1990 Log Royal Roads MIlitary College

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In this, the Golden Jubilee year of Royal Roads it is difficult not to be overwhelmed by its history and traditions. It has been a privilege to have the opportunity to take part in these celebrations as the Commandant of such a fine institution. As I look back, this has certainly been a year for making it so! The granting of a distinctly Canadian Coat of Arms by our Commander-in-Chief last Fall and the 50th Anniversa ry ExCadet Weekend in March are two momentous occasions when one can truly say that Royal Roads has come of age. The two events have added to the stature and importance of the College and bode well for the future . Working and contributing to your development as leaders of tomorrow have been honours I won't soon forget. There



has been nothing more satisfying to me than to share in your successes, to suffer through your trials and tribulations, to witness proudly your dedication, your cooperative spirit and enthusiasm. You have made me very proud of your achievements! I congratulate you on your many accomplishments and commend you on your great efforts; you are truly the best this country has to offer. A nos Laureats, Ie Log, est pour moi une derniere occasion pour me joindre a tout Ie personnel du College et vous souhaiter Ie meilleur des succes. Sans doute vous ferez face a de nouveaux defits, je suis convaincu des resultats; je vous encourage a prendre avant age des experiences que vous avez re~ues et des connaissances que vous avez acquises afin de parfaire vos qualites de Chef

dans la plus noble des professions qui est celie de servir votre pays. Je profite egalement de I'occasion pour souhaiter bonne chance a tous ceux qui no us quittent. J'espere que votre sejour a Royal Roads fut fort agreable, formateur et rempli de bons souvenirs. Ce fut pour moi et Ie staff un immense plaisir de vous connaltre, vous nous avez to us touches par votre energie Roadents! Good luck, bonne chance and God bless. Truth, Duty, Valour

c\~JC-J\ C. Naud Colonel Commandant


This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of the establishment of HMCS ROYAL ROADS as a Naval Officer Training Establishment. Forty-eight years have passed since the Royal Canadian Naval College was re-established on our campus which evolved into the short-lived RCN-RCAF College in 1947. Then in 1948 the Canadian Service College Royal Roads was established as part of the Canadian Military College System. For the next twenty-seven years this College offered only two years of university education. Then on the 26th of March 1976 royal assent was given to the Royal Roads Military College Act that had been passed by the British Columbia Legislature the previous year empowering the College to grant university degrees. The first graduating class of cadets from Royal Roads received BSc (Physics and Physical Oceanography)

degrees at the Spring Convocation in 1977. Additional programs, relevant to the Canadian Forces, have been developed over the intervening years. This College is now offering a number of BSc programs including combined major programs in Physics and Oceanography and in Physics and Computer Science at the honours and pass level, a BSc in Applied Military Psychology and a General Science degree comprising two concentrations from Physics, Oceanography, Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering Science. Beginning in 1977 the College has offered an MSc (Oceanography and Acoustics) program for serving officers in the CF or civilians in the Federal Government. The first BA program in Military and Strategic Studies was offered in 1981. Presently the College has developed general and

honours programs in Military and Strategic studies with joint concentrations in History and International Politics and in Politics and Economics as well as a program in Applied Military Psychology. It is essential that this College continues to review its offerings to ensure that the programs remain current and competitive with degrees from civilian universities. This is being done and an additional joint concentration in History and Literature will be added to the BA (Military and Strategic Studies) program in 1990. In addition a Space Science program will be added to our science offerings allowing the College to offer combined major problems comprising two of the following disciplines of Physics, Oceanography, Computer Science, Space Science and Psychology. We've come a long way! Dr. John S. Mothersill Principal

PrinCipal -



Graduates. . . . . . . . . . . .. p. 5 Recruit Term . . . . . . . . .. p. 17 Military Wing . . . . . . . .. p. 23 Academics . . . . . . . . . . .. p. 29 2nd Year Class ........ p. 35 Flights ............... p. 54 Teams and Clubs ...... p. 77 Graduation Ceremonies. p. 104


Table of Contents

___- __~Graduating


Grads -



T. Bradley


Gen Pol & Econ Ottawa

Doctor Bradlui came to this prestigious institution as part of his quest for enlightenment; whether he achieved it or not is still open to interpretation.

Coming to us as a scrawny, wide-eyed recruit from a long succession of Canadian and German military lawns, Thomas leaves us as a virile, rugged specimen of manhood to join the armoured corps. During his stay at Merry Old R.R.M.C., Tom progressed to DCFL Cartier in third year (even if he did spend) more time as CFL), and went on to be overlord of the one squadron hordes in fourth year. During his four year stay at the college, Tom developed a definite affinity for Padre's Hours, Drug and Alcohol Lectures, morning night sports, and cougars, but he now suffers uncontro llable convu lsions at the thought of facing spinach, Chinese dinners at the mess, and life without the Shadow's guidance (don't worry Tom be strong. Conan would). Before Tom once again begins the long trek eastward to New Brunswick for yet another summer of dust, diesel, beer, and trout fishing, however, he is bound and determined to find a suitable female companion for his bosom buddy, lothar, but gnomish maids are hard to come by in this day and age. Good luck, Thomas, and remember this: For every can there is always a can-opener.


BC Campbell


Hrs Appl Psych Ottawa

When first asked to do Be's grad write-up, we really couldn't think of much at least not for the first three or four milliseconds. Then we began to think about her car, her low tolerance for alcohol, her degree program, and her first posting - all of which have been the brunt of numerous jokes. Charmaine is 99"7. of the time the most docile and polite person we know, but don't ever make the grave mistake of going to the 6 Mile, pointing to the fact that she's a girl and saying "What's this college coming to?". In spite of her taskings as CSA 3 and DCWC, Charmaine has managed to maintain first-class honours - but then, it is only Psych. After a slow social stan, Charmaine again went on to surpass her peers and was voted "the most catatonic human in existence" at Pier 42 during the Aussie visit. (We promised we wouldn't mention the Pig 'n Whistle to write about -

episode, so we won't.) She leaves sunny Victoria for not-quite-so-sunny

Chatham, N.B., where she'll be closer to home and closer to nature - or at least that's what she has to keep telling herself. She'll be shipping her "pretly blue" car east this summer because, as we all know, dogs can't climb the Rockies. Best of luck in the future, Charmaine, and all we can say is thank God you're managing DND's money and not ours !

PLT 17444

ED Clarke

Patience, for there are morons everywhere.

6 -


P & 0 Major Victoria

WG 17446

JE Czarnecki

Gen Pol & Econ Toronto

Riiiighlltlt! Jason Eric was weaned from an obscure lillie hole in the ground along wlth 18 other gnomish hermaphrodites. Eagerness and an innate ability to deal with people served Jase well in his position of CSC #4. His section thought the most of him. Returning in 4th year with vivid memories of love and affection for SQ COM #1, Lothar dutifully served his flight again as CFL: He was loved even more. Who says the negative motivation model doesn't work? Ace, going off to do his Log-wad stuff wherever, will be sorely missed as this home-brewing-bar-hoppin'-virgin-slayer pidder padders his way to the hearts of the nation. JuSt remember, says he, "Cheat to Win!"

MARE 17097

WL Demers

P & 0 Major Peterborough

Will emerged from what he still likes to claim as the center of the universe; some unknown place in Ontario. He arrived at Roads in his third year, coming from that other mil col: CMR. After a while, Will slowly began to adjust to his new way of life at the college (and the 6-mile); and the college began to adjust to Will. By now, though, Will has staked his claim; having been the only fourth year to have 2, 3, and 4 bars all in one year. Upon graduation. Will remains here in sunny Victoria to continue in his MARE training; after he's done his training, the world had beller look out. Good luck in your endeavors Will. We all wish you the best in the future, and look forward to your visit to Goose Bay.



PG Dittmann

Sci/ General Vancouver

This Indian of Indians came to Royal Roads confused and bewildered. Bright-eyed and eager to imbibe, Skippy worked hard to go out every night and supp every exam. From ravishing CSC #3 to a bouncy CWTO, Skippy was the talk of the town. The college is sure to miss this psuedo-punk whose Sid & Nancy fi lm-fests and home-brew made life, at the very least, interesting. Leaving good 'ole Cap'n Steve Franz and 3 Section behind, Flog's sure to do us proud as he becomes the Anti-Top Gun @ Moosejaw. Do well in Tac Hel and remember, soup is good food.

Grads -




BJ Dixon

Maj A ppJ Psych Toronto The Charge of the Light Brigade * II 'Forward, the Light Brigade!' Was there a man dismayed? Not though the soldier knew Some one had blundered: Their's not to make reply, Their's not to reason why,

Their's but to do and die: Into the valley of Death Rode the six hundred. (ALFRED, LORD TENNYSON)

PSEL M 490

SLR Downing

Hrs Appl Psych

Ocdt Downing has successfully completed his fourth year studies in Military and Applied Psychology and is enthusiastically awaiting (we're not sure why!) his posting, as PSEL officer, to CFB Halifax. Ocdt Downing joined the Air Force in 1981 as a Radar Technician 231 and spent several years in this MOC before making the "dizzying" transition to officer cadet. Stewart's life at military college has been very hectic and eventfu l to say the least. His career at military college commenced with an introduction to the

frustration-acceptance model of military decision-making, namely having to give up three years of academic pursuits for the privilege of starting afresh in second year. Cedt Downing survived this demoralizing imposiLion and

continued on to a sound academic performance for that year. The third year proved to be more fruitful for Stewart, who passed the year with firstclass honours. As a fourth year, Stewart has had the added responsibility of leading, as CSL, the UTPM squadron (as witnessed by his receding hairline and an abundance of grey hairs). However, these added pressures were not enough to detract from or impinge on another sound academic

performance in his fourth year. As CSL of 4 squadron, many "new" and innovative changes have been made this year: the new and much improved

squadron lounge facilities, a sound squadron representation in Rep. and I.M. sports, and many squadron social functions (to name a few). Ocdt Downing and family originate from Halifax, Nova Scotia. Therefore, one can appreciate and understand the Downings' ecstatic state upon receiving posting instructions to CFB Halifax. The squadron wishes Ocdt Downing and family great success and happiness in their future endeavours.



SJ Drysdale

Sci/ General Halifax

Listen: Steve Drysdale has come unstuck in time. He has walked through the doors of Royal Roads in first year and came out another one in fourth year. He has seen his recruit camp and grad many times, he says, and pays random visits to all events in between. Steve is spastic in time, has no control over where he is going next, and the trips aren't necessarily fun. His posting to sunny Goose Bay is just one example. His choice of colleges is another. One minute he was headed back to St. Mary's University, the next minute he was packing for Royal Roads. Steve has seen his wedding too and often speaks of it. He also knows what his honeymoon is going to be like. Short!. Steve usually time travels at night. He wou ld trave l during the day if he could but others felt it was necessary for him to be around then. This gave me time to know him and become his friend. He reads my books and often praises them. Steve has read this passage even before I have written il. He knows what I am going to say and it goes something like this. To Steve, Cynthia and their children; may you have a good life together. To Steve, never forget the good times we had here at the college and may our paths cross frequently as you travel back and forth in time. Your friend, Will .

8 -


MARS 17331

PA Falvo

Gen His & Int Pol Charlottetown

Paul was perfectly happy selling Ice cream on the backstreets of Charlottetown and studying at UPEI (under the auspices of a Moosehead Breweries scholarship) but he gave it all up for the glitter and sodomy of the mainland. At RMC he earned more circles (120 total) from gambling with his CO ISEC than from actual infractions. Two years in Canada was enough; at the end of second year Paul loaded up his Pinto and headed home. However, as fate would have it, he took a wrong turn onto the 401, ended up on the wrong island, and was press-ganged into the Navy. His initial experiences at Royal Roads made him question the existence of a benevolent deity, but things got better. The Drillmouse wishes to be remembered for getting the band-DEEKS out of Wisener. A dedicated milstud in his spare time, Paul spent his nights writing "midnight specials" and devoted the daylight hours to his lifelong passion ... selling used vehicles. Over the next five years, Paul promises to go back and do the required readings, now that he understands left to right progression. He wants to be a P.E.1. ferry captain if he grows up. Paul is single and resides in Esquimalt with two children.

INF 17458

JS Gervais

Hrs His & Int Pol Sudbury

Be true to yourself and lead the way.

ANAV 17460

AH Gloumeau

Sci/ General Vancouver

Andre was a member of Mack Flight for 2 years and Champ for 2 years as DCFL and CFL. Andre's most outstanding characteristic is his cocked head and his Kamakazi riding style. After a couple of dumps of his RZ 350 he learned his lesson so much that he took a racing course and bought a Gemma 500 that goes like a bat out of he ll. To top it all off, he bought a 4X4 to transport his motorcycle. Andre's favorite prof was Dr. Millinazzo. Ha! Ha! Andre liked to sai l on Parade weekends and visit Seattle on open weekends. With some work he obtained his degree in Ph ysics and Camp Sci. He will be continuing his training at the Nav School in Winnipeg. But before that, he must endure the hardship of life aboard the Oriole on his cruise to Hawaii. Enjoy the trip and Best of luck in the future, Andre.

- .' '




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Grads -


ATe 17464

R Guinan

Sci/ General Winnipeg

What can you say about Rag? The lillie brown man that went from no bars to four bars. As Capt Vernon put it: "we needed a PMC that wouldn't be a '&"lo$#@ when he was drunk". So Rag set off to be the ideal example at the bar. Academics, however, we really shouldn't mention. Once he realized that school wasn't his fane, he ignored it. Oh well, remember that any mark over 50070 is a misuse of social time. However, a 5070 misuse of social time allowed him 1O play soccer legally, for the first time since first year. Now that he's "done his time", Rag plans on exercising the Molson muscle, improving the tan, and, in the rare event that he must work, he'll stuff his twelve-sandwich-eating bUll with coffee and donuts in the ATC tower. At this point in most narratives there is a blurb on how much everyone will miss him and what a great guy he reall y is, but . . . nah! Best of luck, Rag, and keep in lOuch.


DB Harvey


Sci/ General Victoria

Dave went 1O college 1O get away from home, but not far enought that he couldn't get taken out for dinner regular ly, get free gas for the Beemer, or have his laundry done. Dave's thesis this year was to prove that there isn't a course here that can't be memorized in a night (if any of his former profs are reading this - this is what he look like). When not slaving over his studies (@99.9"lo of the time) he can be found either in his room taping music for Sand's Funeral Home, or staring at the bOllom of a glass at the 6-mile. Over his four years at the college, Dave has managed to accumulate about 20 thousand do llars of debt and a strange collection of long blonde hairs. We can explain the hairs, but where did the money come from? Dave's many accomplishments pale in comparison to his excellent performance on the RRMC speed drinking team (of which he was captain and four time MVP). When 'Batman' finally decided to sell the batbike, he kept himself and his car keys carefully secured behind a locked door. Dave's now off to Moose Jaw for more thesis research and 1O truly experience that 'big city' atmosphere. Best of luck Dave.



LM Johnston

Maj Appl Psych Toronto

Lennie was on his way 1O RMC when he got caught in a terrib le psycholog experiment in learned helplessness, decided that being a train driver (Engineer) was not his calling in life, and that he should stay at Roads and psych. Or maybe it was the three lOurs with the Mack Flight Three Amigos Supp Writing team that convinced him 1O stay. The originator of the Mack Flight duck call kept himself busy as president of the fiying club, member/ manager of the soccer team, cadet fi ight loan officer, pistol team, fencing club, and always trying (but never succeeding) 1O get out of the band. He also spent much of his time trying 1O get people to enjoy mi1col with such sayings as, "Smile, we're having fun.", "Think eternallylcosmicall y, you're not in Africa starving." and "Remember, breath deeply, in through the nose, out through the mouth." Len's goals in life are simple. Fly jets, be a member of the Snowbirds, and never be even near the Navy. Len is now off to Moose Jaw to do what is just about his favourite thing, fiy jets. "Semper Fidelis" and have a wonderful life.

