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Oxford branch update

“The Official Seal of Approval has at last been given to this fine new Barracks. Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Gloucester GCVO performed the ceremony on Saturday 18 July 2009. It was a great day with all resident units being represented.”

The official opening of the new Edward Brooks Barracks at Abingdon by HRH The Duchess of Gloucester, 18 July 2009.


Newsletter Title The Oxford Branch Update The Oxford Branch remains in good health with 145 members on the books and is now properly installed into the new Edward Brooks Barracks as a meeting place for all members of the Branch and the wider RGJ Family. It is a sad fact that being evicted from Slade Park as the TA Centre closed in November2008, and with the subsequent delay in the completion of the new centre until April 2009, our activities and meetings were curtailed somewhat. However, the new TA Centre – Edward Brooks Barracks is now fully functional and the aim is to restore our regular Thursday evening gatherings and additional socials. The Official Seal of approval has at last been given to this fine new Barracks. Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Gloucester GCVO performed the ceremony on Saturday 18 July 2009. It was a great day with all resident units being represented. The weather gods smiled down upon us too. It has been a long time coming and there have been plenty of problems along the way. But now we have a superb new TA centre as the headquarters and meeting place for the Oxford Branch. The first Band Concert here on 14 Jun was also a great success. We had more visitors than for many years and it was good to see so many officers taking an interest too. Long may it continue and we look Branch Events . Please note that the

Oxford branch Ladies

Supper Night will now be held on the 3 rd October 2009.

.The Oxford RGJ Reunion will be held on Saturday, 7 th November 2009.

.The AGM will be held at EBB on 3 December 2009. Bar opens at 19.30. Please attend if you can. A new Chairman will be elected. . And finally…After nearly 44 years Peter CassonCrooke has retired from the Army at the end of August 2009. Please join me in wishing him a long and happy retirement. Ed`

Ex Rifleman Appointed by HHT Service Charity

“Haig Homes new sister charity, Haig Housing Trust, aims to assist ex-Servicemen and their families in other ways including transitional arrangements and housing solutions tailored for the needs of Service personnel…..”

News Flash

On 14 May Richard (Lou) Costello attended the talk given by Bryn Parry on fund raising for H4H. Lou then had the idea of getting the Golf Club Pro` shops in his local area (Berkshire) to sell the H4H wrist bands. When last checked they were selling very well!

Steve Palmer who served as both a Regular and TA Green Jacket, and still serves as a Rifles Army Cadet Adult Instructor, has recently been appointed as Estates Surveyor for Haig Homes, the Ex Services Housing Charity. Steve has indicated that he is happy to act as an initial contact for any former, or soon to be former, Riflemen with a housing need. Haig Homes is the leading UK provider of rental housing for ex-Service people, including officers and other ranks, Ex Regular, TA, or National Servicemen. Haig Homes has over 1,300 properties situated on small well managed estates ranging in size from about six houses up to the largest estate in Morden of over 270 homes. The properties, a mix of family-sized houses, maisonettes and flats, are spread throughout the United Kingdom in 47 different local authorities. The properties are for rental only. Haig Homes does not have any sheltered, residential or nursing homes. The majority of homes are suitable for families and only a small number of properties are available for a single occupancy at Bristol, Haslemere (Hampshire), Morden and Woolwich (London). Some properties are suitable for the frail, elderly and people with disabilities. Haig Homes new sister charity, Haig Housing Trust, aims to assist ex-Servicemen and their families in other ways including transitional arrangements and housing solutions tailored for the needs of Service personnel wounded or disabled as a result of their Service. More information is available on http://www.haighomes.org. uk and http://www.haighousingtrus t.org.uk or if you want to make an informal enquiry by speaking to Steve he can be contacted during office hours on 020 8685 5777.

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