,losoph.., h' ... a helped him ,n h,. conquest of Road' Rob IS in the Log'SI ICS claSI,I'CII,on and w"h h" e.p.".nc;a II newspap" ed,to' he should have no oroblems in ..ach,ng the top Aob ,.. ,lIy p,o ... ed h'" wonh thIS year by song)1 hlnd,dly form,"g t'" ALPHA-1-CLUB Tha club hu t.elped many forlofnlld "dat. b.ck Into SOCI .. ty .nd g,vln them. onCI IOlln, a purpose ,n hfa Aoy.1 ROids WI!! ce rta,nly m,n 'Uth an ,nnova'or .nd u.cad.. moc·'

12126 Symond, KO Tsaww8lsan. B C


OUllng h,. first yea, at ROlds K.n', mUllc g<l1 ",m ,ntO cons,derabla !tounl. Ba,ng "duty bugl,," had him WeI"ng whlta on sav,r,1 otcll,on. Tha' d,dn-! stOp ,n 2nd Y"', but ,r, a hab't he'll h ..... to b, .. ak before go,ng on 10 R M C to tOt'lI,nua " .. eng,n ... tlng studl.. Ken;1 cOt'lI,nually harlSs,ng Ihe n,gh! by com,ng ,n l0 someona', ,oom. plaY1ng soml k,nd of ,n,!rument. Ind Ihen asking 10' .""thar beed Kan', home ,n T5IwwlS5In hu been a relug .. for "".mull LaSa1l1 An,mall n.ed,ng "I,oll,on and he'. alwaY'" btlng,no Ihl h.ww ...en glfl. over for. good t,m .. on the Island As,dl ,"om h'" mul'C .blhty, K.. n part't'Pated on the rep tenn,. and voU .. yballll.ml K.n " an "p",ng p,IOI (you cln tell by h,. long h ... 11 who w,1I be I/OIng 10 Portaga th .. wmmar Bul se"OUlly EllOt'1 101 Ihll S,mmond. 0' Symonds?ll. wa III w,"h YOU the best of luck In 1"" lutull 'nd continued Ic,damlC IUCceU(1)


12729 Teoylo . MG Thorold On'

MICheli Tepy\o nme 10 AAMC In the Il\Im,,*, of -76 I,om 'M ...."opolo' of Thotold. On, H, 1""-.1 OUI II. w.,1 m.I1ne.MI. COOMIV."ve cldel. unltl .... WI' ,nnocled by. w,,'known u.ull. Fllghl dIM ... ',n.m,I"",' M,~.-. buill..... _dod notllult"., ROlds. 10 he bee,m, ,he n'llht. ~'.on.' , .......,...nd ......bIe 10 ""-ROan..,...:I h•• f,,1ow n<llll through , .... , m.n~ . . . ....ou.. In ',ep" ... es _ ol.he Ie ... who could stay .w.~. Ind '1<11 _m ""'.retted In 'M ... b~l_ ,nd thu •. wn .tIIe 10 obtl,n NCOI'd tl... honotI" H, r--...d hi. ~,. In thi,d 01",. when he bite..... _ 1 _ !;Om' mandet 0' " SectIOn ThougI\ TIP wlI MClllty Ing.ge<! nr1y In ~ .,..,. (whM:h w .. mit<M publoc by 8"1\0', '-"P of , .... I~- In the .... N). he II 'eay,ng ul wry much SttIgIe Ind II pu .... on;, CI,_ in Chem Eng W. ,II w.,h MIke 1M bonl II he COnlmu. . hos RMC. end _ know 1M WIll do "'111




II. CHe Otl'CI'

12730,T,.""" EI,.vln, S..k




alno, ,he whlll .uperm.n, .. h' II IvIown 10 h,. Iflendl. h" d"''''lIulihed h,mlill pl'llcullfly on the 'uglly fliid Ind in cI.rylng on tile II"lt Immll tr~ltlon. 8e.t ,,-, .Iw..... bHn PI" 01 ttHI mDf. colou.ful L.nn. ,kll' .nd In h,. fillt V", wn Iw"d~ the IIOnou' ,011, In .~pe."nce whIch h. or .nyGrle II", ,noclilld WI!! n'vlr forget MlnV I foliOln cldel has been chu.ed up by • quock EltI~ln 01 Sunn lokI o •• bll of Sllkl tchewln !fO~1I th't wit c.nlln to m,kl Inyon. I.ugh Alte •• unn,1'lII on tl>l.IIP c'on-country lI.m du"ng PIn o f h .. I".t y., •• 81M dlclded 10 givi rugby I try Ind line. IhfT d,y h.. nlver IOO ~ed .,.ck On thl Ic,d,mlc sc.n, the 8 ,g e hu ,Iw,y_ don. qUII' w.1I mllnT"nlng' HCond cili. hanou" ."ndlng In Eng' .... "1'lII Fa. thl.umml •. 81M hll decIded to pUrsUI' cerl" in LORE ,nd "Ium once egaln 10 hll bIIloved und In eo.d.n een" .ully glr. all on wllflng IIU •• nd mlfehll'lg r/.rywl'llll .fld hll decided 10 'Itum to Ro,d. In h,. thud ...." !of P6,-o OUfll'lII hll IICond ...... 8.rt wu nol olt,n ...n "OUIId the WIngS •• ,t WII .Iw ..... ' Qu'Ck prc.up " Roy,1 Jub!IH Ind m.n on 10 MI Tolml. to .tudy th. h•• ~.nly bod, •• ? The tlell of Iuc" In .11 of VOU. ' ulU'. unden.lrlngl. 'j'OIJ g,." IIlImlng


UTPM V,nde" A R

W.Vburn. s.1I<

Art , PilI'"