10 -


ARMD B 174

F. Kuschnereit

Hrs Appl Psych

Frank started his career as a private in the RCR in 1975. He served as a Corporal in the Airborne Regt for three years before he realised that driving in a tank was easier than walking. He became an officer cadet in 1979 and served with the 8CH in Petawawa and the RCD in Lahr before going to Toronto to work in Recruiting. He spent his days there interviewing ROTP applicants and his nights at York University. After four years of part-time courses he was accepted into the UTPO program and started directly into 3rd year at RRMC. Well almost directly. Frank had to pick up some courses and has the dubious honour of taking 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year courses all at the same time. After successfully concluding his love-hate affair with math, Frank went on to take SLT in the summer and test everyone he could on his new computerized test to collect data for his thesis. Frank liked Psychology so much that he is leaving the Armoured Corp to become a full time 'Psych-O' as a Psel officer down the road at Base Esquimalt. Frank says that he could not have done it without the support of his wife Glenda and his two girls. Good luck Frank and take it easy driving your new motorpsych-Ie.

MARE 17509

CE Lindsay

P & 0 Honours Winnipeg

Colin has taken it upon himself to ensure that NDHQ does not become soft through administrative complacency. He survived a name change, his family moving to the USSR before the end of the cold war, and the largest bun-fight to date over post-graduate training. He entered RRMC as an idealits and escaped as one, albeit not unscathed. His role as Wing Commander placed him in a unique position to work with his peers, from which he has learned much. It was a captain of the cross country team that he learned the most about people. Life is a race where it doesn't matter when you finish, just that you gave your all . He graduated with an honours degree in Physics and Oceanography and will be continuing his education in underwater acoustics at the University of Victoria. We wish him the best of luck.

WG 17486

DC McLean

Maj Appl Psych Victoria

Out of the west he strode, bearing the lifestyle of generations of lumberjacks who had gone before. In his quest fo r higher education, however, he was forced to trade in his cork boots and axes for cleated boots and a riOe (although he couldn't quite be convinced to give up his husquavarna ... ). Strangely enough, he found, in spite a somewhat trying academic struggle in first year, that he enjoyed his new environment. The values and altitudes he had developed 21 years of life in 'the sticks' (psychosis and a touch of sato-masochism) fit well with the pleasant atmosphere at Royal Roads in the days before the systems review. In the years following, his talents in manmanagement and his compassion gained him his dream position (CSC 5) in third year, and, for his efforts in this capacity, he was awarded the barmen's most prestigious award. With a lot of bravado, however (along with three days of solid running), he managed to escape the tender affections of the first years and survived to become the CSTO of two squadron in fourth year. Now, after four years of blood, sweat, and caffeine addiction, Dan must bid a tearful farewell to his beloved sash, cleated shoes, and college to undertake the long pilgrimage to Petawawa as a transport officer (and possibly the Airborne Service Commando). During his stay at the college, however, Dan developed a taste for heavy metal music, weight lifting, violent contact sports, highly polished fOOl wear, and yelling at the top of his lungs, but he now displays a definite aversion to smiling, people who ask too many questions, and anything to do with studying. Grads -



DU Molinari

Hrs Appl Psych

M 491 Dave entered Roads in his second year on the understanding that he was here on a soccer scholarship. Since this time he has endeavoured to eat and breath soccer with academics being "one of things that requires attention during mid-terms and final exams." Even this, however, did not gel much attention as during two sets of exams he was inside the hospital delivery room with his wife Holly waiting for their next bundle of joy to come. Dave joined the Applied Mi litary Psychology program at Roads, leaving his previous trade of "stoker" for those who appreciate the joys of working in a 120 degree boiler room. Dave originall y entered Roads as a MARS type but had an ulterior motive of becoming PSFL. After two tries, o ne legitimate and the other underhanded (and successfu l), Dave wi ll graduate as a PSO. Dave's future looks bright as it seems he will be posted to Esquimalt as a BPSO where he will be able to pursue his favourite pastimes: SOCCER , SOCCER and SOCCER, (but not necessari ly in that order!). Esquimalt is an interesting choice for Dave as he has yet to see another base for any length of time. Yes, Dave, there is a CF on the other side of the Rockies. Dave's ambitions in life are to continually sell and buy houses and yes, you guessed it, play soccer. His pet peeves are Maj Legras' exams and memorizing bibliographies.

INF B 175

CJ Mombourquette

Hrs Appl Psych

Colin Mombourquette started his mi litary career in 1970 wit h the Roya l New Brunswick Regiment and was granted the Queen's Commission in 1973. After a fun filled time with the Militia, in 1974 he decided to say farewell to a partially completed BSc degree and became a fu ll time soldier. He was posted to 3 RCR as a mech pi comd where, apart from the usual "grunt" type stuff, he participated in Op Games Can 76 (Olympics security) had commanded the 3 RCR Pnr PI in Cyprus during the 76 / 77 tour. After a short return to Canada he was posted to Germany where he was to command a mech pI. Colin was also given the opportunity to learn staff duties as an Asst Adjt and was known as the "Hermit of the CP". In 1982, after an RSS tour with his old Militia unit, Colin decided to jump out of completely serviceable airplanes and joined the Canadian Airborne Regiment. During this posting he commanded a pi, was the RPersO (Regt Adjt), and the 3 Cdo Ops Offr. His claim to fame is that during one 6 mont h span he completed Arctic Wa r fare in Canada, Desert Warfare in the USA, J ungle Warfare in Australia, and got his wife pregnant somewhere in between. In 1988, after an RSS tour in Hamilton, Colin was accepted under the UTPO program and arrived at Royal Roads as a Psych Clone. Upon graduation, and as a Psych 0, Capt Mombourquette, along with his wife, Arlene, and three children, will depart for CFB Kingston to start life as a Personnel Selection Officer. DUCIMUS.

ANAV 17491

MA Mombourquette

P & 0 Honours Ottawa

M-O-M-B-O-U-R-Q-U-E-T-f-E . . . Mombo as he's known to most everyone in the college, came to Roads direct from that civil servant-haven Ottawa. Having spent many of his childhood years at a private school in England Mombo has turned out to be a very unique individual. His relentless energy and determination on the sports field (w ho was that red nas h?) lead hi m into the 450 club and his arduous position as CWSO. Maintaini ng his position as skip of the curling team lead Mombo into the provincial championships (not quite the Briar but he's got to get lessons from his uncle for that!). He a lso furthered his interest in magic and electronics (maybe that Invisible Field Intrusions Alarm will be working someday!) Mark's academic prowess kept him a 2nd class honours standing for his years here and even the O'Na couldn't change that. Well, we're looking forwa rd to seeing Mombo at Nav school and eventually over in Nova Scotia - maybe we'll catch another hoe-down .. . Best of luck Mark.

12 -


MARE 17241

LEME 17496

KJ Power

DM Price

Sci/ General St. John's

Sci/General Kamloops

Dina will best be rememberd for his fine taste in automobiles. His first car was Ihe faslesl in Ihe land unlil it hil a Iree and broke. His second car was Ihe faslesl in Ihe land until Ihe engine broke, il caughl fire, and Ihe lires went nat. His Ihird car was besl of all and faslesl in Ihe land unlil he spOIwelded Ihe wheel 10 Ihe axle and il became a monument al Ihe boal shed. Mario Andrelli lOok his aggressiveness off Ihe road and onlO Ihe rugby pilch and baskelball court until his gammy arm lOok over and he became Ihe wing invalid. Dean is Ihe only one who saw Ihe lighl afler second year and went slraighl into Gen Sci ralher Ihan failing into il like everyone else. In his conSlant quesl for knowledge, he went into Ihe library four limes 10 pick somelhing up. Three limes il was for books. Now Dean is off to the jungles of Petawawa to work on his farmer's tan and take his four years of praclical LEME Iraining al Roads, and apply illo his chosen field. Besl of luck buddy and always remember never to fall asleep in a van full of drunks.

INF 17504

SM Robert

Gen Pol & Econ Kamloops

Grads -



SE Sheriff



RJ Watt


Hrs Pol & Econ Victoria

Gen His & Int Pol Edmonton

Rob came to Roads from the Stone Frigate Military Academy, where he still holds the record for the most CD's ever performed. Notorious for being the worst drummer RMC had ever seen, it was perhaps inevitable that he would go on to become the lead pipe-drummer at RRMC. The transition from Disneyland Central to Disneyland West was smooth and painless for Rob; his mild and even-tempered disposition, as well as his initial enthusiasm, instantly generated tremendous mutual respect between Rob and his peers. His professors were equally impressed, right from the start. Rumour hath it that Rob came to Roads for an easy degree, - after all, he settled for only seven courses in his first semester! Rob's expert markmanship and his penchant for moving targets became well known at Royal Roads, and was part of the reason that when not at UVic he could be found in the CWDO office. Actually, Rob has spent the bulk of the past four years writing memos to get out of Artillery; he now aspires to emulate the many fine Naval officers who have been his inspiration. Of course, this write-up would not be complete without mentioning the true love which Rob found in Victoria ... his 1969 Landshark! Just kidding, Ann (wife #2 !?!) ... best of luck to you both!

PLT 17525

WE Weiss

Maj Appl Psych Hamilton

There can be only one! Well, maybe two ... o.k. a few. Well I'll be damned if there are going to be more than 10. Wendy, the Intrepid, spends most of her time either questing for or hiding from suitors. The rest of her time is spent in study ... ha, ha, ha, ... just kidding. Wendy will graduate with a degree in psychology. Who knows, perhaps she will one day understand herself, or a laboratory rat, or men (pardon the overlaps). At grad, Wendy will spread her wings, take night and most likely get sucked into the intake of a passing 747. Those of us who knew her would like to say that we'll miss that smile, that cackle, that right hook. Good luck meeting someone with a normal name and may the skies be blue and limitless as you lick the edge of the envelope. P.S. don't forget the stamp.

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BH Wiens


P & CS Honours St. Catharine's

On this, the 50th anniversary of Royal Roads, let's take a step back and look at the four years Brian has spent here. He arrived as a willful thumping rine-butted farmboy from Beamsville, only to spend first year soaking up G-rays with Gnome and the boys. Second year passed by as a 250-day S-act discussion on Dave's mental problems. Third year saw Brian disappear into inner recesses, only to emerge starry-eyed and shackled about the neck. And in fourth year he tied the knot, pounded nails into Colin's coffin, and threw anti-rowdy Saturday night dinners. He will be remembered only in the minds of a few, but when those few are considered, the compliment is apparent.


DJ Wilson


P & 0 Honours Vancouver

Dave's four years at MilCol have been interesting and unusual for him. He has undergone many changes, not always for the best. Gone are the long, curly locks that graced his head as a civitian. Instead, we have often wondered why he went to Auschwitz for his haircuts. Ended are his pit partying and woman chasing, replaced by the staid existence of a academe, graced by the presence of, YES, a wife! And who would ever have thought that this inexperienced young man would rise to the lofty heights of wing HQ as a four-barman? Despite all the changes, Dave will be missed for his longwinded dissertations on Ayn Rand, his long-winded conversations with his

girlfriend and wife, and his long-winded motivational speeches, both as CFSO and CWAO. So long, Dave, and good luck. May you be a civilian sooner than you expect.



JP Zunic

Maj Appl Psych Kitchener

Grads -


Recruit Term -





Obstacle Course -


RECRUIT TERM MEMORIES The three hour bus ride from Chilliwack gave us, the 'ne-w recfuils" plenty of time to think and worry about rumors we had heard - but norhlng could prepare us for our welcome 10 Royal Roads.

"RIGHT! Steady up! Eyes to the front! Sif(ing properly Of attention everywhere!" "Welcome to Royal Roads Military College - Theflnesl MIlitary College in Canada!" Delivered at 120 decibels. most recruits remained unconvinced that they were really welcome except in a sadlsuc sort of way. If Chilliwack was purgatory. we Wefe now in an intimidating and confusing hell. CSCs? FroU5t? IPs? Vs? pits? heads? . circles? CDs? Fairly Quickly we figured Qut what they were talking about - but never qUickly enough could we "FIX these POIf/{s!" At BOTe there was often talk of 'respecting the timings' but this took on new meaning at Royal Roads. With all of our time pieces confiscated we began with a disadvantage but this handicap was given little consideration as we tried to meet hundreds of three minute timings to lace up boots. fold socks. iron shirts. etc.

"Alright Recrulfs, thiS IS gelling ridiculous! You were jour seconds late for thaI timing! Four seconds in a combat Slfualion can be the difjerence between life and death! You must 'LEARN: Today's sale is 8jor I so that will be 32 seconds. RECRUITS . .. MARK-TIME!" What was the worst time of the day? 0630 morning circles? Or was it Morning Panic to Thrash Metal (that only Recruit Morrison liked) trying to prepare for an inspection that would be inevitably failed? No, perhaps it was rine runs, or kit prep hour, or marking time, or push ups. or trying to eat.

::RecrUit Steady Up! P~rou know what you just did wrong?" Duh. . no Mr. Big. "You used your desert jork jor salad!!!" "Oh my God."

"Pardon me?" "Nothmg Mr. Big." "Report jor it. Carryon." Ah yes, sweet memories. Remember having 'guests' to lunch? And then after they steadied us up and corrected our manners all lunch, we had to thank them for eating with us. "Yeah, thanks for nothing." Fortunately Senior Barmen were usually too busy to do lunch. They

were always at Wing HQ meetings. Creativity was never a problem at their pow-wows. Barmen thought of the best ideas. "Hey, why don't we make the recruits shower in their raincoats?' , "Neat-a, totally keen!" "Yeah, and lets make them tape their pencils in their drawers!" .. And their shirts. socks. etc. toO, eh guys?" "Let's all iron Vs in the seats of our pants!" "Man, cool idea!" (chorus) "What about labeling kit?" "Oh ya - do it!" "Condoms 100?'' "Yup, everything." "How about showing them how to graunch someone?" "Like M.J.?" Many a tough recruit were reduced to chaltering. ninching wrecks as barmen inspected their rooms. Some recruits tried to dismantle the radiator to find the dust machine but to no avail - the barmen must have brought dust with them. Usually though, barmen don't have to resort to such low tactics; if there was some路 thing wrong with a room - they'd find it!

