Royal Exchange Theatre Annual Report

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2008/2009 royal exchange theatre

The Theatre is a seven-sided, glass-walled capsule, literally suspended from the huge marble pillars of the Victorian Cotton Exchange. The design means that none of the 760 seats are more than nine metres from the circular stage, with seats placed all around the auditorium, giving views from all angles. In the Theatre, the Royal Exchange Theatre Company produces all our own work for 48 weeks of the year, this makes us unique outside the National Companies. The Studio, our 90 seat space, transforms for every show, with walls and partitions that slide and seating that moves to fit the set design. The seats are unreserved and you can take your drinks into the relaxed atmosphere of the auditorium. The Studio is a space where we commission and produce new work and new ideas; we support and encourage groundbreaking participation from all ages and all groups; we develop and collaborate with the next generation of theatre makers. Discover spaces where anything can happen…

IN THE THEATRE… 261,496 people attended 493 performances of 14 productions. We sold 76% of all seats IN THE STUDIO… 16,303 people attended 229 performances of 32 productions. We sold 79% of all seats

IN THE GREAT HALL AND BEYOND… 350,000 people came into the building to view the exhibitions, shop in the Craft Shop, eat and drink in The Round and Bar Exchange, as well as just look round the historic building.

6,512 individual participants took part in 38 projects and 709 individual workshops led by Exchange Education. 7,000 people came to see 63 performances of Special FX, our Friday early evening FREE entertainment During this period, we presented 6 world premieres.

Royal Exchange Theatre, St Ann’s Square, Manchester M2 7DH Box Office: 0161 833 9833 Administration: 0161 833 9333 Registered Charity No. 255424

Welcome from the Artistic Directors

Welcome from the Chair of the Board

Our Company’s foundation is a unique theatre space created over 30 years ago by a group of artists who shared a belief in the power and purpose of theatre and how it should be experienced by the public. Over the years, we have evolved and changed dramatically. This recent period shows what we are about in a vivid fashion. From the plays we have produced to all the diverse events that now take place in our building, we are proud of the quality and aspiration of the work we are doing. We want our building to be a place of imaginative pleasures that enhance and illuminate the lives we lead.

The Royal Exchange Theatre is a central part of the creative life of Manchester and the past period has been exceptional in terms of our theatre productions and the extensive programme of additional activities. As a large artistic institution, we can only survive because of the combination of Box Office income and public and private sector funding. I wish to send my personal gratitude to all those who have supported us and continue to do so. I thank you unreservedly. Your support enables us to sustain our variety of repertoire and fulfil our artistic ambitions. Paul Lee

We hope this review is informative and helpful in showing our artistic vision.

Board of Directors during 2008/2009: Carol Arditti Peter Folkman Tony Gordon Mike Hutchins Joyce Hytner Cllr James King Cllr David Lancaster Paul Lee David McKeith Jean Oglesby Cllr William Risby Caroline Roberts-Cherry Geoffrey Shindler OBE Cllr Keith Whitmore

“In these trying times we live in, all that we have to cling to is – each other…”

2008 april


The Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams This memory masterpiece, written in 1943, conjured up an American family in all its glory and desperation.

“An impeccable production” ★★★★ The Sunday Times cast: Mark Arends, Brenda Blethyn, Emma Hamilton, Andrew Langtree | director: Braham Murray, designer: Simon Higlett, lighting: Johanna Town, sound: Pete Rice, music: Akintayo Akinbode The Manchester run of THE GLASS MENAGERIE included a fundraising Gala performance supported by Cheshire Life, The Midland Hotel, Manchester, Eventures and JW Lees. The gala raised £15,000. The production toured nationally in Autumn 2008.

IN THE STUDIO… The Royal Exchange’s Young People’s Theatre Group presents

The Golden Mile These three performances marked the outcome of a seven month developmental project with 30 young people aged 14 – 18. The series of interweaving stories, all beginning on the evening the Blackpool illuminations were switched on, were written, performed and operated by members of the group, with mentoring from Royal Exchange lighting, sound, stage management and design professionals. ALSO IN THE STUDIO… Sophie Woolley on tour with WHEN TO RUN uniquely included live captioning for the deaf. Sophie’s show was a “witty idea, well executed” The Independent. Chris Marshall won the Writers’ Exchange Play of the Year for her play THREE SHEETS which received a performance in The Studio directed by Rania Jumaily. This play went on to have a production at the Lowry in summer 2009. WRITERS’ EXCHANGE, a free group for local writers, met regularly at the theatre to develop and discuss work. IN THE GREAT HALL… SPECIAL FX included Indian dance from talented young artists, Deepa & Ganesh.

“Who e’er knew Murder unpaid”

2008 may


The Revenger’s Tragedy This 17th century tale of revenge showing a corrupt, decadent society tearing itself apart was our first Jacobean production for twenty five years.