JOOnecllhe kHe. . In 1970 ,nd hold pI'nned on becomrng, fulilltdged RIGI. Tech bullhl1 wn Ihort Iwed II tHI WII cllDMn lor the UTPM progflm HI ...n.VId golf.. ,nd bee. dunlo•• QI Whrch the 1111" he II llftl.1 H. he. ob!llned 1t"'1 elnl honou .. th.oughout h .. tWO ye'" .IIY he" end wn I.." .1,,. CfL H_v" . wllh ,II h'l "udylng. golf end tIM< dflnko"ll Art ."" "'11'''''' for hi, flmlly hi, LyfW1. h,l Io'Jely wlf. WlU '''"' 10 Ihll II they hlY1l I bHutlful ,,111. 11,,1 Ir>d I rrew 1Ckl111OfI 10 lhe Ilmlly" .~. PlCled __ l)oy

AM II ITIOV'''II on 10 RMC ..." ...... wire .. h. WIll tie ltuCI.,.."II kH I deg'" ,n .lect.rc,1 1Ing"'''''''II end onlO I II In AERE Off,c ••


12731 Wlgnl'. R el"wI Ont



·'WAG In h" lun,or V." Qu.cklv .1I1b1,.hed hlm •• lf IS 'The L.HII. An,m.1 The I,maul In nounc ...... nl hll n,ght Will cl'mbr"ll, end lhe Indl.., lorture wh,~h he InflICted upan h" F•• nc:h P.ol found the crown'ng TOIIeh 01 "" .ch'..... m.ntl upon .ecllpt of lhe ··GoId.n Show.. In 2nd ye" OIOGE w,I... IIHd, peflod 0 1g'." unc:I"llnty O.. g,n.lIy CElE ,nd In Eng,n .... RICh WII by S.PI .n AMlm.n pUlh,1'lII 10< ANAV I' he IU.ned on hI' "". 101 I "'urn Howr/.' NOHO ~It Ihll I I' IUI tllCk.. ,lid Wl lhln I month AICh WII I CHEM ENG Ind COm.mpllllng 10 go MAAS INF 0< .nyt/b"ll tiM thll I(II)Ilfed to hIm thet w..k In Ihe ... W.,." R.eh bee ...... Se. Off,c •• ,nd wu .110'3 SON CSA If! Ihud .11111. I,nelly deeld."II upan ELEC ENG II RMC end CELE II I c...., WI t""'klln tpOrtl he ,.m"necI I ..... mbe< of the 400 Club Ihroughoul the ye •• Ind pI.yed en lI5II1u,' .011 ,n LlHII.·. VlClor ... ,n Rugby er>d WII ..paIo WI would I.kl to wISh RICh the bMl for I wec...ful fu lU'1

12132. W.,,,. J FI FI"'hmond, 6 C



JlIm •• surv,vl<l th. Iltempi tP tl~e h,. hf. ,n th. fi,.t v.. ,_(thlough the old Hpomplon_p,._,n_th._ ml~'tnekl to become 3 Squ.d,o.'-. 2nd SI.II SPOtts Off,e.r Jim" demon.Ulled h" r.". COllllnentl) IUl8 dunng th. PlIIIWO vea" bV r,lI,ng h,,_eklnd1 .... 'Ih the cons,.n, COmPinV 01 I cenlin F,.ule,n Tnouoh J.mes ,. mllt.ng II.uly comm....:!abl • • Han 10 g'I<Iu,l, II. I SIngle MILE OHka ..... ,th llI&g'''' 'n C,v,1 Eng,~ ..,ng, h" Wlil POwe. " weak and h." ve .... vuln.'lIbie 10 lem,n,,,.lnftulnc:1 0.1O!IeI. even lhe "VO'U.. 01 wllerpolo have lion. nolo,ng to luenglhen h" .... elk kneell F'lul"n w,1I be COllum""", h .. Iu.mpltO --.. ng h,m-- bV mov'ng 10 I(,ng.lon JIm,". you can loll you.o,gh second ctu. hono.,,·, good. bV.1 Oesl of luc~ 'n the IUlute J.mu but LISIIIe Fhghl Ih'nk ",he·, gol you. n.ml. she·, gol \'OU' numbe" she'. gol vau try lhe

12133, Waite ••• PJ Toroolo , Ont


The Ille Gtell P J Walle ... elme 10 laSalie Floght !tom the boom'ng mluQPOI,. 01 TOI"onIO. How I boy from the bog e,IV eln contonuellv loose h'<melf 'n Ih. culll IIlhl "." 01." ..... cllS' 'Im.'~ ON 01 th.1:>o1lll&51 mysle"u of Royal Ra.dl, Anothe. pllul,bl. IIuon lor Phol',,"d'ne" could be .11.. 001.0 10 lhe flet thet h. ~nowl a c.nlin nu .... '. "me"bIe bette. Ih.n own Speak'no 01 h,. ·ct"",e·. O! mUll be .eeoon .. ed Iha, Ph,l's wea.ne.. fo, 'h' olhe. IU hll led 10 Ihe estabh.hment of a new coll8jja '&co,d IOf lhe moll counts of be'ng caughl for PDA Ph,1. ,n K,ngston do '.member 10 h'l 1111 I'gh" fi'"11 Ptl,I'. IISI olaccompl,shmantl "long OeSldes be'ng Ihe ,n"'nclble mIn of L.S.lle Flight. Ph,1 w.' Fit" SI.1I CSA, p,eSldenl olth. D.blt,ng Club. bus, nilS mln.gll 01 Ihe LOG. I late COmet (1011)'1. '0 the c'O$s-counlry tum. o"g,nalo, Ind pobJ,"he, ollh. RRMC nlw"llapoe. TRICORN, ,.Iurn'ng 10 Ihe hallowed hall. as Honou. Slot. CSSO afte, 3 monlh. IS 3,d SI"e OCWA An all(l,neel by choite but In .'Isman at hU'1 We w,.h Ph,1 belt 01 luck in MILE and "EnO Moo.."


