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Gar den SJM Barracks Winchester In Memoriam

In Memoriam

2014 Phillip T Pearson Revd Jonathan Peel MC Geoffrey Clark 2/4 RGJ RB OBLI 22 11 27 Mar Dec Dec


2015 Pat Walsh Sgt Graham R Morris Derek Mellish Col RS Stewart-Wilson MC 1RGJ OBLI 1GJ RB/Staffs 19 2 Jan Feb Brian Southion RB 14 Feb Tom (Dinger) Bell RGJ Steven George Gulliver 3RGJ 24 Feb Major TN (Noel) Thistlewayte KRRC/Para/GJ&RGJ 25 Feb Major JC Green-Wilkinson MBE MC RB 6 Mar Ron Petch 6 OBLI 12 Mar Bob Restall Ben Curtis 2RGJ KRRC 13 Mar Bryan 'Taffy' Rowlands 1RGJ 14 Mar Cpl RW Dunbar RB 15 Mar CFR Barclay CMG RB 20 Mar P M Reynolds OBLI L/Sgt Raymond (Tich) Rayner OBLI 2 Apr Arthur (Jim) Davis RB Capt HBS Gunn KRRC 14 Apr Leslie H Fuller OBLI Capt Bob Ferrand KRRC 25 Apr Paul W Finch OBLI 14 May George S R Colman-Wood KRRC 16 May Bert Darby 1 OBLI 18 May Bugle Major Steve Chapman 1GJ/1RGJ Major Gerald Royle Windybank Carter RB/3GJ/3RGJ 22 May Hugh McColl 1RGJ 28 May

Rest in Peace


“They shall grow not old, As we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn; At the going down of the sun and in the morning; We will remember them.”

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