“a brilliantly anarchic undercurrent – wickedly funny” ★★★★ The Independent cast: Robert Demeger, Jonathan Keeble, Stephen Hudson, Merryn Owen, Sam Fletcher, Mikey North, John Gillet, Marc Parry, Stephen Tompkinson, Damien O’Hare, Drew Horner, Corinna Powlesland, Eileen O’Brien, Stephanie Brittain | director: Jonathan Moore, designer: David Blight, lighting: Vince Herbert, sound: Steve Brown, dance: Mark Bruce, fights: Renny Krupinski

IN THE GREAT HALL… The Craft Shop hosted the first of two Donald Hamilton Fraser solo exhibitions – a great coup for a small gallery space! ALSO IN THE THEATRE… 78 students from Heaton Special School, Pendleton College and Levenshulme High School presented the outcome of the Guernica project – exploring non-verbal forms of theatrical communication and used fragments of poetry and quotations to explore non-naturalistic performance.

“Challenging and dynamic… this project pushed my students to create valuable work” IN THE STUDIO… Laffa Jaffa Productions Ltd presented THE SOLOMON SISTERS – an evening of Yiddish Cabaret with “real stage presence” The Times. Coal presented NOT WITH THAT HAND - a dark and disturbing tale shot through with unsettling humour. Unlimited Theatre in a co-production with Oxford Playhouse & Leeds Met Studio presented THE ETHICS OF PROGRESS - a jargon-free, whistle-stop tour of leading edge Quantum Physics. The Royal Exchange’s Refugee Theatre Company presented SCARED – a response to the Refugee Action Campaign on Destitution. THIS SMALL THING by Heather Johnson received a rehearsed reading in The Studio with actors Emma Hamilton and Ian Aspinall. Heather was chosen from the group of young writers studying our WRITING FOR PERFORMANCE course run for Manchester University. IN THE GREAT HALL… Special FX highlights included a QueerUpNorth performance by Othon and Ernesto, with their startlingly beautiful falsetto songs, skirting the frontiers of opera, punk and vaudeville.

“I’ve trained them well. For a perfect world. How will they survive this one?”

2008 june


Dr Korczak’s Example by David Greig Recounting the last days of Dr Korczak’s experimental orphanage in the Warsaw Ghetto, this remarkable show for children captured the imaginations of all ages and won the MEN Theatre Award for Best Studio Production.

“Challenging, inventive and intelligent theatre” ★★★★ The Guardian cast: Philip Rham, Craig Vye, Alexandra Maher | director: Amy Leach, designer: Miriam Nabarro, lighting: Richard Owen, sound: Gerry Marsden Supported by Royal Mail

90 participants took part in two pre-show workshops and ten teachers attended a Creative Professional Development session in support of DR KORCZAK’S EXAMPLE

First Bite Theatre Group presented A WORLD OF OUR OWN, where 31 young people aged 11– 14, inspired by themes from DR KORCZAK’S EXAMPLE, imagined what might happen if there were no adults in the world.

ALSO IN THE STUDIO… Exchange Education presented YOU ARE HERE With contributions from over 80 individuals and 14 wide-ranging groups, this interactive installation and exhibition, curated by theatre designer Liz Ascroft, ran over two days and was attended by 581 visitors. The exhibition consisted of a number of school desks containing memories and artefacts, set in The Studio with the echoes of school playgrounds. IN THE GREAT HALL… Special FX included music from Momodou Lamin Jobarteh ‘JALLY’ from The Gambia - acoustic rhythms & beats on the Kora and the Djembe.

“Do you suppose they know they're mad?”...

2008 july


Hay Fever by Noël Coward Noël Coward’s madcap 1925 country house comedy classic proved a summer treat for our audiences.

“Scintillatingly funny – couldn’t be bettered” ★★★★ Sunday Express cast: Lysette Anthony, Tessa Bell-Briggs, Simon Bubb, Fiona Button, Ben Keaton, Belinda Lang, Dorothea Myer-Bennett, Chris New, Simon Treves | director: Greg Hersov, designer: Ashley MartinDavies, lighting designer: Chris Davey, sound: Steve Brown


BLUE 6 The sixth annual showcase of work from new and established artists based in the North West, BLUE has consistently provided valuable technical, marketing and producing support for new ideas. Many early samples of work have gone on to receive full productions in The Studio and other venues in the region and to tour nationally.

IN THE GREAT HALL… William Ellis’ exquisite black and white Jazz Photography in the Craft Shop coincided with the Manchester Jazz Festival

ALSO IN THE STUDIO… Exchange Education presented LOST LETTERS, a Community Partnerships’ project which ran in partnership with The Booth Centre (drop in centre for the homeless) and Landridge House (day centre for adults with learning disabilities). ALSO IN THE GREAT HALL… To add to the summer fun, Dr Butler’s Hatstand Medicine Band brought their toe-tapping reels and tunes to a Friday evening as part of Special FX.

‌"No; people never do"

2008 august


Hay Fever extended into August IN THE GREAT HALL… A regular performer for Special FX, ARUN GHOSH brought an Indian flavour to his jazz set to end a hugely successful year for the series of events. The Mezzanine Gallery opened with an exhibition of photographs from the Prague Quadrennial, the prestigious theatre design festival in which the Exchange played a big part when Steve Brown, our Head of Sound, curated in 2007. Meanwhile, the new Craft Shop Gallery Corner hosted limited edition prints from Sir Peter Blake.