12734. Walt.rs. R G V,clor,a, 0 C


OUllng h," two-V." SOjou.n at Roads, Rob held 1h. PII.llgiou,m honoul of flllooO ..llIp IlSte, than any creatu,a ~nown 10 man H, was 8 IOU.Ce 01 Con"enl amazement 10 Ih. reS! of Ih. College II h .. 8b'hty 10 Oln,c through h,. da,ly and n'ohllv .CI'~'I'" wu unm"ched UndoubledlY the finest 8lhle" ,n tha college, he pul hi, hOh'o,ng ~ed to uw on the rugby field ""<:~.,., 8renl. and the gymnlSlum whe,. h. conllantlv ncelll<l Holde, 01 lhe C.. pple, Awa,d. Rob a<kltd 10 h,s .mp'eSS'1/tI collecT'On of IWltdl. th" of best "hlete ,n secOfld~" H,. tllants .110 ove.nowed 'ntO ,he clu••oom whe" h' 1\!I'ned f". t ele. . .IInd,ng. and ,em"nl .. 'he mOO t well,ested cadel on the campus Howne. , 1IIIhil informatoon mull be rega.ded._ h-ere.. y .. RoMl, .eel very I,nll of Rob due to 1111 p.oo,m,ly of h,. hom., .nd Olh-e. e.I,.-Cy.ntul" 'CI""t,.. He ,n",nOs 10 IptIfld h," summel dfO",no "'01. Can.dl_ 'mpro~'ng h, •• ".toC 0011 gam., Ind soI,d,,.,..,ng h,. sludy d"nk'ng hablll - o. pe,haPI jUsI h" I,.... - .... 'Ih the 1".nl".1 ""II beIng CfO Oorden Ind lhe AERE course We ,II .... 'sh Rob Ihe best 01 luck nut ye" I I h. poilU." deg'ea ,n Eleet"cal Eng,nll"nO.l RMC and we C.n onlv ho!>fIlhel he w,1I be abl. 10 ov •• come Ihe d,aslte .hock of havonll 10 do h" Own I,undry

12735. Wh,,,.IL G A Onl



Voung Glen Wh'lt.1I '" I corn.,Stone of the ··La.alle Floght An,mal SqUId" H. aced 011 h.. fi •• , '1'••' and was ,ewa,ded .... 'Ih lirl1 and honou, .1," CSC Whln h-e II nol 1O",no in th. dirk On hilimle wood.n ch.,. ,n Ihe corne<, mutlG"ng to h,mwll, "Vroom , ~.oom, I'm I p,lot" young Glen cln be ... n OUt on till rugby I>'lch .mash,nll bod,.. ,nlo p,le' 01 pulp Th. only tt(>Ubl. w"h Ih, ... that one ollhosa bod,es h'l>J\f!nl 10 be h,. own Wh, ' w,1l be •• ,,,.ed 01 succn. 'f ha pUllun h .. deg," in eng'~I"ng and Manag.ment a, RMC ,n the ume lash,on he dotl' Ih81 lu"e wh"e b,II, We·" lu" h-e w,1I

12737 W,t...., 0 A


Kelown. BC


Don Wltson. Whorll ... n _

NY Good Iookone. go, wi.., II "k,. nol l,k.Iy W,tly'S ..,~pI,.hmenlS lho. YU' wi" n" ..... 'ou. buT l"glly o;onllde<>ll.J How", .. _ _ 01 Don-. l"gII more puDII.hed ..,hllv.menls was h .. opInlne of W&Ws BAR Ind GRilL. Th .. ba, Contrlbuled 1I,,'Ily 10 lilt! 1111 In 'III D.rtKkt Th!5 VIa, Don I>o\IlIhl hImself, hili' ·'lCoot.. ··!HONOA 450), h' ...... ".lly h.ndV 10' , ... nnlnll ,round d ... "ng st ... dv holilS Don " lilt! m"n,tay of Ih' Rap Voll,yb.U IIam end ,110 en, lOY' Rugby. Hockev and Basketball As 12 IIClloni "filiI 51011" CSC Don ..... d GIII.PO IKhnlQu. . on It.. "Rook,' It wo,ked WIU ,nd "Gan.. '1 I, pluM!! 10 see lOme of them up and ,buU I U"'ll/lIng.'1 hi " ,n Honou, SI"I CSC as w'lI Don hIt dKlded to I"ve \h. CMe. ,ft.. h" second ylI' ,nd con, IInua hll Mlhllry " .. n,nll by II"'nll OCTP W •• 11 wllh hIm Ihe bell of luCk In hll lU lU" ,nde.VOII


12738 W,l....,. OAC Toronlo_ Onl


O'''CV "IU'''''' 10 TJ'I In . . rly A~'II." IUmm.. WlIh ocelSlOn.1 VI"IIIO Roy,l R~ to< h.. Freno;h ,,,,n,nll Second VIII wll a good VII' for O·.fey II III poeked up on .. v",1 ba'lI',nl Ih'l YUf H, bec.ml lilt! I0Il ownef of 1111 ChimP/fin Fhllhl -ky. m"hon," llId prompUy con~IC'Itd Ih. w'"II', IUpply 01 .n,"nl 1101 chocola'i m,. HI II .110 Ih. proud n.w owne, Qf • c.n"n Mild. 808 specia' comolete Wllh Ih. ·'An". reclln,ng buck"," OPllon O-.,CY ,hocked Ihl w.ng W,Ih Ihl n.w, of h" pl.n, 10 go 10 Klnllllon ne.' fall '1p&CIIIIV wh.n hI "Id h. wll going 10 dnv. Ih". P"IlIP' h. doe.n', 'lilly Wlnt to II" th .... P&PO " lool"nll b11111 ,II Ih. 11m•. "lIhl 0'lfcy1 O'IIey ,. . lIy ,nJoyed 'Iay OUI on 1111 will COllI In flClIO much 10 Ih.1 hi st.ved OUt hire 1111 Chf1.tmll 10 pI'Y S,nll CI ..... wllhllor TJ 0'1tC'( own 1111 love of h,. hf, '0 Rob W.I"",, .nd "'.... nee lhal fifSI Chnlun.. B.II you ... n IlwlytllIf\CI TJ.nd O·IIcy.n 10m, comer 11 coll~ dlt>C1I tRHIIy though h •• ,nyone _ '"" IlIIm d.t>Clne1) O'"cy', pl.", 100- till lutu.. I f . 10 goo 10 RMC 10 gil hll degree In Mecll Ene .M ~ "'I ............. out on thl oo.lllelfnong to become I MARE offlC" He WIn be 10 lIN, Ih't In till new b08! bo,o,ld'ne prOgr.m ..... lhey pI.n 10 oncl"'" II •• nd 11111 1001 bullthledl Good-luc~ O',tC'(