"Whor is rhis short, curly piece oj hair doing in your soap, Recruit?" "Do you realize rhere is lin! on your wool blanket?" "Recruit Gagnon. Why is Mr. Hendrickson's cat In your smk - are you trying 10 drown it? Why don't you adopt the wall sit position and think aboul it." "Oh my God, dust on your Itghrbulb and and on Ihe pipes under your sink - GROSS!" Day after day slowly passed by and after 13 days of panic, stress. abuse. and sleep deprivation, the end was drawing near. We might not have learned much but we had learned how to graunch. And when we found out about a possible extension of recruit term. Unfortunately for Mr. Dittman, his staff's training was very effective. The next day, after a brutal obstacle course, Recruit Term was over. Like groveling recruits for {he last 50 years, we earned our promotion lO the lowly rank of First Year CadeL


Military Wm路~:-:.,g_____








t ~

















• I



DRILL STALL 1989/ 90 DRILL STAFF MWO Wooley Sgt Dufresne PO Gaignard


Lefl 10 Ri ghi: MWO. Graff, LI. Fogalin, Capl. Kimmiek, 5gl. Dufresne, 5gl. Rousseau, 5gl. Tureolle.

n I


26 -

Peri 51aff

IADMINISTRATION Left to Rig ht: MWO R. Waldron, LS C. Vandenberg, A. Dobish, A. Jensen, Cpl. 8. Boechler, M. Venturin, Capt. H. Read, LS M. Belanger, P2 S. Mac Cormac, Cpl. A. Morrison, Maj. A.J. Lavoie Bac k Row: Pte. N. Cote, Sgt. K. Swansen, M. Denny, J. Burns, MCPL. T. Jackson, Cpl. S. Trommeshauser, P2 J. Lacroix, C. Vella, L. Lewis, H. Hansen. Fro nt Row: PI C. Minor, Capt. Moore, PI W. Mole.




CALO: Capt. Moore


GALLEY IC Kit chen: WO Pye. Chief Cook: MWO Evans. Secreta ry: M. Thorne.



Left to Ri ght: C. Barrell, M. Alton, D. Oxner.

Support Staff -






Left 10 Righi: Ll(N) Clarke Bedford, Capl. Daniel Normand, Ll(N} Kevin Greenwood.

Left 10 Righi: Capl. Mark Labrecque, Ll(N} Andy Cameron, Mr. Ulrich Suesser, Capl. Ken Jones, Maj . Bob Zellerrer.

UTPO'S The UTPO supplements others means of obtaining career officers with university degrees in the regular force. Serving officers of the regular forces who have sufficient academic background to enable them to obtain a baccalaureate degree in two or less academic years are eligible to apply for the UTPO. Selection of applicants to the UTPO is made by military and academic boards convened by NDHQ each year. 28

4 Sqn has seen a number of changes take place over the past year. Moving to a new lounge in the Gunroom provided almost enough room to accomodate the largest group of 1st year UTPNCM's in college history. Also, we had two senior barmen this year: Stu Downing - CSL, and Dave Molinari - Honorary Barman (Ex-CSL '88-89). The College Band has been greatly improved with the addition of Jacques Leblanc and Dennis Lewis. As well, the UT Historical Photo Archives got off to a great start thanks to our resident photog Roly(all "compromising" photos have been destroyed)-Thompson. As another academic year draws to a close, we bid farewell to those who are transferring to that "other" college in the east, and to our two graduates Stu and Dave. Best of luck to all those returning next year, and to those who are leaving Roads ... hold back the cheers until you get past Vancouver. Think of your Buds eh!!!

THE FAR SIDE- Ho.lpf't IIf.:;.t- RRMC

ADP Left to Right: B. Baskett, J. Dorscher (Dir), M. Chon, D. Pettyjohn, S. Lang.


BOAT SHED Le ft to Ri ght: Mr. D. Smith, Cpl. Van den Berg.


MIR & DENTAL Left to Right: WO Fraser, McpJ Stackwood, OD Rivard.

30 -

Support Staff



Honours Day With The Governor General


Dean Arls Dr. Boulillier

Dean Sc and Engin Dr. LancaSier

REGISTRAR'S STAFF Lefl 10 Righi: Cap!. R.E. Cockrarn, S. Bellan, D. Blank, E. Langslaff, J. Wass, J. Ellard, Mr. M. Thorn.

ENGINEERING DEPT. (L 10 R): Dr. E.R. Chappel, Dr. D.J. Shpak, Dr. J. S. Collins.

Dean Grad Siudies Dr. Krauel

HISTORY AND POLITICAL ECONOMICS Lefl lo Ri ghI: Dr. J. A. BouDr. R. G. Nixon, Dr. P. Gardner, L1(N) W. R. Glover, Dr. J. A. Bayer, Dr. P. J. S. Dunnelt. II Ii ier,

LITERATURE AND PHILOSOPHY Lell 10 Ri ghI : Dr. M. Madorr, Dr. C. N. Ramkeesoon, Dr. P. A. Black.

MILITARY LEADERSHIP AND APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY Le fl 10 Ri ghI: Sqn. Ldr. A. T. Malcolm, Maj. L. P. K. Le Gras, Capt. L. C. Hiliier, Dr. R. C. St. John.

The 25th annual "Por1 of the Probfem'" convention

SECOND LANGUAGE TRAINING Bac k Ro .. , (L 10 R): Mrs. A. Hadley, ~Ir. J. Robichaud, Mrs. A. Tetreault, Mrs. B. Leclerc, Mrs. McKay, Mrs. M. Connor. Fronl Ro... (L 10 R): Mrs. Arnold. Mr. L. Rodts, Mrs. D. BelvalPacelti, Mrs. D. R. Toyonaga.

LIBRARY Lertl o Righi : S. Day. E. Andreas, B. Jensen, C. Inkster, D. Reeves.

PHYSICS Back Row, (L 10 R): Dr. M acFa rl a ne, Dr. M a rsden , Ll. Co md . Fleming, Dr. Buckl ey, Dr. G illila nd , Dr. Kra uel , Dr. Laco mbe, Dr. Slacey, Dr. S. Wa dd ell. Fro nl Row, ( L 10 R): Mr. Ra lph Va nce, Mrs. Pett yj o hn, Dr. M . Press, Dr. P. Sc hurer.



. . - ...







Soddenly, through force. no! yet tully understood, Donen Belsky" apartment new black hole.

become the center 01 a

MATHEMATICS Le ft 10 Ri ghi : Dr. Kee n , Dr. S nell , M rs. H . O very, Dr. Wo lfe, Dr. Wilmul , Dr. La n cas l er, Dr. Mil inazzo, Dr. Buc kley, Ca pl. Muld ers.

nq "

CHEMISTRY Bac k (L- R): P. Fo rtin, Dr. S. L. G rund y, Dr. M. R. Ba rr, M . Ca hill , Dr. G. M . Barrow. Fro nl (L- R): B. H a ll , M . Q uen n ev ill e, D r. M . G. Ro binso n, K. Burns.

.--_.....S;;..;;e~cond Year Cla-=.s_s___~


Just a list of concepts to describe my Royal Roads ex路 perience. Jennifer, Toyota, Centrex, Scuba Diving, laval Vacation, Christmas Ball (2X). Alcohol. Newf. Exams, Euchre. California. AIl路nighters. Chess, Double Standards, Roommate, Midway, Biking. Racking, Screaming. Domino's Pizza, Eyes. LEAVING!

Gineue came to Roads aspiring NOT to become a member of the "Frat Club", but after two days of m-clearance at BOTC, she gave up her goal as it was unattainable, right, Freddie!! In addition she also became intimate with Cartier Flight halls as she frequently visited them. If Engineering Amos wasn't busy playing cards in Quebec City, she was showering. Gin loves 10 play games, especially Euchre, where she can reneg on Newf and chess. where she can check-mate Andrew. lightning Amos is a cautious driver, especially In Alberta, where the radar detector couldn't even clock her. Gin is liked by everyone at the college, especially the ARC recruiters who saw her as a likely candidate after her 8-day breach. Gin is a very friend ly person who likes kissing everyone and everything, including the QD floor. When her mouth isn't full of food she can be heard giggling and chattering throughout the campus, at times even more annoyingly than the peacocks. Best of Iud at RMC. Watch out for the Queens guys and keep track of the notches ... Don't forget USAFA!

Chris Ankersen. LogAdvO, milstud, wanna-be-pilot gone grunt, barkeepers dream. bouncer's nightmare. head idealist and chief standards officer of the Chateau Clique,

Big Al Arbuckle hails from thai there yonder PICTOOUU County, where he learned to talk so funnylike. This impediment, however hasn't stopped him from succeeding in his many endeavours. The fisherman has a veritable Christmas tree up his arm, and is an accomplished pilot. He also excels academically. although he never misses his early bedtime, and has never once attempted an example question while studying. Unfortunately. his hoped-for singing career has not yet blossomed, but he'll always be ready to fill in shou ld Jon Bon Jovi become incapacitated. In his spare time. AI likes to to 'toarist' things alongside big-nosed Georgia girls with super-hyphenated names, or play his favourite game. Pick-Up-Fish. Lately, he's also had to devote a lot of time to learning how to shave. While famous for his spontaneous temper bursts when programming computers, opening containers and making hospital corners, Al is liked and admired by all his peers, on account of his friendly PiclOu disposition. Our little fisherman friend is heading for RMC next year to study Engineering Management. We wish him the best of luck, and are 'shoar' that he will enjoy continued success.

a man with sarcasm on demand. OUT beloved Hank, since

coming to Roads has attempted to show the rest of the cadet wing what true fashion and real music are all about. The claims to fame of Mr. (the walking 3l1itude) Ankersen: Knowing the Comdt 's bathroom inside-out, having painted almost all the cabs in Langford taxi's fleet, having his own key to Peer's Inn, his uncanny abi lity to disappear from the face of the eanh on Thursday evenings; just to name a few. Looking into the future we see Chris as a lawyer, determining and protecting the truth, or an out of work Richie Valens impersonalOr begging for cash on the corner of Cambie and Hastings dreaming of the past.

, 38 - Second Years

Don has accumulated many nicknames over his second year at Royal Roads, "Flipper" and "Motor Skills" being only two of them. He earned these titles as a result of his exemplary SCUBA diving ability and his athletic prowess on the spons field. Don's exceptionally keen kit and high standard of drill have left him straining to keep his First Class Honours, however he seems 10 manage. "Motor Skills" will be departing RRMC to explore new depths of idleness at RMC next year, and we all know that Don will do just fine, perhaps even becoming their future CWlO. Now that that's over, Don. it's time to have some fun. I'd call you stupider than a bag of broken hammers but I believe that's an everyday occurrence for someone of your mental decreptitude. When you're not copying Keith's economics assignments, you're biffing someone's kit, secure in the knowledge that yours can get no worse, For a man with barely enough coordination to walk upright, it's surprlSlOg that you're the first one to the front of the class to score those extra brown points e\'erytime. In fact. 10 be any browner, you'd have 10 move in with the professors. I hope this satisfies ,'ou, Don, because, undoubtedly, you deserve It,

Lars fled the town of Vernon, B.C. two years ago in a quest to put some drive in his idle frame. Since then many would say that he has become a little stressed. (Not to his face though) In reality, Lars merely has a bitler hatred for things that make him angry. Lars became famous in first year with his 5:30 in the morning essay nights, and the textbook (assault) dropping accident with his roommate. Lars then learned to work his toughness for all II was \\,orth as he found that the best way to get along with his superiors was to have them scared of him. In second year, Lars amazed us all. He quit the rugby team, became an academic god, and managed just recently to end his bout with 'frat'. Lars will spend his summer training for the Mr. Olympia, drinking beer. and sleeping till noon at SLT. Good luck in Quebec man! ( ot that you're going to need it!)

Michael, our Sask-Bud, has many fond memories of MilCol, ie: smoking in the Boys' Room, right, Janice. And then there are the Chilliwack flashbacks, I, 2, 3 Strikes You're Out, and the four feet in the sleeping bag. When confronted with these Chilliwack memories, Mike denies the accusations. , . I guess she must have rubbed off on him. Mike's VISA wasn't enough in Quebec, thus he turned to his GREEN card to make the purchase I love you, Mike! But Mike settled down and found himself three nice girls who redefine the word air. right, Manipulator! Mike has many other fond memories over the past two years: Vancouver, Seattle, Guns & Rodents, peace marches, Laval, Ja Classe de Richard, singing in the subway, sponlaneous roadtrips, road rackets, the "Show Us Your .. ," sign. July 1st - CFNY Concert in Barrie, Theal's place, 11th row seats 10 the Sky Dome (3rd Sky Deck), and his birthday. Unfortunately, Mike failed to achie\'e his ultimate birthday present In Niagara Falls, but that night, in the heat of Ghostbuster Mania, he did manage 10 mistake hiS buds for goblins and zap them with his human ray-gun. Mike will be missed by ever>'one when he goes 10 RMC In Ontario, "the Promised Land", . next to Saskatchewan!

Conrad Bourgeol\

Prior to arriving in Lasalle Flight at the start of her second year, Jody was fortunate enough to spend her first year with the thoughtful and kind barmen of Fraser Flight. When she arrived into the halls of Lasalle, Jody was terrified, but "ho wouldn't be considering the fact that she was the only second-year female in the flight'!!!

Jonny is origmally from the happening town of Prince George. right here in Faaantastic British Columbia. Somehoy" living among the toxic emissions of the pulp plants has not hurt Jon, as he IS one of the best all-around athletes at the College, and an mtegral part of both the Volleyball and Baskelball teams. Jon has quite the sense of humour; you mighl even say it is memorable (I kno\\ I'll remember for a long time, and despite what you say, Jon, there is no Statute of Limitations on the relurn of a blade, so don't let your guard down.) The Burb plans on staying here at Roads for the P&O program. which he hopes to utilize 10 his future classification of Air Nav. He is of course making the fatal assumption that AIr Navs actually do anything. Jon has not had the best of Iud. avec les rilles as of late. and his average for being burned by them now stands at une fois par Annee. That should be enough cheap shots, so I'll just end by saying that I look forward to spend 109 the next two years here with you, Jon, and I wish you luck In the future.

Shaun made his presence felt 10 Fraser early in the "mild introductory phase." When the rest of us were putting up with the smell of our roommates, Shaun \\'3S enjoying the essence of 'Poison' while trying to catch up on his letter reading. Shaun was strong in and out of class. He mastered the art of learning entire courses in one night and proved his prowess as a statue with typical Cameron strength. In fact, some say the mighty constitution of Shaun derives Itself from steak and chocolate cake, while others, much closer to him, know that Shaun is really the product of a gruesome Korean mating rituaL Shaun spent much of his time at sea. As a sailor, he thought long and hard about the struggle between man and elements and many times he could be found bauling some of the stronger spirits. Being from Grimsby, Shaun was the most outstanding Wing advocate of hydroplane racing and Sculler beer and, because of this festive combination, Shaun proudly represented the college in a championship boat-race. Engineer Cameron will be found at RMC in the future, but he won't be forgotten at Roads. His happy disposition was loved by all.

Lori came to Royal Roads from USC as the result of a new recruitlflg drive - the Grad Ball. Lured by the glamour of scarlets. small rooms, and drill commands, "Smurf" found life as a recruit to be - well - somewhat different. At the Rec Club Open House Lori expressed her masochistic nature by joining the cross-country team. Lori managed to pull off top marks for first and second year engineering, using a somewhat different approach to studies. Lori's marks seemed to improve with the amount of leave she took; unfortunately this didn't prove to be the case for everyone else. In order to restore the natural balance, Lori was awarded Log Ed bars for second year. In spite of this shaft, she's been able to devote herself to the same studying techniques, result109 in the same academic position and two full leave cards (had one sign out). Lori has brought "cuteness' to Mack Flight and her Teddy bears have been the victims of many kidnappings by terrorist societies. Her stuffed pumpkin was even baked in the toaster oven. The toaster oven? "Muppet Face" is one of the infamous cooks of Room 335. Her best dish is grilled melba toast.