The Education Lounge The Education Lounge was prepared for opening in September. The space, with its talking chair, comfy sofa, coffee table, haunted telephones and a TV/DVD, was designed to provide a meeting point, exhibition space and workshop stimulus for schools, colleges, community groups, individuals and members of the public. Throughout 2008/09 this space was used by 1,441 direct users, with an uncountable number of casual visitors who also dropped in each day. We would like to thank D’Oyly Carte Charitable Trust, HBOS Lex Leasing, The John Lewis Partnership and N Smith Charitable Settlement for making this possible.

IN THE STUDIO… Exchange Education ran a series of holiday workshops for young people aged 5 – 14. The Play In A Week for 8s – 11s took ‘explorers’ as its theme, and their devised play, THE SEARCH FOR THE HIDDEN VALLEY was performed to an invited audience of 67 parents and carers in The Studio. Sessions were also led for 11s – 14s (40 participants) and 5s – 7s (30 participants).

“I woke up this morning, I saw the light flooding in, I saw the spring, and I felt such a great surge of joy, such a passionate longing for home.�

2008 september


Three Sisters by Anton Chekhov, translated by Michael Frayn Chekhov’s revolutionary, heart-breaking and poignant masterpiece told the story of a family yearning to return to Moscow in 1901.

“a powerful and compassionate production, never less than gripping, beautifully paced by the actors and presented with striking clarity” ★★★★ The Independent cast: Tim Barlow, Lucy Black, Mark Bonnar, Howard Charles, Christopher Colquhoun, Beth Cooke, Emma Cunniffe, Michael Elwyn, Polly Findlay, Ann Firbank, Joseph Kloska, Laurence Mitchell, Roger Morlidge | director: Sarah Frankcom, designer: Liz Ascroft, lighting: Chahine Yavroyan, sound: Pete Rice and Claire Windsor, music: Jamie Norton


You Can See The Hills “I look at the pictures of James Dean on my wall and I reckon I know maybe I mean he died young and if he had come back I mean why not me?” This powerful one-man show told the story of a boy growing up in Oldham. It transferred to the Young Vic and returned there in 2009,

“Subtle and deeply moving” ★★★★★ cast: William Ash | director: Matthew Dunster, designer: Anna Fleischle, lighting: Emma Chapman, sound: Gerry Marsden Studio Season sponsored by William Hare

IN THE GREAT HALL… Special FX opened with a remarkable piece, never to be repeated – free running on the module EXCHANGE EDUCATION… STORY TO STAGE 9 adult participants took part in Exchange Education’s mini project on adaptation and playwriting. It ran over three evenings and focused on a selection of Chekhov’s short stories and on the relationships between story and drama. The final session took the form of a rehearsed reading and discussion of scenes submitted by the participants. ALSO IN THE STUDIO… Fittings Multimedia Arts presented DANNY DIVA - the story of a deaf drag queen who loves to sing, inspired by the life of legendary BlooLips performer Diva Dan.

“An enemy is still an enemy. Dead or alive.” “No, I was born with love enough To share: no hate for anyone.”

2008 october


Antigone by Sophocles, translated by Don Taylor Sophocles’ monumental tragedy about the struggle of the individual conscience against the laws of the state was as alive and relevant to today’s audiences as it was 2500 years ago.

“Shows how modern-dress Greek tragedy should be done… a knockout production” ★★★★★ The Daily Mail cast: Ben Addis, Nicholas Cass-Beggs, Claire Cordier, Bysshe Harkavy, Matti Houghton, Jonathan Keeble, Alexandra Mathie, Jospeh Merino, Ian Redford, Andrew Sheridan, John Watts | director: Greg Hersov, designer: Laurie Dennett, lighting: Robert Bryan, sound: Steve Brown, composer: Arun Ghosh Sponsored by Manchester Airport


The Endurance presented by Al Seed and Ben Faulks The Studio supports this re-working of THE ENDURANCE into a unique and distinctive one -man show performed by MEN Award winning Ben Faulks. This is the first in a series of extended runs in The Studio from distinctive artists based in the region.

IN THE GREAT HALL… Hester Dennett’s jagged landscapes and unusual sculptures complemented ANTIGONE on the Mezzanine Gallery. Special FX fused the Manchester Comedy Festival and the Literature Festival with an evening of comic poetry from Dominic Berry and Julian Daniel

“We’re unique!” “Young!” “Unrivalled!” “Smashing!” “We’re bloody marvellous!”

2008 november


A Taste Of Honey By Shelagh Delaney Our 50th Anniversary celebration of Shelagh Delaney’s iconic Northern play attracted capacity sell-out audiences.

“joyfully unconventional” The Guardian

cast: Adam Gillen, Sally Lindsay, Marcel McCalla, Jodie McNee, Paul Popplewell | director: Jo Combes, designer: Ben Stones, lighting: David Holmes, sound: Gerry Marsden, dj: Jon Winstanley


Correspondence presented by Menagerie Fresh from success at the Edinburgh Festival, this was a treat and a delight. LUKE WRIGHT, POET & MAN - 2007 4Talent Award winner is one of the UK’s leading stand-up poets and sold out in The Studio. Momentum presented ANIMA - physical theatre at its most stunning, from this talented dance company.