12139 WngIIl_ J IC s-.ek N S



Jell ..... 1ft hi. ~"I vea'- ~lIec"on~jty ca"-G lhe 'Z1l'I"obo1 01 uS-lie FIIghl II wi' Jefff.., who, 'I '''' An'm'n by hun. left lhe ptOUd •• ,,~. ollhe ...... ' __ .. ,ft.. C/vI$\m..... ~ml. /of the .... lled "l'1l<I 01 the An, ....", SII::ond V1''' Nw Jell _lung h"d II R'/'OQ'\IlbO'" Comm'lI" Ch."""", A" ......11 he ...,. ,'" IMn "o.pons,1>II lor mlny oIlhe wonOirf..1"nprov.m,nll 10 the e.d.t ...... He beel"", '''' Inlh ...... I'e tlnn,. pI.ye, as RRMC"'II ,nuodllCed 10 R,P T,n"", J,II"," ,110 ..sponllbl. fo, g.1 l'ngll" W" G,m.. CI .. b staned ,n h" ,,,.1 yu, The Oebllmg CI .. b ...1I allO.n '1'01""' 01 Jeff •. llId Iiong ..."h h,. T V Ih,y ...era ma~,ng him. Kkc)I., BUI he did m.n.go to bIIy h.m..11 2ND ele.. hono" Will! ,I .. e.n he ..,d1 Jaff hn co..... long .... y. ,lid "'I !<now ""lh lh,. h"d INO'~" ...,'I! ... g ..11 _ I S '1'0 h .. ehosen I I • M ... RS offiel" llId .1'0 h,. fi,ld 01 m,IoI'ry h,.lort I I Rt.1C


12740 bhonkK"'" C.lg.ry ...11.




Aller. lOm.wh.1 I,SI th,n ,11 .. '\100"1 ,,," yell Zoo~ed c.m. blck to h,. old n'ghl 10 ..III. "ghl down ,,,10' ,oom ... htch "'II f.om ... h.,. CFl' .... tnde, Ind Itilled OOlrlfl II hili. II po.lllIIe W,lh. CI' ... h,ch could tl~a Ih. I\,lIs much bttt" " th, ....., .. n t 10 many .. tra cloth.. in 11. m.ny ... ,,' th, ""ghl' Ihll h •• Ioppld off fo<"'A dtlh o. I V",1 "'lIh hIt I.dy ,,,end Th,. bhulul 1111. w" IOm.whl1 d,.W.bed '''' 3'd 11111 ... h.n Zonked d'scovered Ihll thl two b",lh.llhe Squed Bou ""'IIII~,ng.boul "'... nol Ihe Col",ood .nd the S,~ M,le Hoo.. A•• CSC he compl.,ned thl1 he couldn'll1l~ to "POtt· ,ng looU beetu.. 11.0, wotdom lI,nh hUrl. 10 ..... F/Id.y .hllnoon IIIe l>Iobl,m' ... ere "moved Wl1h I JJl'nlosophy 01 "I d"",k 1111,,10<, I em" Ind lhe IdN 11111 IC<WI ..... n, 10.... 10<1 01 .nom.I, 0 J "'D"" 10 be • polol WI hoot he ma~1S 11. he III • • M 01 the nal ..", llIIIbul"


\2741 Zoha. JAADJ A"lda, Ont."o



AI ,,," 11 H,med lhal Jam,. e.m, 10 Roedl 110m th' blII,n ... ,II.I.nd. 01 S.. dbury only 10 con· IOOnd 1111 he.m.n ... l1h h,. ,n,IIIII He "'II' UNlit A",mel "gI\llo lhe bon,.....n 1M ..... Ih.I ...1I ,n' Cllt dUfrng g'ld IM'~ A$ mln.got ollhe rep Rugby rum, J ...... eonsllntly found h,mllil w,ng w,tI'o SII'" 11'fl"!ilIO JUSt,fy lhe .Ctoonl olllle 111m .... 1ICOnd IOUnd dtttt ehooc,1o< " 2 CSC, J.m.. hid 10 tlke I thon bt"k ftom h .. B month 1;1..... II • b.nd.mln 8"ng f.equ,nlly ,mprll_ w,lh Ihi vte ... trom Whollle. M, lie decided 10 ch.nge II.- cI .... I,c.IJPn 10 "'NAV. Itom CEtE We 'n ......... J.m,"lhe beSI 01 lucie ....1 yu. at Rt.1C on Eng Moose Ind ...... mllll. ",loll m,ghllly IIIe pl.... bulllll nav lell' h,m ",hit. 10 go






, I-




. l

-- -







E. vs. W. FOOTBALL E:3 WEST: 0


R.M.C. vs. R.R.M.C.


Rql c








~. ~,

















'" 0




~J - -..-







• .....·.s!!:O__ -





4 ..






I.M.'S •



Front. R. DIXon , 0 Doyle

151 Row J Zohar, A DeRosenroll, R Dafoe, D E Wllhams, T Bower, JED. Byrtus 2nd Row Dr Stewart . D, Taylor. R G Walters. S Bryan. S, Backhn , R Guodllng. M Maxwell. LObs!. B Temart, G Whiliall , Dr , Lancaster


