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Suffolk Branch News Wiltshire Branch News Veterans in Prison

Welcome once again to the North East branch of the RGJ association and its entry to the E-zine. Sadly, at the beginning of the year we lost a member of our Association, John Paddy Sands, who died after a short illness in hospital. R.I.P. On armed forces day in June, my wife (Janet Donnison) through her office at the NHS organised a Help the Hero’s day at a sports centre in Newcastle where we raised the great sum of very nearly £3000 for the charity and I would like to thank J Cheetham ,G Barrs, G Mallaby, B Coulson L. Coulson and J Coulson for their assistance in rattling buckets and selling raffle tickets on the day to raise such a great figure for this worthy charity. In July many riflemen and their families made the long journey south to our annual veterans day Regimental Association re union and spent many hours in the company of friends and former comrades. On the Sun- day morning Brigadier Nicholas Prideaux and his charming wife Amanda hosted the brunch morning at Rose cottage before people made the long journey north. July was quite a busy month for some of the North East branch as four of us from the branch volunteered to represent the regiment at The Not Forgotten Associations Royal Garden party at Buckingham palace on Friday the 15th July. Jake and Liz Cheetham, Tommy and Linda Sugget. Trevor and Ann Barrs and myself and my wife Jan had a superb day at the Palace meeting up with other RGJ members from various Branches. We also discovered that one or two celebrities who were there had regimental family ties to the 3rd battalion of our regIment. In August some branch mem- bers and wives attended a Bar-B-Q at the invitation of the Midlands Branch and a great time was had by all. Our next branch meeting is to be held in September and a small number of branch members will be attending the unveiling of a new memorial in Blackhall Colliery. We will also be discussing the arrangements for the remembrance day weekend we have planned in November and the unveiling of the new wall of remembrance which has been built in Sunderland to honour all those who have fallen in recent conflicts around the world. Please see attached photographs. **************

Members of the North East branch met up with other former


Green Jack ets at Buckingham Palace in July Just on e of the many plaques which pay tribute to soldiers at the new Sunderland Memorial

tHE Suff olk BRANC

H - an U pdate by Gordon Pilcher

What a year it’s been so far and since our last report we’ve had Tommy Evans stand down as our entertainments member. This roll has been split between Jim Hitches and Frank Moss supported by Gordon and the rest of the committee, a vote of thanks was given to Tom for all the hard work he’s put in over the years running the raffles and more lately organising the annual dinner dance. Brian Pepper’s medals had recently been sold at a local auction in Felix- stowe and news of this had come to Gordon who advised Frank and Jim. It seems that when leaving his bungalow to go into a nursing home Brian’s medals had been left behind in a drawer and were sold off as part of the house clearance to pay his out- standing rent. Frank had advised Brian of this and understandably he was very upset and wanted his medals back. Gordon having made enquir- ies through the Auctioneers made contact with the buyer who had al- ready sold them onto (as it turned out) an ex RGJ living in Aylesbury who on learning of Brian’s plight gave the medals back. They were bought at auction for £200 including the Buyers fee and Brian was happy to reimburse the buyer. Curly Hooper was directly responsible for us being able to work out a deal with the buyer as Curly had left us quite a lot of military bits and pieces the majority of which were auc- tioned off to the members following his death. The remainder which I’ve been looking after for several years was bought for £400 minus the cost of Brian’s medals so a real big thank you to Curly God bless you mate and thanks to Dave Empson who not only has made Jan a very happy woman by clearing away a pile from out of our summer house, didn’t want anything to cover his expenses in running out to Aylesbury to collect and return the medals. The branch is that much richer so a happy ending all round. In July Larry and Julie Lamb held their annual BBQ which has an open invitation to all Green Jackets and their families. The Branch donated £200 towards the cost and Larry and Julie as always did us proud. There was as much food and drink as you could wish for, and Julie surpassed herself this year with the sweets. There was a good crowd of us enjoying the day and we were especially pleased to see Micky Bardot and Peter Bond with their wives along with Jim Browning. Peter ever since leaving the Army had been looking for his old friend Tucker Barnes believing him to be living somewhere up in Newcastle (being a Geordie, where else!!) when telling Gordon, see the surprise on his face when Gordon told him that he knew exactly where Tucker lived and as it was only a couple of streets away from Larry’s house Gordon took him by car to drop a letter through his door (NOT) Knocking on the door Tucker’s wife answered and the dog barking soon brought Tucker to the door, there was instant recognition and Peter was able to leave him with an envelope of photographs and contact details before returning to the BBQ. Being the best of friends in the Regiment it was always a bone of contention with Peter that due to going away on a course he never got to say goodbye to Tucker, at least he was now able to do that but fingers crossed it won’t be goodbye but the rekindling of an old friendship. Only two disappointments on the day, Jim Hitches was upset because all the chicken curry had been eaten and there was none left for his doggy bag, that was some curry Jim I had seconds!!! and the young lady bouncing on the trampoline who didn’t stop when bouncing against the side curtain landing some 4 - 5 feet down onto her buttocks ouch!! luckily nothing broken just a bit of pride, did we feel for her!!!! A fantastic day thor- oughly enjoyed by all, thanks to Larry and Julie for yet another resounding success. Saturday the 27th of August was our Regimental Birthday dinner held at the Orwell Hotel where 29 of us sat down to a very good meal, organised by Jim, Frank and Gordon. Wishing All Green Jackets everywhere good health. ************** A selection of photographs from the Bar-B-Q given by Ju- lie and Larry Lamb in July. Top : Larry with Mrs Para!! Centre: Frank Moss relaxing Bottom: Gordon & Alfie Arnold

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