Sight Scotland Annual Review 2020/21
Words from our Chair I am proud to present Sight Scotland’s 2020-2021 Annual Review. This review provides an opportunity to reflect on what our colleagues, service users and supporters have achieved in the last financial year. I am heartened by the tremendous dedication and commitment shown by our supporters, our donors, our staff and our volunteers during a very challenging year. The Coronavirus pandemic and the subsequent lockdowns have had a dramatic impact on everyone’s lives, including those with sight loss. I would like to thank all our colleagues who worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic, whether they worked in frontline services that remained open or had to adapt to working from home to support service users and organisational operations remotely. This year we engaged colleagues across the organisation to identify our charity’s three core values: Transform, Unite and Thrive. These values underpin our work and will be embedded in colleague communications, recruitment, and appraisal processes in 2021-2022.