The rugby team this season underwent what was essentially a rebUlldmg season as the learn was decimated by the graduation of all but a handful of last year's team Thus, In the early gOing. the team suffered from a near路lalal lack of expenence and did not fare well In the 2nddlvl5100 01 the Vancouver Island Rugby Union. Aller Christmas, our calibre of play improved Immensely and by the end of the year the team was a force 10 be reckoned With , as shown byour advancement In league staoomgs Olssappomlmgly, the team did not fare welt against USAFA, losmg 12路3 and 16 -3 m our two encounters, A good game agamst our annual hosts In California, 5t Marys University resulted In a 29 -19 loss while Santa Clara UniverSity were forced to bow oulto the Coach's Selects 284 The last game 01 the season saw a 14 ,10 VictOry over the Vancouver City Pohce In what was one ollhe most enjoyable games of the season Bert Terhart was a standout all year long at fullback and proved 10 be the most useful of the backs Whlttal , Bower, Dafoe, Armstrong and Gundlingall ran very hard In the centres while RobWalterswas partlCulary effective on the wmg accounting lor many of our tnes Doug Doyle plaYing at the base 01 the serum had matured much from last year and played outstanding rugby The front row 01 Williams and May at prop With Dixon at hooker, did a Ime JOb, bemg

Front. Ef Monk. R Walker 1st Row' J Zahar.D Mann , R Dlxon,D Tomas, R Dafoe, K. Desroches

2nd Row: Or, Stewart, W P Grant. 0 Taylor. DE Wllhams. A DeRosenroll,D A Hams, R Kelly, F DenniS, Dr lancaster


qUite capable In both the set and the loose play_ Bob Kelly, Ryan Jestln, Mike Maxwellaod Sam Backhn were very useful In the second row and at eighth man while the break forwards. Byrtus, Obst and Monk. while occaSionally suffermg korn a lack 01 experience In thai crucial POSition. pertormed very well throughout the year The second team began the year with even less experience than the firsts. although Its progress was equany rapid. until the POint where there was little to choose between first and second team In many pOSltlons_ The serum, steadied by the expenence and conSistent play 01 Tony De Rosenroll at scrum hal! was QUite ellectlve, With Jim Heath, a late comer to the team pta~lng very usefully. especially In the loose Dave Hams on the wing Improved tremendously dunng the year allCl became a very valuable asset to the first team_ Next year's team looks QUite Slrongas II does not have that crucial lack of expenencewhtch plagued Ihls year's Side Wllh Mann , Walker, and Desroches prOViding a Siroog baSIS for a Iront row with Kelly Grant, and Jeslln prOViding the push In the -'engtne room" 01 the serum, Byrtus, Taylor and Doyle providing the experience around Ihe serum penmeler and Dafoe, Hams, DeRosenroll, DenniS and Terhart In the backs, the team should put forth a very strong entry Into the second diVISion next year

151 Row 0 Franko, B Mordy 0 POitras, D. Schumaker, R Jones R Clements. A J M LabrecQue U J0U!81, S Hayter. 0 Ougu.Jy. H Nlewladomskl

2nd Row Capt Parker. H Tarbet. M Berkh~y. IS FergusQI1 R. USCIO M Ross, T Stinson, R. Hartl!>. 0 Anderson, C Stee/lken, 0 Bolton, J A l M A Hamel Capt


The Rep Soccer Team did not lare as wall this year as lasl After a slow start In the flfst sem~ter, plaYing the lop learns In the league. they won their first game just before Christmas Fmally gettmg their act together the soccer team won frost of Its



games dunng the second semester The highlights of the year were the games agamst USAFA When Roads VISited USAF A, our hosts won 3-0. but when they came to Roads. we won 4 I The team got lois 01 help from our coaches. Capt Barnes, Capt Clark, and Capt Parker Some 01 our special talent noted was Richie Clements on forward, with a fnst year, Paul 'Casual' Catsburg playing haUback. Doug Scott, winner 01 the Bert Mozley trophy. With Ulrich Ja88ion defense. and Mark 'TheWall' Labrecque In goal Next year the soccer learn hopes to get 011 With a better start and Impressive finish, playmg the world's most gentlemanly sport Soccerl




The Volleyball team had a very Interesting and qUite successful season They travelled extensively, playing at USAFA m Colorado and m Ontario at RMC The team also made a lew local VISitS to CFB Comox and CFB EsqUlmalt. Within their own league. The VictOria Men's Senior B, the RRMC Volleyball team placed fifth ThiS Isan Improvement over lasl year and next year IS k>okmg even better Although losmg center hIIters Bill Madley and Ken Symonds, the team retains captain AI Stephenson, hitters Bob MacPhail, Don Wilson and Frank Robillard. ContinUing Ihe lob 01 setting IS Jim Manton backed up by Randy Pilgrim Barry Labrecque and Gary Macknight should prove to be valuable assets



lsI Row M MacPhaIl . G Seltz. R. Pilgrim . P McAdam. F. Robillard , A Stephenson, Capt Miller 2nd Row B Labrecque, K. Symonds, W B Madley, D A Wilson , J. Manion, T CIII lord


151 Row H Jarche, S Wheller, 0 Poucher. M MakulowlCh. JT Heath 2nd Row A RUPben. J Huzzey. J Tattersall, Dr Smart,

P ,J. Walters, L Clarkin.

The Royal Roads cross-country team competed In many races thiS year, varying from the IIHeen minute Paarlauf at Roads . to the thin cold air In Colorado, to the knee deep mud In SaanICh to eight alld one half miles of pavement In Vancouver For the first lime In many years Royal Roads was able to compete With our sister colleges and Ihccrass country team brought back the Silver medal from C,M R Coach Smart was busy again thiS year snapPing off pictures. which naone has ever seenl HIs splnt has helped many 01 us, for Without his !nendly klddmg (and nasty threats of talkmg to the 0 OS) we would not have had such large showlngsal many of our races On our longer runs the coach has many encouragmgcomments. gillen from t)ehmd the d(lller路s wheel Ellen With all his drawbacks. (and he has many). Prof ~maft IS the best coach thallhe team could eller ask for The year was lIery colourful In C M R we got Into the college at 300 A M and had to be up by 700 A M for the pre路 race briefing. The BaSil Parker mud bath lett us all smelling like a farmyard whereas the W R. Chandler road race had us breathmg Vancouller"s beautiful smog Hopefully we all learned something from our experiences and Will benefit from the ours of practice. (5t111100 lew)





Plows M Marshall G Fie fig. T Bower, E Joelsoo J Atwood, E.F . Monk, SHill. C :>dvage A ueben S Wheller, R Walker, D, Duguay. J Lowe, B The Sallmg Club this year partICipated In three regattas There we -