In the Great Hall… John Bulmer’s remarkable images of Manchester in the 1970s perfectly complemented the Manchester on stage.

ALSO IN THE GREAT HALL … Ben Faulks’ weird and wonderful Vegetable Nanny introduced families to the joy of Special FX.

“I assure you I am in complete possession of all my faculties and – forgive my saying so – I am beginning to think I am the only person in the house who is …”

2008 december


See How They Run By Philip King Chaos, confusion and calamity reigned in the vicarage of Middleton-cum-Middlewick in this 1942 classic wartime farce.

“enjoyably madcap” ★★★★ The Times cast: Arthur Bostrom, John Branwell, Nick Caldecott, Mark EdelHunt, Chris Harper, Alexandra Mathie, Kate O’Flynn, Laura Rogers, Hugh Sachs | director: Sarah Frankcom, designer: Paul Wills, lighting: David Holmes, sound: Steve Brown

IN THE STUDIO… THE MAN WHO PLANTED TREES A heartwarming and poignant tale for all the family told with the unforgettable contribution from the most popular canine to visit the Theatre. The show is now an international cult favourite..


The Common People presented by Exchange Education Act One, Exchange Education’s devising and performance group for 16 – 21 year olds, used ANTIGONE as a starting point to explore contemporary meanings and practical interpretations of Greek Chorus. Following workshops with Greg Hersov and several freelance specialist practitioners, they presented THE COMMON PEOPLE over two nights to an audience of 170. “I feel I have achieved a brilliant piece of theatre that I am proud to have been part of. I’ve got a brand new outlook on Theatre.”

IN THE GREAT HALL … To celebrate the festive season Special FX introduced the Coupland Brass Quintet with carols and Christmas tunes, followed by Voci Dolci doing their vocal versions of the same.

“Sometimes I think the longer people are together the less they know each other.�

2009 january


True Love Lies By Brad Fraser The World Premiere of Brad Fraser’s dark comedy about a dysfunctional family proved his most successful yet in a long line of collaborations with the Exchange.

“a sharp, sassy new play … the cast, uniformly excellent…deliver moments of raw, affecting anguish” ★★★★ The Daily Telegraph cast: Teresa Banham, Oliver Gomm, Amy Beth Hayes, John Kirk, Jonny Phillips | director: braham murray, designer: Johanna Bryant, lighting: Richard Owen, sound: Steve Brown During TRUE LOVE LIES, the Stage Management team used 400 pancakes, 240 turkey bacon rashers, 1600 okra, 160 carrots, 40kg tinned tomatoes, 7 kg chickpeas, 20 kg sweet and sour sauce, 20 kg pasta sauce, 15 kg pancake mix, 80 litres sparkling water, 20 jars raspberry jam, 60 bags frozen vegetables, 15kg rice, 10kg penne pasta, 4 cans of squirty cream, 40 Uncle Bens instant risottos, 10kg fresh pasta, 7 litres blackcurrant squash, 5 litres lemon squash, 300 metres tin foil, 5 litres washing up liquid, 40 washing-up sponges, 3 litres oil, 20 tins pineapple chunks, 40 glacé cherries, 10 limes and a combined total of 300 hours in our little kitchen!!


Up On The Roof presented by Exchange Education A Community Partnerships’ project with Salford Drug and Alcohol Forum and a Guide Bridge group for adults with mental health needs. This was accompanied by a research investigation into the benefits of the creative process with individuals and groups who have alcohol and drug dependency issues. “I loved the performance. It kept my interest the whole time! I was on the edge of my seat – I loved the singing and movement. And I really enjoyed hearing the personal stories. I’m so glad I got to come.”

IN THE GREAT HALL … COMIC FX began a successful series – the first Friday of every month – of Stand-Up comedy, with audiences averaging 150 each time. Brad Fraser presented a selection of his own photography: “I write, draw and shoot photos the way I do because that’s the way I see the world”

"And when there is finally peace, Fahdil will come again and we will fly together, we will fly through the crowns of the Nakhla and into the arms of Allah."

2009 february


Palace Of The End By Judith Thompson Powerful, hard-hitting and intense, this series of three monologues was a remarkable piece of theatre, looking at the most important events in our recent history in an unflinching, passionate and poetic way.

“Thompson’s triptych combines the most penetrating images of the Iraq War … close to perfection.” ★★★★★ The Guardian PALACE OF THE END went on to the Galway Festival in July and spent a month at the Traverse for the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in August. cast: Kellie Bright, Robert Demeger, Eve Polycarpou | director: Greg Hersov, designer: Miriam Nabarro, lighting: Richard Owen, sound: Claire Windsor Studio Season sponsored by William Hare

Acting for Scared People 22 adults ranging in age from 23 to 71, assembled for an Exchange Education project aimed at adults with no acting experience, with an interest in learning about some of the processes behind performance. “This was great! It wasn’t too challenging for scared people (me!), and gave me enough time to get to know people, as well as an amazing range of information and insight.”