Byron, "mongoose", Conway (I don't really know why but Byron thinks he's a mongoose) hails from Vancou..'er, not Rhodesia. Although a self-professed master of the pit, his feeble attempts to out-sleep his roommate are easily noticeable. Byron proclaims to be a rock climber, although I've never seen him climb anything but his own doorway in night halls. Apan from this, Byron maintams a firm grip on his academics; actually, the only grip he has is on the nearest fire extinguisher, but his grip on reality seems very strong, aside from that fictitious girl in Australia from whom he has written himself many a letler. Byron has elected to stay here at Wally World for third year, drawn by the illusion that Willy will no longer be around to bug him about his phony accent. All kidding aside, Byron, if you were any stupider you'd be dead, best of luck anyway.

Andy Cooper grew up in West Guilford, and is probably the only true-blue farmboy in the college. How he came up to join the military and sign away nine years of his life is a story 100 long for this article. To keep it short he even chose the navy. With his six and half foot frame I'm sure that he is going to have fun crawling around ships for the rest of his life. It is sometimes believed that his classification was meant as a joke and that he was meant to be in the air force all along, because he's one of the college's best golfers. Aside from all of that, Andy has made some important contributions to the college, including earning the rank of the fastest runner and captain of the cross-country team, and of course his job as CPM, If it wasn't for his sense of discipline (or outrageous sense of humour) and all of his six o'clock in the morning practices, the band most certainly wouldn't be where it is today. We're all sure that he will continue to do well here and wish him Ihe best of luck in the years to come.

As a ragmg lick of guitar cords spewed from his amp and out of his room into Lasalle flight halls, we asked the man and legend, Barry Cross, what made him tick. "Can't say as I know anymore ... I guess It's the music and the beer 'cause it sure as 1I!l1!o&@ isn't the military!", he replied. We asked him whal made him give up his life of skateboarding, snowboarding, long hair, CTime and fast women m Kamloops. After a reflective drag of a colt and a swallow of beer (smuggled into his room) his response is brief, but mtense. "Got to get up in those damn planes." He shakes his head. looks out (he window, and repeats: "Got to get up 10 those damn planes." Between beating on Simons and cursing al slow motorists on the way to the airport, Barry leads a busy life, and we only hope he is as resourceful at RMC. As he climbed into his metallicblue 280Z, we asked him if he had any regrets in leaving. "Whatever, man!", was his only reply as he screamed out of the parking lot over the blasting melodies of "Agent Orange". The mystery and the legend live on.

Peter joined the CF Ifl 1978 and served in the Navy as a stoker. After spending II years sailing the seven seas and attaining the rank of Petty Officer Second Class, Peter couldn't eat another cracker and consequently saw UTPM as a way oul. Originally registered in Engineering, Peter saw the light and transferred to Arts so that he could use his big words (loquacious, pedantic, insipid, marmalade, etc.) There were skeptics who at first thought Pete's knowledge of history would cause Roads to be short one history prof, who kept threatening to Jump out of the window. As it turned out, both students and prof survived the year. Pete's undying auention to his dress has ah\ays allowed him to stand out in a crowd. During exam routine. Peter has been known 10 show up for an exam with his DEU uniform on, but no tie, or wearing his green military sweater with his Navy uniform. Pete's interest and enthusiasm have not been limited to the squadron alone. He has put his many years of experience as a (grimy) sailor to use as a valued member of the RRMC sailing team. Peter, his wife Sigrid and their children, Melissa and Gregory, plan to remain at RRMC where Peter will follow the new history and literature degree program. Peter was an Immense help in the everyday operation of Four Squadron. The UT's are glad to know that he is hanging around for two more years. Good luck, old man, in your future studies.

Second Years -


"Darg the Wop" came to RRMC reluctantly after the brass at BOTe decided that U of T would be 100 much fun. He spent his firsl year in Hudson halls becoming a bitter knight and putting the "Bingo" into Billy with a blistering slapshot. He learned to love it here. though, so much so that he decided to broaden his academic spec路

trum and spend an extra year here in the west taking arts. Rob has Improved his outlook this year knowing that next year there will be one less uR" in the name of his school,

and on the fronl of his hockey jersey. One thing he also looks forward to is the shorter mile and a half out least,

I mean east, so he can finally crack the ranks of the 450 club. Rob has proven to his adversaries at the castle that engineering was not his bag with consistent first class honours in arts and hopes that Queens doesn't have a dorm called Emily Carr - he's still recovering from the third-degree burns, Your hockeymate wishes you all the best.

40 -

Second Years

Heimo is usually (even as we speak) "at the castle, at M1R, on his way, or in the bathroom." From his unshaven beginning at Chilliwack 'til now, he's deeked more than most of us have done. The Road Warrior spends mOSI of his free time at the Six or carousing with other members of the Chateau Clique. Shawn's reverence for his profs is illustrated in his long distance hellos to .50 Cal Jimmy and his talks with the Glove. Although Shawn never attained a bar pOSition, he did spend some time in CSL 2's room in first year, especially around Ball time. Not usually one to brag, 'Deek-all-the-way' found his niche in Quebec, and has been in love ever since. He Ireasures every walking moment with Marie-Claude, to the point of timing and recording it. Shawn's passive panicipalion in absolutely nothing of consequence has been more than appreciated, even If only by himself. Destined 10 be a banker (as long as his mother's alive) Shawn is off 10 complete his sentence at St. Jean, C.M.R.A.

Steve (alias" Defector", or Sven) is an original farmboy from Brunkhild. Man. His first taste of the CF came in the form of Four Platoon at CFOCS, where he proved to be a force to be reckoned with - at the Gunroom, in the field, or with a Kiwi cloth. As a member of Fraser Flight, he even managed to keep the wing guessing as to who was more dangerous on inspection. Was it the CSC or was it Recruit Defer? Certainly when it comes to the academic battle there is no doubt - Steve has that one cased. On the casual side of the fence. Steve seems to derive great fun from weight-lifting. playing cards and trying to break the sound barrier on an FZ 600. As a CELE type he'll probably have a bit more success playing around with F-IS's. Ho\',.:ever, there is one other way he might reach Mach I on the ground. How does the dream of a Con'elle with a 454 under the hood sound? Not too bad for a mechanically-minded Flight ProclOr. The curious thing is that he can, and probably will, do il!

Barrel-t:he\t migrated from the capital of No ..... here - MadO(, Ontario - to Royal Roads in order to try to become the only diehard Jethro Tull. Neil Young. and Grateful Dead fan to ha\e short hair and to "ear keenly pressed lOOcro ....001 pants. Brian has made quite a name for himself o\er the past t.... o years .... ith his Chest. liS PT test scores and with his incredible Fugliness He has been the backbone of the mountaineering team this year. although he did prefer to stay bad from Joshua Tree in order to spend three more hours sweating it out in the gym, Brian is a fanatic for flying and plans to be JUSt as fanatical al the end of the summer, after successfully completing phase at Ponage. Brian is proud of his talents as a car Ihief and will readily ~teal one for you if you ask him nicely. He is not amongst the realms of the wllege beer路aholics but is capable of standing toe-to-toe with any of the ..... orld路s grealest rye and coke drinken. Girlie-Man doesn't like to sleep and has therefore decided to take l\lec Eng n~t year at Rl\1C - good luck! Brian has 1.... 0 goals to accomplish before ending his Mil Col career. The first is to be the excellent gue~t on "Wayne's World", and the second is to see his chubby cat running around on the prowl once agam

Marla hails from the small t()'o\n of )\illarney, l\lanitoba, from which she reeently escaped to seek out the wonders of the world, After perfecting her trilingualism with a year In France and a ~ar in Finland. she grew tired and decided to strike out on an academic path. Little did she know thaI her prowess at doing chinups (that's 19. 5i) ",ould help her out when she joined the Canadian Mlhtary. Marla joined up as a LOG officer and tried out one of their rather boring phases in Borden, Thoroughly disillusioned. she tried out a classification change and was quickly snatched up by the Intelligence branch for her ability In one of those near-to-the路easternblock-languages, as "ell as her a!.:ademic ability (first class in first year). She earned the prestigiOUS position as Mackenzie Flight Proctor and showed off her organizational and proofreading abilities, as ",ell as her diplomatiC abilities in comincing the Pharmasa\e to buy l\10RE gold stars. Her cooperation skills are displayed in one of her mottos - prOCtors need to stick together (but why ",as she al ....cays in Canier Flighl halls?). Hopefully Dlsinformation Dow will return from a grueling summer aboard the Oriole in one piece, and will be able \0 recount .... onderfultales of the Ha....alian Islands Luckily she has CLOSE friends along 10 gi\e her a hand when the .... aves get a bit 100 rough (or will it be her helping them?). Best of luck. Marla. as CSC"8!

Seeking refuge from the polluted, hectic, and crazy wasteland of Toronto, Dave ventured weslto the clean air of Victoria only to find the heclic and crazy wasteland of Royal Roads. He cruised through first year, picking up a gold star in the process and finding time enough to win a Deconnik Award, too. Navy Davy returned to Roya l Roads for second year to be greeted by the one bar of Cartier Flight proctor. He has continued his success this year which is at least part ly due to his miraculous ability to survive days at a time without sleep. A devout Navy type, Dave masterminded Navy Day which \.. ent well despite the antics of Dave's favourite person. His desire to become a naval architect shone through with the purchase and comtruction of the Lego ships. This summer, Da\e \\ill find Ilimself scrubbing Ihe anchor and \\\abbing the dec!...., of the "Lo\e Boat", "hich \\ill heat up the high \ea\ on its \\ay to Ilawail. We \\ ish ~a,e the be\1 of luck at RMC a\ he begim the death march In Eng Phys.

Craig is the ideal Royal Roads cadel. He doesn't drink or swear, and he follows all military college rules. He often carries a copy of Cadwins to class, so he can study the College Code of Conduct. Unfortunately Craig is parting for RMC next year to study Computer Engineering. This summer Craig will face one of the toughest challenges in his career as he will return to his hometown to undergo O.JT as an AERE Officer. These difficult tasks will include: opening up those twist-offs, preventing himself from gelling overly tanned on the beach, and keeping his golf score under par.

Michael, !...nown by some as Hitler II, with his sarcastic comebacks and rather "feminist" comments, claims to be a true Lasalle AN IMAL. In his attempts to upho ld his honour, he often winds up in closets after a tough night on the town. Michael'S second home-a ..... ay-fromhome made him realize Ihat women cost TOO much. Lasalle buds will have to do ... eh, Mike!! He is looking forward to his strenuous AERE OJT in Shear water this summer which will involve the complex tasks of: golfcourse orientation, working on the tan, and bottle opening. Memories of RRMC will always remain: Squash, larks on a certain Navy bud, SLT, and of course, Lasalle Wangs. Good luck at RMC, MIke!

Duff began his illustrious MilCol career under the expert tuelage of Dan TLHM McLean. Here he learned ho" lO put on the facade of being a non-social-type-person-" hosquids-all-the-time. ~laybe it was true, because he p<.Woered through the year with fir!lt class honours, thereby enabling him to SJ...IP History 221. Fluffy dropped the facade last summer, however, by pulling some serious extras on the pany scene, C'o·en "hile rading senselessly. playing B-Ball eo.-ery day, and pointing out every bloody CRX he saw. At the dawn of second year, Duff got his CRX (with radar deteclOr) and went rebel (for him). First, he found out that the gold star does OT entitle him to optionallze SLT. and he wore sock~ for fi ....e days. Later, \\ hile horsing around, he learned that certam people at RRr..tC are knives, blades, couleaux, elC. He is straight no\\, and be109 well above escape velOCity (as per). Duff is off to RMC to study Mechanical 'I get no spares for the rest of my life' Engineering

OCdt (Dubage) Gray, a native Calgarian. was a qualit) import from the uncultivated streets of Calgary. James seems 10 apply his former kno" ledge of car chases 10 pull himself out of numerous duty van adventures, Jame~ often refuses to explain the origin of his nickname. however, it has been reponed by S.I.U. Ihat he has recel'.:ed a diploma from U-High for being stoned and spaced out. For snonmg. popping. drinking. shooting, blowmg, sniffing, tripping. toJ...ing, and smoJ...ing varieties of uppers. downers, POt, booze. speed, smack, acid, coJ.;.e, quaaludes. pe)·ote, and airplane glue. l\1ay you continue to score in your search for the perfect high. Oh. and by the \\a)'. this article i~ Just a figment of your hallucination.

Thumper provided us With endless pleasures, especially at his brother'S apartment. Founder of The Clique. \\ ith his immortal line "We're not snobs. just because we don't hang out with that screaming bunch of geeks!", he has rationalized everything. . logically. A psychologist'S delight, his anal retention leaves his room neat as a pin, and could turn coal lO diamond. Between fighting with members of a prominent Langley family, Greg "doubles his pleasure" with Comp Sci and Stats. His most memorable moment was second year mil trg week, or lack thereof. Of course his stringent "no-flinch" policy has made him fashionable and earned him 6 days S2 and 4 CD's; better late than neo.-·er, though! His reputation proceeds him; the Gravedigger did Kingston last year. We'll miss his car, and so will Sgt. Slaughter. but I'm sure he can swing another great deal on his ne."~t one.

M.J. was the only first year whose parents dropped off kye packages at the gate during recruit term. Living in Metchosin, she chose Roads last. so. naturally the military sent her there. M .J. soon learned the advantages of living only ten minutes down the road, as home was a good ~pot 10 change ("Leave dress? We have leave dress?") and hold end-of-year parties. M.l bounced bacJ.;. from mono in first year 10 win her clubs, then the cro\\ n for first-year females. She spent some time on the rowing team, but decided 10 try the cross-country team after a successfu l track mee!. She's also one of the crazy fe\\ who likes to spend time dangling on ropes from mountains, and has gone 10 Joshua Tree twice with the mountaineers. M.J.'s vivid memory of the uncontrollable frat that occurred between her two first-year roommates caused her to seek refuge in Cartier Flight halls. At least this re lationship was no financial burden (she was paid per page). M.J. was an ATC, but has no\\ got her pilot'S licence and is hoping for an all-expenses-paid trip to CFB Portage, Nexl fa ll will see her defecting to CMR to try Mil Stud from a different (less suicidal!) point of view.

RRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMr..IMMM!!! Two years ago, the General left the thriving metropolis of Okotoks. Albtrla. to sho.... the Canadian Force) the true meaning of military potennal. Sadly, he could only fulfil this mission by pointing at other people, as Keenness did not come easily at first. However. after arri\mg at Roads, Ed's standards impro\ed tremendously, and he eo.entually came to Win the night's 'Keenest Rook' A..... ard. He ..... as also the inaugural winner of the Deconnlk Award5, for a seTies of colourful P<'rformances around Greater Victoria. Ed ..... ants to become a LEfl.1E officer - .....ell, nOI really, but it's .... ritten In the oil stains on his DlU's that it must be so. As a good LEME officer, he ne\er misses a chance to work on his French profile, oflen seeking out help, as in his celebrated lesson on the bare essentials Just after Oktoberfest. Some of his other fond memories include the Vancou\er tTlP, Guns 'n Rodents, skydiving and the Canada Day Motoring Weekend adventure. Ed's off to RMC next year, and we .... ish him IW,:k in Engineering Management, hoping he doesn't lose hl\ dothes o\er the change. A~ he lea\c~, he takes with him a moment that will al .... 3y\ remain dear to our hearts: "Second Year Heebear, .... hat are you doing in my room?"

