Are we ready for Eco-friendly Limousines?

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Are we ready for Eco-friendly Limousines? Although the world leading countries are still stubborn when it comes to their greenhouse gas emissions, “being green” is more and more popular, and automobile manufacturers have taken notice. The hybrid cars are more popular than ever, but what’s even more surprising is the fact that the fully environmental-friendly vehicles are already here. Granted, on a smaller scale, but still. Those are cars that are powered solely by sustainable energy, electricity and solar power among others, mostly the former. Although many thought that electric cars will fail in a spectacular fashion, a certain company actually managed to succeed, or at least seems to be on the verge of. Their clear goal is to start manufacturing affordable electric cars by 2017. Their vehicles are already popular in wealthier circles, which is great news and means that one day (and maybe sooner than you would think), a service like Ascot Limousine Hire could offer “fully green” limousines in their selection.

Limousines are understandably not the first cars that will experience that change Let’s face it, limousines are usually huge cars. Just take a look at the selection of Ascot Limo Hire. At the moment, powering beasts like those vehicles solely on electricity or solar power, is a very big, if not insurmountable obstacle. It has already been done in some cases, but the manufacturing on a commercial scale is years away, at the very least. There are companies who use cars that run on alternative fuel, but they are obviously nowhere near as “green” as a fully electrical or sun powered solution would be. There is a big problem that can prolong the wait, and it is the following. The manufacturer of those batteries – understandably – doesn’t yet want to sell the technology, which means that they are the ones who built the batteries, but they will only put them into their own cars. This means that in order for us to be able to enjoy a “green limousine”, they would have to manufacture one, which is obviously not happening anytime soon. That does not mean that it

won’t ever happen of course, it just means that we probably have to wait a couple more years for it. It’s a shame, because many would choose a limousine like that over the more environment damaging alternatives, even if they’d only need the help of a service like Ascot Limo Hire on their wedding day or prom, just for one occasion. Being “green” is more and more popular, and most people would gladly choose greener solutions if they were available on a wider scale, for a competitive price. Many would even be ok with paying a little bit more for it, but unfortunately, those solutions are much pricier at the moment, certainly when we are talking about a car. But even if we think about a solar powered house, the re-design is a huge obstacle because it takes a lot of money. Sure, once it’s been installed, the energy you use is cheaper (it’s not free in every country though, there are taxes in some), but turning your home into a “greenhouse” will cost a lot of money for you, money that you likely don’t have, certainly not in one sum. Until the technology becomes cheaper, we are limited Once the technology is not as pricey anymore, and more readily available, this segment of the environmental industry will take off, and probably nothing will stop it. You will be able to select many different environment-friendly vehicles at Ascot Limousine Hire. How many years we have to wait for it? That is the tough question. Big oil companies won’t go down without a fight, but their resources – however powerful – are ultimately limited, which is good news for us in the long run. Of course, we might not live to see that day, but the future is definitely bright for green technology.

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