The Missing Stories Inspired by Reinhardt Jung’s novel, ‘Bambert’s Book of Missing Stories’, our Young People's Theatre Workshop for 14s – 19s worked together as a genuine ensemble of young performers and makers, to create their own theatre piece in a professional environment, performed in March. Supported by theatre practitioners from a range of disciplines, they used the novel to explore the different ways a story can unfold on stage – how it can be told using images, movement, sound, light or objects. “I have learnt so much from this experience. It has really broadened my knowledge about what it would be like to work in a theatre and all the opportunities there are when it comes to design – it has also helped me in choosing my uni course!” IN THE GREAT HALL … An exhibition of jewellery made from recycled materials in the Craft Shop Gallery Corner. Local Turkish performer Paula Darwish played an acoustic set with Texan backing, as part of Special FX.

“Stars, hide your fires! Let not light see my black and deep desires.�

2009 march


Macbeth By William Shakespeare Shakespeare’s great tragedy was brought bang up to date in a startling production that literally transformed the whole theatre structure.

“…powerful, remarkably brave and highly original. ” ★★★★★ What’s On Stage cast: Vincent Bernard, Rebecca Callard, Christopher Colquhoun, Anna Crump Raiswell, Jason Done, Shannon Flynn, Nicholas Gleaves, Tom Glynn-Whitehead, Robert Gwilym, Alexandra Kenyon, Hilary Maclean, John Macmillan, Heather Peace, Niamh Quinn, Matthew Randell, Jake Richardson, John Stahl, Leigh Symonds, Chinna Wodu | director: matthew dunster, designer: Paul Wills, lighting: Philip Gladwell, sound: Ian Dickinson The Royal Exchange won the opportunity to be part of A Night Less Ordinary, the Arts Council England initiative to give away tickets to under 26s. With three strands, the theatre took the opportunity to build new audiences and create a package to get young people more involved. IN THE STUDIO…

The Search Party: Young Muslim Playwriting Project presented by Exchange Education Following taster workshops and one to one sessions with 221 young Muslim playwrights aged 16 – 25, 90 scenes and 19 scripts were produced. From these, 10 were selected for performance at rehearsed readings with professional actors over 2 evenings. “I have been allowed to explore my imagination and show my talents and feelings through writing. It has allowed me to show my individuality. Seeing my piece performed by professional actors was very inspiring, proving to me that I can do anything I set my mind to.” ALSO IN THE STUDIO … Lost Dog Theatre Company presented LOVE IN (3) PARTS - the quirky story of a love affair from first date to the end told through video, music and song. Coal in association with the Royal Exchange Theatre presented THE FRAGILITY OF X – a touching story of one woman and her teenage son, unblinkingly sentimental, funny and provocative. Exchange Education presented GO AWAY AND THINK ABOUT IT in partnership with the Booth Centre – a drop-in centre for the homeless. IN THE GREAT HALL … Actor, singer and musician Kieran Cunningham helped the Exchange celebrate the Irish Festival with a sing-along Special FX. The Mezzanine Gallery hosted the hosted the first of a number of exhibitions on loan from the Victoria & Albert Museum. This one was Reg Wilson’s CAPTURING THE MOMENT, 40 years of performing arts photos. 17 pupils presented BOTTLE! in the Education Lounge – the outcome of a drama, film and writing project exploring attitudes to alcohol. Supported by The Co-operative

“Ah, my dear fellow, the love of money is the root of all evil” “Yes, sir; and we’d all like to have the tree growing in our garden.”

2009 april


Widowers’ Houses By Bernard Shaw In these uncertain times with much discussion of money matters, it seemed right to revive George Bernard Shaw’s sparkling stage debut, first performed in 1892.

“an unmissable reminder of why Shaw matters” ★★★★★ Daily Telegraph cast: Ben Addis, Ian Bartholomew, Lucy Briggs-Owen, Roger LloydPack, Ian Shaw, Vanessa-Faye Stanley | director: Greg Hersov, designer: Ashley Martin-Davis, lighting David Holmes, sound: Steve Brown


Clockheart Boy presented by Dumbshow Suitable for ages 8+, the story of a boy washed ashore and the Professor’s determination to bring him back to life was presented in a highly visual and physical production from newly emerging company Dumbshow.

ALSO IN THE STUDIO … Melanie Wilson presented SIMPLE GIRL. This idiosyncratic heroine told her one-woman encounter with herself.

IN THE GREAT HALL … This month’s COMIC FX celebrated International Women’s Day with a line-up of female comics. The second V&A exhibition was an unusual collection of black and white Cartes de Visite from the Guy Little Collection.

“With so much gone … What’s left Mr. Berry, what’s left?”

2009 may


Haunted By Edna O’Brien The World Premiere of renowned writer Edna O’Brien’s story of a man haunted by the memory of two women.

“a beguiling memory play of subtle and elusive beauty …wondrous performances” ★★★★ The Guardian cast: Brenda Blethyn, Niall Buggy, Beth Cooke | director: Braham Murray, designer: Simon Higlett, lighting designer: Johanna Town, sound designer: Pete Rice, composer: Akintayo Akinbode, fight director: Renny Krupinski HAUNTED marked our 125th premiere in our thirty year history of producing new plays, versions and adaptations. In 2010, it will undertake a national tour, prior to a West End run. IN THE STUDIO…

Little Leap Forward A creative partnership between Horse + Bamboo, the Royal Exchange and Barefoot Books. This World Premiere for ages 8+ saw the Exchange collaborating with awardwinning Horse + Bamboo in a bewitching combination of puppetry, live mask, shadow play and haunting music. LITTLE LEAP FORWARD told the true boyhood story of acclaimed flautist Guo Yue's experiences during the gathering clouds of Communist China's Cultural Revolution in the mid 1960s. The production enjoyed a sell out run in The Studio before embarking on a national tour.

