7 minute read
RGJ Honours and Awards
from Swift & Bold 2020
Oxford Branch Report
As I am sure as with all other branches since the last issue of ‘Swift & Bold’ it has been to say the least a difficult year. In late March 2020 all the forward planning for the year ahead was suddenly put-on hold. Our spring lunch in April was the first casualty, followed by the Band Concert in July. Despite being optimistic the Reunion at Winchester was off, along with the Reunion that is held at Edward Brooks Barracks Abingdon by the Branch.
All was not doom and gloom though. We still managed our Annual pilgrimage on June 6th to the grave of Major John Howard observing the Covid rules, to remember the action at Pegasus Bridge in 1944. There was a service of sorts, conducted by the ‘Vicar of the Day’ our Chairman Terry Roper, thankfully no thunderbolts appeared. By chance Penny Bates the daughter of John Howard, and her family arrived to tend the grave as they were not able to make their annual pilgrimage to Normandy. It was an honour that Penny agreed to lay our wreath along with her own. Afterward she chatted to members of the branch and expressed her gratitude for our Annual Pilgrimage and service. On VJ Day in August despite there being no formal events in Oxford about fifteen Branch members gathered at the War Memorial in St Giles, Oxford and held our own ceremony and were joined by the Lord Mayor of Oxford Cllr Craig Simmonds who assisted our Chairman to lay a wreath in memory of those from the Oxford & Bucks who fought in the Far East. Many members of the public who were passing by stopped to pay their respects and observed the Silence with us. It was also noticeable that cars and buses killed their engines as they passed us. No trip to Westminster Field of Remembrance this year for several of the branch, with a few ‘bevvies’ afterwards, but Terry Roper made the pilgrimage and planted crosses in memory of those who died in the Far East in the OBLI Plot.
On Remembrance Sunday we replicated our Ceremony of VJ Day, and we were joined by Col Mike Montagu – The Rifles County Colonel of Oxfordshire. On both occasions Bugle Major Phil King and his proteges Sounded Regimental calls, Last Post and Rouse.
As I have mentioned last year, we managed to have a memorial to the old Cowley Barracks and an initiative by Phil a simple Act of Remembrance was held there at 3pm on the Sunday. This has received support and we now will include it in our calendar for subsequent years.
We continue to make sure that the strong links of the Branch with the Oxford & Bucks are maintained and sanction physical reminders within the City. The small memorial plaque on the wall of the old Cowley Barracks, now a Student Campus, was enhanced to be more prominent thanks to the efforts of Clint Ross, who many of you will know. Clint also repaired, restored, and mounted the Cassel Memorial in the old Garrison Church in Beauchamp Lane, Cowley. This memorial was to the 4th Battalion Oxford & Bucks who took part in the defence of Dunkirk in 1940 to enable the evacuation of the BEF to take place. The memorial originally was by the North Gate below the Cassel WW1 memorial, but replaced because of weathering. The replacement is now in the Cassel Commonwealth War Graves Cemetery. The broken original was brought back by Robert Drummond – Hay and Ingram Murray in the boots of their cars and sat for a while on a pallet in Edward Brooks Barracks, Abingdon. It is hoped to have a dedication service as soon as we can.
As we hopefully look forward to getting back to normal and enjoying each other’s company again we should also remember those of the branch who have passed away in particular our WW2 Veterans. They are getting less by the year and we should cherish their memory and enjoy listening to the stories that those still with us tell.
We are also interacting with The Rifles but have no plans to join their Association soon, as with the Oxford & Bucks joining us it will be a natural progression over time. We have however had Phil Evans as our liaison member with The Rifles at Edward Brooks Barracks.
I will end by thanking our brilliant Branch Committee for keeping things going, Andy Bowes, Andrea Isham, John Hudson, Geoff Day, and our President Brigadier Robin Draper. Robin’s support for us and for maintaining the Turning of The Pages service as a Viral Service and is legendary.
I must also thank 7 Rifles for allowing us to use the facilities at Edward Brooks Barracks.
As Captain Tom said:
South East Kent Branch Report
The Branch has continued to try and make the best of the unfortunate situation not only this Country but the World is in with COVID. The Committee and Branch meeting for January was held in our Dover HQ (Dover Sea Angling Club) but the remainder of the scheduled meetings were cancelled for the year.
Events Cancelled Throughout the Year
The Branch’s Annual BBQ 13 June normally held at the Cricketers in River, Dover was cancelled this year. It was very sad having to make the decision to cancel this as it is very well attended, not only by Branch members and their families but also many fellow riflemen from throughout the country. • BBQ – June • Wimbledon Tennis – July • River Thames Cruise – September • Christmas Party • All Branch Meetings except for one • All Committee Meetings except for one
Committee Meeting
29 August and 9 October A committee meeting was held on Saturday 29 August held in George Nash’s garden and Friday 9 October at the Phoenix Club.
These meetings were to understand the current situation and the restrictions, thus allowing the Committee to vote and make numerous decisions regarding the Branch activities for the remainder of the year and to look at next year’s programme of events.
Next year’s BBQ planning is already underway. The Phoenix Club in River, Dover has been booked.
Change in Committee
On Sunday 8 November Glenn Ternent BEM and Bob Newman stepped down for Chairman and Secretary respectfully. Dave Ivatt took over as Chairman and Peter Thompson the Secretary role.
The Branch and I would like to say a big thank you to Glenn and Bob for all their hard work over the last eight years to the Branch ensuring we are in a strong position now, setting a good platform for the incoming Chairman and Secretary.
Golf Society Day
29 September 2020 Despite the terrible weather four members braved it and decided to play at Etchinghill Golf Club. Well we did play and after a couple of holes, where it rained, the rest of the day was fine. We had a good laugh and took the mickey out of each other. Thanks to Steve Rose, Aran McGee, Reg Longhurst and Fred Barrett for coming.
Many thanks to Fred for providing the prizes. Reg won with 35 points. Aran came second with 33 and Steve did really well with 27.
Branch Church Service Dover Castle
Twenty members of the Branch with their families joined the local congregation, attending the Church Service held in Dover Castle Church. Despite the current situation our own Padre, Sean Sheffield conducted the service. This has now become an annual event.
Royal Green Jackets
Regimental Association South East Kent Branch
Commemorative Service
St Mary’s in the Castle
Remembrance Day Parades
Dover District Council cancelled the formal parade in the Town Centre which the Branch normally attends. The Branch then took the decision to cancel the formal parade at 60th Rifles.
Despite the Branch cancelling the parade, many chose to head out on their own, some with their families. Not surprisingly a few had the same idea and a small cohort choose the KRRC Memorial as the place to remember. Adhering to social distancing guidance, the Chosen Men held an impromptu two minutes silence.
Forthcoming Events 2021
• 12 June
BBQ at the Phoenix Club
River, Dover • 10 July
Winchester Reunion
• TBC July
Wimbledon Tennis
• TBC July/August
• TBC September
Thames River Cruise with Lunch
• TBC September
Branch Church Service in Dover Castle
• 7 November
Remembrance Service, Dover Town and 60th Rifle Monument
• 27 November
Christmas Party, at the Phoenix Club
River, Dover
Farewell to Alan Stow
It is with great sadness that Cpl Alan Stow passed away on 11 November 2020, he was a much loved Husband, Father, Grandfather, Rifleman and a Branch Member. He will be sadly missed by all.
The funeral was held at Barham Crematorium on Monday 14 December 2020. Member of the branch acted as pallbearers. There was an excellent turnout of fellow Riflemen (in excess of 30) to say farewell finishing off with a toast with port to Alan and The Regiment.