'::~~::':'I:I:he b Intended to go 10. but because of bad weather or academiC pressures a team could not

11 ~'~;:~;,:'g,::;~n~;


Annual F'




the club made good showing In the University Washington. and University Ita, and our own home regatta We even managed to Win a trophy thIS year In the U

Regatta c.t짜d the 'Broken Rudder Award' for last place Our home regatta al the college was a SIICCe5$ We !'\ave a reitallon for our regattas. because of our hOSPitality. scenic grounds, and most 01 all our There life some new p4nlLaI sailors In the IlrSI year who Will hopefully make next year m()(e successful Hea Rep. Sallmg Team ay be organized to mcrease our ability m racing against theothercompetltlveoolleges

M Sigson, M laplante, J Henery. 2nd Row: R Boulet. R Harns, K. Symonds, J Wright, R Wagner 3rd Row. R MacPhail, Capt Folkman. The Royal Roads Tennis Club was formed In September and competed In the Men's B league 10 the VlCtona area The lack of experience of the players was noted In our IIrst matches, but as the year progressed we won more and more games Next year we should offer formidable competitIOn In our league



1st Row J. Manton, R Dafoe, F, Smith, M Kandal, PD Stewart 2nd Row R MacPhail, we Madley, M Kasun. MCol Bowie, M Froh, D W Fredin, D.A C. Wilson.

It seemed that this year, the biggest feat for the para club, was In getting off the ground, let alone laliing back down onto It I Yet. with the help 01 the USC Sky-divers and the eagerness (craziness?) of some twenty volunteer cadets, the RRMC SpoI"t Parachute Club finally got a sound looting; now all we have to learn IS how-alter thundering In - toget t he feet back out 01 the ground Although there are a few minor administrative details to accomplish, like reVitaliZing our complete and ready storage of mothballed chutes, we should be In prime Sky-plunging shape for next year knee -shaking, heart -stOPPing, ouch! ... roof crashing season! So until next year, Geronlmooooooooo ..


FENCING J Steele. N Greenwood , J Horel, K Gladstone, Mr, Coss

CAS I P Hope. 5 Ritchie. L Martin. 0 Daly, G Miller, U Jaggl. C. Melowsky. R Gundhng. R Oosllander The Royal Roads Canadian Aeronaullcs and Space Institute Club at Ihe College had an Interesting year The club consists 01 cadets of all years, mostly within the Air etemenllunctlonal grouping, although there are a few cadets 01 the other elements Involved ThiS year the club sponsored several guest lecturers dUring Ihe briefing periods. and also had a tour 01 aViation related faCilities In the Vancouver area One note-worthy event was Mr James Burke's lecture on man-powered fhght Mr Burke Isan engineer at CalTee's Jet PropulSion lab. He was a member of the recent Kramer Prize,winnlng "Gossamer Condor" team HIS films and shdes were enloyed by Ihe wing The CASt NatIOnal President, Ben Greenway, VISited the College and gave a stimulating lecture on the last airship llight over the ArctiC, He was a member 01 the expedition, and had a movie recording that historic event Dunng the second Stand Down, the club toured CP A,r's maintenance laCllitles, "!lew-' their Boeing 137 flight Simulator. and VISited the IFR room at Vancouver Internatlooal Airport The club also VISited the Canadian Coast Guard Base, and had a Ilight In the Coast Guard Bntlsh Hovercraft Corporation SR-N6 hovercraft All the club members were greatly Impressed With ths vehicle The CASI club had a good year In 1977 -78, and hopes for even a better year In 1918 ·19

DEBATING S Bryan, J Wright, P,J. Walters, R LaGrandeur, J lowe, D last. R Roach. T Clillord, H Jarche, E Marak, B Mordy ·'Are Military Academies Viable Instltullons'" In Colorado. agamst our supenorcross-X team, USAFAcouldn't conVlllCe the Judges that they aren't The lall 01'71 produced no competition In local debating CIrcles. so Royal Roads inStigated some Ourstubbom 3 man team nttlfcd In combilts couldn't be pcrsundcd by Pearson's FLH's that "It IS Sweet and Honourable to die for one's country" Then at U VIC we conCiliated % the rounds In an Impromptu tournament Havmg been slightly less than glOriously ViCtOriOUS, we deployed our valiant perserverance to the contment First at UBC, scrapping With 1 BC teams that "the United Nations eqUip and maintain a standing army." Then at Ihe English Speaking Cup resolved that "Prostitution bedecnmlnallzed" Seemg the potential, Roads started the Western Canada Debating Assocla\lon including univerSlhes as far apart as U VIC and U of Winnipeg In March, the WCDA had ItS first tournament at the hall-way house. U 01 A, In Edmonton, but our budget itmlted us to sending only 2 Alter wmnmg the Toastmaster Golden Gavel contest,we achieved our zenith finally becommgsupreme Victors at our home debate aller exam routme. proving that "Heresy IS the sole bitter remedy against the entropy of human though I • With Ihe return 01 CR. prospects look even beller for next year


I .


- --,






SKIING The SKI CLUB was one 01 the more active clubs


the College this year due to Ir'lCreased

response kom the Cadets as well as the good sklmg conditions at Whistler Mountain. The ski club organized 6 triPS to Whistler thiS year as well as numerous other mdlvlduallnps The best attended tnp was the spring Stand-down triP In which a lotal 0150 cadets partiCipated ,. Lodgings were made available to usa! the UBC and SFU skllodses

WRESTLING ThiS year's Rep Wrestling Club, though small, experienced a successful and eventful season The year was opened with the Royal Roads InVitational Tournament, which saw over 100 wrestlers from the Victoria and Vancouver areas competmg Members of the wrestlmg club attended the BC Age Class Tournament and the B.C . Open m Vancouver and falred qUite well. The Roads wrestlers were able to show their style m InternatIOnal competition as USA F.A brought a team of wresllers to challenge them The rep team wrestlers all made It 10 the fmals In the Wing Wrestle-Oil, with a number of them taking first place m their weight classes The wrestlers (]We their success and thanks to their coach Mr John Steurnol, who unfortunately Will not be back next year