“a lovely maverick show” ★★★★

The Guardian

cast: Nicky Fearn, Frances Merriman, Jonny Quick, Mark Whitaker | writer, director, puppets & masks: Alison Duddle, artistic director: Bob Frith, set design, u-v puppets & film: Bob Frith, musical director: Loz Kaye, animation: Steff Lee, lighting design: Richard Owen & Jonny Quick ALSO IN THE STUDIO…

Blue Black Sister Presented by The Kunda Sisters Starting life in Blue, our annual showcase of new work, the Royal Exchange supported a fuller production of this multimedia presentation combining spoken word, music and film. Tutti frutti presented IF ONLY THE LONELY WERE HOME. 4 – 7 year olds loved this magical play of loss, loneliness and love. Starving Artists presented EAT ME - the Exchange collaborated with QueerUpNorth to bring the ever-popular Godfrey Hamilton and Mark Pinkosh back to The Studio. IN THE GREAT HALL… In celebration of Edna O’Brien’s Irish premiere, Young Gifted and Green provided the Mezzanine Gallery exhibition and Special FX.

2009 june

IN THE THEATRE … AND IN THE STUDIO The Exchange gave over both spaces to recount two true stories of suffering - celebrating the strength of character and resilience of those caught in the Warsaw Ghetto. In the Theatre, the hit of the 2007 Manchester International Festival and winner of the MEN Award for special entertainment 2008 was the story of a man hiding in the Ghetto, told through storytelling and piano from a world renowned concert pianist. Alongside this was the MEN awardwinning production which first played in The Studio in June 2008.

The Pianist Based on the memoirs of Wladyslaw Szpilman | directed by: Neil Bartlett, performed by: Peter Guinness & Mikhail Rudy, conceived by: Mikhail Rudy, lighting designer: Chris Davey, sound designers: Matt Wand & Pete Rice Supported by City Inn, Manchester

Dr Korczak’s Example cast: Philip Rham, Craig Vye, Amaka Okafor | directer: Amy Leach, designer: Miriam Nabarro, lighting: Richard Owen, sound: Gerry Marsden DR KORCZAK transferred to the London’s Arcola Theatre for a sell-out run. DR KORCZAK recycled the following: Sunflower bases reused from CYRANO DE BERGERAC, oak plank floor from ROOTS, carpet used as a base for the dirt/mud texture from A CONVERSATION, planks from THE FLAGS decking, steel triangle inlaid centre stage from MARTIN YESTERDAY, ten years ago. Supported by Beaverbrooks the Jewellers, The Eventhall Family Charitable Trust, Stephen Poster, The Steinberg Charitable Trust, Joy and Laura Wolfe.

IN THE GREAT HALL… Members of the Royal Exchange Theatre’s Refugee Theatre Company took their piece, YOU AND ME (a light hearted look at relationships, love and loss and mistaken identities) to Bolton Octagon. To complement the themes of THE PIANIST, the Mezzanine Gallery hosted an exhibition of canvases inspired by the music of Chopin, whilst Special FX introduced The Deli Babies, playing Klezmer – Jewish wedding music. ALSO IN THE STUDIO… The Royal Exchange’s First Bite Theatre Group for 11s – 14s presented THE FREEDOM BIRD, inspired by themes from LITTLE LEAP FORWARD and DR KORCZAK’S EXAMPLE.

“You have to ask yourself … haven’t you love? Hope – does it have a number?”

2009 july

IN THE THEATRE … A Royal Exchange Theatre / Manchester International Festival co-production

Everybody Loves A Winner Created by Neil Bartlett, Simon Deacon and Struan Leslie The Royal Exchange Theatre was turned into a working Bingo Hall, where sell-out audiences reached into the minds of the players and played Bingo for real cash prizes!

“funny, touching atmospheric…superbly observed” ★★★★ The Times cast: Emily Alexander, Sally Bankes, Judith Barker, Anita Booth, Paul-Ryan Carberry, Patti Clare, Nicky Goldie, Emma Hartley-Miller, Amanda Henderson, Liz Hume-Dawson, Joan Kempson, Sally Lindsay, Sue McCormick, Sherry Ormerod, Ian Puleston-Davies, Eamonn Riley, Warren Sollars, Susan Twist, Sue Wallace, Flo Wilson | writer and director: Neil Bartlett, music director: Simon Deacon, movement director: Struan Leslie, designer: Miriam Buether, lighting designer: Chris Davey, sound designer: Steve Brown, dialect coach: Charmian Hoare


0.0008 Presented by the Royal Exchange Theatre and Weeding Cane “How many times a day are you remembered, do you think? What do people recall about you? Are they right? Does it matter?” A remarkable and atmospheric encounter with Sonia Hughes, comparing our daily lives with the vastness of the universe . This innovative production started life as an extract in BLUE during July 2008.