Ambassador Heth has had an illustrious, yet subdued career at military college. Captain of the volleyball team, second semester CSC, owner of a '74 BMW, narcoleptic, math god, and plastic addict. Why, just the other day he was telling his secretary, Donald Trump, about how he misses those Christmas cards Visa used to send him. Although he initially wanted to complete the Milstud program, Mr. Ambassador says that his Psychology degree with a space science minor has served him well. Ah, the days of idealism and innocence. He just wasn't the same after he finished infantry phase II at Gagenam. Speaking of exotic social life. the ambassador still maintains that Scarlett will leave her husband and six kids to jom him at the Residence. Best of Iud, James, and may your calm sense of serenity continue to provide a steadying innuence for us all.

Todd is a man who leaves the rest of us in awe. It has long been wondered exactly wha t it is that he possesses that maJ.;.es him immune to the natural fear of women that we all have. It could be those fancy Don Johnson suits (allseason, a ll-weather and all-powerful), or perhaps that used-car sa lesman charm which lures them into his grasp, but it is most liJ.;.ely his ability to move in right a"'3Y (even before they taJ.;.e their jadets off) and hit them with one of his many lines, The best one is the one about how he mjured his knee while taJ.;.ing part in a sub-surface game of search and destroy between himself and a whole school of Soviet submarines. The "I'homme de plastique", as he is J...nown by many can take many forms and can usually be seen Circling his prey at any &I\·en dance or formal funclion. I guess it is also appropriate that he lives up in Lasalle with the rest of the 'animals'. I've J.;.nown Todd ever since the first day of BOTC and I don't thmk anyone can argue that he truly is a rare specimen.

Well, llodgie, we made it through the two years here with small problems but no great hardships. Now as we get going into third year at RMC we have some new problems: the Queens women chasing us, and you being tied 10 someone near there makes for an interesting time. Now in the serious outlook, we are about to leave our temporary home of two years and arri ...·e in Ontario both strangers in a strange land, just like when we arrived in B.e. and were placed in the same platoon at BOTe. We became friends and made memories for the French D.S. who J.;.ept screwing up our names. During our stay at Roads I became a cripple and you were there for a little lean on. ThanJ.;.s, partner, and remember you were not always the good boy that you are today - the girls all remember the bad Johnny.

Second Y cars -


Picture if you will, a lonely man, in a lonely desolate land. Facing the [orces of nature, the "High Plains Drifter" emerged from his earthly nature to become the "Urban Cowboy", When asked why he left his true bonds to the land for a life of hot-rod DaYlOnas, Spiderman undies,

cool salin vests and endless barrels of smokes. Rob replies in a slow, drawn-out manner '" just don't .070$#&.$ know, man", Although sull yearning for the life of the 'long hairs', Rob has learned to deal with the frustrations of military life with endless attempts at scoring with UVic girlies (most noticeably at his Emily Carr stomping grounds), Drinking is but a mere given in this rugged man's life, although it has shown its effects. When thoroughly intoxicated all the platinum-eaded Rob can seem to think about is where he can buy himself a hamburger (certainly not the diet of a Drifter). When asked "why Mil Stud?", Rob. with his usual condescending manner replies. "Perhaps you should think about a quality degree. We are here for an education, not a party!" (Whatever, Rob) "Rob, would you give il all up if you could?" we asked. He replied "Hell, no, I'm five thousand buds in the hole, that damn car, that damn car. ..

~ .

OCdt Jamie (Nitro) Johnson Joined the Canadian Forces in 1980 as an Airframe Technician. He was posted to Trenton, Ontario, where he worked on the Boeing 707 and CC130 aircraft. Jamie's interest tn aircraft lived on in Royal Roads where he dIscovered hIS remote control aircraft used to ny beller with wings than without. Some say his sobs can still be heard at Ground Zero in the upper tennis court. OCdt Johnson was also an active member in the gun club and the Karate club. He claimed he could do a roundhouse in an MGB, but now he walks funny and talks with a higher voice. Nice try Grasshopper! OCdt Johnson is off to RMC to complete a Computer Engineering degree. Best of luck in Kingston Jamie.

He came, he saw, he said: "I shall return." Not to be deterred, Paul Joudrey returned to the wastelands of second year arts to mow down all academic obstacles standing in his way - leaving the profs unscathed, of course. Naturally, Thrbo Joud tackled second year with abandon, beginning with his organization of the Recruit Obstacle Course as well as Aaaarmy Oaaay!! His aggressive stance toward his studies ("Sure man, whatever.") was rivalled only by his aggressive stance on the soccer field (only 5 ft. 3 but full of energy!) and in the world of water polo where he fought off many a long-nai led adversary. Never one to waste lime, the Joudmeister devoted untold hours to testing the structural integrity of his fart sac. Let's hope that his favourite piece of kit, along with his quick wit, his seemingly endless supply of come-backs and exclamations (including .@!.@!), and his morale will stay intact as he heads IOta lhe fiery pits of third year RMC. All the best, Paul - remember only the good times. Next time we meet, we'lt make sure that we have our heels together Seen!!

Hmmm, what can v,:e say about Li'l Johnny Kalhous? An excessively positive thinker? An upwardly - mobile officer cadet? A business tycoon in the making? How 'bout a strange animal in soccer cleats? Hailing from the mighty metropolis of Port Alberni. B.C., John made the perilous trek down the Malahat to Roads with visions of grandeur. Determined to conquer all aspects of college life he dove with a vengeance into his studies (gotta love that Commerce on a Friday afternoon!) and into his sports scoring four goals every soccer tournament - one with each foot and one with each hand. Yup, looks like real Rhodes Scholar material here. (" Hullo! McKalhous!") With his insatiable appetite for weights. tennis, financial news, and Long Island lee Teas, John will be packing his wacky self off to CMR next year for Business Administration. Once in Quebec - the site of his SLT exploits - he will hopefully find a life that pleases him, a classification that suits him. and, indeed, more speakers to dance on! Best of luck, John, and don't forget us little people! Now, pump up the volume and dance outta here!!

Peter "Cleese" heard that the" Holy Grail" is somewhere in the Kingston area, so he's off to RMC to search for "The Meaning of Life". Having been a Monty fan since before time began, Peter did his very best to turn Sooke into the Monty Python Mecca of the world. Peter joined the forces in 1982 as an I.S. tech. He spent the following six years in Greenwood, N.S. where he worked in ATE (Automated Test Equipment) for the CP 140 Aurora. He was then accepted for the UTPM program and was lucky enough to get his first choice - RRMC. He plans 10 pursue a Computer Engineering degree at RMC, however he will have to work on his golf game if he hopes 10 become a good AFRE officer. GOOD LUCK. Peter. and all the best at RMC.

Spence comes to us from the hick town of High River. After recovering from the initial shock of Camp Chilliwack. he was forced to face the personal trauma brought about by a Christmas dinner boxing match with an opponent twice his size. However, always resilient, and sometimes just plain bouncy, "Spenny" recovered and coasted through first year both militarily and academically. At Laval, he let loose, partytng on the Barrie road trip, venturing on the Plains of Abraham, singing in the subways, and chasing Me.xican cats. Let's not forget "road rockets" and J llh row tickets for the Skydome, either. With the new academic year, Spence experienced difficulty only when his superiors realized that his bangs easily touched his front collar. Balancing his academic genius (especially for psych) with partying and his Mack Flight pastime, he also brought his marks up to first-class status. The future will surely see Spence continuing his extraordinary puppy路like dedication to the Log. He will spend the summer at Petawawa, training to be a CELE officer, after which he's heading for RMC. We wish him good luck and hope he doesn't die a painful death in Elcc. Eng.

When 'MegaPhone' first came to Chilliwack he made an impact. He deafened the OS. Then he came to Roads where he was welcomed with open arms. Roads would no longer need a PA system. They had Paul. He was the first person to hand in two exams for the same coursehis exam and his cheat sheet. At Laval he met Carolyn who showed him why people call Georgians friendly. But Paul, 100, is friendly. He does not mind giving out his van and encourages drinking and driving. On a more serious note, Paul, the pilot "wanna be', uses his time wisely 10 study - no, to sail. One look at Paul's marks will attest to this. Why get 60 when 50 is just as good? Paul says 2 out of 3 ain't bad. He uses this argument to main路 tain his paSS-la-fail ratio. We wish Paul the best of luck in his continuing studies at Roads. When asked why he was staying, he said - Royal Roads just can't afford 10 lose its PA system. Paul Megaphone Keule\\ell, the pilot of Mack Flight - louder than loud!

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42 -


Second Years

During Derek's first year, he was in . . olved with the college curling team's success in going to the National College Championships in Calgary. He also helped the UT's to recei . . e a black eye for ball hockey, and still found time to spend with his wife, Colleen. Derek's second year at RRMC was highlighted by the birth of his first son, Kyle. on Sept. 2. He also became protector for the UT's during his second year which gave him his first and only bar. Derek has chosen to follow the engineering management program at RMC with aspirations of using his degree 10 business at some pOint in the future. Upon completion of his degree he hopes to return to the subs in Halifax and to get back to the real world. Four sqn will miss Derek's cooperation in helping others and wishes him and his family all the best.

Harry, alias " J\:yong Hoon" came to us from t\tontreal. It took the first few months after his arrival at Roads for us to figure out 'o'helher he was a Korean. a Frenchman, or an English guy with a funny accent. We finally decided he was a little of each. Harry first set his sights on the rugby team , He 'loon realized, however that those hits really do hurt. Harry then spent most of his time expanding his "PlpeS" to supernatural size and playing 1.~I.'s. To the chagrin of us all. Harry mamtamed his second class honours by falling asleep with his face in hiS books the night before each test. He also provided his Fraser Buds with some amusement as we placed bets on when he'd tell his mum he bought a Ninja. In second year, Harry look up wrestling and quidly proved himself a worthy foe. He also quickly decreased the resale value of his motorcylce one sunny day. Coming through all this none the worse for wear, Harry decided to make the move to Mech Eng at RMC. We bid farewell to Harry, his colour· ful expletives. and his ready smile, and wish him all the best at RMC.

Mark Kloster, Koister, Koaster. or Koester the Molester (as he is often called) is the first hard-core white rapper to hit Royal Roads. Yes, he certainly left his mark (stain) in all our hearts. Who can ever forget (no matter how hard we try) his nomination to one of the se-..·en deadly sins, his "neat" Ouorescent rap outfits and of course his music. In both first and second year Mark was named the Ad , Rack god when he was be~towed with the dubious Champ Flight Rack Master Award (for spending many a class in the Samsonite morel) while managing to maintain strong second-class honours. a one, least of all ~lark. is sure why this second-string proctor plans to stay at Roads. Maybe it's the chance of being a CSC in one of the new flights, \\ here he can make nC\, traditions, such as saluting EASY - E in the halls. We all wish Mark the best of luck in his S+CS (Space and Computer SCience) studies with his minor in T & T

Greg Joined the C.r, In 1983 and sened in the air (on:e as a Radar Technician. After spending fi\e gJorious years fiung ground radars in such placo as CFS Holberg (Nothern Vancouver Island). he realized that the only way to get bad, to his home town of Victoria ....as to apply to UTPM at RRMC. Being sports-oriented. Greg be· came \'ery acti\'e .... ith the rep hod.ey team and also proved to be a key player in 1M's (especially ball hockey). During the summer months ..... hile at RRMC (or SLT. Greg kept in shape with a little triathalon training (.... hat a maSOChist!). Greg's fa\'ourite pastime is ....aitlng till the \'ery last minute to prepare for an exam and then pulling an all·nighter. During exam routine Greg can be s~n at the nearest E'tpresso shop loo~ing for the strongest coff~ on the face of the eanh He changes his schedule so that he sl~ps all day, studies all mght, .... rites the C"Xam in the mormng and then goes home to start the .... hole process all O\'er again. At the end of exams Greg's body is so screwed up that it takes two .... ~ks before he recognizes his wife. Greg and his wife Anita, who are expecting their fi~t child In June. Jea\'e this ~ummer for RMC. where Greg WIll sptnd two more yea~ of sleepless nights studying Electrical Engln~ring. Good Iud, man, you'lI be greatly missed

Olav has had such a wonderful first two years at Roads that he's decided to suffer through two more. The big tall Swede has had plenty of good times so far, some of which include: cruising Government 10 jeans (hiS leave dress) • getting tortured by Ken, silting on the beach in the middle of winter. and putting down Kluster as much as possib le. There are many things that Olav did not learn at MIL COL, as a result, the sight of the gangly blond sprinting across the circle was pretty much an everyday occurrence. This J..:ept him in shape and 100J..:ing as keen as Mr. McLean could possibly wish. Does this mean 0 and Dan-O are buds'! Ask 6 Section for more info on this. I f you need help on planning your career, don't ask Swede. He changes his mind more times than Hodgins talJ..:s about his "hard-body" chicks. When he came here from that oasis ca ll ed Salmon Arm he was ANAV, and he was in engineering. As of the time of writing, he was ARMD. and milstud. But that's just part of what makes the big geek so unique. For those going to RMC, he'll be missed, especially by his fellow black brother. Good luck 10 you Olav, and yes, you do snore like a chain saw.

When Jeffrey arrived at Chliliwad, he d1d nothing, absolutely nothing, in ("\.ery sen~e of the word He enjoyed recruit term. 1\"\r. Ger\'3is .... ill remember the famous hne that made Jeff quite popular with his Mac~ night buds: "I thought that was rather sarcastic." Jeff conllnued through first year showing not only that he had a way "lIh words, but that he was a master of academics as "ell Laval "as another time to remember, one 2Lt Clancy won't forget ell her, as Jeff once again showed his way with words. and found hlmselr sLlting in the office for a double duty over the Canada Day \\.eekend. Then he came to Roads for second year setting his mind on Important goals. Academics - wrong, instead, half of Room 335 Mac~ When this goal "'as found to be unattamable. Jeff quickly rebounded, pursuing instead the other half of Room 335 Mack \\'e wish Jeff continued Iud ne1(t year in his pursuit of happiness. JeWs feat for the year "Ill be to conquer the asptct of Math. He will al\\.aYl> be remembered by his good buds Ginelle and Newf. when again his way with words shines at the wrong time: "Well, I am certainly not here to ~~ you." We are sure his words will be silenced as the day~ of Gagetown draw near. Good luck to your future at Roads. and take a hint: don't take any courses relatmg to Math. Your RMC buds will miss you. Jeffrey

Somehow. through these past two years, Julie has always been ab le to keep a smile on her face, which has helped the rest of us to keep gOing. In first year, Jules, a member of the Cartier Country Club, joined the rowing team and the band. In the former, she became known as the phantom rower, training very hard bUI missing every race. In the latter, she made up 50070 of the clarinet section, until she decided that for second year being a troopie would be a lot less work. SLT was endless fun and the speakers at Chez Dogobert will never be the same. While trying to fill up her leave card as quickly as possible in second year, she still found time to knuckle down on academics and shoot a few arrows. These past two years have not only confirmed that guys have got the worSI timing, but have created lOIS of memories that she will carry off with her to CMR; as the biggest pack-rat in NATO, she's managed to save most of those memories In physical form (except, of course, the steam that sel off the fire alarm Iwice)! She will be in good company, but for those few left behind, she will be sorely missed. Remember: Floyd loves you.