WATER POLO The College's Waterpolo Club had a successful year after gettmg off to a late start The Club Iravelled 10 U VIC 10 play with their team and hosted Ihe U VIC learn 10 game here the weekend before USAFA The Club lost to the USAFA 1M champs by a large margin , but after playing them the club benefited from the ex penence Next year the club Will hopefully be gOing to the B C. Open cham , plonshlps m Vancouver


1st Row WO Dunn , R LaGrandeur , R Wagner , M Armstrong, R. Poulin , K Campbell, G Kearney, F Smlth . S Ritchie. R Dixon, Capt Ives , R, Armstrong 2nd Row' R G. DaVIS, M Benoit . C Ribble , J . Lowe, R. lIsclo. D Franko, R Kelly, W P Grant 3rd Row B MOldy, PJ Walters, R. Anderson, D Rector. M Tepylo. R. Roach, J . Heath , M Marshall. A Stephf!nson

WAR GAMING J Lowe, F Wigmore. M, Overton. J Wright. R Slranks. B, Mordy


TRICORN THE ORIGINAL SIX: S Bryan. 1st Edltor-ln路Chlef; N May, (2nd Edltor.in路Chlef); P,J, Walters. (Publisher). H Jarchle; D Last. (3rd Editor-in-Chief), B Mordy

SHOOTING The shooting club got off to a very fast and successful start this year The pistol club 1!f1leled two teams In the BCRA shoot, held In VICtoria. with one team winning the HARRY HOGSON trophy for 9mm learn targets. Roads had won the trophy twice previously. In 1968 and 1969

The club has produced a lew excellent marksmen Ihls year. The teams' partiCipation In the BCRA competition tumed out many fme targets with Oedt. Higgins plaCing

11 th In one nne match, with Oedl's Nlewladomskl and Maly plaCing 11th and 12th In pistol matches The competition called lor all targets to be shot from 22 cal. pistols and niles Several cadets received crosseo pistols and crossed nfles thiS year,

with lour cadets receiving both The crown lor the lop pistol shot was awarded to Qedt Maly and the

crown for the top nfle shot went to Qedt Nlewladomskl and Dedt Higgins The shooting club had also shot

9mm pistols and SMG's on the outdoor range as well as shotguns on the trap range Fac:llltlE!s and equipment offered a lot 10 recreational shooting. Expansions are In progress to offer even more In the future

lsI Row H Nlewladomskl,D Mann,WORel ben, C Higgins, K Pon 2nd Row. C Bly, S. Ferguson, D. POitras, o Fawcett

THE lOG STAFF Log Editor Business Manager Layout

C Savage

P J Walters G Borden B Labrecque A G Kerr Last M Marshall B Mordy C Melowskl o Williams A.C. Stewart R A Roach Franko K Pon




This annual would not have beDn poSSible without the hard work of many people Apart Irom those who did layout and advertiSing. I would like to extend my special thanks and appreciation to Or Roy Snell. the yearbook staff advisor. and Mr Len Watling, who took most 01 the pictures and was a valuable source of Information o Savage

, •• Ro ... M B A.m.uong T O,lfOtd 0 Ougu.y, C AodIltds, R Clemen ••. J HUll,V, I f.rfI'Uson, R Ande<son. S Bec:klm 2nd Row M K.sper J T.n"wll. R 0_ •. P BI., •. R O.. on. 0 Bro ... n, R Boulet. M J Bllkl.y. M U Burk •. S Burt.n.h .... K B Ch.t, S Bry.n. A Ru.ben 3'd Ro ... W SISson, C G,_ R H,nson, M genor. F Robdl ..d, W Scl'II.m. R TOfI)I, l. Pu,ui<. K. C.mpbell. J lo.... G BOt.,.n o 9ohon, P MKU,I,V. 9 LlbleoQu,

h. Flo ... 0 F.... c ... JED B~.t"', T Bow.r E ..toelson. J A.WOOd. Fl Coull.. , 0 Ande,lon. K GII<I.._ . 0 5,mlld 2nd Row P FOSler. K (h.,nt,Un" W Tu.nbull.D Fllnko.5 H,II. J 5 ~.rgulon. P FI", Fl H.", •. C H'gg,ns, C Blv. M J G,II.m, R C,"k, OW F.ed,n, J Haith 3.d Ro ... E luklS. H JI'Chtr A K.uge. M 5'gson, R W.lker. C Chltrol, R Qu .... 0 DoyI •. M Flo .... J lltOl'l •• d. J 5,1l1)li". \I 5Urmtl H He.chen P C.'lbutg

,,~ flow N May. J M fl.,ld, J Manion. D MaM, fl Kf,mpm.." M S N,chol, fl GundllOiI, P Hope, J S W Hal'le. 2nd flow D A C Wilson, R 1.111;>0 fl e>o.~I,nde< F o.nlNs. fl. D,foe Z M..... hkew;h, E M...IL G M,ll." J C l Obsl W 8 MedleV l'd flow W P G•• nl. 0 A H.",s K DeaIoches, 0 O,Iy. A DorR .... nroll, D Cooper. J F.. _. L- ClII"'n. M froh

I,. flow N Knl/lll, fl Jones, K W Johnston, N GrHnwo«i. C W Plows, J Ho,el, 0 Mcfadden, M M.. _II A KillIn 2nd flow G MocKnrghl, fl LeG,'nde\I' M Klndal fl G Wilt •• " D lei" P Jeu-'d, N I,<lino. S M"y, K J'lt'"' J S'II" l,d flow J J J Kn,lev, A K.,rr . P llSk., J H.....,ry, G K..,noV S Lewaon, M Llpl,nll M MlkulowlCh, P li,k., fl Kellv

,,, Row 'C Poult.r 0 PQUoCI'Ie'. A Sl~. H T.rbel. A.J M lI"'KQUe. JA LM A. H.mel. U J~. 0 Scott. T S",*," 2nd Row C Sl..n~8fI A,C SI ....... rI, R P"lI"lm. C RIbble. Nit. SIOlt. H N_..:IomsIu M ReguM, It Pon, S P~'. C Sev~ 3td Row C MeIow$Ity, R Oll... n 0 RecIO< 0 R POUI." M S R"ch .. R A. RoIch. P Slogr.n, 0 Reod