“a sincere and warm-hearted attempt to get us thinking about some of the more fundamental questions in life” Metro IN THE GREAT HALL… The Exchange celebrated the Not Part Of Festival, Manchester’s Festival Fringe, with COMIC FX and Litmus Strings, a string quartet who composed their own classical arrangements of Manchester pop songs. Special FX received two Not Part Of Awards for these performances.

The Bruntwood The Bruntwood Playwriting Competition for the Royal Exchange is the biggest national competition for playwrights. We search for the next generation of playwrights and anyone over 18 can enter anonymously. We award prizes from a £40,000 prize fund and since 2005 we have received over 3000 plays. We launched this year’s competition in March 2008… The prestigious judging panel was chaired by actor and director Richard Wilson and included actress Brenda Blethyn, actor Michael Sheen, film director Roger Michell, playwright Roy Williams, Royal Exchange Artistic Director Greg Hersov and Chairman of Bruntwood Michael Oglesby DL LLD DSc

“We launched this competition with the aim of discovering and encouraging new writing talent and we’ve been overwhelmed by the quality of the work submitted. As a keen supporter of the arts we are delighted to have unlocked so much writing talent through Bruntwood’s sponsorship of the Royal Exchange Theatre.” Michael Oglesby – Judge and Chairman of Bruntwood

May 2008 Richard Wilson makes a final call to arms for female writers – submissions go up from 10 % to 38% from women writers. 13 June 2008 Deadline for submissions. We were inundated in the last month with scripts. 40% of our entries were from first time writers.

June to August 2008 Over 1200 scripts were sent out to readers, reported on, longlisted and shortlisted and we didn’t lose any in the post! October 2008 The judges assembled in an old courthouse in London to decide the winners of The Bruntwood. Over afternoon tea they passionately discussed the shortlist and made decisions that would change people’s lives.

November 2008 The Bruntwood Awards Ceremony named Naylah Ahmed, Vivienne Franzman, Fiona Peek, and Andy Sheridan as the winners of £10,000 each. They are all first time writers. The ceremony was hosted by actress and comedian Jan Ravens. January 2009 The dramaturgical process started with the writers and they began to redraft their plays with a view to production at the Royal Exchange.

May 2009 SALT is the first Bruntwood Award-winner to be programmed in The Studio.

Throughout the Year… Nurturing new talent is an important part of the Royal Exchange Theatre’s work and we have ambitious plans for the future which we need continual support to achieve. William Hare has sponsored The Studio for the past three years, providing vital funding enabling ideas to be tried and artistic risks to be taken. Our extensive Community and Education programme which takes place throughout the year was supported by Ralli Solicitors and PricewaterhouseCoopers, and the following trusts and foundations started their support this year: The Booth Charities, The Duchy of Lancaster Benevolent Fund, Steel Charitable Trust, Old Possum’s Practical Trust, The Idlewild Trust and The Scotshill Trust. In March 2009 we began inviting ticket bookers to “Round Up A Pound”, making a philanthropic donation to the Royal Exchange Theatre. On top of this, 440 people donated to the Theatre through the Regular Giving Scheme, and we have commissioned six new floor and seat plaques. Halo Living gave the Exchange Club an elegant and sophisticated new look in February 2009 by supplying all the furniture to refurbish this opulent space. The Exchange Club is a private hospitality space for Members and Sponsors to entertain when visiting the Royal Exchange Theatre. Insider has confirmed naming rights of the Insider Suite (previously the Exchange Club).

Awards The Royal Exchange Theatre won three prestigious TMA Theatre Awards during this period – Mick Hughes’ lighting design and Kate O’Flynn for Best Supporting Performance, both for THE CHILDREN’S HOUR. Brenda Blethyn also scooped the Award for Best Performance in a Play for her role in THE GLASS MENAGERIE. In December 2008, the Exchange won five MEN Theatre Awards, this time for our acting talent – Maxine Peake (Best Actress), Denise Black (Best Supporting Actress), Kate O’Flynn – again – (Best Newcomer), Will Ash (Best Performance in a Studio Production), as well as Best Studio production for the first run of DR KORCZAK’S EXAMPLE. In July 2009, as part of the Not Part Of Festival, SPECIAL FX won two Awards for the regular monthly COMICFX and for Litmus Strings, a string quartet who play their own versions of Manchester pop classics. PALACE OF THE END won the Amnesty International Freedom of Expression Award at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2009, fighting off competition from 62 other nominations.

