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The RGJ (Rifles) Museum

Capt Horsfall 2 RIFLES On the 10 Jul 09 when com- manding his patrol in Afghani- stan his platoon was literally blown apart. Five of his soldiers were killed, two seriously wounded and he himself was grievously injured. Since been wounded he has made slow but steady progress despite many setbacks along the way. Not only has he remained cheer- ful and optimistic throughout his own rehabilitation but it is his effect on others which has been truly inspirational. He is continually encouraging and cajoling, leading by example. His reputation as a motiva- tional force and a role model for other wounded soldiers is widespread and whenever his name is mentioned compli- ments flow. His selflessness, courage and optimism have been truly remarkable. Rfn Joseph 4 RIFLES He deployed on Op Herrick 10 as part of the Election Support Force. He is a 100m sprinter of national standing who has been part of the Nigerian Ath- letics squad. After surrender- ing much of his post opera- tional Tour leave to train and prepare, he won a place on the plane to South Africa to represent the Combined Serv- ices, winning competitions at 100 and 200 metres. He is the current Army 100m and 200m champion and is aiming to take part in the African Games this year in Mozambique. His continued determination and commitment to excellence set a strong example to other Ri- flemen in the Battalion. WO2 Batcock 4 RIFLES Since 2007 he has been the very foundations that 4 RI- FLES have built the Rear Party upon. He took on all welfare responsibilities while the Ri- flemen were away conducting compressed Pre Deployment Training packages for the Af- ghanistan operational tour. He excelled in the management of injured soldiers. It has been an astonishing three year jour- ney for him. He has excelled in the most unglamorous of ap- pointments for an incredibly lone period of time. His sense of duty, morality and commit- ment in recent years has been without boundaries. Sjt Bolam 4 RIFLES He was badly injured as a result of an IED blast on 9 Jul 09 and underwent a lengthy period of treatment in RCDM. Through- out his stay at Selly Oak he displayed exceptional leader- ship, personal determination and courage. He helped guide and inspire the junior Riflemen through their recovery, help- ing them to remain positive, disciplined and focussed. The Senior Ward Nurse described his actions as exceptional, commentating that he always considered the welfare of his brother Riflemen on the ward before his own. His selfless ap- proach undoubtedly helped his brother Riflemen and reflected leadership and commitment in the finest traditions of the Regiment. Mrs Nicole Clarke Mrs Clarke runs the NAAFI Ex- press Store in Alanbrooke Bar- racks, Paderborn. Since 2008 she has led her small team with abundant en- thusiasm and with a spirit of unstinting support for the Bat- talion’s single soldiers. She has frequently placed her own in- terests as a shop manager be- hind those of the soldiers. Her work beyond the remit of her contract as a NAAFI employee has made a significant impact on the operational effective- ness of 5 RIFLES supporting welfare activities crucial to a large community of depend- ants based overseas. She has through her personal commit- ment to the Battalion turned an under used and isolated NAAFI facility into a thriving welfare facility for the Battal- ion. Throughout she is consist- ently good humoured, warm hearted and a volunteer brim- ming with enthusiasm; a key pillar within the Battalion’s community. Sjt Pas 6 RIFLES A Territorial soldier serving with 6 RIFLES he volunteered to deploy with 3 RIFLES on Exercise ASKARI THUNDER, a demanding Battle Group exer- cise in Kenya. A heavy goods driver by trade, he expected to deploy to a similar driving role but in the end he agreed to fill the role as a Rifle Platoon Serjeant. His performance was nothing short of outstanding. He administered, trained and commanded the platoon with- out hesitation and with total professionalism. He is an ex- ceptional Rifleman where his performance matched his reg- ular peers. His humility, natural intelligence and innate leadership inspired his Riflemen and ensured the utmost respect from the chain of command at all times. His unflinching enthusiasm coupled with an indefatigable sense of humour was an example to every Rifle- man and an absolute credit to the Regiment. He is amongst the finest of Riflemen. LCpl Pasha 7 RIFLES LCpl Pasha is a Territorial sol- dier who mobilised with 2 RI- FLES for their 2009 Afghanistan Tour. He saw previous opera- tional service with 7 Armoured Brigade in Iraq. He is a portrait of what a reservist can bring to operations; he has a wealth of experiences, is older than most yet very fit, pragmatic, sensible and deeply understanding. He commanded with ease and fit- ted in seamlessly with his regu- lar counterparts. Despite being a TA soldier on his first opera- tional tour of Afghanistan. He demonstrated tactical astute- ness, bravery and tenacity in both the Green Zone and ur- ban environment. Overall his performance was nothing but outstanding. Corporal Sims Cpl Sims served his 22 years and 14 of them as a staff car driver. What places him apart is the length of time he has done this task and the way he has done it. Always cheerful, always punctual, always pro- fessional, forever patient, al- ways discreet and with utmost loyalty to those he served. It is a spirit of service that is rarely seen delivered so consistently for so long. Serjeant Major Instructor Murtagh For long and devoted service as a youth leader with the Mer- seyside ACF, (To be presented later this year) ************** General Sir Nick Parker and Mrs Clarke share a joke. FOR SALE

“The 60th” By the artist “Snaffles” Charlie Johnson Payne (1884-1967) An original watercolour, the image measures 13” x 10” and the framed size is 17.5” x 14.5”, the frame is oak with a narrow gold slip. The price is £1,950. If sold within the regiment the seller would be delighted to make a donation to the Rifles’ care for casualties fund. The watercolour can also be viewed at www.eggesfordstudio.co.uk on the Snaffles military page where it can be examined more closely using the zoomify function. It is a fantastic painting and it would be fitting for it to return to a member of the Regiment. Please contact sheron@ eggesford-studio.co.uk **************


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