5 minute read

General Sir Patrick Sanders KCB CBE DSO ADC Gen

Rules for The Royal Green Jackets Association

(As at November 2020)


It shall consist of: • The Council • The Association Committee • The Regional Branches throughout the United Kingdom • The Overseas Branches made up of ex-serving members of the RGJ and Affiliated Regments. The Officers’ Dining Club • The RGJ (Rifles) Museum • Associate Members • Honorary Members

The Council

To act as the Association’s governing board to determine Regimental and Association policy issues. Its purpose and objectives are set out in the RGJA annual management plan, to: agree the drawdown of the RGJ Management Fund, and allocate grants annually as required to the RGJA Committee and the RGJ (Rifles) Museum to meet the objectives of the Council.

Composition The Council, four members of which are required to form a Quorum, shall consist of: • The President of the Association as chairman • The Chairman of the Association Committee • An elected representative of the Association’s Branches

• The Chairman of the RGJ (Rifles) Museum • The Chairman of the RGJ Officers’ Club

• The webmaster • A representative of the former Regiments • The Secretary and not more than two other members of the RGJA Association Committee

The Association Committee

To act as the Association’s managing board to manage its activities. Its purpose and objectives are set out in the RGJA annual management plan to: supervise and coordinate the work of the RGJA, with power to spend money within the limits authorised annually by the Council. Composition The Committee, formed of members of the Association approved by the Council, six members of which are required to form a Quorum, shall consist of:

• The Chairman • The Vice Chairman • The Secretary • The Treasurer • The Membership Secretary • The Webmaster • The Editor of Swift & Bold

• At least one representative from each of the Branches making up the Association. A representative from the RGJ (Rifles) Museum

“in attendance”. Representatives from sub committees as required.

The Council and Association Committee Appointments

The appointments of Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Association Website/Database Manager and members of the Committee are made in accordance with this rule:

• The incoming President is a retired RGJ officer selected by the outgoing President and endorsed by the Council. • The Chairman and Vice Chairman are retired RGJ officers and are appointed by the Council. Their terms of office shall be for a period normally not less than three years. • The Secretary should be a retired RGJ officer, preferably on the Regimental Headquarters staff. • The Treasurer and Membership Secretary are not required to have served in the RGJ. He or she shall be paid an honorarium, agreed by the

Council, for services rendered. This post could be merged, if circumstances require in the future, with the Secretary of the Association

Committee. • The Webmaster is a member of the

Association. • Branch Representatives are elected by the individual Branch membership. • The Association Committee shall appoint new members of the Committee as required. • The Association Committee will elect annually a branch representative to be a member of the


Sub-Committees The Council and Association Committee may appoint sub-committees for special purposes when required. Membership of any such sub-committee shall be restricted to members of the Association, and will include:

• Executive Committee • Communications – Website/IT/Journal

• Officers’ Club

• Annual Reunion • Others as required

Branches Branches may be formed in any part of the United Kingdom, or abroad, where there exists sufficient numbers of persons who have served in the Regiment or in any Affiliated Regiment to warrant formation. As a general rule, a Branch should not be formed with an initial membership of less than 15 members. Branches will not be recognised until the Association Committee has approved their formation. Membership of Branches must be open to all persons who have served in the Regiment or in any Affiliated Regiment. Branches may also elect to invite non-Service members to join if it is in their interest to do so and they will be made either Honorary or Associate members (Rule 13).

General Rules for Branches A branch is responsible for framing its own rules, on which the following items should be included: • Branch Members must be paid-up Members of the RGJA (currently under review). • A President, Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Council should manage the affairs of the Branch, additional offices being added where required.

Annually each branch should hold its Annual General Meeting prior to the Association Committee Meeting in April at which accounts should be passed, at least one social evening or similar event, and one church parade, or a parade to place a wreath on a war memorial.

Annually each branch should hold its Annual General Meeting prior to the Association Committee Meeting in April at which accounts should be passed, at least one social evening or similar event, and one church parade, or a parade to place a wreath on a war memorial.

Branch subscriptions are left to the discretion of the Branch. A balance sheet should be prepared annually and a copy of the account sent to the Association Treasurer.

Overseas Branches Overseas Branches may frame their own rules, provided that they are consistent with the good conduct of the undertaking.

Meetings The Council and Association Committee shall meet at least twice in each calendar year. The Council shall hold an Annual General Meeting, not later than 30 April in each year, to consider the audited accounts of the Association and at such other times, as it shall deem appropriate. Accounts shall be approved by the Council. Meetings may be held virtually, using the Association’s Zoom account.

Decisions Except as is provided in Rule 18 any matter requiring the decision of the Council or Association Committee shall be decided by a simple majority of members of those committees attending a meeting of which due notice shall have been given to all members of the Council or Association Committee and at which a quorum is present. The Chairmen shall on all questions on which a vote is taken, whether under this sub-rule or under Rule 18, have a second or casting vote.

Postal Voting In relation to a matter requiring the decision of the Association Committee pursuant to Rule 18 a member of the Association Committee who is unable to attend the meeting of the Association Committee called to consider such matter may cast his vote in writing to the Secretary sent by recorded first class post not less than seven days before such meeting. Any vote so cast shall be deemed to have been cast at such meeting.

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