Bill MacLean, a veritable spring chicken of a UT, enrolled Jan. 83. Bill, a hard worker, excelled at his job and soon found himself knee-deep in mud, with a thin laundry mark on his epaulet (Chilliwack). In a very short time. after his arrival at RRMC, Bill demonstrated a vast number of personal qualities; thoughtful, helpful, witty, softspoken and slow to anger, that helped him readily adopt to this new and challenging environment. In a short 2 years Bill has accomplished much in the squadron, in the college, and at home. Bill's undying attention to detail as CSA has helped keep the squadron well-oi led and full of paper. Some of Bill's most notable accomplishments at the college have been at sports. He has excelled at them all, particularly hockey, where he was a stalwart member of the awe-inspiring 'UT' forward line. Bill was busy on the home front too, where he received support and moti· vation from hiS wife. This must have made things too easy, 50 Bill traded in his white sports car for a baby girl. Bill's life is now very full, but it will be complicated by one last thing, his move to Kmgston, he will pursue a Political Science degree which will assist him in his new classification. Intelligence. Best of Iud., Bill.

Anji started her world tour this year on crutches but Globe trOlling became much easier as she ditched the crutches for a cane. Now, when she is not biking or running, Anj can be found recovering from another one of her all night essay experiences. Unfortunately everyone in the night remembers these as well. The Hockey team will miss her organization skills and dedication and although she does not like early morning riSings she usually manages to make it to all the games on time. Often a victim of the Hudson water raids Anj now finds herself going to RMC where her background from Roads will serve her well in Ec & Comm. As she leaves RRMC behind AnJi will be fondly remembered for her bouncy doo and closet full of clothes (some of which were even hers) O l!


Second Years -


44 -

Second Years

Soldier Nat quickly made a I-.ill at BOTC a road kill, right, Shawn! Upon arrival at Roads, Nat set her goals. Along with all her other Cartier buds, Nat found first year difficult but with personal input from her esc she experienced a lot of ups and downs ... 1 notch. "Timmy, don't te ll anyone!" . . Sorry, Nat! Nat acqui red an accurate aim when dnnl-.mg 'socially', filling glasses and shoes as ".ell as tarnishing the brass plaque from the CSTO's windov•. Due to her successful attempts at tast· mg her alcohol (wice, the Cartier Deconmk Award has been renamed the Marchesan Award. Nat was the second to join the "10 day C lub" and attempted to carryon the family tradition by getting her daughter breached as wei!. Being the feminisl that ~he I';, Nat wasn't \atisfied with 5 bars so she began her que~t for 10, but fallmg short she had 10 settle for 6 ... that makes two notches. It's good to see Ihat friends share everything. What Yo ill "the fa· mily" thin!.. of when they find au[ that their little mafia princess has turned bad? With memories of SLT's road trip to Hamilton, Wcstloc!... nights on the beac h and breaking fishbowls, good luck at Roads with P&O Nat .. MAN ALIVE!!

When Jody left Cape-Breton in 1980 his brothers had a heck of a party to celebrate the fact that they would now be only J to a bed. As a radio technician he had a chance to vemure far away from snowy Cape Breton to Alert, Massel, and other scenic pans of Canada. Jody's previous experience wil l stand him in good stead as a CELE officer, or as a SEARS repairman. Jody's hobbies include computers, trap shooting, huntlOg and fishing, all of which he hopes to see in the intramural program next }'ear.

Derek came to RRMC from the crime capnal of the world. Langley. s.c. In 2 years here, Derel.. has done It all. When he's not sleeping or doing the pooch, he can be found at the nearest fishing hole. or on the ice prac· ticing for the big leagues. Derek has lefl his mark on Roads though. In the first year, he was a valuable asset to the hockey team, and he also won Ihe athletic award as top first year, and in ';econd year, he .... as one of the co-captains of the hockey team, as well as becoming an illustrious membe r of the 'Trip le Crown Club'. In second year, the big question for Derek was, "Should I stay or should I go?". His answer seemed 10 depend on the weather, for he was not sure what awaited him in the promise land of Ontario (namely at Queens). Another "Smash" of second year for Derek was when he swerved to miss a deer on a rainy night (yeah, righl!). being the animal lover he is, and totalled his best and only ca r. Oh well, I guess those swerving trees tend 10 p lay tricks on you! As your hockey linemate, hodey roommate, and maybe evcn future cellmate, I \\ ish you the best of luck, and I hope to see you at R~I C next year. B.P. and the wave forcver. litter!

I've had worse times and I've had better but I've ne'w'er been convicted. OR Never leave a native unattended or look what might happen. Take yOUf choice and let me know in two years.

The best way to describe Dave: Differcnt. rew others would believe that time travelling back to the Vietnam war is the neate~t possible thing. rewer still would consider "BeaIOlk" the harshest of insults folloncd b)" "T\\inkie", "Nerd", and "Sphincter". While he occasionally has problems understanding other people's theories, he has developed some very different postulates of his own, such as one concerning the origins of and connection between black holes, high velocity dump truds. and supernovae. He is the only one e"er to score three goals in water polo \\ hi Ie aCling as net goalie, and he makes his distinct presence known both on and off the sports field. Dave's being different has made a difference here.

OCdt Damian O'Keefe is a former Performance Orient· ed Electronics Technician. His previous emp loyment had him performing routine maimenance on Kiowa helicopters. After a record-breaking streak of ratal crashes, his lasl boss, WO I.M. In charge, convinced Damian that the best imerests of the mi litary wou ld be served if Damian pursued some olhe r vocation, perhaps as an officer. Hav· ing just bare ly made the entrance requirements for the UTPM program. Damian came to Royal Roads in 1988 in the hopes or achieving a BA in Psycho logy. Nobody is more surprised than Damian that he is doing so \..'ell academically. We all thought that he'd be "back in the ranks" by now. Damian enjoys studying psychology be· cause he now knows why nobody likes him. The Person· nel Selection branch accepled him because Damian wasn't smart enough to be anything else, and he couldn't do any damage Ihere. Damian's big dream is to be chosen for the hockey team on the first draft. Damian will always be remembered by his classmates for his ceaseless humour, his he lpfulness with academics, and most of all for the fact that he never shuls up!

Mr. Sensitivo, after acing Chilliwack, became an Integral part of the Royal Roads social scene. I mean, this babe· magnet '67 'Stang has established him well in the Chaleau Clique. Lardass made his decision to become a piper upon learning that sheep can hear zippers a mil e away. H is favourite memories include the acquisition of his nick· name OctoPada and funny stories at Cattle Point. CFSO and ski club monarch pro\ed to us all that Greg was more than competent. Red letter days in the big black book of life include fish assassination and the realizat ion that he gets to go back to Chi ll iwack, this lime to b low stuff up. H is tunes, especially pOinted ones such as " If a Tree Falls in the Forest", and his fashion, from his beach shooz 10 his Impeccable 'do, made us, well, made us wonder. Greg will finish his degree \\ Ith a difference at RMC and will eventually settle do\\n with the one he loves, provided she dresses well. Good luck on pilol phase. "Mike"!

Ron, AKA "Father Time" originally Joined the military July 75, and gOt out in August 83 to pursue something \\e on ly dream about - life at civvy U. Ron's love for the military - or h is need for cas h - returned him to the military in December 84. He was an Artillery man and also served with 408 TAC HEL Sqn in Edmonton as an obser..:er. He applied and was accepled for UTP~ t in 1988, as he continued his successful career by lopping his BarC Course. Contrary to popular belief Ron is an easy·going guy, Just ask anyone in the squadron du ring drill. Ron liked dri ll and being CSTO so much that he has decided to stay at Roads - it has noth ing to do with his degree program. Ron will comp lete a psycho logy degree (what do you mean by that) to go hand in hand with his Per· sonne I Selection classification. In his spare time (which he has lots of since he is single) Ron likes to have soccer balls kicked at him. He really likes playing with the co l· Icge team; just ask Wes or anybody else at the MIR. Ron even managed to he lp one very thankfu l classmale through Computer Science. Ron, whatever you attempt we kno\\ you will succeed. When limes get tough remem· ber these few highlights - "Commem dit·on, advance in review order?", "quelle heure a+il?", Hans and Modred - and keep smiling. 10

fhe .. mell of toa'i \\afl'> d()\\" from ·Pne't\\oman· .. · room \\here all the rra,er bud, (ould be found t.efore the dread· ed a.m. parade pral.:lice'l. The ga,hed hode~ ,tid., un· der "Cuddle~" bed are pmof of her uller dC\otion to the RR\lC hodt.; learn . .\nd. if Call1 \\a"n'l al \\od,lng on the LOG. b) 'tre"mg out o\er,ome hl'.tory e\\a) or. d tilpmg some pan of a Jock', anatomy ,he \\ould undoubtedly be found m the PIT'\h ye,! Cathy I., mmt re'pel.:ted for irrefutabk ability to ,leep through anything Cathy ha ... been cho,en to complete )rd and 4th year a, a purebred Roadenl Be .. t of Iud. CSC Cath)! (P,S. Be\\ard oltho'e ~ Sgn t) re'. too·,hort \meril.:an' and fl)mg: hode)' pUl.:k ... !)

William the Great. hailmg from a small suburb of Toronto called Lmdsay. has definitely left his mark on Roads. kind a like a dog doe ... on a fire hydrant. From the Common Room of 9 platoon in Chilliwack 10 the Party Flats of \lid",a). B.C.. Willi has let it all hang out. He ~tarted his socio-military career making mud pies in Vancouver and ha .. n't let up since the da\\ n of day. Numerous \iclims of his altilude are scattered across this great land of ours from sea to sea. The Coiff-O left the snake pit of 6 Scction and his e-.er·present CSC to join the illustrations (or was that lustreless?) ranks of the Fudge Buds upstairs. After a fC\\ domestic difficulties he and Smitty have established their Ioty just the way they want It. Willi hopes to continue hi ... hobby of automotive painting as he sets sail for Kingston ne\:t year, a little wiser for all he has seen and heard, Road') changed him a lot, but couldn't destroy his two great loves: Rugby and Vanessa (nol necessarily in that order); however. it did give him a caffeine addiction and suspicion of all guys named Billy.

Toby i~ one of the number of unfortunate, \\ho call themselves air navs. We hope that he \\ ill manage to complete a chemical engineermg degree in spite of thi') negative motivation. As well a') being academically keen - at least some of the time - Toby \\as responsib le for the "Mac\.. Attack" column in CROSSROADS and became Party-O in second semester, \\hen he achie\ed \\ ing-" ide recognilIon for his "cold-lUb" \'ersion of the ever-popular hOI tub party. Toby "as also a membcr of the hodey learn, succeeding in confusmg not only the opposite team, but himself as we ll. The squadron e..-en leI him come out for J.M.'s once in a while. Toby's aiter ego is Rob Hard. with "'hom he writes the well-kno\"'n (but not well-\\ rillen) "Warrior of Love" column. Rob became the Warriors' only success \\hen Toby set him up \\ Jlh his ex-girlfriend. Toby is also the author of the most famous engmeering essay of all time. beginning \\ ith Ihe words: .. It "as a gray and chilly morning ..." If he doesn't succeed at RMC, Toby "ill still have a secure career - "riting Harlequm romances.

Andre" came to us from the ranks of the S.r.U, under· grads, and the fIrst question on everyone's minds was \\ HY? He quickly proved himself by ~aiJlOg through recrull lerm virtually unscathed. We figured this was the result of his country boy background after we learned thaI he spent his younger years living in the woods without a T.V. Some\\ here in his teens. though, Andre\\ enlered civilization and came to Roads direct from the booming metropolis of ~laple Ridge, B.C. Andre-.\ tried his hand al sa ilin g in firsl year. but soon gave it up as a result of boredom. It "as then that we realized that he was a \Irtual god in the pool. He took charge of the water-polo team and pushed us over the top in the wing s\\im meet. Andre\\ further impressed us all by his uncanny ability to not take notes. not study. and yet st ill beat us on all tests. AndrC\\ Spcnt the summer in Quebec heading the "Anit-Disco Dri,e". He then returned 10 second year deciding he'd like to try hiS hand at rugb)'. at least until he received a ne\\ bionic arm, courtesy of Ihe Nanaimo R.r.C. Andre\\ has affected us all in fraser night and we \\ Ish him the best as he mo'cs on to R.~1.C.

It ",auld appear that Vancouver's city life was not e~cit­ ing enough to keep this partying, dancing machine occup ied. Instead, Dave Ruud chose to leave that boring and uO\ati~fying city to pursue a more challenging life here at Royal Roads. The "Ruddster" kept us smilin' with hl~ unpredictable, imaginative, and amuslOg ways. Dave survived his first IWO years by ')pending quality time on the tennis courts in first year. on speaker~ in Quebec City dUring the summer. and in the "'eight room further de· veloping his muscular body during second year. Dave's unspoken ness and his unlimited vocabulary have often confused the unsuspecting layman. Quite unfortunately. however. Dave has been unsucce\sful in applying his deep and philosophical logic to persuade himself to come and join his buds at CMR. Evidently, Dave has enjoyed his stay at Roads so much that he is considering extending his visit here for another two years in the depth of the milslUd program. H ave a good one, Dave!

Rusty Chrustle - hailing from that booming metropolis of Prmce "Where the .@.# is this place?" Rupert decided, after a murky first-round lour, to return for an encore performance. this time with passing grades. H oweve r, she now finds herself struggling in second )-'car. Despite her academic plight. Christie still finds time to keep her leave card full. In her zealous attempl to remain in the ROTP programme, Christie has chosen that "thought·prQ\'oking degree" of Psychology. as she values her sleep more than your typical Mil Stud Bud.

UT. UT. UT Andy callion, \\ ho hails from Lunenburg N .5., JOined the cr in 1983 and served 10 the navy as an AdmlOl~tratl\e C lerk After spending five years bobbing about the Pacific Ocean as an ordlilary seaman he realIzed that the saying 'the re's no life like It' applied on ly to the officcr corp\, and hence he applied for UTPI\1 Once at RRMC Andy sa\\ a huge profit to be made typing essa)'s for hiS classmates - no wonder he hal, a ne\\ car! Andy'\ claim to fame at RR~IC (one he ne-.er shuts up about) i\ gOlOg the distance \\I(h big h an Cyr in the "ing ",restling. He is also qUite good aliraliling his dog to take runner ... off their feet (e\pecially dUring marathons). Andy'. his Wife Chri~ and their dog Buddy leave this summer for R\IC \\ here he \\111 study commerce and later go on to become an Adm\Oi~tralhe Otficer. In all ~eriousne')s, Andy has been e\tremely helplul to his class· mate., \0 rcadmg rough drafts of c~say .... and hiS e\Cellent allilUde \\111 be greatly ml')')ed by four Squadron. Good luck., bye, ',,"Ia) Your Big Jib Dra\\'

Humpty-Dumpty landed in sccond )·ear, not \\Ith a bang bUI with a dull thud. Although she has improved from her "bathlllg ~uits have collars 100" attitude. Dear ~leg can still rationalize \,.. th the best of them. H er SLT summer was action packed and not without its elcvating expcriences. Chudy has graced t>.lad night hall~. and If you look real hard you can still see the chunks. ~leg's life ha\n't been \\ Uhout hardlihip, a'i her numerous day~ in the leather .,ods can attest. Il er favourite food is 0 Henry bar\ (it's the big chunk o· fudge!). ~leg 1\ continuing here. affirming our suspicions, as a Space Cadet. lI er future is bright. and thanks to Craig, coming up rose~. After all, it \\ould be pretty hard to get caught in jeans al the CaplIal6 t\\ICC.