The Royal Exchange Theatre is a not-for-profit organisation and registered charity (no. 255424). As one of the UK’s leading producing theatres, we exist to provide entertaining, educational and enriching experiences for all sections of the community through our work on and off the stage. The Royal Exchange Theatre’s income from public funding and ticket sales only covers a portion of the costs of delivering the diverse range of activities we undertake each year. The work we do can only be fulfilled because of the generous support we receive from individuals, businesses and trusts and foundations. Gifts received between 1 April 2008 and 31 August 2009 PRINCIPAL FUNDERS Arts Council England Manchester City Council AGMA MAJOR SPONSORS City Inn Manchester Insider Halo Living Bruntwood William Hare Manchester Airport PROJECT SUPPORTERS The Edward Atkin Foundation Biffaward The Booth Charities The Boshier-Hinton Foundation The Co-operative Crabtree North West Charitable Trust D’Oyly Carte Charitable Trust Duchy of Lancaster Benevolent Fund The Eventhall Family Charitable Trust

HBOS Lex Leasing The Idlewild Trust John Lewis Partnership The John S Cohen Foundation John Thaw Foundation Manchester Guardian Society The Noël Coward Foundation Norma Leigh Charitable Trust N Smith Charitable Settlement Old Possum’s Practical Trust PricewaterhouseCoopers Ralli Solicitors The Scotshill Trust The Steel Charitable Trust The Zochonis Trust EXCHANGE CLUB Corporate Members 39 Essex Street Chambers ACIES Group LLP Addleshaw Goddard Baker Tilly Barclays Wealth Beaverbrooks the Jewellers The Business Network (North) Bruntwood Cityco City Inn, Manchester The Co-operative Dewhurst Torevell & Co Ltd DLA Piper UK LLP Edmundson Electrical Ltd Eventures Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce Halliwells LLP Hill Dickinson LLP Halo Living HSBC Bank plc Insider Kay Johnson Gee Lane-Smith & Shindler LLP Lincoln House Chambers Manchester Airport Manchester Evening News Mohindra Maini LLP Solictors N M Rothschild & Sons Ltd Pinsent Masons PricewaterhouseCoopers Ralli Solicitors

RBS Regatta Sanderson Weatherall LLP UK Together Limited Virgin Trains Whitebirk Finance Individual Members Mr Ian Currie John & Penny Early Philip & Fiona Geiger Rick & Julie Holland Robert & Stephanie Johnson David & Mary McKeith Mrs Shirley Murtagh Mr Stephen Poster Martin & Sandra Stone Ron & Pauline Taylor John R Whitfield DONORS & SPONSORS ACIES Group LLP BaxterStorey Beaverbrooks the Jewellers Ms Brenda Benson British Airways Cheshire Life CIS B De Sousa Dragonfly Design Friends of the Royal Exchange Theatre Galloways Mr G J Garbett Jack and Maria Goldberg Lady Stephanie Johnson JW Lees Mrs Janet Lefton Mrs E Loupos Matthew Seed Photography The Midland, Manchester Mrs Shirley Murtagh Northenden Golf Club Dr R G Pugsley Renaissance Manchester Hotel Royal Mail Mrs Pat Schnider Steinberg Family Charitable Trust Martin and Sandra Stone Mr J D Sykes

Taylors Solicitors Whitebirk Finance Mrs A Yates FLOOR PLAQUES Remembering Norman Hartley Duerden (1 July 1926 - 5 October 2007) Who Loved This Theatre Dr Richard T Johnson In memory of Dorothy Knowles – theatre lover For My Daughter-In-Law, Shirley Murtagh, With Love Winifred Eric & Elaine Paget Trevor and Mary Stockton SEAT PLAQUES Catherine Simmons REGULAR GIVING Gold Membership Mr D Ainsworth Mr & Mrs Bradshaw Mrs A M Brookes Gary Buttriss-Holt Mr & Mrs CJ Chandler Mr P J Craven Mr Peter Cooper P J Duke Mrs V Fletcher Jack & Maria Goldberg Mr Donald Mather Helen McPherson Pannone LLP Ms J Langley White Mrs H Wiles Mrs Zena Traynor

Financial support received has been vitally important to the Royal Exchange Theatre. Although we are only able to credit gifts over £500, we would like to express our gratitude to all individuals and organisations who have supported us.

Royal Exchange Theatre Company Limited Summarised Group Financial Statements The Board members of the Royal Exchange Theatre confirm that these summarised financial statements are a summary of information extracted from the full annual accounts.

Analysis of Income

Copies of the full audited annual accounts are available from the Director of Finance and Administration, Royal Exchange Theatre, St. Ann's Square, Manchester M2 7DH

1 2 3 4 5

2009 £ '000 Box office income Ancillary income Sponsorship & fund-raising Other income Government grants

Summarised group income and expenditure account for the year to 31st March 2009

Income Expenditure Net operating deficit before grants & transfers Grants Operating surplus/(deficit) before transfers Transfer to designated funds Operating surplus/(deficit)

2009 £ '000 3,913 6,357 -2,444 2,600 156 -98 58

2008 £ '000 3,594 6,075 -2,481 2,538 57 -158 -101

2009 £ '000

2008 £ '000



1,222 -947 275

1,241 -970 271

0 16,183

0 17,220

-393 593 805 15,136 42 16,183

-450 632 796 16,178 64 17,220

Summarised group balance sheet as at 31st March 2009

Fixed assets Current assets Creditors due within one year Net current liabilities Creditors due after more than one year Total net assets Represented by Unrestricted funds Designated funds (capital project) Designated funds (other initiatives) Restricted funds (capital project) Resticted funds (artistic initiatives)

2,969 438 487 19 2,600 6,513

Analysis of Expenditure 2009 £ '000 1 Costs of performances 2 Costs of other charitable activities 3 Costs of generating funds 4 Governance costs

5,420 713 208 16 6,357

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