II, Row 0 E W,llllms, II Terh.t1 P J W.I, ..., R IIl1rch, G FlemIng. M M• ..tI.11 K J Joh",ton. G RobIrlMIW M Tepylo 2nd Row K Symonds, J W.., •. JAADJM ZoII", S Wh.I .... O Tom ... FA Sml,h, R Wlgner, G WhIt"lL R Str.n~., J Wngh,. o A, WIlton 3rd Row 0 Tiylor, F Wigrno<., 0 Scl>um,ker, E F Monk. K Wh""'Y, M O~."on. R S Willl.m., J R M G Houlton. L M""n. B MordV


hI Row 0 lusk ceo,,"" •. G B." ..,. J 0_... G Thor.-.. 0 Moor. 2nd Row J Hunon. F Flnn'ng H RUIHI R K,IIy. F H.n ..... M K.sun Jrd Row R M.c~," J 8O<ch. M Mln,n, A V,nca. .. 8 1'100""111. J O..n






eFL esc

eFL esc

C W Plows, G H, Flemmg R J Kampman, T C Bower R Clements, W N 0 Turnbull A J Stephenson. 0 J Anderson M S NIChol. A M J. Labrecque D Duguay, M.J MaKwelt G Bralser, M Martm G It rtemlng, J A Steele, J Huzzey J M Reid, P F.J BlaiS, PJ Walters OJ, Anderson, P Hope S B Paget. M J Berkley, DC Simard C R Savage


NO,2 Sqn



G Joetson J L Atwood JEO Byrtus D Fawcell J,T Heath A.R, Hams R A Anderson S M , Bryan o Brown R Boutet

D McFadden G Y Smith D Mann K W Johnston J,S W Hayter R D, LaGrandeur G A Miller R, Llsclo RG Walters R C Armstrong

H,J Tarbet DE. Wllhams D J Poucher R W Burch PJ Walters I C Poulter R Wagner J R M G Houston J R Waite C M Steenken

J,S Dewar J 5 Dewar J Dean G Bralser





CEP, Richards I AC Ferguson SE Burtenshaw Pf,J Blais S Backhn M B Armstrong T K. Clifford M U Burke

R Gundhng J Manton W B Madley J C L Obst N R May D A C Wilson E J Marak l 0 Myshkevlch

C D D H Gorglchuk U Jaggl KS Pon T B Stmson D K Scott G M Seltz R A Roach N K SlolI

J P Hutton F,J , Hansen





R Coulter K, Gladstone P E Fleet D W Fredm SHill P A Foster J S Ferguson M,J, Galtant

N S Greenwood J Horel R C Armstrong R G Jones A B KIOln P R Jegard M A Kanda! N D Knapp

K,J, Johnston G P Robertshaw D A Wilson G A Whlttalt B A Terhar! J lohar E F Monk M G Tepylo

A R Vandale J Leask

F, Fanmng H H Russell

FRONT G H Fleming: 2nd ROW; R Clements, T.C, Bower; 3rd ROW: G Joelson, RJ Kampman, H J, Tarbet, JS. Dewar; 41h ROW: C.W. Plows , C.E P Richards, A J M, Labrecque, M,S NIchol. G Bralser; 5th ROW D Anderson, J.M Reid, D Mann. D Duguay, CR Savage




eFl esc

eFl esc


G H Fleming R Clements T,C, Bower C E P Richards A J M Labrecque M S Nichol G Bralser


C W Plows J M Reid D Anderson o Mann Duguay C Savage






G Joelson R Coulter P F,J Blais J,T Heath

R J Kampman R Gundhng PR Jegard JS W Hayter

HJTarbet D,J Poucher I.C Poulter P J Walters

J S Dewar FJ Hansen





I Ferguson SA Backlln T K Clillord

J Manton W B Madley R Liscio

A J Stephenson T B Stinson D K Scott

J, Leask





JED Byrtus P E. Fleet DC SIn\3rd

N,S, Greenwood R,G Jones R G Walters

K,J Johnston D A Wilson G A Whlttal

H,H Russell

1977-78 - OUT WENT THE OLD ___




I ~








n. n




•n •


9 MINUTES AT U.VIC. In retaliatIOn 01 the thelt and subsequent ransoming 01 the Royal Roads MIlitary College bell last year , a daring raid was staged by the gentlemen cadets of RRMC. They were tasked with the liberation of the Ilbreglass sculpture In the Student's Union BUlldlng (SUB)at the UniverSity of Victoria The IniIlal preparation and planning was done

behind the closed doors of Room <123


Nixon Block,

which later became the operational Headquarters

The team leader, codename " Stogy" , had hand picked his elite learn of Silt and briefed them with the Information he had gathered on his prevIous reeces The forecast of operations called lor the QUick deployment allhe small team of specialists al 2330 hours. 15 Oct 77 , and lor their speedy subsequent withdrawal. all to be done under the cover 01 the UmllerSlty' s Oktoberfest dance which was taking place that mght. At the designated time. two vehclles oarked 10' conspicuously behmd the SUB The team quickly dIVided Itself Into three squads. primary contact , main movements. and transport While the latter 01 these readied the vehicles for the return to Headquarters, the primary contact squad entered the bUlldmg to reconnoiter and prepare the desired object . With the maIO movements men In clo~e support The first squad qUickly removed the retaining bolls and upon StOIlY'S Signal . " Let's go", the maIO

movements squad came In and removed the object to the now waltmg transports To prevent Interception, an mtrlcate escaoe route was followed to the foreward rendezvous POint, where the piece of art was secured for the Journey back to Headquarters The lactor which made the operation successful was the apathy of the UVIC students present, brought on by the shock 01 the split second liming and military precision With which thiS dannge.plOit was e.ecuted, leaving no lime for the observers to react The raid had taken only nme mmutes at the UVIC campus, and was an outslandmgsuccess

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