Second Year; -





46 -

Second Years

Sj's military car~f!r began with Air-Crew Selection during hi~ high school grad w(,d. in 1988. Arriving at his grad ceremony only se· conds bdore 11 ~tarted set the pace that his military career has followed to dale - tate arri\ials. missed timings, last-minute project completions and original ex,uses for lateness are still his specialty. He remained relati~el)' incognito at BOTe as the biggest squid in Fourt~n 'Parly' Platoon HowC"I-cr, following his introduction to the bttr boule al Roads, hiS alcohol intoleran~ and his SC\'cral room and roommate redecorating attempts ha ... e earned him distinction in his first and second yean. This is not to say thai his studies have totally taken a back seat, for in his quest for the elusive 'B', he ha~ earned himself a key poSition on Joudrey and Oarg's BrownBingo cards In Psych. Jeff. along \\-ith Timmy and Scolli. decided to liquidly e1l:perience Quebec City's culture through the Festival O'Ete - all 15 nights of it In fact! The two most memorable memories (of the few they have of those weeks) are of Timmy 'Casper' Theal \\.iping Ihe side ofa moving bus with his bad. and Sconi 'Manson' VanWill being pushed ofr a 20 fOOl overpass, (I didn't do 11 - who are you going to belie-..'e, me or the simian?) Always a dedicated member of the wre~tling team, Jeff understood morning workouts at Laval to combat hi s growing beer-belly. Nat, Timmy, /\like and Scoll i appreciated their 06:30 wake-up calls during this time! Si will return to Roads nC'<t year. e:o;hausted after an intemive summer of Air Nav phase. HI S thoughts will be with his buds going to RMC but he asks them to remember JUSI who the true purebreds are!

Smitty is both a dream·child and a nightmare to parents. To his own mother and father, Corey is the ideal son; he is a talented netminder, a scholar, and, of course, a hand· some man. To the parents of young high school girls, however, he is a terror. Corey's tragic naw is his addic· tion lO females of the teeny·bopper type. To go into this in delail would only get him into trouble with the law, so on to something different. Cowpoke's years at Roads have been a combination of good grades, great saves, and awesome nights out on the town. He is off to Portage this summer for pilot phase, but is not happy to be leaving the Palace, cabin 4 10. Although it is no closer to his hometown of Three Glacia l Deposits, Alberta, Corey· Beth is anxiously waiting to go to RMC and tolO his chosen degree of FAME. RMC attracts him because of its good hodey, its location close lO Queens, and the fact that it is only a four hour drive to Dominique. Cowpoke is a smart guy but seems lO be forever stumped by a single question; he figures that he will probably never know what it is like to wake up in the morning and not be perfect! mmmmmmmmyyyyyyyyaaaaaaa!! !

There are many stories of Warren's beginnings; some say the East; he figures he comes from Thunder Bay. Legend says he came from deep under the ocean surface, where mere monals dare not venture. Created by King Neptune himself, Warren emerged from the cold pits of heavy water to eventually end up a disciple of Samuel D. Champlain. As an engineer, school seemed 10 be a biff on his time, and so to pass the hours he became more involved in historical and philosophical readings. His exquisite ability to argue any number of lOpics with the artsies, leaving them shaking in their boots. always pleased the other en· gineers. After the firsl wing swim meel we named him Poseidon. This followed his fish·llke drill and hi s large consumption of liquid s, assuming of course that fish drink a lot. Hi s sense of humour never ceases lO amaz.e us (ask him about bO.'I(-lunches someday). I will likely remember him most for popping out into the hall one night dressed as Angus Young, with AC/ DC playing the background.

Escaping from the confines of Prince George, "Box· spring" carne to Roads for the money. (Isn't that right, Ismael?) After surviving a year in Mack Flight, he stepped out of the frying pan and into the fire to be CFSO Champlato. To keep up appearances, he has retained membershi p in the 400 C lub, and helped hold down the blue line for the hockey team. His sense of fashion earned him recognition all the way up to the CSL. (2 'I( leave dress = breach, 5 + 7 = 12 days S2?) The president of the Flying Club, "Box's" budget proposal of $7000 was not lOO well received by the Recreation Council, although he did manage to show a number of people the joy (and pain?) of nying. His tours of the college from 400, I mean 1400, feet, as well as those times he dropped down to "check out something funny" or to see "if that diver is in trouble" will most likely be well remembered by his pas· sengers. Ofr to RMC, Blair gives up his bars for the Iron Ring. Chain saw? " I don't know nuthin' about that, man ."

Kelly entered MIiCol with one goal - 10 be idle. With his inconspicuous air (the invisible man should have it so good) and his placement in 6 Section, he pursued this goal successfully until the worst of all possible things happened. In second year Kelly received bars and was forced 10 be keen. This first semester proclOr/seco nd semester CSC was now overheard saying" Idleness everywhere, kit muster, everyone!". Hopefully this new-found drive will help on phase as Kelly and the General are off lO rLX tanks (okay, okay - to become LEME officers). Good luck , Kelly! Don't worry about the cradlerobber reputation. Af· ter all, she's eighteen now.

"This is not the beginning. It is not even the beginning of the end, But it is the end of the beginning." - Anon

Todd has aspirations of completing the electrical engineer· ing program at RMC. Eventually he hopes to work on the new helicopter for DND. There's talk he may want to try a tour at sea on the tankers. Todd seems to manage his time well and still have time for family, in bed by 2300 and fresh for the next day. Spare time (what little he has) is spent with family and working around the house_ He has enjoyed life at RRMC but it's time to move on to KingslOn. Being an easterner seems to draw him back towards family ties. Todd has been involved in broom ball and various other 1M's at the college in the past twO years. He aspires to a pOSition on the RMC UT's broom ball learn in the corning year. For the present his on ly wish is to pass the team in good standing. Todd has had a few original ideas which have paid cash in his previous work. A suggestion award for modification of test equipment seems to have worked. (Oltawa bought it anyway) Four squadron will miss Todd and wishes him the best of suc· cess in the future.

When ChrislOpher first arrived at Chilliwack, he made quite an impact. However, it wasn't him, it was the pholO of his Indian girlfriend on the desk. Continuing not to be prejudiced, Timmy went to Dudar, letting her do all the work! At Roads, Timmy upheld his high standards, adding Mazy to his list. One thing we can say about Mazy is that she cou ld smoke - everything! Aspiring to be JUSt like the CWTO, Timmy got halfway there with his two bars and the CWTQ's better half. In Quebec the Francos loved Chris, especially the homos and little girls with yellow hands who slapped him in the face. After such a tir· ing day, Timmy went to the roof to sleep ... not alone!! Other accomplishments at Roads include: RRMC hockey, trips to Seattle, Vancouver, Colorado, Ihe road trip to Barrier, road rockets, 11th row - Skydome. subway singing in Montreal, "Marathon D'Ete", dodging buses, peace marches, dog fighting, la Classe de Richard, and The Ritz Club. Chris will miss Brittany and Bret as he stays at Roads next year. but we're sure he'll have plenty of outlets for his homesickness. We'll see you at the 75th anniversary - by that time you' ll be lOtally bald.

Tizz came to Royal Roads from Guelph, Ontario, but not before an enjoyable summer with the brothers of 15 Pia· toon. Tizz only found out he was coming here a couple of days in advance and he has never been the same since. Jan spent his first year enjoying Dan and Andre to the fullest. (What's the problem?) jan also survived Ken's daily classes in human performance testing, and was the volleyball team's blocking machine. A sizzling summer at Laval left many nC\\ people to get mail from, right Eddy? Second year was a nC\\ challenge to be faced, but he managed to overcome the academic hurdles ... after ~nocking a fC\\ over. Tizz was one of the HOOPS·O's in second year, and a dominant force on the court. He was also one of the Champ night PARTY·O's but this didn't make sense to anyone because he "doesn't drink". With the lounge came many new challenges, but as usual Jan survived these also. The best place to find the big guy was on his bike or at the gym getting big for the beack. At time it was difficult, but Tizz also managed to main· tain bemg a keen roommate on top of everyting else. Tizz IS going to RMC to study engineering, but he's going to take a bit of Champ with him.

Well 1 can't say that my time here so far has not been memorable, but here are just a f~ of my more memorable moments in the Mil Col system: Rugby, Abbotsford Tourney. USAFA, Statues, Graunching the Gnome, Ritz Club, Rugby, Big Bad John's, Beer, Dances, Rugby, Spit Panies (minus the fights with D.A.F.), 2300 hrs bitch sessions, rugby, Laval, metal chies, stand down missions with chief, being on the Kings . . oting pole, N.F.D. chics, and finally rugby. Well to all of you who will be leaving this "wonderful" institution of higher learning we have here because you thin~ it's a hole. well you're probably right, but I guess I'm a glutton for punishment. Where else can you ha . . e an exam routine as tense as this ( •••• it, Miller, •••• it!!!!). It's probably the only one in the world that can give you scars. Oh well, I'll sign off here with one of my favourite quotes: "My best friend is misery, my mother is insanity, my father is revenge!!" P.S. B.C. Sucks!!!!!!

Affectionately (I hope) called Wookie and Chewy for most of his second year, Robyn has led a rather relaxed and at best scarce life here at our illustrious college. Generally he could be found 10 one of three places I) His girlfriend's place (where he preferred to be) 2) The squash courts - during his fuule attempts to master the sport, and 3) In his room doing homC\\'ork - where he least preferred to be. Wookie is looking forward to jettisoning this college at the end of this year, but it is not without regret. He would like to thank all his nC\\' buds in Lasalle Flight for accepting him so hospitab ly at the beginning of the year and to say good-bye to all his friends in the wing. He would like to leave you with this quote, "I'm off to make some real money!".

Did I mention how much I don't .....ant to do the PT test?" Scratchy joined the military (0 escape: a career as a farmer; trading in his hoe, sta ..... hal and afternoon siestas for a rine, pill box, and pll. In fact, if Keith is not in class (as is often the case) he can be: found next to the one he loves the most - his PIt. "H:r.'e I started my English essay yet? What, are you kidding - it's not due till tomorrow!" As for mileol and life in general. Keith's philosophy is simple Arrrtttsss easy. This, and a fanatical desire to be a pilot. as well as al ..... ays chOOSing the path of Ic:ast resistance. epitomize Keith's character. "Old I mention how much I hate the PT teSt?" Hobbies include pitting, nying, pitting, scuba (at v. hich he is very dangerous), pitting, bo'! lunch warfare, and pitting "Hey, Don. did I mention how much I hate the PT test?" As far as rine gotS, he is a good shot, and thoroughly enjoyed the trials and tribulations of being team captain. HowC\'er, these apparent skills do not extend to the soccer pitch! "Did I mention that 1 hate the PT test?" In closing, Keith Wilson's character can be summed up as: Blade (Blad) n. I. the nat cUllmg part of any edged tool or weapon. 2. A sword 3. A dashing or reckless young man.

Newf the skid was seen as the role model cadet through the eyes of the castle. He was one of the fortunate few to receive personal consultation with Bob, resulting in the formation of the "10 day club". Newf's accomplishments mclude: the white lady, Marcy, Little Richie, Greedy Gretchen x 2, Marion and almost password. Newf came within steps of the triple crown but died running in the final stretch. Newf displayed his driving ski ll s a number of times, acquiring the ornament of a S800 speaker. He also tried to water the lawn with the duty van. Despite such a driving record, Newf managed to stan up a Royal Roadsi Downtown Victoria shuttle service coming into action every time he was on duty. His other feats include: the road trip to Barrier, redecorating the rug in Mac flight halls, speeding to phys lab, "Newf's go lden" found only in the walk-in fridge at the depanneur in Quebec City, Woody's English essays, wearing Lennie's and Toby's kit on leave, not showing up to Timmy's house for New Year's - two years in a row, the Seattle trip, Vancouver, the dog fight on air force day, and Guns and Rodents. Newf's greatest feat at Mikol was be ing the first junior to be the CMC on junior/senior day not to fail out ... yet! Best of luck this summer on INF Phase II. The Roadent buds will all miss Newfoid as he travels to sup at RMC, and leaves us with this saying: Buckwheat say - Otay!!

Dan " I wann jump off a cliff" Zegarac, stands out in Mikol as one of the most unpredictable, unprecedented and misunderstood minds. There is a popular hypothesis that anyone who hails from Manitoba "screams" at baseball, and Dan cenainly supports this! He is a lso a scuba diver, and seems to enjoy it but, "Dan, fact, your feeble attempt to imitate a drowning victim leaves a lot to be desired." Dan's a lmost insane preoccupation with artillery (everyone is trying to get out, but he wants in!) echoes in his commonly grunted phrase " I wanna be in arti ll ery, so I can shoot down planes and their pilots." Dan has decided to be a Mil Stud (a sick and demented group of derelicts) and to remain here at RRMC - perhaps the reason for this lies in his desire to drive his motorcycle year-round, or in the call of the ocean, to which every diver must yield. From those of us going to RMC, Dan, we'll miss your interesting (though very bizarre) outlook on life. So long, and thanks for all the fish.

Second Years -




1989190 saw the members of ARC Pliaht l1IIChilll never before seen beishts. The rooks, not ones to be left out, spread tbe tradition across the eity in a Royal Victorian manner. Over all, these Animals have ~ a 8UCCaIfui and well rounded year. Iuaoas squadron vicrorles were the Wina Country and the W"JJII Wrestlina Competidon, wbere l.aSaI1e F1iIbt led the IrlUldroo ill. atbletic: prowess. The squadron ttadition of academic lodliness was also Iaept up. as in the past years. A1thouab oaany members of LaSaDe F1iabt are depardq to aMe, to the real forces, or to tile far away land of avles, the traditions. .... ad ambitions of the fliabt will be CXIIIldaued in nat year's veterans.


1.-IIe- 59


The 1989/ 90 Army, Navy, and Air Force days were filled with displays of weaponry and vehicles, rucksack packing, rifle dismantling, search and rescue techniques, crud playing, (moosemilk drinking!), whaler pulls and war canoes, and many others to let the cadets know more about what goes on in each element of the Canadian Armed Forces.

RUGBY Tough, hard hitting, rugby is the reputation of Royal Roads, and this task faced the almost entirely new team at the beginning of the year. Quickly under the excellent guidance of Hans De Goede, and John Buxey the rugby team molded together and started to earn its reputation. The highlight of the year was a hard won fourth out of fifteen at the international Abbotsford 'Gobbler' tournament and a second placing in the U.Vic tournament. Next year, with a strong nucleus of the team remaining at Roads the side hopes to improve its standing in the league and continue its high level of play.

62 - Teams


Back L to R: Maclean W., Hodgins J., ?, MacDonald T., Riley T., Hord R., Springate 8., Theal

c., ?, Kobuz R.,

Faganello P., Olsen J. Front L to R: Labonte A., Gillis 8., Prieslman K., MWO Graft, \1iller D., Major Caron, Daragwitz, LI. Foolin, Mandeville A., Smilh C.

The '89-'90 season was an extremely successful one for the Royal Roads hockey team. Although the team was unable to compete in a league, some high calibre hockey was seen as the team took on anyone and everyone who accepted their challenge, a list which included U-Vic, University of Washington, the Seattle Ironmen (national Junior 'c' Champs), and the pinnacle of the season which took place in Colorado versus the USAFA JV team. At the seaso n's close the team had a 14-4-2 record and had earned the respect of the other teams at the college as one of the winning teams. Unfortunately the team is losing several players who played key roles in the past season. Players moving on to RMC include John Hodgins, Rob Dargewicl, Greg Korn, and Cory Smith. So with the loss of two first liners and one goaltender, the team has its work cut out for it, but at least the scoring machine, Derek Miller, is staying here. On the defensive side of the house though there is a strong base being left behind in the mother-son combination of Platinum and Prettyboy, and Big Paul Fagenello to carry out the enforcing. Thanks go out to Major Caron and MWO Graff who coached the team this year, and to Cathy 'C uddles' Priestman and Anji Mandeville who were the Trainer and the Manager for the team. Incidently, it was revealed in Seattle that Timmy Theal is actually an engineer. His specialty is hot tubs, but he finds he has to be properly dressed to do the job.

WISENER 1989 WISENER CUP RESULTS Fall I. I sqn 2. 2 sqn 3. 3 sqn Spring To everyone's pleasure except that of the DSM's the spring Wisener was cancelled due to rain, sleet, hai l and snow.

64 -





Operation Brass Monkey

Mountaineering Team at Joshua Tree

Second Year Pistol Training



RRMC vs USAFA Hockey

I Mil Trg -





50th Anniversary EX CADET WEEKEND



Teams -



Our 50th anniversary as Royal Roads was one of great events at the College. The band started its busy year with a lot of new talent. Early morning practices saw quite a few confused-looking, blinking musicians squinting at their music. Nonetheless, Mr. Falvo led the band to prepare for Rememberance Day and for the Christmas concert. The band also played at Spencer High School at Christmas where we learned what really happens when the lights go out ... Second semester saw in Mr. Stringer as DCBO, the last to immortalize this newly-nuked bar position. Band continued on its keen streak with extra drill practices in the morning which paid off when the band showed the troopies a thing or two on ex-Bud weekend. Fancy footwork and keen musicians helped round out to a great year's end. Thanks to P.O. Tom Vickery, bandmaster, and good luck to Mr. Falvo. Bash on, Band!

78 -


SAILING Royal Roads Sailing Teams (dinghy and keel boat) The keel boat team enjoyed a prosperous year, competing in many regattas. They encountered a few problems, like a broken mast, but this did not discourage them. Hopefully the team will be acquiring a new boat in the fall, which will lead them to victory in the upcoming regattas. The dinghy team took delivery of a new neet of Albacores this fall. They hosted the Springfest and Oktoberfest regattas, with teams competing from as far away as Oregon. They competed in many regattas and held consistant placings. Unfortunately the dinghy team will by saying good-bye to their mentor, Andre (and his truck).

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ROWING Rowing for the 1989-90 season was very successful for all members. For the better part of the season Royal Roads and UVlC formed an eight man composite crew due to the shortage of rowers. The first two regattas yielded second place finishes while later in the season the crew managed a fourth place finish. Royal Roads, in preparation for the Frost-Bite regatta in Seattle, formed a four man crew and raced to a second place finish, only missing first by a nose. This season proved very rewarding for the team members and with the return of these members a strong junior varsity team is not far in the future. Middle Ro\\: D. Dellabough,


Lpper Row: A. Cooper, S. Lis, C. Campbell, L. Campbell. C. HUllon, S. Fraser, Cap!. Kimmid, BOllom Row: A. \1 azu r, B. Lee, S. Crlnson, C \IcLean, N. Hendrickson.

The Cross Country team had another dynamic season this year. Its many members participated in numerous events including: the Naden 10K, the BC/Alberta Cross Country championships, the Wing Cross Country, and the Vancouver Island Race Series. The team was very competitive in all races with special congratulations given to the team captain, Andy Cooper, for placing fourth overall in the men's 20-29 category of the Island Series. The team's talent was well represented by its performance in the Wing Cross Country as many of the top positions, first through fourth year, male and female, were captured. Special thanks and congratulations for the team's performance is given to its coach Capt. Kimick. His dedication and experience guided the team through many grueling training sessions. Team, -



o L L E Y B A L L

BASKETBALL The first season of Rebels Basketball was a very successful one. The team was first in league play and did well in exhibition games. We were continuall y inspired by the "Beave" and wi ll never forget "use de fass break ." Burb was the MVP .. . yet we can't forget Bear's and Swede's dunks and Duff's attempts. We would like to thank our coach and our manager for all their work, as well as the scorekeepers. We'd a lso like to thank the Base Padre for a ll his support. And for all eleven of our fans, we leave the question . . . "I said Michael, how do you Oy so high?" Coach Sgt. Turcotte, Manager Sprathoff T., Captain Krigolson O.E., Asst. C Gowan lock O.K., Price D., Tisdale I.M., Burbee J., Cross 8., Klatt JW., Larose D., Brodie K., Beaver c., Piercey 8.

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Upper Row: Turcotte, D. Gowanlock, O. Krigolson, I. Tisdale, B. Cross, J. Burbee, D. Larose. Bo tto m Row: C. Beaver, J. Klatt, B. Piercey, K. Brodie, D. Price, T. Spratorr.

PISTOL The Pistol-Packers kept their shooting eyes in fine form this season despite the loss of the outdoor range and a nagging shortage of ammo. Thanks to coaches Wally McCue and Sgt. Dufresne, the team proudly showed the college colours at the Tri-CMC competition as well as at the local branch of the IPSC shooting league. Next year will hopefully see the return of the outdoor range and the introduction of some new 'toys' for the team to play with. Let's hope that this, along with some new talent, will put a few holes in the team's unofficial motto: "There are NO innocent bystanders!!"

R I F L E ;


Lpper Row: C. Smith, I. Flannagan, D. Noordhof, D. Iton, S. Graham, G. Sharpe, Y. Pratt.

Teams -




Upper Row: W. Smith, B. Conway, K. Schlewinsky. Bottom Row: J. Robinson, C. Hutton.

Back Row: T. MacDonald, Cpt. K. Jones, T. Thompson. Front Row: G. Skotnicki, T. Woolridge, P. Faganello.

SQUASH The Squash Team saw great improvement during the year. Throughout the year, we practised very hard but were still not able to "BEAT THE VICE". The Squash Team was only able to attend a handful of tournaments. The most memorable trip was to Port Alberni for the "Vancouver Island Closed". This tournament will be etched in Terry Pritchard's mind (or mouth). Terry was the unlucky recipient of a squash racket in the mouth. For the cadets remaining at Royal Roads, they are looking forward to another challenging and memorable season next year.

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Back Row: Sgt. Dufresne, C. Hatch, T. Banzul, B. Thompson, R. Wall, M. Oas, SLT P. Miller. Front Row: D. Mouser, D. Santussuosso, J. Simons, H. Kim, S. Pinder, P. Chauvin.

Overall the wrestling team had a much better season this year than last year. The team competed in two tournaments this year. The first took place in Tacoma, Washington on the 21st of November. The following weekend, the 28th of November, the team participated in a tournament held at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver. In the first of the two tournaments the team captain, Paul Chauvin, won two of his three matches and the assistant coach, Paul Miller, won the first of his two matches. The tournament at SFU was somewhat less rewarding for the team. Overall the team learned a great deal about the sport and is looking forward to a better season next year. Team members include Sgt. Dufresne (coach), S/ LT(N) Miller, P. Chauvin (captain), T. Bandzul, R. Watt, M. Oas, B. Thompson, C. Hatch, H. Kim, D. Santosuosso, S. Pinder, J. Simons, and D. Mouser. A special thanks goes to both SLT Miller and Sgt. Dufresne for their help in training the team.

CURLING The Royal Roads Curling team came into the year with high expectation because of the previous seasons visit to the Nationals. The team lead by the skip Mark Mombourquette, third Keith "Scratchy" Wilson, second Murry McPhee and the lead was Todd Higdon. The team played in the Thursday night league at the Juan de Fuca arena. During this time the team also prepared for the provincial bonspiel in Kamloops. At the provincials the team ran into very strong competition and came out with battle scars and a record which left us tied for third. The team would not be repeating its previous performance. Oh well we had fun anyway especially on the McDonald's runs. We all wish the team next year the best of luck. P.S. Make sure there is at least one UT on the team.

Teams -


SOCCER The 1989-90 season for the Rep Soccer team was one full of potential, and indeed the team performed at a level higher than previous years. Although the results were not always indicative, the team came together quickly and was improving rapidly when the collegiate season came to a close. I n the post season they continued to practice three times a week and play several exhibition games in which they showed their improvements with a winning record. The team journeyed throughout the province in their pickle braving the conditions to represent the college admirably abroad. Displaying exemplary behaviour both on and off the pitch, they established a fine reputation Looking back on the season it can be considered one of success and one which established hope for the future of Royal Roads soccer. With the hopeful addition of new talent next year the team hopes to elevate their standard and improve upon their record. The team wishes a farewell and good luck to the cadets leaving this year, their absence will be sorely missed.

Back Row: D. Motinari, D. Riis, J. Michaux, J. Schwindt, K. Brooks, P. MacSween, S.

Richards, C. Zuk, R. Porter. Middle Row: K. Power, J. Kalhous, A. Mazur, J. Von Kruse, M. Coltart, S. Hackett, R. Guinan. Front Row: T. Kalhous.



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pa~1 ~ear

\-\-as an exciting one for member., of the mounclub. Their ad\cnlures look them from California to Comol, from hundreds of meters below ground ("aisl deep in laineerin~

an under ground river) to the top of Mount Baker, and from ver-

tical rock in the desert (0 "erlical ice in the mountains. Their diverse and demanding forays were ah\ays guaranteed adrenaline rushes which demanded intense co-operntion but also a good sense of humor.

One quest remains for a select handful of the team: a sum路 mit bid in August 1990 on an unclimbed peak to name it for the challenge on her 50th anniversar). The college and the rest of the club wishes these climbers a safe and successful trip. Thanks go to Maj. LeGraw. Capt. Macintosh, Dr. Grundy, and Brian Derr) for Iheir tremendous efforts in organizing the ~ears activities. Consolations to those who 3rc hcading oul east to RMC and the flat路lands.

SKI The ski club enjoyed an event ful year with a few trips to Mount Washington and a spring break spent at Big White. Between the partying and skiing, members managed to thoroughly bag the bod and even returned with a tan! Many thanks go to Greg Pada, the mastermind of the operation, and his dad for gelling the cabin for us!



A R A T E POWERED FLIGHT The Flying Club got off to a quick start and did not slacken pace all year. The president, Blair Springate and all the Executive did a great job in getting the Club going with a good amount of money. Unfortunately our core of diehard Oyers had the money all used up by second semester. This left the pilots grapling with Uncle VISA as last minute Oying was done. Overall the Club was very successful this year, giving the pilots going to Portage much needed Oying experience.

90 -


SCUBA Ever active, the scuba club was busy again in 1989/ 90, bringing beginners into the sport and upgrading more experienced divers. Even more is planned for 90/ 91 under the guidance of 'Berbert the Great' as the halls ring with the call to arms of "I really need *$?!@# narc."




I.M. RESULTS 1st SEMESTER BLACK EYE AWARDS; Hockey: 4 Sqn Ball Hockey: 3 Sqn Broomball: 2 Sqn Volleyball: 2 Sqn Eth: 2 Sqn Softball: 2 Sqn Curling: 4 Sqn Soccer: 3 Sqn

FINAL STANDINGS 2 Sqn with 116 points 3 Sqn with 103 points 1 Sqn with 83 points 4 Sqn with 48 points

2nd SEMESTER FINAL STANDINGS 2 Sqn with 93 points 1 Sqn with 80 points 3 Sqn with 50 points 4 Sqn with 33 points

BLACK EYE AWARDS; Hockey: 2 Sqn Ball Hockey: 3 Sqn Broomball: 2 Sqn Volleyball: 1 Sqn Eth: 3 Sqn Flag Football: 2 Sqn Waterpolo: 2 Sqn Soccer: 1 Sqn





This year, one squadron received a little shock when two squadron took the lead and won the swim meet. (Thanks for coming out 3 and 4 squadron.) The swimmers swam excellent races and special congratulations go out to Warren Smith and Andrew Rowe for setting new records in the backstroke and the butterny respectively. The competition went well and a lot of enthusiasm and night spirit was shown in the crowd. The swim meet officials would like to thank Sgt. Dufresne and the rest of the peri staff for helping us pull it all together.







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This year 's wing wrestling competition was once again a fierce competition between the juniors and any seniors that the CFSO's managed to drag out. Thanks go to the RR Wrestling team who not only managed to referee the events but also to win most of the matches! The final standings: 1st place: 3 squadron 2nd place: I squadron 3rd place: 2 squadron



Wing Tog 0' War Champions: Champlain Flight Wing Track and Field Champions: 3 squadron

96 - Ttack & Field











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I HONOUR CWC Lindsay CWA Zunic CWTO Dittman CWPMC Guinan CWSO Mombourquette CBO Falvo CWPIO Fraser LOG ED Campbell SR. ENSIGN Clarke CSL#l Bradley CFL Cartier Clarke DCFL Sutherland CFSO Theal CSC#1 Saville CSC#2 Collart CSL#2 Gervais CFL Champlain Gloumeau DCFL Barlee CFSO Springate CSC#5 Stofer CSC#6 Patrick CSL#3 Price CFL Hudson Watt DCFL Landry CFSO Foster CSC#9 Hendrickson CSC#lO Pritchard CSL#4 Downing

100 -

Honour Slate



DCWC Campbell DCWA Mullen CWAO Wilson CWVPMC Field DCWSO Barrette DCBO Stringer CPM Cooper LOG ADV 0 Ankersen JR. ENSIGN Richards CSA# Demers

CSTO#I Drysdale CFL Fraser Czarnecki CFSO Mazur CSC#3 Dellabough CSC#4 Weise

CSA#2 Conarroe

CSA#3 Wiens

CSA#4 MacLean

CSTO#2 McLean CFL Mackenzie Harvey DCFL Johnston CFSO Pada CSC#7 Heth CSC#8 Hackett CSTO#3 Sheriff CFL Lasalle Robert DCFL Power CFSO Taylor CSC#IJ Bandzul CSC#12 Gray

CSTO#4 Porter

CSSO#4 Gillis



100 DAYS This year's 100 days found the fourth years sleeping in boats, up trees, on the turret, in garbage cans, and many other places throughout the grounds. Congratulations to l l C McGaw whose rapelling antics brought about a few days of punishment (but well worth it I'm sure!) Best of luck to al l of the grads!






HONOURARY DEGREE RECIPIENTS: Paul David Manson, Doctor of Mi litary Science Robert Claude Kenrick Peers, Doctor of Military Science

Govern o r Ge neral 's Silver Meda l OCdl C.E. Lindsay

GRAD PARADE 1990 Reviewing Officer: The Honourable Mary Collins, PC , MP Associate Minister of National Defence

11 0 -

Grad Parade



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11 8



Best Wishes to all Royal Roadents on your 50th Anniversary.





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Log Ed: Lori Campbell

RRMC It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Even at that rate of exchang~ they aren't enough photos to fully describe Roads. We hope that the 1989-90 LOG will give you years of enjoyment as you thumb through your memories of the place you love to hate, but wouldn't give up for the world - RRMC. Chris and Lori Special Thanks to: Layout Editor: Cathy Priestman Copy Editor: Ml Harris Photo Editor: Warren Smith Log Staff: l l C Tremblay l l C Traynor l l C Hutton l l C McQuinn l l C Grimshaw l l C Flannagan Ad Staff: l l C Schiele l l C Michaud l l C Olsen BZ to Cathy, Marla, Spencer and Dave for hours and hours of help with layout and copy. Merci beaucoup to Greg for his relentless hounding. And of course, POZ Labroix and Cap. MacIntosh.



Pm'lI/tdlnCanada on ,l..::od路Free Paper



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